#i DID have a ‘huh am i poly?’ moment but nothing else
boom33713 · 5 months
projecting my aroace experience on my fav character is hilarious actually. not only because using them as a lens for my own experience is highly entertaining but also because it fits so fucking well im not even kidding.
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
A Pain You'll Soon Regret - Pt. 1
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***This...This is glorious. Oh ho, I will most definitely give you this fic @millenniumofpain! I will do so gladly! Thanks for sending in this great request!***
Poly!MC Summary: MC and the demon lords get in a fight resulting in MC leaving. They planned on going to Purgatory Hall until things cool off, but they never quite make it there. TW: Heavy Angst, Violence, I don't know what to tag this, but there is a pretty nasty verbal fight, Gore/Injury Part Two: HERE, Part Three: HERE, Part Four: HERE
You growled to yourself, angrily wiping tears from your face, as you marched away from the House of Lamentation, away from your partners.
Well, you said marching. It was more of a stumble what with the way your intoxicated brain could barely walk forward. You wished you could say you didn't know how things got like this, but the evidence had been there all along. It was in the slow build of tensions that increased and increased until they overflowed. It was in the way everyone would bite their tongues more and more frequently rather than communicating their thoughts.
Everyone had little things about the relationship between the eight of you that bothered them, and no one said a word until the words could no longer be held back.
It all started after you came back from clubbing way past curfew with Asmodeus.
The two of you were definitely drunk and were giggling messes as you did your best to hold the other up.
You both jumped when the hallway light turned on to reveal Lucifer and the others waiting there for you.
You bit back a sob as you thought of the vicious words that came out of their mouths.
"You're so reckless! Do you know what could've happened to a human like you this late at night in this state?! For Diavolo's sake MC, I expected this behaviour from Asmodeus, but I expected more from you!" Lucifer shouted Asmodeus groaned and leaned against you. "We were just having some fun. It's my date night. Don't get your wings in a twist." Beelzebub glared at him. "Just because it's your date night with MC doesn't excuse you putting them in danger. You couldn't even defend yourself right now, forget about defending them!" You frowned and stepped forward. "Guys relax. Nothing happened." Mammon scoffed, "That's always how it is with you! You think that just because nothin' has happened to ya that it's fine. You ain't invincible MC. Gah, it's like you're just throwin' ya self into dangerous situations just to get us to come to save ya again!" Satan raised an eyebrow at Mammon's comments and crossed his arms over his chest. "Maybe that's what they want. Attention. Is that the real reason why you keep being so reckless?" he tsks and scowls at you, "If you wanted attention MC you could've asked one of your seven boyfriends." You looked at them all with wide eyes. "Wha- I do NOT do all of this for attention!" Levi snarled, "Then why do you do it? Huh? Why else would you get drunk in one of the most notorious clubs in the Devildom? Why else would you date all seven of the Lords of the Devildom?" You stepped back as though you had been slapped by Levi's words. You glanced around at the others, but no one rose to your defence. You met Belphie's gaze hoping, that maybe as the only one to have not spoken up, that he'd be on your side. He just snickered and gave you a perplexed look. "What? Don't expect me to step in. You got yourself in this mess." You stood shocked and hurt; almost unwilling to believe that your partners, the people who you thought loved you unconditionally, verbally attacked you. Anger bubbled and boiled inside of you until you couldn't contain it anymore. "If you guys have such a problem with it, then maybe I won't depend on you anymore! I'm reckless, yeah, I admit, but I never did it for attention and I certainly never put myself in danger just so you all could play the hero," you turned your anger to Leviathan, "And in case you forgot, you all agreed to date me! I thought it was because you all loved me as much as I loved you but apparently fucking not! So if you don't mind, I'm going to leave now like the attention-driven child that you all think I am!"
Not your classiest moment, but you didn't care. It was clear you weren't wanted at the time, and you were too tired to handle the brutal words that they were throwing at you. So you left. Which brought you here, stumbling your way towards Purgatory Hall, drunk, and sobbing as you shivered from the cold Devildom air. You could just see the shape of the Hall ahead of you when you suddenly tripped and found yourself tumbling to the ground. You winced as you felt your knees and hands scrape against the ground. You groaned and turned yourself over to inspect the injuries. "Just when the night couldn't get any worse," "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" You stiffened as three demons came out of the woods around you and began circling you like vultures about to swoop in on their prey. The tallest one snickered. "Looks like the Lords' little pet strayed too far from its masters. Lucky us~"
A shorter, rounder one smiled sharply as drool trickled from its mouth. "Their loss, our gain," it leaned forward and inhaled deeply before sighing in pleasure. "Oh, get a whiff of that fear~ Just, delicious! Do you think it's true when they say that human tears really do add seasoning to its meat?" You tried to scramble away from it, as your heart pounded in your chest, but yelped as your back bumped against a curvier one. Its long nails dug into your shoulders as it secured its hands near your neck. "Only one way to find out." You were in trouble. These demons clearly had no intention of letting you go. You needed to get out of there before it was too late. You jammed the heel of your palms against the back of the wrists of the demon that holding you down, while you leaned backwards away from it. You were able to get just enough slack to roll away from the demon before jumping back to your feet. You were still surrounded, but at least now you weren't defenceless on the ground. Progress.
You did your best snarl, one that you and Mammon had jokingly practiced together one day, and glared fiercely at them. "Do you have any idea who you're messing with? I could have you all killed with just a snap of my fingers. You have one chance to run away, or I promise you that no one will ever be able to find your sorry corpses."
The tall one laughed and smirked at you. "And what exactly are you going to do? Scratch us with your blunt little nails? Bite us with your flat teeth?" The round one perked and began to hop excitedly. "Oh! Oh! Maybe they'll summon the lords to do it for them! Such a pathetic thing doesn't stand a chance on its own."
The curvy one wore a sickening grin as it leaned down mockingly at you. "So, you gonna call your guard dogs or what?"
You froze. You couldn't summon the brothers. Technically, you could, but not at this moment. Not after that fight. They had basically screamed at you about how they were tired of you getting yourself into situations exactly like this and then come crying to them for help. And what did you do? Take off and prove them right. They didn't want to be your heroes. They didn't want you.
You were on your own in this, and there was no way you could fight and win. Without a second thought, you turned towards Purgatory Hall and ran. The laughter of the demons rang behind menacingly. You barely got five steps away before a set of claws slashed deep into your ankle. You screamed out as you collapsed roughly to the ground, making your forehead against the dirt road.
You twisted onto your side to see the round demon drooling over your heavily bleeding leg with a nearly psychotic expression. "I love it when they try to run." That was the only warning you got before it sunk its razor-sharp teeth into your calf. You wailed loudly in pain as you used your other foot to try and kick the demon off of you, but it wasn't so willing to let go of its meal. The tall one grabbed your arm, bending you foreword as it roughly folded it behind your back. You cried out as you felt your shoulder pop out of its socket and nausea swirl in your stomach. "Not so tough now, are you?" It purred in your ear as it licked the tears off of your cheeks. You choked on your sobs as it roughly bit into the flesh on your collar, and weakly struggled in its grasp. "Let go of me! H-Help! Somebody! Help me!"
The curvy one finally approached you, burying its fingers into your hair before harshly yanking your head towards it. You screamed before it slapped its clawed hand across your face. Bile threatened to rise out of your throat as you felt your own blood drip down your cheek.
Spots began to blur your vision as the demon leered down at you with its menacing eyes. You felt your stomach drop as a realization hit you. This was how you would die.
You whimpered as you thought of the brothers, and how you never got to even kiss them or tell them goodbye one final time. Hell, you didn't even get to see them smile at you. Instead, you were reminded that you could never be what they needed you to be.
You would die scared, in pain, and unloved.
The curvy demon laughed as it wrapped its hands around your throat. You struggled to breathe and whined as, for just a moment, you saw Belphegore choking you to death once more, and not this monster. You morbidly thought that it was only fitting for you to be killed the same way twice. The demon leaned closer to you, demanding that you meet its un-naturally yellow eyes as it smiled. "You realize it now don't you? That this is your death bed? That no one is coming for the pathetic little human. I bet no one would even-" Before it could finish its sentence a blindingly bright beam burst across the side of its face sending it flying across the ground. You could hear the other demon curse and began to take off as two voices shouted and more bright flashes were sent in their direction. As your vision began to fade, you saw tear-filled, innocent blue eyes look down at you and a small mouth framed by chubby cheeks try to speak. But it was too late. With a final whine, you felt your eyes roll to the back of your skull and your mind plummet into darkness. ***This request is just evil and I love it. There will be a part two. So stay tuned for more pain. Hope you enjoyed it @millenniumofpain! Thank you for allowing me to write this!!***
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twiceasfrustrating · 3 years
Out in the Countryside
Rating: Teen and Up
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Relationship: Lucifer/Main Character (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Lucifer (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Reader, Main Character/Mammon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Mammon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Reader, Leviathan/Main Character (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Leviathan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Reader, Main Character/Satan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Satan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Reader, Asmodeus/Main Character (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Asmodeus (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Reader, Beelzebub/Main Character (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Beelzebub (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Reader, Belphegor/Main Character (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Belphegor (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Reader
Characters: Lucifer (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Mammon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Leviathan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Satan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Asmodeus (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Beelzebub (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Belphegor (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Main Character (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)
Additional Tags: Poly!MC, Picnic, fluff, hand-holding, implied drinking, Beel carries you, kissing these idiots being dumb but lovable
Summary: Sometimes you just wanted to have a nice day out with all of your boyfriends. You had the brilliant idea to go out for a picnic and enjoy some time away from the usual busy life you all lived. The brothers decided to indulge your wish, so into the equivalent of the Devildom countryside you go.
There was a lot of walking involved with picnics. You had never realized before how much walking really went into getting away from civilization. Not even a city, just some form of civilization. Then again, you had never seen the countryside in the Devildom before, so it wasn't fair to expect yourself to know that information beforehand. Well, maybe you should have, considering the human realm wasn't that different.
You had been left in charge of carrying the blanket, even after insisting you could carry something else. The brothers refused to let you, sitting that the baskets (yes, multiple) were heavy because they had to bring enough for eight people (one of which was Beel and his bottomless stomach) and one was full of dishes. They were objectively stronger than you, so there was no reason to have you exercise your limited human strength. The only brother not in charge of carrying a basket was Belphegor, who they worried would fall asleep on the spot if he had to use too much energy. Even Beel was allowed a basket of food in addition to the one for dishes (granted, it was one that had specifically been made so that he could eat it while walking because you all knew that was going to happen, but still).
The choice not to burden Belphie quickly proved to be a smart one, because he was soon yawning as he walked and you worried he would start literally sleeping walking.
You held the blanket against you in much the same way he did his pillow and went up to him, "Are you going to be okay?"
"Jus' tired..." His words slurred together, showing just how true that statement was.
"Yeah, this walk is pretty exhausting." At least one person agreed with you. Everyone else seemed to be doing just fine. It almost made you angry because that meant they had been right about you carrying extra weight and how it would have been taxing on you. Stupid correct logic, "Hey? After we all eat, would you like to take a nap?"
The look he gave you told you that was a definite yes, but he clearly missed your intentions.
"I meant, would you like to take a nap with me? Maybe I can let you use my lap as a pillow?" You knew how much he enjoyed doing that, and you did too.
His eyes turned to you and a little "Mhm" left him. He could never turn down a chance to take a nap with you.
Still, he looked tired enough that you worried about him, so you reached out your hand to hold his and make sure that he wouldn't wander away if he did start sleepwalking. He gladly entwined his fingers with your own as you both walked along.
You both stayed like that until Lucifer spoke up, "This is our destination."
Your attention shifted, looking out ahead of you rather than on making sure Belphie was still awake. All you could do was stare in awe. It is so powerful that you find yourself letting go of the youngest brother's hand and stepping forward to get a better look at what lies before you.
The Devildom countryside was nothing like what you expected. You weren't sure what it was you expected, but it wasn't flowers. Actual flowers! Not that you recognized whatever type of flora they were, but here they were. The scene of the meadow against the pale red sky was hauntingly beautiful and all you could think of was enacting the scene straight out of a movie where you frolicked in the field. You looked at the brothers with wide eyes, begging to be allowed to go enact your plan.
Lucifer nodded, "They're safe for humans." He held out his hand to take the blanket from you, which you gladly let him.
With a twinkle in your eyes, you ran away from them and toward the field of flowers, immediately feeling how the petals softly brushed against your exposed legs. Upon closer inspection, something about them reminded you of multicolored spider flowers dripping with morning dew and dandelions with exaggeratedly large puffs. As you danced through the meadow, the dandelion puffs broke free from their stems and floated off into the sky. You stared in wonder as they flew in the wind and were carried off somewhere far away. It was moments like these where it was the clearest that the human realm and the Devildom had many similarities you never had time to think about.
The brothers watched you from the place you had split off from them, seeing how you enjoyed your first exposure to wild Devildom flowers. Your blue sundress fluttered in the same wind that carried away the puffs, making you stand out against the brilliant sky behind you. Each of them found it hard to look away and help set up the picnic like they had planned. The contrast in color made you look like a painting.
Satan paused from helping lay down the blanket to watch the wonder unfold on your face. He looked over to his next youngest brother, "Asmo, you helped her pick the outfit for today, didn't you?"
"Only the parts you can see." But those parts were still divine, "She insisted the rest of it be a surprise."
"You did well." He added before going back to helping spread the blanket.
Everyone else nodded in agreement. It was a simple outfit, but it gave them all terrible ideas about what to do with you. How else was a demon supposed to react to seeing such an innocent-looking human other than wanting to corrupt them?
"Can someone set out the food?" Beel wanted to do it himself, but he knew he was likely to eat it before anyone else could enjoy it.
Belphegor looked at him in sympathy, feeling how hungry his twin was in his own stomach, "We need to finish setting up first." He wanted to sleep though. The walk over had been exhausting and it was hitting him the hardest, "You should go check on her." He suggested, since keeping Beel away from the food was the smartest option.
"Huh? Why does he get to be the one to check on her?" Mammon burst into the conversation, "I mean- Ya should leave that kinda stuff to yer big brother. No reason ya gotta go out of yer way."
"Lmao. You're dating her and you still act like a tsun." The third-born couldn't help but laugh at how much of a trope his brother was.
He placed his hands on his hips, "Shad'up. No one understands that otaku talk of yers anyway."
"Then why are you so offended?" Levi mocked, not missing the fact that his brother clearly understood the jab well enough to know it was insulting.
"Enough." Lucifer ended the conversation before their bickering could draw your attention, "Unless one of you wants to play guard between Beel and the food, I think letting him go is the best option."
They looked at each other, knowing neither of them wanted that particular responsibility. Levi turned back to his job dejectedly while Mammon grumbled a "whatever" under his breath.
Belphie gave Beel a sly smile, knowing exactly what he had done. The redhead gave him a grateful nod before looking out to where you were now sitting among the flowers and walking toward you. He found you stroking the petals of the flowers, trying to understand how they felt soft to the touch even though they grew in a harsh environment. He sat beside you, drawing your attention to him instead.
"Oh, Beel." You pulled away from the petals and leaned against his towering frame, "Am I taking too long?"
"No." His gaze drifted down to you, seeing how peaceful your face was looking out across the field, "They're almost done getting everything ready."
You balk at his words, "Done? I didn't even help."
"Well, you looked like you were having fun. None of us wanted to bother you."
"But I should still help." You felt bad that you had left them to do all the work when you were the one that suggested a picnic in the first place.
"No one minds." They loved watching you enjoy yourself so freely. It had quickly become something akin to a hobby to them.
"I mind." It made you feel lazy to not help them set everything up. This was a relationship, so you should contribute to it as much as they did.
He didn't really know how to comment on that without undermining your feelings. It was clear you were upset about being allowed to walk away without contributing anything. You probably shouldn't have assumed they would wait for you to come back to set up, this was their date too, after all.
He couldn't think of anything to say to you, especially with your face as sour as it was. Instead of trying to use words, he reached out for a flower and plucked it from the ground. With a smile in his eyes, he placed it behind your ear.
"Watching you is nice." He gently stroked your cheek with the back of his fingers as he lowered his hand again, "Seeing you happy is the best part of a date."
The heat that rose in your body and up your face felt like it would cook you alive. You buried yourself into his shirt to hide the giddy, embarrassed smile that you were now wearing, "You can't just say stuff like that."
"Why not? Did I say something wrong?" The worry in his voice was saddening.
"Never." You shake your head and sit up ever so slightly so you can place a peck against his cheek, "Do you think they're done?"
His hand moved to his stomach, realizing for the first time since he joined you just how hungry he really was, "I hope so."
"Well then," you raise to standing and brush the dirt and pollen from your dress, "Shall we go back now?"
Nodding once again, he shifts in his spot so he can stand up. However, as he gets to his knees, he stops and looks up at you. His arms open wide And you know exactly what he's thinking about. With a shy smirk, you fall into his arms, sitting awkwardly on his bicep and trying to balance yourself.
Beel places his other hand against your knees to keep you steady as he stands up and lifts you straight into the sky. You giggle widely as you raise higher and higher, seeing how more of the area unfolds before you with height. Now you can see how the sea of colors you were just sitting in weaves together and how far it seems to stretch out.
Your eyes widen in awe, "It's amazing..." You can't really explain how beautiful the meadow is. It's not like the ones in the human realm that look delicate and fair. No. This one looks dangerous, those dew stricken petals reaching out to link each flower to its neighbor.
"You like it?"
"I love it." You couldn't imagine seeing this in the human realm. The flowers were just too unique.
"Whaddya think yer doing over there?"
You both turn to look toward Mammon, who is yelling at you from where the picnic has been fully set up. Clearly, he isn't a fan of being left out from a single intimate moment.
"I think that's our cue." You tell him, looking down but holding on tightly.
"Uhn." He turns on his heels, carefully keeping you perched on his arm and listening to you laugh at the unusual way to travel.
As you near everyone else, you both get a few looks of confusion, some of jealousy, and one from Belphie that lets you know that whatever just happened was all according to his plans. Of course, it was. The youngest brother couldn't go a day without planning something. At least it wasn't nefarious this time.
"I'm glad you both decided to join us." Lucifer said, glance drifting from Beel you, "Do you need help getting down?"
You debate for a moment of you can get down by yourself. You figure Beel would set you down if you asked, but that's not as fun as having to make Lucifer reach up to you for once, "Please?"
Stepping forward, the eldest brother places his hands against your waist and slowly lifts you back to the ground. As your feet touch the dirt below, he notices the flower in your hair, placing a gloved hand under your chin and lifting your head so he can get a better look at it.
"Yes?" You ask, wondering what he could be thinking about.
"Nothing." He bends down at the waist and presses his lips against yours, his tongue quickly assaulting your own and making your head swim before pulling away, "You look beautiful."
The haze is short-lived as he pulls away and you can only admonish him, "Lucifer! This is a group date. None of that." Quick kisses and pecks were one thing, but trying to rile you up was off-limits.
The grin that crosses his face is fully aware of what he did, but uncaring because he got what he wanted, "Of course." Even if you complained, the goal was that he wouldn't be outdone by his younger brother in your eyes. Of course, some of the others saw through him, but the only opinion that mattered on the issue was yours.
Asmo took the opportunity to skip up to you from behind and wrap his arm around your own, "Sit next to me, Darling~" He tugged at you gently to try and lead you to a spot on the blanket.
Of course, he was the first one to actually ask you to sit with them. He had no compunctions over trying to get you to pick him first and foremost. He would respect your boundaries, but he still wanted you as much as everyone else.
"Gladly." You let him guide you to the blanket and sat down where he indicated. That still left your other side open though. You pay the spot next to you and looked up, "Levi? Will you join me?"
His orange eyes sparkled so much that it almost looked like he was going to cry. Why would you ever choose a disgusting otaku like him? That was probably what he was thinking. That was also exactly why you had to explicitly choose him. You loved him as much as the rest of his brothers, but he didn't seem to believe you. Every now and again, he needed a reminder that you had chosen him just as much as anyone else.
He gladly sat on your other side and the rest of the brothers fell into different places around the small banquet. Beel looked uncomfortable as he was forced to only look at the food in front of him. Belphie, ever the good brother, passed him an entire basket of food and told him to start with that while everyone else took the chance to grab from the pile in the middle. That basket lasted about as long as it took everyone to make their first plate.
"We brought wine if you would like." Satan held up the deep red, unopened bottle for you to see.
You looked at him skeptically, "Didn't we learn that I can't handle that stuff already?" That was kind of how this entire mess started in the first place. Not that you regretted it in the long run, even if it was a nightmare to deal with at the time.
He shook his head, "This is from the human realm. At least, I assume you have some tolerance for it." Although, none of the brothers would mind another incident like the one from that night. In retrospect, some of them found the memory endearing and were mildly curious how much further it could go now that you weren't confused about your feelings anymore.
But... this wine wouldn't do that to you, "Please pour a glass." It really was the ideal of a picnic date. Not that anything about this date was traditional, but it was definitely your ideal. There was nothing better than just getting to spend a day with your boyfriends and enjoying each of them. They really did find ways to spoil you and make you so very happy that this was your life now.
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
You Never Walk Alone | Chapter 15
Genre: Werewolf!AU, Poly!AU?, Mate!AU, romance, fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Student!reader, Omega!Seokjin, Alpha!Yoongi, Beta!Hoseok, Alpha!Namjoon, Omega!Jimin, Beta!Taehyung, Alpha!Jungkook
Summary: You live a quiet life in your late grandfather’s cabin in the woods. You go to school just to graduate and get your diploma, not to make friends or stand out from the crowd. That was until one day, you enter your home to see a pack of wolves that need shelter.
The boys leave you for one moment and trouble already comes knocking, leaving them a worried mess. But it is the perfect opportunity for you to mend the broken with Taehyung and Jimin.
Chapter warning(s): Some harsh language, bullying, violence
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Today was the last day of the exams. You have been seeing all the wolves occasionally except Jimin and Taehyung. It hurt you a lot. Each of the boys had a special place in your heart and that goes without saying that Taehyung and Jimin had their own spot as well. 
But if they really didn’t want you as their mates anymore, who were you to force them to continue to accept you? 
“What’s wrong? You’ve been sighing.” Namjoon’s voice broke you out of your thoughts. You blinked and turned to him, staring at his face. He had a worried look on his face. 
“What happens if... werewolves reject their mate?” You asked. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Kookie was telling me about how mates are fated by the moon goddess. But if a werewolf meets his or her mate and doesn’t like them, what happens? What happens to the mate bond that you guys were talking about?” You explained your question. Hoseok and Jin, who were sitting behind the two of you heard what you asked and their blood ran cold. 
“Well, if they haven’t officially mated, they can just ignore it? But it’ll always be there. If they officially mated but decided not to be mates anymore, it’ll hurt them significantly.” Namjoon explained. 
“Hurt them?” 
“The mating bond can kill them. If they try to mate with others, it will really hurt. Why do you ask?” He tilted his head.
“I just wanted to know... you know since... Taehyung and Jimin probably don’t want me as their mate anymore...” It was a hard pill to swallow and you winced as you said that. 
“Those two idiots.” Jin sighed. 
 “Poor (y/n). That explains why we feel her heart break.” Hoseok whimpered. The bus came to a stop and all of you got off. 
“Hey, don’t think about them now, alright? Focus on yourself and your exams now. It’ll be okay. Don’t put too much on your plate. We’ll take things one step at a time, hmm?” Namjoon cupped your cheek, giving you a soft smile. You nodded your head. 
“It’s the final stretch. You can do it.” Hoseok patted your shoulder. 
“Thank you for being here with me. Even with everything that happened.” You looked down. Jin tilted your chin up to look at him. 
“It’s not your fault. Like Namjoon said, don’t worry about that for now. We’re mates, we will figure things out together. A small disagreement isn’t going to split us.” Jin smiled. 
“Alright.” You held his hand and walked into class with all of them. 
After the exam, you were suddenly called in for a shift at work so you told the boys to go home first while you went to work. 
“We’ll take you.” Hoseok said. 
“It’s okay. Go home and rest. Besides, I have to use the restroom before I go. I’ll call when I reach.” You smiled reassuringly. They nodded, giving you hugs and discreet kisses before leaving. You went to the restroom and when you were done, you were washing your hands with a small hum. Suddenly, the door burst open and you jumped in shock. 
“Not so tough without your knights, huh?” Kira crossed her arms. You took a wary step back as one of her girls locked the door. You’ve watched enough television to know what happens next. 
“Why so quiet?” She tilted her head to the side. 
“Kira, don’t.” You said. 
“Don’t what? What am I going to do? You act all high and mighty just because you managed to charm the 7 new kids when we all know, you’re a nobody.” Kira smirked. 
“Stop.” You closed your eyes, clenching your fists. 
“Getting angry? It’s the truth and you know it, (y/n). You will always be a nobody. You’re nothing!” Kira raised a hand. 
And there, you felt it. The stinging on your cheek that left a dull burn. You held your cheek in horror. No one has ever hit you before. From that point, there were just a rain of punches and kicks to your body. Grunting, you fell to the ground and curled upon yourself in a weak attempt to protect yourself. 
“That will teach you a lesson!”
“Don’t try to be someone you’re not!” 
You just laid there, feeling all the pain in your body. A kick to your stomach made you choke and wheeze. 
“Let’s go.” Kira rolled her eyes and left with her group. Your body felt numb by all the pain as you cried into your arm. Slowly, you felt your vision start to cave in and turn to black. 
The door to the wolves’ property slammed open. 
“Park Jimin! Kim Taehyung!” Namjoon shouted and the two came down at their leader’s serious voice. Hoseok and Jin stood behind him, arms crossed with looks of anger on their faces. Taehyung and Jimin did not look like they were in the best condition either. They were paler, unshaven with dark circles under their eyes from lack of sleep. 
“You two better find our mate before it is too late.” Namjoon said. 
“What do you mean?” Taehyung asked. 
“Guys. Something is wrong. Do you feel that?” Yoongi came down. All of them looked at the older then they felt it. The feeling was faint but there. Their eyes widened, something happened to their mate. 
“She said she was called in last minute for work and told us to go home first. She was supposed to call us when she reaches.. I’ll call her.” Jin took his phone out to call her but there was no answer. Jimin sat on the couch, shivering lightly at the gut stirring feeling. 
“I’ll call her work place.” Yoongi called your manager.
“May? It’s Yoongi. Is (y/n) there?” He asked. 
“Hey, Yoongi. Uhhh no. (y/n) hasn’t come in yet. Her shift started 15 minutes ago but she hasn’t shown up. I tried to call her cellphone but she didn’t answer too. Is everything okay?” 
“Yeah. Thanks, May.” Yoongi quickly hung up. He looked at his brothers and shook his head. 
“We’re leaving. Now.” They all ran out of the house. 
“Yoongi and Hoseok, go to her work place. Youngest 3, to the school. Jin and I will go to her house and the lake.” Namjoon said. Everyone nodded and sprinted off. Namjoon and Jin shifted while the rest remained in human form. Taehyung’s heart pounded against his chest as he ran. Was this what Namjoon meant by too late? 
“Check the bathrooms? The last time they saw her, she was going to the bathrooms.” Jimin suggested. 
“We’ll split up and cover the different floors.” Jungkook said. He took the third floor while Taehyung took the second floor and Jimin took the first floor. Most of the students were gone, considering the exams were over. 
“My mate. Please tell me where you are.” Taehyung whimpered. 
“Third floor is cleared.” Jungkook reported. Taehyung opened the door of the last bathroom on the second floor and his eyes widened at the figure that laid on the floor. 
“(y/n)!” Taehyung screamed and rushed to you. Jimin and Jungkook heard his shouts and came downstairs to join him. 
“No!” Jimin ran forward as Jungkook’s eyes widened. 
“We need to get her to a hospital.” Jungkook said as Taehyung lifted your unconscious body in his arms. Jimin called out to you constantly but you were out cold. They ran all the way to the hospital. Jungkook got the attention of nurses, who wheeled a gurney out and took you to emergency. 
“Please, help her.” Jimin cried. 
“She’ll be okay, son.” The nurse assured and closed the doors, preventing them from entering the restricted area. Rather quickly, the 4 older wolves joined the three. Jungkook was pacing up and down.
“What happened?” Jin asked. 
“Tae found her unconscious in the school bathroom.” Jimin whispered. Taehyung looked at his shaky hands, how could someone hurt you like that?
“Family of (y/l/n) (y/n)?” The nurse came out and the 7 boys rushed to her. She stared at them. 
“We’re her brothers... adopted.” Namjoon lied and the nurse nodded her head slowly, seemingly unconvinced but there was no one else stepping up as your family so she would just have to take their word for it. The doctor came out to join his nurse and took the clipboard from her as they stepped aside to somewhere more private. 
“The patient has two broken ribs and some internal bleeding around the stomach area. She has a minor concussion. It is obvious that she was beaten up.” The doctor stated. 
“We understand.” Yoongi nodded his head. They were all trying their best to keep calm and listen to the doctor.
“Hospital protocol is to involved the authorities.” The nurse added. 
“Right, they will come and take her statement but legally, it is her decision if she would like to press charges. For now, you may see her. She is a little groggy from some painkillers that we administered.” The doctor explained. 
“Thank you.” The 7 boys bowed and the doctor left with his nurse. Namjoon knocked on the door lightly before they all entered. It hurt to see their mate laying in the hospital bed, injured and all beaten up. They were supposed to be protecting her. 
“Boys?” You stirred and they rushed to your side. 
“Hey.” Yoongi stroked your head softly. You tried to sit up but winced in pain, falling back.
“Don’t move too much. Here.” Jungkook pressed the buttons on the remote to help you sit up. You smiled gratefully, trying not to let too much of the pain show. You didn’t want to worry them. 
“Stop trying to hide your pain. You can be vulnerable around us.” Hoseok smiled sadly. 
“The hospital has some protocol where the police will come and question you. But at the end of the day, it is up to you if you want to press charges, alright? Of course, we want to see the people get their punishment but it’s what you want. We will respect whatever decision you make.” Jin squeezed your hand lightly and you looked at Taehyung and Jimin. 
“Okay.” You bit your lip. 
“She’s afraid of our reaction...for a decision that is rightfully hers. What have we done?” Taehyung looked down sadly. 
“I’m sorry for worrying you.” You looked at all of them. 
“Stop apologising. It’s not your fault. We shouldn’t have left you alone. We should be better at protecting you.” Namjoon rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb. 
“I insisted on you guys going home first. This is the consequence of my decision.” You shook your head. 
“Alright, no more blaming yourselves. You should rest more.” Yoongi kissed your forehead and tucked you in. Jin lowered the bed and turned off the lights. You fell asleep in no time, the effect of the painkillers easing you into dreamland rather quickly. 
“Let’s talk.” Namjoon waved at all of them to leave your ward. 
“I’ll stay here, in case the police come to take her statement.” Jungkook told the leader, who nodded. 
“I will go settle her paperwork and stuff.” Yoongi mumbled and left before anyone could say anything else. He knew what was probably going to happen and he didn’t really want to be a part of it. 
“Hyung, is this what you meant by, before it is too late?” Jimin asked. 
“No. Of course, no one knew this was going to happen. No one should be taking the blame for this except those who actually hurt her.” Namjoon said and as he sat down. 
“Then?” Taehyung was confused. 
“This morning, (y/n) asked Namjoon what happens when mates... reject one another.” Hoseok started. The two felt their chest tighten at the older’s words. 
“You saw her reaction just now when Jin hyung spoke to her. She was afraid of making the wrong decision and causing another fight to break out. I hope you two understand that, that only happened because of how the both of you reacted to the situation the other day. I’m not saying it to blame you or make you guys feel worse. I just want you to be aware.” Namjoon sighed. 
“She... doesn’t want us as mates?” Jimin asked sadly. 
“Quite the opposite. She’s under the impression that you two don’t want her to be her mate anymore.” Jin spoke. 
“We would never... She’s the only mate for us. We would never reject her or leave her. We love her.” The two were stunned by what Jin told them. 
“You two didn’t show it. You hurt her with your words. Taehyung, you insulted her and her grandfather by poking at a super sensitive subject and Jimin, you expressed your frustration of having her, a human, as a mate. It’s only normal she would think that she’s not enough for you.” Namjoon said. 
“No...” Jimin cried. 
“We need to talk to her.” Taehyung clenched his fists. They were about to go in when they saw two police officers outside. 
“Later. Let them get her statement first.” Namjoon told them and they nodded. Seeing the two police officers come in, Jungkook lightly shook you to wake up. He helped you sit up. 
“Sorry to disturb your rest, Miss (y/l/n). I’m Officer Kim and this is my partner, Officer Lee. Are you okay to give us your statement now?” They showed their work passes and badged. You held Jungkook’s hand and nodded your head. 
“He can stay, right?” You asked. 
“Whatever you’re comfortable with.” Officer Kim said. They sat on your other side, Officer Lee taking a notepad and pen down to get your statement. 
“So, why don’t you tell me how this happened? What led you to being here in the hospital? Give all the details, doesn’t matter if you think they’re necessary or not.” Officer Kim started. 
“Today was the last day of the exams. I was called in for work tonight so I was going to head over. I went to use the restroom on the second floor. When I was washing my hands, a group of girls came in. They started to verbally insult me. I told them to stop but they locked the door and began to hit me. I guess I lost consciousness because when I woke up, I was here.” You explained. 
“Okay. Do you know this group of girls?” 
“Yes. They... have been bullying me for years.” You fiddled with your fingers, keeping your head low. 
“Can you give us their names?” Officer Kim asked. You proceeded to list out the names of all the girls in Kira’s group. Jungkook frowned, he knew that Kira was behind all this. 
“Did you ever do anything about this bullying situation?” 
“Who was there to tell? The school doesn’t care. I’m just a girl, who’s a loner and a nobody.” You chuckled bitterly. 
“I understand. And you, found her?” Both officers turned to Jungkook. 
“She was supposed to call my brothers and I when she arrived at work. We tried to call her but she didn’t pick up. We even called her workplace and they didn’t see her even though her shift started 15 minutes prior. So we searched the school and found her unconscious on the bathroom floor.” Jungkook said. 
“Okay.” Officer Lee wrote this down. 
“Now, Miss (y/l/n). We have all the evidence you need to press charges against these girls for battery and harassment. If you would like to talk this over with your family, you can.” Officer Kim said. 
“No, I have made my decision.” You looked at Jungkook, gulping. 
“Come in.” You said, not looking up from your book. 
“Are we interrupting anything?” From the voice, you finally raised your head. You blinked at the two before shaking your head and putting the bookmark at the page you stopped. You closed the book and placed it on the nightstand. 
“Is everything okay?” 
“We... wanted to talk.” Jimin spoke. You nodded your head and they closed the door, sitting where the two officers sat earlier. 
“Namjoon hyung told us about what you asked him. About mate rejection. That made us realise how we must have made you felt with our words. (y/n), we would never want to exchange you for another mate or reject you. We love you so much, more than you could ever know. Knowing that what we said hurt you, hurts us.” Taehyung explained. 
“I should have never said what I said. Whether you’re human or not, you’re my mate, no matter what.” Jimin said. 
“And I crossed the line by saying your promise to your grandfather was stupid. That was insensitive of me and I shouldn’t have even gone there.” Taehyung held your hand. They both had tears in their eyes. 
“I’m sorry.” Tears spilled down your cheeks. 
“Don’t apologise, angel. You aren’t at fault.” Jimin reached up to wipe your tears. 
“No. I should have understood that you guys were just trying to protect me and make sure I was safe. Yet, I jumped to conclusions and lost my temper.” You hugged them and cried. 
“I hate that we were the cause of your tears and heartbreak.” Taehyung whispered, kissing the top of your head. 
“(y/n). We want you to be able to be honest with us, okay? Don’t be afraid of our reactions. What happened the other day won’t repeat itself. Be yourself, stand by your decisions. After all, that’s one of the reasons why we fell for you.” He cupped your cheeks. 
“W-What?” You choked at his words, blushing furiously. 
“You’re so unique, unlike any other human we have met. From the time that I met you and watched you as a person, I always knew you were the one.” Jimin smiled softly. 
“But I don’t know anything about being a werewolf mate.” You sighed in disappointment with yourself. 
“That’s okay. We don’t really know what it’s like to love a human either. We’ll take things a step at a time and learn from one another.” Taehyung grinned. 
“And if we hit a few bumps on the way...” 
“That’s okay.” You completed their sentence. Reaching up, you gave them both soft kisses on the cheek. They were right, a relationship needed effort from both ends to work. You would learn from them and they would learn from you. 
“Besides, now that we’re on holiday, we will make sure to take better care of you. We will protect you and keep you safe.” Jimin kissed the back of your hand. Taehyung nodded in agreement. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little traumatised from finding you unconscious earlier. The two decided to stay over with you. 
When you discharged the next morning, they patiently walked you out. The other boys were all there. You smiled and hugged all of them. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” Jin whispered. 
“I’m happy they let me go home after a day.” You giggled. Jungkook surprised you by suddenly carrying you bridal style, making you yelp. The other people around either looked on in disgust or aadoration. 
“Koo! You don’t have to! I can walk.” 
“Nope! You should be resting and recovering. You’re not at 100% condition yet.” He grinned down at you. You laughed and gave up protesting, wrapping your arms around his neck to support yourself. All of you decided to go to a nice Korean restaurant to have lunch. 
“What’s good?” Yoongi asked you, showing you the menu. You hummed as you scanned through the options. 
“This?” You pointed at the spicy seafood stew. 
“You shouldn’t be having that, jagi. You’re still recovering from internal bleeding. Having some rice porridge instead, doctor’s orders.” He stroked your head while you pouted. 
“Fine...” You crossed your arms. 
“This sucks.” You whined and Yoongi patted your head with a chuckle. The way you could suddenly act like a child just made him love you even more. 
“Hey, Hobi. Sneak me some stew.” You winked. 
“(y/n)... You know you can’t have that. When you’re better, we’ll come back and you can have all the spicy stew you want, alright? Be a good mate and listen to hyung.” He chuckled. You scrunched your nose at him. The waitress soon came, fawning over all the cute boys while she took your order. Yoongi ordered for you beef and vegetable porridge.
“Let’s get you better then we’ll enjoy our holiday together, alright?” Namjoon kissed your temple. 
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kiegosbby · 4 years
Tamaki or Mirio angst please? 🥺 Like he simply snaps at us and when he tries to apologize is too late
so I decided to do both, and then a poly fic! I felt bad bc of taking so long so here you go! Enjoy!!
@yoongisausuna (gave me ideas for the story)
✁- - - - - - r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Tamaki fic:
you and tamaki were on a mission together, and you were sticking together like you normally do. you took the lead, you always did, so he wouldn’t get hurt.
you were sent to infiltrate a small base that the lov had, it should be easy in and out, there should be 3 people inside, take them out and it’ll be over.
you both approached the building slowly and scoped out the inside through a window, seeing a back door that was not guarded and you both snuck over to it
“ok tamaki wait until I give you the signal and I’ll distract them”
you turned your head to get his approval, but instead you saw him busting the door down, trying to take all the villains himself.
luckily you were there to back him up, and you took them down with ease.
when the villains were taken by the police you went to find tamaki and give him a piece of your mind.
“Tamaki! What were you doing you could have been killed?” you were scared for him, you were also pissed because he was doing this so recklessly, did he not care for you at all?
“I was doing my job y/n j-just like you. I don’t need you to take the lead all the time.”
was he really upset over this? you were only trying to help him why is he making a big fuss. you didn’t want him to get hurt, to be home one day and for him to never come back to you, you were only trying to protect him
“but we’re in this together, me and you are supposed to look out for each other and-“
“well maybe we shouldn’t be together if your going to hold me back like such a burden!” tamaki was loud, but he held his head low
your heart shattered at those words, all you were doing was trying to protect him, why couldn’t he see that?
you stood there baffled staring at him with wide eyes, tears bubbling and silently falling as your heart broke.
he finally looked up at you and immediately regretted what he said, he just wanted you to know that he could take care of himself.
he had messed up.
you turned away from him and started walking, and he called after you, grabbing your arm only to gave you harshly pull away.
you started running, you had to be anywhere else but where he was. you needed to get away from him he was closely following you, trying to get you to just stop and talk to him
you lost him eventually, it was a busy day and you ran all the way to the middle of the city. you let your mind wander while you kept walking. we’re you trying to hard in your relationship?
you finally stopped walking and ended up in front of your shared apartment. Why had your legs taken you here? you didnt even know if you and him were together anymore, so how were you going to walk in like nothing happened?
you walked up to the door, should you knock, should you just walk in? you walked in and saw tamaki sitting at the table, he was obviously crying, he was shaking and his eyes were red from crying. your heart broke even more from the sight.
When you walked in the apartment he looked directly at you, and stood up he opened his mouth to talk but all that came out was a sob.
you put your head down to avoid the sight and walked to your shared bedroom, you had to leave, you couldn’t stay after what he said.
as you walked he started following you trying to see what you were doing. what he said was a mistake, you knew that right? He didn’t mean it, he loved you and how you tried to protect him. It showed that you cared
you grabbed a bag from under your shared bed, and walked over to your closet shoving all the clothes that you saw into your bag.
if he thought you were such a burden then you’d leave. hell be free from you and able to do what he wants.
he stood in the doorway and his heart started to race when you grabbed your bag, his stomach dropping.
“Y-y/n what are you doing?”
“I’m leaving.”
your voice sounded so cold, how could you say that? how could you leave? he really didn’t mean what he said.
“n-no you c-cant leave! please I-I didn’t mean it! you can’t leave me alone..” his voice trailed off as he started to cry again, he knew he messed up bad now. you gave him all his confidence, and you loved him at the same time. without you he would be nothing.
you ignored him as you finished packing your bag, and you pushed past him, pushing your feelings down you walked over to the door, stopping for just a second.
he had followed you the whole way there, and stood behind you as you stopped
You turned your head over your shoulder slightly, tears running down your face
“your free tamaki”
and with that you left,.
left him to be alone. to shatter into the ground and become the person he used to be.
you and mirio had been together for a little now, you were 3rd years and you both had hero work to do, so you didn’t get that many times to be alone, but you could tell that something was bothering him.
mirio was usually happy and bright, always smiling. lately you had noticed him spacing off and getting distracted. so you both had a free night tonight, you were going to go to his dorm and spend it with him.
after school you headed to your dorm and got ready, packing a overnight bag and started to make your way to his dorm.
when you got there you knocked softly said a “mirio it’s me” and he let you in, you sat on the bed and waited for him to come in.
he walked in and you noticed his aura was immediately off, and his smile wasn’t like it always was.
“mirio are you ok? You know you can talk to me right?”
“I’m ok y/n no need to worry”
that set you off. there was something obviously wrong, and he was just ignoring that fact?
“mirio something’s obviously wrong please tell me”
you sat in silence for a moment, before he started talking
“I’m always there for everyone. anything anyone needs anything from me I’m there. I’m there talking to them about there problems. and I’m good at it! you know? but what about me?” mirios voice started getting louder, you scooted away from him a little, ready for the worst.
“what about me huh? am I not important? no one ever fucking considered me. Not even you. and now your asking me, after I’ve been messed up all week if I’m ok?” he scoffed and turned his head away from you “Get out”
you turned your head towards him and widened your eyes in disbelief, how could he do that to you? you were worried the whole time. Could he not see that?
“no? Y/n I said get the hell out of my room before I make you” he was fully yelling now, standing on the side of his bed looking at you
you felt small under his stance, tears starting to fall from your eyes and you got up, grabbing your bag and walking towards the door
“I was trying to help you.” your voice was filled with venom and you walked out the door and slammed it behind you, you heard the door open and close but you could care less, you were walking anywhere away from this.
you could feel his presence behind you, feel him watching you.
you turned around and came face to face with him, and you looked up at him with anger written on your face
“what do you want togata.”
he looked taken back by the name but he hung his head low, not giving a answer.
you let out a scoff and kept walking, walking into a empty alley, losing him for a few minutes.
you walked down the alley, now hearing footsteps behind you, you walked forward before a van pulling up stopped you, and before you knew it you were being pulled into a van, screaming for help trying to fight them away.
mirio was still following you when he saw the van pull up, his heart started to race and he ran towards you, but he couldn’t stop you from being pulled into the van and driving away.
it happened in a second, before he could even blink.
someone had taken you, and it was his fault.
poly fic:
you were supposed to be going on a date with your boyfriends tonight, but you were going to be a little late after them. you were working late and told them you’d meet them there.
you got ready quickly and walked to meet them at the restaurant they planned for you to.
some people might think it’s a little weird to be dating more then one person, but for you it worked. one was outgoing and one was the complete opposite, it worked perfectly.
sometimes you did have doubts, I mean where did you take place,? they complimented each other well but how did you take part in that?
you pushed those thoughts down and walked up to the place, looking around for them
when you spotted them you saw them both laughing and smiling, and it hurt. it looked like they’d be fine without you. you put your facade back up and walked over to them, sitting down.
it had went well, but you also noticed that when you arrived, they both didn’t laugh like they had when you saw them. you tried, but nothing seemed to work.
you had a feeling in your gut, and through the night it spread to your whole body, hurting and wrenching in pain, it took a toll on your heart.
When you all had finished, they were a little drunk so you called a cab and you all went home.
When you got home you helped them in bed and sat on the couch, thinking over what happened through the night.
had you been that much of a burden to them? you never noticed it before now. they would be much better without you, they looked so much happier just the two of them.
you started pacing around, going through options in your head
if you stayed it would take a toll on there relationship, you did nothing but hold them back.
but if you left, it would only hurt you.
so you decided, you would leave.
you went into your shared bedroom and quietly grabbed a bag packing your clothes, now that you thought of it you had to keep your clothes in a container under the bed while they had there’s stored in the dresser and closet.
should have seen it coming right?
you finished packing and we’re about to walk out when you heard moving on the bed and you stilled, your hand about to grab the doorknob stopped
“y/n? Where are you going?”
shit, it was mirio.
“nowhere mirio, go back to sleep.”
“why do you have a bag?”
you closed your eyes and eternally cursed at yourself. your body tensed when you heard more noises, great you had woken up tamaki.
“w-what’s going on?”
his voice broke your heart, and all the emotions started coming back up, your heart ached more then it ever had.
you turned your head and met both there eyes, and there’s widened at the sight of your face, it was streaked with tears, your eyes were red and your cheeks and dark shade of pink.
mirio quickly got up and walked over to you, while tamaki started crying along with you, knowing what was happening
“y/n you can’t leave us” mirios voice was sad, he was frowning, and you heard tamakis sobs in the background, breaking your heart even further.
“it wasn’t supposed to be like this, you were supposed to be sleeping.” you hung your head low, not meeting his eye contact.
he reached out for you and you quickly pulled away, he wasn’t going to pull you back in.
“I’m leaving. you are both better off without me. please don’t try to stop me I-I want you both to be happy” crying overtook your body now, you pulled your arms around yourself, trying to find some comfort.
“y/n what are you talk-“ Mirio was quickly interrupted by tamakis cry’s, and he went over to soothe him.
that easy for him to back down huh? seems like you were right.
tamaki cried loudly, shouting at you to stay, saying he needed you just as much as mirio.
you turned opening the door walking away from the crying, you couldn’t take it, you needed to leave now before they could suck you back in
you were about to leave when someone grabbed your arm, turning to see tamakis tear struck face, he stood in the hallway, his quirk holding you in place
mirio came up behind him, eyes wide, tears falling silently
you turned your head away, you couldn’t bare the sight of them like that.
“p-please y/n d-don’t leave!” tamaki said and cried loudly, trying to pull you back with his quirk, but you pulled away harshly, slamming the door behind you
as you walked away, back at the apartment tamaki collapsed on the floor.
where did they go wrong? when had they lost you? you were the love of there life. and to think they were going to propose to you, maybe it’s because of dinner, they were nervous. I mean who wouldn’t be nervous when you were going to ask someone to spend the rest of there life with them?
now, they were alone. without you.
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minniepetals · 5 years
drabble: little jellyfish
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— summary: they were the only ones immune to your sting, and you were their little jellyfish.
— pairing: sea prince!bts x jellyfish!reader
— genre: fluff, slight angs, poly!au, sea!au
— word count: 1.1k
— warnings: none
— seek
"What saddens you, my little jellyfish?" 
You looked up at the call of the sweet nickname the princes of the seas have given you. Hoseok hovered above you, his forefinger and thumb holding your chin up as he stared down at you with a slight worried pout formed on his lips. 
"Are you alright, dear one?" Jimin frowned. 
"Who needs to get punished for hurting our little jellyfish?" Jungkook prompted as he stood up from his throne, trident in hand. 
"No, no," you quickly shook your head, backing away from Hoseok and already feeling guilty for making them worry for a problem that shouldn't have concerned them. They were already busy with so many duties, you didn't want to burden them any further. "I'm fine."
"Clearly not," Namjoon stated, crossing his arms against his chest. He saw through your lie, they all did, they always did. Sometimes it made your heart melt, other times you just hoped they'd buy it because you hated worrying them. 
Your glowing galaxy-like hair followed you about, flowing against the sea as you looked away from them all, turning your back on them. "I promise I'll be fine," you said, "It's just a silly little thing. You don't have to worry about me, you have your own duties to take care of. I'll just-"
"Ah, so this is why you haven't voiced out your concerns?" Yoongi sighed at the sight of your guilty expression, already swam in front of you without you realizing it. "Little jellyfish," he called upon you, bringing his hand forth to tangle his fingers along your beautiful flowing hair, "no matter what tasks we are busy with, nothing concerns us more than the duty to make you smile and happy each passing day."
"That's right," Taehyung nodded, his arms circling around your waist from behind as he rested his chin upon your shoulder. "Nothing is more important than reminding you each day that you are loved," he told you, face nuzzling against your cheek before giving you a tender kiss on the same spot. 
"Now tell us, love" Jin prompted, his fingers grazing along the other side of your face, caressing it with such gentleness, "what's making this beautiful face darkened with a rainy cloud?"
"There's no lying my way out of this, huh?" 
They chuckled, shaking their heads lightly. "You know you can't ever get away with lying to your princes." 
Of course not. 
For a moment, silence fell upon the throne room and your head dropped in shame. "It's just...it hurts to be frightened of," you finally confessed. "I know that I'm a jellyfish and that jellyfishes are scary creatures, they sting others without having much control over it and I love the fact that all of you are an exception because you're the princes of the sea but sometimes, sometimes it gets lonely when none of you are around. No other creatures makes the effort to talk to me, they're too afraid. And honestly, I'm afraid too because I know that I'm capable of inevitability hurting them one way or another whether I like it or not and it scares me because I start getting fearful of my own self."
You get scared, scared that you'd only hurt others that followed your path. You never meant to hurt anyone, but because of the creature you were, doom was only inevitable to follow just behind. Growing up alone was hard, being isolated from the other creatures because they were too afraid of you. You never understood what was so frightening about you until you once touched a little fish and stung it. 
That was the last time you've ever touched someone else. The last time you tried reaching out for others because you were too afraid to hurt them. 
Until they came along; your seven princes, the seven princes of the seas and the only ones capable of touching you without getting hurt. They were immune to your sting so it was easier to let yourself go, to forget about hurting another, to laugh and play, to dance and sing, to make friendships, and to fall in love. 
"You have to realize that you are the most beautiful creature of the sea." 
You frowned at Jimin's words, quick to shake your head. "I am not. There are more beautiful creatures, like the beautiful mermaids." 
"Darling, those mermaids are nothing compared to your ethereal beauty," Jimin denied, his hands reaching out to grab your own. "Do they glow like you?" He asked. 
"Do they light up the dark and deepest part of the sea?" Jungkook chimed in. 
"Or look like a thousand galaxies amongst the water?" Namjoon asked.
"Does their hair flow as beautifully as yours? Leaving behind a beautiful trail of stardusts when swimming about?" Yoongi reached a hand over your face, tucking away your hair behind your ear. 
"Creatures are afraid to approach you not just because of your sting, little jellyfish," Hoseok said, "but also because your beauty outshines everyone and they're intimidated by your majestic ethereal glow."
"They envy you," you looked over at Jin doubtfully, "because you turn the sea into the galaxy many may never get to see. Because you have a heart pure of gold who's got the seven princes of the seas wrapped around your little finger."
"Really?" You squeaked, still a bit doubtful, still a bit insecure. 
"Really," Taehyung nodded. He let you go to turn you around, taking your hands from Jimin so that he could bring them up to his lips, leaving a kiss upon them. "Everyone knows you will be our queen one day soon."
You blinked, face flushing of pink and purple, matching the glow of your hair. "I will?" 
Soft and excited smiles curled at their lips.
"But...we'll have to ask for your permission first, won't we?" 
Your eyes fell for a moment, worrying them into thinking you hadn't wanted that.
"Are you sure I'm worthy of such a high position?" You asked fearfully. Why you out of everyone else? "I don't think I'm worthy of standing at your sides." 
"Oh, little jellyfish." Hoseok held your shoulder, allowing himself to face you. "You are worthy," he vowed, "a thousand times more worthy than anyone else. The princess that has stolen our hearts from the first moment we laid eyes upon you. It isn't a mistake, darling, nor is it a coincidence. Fate has brought you to us and we know more than anyone that our decision is the right one."
"Will you be our queen and rule alongside with us?"
You looked at them all, met all their gazes, the eyes of love and sincerity reached from their hearts. 
"Yes," you replied, "Yes, I want to be your queen."
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m00nlitknight · 4 years
Hello. I really like your previous works. Can I make request, please? Reader's been in relationship with whole gang for a couple of months. Everything was ok but Henry got jealous and started to ruin her relationship with rest of the gang distancing her from them.
ofc!! ✨  i don’t know if im really happy where i left off with this, so if you’re interested i could potentially make a part two?  i’m pretty happy with some parts of it ngl, but that might be my 4am brain talking lol;;
warnings:  usages of slurs / degrading terms ( light, but still present ).  mentions of frick fracking.  possessive behavior.  none else to really talk about. pairing:  poly!bowers gang x reader / henry bowers x reader extra ( edit ):  feel free to look through my masterlist for other bower’s gang/reader works, and have a fantastic day!
The relationship with the infamous Bowers’ Gang began in what you could only describe as a fictional scenario.  You’d always been known as one of the kindest individuals in your classes, a large soul and absolutely heart-warming and dazzling smile.  The reputation, though humbling on the darkest of evenings, felt strenuous to keep up.  It was suffocating, sometimes, when you wanted nothing more than to fade in the scenery, or to say no to a request from someone.  Being the school doormat gave you an easy pass to adoration, but a hard road to doing whatever anyone wanted.
That’s what confused you about the sudden interest of the gang.  Sure, you had been paired up once or twice with them for class projects, shouldered the entirety of the workload; but everytime they hardly batted an eye your way.  Except for Vic, but he always seemed to be a bit more socially adept then the other three.  So it was only fitting that the initial interest came from him, one day after your shared class he approached you, and asked if you’d ever want to hang out.
Obviously, you said yes, and reaped the immediate consequences.  Practically the next day after his query, people began to look at and treat you differently.  No longer was there an affectionate warmth in their gaze, reserved exclusively for you, instead replaced with a brief flash of fear before morphing into a bout of confusion for how to tread the situation.  You didn’t mind it, or at least on the surface you didn’t.  The validation found in your peers suddenly being ripped from your grasp was a bit whiplash inducing, not that you could really do anything about it.
The initial hangout, which you look back at fondly as your first actual date, was a casually dressed affair.  He took you to get milkshakes, which you indulged in the city’s center and poked fun at the Paul Bunyan statue, then took you to go thrift shopping.  It was that day you’d found your new favorite sweater, called ‘hideous’ on many occasions by the likes of your mother and peers, and a cute denim skirt.
It didn’t take long for Henry himself to nearly shoehorn himself into your relationship with Vic, apparently prompting Belch to ambush the two of you on your second date.  The Trans-Am’s engine was unbearably loud, coming up behind the two of you holding hands as Henry hollered something you couldn’t quite make out.
Five months down the line, and half-way through Junior year, a heartfelt outpour from the entire gang; and suddenly you’d become the apple of all of their eyes, so to speak.  Most of the time, your interactions were soft with all the boys, cuddled up with them all -- your personal favorite being Belch, he knew just the position for you to be putty in your hands; Patrick on the other hand did everything in his power to make you squirm while in his grasp.  He’d simply cackle at your protests of his wandering hands, then proceed to mock the tone of your voice.
Though, from the sidelines, you were mostly able to ignore the fiery glares thrown by Henry.  No matter how much attention you gave him, how many times you’d let him leave unsolicited hickies on your neck in plain sight to be hidden from your mother, or held him after a rough night.
He’d never said thank you or praised you for anything, which left you devoid of where you stood with him.  If he hated you, would you even be around the other three?  Wouldn’t he have been completely blunt and outright with it?  The creeping worry manifesting itself in your gut grew with time, and with time you began to give him more of your attention to try and sedate it.
Inside the labyrinth of his mind, Henry’s opinion of you began as negative -- the ambushing of your and Vic’s date was a stunt to try and drive you away from the gang in entirety.  But you just came the fuck back.  Loyalty was written all over your features, as was inexperience.  With time, the faint flame of interest that licked the recesses of his mind fanned themselves into a stronger blaze, and suddenly the shared attention you had been giving the gang was like gasoline.
He played himself off as distant, instead replying to the work you put in with brief hand holds or an arm thrown around your shoulders to show possessiveness around school.  Being calculating obviously wasn’t his thing, nor was being patient.
He took your first kiss, and one of his first, one night while alone with you, the second month into the relationship.  Pussyfooting around the more carnal aspects of a relationship wasn’t something he typically found himself doing, but he knew that Vic or Belch would have his head if he rushed things too fast.  In the end, though, it drove him to wanting more.
Physical affection was kept behind closed doors, and he couldn’t be sure that your intimacy was only reserved for him, considering you never sported any other markings or called out the name of any of the other members while you were with him.  It inflated his ego to astronomical levels, and it killed him that he couldn’t flaunt it in his friend’s faces.
Regardless, he wanted you to himself and himself alone.
“Good morning!” your voice cut through the mid-morning drowsiness of the boys sitting in the parked Trans-Am on the curb in front of your home with steely sharpness, but a welcome smile finds its way onto Belch’s face.
“Morning, gorgeous,” he says from the driver’s seat.  “Hop in.”
“Can do!”  your morning pep leads to a foot on the tire and hauling yourself into the car by means of the roof, and plopping directly in Patrick’s lap - eliciting a hearty grunt and smirk from the boy.
“You’re awfully full of life this morning, feels shameful to waste this energy on something so innocent as breakfast,” he all but purrs as he tugs you further into his grasp while the car lurches forward and en route to the typical Saturday-morning hangout spot.
“Ew, Pat,” Vic cringes over to his friend and you, true malicious intent absent.  “It’s fucking brunch time, let ‘em wake up first, will you?”
His question is answered by a cheeky nip to your neck, causing you to squeal.
In the front seat, Henry broods silently.  On the radio plays one of Belch’s cassettes which goes unlistened, and a favorite of his; ...And Justice for All by Metallica.  The playful tone of your voice and Patrick’s advancements manage to leave a sour taste in his mouth, even though he made the extra effort to brush his teeth this morning.
The meal goes relatively uneventful, though your wandering eyes, half-lidded and vixen-esque, irritate him further.  Vic has an arm around your waist, and Belch holding an unoccupied hand under the table.  If he’d thought any better, Patrick was all but devouring you from across the table.  It was an affection-filled scene, which made the poor diner waitress visibly uncomfortable.
After breakfast, Belch drops both you and Henry off at your home, currently unoccupied by your mother who has work.  “Bye, we’ll be seeing you guys later!”
“Henry, be nice to ‘em, will ya?”  Belch booms from the window, around Patrick climbing into the front seat like an animal.
His request is met with a smirk from Henry, who pulls you into a passionate but short kiss in front of the trio.  “As nice as I can be.”
It leaves you immediately flustered and giggling as you’re pulled into your own home and leaving the other three in a vague state of confusion.  The engine faded away in the distance as you moved toward your house, a mess of giggles, flushed cheeks, and a downcasted gaze.  Henry’s smirk is short-lived as his expression shifts back to neutrality.  He watches you walk through the door and shift to the side to take off your shoes, opting to keep his own on.  The brief and blissful silence is broken by his voice, laced with the undeniable edge of his ire.  “Who’s your favorite?”
The question hangs in the air, souring the atmosphere directly as it leaves his mouth.  You freeze at the words, mid finangling your shoe off as you turn to look at him with a confused, and slightly hurt, expression.  “Huh?”
“Don’t play fuckin’ stupid.  Who’s your favorite?”  He takes a step towards you, which you subconsciously shrink back from.
“I-I don’t have one?”
“God, maybe y’are fuckin’ stupid.  There’s four of us and y’mean t’tell me not ‘a one of us sticks out more than the others?”
A blush spreads across your features, an involuntary testament to your unease and outright lie.  Your eyes dart to look anywhere but him as your body betrays you, petrified in intimidation.  “You,” murmur with a gentle voice and laced with a lack of thinking.
He leans down to your mouth, quickly overtaking your personal space and invading your nostrils with his scent -- cheap body spray and masculinity.  It’s nearly intoxicating.  “What was that?”
“You,” an utterance with little more force, the action of taking a lungful of air simply too strenuous.
“Mind tellin’ me why I feel the least love then?”
You almost want to deflate at it, even if the hands wrapping around your shoulder feel like nothing short of a tender moment.  All the time you’d spent with him, all that you’d given to him, and he still felt overshadowed?
“Or, is it jus’ that you’re an attention-seeking slut?”  The words cut deeper then he’s capable of understanding, and the sick smile curling onto his lips and the whispered tone feel vastly different then what he’s actually saying.
You’re rendered speechless as he takes you closer to the couch, dragging you into a straddling position on him.  “Show me what I was missin’ at brunchfast then, huh?”
Wide-eyed and bashful you stare.  What are you even supposed to do?  He leans into you, peppering your throat with kisses while his hands wander up and down your sides.  Instinctively, your hands move to run through his hair and he nearly purrs at the contact and looks up at you with an intense, baby-blue gaze.
“Who’s your favorite?”
“You,” sighed out as he starts sucking on your neck and rubbing at your hips.
“Say it,”  a rough voice reverbs through him from his chest, and he relishes in the affection of your gentle hands.  You’re his.  His.
“You’re my favorite, Henry,” your voice tightens when he starts to suck on your collarbone.
He’d managed to cut your afterglow short in the early evening, badgering you to call Belch and tell him not to drive you to school for the next week.  You did it, albeit with a bit of confusion, and feeling vague sadness when Belch’s tone took a nose-dive into disappointment when the subject of the call was revealed. For the next week, you couldn’t look any of the gang in the eye, instead taking to marinate in your own shame and blatantly avoid them.
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parkerwhitmore · 4 years
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𝑮𝑶𝑫𝑫𝑨𝑴𝑵 𝑴𝑨𝑵 𝑪𝑯𝑰𝑳𝑫 … a parker whitmore playlist
i. american idiot — green day;     ii. normal fucking rockwell — lana del rey;     iii. loser — beck;     iv. let’s spend the night together — david bowie;     v. the ballad of me and my friends — frank turner;     vi. troublemaker — weezer;     vii. the less i know the better — tame impala;     viii. you! me! dancing! — los campesinos!;    ix. walking on a dream — empire of the sun;     x. no. 1 party anthem — arctic monkeys;     xi. pork and beans — weezer;     xii. cpr — the walnuts;     xiii. take me out — franz ferdinand;         xiv. ringtone — 100 gecs;         xv. electric feel — mgmt;         xvi. money machine — 100 gecs;         xvii. you told the drunks i knew karate — zoey van goey;         xviii. do you want to — franz ferdinand;     xix. hand crushed by a mallet — 100 gecs;     xx. compensating — amine;     xxi. dumb bitchitis — yung cxreal;     xxii. 25 bands and a gecco — 100 gecs;     xxiii. smack a bitch — rico nasty;     xxiv. blackjack — amine;     xxv. say so — doja cat;    xxvi. spiderwebs — no doubt;     xxvii. dennis — roy blair;     xxviii. money in the grave — drake;     xxix. hey ya! — outkast;     xxx. shine — amine;     xxxi. 1, 2 many— luke combs;         
american idiot —  green day.
“don’t want to be an american idiot, one nation controlled by the media. information age of hysteria: it’s going out to idiot america.”
norman fucking rockwell —  lana del rey.
“goddamn man child, you act like a kid even though you stand six-foot-two.”
loser —  beck.
“and my time is a piece of wax: falling on a termite that’s choking on the splinters. soy un peredor. i’m a loser, baby, so why don’t you kill me? (gettin’ crazy with the cheese whiz!)”
let’s spend the night together —  david bowie.
“i’m going red and my tongue’s getting tied. i’m off my head and my mouth’s getting dry, i’m high, but i try, try, try.”
the ballad of me and my friends —  frank turner.
“and if you’re all about the destination, then take a fucking flight. we’re going nowhere slowly but we’re seeing all the sighs. and we’re definitely going to hell, but we’ll have all the best stories to tell!”
troublemaker —  weezer.
“i’m such a mystery, as anyone can see, there isn’t anybody else exactly quite like me. and when it’s party time, like 1999, i’ll party by myself because i’m such a special guy.”
the less i know the better —  tame impala.
“she said: ‘it’s not now or never, just wait ten years we’ll be together.’ i said: ‘better late the never, just don’t make me wait forever.’”
you! me! dancing! —  los campesinos!.
“i always get confused, because at supermarkets, they turn the lights off when they want you to leave. but at discos, they turn them on. and it’s always sad to go, but it’s never that sad. because there’s only so many places you’re guaranteed on getting a hug when you leave. and on the way home, it always seems like a good idea to go paddling in the fountain. and that’s because it is a good idea. it’s like rousseau depicts man in a state of nature: we’re underdeveloped, we’re ignorant, we’re stupid but we’re happy.” 
walking on a dream —  empire of the sun.
“we are always running for the thrill of it, thrill of it. always pushing up that hill, searching for the thrill of it. on and on and on we are calling out and out again. never looking down i’m just in awe of what’s in front of me. is it real now? when two people become one.”
no. 1 party anthem —  arctic monkeys.
“and it seems as though, those lumps in your throat that you just swallowed have got you going: come on, come on, come on. come on, come on, come on: number one party anthem.”
pork and beans —  weezer.
“i’m gonna do the things that i want to do, i ain’t got a thing to prove to you. i eat my candy with the pork and beans, excuse my manners if i make a scene. i ain’t gonna wear the clothes that you like, i’m fine and dandy with the me inside. one look in the mirror as i’m tickled pink: i don’t give a hoot about what you think.” 
cpr —  the walnuts.
“and when i start to move. it’s not me, it’s just one final, desperate twitch. and when i don’t come to, punch the air and curse you god but please know it’s not your fault. you did your best.”
take me out —  franz ferdinand.
“so if you’re lonely: just know i’m here waiting for you. i’m just a cross-hair, i’m just a shot away from you. and if you leave here, you’ll leave me broken, shattered, i lie. i’m just a cross-hair, i’m just a shot, then we can die.”
ringtone —  100 gecs.
“my boy’s got his own ringtone, it’s the only one i know, it’s the only one i know. 27 missed calls, lighting up my cell phone. sending you text saying “call you when i get home.” taking off my work clothes, working in a cold one.”
electric feel —  mgmt.
“all along the eastern shore, put your circuits in the sea. this is what the world is for, making electricity.”
money machine —  100 gecs.
“hey there pissbaby, you think you’re so fucking cool, huh? you think you’re so fucking tough? you talk a lot of big game for someone with such a small truck.”
you told the drunks i knew karate —  zoey van goey.
“i am drunk and on a ladder, not the smartest way to start my night.”
do you want to —  franz ferdinand.
“when i woke up tonight, i said: i’ve got to make somebody love me. got to make somebody love me. and now i know, now i know, now i know, i know that it’s you. you’re lucky, lucky, you’re so lucky.”
hand crushed by a mallet —  100 gecs.
“i was trying to find a way to kill time. i didn’t even get to tell you goodbye. i was trying to find a way to kill time. now you’re gone and i can never say goodbye. this feeling’s going to my head, i’m thinking things i should’ve said. you’ve circled me inside my room, i couldn’t go another day.” 
2am —  bear hands.
“i would never ask you to do something i wouldn’t do. i would never lose you, at least i’d never choose to. all your friends are sober, yeah we’re getting older.” / “making love is fine but all i want is to forget how old i am. nothing good happens past 2 am. i put the ball in your court, text me back, i want a full report, i want cash in hand.” 
compensating —  amine.
“i fucked up once again, and you know that i’m never too proud to beg. it’s hard to admit that i made my bed, but you know imma always wish you the best.”
dumb bitchitis —  yung cxreal.
“i’m a dumb bitch, i ain’t done bitch. you better run bitch. ‘cause i got dumb bitchitis.”
25 bands and a gecco —  100 gecs.
“i’ve got 25 bands and a gecko, and i've got 25 cans of the pesto, and i've got 25 mans but they're dead though, and I've got 25 cans of the Red Bull.” / also. the dog bark solo. very parker. 
smack a bitch  —  rico nasty.
“she hatin' 'cause i’m up, you can tell on her face. i been eating so much, i've been saying my grace. when the times was rough, i would look up and pray: thank god i ain't have to smack a bitch today .”
blackjack —  amine.
“i’m too fly to fight, can’t afford my price. this a white tee, bitch bite me. i’m on the high, they on the low. you killin’ my vibe, get out my zone.”
say so —  doja cat.
“day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment, i’d let you had I known it, why don't you say so? didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with, you got to keep me focused, you want it, say so.”
spiderwebs —  no doubt.
“sorry i’m not home right now, i’m walking into spiderwebs, so leave a message and i’ll call you back. a likely story, but, leave a message and i’ll call you back. and it’s all your fault! i screen my phone calls.”
dennis —  roy blair.
“if you knew how many songs, i'd sing on the roof above my dad's garage. i'd probably quit it, singin men in the parks till the sunset. it was Ramadan, neighbor's rules, played hide and seek, hid underneath the poly chairs downstairs, had a swing set on the tree above my window. don't know which way the wind blows.”
money in the grave  —  drake.
“it's a big gap between us in the game. in the next life, i'm tryna stay paid. when i die, put my money in the grave.”
hey ya! —  outkast.
“now, what cooler than being cool? ice cold! i can't hear ya! i say what's, what's cooler than being cool? ice cold! alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright!”
shine —  amine.
“i don’t wanna feel like i need ya. you’re a catch, but i’m not a receiver. i’m nervous what this might turn into, know my skin glows whenever i see you. that’s why i’m shining.”
1, 2 many  —  luke combs.
“there's no stoppin' me once i get goin'. put a can in my hand, man, i'm wide ass open. the tick-tock of that clock is like a time bomb. by half-past-ten, i’m half past tipsy. at quarter-to-twelve, man, i done had plenty. the countdown's on when the first beer hits me. 5-4-3-2-1 too many.”
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otterdoeswhatever · 5 years
A God, A Goddess, and a Nymph Walk into a Party
Lore Olympus: Poly!Hades + Bi!Poly!Persephone x Bi!Poly!Reader
More Persephone x Reader for this one tbh
(There will be future ones (If people like this one, there may be a smut part two))
Reader is a Nymph who works at Underworld Corp and befriends Persephone. Persephone takes a liking to her and has her meet Hades to see if he likes her too. Reader has doubts they actually like her because they're gods and she's just a nymph. But they reassure her and end up asking her out.
You swiped your employee ID as you headed to your department at Underworld Corporation. You started working there a few months ago and by now you had settled into a routine of familiar tasks and familiar faces. However, on this particular day, you noticed a face across the entrance lobby that you didn’t recognize. 
She was not a Nymph like you or many of the others working there. 
She was pink from her pixie cut to her toes, had absolutely perfect curves and was clothed in a white dress. Overall you found her rather cute. Especially with her big sparkly eyes that were looking right at you ...Wait. What!? 
You did a double-take and realized you were correct, she was staring directly at you, and… were her pupils shaped like hearts!? Your face heated up as you blushed a darker shade of your (fave colour) skin, before quickly turning away and retreating to your desk.
Later that day, you were occupying yourself with your work when a head peeked over the wall of your cubicle. It was the pink mystery girl! You looked up at her incredulously, unsure of how to react.
“Derek is going for a coffee run, and was wondering if you wanted anything?” She asked, eyes sparkling, and grinning giddily down at you.
You uttered your order and before you could say anything else she had scampered away.
A bit later the girl returned and knocked on the wall of your cubicle to rouse your attention. She held your drink order and a small paper bag with the cafe’s logo on it. She handed you your drink as you thanked her.
“My name’s Persephone by the way, and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to have your drink in the employees' lounge with me? I also got some extra sweets if you want some!" She offered. 
She was so bubbly, adorable, and had the cutest smile that how could you say no?
And so you ventured with her to the lounge, the both of you sat down at a folding table one you got there. She then pulled out all the options of sweets and made sure to keep them on the paper bag so that they wouldn’t touch the tabletop.
With a variety of doughnuts and other pastries laid out before you, Persephone spoke, “You can choose first!”
You took a moment to look over your options before you choose your favourite out of the selection. Afterward, Persephone picks up a cinnamon roll and took a big bite. Her face lit up with a stuffed-cheeks chipmunk smile in delight of the sugary taste.
You giggled a little. "So you like sweets, huh, Persephone?"
She swallowed and reddened a little bit "Yeah, I've got a pretty major sweet tooth." She mussed with her hair a little " What about you-?" She froze suddenly and looked at you in sudden realization. "Oh my gods, you must think I'm so terrible! I never asked for your name! I'm so sorry!" She leaned across the table and grabbed both your hands.
You flushed at the sudden contact, the closeness of her face and the sight of her cleavage you could see down her shirt, but you snapped your gaze back up as quickly as possible to try to stay respectful.
"Oh, um, it's totally fine. My name's (Y/N)" You reassured her.
Her sad pouty face relaxed as she sank back into her chair. However, she had not yet let go of your hands.
You smile at her nervously "Um Persephone? I can't exactly eat or have my drink if you're holding my hands." You stated with a bit of an awkward chuckle.
Persephone quickly pulled her hands away and blushed heavily, "Oh! Sorry again!"
You continuously reassured her until her apologizing ceased. The rest of your lunch break with Persephone went very well. Before you knew it, it was over - much sooner than you would have liked it to be.  
Persephone was just so easy to talk to! Other than, you know, her being so damn pretty -  like goddess levels pretty -  and making you nervous. Over the next two weeks, the two of you developed a routine of meeting for lunch and became good friends. She eventually asked if you would like to hang out after work sometime, to go to a party with her.
Hades had taken notice of whenever Persephone would twiddle her fingers, play with her hair, or fiddle with the hems of her clothing. He could tell she was nervous about something.
He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her from behind. She squeaked in surprise and looked over her shoulder at him with a pout. 
He chuckled, “What’s wrong, Sweetness?”
”What do you think!? You gave me a heart attack!” She said in a tone of exasperation, in all of her adorableness.
Hades snickered once again. “Yes, I could see that. Let me rephrase that, dear. What’s been on your mind? You’ve seemed anxious lately.” He explained, nuzzling into her neck and breathing in her scent.
Her pouty expression changed to a shocked one, with a flush spreading across her face before she hastily turned her head to try and hide it. However, Hades had already noticed. He loosed his grip only to turn her around, attempting to get her to face him. However, she still avoided his gaze, looking away.
“Nothing’s wrong,” she mumbled, unconvincingly.
He gently took her chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilted her head towards him. Resting them on her face as he reassured her with a kiss. After they had separated he spoke again. “You trust me, don’t you?” 
She nodded.
”Then please tell me.” He begged.
She gave out a small sigh of defeat. “There's this girl at work…”
Hades instantly went into protective mode, “Is she harassing you? Just tell me and she will be dealt with-”
”No, no, no, no…” Persephone interrupted. “It’s not like that at all! It’s like the complete opposite! We’re really good friends!”
He looked confused, “Then…. What’s the problem?”
Persephone avoided his gaze once again. “Well, um, it's just….. She’s like SO pretty, and funny, and amazing to talk to, and likes a bunch of the same stuff we like, and it's amazing hanging out with her and-”
Sniggering, Hades pressed a finger to her lips and shushed her. “Ah, I see. You LIKE her.” He said in a mocking purr.
Persephone's blush deepened immensely and she pounded a fist harmlessly on Hade's chest. “SHUT UP!!” She exclaimed, embarrassed, before burying her face against him.
Chuckling, he kissed the top of her head, “It’s quite alright dear, there's no need to be embarrassed. It’s not like we haven’t talked about doing this  before.”
 “I know, I guess I'm just nervous you won't like her as much as I do…”
Hades pondered for a moment. “Well, the only way to find out is for me to meet her, right? How about inviting her to Zeus’ party next weekend? That way I could meet her and if you’d like you could introduce her to your friends too.”
Persephone's face lit up at the suggestion. “Yea! That would be fun!”
Hades smiled softly down at her. “Alright, then it’s a date.”
You felt a mix of emotions when Persephone had invited you to this party: Excitement, nervousness, and confusion.
Persephone attempted to reassure you, “Don’t worry (Y/N)! Everyone there will love you! You’ll get to meet Artemis, and Hermes, and-”
You zoned out as she excitedly rattled on, getting into your own head and worries. This party was being thrown by ZEUS. THE ZEUS. And almost everyone there was supposedly going to be a god or goddess, or at least demi-god. You were just a Nymph. A lower-class citizen. You didn’t belong there. As you delved deeper into your self-doubt a question suddenly came to mind.
“Persephone, why were you invited?” You blurted out without thinking. Then suddenly realizing how rude that sounded you stammered to explain yourself. “I MEAN, JUST YOU SAID ABOUT HOW EVERYONE THERE IS AT GOD LEVEL, I KNOW YOU LIVE IN OLYMPUS, BUT I GUESS I WAS JUST WONDERING HOW A NORMAL UNDERWORLD CORP EMPLOYEE GOT INVITED???”
Persephone looked at you slightly shocked for a second before giggling, though you couldn’t tell if it was genuine or awkward. “Well, I guess I can’t really blame you for not knowing. I am pretty new, and I guess a lot of people don’t really know… But, I am actually a goddess, the Goddess of Spring.”
You looked at her in astonishment, jaw agape. You felt like the BIGGEST idiot in the WORLD. How could you not know that!? You were so embarrassed that you buried your face in your hands as a blush consumed your visage. “I’m so dumb…” You muttered.
Persephone was quick to reassure you while she rubbed a soothing hand over your back. “Hey! Don’t say that! Like I said, a lot of people don’t know!”
You peaked through your fingers at her. Well, you guessed that explained why she was so gorgeous. And well, since a literal goddess had invited you to this party with her, you felt that you had no choice but to go. It couldn’t be that terrible if you were there with her, right?
This was terrible.
You stood at the front entrance of the devastatingly beautiful mansion and began to doubt all the things you had said to yourself earlier to encourage yourself to go. You didn’t belong here!
Gods and goddesses entered the mansion wearing the most amazing outfits you had ever seen. You self-consciously fiddled with the edge of your favourite dress (Or fave fancy clothes, if you wanna rock a pantsuit, you do you bb), as you watched them, still not moving from your spot.
 “(Y/N)!!” Persephone called your name. As soon as you turned you were taken off guard as she suddenly hugged you. After collecting yourself you hugged her back. Pulling away, Persephone's eyes lit up as she examined your outfit. “Woah! You look amazing (Y/N)!!”
You flushed softly. “Thanks.” You looked down to her outfit and your blush erupted on your face, 10 shades darker.
She was wearing a dress that would very much break the workplace dress code. It was incredibly revealing, short, and low cut. It put her cleavage on display and hugged the curves of her body perfectly.
“YOU LOOK GREAT TOO!!” You said louder than expected out of panic.
“Aw, thanks!” She said in appreciation. She leaned in and gave you a kiss on the cheek and you absolutely froze. The only thing that broke your spell was seeing Hades. He was tall and had a nice physique, he also had a strong jawline and Roman nose. His red eyes that were both alarming and alluring stood out against his blue skin and white hair. He was breathtaking. In a different way than Persephone was.
Hades was technically your boss but you had never seen him before. Well, there was one time you saw him down the hall, and your eyes met. It was the single most terrifying experience in your life and-.OH, GODS, WHY WAS HE WALKING TOWARDS YOU!?
While your panic increased, Persephone waved at him. “Hi Honey!” She said, cheerily as ever.
You turned to look at her with wide eyes.
Was ... was Persephone with Hades???
“Hello dear.” He swooped down and gave her a peck on the lips and your heart was crushed.
You realized that you read the situation all wrong - Persephone and you were just friends. She was just an affectionate person and there was nothing more. You kept your disappointment internal as you greeted the God of the Dead.
“Um, hello Mr.Hades,” You say with a mix of awkward and nervousness.
Hades chuckled “Oh, there's no need for that, ‘Hades’ is just fine. And you, Love?” He asked, making eye contact with you 
“Oh, uh, (Y/N).” You stammered, feeling dumb compared to how eloquent he just was.
“She's my friend from work I was telling you about!” Persephone added with her normal happy disposition.
You saw Hades give her a knowing smile. What was that about?
“Okay, well we should get into that party (Y/N). We’ll catch up with you later Hades!” She called the last part as she started to drag you inside.
You heard Hades calling back, “I’ll see you two later!” Then your ears were filled with the almost overwhelming sound of music.
Persephone dragged you all over the party, introducing you to her friends. Some, like Artemis and Hermes, were nice and pretty fun to talk to. You even had some pleasant conversations with Hades. But you still felt the disappointment of your recent discovery of Persephone and Hades being together weighing down on you.
And it didn’t help that you could hear people talking behind your back about you being Nymph trash, or how they were trying to get into your pants. Even Zeus seemed a little too interested in you. You were trying to ignore it but it was slowly starting to get to you.
Eventually, it was time for the dinner portion of the party and Persephone brought you to sit at a smaller round table with her and Hades.
….It was pretty awkward…..
The awkwardness level increased when suddenly, while Persephone was flirting with Hades, you felt her hand on your upper thigh! Looking at your with the same flirty look she was giving Hades, she bit her lower lip.
You shot out of your seat and exclaimed, “I, uh, gotta go to the bathroom.” And without waiting for a response you scampered off.
You became lost and ended up on a balcony out-back that viewed over the magnificent garden. You sighed and ran a hand through your hair and you leaned against the balcony.
This was all just so much. You were so confused by all the emotions coursing through you. Persephone was with Hades. Your boss. King of the Underworld. God of the Dead. But she seemed to want you too.
There were quite a few times you had to question whether Persephone was flirting with you or just being friendly. But this time you were 100% sure of her intentions.
A chill breeze went by and you shivered. Suddenly a jacket was placed around your shoulders. You practically jumped out of your skin and whipped around to see Hades standing there.
He raised his hands in peace. “ Sorry to scare you, It’s just me.”
Usually, it would scare you still just being around him. But for some reason, the sight of him calmed you down.
You gripped the suit jacket he had given you and pulled it tighter around your shoulders. “Sorry, you just surprised me, and, uh, thanks for the jacket.” You said, going back to lean on the railing and look out over the garden.
He matched your position beside you. “So… You left dinner in a hurry. I’m sorry If she surprised you or made you uncomfortable.”
You quickly started to defend yourself, trying not to lose your job. “I’M SO SORRY SIR!! I DIDN’T KNOW YOU WERE WITH PERSEPHONE, AND I HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING LIKE THAT TO HER AND SHE HADN’T DONE ANYTHING LIKE THAT TO ME BEFORE EITHER AND I-!!” Suddenly something he had said clicked in your head. “Wait… what do you mean, you’re sorry about what she did??” You asked in confusion, tilting your head slightly.
 “There you are!!” You heard Persephone called, turning your head you saw her running over to you and Hades. “(Y/N), I’m so sorry! I should have just said something instead of doing that to you!” She apologized profusely, gasping and panting all the while.
“Okay, slow down! I’m really confused. Can you guys just explain to me what's happening??” You questioned desperately.
They looked at each other, then looked back at you. 
Hades was the one to start. “Well, I suppose to start I should tell you that when we started dating,  Persephone and I had a conversation about boundaries and things we were interested in. One of those things  was bringing another person into this relationship.” He explained, actually looking quite bashful.
“And then one day while I was at the office I saw you! And well… I just thought you were so beautiful…” Persephone explained, both of you blushed at her statement.
“Wait, really?” You said, feeling dumbfounded.
“Of course!” She responded.
Hades continued the explanation. “One day Persephone and I had a talk, and she told me she was interested in someone. That person being you…”
“So we decided to set  something up so you and Hades could meet, to see if you got along.” Persephone cut in.
“Persephone and I talked after you and I had some conversations, and we agreed that we both liked you..” Hades said, a darker blue dusting his cheeks.
Persephone sheepishly spoke up.“But I guess we should have been honest, you really seemed shocked when I made a move.” She chuckled nervously. “So, uh, yea! Now you know!”
“And you don’t have to answer now! You can definitely take time to think about it. Also, you don’t have to worry about me firing you or anything if you say no.” Hades chimed in.
It took you a moment to process everything they just told you. You looked at them in disbelief as they watched you nervously, Hades's arm wrapped around Persephone's waist, both with blushes on their faces, eagerly awaiting your response.
“You...like me??” You asked, not convinced.
“Yes?” Hades responded, confused by your disbelieving tone.
“But…. why???” You said.
They both looked genuinely shocked at what you had just said.
“What do you mean?” Persephone questioned.
You went on the explain yourself. “I mean, you guys are gods. I’m just a nymph. I don’t belong here, and I don’t belong with you guys… Wouldn’t you guys prefer to date another god or goddess?” You crossed your arms and looked away.
“Well other than Persephone, no other god or goddess wants to be associated with me like that,” Hades responded woefully, on how others viewed him. 
“And, well, honestly, there’s too much drama. Most of the people here are either too stuck up or would try to use it as blackmail later.” Persephone added. Persephone walked over to you and took your face in both of her hands, tilting it to look at her. “But don’t worry, you decide if you want to do this we’ll play by your terms. If you want to be a secret, you’ll be a secret. If you want people to know, then they can know.” She smiled that adorably sweet smile at you.
A small smile graced your face. You saw Hades smiling too over Persephone’s shoulder.
“Okay, well…” You wrapped your arms around the pink goddess’ waist, pulling her in a little. “I think I’d like to try.”
She grinned brightly and pulled your face in for a kiss, though she quickly pulled away. “Sorry! I got excited! I should have asked first-” You cut her off by kissing her. Making sure the kiss lasted longer this time.
You pulled back and saw Persephone's big eyes filled with sparkles and her pupils in the shape of hearts, just like the first time you saw her. She grinned and looked to Hades who came over and being more reserved than Persephone opted to give the both of you soft and sweet forehead kisses.
“Well then, should we head back to the party? There's a lot of good food in there that we shouldn’t let go to waste.” He asked both of you, a smile still on his face.
Persephone looked at you. “ You ready to go back in?”
You gave her a smile and nodded in response.
“Alright then, let’s go!” She took both your hands and pulled you back into the mansion, skipping her way back to the party while both you and Hades chuckled and made an effort to keep up.
This certainly wasn’t how you thought the evening would go, but you believed this could turn out well.
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chaniters · 4 years
Intervention, part two.
An Argent-Ortega fic, Soft is sometimes the best Sidestep. The title is a callback to an earlier fic that has nothing to do with this, and titles are just hard for me tonight. 
Cyrus decides to let the two rangers  visit his evil lair, and nobody knows what to expect, him least of all. 
WARNING, there are slight implications that might be spoilerous for the Alpha, so don’t read if you want to stay clear of those!!!
“So… this is it” you state with little energy.
“I KNEW IT! I knew it was a sewer base!” Argent states as she walks through the security gate you installed. 
“We know. This is the fifth time you say it” You answer as she moves past you. 
“You didn’t even take anything out of the box?” Ortega asks appalled looking at the towers of piled state-of-the-art technological priceless junk you’ve been stealing from the biggest companies in town, all of them still in their original packaging.
“This is… quite the collection” Argent says looking at them with her special sight.
“I don’t really need any of that” 
“You… are a hoarder. I can’t believe you’re living like this again” he adds
“Again?” Argent asks.
“This isn’t the first time I’ve caught him living in a sewer ruin”
“I KNEW IT! You’re a mole-person!” 
“Yeah, that’s what Anathema used to say...” you say tiredly. Shit. Why is this all so familiar?
 “Cyrus, I can’t let you…”
“No!” you interrupt because you know where this is going. He’s pulled the same exact shit, using Argent to get him here “I’m staying here. This isn’t back then. This is now. I’m not going to stay with you or in your guest room or whatever. You know how dangerous this is, and we both know I won’t be safer in with you. You won’t be safer with me, you know that. I’m a criminal now”
“But you can’t…-”
“I said no,” you say looking at him, completely resolute. 
“I just…,” he says looking between you and Argent “... Mierda. Fine. Ok, I get it” he says. “But I don’t like it. You’re not well Cyrus, you shouldn’t be alone.”
“What’s new with that? Besides, you’re here now, right?” 
He groans, moving past piles of boxes that force you all to move sideways.  
“Do you even have any open space in here?” he asks, trying not to sound too passive-aggressive, and failing. 
“Yeah I do, further along... I wasn’t thinking of showing it to anyone, ok?” you say embarrassed. Why are you embarrassed? “This is a villain’s lair and not a fancy home, I’m a fugitive from literally everyone,  what did you expect?.”
“Well, you know, since you’ve been stealing so much, I thought that maybe you would have sold some of this shit…”
“I can’t take chances getting all of these in the market! You know what happens to criminals who act like big spenders, it’s a basic mistake. And you know I don’t care about cash, I just need to be in the news.”
“I don’t mean cash, I mean living space,” he says struggling to move past the narrow passage filled with boxes of neuro-chip parts from all the best brands in modding tech. “Sorry. I don’t generally get a guided tour trough evil lairs”
“It’s not an EVIL lair…” you say defensively.
“I think I’ll just shut up for a moment” 
Eventually, you all come out of the forest of boxes into the remaining open space on the old station.  The old ticket booths have been turned into storage for your suit’s parts, a number of weapons and a few computers. The adjacent security office is where you’re now assembling the skin regenerator. Ortega’s eyes lock up on your board, were your plans used to be. You removed everything before he got here, and he clearly notices. 
“It’s not dirty as the rest of the tunnels,” Argent says running a silver finger trough the surfaces.
“Well, I did take some stuff out of the box… I’ve got about a dozen Loombas sweeping the floors every two days.”
“So THAT’s why you were stealing cleaning supplies…” Ortega ponders as he moves on. 
“I’ve got… a sort of… living room?” you say nervously fiddling with the key of the old control room and administrative offices. This is so wrong, this place looks like a hoarder’s junkyard and you knew it. Why didn’t you just meet them someplace else? There’s plenty of locations to have secret meetings… but no. You had to let Ortega and Argent invite themselves into your secret base. You finally match the correct key with the lock, opening the door.
“So… uh… here it is,” you say motioning them into the old subway control-room that you refurbished into a living-room, hoping it will get better reception than your hoarder sea of unopened tech junk boxes. 
Sofa, TV set, mini bar, some magazines, and a perpetually running air conditioning device keeps it cool and dry. It doesn’t look too bad, right? You even have a few posters here. 
You rush to stand just in front of the Ranger’s old calendar,  open on Ortega’s issue, the one where he’s wearing the least. You turn to face them hoping Ortega didn’t see it… Double shit.  
He didn’t, but it’s somehow worse now, because Argent certainly did, in full colored detail. The resulting hyena laughter makes you die a little inside, as you blush beyond the red spectrum. 
“What is it?” Ortega asks, perplexed. 
“Nothing!” you say removing the cursed thing and rolling it into a tube keeping it behind your back. “It’s nothing!” He gives you that suspicious look… You can’t read his thoughts but he must be thinking it’s some part of your masterplan… ugh. You should probably burn it before he sees it.  Argent’s mocking smile is relentless as she walks past you...
“Oh it’s certainly not just ‘nothing’” Argent says taking the thing off your hands while you were distracted. “This… is everything!”
“No! Give it back!” you let out hopelessly
“Hey, I want to see it too!” she says keeping it a few inches above your reach. Shitshitshit. That’s what you get for being made too short. The farm ruins your life yet again.
The two of them gang up and move you out of the way… Ortega’s smugness as Argent shows him is so strong you have to look down to avoid his gaze. 
“You realize, of course, now I’m going to have to kill you,” you say trying to muster your villainous voice.
“Come here you little freak!” Ortega says pulling you into a hug that you don’t even try to dodge because what’s even the point now that he knows just how bad you had it all along. That thing is old,  from before your capture, and he can obviously tell you had to look for it. 
Sinking into his arms it with no shields, there is kissing, laughter and ruffling your hair and everything he knows infuriates you, with Argent just watching amusedly. 
This is a new low…
He finally released the hug, keeping just an arm wrapped around your shoulder, and Argent approaches to readjusts your wrinkled shirt. “Relax Cyrus! We’re just messing with you”
You almost lift a hand to stop her, but there is something soothing in the gesture, in having both of them so close… so warm. 
You can’t read Ortega’s thoughts but you can certainly feel hers. She thinks the two of you look cute, especially with the height difference, him looking so protective over you. It makes you feel small but in a new -good- way for a change. She’s the one that’s too cute, worrying about your clothes. You should probably tell her that at some point.
“I’m used to being messed with. Just … not this way”
“Not used to people going through your stuff huh?” she says handing you your calendar back as a peace offering “Really good picture by the way…” she adds to Ortega with an unexpectedly mischievous smile. The one she used to make you lose your grip on reality when you took that mask off.  
“Thanks,” you both say, you because you’re getting the calendar back, him because he’s falling into her world. 
“I’m not used to having stuff period”
“I can tell from what you did with all your stolen tech,” Ortega says rubbing your shoulder before pointing at the calendar. “Must say this is a real confidence booster… you know, I didn’t know if you were into me at all back in the day, it was always making out and you running, and then kissing… You always left me clueless. Good to know I still have it”
“You always had it,” you say with a nervous laugh without thinking…. which leads into him smiling back, and a kiss, and Argent rubbing your back gently because she *wants* this go further between you and...and it’s getting warm, too fucking warm, and you just can’t…
“Sooo do you want a drink maybe? I have a few things” you say untangling yourself from them in the gentlest -but swiftest- way possible.  
Ortega lets out a soft chuckle.  “See? It’s always like that Angie. One wrong step and you lose him” 
“It wasn’t ALWAYS like that,” you say bringing beer and a carbonated sugary drink that you know Argent will like because that’s a perk of telepathy, knowing everything that people want and choosing what to give them. 
For instance, you know she wants you, but this soda’s all she’s going to get right now. You brought them here to discuss serious matters, this isn’t a date or anything like that...
“Ooooh. So you didn’t escape him at some point? He finally got you, Cyrus?”
Why in the hell do you even have a mouth, you wonder. Why must you repeatedly shoot yourself in the foot? Are you doing this on purpose?
“You bet I did!” he snorts, making you tremble as you serve the drinks. You’ve never been so embarrassed without knowing why in your life. “I got him, and then I went and got him again, and he didn’t run away, I can tell you that”
“Wow,” she says with renewed interest. The thoughts in her head are undecipherable but too hot to handle. “...wait, so you told him about the tattoos already?”
“No, I turned off the lights, ok?” you interject quickly before Ortega can answer that.” … and can we… please not talk about it like that?” ” you plead wondering if this is the moment you die.
“What do you mea… oh shit, am I making you feel uncomfortable?” he says, now with true concern.
“I didn’t mean to… I’m not bottom shaming you or anything…”
“There’s nothing wrong with bottoming Cyrus” Argent adds quickly. Oh, she’s now picturing, with a vivid imagination. That’s just great… just what you needed... 
“I know, but… I just don’t like people speaking about me like... that,” you say, realizing too late that you’re being too honest.
Argent gives you a puzzled look, Ortega’s expression shifting as he realizes what you meant.
“Hey! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything like that Cyrus, you know that right?”
“... yes,” you let out. “Yes, I do,” you add, to his relief. “This is just… all new to me. Talking about… sex.”
“Well I’ll be more careful from now on” he states looking directly into your eyes, Argent’s mind’s catching up, realizing there’s a story to be told there. She will ask later. Perhaps you’ll answer when she does. 
“It’s just … It was so great. And I couldn’t tell anyone up to this moment.?” he says looking at Argent.  “Do you know how many years I had been waiting for that? Back then I almost had to break my back again just to get your name. And then you died… and you came back… and you finally agreed to come to my place and It happened… and It … It was everything” 
“You can’t mean that,” you say looking away. “You’ve slept with plenty of people better than me”
“That’s not true Cyrus. I only really loved you”
This is too much… you can’t deal with this shit… you flee into Argent’s thoughts but Ortega’s words have turned them so soft that you feel like you’re sliding down a cascade of melted butter, her sharks falling freely not knowing what the fuck’s going on. 
Shit. Abort, abort!
You return swiftly, back to the space behind your eyes, having to deal with your stupid emotions. This is so unfair... 
“Ooooohhhh you two are in love? That’s so sweet” Argent says with a voice so soft and tiny that it can’t possibly belong to her. No. It definitely belongs to some girl 10 years younger that’s reading a romance book in secret with a flashlight under her bed’s covers… wait... was that a memory of hers?! 
Ortega doesn’t answer, he just smiles, knowing he’s pulled your strings far beyond the snapping point by now. He’s been winning these small battles for years and now he’s won the war. 
You want to punch him… kiss him… flee…
But Argent decides for you, kissing him instead before you can say anything else… and then she literally leaves you speechless, with a long kiss on your lips.
“You know… I do have… a … bedroom too… ” you say, almost breathless, as she finally parts. 
_______________some time later____________________
“Must say I wasn’t even sure you owned a bed,” Ortega says, his hand softly rubbing Argent’s silver fingers above you, as you lay in between them. 
“This is the coziest sewer lair I’ve ever been invited too” Argent adds. 
“Subway lair” you correct her absently still trying to process what just happened. What you all just did… And the way they didn’t judge you when you cried… 
And now you’re just here, having this calm chat while they roast you about your terrible lair. You could probably get used to this. Probably.  
“You know, I would like to be able to do this, the way it’s supposed to be felt” Argent comments. “If only SOMEONE would finally complete that regenerator…That would be so great”
“Is this your strategy to get me to work harder? Sex as a weapon?” you ask, being more calm and smooth about it than you ever thought you could be. 
“Well, I tried claws so I figured I could go for something new for a change. Is it working?”
“So very much” you confess with a broken voice, kissing their joined hands. “I’ll get it done… and… I just want to add… I fucking love you two” you let out, the final barriers being swept away, leaving you deep into the uncharted, very dangerous territory of openness about feelings, emotions, and all that awful stuff.  
My fanfiction: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Rydén. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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You’re Mine, Pt. 2
Jensen x Reader x Danneel
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Warnings: Porn with Barely-There Plot, slight Dom!Jensen, 18+ ONLY (Please adhere to this kiddies), hallway smut, threesome smut, female oral giving and receiving, mild language, poly relationship
A/N: PART ONE stemmed from a dream I had and with encouragement from friends turned it into a fic. First time I ever attempted something like this, so please be gentle with me. The second part was written as a request to continue the story.
Beta’d by @closetspngirl - she’s a damn rock star <3
Summary: Your arrangement with Jensen and Danneel had been feeling different and left you wondering if maybe some of the rules are being broken. Afraid you may lose them both to unexpected feelings, they quickly turn the tables on you after spending the night with both of them
WC: 11.6K
I tagged anyone who asked and left a comment on part 1. If you didn’t want to be tagged, my apologies. 
Tags for this fic only: @kazosa @wings-of-a-raven @adoptdontshoppets @billionsofpeoplebutyoupickedme @pandaxo79 @deans-baby-momma @daskleinevolk @muchamusedaboutnothing @sandlee44 @sorenmarie87 @keymology @his-paradox @winchesterxfamilybusiness @karikatz12481 @81mysteriouslyme @lessons-of-red @destielhoneybee @tftumblin @stoneyggirl @innerpaperexpertcloud @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish @squirrel-moose-winchester @fictionalabyss @deanwinchesterswitch @jbbarnesgirl @the-is13 @ladywinchester1967 @whereismyangel-damnitdeanshare
Jensen was always gone by the time the sun came up. He had a hard, steadfast rule that he would be home in the morning before the kids woke up; he never wanted to miss breakfast with them when he was in Austin. Danneel, just never stayed over, period. So waking up alone was nothing new; it was part of the routine and after the glaring differences from the night before, it was nice to have something familiar.
You rolled over towards the bedside table and saw the tumbler of whiskey from the night before. An involuntary flash of heat flared between your thighs at the memory of how Jensen used the ice cube laced with whiskey. Shaking it off quickly, you swung your legs out of bed and made your way into the living room to find your phone. When you did, you noticed one missed text.
From Danneel:
>>Mornin’ sunshine. Be ready in an hour. Got some plans for us today if you’re not busy.
Smiling, you returned it immediately.
<<Never too busy for you, gorgeous. See ya soon.
Leaving the phone on the counter, you went back towards your to the bathroom to shower.
The water was deliciously warm and helped to remove the remnants of Jensen’s scent from your skin. Yet, as the shower cascaded through your hair and down your back you couldn’t help but question, did you want to wash it away? There was something in the way he looked at you last night that lingered in your thoughts. The fear that he was developing feelings crossed your mind more than once or twice, but that wasn’t allowed. It wasn’t part of the deal.
If there were feelings, the kind that could change lives, the person needed to speak up and be forthcoming. This way the arrangement could end with no further contact. That, along with mandatory pancakes with the kids, were Jensen’s only rules. For him to be the one to break it now…
You again shook off the thoughts and continued to lather your skin with the body wash Danneel had asked you to try. It was her favorite scent, and you did like to do things that pleased her, too. She was the one you’d be spending your afternoon with, not Jensen. Somehow you needed to get him off your mind, and concentrating on the things that made her happy was what you wanted to do.
Another ten minutes under the warm waterfall and you finished up, exiting the shower and drying off. Just as you were carefully choosing a top to match your favorite skirt, you heard a knock at the front door, and then a moment later, someone walk through.
“Hello?” Danneel’s voice called out. “Are you home?”
“In here, getting dressed. Be out in a minute,” you called out.
The sound of her footsteps coming down the hall prompted you to move faster into the clothes you picked out for the day. She caught you just in your bra and panties, her eyes narrowing on you as her smirk widened.
“Late start to the day?” she asked, sauntering into the room as her eyes lingered along the curves of your body. “Cute set. You should get more like those.”
“I’ll be ready in just a minute,” you said, ignoring her and continuing to dress. “Where are we going today?”
“Lunch… shopping.”
“For anything in particular?”
“Yes, actually,” she said and hovered near your open closet, before stepping in and moving hangers looking through your shirts. “I want you to come with Jensen and I to this party tonight.”
“Two nights in a row, huh? You guys have been busy.”
“Well, it was supposed to be next week, but things got moved around and apparently someone forgot to tell Jensen. Remember that call he got last night? Let’s just say our man was less than pleased,” she said and shrugged, then handed you a cream colored, button-up blouse with delicate lace sleeves that matched your skirt perfectly. “Did you have other plans? I mean, if you do, it’s fine. He’s already crabby about having to go, but he’ll get over it. I just thought it would be much more fun with you there.”
“That wouldn’t turn heads at all…” you said sarcastically as you took it from her and proceeded to put it on. “I’m sure lots of talk would start if both of us walked in on his arm. House parties are one thing, Dee, but--”
“Well, it IS at someone’s house. But, also, I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks,” she laughed and brushed her long red hair back over her shoulder. “My kids think I’m a good mother, my husband thinks I’m a good wife, and my friends, they know I’m a good, loyal friend. Those are the only people’s opinions I care about.”
“Oh? No one else’s opinion counts?” you asked, almost pouty. “And where do I fall on that list?” Your tone challenging her now, taking her by surprise as it was not something she was used to hearing from you.
Danneel left the closet and stood squarely in front of you, her light brown eyes set firmly upon yours. The corner of her mouth tugged into a smirk again as her gaze fell lustfully across your body. She leaned in and left a soft kiss to your mouth before pulling back and adjusting the collar of your blouse and unbuttoning the top two buttons.
“You’re in a category all by yourself,” she said, and delicately licked the taste of you from her lips. “Now, finish getting dressed, please, we have some shopping to do.”
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“So tell me about the party,” you asked, as Danneel directed her car down the freeway towards the department stores. “Anything special I should be looking for?”
“That means you’ll go?”
“Yes, of course. You asked me to, so I’ll go.”
“I really do like it when you agree with me so easily,” she purred and lightly patted your knee, letting her fingers linger on your skin.
“You know I aim to please, Dee.”
She glanced at you with satisfaction from the corner of her eye as she continued to drive down the road. “I know, that’s why you’re my favorite friend.” Danneel gave your knee a squeeze and let her hand linger for another moment before returning it to the steering wheel.
You smiled demurely and cleared your throat. “The party?”
“Oh, yes. Well… it's for Jensen’s label. I forget exactly who’s house it's at, but they’ve been building up to this for a while. Cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, live music--I think it should be a good time.”
“Dee, I’m happy you want me along, I really am, but it seems like something you and Jensen should attend. Why the third wheel?”
“You’re hardly the third wheel, Y/N. Come on, we’ve had this talk, haven’t we?”
“Yes, I suppose… but--”
“But, what? Hm? You’re his, I’m yours, and he’s ours. What about that says third wheel?”
“Yes, I get that’s what we all are to each other in a certain context, but this is a party for work; something that’s important for his career. I’m not usually apart of those events.”
“Maybe it’s time you should be apart of those events,” she said, not taking her eyes from the road.
“Oh sure,” you scoffed. “I can read the headlines now, ‘Jensen Ackles... TV Star, Rock Star… Philandering husband...’ Yeah, that would go over so well.”
Danneel glanced over and lowered her head so she could look at you over the brim of her sunglasses. “Jensen’s not cheating on me, Y/N… not when I’m sleeping with you, too. You make it seem like you’re our dirty little secret. ”
“Aren’t I?” you asked. “I don’t mind. If that’s what it is, I’m okay with that. I’m happy just being the woman who shares your bed. This feels, different.”
A lot of things had been feeling different and the invitation to the party was just another to add to the list. But the way that Danneel looked at you then, made you wonder what exactly she did consider you.
Danneel’s entire body got tense, and she sat up straight behind the steering wheel. “That’s--no, that’s not what you are, Y/N. You’re so much more than that.” She glanced at you quickly then back to the road. But in that one look, something felt off.
A moment of panic raced down your spine and you suddenly didn’t want to talk about it anymore. “Ok, leaving that alone for now…” you chuckled nervously, the unprompted feeling of insecurity making it hard to breathe. You cracked the window and exhaled slowly as the cool breeze touched your face. “So, what exactly are we looking to wear to this party?”
The change in conversation made Dee smiled and even relax a little. “Something striking, but not overbearing.”
“Well, you just point me in the right direction, you know I am over my head with this kind of shopping.”
Dee’s hand found its way to your knee again, and then slowly traveled up your thigh. “No worries, I got you,” she said and gave your leg a gentle squeeze.
A short time later, you and Danneel had reached downtown, parked, and began making your way through the shops. In the third one, she found you each the perfect dress to wear for the party. For you, a cute, short little black dress with a plunging V-Neck, along with shoes and accessories. Satisfied with your purchases, you left the store and headed towards the car, but she grabbed your hand and pulled you in the opposite direction.
“Come on, we have one more stop,” she smiled, showing off her dimples and flashing you a subtle wink.
Danneel turned into PetticoatFair and you quickly realized what she was now looking for.
“No way we can have you in that gorgeous dress without there being something special underneath, now can we? I doubt the husband would be very happy if we didn’t.”
“Oh? Only for me? What about you?” you asked, knowing it would earn you one of her long stares and raised brow, and that’s exactly what you got.
“Don’t you worry about me, honey. I got that covered. Now, let’s see what we can find you.”
She continued to hold your hand as you browsed through the store, only letting it go when she wanted to examine one of the delicate lacey garments closer. After several more minutes of browsing, she took you gently by the wrist and pulled you towards the dressing rooms. After taking a quick look to see if anyone was paying attention, she opened the dressing room door and followed you in.
It had been a little while since you and Dee had much time together, and being this close to her now, in this small of a space, you could feel your body respond to the slightest touch. She hung the hangers on the wrought iron hook and put her clutch down on the cushioned loveseat, then walked around to stand behind you. She rested her chin on your shoulder and turned you to face the mirror.
“Now,” she breathed, her lips coming in close proximity to your ear. “Let’s get you undressed.”
Danneel ran her hands down to the hem of your shirt and unbuttoned it until she was able to slip it off your arms and toss it on the bench. You unfastened your skirt and let it fall to the floor. She took the initiative and unhooked your bra, letting the straps fall from your arms and guiding it off, purposely brushing the side of your breasts with her hands.
“Try that one first,” she purred and motioned towards the black lace see-through bodysuit that left very little to the imagination. “I think he would love that.”
Once the lingerie was on, she stepped back to examine you in it. You couldn’t read her expression, but you didn’t think she was satisfied with her choice.
“Hmm… try the other. I think I like that better, especially with the dress you’re wearing tonight.”
You did as she asked, and felt her eyes drinking you in, examining each one of your movements with a watchful eye; not that you minded. In fact, the longer she let her engaging honey brown eyes linger, the more you wanted to break ranks and take her right there in the dressing room. Instead, you tried to pretend her lustful gaze didn’t affect you, though you both knew it did.
The second one fit like a glove. It was black and pink lace bra, underwear and garter set that barely covered only the most sensitive areas of your body. You loved how it felt on you and felt a flash of warm, silky heat between your legs and the thought of Jensen peeling it off you, and if you were lucky enough, Dee would join you this time.
Danneel nodded with wide, excited eyes.
“Yesss,” she hissed with satisfaction, and subtly licked her bottom lip before once again standing behind you, as you admired the set in the mirror.
“Is this the winner?” you asked softly, rolling your head back slightly in order to look at her.
Danneel turned you to face her, letting her fingers trace the lacy bodice of the bra across the swell of your breasts. “Hands down, this is our winner.”
Normally, Dee was the instigator in your arrangement with her, much like the one you had with Jensen. Yet there in the dressing room, you felt overcome with the need to touch her. Tilting your head slightly forward, you hesitantly ghosted your lips near hers and waited for her permission to kiss her.
Danneel smiled slyly and raised her brows in surprise. “Well now, someone is feeling frisky,” she whispered, and delicately let her fingertips run down your stomach to the hem of the panties. “I like it.”
She pressed her lips to yours then, and it immediately ignited a need for more of her, but once again, you resisted and let her take control. Her kiss was tempered and chased, far from what you wanted it to be, but still sweet and welcoming. However, much like with Jensen the night before, this was part of Dee’s game. You felt like a pawn for each of them to play with, and there were times you questioned how long you could let it go on for. Other times, you just relished in the game. This was definitely the latter. Despite that, you felt something for both her and Jensen; strong intense feelings that left you unsettled. A notion that scared you for many reasons, mostly because you didn't want to lose either of them.
Danneel pulled her lips away, running her tongue across the bottom as she always did after kissing you. She didn’t say anything, instead turned your body around to examine the back of the lingerie, while running her fingertips with a feather-soft touch along the exposed skin of your ass.
“Oh yes, this will do nicely,” she purred again, before leaning in to kiss your cheek. “I’m going to leave you to change now.” She rested her hand against the small of your back as she leaned over to pick up her clutch from the seat. “I’ll wait for you out there. Don’t be long, okay?”
“Okay,” you said softly.
Watching her turn to leave from the mirror, she paused before opening the door. “You know… on second thought, before you change, we should show Jensen… what do you think?”
You could see the lust for the game rising in her eyes, and felt a rush of adrenaline. If you were being honest with yourself, you were just as addicted to it as they were.
“Hold on,” she continued and opened her clutch, pulling out her phone and opening the camera app. Once she got it situated, she stood behind you, wrapping her right arm snuggly around your waist and again resting her chin on your shoulder as she held the camera above your heads.
You didn’t exactly smile, but let the corner of your mouth tug up into a subtle, knowing smirk. Danneel took a few different shots, in one she was smiling big and winking in the other one. When she was satisfied with the assortment of photos, she went to leave again.
“I’ll be waiting,” she said with a wink and quietly left the room.
Exhaling deeply,  you sat on the sofa and let your head roll back against the mirror. You tried to push the thoughts of both her and Jensen from your mind so you could get up and dressed and move on with the day. It was hard, but you were able to get yourself moving so as not to leave her waiting. Just as you finished dressing, you felt your phone vibrating from the pocket of your skirt. You pulled it out and went to the message notifications.
Three missed texts.
From Danneel to you and Jensen:
>>Shopping for the party with this one. Maybe I’ll bring ya home something pretty. [Attached with the picture she just took]
From Jensen, reply to all:
>>Without me? Cruel woman. You better bring me home… something...
From Jensen to you:
>>You better be wearing that the next time I see you.
The flutter in your stomach made you sit back down on the bench. You started typing back a quick response but hesitated; unsure of whether you should engage with him while you were with Danneel. This was her day, after all. Thinking about Jensen, though, and the way he looked at you the night before as you were straddled on his lap…. The way he said I’m yours...
<<As long as you promise to be the one who takes it off.
You hit send and quickly tucked the phone away, not thinking he would reply again. Just as you were about to leave the dressing room and catch up with Danneel, you felt it buzz again.
>>Who else would be allowed to? You’re mine, remember?
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Lunch with Danneel was casual and easy-going. She brought you to her favorite restaurant where you dined on flavorful salads and wine while discussing the plans for the evening. She insisted that you arrive with them, instead of alone as you usually did when heading out with them anywhere. It felt odd to arrive on Jensen’s arm, right alongside of his wife, but if Danneel said it was what she wanted, you most certainly would oblige her.
She dropped you home around two and said they would be back around by seven to pick you up for the party. Before you got out of the car, she grabbed your hand to stop you.
“I had fun today, and I’m really looking forward to tonight. I think it’s going to be a really good time.”
“You think? Even with one member of our trio unhappy about having to go?”
“Oh, I don’t know. I think he’ll be glad he went,” she raised her brow seductively and laughed softly before leaning in to kiss you sweetly. “See you at seven.”
“See you at seven.” You let your gaze linger a moment longer then turned to grab the bags from the backseat before exiting the car and heading up to the apartment.
At five past seven, there was a familiar, heavy knock against the front door. Smoothing out your little black dress, you opened it to see Jensen standing there. He was dressed in a pair of dark khaki pants, with a cream-colored linen blazer and a white button-down shirt, opened just enough to show a hint of his chest.
He went to speak when you opened the door, but when he saw you, he stopped. Jensen licked his bottom lip, and you could have sworn you saw a flash of nerves cross his brow.
“Hey,” he said, finally, and stepped inside. “Ready?”
“Yeah, just let me grab my purse.”
In the time it took to turn around and grab your clutch from the counter, he closed the door and was right in front of you, grabbing your waist and walking you back towards the counter. His bottom lip hovered open slightly, unsure of its intentions but his eyes were already dark and lustful.
“Hi,” he growled, his eyes lingering down the curves of your neck to the deep, plunging lines of your dress.
“You said that already,” you teased, surprised that you could speak at all with the way his mouth appeared ready to devour you.
His fingers dug into your hip as his eyes narrowed. “You’re lucky we gotta go.”
“Am I?” You didn’t want him to let go. His hands felt good on you; they always did. “Is Danneel in the car?”
“Yes,” he mumbled and visibly struggled to show restraint before letting go of your hips. “Come on, let’s go get this night over with.” He took your hand and led you towards the door and out to the waiting car.
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The party was well underway by the time you arrived at the Millburn Estate. For all of the concern about arriving on Jensen’s arm beside Danneel, not one person even noticed or looked in your direction. The number of familiar faces was overwhelming, and you were beginning to understand why they weren’t concerned about your presence.
The three of you made your way through the different groups, saying hello with a smile or nod, with Jensen leading the way and eventually ending up at the bar. He ordered you a whiskey sour, and Danneel a glass of red wine, then getting himself a well-aged bourbon. A seemingly never-ending stream of partygoers made their way over, fawning over both Mr. and Mrs. Ackles as you watched and smiled politely from just off to the side and behind them.
A short time later, you noticed Danneel’s eyes scanning the room. As she came upon a small gathering of women, her expression changed. She was noticeably shaken, and you were growing concerned until she leaned up to Jensen’s ear and whispered something. He just nodded and she excused herself before wandering across the room to greet them.
You watched as she infiltrated herself into their tight circle, and they welcomed her with hugs and air kisses to each cheek. Not wanting to stare, you tried to make yourself take in the entire room, but your eyes kept wandering back to her. One of them, a petite raven-haired woman in a tight red dress kept leaning into her and whispering in Danneel’s ear. She would throw her head back, and laugh, then would touch her arm… intimately. At one point, the woman rested her hand on the small of Danneel’s back, and even from your current distance, you could see the way this woman was looking at her.
“Jealous?” Jensen asked quietly, as he held out a second drink for you to take.
“Hm? What? No--”
He chuckled and ticked his head to the side before taking a sip of the brown liquor he had in hand. “If you say so.”
“What would I have to be jealous of?” you asked, but realizing that the hint of ache in the deepest part of your stomach was, in fact, a touch of jealousy. You hated the feeling and took a long drink from the glass Jensen just gave you.
“You know who that is, don’t you?” Jensen motioned towards the woman holding all of Danneel’s attention.
You did your best to keep your emotions in check; not to let them bleed into your expression or tone. “No, who is she?”
“One of Dee’s old friends,” he said, then caught your gaze and chuckled again when he saw the surprise in there. “You didn’t know?”
“That she has old friends? I mean--”
“No, you’re not catching my meaning.” Jensen gently took you by the elbow and led you off towards a quiet corner. When he was sure it was just the two of you, he continued. “That woman, Astrid… she was one of Dee’s girlfriends when I first met her.”
“Oh,” you said, unsure of what it was you were feeling now. “I didn’t know…”
“I’m surprised she never told you. I just assumed…”
You shook your head. “No, we never really talked about anyone from before. I guess I just assumed once you two were married, that was it. I didn’t know she had a girlfriend before.” You finished the last of the whiskey sour and placed the glass down on the small table in the corner.
Jensen watched you carefully, trying to decipher what you may be thinking. “For a while it was, but then… she needed more. Who am I to deny her that?”
“You’re a good husband to give her that,” you said, smiling softly and casting your eyes to the floor. The guilt you used to feel was long gone, and knowing how much of your part in their lives was Danneel’s doing, it helped it to stay gone.
A thought occurred to you that made you feel jealous before you even had an answer. “Has she had many girlfriends, besides Astrid?”
“No. Not at all. I don’t want you to have the impression that she’s got a harem of women waiting in the wings. It’s not like that. When Dee connects with you, it’s very real. And trust me, she’s connected with you. But also…” he said and motioned his head back towards where they were.
You nodded once in understanding, then had another thought that brought the dreaded jealousy back around again. You didn’t like it at all and realized your earlier concerns were right, that maybe it wasn’t so much Jensen who had caught feelings, but you… for BOTH of them.
“But, what about you? Did you … do you have others, too? I mean, if she could… could you?”
He shook his head. “No,” he replied softly. “I would watch them with her from time to time, but I never really had the interest to get involved or in having another woman.” Jensen brought the glass to his lips and took a long sip of bourbon. He licked the remnants of it from his bottom lip while his eyes held onto your gaze. “At least not until I found you on the couch with my wife.”
The blazing intensity he held on you made you feel captive, unable to move from your place in the shadowed corner. Jensen placed his glass on a nearby table and took a few steps closer to you, his eyes never wavering.
You both loved and loathed the way he looked at you sometimes. It made your spine tingle and your knees weak, but it also made your heart soft and your mind work overtime trying to fully decipher its meaning.
“You never… not even in Vancouver? Why not?” you asked hesitantly, stumbling over the words.
“Why would I? I don’t need to have a woman in my bed to feel good about myself or my life. I have a fucking great life. Danneel and I, we love each other and we have a great family. But, I’m also not dumb. I get that she needs to be able to explore that side of her sexuality, and I wouldn’t be honoring her if I didn’t let her have that.”
Jensen was so close to you, his scent just as intoxicating as the whiskey and for a moment, you thought he was leaning in to kiss you. While you’d never turn him away, a display of affection so publicly, and with a woman, not his wife, would be sure to turn some heads. Instead, he leaned his shoulder against the wall beside you, and so his back was to the room. His fingers tentatively touched your hip and wandered slowly across your body and up towards your chest.
He cleared his throat gently, and when he spoke again, he was softer, and seemingly more vulnerable than he had ever been with clothes still on. “I never had any desire to touch anyone but my wife, until I met you.”
Either not caring about, or forgetting his surroundings completely, Jensen continued to let his fingers explore your skin as they followed the contours of your breasts up to your collarbone. They dragged gingerly along your neck, leaving little trails of goosebumps as they wrapped around the back of your head. He pulled you into him and pressed his lips to your ear.
“Danneel can get what she needs from you, or Astrid, or whatever woman she wants. That’s up to her, though I know for a fact that she wants to be with only you. I can’t blame her really. I know I have what I need right here,” he rasped with a low growl.
His teeth lightly grazed along your earlobe before you felt the silky tip of his tongue brush against it. An immediate and deep ache thrived between your legs as his hand slowly fell from your neck and back down your chest. Jensen knew you well enough to know how much he was affecting you. If not for the loud burst of laughter where Danneel had been talking with her friends, you would have forgotten about the surroundings yourself and reached out to pull him into you.
“I forgot to check… did you do what I asked you to?” His eyes dipped down to your chest, and you could actually feel his gaze taking off your clothes, then quickly understood his question.
Giving him your sweetest smile and batted your eyes demurely. “Yes, Jensen. Don’t I always do what you ask me to?”
He nodded, satisfied with your answer, then pushed off the wall and went to retrieve his glass from the table. Tossing back the remainder of the bourbon, he put the glass back down, grabbed your hand and pulled you down one of the deserted hallways of the massively large house. He rounded one corner, then two; left, then right, and then right again. Between the maze of hallways and the whiskey sours you had earlier, your head was spinning and you couldn’t control your laughter as he quickly led you further into the structure, making sure you were far out of sight.
With the noise of the party fading far behind you, and when Jensen was satisfied you were far enough out of ear-shot, he pushed you against the wall and pressed his body flush to you. His mouth covered yours before you could take a breath, his tongue pushing your lips open, his knee doing the same to your thighs. His one hand that had been holding yours had it pinned to the wall, while his free hand pulled up your dress, revealing lingerie he had seen in the picture.
“Good girl,” he growled lowly before pulling back and admiring how the lace hugged your hips and how little flesh the thong actually covered.
Jensen buried his face in your neck as his hand continued to explore the lines of the lingerie up to your panties. Your pussy began to ache at the thought of him touching you, causing your body to involuntary arch up into him. You could feel the bulge of his erection through the khakis he was wearing and had to hold yourself back from trying to take them off him. His mouth claimed your neck with his teeth and tongue, as his fingers pushed aside the small strip of material and plunged to the depths of your folds. You inhaled sharply and felt your stomach drop at his touch. His fingers slipped up into you, as his thumb played with your clit you rocked back and forth on his hand. You felt your eyes flutter closed and your head swimming in how badly you wanted him inside you.
You lowered your lips to his ear, and with your hand that wasn't pinned to the wall, grabbed the back of his neck. Finding the confidence and courage in the last encounter you had with him the night before, you pulled him up so his gaze was even with yours.
“Fuck me, now. Pleeease, Jensen…” you mewed, nearly begging him, “I need to feel you…”
The neediness in your tone was the only encouragement he needed. Slipping his hand from you, he used it to quickly remove his pants, letting them fall down just enough for his cock to spring free of its constraints. He pulled you off the wall and flipped you around, before grabbing your hips and positioning himself to slide up into you.
There was no hesitation on his part, he thrust up into you with purpose and a deep groan of pleasure. You wanted to cry out but knew you couldn’t, and the more Jensen moved his hips, filling you with each hard, sharp pass, you needed to make noise. As if sensing your imminent vocal eruption, one of his hands released your hip and came up to gently over your mouth. He pulled you back to him and again pressed his lips to your ear.
“Shhhh… not a fucking sound,” he growled, then moved his hand away from your mouth and back to your hip.
He bounced you off his cock relentlessly, until you were nearly dizzy with an impending orgasm. He was getting erratic in his movements, and his breaths were coming in short, soft grunts.
“Fuck,” he whispered roughly. “You feel so fucking good....”
His voice alone was enough to make you cum. Just as you did, he did too, and as you both reached your completion together, his body relaxed into yours. He pulled out of you, and quickly fixed his pants in case someone happened to walk around the corner while you took a moment to straighten out your dress.
Just as quickly as it started, it was over. Yet never once did he leave you feeling anything but completely content.
“That was unexpected,” he breathed, a hint of a smile living on his lips.
“I’m sorry, I know its not part of the deal…”
“That deal,” Jensen snorted with a laugh and shook his head. “That deal was made a long time ago. I’m really starting to think that some adjustments need to be made.”
Your heart stopped. “What kind of adjustments?”
“We’ll talk about it later, okay? For now, we should get back before someone realizes we’re gone.”
“What about Dee?” you asked, unsure of how she’d feel about what just happened in the poorly lit hallway.
“What about her?” Jensen took your chin between his fingers and turned your gaze up to meet his. “She’s busy with Astrid, you’re here with me.”
Realization dawned on you as he continued to watch you curiously as your expression changed. “That’s why she insisted I come tonight. She knew Astrid would be here and wanted the chance to spend time with her if she could. This way, you wouldn’t be left all alone. It’s why she wanted to pick out something special for you.”
Jensen shrugged and smirked, a combination of things he did that made you weak for him. “We make sure the other has what they need to be the happiest, best version of themselves. So, I give her the freedom to be with other women… you, currently. She gives me the only thing I ever really asked her for.”
“And what’s that?” you asked, fighting the urge to reach out and caress his face. Affectionate gestures like that were still far and few between, though you found yourself desiring them more often.
His expression grew serious, and for a moment you felt a little nervous about what he was going to say. He closed the gap between you, and let his eyes wander over your body as his tongue ran slowly out along his bottom lip. He was doing it again, holding you hostage with a simple pair of emerald eyes. He wrapped a snug arm around your waist and jerked you in that last inch closer.
“You, Y/N. She gave me you.”
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Danneel didn’t rejoin you and Jensen until much later in the evening. She was wearing a smile, but it wasn’t genuine, nor in any way happy. It was forced, but for whose benefit you weren’t sure. You just knew that whatever happened in the time she was separated from the two of you, something had changed.
“Can we please leave now?” Jensen asked, checking his watch and scanning the room of guests with an air of annoyance.
“Yes, in a minute,” Danneel said, as she took his hand and held it tightly. “Steve was looking for you, I believe he’s in the billiard room. Why don’t you go see what he wants? Y/N and I will wait right here for you, then we’ll go home.”
He nodded and sighed. Jensen brought her hand to his lips and kissed it, before leaning it to leave a lingering kiss on her cheek. Despite having your own intimacy with both of them, you also loved seeing them together. The way they loved each other was something special, and despite all the changes that seemed to be coming, that was one thing you would always be able to hold onto; having been lucky enough to witness a very unique kind of bond between two people who loved each other.
Once Jensen was out of earshot, Danneel hooked her arm through yours and started walking you towards the bar.
“So, I am going to assume Jensen filled you in…” she trailed off as she let go of your arm to flag down the bartender. She ordered two double shots of whiskey and then turned her attention back to you. “I should have told you about her.”
“You’re referring to Astrid?” you asked quietly.
“Yes. I’m sorry, Y/N. I knew she would be here, but--”
“It’s why you wanted me to come. It's fine, Dee. I get it.” You were trying once again to keep your cool, but you just desperately wanted to get out of that house and get some air.
The bartender placed the two shots in front of you and before Danneel could even say thank you, you tossed back the shot.
“What do you get, exactly? Because by the way you just slammed back that shot, I am guessing there’s a misunderstanding here.”
“No, no misunderstanding,” you said, the two whiskey sours and double shot starting to make you feel brave and ready to express your feelings more freely. “You brought me here to distract Jensen while you went off with her. It's fine. We had our fun.”
“I figured,” she chuckled and threw back her own shot. “But, as much as I wish that were true, it’s not. I wanted you here for me.”
The look of disbelief on your face was enough to prompt her to continue.
“Because knowing I would see Astrid here made me nervous. I haven’t seen her since we broke up years ago. I knew she would be here with her fiance, and I just… I got nervous. Having Jensen here is one thing, but you… I needed you here.”
“Why me?” you were able to ask, though the crack in your voice didn’t allow for much volume.
“You’re the only other woman I’ve cared for as much as I cared for her. I needed the reminder of how special our relationship was just in case I felt myself getting caught up in her again… she has a way of--”
“Making you crazy?”
Danneel laughed nervously. “Yes. That’s it exactly. But not in a good way. Not in the way that you do.” The way her eyes held yours in the dimly lit area of the bar was making you feel as if everyone else was watching, too. They weren’t. In fact, no one noticed that she was giving you her attention at all. Danneel turned to face you and delicately laced her fingers through yours.
“Come home with us tonight, would you?”
It had been a while since you had been with both of them, and after your dalliance in the hallway with Jensen, you assumed that would be it for the night.
“Ready to go, kids?” Jensen asked, sidling up alongside Danneel. He immediately noticed the way the two of you were looking at the other before his wife finally broke away and looked up at him.
“I am. Y/N? Are you coming with us? Or are we dropping you home?”
You looked up at Jensen, who nodded slightly. His expression was asking you to say yes, as was Danneel’s. How could you ever say no to either of them?
“Yes, of course,” you breathed and felt a small smile tug at the corner of your mouth. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
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The Ackles’ house was quiet and many of the interior lights were already off for the night. A note on the counter from the nanny told them the kids were happily sleeping, and she would be there to get them up in the morning.
“I think I’m just going to go up and take a peek. Make sure they’re alright,” Danneel said, as she slipped off her heels and sighed with relief as the bottom of her feet touched the coolness of the tiles in the kitchen.
“I’ll go. You stay and get comfortable,” Jensen said and kissed the top of her head before turning his attention to you. “I think the two of you have some things to talk about. Don’t you?”
Dee smiled and nodded. “We do. Thank you, babe.”
Jensen passed a pensive glance your way, and there you again saw the rack of nerves that seemed to be hiding somewhere in his smile. He reluctantly turned and headed towards the stairs, pausing briefly to look back, before disappearing beyond the wall.
“Wanna sit?” she asked and headed towards the couch in the living room off the kitchen, but quickly veered back towards the bar. “Drink, first?”
“Sure,” you said and fell onto the couch, before slipping off your own heels. “So, what is it that Jensen thinks we need to talk about? If this is about Astrid, I--”
“It’s not. Well, not entirely,” she replied as she moved around the bar fixing you a drink. “It is about you and I, though. You and Jensen, as well.”
‘Here it comes,’ you thought, as she made her way over, handing you a glass of whiskey.
Danneel sat on the cushion beside you, tucking her feet under her and twisting herself to face you, leaning her elbow on the back of the couch, and resting her head in her hand. She didn’t say anything at first, only raised her glass to yours, to which you tapped it lightly. As you both delicately sipped from your glasses, you could feel her eyes on you, and you wondered what it was she was thinking. Normally you could tell, but between your own insecurities and the whirlwind that had been the last two days, you didn’t know what to expect from her or her husband.
“Danneel… if there’s something you wanna say--”
“There is, I just don’t know how,” she started, then laughed nervously before polishing off her drink. She suddenly took your glass out of your hand and leaned forward, leaving both glasses on the coffee table. When she came back towards you, her eyes were fixed on your lips. Without saying anything else at all, she kissed you.
Danneel’s hands were lightly cupping your face, her delicate touch sending a cool ripple of goosebumps down your arms. She kissed you deeply, the way you had wanted her to kiss you in that dressing room earlier. Deciding not to wonder what she wanted to talk about, you reached out for her waist and pulled her closer. Her tongue parted your lips, the taste of the whiskey strong as she slowly mingled with yours. Kissing you with intent, she moved her hands down your neck, and chest, then roughly over your breasts.
A moment later, she made herself break away. Danneel had finally worked up the courage to say what she wanted to say, and though you couldn’t help but worry what it would be, you were anxious to finally hear it.
“When I found out that Astrid would be there tonight, I had a mild panic attack. I wasn’t sure if I would have been able to see her without any old feelings bubbling to the surface. But having you there, somehow, it just made it so much easier, even if you weren’t by my side the whole night. Just knowing you were there… it helped. I didn’t feel anything for her at all.”
“I’m glad I could do that for you,” you said, and lightly ran your fingers up her arm to her neck. Using your nails, you lightly caressed the lines of her neck, up to her ear.
“You do a lot for me, Y/N.” Danneel kissed you again, but only until she heard Jensen come into the kitchen. She sat back on the couch and smiled at him as he approached. “How are the kids?”
“Snug as bugs in rugs,” he chuckled. “Though, little miss woke up and asking for you. How’s things here?”
“Oh, not quite as snuggly yet, but we’re working on it,” she said and gave you a sly, side-eyed glance. “Let me go tuck the princess back in. Maybe the two of you can move this party upstairs before I get back and I’ll meet you there.”
“Okay,” you smiled as she stood from the couch, lovingly touching Jensen’s chest as she breezed passed him going towards the stairs.
“Shall we?” he asked and held out a hand to help you up from the couch.
Without saying anything, you took it and stood up. Jensen immediately pulled you into him and took your chin between his fingers, forcing you to look up at him. His brow was slightly furrowed, his eyes darker and more intense than usual.
“You and Dee talk?”
You nodded and tried to hold his gaze but the scrutiny in which was he was watching you, made you squirm and it didn’t go unnoticed. Jensen was clearly pleased at how he was affecting you.
“Good,” he rasped, his tongue pressing against the inside of his teeth in a sly grin. “Now, no more worries about what you are to her then, right?”
“She told you that?” you asked in a breathy whisper.
“She tells me everything. Just like I tell her everything.”
Jensen nodded and released your chin, and his fingers slowly ran down the length of your neck toward your chest. He lightly ghosted the parts of your breasts that were revealed by the plunging V-neck of your dress.
“Her and I keeping secrets would be the downfall of our marriage. So, we agreed right from the start that if this was going to work, we needed complete honesty.”
You swallowed thickly and flashed back to the night before. “You told her about last night?”
He nodded again. “I did.” Jensen tilted his head, maintaining the intensity in how he was looking at you. “But we can talk more about that later.”
“Is there more to discuss?” you asked nervously, almost afraid of his answer.
“There’s a lot to discuss,” he said, then closed the last step of distance that sat between you. “But right now, I want you to get upstairs. Just because I made you cum already tonight, doesn’t mean that I am done with you. Understand?”
Your body, as if on cue, flashed hot in response to what he said and how he said it. Not even Danneel could turn you on the way Jensen could, and she was pretty damn good at it.
“Yes, Jensen,” you replied demurely. Once, early on in the arrangement, you had called him sir, and he immediately shook his head and told you not too. He liked the authority he had over you, but he also liked the way his name sounded coming from your mouth.
He seemed satisfied with your response and sealed it with a soft kiss that lingered just a moment too long. When you pulled back from him, the intensity in his eyes was gone, replaced by something new you hadn’t seen in his expression before. Trying not to read too much into it, you let him take your hand and lead you upstairs.
 Entering their bedroom, you could see that one of them had already set up the space for a night of endless possibilities. The black silk ties were on the nightstand, along with a bottle of whiskey and three glass tumblers. Several candles were lit throughout the room and an assortment of oils and toys were on the nightstand on the far side of the bed.
Jensen closed the door, and removed his jacket, haphazardly throwing it over the back of a chair. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt as he approached you, and let it hang open, but didn’t take it off.
“Turn around,” he commanded. When you obeyed, he unzipped your dress and pushed it off your shoulders. Once it fell to the floor you stepped out of it and went to bend down to pick it up, but his hands found your hips and he yanked you backward; the feeling of his erection pushing into the soft flesh of your ass, making you roll your head back against his chest.
His hands ran roughly around your waist, as his mouth clamped down on the crook of your neck. Jensen grazed his teeth along your skin, causing a soft moan to pass through your lips.
“She loves when you do that,” Danneel purred upon entering the room.
You heard the door close softly, but her presence didn’t stop Jensen from lavishing your neck with long, biting kisses up towards your ear.
“Is she right? You like when I do that?” he asked in a low growl, bringing his hand to your breast and squeezing tightly.
His teeth nipped at your ear, just as Danneel came to stand in front of you. She watched as her husband continued to lick and suck on your neck, a smile of immense satisfaction living on her lips. You watched as she slipped out of her dress to reveal the lingerie she had picked for herself, the sight of which only made that growing need feel desperate and maddening.
Danneel ran the tips of her fingers along Jensen’s arm that was holding you against him, and he lifted his head from your neck for a moment. He was still close enough to you, that you could feel him smile as she watched him touch you. Her free hand touched your stomach and slowly ran down to reach the hem of your panties, then easily slipped her finger passed them, brushing against the hood of your sex with a delicate touch.
You gasped sharply, making Jensen grip you tighter, and his cock twitch against your again. Danneel gave him a knowing smirk and then silently pleaded with him. He knew what she wanted and growled lowly from his chest before he forced himself to let you go.
“Thank you, baby,” Danneel purred and leaned past you to kiss Jensen. You watched their lips and tongues mingle in a brief but passionate kiss before she moved back from him and took your hand, leading you towards the bed.
She climbed on, sitting up on her knees near the edge, making her eye level to you. Danneel kissed you just as she had kissed Jensen, brief but passionate. She wasn’t one for kissing much, so when she did bring her lips to yours, it was something special.
“Lay down,” you whispered and felt your heart race as she obeyed your request.
Giving a quick glance over your shoulder, you noticed Jensen hadn’t moved. He was in the same place, his arms crossed over his chest and watching you and Danneel. He nodded slightly, giving you the approval you needed, and wanted, in order to given Danneel what she was desperate for.
You brought your attention back to her, her long red locks sprayed across the pillows and her honey brown eyes beckoning you to touch her. Sitting on your knees in front of her, you gently parted her legs so you could position yourself between them. You bent down and kissed the inside of her thigh as your hands ran up along her stomach towards her breasts. You moved up her body, kissing your way towards her chest, then her to her neck. Sitting up again, you slowly pulled down her red laced panties and before tossing them to the side you gave one last look to Jensen. His eyes were dark and his expression wavering from the unaffected observer to lustful lover, which made you smile.
Turning back to Danneel, you leaned into her and ran your tongue along the outside of her folds. She was warm and wet and ready for the tongue lashing you were desperate to give her. The moment your tongue touched her skin, she released a breathy moan and arched her back. You traced the lines of her pussy with your tongue, before plunging into them and teasing her clit with your teeth. She tasted sweet and exotic, unlike any woman you have ever been with before, and when her hands found their way into your hair, you let her push your face into her as much as she possibly could.
The longer you let your mouth explore her sex, the more you could feel Jensen hovering behind you, impatient to get what it was he wanted. Your fingers found her entrance, as you thrust up into her, she squealed with pleasure.
“Fuuucckk, baby, yesss… right there,” she mewed as her body began to writhe against you and her hands found a tighter grip on your head.
You felt the bed shift as Jensen climbed on. He must have shed the rest of his clothes because you could feel the silky flesh of his dick that was wet with precum brush against the back of your leg. As you continued to bring Danneel to her first orgasm of the night, Jensen grabbed your hips and positioned himself between your legs from behind.
“Mmmm yes, fuck her good… I want her to cum while she’s sucking my clit,” she purred, biting down on her lip and watching as you worked her over. You looked up and saw her eyes shining with excitement as she turned her attention to Jensen.
His hands ran roughly up your back, then down over your ass where he squeezed the soft swells of flesh. Jensen’s hand dipped down between your thighs and ran two fingers through your folds that were seething in anticipation of feeling him there. He pressed his dick up between your cheeks as he leaned over your back and quickly pulled you up from between his wife’s legs. His hand, not currently dragging through your pussy, went to your neck, gripping you tightly but not cutting off any air.
“You like how she tastes?” he asked lowly, running his tongue along the outer part of your ear.
“God yes,” you breathed, and while you loved how it felt when he held you like he was, you wanted to get back to Danneel.
It was both intoxicating and maddening how much you wanted both of them at the same time.
“Good. You can have her again in a minute.”
Jensen released you and motioned to Danneel to move. He began to remove your lingerie slowly, using his teeth and his tongue along your shoulders, marking you as he went. Your eyes never left Danneel’s, and she seemed just as anxious to get back to it as you were. Once your bra was gone, Jensen flipped you onto your back and roughly ripped the panties and garters off, his expression bruting and determined. He grabbed your hips again, positioned himself between your thighs, and palmed his cock as he stared down at you.
“Ride her face,” he growled, just before his dick found your entrance and easily slid up into you.
“Fuck!” you cried out, your mouth hanging slightly agape, your head rolling back at the sensation of how quickly and deeply he filled you.
Danneel positioned herself over your face, and you grabbed her hips, pulling her down on top of you and burying your mouth in her pussy. Closing your eyes, you worked on Danneel, as Jensen fucked you relentlessly and with speed and force you didn’t realize he had. It was making your head spin, but the way they both made you feel was worth the overstimulation your body was experiencing.
Her soft moans, his grunts, and curses added to the physical acts taking place, you knew that despite having climaxed once already that night, another wouldn’t be far behind. You felt Jensen’s thumb on your clit as he hit your hilt time after time, making your orgasm closer and closer to the surface.
You licked and sucked on Danneel as her body rocked over you, the taste of her and the feeling of her small frame against your face made you crazy. Your cries were muffled, but Jensen relished in every little bit of noise that escaped your mouth, as did Danneel.
“God damn! She’s so close, I can feel it… make her cum baby… I love when she comes,” she whined needily and wrapped her hands on top of yours that were still snaked around and digging into her thighs.
Finding a good steady pace, Jensen rocked his hips into you, with each pass in and out, you could feel your walls begin to flutter. When your organism finally it, you released a muffled scream into the apex of her thighs, sucking hard on her clit, making her cum along with you.
The sight of both you and Danneel coming to climax together was too much for Jensen to bare. “Fuck!” he cried sharply, his movements into you now erratic and reckless. His body hunched over you as you drank in Danneel’s release and he buried his head between your breasts. When she couldn’t take anymore, she moved off you and laid beside you on the bed as Jensen continued to fuck you.
“Yes, baby, cum for her… fuck her deep and let me see you cum inside her,” Danneel purred again, her ghost of a touching hovering on your breasts as his mouth covered one of your nipples, biting and sucking until he finally came.
You could feel him spill his release inside of you, and it wasn’t until much later did you even think what that could mean. Especially since it wasn’t the first or even second time in the last twenty-four hours that he had cum inside you without protection.
After, his body went soft, and he just laid on top of you for a moment, catching his breath and reveling in the feeling of the afterglow. He picked up his head and kissed you gently, before pulling back and then leaning over to kiss his wife.
Jensen climbed off you and laid down on one side, as Danneel laid down on the other.
“We didn’t even get to use the toys I left out,” she giggled as her fingers swirled little circles on your stomach.
“It's still early, Dee. Plenty of time for those,” Jensen replied and sat up on the bed.
“Early? It's nearly two in the morning,” you chuckled. “I should be getting dressed and home soon.”
“What? No! You can’t just leave,” Danneel said, clearly upset. “You have to stay--I want you to stay.”
You followed suit and sat up between them. “That’s not the deal though when we’re here, I am gone before--”
“Like I said last night, and again today, that deal needs to be revisited.” Jensen’s expression was set and very serious.
“You need to tell her, Jensen,” Danneel said, as she swung her legs over the side of the bed. “I’m going to go downstairs and get some snacks. Please tell her, I don’t want to wait another second.”
“Tell me what?” you asked, suddenly nervous about the looks they were exchanging.
“Don’t you want to be here? I think this should come from both of us.”
Danneel shook her head. “No, she knows how I feel about her,” she paused and passed you a sweet, sultry smile, “at least I hope she does. But she needs to hear it from you.” She looked away from Jensen and directly at you, the lust and want gone from her eyes and replaced with something different. “Y/N, please, please just listen to him. Hear him out, okay? And know that I am completely on board with this. All of it.”
She flashed a half smile and grabbed her silk, floral print robe from the back of the chair where Jensen had tossed his jacket. Danneel slipped it on and tied it snuggly around her waist. She hesitated before leaving and then came back around to the bed and sat on the edge, taking your hand in hers and giving it a squeeze.
“I think that maybe it should come from me at first, so you know how much we both mean this. Y/N, Jensen came home this morning from your house and he was… different.”
“Different how?” you asked, silently relieved that you weren’t just imagining things.
Danneel looked to Jensen for a moment, which made you do the same. His expression kept changing, and you couldn’t read him at all. Dee, however, was completely apparently with what she was feeling. She smiled brightly, a mist of emotion crossing her eyes.
“He was quiet and moody. I thought he was still mad about the change in party dates. But when I pressed him on it, he finally came clean and said that things needed to end between the three of us.”
Your heart started pounding, unsure of where this could be going. If he wanted to end it that morning, why had he been with you two more times that day? She read the concern that shone on your face and immediately squeezed your hand tighter.
“I asked him why,” she continued, “and he said it was because he realized last night that he was falling in love with you.”
You felt the lump that had been living in your chest, jump up into your throat as you turned and looked at him, surprised by the admission. Jensen’s eyes were cast down and watching his own fingers as they toyed with the ends of your hair.
“Y/N, I know this whole thing is unusual. When people get married, they think they found the one and only love of their lives, but we all know that’s just not true. Not for everyone, anyway. The thing is, I realized a while ago that I loved you, but I was scared to speak up because I didn’t want things to end. Once Jensen told me how he felt…” she trailed off and as she shrugged her shoulder, the robe slipped off, revealing her bare skin. She fixed it absently before continuing. “Just hear him out, okay?”
Your ability to speak was hampered by the revelation that Danneel just dropped in your lap. Feelings, she was talking about both of them having feelings for you… Without saying another word, she quietly got up off the bed and left the room, leaving you and Jensen alone.
You were suddenly nervous being alone with him and had a hard time meeting his gaze. He got up from the bed, solely to lift the covers to let you slide beneath them, only to join you a moment later. He wrapped an arm around your waist and hovered over you, gently laying you back on the pillow and leaning down to leave a gentle kiss on your lips.
“Feelings?” you asked cautiously. But when he exhaled, and his breath was shaky and nervous, part of you relaxed.
“Yeah,” he rasped, then brushed a lock of hair from your face. “Big ones. Unexpected ones. Ones I fought like hell to avoid.”
“All the nights we’ve had together… we never… I mean, it’s a game, it’s a fantasy--”
“No, Y/N. It’s not. It may have started that way, but this is all very real to me. Dee, too. We talked about it all this morning, and while we don’t know how you feel about us. I can tell you that we feel a lot for you. We asked you to come back tonight because we want you to stay.”
“Stay the night?”
Jensen shook his head. “Stay, forever.”
That lump grew double in size and you found yourself unable to swallow, speak or even comprehend what he was asking.
“But, the kids… your marriage. Hell, your career! Jensen, you can’t, people will talk and--”
“I couldn’t care less what people say. And you already know Dee doesn’t give a shit. I like coming home and knowing I’m going to see her and the kids, but I also like knowing I get to see you, too. Danneel is my partner, mother of my children. She’s also my best friend, my wife… that will never change.”
“Then what could you possibly want with me?” you asked as you tried to stifle the sting of tears that formed in your eyes.
Jensen sat up on one elbow, and you rolled over to face him as his fingers traced your bare shoulder. “It’s not about what I want you for, it’s what I need. I told you earlier, Danneel gave me what I needed. She gave me you. I want you. I thought my life was complete, that I had everything I could ever want,” Jensen sighed and chuckled nervously. “I was wrong. I just didn’t realize it until I came home and found my wife on the couch with you. Then this started, and I got to know you...”
You met his eyes and saw such genuine love there, you were overwhelmed by everything the night had brought and you felt such a rush of love for him; for both of them. Without warning, you sat up and pushed him over so he was sitting up against the headboard, much like he was the night before. You straddle his lap and leaned in to kiss him. Jensen wrapped his arms around your waist, his mouth opened and he kissed you hard.
He growled lowly when you tried to pull away, but he relented and let you lean back.
“Is that a yes?” he asked.
“What about the kids? How would this work? Do I have my own room? Do we all sleep together? How…” you shrugged and trailed off, but then smiled down at him, overcome with the notion that you could really allow yourself to feel love for them, openly, without fear of losing them.
“The kids know you and love when you’re here and we can figure out a way to talk to them about it all. Delicately, but we’ll find a way. We’ll work it all out. All I know is that Danneel loves you, I am very much in love with you, and even though I can’t marry you, I still want you to be mine. We can have a great life together, all of us. And maybe even one day, think about adding to it.” Jensen’s hand touched the middle of your stomach lovingly, before leaning forward and kissing you there. When he sat up and saw the look of surprise on your face, he chuckled softly.
“Danneel is on board with that?” you asked, stunned that she would agree to see her husband have a baby with another woman.
“It was her idea. She knows I want more kids, but she doesn’t want to go through pregnancy again. We’ve talked about adoption, but after you came along, I couldn’t stop thinking about the possibility.”
You gently caressed the side of his face and bent down to kiss him again. “Don’t stop thinking about it,” you replied softly, trying to calm your nerves. “I love you, Jensen. I love you and I love her, and I want this. All of this.”
“Seriously?” he asked, nearly breathless. “You mean that?”
“With all my heart.”
Jensen kissed you again, tangling his hands in your hair and mouth pressing down on yours with fervor. You felt him growing hard again and though you didn’t know if your body could go another round with them, you certainly wanted too.
From behind you, the bedroom door opened and you heard Danneel come back in. She placed a big bowl of strawberries on the side of the bed, then slipped off her robe and crawled under the covers beside you and Jensen.
“I’m guessing by the looks of things, you’re okay with the new arrangement?” she asked, a wide grin dawning across her face as she ran her fingertips up your thigh.
You leaned over, and cupped her one cheek, directing her lips to yours. Briefly kissing her just as passionately as you just did Jensen, you pulled back and nodded.
“I am more than okay with this new arrangement. I’ve been in love with you both for a while. I was just so afraid to lose you both…”
“Impossible. You’re stuck with us now,” she teased and pulled you playfully from Jensen’s lap, so you fell straight into her. “Now that the dramatic business is settled. I have a few ideas for the array of stuff over there,” she motioned towards the nightstand of binds, toys, and strawberries and raised one, perfectly manicured brow seductively, glancing between you and Jensen. “Who’s game?”
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
A Little Voice Told Me - Pt.1
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***This request gives me sooooooooo many Sk8 The Infinity Sad!Reki vibes it's insane! Which, as the angst-obsessed weirdo that I am, I love. For anyone curious, I set out my specifications for asks with poly!mc dating all the demon bros in a previous ask HERE. I hope this is something along the lines of what you're looking for @ang3lsblue *** Summary: Words hurt and leave their scars. MC learns this the hard way after hearing some not-so-nice whispers about them while on a date with Beel. How are they supposed to be the partner of the seven lords of the Devildom when they just don't measure up? Part Two: HERE, Part Three: HERE Date night was always difficult when it came to dating the seven lords of the Devildom. For starters, it was in the nature of several of them to keep you to themselves. Leviathan and Mammon in particular had a hard time adjusting to the idea that you loved all the brothers equally and wanted to spend time with all of them. Things were bumpy when the relationship first got started, but after some communication and careful negotiation, you were all able to find a way to make this work. One particular boundary that had been set up early on was a line up from oldest to youngest of who got to take you out on a date next. That day, in particular, had been Beel's turn. The two of you were at a professional Fangol game. Although you had a decent understanding of the sport from watching Beel's practices and games so often, you still found yourself leaning over to ask him questions from time to time. Beel would smile, and answer them easily without an ounce of judgement. The night had been going wonderfully with Beel's favourite team winning as the half-time buzzer went off. The friendly giant stood and looked down at you. "I'm going to go get some snacks from the canteen. Did you want to come with me?" You smiled at him and shook your head. "No, I'm pretty comfy here. Will you get me popcorn and a bottle of water while you're there though?" He knelt down and kissed the top of your head. "Sure thing, Honey Bun. I'll be right back. Stay here and be careful, okay?"
You giggled and waved at your doting boyfriend as he walked away. You pulled out your D.D.D. and began responding to the few texts that your other partners had sent you checking on things and making sure that you were okay. You were in the middle of responding to particularly curious Leviathan when you began to notice the words being spoken around you. "That's them right? The human that's sleeping around with the Avatars of Sin?" "God, what do the Lords even see in them? I mean seriously? They're just a pathetic human." "Honestly, the brothers are probably only dating them out of pity. I mean what else could it be?" "Did you see Beelzebub walk away earlier? He couldn't wait to get away from them. I bet he's ditching them right now." "Ha! Maybe I should go find him? Diavolo knows that anything would be better than dating a weakling like that." "The human needs to take a hint and back off. They can't even compare to the lords. I mean they're the strongest demons in the Devildom, and who is this human? Nothing. They'll never even compare." You froze clutching your D.D.D. tightly in your hand. What those asshole lower demons were saying, wasn't true right? Your boyfriends loved you and had proved it a number of times. This was just nothing jealous gossip. "Can you imagine being as blind and naïve as they are? Like how do they not see how much they annoy the brothers?" You winced as slid down in your seat a little. You did have the tendency to go off and do exactly what the brothers told you not to do. You were constantly stirring up trouble and getting involved in business that wasn't yours to meddle with. They were always having to protect you and save you from the messes that you had made yourself. You really were just a defenceless, small, human in a world of powerful strong demons after all. That much was true. Now that you thought about it, there was some logic to what these other demons were saying. Demons live for centuries if not millennia. You would be dead within the next several decades. Why would they waste their time tying themselves down to someone whose existence is a mere blink of an eye to them? Why are you allowing yourself to hold them back? "MC?" You flinched and looked up to see Beel frowning down at you in concern from behind the mountain of snacks that he was carrying. He sat down and set the food on his lap so that he could place a hand on your shoulder. "Are you alright? You look upset?" You didn't want to ruin the night for Beelzebub. He had been looking forward to this game for weeks. You flashed him a fake smile and nodded. "Everything's fine Beel. Just daydreamed a little while you were gone." He looked at you with uncertainty as you grabbed your water and popcorn from his stash. "Are you sure MC? If something's wrong, we can go home and watch a movie or-" The buzzer signalling the start of the next quarter. It was exactly the distraction you needed to get the focus off of you. "Oh look! The games about to start again! You should start working on those nachos before they go cold." You could feel Beelzebub's eyes on you as you stubbornly stared at the field. He squeezed your shoulder once, before pulling his hand away and beginning to munch on his collection of food. You were much quieter for the rest of the night. You stopped asking Beel about things that confused you about the sport. You barely touched your popcorn. Even though you were watching the players the whole time, you couldn't remember a single thing that happened after halftime. Although you were physically at the game, in your head you were running through every single time you had inconvenienced your partners. As the minutes ticked by, it became glaringly obvious to you that the demons were right. You didn't deserve them. You jumped as the final buzzer went off, and blinked at the scoreboard. Beel's team had won. You got on your feet and urged yourself to cheer like everyone else around you. Beelzebub's eyebrows narrowed as he watched you, and you could tell that he was suspicious of you. You tried
to up your game and laughed at him. "Why are you so serious? You should be celebrating! Your team won!" You stood on your tippy-toes and poked his cheeks into a smile. Beel chuckled and took your hands into his own, pressing a kiss to them. "You're right. I'm sorry." You tried not to let your smile falter as you heard people whisper about how disgusting it was that he was even touching a being like you. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder, unaware of voices talking lowly about the two of you, and began to walk out of the arena. "We should probably go home. It's been a long day, huh?" The walk home was quiet and tense. Beel obviously knew that something was wrong, but you just couldn't bring yourself to talk about it yet. As you arrived at the House of Lamentation, Levi was pouting in the living room. "You can't just have MC to yourself all night, Beel. It's not fair to the rest of us." Belphegor flicked Levi's head as he walked by. "It's his turn for date night, Levi. He can do whatever he damn pleases. You didn't hear any of us complaining when you holed MC up in your room gaming and watching animes for twenty-four hours on your last date night." Leviathan huffed and sunk down into the couch, purposely stretching out his legs so that Belphie couldn't sit. Belphie rolled his eyes and ruffled your hair as he approached the two of you. "How was the game? Did you have fun?" The evening's discoveries were weighing down on you as you tried to pull together a small smile for Belphie. "It was fantastic! Beel's team won and there was confetti and everything!" You held your breath as the twins made eye contact and silently agreed that you were keeping something from them. Before anyone could say anything you gave them both kisses on the cheeks. "I-I'm feeling pretty tired though. So I think I'm going to head to bed," before they could react you made your way towards your room. "Thanks for the night out Beel! I loved it. See you in the morning!" And you were gone. The three brothers blinked at where you once stood. Levi frowned and sat up. "Well, that was weird. Have they been like that all night?" Beel grunted with a nod. "Something's not right. I think something happened, b-but I don't know what. One moment they were happy and genuinely enjoying themselves. Then I went to get snacks and when I came back they were like this!" Belphie patted his twin's back. "It's not your fault Beel. MC adores you, you know that. Something must have happened, and we're going to find out what."
***AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH turns out I'm going to have to break this down into two parts! For now, here is part one! I hope you enjoyed @ang3lsblues! Stay tuned for the other bros and to see how they handle MC's insecurities.***
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ocsxinxpurgatory · 4 years
Falling Apart (Riker Ascott)
Series: Wynonna Earp
Disclaimer: Riker, Earl, and anyone you don’t recognize belong to me as does the plot while everything else is borrowed in this work of fan-made fiction off of which no money is made. 
Setting: Season 1 compliant
Pairing: None (past mentioned poly-ship)
Rating: PG-13 for themes
Everyone has their breaking point even someone as stubborn as Riker. It was only a matter of time before his past spilled out of him with all the poison that was still burning through him. Unsurprisingly it’s Earl who lends his ear as he did with so many of Purgatory’s hurting coyotes....
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Falling Apart
It was crisp and cold; the kind of weather that had one's breath visible were it not night and pitch black save for the stars. The thin gloves and threadbare coat barely keep the chill from sinking into his skin even though it would take time for it to effect him. The curse was good in that way at least.
His body still shivers as it knows without a doubt that he should not be out here staring into the distance like this when his trailer was nice and warm and safe. His body might understand it but his mind was a darker, colder place and he needed the bite of the cold to try and mitigate the way he was feeling.
He wishes he could forget.
Snow crunches behind him signaling what he should have been more aware of a while ago before would come, “You trying to make yourself into a very unattractive ice sculpture, Riker?”
“Then what are you doing?”
“Taking a refreshing stroll in the dark,” he retorts caustically, “What business is it of yours?”
“You and I both know who makes it his business to know the comings and goings on here. And wandering around in sub temps is not a smart idea even for us Revenants. You'll still come down sick.”
“Well, it won't be anyone's but my own fault,” he counters that feeling of frustration filling him that no one could mind their own goddamn business. So of course it has him stalking further into the park boots crunching through the snow as he makes his way away from the other.
Of course it's not long before he finds himself out by the picnic tables which are still half-buried thanks to this last round of winter weather and he brings a mitten through the snow on one of the bench clearing it as much as he can before tugging his jacket down far enough to sit without getting his pants soaked. At least not immediately. He closes his eyes again trying to rein in the urge to scream in frustration and anger; emotions bottled up for too long and too hard were all fighting for an outlet he had yet to be able to give them.
Unfortunately, the more frustrated he feels the more he feels the curse and the heat pulsates in his head by the mark making him groan softly before resting his elbows into the snow covered table and leaning his face into his hands. Soon, he has it pressed against the table in the snow and inwardly grimaces at the hissing noise as the snow melts immediately upon contact. Thankfully, though, shifting around and pressing against  a few more spots has his skin cooling enough that it stops hurting quite so much and he just rests himself in the cold wetness deciding it was just more comfortable to do this than move.
A cold lethargy has overtaken him before he realizes the dangers posed even to a demon and cannot pull himself up enough to even try to correct the issue. Part of him wonders if it wasn't the price one paid; to end up going into shock and then being frozen until someone came down there or it thawed.
It was shitty but...
He isn't given the chance to come to whatever mental conclusion he might have as he feels himself jerked right off the table a guttural snarl coming from whoever had him. He's just too cold and too tired to even bother figuring it out. Later, his foggy mind chooses, later he'd be concerned.
Unconsciousness takes him not long after that.
Coming to is harder as his limbs feel heavy and it takes him a bit to realize he's under a large amount of blankets. Slowly, he shifts and stretches his body out. “Oh, so you're finally awake,” comes the unamused tone of one Bobo Del Rey, “Fantastic. It only took about a week after your idiotic choice to try and sleep out on the picnic tables.”
He goes still. “A-a...week?” he croaks out.
“Yeah, dumbass. You've been in and out of consciousness and feverish for a week. Congrats on that by the way. You managed to really outdo yourself on the obnoxious scale this time, Ascott. I thought we got passed you being a pain in my ass.”
He sighs softly before slowly uncovering his head so he can gaze at the male through tangled strands of black hair. “Contrary to belief, Bobo Del Rey, this was not an attempt to annoy you. I needed some air and my damn curse mark decided to act up.”
“Well that's what happens when you don't properly regulate your more angry and bitter emotions, moron. I've told you this. Your mark gets hotter the angrier and more hateful you get. You keep stuff bottled up so much I'm surprised you haven't lit yourself on fire.”
“Only Axel is capable of that without it doing harm to him so I'm going to avoid it if at all possible,” Riker replies, “As for bottling things up...that's just how I handle things.”
“Well, then find a better way to do it. I don't care what coping mechanism you use so long as it doesn't involve me playing nursemaid because that's not my job and I will toss your goddamn carcass back over the line. We've talked about this.”
Riker wants to be sullen and snarky in return but it had never served him well so he manages a quiet, “Yes, I got it. I'll work on it.”
“You better because I am not kidding, Ascott.”
No, Riker is sure he's not.
It takes a few more days before he feels good enough to try and be sociable and by then he's sure everyone's heard. The teasing gets very old, very fast. But he allows it not wanting another conversation with Bobo Del Rey that will no doubt go bad. Both of them are still very aware of the paint incident and the words exchanged between them. There was no need to push any further.
He's at the benches, cleared and dry this time, with a cup of hot chocolate when he hears, “You know, he gets grumpiest when he cares don't you?” Earl's voice is quiet but still fills the area despite that fact.
“Suppose it's crossed my mind,” he agrees, “but he's still nosier than a man should be.”
“Have you seen most of the idiots he deals with? He just likes to get a feel for the men around him and what might keep them from going off the rails. That's all.”
A sigh escapes him. “It's not...it's not as cut and dry as that and you know it. You give a man that much ammunition and good intentions or not he's still got a loaded gun where you are concerned. I don't...I don't trust it.”
“Problem is, son, you don't trust anyone. And that tells enough.”
Riker looks away a moment, breath leaving in a wisp before sighing softly. “Of course it does. But then...if I don't trust anyone it means no one has the means by which to hurt me and that suits me just fine. Better even.”
“Because it was betrayal that ended your life.”
It wasn't a question which makes it so much worse because as Riker had found; Earl Slater was an astute bastard. Give even a little bit and he could make a few very educated guesses in the absolute correct direction. “If it was, it's not to be repeated. Ever.” A flare of anger and he winces slightly.
“Uh huh, except it's gonna keep punishing you over and over until you get it out of your system. It's how this curse works. It's also why he warned you to talk about it. The more you keep that seething rage just under the surface; the more of you that's going to be lost. And honestly, I don't think whoever did this to you is worth losing yourself over.”
“I loved them.” The words escape like choking on glass, “I would have died for them. And they never fucking cared. Not one bit.” His eyes burn at the feeling twisting like a sharp curved blade.
“Tell me about it. Just me. And you know nothing between us goes anywhere. You've learned that much about this place, I am sure.”
That was the one truth he had come to learn; confidences with Earl were sacrosanct and he would not divulge them. He still can't help the pleading, “Do you promise? Not even to Del Rey?”
“Not a chance, Riker. This is between you and me. Most I'll tell him is that he has no reason to worry about you. That's all he needs. Affirmation. But you need an ear and some support. So let me do that much, kiddo.”
He curls his fingers tightly around the cup pressing it against his lips as he considers all his years of running and avoiding almost everything. And how much it had not helped anything. At all. Maybe it was time to let someone else help with what followed him like the worst sort of shadow.
“I'm sure,” he finally says quietly, “that you've heard what my death sentence was given over. Everyone else has and Revs like to gossip.”
“Suppose I have heard a thing or two,” Earl murmurs, “because you are right; you all can be a nosy, gossipy lot.”
“It was all the same situation,” he admits after a moment, “Three death sentences all in one night and a couple of acts of passion.” He sets the cup down. “The murder charge, which is what always gets the most attention, has never been gotten close to being correct though. I was with a man that night and a woman. Neither of them died though.” Something twists harder in him. “I wish it was a cut and dry as that. It would have been easier to swallow but...” He was babbling, he realizes and he takes a slow breath, “Let me go back a ways because I know I'm not making any sense.
God was the cornerstone of my family, you see. God and the church. My father was friends with the local pastor in the area; they grew up together with the same religious upbringing. As did all the people around us. God was the head of the family and the man was his right-hand. Puritans at their most fanatical. My mother was the perfect and obedient house-wife and taught my brother, my sister, and me to be pure and god-fearing.” He has to pause and laugh bitterly as he sets the cup down. “Let's be clear that I don't particularly feel one way or another about someone else's religion so long as they don't shove it at me. Living in my house was a nightmare as I could not wrap my mind around why such a being deserved anything remotely close to worship when he was so judgmental and choosy about who he favored. All the hoop-jumping bothered me to a steadily rising degree. I just learned early on that I was not going to get anywhere asking my questions.
At about thirteen there were a few new families joining the community and I had the low but inextinguishable hope that maybe, just maybe I might have the chance at normal level-headed friends. Even though I knew they belonged to our faith. I was stupid and naive and needed community. I've come to the conclusion that's the one thing about being human; our need for community and connections.
And this is when I met Lydia and Titus. They were my age from affluent families. We hit it off right away. By the time I was fifteen we were an inseparable trio and were always together. We collectively agreed that our parents were idiots but we knew better than to say that to them and instead kept our own counsel on what we truly thought.
I thought I found what I'd been wishing for and it was liberating.”
He has to pause his jaw tightening. The feel of a hand on his shoulder has his breath coming in a ragged sound. “I should have known something was up. I should have known that it was too convenient.”
He squeezes his eyes shut. “We were eighteen when I admitted having more than a passing fondness. For both of them. I was afraid that I was going to lose the two most important people in my life. I loved them despite knowing how dangerous it was in a time like that. But when they didn't turn away in disgust when they told me that they were relieved that I felt the same...I knew I would die to protect them.
We were happy for the next couple of years. Or at least...” Grief fills his voice and he swallows a few times. “I was stupid then. So stupid. I didn't see the signs that I see now clear as day.”
“Lovin' someone, lovin' anyone is not something that makes you stupid,” Earl says voice kind, gentle even, “There was nothin' wrong with how you felt.”
Gray eyes fill with anger and resentment red swirling in their depths as the demon rears it's ugly head. “Except,” comes the guttural retort, “When I was twenty-one I learned better. I learned it was a set-up. The whole thing. Them. Their feelings. Everything.” He watches Earl's eyes widen a moment and laughs bitterly. “Oh yes, they were from my church. My father got in touch with some of his old friends worried that I was going down “dark paths” and needed to be looked after. So they were told to befriend me. Eventually tempt me and see what I was truly made of. To keep up the charade until they knew for sure. Until it was too late. There we were, entangled in bed and my father, their parents, and the good reverend come in. To a space we'd made fr ourselves that I thought wasn't known to anyone else. I was charged with buggery, sodomy, and murder. What they didn't bother telling the good Marshals who would eventually hunt me down three months later was that the murder charge was over me. That my choices would no doubt send me to hell. Because suicide wasn't something they could pin on me still being alive.” He carefully sets the mug down too afraid with his shaking hands and all he was feeling that he would break it either by dropping it, squeezing it too hard, or hurling it at something. “So there you have it,” comes his quiet, broken tone, “I was set up by my community using people I honestly loved and who I thought loved me. Who I connected with. So no, no I do not and will not trust someone else. Not ever. Not for any reason. I just want to wait out this goddamn curse so that I don't go to hell again. That's all. That's it.”
The wetness isn't helped by the cold and that tightened feeling is worse now, his breathing sharp and uneven. Decades later it was still a festering, bleeding wound. Hell had made it worse. He relieved that reveal over and over and over. Nothing else hurt as much as the knowledge that he'd never been wanted or loved in the first place. That how he felt at thirteen had been a game played by a fanatical group of individuals who didn't trust their own community because he was sure they knew how wrong their views were in ways. How damaging.
But people liked to be in control didn't they?
A hand presses lightly between his shoulder blades and he feels himself go tense before uttering a weak, “D-don't...Earl...”
Of course it's not listened to and he finds himself lightly tugged back and tucked against the other as his breathing sharpens further and a choked sound escapes; something ragged and whining and hurt from deep in him. Fingers slowly move to thread through long black strands. “That's it, kiddo,” comes the low murmur, “Let it out. You've been wronged so much, Riker. And you didn't deserve it. Problem is that for some of us; there was no justice to be had in all of it. Men can be stupid about things they do not agree with and that is no fault of yours.”
He's not sure what sort of sight he has to make sobbing brokenly as he does but there is that moment of relief when the pressure in him recedes somewhat. It wasn't a magical fix by any means but there is a freedom to letting someone else know, letting someone else see the jagged, broken parts. And Earl, bless his demonic-self, just holds him, fingers gently carding through his hair murmuring soothingly to him.
It's as he's drowsy and feeling his eyes slowly close that he wonders if there was a Revenant there who hadn't been here trying to reclaim themselves. Lethargy fills him and he hears a quiet, “I've got you, kiddo. Rest. I'll handle the others over this. You'll find yourself again, Riker. You will.”
Something in him; that small smoldered flicker of want for something for himself sends a bit of smoke into the night. A whispered promise. You will get through this.
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ecfandom · 5 years
Polis 433 Ch. 13 Preview
I’m sorry for the wait!!
“Do you have someone to pick you up tomorrow?” Clarke asked as she kept herself busy folding Lexa’s jeans and shirt. Her mind circled endlessly around their conversation in the chamber, the feeling of Lexa’s hand in hers, Lexa’s palm cradling her cheek, and the terrible story behind the burn scars eclipsing Lexa’s hand and wrist. That story had lingered in the back of her mind ever since she’d read about it, eating at her in a mixture of guilt at having read something so intimate about Lexa’s past, and sorrow at the physical and emotional pain she knew Lexa must have endured. Seeing the tangible evidence of what’d happened to Lexa, feeling the scarred skin beneath her touch, had left her feeling strange, sad and just generally out of sorts. She was not, however, too self absorbed to notice Lexa’s lack of a response. She smiled when she walked over to Lexa’s bed with her folded clothes and found Lexa nearly half asleep.
“Hey,” she said softly, and combed her fingers through Lexa’s hair. “Sleepy?”
Lexa cracked open an eye and grinned. She nodded, lulled by Clarke’s fingers in her hair and the warming blankets on top of her. “You spoil me,” she murmured, gazing at Clarke with so much affection, Clarke quickly looked away, distracting herself with Lexa’s clothes once more. She had never been looked at the way Lexa looked at her. It was too much--piercing and knowing, and worst of all, so very gentle.
“I told you,” Clarke said, wanting to clear the lump in her throat, “friendship with me has its perks.”
“If I recall, I’m not the one who needs the convincing.”
Clarke flushed and good-naturedly tousled Lexa’s hair in retaliation. “Don’t tease.”
“I would never,” Lexa swore, her brow furrowing in mock seriousness. Clarke rolled her eyes, and her hand stilled in Lexa’s hair. Her smile fell, and before Lexa could ask if she was okay, she slipped her hand to Lexa’s cheek, feeling the skin there with the back of her hand.
“You’re a little warm,” Clarke murmured, searching Lexa’s eyes for any signs of distress. “Do you feel okay?”
“Fine. More than fine,” Lexa said with a wink that had a hot, red blush racing up Clarke’s throat.
Taryn clearing her throat from the doorway had Clarke nearly jumping back as Taryn strode into the room with a guitless grin.
“Sorry, was I interrupting something?”
“Fuck off,” Lexa groaned with a laugh, rolling her eyes at Taryn’s knowing smile.
“That’s no way to talk to your doctor.”
“Remind me again how I got stuck with you as my doctor?”
“Oh, I think it was when I shoved a needle into you arm and administered the Epi that re-started your heart and saved your life, you ungrateful jerk. Maybe next time I’ll let you code a little longer.”
“Hey,” Clarke snapped, “that’s not funny.”
“Only joking,” Taryn said, raising her hands in surrender. “How are we feeling, Lexa?”
“Ready to get out of here.”
“Yeah, you’ve been saying that since you woke up in here a week ago.”
“Well, the sentiment remains. You’re still discharging me tomorrow, right?”
“Sure,” Taryn said with a shrug. “If your system behaves overnight, I don’t see why not.”
“It will. I want to be out for the game. I was just inviting Clarke when you so rudely interrupted.”
Clarke laughed incredulously. “No you weren’t.”
“Well, I was about to.” Lexa reached out and grabbed the front of the scrubs Clarke had changed into before Lexa’s treatment, and gave her a little tug. Clarke tried to hold back a smile as she let herself be pulled back to Lexa’s bedside, blushing furthermore and rolling her eyes as Taryn watched on, her arms crossed, and an amused grin on her face.
“Go with me,” Lexa murmured. “I’ve got four tickets. I promised one to Taryn’s sister-in-law, but I have two left over. Bring Ellie. It’ll be fun. Popcorn, hotdogs...come on. It’s the best.”
“What game are we talking about?” Clarke asked, removing Lexa’s hand from her scrubs and placing it back on Lexa’s lap with an amused pat.
“Polis Patriots,” Taryn filled, “minor-league baseball.”
“Oh,” Clarke said with a frown. “I don’t remember that being a thing when I was little.”
At Lexa’s silent plea for help, Taryn continued. “They moved from Juneau a couple of years ago. You should come. We all go. My sister-in-law, Paxton, just got back in town. You can meet her if you haven’t already. My girls are coming with Ella too. I’m sure Lily would love to see Ellie.”
Clarke looked from Taryn to Lexa, endeared by the look of hope on Lexa’s face. “When is it?”
“Wednesday. Do you work?” Lexa asked.
Clarke held back a grin at Lexa’s hopeful eyes. “In the morning.”
“Perfect. It’s not until seven. Come on,” Lexa said, “it’ll be fun.”
Clarke sighed, patting Lexa’s hand. “You’re lucky you’re cute when you’re oxygen drunk.”
“You’ll go?”
“If you’re sure you don’t want to give those tickets to someone else.”
Lexa scoffed. “Who else would I give them to? You know Ellie’s my number one.”
Clarke felt like an idiot walking through the hospital with the wide grin on her face, but despite what she tried, it wasn’t going anywhere, even after she picked-up Ellie from the peds wing with a full diaper and sugar crash. With a fresh new diaper, and a snack from the cafeteria to bring her blood sugar back up, her happy, chatty toddler had returned full force. As they often were, Ellie’s hands were relentless as they worked their way over Clarke’s hair and face, played with the necklace Clarke wore, and toyed with the pen light in her chest pocket, all the while talking a mile a minute in gibberish Clarke could only half understand.
“Mommy,” she asked, patting Clarke’s cheek for emphasis.
“Yes, Love?” She gently pulled Ellie’s hand away and settled it between them, hiking Ellie up further onto her hip as Ellie squirmed around in her arms.
“I want see Wexa.”
“She’s resting right now. We can see her some other time.”
“No, now!”
“Ellie,” Clarke said, a gentle warning in her voice, “no yelling.”
“But want Wexa now, Mommy.”
“I know, baby. We’ll see her soon. We’re going to go to a baseball game with her.”
“What’s that?”
“Baseball? It’s a sport. Like when we kick the ball in the backyard and play soccer.”
“Soccer!” Ellie squealed, delighted by the thought of one of her favorite past times.
Clarke laughed and gave Ellie a fond squeeze. She was so in love with her baby’s joy and energy. Ellie had an insatiable propensity for new ways to have fun, and Clarke often marveled at and admired her spirit. Call her biased, but Ellie was a tiny bundle of perfection she would never get enough of. She kissed Ellie’s cheek and took in her wonderful baby smell, hoping never to forget the little moments like these, so often lost in the chaos of her busy life.
She still had her nose pressed to Ellie’s hair when a figure rounded the hallway at nearly a jog and side-stepped just in time to avoid a collision.
“Oh, Clarke, jesus, I’m sorry,” Abby said, one hand over her chest, the other clasping her daughter’s shoulder, steadying them both.
“I forgot how fast you walk down these hallways,” Clarke said with a chuckle, slightly breathless from the scare.
“Sorry, Love, it’s a bad habit. And oh my goodness, there’s my favorite little munchkin in the whole wide world,” Abby cooed, taking Ellie into her arms when her granddaughter shouted her name and leaned towards her. “What are you two doing here?” She asked Clarke. “I didn’t think you were on today.”
“I’m not, I…” Clarke said, then paused, suddenly confronted by the fact that she would have to tell her mother about Lexa, or she would have to lie--something she hadn’t done to her mother since she was a teenager. “I was visiting a friend,” she said, deciding on the safe middle road.
“Is everything okay? Raven? Octavia?”
“God no, it’s not them. I would have said so at the start.”
“Oh,” Abby said, then grinned. “A secret friend, then?”
“Mom, don’t start.”
“Don’t start!” Ellie echoed, her brow furrowing into a comically deep frown. “Don’t start, gammie!”
“What? What am I starting? Huh? Come on,” Abby teased, bouncing Ellie until she was giggling and burrowing her smiling face into Abby’s neck. “So it is a secret friend,” Abby then said, turning her attention back towards Clarke. “Is it a...special friend?”
“Mom, I’m not in high school anymore. Please, spare me.”
“Fine,” Abby said, giving an exaggerated sigh. “Don’t tell me any of the fun details then, I’ll subsist on the same old, stale hospital gossip.”
Clarke laughed and rolled her eyes. “You’re the chief of surgery, you’re not supposed to be listening to that garbage.”
“Darn right, I’m not. The things I hear...it’d make even the devil’s cheeks burn!”
Clarke felt her stomach suddenly flip at the thought of her mother hearing any of the common rumors that circulated the hospital halls, always having to do with who was fucking who in the on-call rooms. She cleared her throat. “Just in case it was already apparent, I’d just like to state for the record that nothing that you hear around here pertains to me. And if you do hear my name, it’s a lie.”
“Don’t I know it,” Abby said with a sigh. “Your love life is tragic, my dear.”
“Speaking of--”
“No, we’re not speaking of—”
“--that strapping, young firefighter from your Memorial Day bar-b-q is here. Did you know?”
“I…” Clarke said, already fumbling over that word alone.
“Of course you did. I’m guessing that’s your secret, special friend.”
Clarke groaned, then smiled in embarrassment at the look it drew from one of the nurses standing outside a nearby room. Clarke had grown up at this hospital, spending more after-school hours here than in her own home. The hospital hallways of Polis Memorial were practically her living room, the cafeteria her dining room. She’d had more personal conversations with her mother here than anywhere else. It was almost comical.
“Oh for the love of...not you too,” Clarke said, leaning up against the wall to avoid a technician pushing a portable x-ray machine.
Abby grinned and handed Ellie back to her daughter. “Just promise me you’ll let yourself have some fun.”
“A date or two would be nice.”
“Alright, alright.” Abby threw up her hands in defeat, then fondly stroked Ellie’s cheek and booped her on the nose. “Grandma's leaving. I mean it, Clarke. Please try to relax.”
Clarke sighed. “I will do my best.”
“Good. I’ll see you for dinner tomorrow night, yes?” Abby asked over her shoulder, already halfway down the hall.
Clarke threw her a thumbs up in response and turned and walked the other way. “The women in my life are crazy,” she muttered to Ellie, who simply beamed at her and nodded.
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traitorwhoyoulove · 5 years
beautiful creatures (beautiful liars)
For the post-6x02 prompt courtesy of @lilhemmo: ‘For the prompt:  WHAT IF CLARKE IS THE ONE TO PATCH UP BELLAMYS THIGH STAB WOUND AND EVERYTHING UNRAVELS AND THEY FINALLY HASH THINGS OUT but someone will interrupt of course but hey’
Thank you for letting me write this!
Every moment we spend turning from friends to enemies and fighting to hold on to each other, every second we fall to the fire below, it’s so beautiful.
The chaos that follows the arrival of the Alpha planet children is a blur to Bellamy. Abby and Raven rake their eyes over the veins that cover Murphy’s chest like wolves. Octavia eyes him warily from a distance while Clarke tries to get some information out of the kids. There are so many people, and he can feel the last of the eclipse draining from his veins, and why is Diyoza awake, and where the hell are all of the adults on this planet, and Jesus fuck his leg hurts.
“We have to get him to medical,” Abby growls from her perch next to Murphy. She turns to the kids. “Do any of you kids know where the doctors are?”
A blonde girl with frizzy curls ringed in sunlight shakes her head. “They won’t be back for another couple of hours probably.”
Raven huffs and places a hand on Murphy’s chest.
“Do you know where the doctors take people that are sick?” Abby asks, and the little girl nods. “Okay, good. Do you think you can take me there so we can help our friend?”
The girl looks at the kids around her, hesitating, and then she nods.
It takes three of them, Abby, Jordan, and Octavia, to get Murphy to his feet, though his weight rests solely on their shoulders. They cart him off hastily, following a few of the children. Bellamy stands and tries to follow, but the shift of his weight onto his injured leg makes him grunt with exertion.
“No, no, no,” Clarke says, stopping him with a hand on his chest. “Someone needs to take a look at your leg.”
“I’m fine, Clarke. Murphy—”
“Murphy isn’t going anywhere, and you can’t help him if you’re dead from blood loss.”
She glares at him, her brow quirked as if daring him to argue. He knows that look. Arguing is pointless.
“Fine,” he bites out. “Where’s Jackson?”
She stoops to grab her pack and swing it over her shoulder, then meets his gaze and gives him a soft smile, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
“Still out of commission,” she says. “You’re stuck with me.” She loops his arm around her shoulder before he can respond, taking the brunt of his weight as he hobbles to a patio of a house nearby. “You um—”
He sees the flush creep up her neck. She gestures at the torn fabric of the leg of his pants that seeps with blood and swallows hard.
“Oh,” he says, and the break in his voice makes him want to beat his head against the wall next to him. “Shit, yeah okay.”
He works at the buckle of his belt with shaky fingers, and he doesn’t allow himself to wonder why a lump has appeared in his throat. 
Clarke’s a medic for god’s sake, this is nothing she hasn’t seen before. A tense silence fills the air between them as he drops his pants to the ground. Clarke clears her throat and extends a hand to steady him as he gently sits on the bench. Bellamy’s struck by the warmth of her palms as she gingerly lifts his bare leg to extend to his side. She doesn’t meet his eyes, just kneels next to him and begins to prod at the open wound. He hisses when she touches a particularly painful spot.
“Sorry,” she says. He brushes it off.
She rummages through her pack until she pulls out her med kit, rifling through its contents and pulling out a suture kit. The silence that hangs between them as she preps the tools is awkward, if he’s being honest, and he finds himself desperate to fill it.
“What the hell was that?” he asks. “The veins on Murphy’s chest.”
Clarke shakes her head. “I don’t know, honestly. It looked like some sort of weird blood poisoning.” He can feel the fear that lingers between them and chills his skin. Clarke squares her shoulders and clears her throat. “I’m sure my mom will figure it out. Especially once the doctors from Alpha get back.”
He tries to pretend he doesn’t hear the doubt in her voice.
“You were right,” he tells her. “We have no idea how to survive down here.”
Her grip on his thigh tightens, and he clenches his jaw against the sting of the needle in his skin. It’s not the first time he’s been stitched up without anesthetic, and god knows it probably won’t be the last.
She clears her throat again, and as she pushes a curl behind her ear, he sees the angry purple bruises that have started to bloom beneath the skin of her neck. His stomach flips.
“Christ,” he hisses. “Clarke, I am so sorry.”
She shakes her head, but she doesn’t look at him.
“It’s okay,” she says. “The eclipse—”
“God, I can’t believe I could ever do that to you. How—”
She cuts him off with a nod to the wound in his thigh.
“I think we’re even,” she says.
It shuts him up, but it doesn’t remove the guilt from his chest. He watches as she works, the way her fingers move across his skin with practiced ease. The idea that any part of him could ever want Clarke dead is—it’s unfathomable. What kind of place was this, that could turn him into a monster who could kill someone he loves?
It’s a moment before she says, “Do you ever wonder why they chose us?” She must see the confusion on his face. “Monty and Harper, I mean. Why did they wake us up first? Not Kane, not my mom, not the others. Why us?”
If he’s honest, he had thought about it, and he wanted to keep pretending he didn’t know the answer. Of course, they’d woken Bellamy and Clarke up first. The ones who managed to keep a hundred kids alive when they had no idea what the fuck they were doing. Who convinced Kane and Abby that they could survive down here. Who sacrificed their youth and their souls for their people, for each other.
Bellamy swallows hard.
“I guess at the end of the day, it’s always been you and me, huh?”
She finally meets his eye then, and the corner of her mouth tips upward. Her face turns sad for a moment before she looks back at his leg.
“I am sorry, Bellamy,” she says softly. “About leaving you in Polis, about leaving after Mount Weather.” She takes a deep breath, and he can see her shoulders shake with it. “I’m sorry for every time I’ve ever hurt you. I’ve never wanted that. Ever.”
“I know,” he says without, and honestly it surprises him when he realizes it’s the truth.
“But you were right, even back then. People do die when I’m in charge.”
Despite himself, Bellamy scoffs.
“Yeah, you’re right, Clarke. People die when you’re in charge,” he says. “But a hell of a lot more people live.” She snaps her eyes to his, soft with hope and something else he can’t bring himself to read too much into. “You’ve always been the one to make the calls others weren’t brave enough to make, but that had to be made, nonetheless. And you took that burden on willingly so that no one else had to.”
He watches her lashes flutter as she looks down at his leg, her hands working diligently and with more focus than he thinks the task probably requires.
“I’ve done so many terrible things, Bellamy.”
“Haven’t we all?” He reaches a hand out and squeezes her shoulder. “You’re not the bad guy, Clarke. You never have been. You’re just the one who makes the call others can’t bear to make, and when things go to shit and people need to point fingers at someone, for some reason that always seems to be you. But it’s never fair.” He grabs her forearm and waits for her to look at him before he continues. “You’ve saved our asses over and over again. No one would be alive without you. And that debt is so heavy on everyone’s shoulders that they don’t know what to do with it. But they know, Clarke. We all know.”
She rests a hand on his knee, and the gentle squeeze she gives it is enough to tell him he’s said the right thing. He looks at the relief in her frame, at the lines at the corners of her eyes that have finally started to soften, and for the millionth time he wishes he could take some of that burden from her. Wishes she would let him.
“I gave you my key for a reason, Clarke.” He says it so softly he can’t decide if he even meant to say it out loud. “Even after everything, we still trust each other.” She heaves a sigh. “So please, trust me enough to let me share this with you again. I know it’s been a long time, and I know things are different, but you and me…we need each other.”
When she looks at him, he can see the tears that brim below her lashes.
“I have always needed you, Clarke.”
It’s enough to make them fall to her cheeks, a quiet trail of everything he knows she’s been holding back for six years. They sit in a comfortable silence, and for once he doesn’t feel the weight of so many things unspoken between them. He lets himself revel in it.
It won’t last for long, of course. He knows any minute someone will be here with a new crisis to be solved. There will be other arguments, more politics, an entirely new fucking planet to survive on. But for right now, this tentative peace between them and the rediscovery of an understanding he thought they’d lost a long time ago—for now, it’s enough.
@hostagetakerandhistraitor @starboybellamy @clarkgriffon @weavemeamyrtlecrown @historyandships @junebugninja @charmainediyoza @octannibal-blake @cheesemfcake @lopeforrestlope @em-ori @deadshotbellamy @beachfckerblake 
If you’re not in my tag list and would like to be, please send me a message so I can add you!
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ebelwrites · 5 years
could you write the soulmates fic where both make a mistake? and then them fixing it?
Look who’s finally back to writing! Sorry for the big gap. You know how you try to write something and it’s just not coming but you keep trying to force yourself to write it anyway? That’s what I was doing; until I finally decided to give up and write something else, which got finished in two days. So, to the anon who asked ages ago for some Bad Sans Poly, I’m sorry, but that ask has been pushed back yet again. I think the idea I was trying to write was more suited for headcanons, so I’ll try again later with a new idea.
I’ll edit this later to link to the first two stories, I don’t have the time right now, sorry. But I will do it once I get home from work. In the meantime, I hope you guys enjoy this.
{EDIT}Here are the links: Reviving Something Dead and An Old Promise And A New Future
Nightmare’s fist collided with the punching bag hard enough to make his knuckles sting. Without pausing, Nightmare swung his other hand around to hit the bag just as hard. He barely noticed the twinges of pain, his mind lost deep in thought. Last night hadn’t been kind to him; he’d tossed and turned for hours, trapped in memories of more painful times. A time when the glow of his soulmate’s wings meant pain instead of comfort. Every time he closed his eyes to try and get some rest, he’d see Dream’s face looking at him in disgust. The attacks, the tests, the pain; all of it had played over and over to him.
He’d abandoned his attempts at sleep in the early hours of the morning, long before Error or Cross had been awake. He’d downed a few cups of coffee before heading off to find something to take his emotions out on. The castle’s gym was proving to be a very effective recipient to the anger he needed to unleash. The place was deserted; too early for the earliest of risers to be there, yet too late for the insomniacs and late-workers. The solitude suited him just fine.
A brief shout escaped his throat as his mind drifted back to his dreams, his memories, and he kicked the bag in frustration. He quickly moved back as the bag jerked erratically on its chain, before turning away entirely with a disgusted noise. He felt both frustrated and ashamed to be so affected by this; Dream had apologised, he’d been making amends, they’d been working through this, they had been doing great together. So why did some freaking nightmares have to make him feel like there were bugs crawling under his skin?
“Nightmare?” Oh, great, exactly who he didn’t want to see right now. Dream stood in the doorway of the gym, looking rather confused. “What are you doing here?”
“What? Am I not allowed to be here?” Anger burned like a fire inside him, sarcasm heavy in his snap at Dream. He saw the other straighten in response to his tone, his expression only growing more confused. Understandable, since Nightmare had gone from affectionate in their last encounter to snappish and angry now. But his continued presence only fueled Nightmare’s anger.
“Is something wrong, Nightmare?” Dream stepped inside the doorway, and Nightmare felt like someone had taken an electric jumper cable to him. “What is going on?”
“No. Shoo. Go away.” Nightmare couldn’t decide whether he wanted to hide away from Dream in the corner or go marching up to Dream to scream in his face. Rationally, he knew neither would end well, but reason had very little say in his mind right now. “I don’t want to see you today. Leave.” But Dream wasn’t listening to Nightmare’s words right now, it seemed. He stepped closer to Nightmare, and Nightmare could feel himself growing more and more ready for a fight with every step Dream took.
“Did I do something wrong, Nightmare?” Dream’s voice remained soothing and calm, not that it was having much effect on Nightmare at this moment. “I can’t do anything until you tell me what’s wrong.”
“Oh, only everything.” Nightmare spat back. “And, unless you’ve got a time machine stashed away, your chance to make things better has long gone.” Now Dream’s face held more understanding, and his expression saddened.
“Ah, that.” Dream paused before walking closer to Nightmare. “I deeply regret the past, you know I do. And I’m going to spend an eternity making it up to you. But I can’t change it, I can only try to do better. Nightmare, I love you so much. I always have. Can we talk it out, moment to moment? Perhaps it will give you some closure.”
“Love me, huh? Always loved me, huh? Loved me so much, it took almost no time at all to replace me!” He spat the last two words, taking a step towards Dream. He wasn’t going to be scared into a corner.
“What are you-” Dream seemed even more confused and rather worried. Nightmare didn’t even let him finish speaking.
“I know about Ani.” The room fell silent as Dream put the pieces together. Even then, it looked like he still didn’t really understand what Nightmare was talking about. Well, Nightmare wasn’t going to let him guess any longer.
“Sure didn’t take you long to find someone better, did it?” Nightmare could feel tears starting to creep into the corners of his eyes, and he angrily shook them off. “Someone kinder, someone sweeter, someone who had more of a hero worship for you; I’m sure it didn’t take long for you to forget all about me. Not when there was someone more perfect to take my place.”
“Nightmare, that is not true.” Dream sounded more frantic now, and part of Nightmare relished in the fact that Dream was upset. “I never replaced you, and I never forgot about you! Whatever made you think I wanted to replace you?”
“Because you are ashamed of me.” Dream looked like someone had punched him in the gut.
“I am not asham-”
“Yes, you are! You always have been!” Nightmare was screaming now; he wasn’t sure if the tears in his eyes were from anger or from sadness anymore. “Why else would you never have told any of the villagers you were my soulmate? Why else wouldn’t you have told anyone now?”
“Shame was not the reason I never told them, Nightmare!” Now Dream was angry, and the few feet between them felt like inches.
“Says the one who lied about me for decades to the entire multiverse! You’re always happy to twist the truth when it makes you look better! What did you tell Ani when they asked about your soulmate? How quickly did you skip over me to look better to them?”
“Do not bring Ani into this!”
“If you won’t talk about them or admit the truth, then we’re done here!” With that, NIghtmare stalked off towards the exit, only to be stopped by a hand around his wrist.
“Do not walk away-”
“Get your hands off me!” The sound of Nightmare slapping off Dream’s hand echoed loudly in the room, startling both of them. Nightmare looked at their hands, separated by only a few inches of air, Dream’s fingers starting to turn red from his slap, and felt the grief he’d been desperately trying to hold back rise up within him.
“Leave.” Nightmare’s voice was quiet and shaky, but it was the loudest sound in the room. “And don’t come back.” There were a few moments where Dream stood frozen, quiet, before he turned and walked out the door. Once Dream was gone, Nightmare dropped to his knees on the cold floor. He felt grief and sorrow whirl within him, and the sense that he’d just lost something precious to him. And then he cried.
“Go away.” Nightmare mumbled into his pillow, too exhausted and spent to even lift his head at the knocking on his door. His blankets cocooned him and his pillow was wet from tears. He didn’t know how long he’d been hiding in his room. The knocker paused, before opening the door and walking over to the bed. Nightmare groaned and turned his head to glare with one eye at the intruder.
“I told you not to come in.”
“Yeah, you did. But someone needed to talk to you.” Cross seemed entirely unrepentant at the intrusion and sat on the bed next to Nightmare’s feet. “So, Ink told us what happened.” Nightmare let out another groan and turned his face back into the pillow.
“How did he even know?”
“Security cameras.” Nightmare felt Cross’ hand on his ankle. “He saw it, then told me and Error. Wasn’t pretty.” Nightmare made a sad noise and sunk further into his mattress.
“So, what got you all riled up before the fight? I know it wasn’t feather bastard, since you last saw him before you went to bed and you were pretty happy then. But then, even before you met him in the gym, you were spoiling for a fight. What happened?” Nightmare made a pitiful sound into his pillow.
“Bad dream?” Another sad noise, and he heard Cross sigh. The hand on his ankle began rubbing his leg and Nightmare felt himself purr a little at the touch. “So, you had some bad dreams, I’m guessing they were actually bad memories, and you decided the best way to deal with it was to take it out on wingboy.” Nightmare grumbled and turned his face out of the pillow again.
“You make it sound like this was over nothing. I did have some pretty big issues with some things he’s done.”
“Yes, you did. But you didn’t go in there wanting answers and resolutions, you went in there wanting to punch his face in. There’s a big difference in those two approaches.” Nightmare let out another grumble.
“What are you trying to tell me?” There was a long pause, and Nightmare could see the internal struggle on Cross’ face, before he finally spoke again.
“I’m saying… I think you should hear him out.” Nightmare gave him an incredulous look and Cross rolled his eyes a bit in response. “I’m not saying pretend nothing happened and continue on your merry way. But, you would never be content without closure. Arguments happen, and so do misunderstandings. You would never be okay without knowing for sure. Hear out his reasons, and then decide if he was a jerk.”
“If this was a misunderstanding, why hasn’t he come to talk it over?”
“Because you told him to leave, and to not come back. So he did.” Nightmare growled, but he had to admit that Cross had a point.
“Why are you pushing this so hard?”
“Because, I may not like Dream, I may still have my own issues with him, but,” he pauses, looking somewhat disgruntled, “since you got back with him, you’ve been the happiest I’ve ever seen you. I don’t want you to throw that away over a mistake.” Nightmare couldn’t speak; that Cross thought that way, it was rather touching.
“However, if this was him being a prick, I’ll kick his ass for you, okay?” A laugh escaped Nightmare at that and he gave a nod.
“Okay, I’ll go see him.” Cross gave him a grin and a pat.
“Good. But first, you might want to clean your face up. You look like you cried a biblical flood.” Nightmare guffawed and gave Cross a mock punch.
“You jerk!”
Nightmare knocked hesitantly on the door to Dream’s office. He got permission to come in, and he opened the door. But he couldn’t bring himself to go beyond the doorway. He let out a cough and Dream’s eyes snapped over to him. There were bags beneath the other’s eyes and he looked a bit rough. Dream opened his mouth, then closed it again before looking down. Silence hung in the room; Nightmare shuffled his feet before he managed to gather the courage to speak.
“Dream,” the other’s eyes lifted to him again at the sound of his name, “can we talk?”
“Of course, come in.” Dream stood from his chair, seemed to think twice about approaching Nightmare, then sat again. Nightmare sighed, took the chair on the other side of the desk, and brought it next to Dream. They both shuffled in their seats for a moment before realising that it wasn’t going to get any more comfortable.
“So,” Nightmare held Dream’s gaze as he spoke, “we have a lot to talk about. And I am ready to talk about it this time. Properly. I need answers.” Dream gave him a nod in return..
“Whatever you need; I’ll do my best.” Nightmare felt the edges of his lips drift upwards at that, feeling somewhat braver.
“You said that shame wasn’t the reason you didn’t tell people about us; what is the reason?”
“I was never ashamed of being your soulmate, Nightmare. Never.” Dream’s eyes never strayed from Nightmare’s face as he spoke. “I was worried about how they would react if they knew. It might have made them more accepting of you, but more likely-”
“More likely, it would only have made things worse.” Nightmare finished for him. Dream nodded solemnly.
“I was afraid that they would hurt you if they found out.” Nightmare looked down, feeling rather ashamed at the wrong conclusion that he’d first jumped to and then argued as truth. Hearing the actual truth was bittersweet.
“I do have something to admit,” Nightmare looked up again as Dream continued to talk. “Our argument has made me realise that I am now hiding our relationship out of shame; not of you, never of you, but of myself.” He took a breath then continued. “There are many people here who would be, rightfully, furious with me if they found out I was your soulmate. Without thinking about it, I became worried about the backlash of such an announcement, so I kept our relationship hidden. That was wrong of me, and it wasn’t fair to you.”
“If it is alright with you, regardless as to whether we continue on being together after this, I would like to announce that you are my soulmate.” Nightmare thought for a while, taking in everything he’d heard. He turned over everything in his mind, then reached out and rested a hand on top of Dream’s hand.
“I’m okay with you making that announcement. And,” he gave Dream’s hand a small squeeze and gave the other man a small smile, “I would like for us to keep going on together. I don’t want to let something like this break us; I won’t let something like this break us.” Dream blinked, then a smile lit up his face. His other hand came around to cover Nightmare’s.
“I would like for us to continue being together as well. Thank you.” Nightmare gave a nod, his smile growing wider and wider. The corners of his eyes stung once more, but this time, at least, he knew they were happy tears. They sat in comfortable silence, hand in hand, enjoying the moment.
“I am sorry, Nightmare,” Dream said, giving him a glance, “for pushing you to talk when you didn’t want to. And for grabbing you.” Nightmare gave a shake of his head.
“I’m sorry for picking a fight when you were only trying to help. And for taking my bad mood out on you.”
“Nightmare,” his hand was clasped between Dream’s, the weight grounding him to reality, “if you have concerns, or questions that need answers, please let me know. If you ask, I will answer.”
“Okay; if you’ll do the same. I don’t want another fight like before.”
“More communication about things that are bothering us,” Dream’s thumb was rubbing gentle circles into the back of his hand, and Nightmare felt himself becoming more at peace, “rather than staying quiet about them and hoping they’ll go away. I would rather a hundred little discussions and arguments than another big fight.”
“So would I.” Nightmare’s gaze wandered to the window; the sky was a bright blue and there were almost no clouds. It was a beautiful day. “Do you want me to give an interview or something after the reveal? Have me explain that things are cool now between us?” He could see Dream shaking his head out of the corner of his eye.
“No; this, all of this, has been my mistake. I will deal with it on my own. It is what is right.” Nightmare wondered if that should really be how it is, but chose not to disturb the peace for now. He could discuss it further with Dream later and see what agreement they come to. Nightmare leaned back in his chair with a sigh, drawing Dream’s gaze back to him. Nightmare turned to him with a hesitant smile.
“So, as good as all this has been, I do want to talk about another thing.” Dream gave him a nod to go on. “I would like to talk about Ani.” He felt Dream stiffen, then relax. There was a moment where they both prepared themselves for the conversation, then Dream spoke.
“What do you want to know?”
“Did you love them?” Nightmare swallowed the lump in his throat.
“Yes, I did. I still do.” Dream gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “But I was not lying when I said that I always loved you. I love you both so dearly. You were never in competition with each other. My love for one of you did not diminish my love for the other. I felt terrible, guilty, that I still loved you when I was with Ani; and now I feel the same for still loving Ani while I’m with you. I am sorry if this is hard for you to hear. Ani might not have been my soulmate, but they were very special to me; you both are special to me. I don’t think I could give up loving either of you.” There was silence as Nightmare processed all that Dream had told him, and he could see the other growing more and more concerned the longer the silence went on. The hands holding his own began to tremble.
“Tell me about them,” he said, at last, eyes locked to their hands. “What were they like?”
“Compassionate. And generous. Always thinking of others.” A tiny hint of a smile had begun to return to Dream’s face. “They smiled so brightly, even when they were in so much pain. They also reminded me a lot of you. So smart, and quick-witted. They might have been quiet, but they refused to take anyone’s nonsense.” Dream gave a small chuckle, his eyes growing sad. “They would have been… horribly disappointed in me, if they had ever found out about you. I imagine they would have had some rather choice words for me regarding my treatment of you.”
“They sound wonderful,” Nightmare said, wetting his lips. Dream’s eyes closed, joy and sadness mixing together on his face.
“They were. I wish you two could have met. I think they would have liked you, and I think you would have liked them too.”
“…Did you ever confess to them?”
“No. I only knew them for seven months. I fell for them, but I thought I would have time later to say everything. I did not know they were in such bad health.” Nightmare nodded, not that Dream could see it, and thought.
“You love us both, equally?”
“And loving one does not take away from the other?”
“It does not.” Nightmare took a deep breath.
“Then,” he turned to Dream, closing the distance between them, “then I think I’m okay with them holding a piece of your heart.” He pressed against Dream’s side, leaning into the other’s body. Dream’s arms wrapped loosely around him, the touch warm and comforting. “Will you take me to their grave later? I want to say hello.”
“Of course.” Dream gave him a sweet look full of love. “Thank you, Nightmare, for understanding.”
“Yeah; thanks for being honest.” Nightmare yawned and snuggled further into Dream. “We going to keep going forward together? And do things better this time?”
“Yes; less silence, and more talking. We are going to do this right.” Nightmare gave a happy nod, feeling himself start to fall asleep in his soulmate’s arms. He had his answers, and he had his peace. The world felt right once more, and he was certain there would be no nightmares tonight.
No matter how well people get along, there were always going to be problems, stumbles, pitfalls, and arguments. No one is perfect; therefore no relationship was going to be perfect. But the ones that last, are when the people are always willing to make things right again afterwards.
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