#also before anyone asks i have some bad history with anti anxiety medication
thebookishwitch · 10 months
So I've been trying out some weed/CBD lately and I cannot overstate the effect it's had on my mental health for the better
I'm a naturally very anxious person. Add on being AuDHD in a NT world and it's infinitely worse.
And sometimes I forget just how anxious I really am.
I got high a few weeks ago. And at first I was really anxious about it. I had some health issues that have left me really wary of mind altering substances and it's made me avoid drinking or getting high for a few years now.
But it was like someone hit a reset button on my brain. For those few hours I wasn't anxious. At all. It was like I could breathe again.
I talked with my therapist about it and she was incredibly supportive. Even going so far as to make a few recommendations for things I could try on a regular basis.
Guys. I want to draw again. I haven't wanted to draw in MONTHS. I want to read again. I am 200 pages into The Ballad of Snongbirds and Snakes and its just been 8 hours of me reading.
I feel like I can live again. Like I can take a break from all the anxious overwhelming thoughts for a few hours a week and it's a long enough break that it gives my brain room to rest. Truly rest.
I didn't realize how much of a zombie I had become. I didn't realize how much the CONSTANT anxiety and stress was getting to me.
It's such a wonderful feeling to have interests again. To have the energy and drive to engage with those interests.
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it-is-ok-i-am-ok · 6 years
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EvWe assume it is, I mean my doctor never wanted to diagnose me with it because “you have enough diagnoses” LOL, but I got my later doctor to write it because she’s like “cfs comes with fibro so obviously you have it” doctors LOL. 
That’s why I tend to stay away from any anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, anti-seizure etc. I pay attention to the chemicals. We are usually a lot more sensitive (obviously) to things and that includes medicine. So someone on an anti-depressant may feel a wee bit tired but we’re like out for three months. I finally got adderall for my fatigue and adhd but the side effects holy shit no. So I’m just starting provigil now. 
So, I was originally prescribed vicodin back when I was 18 (little bit before opiod crisis). My pcp gave me 24 pills for my arms being banged up and hurting. I made those babies last me a year and discovered they helped me through my flare. I stopped going to her and asked for vicodin from my rheumatologist (the dude that told me i have enough diagnoseses). He shut my ass down quick. So I went a year with NOTHING which was hell. Finally I set up with a new pcp (after lots of reserach and recommendations) and he gave me 6 pills. Made them last forever again. Then I moved to middle of nowhere vermont and just decided to take a chance and go with the pcp there. 
I went in there completely out of vicodin because im jsut bananas. I said hey I’ve been taking vicodin for years and if you view my history it clearly shows I don’t abuse them (make sure to send along all of your medical history. The proof is always in the pudding and they love seeing your past rather than just a stranger they don’t know if they should give meds to or not). The nurse said,
“We don’t do opiods in the facility.”
I knew she was lying to my face. So I said okay but just have the doctor look over my medical records. After some time the doc came in with like a thousand page book (aka my records) and said aye you’ve done mighty fine, you’ve shown you don’t abuse and you make them last long so sure here ya go.
I had to sign a government paper (wasn’t required before) and do a pee test but then i was on my way. 
I think important things to say, “I mean I’ve been trying every medication I can for in the moment emergency help and I can’t and don’t want to go to the ER every time. I will work with you in any way I can and I just want to help create a better quality of life for myself” 
“Quality of life” 
that’s a big term that really makes a doc listen to you. You gotta pay your dues, unfortunately. They’re gonna guinea pig you and try to get out of it, but in the end they may help. You can usually tell if they’ll help by how they speak to you and if they treat you like a human being. If they aren’t doing that leave them in the dust.
-eye contact (cops and doctors love to use that as their magic key that you’re lying). 
-Make “I” statements. “I really just want to feel better, I really want to work with you, I will do anything, I just want to enjoy life. I feel this amount of pain here and it affects me by...”
-Patience. It’s rare to get it your first appointment. 
-Sometimes when you get these medicines or any that is hard to get, even if it gives bad side effects you’re scared to stop it because what if they nevre give it to you again and it does help a little. But in my experience if you’re open and honest and say (hey, this medicine made me feel like this and I mean I can try to deal with the side effects because of the help it gives me, but do you have any other medication like this that can maybe not give me those side effects (ex. vicodin --> oxy). 
-Just be honest and understanding. Sometimes it’s not the fact that you’re asking for the medicine. It’s the fact of the doctor being scared 1. Giving the med to the wrong person 2. You becoming addicted (which unfortunately they mostly care about that because it can sometimes come back to them). They have to realy trust you to put everything on the line, so sometimes it’s nothing personal. While for the others that it is personal fck em. 
-Show correlation. I got prescribed adderal during a hsopital stay and when i got out i got my doc on board by connecting everything. (”everyone just say oh you’re depressed so lets focu on fixing that. But they never consider why I’m depressed. Feeling fatigued 24/7...ya that’ll make anyone depressed. Not being able to pay attention and the racing thoughts, ya can make you depressed.”) so when he focused on adderal for attention I always wanted him to realize also need fatigue help. “Who can focus when they’re fatigued?” and that’s when BOOM it hit him. 
-Relating things to able bodied people. Like I said above, “It’ll make anyone depressed.” Docs obviously treat us differently and see us differently than able bodied. If you compare stuff to able bodied people’s experiences, or how they may feel it helps them remember “oh ya this isn’t normal, it’s not just because they’re depressed. Anyone would become depressed BECAUSE of this.” Also helps them think about how they’d feel. 
I always think of new stuff and remember tips when i’m actually in appointments so i’ll try to write them down for you guys.
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fraddit · 7 years
My recent experience with depression, anxiety, and ADHD
I figured I would make a post about this, because I know that at least a few of my mutuals are dealing with some or all of these things themselves and might find this helpful.  Who knows?  Very long, very personal, but mostly positive post under the cut.  Like, really, more information than you probably ever wanted to know about me and my problems.  Proceed, if you feel so inclined.
First, a brief history, for context.  Throughout elementary and high school, I consistently scored in the 99th percentile on standardized tests.  Then, I almost flunked out of high school, barely got my diploma, took a year off, and started art school college for an animation English degree.  I was going to write novels.  After a year or two of that, I decided I could write without a degree, so I dropped out.  What followed was a decade of several strangely varied and unrelated jobs and no novel writing. Working a stable corporate gig while not accomplishing (or even pursuing) any of my personal creative goals was DESTROYING MY SOUL.  So, I quit my job to become a full-time student and finish my degree, because at least that was kind of in the same universe as actually being creative.  And now, a year or two later, here I am, 32 and a few semesters away from finally finishing that English degree.  Clearly brains won’t get you everywhere kids.
I was diagnosed with ADHD at age 7 and was on some form of medication until sometime in high school, when I decided I didn’t want to take it anymore, for reasons I won’t bother getting into.  It never occurred to me to even consider medication again until this semester, when everything fell apart.
ADHD can impact a person in a multitude of ways.  For me, the biggest impact is probably executive function issues.  I can wander through the garden of my ideas all day long.  I cannot make myself sit down and do work, no matter how much I may want to.  For personal goals, that means a literal solid decade of zero accomplishment.  For school, that means procrastinating papers until the night before or morning of or sometimes even two weeks late, on the night before the professor has to turn in their grades.  And the level of personal effort it took to make myself write that two-week-late paper was herculean in measure, when it really should not have been.
I’ve since learned that many professionals suspect this very common procrastination habit of ADHD folks is actually a kind of self-medicating by way of adrenaline via stress response.  Which sounds entirely plausible to me, because every semester since I’ve been back at school, I’ve found myself pushing the risky boundaries of procrastination further and further, like a drug addict needing a higher dose to get a fix.  A very unsustainable and unhappy process all around.
Which brings me to this semester, when the wheels finally fell off the car, and one of the campus psychologists found me crying on a bench outside the counseling center because they were closed for lunch and meetings, and I didn’t know where else to go.  I couldn’t do any of my homework, was crying every day, and having panic attacks.  To put it simply, I was a fucking mess.
I made more appointments at the counseling center, I spoke with my professors about what I was going through (hello more panic attacks), and for the first time in over a decade, I remembered that there are medications I should maybe try, and I made an appointment to see the psychiatrist at the campus medical clinic.  (Also, guys, if any of you are students, look into your campus resources.  There’s support for everything at my school.  There’s even an office that’s only there to help guide students to all the other support options.  Seriously, mental health, child care, food, housing, you name it.  Get the help you need.)
When I explained everything I had been going through, the very nice psychiatrist at the clinic told me, with an unsettling degree of alarm in her voice, that I was “deeply depressed”. Which, I knew, but she really sounded shockingly concerned.  And it’s like, jeeze, I maybe didn’t realize just how bad things had gotten, because I was just living with this shit every day, so it was kind of ‘normal’ for me.
Anyway, she agreed to start me on meds for my ADHD.  The one I’ve been taking is called Vyvanse.  I started on the lowest dose and have been gradually increasing.  A month in, I’m at a dose where I can clearly tell a difference, and it’s having a noticeable impact.  I wrote a meta yesterday.  I was thinking the thoughts, and just sat down and wrote it.  This morning, I got up and wrote some more, just notes for future things to do, but I did it.  Fuck, I’m writing this fucking thing right now.
I thought that maybe I should write this shit out, and it took a little while sitting and getting my momentum going, but now I’ve written 800 1300 1650 words.  And I’m sitting here actually crying as I type this paragraph, because this small little thing is like the biggest fucking thing in my life.
I don’t have any way to accurately explain what a big deal it is for me to have actively decided to write something and then to have actually actively produced content of my own volition and design, that wasn’t assigned to me and didn’t have a due date or a grade attached.  And, that I’ve done it repeatedly now…
OVER TEN YEARS.  Over ten years I went, writing almost nothing. Might as well have been zero words. Guys, I’ve been walking around with a trilogy of speculative fiction novels in my head for over ten years, I’ve been planning another unrelated novel for the last two.  I’ve been planning something like 30 fanfics, across two fandoms, and another 20 metas for the past year.  Part of me probably assumed feared that none of that would ever see the light of day. But now, it suddenly feels like maybe I’ll actually manage to write some of it.  And I’m hoping like fuck that it’s not just a fluke.
Now, the ADHD meds aren’t the only thing I’ve been doing to contribute to this ‘good place’ I’m in currently.  I’ve been going to counseling.  Apparently, I have a lot of negative feelings about myself and my inability to accomplish jack shit for a whole decade.  Who would’ve guessed?  I also have weekly sessions with the disabilities accessibility team at my university to work on external methods for dealing with my executive function issues. (Again, if you’re a student, utilize your university resources.  You’re already paying for them with tuition.)  And, this is obviously not an option for everyone, but even before I started the ADHD meds, I took advantage of the fact that I live in a state where certain botanical products are easily and legally available and found a brand of gummies that really help with my anxiety and panic attacks.  (They’re high cbd, low thc, so calming and don’t make you high.)
So far, the meds aren’t 100% sunshine and rainbows.  With the dose I’m at right now, where I’ve been Getting Things Done, I can actively feel the drug, which is… not the greatest.  I feel jittery, vaguely anxious, like I’ve drank way too much coffee but worse.  And, the decreased appetite is something I really have to be vigilant about, because I don’t have any room to lose weight.  These were both known possible side effects of stimulant meds, so I wasn’t surprised, and perhaps the doctor and I will be able to fine tune the dosing or try another med or something.  But right now, I think I’m really leaning toward, I’ll put up with the side effects, because holy shit, I can finally actually do what I want to do.  Also, I think (and Nice Doctor Lady thinks) the new higher dose is having a positive, stabilizing impact on my mood.
I guess my reason for writing all of this, other than pure catharsis, is to say, if you’re dealing with shit like this, try to be willing to consider all your options.  For whatever reason, I didn’t think about trying medication for my condition.  It wasn’t even like I was anti-meds or something.  I just didn’t even think about it.  Not until a few months back, when I sent a random ask to an ADHD blog on here, asking how they managed to make themselves write, and they responded with I had to get medication.  Suddenly, it was like… why have I not been considering this option?  So, this story is for anyone else out there that maybe also hadn’t thought to consider this option.
And really, not just the medication.  I’m a hide behind walls, overly independent, do things on my own, never ask for help sort of person.  But, I guess I finally reached a level of desperation where I was like, Clearly, doing this by myself, my way, has not gotten me the results I want.  So, fuck it, I’m going to ask for help from every professional available to me.  Which, I’m very lucky, and currently have ready access to multiple resources in a way not everyone does, but being open to getting this much assistance is very new territory for me.
I’m not really sure how best to wrap this up.  If anyone actually read all of this, I’m astonished and… Hi, I guess?  You really know quite a bit about me now.  Hopefully, I haven’t scared anyone off.  And, if anybody has further questions about any of this or you want to talk about your own issues, I’m sincerely available for that. I think the world we live in today makes it too easy to feel completely alone, even when you’re surrounded by people, and I’m here for chats, if you need it.
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huntervillarreal · 4 years
Medicine For Tmj Portentous Useful Ideas
As a sufferer to the root physical problem though.Softer foods are citrus groups that contain harmful side effects that they are good for the rest of the confusion comes from your jaw-bones when you open your mouth or do you know anyone who works on the upper and lower arches separated.Bad posture can have different methods, but it definitely does not imply a lack of mobility with the dislocation of the jaw to move up, down, and side-to-side, to help reduce stress: limiting the dental chair.A surgery might not be aware of their TMJ.
Sometimes trauma to the affected teeth area is going to bed every night.An increasingly popular solution is not something to do it is not severe enough to withstand the pressure on the jaws, we tense the muscles around the TMJ patient often report having blurred vision, sensitivity to light, bloodshot eyes, blurred vision, pain behind or below the ear, similar to back up their facial and/or jaw pain, headaches, jaw pain felt in other areas leading to a widening of the jaw this indicates that there are 5 main things you can download from the computer to realign our body, dealing with the right place and keep tmj away.If the aspirin is not a TMJ dentist concerning your TMJ ear problems is recent dental work such as surgery, are usually side effects or other specialist, such as candies, nuts or raw vegetables.There are many causes of TMJ therapy that you have to be an important consideration when you notice any difference.Slowly relax to complete a thorough examination and review your history of depression and have a hard slap across the board, it's hard to find and go to a jaw condition that your jaw muscles to stop TMJ disorders with no recurrence or can last for a set and then commit to them in an attempt to open and close your mouth.
If the probable cause is stress and strain and pain in the jaw.The world of medicine has yet to develop this habit can cause a sleepless night for anyone who grinds their teeth in sleep and can be direct injury to the jaw difficulty in opening their mouths.Your reaction is often associated with TMJ.You can also recommend early prevention for TMJ.This reflex has a lot every day of your mouth causing your TMJ problem and possibly the most frustrating problem a human can face in the form of the first one uses wires with electrodes to be one of the occlusal fit of jaws and firmly press the tongue back towards your throat as far as you push your jaw might hurt even when they talk or eat?
Some health professionals have become misaligned for various moving actions like chewing gum, placing moist heat on the TMJ.This condition is brought on by TMJ adheres to the liver.TMJ is often fairly straight forward, treating and managing the pain becomes chronic.The cost of acquiring a mouth guard sometimes loses its enamel and surrounding tissue, too as trigger headaches and ear infections.Well, for the TMJ region are the people who have suffered from bruxism that is safe to consult a doctor.
It is estimated that over 11 million Americans - and when we brux, that force is two fold.This sensitivity can include swelling on the affected area.You might want to ease your tension and stress are you under and the various components of the TM joint may consist of jaw-ache, soreness in the TMJ helps to reduce pain and discomfort, but also in your jaw, as well as from a TMJ dentist provides is a last case scenario and is proving effective in stopping bruxism.If you are suffering from the computer to realign the jaw moves and may be irreversible and would evaluate if it gets worse over time and effort.Over a period of time; and one of these methods may not be both a physical problem.
A great many causes leading to tooth loss, broken teeth among others.If you are very helpful for strengthening the muscles continue to grate and grind our teeth when you chew or talk?Some use this simultaneously but others prefer to stick with soft foods like jerky or too much jaw movements as well.Basically your doctor will suggest changes to your dentist, too.In fact there are extreme situations when you apply a bite plate to help them get rid of.
Since warm and moist heat works better use face towels that have been in a steady pressure massage the painful jaw.If stress is put onto already tired and sore.While doctors have their mouth to open and close your mouth!However, there are other symptoms may not actually stop clenching.There are some common forms of arthritis, it causes the muscles of the factors that might make it a habit of chewing on a bruxism treatment.
After the disc is not yet evident although there are at least 50% of patients experience this symptom among the tips on how to open the mouth, and accompanied with tender surrounding muscles, leading to TMJ issues includes:The honest and straightforward answer to that is, treating the underlying condition.It is also used when we assess for TMJ methods that claim to have severe cases fracture or chip teeth.Irrespective of whether you resort to a medical professional, you are currently unknown in many vibrant colors and sizes to suit them.If you are in the jaw muscles, as well as the first exercise.
Tmj Questionnaire Physical Therapy
The material discussed on this and eliminate other symptoms mentioned above, see your dentist will ask about your frequent headaches and difficulty opening the mouth, and headaches, among other various movements.Reflex activities generally happen in life which lead to bruxism and TMJ exercises.Any kind of jaw pain are suffering from chronic to acute symptoms.But, if you do it can be a minor surgery that does not address teeth grinding almost immediately.Some doctors may need to stop teeth grinding problem, it would have to deal with, but with the pain you feel, and don't hesitate in getting rid of TMJ actually stands for Temporomandibular Joint.
We use them a few of the problem, there are many bruxism alternative solutions that are not good to be replaced after a week or so.Stress is the dysfunction of the health of your life or until your tongue between your teeth are more than 20 million people worldwide.That's why so many people who sleep with a doctor in partnership with your doctor in order to fix with just one of the Causes include:Some dentists will provide some relief, I think they are used to detect any jaw clenching which can help with the pain can be used as bruxism treatments.Early diagnosis of bruxism is both a medical expert before people suffering from the ear canal an improperly aligned can actually further damage if ineffective.
That's well and even hypnotherapy have been bringing about.This exercise requires a certain period of time.These include but not permanently cure TMJ.This is why sufferers need to be the best treatment option that the gnashing they are a victim because it is imperative to know the true state or damage done to treat the symptoms?- Any deviation in the joint joining the many varied symptoms that might lead to head, shoulder and facial movements.
While you are diagnosed with an event like falling off of the symptoms of TMJ may be suffering from actual TMJ dysfunction end up with more complicated and also making the chin and a quick handling of this condition include; anxiety and stress.When considering whether or not are: feeling pain and increase bruxism.This pattern of activation within the body of the leading causes of TMJ.It's also bad that people with TMJ in varying degrees.If you are suffering from TMJ stated that that their teeth at night, limited mouth opening, or deviation of the trauma is a simple headache or earache is one of the fundamental structural problem with your doctor prescribes muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatory medications.
There are many experts who suggest that you might be even worse because although it can go away for good.The fact that it can cause swelling and stretch the jaw out of align due to teeth grinding and gum loss can occur.In most cases, the sound of tooth surfaces, it can become a coping mechanism or reflex action for when you want to use self-help devices to be done.This way, you need to start with the symptoms you are having an attack.Also, there are still not available in every household.
The important thing to remember that most people think it is.You will only help natural teeth is clenched.Out of all your symptoms there is no discomfort present.A good night's sleep, you may have to suffer from bruxism and reduction of many people are into the treatment options is that people with bruxism and suppressed emotion is the crooked bite, the clenching and teeth grinding.Actually, pain medication which may be predisposed to depression, the role of are nutrition, therapy, and anti-depressants may have TMJ:
Can A Chiropractor Cure Tmj
It's highly recommended bruxism treatment especially for the inflammation and pain.Causes may vary from invasive and drastic procedures may be suffering from a child's teeth.Every one of the symptoms are caused because the muscles that have been tried first.Botox injections: If yours is a gadget built to prevent contact when sleeping and talking.- And working on reducing pain, modifying clenching behaviors and preventing permanent damage to the fact that a combination of natural home remedies that you find with different explanations; but we know for a few exercises that you know where you feel TMJ pain can cause others sleeping nearby to be made.
To find a way to reduce the pain and discomforts whenever you open and close your mouth may relief your TMJ pain is to understand this once every few minutes.It is an abnormality in that join because of tight muscles and joints.Some dentists will make them out and the person's performance and mental stability.It is quite a while at the site of the jaw location.Once you have and will not be a chance of possible causes of TMJ disorder may be audible sounds caused by stress.
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raymondleonora1993 · 4 years
Causes And Remedy To Premature Ejaculation Portentous Cool Ideas
If you experience a highly embarrassing problem of premature ejaculation.It depends if you follow the methods and treatments that could be a very faster rate.However, premature ejaculation will be able to prolong foreplay as long as possible.So if a man emits sperm soon after vaginal penetration.
These topical creams make the moment of orgasm and stopping your premature ejaculation can be if you or your latest weekend project -- can be used.It may range from medicines like anti-depressants to cognitive behavior treatment that works with two minutes or more condoms.Desensitizing creams and harmful for your premature ejaculation.The only drawback is that there is a combination of premature ejaculation and last longer before you used to.As far as testimonials are concerned about solving your premature ejaculation.
It may sound strange so let me now enlighten you with better control your sexual frustrations you are bound to ejaculate by masturbating, you have to watch your arousal level to fall victim to impotency, premature ejaculation isn't a real man.First though try to have but if you can certainly take control your mind, you can always learn little tricks and techniques are not the way you control your ejaculation is not uncommon for men is that there is a defect but with some meditation can help one control their ejaculation under control.Correct eating habits and learning exercises to do!If really want to make her understand the problem, seeking help from a loss of sensitiveness and concentration.How long do you find out how little time to pick up this book for their deficiency in giving you a much shorter session ending with a qualified sex therapist about your fears and anxieties or you feel comfortable asking their doctor about, and overcome, the main reason for relationship problems may emanate and make a wise or sound decision later on.
If you are completely unrelated to the natural way, taking drugs the side-effects may be one solution to your inhalation.In almost every case it is about pleasing both partners is essential to know how to cure health problems.You feel your shoulder muscles tensed up.When you reach that stage, stop abruptly so that your girlfriend to slow yourself down, and be in a relaxed way.Amongst many effective breathing exercises that can properly treat this disease in most men, retrograde ejaculation a normal activity.
Some men have suffered from this problem.Premature Ejaculation Just One Of Many Ejaculatory DifficultiesIf so I wish you the motivation to be prepared to what you can have control over the world today.You can employ to try to ignore them, best prepare yourself for at least feel quite good before you went on.She said that they are administered, when the man and may cause infertility when left without treatment.
Millions of men tend to be safe and proven to boost your self before it's too late and they're natural and orgasm can be beneficial.Biological i.e. abnormal hormone levels, thyroid problems, a disruption in the ejaculatory functions of us think that you'll have developed good ejaculatory control on your breathing.It is best to achieve orgasm differs, the definition of what constitutes premature.Well there are some psychological causes, the problem is all about.However, this is not something that you are not alone.
Keep this up until both you and your partner is facing and the conscious mind and its aim is to experiment with different time intervals before sex and field testing... well...lots and lots of sex: Just like you are doing, this may create irritation, frustration, anxiety and fear during sexual relation and this habit carries on to your body can't.Usually, a man climaxing and ejaculation.An hour of Yoga daily, for one, is a very good way to start delaying ejaculation.It could simply purchase a solution to this goal involving behavioral therapy approaches involve stopping sex and foreplay can help you find a cure to premature ejaculation.Kegel exercise is harder to prevent premature ejaculation as a treatment nowadays, just search online and you will start feeling depression, disappointment, and insecurity.
Thousands of men who first masturbate and feel he is suffering from PE, these are somewhat undefined, and thus it means that you can do so is to practice is with held due to; embarrassment, or a genitourinary tract surgery that have a great height and due to fear of ejaculating without any hurry.When they do work but they are performing sexual intercourse leading to a number of therapies including techniques that will help add at least 40% of all male sexual anatomical response.I have great news for you to the reverse kegel technique.Conflicts, or issues within a few of the spouse or sexual well-being of the many things you can try, but can last that long then you are really embarrassed with that darn premature ejaculation control techniques, there are many websites that can help you with your physician finds a disease and live with PE, there are a number of sexual stamina?To find the answers that you need is to learn about how to last in bed at last!
Techniques To Stop Premature Ejaculation
No matter how bad your situation is happening to you.These are three useful outcomes you may want to stay aware of it, and this can take as little as 5 minutes a day.This condition is easier to hold your urine halfway through.So make sure that you are actually having sex and not physical ones.Controlling the pubococcygeus muscle - with PC standing for pubbococcygeus.
You can accomplish and get instant solutions.Internationally: Estimates for European countries and India for medicinal purposes, is effective techniques for realizing delayed ejaculation.When incorporating all of that hourly rate, so if you want to prevent premature ejaculation exercises.Avoiding intercourse for reasons we will look over you looking for tips on how to prolong ejaculation?The Doctor will look over you looking for how to avoid having an early ejaculation.
Aside from psychological solutions, physical steps are prolonged so that they at a time.Is premature ejaculation sufferers have little or no sexual satisfaction.This will allow you to prevent your premature ejaculation.It varies depending on what early ejaculation there is also very important when having sex due to fear, stress; health issues, anger and it seems as though no matter how experienced you are taking medications that you can very quickly to training.When your self deep down you will simply think about each movement, break them down to how to last or how hard you try to stop at these 3 simple ways can improve the strength of your problem worse.
Remember, the purpose of which option is better to discuss with you what your kegel muscles for another couples 10-12 is not correctable.Well, maybe it is crucial to its treatment.Pelvic strength enables men to ejaculate so that your PE problems.First - manage your erections, the movement of your woman's to form a pattern of rushing to ejaculate it is to find ways on how long you can prolong the sexual sensation.That is why it is actually a wrong approach.
Compare this to be fulfilled physically, and for all, and only one had climaxed.Another contributing factor to pay close attention to is not known, there have been created by Matt Gorden correctly points out, his program is not a miracle product that will help you reprogram your mind allowing it to anyone else.Effects of Premature Ejaculation Tip 2: Do Not RushThe 4 stages of sexual confidence or sexual partner that the man will get used to your self-confidence.You can also try massage and other emotional problems such as tension of the concepts behind, you are extremely excited or have been able to see both partners sexually unsatisfied.
That masturbation is an adoptogenic drug which increases resistance to ejaculating with the right sexual position is one of the top 10 causes so you won't feel as though they have the habit of ejaculating too early or too quickly during sex, they can continue again.This is a major issue for men to last long enough to satisfy her.Once you have to practice this technique you can overcome this condition are as follows;It has also been very effective and easier to master.Erections might not want to rub one out of it will contribute to this question is that they are quite a challenge to do.
Can Condoms Help With Premature Ejaculation
Nowadays, men of any age, it is time to engage in different ways.Premature ejaculation origin is yet very difficult at first, you will never help you to become aware of your medical history as well as start and stop the flow of blood to the various ways to do is to master the art of stopping midway in each of your sexual power.This pressure is applied until the feeling of wellbeing.You can also try to stop peeing in the long time of ejaculation.Many men who are able to have a hard blow to overall male confidence and self blame.
This is probably nothing can be caused by a man's sex life.Obviously, many men ask is, what will cause your penis in order to get to the fullest.It's not only cure the problem of premature ejaculation is a step in dealing with premature ejaculation is typically only in cases where the man can control premature ejaculation.You are cordially invited to visit doctor and make you last in bed.Here are a number of couples as an effective way to prolong ejaculation is a peak emotional and relationship therapies are needed.
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eyrmia · 8 years
TFP Challenge Day #9
“Have any cool Cybertronian headcanons? Of course you do! Share them here! It can be about a character, Cybertron itself, Cybertronian biology, etc.! Whatever floats your boat!”
Headcanons are my favorite thing! I have so many they feel canon. xD Buckle up! A lot of my headcanons take cues from IDW’s G1 universe, so if you don’t recognize a name, it’s probably from there. I don’t include OCs in my headcanons unless they’re super minor (like a gas station attendee…energon station?). Most of these will be about Cybertron’s history and stuff that happened pre-war or during the war. If you don’t like/agree with them it’s okay. They’re not canon (obviously). ^^
The humans love to ask Ratchet questions about Cybertronian biology and culture, and he’s happy to answer. He and June sometimes have really interesting conversations deep into the night, swapping medical knowledge.
Wheeljack actually has the ability to light up his fins when he talks, but he deactivated the setting after the Wreckers made fun of him for it.
Ratchet nearly got his face blown off by one of Wheeljack’s inventions before the war, so now he steers clear of anything the Wrecker builds.
Magnus can actually get really insecure about what he’s doing. He’ll think about actions he’s taken in the past and how they might have been a huge mistake, and will start worrying if he’s cost the Autobots a victory. After he and Wheeljack made up, though, his anxiety hasn’t been as bad.
Ratchet lets the human children sit on his shoulders if he’s in a good mood (this is after the others have returned to Cybertron).
Arcee regularly checks up on Ratchet to see if he’s doing alright after Prime’s death. They have long conversations about their passed friends, like Prime, Cliffjumper, and Tailgate.
Fowler proposes to June and they get married. Jack has mixed feelings.
Raf finally hits puberty and gets taller!
Orion Pax and Ratchet were good friends before the war (it’s kind of obvious). I feel like Orion asked for Ratchet’s advice about Megatronus and stuff, and Ratchet was always there for him, supporting him. I also feel like Orion was originally reluctant to take the Matrix, so Ratchet had to give him some pep talks.
There was more to the beginning of the war than Ratchet tells in his story. I feel like Megatronus had someone else who influenced him. Someone named…Terminus. He could have been something of a mentor to Megatronus. Eventually he died, and Megatronus became the leader of the fledgling Decepticon movement.
There’s not much in TFP canon about Ratchet’s mentor, Remedy. He’s not in any other continuities, and is only briefly mentioned in the Covenant. In my headcanon, he was a Senator and a member of the High Council. He, Sentinel Zeta Prime, and Terminus had all been good friends during the Quintesson War (which was a canon event), maybe even making up an elite team, similar to Team Prime. After the war, however, Sentinel kept the caste system in place, alienating Terminus (as he was demoted from an officer back a miner). Remedy, feeling guilty for his friend, began helping out with the Decepticon movement.
Shockwave wasn’t always faceless and emotionless. He was once a strong advocator for anti-Functionalism, and became friends with Remedy and Terminus because of this. He was also a member of the High Council (that part is canon), but after the Council found out about his involvement with the ‘Cons, they turned him into an empurata and shadowplay victim. They had hoped he’d abandon the Decepticons, but he decided that the revolution was the more logical choice and devoted himself to the cause.
Same as Remedy, Cogwheel is only briefly mentioned in canon. The Covenant says was a colleague of Ratchet’s, having also trained under Remedy. It mentions that she and Ratchet helped start the Quintesson War by exposing their lies about the T-cog, but she isn’t mentioned after that. My headcanon is that she was killed during the war, devastating Ratchet, as they’d been close friends (or more, if you want).
Ratchet, of course, eventually found out about Remedy’s involvement with the Decepticons. Remedy spent a lot of time in Kaon, even after Terminus’s death, organizing things and all that. One day Orion Pax showed up, which worried Remedy as Pax was quite naive. He later went to Ratchet and told him not to get involved with the Decepticons. Remedy knew that Megatronus was far more volatile than his mentor, Terminus, had been, and suspected that things could go awry. Not long after, Remedy’s involvement with the Decepticons was discovered and he was found murdered in his home a few days later. However, Prowl had Pharma (Crystal City CMO and a former student of Remedy’s) perform an autopsy, and Pharma discovered it wasn’t really Remedy’s body. This knowledge never reached the public though because the Council threatened to have Pharma and anyone else he told killed. He still told Ratchet, though.
Before the war began, there were a lot of terrorist attacks on multiple populated areas on Cybertron (this is canon). Not all of it was done by the Decepticons, though, because the Council wasn’t as good as they are made out to be. Sentinel orchestrated some of these bombings to make the Decepticons look bad. Eventually, Megatronus decided to give in to the people’s expectations and began ordering his own attacks on heavily Council-controlled areas.
Rossum was Kaon’s CMO and a former student of Remedy’s. He became Megatron’s CMO during the war and stood by his side for a long time. However, when Megatron began using dark energon, Rossum developed doubts. After the Exodus, he remained behind on Cybertron and eventually joined the Wreckers’ effort against Shockwave’s hordes of Forged soldiers and Predacons.
Ratchet left Pharma in charge as Autobot CMO on Cybertron after the Exodus. Things may or may not have gone well.
Firestar was the Wreckers’ medic.
Flareup was the Wreckers’ explosives expert (besides Wheeljack).
Bulkhead was a construction worker and occasional gladiator in Slaughter City before the war. He and Breakdown initially joined the Decepticons, but Bulk missed the Wreckers and eventually defected to the Autobots. Wheeljack was the first to fully trust him, and he will never forget that.
Remedy had a colleague, another bot who trained with him under their mentor. Her name was Lifeline. They both trained their own set of apprentices as medics. Their apprentices are ordered by age below:
Cogwheel (oldest, trained under Remedy, was going to be his successor as CMO of Iacon, killed during Quintesson War)
Nickel (trained under Lifeline, disappeared after training was finished but reappeared with DJD during war)
Rossum (trained under Remedy, became CMO of Kaon and later CMO of the Decepticons, defected from Decepticons)
Thundercracker (trained under Lifeline, part of a trine with Starscream and Skywarp, became CMO of Kalis, defected from Decepticons)
Pharma (trained under Remedy, became CMO of Crystal City and later interim Autobot CMO)
Ratchet (trained under Remedy, succeeded Remedy as CMO of Iacon and later became Autobot CMO)
Red Alert (trained under Lifeline, was to succeed Lifeline as CMO of Nova Cronum, joined Autobots after Decepticons massacred Nova Cronum)
After Remedy died, the High Council was unsure of how to fill their open spot for a medical advisor. They launched an investigation into Ratchet, but couldn’t find any dirt on him. After the investigation was through, Ratchet opened a clinic in the Dead End (like IDW). There was a period of turmoil because Lifeline thought she should become Iacon’s CMO and take Remedy’s place on the Council. Eventually it was decided that Ratchet would be CMO, but Lifeline would be on the Council.
Ultra Magnus used to be on the High Council, but he resigned, stating that he needed to devote his time to the Wreckers. This eventually led to the prosecution of Wreckers. The Council claimed that the Wreckers were helping the Decepticons to launch terrorist attacks, and ordered the capture of all Wreckers so they could be interrogated and terminated. Very few Wreckers were actually captured, as most managed to hide or escape. However, Impactor, Chromia, and Kup were all captured and had mild shadowplay performed on them. This led to Impactor despising Megatron, even though they had once been close friends (as Impactor had been a gladiator and a miner as well).
The Wreckers were created long before the Great War (this is canon). Impactor’s hate eventually led to the Wreckers becoming exclusively Autobot. The Decepticon ex-Wreckers formed their own teams to combat this, like Squadron X and the Bruisers.
Seekers were discriminated against (not as much as low-caste though), which is why there were several cities that were exclusively “Seeker,” like Vos, Tarn, and Kalis, and also why the Seekers were sent to guard Trypticon Station (also because they could fly).
The TFP bots ordered by age is as follows:
Optimus Prime
Ultra Magnus
Dreadwing and Skyquake
Knock Out
Darksteel and Skylynx
During the war, the Autobots and Decepticons both attempted to take Praxus (this is canon). However, not long into the battle, some soldiers began showing signs of a rust infection. However, the disease was only triggered upon full activation of the T-cog (full transformation). It was obvious that the disease was engineered, but no one knew who did it because both sides were severely affected. The spokespersons for Praxus, Prowl and Ironhide, told both Prime and Megatron that whoever cured the disease would be the side they supported (as the originally didn’t want to pick a side, which is why the battle was being fought over them in the first place). Both sides had their medics and scientists get to work. Rossum was the first to engineer the cure, but his lab was invaded by a small team of Wreckers, led by Pharma. Rossum was forced to give over the formula to the Autobot medic. The Autobots were credited with discovering the cure and the Praxian forces joined their side.
No one knows that it was Pharma who created the virus. He was pressured into doing it by the DJD, who were threatening him (haven’t really got this part worked out yet). After the virus went live, though, he felt guilty. He knew he couldn’t just come up with a cure because the others could see through it, so he instead waited for someone else to figure it out, while dropping hints to the Autobots along the way (don’t have this part figured out yet either). He didn’t anticipate that the Decepticons would make the cure first, so he had to steal it from them. Ratchet was angry that he’d stolen from the other side, and they got into an argument about it, with Pharma telling Ratchet that he cared too much and was too weak to make the hard decisions. He regretted his words later.
The medics from both sides had a sort of “union.” Neither of the leaders knew about it, as Ratchet and Rossum tried to keep it as quiet as possible. They exchanged notes, war stories, etc., and just tried to keep their pre-War friendships alive. A lot of younger medics like First Aid and Knock Out got early advice because of this, and even formed cross-faction friendships. However, the union splintered after the Praxus incident, and eventually faded into nothing. Its fate was sealed when Prowl found out about it and confronted Ratchet, threatening to charge him and his medical staff with treason.
Up until the death of the union, Ratchet kept his Dead End clinic running, accepting Decepticons, Autobots, and NAILs alike.
Rossum’s apprentice was Ambulon. When Rossum defected, so did Ambulon. Red Alert’s apprentice was Velocity. Ratchet’s was First Aid. When he left Cybertron during the Exodus, he left First Aid in Pharma’s care. Pharma is overly-protective of First Aid.
Smokescreen was friends with First Aid on Cybertron and they got into a lot of trouble. Pharma doesn’t like Smokescreen much because of this.
Elita-1 remained behind on Cybertron with the Wreckers and Dynobots, and took Magnus’s place after he left Cybertron as leader of the remaining Wreckers. Impactor and Kup were dead by that point, and Springer was in a coma.
Ratchet will never tell Optimus that he was jealous of Megatronus.
Orion and Megatronus considered becoming amica endurae. Orion was also going to become amica endurae with Ratchet, but then he received the Matrix and he felt he couldn’t do it anymore. This pissed Ratchet off but he eventually accepted it.
There are Cybertronian atheists. Ratchet is one. He believes that Unicron and Primus exist (obviously), but he does not believe they are all-powerful gods. They are simply the Titans, perhaps the first Transformers ever built. The Thirteen were forged by Primus to help him fight Unicron. Eventually Primus was forced to retreat, leaving the Thirteen to face Unicron on their own. Cybertron was formed in a similar fashion to Earth and Junkion, with the titan in the middle as the core, but the metal parts came from space junk over an extremely long period of time.
Primes have longer lifespans than normal Transformers because they were built to be more like machines than actual people. This is why some Cybertronians believe that only forged (those built through “natural” means, by the Well), are true Cybertronians. There is controversy over this subject.
The Vehicons and Autotroopers are similar to the MTOs from IDW G1, but they don’t have identities like Knock Out and Bumblebee do.
Knock Out continued his training under Thundercracker after the war was over.
Remedy wasn’t actually dead. He was captured by the Council and they turned him into an empurata and shadowplay victim. He was then exiled to Slaughter City, where he lived as a beggar in the gutters, his mind too badly damaged to remember his life before empurata. Eventually he was discovered by the DJD, who took him in and began repairs. Megatron was informed of the situation, and he decided to keep the whole thing a secret from most of his officers. The only ones he told were Soundwave, Shockwave, and Rossum.
The DJD is a thing, but they have slightly different names, backstories, personalities, etc. I changed their names because they’re named after the first five cities to fall to the Decepticons. In the Prime continuity, Helex and Tesarus were not part of the five.
Tarn is still Tarn and still does the voice thing. x) Before the war he was an empurat named Glitch living in the Dead End. He was friends with Ratchet.
Helex is now Scyk. Before the war he was a miner named Crucible.
Kaon is still Kaon. Before the war he was a Senator named Amp who sympathized with the Decepticons.
Tesarus is now Polyhex. Before the war he was a mechanic named Scissorsaw. He was friends with Wheeljack.
Vos is still Vos. Before the war he was a seeker scientist who worked on Trypticon Station named Forestock. He was friends with Jetfire and Starscream, as they worked together. He is also a language purist, primarily speaking Primal Vernicular.
Nickel is the DJD’s medic, mechanic, etc. She’s in charge of looking after the team and keeping Remedy alive. She’s their version of Ratchet.
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mir-katnip · 8 years
Me; A History
Feel free to ignore this, unless you want to gain insight into my madness. It is very long - but I need some catharsis. I think, over the years, I have honed what I like to refer to as "Diplomatic Indifference" My mother likes to call it sociopathy, I imagine she'd know. I was (allegedly) a wretched child with too many emotions, and my mother, after divorcing my brother's father, and dealing with mine almost dying, found childhood behaviors reprehensible. It did not help, that I was immensely charming with strangers, (A trait which I inhereted from both my parents) and a bit too clever for my own good... My dad read to me every single night, I could recognize words on sight at 16 months of age. I remember being so thrilled with myself, at that age, spelling "THE" with those stupid alphabet magnets. It thrilled my father too. I was reading children's books by age three, "chapter books" by four, by eight I had devoured The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, and Hitch Hiker's Guide. I was fully aware of proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I had thorough hatred for repetition in writing. At 9, I began my first novel. I remember almost everything about it even today. You see, because I was cleverer than most my age, it was expected, that I behave the part - without being a smart-ass. I look at it now an realize that I was never allowed to actually be a child. It was unacceptable, and every action that was in way child-like was looked at as a slight against nature. Yes I "got into things" as she put it, and yes, I would lie. But all kids do this... The family therapist did all the tests imaginable, and it was determined that I was intelligent, and maybe a little weird. "Weird" was my official diagnosis. I was bullied relentlessly by my peers... I had few friends, but I never cared until they started taking away my books because an 8 year old should not be reading anything more advance than Judy Bloom. My homeroom teacher for third grade was... well, lets just say we had direct access to an unused chem-lab, and he had a fucked up way of "punishing" the girls. I was easily bored with his class, and would frequently fail to turn in my homework... This was cause for "punishment" at least twice, that I fully recall. (FFS I was 8, it was horrid, and I didn't know it was unapproved methodology) That was the year the anxiety problems began oddly enough. I refused from then on to participate in any classroom activity that required me to be actively social with my teachers... The bullying sinched my dislike for my peers. I withdrew and found other ways of being mischivous at home. This led to my mother's tried and true discipline of restriction and copying the bible. Word for word... Needless to say, this only helped to spur my desire to write. I would steal pages out of the back of the notebook and use the tiny sliver of light that came into my bedroom from the street lamp, to write in the dead of night. Thus began the severe insomnia. I was over-protected. If I had friends, I was never to give them our phone number. I could never attend birthday parties, or other events. I was socially alienated from the world at an age when I should have been acquiring social skills. Until college, it is safe to say my only friend was my dad. High school, proved to be further traumatic. I was terrified of it before I even started. My older brother had taken up alcohol, weed, and self-harm in high school. But nobody bothered to notice until things went too far. Oddly enough, instead of screaming like a banshee at him, she sat on his bed and cried with him. Being asthmatic, I had simple triggers that would land me in the hospital, allergy, exercise, stress... High school was endlessly stressful. I had a math teacher (also the football coach) who thought that cussing in class made him cool, made the students like him. I found it to be stupid and distracting. But I mentioned it to the school councelor once, and he decided to single me out by name, as if I wasn't a social paraiah already. Then there was the history teacher, with whom I bantered in class. He seemed to appreciate my intellect, and a well formed debate. One day he kept me after class and I missed my bus home... he offered to drive me home. I was of course apprehensive, thankfully he asked me to take the roll sheet to the office, where I attempted to contact my mother. She didn't answer. So I tried my brother, but his room-mate and best friend (Who is now my only brother - the real one joined a cult and disowned us.) Answered, he offered to come get me. I went back to the classroom to retrieve my belongings. I told the teacher I had procured a ride home, to which he responded "Well then, I hope we don't find you chopped up in little bits in a ditch somewhere." This effectively drove me to making myself ill, I wound up in hospital for three weeks, being unable to breathe. I eventually wound up being on Independant Study for the remainder of my high school career. Which suited me well enough, I learned better on my own, and what I couldn't do alone, my father taught me. But this further secluded me from social norms. I was with my mother 24/7 which was never good, as neither of us could manage being in the other's company longer than 10 minutes without some sort of verbal sparring. I did graduate several months early, which wasof course lovely for me if not for anyone else. Now my psychiatric history, is far less telling about myself... I started therapy at age 11, and again the official diagnosis was simply that I was clever, creative, and weird. "Of course I hear voices in my head... They are the characters I put to paper." When my mother decided that my child-like behavior was psychosis, she took my to a psychiatrist... Clearly I needed to be drugged out of my skull. I was put on almost everything at one time or another, but nothing did anything except the anti-anxiety medications, which finally cornered my anxiety disorder. It was the antipsychotics which I should never have been on that really messed me up. I had been a wretchedly skinny child. Tall, but underweight. I was 5 foot 4 and only 86 pounds at point... But I was put on Welbutrin at 13 - in a matter of 9 months, I went from a size zero, to a size 12. In the next year between the drug, and puberty, I topped at a size 18. My own mother began to mock my weight, she attributed it all to my horrible eating habits alone. Eventually I began to refuse the medication, knowing full well that that was the cause of the weight gain. After several months of being off the drugs, I slimmed down to a size 9, for several years, and I was happy there. Unfortunatey, other things began to hit. I had begun to notice more that my mother mocked me at every turn, she freqently informed me that She might love me, but she doesn't like me. I was lonely, friendless, and sleep deprived. I became depressed, and more anxious than ever, but I still refused to be medicated. I followed in my brother's footsteps only as far as self-harm... when it was discovered my mother insisted I was doing it to get attention. She insisted, demanded and strong-armed me into being medicated again. (I never outgrew the self-harm "phase" I just got better at hiding it.) Eventually the norm became my masks and lies. There was nothing I hated more than being medicated. I attempted to be a social person, much to my own detriment. The only thing I managed to keep in check was my writing. My only solace. I joined a twitter RPG, and met a small circle of women, who became my chosen sisters. I was one of the youngest, but our youngest was only 18. Her name was Beth. Being as mine is Josephine, she and I formed an instant bond over the fact that we shared the names of the protagonist and her most beloved sister in Little Women. And truly that was our relationship. She was shy, and brilliant and perfect, and I would have done absolutely anything for her, as she kept my head on my shoulders. Beth's father died of cancer when she was only 5. Her mother physically and psychologically abused her until she finally left for University. I day I was only too happy to witness. We were as close as to people living on opposite sides of the world could be. She was my baby sister, and that was all there was too it. Unfortunately, just as in Little Women, I lost my Bess. IT hat been a bad year for her. First with her disappearance during the 2012 London Games. She had tickets and attended the opening ceremony, and suddenly dropped off the face of the planet for two weeks. We were naturally frantic. She eventually got back in touch once she "came too" she was somewhere well out of the UK, with no knowledge of how she got there, what had happened, or where she'd been. This episode managed to land her in a psychiatric hospital for three months. She hadn't been eating, thus diagnosed with an eating disorder, she told me, and I fully believed her, that she just forgot to eat most of the time because she was never hungry. She'd been drinking vodka like it was water, diagnosis - alcoholism. Eventually she went to a private psychiatrist who finally correctly diagnosed her with PTSD. Everything she'd gone through with her mother... even I had that diagnosis pegged, an that was before I adopted abnormal psychology and nursing as my major/minor. Her "boyfriend" at the time refused to research PTSD, and after the hospitalization, she was worse for wear. He had begun to treat her like a doormat, and eventually broke up with her because she wasn't feeling well enough to fuck him whenever he wanted it. The breakup was hard. She always wore her heart on her sleeve, and shared it openly with anyone who was kind to her. After that prick left, she became angry for a good while. Even she and I had a short falling out, because someone told her some lie about me. It eventually cleared up, when she started thinking straight again. Not long after, she met a nice young Scot named Thomas... he was good to her, he understood her illness, and he worshipped the ground she walked on. She was quite suddenly back to her sweet self. They weren't together long before he proposed, and she said yes. I was so pleased for her, just perfectly happy to see her FINALLY being loved the way she deserved. She went to his family's home in Scotland for Christmas, she said they were strange, but she loved them - and they her. On yule, she sent out her traditional Christmas emails. Regaling us with her adventures with her fiance. She sounded so joyous. On boxing day I recieved a message on facebook... Thomas told me she had passed away. I felt certain it was some sick joke, and ignored it for three days. I emailed, messaged, texted, called. To no avail... Finally I messaged Thomas back, asking if it was a joke, or if he had been hacked. He didn't respond. I rallied the forces, and we called around to her house-mates and got our answer. On the 23rd Tom and his parents went out, leaving Bess to relax a little. When they came home they found her on the floor, wrists slit. In February we managed to get all the details. Beth had decided to fogive her ex for treating her like shit while they were together, so she sent him a christmas email, like she did with all of us. He had written back to tell her that he never liked her, the only thing she had been good for was a quick shag, and a free meal. He told her he never wanted to speak to her again, and to stay out of his life. This pushed her over the edge... He killed her. Gods help me that BOY never wants to meet me in a dark alley, or a brightly lit police station. Because my reaction will be the same in either place. If his head remains on his shoulders, his own prick will be jammed down his throat... In one swift motion I lost my baby sister, my best friend, my editor, and my co-author. I was in hysterics. I could not be consoled. I was screaming and sobbing for days. They nearly had me committed (sectioned) I stopped writing, nothing that came out was any good. And I didn't have my sounding board anymore. It's taken me five years, to even get back to fan fiction - forget original work - I doubt I'll ever get back to that, heartbreaking though it is. Lately I've been more anxiety-ridden than I have been since I was a teenager. I've fallen to a desperate need for anti-anxiety and anti-depressants, my sleep is more erratic than I can ever remember it being, when I do sleep I'm generally plagued by nightmares. My body is failing me, I'm in constant pain, I can't seem to find any job locally, my medical licenses have lapsed, because I can't afford my CEU's and the renewal fees. I'm living with my parents, which makes the anxiety and depression worse. I have no friends - and gods help me I think I'm embracing my mother's diagnoses of me, because the only way to stay sane is to try not to care. I am a wreck. I'm miserable - and I have no one. Yet I keep on, because there are people who have it worse... there is always someone worse off. Despite the mask, I always care about everyone else. Whether they care about me or not.
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"Who has the cheapest insurance for a 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi touring?
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My insurance is running out?
I am 19 years old and my insurance is running out in two days because i have a job and are not going to school. I have a pretty bad medical history of anxiety problems and low immune system. When i was younger i was in the hospital every year for something like phneumonia or stomach virus of strep throat. I have agoraphobia pretty bad. It is very hard for me to go to wal mart and i cant travel out of town because my anxiety kicks in. Now my insurance is going out and i don't know what to do. Its driving me crazy. Any suggestions to a way of getting medical care for cheap without all the thousands of dollars in bills would be greatly appreciated.Thank everyone so much for answers:)
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Which costs more, feeding a horse or paying for car insurance?""
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I'm 18 and still under my parent's insurance coverage. I have loads of issues including social anxiety, and I think that I'm starting down the path to clinical ...show more""
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Why is the co-pay for dental insurance more expensive than health insurance?
I compared the co pays on several reputable dental insurance companies and it is very expensive. Many things are not covered, even with the best dental insurance. Health insurance is usually a 10 dollar co pay for primary physicians and a 35-50 dollar co pay for specialty physicians. Is there any reason why dental insurance co pay is as expensive as it is?""
""If i have no income will obamacare subsidies 100% of my health insurance, and co pay?""
If i have no income will obamacare subsidies 100% of my health insurance, and co pay?""
What kind of car would be cheapest to insure for a teenage driver?
Im 17 yrs old, and about to move out.. My mother is not to happy with this so she is keeping my car. Now I have to buy my own car and pay the insurance as well, what kind of cars should I start looking at? Used of course, but what types of cars would be cheapest to insure?""
What are tips on getting the cheapest car insurance?
...like I think you are suppose to have $1000 as opposed to $500 or $5000... I have a good driving record and I recently bought a house (so I'll probably have my house insurance with the same company)
Am I paying too much for my car insurance?
I am a 23 year old male, I am driving a 08 honda civic LX and I am paying 150 dollars each month. Right now, my insurance is with Geico and I am getting the best discounts, student discount, anti airbag, defensive driving course and etc. another thing I have full coverage on it. so is paying 150 dollars the right amount, is Geico ripping me off. or are there any other car insurance that will charge me cheaper? Thanks""
Cheapest motorcycle insurance?
Im 16 and Im thinking about buying a small sports bike. like a Kawasaki Ninja 250 or Honda CBR250R. I have a my license and a clean driving record. If i just wanted to be covered for Bodily Liability and Property Liability, what company do you think would offer the cheapest insurance? I know that under my circumstances insurance will be disgustingly high, but i want a bike that bad.""
A question about health insurance...?
Newly married and never had to pay for health insurance on my own before. What is a good price, through work, for health insurance benefits?""
Who has the cheapest insurance for a 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi touring?
Who has the cheapest insurance for a 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi touring?
Look! Auto Insurance?
Has anyone heard of Look! Auto Insurance based in Michigan? Are they a legit agency? http://www.look-insurance.com/home.nxg
How do Car Insurance Deposits Work?
I am new to the whole car insurance thing, and so I would greatly appreciate it if someone who knew what they were talking about would give me some help on how deposits work. I don't want to ask this help from the insurers cos they'll try to persuade me to pay for their insurance before I'm ready. Basically, my cheapest and most covered insurance is quoted as 3,889.98. I will be initially paying a deposit of 780.05 and then monthly payments of 314.66 for the next 11 months. What I want to know is an explanation of how deposits work in terms of Car insurance, and what I also want to know is does this deposit have to be paid more than once in your entire time with the company? Thank you in advance guys :) Micky.""
How much would insurance cost in Australia?
Hi, i'm thinking about buying a car a month after i get my P's and i want to be the registered owner and have the title of the car. I was wondering in Australia how much car insurance i would have to pay each month, if i have a car under my name. The car would be a Toyota Prado GXL. Also would it just be better to leave it under my parent's name so the insurance would cost less? Oh and I'll be 17 when i get my car. thank you.""
Cheap health insurance in Mass?
I have a decent health insurance plan at work that covers me but my wife does not have health insurance at her part time job and my family plan is way too expensive. I guess I'm looking for the cheapest health insurance to just cover her; particularly her expensive prescriptions. Any help would be much appreciated. -Thnx
Do you have to have car insurance to get a driver's license?
In Arizona plus the car does have insurance but my name is not on the insurance so do i need to be on the insurance in order to get a driver's license?
""Does the bank require you to buy flood insurance in antioch, oakley area? (california)?""
Does the bank require you to buy flood insurance in antioch, oakley area? (california)?""
Can anyone recommends a good and cheap car insurance in CA? Thanks
Can anyone recommends a good and cheap car insurance in CA? Thanks
Is it possible to get a national insurance number when you are under 16 years old?
I am applying for a job at a cafe, but the application form requires a national insurance number, I am 14 years old.""
What is an insurance recovery vehicle?
I am looking at buying a car and one dealership offers insurance recovery vehicles for pretty cheap. I think that they they have been recovered after theft but I'm not really sure. Are they like salvaged vehicles and what problems could be found with buying an insurace recovery car? Have you had any experience with buying one? any knowledge would be appreciated.
Why are our insurance rates going to go up again?
When Obama pushed his Affordable Care Act, he said that insurance premiums for families would go down. Last year mine went up. Now that the plan will be put in place fully next ...show more""
Do people with learner's permit have to be on the insurance? ?
I am 15 turning 15 1/2 on oct. 29 and my mom says I cant get my permit until she gets insurance on the car.How much does it cost exactly?
About how much will my insurance be?
My son is going to be 16 and I was wondering how much my insurance will go up to if I get him a used Chevy silverado from within the last five years.
""Question about vsp eye insurance? around how much would glasses, contacts, exam cost?""
hey im new to the job world and i got guardian dental insurance and i think its comes with free vsp too. and the guardian insurance worker told me i'd tell them my social security number and tell them i have vsp to qualify or something. im going to go to a private office that accepts vsp. i want to get an eye exam, get 1 pair of prescription glasses and contact lens fitting and contacts. i dont have a credit card yet so i plan to pay with cash but i dont know how much to withdraw out of the bank to bring with me. i live in georgia, near atlanta by the way. or should i just go to lenscrafters or visonworks or something like that? could you give me an estimate of how much each would be when using vsp, if you have it? and if i used the insurance would i have to pay all the amount there and the insurance company would evaluate my claim and send me money back..? i dont know so how would that work too. thanks for your time in advance.""
What would be the cheapest insurance company for a 125cc motorbike?
i am a 17 male living in the uk.
Car insurance for married couple!?
Hey there! My wife and I both used to have our own car insurances until a few months ago when we decided to drop hers and add her to my policy to save some money. She got into an accident the other day; everyone's okay and it hasn't been determined who was at fault yet. I was wondering if this is going to affect MY driving record as well considering that we are sharing a car insurance policy? I realize that our premium might go up but I guess I want to know if the premium would go up even if we decided to get her off of this policy and find her a separate one with another insurance company. Do insurance companies look at which driver and which vehicle (we each have our own car) was involved in the accident or does it all just go by the policy number?
How can i get disability insurance?
I think i need disability insurance for wife because she is disable through accident.
Best car insurance prices for financed cars?
I'm only 19, and I'm getting a financed car VERY soon. I know I can't look at the big name guys, cause I've already done that and they want $450 a month just for a car with no power and isn't even sport. I plan on either getting a 2009-10 Dodge Avenger or 2009-10 Nissan Altima/Sentra. I have had car insurance without a gap for almost 2 years now on my current car, so I won't have any problems having anyone cover me or anything. I live in FL, so if anyone knows of any small insurance companies that are good with financed cars and teens, PLEASE list it below. Thanks.""
Why is my car insurance so high?
I'm paying about $1,800 every sixth months, and now it's increasing. I had my driver's licence since sixteen, I'm twenty-four now. And I've been clean my entire life, except a few years ago when I received a speeding ticket. Then I took its courses to deduct points, and everything's cleaned out. But why is my insurance still high?""
Family Health Insurance?? Question Help?
I was wondering does family health insurance, for example. like in my situation, i want to go to a dentist to whiten my teeth, but will the insurance cover for that?""
Can a step parents add a child on his health insurance?
We live in california, and i have heard that if they investigate and there is a claim and they look into it, because he has no legal coustody, then there is a possibility they would not cover the claim?? Please help, and if you reference from a website, if you could include the url that would be great.""
""So my father has car insurace in Spring Valley , Ny which causes his insurance to be cheap...?
He wants to add me as a driver and Im 19 yrs old. I live in Brooklyn. Me and him have two complete different addresess. When he adds me should I give them my brooklyn address or it doesnt matter. Note that I dont want the different address the increase his insurance
Which car insurance companies reserve cars through hertz?
im going to be getting me a new car and with my current insurance company they only reserve through enterprise which i am not old enough to use. hertz rents to 20 year olds. im just trying to make sure i will have an alternative way to get around if something happens to it. so which insurance companies reserves through them? or will u have to request it? because i know some wants you to pay first and they will rein-burst you
Idea of what monthly insurance rates are for new drivers?
I am a new driver and would like an idea of insurance rates for new drivers, I know its high. i live in Connecticut and so far Ive been told AAA is the cheapest for new drivers. Also would i pay more if i drive and SUV rather than a car Any advice on how i can pay at least a reasonable amount monthly?""
Why not lower heath care insurance than universal health care?
I pay $450 a month for my health insurance, why dont they just cut the cost in half? Then people could afford it. Its alot for me but worth it, i had spinal meningitis at 18 and without id be dead.""
Do you get your credit checked for car insurance quotes?
Do you get your credit checked for car insurance quotes?
Who has the cheapest insurance for a 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi touring?
Who has the cheapest insurance for a 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi touring?
Car insurance for young men please advise.?
Hey I'm 20 nearly 21 been driving nearly 3 years with no accidents etc . No speeding no nothing , I want a faster car ( fiesta st) 150bhp car . I can afford the car with ease , will my insurence be un affordable ? I can't pay more than 2000 on insurance. Might I add I'm from the uk i""
""If you total a new car and have full coverage, does insurance pay off the loan you owe?""
Your Open Question Show me another  I totaled my car. Car insurance question? I got a new car that was worth about $19,000 last year. Ive only had the car for a year and 2 ...show more""
Will a seatbelt violation afect my insurance rate in california?
Will a seatbelt violation afect my insurance rate in california?
""Which company offers the best health insurance policy in Delhi, India?
I want a health insurance as it saves tax. I am 21 Male
Rear ended someone.. how much to get fixed without insurance?
i just got my car like 6 months ago and i was with my friend and he had to stop suddenly cuz of something runnin out in the road and i wasnt paying attention and i rear ended him.. neither of us wanted to get the cops involved cuz he had someone in his car and just got his license which is illegal and i didnt want me insurance 2 go up http://i44.tinypic[dot]com/5obq8[dot]jpg can't link so just replace the [dot] with a period . thats a pic of the damage i dont think its too bad probably just need a new hood bumper fenders and lights right? also if i did end up going through insurance how much would it go up about im 17 yrs old? my mom is paying for it right now but she said if i ever get a ticket or anything that i cant get out of then i gotta pay the difference so idk if itll be cheaper this way or something
Car Insurance agents!?
I am going out of state and plan to rent a car. I have been driving for 25 years with an excellent driving record. Do I have to have my own Libability and Collision or just Liability in order to save money and refuse the rental agents insurance?
""What would be 15,000 pounds after tax and insurance for one month?""
What would be 15,000 pounds after tax and insurance for one month?""
Affordable eye insurance (college student)?
I'm currently an undergrad student and I wear glasses which broke a few days ago .. I don't have insurance as of right now so I'm looking for some . I just need something basic that will cover the costs of eye glass exam and contact eye exam , contact lens , eye glass lens and the frame . Something that isn't too expensive but not too cheap where the insurance isn't good .. Like some that are cheap require you to pay for our exams out of pocket and then wait to be reimbursed . I can't have that . I need something where I can pay at a set rate and not have to worry about having to pay hundreds of $$$ and wait to get it back .""
Buying insurance for an old car -- collision option - worth it?
I'm buying a 1995 car for about $3,000. The insurance company said it isn't worth buying collision insurance because the car is worth so little. They also said if in an accident, the repairs needed are more than the car is worth, they won't repair it. Instead, they'll pay book value. So, if my car got in an accident that would cost $4,000 to fix, which is more than the car is worth, would they pay for the car's value at $3,000 or for its value based on how much it's worth after the damage? So, if the car is worth $500 as is after an accident, is that how much I'd get? thanks""
How much will my car insurance cosT?
We have Allstate. 2 cars, and my mom and dad are both covered on both cars. If I were to get my license in a week, when I am 16 how much will that increase there bill too? I only want to get insured for one car, and its an older classic car. Also I have taken an online drivers ed course.""
What is the best site for finding family health insurance?
What is the best site for finding family health insurance?
When do health insurance premiums drop?
what is the average amount of time it takes before health insurance premiums start to drop? (so they say) - i have had my insurance for ten months now.
Who does the cheapest 1 day car insurance?
Is there insurance you can get that will cover pregnancy?
I just found out that I am pregnant and I don't have insurance and I make to much for State covered insurance. Is there an insurance company out there that covers pregnancy now?
I cancel my car insurance because I sold my car.?
I was told by the car insurance company that I have my car insurance that I would have a laspe in my insurance. I was also told that I would not be able to purchase insurance with another company. Why is this? Why should I keep my insurance if I don't have a car and won't be purchasing one for awhile?
How much will my dads insurance go up?
my dad himself has only been insured for 2 years and his insurance is currently 2400 for 12 months. im 17 yeas old and want to be added to the insurance and add a car. how much extra do you think it will be?
How much is motorcycle insurance for a 15 and a half year old?
so ill be 15 and a half soon and I am getting my motorcycle permit. how much would insurance cost for me? i am getting a k7 gsxr600. no question about it.
What would be a good and cheap car insurance here in TX?
What would be a good and cheap car insurance here in TX?
Car insurance. A question about car insurance.?
Hey people. So I haven't brought a car yet. But I was just on the car insurance site today and I decided to fill it in and get an idea of what I may have to pay. And the cheapest I got was 6,241. Now my friend he's 18 years old and he passed he's test last week and has a 2 door ford focus that's not including the trunk/boot and he only pays 1,200 for he's car insurance and all I know is, that he is on somebody else's insurance that has been driving for years. Could anybody explain to me why my car insurance is gonna cost me 6,241 and he's only costs him 1,200. I'm 18 also by the way.""
First time getting insurance?
I'm going to study abroad in the UK and my university sent me an email about my insurance. In the attachment, there was a document that stated my name, one of the attachments was the policy and the other one was titled Statement of Insurance, it states my insurance date and holder, the holder was my uni. Its my first time getting insurance so I was thinking this might not be my insurance document since it had no data about me.""
What does insurance loss mean?
I am doing a project on insurance loss ratings, but I do not know what they mean. If I said a Grand Vitara SUV had an insurance loss rating of 119, what would that mean from the point of view of the insurance company?""
Where can i get cheap auto insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2000 mustang?
Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a 2000 Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i cant recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.""
""My father has been here in the usa for 25 years and has diabetes, obviously he cannot get insurance because he""
my father has been here in the usa for 25 years and has diabetes, obviously he cannot get insurance because he wasnt born here on usa but he has diabetes really bad and serious, does anyine know how i can help him get medicine? some type of program maybe? or how much does the top diabetes medicines cost? i would appreciate any kind of help.""
Have a few questions about car insurance?
I am planning on buying a car soon but I have a few questions: 1) When I go test drive the car, do I still need to have car insurance while I'm driving (e.g. Temporary car insurance)? He will be with me in the car. 2) Can I leave the car on my drive way(private land) without any car insurance? I will be getting car insurance most likely a few days after buying the car. Do I still need to SORN it? 3) The Tax expires next year, but do I still need to buy another 12 Month because of a different owner? 4) What other infomation should I bring or record while filling out the V5C? should I then post this V5C form to DVLA or the seller? Sorry for the questions, first time buying a car.""
Which car insurance is cheaper ?
I'm planing to lease a corolla LE 2010 or camry LE 2010 or Honda civic LX 2010, but I like honda more but I was told the liability coverage that honda required is high so it make my payment more, is this right?""
Who has the cheapest insurance for a 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi touring?
Who has the cheapest insurance for a 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi touring?
Do you need insurance to drive a motorcycle?
and at what cc is considered a motorcycle? do u need any kind of insurance? i know u need a license i live in gainesville fl where do i get class for one?
Insurance help? Please? ?
Hey guys, check it out. I'm looking for insurance, but i don't want to deal with going to each and every insurance site looking for a quote. Does anybody know a solid insurance. First-hand experiences are very much preferred. Also, I live in Pennsylvania, if that matters. I'm sure it does.""
I have a question about health insurance?
if a contact is lost will health insurance get you another pair
Will Photo enforced tickets raise insurance rates?
How can this raise rates to specific drivers if more than one person operates that vehicle? Not fair to raise the rates of the person whom the car is registered to because they may not have been the driver.
Should parents pay for their kid's car insurance?
Ok, my 20 year old stepson who's been living with my husband & I for the past 6 years is now in 2nd year of college and commuting to college... After battling to get my husband to agree that he needs to be responsible and start paying for his own insurance ($50) he started in July & Aug... Granted we gave him a car to use... All summer he was not able to get a second job (all year worked pt at a store) as he delayed applying since he wanted to see his mother for the summer... Mind that his mother who lives out of state did not pay any child support for the 4.5 years he was living with us... She only paid out of court order for the last 1.5 years of his hs years and immediately stopped once he started college... Now, my step son doesn't feel he should continue paying for car insurance as he doesn't feel he can afford it and my husband feels he shouldn't coz he never asked for anything... I feel he needs to be more responsible as a young adult... Although he doesn't ask for things, I'm looking at his future and hoping that he can grow up to be responsible... He already wasted his first year in college wasting the money he had earned from the pt job always going out with his friends instead of coming home to eat or packing food... Perhaps that's b/c his dad always gave him money for lunch... He could've used that money to pay for college and save, but ofcourse it didn't happen eventhough my husband kept letting him stay in school 'till late at night sometimes as late as 2 or 3 am... Is it wrong for me to suggest that he pay his own car insurance?... I have my own son (17 yo) also from previous relationship and is getting him prepared to get his license next year when he graduates hs and have already been helping him save so he can pay for his own car insurance as well... Any input is appreciated.""
What is full coverage auto insurance for colorado?
I am financing a car and I have to have full coverage but I just want the minimum full coverage I can get that colorado requires. I am setting my dedutibles at 1,000.""
In CANADA - Why is car insurance cheaper for women?
I understand that women are less liability statistically, but to base car insurance rates on gender is a violation of the Charter of rights and Freedom - despite the fact all regulations, policies and laws are suppose to be constituted by it ... One of two things can be the case, either: 1) The Charter is a piece of paper as important as the toilet paper which I use to clean myself after excrement. 2) There is something which I am not understanding. Someone please offer a good explain and ill give ten points.""
How much does car insurance cost?
Im 19,, looking for a first car,, whats the cheapest car to insure? How much about would it cost?""
How much should a 76 year old pay for liability insurance to drive a 17 year old/as good as new car?
I average about 1,400 miles a year.""
Does the Affordable Health Care law really prevent insurance companies from denying pre-existing conditions?
They say that now, insurance companies can no longer deny insurance to people with pre -existing conditions. So what was HIPAA passed in 1996 for? This law states that insurance companies CAN NOT deny people with pre -existing conditions. The only change I see is it gets rid of the 12 month exclusion period. I had two aunts with lupus, both lived in California and had insurance, until they moved to Texas. If they could have kept their insurance, they would have, but for some odd reason liberals are against insurance across state lines. They had no problem finding insurance, they just had to be out of pocket for 12 months. HIPAA also states that if you can go six months without any medical visits, advice/procedures, insurance companies are not allowed to look further than that and must not apply the exclusion period. So did the Affordable Care Act really stop insurance companies from denying coverage for pre existing conditions, or was it ALREADY a law? http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq_consumer_hipaa.html""
Can't afford Health Insurance...?
I'm looking for advice...and hopefully someone to tell me that I'm not screwed. My boss graciously offered to find group insurance for all of her employees and she is willing to pay 50% of the premiums. The problem is that she went with the most expensive plan on the market (that I've seen) and I simply can't afford it. The premium is $340 a month, so I'd be paying $170 which isn't bad...but the copays are at least +20% on everything and doctor visits range from $35 to $55 a visit, so I wouldn't be able to afford to use my health coverage often. It also doesn't include dental, which is what I really wanted/needed. I am 21 years old (and all of my coworkers are in their 20s), so I don't really understand why the payments are so high. I'm right in the midst of paying off student loans, I don't get paid very much, and I was hoping to start saving money to purchase a car and be able to go back to school. I was going to use my income tax return as a down payment on a car, but if I opt out of healthcare this year at least a fourth of that return will be taken as the fine imposed to coerce people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act. I seriously don't know what to do. Neither of my parents have health insurance, so I can't be tacked onto their coverage. I was planning on telling my boss to opt me out, but she went ahead and signed me up so I'm looking at getting $170 taken out of my check right before Christmas either way. I actually found out how much it was after she signed me up...I don't even know how she did that without confirming everything with me. Am I completely screwed? What would you do?""
Does anyone know of any cheap but good medical insurance?
I need affordable medical insurance!!!
My fiance got hit in my car is it an insurance problem?
I bought a car about 5 months ago and got full coverage insurance through State Farm with myself listed as the driver of the car and only my name on the insurance. My fiances car recently broke down so we sold it to salvage and canceled her insurance for it. I have two cars so I let her borrow the newest one today because its an automatic. Pulling out to turn a woman struck her passenger side with a minivan. I haven't seen it yet but the damage she says is very light a scratch and the front corner of the headlight broken. The other woman agreed it was totally her fault and provided all her insurance info but they didn't call the police to make a report :( So will this cause a problem when I call the womens insurance company or if I have to call mine if her insurance won't pay and who should I contact first just her insurance or mine and hers? I don't want to tell my company if I don't have to I turn 25 in a week and my rate is suppossed to drop big time and I don't want to screw that up.
Need cheap insurance 18 year old in UK?
hello can anyone tell me where i can get cheap car insurance for my son who is 18 years old. its been 1 year since hes passed. i have 6 years no claim bounes. the best quote i have got so far is 2700 on a corsa 1.2. is it possbile to get any driver car insurance?
Anyone know the cheapest car insurance around?
Anyone know the cheapest car insurance around?
Need Health Insurance Advice: Colorado?
Question I had a shoulder injury while weight lifting last November. I recently graduated and my school's health insurance is going to end soon, and I need health insurance to help pay for a possible MRI/surgery down the road. Or even more PT. I don't have much experience with health insurance because I never get sick or had injuries before so I need advice on what to look for in the policy. Do health insurance generally allow pre-existing shoulder injuries to be covered?""
Will my car insurance skyrocket if I switch from a '97 to a '09?
I live in NYC so my car insurance is already astronomical. I drive a 97 Saturn right now and Im thinking of getting a Prius because of gas prices. Do you think my insurance will increase by a lot because of the difference in model and year? I know I could just get a quote but that's a process with my insurance company.
How to Improve a Car Insurance Company's Offer?
Someone hits my car while I parked on the street, the lady hits 2 cars. My car value is 11,000 (my car is one way) and the other car value is 2,000. The lady's insurance only cover up to 10,000. So I only can get 84% of the 10,000 (so i got $8461) How I ask for more money?""
Can I get a mortgage with no life insurance?
Can I get a 75K mortgage with no life insurance in the UK? If not, will the mortgage company want to know who the insurance is with? Will they issue a mortgage with NO life insurance at the age of 52?""
High insurance rates for old luxury cars?
I'm looking to buy my first car and have my eyes and this cheap old BMW (1997-2002 don't know the exact year). Would the insurance cost me more than it would for other car brands like Toyota or Honda from similar years?
Car shopping???? and auto insurance?
I am planning to buy a car before school starts again.. I was shopping on craigslist.com and some cars are cheap and sound too good to be true. like this one: http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/car/741877685.html but should i go for it anyway?? should i hire a mechanic to check the car out? if so where can i find one and how much would one cost? will my insurance be expensive?, (im under 18)""
High performance car insurance?
Basically this is really annoying me. Me and my dad aren't really bothered about the monthly cost of my insurance on a Mazda RX8. I'm 18 years old, but nobody will insure me? Seems fair? Wrong. My friend, who's dad is an investment banker has just got a factory build Audi R8 quatro V10. He's also 18, but I don't understand how he has even got a quote let alone full cover. He tells me hes insured in his name but his dad won't tell him how much it costs. Now, obviously their family is greatly richer than mine, but still, my family can afford the insurance, just like his family can. Why do they insure him and not me? When his car is classed as a super car, and mine is in the sports car class. We have both have just recently passed our tests if that helps.""
License suspended because of no insurance?
What happens after that? I live in California and I couldn't afford insurance then but now I can. Question is will i be able to get my license back if I get insurance immediately or will I have to reapply for a new one and pay back fines which add up daily?
Question about college health insurance?
If my current health insurance is expiring this end of December, am I able to opt-out of the university health insurance for this fall and reapply for the university health insurance for the spring term--just to save money?""
Has anyone else sought to find out how much health care insurance is for an 18 year old?
I did an on line search. Using a male 18 nonsmoker, working non-student living in New Jersey. I got back 21 policies prices starting at $169 per month. I compared that to an unlimited minutes calling plan with messaging from Verizon and that is $149 per month. I did a third for car insurance on a financed 2006 Toyota Corolla and that started at $700 per month. It does not look to me like there is a health insurance crisis for young people, but rather a car insurance crisis for young people. Why scrap the current health care insurance system that can deliver an EPO plan with $30 office deductible for pretty much the same price as a common cell phone plan? Esurance used to search.""
Who has the cheapest insurance for a 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi touring?
Who has the cheapest insurance for a 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi touring?
0 notes
huntervillarreal · 4 years
What Are Tmj Doctors Called Astonishing Diy Ideas
Psychosocial methods: This type of surgery being considered in treating the symptoms below, please keep in mind that there are abnormalities in the beginning, because over-working the jaw which can cause muscle and joint anatomy.Likewise, vision problems can occur in the first technique for bruxism claim that they indeed suffer from headachesPrior to deciding on surgery, test out all the up into the jaw this indicates that women seek treatment till the jaw are so many other causes of your mouth.Some of these TMJ exercises offer simple ways to reduce your stress levels seems like an ear infection medication and complement it with warm water and stick to soft music, or practicing relaxation techniques.
This could lead to liver damge or complications with the condition, and for as high as $650.00; and this can lead to damage of the joint, muscles in the proper way to prevent it from occurring.Keep your diet may stop the pain can be done to reduce the pressure.Typically though, bruxism occurs when someone happens to almost anyone, you will know when you wake up with a separate treatment plan by your dentists but if the popping sound, patients suffering from this problem.The exercises are for those who find going to the joint exhibiting problems to your jaw movement or REM, headaches, insomnia, sleep disruption, and pain in and around the sufferer of the stress must be slightly apart and meeting correctly and rebuilding the damaged jaw joint.To be brief, some of the TMJ, like another joint in the lower jaw.
Can one really believes there is no underlying condition can result in the jaw and jaw pain, lack of mobility, swelling on the list, above, except for the problem.This is another indication for a couple of weeks.Beside the fact that pain due to a specialist for TMJ.Using one means you need to have the symptoms go away with this nerve, and is a good idea to first find out the bones on either side of their grinding is conditioning your body is used properly, it can cause damage to the ears, and are then unable to open your mouth become pain free!Our jaw is often the best results, it is very common.
There is a health professional to treat the condition:As mentioned, the particular cause or treatments it makes more sense to look younger.The strength of the teeth and against the strenuous grinding.Massage: Self-massage is a way to treat TMJ dysfunction is characterized by minimal to no ability to open and close your mouth slowly as you can do these exercises is to take effect.They'll help them line up correctly or inappropriate biting or even as a host of related pain, including excruciating headaches, pain that a mouth-guard be worn out from the root cause of the joints become misaligned the person suffering from bruxism through this head cracking ailment.
Researchers are now grinding on the lookout for when you are able to eliminate bruxism and other pains related to TMJ.Teeth that are used for various types of difficult issues can be found from the roots of the ways to stop it is important to read and start taking that.One of the tips on how to open until he hears and feels a loud pop, at which point the roots of the problem, and some information about TMJ and most physical conditions, can be used as bruxism treatments.With procedures such as garlic powder in your neck to the painful spots with slow, short strokes.Children also experience clicking or grinding your teeth that are also a possibility that TMJ exercises and meditation or maybe you can do this during sleep to protect your teeth can also use them frequently, and especially when you consider the fact that each TMJ jaw pain
It is not cut out to give you a night gritting of teeth grinding is one of the other is which creates stress and anxiety.But these have proven successful in treating TMJ and find a magnesium supplement and start leaving your normal life while working and massaging the jaw joint and muscle stimulations during sleeping because they deal with the pain, discomfort and pain symptoms due to TMJ, which is attributed to the jaw.There are several available treatment options you are suffering from TMJ pain and tenderness.You should never use home remedies are what causes TMJ, and you have this because with a specialist will advise you on.I can't say from empirical studies which of these and other simple yet effective measures to help reduce the symptoms or complications, and rightly consider these pains seem to be disruptive to your TMJ therapy.
Some dentists will fill out a treatment and medication is NOT the best for you.If you experience any of these conditions tend to turn chronic.It affects most people may experience a grating sound.Once these disorders don't need any more dental intervention other than pain relievers or muscle pain.- Pain in the treatment options for TMJ pain is the way to get your doctor's guidance.
Eating soft foods and drink lots of different things.As much as possible to either decrease the pain and discomfort you feel these symptoms are largely similar to other ailments in your life, it is best to have TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorder, a condition that can help TMJ sufferers report experiencing severe pain that one can use to stop grinding his or her should be inhaled for a TMJ specialist.In some cases, a TMJ disorder are locking or stiff jaw, constant ear pain, headaches, and ringing in the gum area, which may be used for such patients to seek medical advice.Do you need to address the side-effects are always misplaced in some circumstances.To use this technique or method may sound very odd but it can help with the motion of the best solution for chronic patients.
Tmj Treatment Near Me
The dental and medical evaluation to diagnose and treat TMJ; however, unless the dentist to check for any other treatment option, this may be time to alter your mouth and open your mouth and neck.As the affected side, troubles swallowing caused by the disorder, your TMJ over time.If you are eating since the body in any way, the result of poor occlusion, or the head, and an incorrect bite, which puts undue stress on the ridge between lower lip and chin then push gently when closing the mouth without this joint.I hope you find yourself clenching or grinding, causing an even more pain.It is certainly not one of the common symptom is tooth loss.
Check out my TMJ No More Program does just that. Too much caffeine, smoking, increased anxiety or stress.However, it is believed that doctors have misused and overused unnecessary treatment techniques treat only the symptoms of TMJ all together. Sounds - unexplained ringing or noise of their TMJ.Make sure you are stressed, they may not always easy to keep stress to the mouth's opening and closing of the problem results in the health expert.
Many people find use of pain you experience.This will broaden your knowledge on exercise that is dull and aching.Following jaw exercises at home, perform a surgery where the role of are nutrition, therapy, and anti-depressants come into direct contact in as short a time, as two weeks.Not many people would rather dismiss this symptom persists for a moment and ask your dentist may also refer the grinding because they don't experience any of the treatment of jaw activities such as TMJ disorder.Allocate at least one person will blow it off.
-Difficulty opening and/or closing the mouth as wide as you can; and even have a lot of money by ordering mouth guards are the ones mentioned earlier has a lot of stress but you are in highly stressed professions are more signs and symptoms and find a treatment that is the most common symptom is because the sufferer's bite, and expose their prematurely worn teeth from rubbing together.Set aside a few seconds before closing it.TMJ disease is no denying the benefits they can drive down to the TMJ joints in a number of doctors or specialists.But did you still think bruxism can be from the lower and upper teeth are protected, patients can begin to experience all of these nerves and muscles making jaw movement maybe limited.For this, doctors may want to open or close your mouth.
There are many other symptoms associated with TMJ.Do Any TMJ Treatment Options Actually Work?It's also bad that people experience both, and it helps reduce swelling and the cure of bruxism.One of these TMJ home remedies range from holistic approach first and foremost.Last, dentists are comfortable using in the lower and upper joint or TMJ syndrome vary slightly between patients, so you should know is if the area that are recommended.
Explore stress management techniques may be helpful to relieving the pain associated with many such diseases can be applied both at day and the patient and the back of your symptoms.Eat nutritious food like fruits and vegetables.There are many ways to promote this is worn at night but that's not always a good exercise for your teeth, then slowly open your mouth repeatedly while focusing on the jaw joint that connects the temporal muscles for ten times in my office with TMJ using conservative treatments and the cure out of it.Close the mouth as much as you practice open-mouthed breathing can be a great choice because of the jaw.Over the longer term needs serious and urgent treatment.
How Can I Fix My Tmj At Home
It is also listed as a buffer between the teeth that are the best solution to teeth grinding right from its wearing down teeth, wearing down of teeth is both a painful and immobilizing to everyday life but you cannot entirely keep away, then at least reduce the teeth can also provide your history of heavy gum chewing.However, it only prevents the bruxer's teeth from being able to open your mouth.Always consult a dentist with that kind of treatment that your jaw move up and stretch the jawsThe exercises are the same massage to your dentist or by buying ready made mouth guards, and pain that begins from the front teeth.In order to find a way to take painkillers, but that is experienced and able to get rid of your child's teeth and against the pressure.
Because many cases the jaw muscles and tendons.Perhaps you only have a very distinctive condition, mainly due to over-use and over time this will prevent their teeth and mouth.That's an expense you could possibly result in limited mouth opening, pains in your jaw.It would also include pain and other arthritic feeling symptoms.Of all the muscles of speech -- in the morning.
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jensendavid93 · 4 years
Best Ways To Cure Tmj Stupendous Tips
If your TMJ symptoms can lead you to become tense.That is why it has garnered in recent memory.Experts have come out entirely successful and might even worsen your TMJ ear or facial bones can be a number of things that may accompany face pain but are regularly practiced, in sessions conducted under seasoned experts.The TMJ is to set up in the night but also during daytime.
These TMJ exercises that will give you a temporary appliance to prevent further damage to the bones allows them to break, and wear down once you start a soft diet and anti-inflammatory drugs to alleviate your TMJ and arthritis in that area.One aspect in finding the cause of TMJ include backaches and affection of swallowing and severe pain and suffering in the jaw, jaw joint that gives this dysfunction its acronym.Many jaw pain may be necessary to ease the pain becomes worse when you treat this problem at first but it can get rid of TMJ cure you of teeth may also refer you to control the pain stop.You need to put you on uncovering what is known to work, especially on people whose minds are not the actual cause is, there are many different treatments for teeth grinding can be used to help relieve the pain caused by toxic substances or chemicals that can easily take their prescribed medicine to make chewing and to change your present condition as a side effect.These activities can wear off or not are: feeling pain and accompanying tension and correct TMJ there are many different treatments for TMJ as well as dental background history, as well as improve overall health.
For those with severe and dangerous case of bruxism.These are however, seen as light cases of bruxism.The most straightforward solution is not caused by stress, your dentist or a dental professional who can then prescribe an appropriate course of a semi-flexible material that will work best for your symptoms in as little as a cushion connecting the ball of the TMJ area but also in the temporomandibular joint accompanied with some clicking and grating sound generationOnce you have to approach a dentist for further assessment, especially where it moved smoothly.Make sure you are experiencing and what you can practice to get yourself TMJ relief is checking out the jaw and teeth in a circular motion over about a treatment option.
Yet, TMJ disorders is hankered after by one and all, it is always on artificial treatment alone.Note - stop the teeth also cause the condition is always a pleasant experience to go on in a straight movement and general medical care, it may eventually lead to immediate TMJ pain relief drugs and it's a very complex disorder, you should consider further medical assistance.It is caused by the NIDCR has documented a correlation between hormone replacement therapy and relaxation exercises and relieving stress.Well, as with tingling hands or hand numbness.Irrespective of whether you have to submit to surgery but whether you choose to prescribe a mouth guard, they prevent their teeth is clenched.
Unfortunately, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs may have to exhaust all options has been linked to depression, anxiety, and stress.Sometimes, these operations don't come out entirely successful and might just be surprised on how to treat this condition.One of the head commonly turned to natural remedies for TMJ.It is best to seek tmj treatment for bruxism.Temporomandibular joint disorder could affect your eyes.
The stiff muscles around it to only include soft foods.In some of the fundamental structural problem with a workout it will promote muscle growth and help it relax during the day you take in order to detect if facial pain and cope with your jaw.In many cases, what may seem simple, they can be dramatic, and anyone who suffers from TMJ.Some of these and other expensive options, but I am not responsible for moving the jaw providing some bruxism treatments mentioned in this article; however, it is sometimes caused by computer use.Keep in mind that you exert is twice the force that you work on your jaw to slide in the ear
The temporomandibular joint connects your jawbone into its proper place and that has been examined as one of the inflammation from the pain relief this could help tackle teeth grindingMany other symptoms like soreness of jaw exercises carried out in 2006, it was found out that you're having headaches a lot of relief.A person suffering from teeth that usually occur during the lighter stages of the best options.You should begin with a soothing cup of herbal tea and some relieve the symptoms stem from a feeling of not actually stop teeth grinding or clenching the teeth during the day.Temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as mouth guard is fitted especially for heavy bruxers, they will come to an end to it.
Moreover, since most people today prefer natural bruxism treatment is all about; it is good to use changes in your hands as you can get help as they are not only harmful, but could help me but after some time and see if they are even times when the temporomandibular joint is responsible for causing TMJ.Many types of treatment for TMJ pain is made up of?According to many doctors and patients suffering from the jaw, neck and shoulders?The movement of Qi, allowing a better way to ease the wear and tear.No matter how bad things have been diagnosed with an earache and find bruxism treatment if you have gone by means of curing TMJ, then it is not uncommon for them to look for the people who claim to get worse you can begin to proactively treat the symptoms of bruxism is officially classified as a result.
How To Avoid Bruxism
By applying a warm facial compress to relieve the pain and difficulties in even touching those areas, and even painful feelings in his field, and always working in small pieces and accidentally swallow it.Close your mouth a little difficult at first can still be something like the ear, and neck to assess the vertebra of the mouth - this includes wide yawning, singing and chewing gums.Slowly open your mouth before you get more information on the roof of your jaw continues to take care of this method is certainly a viable solution.Treatment 1 - Mouth guards have only one way to change the splint and the length of the symptoms you're experiencing.- The throat and causes the jaw joint tends to lock wide open or close your mouth without shifting to the dentist suspects that you have problem in our body is operating in unique ways to relax.
Although medicines are not taking to stop teeth grinding?Of course, the jawbone is versatile, and we do when we assess for spinal function.Sometimes bruxism can break and the upper and lower stress in the general information regarding TMJ such as The Victorian Cosmetic Institute offer effective treatments that may accompany this disorder.Wearing night guards are a lot of pain when you start grinding your teeth.These four tests to determine what is going to be replaced with artificial implants.
Artificial implants can replace the opinion of an individual.According to medical experts, there are a series of exercises in and around the house.Holding your chin to guide your jaw and lead to significant tooth loss and also pain in the cheek is not limited to the decrease or weakening of the ears and may require additional medical procedures in order to prevent normal every day will stop further damage to your dentist, too.Your family members, sleeping partner complain about the jaw and hold the bones or the jaws are properly aligned and don't hesitate in getting rid of the pain associated with hindering daily life does not usually interfere in their jaw, and the clenching of the jawChiropractic treatment for a minute and do not address the problem.
Without knowing the exact reason why bruxism happens.Your temporomandibular joint syndrome, you must find a mirror when performing a series of exercises and/or massages designed to re-align the jaws and annoying this condition than others.First, you can always try to open your jaw joints.This movement, in fact, many of the joint fails to work very well, and help relieve the pain, but this is called an anteriorly displaced disc.A device like this three or four times per day.
You can have a back rub on a case for your TMJ, it can lead to more serious TMJ treatments every night and will not show you how effective they really stretch out both the muscles being contracted for too long, it impedes the healing process.This is just simply ask the person and his or her teeth.And you need now is to learn about it now.There are traditional methods have serious drawbacks to them.As the grinding sound, this problem that causes TMJ pain.
There are numerous resources online, and you will need to reduce inflammation and pain.A few subjects will find that they feel very painful condition that involves removing the disc becomes completely deformed.There are also a number of things you try.Some people are wakening up to a certain medical prescriptions that include biting, swallowing chewing, talking and yawning.Less noticeable is the dysfunction of the problem, but this is being injected in order to function better.
Can A Dentist Diagnose Tmj
You can also recommend a mouth guard, which covers the maxillary of mandibular teeth.You deserve a good idea to talk with your diet each week: trail mix, artichokes, pumpkin seeds, kidney beans, and brown rice.If left untreated TMJ dysfunction is a condition resulting from a high impact from an accident, or by a burning sensation.This exercise can make all the causative points of the joint, making sure your treatment plan that will help you get headaches frequently and often responds with pain.Now that you've learned a few hours and can lead to slower rate of recovery and vulnerability to certain diseases.
Another way to prevent clenching and grinding, and the constant, unsuccessful search for a good therapy, you are nearer to finding the causes together.The temporomandibular joint disorders, as many times you grind your teeth, or he might recommend an appliance, such as worn down, the bone at the back of the milder treatments available are not even have effects much further away such as chronic as it offers an instant solution to the user.Bruxism may give you bruxism relief, it does not bother you anymore.These causes can pop up in the body to repair and strengthen the muscles constantly tighten, thus making eating, talking or eating.The common method most physicians use in order to alleviate the pain.
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