#also by that post where this girl's boyfriend calls her tony pizza
pullingyourstrings · 2 years
Headcanon: Gareth likes coming up with nicknames for you. Of course he will call you the cliche one's (love, baby, sugar, sweetheart, sunshine) but eventually it just gets more and more unhinged. Sometimes he just smashes two random words together and calls you that and the worst part is that you find it funny and endearing.
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tomholland20 · 4 years
Chapter 2: A beautiful evening!
Peter Parker: Tom Holland.
(Peter's aunt) May Parker: Marisa Tomei.
Y/n: You/ reader
(Y/n’s dad) Tony Stark: Robert Downey, Jr.
(Y/n’s mom) Kathryn Stark: Jennifer Aniston.
(Y/n’s brother) David Stark: Shane Harper.
(Peter's best friend) Ned: Jacob Batalon.
(Peter’s best friend) MJ: Zendeya
Warning: PG-13, bad language, violence, sadness, kissing, etc...
Credit: My best friend Anjali, who helped me with this story!
Before you start reading and you haven’t read this story from the beginning please go and read it from there it will make more sense!
Note: Hey guys, so I wrote this story for Marvel and Tom Holland/Peter Parker fans! I just want to say that this is just a fun story for entertainment purposes. I mixed everything up in this story, their love, action, drama, and more. And as you can see by the cast, I mixed it up. This is a story about Peter Parker and Y/n (your name) story. I hope you like it!! If you want a girl and a Peter Parker version tell me and I will do one........
Summary: You move to a new school where you find yourself falling in love with a guy named Peter Parker and can’t get over him... You and Peter knew each other for 3 years because he had an internship with your dad Tony Stark but you never really talked to him. One day during a scary fire that takes place in the mall. Spider-man (Peter Parker) comes to save you from the deadly fire. Later on in the story, You find out about Peter Parker being spiderman. This story is full of drama, romance, love and more, I hope you enjoy it!!
Chapter 2: A beautiful evening!
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After 2 weeks of going to school, you and Peter became close. You also became close to MJ Peter's best friend as she was in the same drama play as you. Peter and Ned both forced you to watch Star Wars, which you really liked. Everything was changing, you were finally smiling genuinely and you were getting over your ex. It was like a new beginning for you. People at school liked you, you were smart, good looking, and nice. You were kind of popular as you’re Tony Stark's son.
“Hey, Y/n!” Peter yelled across from the school hallway
“Hey” you replied. “What happened, are you ok?” You asked, Peter looked tired and he was out of breath.
Peter: "Yeah I'm ok, umm do wanna come over today? I have math homework and I was thinking maybe we can do it together?”
Peter was so timid when he started talking to you, even you were shy when he asked you to come over.
Y/n: Yeah sure... w-what time?
Peter: Is 5 good?
Y/n: yeah! Well, 5 it is then!
Peter: Sure! See you... bye.
Y/n: bye…
It was finally 5 pm and you were ready to go to Peter's house. Happy your dad’s assistant dropped you off at Peters place. “Ok, y/n I want you to take care of yourself and be in your best behavior.” You were a little curious as to why Happy had to say that but you agreed with him and went inside. You were in front of Peter's doorstep, you took a deep breath as if you were going on a date with him. You knock on the door and May (Peter’s aunt) opens the door. “Oh let me guess, you must be Y/n! Peter talks a lot about you." “Hi, Mrs. Parker, yes I’m y/n” you give May a big smile and she offers you to come in. “Do you want anything to drink?”
May: ok then, I’ll call Peter
“Peter y/n is here.” Peter runs out of his room and walks right towards the living room where you were. “Wow, are you ok? you look stressed.” “Yeah, I’m fine don’t worry! Wanna get started with math homework?”
Y/n: sure!
Peter brings you to his room. His room was full of Star Wars DVDs, there was a bed and a tv along with his table. Peter takes out his math homework and starts working. While working you notice a bad cut on his hand that he was trying to hide from you. Your eyes opened wide. “Peter, how did you get that cut,” you say in a tensed way. “It’s nothing I promise.” “do you have a first aid box here?” “Y/n don’t worry.”
Y/n: “tell me!”
Peter: “there is one in my bag”
You quickly run towards where his bag was and open it. You look for the first aid kit and as soon as you find it you hurry towards Peter. Without saying anything you open the first aid kit and taking Peter's hands and you start to clean the cut. “Ouch!!.”
“Sorry! Does it hurt?” You ask looking towards him with a worried face. This was new to you caring so much for someone that you cant even control your emotions in front of them, even though you had had a boyfriend this still felt new and you liked this feeling. “A little..” he replies with a little smile, ‘oof someone needs to tell this guy to stop smiling like that, that damn smile is going to be the death of me’ you thought. You smile back at him and keep cleaning the cut, finishing it with a bandage.
Even though you couldn't see, Peter has been busy trying to contemplate this weird feeling, attachment towards. Weirdly enough he liked how you cared about him, made him smile, made all his days feel fun and he even wanted to tell you something but didn’t. After a while both of you were quiet and were done with the homework. May comes running into the room saying “pizza is here!” she hands out your pizza’s. “Oh I have to leave soon.” “It's ok, stay for pizza at least” Peter requests you. You couldn’t resist it so you stayed for 15 more minutes. You and Peter both sat down and started to watch star wars. “Hey, if you don’t mind me asking, how did you get that cut?” Peter stopped chewing on the pizza and looked at you “Uh I was in a rush so I guess my hand cut into something.” He says “You should be more careful next time you know” you tell Peter with a little giggle. You and Peter finish eating and start talking about each other. “Since you moved here I didn’t get to know much about you, so why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?” You look at Peter and smile "sure! Well I was born and raised in New York. Umm do I have to continue I’m really bad at this...” you and Peter share a little giggle again. “You’re really nice Y/n, seriously the way you handled my cut I really appreciate it, so thank you.” “No problem” you answered back blushing.
You get a phone call from Happy informing his waiting for you outside. “Oh Happy is here, I got to go. Thanks for having me over Peter!”
Peter: anytime!
You rush to the door saying bye to May and head out *take that bread and that head then leave!! Oky sorry bye*. You get in the car and Happy drives you home. “So how was your evening?”
“It was so romantic.” “What??” You snap out of your dreamy self and Happy is just surprised. “Oh wait no sorry I didn’t mean to say that, I meant it was good.” “You got me worried there.” You roll your eyes as you are tired of hearing people say things like that homophobic asswipes. When you reach home your brother walks out of the house and looks angry. “Hey, David'' you say when your voice fades away. You walk in and you see your parents tensed.
Y/n: Hey guys!
Kathryn: Hey honey.
Y/n: David just walked out, and he looked really angry.
Tony: don’t worry about him, how was your evening with Peter?
Y/n: it was good, we got to finish all of our homework, we ate pizza and watched star wars.
Tony: sounds like you had fun! Didn’t you...
Before you answer your dad’s question David walks back in again ignoring everyone in the dining room.
Y/n: Ok what’s wrong?
Mom: Sweetie, there's nothing to worry about. I promise you nothing happened. He's just a little moody.
Your dad cracks a joke saying “girlfriend problems” with a laugh, you also laugh since your brother was not the best boyfriend. *like who are kidding he’s so annoying how does his girlfriend even handle him? aight bye* Your mom looks at you and Tony.
Tony: What? it's true...
Kathryn: Don’t worry about any of these things right now. Tomorrow is a big day, there will be a new girl coming to school. She is your Dad’s Friend's daughter. So I want you to show her around the school along with Peter.
“Yeah I can do that” you reply fast as soon as you hear Peter’s name. “Aww honey thank you” she looks at you in a curious way. “You look really into Peter I can see, are you gay for him?” Your dad asks. “NOO” you say really fast. “I just want to make new friends, that's all” your dad looks at you and with his glasses by his nose. “I’m kind of tired so why don’t I go to bed now.” “Sure sweetie, good night!” “Good night mom, good night dad!”
Tony: good night!
You go to bed not being able to forget about your beautiful evening with Peter and you want the night to pass by fast so you can meet Peter again. You were really in love with him *only if that asshole knew jeez like can he just propose to me and get done with this shit? Babe I'm waiting? You here?*.
Note: Hey guys!! Sorry it took us so long to post this chapter. School and all has been stressful so we are sorry to keep you guys waiting. This chapter is soo cute honestly. I hope you liked it. Chapter 3 is on the way maybe we will be done by next Friday and then I will post it! But there is a lot to come in Y/n’s and Peters life. Do you think Peter is in love with you? What is he hiding from you? To find out read the story love in the air!
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If You’re Gone (Girls Talk  Boys part 32)
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I think I've already lost you I think you're already gone I think I'm finally scared now You think I'm weak, I think you're wrong
If you're gone, maybe it's time to come home There's an awful lot of breathing room But I can hardly move If you're gone, baby you need to come home, come home There's a little bit of something me In everything in you
Ashton got to Cal's about 20 minutes after Cher texted him. He knocked but when he got  no answer he opened the door and let himself in, the place was a wreck. Calum had flipped his coffee table over slinging things across the room and he'd  kicked a hole in the drywall by his front door. Ashton carefully made his way around the mess hearing Calum upstairs. He saw the refrigerator door open and went to close it before heading up noticing the whiskey Calum had just bought was not there.
Ashton jogged up the stairs and peeked into Calum's bedroom. Seeing no sign of man or beast as he made his way down the hall. Calum had a 2 bedroom unit and had turned the second room into a gym/music room. He was sitting at his piano with his back to the door and Duke at his feet half slurring half singing “If You’re Gone” by Matchbox 20. Ashton shook his head, he knew this was gonna be a mess. He put a hand on Calum's shoulder causing him to look up with a tear streaked face and unfocused eyes.
“What happened?” Ashton hadn't ever seen Cal look this dejected.
“I fucked up,” Calum hung his head and sniffled fighting back tears again scooting over so Ashton could sit next to him.
“Did Camille break up with you? Cal I don't understand what's going on,” Ashton was puzzled.
“I acted like a complete asshole towards Camille, and she's probably never going to speak to me again. She's already blocked my number on her phone and all her social media,” Calum slumped against his shoulder and reached for the bottle before Ashton grabbed it.
“Getting sick everywhere won't make you feel better tomorrow” Ashton told him taking a swig himself draping his arm across his friend as Calum alternated between babbling and crying trying to explain the fight with Camille.
Cher pulled into the airport's unloading zone and took a deep breath. Both women had been crying as Camille told Cher everything that went down. Camille was devastated by the argument  and pissed beyond words but Cher knew she had the ability to compartmentalize and decide she wasn't dealing with Calum right now. With him deleted and blocked she had to focus on work and put her personal life on hold until she got back. Cher had always admired Camille's ability to just that, but also knew it was her way of avoiding dealing with her problems. She helped Camille with her bags and gave her a hug.
“You're gonna be great Cam, don't let this shit get to you. Calum knows he fucked up,” Cher cupped Camille's face in her hands sharing the sadness in her friend's eyes.
With a flash the sorrow vanished and Camille was angry and again Cher knew she was more comfortable being mad,  as Camille didn't do sadness well.
“Are you guys done? He thinks you broke up with him,” Cher asked her.
“No I mean, I don't think so. He really fucked up and pulling this right now made it so much worse. I'll deal with it when I get back. Thank you for texting Ashton to go check on him,” Camille shook the thoughts out of her head and put her game face on.
“I'll see you when you get back,” Cher gave her another quick hug before waving to Stephen who was already waiting for Camille in the terminal.
Before Camille made it to the escalator to head up to check in her phone dinged. Cher had sent her a $10 Starbucks gift card knowing Camille needed a pick me up.
Cher checked her messages seeing two missed calls from Calum and a text from Ashton.
Cal's drinking and in a bad way. I'm gonna stay over here at least until he passes out. He tried to call you, Camille has him blocked. Did they really break up?
Cher answered him
Camille won't talk to him until she gets back. He acted like a complete asshole and I don't want to talk to him either. Camille hasn't decided what to do yet I'll explain later.
Ashton set his phone down. “The girls don't want to talk to you right now.”
Calum nodded, he was now sitting on the floor with his knees pulled to his chest. Duke kept nudging at him and Calum would almost smile. Ashton had gotten some of the story out of him but Calum couldn't bring himself to repeat the worst he'd said. After a couple hours of drinking and listening to sad songs Ashton put him to bed and texted Cher.
I'm staying here tonight. I hope Camille is ok, Calum is too upset to talk about it but he knows he's wrong
Cher smiled and messaged back
Thank you for not defending him but still supporting him. I'll see you tomorrow daddy
Ashton chuckled and squeezed his dick through his pants glad this fight between their best friends wasn't coming between them.
Calum had spent two days holed up with his laptop and journal in his music room with Duke. Ashton checked up on him but they didn't talk much as Calum was watching the all the ProFantasySports live streams and scribbling down song ideas. Calum was laid out on the floor with his laptop watching Camille's interview on SportsTalk and Ashton was fiddling around on the piano when they both jumped at the sound of the front door slamming.
Footsteps came thundering up the stairs before Luke burst into the room.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Luke was angry and accusing.
Calum flinched at his words and Ashton stood up “Luke you don't know the whole story,” he said trying to calm him down.
“Actually I do, I was on the phone with her last night because she couldn't sleep,” Luke fumed. “He basically accused her of lying, wanting to cheat on him with her ex, and, this is the best part, accused her of using sex to get ahead in her career.”
Ashton was stunned and Calum couldn't meet their eyes, his face burning with shame.  
“The worst part is the timing of it. Camille feels like you’re trying  to sabotage her job. You need to figure out your insecurities and your jealousy because while she's going to forgive you this time, you will lose her if you keep it up,” Luke sat down and his expression softened. “I know you love her. I want to see you guys make it.”
“What did you come back from your vacation with Summer just to yell at him?” Ashton asked slightly annoyed.
“Did you and Summer have a good time?” Calum asked.
“Yes, thank you. We're really good right now” Luke replied. “I'm not here to fight. I'm here to help you get your girl back.”
“Wait did you say she forgave him?” Ashton asked.
“No she hasn't yet but she wants to. He needs to convince her, and we're going to help.”
The party was going strong but Camille wasn't really having fun. She'd escorted the contest winners around from breakfast, a day in the NFL Zone meeting players and testing their pass, punt, and catching skills before ending the day at a charity dinner. She'd promised Brandon Pearcy she'd drop by his party tonight and Stephen agreed to tag along. Being a sports agent Brandon had gone all out, he had clients on both the Rams and the Patriots so they'd split house down the middle, blue and gold on one side with silver, red and blue on the other. The food was themed accordingly, New England had lobster rolls, crab cakes, fried clams, Greek pizza, fluffer nutter sandwiches and whoopie pies. L.A. served up french dip sandwiches, Pink's chili cheese dogs, Pho, shrimp tacos, chicken and waffles and rice krispie treat chocolate chip cookies.
Brandon was always friendly and introduced her to several big name players. Rob Gronkowski, Tony Gonzalez, Calvin Johnson, Cam Newton and even Odell Beckham Jr who was extremely good looking and very flirty. People were snapping and posting pics and Camille couldn't shake the feeling she was doing something wrong.
“Camille,” a familiar voice was at her side and she looked up to see Quentin standing there.
She jerked back, panicking when he put his hand on her arm.
“Easy now, baby girl I didn't mean to scare you.” Camille relaxed seeing the concern on his face.
“Sorry I was lost in thought. You scared me.” Camille put her hand on her chest.
“You looked miserable,” he told her with a laugh before she noticed his eyes catch something across the room distracting him for a second.
Before she could turn around his attention was back on her “I know this is a work event for you but come hit this blunt,” he spoke quietly leading her out to a side patio where several people were smoking.
Camille took a puff and Quentin leaned down to talk to her.
“You need to leave this party. Brandon is going to make a move on you and he can be very aggressive and very nasty if he doesn't get his way.”
“Q, why are you telling me this? You think I can't handle myself?” Camille kept smiling and her voice low.
“Please trust me this one time, this will get ugly if you stay. His dealer just showed up and Brandon on cocaine It's something you don't want to see. It's only 9:30 my dude was just talking about getting out of here and hitting up this bar he knows that's got some decent food, you should go with the girls. I'll tell Brandon you're fighting with your boyfriend and left.” Quentin stopped when she looked surprised and hurt. “Damn I'm sorry, I was just making shit up. I'll go get your boy Stephen and we'll turn this night around.”
Quentin went back into the party and Camille found herself being surrounded and hustled out of the house by three women she'd just met.
They stopped once they got to the driveway and one of them began laughing “Well that was dramatic.” She stuck her hand out “Hi, I'm Brittany. This is Shay and that's Megan.”
“Nice to meet y'all. I'm still a bit confused as to what just happened,” Camille shook her hand.
Stephen, Quentin and three other guys were right behind them. Camille recognized two of them as  NFL players Patrick and Von. The other one, Jalen, she knew personally from her guest appearances on his ESPN show “Two Minute Warning.”
They ended up at Vortex for burgers before finding a silly karaoke bar. For the first time since she'd arrived in Atlanta she was actually having fun. Camille wasn't even worried about posting pics to Instagram, let Calum be mad. She wasn't doing anything wrong and if he couldn't see that then he had to go. Of course the thought of actually breaking up with him made her feel like someone knocked the wind out of her. She blocked that thought almost as soon as it popped into her head.
Tonight was her night with her new friends. Quentin left before midnight to make the teams curfew the rest of the group stay till closing at 3am. Camille had to be up at 11 AM to appear on Two Minute Warning in a surprise guest appearance. Camille texted Cher the details before getting some much needed sleep.
Cher hadn't ever had a Super Bowl party without Camille which made it really weird. Camille usually went all out with a Tex Mex taco bar but Cher went instead with pizza and chicken wings. It was the first time Cher had seen Calum since he stormed out of her house the night of the fight. She was pleased to see he looked like hell. He deserved it for making her best friend cry. Aside from that everyone seemed to be in a decent mood. They all cheered through Camille's segment where she dissected, correctly as it turned out, just how and why the Patriots would win. Everybody was in a great mood, and then the game started.
“Be serious, that game was a fucking snooze” Camille joked with Stephen as they presented their boarding passes to go home.
“The halftime show was worse than I thought it would be,” Stephen responded. “Both Sicko Mode and Sweet Victory deserved better.”
Camille laughed but then the Dramamine kicked in and she knocked out for the flight. Cher picked her up at the terminal.
“I hope you know Calum went all out for your return,” Cher warned her as they drove home.
“Mmmm we'll see,” Camille tried not to smile.
“Are you still mad?” Cher asked her.
“Yes, but I really missed him,” Camille sighed.
Walking in she immediately saw the place was filed with pink roses. She headed upstairs to her room and saw tulips strewn out on her bed with an envelope in the center.
Opening it she recognized Calum's messy handwriting and sat down on her bed to read.
My Darling Camille,
There is no excuse for how I treated you and I can't tell you how deeply ashamed and sorry I am. You are the best thing that has happened to me and I'm so afraid of losing you. I've already put you through so much I feel like an asshole asking you to forgive me. I should've never acted like you had to choose between me or your job. Your career is your life the same way mine is and that was completely unfair. You love what you do, you're brilliant, funny and I am so proud of everything you've accomplished. I didn't mean to act like you ever have to choose and I'm truly sorry.
The rest of what I said is completely inexcusable. I lost my mind for a second and lashed out at you and while there's no taking back what I said please know that I didn't mean it. I never thought you would cheat on me. My jealousy is all on me and I'm an absolute twat for behaving like that.
I know words are empty unless they're followed by changed behavior. I want us to really talk this out and I want to be more open with you. I've never been good at expressing my feelings but I want this to work. I want us to work. I have more to say but I'd really like to do it in person. Please give me another chance.
Yours Always
Luke watched as Calum paced back and forth staring at his phone. It had been almost an hour since they'd seen Cher's car come back from the airport. Calum was sweating and looked nauseous. There was a knock at the door and Luke saw Calum slump in relief when he answered.
“I thought we should talk,” Camille said before she saw Luke “hey peanut, are you guys busy?”
“NO,” both men answered in unison.
“I talk to you guys later,” Luke gave Camille a quick kiss on the cheek and quickly left.
Camille found herself wrapped up tightly in Calum's arms the second the door closed.
“Camille I am so sorry. I'm an idiot and an asshole. Please don't leave me, I want to be better for you.” Calum was trying not to lose it, barely choking out the words.
They stood there like that, both of them crying together, his face buried in her hair and her face pressed to his chest. Until Camille finally had to pull free because she was all stuffy. Returning from the bathroom wiping her eyes she found Calum splashing his face with cold water at the sink. She came up behind him hugging his waist before he turned and picked her up setting her on the counter.
He looked her in her eyes, “so are we ok?”
Camille nodded, “yes but this can't happen again. Mistakes will be made and this won't be our last fight, but I don't want to keep having the same fight. Respect is the minimum I expect from you. My job is going to get hectic next fall and you're going back on the road. We're going to have enough problems without creating new ones for no reason. I need you to talk to me., I need you to trust me. You're so good at hiding your feelings babe, I never thought about you being insecure. I look at you and see Calum Hood: this gorgeous rock star who I'm lucky enough to be with. I can't imagine you'd ever think you weren't enough.” Camille brushed his curls off his face and stroked his jaw.
“I just think you're amazing and you could do better than me,” Calum couldn't meet her eyes now. “Honestly you could do better than most of the guys you're around. None of them are good enough for you either.”
“You saw the pictures?” Camille asked.
Calum nodded looking guilty. “I watched all your live streams and checked your Insta and Twitter constantly.”
“And?” Camille raised her eyebrows.
“And it was the first time I saw you smile since you got to Atlanta. I'm a complete dickhead for ruining your trip. I'm glad you got to have some fun,” Calum met her eyes again. “I have a surprise for you if you'll come upstairs.”
“Calum we are not jumping into bed. I couldn't anyways,” Camille laughed before giving him a light kiss on the lips.
“No come upstairs to the music room,” Calum put her back on the floor and pulled at her sleeve.
She followed him upstairs and he sat her in a chair before getting behind his piano. He cleared his throat and Camille could see he was nervous but once he started to play and sing Camille was left in awe of his talents.
I was just coastin' Never really goin anywhere Caught up in a web I was gettin kinda used to stayin' there And out of the blue I fell for you
Now you're lifting me up, instead of holding me down Stealing my heart instead of stealing my crown Untangled all the strings round my wings that were tied I didn't know her and I didn't know me Cloud nine was always out of reach Now I remember what it feels like to fly You give me butterflies
Kiss full of color makes me wonder where you've always been I was hiding in doubt till you brought me out of my chrysalis And I came out new All because of you
Now you're lifting me up instead of holding me down Stealing my heart instead of stealing my crown Untangled all the strings round my wings that were tied I didn't know her and I didn't know me Cloud nine was always out of reach Now I remember what it feels like to fly You give me butterflies, yeah You give me butterflies
Now you're lifting me up instead of holding me down You're taking my hand instead of taking my crown Untangled all the strings round my wings that were tied I didn't know you and I didn't know me Cloud nine was always out of reach Now I remember what it feels like to fly You give me butterflies You give me butterflies
“Calum, that was beautiful,” Camille was trying not to cry.
Calum motioned for her to come sit in his lap and when she did he kissed her and looked her in the eye. “I'm sorry for everything. I love you and don't want to lose you.”
“Calum do you know what you just said?” Camille was stunned.
“Yes,” he was smiling at her his eyes bright. “I love you my darling Camille, my everything, my queen.”
“I love you too Calum,” Camille had more to say but it was smothered by his kiss.
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@biba3434 @toofadedtofight @babygirlcashton @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @slimthicccal @vfdsstuff @unabashedlymyself @5sos-ficssmut
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southside-vixen · 6 years
Fire and Ice (Sweet Pea) 5
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Chapter 5. Red Spray Paint
Adrianna Rivera has just made a difficult move from Arizona to the southside of Riverdale. With the history of her life in Phoenix behind her will she be able to find a new family in the Southside Serpents? Or will a certain tall, dark, and rage inducing Serpent cause issues?
A few days had passed and thankfully things finally started to quiet down. School was finally starting to return to normal and Adria still hadn’t heard a thing from her father. It was discouraging to say the least. Thoughts raced through her head ranging from ‘maybe he’s just getting released soon’ to ‘maybe someone placed a hit on him and I’m the last to hear he died from a shiv to the gut’
She couldn’t focus on anything, not like that was out of the norm lately. She was stressed to the point where her morning runs weren’t helping, she couldn’t stomach eating most times, and she would return after school to watch old reruns of telenovelas. Ness was worried to say the least, but despite all the distractions she could think of nothing seemed to help. She knew nothing would improve until Adria heard from the person she needed to most.
Ness placed a heaping plate of tamales in the center of the table, smiling at her own work. It had been ages since she last made a meal at home as she hated cooking for one. When Adria came to live with her it just became easier to order takeout. Seeing her niece depressed for the few days was making her desperate enough to cook and she figured what better than to try to make an old favorite. Tamales.
“Dinner’s ready” She called out to the living room. Adria quietly pulled herself off the couch and placed herself at the dinner table. Her eyes widened when she caught a glimpse of the giant stack on the table.
“You took a break from your cooking hiatus to make tamales?” Adria stacked a few onto her plate “Very ambitious.”
“I think I did pretty well. I followed a blog about Mexican cooking. It’s a good read”
Adria’s face lit up for the first time in days and it was enough to make Ness’ heart swell. She watched as her niece took the first bite, and her face immediately fell.
“Oh wow. It’s great, Ness.” Adria tried to choke down the rest of her bite. It was absolutely terrible. She wasn’t sure if she even soaked the corn husks before steaming them. Ness followed her lead and immediately spat the bite back out
“This is awful. Wow.” She broke down laughing “I guess this is what I get for not cooking for years. Don’t eat that, I’m gonna order pizza.” Ness took her plate and immediately scrapped the contents into the garbage.
“Thanks, Aunt Ness.” Adria got out of her chair and helped her aunt clean up the mess “The thought really means a lot. Also, Maria’s cooking is a tough act to follow so don’t feel bad.” Her father had the same cook since she was a child. Maria was basically family. It was another thing she missed so much from Phoenix. She never gave it a second thought until now, but she didn’t want to know how many people lost their jobs when her father was carted off to prison.
The mess didn’t take long to clean and soon both were munching on slices of pizza, watching Halloween. Adria had her eyes glued to the screen as Judith watched her boyfriend leave her home, not knowing that her murderer was already in the house. The tension was building as Judith turned around to see-
Adria screamed and jumped nearly a foot into the air before she picked up her phone. The caller display read ‘UNKNOWN’
“Can you press pause? I need to take this” Adria asked, feeling her heart rate starting to return to normal levels.
“Yeah of course, I’ve already seen this like five times.” Ness smiled, shooing the younger girl off
Adria returned to her room and shut the door behind her. She glanced at the screen once more before accepting the call “Hello?”
“Hola mija “her father’s voice came through the speaker and it was like the clouds finally cleared.
“Papá!” She nearly yelled “Where have you been? It’s been weeks.”
“Talking to my lawyers. I can’t say much more than that but I wanted to call you sooner.”
“Are you getting out? Please tell me you are. Aunt Ness tried to make tamales tonight and it just reminded me of how much I miss home.”
The line went quiet for half a minute before Alejandro replied “I wish I could say I was. My lawyers are doing all they can but…it’s not looking good.”
Adria tried to process it as best as she could but it just didn’t make sense. Her family’s lawyers were the best money could buy, there was nothing they weren’t able to do.
“But Papi…” Adria pleaded, hearing a chuckle from the other end of the line
“Papi or no, Mija. I promise you I will be out by your 17th birthday. I’ll even get you a new McLaren to replace the one they seized.”
Adria smiled to herself “Better be the Spider. You know I like to go fast” Maybe a little too fast, it was a good thing none of her speeding tickets ever stuck.
“I do not need to hear that” her father laughed again “You’re nearly a grown woman and I’m missing so much. Tell me about your biker aunt and her home town.” Adria rolled her eyes
“Aunt Ness is great, Papá. She even tried to make tamales tonight to make me feel better. They were terrible but the thought was there. School’s…terrible but its school. I’m making friends! We even have movie nights. They somehow roped me into watching terrible quality old films.”
“Who are you and what have you done with my daughter? The Adrianna I know would never tell me ‘it’s the thought that counts’. As much as I hate to admit it this seems to have been a good choice for you. Although I know your tíos would have loved to have you in my absence.”
There was a small series of beeps on the other end
“Unfortunately, Mija that’s my time. Te quiero. You’re growing into a strong woman and I couldn’t be more proud.”
“Te quiero, Papá”
Just like that, the line went dead. Adria placed her phone down on the night stand and flopped onto her bed. Every time her feeling of homesickness seemed to disappear it would come back with a vengeance.
“Fuck everything” She whispered to herself, staring at the ceiling.
The next day life went on as usual. She rode with Fangs to school, suffered through her classes, and sat down with the Serpents at lunch. When she sat down, no one even paid attention. Which was always a relief. This time, however, Sweet Pea had placed a laptop in front of them. One that was covered in duct tape. Classy.
“Ads, you’re here” Toni smiled “You’ve got to see this, the Northside’s gone crazy and now they’re making snuff films.”
“What?” Adria scooched over to Toni and glanced over her shoulder to watch some red head with an army of well-built shirtless guys behind him. Talking about some Black Hood and how they’re going to take him down.
“Snuff film?” She looked at Toni “This looks like the start to a really weird porno.”
“Hey guys.” Jughead walked up and stopped apprehensively “I guess we’re not watching funny cat videos”
Sweet Pea turned the laptop around to show him and pressed play
“We were just talking about how Fangs can earn his Serpent stripes by bringing us the head of the Northsider that posted this” he gave Fangs a pat on the back as he smirked at Jughead, as if he knew this would get a rise out of him.
“Don’t” Jughead sighed “I know this guy. He’s a football player, kind of a lame target is you ask me.” Just like that his demeanor altered “If you want to prove something, you go after the black hood”
Adria saw Toni’s eyes narrow out of the corner of her eye as Sweet Pea spoke up again
“Why would we do that? The Black Hood is only targeting Northsiders”
‘Thank God for that’ Adria thought
“As far as we’re concerned the Black Hood is doing our work for us. They’ve been blaming us for their problems for years. We’re sick of it.” Sweet Pea finished
Jughead sighed in defeat and walked off, leaving the table in a brief silence.
“Are you sure we need him here?” Sweet Pea scoffed “He’s less of a Southsider than Princess over here.”
Adria rolled her eyes.
“Not only is he blood, he’s FP’s blood. He’s one of us whether you like it or not.” Toni said “As for Adria she’s already proven herself to everyone but it seems like you didn’t get the memo.”
“Yeah. Let’s not talk about that night ever again.” Adria forced a smile, although it probably looked more like a grimace.
“Finally, something we agree on.” Sweet Pea locked eyes with her, as if daring her to say something. For once she didn’t rise to the bait.
“Shut the hell up, Sweet Pea” Toni groaned “No one’s in the mood.”
Thankfully the bell rang and released her from her what could have easily turned into her own personal hell. Adria watched as everyone picked up their bags and slowly started meandering toward their next class.
“Thanks, Toni.” Adria said as most everyone had cleared out of the cafeteria
“No problem. He’s being a huge douche and frankly I think everyone is over his shit now.” She put a hand on Adria’s shoulder “You’re one of us and everyone else thinks so. Ignore the idiot.”
Adria laughed “That really does mean a lot. Anyway, Ness is making one of her ‘specialties’ since her tamales were terrible. So if you want to come over for spaghetti tonight you’re always welcome at Casa de Rivera-Allen”
Toni made a face “Ads, I would love to but I already promised Jughead we would work on the cipher the Black Hood put out…”
“Oh…” Adria’s eyes widened “Well awesome. I hope that goes well for you.” She gave Toni a wink
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Anyone with eyes can see you’ve got a thing for the new boy. I don’t blame you, he’s cute.”
Toni blushed “It’s not like that. He’s got a girlfriend. If you looked up ‘Girl Next Door’ in the dictionary you’d find a full page picture of Betty Cooper”
“Wow. Girl Next Door, huh? Definitely not what I expected from Mr. Dark and Mysterious. I’m sure you’re more his type anyway. Only a matter of time before he sees it too.” Adria nudged Toni in the shoulder “We’ll miss you tonight but definitely tell me how it goes!”
That night Adria passed the time by chopping up mushrooms for her aunt’s ‘special’ spaghetti sauce. Although she wasn’t sure if Ness was allowed to call it special when the base was a store bought can of tomato sauce.
“Fuck!” Adria heard Ness grumbling with her face inside the pantry. She pulled out a can of sauce and examined it “This expired a year ago. I really should clean this whole thing out.”
Adria stopped chopping up mushrooms to look at her aunt “Anything you need me to do?”
Ness sighed “Can you stop by the bodega and pick up a couple cans of sauce? See if Fangs will go with you. I don’t want you out alone after dark.”
Adria sighed and threw on a coat “I’ll be back”
Just as she was told she paid a visit to her neighbor, pounding on his door. For a second she thought about if Fang’s parents would answer the door. Then again, that never happened. It seemed like everyone on the southside was either working multiple jobs to make ends meet or running errands for the Serpents. She probably only saw Ness as much as she did because of child services looming over their heads.
“Fangs!” She yelled
Fangs opened the door, confusion all over his face “What? Miss me already?”
“Terribly. I need someone to walk to the bodega with me. Apparently I’m too frail to go by myself.”
Fangs laughed “Have you seen yourself? Anyway what’s in it for me?”
“Ness’ spaghetti and my appreciation?”
“You got enough for 2 more? Sweet Pea and I are playing video games.”
Adria stopped in her tracks. “Sure…” apprehension was apparent in her voice, but considering she liked to consider herself sane, the idea of a serial killer out and about made her not want to go alone. Even if the bodega was a fairly short walk from the trailer park.
“Awesome!” Fangs smiled “I’ll grab Pea.”
Adria waited outside, rubbing her arms to keep herself warm. Regretting every decision she made up until this point.
Fangs exited the trailer with a disgruntled Sweet Pea following shortly behind. She wasn’t sure how to feel as he looked equally as upset about the arrangement. Honestly, she wasn’t sure how Fangs even convinced him. Especially in that short of a time.
The walk to the bodega was eerily silent. There wasn’t really anyone out on the streets and the company she kept didn’t say a word. Which was concerning but not necessarily surprising. She and Sweet Pea weren’t one to talk to each other by choice and Fangs must not have felt like keeping the peace tonight. Or maybe he was trying to avoid the fact that the awkward silence was his fault for inviting Sweet Pea in the first place.
Adria was now determined to make the trip as quick as possible. In addition to practically running to keep pace with the two boys, she quickly grabbed a couple cans of sauce from the store. She shot a quick text to Ness letting her know they would have two additional people for dinner tonight. All she got back in return was a string of smiley face emojis.
Adria met back up with Fangs and Sweet Pea outside, both of which seemed significantly less tense without her. The two were throwing play punches when they saw her.
“Ready to go?” Fangs smiled “I’m starving”
“Yeah of course” Adria raised the bag for both to see “Got the goods right here.”
The trio rounded the corner only for Sweet Pea to stop all of them
“What the fuck is this?”
Not even 20 feet away from them was the redhead from the snuff/porn video spray painting something onto the side of the bodega. Fangs looked and Sweet Pea and both of them seemed to reach a silent agreement. They weren’t leaving without showing this kid who ran this side of the tracks.
Adria followed the two as they stormed up to the red head and squared off. Adria wasn’t sure what was going to happen but she knew it wasn’t anything good. She stood next to Sweet Pea and Fangs ready to watch the entire scene play out.
“What do you think you’re doing” Sweet Pea shoved the guy’s shoulder so he was facing the group “Southside’s Serpent country.”
“Back off” The guy said “This doesn’t involve you.”
“Yeah?” Sweet Pea smirked “And who’s this for then? Hell, don’t tell me it’s for the Black Hood” he chuckled
The red head tried to walk away but both Sweet Pea and Fangs shoulder checked him, keeping him in place
“Where do you think you’re going?” Sweet Pea continued “You think you can just come here and tag our turf? Go back to the Northside”
“Move before someone gets hurt.” His eyes moved from Fangs, to Sweet Pea, and then locked onto Adria. Almost like he didn’t notice she was there until just now.
Both Sweet Pea and Fangs looked at each other and laughed. Adria was in awe of this kid. Didn’t he know that messing with any sort of gang was usually a bad idea?
Sweet Pea pulled a switch blade out of his coat pocket and released the knife “You’ve just made a big mistake” his smile was easy to see, even in the dark. It was clear he was in his element. As much as Adria would never admit it to a living soul he looked really good doing it. She scolded herself internally.
The guy’s eyes narrowed as he reached into the pocket of his hoodie. None of them expected him to pull out a gun and wave it in their faces
“Who made a mistake?” His voice grew louder to the point where he was yelling. All three were in a state of shock, Adria worst of all. Fangs immediately put his hands into the air, while Sweet Pea lowered his knife.
Adria, however, froze. She never in a million years imagined herself in this position, even with her father’s profession. She always had a sicario or two with her to keep watch but even then no one who wanted to live would dare threaten Alejandro Rivera’s only daughter. Even people who had a death wish didn’t want a death as painful as what waited for them if they so much as looked at her the wrong way.
Before she could even process how to react Sweet Pea grabbed her arm and moved her behind him
“Woah, Woah” he took a step back “In front of the lady?”
Sweet Pea gave her a quick push and whispered ‘run’ before the three of them took off. They didn’t stop running until they were in the safety of Sunnyside Trailer Park.
Adria was still in shock over the whole ordeal. Fangs took the shopping bag from her and led her inside. Adria quickly walked off to the bathroom as Fangs and Sweet Pea talked to Ness in the kitchen. When the bathroom door was shut she turned on the fan and ran over to the toilet, throwing up everything in her stomach. When she finished she walked over to the sink and splashed her face with cold water. The face she saw in the mirror barely looked like her own. She looked broken, her skin red and eyes puffy.
She was quickly brought out of it by a knock on the door
“Ads? It’s me. You good?” Fangs voice came from the other side “Ness wanted me to tell you dinner’s just about ready.”
Adria slowly opened the door to face him, trying her best to look normal. Judging by the look on Fangs’ face it clearly wasn’t working.
“Let’s just get this over with.”
Thankfully Ness didn’t ask too many questions with the guys there. After dinner Adria went back to Fangs’ with both boys. The three sat in silence on the living room floor for what seemed like an eternity. Until Adria finally spoke up
“Thanks for not saying anything to Ness. I’d appreciate if we could keep it that way.”
Both Sweet Pea and Fangs nodded
“Are you okay though, Ads?” Fangs asked “You’ve been a mess since it happened.”
Adria let out a small, sad chuckle “That bad, huh?” She brought her knees up to her chest “Needless to say I never thought someone would have the balls to point a gun at me.”
“Even with your dad?” Fangs asked
“Especially with my dad. He’d have them gutted alive. Do you deal with this a lot?”
“No. Not usually.” Sweet Pea broke his silence “We have to retaliate. If we don’t we look weak.” He looked to Fangs
“You’re right. What’s the plan?” Fangs asked. Both of them were far more serious than she had ever seen them. Given the circumstances it shouldn’t be surprising and yet it still was. She felt like she was seeing a brand new side of both of them and it was fascinating to watch.
“Whatever it is I want in” Adria inched closer to be part of the conversation
“Absolutely not.” Sweet Pea snapped “You froze there. Who’s to say he won’t have it again?”
Adria sat there quietly for a moment. She didn’t have anything close to a good response. She glanced over at Fangs who silently shook his head
“He has a point, Ads. Just let us handle it.” He stood up from where he was sitting “Let me walk you back home” Adria was about to argue as it was literally 20 steps away from his door but he spoke again “I insist.”
Adria groaned and followed Fangs the short distance to her front door; he stopped abruptly and put his hands on her shoulders. Adria raised her eyebrow, waiting for him to reveal whatever was going on in his head.
“I’ll tell you everything. I swear.” Fangs removed his hands from her shoulders and pulled her into a hug, rubbing his hand up and down her back as she started to ease up a bit “If you ever need to talk about what happened tonight I’m just a few steps away.” He let go and flashed her a large smile before turning around and walking back to his trailer.
Ashe watched him disappear into the door and let out a large sigh, sitting on the front step. Once again she felt alone looking to the lit window of Fang’s trailer. She could only imagine what they were planning. She thought about calling Toni before remembering she would be at Jughead’s. Good friends didn’t interrupt quality time with the guy their friend’s trying to bang.
So Adria rest her hands behind her and looked up to the sky, for the first time in a long time able to see stars.
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mayparkerblogs-blog · 6 years
Just Your Average Morning {Part 7: infinity war au subplot part 1!}
I’m back and better than ever! Sorry for the 2 month hiatus :( Since I’m still not completely over Infinity War, and I’m sure that nobody else is either, I decided to tie in JURAM with the rest of the group in this tragic story! YAY! The action stuff towards the end will make more sense if you’ve already seen the movie, which I'm sure most of you have, but if not, you’ll be fine.
Quick note: even though this is an au, and most of the events which occur are nothing like the events in the actual film, this post will contain some Infinity War spoilers. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, read at your own risk.
I hope you guys have just as much reading this as I had writing it. Sorry for all the angst in advance. If you’re new to JURAM or missed a previous part, no worries! You can check out my masterlist right here!
PS - get cozy, cause this one is L O N G :))
avengers x fem!reader (contains some Infinity War spoilers)
previously in JURAM (since we all need a little bit of a refresher)...
“Something big is coming, Y/N, something that our current team can’t handle alone. We need you on the field with us, Y/N, fighting the good fight. So, if you’re ready to be an avenger, I’ll see you in the training room at 7 tomorrow morning. Sleep well, Y/N. You’ll need it.”
You waved to Steve as he walked away and shut the door behind you. You proceeded with your nightly routine as usual, and shut off the light and slid into bed once you were finished.
Exhausted, you stared at the ceiling. You were here for a purpose, after all. This wasn’t just a freak accident - this all happened for a reason. You were destined to protect, to defend, to avenge.
Y/N Y/L/N - avenger in training.
3 months later..
“I’ll go grab the green beans.” You said to Steve as you left him in aisle 3 to go grab the veggies needed to make your casserole in aisle 4. 
It was 4 in the afternoon on this fine Thursday, and you and the super soldier had just decided to make dinner for everybody tonight instead of ordering a pizza.
You ran back to Steve with 2 cans of green beans, just enough to make one green bean casserole.
“Excellent work, soldier,” he joked, “Anything else you can think of that we might need?”
“Well, I know that Wanda really wanted to try those cute red velvet cupcakes she and I saw in the bakery last time we were here.” you hinted.
“Hmm, that does sound kind of good. Not today, but maybe some other time.” he said as he wheeled the cart to checkout. 
You stood behind Steve as the two of you waited for the cashier to finish scanning every item. 
“Darn it,” Steve said, “The donuts. I knew I was forgetting something!”
“It is more common among the older population to have memory problems.” you teased.
Steve gave you a little punch on the shoulder before turning back to the cashier.
“Will that be all, sir? Hey... wait a second,” the grocery store employee gasped, “You’re Steve Rogers! Captain America!”
Steve shyly smiled, “Indeed I am.”
“I like what you’ve done with the beard! Couldn’t even tell that it was you. Wow, this is awesome! You’re, like, the best!” the cashier turned to you, “What are you doing hanging around with Captain Rogers like it’s just a typical Thursday?”
“Well, actually, I’m-”
“She’s one of our interns. Yeah, it sure is a tough program, but she’s definitely the top of her class.” Steve patted you on the back after he suddenly interrupted you. 
“Well good for you, young lady!” The woman said warmly. “Oh, honey, would you mind taking a picture of us?”
“Sure, uh, no problem!”
The kind woman handed you her phone and you snapped a picture of the two of them. She quickly finished bagging your groceries while Steve paid, and generously bid the two of you farewell as you left the store.
“That was humiliating.” You said to Steve as you sulked in the passengers seat.
“What? Why’s that?” Steve asked.
“You embarrassed me in front of that lady at the store. You wouldn’t let me speak for myself.”
“I didn’t know if you were going to take this opportunity to ‘out’ yourself as an avenger to the world without asking me first, so I had to take precautions.”
“Why, exactly, would I do that?” you responded.
“Because, Y/N, every single day for the past week you’ve been asking me if you can be an avenger yet. And every single day I give you the same answer-”
“But why?” you furiously retorted, “Why am I not ready to be an avenger? I’ve gotten pretty used to the shield and Tony already showed me my suit. Why are you keeping me away from the world, Steve?”
You looked at Steve as he took a deep breathe in, and then out.
“Tony, Nat, and I all agree that you should have another month of training before we consider sending you on a mission. The bad guys won’t go easy on you like Bucky does, Y/N. If you slip up, you’ll pay the price. It would ease the conscious of the entire team if you had a little more combat training experience before you’re out on the field so that people don’t feel like they have to watch over you and protect you instead of completing the mission, whatever the mission may be. We know that you’re capable of defending yourself, Y/N, but we just want you to be safe. That’s all.”
You figured that your silence was a response in of itself as you looked out the car window and cooled down your conscience a little bit.
“So,” you said after a few minutes of silence, “Can I show Peter my suit and shield over the weekend?”
Steve knew that you were trying to lighten the mood, and appreciated your efforts to do so.
“I think we need Banner to check your hearing, Y/N, because I don’t think you understood a single word I said!” He teased.
The two of you laughed and continued listening to the radio and chatting till you finally returned to the compound.
After bringing the millions of bags of grocers inside, Steve started preparing the steaks while you made the green bean casserole.
“Did you get the cupcakes?” Wanda said as she strolled into the kitchen.
“Unfortunately, no.” You said as you jokingly turned around and glared at Steve.
“Way to ruin the fun, Captain Health.” Wanda teased.
“I just figured that Y/N is going to eat enough junk food over the weekend when she’s staying with the Parkers, so the least I could do was provide with a somewhat healthy meal.”
“Oh right, I forgot about that. You’ll have to tell your little boyfriend I said ‘hi’ when you see him, ok?” Wanda said.
You blushed and threw your oven mit at Wanda, “Stop it, Wanda! We’re just friends! It’d be weird if we dated because we see each other like ALL the time. Also, high school relationships are stupid.”
“Who’s dating what?” Bucky said as he walked into the room.
“Nothing!” You said as more and more teammates joined you and Steve in the kitchen.
What started as you and Steve making dinner turned into a group project. Everybody was helping, talking, laughing, and having a good time. The only people missing were Peter and Tony.
“Hey, where are Stark and Stark Jr. anyways?” Clint asked.
“Peter has finals,” you responded.
“And Tony’s still off doing his own thing.” said Steve.
“Really?” Nat responded to Steve. “He hasn’t called or texted or anything in almost a month. At least to me he hasn’t.”
“I’m not complaining.” Sam chimed in, dishing up his plate.
“He texted me yesterday and told me that it would be him and not Peter that would be picking up Y/N and taking her to the Parker residence tomorrow, but besides that we haven’t been in contact for quite some time.” Steve said while pouring iced tea into his glass.
“I wonder why he’s been so distant,” said Wanda as she maneuvered her way around the crowded kitchen. “It’s not like we did anything to offend him, right?”
“It could be a mid-life crisis.” Vision stated while grabbing a fork and knife.
“At least he’s not our problem anymore, right?” Bucky said as he sat down next to you with a plate full of food.
“That reminds me of when Bucky and I were growing up, and there was-” Steve began telling a story as you looked around the table to the loving family which surrounded you.
Wanda fiddled with her rings, Vision has just realized he didn’t actually need to eat anything since he was a robot (he forgets sometimes), Clint had his elbows on the table, Natasha listened to Steve’s story as she sipped her glass of wine, Sam cut into his steak and wiggled his eyebrow at you when you two made awkward eye contact, Bucky was occasionally chirping in with his input of what really happened, and you sat in between him and Natasha, who was now slightly harping at you to eat your food.
“Y/N? Hello?” Natasha said as she snapped you out of your daze.
“If you don’t start eating your food soon, Bucky will eat it for you. He’s been eyeing your plate this entire time.”
“It’s true,” Bucky said, “I have been.”
“Oh yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about some stuff.” “Like Peter?” Wanda shouted from her side of the table.
“Oh no she isn’t. Our Y/N is a smart girl. She knows that all boys bring is trouble. Even though Peter is a nice kid, I’ve drilled it into her brain that boys are overrated. Isn’t that right, Y/N?” Nat asked.
“Oh yes, of course. Girl power. Woo.” 
The table laughed at your lack of enthusiasm and continued talking late into the evening. You went to bed with a wide smile and a full heart.
You grabbed your backpack and duffel bag and walked down the driveway to Tony’s car. It was 12:30 on a Friday, and he was picking you up to drop you off at Peter’s house for the weekend. 
“Afternoon, Tony.” Steve said from a short distance.
“Nice to see ya, Rogers. How’s the gang doing?”
“Good, good. Where’ve you been, by the way? It’s been a while since we last talked. Anything new happen?”
“You know, the usual.” Tony responded nonchalantly.
Steve smiled and shook his head at Tony as Tony grabbed your duffel and put it in the trunk for you.
“Alright, kid, let’s get this show on the road. Parker gets out of school a little early today so we’ll have to be quick if we want to beat him to his own house.”
“Have a fun weekend, Y/N. Just call if you need me.” Steve said.
“Will do. See you Monday!” you said as you hopped in the car and waved.
Just as the car was pulling out of the driveway, Steve signaled for it to stop and for you to roll your window down.
“You didn’t bring the suit or shield with you, did you?” he asked.
“Oh no, Steve, no! That was just a joke. Don’t worry about it.” you reassured him.
“Are you positive?” He asked again.
“Oh come on, Grandpa, will you just let us leave already?” Tony harped at Steve.
Steve took a step back away from the car with his arms crossed and waved as you and Tony slowly drifted out of view.
Tony nudged your backpack with his foot.
“You brought the suit, didn’t you?” he asked.
You nodded.
“And the shield?”
You nodded again.
“Honestly, I’m not that surprised. You seem like the somewhat rebellious, eager type.”
After an hour of waiting in traffic, you and Tony had finally arrived at the Parker residence. You grabbed your duffel from the back and followed Tony through the building till you reached their apartment.
After knocking on the door a couple times, a lovely young woman opened the it.
“Tony! Y/N! Good to see you two again! Come on in!”
Tony turned around to you, slightly confused.
“Wait, you’ve already met May?”
“She came to the science fair a few weeks ago and Peter introduced us.” May filled Tony in as she grabbed some chips and dip from the kitchen.
“So, what all did Peter tell you about our lovely Y/N?” Tony asked, not sure of what he wanted to hear as an answer.
“That she’s nice, funny, has really pretty eyes, stays at the compound, and is part of the ‘internship,’ if that’s what you were wondering about. But, we all know what the ‘internship’ really is, don’t we?” May said as Tony joined her in laughter while you sat on the couch confused.
“It means I know what you do, your little secret double life thing,” May said as you blushed, “Don’t worry about it, honey! I won’t tell anybody, cross my heart. You should have seen the look on his face when I found out Peter was out being just like one of those avengers! He was terrified. Should have seen my face, too - I was equally as confused and scared!”
You laughed as you quickly made a mental note for yourself to ask Peter about that story on a later date.
May and Tony were discussing politics and the fate of the universe when Peter walked in with a kid you had never seen before.
“Y/N!” Peter said as he ran up and gave you a solid hug.
“Hey! I feel like I haven’t seen you in years!” You said.
“Oh my gosh, me too! I have so many great things planned for this weekend - you have no IDEA how awesome it’s going to be! You haven’t even seen my room yet so I should probably show you that but OH YEAH,” Peter paused and turned around to the kid who walked in with him, “This is my friend Ned Leeds he’s super cool and he’s going to be hanging out with us for a little bit today so um yeah let me go grab some more money for coffee and we can head on out!”
You smiled and shook your head at Peter’s goofy frazzeldness. 
“Hi,” Peter’s friend Ned said from an awkward distance, “I’m, uhh, Ned.”
“I know - Peter talks a lot about you. I’m Y/N.” you said as you stretched out your hand to shake it with Ned’s. 
“Yeah - Peter talks a lot about you, too.”
Once Peter came running out of his room with enough money to pay for your and Ned’s coffee (you insisted you had plenty of money, but Peter said that it was his treat), the three of you departed from the small apartment complex in Queens and rode the subway to Peter’s favorite Starbucks right by Central Park.
“So,” Peter said as he bit into his sandwich, “I was thinking,” he muffled out as he took another bite, “That the three of us should go see that new Star Wars movie tonight.”
“Oh yeah! I almost forgot that it was out.” you responded.
“I already saw it last night, but I’d be down to see it again.” Ned said.
“Didn’t May want us to go out to dinner tonight, though?” you asked Peter.
“Oh yeah. I k-kinda forgot about that, uhh, we can go see the movie after dinner!” he triumphantly declared.
“That reminds me,” Ned began, “Did you see Flash’s snapchat story last night?”
“No, I never really use my snapchat anymore, like, at all. Why?” Peter asked.
“OK, so, apparently Flash took Betty out to dinner last night at like a really, really nice dinner and they saw this one pretty actress lady, oh gosh what was her name, give me a moment I’ll remember-”
Ned’s story about Peter’s weird classmates lost your attention and you began drifting into thought. You looked around the restaurant and out the window at all of the lovely people. One thing you noticed - everybody was happy. Not a single frown drowned a woman’s face, or sank a man’s beard. The little Starbucks that the three of you had parked yourself in was the absolute center of joy. 
Is this what pure bliss feels like?
You gracefully took a sip of coffee and checked your phone, realizing that you missed about a dozen phone calls and a few texts from Steve.
Steve: Just saw the news. Call me as soon as possible.
Steve: Please just let me know you’re far away from whatever is happening, Y/N. Do not engage!
Steve: Please respond.
Steve: Tell Peter to check his phone as well.
Steve: Have you not seen the news?
Steve: Everybody is worried. Please answer our calls. We need to know that you are far away from this mess. We will handle it soon enough.
Steve: ????
Oh no! I left my phone on do not disturb! Way to go, Y/N. You freaked Steve out. Wait, what’s he freaking out about?
You looked up at the TV on the wall and saw it. After what happened a few years ago, the entire world thought that it was a ‘one and done’ sort of thing. No more attacks from space, no more worms flying through the sky, and no more freaky aliens.
But it was here. In the sky. Above the city.
And it oddly looked like a donut.
I never thought that death would come from a donut.
Before screaming and panicking, you glanced around the peaceful Starbucks and realized that not one person had glanced up at the TV.
I mean hey, at least they’re trying to stay disconnected from electronics and interact with each other, right?
“Hey, um, Peter,” you said, gently slapping his arm to get his attention away from Ned's endless story, “Look.” You pointed at the TV.
He squinted a little before he realized exactly what was happening.
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh,” he repeated, running his fingers through his hair, “Uh, Ned,” he said, slapping him on the shoulder to get his attention, “There’s a situaiton.”
Ned looked up at the TV and stared at it for a few seconds before his eyes grew wide.
“Oh my gosh! It’s a thing! How come nobody else noticed?” he said as he looked around at the cafe. “Do you need to go do the stuff? Do I need to make a distraction?”
What is Ned talking about?
“N-no, no distraction this time. Just make sure that you and Y/N stay inside and safe.” Peter said frantically as he sprang up from his chair and started sprinting for the door.
You grabbed your backpack as you hopped up right after him and followed him to the door.
“Y/N!” Ned called, “You need to stay here, you saw what’s on the news!”
“Don’t worry! I know what I’m doing!” you shouted back, “I think...” you softly muttered to yourself.
You followed Peter’s bobbing head as he ran through the crowded sidewalks, into a disgusting alley, and started unloading his backpack.
“Peter!” you said as you jogged into the awkward area in between two buildings.
“Y/N! You need to go!” he said as he threw off his clothes and started putting his suit on.
“Is that your spider-man suit?” you said, bewildered. 
“Of course it is! I need to go help, and you need to go home to May! It’s not safe for you here!” he panickedly said. 
“Peter,” you began, “I can help - no, I am helping! I’ve had three months of training with the Avengers, for God’s sake! I know what I’m doing! Just, I don’t know, give me a second to change into my stuff.” you frantically said as you ripped open your backpack and pulled out your suit, helmet, and shield.
“But, wait, you have your suit already?” he asked.
“Mhhmm” you said as you changed into your suits top piece.
“And the shield?”
“Peter!” you snapped at him, annoyed that he was standing there as you were trying to change.
“Ok! I’ll uh, be on the roof!” he said as he swung up and out of sight.
You rapidly changed into your suit and threw your hair into a low pony before strapping your helmet-thingy on and clicking your shield into its holster on your back.
Peter jumped down into the alley and grabbed you by the waist.
“Sorry, I just figured we’d get there faster this way.”
Suddenly you were off the ground and swinging through the air with spider-man, out in the open for all of New York to see.
What am I doing?
“Hey,” Peter said mid-swing, “Your suit is basically just the girl version of one of Captain America’s older suits.”
“Oh shut-up.”
“What’s your name anyways? Captain America Jr? Miss America? Miss Captain?”
“Hmmm,” you thought out loud, “I believe Tony said that he was thinking about calling me ‘Lady Liberty.’ Has a nice ring to it, right?”
“Lady Liberty,” Peter said, “Get ready for a fight, because that’s what we’re going to get.”
On your way to the donut, Peter’s “spider-sense” (you still aren't sure that’s an actual thing but you just kinda go with it) went off and he realized that something was happening at Central Park, not the donut. He set you down on the ground and asked you to run over to the donut and make sure that nobody goes in or out until any other avengers arrived.
Lucky for you, you wouldn’t miss out on all the action. You could hear every conversation an avenger had within a 20 mile radius of you thanks to the little coms that each of you had in your ear.
You sat with your shield strapped to your arm facing the donut on an abandoned car about a block away from the spaceship and listened.
“Hey Mr. Stark, is this guy bothering you?” you heard Peter say.
You tried to follow what was happening from your end of the coms, but it was hard to understand with Peter’s muttering and Tony’s panting into your ear.
You thought everything had calmed down until you heard Tony yell “Get the wizard!” completely out of context.
What is happening down there?
“Y/N!” Peter exhaustedly screamed through your ear.
“What, what?” you responded, jumping up from your seat.
“There’s this wizard dude levitating across the city and he’s heading your way and he’s not stopping. Try to intercept him and stop him from getting into the donut.”
“Wait a second, Y/N? Why are you here?” Tony asked.
“I thought you needed my help, and obviously, you do.” you responded.
“Just get the dang wizard for me and we’ll discuss it later.” Tony said in between several grunts and heavy breathes.
You kept your eyes peeled to the sky and finally saw him - the wizard - approaching straight down the street.
He was going fast and nonstop, just as Peter said. How were you going to stop this dude?
Shield! I’ll use my shield!
You threw your shield at the wizard only for it to bounce off of him and a few buildings before rebounding back to you.
You clicked your shield back into it’s holster and looked up at the wizard, who was almost right above you now. You were stumped. If you let him travel any farther, he’d get to the donut, and you can’t let that happen.
What to do, what to do!
You let your instincts guide you into your next decision, which was a rather bad idea since you have none.
You got on top of the car you were previously sitting on and waited until the wizard was directly above you. The plan: grab on to his body and pull him back down to earth. Once he was in position above you, you jumped as high as you could, connecting your arms on the other side of the wizard’s flat, log-like body. 
That plan didn't work, obviously. You currently found yourself a very high distance off the ground, holding on to a wizard for dear life, with your legs dangling over dozens of pieces of dangerous debris on the street below.
Instincts bad! Instincts bad!
“Peter!” you called through the com, “How far away are you from the wizard and the donut?”
“I almost got him! Why, did you get him?”
“Well, I tried to get him, but now I’m just floating above New York with him and I don’t really know how to get myself out of this situation without breaking at least one bone.”
“Y/N!” Tony yelled, “Don’t do anything stupid!”
“Yeah, it’s a little too late for that!” you responded.
“Peter,” Tony barked, “Are you closing in on him?”
“I’m almost there, Mr. Stark!” he panted, “There! I see you!”
You looked to the end of the street to Peter swinging from building to building as fast as possible, trying to get to you and the wizard.
The wizard continued floating closer and closer to the donut, and the worry of what might happen if Peter didn’t reach you in time suddenly dawned on you.
“Lady Liberty!” Peter shouted from his position a block down, “When I say it, just let go of the dude! I’ll get you!”
“But what about the wizard?” you asked.
“I have a plan! Let go when I say it!”
You waited a few seconds and looked down at the ground below you, which seemed more threatening than it actually was.
“Now!” he shouted at the top of his lungs.
You tried to let go of the wizard, you wanted to let go of the wizard, but you couldn’t. You physically couldn’t. Your arms were frozen.
“I can't, Peter! Like, I physically can’t move! It’s like I’m stuck or something!”
Even though Peter didn’t say anything for a couple seconds, you could tell that he was definitely overwhelmed. This was nothing like anything him or you have ever dealt with before.
“Uhh, I’ll come get you! Just, uh, hold on!” 
You could see his red and blue spandex crawling up the building next to you out of the corner of your eye.
“I’m almost there, guys. Just hold on a little longer!” Tony desperately called from his comm. 
All of a sudden, you and the wizard stopped moving towards the donut. This is partly because, you decided, since you had reached the donut. Peter took this opportunity to jump from the building to you, and grabbed onto your dangling legs.
“Your legs are moving just fine, Y/N, what about your arms?”
“They’re stuck in place! It won’t let me let go or move them at all!”
Peter tugged on your legs a little bit before crawling up your body and onto the top of the wizard, trying to loosen your grip on him.
“I mean, congrats on even jumping up and latching on to him in the first place, I bet that was pretty hard.”
“Peter!” you nervously snapped at him.
“Sorry! Um, uh, yeah they won’t move.”
You groaned in frustration and fear as you desperately swung your legs and tried to break free from whatever was bounding you to the wizard.
All of a sudden, though, you began moving.
“Peter..” you croaked out, terrified.
“Mr. Stark,” Peter said through the comm, “We’re being beamed up.”
“I still can’t let go!” You cried.
“Just hang tight, come on, you can do it! I’m almost there just don’t go into the donut!” Tony said.
A door in the donut opened and you and the wizard veered course and started levitating towards the entrance. You looked up at Peter, who was still tugging at your arms.
“I think I almost got it, Y/N! Don’t worry, you’re almost-”
Suddenly, Peter was flipped off of the top of the wizard and sent flying into the center circle of the donut.
“Peter!” you yelled after him, worried about his safety.
Your heart sank as you realized that you were less than a yard away from the dark entrance into the donut, with nobody to save you except yourself. You had no idea who or what was in there, or if you would be able to contact the team from inside.
A tear of fear streamed down your cheek, but you wouldn’t let any more leak out of your eyes. You would find a way out of this. You would save the wizard. This isn’t training anymore, this is the real deal.
As you levitated into the darkness of the donut, you quickly whipped your head around and took in the city, with it’s regal buildings and towering sky scrapers. The sky, with it’s blue ombre painted above you. The welcoming sun, which warmed your skin and soothed your soul when you needed it the most. The clouds, the fluffy, fluffy clouds, where you often looked to and found your biggest dreams, hopes, and adventures. You thought about your room in the compound, which took many weeks to complete to perfection, about the rest of the team back home who must be worried sick, about Peter who was in an even worse situation than you were, about Tony who was racing his way through the city in a frenzied panic, and about Steve, who had probably called you at least 50 times already. You shouldn’t have left your phone on do not disturb, you should have responded to his texts, you should have picked up the phone and called him. You should’ve thought about what you were about to do before you literally jumped into this. You should’ve told Steve how great of a mentor he is, and how much he reminds you of your dad. 
You thought about all of these things as you looked at the great city surrounding you and all of the wonderful people which occupied it, the people that you were trying to save.
You thought about this as you took your last glance at the blue planet you call home.
As you stretched one second into a thousand beautiful moments.
As the doors closed.
And you were utterly, terrifyingly, alone.
@infinite-exist-ence @sataninsatin @tinyclockss @markusstraya @sassyandclassyx @scarletracoon
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shellheadtmarc · 6 years
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v; fallout group verse - closed
This, is in all honesty, mostly because I know people have to be going, “...what the fuck,” about shenanigans.  This, hopefully, will clarify those to a degree.
Consider all of this, but let’s make some changes.  In the aftermath of the bombs, Tony and Stephen Strange ( @rahasyamay ) run into each other, each doing their own putting out of fires, metaphorically and literally.  The Sorcerer Supreme has, ah.  A lengthy lifespan, too, so Tony and Stephen end up as a close knit family unit (the romance thing just isn’t a thing for them, if there has been hanky panky it was very brief and no doubt loneliness-induced) in the years following the bombs.  Shortly before the pair follow the BOS into the Commonwealth (relative on what shortly means), the courier from the Mojave arrives in New York, Elle Days ( @gwinnetts ), and ends up being adopted by Doctor Wizard Dad and Tired Iron Dad.  
Tony and Stephen leave for the Commonwealth, with the plan being that Elle will follow them in at a slower pace (meaning once they’ve scoped things out and made sure it’s safe) on the motorcycle Tony’s tinkered on for her in his spare time.  And it...Mostly goes to plan until Elle is jumped by a courser and her AI version of Yes Man ( formerly @securitrcn ) is taken.  Elle ends up in Goodneighbor, with her Superhero Dads starting to get worried when she doesn’t arrive on schedule and they find the wreckage of her bike.
Fort Hagen is the place Tony and Stephen claim at first, where Tony takes the actual military post and Stephen claiming the Fort Hagen Blood Clinic.  The intentions are a makeshift lab for Tony, but Stephen sees potential in the clinic with aspirations to turn it into a working hospital, since he can’t use his hands like he did anymore, no, but he can pass on his medical knowledge, and the clinic will eventually become a functioning, real teaching hospital.  From here, the two agree to go separate ways, both looking for Elle, both scoping out the Commonwealth on the whole for similar and differing reasons.
Stephen will meet the Cabots and find out the Commonwealth is hiding a lot of bad news goodies of his particular interest that he wants to secure.  He’ll also end up with Croup (later nicknamed Mooch by the Avenger squad, Recoup by everyone) Manor as a somewhat makeshift Sanctum Sanctorum in Boston.  It also doubles as something of a respite for healing and a veterinary clinic!  And yes.  Bats is in attendance.   You get used to him.
Fun fact!  Tony won’t sleep in the main building.  It’s creepy in there and while yes, he knows whatever’s going on can totally be explained by science, he will later use his boyfriend’s reluctance to sleep in the main manor and use one of the smaller surrounding buildings he and Zetta ( @gwinnetts ) builds as an excuse not to.  Croup Manor is weird and no one likes it.  Except Stephen.
Meanwhile, Tony cuts a path through the Commonwealth to get information.  Diamond City points him at Bunker Hill, Bunker Hill points him to Goodneighbor.  In Goodneighbor, he meets a former Gunner by the name of Robert Joseph MacCready ( @gwinnetts ), hires him for info on the Gunners, and intends to leave it at that, intending on making his caps back with a few games of pool before striking out to see what he can see.  When he leaves Goodneighbor, he’s still got a short, smartassed merc with him, and decides what the hell, he can make use of an extra gun.  Besides, he’ll be able to foist this guy off on someone else, and he’s just a merc, right?
(Wrong, Tony.  You are very wrong.)
Time passes.  They meet the sole survivor of Vault 111, Zetta Reynolds ( @gwinnetts ).  Thor ( @torrrden ) shows up at the 11th hour as usual wondering what the hell has happened before ending up befriending a bunch of super mutants.  Croup Manor becomes something of a meeting place/gathering place/family dinner location despite how weird it is.  
And then, after years of telling the universe, “GIVE ME BACK MY RHODEY,” the universe complies with Tony.  Rhodey ( @alloyally ), still part of the United States Air Force during the Great War, having been in many of its campaigns, and playing a bit of a game with the US Government concerning Tony’s anti-war shenanigans before the war (”I’ve been told to tell you that your behavior isn’t appreciated and you need to stop.  Wanna get take out?”  “It has been noted and ignored.  Pizza?”), disappeared not long before the bombs fell.  Given his deployments, this wasn’t an unusual thing, no, but Tony has never been able to find another speck of information about him in the years since, and has assumed him dead.
In truth, in the decades before the war, Jack Cabot exchanged some of his immortality serum with the government, in exchange for tech to better examine and understand his father Lorenzo’s weird crown that has seemingly driven him mad.  The government has been trying to remake the super soldier serum since its success with Steve Rogers/Captain America, and with that serum in hand, do so again, this time with Colonel James Rupert Rhodes.  Rhodey’s been out for a while, and is discovered in stasis by the Brotherhood of Steel, who wake him, orient him, and use him as a unique asset with the rank of Knight.
You can imagine how long he stays with the BOS once Tony finds out he’s alive.  Spoiler:  Not long.  And you can imagine how attached at the hip Tony is with him after the fact.  Spoiler:  It goes something like “I’m in the bathroom, I can hear you breathing out there.” 
You can imagine, too, how well MacCready reacts to that without having a reason to react to that way.  Spoiler:  Like a jealous boyfriend.  That has no right to be jealous.  But is gonna be jealous anyway and thank God, these two knuckleheads finally talk it out.
While forever in development and constantly being added on to (including more and more people being dragged into it), some other highlights include: + Sexual tension!  Mistakes being made!  Tony and Zetta doing the do!  Because they’re both too smart, too stubborn, and you know the whole trope of, “Make me,” being sexual tension that leads to actual sex?  That’s it.  That them.  Plus he got a nice booty and Zetta ain’t stupid. + MacCready’s quest changes!  Tony moves too slow for the whole idea of affinity and gets into a snit when MacCready takes off to take care of the Gunners by himself!  Zetta tracks his scrawny little merc ass down and calls in the calvary (Tony)!  Iron Man as Iron Man gets some play!  Lots of Gunners die!  Mostly because the won’t back down! It’s a mess!  Angry Tony!  Lots of bad feels all around! + The Rock Saga!  It’s legit verse canon now!  Robert Joseph MacCready is the worst boyfriend ever! + Stephen and his crush on Daisy of Goodneighbor!  Respecting KLEO because she’s a strong independent woman who don’t need a prime directive! + Duncan gets brought to the Commonwealth!  He’s officially the most protected kid ever with Tony being Tired Iron Dad and MacCready being MacCready!  Bonus points for the toy soldier going to him like it should have all along!  Dad!Tony reading Tolkien on request at bedtime because he hates Tolkien!  Changing the ending because you don’t tell a kid as young as Duncan his favorite in the Hobbit (Kili) dies! + Elle being loved! + Yes Man being loved and appreciated and encouraged to grow as his own person! + The Overboss that leaves Nuka World because he’s sick of the raiders unruly shit is a legit former Golden Age pirate ( @pyratetm )! + Avengers Assemble becomes a thing again! + People using Tony as a flashlight!  Tony getting annoyed by that! + Changes to all major questlines to make them canon divergent as hell because this is as much fix-it as it is rp! + Colonel James Rhodes becoming General Rhodes of the Minutemen! + M.O.E. the rebuilt synth!  He’s a first run prototype of the OS and personality matrices and is buggy as hell!  Everyone loves M.O.E. anyway! + Keep tuning in to find out what other bullshit we shove in this verse because this is already really long!
Featuring: @starkunlimited - the Commonwealth mechanic/Iron Man/various npcs @alloyally - the Commonwealth angel/War Machine (Iron Patriot sucks) @rahasyamay - the Commonwealth knock off Gandalf/Sorcerer Supreme @torrrden - the Commonwealth alien viking golden retriever/ God of Thunder @gwinnetts - the Sole Survivor/worst boyfriend ever/cutest courier ever/various npcs @justificd - Detective Depression/various npcs @securitrcn - the ai that could/an albino scaley smart boi/man who makes whale noises @beenpole - Mayor Buzzkill/anime thing 1/anime thing 2 @ersetze - Egg Spy/possible various others @inplakabl - when good girls go bad @pyratetm - you don’t fuck with the overboss
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taaroko · 6 years
Post-IW MCU Rewatch: The Incredible Hulk
Okay, time for The Incredible Hulk. This is only my second time watching it. The first time was during my pre-Ultron marathon. I remember basically nothing.
I really like the way the origin story is covered in the intro montage. Universal figured out what Sony did not: if we’ve already had the origin story within the last decade or so, we don’t need it again. Plus the montage is just good visual storytelling, and I’m always on board for that.
He’s watching Sesame Street to improve his Portuguese!
Holy crap that dude can do really unsettling things with his stomach.
Part of me feels like I’m watching the story of what Oz was doing after he left Sunnydale to learn how to deal with his wolf side. This is great.
The intensity with which Bruce tries to make sure none of his blood gets anywhere is really interesting. This is all continuing to be very visual, which is awesome.
Hey, there, Mr. Blue. (I have no idea who Mr. Blue is.)
Loving all this science.
Aww, it was the Stan Lee cameo who got Bruce’s blood-spiked soda?
Oh hey, Tim Roth. Forgot he was in this.
Man, a city with this kind of layout really is perfect for parkour.
Ooh, nice use of shadows to conceal the full Hulk reveal as long as possible.
Is it...cold in this rainforest?
Hahaha, he’s deliberately finding the stretchiest possible pants.
Tim Roth’s character is scary.
Bruce is such a Ravenclaw, guys. None of the other houses are this quiet for this long.
Nice trick with the pizzas.
“Dr. Elizabeth Ross” is her username? That’s not a username. That’s a name.
Whoops! Betty saw you! Sucks to be her current boyfriend. That is some intense emotion.
What the heck is this serum? Is it anything like the one that made Steve Captain America?
The shots of them in their separate beds reminds me of this.
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Wow I am not okay with those bone marrow sample sound effects.
Bruce has such soulful eyes.
Holy crap Tim Roth definitely got an upgrade.
Hahaha, nice place to store the data. Gross, though. And...wouldn’t his stomach acid ruin that drive?
Ooh, father/daughter confrontation, Tiananmen Square style.
Nooo, don’t break this school! It’s too pretty!
I definitely prefer the way the Hulk looks from Avengers onward.
After all the effort Bruce went through to acquire stretchy pants, these sure look like jeans.
Wow, Tim Roth is insane. (Yeah I’m probably never going to remember the character’s name.)
Ooh, sonic cannons?
Aww, Hulk’s gonna fight through it for his girl.
Blonsky. Emil Blonsky. Okay. And dang that was brutal.
Hahaha, even the bland new boyfriend won’t help Betty’s dad.
*lightning strikes Hulk* Hey leave him alone, Thor. He’s had a bad day. You’re being a really bad friend.
I guess it’s a good thing that USB drive didn’t make it farther than his stomach.
I really like all these quiet soft moments between Bruce and Betty. Stupid heart rate.
Okay, Blonsky healed creepily fast, but at least now I don’t have to listen to the sound of his burned, broken fingers clenching.
Dang, SHIELD has creepy effective servers.
My least favorite thing about both Arwen and Betty Ross is Liv Tyler’s tendency towards being overly breathy when she talks. So it’s super refreshing when she shrieks at that horrific cabbie.
Tim Roth’s supersoldier body is really creepy and weird. Was that a mo-cap suit and CGI? I feel like they went for the wrong physique. His head’s too big compared to his torso. They should’ve gone more barrel-chested, I think. Also EW HIS SPINE.
ARGH THIS IS SO PAINFUL TO WATCH. I do not like this movie’s sound designers. They are far too good at their jobs and my ears are not enjoying it.
Kinda bitter that General Ross is the only one who got to be in another movie. He’s the worst.
I have some...anatomy questions about Abomination. I mean, I know steroids can make certain things shrink, but this stuff took it a step further and turned Blonsky into a sexless golem. They really should’ve just given him improbably stretchy pants too so I wouldn’t have to think about it.
Poor Harlem.
Oookay, they should not have let him talk. That makes it so much dumber.
Man that would’ve been a really horrible death for Bruce.
OWWWW. Sharp elbows!
Whoa! That was a cool way to douse the flames!
Wait since when does Hulk actually call himself that? I thought it was just those college guys who came up with the name. I feel like that needed to have been established better before he started using it as his own name.
Seriously, Betty? You’re telling him to stop? This would definitely be a case of justifiable homicide, and he’s the only one capable of doing it. What the heck are they going to do with a live Abomination?
Wow, is that a real location in British Colombia? It’s beautiful!
Okay, I like that ending. It helps tie in with “That’s my secret. I’m always angry.” He’s learning how to access the Hulk at will now, not just suppress him forever. But that doesn’t mean there won’t still be involuntary episodes.
“That supersoldier program was put on ice for a reason.” Rude, Tony.
I tend to dismiss The Incredible Hulk purely out of a bias in Mark Ruffalo’s favor (I saw Avengers first, so he’s Bruce for me). I’m not sure his Bruce is quite the same character as Norton’s. I can’t even imagine Norton’s Bruce chumming it up with Thor in Ragnarok, for instance, and I’m not sure I can imagine him being Science Bros with Tony either. But this is actually a pretty good movie, and I do like this Bruce. My only real issues are with Abomination being able to talk and Betty stopping Hulk from finishing him off. I like Bruce being carefully on the run, I like Betty helping him, I like the conflict between science and military. Science cannot surge forward unfettered because there are people who would use that to wage war. It’s almost like Bruce is both a nuclear bomb and the guy who first created them. He has to live with the consequences of his research trapped inside his skin, and he’s only barely beginning to come to terms with that.
I’m pretty okay with this being the only MCU Hulk movie. And not just because I have no interest in seeing where things might go with that scientist dude whose brain gets bigger because Bruce’s blood landed on him. That’s a step too far towards comic book silliness for me. The main reason I’m okay with it is that Bruce has managed to have a good character arc just being in ensemble films, and his personality type lends itself well to making the most progress in these group settings. He can’t just hole up on his own; that’s how he ended up stagnating for five years while he was in hiding. It’s a shame Betty Ross got benched, though. I do think Bruce/Natasha is cute, but he and Betty were really intense and sweet, and I prefer Bucky/Nat for her.
Anyway, I liked this enough that I might cave and actually buy the DVD to complete my set. It’s the only one I don’t currently own.
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Chapter 44: Ungrateful Bitch
I have an important announcement to do today, first of all - and I'm gonna rip it fast like a band aid- the fic is soon to be over. Just 2 more chapters to the end, but, and I feel very ashamed to say, those 2 chapters aren't have been written yet. Truth is I'm hella busy lately and I'm in the middle of moving in to a whole different country, I'll be traveling next week and is going to be crazy. I have hope that I can write another chapter between flights (I have to take 2 of them) and if I achieve my goal I will be posting next week but I can assure that. So I really hope you all have patience with me and await for the last 2 chapters.
I'll be active in Anastasia's Instagram so you can insult me over there.
As usuall I never get tired of telling you all how lovely y'all are and how happy this journey has made me.
Read chapter 43
Even though summer was over, Anastasia woke up in her Beverly Hills house on a really hot morning. She took a cold shower and walked down the stairs to make some French toast. She ate while standing up in her kitchen visualizing her entire place. So many memories in those walls gave her some kind of nostalgia, many things were in boxes already but there was still so much work to be done for the moving. Leaving that house was like leaving a life behind, she moved there when she was 18, she bought that place with her own money, from jobs she had done since she was 15 and now she was leaving it for a much bigger and much more peaceful place, away from the city. “Maybe this is growing up”, she thought.
Her phone rang and she saw Barbara’s face on the screen, she smiled and picked up the call.
-          How’s the moving going? – Barbara asked.
-          I’m not even half way done – Anastasia answered.
-          Man, these weeks are gonna be hell. You won’t even be here – Her sister said.
-          I know – An walked to her couch and sat down – We are leaving to New York on Thursday to do Saturday Night Live. Can you believe it?
-          How couldn’t it, if you guys are like fucking awesome? – Barbara laughed – Wait, but I thought you’d play Austin City Limits on Saturday.
-          No, we’ll play on Sunday.
-          And then you’re going to Mexico?
-          Mmm… - Anastasia took a minute to answer to her sister’s question – Nobody confirmed Mexico for us so we booked a show on Wednesday at the Continental Austin, it will be a small and fun show at midnight. It’ll be some kind of surprise for fans.
-          So The Getaway Tour is over for Dead Curse – Barbara asked another question.
-          I guess so. It’s time we focus on this album, I’m so proud of it… I can wait to show it to the world.
-          Well, I got to tell you something so it doesn’t come as a surprise for you – Barbara started to talk – Anthony didn’t get your last interview with The Music Issue very well. He thinks that the phrase “Stepping out of the Chili Peppers’ shadow” was kind of ungrateful – Anastasia was shocked, it wasn’t what she meant at all.
-          Ungrateful? He said I was ungrateful?
-          Yes, and he was angry but I told him that you guys had been the total opposite and couldn’t be grateful enough for all the tour crew for everything the Peppers had done for you.
-          Wow! This is like an ice cold shower.
-          You know how Tony gets during his “angry periods”.
-          I know how he gets but I don’t fucking care Barbara!
-          Actually, I had to stop him last night because I was getting mad too. He practically said that his band put you guys on the map and things like that.
-          What?! – Anastasia screamed – Dead Curse was big enough before doing this tour. He can’t just come and say we are what we are thanks to the Peppers. What kind of arrogant shit is that?
-          Do you still have dates together?
-          The tour has some more dates, even after Austin City Limits but nobody told us if we will be there.
-          They booked some other people to open those shows.
-          Woah! I don’t really know how to feel. We booked a bunch of shit to start the promotion for the album because we just have one month to do it but all of this, happening like this, that’s some shady shit.
-          I know, and believe me, I told him all that and more; we kind of had a big argument.
-          I’m shocked. Never expected this. I didn’t say anything bad in that interview.
-          I know, honey. You probably won’t see him this weekend because they are leaving for Mexico on Sunday but if you run into him in Austin don’t say anything, don’t make it worse.
-          I’ll try – Was the last thing Anastasia said to her sister before hanging the call.
She just stayed there, sitting on her couch looking at the front without focusing her eyesight nowhere, she couldn’t believe this. She knew that Anthony went through phases where he got very annoying, but to take it to this extreme it was a whole new level. Anastasia thought that maybe it was the pressure of the tour; everybody was cranky, it must be that.
So far Dead Curse was doing great. Anastasia had the feeling this was finally the album that would give them the push they needed to finally achieve a safe place in the music industry. “Live Action” would put Dead Curse on the map, all the maps. And now they were set to perform in the comedy TV show Saturday Night Live, one of the most popular shows in the United States, so this was big. This was huge.
But that Saturday was going to be incredible complicated. Anastasia woke up at five in the morning to go to the studios and wait for a chance for them to do some rehearsal. Then the band had to go get ready and wait for their turn to perform. Their performance was impeccable, after that they ran to the airport to take a flight to Austin, Texas, where they would peform at the Austin City Limits Festival.
-          I can’t believe we just did that – Eric told Anastasia with the biggest smile on his face – I can’t believe we just performed on Saturday Night Live.
-          Get ready darling. We are going places from now on – Anastasia laughed.
-          This is the record - Eric said.
-          I know. We are going to be huge! – Anastasia smiled – Can I sleep on your shoulder?
-          Since when you sleep on planes?
-          Since I woke up at five AM and only had a sad salad and a pizza slice to eat all day.
-          Well you don’t have to ask that. I’ll try to sleep too – Eric said while she placed her head over his shoulder trying to find comfort, but it was difficult.
It was very early in the morning when they arrived at their destination. They went straight to their rooms to have some sleep. Mandy woke her up almost three hours later to go to the venue where the festival was being held; on the way there Anastasia got a text message from Richard.
“By the way we are performing at ACL too” – a huge smile appeared on her face.
Truth was she actually didn’t know who was performing; her life was chaos lately so she never had the time to check the line up but that was Richard, giving her surprises every day.
-          Didn’t know that Richard was performing today also! – Anastasia said in the van.
-          You don’t know where your boyfriend is performing? – Mandy laughed.
-          Well, life is hell lately and he loves to surprise me.
-          So cheesy – Nick laughed too.
-          They are closing the festival so I’m definitely gonna check them out – Eric talked this time.
-          Look at you jumping from one big band to another – Nick said.
-          Don’t you guys think is weird we weren’t summoned for the Peppers shows in Mexico? – Eric spoke again – I know that we had this show booked for today and they are already there but we would have time to travel there tomorrow.
-          But we have the Continental thing on Wednesday – Mandy said.
-          Yes, but we booked that after knowing we weren’t going to Mexico. We booked that last week! – Eric said smiling sarcastically.
-          Truth is – Anastasia hadn’t said anything about Anthony being angry yet – Anthony is mad because of the interview I gave to The Music Issue. He thinks that we are where we are now thanks to the Chili Peppers.
-          That’s serious bullshit! – Mandy said angry – We are where we are now thanks to almost eight years of hard work.
-          I know – Anastasia said.
-          Wow! Didn’t know that – Eric said.
-          Did he tell you that? – Nick asked.
-          He went and got it all out with Barb – Anastasia answered. Nobody said one more word until they arrived to the destination.
The first thing Anastasia did at the festival was calling Richard. She really wanted to see him; the relationship was starting so she wanted to be with him at all times. He told her that he was doing some interviews but she could wait for him at his trailer. It was hard to find it but thankfully it was close to Dead Curse’s trailer. Richard opened the door an hour later wearing a Dead Curse tee shirt; it was deep blue with the moon in the center in silver. She smiled at the gesture and jumped to kiss him. That kiss transformed the environment into a very hot situation and they ended having sex right there.
-          What just happened? – Richard said smiling putting his clothes back on.
-          We just had sex – Anastasia answered doing the same.
-          You are crazy, you know that? – Richard hugged her from behind – And I love it – He kissed her neck.
-          Stop. I don’t have time for round two – Anastasia turned her body to face him – I have to go and get ready. I missed you.
-          I missed you too – He said giving her a small kiss on the lips – I saw you last night. It was awesome – The fact that he saw each of her performances still shocked her.
-          Did you like it? – She asked knowing the answer.
-          I’m a fan. Didn’t I tell you that before?
-          I gotta go – She said at the door – I’ll be watching you tonight.
-          I’ll sing for you.
And so he did. Once in a while he turned his body to her on stage to smile and sing to her. Mandy – being the romantic girl she is – was over the moon and Anastasia was in the clouds too.
Richard and his band went to see Dead Curse at the Continental, it was a very small show in a very hot and sweaty place but it felt incredible.
Now it was Thursday and the first member of the Chili Peppers Anastasia saw at the hotel was Chad, he embraced her and carry her in a big, tight hug that made Anastasia laugh. He did the same with Mandy.
-          What’s up Chaddy daddy? – Mandy said in a truly Mandy-esque expression.
-          Chaddy daddy? – Chad laughed – God, I missed you two so much!
-          How was Mexico? – Anastasia asked.
-          It was fun! – Chad answered.
-          Did you bring me tequila? – Mandy asked.
-          No, but I can find some for you – He said – You wanna go and drink now?
-          Let’s go to the hotel bar!
-          I’ll pass – Anastasia said – Do you know where Anthony is? – She asked Chad.
-          In his room, 205 – Chad’s face turned serious. He already knew – Josh is with him.
-          Great. I’ll catch you two later.
It was time for her to face Anthony and make everything clear. She walked to the room and knocked, Josh opened the door and he was definitely shocked to see it was her.
-          Hi! Are you guys busy? Can I come in? – She asked him and before answer Josh just gave her a very tight hug, that took her by surprise but she hugged him back with a smile.
-          Come in! – He said and closed the door behind him.
Anthony was sitting on the bed. Anastasia leaned to kiss him on the cheek and sat down next to him.
-          How was Mexico? – She asked. The air was tense.
-          It was great! – Josh answered while Anthony was just looking at her – We got to watch a livestream of you guys playing ACL last Sunday, you guys rocked. The new songs sound amazing live, and I watched you on Saturday Night Live too.
In other circumstances she would have love the chit chat with Josh but Anthony was ruining everything with his poker face.
-          We’re happy the tour is coming to an end, though – Anthony finally spoke.
-          Yeah, I can imagine. We are entering a new one already – She laughed.
-          We just have the shows in Denver and Glendale. I imagine you guys won’t be there either – Anthony spoke again. Anastasia looked at Josh but he just looked to the floor.
-          Well, we are kind of doing our own thing now – She said trying to understand Anthony’s attitude.
-          Yes… that’s the way you pay us back – He said.
-          What? – She asked.
-          I never thought you guys would leave us at the end – Anthony said upset. Josh remained silent – Especially after everything we’ve done for Dead Curse.
-          What have you done? – Anastasia said visibly angry – Yes, you gave us a great opportunity to go around the world but it’s not like we were unknown before. We were pretty big already – Anthony laughed sarcastically.
- ��        Ha! You are such an ungrateful bitch – Anthony said with sarcasm and carefree. Anastasia couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Anger took control of her body and she got up from the bed, she saw Josh getting up from his chair too, stood in front of Anthony and slapped him in the face as hard as she could – Anthony had a scared expression on his face and looked at her so shocked.
-          We have been nothing but grateful to you and the rest of the team during this whole tour and I even said that on that interview that got you so fucking angry – She felt Josh’s arms around her trying to calm her down – So for you to say such thing to me is so hurtful. You took us on tour, that’s great but you didn’t make Dead Curse, we’ve been working our asses off for all of this for eight years so don’t you dare to take credit for it because you are so wrong.
An managed to release herself from Josh and ran away from the room. Josh followed suit. She stopped mid aisle and turned to face Josh.
-          Believe me when I say only Anthony thinks that way – Josh told her – None of us is angry or anything, I think this tour is getting on our nerves.
-          That’s no excuse for calling me that way. What the actual fuck? Who does he think he is? – Anastasia said on the verge of tears. Josh hugged her – What hurts the most that Anthony is not some random dude, he is like family to me.
-          I know – He caressed her hair, trying to comfort her.
-          Hey! Are you ok? -  She heard another voice behind her, it was Richard. She pushed Josh instinctively.
-          I just had a huge fight with Anthony – She said to him. Richard didn’t take his eyes off of Josh and Josh just looked at him as if challenging Richard.
-          Come on, let’s go have something to eat and we’ll talk about it – Richard held Anastasia by her waist and took her away from Josh but she turned around to him one last time.
-          Thank you Josh – She said – I know how Anthony can be sometimes. I’ll talk to you later – And she left with Richard unaware of the tense moment that just took place in that hotel aisle.
Anastasia didn’t go see the Chilies play their Saturday show. On Sunday they were already in Denver, so she didn’t see Josh anymore but thankfully Richard made her forget about the drama for a bit and gave her an incredible weekend in Austin. Both bands and some of the Sex Poets’ tour crew members went bar hopping around Austin and she had so much fun. Nick and Eric got along so well with Richard and his friends and that was a relief for her. Mandy was just as angry at Anthony just like An so everybody decided not to attend the Peppers set that Saturday. 
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Day Two: My Friends
They say your friends are the family you choose and my friends help shape me and challenge me all the time which I consider to be an immense blessing. Some friends I’ve known for half my life and some are new but are just as important to me. I love all my friends the same and I’d be nothing without them. 
My longest friend is probably Adrienne. We’re going on 12 or 13 years now., ’ve honestly lost count. We’ve pretty much seen each other through every fashion phase, boyfriend, hair style, family trauma or just family drama; we’ve worked together professionally, we lived together for a year in university, went to the same college and though we are wildly different people somehow our friendship just works. She is SO wise. Like, not just intelligent, which of course she is too. She is WISE. Like her moral compass always point due north and she has amazing values and intuition and just knows how to listen better than anyone I know and she gives the best advice. I think in another life she would have made an amazing therapist. If all that wasn’t enough can I just say how ridiculously beautiful she is?! I’ve never seen her look bad. Like ever. She has this natural way with fashion and can made faded black jeans and a plain black t-shirt look like a million dollars. We can talk about non sense for hours and never get tired of talking to each other and I don’t have a whole lot of friendships quite like that. We are also wildly different. She’s quieter, more introverted and a bit of a homebody. She doesn’t talk about herself personally with just anyone and when she does have a personal conversation with you, you know it’s special and that she trusts you. She is fiercely loyal and a little bit stubborn and I love her to death. She is also the first Swiftie I ever got to freak out about Taylor with. When we lived together in university, waaaay back in 2010 we would skip class so that we could get Speak Now tickets the SECOND they went on sale and would scroll through tumblr until 3am when we should have been studying for midterms. I’ve read articles that say if you’ve been friends with someone for longer than 7 years then you’ll be friends for life and I for one pray that’s true because it would be a privilege to have a friend like her by my side forever. 
Katrina is my next longest friend and probably the person whom I would call my best friend. We’ve been through some crazy ups and downs but we have a relationship where we challenge each other to be the best versions of ourselves and push each other to achieve all we can in life. I trust her with anything and she’ trusts me. She’s been through some insane shit that I wouldn’t wish on anyone and she is still able to find the positivity in life. She is a badass who doesn’t take any shit but she would do absolutely anything for her friends. She has this aura of beauty around her. It’s hard to explain, but for as long as I’ve known her she has just been a magnet for men. Men will line up for this girl and if she happens to be taken at the moment then they’ll take a number and sit and wait. She has been so hurt by love in the past but she is always ALWAYS open to it and I so admire her for that. She has taught me that when people hurt you once it’s okay to forgive them but if they continue to do it that it’s time to let them go. She’s also taught me that love is worth fighting for, even if you have to fight hard and that love comes in all forms and it’s not always convenient and the timing won’t always be right but saying yes to love is one of the best things we can do. I know I could call her at 4 in the morning crying and she would talk to me until I felt okay enough to hang up the phone. I know this because I’ve done it. And after working on a school project all night that I had to hand in at 8am the next day I got a call from her in the middle of the night and she asked me to pick her up. So I went and brought her back to my house and she slept in my bed with me and cried and I told her she could stay at my house as long as she needed. We would do that time and time again for each other no matter how many stupid fights we get into. My parents call her the third daughter they never had and my sister considers her to be like another big sister as well. She’s my soul mate and I don’t think I’d have it any other way. 
Tony and Graydon
I’m just gonna combine these two guys in one because they’re like two peas and I don’t have like a deep, meaningful friendship with them like I do with Katrina and Adrienne but I do know that these guys love all three of us and are always there for us. We’ve known each other since high school, Tony since middle school, but ironically we didn’t even become good friends until high school was over. Some of the craziest and most hilarious nights of my life have happened with these two guys and I know I can always count on them to make me smile. Our little crew wouldn’t be complete without them and no matter what life throws at them they seems to handle it with such confidence and ease. They are sensitive and strong and they listen to all our girl problems without complain and they call our exes douchebags with us when we’re upset about a break up and we play video games and eat pizza until 3 in the morning. We forget that we’re adults whenever we get together and I sincerely hope that never changes because I really think you need people in your life who keep you young at heart and these guys fit that description perfectly. They also notice when we get our hair done, even when we’ve lost weight or built muscle hustling at the gym, and they compliment us when our outfits are on fleek in a totally platonic way. Not to mention they are straight and their girlfriends are total angels who we are so grateful to have as part of our group. So much love for these guys.
Alright, time for some love for my Swiftie friends. We met 2 years ago on tumblr when everyone was creating squads. I put out a message asking if anyone wanted to be in a squad with me and these amazing people messaged me with an enthusiastic YES and it has been an amazing 2 years because of them. Their names are Daniela @ithinkim-finallyclean, Jess @mermaid-swiftie16, Jacky @oliviadibbleswift, Valeria @a-red-lip-classic-thing, Lisa @thatredlipclassicthingthatulike and Ashley. They live everywhere from California to Massachusetts to the United Kingdom and one lives here in Canada with me HAAYYY! Not only do we all freak the hell out whenever Taylor does ANYTHING AT ALL but we are actually really there for each other through everything life throws at us. We all recognize that life gets busy and we don’t always have time to reply to the group or give an update but if any one of us messaged the group saying “I need to talk.”, we’d all be there in a second to listen and help in any way we can. I actually got to meet Jacky in person at the 1989 Tour in Toronto on night one. It was so special and I never even thought I’d have internet friends through Taylor Swift let alone that I’d have the chance to actually meet them in person! I know Daniela and Jess have met too because they’re both in California and I’ll never forget the night when Dee when to the last Staples Centre show of the 1989 tour and she pretty much live streamed it for us. It was one of the best nights. We were so excited for her and we were so happy to feel like we got to share that with her. We are all in such different situations, have different interests, different careers, some are still in school, we have different families and different backgrounds but we have Taylor in common and that will always be enough to keep us together. 
So those are my closest friends whom I love to death and will protect with all my life. They make me who I am and not a day goes by where I don’t feel grateful to have friends like them in my life. It’s a wonderful thing to feel completely accepted by people. To know that they have seen you at your best and your absolute worst but that they still love you and are there for you no matter what. I’ll be doing a post later on about some of my other friends but they’re a different kind of friend... they’re like sisters ;) Until then!
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