#also can't say no to spam musubi
what are the gangs favorites hawaiian dishes? :)
usagi says:
the ❓❓❓❓ is what is NOT my fave dish 🍽️? i love everything!!! 👀👀👀 if you give me a plate 😋 of mac salad with katsu and terriyaki 🐓 i will 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 you 4ever. also shout out to ✨manapua✨ that shit rocks! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ🐙🦞🍤🦪🦐🦀
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paco says:
YKnow me. I LOVE me some Kalua Pua'a AND Lau Lua type fit. That shit is BUSSING FRFR. Plus NGL the proteins are amazing. Also cant say no to spam musubi THO. Usagi got me on that Malasadas too IYKYK.
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dragona says:
i really like papaya. i eat it every morning for breakfast and sometimes i mix it with granola and yogurt for extra energy. one thing i really like is poke. so yummy! i love mixing it with different sauces!
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jodio says:
locomoco is bussin fr fr no cap i love it with fried eggs n shit also theres this place down the road that sells fried tuna collars and that shit slaps ong
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charming man says:
oh uhhh i. really like bbq stuff. Huli Huli Chicken and grilled shrimp on specialoccasions. if its a hot Day i like to have shaved ice esp after a bikrride. what do U like anon???
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sizhuyu · 1 year
No, this will not go by the characters of MDZS personalities. I would like to inform those who are about to read this -
This was one of my imaginations with my crush, I'm using MDZS characters names to not leak mine and my crush's name. Also because I haven't posted original content and only did requests haha.
Representing me : Wen Ning
Representing my crush : Wei Wuxian
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Under the Sakura tree
There were times where I wished I could've done more, more for those who I love dearly and more than what they have done for me. Oh, sorry for not introducing myself. I've gotten carried away again...
*ahem* I am Wen Ning, a high school student of Qishan Wen high. I'm really just a normal student who gets above average grades, nothing special other than my love for writing. Recently.. I've bumped into someone.
*Sigh* "someone who holds a special place in my heart.."
Our homeroom teacher decided to make a last minute assignment about someone we hold dear other than family. I honestly don't have anyone else other than my big sister that has a special place in my heart! I don't have a crush right now too! Everyone here is.. In their own friend groups and I'm alone.
We submit our papers and I was last in the line, I stood there shakingly handing over the blank paper.
"Wen Ning, this is the first time you've submitted a blank paper. Is this too hard for you?"
Luckily it was the end of 4th period so I had nothing to worry about others hearing our conversation since they left for the last period.
"I'm sorry miss but I have no one that holds a special place in my heart other than family. I'm afraid I can't do this assignment."
She sighed and took the blank sheet of paper from my hands.
"There is an event in Gusu Lan highschool, try to go there. The event lasts atleast 3 days and today is the 1st day. Maybe you'll find someone there, and when you do, pass me the paper."
She smiled and handed me back the blank sheet as I smiled and nodded. I rushed out only to find out the teacher is absent so we all got an early dismissal.
When I went home Wen Qing, my older sister, has prepared me my favorite dish. Spam Musubi!! I smiled widely as I ate with big bites. We told each other about our day while eating and when I was full, I washed the dishes and rushed upstairs.
I wondered.. "Why does teacher think I'll find someone special?" I honestly chuckled at the thought of me finding that special someone. Tomorrow is friday so I can see the event after class, I'm so excited!! Maybe I'll meet a friend? Or win some prizes??
"Woahhh!!" I say in awe as I saw the event. It's so mind-blowingly spectacular! I ran around winning so many prizes and I was almost out of money. I saw a corndog stand and decided to use some of my money left to buy one.
As I paid for my food and savoured the taste of mozzarella cheese melting in my mouth a careless student bumps my shoulder, mistakenly taking me for someone else.
"Jiang Cheng!!"
We both collapse to the rough floor and I lost my food.. what a bummer.
"A-ah!! I thought you were.. I thought- Oh! Your food! I'm so sorry about that it's just that my brother and I we are so used to tackling each other and-"
The stranger kept rambling an apology while trying to salvage what was left of my food and I pat their back as they ramble some more.
"Hey, it's fine I'm not hurt and it doesn't look like you're hurt either so don't worry!"
I smile and he smiles too as he extends his clean hand.
"I'm Wei Wuxian, nice to meet you!"
"Wen Ning."
We shake hands and Wei Wuxian bought me another corndog as an apology with an extra iced latte to go with it. He suggested we sit down somewhere but everywhere we go we see people occupying the seats. No where to sit whatsoever!
"Hey, I know a place!"
Before I knew it, he grabbed my hand and when he did... Everything felt so slow. His hand was warm despite the cold weather of the sunset, i can feel my heart beat loud and clear, my cheeks turning redder than before, a silly smile on my face as I look at him turning around smiling at me and.. saying something?
"Wen Ning! We're almost there!"
Time returns back to normal and I stumble on how fast we were going but nevertheless, I still catch up. We arrived to a secluded place a bit far from the event but not so far.
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The falling petals were so satisfying to watch for some reason. Wei Wuxian patted a place below a Sakura tree and I sat down beside him, taking a big bite out of my corndog and he smiles.
"What do you think? Pretty sweet huh?"
I nod and I admire the sakura tree's petals and flowers. We initiated small talk and soon we didn't even notice it was night! Everyone is finishing up and some booths were closing. We decided to keep in touch and hangout more often.
I jump joyfully and roll on my bed, hugging my pillow as I roll. Listening to him talk felt so calming and I wanted to know more, I really wanted to see him again, I felt so warm and fuzzy throughout the whole intereaction. I chuckle as I burry my face into the pillow.
Seasons and years pass, Wei Wuxian and I have grown closer than ever. I developed a crush for him.. Oh god, I knew he won't feel the same way though. He has eyes for someone else and I know it. The same event hosted by Gusu Lan highschool is today and me and Wei Wuxian made it a tradition to go there. I decided to finallly confess... hopefully. I sat down beside him, leaning in to the same Sakura tree where we once met, I listened to him talk before but now it is me who's talking, He listened to every word I said and I smiled at him warmly as he answers with his opinions and as he jokes.
"You know Wen Ning? You're a really great friend."
*i sigh* "I know I am."
I hear him yawn and I felt his head on the crook of my neck.
"Let me sleep for a bit, I haven't slept much at home."
"Sure go ahead."
I stay perfectly still until he falls asleep.
"How can I not fall inlove with you.. How can I even confess to you? I don't want to ruin what we have, I'll make sure I won't ruin it."
My imagination ends here folks, all I basically wanted here was for me and my crush to hangout and just eat HAAHA anyways I hope you enjoy this! It isn't my usual so.. yeah. It's kinda boring isn't it? Thanks for reading!! ♡♡♡
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mistergandalf · 1 year
Get To Know Me!
I was tagged by the illustrious @vellichormybeloved ❤️ thank you lovely!
Part One
Are you named after anyone: Apparently some 90s actress I have no idea
When was the last time you cried: Hmmm last week maybe? I can't remember. I cry easily and often so it is neither remarkable nor memorable when it happens
Do you have kids: I wish I did :( maybe someday
Do you use sarcasm a lot: Not really? Maybe at some of my friends who I've known the longest.
What's the first thing you notice about people: How much confidence they have. Also since I'm in customer service, their demeanor.
What's your eye colour: Brown
Scary movies or happy endings: Happy endings! I hate scary movies lol I'm a weenie
Any special talents: I'm a good writer and I can play the piano and sing!
Where were you born: California
What are your hobbies: Reading, writing, video games, watching TV with my mom, playing D&D, chatting online. I am not active lmao
Have any pets: I have a chunky and stupid baby girl (cat) named Arwen and I love her very much.
What sports do you play/have you played: I played some summer sports when I was a kid and Did Not Like It.
How tall are you: 5'1"
Favourite subject in school: English
Dream job: My current job! Hotels/hospitality :)
Part Two
First ship: I have never really been into shipping at all, but I do recall wanting Kate to be with Sawyer in Lost
Three ships: Shadowgast and Widojest are the only things I feel like I've ever really shipped. I was super into Harry/Ginny as a teen when HP wasn't canceled yet
Last (current) song: Spotify says my most recent song was Blood In the Cut by K.Flay
Last movie: I saw Return of the King Extended Edition in theaters last week and it RULED
Currently reading: Beren and Luthien! I need to finish it so I can move on, I just bought the Shadow and Bone series because the show is soooo good
Currently watching: Shadow and Bone, as mentioned above lol
Currently consuming: Nothing atm! I should make dinner soon hmm
Currently craving: I actually think I want to make spam musubi for dinner since I have some spam in the fridge... gotta use it up. That reminds me I need to buy a musubi press RUNNING TO AMAZON
TAGGING @pepperonyscience, @malledhrim, @aadmelioraa, and @lazymeriadoc as I zoom onto amazon dot com lmao
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feralkwe · 7 months
Is there a food that you'd love to eat again but due to circumstances (where you live, what you are physically capable of making) can't seem to have? What is special to you about this food?
hmm... great question! given what a picky eater i am (tho i am much much less so than i was even a few years ago) food exploration is not my strong suit. that said, i've had the good fortune to live in many places with great food and to experience many cultural foods i might not have had the opportunity to otherwise.
i can't think of anything i've had that i haven't been able to recreate with enough motivation. i still use spam quite frequently and make my own musubi (because seattle does not seem to have a proper one that i've encountered yet). even certain types of kimchi that i enjoyed in rok/south korea don't seem entirely out of reach when i've been lucky to have access to specialty korean markets and even h-mart for most of my adult life. there was this one korean soup served as a banchan that i enjoyed immensely, served cold, and made of like, cucumbers, red chilis, and vinegar, and i was able to find various recipes for it over the years. this one is my favorite. most of the korean street foods i enjoyed have gained popularity, and aren't too difficult to track down, though i haven't been on the mainland long to see if this holds up here in the pnw.
however, there are foods you get in the place where you grew up that just hit different, no matter how easily you can find them elsewhere. a proper yooper pasty being one. sure, many places say they make pasties, and i've had no shortage of brits assure me that theirs are just as good/better, but this is a disgusting lie. my aunt betty made the best pasties ever, and even other yooper pasties pale in comparison. i have tried, but my own pasties just do not measure up. i am sure this is some sort of nostalgia bias, because i am an excellent cook.
i am a huge lover of fish n chips, but no one does a fish fry like my family. i don't even try to get pan fried fish at restaurants anymore (unless it's some kind of specialty, like mac nut or furikake crusted or something), because the dredging mixture always disappoints me.
also, there is no fish like lake superior white fish. we're fishing natives, and i grew up in a fishery, and was spoiled for good fish from a very young age. if the means existed i would have my family ship it to me lol. so, after a lot of rambling, that is your answer: lake superior white fish. yes, you can get white fish in lakes michigan and huron as well, but i am a superior girlie through and through.
thanks for the ask! i'm very into answering asks today!
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iguana-eyanna · 3 years
n e d l e e d s : b a n n e r
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"Just breathe, Ned." you said to your boyfriend as you were walking with him up to your house.
Ned begins to sweat with every step you both took, holding onto a Tupperware for dear life. "I can't babe, what if your dad -"
"Hulks out?" You questioned.
"I was going to say 'thinks I'm dumb' but that also doesn't make me feel good," Ned replied, scared to his whits.
You throw your head back, laughing at your boyfriend's reaction. "I'm joking! Besides, he'll love you. All you gotta do is be yourself." You concluded, squeezing his hand in reassurance.
Once you arrive at your house and unlock your door, Ned takes a deep breath and walks into your house.
You both walk into the dining space to find your dad prepping the table. “Hello Ned, it’s nice to meet you. My daughter talks very highly of you.” Your dad says, giving a handshake to Ned who is beyond speechless
You stare at your very awestruck boyfriend and coughed in the opposite direction of him, freeing Ned from his trance.
"uhhhh... Hi, Mr. Banner. It's an honor to meet you, sir. I've read all of your works since I was a kid. Your thesis statement on your latest work was phenomenal and I am realizing that I am rambling. I can't tell if I'm nervous because you're my idol or because I'm dating your daughter. Anyways, here is a plate of Spam Musubi my mom made. I didn't know if you liked flowers and I'm underage to buy alcohol so the best way to your girlfriend's dad's heart is through his stomach, right?" Ned concluded, catching his breath.
Your dad was silent as he was just registering whatever your boyfriend just said. "Spam Musubi you said?" he asks as Ned's head nodded yes in a vigorous manner.
"I had a roommate back in college who was from Hawaii and he made us this all the time. I couldn't get enough of them after that. Here, you can place them at the kitchen counter." Your dad said, giving him a warm smile.
Ned looked like he was on cloud 9 from how welcoming his idol was and he mindlessly headed towards the kitchen.
"Told you he would freak out." you told your dad as you begin to smirk.
He smiles softly at you as you both walk into the kitchen as Ned was nerding out around.
"I like him, he's a keeper."
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klancefucker69 · 7 years
while i am very very hype for a possible Lance Season can i get uhhh when will the writers finally give Hunk the spotlight he deserves 
#he has so much potential to be an even more dynamic character hhh i hope we get a hunk-centric season four or sth#user post#I WAS RANTING ABT HUNK LAST NIGHT LIKE (ERECTS ANOTHER CONSPIRACY WALL)#i was probably Reaching cos in retrospect it didn't seem like the writers' intention (they seem a little lazy/inconsistent irt hunk but)#it's not Unrealistic to say that all of hunk's food analogies are like. subtle but constant homesickness#like think abt it... he's obviously a proficient chef and altho it's kinda :/ to make the big guy a huge foodie#it's obvious how important food is to him? knowing he can cook so well he probably grew up with a culinary background#and thinking back on it since he saw spam musubi in the mind exercise which is a hawaiian thing LIKE#HUNK IS A BROWN BOY W/ POSSIBLY HAWAIIAN ROOTS not to say he is polynesian cos he can be anything but like to grow up on the islands#like i did! FOOD AND FAMILY WAS SO IMPORTANT TO US#and like... he's constantly thinking of sth important to him and constantly referencing it#because he CAN'T have the same foods in space... things that were constant in his life#and like ok i used to major in culinary arts and real chefs actually get that passionate abt food & make food analogies often#just out of my exp SO LIKE#even tho it's a cliche writing option & in a little poor taste like... u kno...#it can still show a depth to him... even if the writers didn't intend it i guess heck#ALSO#I KEPT THINKING ABT THE INCONSISTENCY LIKE Hunk is notably perceptive and intelligent esp in season one. S2 was lacking but sighs#YET even in S1 he had moments of seemingly airheadedness? but i'm like... hmmm#it's not unrealistic to think he's playing dumb sometimes i think just like how lance makes a lot of silly flirty jokes#cos idk it's gotta be tiring to be serious all the time esp when my boy didn't sign up for it#so like (pretends he doesn't truly grasp the gravity of the situation so it doesnt weigh him down)#also i feel like he plays dumb along w/ lance cos he's PERCEPTIVE he must know even if vaguely that his best friend is insecure#and kinda needs that validation#so lance saying some dumb shit and hunk like ''haha good one lance u showed him'' but doing it deliberately...#cos he knows it makes lance feel a little better... idk i had that fleeting thought and got emo
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