#also captain roger roger rex blasting every droid in the face
bibannana · 2 years
The clones do not have a subtle bone in their bodies. They are built from:
Dramatic flare
Sarcasm (and eyerolls)
The inability to lie
The need to Dad (Waxer, Boil, Hunter I see you)
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croose · 4 years
Power Down Part 3: Downloads
Request/Summary: You, the 501st and Rex arrive on Kamino, you with the intention of avoiding the fight and looking for information, much to Rex's delight. But can that promise be kept?
Warnings: I don't think any apply but there is, like, a fight scene so I'm tentative to say none apply.
Author's note: I'm so sorry it took me so long to write this, i wrote it, went to edit it, got writers block (for some upcoming bits) and it made me nervous to continue. Thank you for your patience! Again, so sorry!
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Sure enough, Anakin and Ahsoka managed to rally up quite a few clones. Most of the 501st and a good chunk of other clones from other Battalions.
Now you were aboard The Resolute, sailing for Kamino amongst as many clones as the two jedi could gather up.
When you noticed Rex clench his fist, you knew the time had come to put his mind at ease.
"When we arrive on Kamino," You said, "Theres something I need to check out. I had a vision of it - I don't know if I'll be able to join in on the main battle as I'm not entirely sure what I saw, but I know it's important."
Anakin shrugged and said, "Alright, but don't blame us when you miss out on all of the fun."
Ahsoka turned and smiled at you... But Rex.
Stars, Rex.
When you felt the shift in the Force, you felt as though every decision in your entire life had led up to you saying that sentence. You realized now not why you were so attracted to Rex, but you realized simply that you were.
You knew then that you could fight your actions, but not your feelings... Never your feelings. Not when Rex was in the picture. Never when Rex was in the picture. And you silently kicked yourself for feeling so strongly for the Captain.
But then you were on Kamino.
You were immediately recalling your vision in order to figure out where to go when Rex took a gentle hold of your arm.
"Be careful, General."
With three words you knew Rex felt for you how you feel for him. With three words you knew for sure that should you abandon your code, practices and your life, Rex would be doing so with you.
You nodded at him. "And yourself, Captain. If you die in this battle, I will kill you."
Rex grinned a bit, then let go of your arm as gently as he had grabbed it.
And you were off in two different directions, yourself following your vision and him to his battle station.
You weaved through hall after hall, passing clone after clone before finally coming to a halt outside a door you knew contained whatever contents you were searching for.
Then your comms beeped.
"They're here."
Fighting broke out above the planet and ships rocketed towards you. You didn't have long.
You immediately began trying the door but it jammed and took a few tries before finally letting you in.
The Separatists reached the planet by the time you were in the room.
It was a small, pale, circular room with a control console in the center and rows of transaction records lined the lower halfs of the wall. The upper half was windows that faced where the fight was happening. Granted, you were also about ten floors up, but you thought you could delude yourself into seeing Rex from here.
Immediately, and uncertain as to what you were searching for, you began looking through as many records as you could, going further and further back in time. You became unaware of the fighting and focused only on your task.
Eventually you found one tiny disk no different from all of the others, but this one called to you. You knew this was what you were looking for.
It took a bit for you to figure out how to release it before the light cold plastic was in your hands. It felt relieving to have it tucked safely into your palm, but you parted with it just long enough to plug it into the system. You had to know what was on there.
Immediately, with less than one sentence and nothing but implications, your life changed.
Numbly, less desperate to get the disk into your hands, you ejected it.
The system had heated the platic and it now felt more a burden than relief.
Now more than before you were not paying attention to your surroundings, which perhaps was how Dooku cornered you so easily.
"I believe that belongs to me." The Sith Lord said, extending his hand as though you would seriously give it over.
He was blocking your exit.
Despite how you felt for this disk, you tightened your grip and stared at Dooku, tears forming in your eyes and gears turning in your head.
"Ah, I see." Dooku said. "You've seen the contents, haven't you?"
You said nothing.
"Well, then, it seems I have to kill you."
Dooku ignited his saber.
Your own hand, the one not holding the disk, found your saber. It's metal was still cold. Reassuring in your hand. It wouldn't be for long.
"You can try, Old Man."
In one swift movement, you ignited your saber, spun around and jumped on the shelf of records while slashing through the transparisteel with your saber before propelling yourself through the window, raising your arms to shelter your face from the shards of transparisteel that flew everywhere as you smashed through, falling to a hallway below.
You smashes through the transparisteel that enclosed that hallway as well, somersaulting to break your fall before jumping up.
Now you looked at Dooku, shrugging as though this was hilarious.
Dooku prepared to jump but before he could you raised your hand, sensed him in the force, surrounded his presence and pulled.
Startled, he fell, twisting around madly midair, collapsing through a different area of transparisteel, landing with a sickening thud and loads of little crunches.
For a moment you thought you'd killed him, but then he raised his head to glare at you.
"Nevermind," He growled. "Killing you would be too kind a fate."
Rex ducked the droid's attack and jumped up behind it, grabbing it's head and smashing it down on a railing just as Anakin ran up.
"Sector's clear, General."
Anakin nodded. "Looks like this fight is going well."
Rex went to respond, but when he looked up, his heart sank.
"Don't speak too soon, General." He said, pointing a few hallways up where there you were, duelling with Count Dooku, a small plastic disk clutched in your hand.
Anakin looked at Rex, nodded, then jumped in a way only a jedi could jump, scaling the two or three hallways between you and landing on the roof of yours.
"Sure, sure, throw me around constantly except for when I actually think it's a good idea." Rex muttered to himself. "Guess I'll just... Take the stairs."
It was over.
Dooku had you pinned down on a railing, you holding the disk just barely out of his way, Dooku's saber getting steadily closer and closer to your neck.
You had prepared yourself to die, so now there was only one thing to do... Hope it was someone like Rex who found it.
You dropped the disk down to the halls below.
You heard Dooku screaming but before he could bring his saber down on you, Anakin pounced on the old man, prying him off of you.
Before you could react, in a fit of blind fury, Dooku slashed the hall's railing out from under you.
The next thing you knew, you were falling. You felt the wind whipping past your head and watched Dooku and Anakin duel above.
You felt the impending doom of knowing the ground was growing closer and the curiosity as to whether or not the fall would kill you.
When you closed your eyes, just behind your eyelids was the one person you wanted to say goodbye to. The one person you wanted to apologize to.
There was Captain Rex. You realized you had broken your promise to him.
No. You thought, determined. I can control my actions and I will not leave Rex. Not Rex. Never Rex.
You opened your eyes and twisted your body so you were falling feet first.
You glanced down and saw your target. You pushed yourself with the force to fall more acurately and when you landed you somersaulted out of the fall once again before grabbing the droids blaster from his hand and holding it to his head.
"Uh-oh." The droid said, raising his arms in an I-Surrender motion.
"I believe that belongs to me." You raised your hand out, similar to how Dooku had mere moments ago.
"I don't even know what it is." The droid protested.
"Give it over or I blast you to Chaos."
The droid lowered his head and in a defeated tone said, "Roger roger." Before putting the disk back in your hand.
"Good lad." You jumped off, not bothering to return his blaster.
In the distance you heard a faint, "Hey, that's mine!" But didn't bother stopping.
You were halfway back to Dooku and Anakin when you turned your head and there he was. He was in the hallway of the roof you had just landed on, looking up at you.
Rex removed his helmet and gently raised his hand to touch the roof.
You lowered your hand to meet his, staring into his eyes.
Then his eyes widened and he shouted something but all you heard was the clang of metal hitting your head and the air as you once again plummeted below.
And here I was just starting to feel so badass. You just had time to think before the world swarmed into unconsciousness
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