#any child left unattended is now mine
kozumesphone · 18 days
⤷ leo valdez x daughter of athena!reader
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♡ fandom | percy jackson and the heroes of olympus
♡ includes | best friends with hints of romantic feelings (if I ever find the energy to make a part two, it’d actually be cool 😔), barely any angst to comfort, collective adhd levels being off the charts, yapping.
♡ in which | y/n and leo sharing a common love for designing and building things <3, reader and leo, both have nightmares (not described too vividly), reader uses swear words <3.
♡ a/n | jdkfcjqdkb I wrote this and forgot to post it ;-; anyway, this is one of my new fav leo fics i've ever written bc I get to geek out 🫶 + the technical part of this is inspired by my love for fast and furious + my new interest in f1, so enjoy!!
♡ wc | 1.0k
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✮⋆˙ y/n’s pov
“are you ready, child of athena?” a god’s voice boomed around us. I took a few steps to the front to be side-by-side with my brother, malcolm pace.
“you’re not leaving me, now of all times—”
“i’m sorry, mou ilios, I have to. you know I do.”
“mal, please, I— who’s going to lead the cabin if you’re gone? how can you be so selfish—”
“you, n/n. I know you can do it,” malcolm said, and stepped in front of me. he raised his hands and gently pushed me further behind him, enveloping me in his shadow.
“it’s one child of athena you want,” malcolm paused. “take me.”
I sat up on my bed. I picked up a watch from the bedside table—a watch that once was malcolm’s, but mine, now—which read 2:47.
I threw my blanket to the side, which did little to cover me up anyway, and got up to check on the little kids. they were all sound asleep.
for the next 10 minutes—or what felt like an hour—I walked around the cabin, cleaning it up and trying to fall asleep.
but when has sleep ever come to you when you needed it the most?
I feared reliving malcolm’s last moments before he left me, everytime I closed my eyes. stranded me here, disappearing without any advice on how to lead, or how to live.
I leant against the cabin door and felt the cool air from the bottom of the door blowing onto my feet. finally realising that I couldn’t go back to sleep, I decided to go out for a walk.
“and where are you off to?” annie’s voice whispered from her bed. she was still half asleep and groggy.
“heading out for a walk. can’t sleep,” I said.
“take the cap, and don’t get caught. i’m not helping you out with the dishes if you get caught by those harpies,” she grumbled. I smiled and took her cap from the coat rack beside the door, and stepped out into the cold night in nothing but sweats and a tank top.
great choice, y/n. good job on not realising what you were even wearing. now, you can die of the cold, if the harpies don’t get you first. yay!
I put on annie’s cap, watching my shadow disappear with me. I walked around aimlessly, thinking of malcolm helping me pick my first dagger, which was currently concealed with the help of the waistband of my sweatpants.
my feet subconsciously drag me to bunker nine, where I heard noises from. I go closer only to find light glowing from the open door.
I was facing my best friend’s back, hunched over a project, probably. if he turned around, I bet he’d look sleep-deprived and in need of coffee.
before I could take off the cap, he said, “hey, n/n!” and turned around with a grin.
“shut the fuck up, man, how did you just do that—” I complained, taking the cap off.
“I felt the sleep deprivation and negativity enter the room and guess who it was?” he wiggled his eyebrows and left his project unattended behind him.
“whatever,” I rolled my eyes at him and flopped down onto his couch. we looked at each other for an entirety of a few seconds before I opened my arms and he tumbled onto me.
“nightmares?” I asked.
“fuck yes, please.”
it was around 4 in the morning when we wrapped up our movie night—movie morning?—with leo’s face buried in my neck, cuddling.
“wanna stay like this forever,” he said, his voice muffled. I smiled.
“or we could finish building what you were working on before I came,” I suggested. he looked up suddenly, with all his energy regained.
“hell yes!” he whisper-yelled, pumping his fist in the air and getting up. pulling me up from the couch, he continued. “I was working on building my own 1.6 litre four-stroke turbocharged 90 degree V6 double-overhead camshaft reciprocating engine. there’s these things called street races in tokyo, and this engine is basically my ticket to winning the next series there! wanna come with me and check out the coolest cars ever, next year?”
“oh, dude, you’re on! i’ve heard it’s basically motorsports heaven—”
“it is!”
“and we’re building our own fucking engine!?”
“we are—”
“oh, this is SO cool!”
“i’ve gotta start reworking on the specs, because I keep getting them wrong. can you take a look at them once?” he asked.
I nodded and moved towards his work table where used plotter papers lied. after taking in his planning and figuring out where he went wrong, I pulled out a new paper, and sharpened the blunt pencil.
I wanted to put my hair up but realised I forgot my hair tie at cabin six. I turned around to ask leo if i’d left any here when he removed a black hair tie from his wrist and dangled it in front of my face.
my cheeks flushed at the thought of him wearing it everyday. it felt so intimate, but it wasn’t that deep, really.
I thanked him quietly and he pulled two chairs in front of the table, on which we sat down and started working on drafting the new specs together.
after about an hour, neither of us could keep our eyes open and moved to the couch, falling asleep together with whispered promises of finishing the blueprints the next day.
“cute fit, by the way,” he whispered. I looked down and realised it was his birthday gift to me from last year, and smiled.
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106 notes · View notes
Pole to Pole
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AN: I’ve been planning this fic for absolutely ages and @the-slumberparty week three "Something New" writer challenge was just the prompt I needed. For my trope I have used ‘Love at first sight’ and  ‘major miscommunication’. Also, as this is my first time writing a firefighter AU and my first time writing Curtis, it also serves as my entry to my own Challenge Yourself Challenge. This story is set in the same universe as @sidepartskinnyjeans Sparks and Barks and reader was inspired by this tiktok channel (but my fic reader is race neutral)
Beta’d by the ever patient @yarnforbrains.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and moodboard/banners by me. 
Master list
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Relationship: Firefighter Curtis Everett x Curvy! Female Reader
WC: 5.2k
CW: Angst! Miscommunication! Assumptions about what a fat person can do (fatphobia)!, mention of injured child (who recovers), Fluffy, hopeful, romcom style ending.
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“Okay, guys! That’s it! Out!”
At the holler from Steve, Curtis closed the valves on the hydrant and started to uncouple the hoses that had been manned by Bucky, Nat, Jake and Nick. He also saw Sam out of the corner of his eye, talking to the EMT about the conditions in which they’d found the home-owner before the ambulance had turned up.
This job had been a run of the mill house fire. A timber framed building, an elderly home-owner, and a stove left unattended. Luckily the woman had managed to phone 911 herself and exit the property without much incident. It had been a straightforward call out, which Curtis was happy about; any job where everyone (including the animals) walked away without incident was a good one in his books.
He let out a grunt as he hefted the now rolled hose in his arms and placed it back in its designated home in the truck. Bucky appeared next to him, placing the other hose in beside the first.
“I think Cap is already on the phone to James about getting all the cats checked over. That’s if Mrs Jones can get them all rounded up.” He cast his eyes over to where the home-owner was trying to give the EMTs the slip so she could check on the six or more felines that were sitting, nonplussed, on the grass watching the proceedings.
Curtis let out a snort of amusement.
“What’s it like, having the boss-man dating your brother?”
“Weird as fuck, man. Cos like, if he knows about the freckle on Jimmy’s ass, then by extension he knows about the one on mine…”
“TMI, Buck. T -M - I.”
Ignoring the finger flipped at him by his team mate, Curtis swung up into the driver’s seat of the truck. He was glad it was almost the end of the day shift. He ached and was tired. He planned to hit the gym for a quick workout and then it would be home to his quiet apartment. Just the way he liked it.
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Picking up his rough towel, Curtis swiped at the sweat on his brow before running it across his close cropped hair and then down his short beard. A hard workout was just what the doctor ordered, and so far, this new gym that had opened two blocks away from his apartment, was ticking all the boxes. All the latest equipment, ideally suited to people who wanted to keep themselves fit in the most efficient and economical way. That wasn’t to say that there weren’t some of what Curtis thought of as ‘frivolous’ or ‘lightweight’ options here as well. He supposed that to be viable the management had to cater to all types, but he wasn’t really sure what jazzercise or fitness pole were supposed to achieve.
When he’d seen the sign-up sheet for the latter it had caused him to let out an uncharacteristic chuckle. Fitness pole. A way to let bored housewives live out their stripper fantasies in a safe environment was all that was for, surely?
As he walked out of the main room and towards the changing rooms he passed one of the side studios. Peering in he realised that this is where the pole-fitness would be taking place. Several slim, chrome-shiny poles, with little ‘stages’ at their base were fitted between floor and ceiling. 
Despite his initial disdain, Curtis couldn’t contain his curiosity and dropped his water bottle and towel by the door before advancing into the room. The mirrors on the three walls were a bit off-putting in his opinion. He walked up to the pole at the front, the instructor’s one, he assumed, and grasped it with his hand. It was a good third slimmer than the station pole, and he wondered how it could bear any weight at all.
“Thinking of joining the class?” A lilting musical voice sounded from behind him, and made him jump - not an easy feat considering both his size and his occupation. Whipping round, Curtis saw who he thought must be one of the class students. She certainly didn’t look like any of the pole dancers he’d seen in his misspent youth. 
That wasn’t to say she wasn’t attractive. In fact, in his opinion, she was stunning. But she was in no way petite or svelte. The outfit she had on also left none of her curves to the imagination, firstly because it was tight, but secondly because there wasn’t a lot of it. Black spandex hugged her hips, stomach and breasts, leaving the entirety of her legs and arms free.
“I… umm…” Why had his mouth stopped working?
“You certainly look strong enough. I bet you’d find it a breeze.”
“Umm..gotta go…” 
Being the tall and often intimidating man that he was, Curtis had never considered that he’d be the type to scuttle out of somewhere, but once back home, in the thunderous silence of his apartment, he had to admit to himself that that’s what he’d done. Run away, blushing and tongue-tied. He couldn’t for the life of him work out why though. He was no green lad, wet behind the ears, and if he were being totally honest, he’d had more than his fair share of dalliances and romps. He’d even had a few relationships as well, but none that ever seemed to last, and when they had ended he hadn’t found himself to cut up about them being over.
He saw pretty women all the time, but none of them had ever turned him mute. Maybe it was because he was so tired? That must have been it. He continued to brood on and off as he ate his dinner for one, drank a beer and watched wild-fire documentaries on the tv.
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“You alright, Curtis?”
“Huh?” Curtis lifted his head up at the sound of Val’s voice. 
The assistant chief walked over to him with her usual cocky swagger, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.
“It’s just if you try to polish that panel any more I think the red will come off.” She gesticulated with her slim finger towards where Curtis had a cleaning rag in a death grip, pressed against the side of his truck. He followed her gaze to find that the red metal now gleamed under his distracted ministrations. Looking back up he saw the massive grin on her face as she leaned nonchalantly against the firetruck.
“So, are you alright? It’s just normally you’re out-grumping Nick and out-scowling Bucky, but today you’re just staring into space like you got something on your mind.”
“Nah, ‘s’nothin’. Just tired. Stuck in a rut, maybe?” He shrugged, but was taken aback slightly when Val stood straight and placed her hand on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. She was all business now, her assistant chief game-face in place.
“Well, as long as that’s all it is. I need my best driver at the top of his game.” 
Curtis gave her a brief nod before she walked back to her office. What was wrong with him? He’d been in a funk for several days, since his visit to the gym and his interaction with Curved and Dangerous. He hadn’t even seen the instructor and the rest of the class arrive given how fast he’d excused himself. In his mind’s eye, he’d been imagining peeling the black spandex off of her, exposing the luscious skin underneath, and feasting on her. He’d only heard her voice briefly but he couldn’t get it out of his head. He imagined how she’d sound as she came. Came under his touch.
He hadn’t been this infatuated in someone since junior high and his hormones had been a steamrolling mess. He couldn’t even remember that girl’s name now. Lisa? Lizzy?
He was pulled out of his thoughts by the alarm siren going off. Pulling up his suspender straps he jumped up into the cab of the truck as the others came sliding down the pole. The juxtaposition between what he’d just been thinking about and watching his fully clad team mates gripping the pole between their thighs was suddenly too much, and he let out a guffaw. 
As Nat slid into the seat next to him she gave him a confused look.
“What you laughing at, Ice Man?”
He smiled and shook his head.
“Nothin’, Nat. Nothin’. Let’s get this show on the road.” Turning his head over his right shoulder, he shouted into the back. “Buckle up, losers. I’m hitting the gas.”
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Why was he back here? Back at this time? He could easily have come for a workout any other day or at any other time today. But no, he had to be here the same time the pole-fitness was going on. At a time that would mean that he’d finish his normal routine of reps and exercises at the right moment to walk past the studio mid-class.
Curtis supposed he could do a few extra reps and cooldown stretches. Delay his exit.
He should. Because otherwise he’d feel like a creep. Which is why, twenty minutes later, he hadn’t done any of that and found himself walking towards the studio on his way to the changing room,hyper aware of how hard his heart was beating in his chest. He tried to snap himself out of it. Convince himself that his stupid crush would disappear as soon as he saw her inelegantly trying to hook her leg around the pole. Not that he wished her harm, but if she fell flat then it would just prove to his dick brain that she was just a normal, regular human and not some ethereal creature brought to life.
Unfortunately for the burly fireman, the universe decided to fuck with him.
He came to a halt outside the glass wall and peered in at the group of mostly women (he was sure he saw a couple of skinny, muscular guys at the end of a row). His eyes travelled from the back of the class to the front trying to spot her. All the attendees were standing behind their poles, looking towards the front where the instructor…
He froze. 
His heart stopped in his chest. 
Curtis.exe malfunctioned. 
Because there she was. At the front, demonstrating to the class. Upside down, shapely thighs and calves wrapped around the pole, spinning slowly. He gawped. Mouth open, eyes wide and… shit!
He moved suddenly, as fast as he could manage, toward the changing room and the blessedly cold shower he urgently needed.
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He was getting on his own nerves now. He was fine alone. Always had been and always would be. And seriously, he’d barely spoken to the woman and seen her only twice, but thoughts of her filled nearly every waking moment. He’d never believed in love at first sight, and he wasn’t going to start now.
 “Curtis!” He snapped out of it with the bark from Steve and turned toward his Captain.
“Take over for Sam! Bucky’s coming out with someone, and EMTs are still 5 minutes out.” With a curt nod, he jogged over from the hydrant to where Sam was tackling the blaze on the south-east corner of the building, taking hold of the high pressure hose and digging his heels in to absorb the recoil, allowing the team medic to rush over towards their team-mate who had just cleared the doorway, a small body over his shoulder. 
When Sam reached him, Bucky carefully placed the inert child on the grass and started to assist Sam with the CPR.  Curtis kept one eye on them whilst trying to keep his portion of the blaze under control. He hated call-outs where there were kids involved. 
Bucky and Sam were still working on their charge when the ambulance turned up, all sirens and lights. The EMTs took over,and everyone breathed a sigh of relief when there was a small cheer and a load of coughing. Curtis let go of some of the anxiety he hadn’t realised he’d been holding and turned his attention fully back to the fire. 
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Pounding stuff was good.
Jab. Jab. Uppercut.
He’d foregone his usual workout routine today, needing stress relief after the near miss at the fire earlier on. The crew all had their own ways of dealing with days like this, and punching sandbags was his.
“I’m glad that’s a sandbag you’re punching and not a person.”  As soon as the voice reached his ears, Curtis’ body went on high alert. 
He heard the click-click of the heels of her shoes across the floor as she came closer, and he tried to maintain his composure and his rhythm. She appeared in his field of vision from the side, dropped her bag to the floor and went and stood behind the sandbag, steadying it with her hands.
“I thought it only fair that I come watch you after you were watching me the other day. You seem awfully fascinated with the poles.”
Curtis raised his head to look at her fully and tried to steel his face into a neutral expression, all the while his brain was short-circuiting due to her close presence. God, her eyes. He could get lost in those eyes and never worry about returning home.
“I… umm… use them everyday. Well, one. Umm…” For fuck’s sake. He stopped and took a deep breath, trying to ignore the twinkle in her eyes as she watched him flounder. Pulling off his gloves, he swiped his sweaty hand down his gym shorts and thrust it out in front of him.
“Curtis Everitt, New York Fire Department, Brooklyn Station House. At your service.”
She took hold of his proffered hand in her own smaller one and smiled as she shook it, chuckled and gave her own name.
“That explains an awful lot. So it was professional curiosity that led you into my studio the first time? And the second time? Before you ran away like someone had set your ass on fire? ‘Cause it seemed to me that you liked something you saw.” She waggled her eyebrows in amusement, and God - Curtis didn’t know whether he should just run away in embarrassment or kiss the knowing smirk off her face. In the end he chose a third option.
“Yeah, um, sorry about that. For some reason I didn’t expect you to be the instructor.” He felt the flush creeping up the back of his neck and rubbed at it, as though trying to erase the pink hue suffusing his skin.
Her expression soured, and Curtis’ heart sank. “Mmm-hmm. I wonder why? I get that a lot. No-one expects this,” she grabbed a handful of her flesh through her leotard and jiggled it, “to swing around a pole with grace and talent. Well, now I know the reason for your stares, I’ll say my good-byes and not bother you any longer.”
She turned, dejected and Curtis was filled with a sense of panic. His hand flew out and snagged her wrist, stopping her in her tracks.
“Wait, please. That didn’t come out right. Well… okay, it was right when I said I didn’t expect you to be the instructor, and yes it was because of your size, and I’m ashamed that I thought that. But I… well…I think you’re stunning. And when I saw you, you know, doing your thing, my mind was blown and…”
She was looking at him, still unimpressed, but not making any further move to leave, which gave him a flicker of hope to salvage the situation.
“Look, I’m not expressing myself properly. I was surprised, yes, but like I said, you’re gorgeous and I didn’t expect to be so… so enamoured…”
“Why? ‘Cause I’m fat and you don’t normally like fat women. Or is there something about me that allows you to ‘overlook’ the extra pounds?”  This time she did pull her hand free.
Fuck fuck fuck.
“Goodbye, Curtis. See you around.”
She turned and walked out without a backwards glance, the sound of her heels in time with the thudding of Curtis’ heart.
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If the others at the station house thought that Curtis had been acting strangely before, it was nothing to how he was acting now. And the worst part was, he knew it, but he couldn’t get out of the funk. He clattered around, grumpier than usual and snapping at the others. It therefore didn’t come as much of a surprise to him when he was called into Steve’s office.
“Sit. Talk.” Steve gesticulated with his pen, and his tone prevented any disagreement. With a sigh, Curtis threw himself into the chair opposite the large wooden desk. He stared at the grooves on its well weathered surface, his thoughts swirling as he tried to work out what to say to his commanding officer. Unfortunately for him, Steve wasn’t in a patient mood. 
“You do realise that in order to talk you have to open your mouth and let words come out? Even without Val coming and telling me something was eating you, it was obvious. You’ve gone from more quiet and sullen than usual to crankier than usual. So, come on, man, spit it out for Christ’s sake.”
Curtis took a deep breath. “It’s personal, sir. But I’m sorry my mood has been affecting the team. I’ll do my best to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
It was Steve’s turn to sigh. He closed the document folder in front of him and leant back in his chair.
“Don’t shut me out, Curtis. I might be your boss, but I’d like to think we were friends too. I’ve never seen you like this, in all the years I’ve known you, so I know it’s something big. Spill.”
Curtis could feel the blush rising up his neck. Fuck, he was warm and uncomfortable. All this ‘feelings’ bullshit was new to him. He was hard and tough. Not to say Steve wasn’t, but the Captain had always had a softness to him too. A pureness. And since he’d started dating James, it had only got more pronounced. And Curtis wasn’t like that. 
Didn’t think he could ever be like that. It just wasn’t him. 
For a moment he’d thought he could have it; a relationship that had meaning. If it had been with her. But he’d royally fucked up.
“I made my girl feel bad. That’s what’s up.” His admission came out as a soft growl.
Steve’s eyes widened.
“You, gotta girl? Like a girlfriend, girl? Mr. “Thank you, next” has a girlfriend?”
“Hey! Don’t say it like that. Although, she wasn’t my girl. Not really. But I think I wanted her - no, want her to be. But it freaked me out, and I couldn’t say what I meant and what I did say insulted her. And I don’t know how to make it right, or whether she will even look at me again.”
Steve swiped his hand over his eyes in disbelief. 
“Well, I can’t help you there, bud. You’ll have to work out what you can do to make it up to her by yourself. And she might not accept it, and then you’ll have to accept that. It’s hard, man, this love thing, but I can tell you, it’s worth it. Have hope. What would get her attention long enough that you can say your piece? Think on it. But not when you’re working. Now scram. I got paperwork to finish and you’ve got a truck to maintain.”
Curtis pushed back his chair, the legs scrapping loudly on the concrete floor before nodding brusquely at his Captain and making his way to the door. His hand had just gripped the doorknob when Steve’s voice sounded again, making him stop.
“And Curtis… Good luck. I’m rooting for you. You deserve a bit of happiness.” 
The corners of his mouth twitched, an unusual occurrence.  “Thanks, Steve.”
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Confidence renewed, Curtis just had to come up with a plan. As he used the leg press machine, and tried not to throw sideways glances towards the door of the gym room, wishing he could see through it to the studio beyond, he ran through different options in his head. Unfortunately, as soon as he had an idea, he discounted it. Too cheesy, not classy enough, too frivolous. There was something wrong with all of them.
He glanced up toward the clock on the wall. He’d come a little later tonight, and should be finished after the pole fitness class finished. The digital display confirmed that the studio should be emptying about now, leaving it clear in about 5 minutes. He pushed down the metal plate under his feet twice more, before letting it come back into place, the weights letting out a clang as he did so.
Curtis stood, wiped down the machine and then himself before striding towards the double doors. His pace slowed when he reached the studio as his nerves tried to get the better of him. He peered around the door and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was empty. Yes, he wanted to see her again, but he needed to know what he was going to do first. For now, he just wanted to feel some kind of connection. 
As he walked up to the pole at the front of the studio, he studied it as if it might reveal its secrets. He reached his hand out and slid it up the smooth surface. Was he imagining that the metal still held some of the warmth from her skin? He couldn’t believe that he’d been so stupid - made that ridiculous assumption of her abilities, based on stereotypes and social conditioning. He knew better than that. He’d never judged a woman’s intelligence or professional abilities due her size, so why had he judged her physicality? It wasn’t as though he was some small, delicate flower, and he knew how powerful and flexible he was…
It was as though a lightbulb had come on over his head, like in the cartoons he’d watched as a child. That was it! He knew what he needed to do. Hopefully, she’d be so dumbstruck by his display, that he’d have the chance to get his words out. But he’d have a lot of planning and practise to do.
Turning on his heel, Curtis practically jogged out of the gym, a grin splitting his usually stoic facade. This was going to work. He was sure of it.
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Curtis spent the whole walk home on his phone, researching. As soon as he got inside his apartment he went straight to his tool box, intent on finding his tape measure to make sure his plan was feasible. He may or may not have let out a small ‘whoop’ of excitement upon discovering it was. Straight back to his phone, he ordered the item he needed, having decided upon the best retailer during his research. He’d even paid extra for priority shipping, but the 2-3 day wait was still going to feel like too long. However, there was other stuff he could do in the meantime like watching tutorial videos and shuffling his furniture around.
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“Hey, Curtis, my man! How’re ya doin’? You gotta smile there!” 
Curtis couldn’t hold back the little chuckle that escaped him as he breezed in past Jake and Mickey where they were leaning on the reception desk, joking with the sweet girl who kept them all on track.. Normally the goofy pair got on his nerves, but he was in a good mood, full of confidence. His plan was coming together; his delivery had come and been installed, and he was making progress with the help of various videos. 
“It’s a good day, Jake!” He smiled at the bleach blonde computing nerd and then gave a sideways nod to his somewhat frivolous bestie. “Mickey. Stay outta trouble guys. See you in the break room later on.” He then turned his attention to the station house sweetheart. “And don’t let these two give you any sass. Tell ‘em to fuck off if they get too annoying.” Her eyes went wide at the thought of talking back to the two flirtatious men and telling them to go about their day. Curtis chuckled again, gave her a wink and made his way through to the garage.
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A week later and his confidence was a bit more shaky. Alright, a lot more. Because now it was crunch time. He once again felt like a creep, hanging outside the studio, but this time he’d deliberately hung back so he couldn’t see through the windows, although close enough that he could see when all the class were leaving. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, psyching himself up. When he heard the creak of the door hinges and the wall of sound that escaped as the class walked out, he opened his eyes. It was now or never. 
Stepping forwards he held the door for them, marvelling properly at the different range of folk who’d been taking part. Different ages, races, sizes and genders. It made him feel stupid all over again.
As the last one walked out, a leggy brunette who gave him a coy smile, he walked into the studio and closed the door behind him.
“Ummm. Hi.”  His voice echoed slightly in the near empty room. He saw her stiffen for a moment, before she turned, a neutral expression on her face.
“How can I help you, Curtis?”
“Look, I was hoping that I could apologise to you again. And try to explain myself better.”
She crossed her arms in front of her, cocked her hip and raised an eyebrow.
“You think you can do that without digging yourself a bigger hole? And this better be good. I don’t have the time, or the energy, to deal with fuck-bois who think they are doing me a favour by deigning to be interested in me, despite my size.”
The emphasis she put on the word made him wince, but she hadn’t told him fuck off, so he took a step closer, although still mindful of her personal space.
“Firstly, I want to say I’m sorry again about being surprised you were the instructor. It was stupid and narrow-minded of me. I thought I was better than that, and I should be better than that. And that’s a me problem. Something I have to work on. But I really hope that you’re able to accept my apology.”
She didn’t relax her pose, but her lips twitched minutely.
“You said that was ‘firstly’. What’s ‘secondly’?”
“The second thing is about how I expressed my attraction to you. When I said I didn’t expect to be so enamoured that had nothing to do with how you look and everything to do with me and my history, or lack thereof, of relationships. I didn’t expect to feel the way that I feel, because I’ve never felt that way. I’ve never had a relationship last longer than a few months, and it was always me ending them because I was bored, and obviously not feeling what I thought I should be feeling.” He stopped, running back over what he’d just said in his head. “There’s a lot of feelings in this…”
She cracked a smile at that, and Curtis felt lifted.
“What I’m trying to say is that there is something special about you, about who you are, that for some reason makes me sit up, and notice, and want things I’ve never wanted before. And it has nothing to do with your size. You could be a size 2 or a size 22, or anything, and I’d still think you the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I’d still want to see your face every day and want to make you smile. The thought that I’d hurt you with what I said last time, with my inability to articulate my thoughts… well it messed me up, and all I’ve been trying to do is find a way to say sorry and show you that, despite how few interactions we’ve had, I think you’re special.”
Was that a softening of her posture he saw? He had to hope so.
“You got something to show me, Hot Stuff? What is it? Better not be your dong though.”
“What? No!” 
That’s when she laughed, and as she did, her face lit up. Curtis’ heart surged, despite the embarrassment he was feeling.
“Oh! Your face, Curtis! I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. Okay, okay. What is it you wanna show me?”
He smiled back and walked towards her, only to cause confusion to cross her face when he actually passed her. He stopped by her pole and looked it up and down. He toed off his sneakers and whipped his gym shirt off over his head.
“Erm…what are you doing?” 
Curtis looked back over his shoulder “At best? Impressing you a bit. At worst? Making you laugh. Either way, I hope it works out well for me.”
Curtis took his phone out of his shorts pocket, tapped the screen to start up some music, grabbed her bottle of dusting powder and tapped some onto his hands before he took hold of the pole in his right hand. Lifting his right leg, he went into a back arch, then bent further into a backbend. He flashed her an upside down wink before standing, sashaying around the pole to face her, and doing a back slide down the pole. He slid back up, and still holding the pole he dropped his body weight and moved around it, building momentum until he grasped it with his left hand too, going into a carousel spin. He continued to spin and grind against the pole in time to the music and he watched as she brought her hands up to her face, but didn’t stop watching, and continued to smile and giggle.
He danced and glided, swinging up into a fireman spin, before coming back down to terra firma, on his knees in front of her and bending back on himself into a knee bridge, one hand on top of his head and his firm chest and abs on display. He was breathing hard, and smiled up at her hopefully. That had been far more exhilarating than he thought it would have been.
“Alright, Magic Mike. I had a hunch that you’d be good at this, but color me impressed.”
Curtis sat up on his knees.
“Impressed enough to maybe give me a second chance and let me take you out on a date?”
“Yes, you goober. Now get off the floor.” She extended her hand and Curtis took hold, allowing her to help him to his feet. “One condition though; you join my class. Your forward spin was a bit sloppy. Oh! And please tell me that you practised at work…”
Curtis grinned, the flush of exertion hiding the flush of embarrassment. “Might have just done a little bit when no one was around…” She threw back her head and laughed.
“I’d have paid good money to see that.”
“If I play my cards right with you, then maybe you will…”
“Maybe, indeed. And Curtis… never doubt me again.”
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euryvices · 14 hours
songs for my moots, pt. 4
so. i saw this and immediately wanted to do something Apollo related but ykw? sun= apollo is broke, sun = nico/will is woke.
VOLUME UP!!! 🗣️🗣️🔥
thank you smsmsm, @child-of-helios for giving me this prompt. im rather unfortunate, but I hope you're okay with this :
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ps : i love the emoticon rn it's making me smile AAAA
pps : i didn't write any lyrics or any tune for this 😭 IM SORRY ITS ALL OVER THE PLACE
lyrics :
my hands are full of my want for you, and it repulses you like nothing else
i can't seem to catch the words I left unattended, in the confines of the space between us yet
it hovers like a pillow thrown in heat of argument, it's tangible in its ferocity
how do I pull back the tide, how do I let it go, it doesn't stop moving (velocity)
sunshine, oh sunshine, your dimples light me on fire
sunshine, oh my darlin sunshine, i love you more than the sword that reaps
i am not good with words, lord knows I am more adept at other things, more in tune with other things
but i know, I'd follow you anywhere, like desperate sunlight to a potted plant
how do I take it back? the words I said but didn't mean
how do I let go of this hate?
i am the wrong house, the blinds are slight and having a love affair with the wind, can you let me in?
sunshine, oh sunshine, i love you like a porch loves the birds that come at dawn
sunshine, oh moonshine, was your favourite type of rum, i drink it now
above us
the ache in your bones
Is pulling at the ache in mine
I finally stopped looking for where to put the spaces between words
where to hit the 'enter' line
sunshine, oh sunshine, you are perfect in my eyes
i can't take back the words I said, can't light em on fire
but I'll say this instead
sunshine, i love you like parched homeland blurd
like glass does on the sidewalk
Like dried red blood on my hands, you're part me
oh you're part of me
do you feel compassion for it
for the broken memoriss
for anything that isn't like you
sunshine, i love you like anything
like everything
like you love me too
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mister-snake · 1 year
It's crazy, but sometimes, it takes years to recognize you went through abuse as a kid. Maybe because as a child, you have a naïve and oversimplified view of the world. Also because your little kid brain managed to make you see the good in people as a defense mechanism. Because it's hard to take a step back when you're still so vulnerable, under the care of adults you're supposed to be able to rely on. When your very small social world revolves around the people who raised you for so many years, how are you supposed to see what's wrong. Maybe it's needed for some kids to idealize their caretakers, in order to survive, to be blind to the pain, to make what's not okay be okay, to be normal and find a way into happiness, Hell, even create one of their own.
I've come to realize that what was normal for me may seem abusive for someone else. And even just writing it down like that sounds inappropriate to me. Growing up as a kid and a teen, I got close to some people who had really terrible relationships with their parents and wider family. I heard it all, all that toxic crazy shit an adult could do to their own flesh, the one being they're supposed to look after, love and protect. That one woman I remember the most of would hit her child with a fucking frying pan, tell her to die, that she was unwanted trash, she would insult her, slap her, lock her outside of the house, tell her anorexic daughter how fat and ugly she was, all so she could mentally detroy her as much as possible. With such parenting models, to me abuse meant violence, verbal degradation, anything that could be clearly seen and pointed out as cruel.
I never got to acknowledge the fact that there are some invisible forms of abuse. Neglect was never spoken of. To me, still, it all feels so normal. I never really fully understood what was wrong, the lacks, the flaws, the mistakes I was exposed to as a kid, the needs left unattended. I just made my own bad choices, learned to fight on my own, and my parents would pick up the pieces I left behind, afterwards. To me, they did their best, they acted the way they learned to act from where they came from, with the best intentions. There is no such thing as a guideline for being a parent and we are all humans with emotions, flaws, fears. I always felt like I had pretty good parents and my past relationships' toxic parents strengthened that belief. Yet, whenever I now talk about it with my therapist or when my buddy compares his own stable, normal and healthy parental experience with mine, I can clearly see how bad it actually was.
From the lack of emotional support and presence ever since they lost their first child to me having to take care of my younger brother for several years before they started acting like parents again. The fear of judgement and pain leading to covering up all the bad things that happened, the rapes, suicide, family drama, my own fuck-ups, with no safe space to ever talk about it, no closure. The complete freedom I got that allowed me to break the law as an impulsive kid with mental illnesses, leading to alcohol abuse, skipping school, disciplary issues. The lack of warmth and love demonstrations with relationships based on simply solving problems, answering material and financial needs.
I grew up with no guidance, no consequences and no reassurance. I never had any, so I never felt these needs. However, I do regret not having those growing up, because damn, so much of my struggles make sense, looking back.
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dollmother · 11 months
i remember the clubhouse i went to after school. a medium sized building in the park where there was a community of kids around my age and teenagers from the neighboring high school. they were usually there for different reasons, mine was because my mom was caught up toiling away at her salon working long hours. being told to go there and wait for her so i wouldn't be home alone. where i'm not trusted to be alone. at any point while i was just 12, or 14, i could've taken the bus home. do whatever i wanted, away from everyone else. there were many days i fantasized about just being alone. but i kept going back to that club house after school and waited for her.
she wouldn't pick me up until 7pm at the latest. sometimes even later depending on how late each of her customers came through the door. if there were customers that came in after...well, she would work with her clients and stay late.
i remember being the only child left behind at the outdoor entrance of that clubhouse. every single day i sat there at the ledge in front of their grass lawn. i remember that place vividly. the big tree surrounded by a solid row of bench made of cobblestone. the smaller rather empty building that was usually closed off to the kids. the ledge that you could sit on in front of the aloe vera plants decorating the big windows in the front. how could i not remember? i was there almost every day waiting for her.
it was policy for the supervisors there to make sure the kids weren't unattended. it was unsafe for a small, weak, scrawny kid to be left by himself. vulnerable. god forbid some suspicious character arrived at the scene and took advantage of him. i was lucky. at the same time, i began to feel bad for the staff there. their shift ended around 7pm, and i was often there almost an hour after. bless their kind hearts, they had stayed overtime to take care of me. i didn't want to be a burden to anyone, yet it always felt that way. i would see the relief in their eyes when my mom's car pulled up in the driveway.
i remember clearly what it felt like seeing red. for me, red wasn't such an alarming color--not in that sense anyways. red was a sight for relief. a respite to the anxiety i felt, a emotion i couldn't quite gather words for at the time. though i found myself stuck in this position for days on end, i never really got used to that feeling.
things were much worse during a time when you really didn't have a phone. sure, it was nice to have a hand-me-down from your sister. but all it did was call and tell you the time. things got scary during the winter seasons. when the sun left the horizon earlier than usual, sometimes i would find myself waiting in the dark, dimly lit park bench and alone. it was cold. and i was alone. reminiscing on those memories i still feel the fear welling in my chest. i was a worrisome kid, anxious and couldn't keep still. whether it was from my nervousness or boredom, i found myself pacing around the general vicinity of the club house while my thoughts raced around in the cluttered maze of my own mind. there, i spent the most time talking to my own head---
oh i remember one time when i had been waiting, after the staff left for home, by myself on that green bench in front of the empty building i mentioned. it was really late tonight, i thought. mom isn't picking up my calls, when i'd been calling her countless times. for the first time in a while, i felt all that fear of the other days manifest itself intensely. in my head there was nothing but chaos. overthinking, ruminating, my vivid imagination would betray me now.
then in those moments, i thought about what might've happened to my mom. could she have gotten in a car accident? or has something much worse happened to her? i was genuinely scared. then it came back to me. i thought about my father, who passed almost a decade ago in his office suddenly. in one long night where i sunk deep into the pit of empty space. floating, sinking, trapped in a pit of one of the longest nights of my life. four hours felt like a week. there were a thousand different thoughts fight its way to give voice. would she abandon me like he did now? what would become of me, of us had something terrible like that happened?
in those moments, i went through a simulation of loss and grief. what would i do if she left me? stuck here, alone? i thought of her more than anything. praying to a god i never truly believed in that she would be okay. praying for her safety, that her not answering any of my calls just meant she was driving to pick me up.
I was scared to death but in those moments, some part deep inside me felt relief as i thought about a future without her. i realized i hated my mother when the rare times i tasted freedom, was in some abandonment trauma induced fantasy of a life had something bad occurred that night.
i think about all those nights i stayed behind when everyone else had left. all those staff that remained behind with me, making sure i was safe just for a little longer. i never thanked them enough for what they'd done for me. i wish not that i could. now when i recall these childhood memories, i hope that they do know that dumb little kid was grateful. looking back, i think i took the community there for granted at times. they had done so much for me even after the little i've given back. made me into the person i am now. i guess the lesson in all of this was that there is still good left in this world. there were genuinely good people there. and for what? they never got the fair compensation they deserved. i hope they're all doing well, maybe now i can return to that old place---if they're still there.
0 notes
bibannana · 2 years
The clones do not have a subtle bone in their bodies. They are built from:
Dramatic flare
Sarcasm (and eyerolls)
The inability to lie
The need to Dad (Waxer, Boil, Hunter I see you)
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itshouldvebeenme30 · 2 years
Stuck with You ||18+||
Pairing/s: College AU Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings/Genre: ||MINORS DNI|| explicit language, smut, mentions of voyeurism, masturbation, fingering, filth, fluff
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: This one was inspired by a bechloe fic that I could read over again entitled 'Desperate Measures' on Ao3. Check it out babes.
Main Masterlist:
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*gif not mine*
Natasha clumsily threw the book on the other side of the couch as she sighed for the nth time. She leaned back on the couch, closing her eyes to keep her frustrations at bay. When she feels the couch dip alongside her, her mouth curves upward slightly.
"What did that poor book do to you?" You lightly mused while offering her your freshly brewed coffee. She gladly accepted it and couldn't contain the moan that escaped her lips when she took a sip. The tinge on your cheek didn't go unnoticed by her. She grinned, knowing that she had that effect on you.
"Y/n, how are you not going nuts after over two weeks of forced isolation? I mean, how do you do it? I think I'm gonna combust from boredom any minute now." She exaggeratedly whines like a child. She may be whining, but she's actually relieved to have been stuck with you during the quarantine. But at the same time, she's not. Being stuck with your best friend is good, but being stuck with that best friend she's harboring a crush for some time now is bad.
"Are you saying you're bored of me now, Romanoff? I'm deeply hurt." You clutch your chest for some dramatic effect, but deep down, you're sad that she thinks that way. But you do understand her. While you're a certified homebody and isolating is not a big deal to you, Natasha isn't. She likes going out, and her favorite thing to do is drag you along, making sure to keep your social life in check.
"Noooo, you know what I mean." You let out a giggle when she pouted. Outside, she claims to be a meanie and a badass, but you know that she's a big softie on the inside. She'll strangle you if you ever call her that, though. You feigned innocence and asked what she meant by that.
An idea popped into the redhead's mind when she saw your teasing smile. If she's going to be alone with you for an unknown period of time, she might as well make the most of it by taking her shot with you.
"I'm in desperate need of physical attention, Y/n. Come here, snuggle with me." You hesitated for a bit, but when you saw her hopeful glance at you, you relented eventually. You come between her open arms and place your head on her shoulder, feeling her arms tighten around you.
Natasha sighed contentedly and couldn't contain the smile making its way across her face. Being stuck with you is definitely not a bad thing, after all.
Natasha's getting antsy. One of the disadvantages of being quarantined in one place with somebody is not having any privacy at all. The small apartment complex is partly blamed for that. It left her with little to no opportunities to tend to her own sexual needs. Watching you deeply focused on your book, your lips between your teeth, and your neck on display since you opted to wear your hair in a messy bun does nothing to alleviate the unbearable heat in her core.
She decided that watching you is much more interesting than Bond getting it on, so she left the movie on the screen unattended. She despised him at that moment.
"You know, if you don't want to watch your movie, we can go to bed together," you said, placing the bookmark on the same page you'd been staring at for the past five minutes since you could feel her staring at you, distracting you.
"My, my. At least take the girl out for a dinner first." She caught the pillow being thrown at her, allowing herself to laugh at your flustered state. You simply rolled your eyes at her and walked over to your own bed. It's the least you can do for your poor heart, which is pounding in your chest like crazy. Natasha has been flirting with you a lot lately, which has just intensified your attraction to her.
"I'm scared, Y/n. Can I sleep beside you?" She followed you and fluttered her eyelashes at you.
"Err, I'm just a meter away from you Nat."
"You bed is nicer."
"We have the same bed."
"I like your smell."
"But I smell-"
"I wanna cuddle with you! Jesus, Y/n." You find it amusing that Natasha appears to be desperate. You lightly giggle before motioning her to join you. She gleefully joins you under the covers. You let her spoon you as her arms wrapped around your torso. She's also quite clingy these days.
"What's the kinkiest thing you've ever done?" You wiggled out of her hold to look at her as if she's insane.
"What the hell, Natasha?" She just casually shrugged at you and looked towards the ceiling.
"You know, like in bed. Sex." Being in bed with the person she's attracted to made Natasha hella horny, plus the added sexual frustration she's been having lately. She tries to quell her thoughts but fails.
"I know what it is, Natasha. I mean, why are you asking me this?"
"Why not? It just came on my mind, and no judgements here." She turned to look at you and you can't help but shy away from her gaze.
You let out a sigh, trying to gather the courage to answer her.
"I let... someone tie me up and blindfold me once." You finally answered after a beat of silence.
"Oh. Did you like it?" Natasha is intrigued, setting aside the jealousy of knowing that someone had done that with you.
"Y-yeah. It was... nice, I guess." You clear your throat. "What about you?" Natasha is pleasantly surprised that you returned the question.
"I like being tied up, too." Her fingers fiddled the hem of her shirt. "But I like doing the tying up more."
You swallowed audibly. "Uhm, that's cool."
"Yeah." Sleep is the furthest thing on her mind now. "I've always wanted to try spanking. Not like bent over the knee, counting them off kind of spanking. But I can be open for that."
"Oh my god. Good night, Natasha." You turn to your side, feeling hot already.
"I'm bored. Tell me something you want to try. Ooh, I bet you'd like to try spanking, too." She's amused by your bashfulness and she makes no attempt to stop her questions at all. "But you're totally the one getting spanked."
"I'm too sober for this." You tried to get up, but her arm snaked back to your waist, holding you in place. She's much stronger than you, that's for sure.
"Oh, come on. We're both adults. Just answer the question." Her breath is dangerously close to your neck. You shudder lightly at the feeling and Natasha notices this, of course. She's holding you for goodness sake.
"Okay, fine. Yes. You're right." You lie down again, troubled by the fact that she's pressed against your back with a flimsy t-shirt she took from you, and it's apparent she's not wearing her bra. You feel her adjusting beside you, also.
"What about role-play?"
"... Yeah."
"What kind?"
"I don't know... like student-teacher kind of."
"You're definitely the student."
"Seriously? Why are you always implying that I'm a bottom?"
"You're not?" A small laugh escaped her lips when you just grumbled in annoyance. Is it a crime to enjoy being the bottom most of the time?
"What's your favorite position?" If Natasha intends to kill you, she's definitely succeeding.
"You're really bored out of your mind, aren't you? I'm not gonna answer that." You hear her protest before giving up. "Jesus, Nat, you're relentless. I like it from behind, okay?" You managed to squeak.
"I figure." You could see her taunting smile when she said that.
"Are you making fun of me? Why the hell am I confessing everything?"
"I'm sorry, I promise I'm not." She's still giggling, but you're not that mad. The predicament you're both in is amusing in itself. "I like it when a girl rides me. Strap, fingers, my face."
"Okay." You gulp.
"I like my hair being pulled."
"Didn't ask for that."
"I like being watched."
"Too much info, Nat." 
"I had a three-way twice." You can't help the image that is conjured in your head as she vividly explains to you how it happened and what happened. You're too stunned to make a sound as she's not stopping describing how it went.
"Okay! I get it!" You grab the pillow next to you and try to hide your face behind it. Natasha just yanks it out of you while teasing your reddened face.
"You're too tense, babe. When's the last time you relieved yourself?" You slightly shift as your underwear is uncomfortably slicked from your arousal. Natasha, on the other hand, is itching for some relief too.
"Why does it sounds like peeing or something?" You chuckle nervously, wanting to disappear from this conversation.
"Don't tell me, you're into piss kink also?"
You just let out a long, irritated sigh. 
"You're too gullible, detka. You know..." You feel yourself panic at the nickname. You try to mask it but inevitably fails.
"What? What's with that tone, Romanoff?"
"I have no idea what you mean," Natasha turns sideways to look at you, her fingertips ghosting above your arm, leaving goosebumps behind. "Since we're stuck in here for however that long, and we're never alone to... find some sexual relief-"
"I don't like where this is going." You loudly groaned and swat Natasha's fingers away as it tingles.
"As I was saying, we're both adults and friends right? And we're stuck in here for however how long, and we have needs. Well, I know I have needs-"
"I have needs," You interject. Natasha just raised her eyebrow and grinned in mischief.
"We have needs. And talking about this stuff got me all riled up-"
"Oh, it did?" You closed your eyes to gather your thoughts. Which only consists of not so innocent thoughts of your best friend beside you.
"Yeah, what about you?"
"Uh, yeah. Kinda hard not to." Natasha could feel her heart pounding fast. You just admitted you're turned on. Right now. In bed. With her.
Every day, she exudes the appropriate amount of confidence, yet she is nervous right now. She licked her chapped lips, mustering the courage to ask you a question that might change your established relationship together.
"Do you want to touch yourself?"
The agonizingly long silence is very telling.
"If it's okay with you, I'd like to touch myself right now."
"How is that not weird?" You choke back.
"It's not. Who says it's weird?"
"Society has crumbled."
You uncharacteristically let out a snort and laugh at that. She joins you.
"Besides, we're the only people who will know. If you think about it, it's kind of sexy." All she can do is wait for your response. She's on thin ice as it is so she's not gonna push it.
"You're gonna be the death of me, Romanoff. I can't believe we're having this conversation." She just raised her perfectly trimmed eyebrow at you.
"When's the last time you did it?"
"Oh please, don't be such a prude. But seriously, I'm so horny right now, I-"
"Stop!" You shove a pillow towards her to shut her up but it only made her laugh harder. "If I let you with your much needed privacy, will you please stop? I don't think I can handle this  anymore." You make a move to leave but her hand grabs your arm once more.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna stand outside the hall, pretend that I don't exist so you could uhm, you know." You make a motion with your hand awkwardly. You're pretty sure your face is as red as a tomato now.
"Stay, please?"
"Remember how I said I like being watched?"
"Come on, it'll be pretty fun. I don't mind." This isn't how you imagined the night was going between you two. "You can do nothing at all. I just... need you close." You have a battle going on in your mind right now, but you eventually give in when you hear her soft plea.
Natasha was thrilled when you shifted your position beside her, but unfortunately, you closed your eyes. Having you this close is already fine with her. A sigh escaped from her lips when she slipped her hand down the front of her shorts, finding herself really wet.
"So, how's this- Oh my god, you're doing it." She couldn't help but whimper and close her eyes in response to her unexpected sensitivity and the feeling of your gaze on her. Her breathing becomes erratic as she slowly tease her own self. Her other hand finds its way where her pebbled nipples are, chest heaving when she starts playing with it. 
It was impossible to look away from your best friend as she played with herself right in front of you. Natasha's mouth is agape, back arching as she plunges a finger inside of her. You stifled a moan at the sight, but it came out as a whimper that Natasha barely noticed. 
You strongly felt the urge to touch yourself, but you let Natasha have her own moment, so you opted to grip the mattress tightly to suppress the need. Your throat dries as you continue to watch her movements go faster and sloppier, and her moans get louder. 
"F-fuck, Y/n... I'm so c-close..." Natasha wants to come. She wants to come badly, but something is missing. It was as if a sense of her need washed over you, so you got closer until your chest was pressed against her side and you held her hand that was under her shorts. To say Natasha's surprised is an understatement, and she's about to remove her own hand, thinking that you wanted to replace it with yours.
"Don't. Keep going." She whines and moans incoherently at the added pressure of your hand against her core. 
"That's it. Come, pretty girl." It sets Natasha off like a bolt of lightning. Her climax hits her fully, and she moans your name at full-volume, shuddering at the intensity of it.
She tries to catch her breath, but you remove her soaked fingers and bring them into your mouth, cleaning them off. The sight nearly made her come again.
"You taste so good, Natty." 
She wasn't sure who initiated it at first, but your lips connected, teeth clashing in the process as you made out eagerly and sloppily. She shifts to straddle you and removes her shirt, exposing her perky breasts. She looks ethereal on top of you, and you can't help but run your tongue over your lips, clearly enjoying the view.
"See something you like?" Words got caught in your throat, so you could only nod at her. She just cutely giggles at you and peppers your face with little kisses. You pushed her lightly to remove your own top, and you met her hungry gaze directed at your exposed chest. 
"God, you're so hot." She attacks your neck, nipping and leaving bruises behind. Her kisses continue to travel below until you feel her hot mouth on your boob. You hissed when her teeth grazed on your sensitive nipple and she tugs it in between, pulling and licking while her other hand squeezes your other breast. Your hand tangles her hair and tugs it a little as you writhe beneath her.
"Fuck, do it again. Harder." You heed her plea and she moans loudly against your chest. 
"N-nat... Please." You can't take it anymore. The need becomes unbearable as she continues to tease both of your boobs.
"What is it, detka? Do you need something?" You whined at her teasing tone and pushed her head lower, silently telling her what you needed.
"Use your words, detka. Or I'll stop." Natasha warns, but in reality, she's not going to stop until she makes you entirely hers and at her mercy.
"Please, just fuck me already." She lightly laughs, but yanks your remaining clothing afterward. She holds your legs open when you unconsciously close them a little, embarrassed by how drenched you have become.
"Don't be shy now, you look beautiful." She didn't wait for your response as she attaches her mouth on your sex. You mumble a series of curses as she runs her tongue up and down, lapping you vigorously. Your back arches in response to the sensation, and you tighten your grip on Natasha's hair as she unexpectedly sucks on your clit.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." You start to tense as your climax nears, but Natasha's mouth suddenly detaches from you. With your hazy mind, you frustratingly look down to see Natasha smugly smiling at you.
"Wha- " A scream tears from your throat as she suddenly plunges two fingers into you. Her movements are unforgiving, hard and fast. She curls her fingers inside, and you can't help but moan and chant her name loudly as she sucks your clit harder while simultaneously fucking you. The bed squeaks from the action.
Natasha grabs your breast in her other hand and watches her fingers disappear into you, completely mesmerized by how you are taking her. Your walls tightened against her fingers, making it difficult to move, so she drove them deeper and made the come hither motion over and over again.
"Come, detka. It's okay." It didn't take long for your climax to come, back arching while Natasha lightly hisses when your hand finds its way to grip her hair tightly again. As your climax starts to subside, you hear her coo and whisper praises on your side.
Natasha slowly removed her fingers from you, and you couldn't help but whine at the loss. She grabs the blanket to drape it over your bodies and takes you in her arms, which you immediately oblige despite your haziness.
"That... that happened." You managed to croak out, voice coming out slightly hoarse.
"Did you... not like it?" You turn to look at her and saw the vulnerability in her look, which is unusual coming from the redhead. You take her face on your hands and look directly in her eyes. 
"You made me feel so good that I can barely speak now and you're asking if I did not like it? I'll gladly show you again how much I enjoyed it if I could only feel my legs again." You both giggle at that.
"I'm hoping this isn't a one-time thing? Because I have liked you since way before this."  You feel extremely happy at her confession because it goes the same thing for you. Before you could even reply, she adds. "It will suck to not be able to do that again if we cannot leave this place. You have no idea how often I think of bending you over- " You groaned and turned away, pressing your back against her.
"Why are you like this?" She just laughed before spooning you.
Natasha really knew how to push your buttons, and she grabbed this perfect opportunity by popping her hips towards your ass, "From behind, huh?"
Her forceful grip on your waist was the only thing that kept you from running across the room. She kept on laughing as you struggle for awhile before going limp from exhaustion.
"Go to sleep, Romanoff." 
She kisses your head and mutters a good night against your hair, her smile not leaving her face as she closes her eyes. Natasha finally has you in her arms like this. 
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Taglist: @sayah13 @iliketozoneout
A/N: I suck at this.
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cassava-49 · 4 years
A six years old Felix hid underneath the buffet table, trying to avoid anymore of the party. He huffed as he leaned on one of the table's leg and began munching on the cookie he snatched. He began dusting the crumbs off him as he crept to the front and raised the table cloth just a little so that he could see what's happening.
Outside he could see his cousin, Adrien, with their bratty friend, Chloe, trying to find him. He couldn't help but giggle seeing that Chloe was concerned for him. But they're not really the reason to why he's hiding, he looked to the far left and found the Italian brat that had been clinging to him the entire night. He watched as she had teary eyes trying to find him. He turned to where Adrien and Chloe were and muttered an apology for leaving. If he could allow them to hide with him he would, but knowing that the two can't sit still without saying a word, they'd be caught without even trying. He then laid back only to bump into another body.
He rubbed his head to find a little girl with short dark blue hair, copying his action. "What are you doing here?" the girl asked in a soft annoyed voice, so not to get caught. He glared at the girl and whisper shouted at her, "That's my line!" She huffed, placing her hands on her waist. "But this is my hiding place," she stated her claim.
Felix mimicked the girl's action to intimidate her. "Yeah, but I don't see anything here that says this is your spot," he snarkly replied. "This is my parents' buffet table, so this is my spot," she defended herself. He huffed and replied, "Well, my parents payed for the food, so this is my hiding spot, too." The little girl scoffed and said, "Your parents didn't pay for the food, the Bourgeoises did, I know because that brat Chloe came by."
This made the two huff as they folded their arms together, turning their heads to the opposite direction. After a few minutes of angry silence, Felix began to crawl to the other side of the table. "Hey, where are you going?" the little girl called out. "To the other side, duh. You take that side and I'll take this side," he replied as he stationed himself to the other leg of the table. She blinked her eyes at the offer and smiled, taking up as much space as she wants. She then took out her small handkerchief and laid it on the floor revealing the few snacks she smuggled, just like a mini picnic.
This caught the little boy's attention. The little girl noticed his stares at the treats and smiled, offering him a macaroon. His eyes widened at the her offer but stubbornly refused, only to have his stomach betray him by releasing a loud grumbling sound. This made the girl giggle and asked him to come over and eat with him. He placed an annoyed look on his face, but happily went over for a snack, taking the macaroon from her hands.
"What's your name?" she asked as he began eating. "Felix," he replied after he swallowed the food in his mouth. She smiled and said, "I'm Marinette." He nodded in recognition and took a cupcake. Marinette began munching on a cookie as she peeked under the table cloth. There she could see her parents serving to the people at the buffet table and mingling with one of the staff members.
"Why are you hiding anyway?" Felix asked as he noticed her peeking outside. "I'm not hiding, my parents know where I am," she replied as she ate the last part of the cookie. "Then why are you under the table?" he asked as he took another macaroon. She shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I don't like being around a lot of people. What about you, are you hiding?"
He nodded and took another cookie. "I don't like the other guest's daughter. She's annoying and clingy, not to mention a liar. I don't believe a thing she says it's all absurd," he replied. This caught her interest as she asked, "Who?" He gestured for her to peek under the tablecloth with him. He looked for the brown haired girl and pointed at her.
"Her, the one dancing with the butler," he said. She stared at the girl and commented, "She doesn't look bad." This made the blond scoff and said, "To you, but once you get to know her you'll see."
"Marinette," a voice from outside called as a large man looked at them from the other side of the table. "Papa!" she squealed excitedly as she approached him. Noticing the other child, Tom smiled and asked, "Who's your new friend?" Remembering that Felix was with her she gestured to the young boy. "This is Felix, he's hiding," she said. This made the man hum in understanding and said, "Well, why don't you keep him company in hiding?" She nodded enthusiastically as she turned to her friend, who had a confused look on his face. "Alright, young man take care of my daughter for me," he said as he left. Felix nodded and turned to find that they already ate all the snacks.
"Aren't there any more food?" he asked in a disappointed voice. "Nope, we ate them all," she replied as she began wiping the young boy's face. "Wait, wha-what are you doing?" he asked as he slowly backed away. She giggled at his reaction and said, "You had crumbs on your face, silly." For some reason the young boy could feel his face heat up at the sudden contact. Once she finished, she say opposite him and began dusting her pink dress.
"Where are you going?" Felix asked as he noticed her about to leave. "Out, it's getting hot in here. I want some air," she said. "But, but you said you weren't going to leave me," he called out, a bit surprised about this. He didn't know what he was feeling, but right now he doesn't want this girl to leave him. "Did I?" she asked a bit confused too. She then snapped her fingers, recalling what she said. "Well, are you coming with me?" she asked.
He nodded his head as they got out of the table. "I know where we could get some air," he said. "Where?" she asked. "Let's go to the rooftop, that way we can watch the fireworks, too. And I'm still hiding, you know," he offered. This excited the young girl as she nodded and asked him to lead the way.
"Let's go," he said as he took small her hand in his. This action made his small heart beat fast, but unsure about it. They navigated their way towards the elevator, avoiding his friends and parents, as well as Lila. They passed by a little Japanese girl, who was standing next to her mother, who had an iron hold on her small hand. Marinette gave the little girl a smile and wave as she slipped a cookie into her hand. This made the girl smile at her and began nibbling on the treat.
When they arrived at the front of the elevator, Felix had to let go of her hand as he jumped to reach the buttons. The elevator door opened to a young rockstar, who looked at them a bit curious. "What're you kids up to?" he asked a bit concerned by the fact that they were unattended. "My friend Marinette needs to go to the bathroom on the first floor. She doesn't like the toilets on this floor and our parents can't take us there, so we'll be going together," Felix lied. This made the rocker let out a laugh at their cuteness. "Alright, be careful little ones," he said as he gave each of them a pat on the head.
With that, both of them got in the elevator and went forth to the top floor. Once on the roof, the little girl's eyes were wide with wonder as she began exploring the grounds, since it was empty but was elaborately decorated. Felix watched as she stared at a giant lantern next to the ball pit. He placed his hands in his pockets and found a coin, this motivated him to impress her.
"It's so pretty out here!" she paused as she looked at the sky above which had a few stars shining. "Thanks for bringing me here, Felix," she said as she bounced her way to the railing, Felix close to her. "Do your want to see a magic trick?" he asked as she looked at the streets below. She turned to him with wide eyes and asked, "You can do magic?" He smiled and nodded at the little girl. "Show me, show me," she demanded as she pulled at his arm.
Without being told twice, he pulled out a coin behind her ear. She gasped and took the coin from him. "Hey, that's my coin," he said, wanting to take it back. "But you pulled it out of my ear," she said as she tried to keep it out of his reach. "It's my magic, so it's mine. I'll give you something else," he offered. He took out his handkerchief and placed it over his hand. When he took it off he held a rose (which he took from one of the displays). She gasped at the beauty, because she never really held a rose before. "You can have this one, but the coin's mine," he said as she took the rose.
"Nope, I'm keeping this coin and this flower," she greedily said as he pouted. "Fine, I'll give you something in exchange for the coin," he said. She blinked her eyes processing what he said. He began searching his pockets and could only find his heirloom, the Graham de Vanilly ring, one for him the other for Adrien. "If I get you to wear this ring, you'll have to give me the money back," he said. She giggled and said, "That's impossible, you'll never get me to wear that." He shrugged and asked, "But if I do you have to give it back, deal?"
Marinette looked at his hand suspiciously not wanting to touch it, in case he slips it on her. "Alright, I'll place it here," he says as he placed it on the floor. He looked at his watch and knew what to do. Satisfied knowing that he won't be slipping it on by hand shake, she said, "Deal."
On cue, the fireworks began, surprising the girl as she looked up to the sky, only to have the little boy kiss her cheek, confusing her more. She pushed him off her with red cheeks. He began to say something to her, but she couldn't hear. "What?" she asked, not understanding. She watched him laugh as he pointed at her hand mouthing, "Check your finger." Surprised, she looked and found the ring was on her right ring finger. She watched as he picked up the coin and the rose. He approached her and placed the flower into her hands with a sweet smile. "Here, you can have the rose, it's pretty just like you," he stated causing the little girl to blush at his words.
She looked back at the ring, which was very loose in her finger and asked, "Does this mean we're married?" This question made the other child go red in embarrassment. "N-not re-really, I-I just placed it on you, bu-but it doesn't really ne-need to mean we are—" he stopped his rambling when the ravenette placed a kiss on his cheek as well. "I like you," she said with a smile.
That was it, Felix Graham de Vanilly finally knew what the meaning of his affections towards this six years old girl. He has a crush.
14 years later
Felix continued to twirl the coin in between his fingers. It has been years since he'd seen that little girl. Until now, he still can't help but feel the undying crush he had on her. Ever since they got back from the rooftop, he got a nagging from Chloe for leaving them for Marinette. She even tore the rose he gave her. From then on he had that boiling anger and hatred towards the blonde. He still couldn't forget the tears of the little girl as she ran away from them, eyes full of her and helplessness.
Every time he went to Paris he would be very aware of his surroundings hoping to find her again. If she still remembers him he'd like to get to know her better. If she doesn't want to be his friend then he'd rather apologize to her and her his heirloom back. He just needs to see her one more time. He gave out another sigh, it's already been 14 years and he still hasn't gotten over it.
He looked at the Grand Palace Hotel, the Bourgeois family is again holding a New Year party. He, of course, is one of the guests, along with some high class figures as well as old classmates of the now mature Chloe Bourgeois, making this a semi formal event. He got out of the car and entered the building, there he was greeted by the staff and the other guests. He began to search the crowd for a familiar face and found Adrien at the bar talking with some friends.
"Felix!" an all too familiar voice called. He turned to find the hostess herself in her glamorous black and yellow cocktail dress. "Chloe," he greeted with civility. "It's so nice that you could join us. I told Adrien that if he kept pestering you, you're bound to arrive, and I was right, as always," she said. "You've known me your entire life, glad to see you haven't lost your touch," he replied as she began to guide him to where Adrien is.
"Adrikins," Chloe said as she approached him taking two seats next to him. "Chloe, you found Felix. I thought you weren't coming," Adrien said he hugged his cousin, much to his formal behaviour. "Lovely, now may I get myself a drink," he said as he sat next to Adrien and ordered a drink from the bartender. Adrien chuckled and said, "You never change, Fè. But since you're very into introductions, let me introduce you to my friends." Felix turned to finally notice the two people he had been talking to. He's vaguely familiar with them remembering the video they sent to Adrien six years ago. "This is Nino, he's studying Arts," Adrien introduced as he gestured to his dark skinned make friend. "Hey, ma dude. I know it's been a while, but you don't need to worry about that video you sent us, Adrien explained it to us and we're all kinda cool about it," Nino said as they shook hands. "Pleasure, and thank you, but I'm still sorry for it. It was the most immature and petty thing I ever did to anyone," Felix replied. "This is Alya, she's taking journalism," Adrien said. "I've seen your blog, it keeps improving ever since you started," Felix complimented. "Well, with that compliment how can I not forgive you," Alya joked.
"Ugh, where's Dupain-Cheng and Tsurugi? I told them to get change, but what's taking them so long?" Chloe ranted. Dupain-Cheng, Felix thought, finding the name and the way she said it all too familiar. "This is your fault for telling them that they'll be one of the waiters," Adrien teased. "I was joking alright, why do you guys take me so seriously?" Chloe complained. Making everyone laugh at her statement. "You really need to tone it down, you always sound so serious," someone said as they placed their hands on Chloe's shoulders. "Luka, when did you get here? I thought you said that you couldn't make it because of your gig in London?" Chloe exclaimed. "I couldn't miss my girlfriend's party now, couldn't I?" the rocker said as he placed a kiss on her cheek.
"Felix, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Luka," Chloe proudly proclaimed. "You have a boyfriend?" Felix joked making everyone laugh. "What can I say, she has a melodic song," Luka said as he placed his arm over her. "I guess you got yourself a keeper, cheers to you," Felix congratulated, but somehow felt a bit jealous. How can someone who broke his childhood love end up with someone as charming as him?
"Sorry guys, we're late," someone said as they approached the group. "About time my lady, it seems like you've been keeping my precious dragon from me," Adrien said as he wrapped his arms around Kagami placing a kiss on her forehead. "Down kitty, I just got her hair done, don't mess it up," the girl with bluebell eyes scolded. "Don't worry Marinette, you know that I love you more than him," the Japanese girl stated causing the blond to pout.
Marinette, Felix thought as he began to stare at her. He recognised he from his cousin's video, one of the girl's that's in love with him. It turns out she just gave it all up for the girl beside her. He noticed her dark hair was similar to that of the Marinette he knew, they never really gave last names. Her eyes were as blue as the sky, he couldn't remember the little girl's eyes since it was very dark and he wasn't sure. She wore an elegant pink dress with a ladybug hairpiece.
He continued to stare, unaware of Chloe's critical eyes. She hung her head in guilt for a few seconds and immediately replaced it with a smile as she sauntered her way to the two ladies. "Dupain-Cheng, Tsurugi, what took both of you so long? Why did you even take me seriously when I said you'll be serving tonight?" Chloe said as the two girls laughed. "Anyway, let me introduce or reintroduce you to someone," she added as she guided them towards Felix.
He unconsciously straightened himself as they neared him. Taking one more sip from his drink he straightened himself to meet her. "Marinette this is Felix, you remember him, don't you?" Chloe said. "Yes, I remember him," she said with a hint of anger and irritation from her voice. "It's a pleasure to meet you, but I must apologize for my behaviour six years ago, not a very good time of mine," he said as they shook hands. She smiled politely at him as she turned to the person next to him. "Luka, why didn't you tell us you were coming?" she exclaimed as she gave the artist a hug.
"Well, I wanted to surprise all of you, but mostly Chloe," Luka said. "Sorry Marinette, but paws off my boyfriend. We're going around and check on the guests," Chloe said as she came in between them. Marinette chuckled and said, "Wouldn't dream of it Chloe." She turned to her friends and joined in on their conversation. She ordered herself a drink as she stationed herself next to Alya and Kagami.
Felix didn't really mind this since it gives him better access to observe her from afar. He sat there with them, just listening on their conversation jumping in any time they ask him. They continued the conversation until an upbeat song began to play. "This is my jam, Marinette let's dance," Alya exclaimed as she dragged her friend to the dance floor. Marinette, as well, dragged Kagami with her as the three headed to the dancefloor. Felix turned to his companions as they continued to watch their girlfriends enjoy themselves. "Aren't you going to join them?" Felix asked hinting to them that they should. Nino waved him a hand, keeping his eyes on his girl. "Nah, I've got a better view here," he replied. "I agree with you on that," Adrien seconded. Felix turned his eyes to the three and couldn't help but feel drawn to the girl named Marinette. The more she stared the more he thought of the little girl he met.
That's impossible, I doubt that it would be her, he thought as he looked away. He gave out a sigh that no one would be able to hear. "You know what, let's dance," Adrien said, clearly tempted to join the girls. "Are you sure? The view is still the better," Nino said. "I know, but that doesn't mean we're the only ones who's watching," Adrien pointed out as he looked at a group of men slowly approaching the girls. This made Nino release a deep growl and got up from his seat following his friend. "Are you joining us, Felix?" Nino offered. Felix politely shook his head and said, "I'm not a big fan of dancing in a crowd." Nino nodded and immediately wrapped his arms around Alya from behind as he glared at the approaching competitors.
Marinette laughed at the two boys as she followed their line of sight. "You two couldn't resist?" she asked. "How could we when we're not the only ones who love dancing," Adrien replied as he danced with Kagami. "By the way Marinette, if you haven't noticed Felix had been looking at you the entire night," Kagami said as she subtly gestured to the lonely blond at the bar. Marinette giggled at this statement and replied, "I don't think so." Alya joined in and said, "Nah girl, Kagami's right. Right now he's been eyeing you for a while now. He's been watching since you came and mostly now that you're dancing."
"I'm with Marinette on this one guys," Adrien said. "What, you don't count bro. You've been clueless for a long time so I doubt you'll notice this one," Nino stated. Adrien still shook his head and reasoned, "Hate to tell you guys, but I've known him for a long time. He has this major crush on this girl he met when we were six or seven during a new year's party here at the hotel. But Chloe kind of scared her off and he hasn't seen her ever since. He still hasn't gotten over her until now, so I don't think so."
This somehow froze Marinette in her spot, since the story sounded all too familiar to her. She unconsciously brought her hand to the ring around her neck, which she had from that boy, whose name she can no longer remember . She glanced at the boy at the bar to find him mingling with... Lila. This twisted her heart for some reason, she doesn't know what this feeling she has, seeing him talk with the liar. She bit her lip wanting to leave. Thankfully a slow dance began, giving her an excuse to leave the floor.
She turned to the buffet table to have a bit of the desserts there to ease herself. She looked at the dancefloor and watched as her friends lovingly enjoyed each others embrace. She could see Alya and Nino, Juleka and Rose, Sabrina and her boyfriend, Nathaniel and Marc, Chloe and Luka, Kagami and Adrien.
She smiled, after they defeated Hawkmoth they revealed their identities to each other. She was really surprised by the fact that her partner has been Adrien the entire time. They did start dating, but they never really lasted after they entered college. Turns out she had been holding back even until she dated Adrien. She was actually confused too, she never knew that she was holding, back as if she was waiting for someone. This made her grasp the ring that had been around her neck like some necklace ornament.
She did receive this from a little boy who she called her husband when she was until eight. That was when she finally accepted the fact that they'll never meet again. When she turned nine, that was when Chloe's bullying got worse, making her passive and detached, not having a best friend to cling on to.
What was that boy's name again? Finn... Finley... Francis... Francisco... Fernando...Frederick... Ferdinand... Fergus... "Felix," she mumbled under her breath tightening her grip around the ring. Could it be? She thought as she tried to find him in the crowd again, but he was nowhere to be found. She sighed and shook her head finding it impossible. The Felix she knew is kind, considerate and sweet. This Felix is sly, devious, and perverted. She frowned at she recalled the memory of him trying to kiss her as Ladybug.
"Aw, what's with the frown sweetheart? You look better with a smile," a man in his mid twenties said as he approached her. Not liking the attention she turned away, wanting to avoid his advances. Despite the silent treatment he continued to talk to her. "Sorry, that was a bit forward of me," he apologized as he tailed her. "I just noticed that you were alone by the buffet table and thought that maybe I should introduce myself to a lovely lady like yourself," he continued.
"You're mistaken sir, but I'm not alone," she replied trying to lose him in the crowd. "You came with your friends, right? Or do you have a boyfriend?" he pursued. "I'm with my friends and I think they're looking for me," she replied as she navigated her way back to the bar. "Can't we at least talk, I'd like to have a chat with you for a bit. Something not business related, it gives a stale taste to the party," he said as he sat down next to her. "Why not I buy you a drink, miss?" he offered.
Marinette politely shook her head with disinterest. "Alright, alright, no drinks. I'm François by the way, what's the lovely angel's name?" he asked leaning forward, brushing his hand against his. This made her flinch at the contact trying to move away from him. "I'm sure I've clearly showed that I'm not interested," she hissed as her patience thinned. "Are you sure? It looks to me we're playing cat and mouse, you don't have to worry, I like the chase," he said as he leaned in again.
Before she could say anything, she felt someone place a hand behind her as he approached them. "If you may, sir, she has clearly stated that she's not interested. Just leave it at that, and respect her decision," Felix stated. The man scoffed as he stood up trying to match him, only to find that he's five inches smaller than the tall man. "Yeah, but who are you to interrupt us," he dared trying to assert dominance.
"My fiancee, obviously," she casually said glaring at the man. "But you're not—," François stopped when he saw the ring around her neck. "I wear my engagement ring this way to see how many of you are really observant enough to notice it," she stated. He turned to Felix, who was glaring at him with a fiercer intensity than before. This made the man stiffen under the blond's gaze and began to walk away. Once out of earshot he looked at her and smirked.
"Fiancée?" he teased as he sat next to her. She scoffed at him and said, "That's the easiest way to prove your relationship to me." He chuckled at her looked at the ring around her neck, only to smile at the confirmation. "Anyway, thank you," she replied as she ordered herself a drink. Noticing his eyes on the ring, she felt herself blush at the thought of the possibility of the little boy being him. "May I see it?" he asked when he got her attention. Seeing no harm in having him see it, she removed the ring around her neck and gave it to him.
She observed his reactions, she suddenly worried when she noticed a sly smile slowly creep on his face. "Where'd you get this ring?" he asked. She shrugged as she placed her drink on the counter. "A little boy gave it to me when I was six," she replied trying to keep it vague. He hummed as he asked again, "Do you know why he gave it to you?" This made her blush as she recalled her saying that their engaged now that he slipped the ring on her finger. "He-he gave it to me as a proposal," she replied as she looked away with red cheeks.
She heard a chuckle coming from him. "I think you're wrong. I believe he gave it to you in exchange for this," Felix said as he made the coin appear from behind her ear. She gasped as she recalled the trick he performed for her, which was followed by their refutes about the coin. She heard him chuckle again at her reaction. "Do you still remember the young boy's name?" he curiously asked with a knowing smile on his face.
Her eyes went wide as she exclaimed, "You can't, you can't be? Felix?" He smiled and showed the ring and coin as he pointed something out. "This ring, if you must know, is a family heirloom. This is one of the Graham de Vanilly twin rings. You see the ring Adrien wears, this is one of its pairs as the current generation of our family," he said as he placed the coin in her hand. "And that coin, is the very coin that I've shown you from before," he added with a gentle smile.
"Can, can we get some air?" she asked hoping he'd say the same thing. "I know a great place that we can go to. Let's go to the rooftop, we can watch the fireworks up there, too Marinette," he replied as he took her hand in his and dragged her towards the elevator.
They passed Chloe, who had a proud smile on her face as she whispered an apology. They passed Lila who was flirting to a storm with another man. They past Kagami and Adrien, who were resting after all the dancing on one of the chairs. Marinette smiled and waved her hand at the Japanese girl, who in turn smiled at her with a small wave. They stopped in front of the elevator door as Felix pressed the button, this time not letting go of her hand. The door opened to Jagged Stone, now in his golden age.
"Marinette, my girl where you headed?" he asked as he turned to the boy next to her. "Why am I getting a sense of déjà vu right now?" he asked as he gave out a chuckle. "Nothing uncle Jagged, I just want to take Felix to the best place to watch the fireworks," she said with a smile. "I remembered a long time ago when there was a small pair with the same hair colour as the both of you going into the elevator giving out the cutest excuse I've ever heard," he replied as he bid goodbye to the two.
Once inside the elevator, the two looked to each other and laughed as they headed to the top floor. "Locked," Felix said when they arrived at the door to the roof. Marinette pouted at this, saying, "Now how are we going to see the fireworks?" He smiled and approached her as he took one of her hairpins and began to unlock the door. He then turned back to her and placed the pin back as well as placing a kiss on her forehead.
She blushed at the contact as he took her hand and guided her to the rooftop. He brought her to the spot where they stood before as he lets go of her hand, much to her dismay. Without saying anything, he took out his handkerchief and performed the magic again. He removed the cloth to reveal a rose, this time, a pink rose. He placed it in her hands as he placed a kiss on her cheek.
"I believe that's how it happened," he said as he looked at her blushing face. She smiled at him and nodded and took the ring out of the chain. "What am I going to do with this now?" she asked. He hummed as he took the ring from her and took her hand, casually slipping it in. "Now, I'll be waiting for your answer," he replied with a smile. "And if I say no," she joked. "You need to give it back," he replied bluntly. This made her laugh at his seriousness, as she slowly remembered his serious face back then too.
She placed her hands on his shoulders as she stood on the tips of her toes, despite already wearing heels, she still can't reach him. "It's a good thing that I'm not planning on saying no," she replied as she placed a kiss on his cheek. This time it was his turn to blush at her actions, making her smile at him giddily.
Again, on cue, the fireworks began. This made her turn her attention to the sky to watch the display. Taking this as an opportunity, Felix grinned as he called her attention, "Marinette." This made her turn to him, only to have her lips captured in his. She smiled into it as she wrapped her arms around him. Feeling dating, he lifted her off her feet, overly ecstatic on finding her.
"Happy New year, Marinette," he said as they parted. She giggled as she rested her forehead on his. "Happy New year, Felix," she replied.
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no-other-words · 3 years
Just a Bit Closer
Synopsis: Xie Lian suggests taking a relaxing dip in the pond. Hua Cheng slightly freaks out. Rated T | 3400w | canon-divergent, fluff, domestic, slight angst [ Read on AO3 ]
Never again will he be so bold. His Highness follows a path of virtue. His Highness is to be untouched. His Highness—
“San Lang?”
Hua Cheng snaps his head up. Xie Lian’s attention is fully on him, his face half-curious half-amused. He hasn’t been aware that his hands were rolled into fists until now.
“It’s only a bath.”
His Highness is requesting him to bathe with him.
Hua Cheng gulps. He may be a ghost king, but he is not equipped to face this challenge.
Hua Cheng has endured much throughout his life.
As a child, love was an alien concept and no friend of his when endless beatings and hate had accompanied him. He’s worn battle scars that no young man’s body should ever had to receive. Wars had been waged against godly figures from the depths of Mount Tonglu to the skies of the Heavenly Court. His soul has died again and again for the anguish that had ceaselessly pierced his one person—yet it is also his soul that lives again and again and refuses to fade.
Hua Cheng is a Devastation, a ghost king, one of the Four Calamities, if not the strongest. His very name demands unwavering respect and brings even the strongest of martial gods to their trembling knees. He’s been through a lot but not one of his past challenges can come close to this.
In just a thin layer of white robe, Xie Lian stands in the middle of the pond. He’s pouring another bucket load of water over his head, completely unaware of the silver allure cast upon him by the soft of the moonlight. His under-robe does nothing to hide the rosy peaks of his hardened nipples, peeking from underneath.
It goads Hua Cheng for a little contact, a little taste.
Long locks of wet hair stick to his skin, drawing out the slender curves down his neck and bony ridges of his collarbones. A few stray strands wound up over Xie Lian’s lips and it reminds Hua Cheng of their kiss in the lake. Their first and most likely the only kiss. The one he bravely stole in the heat of the moment when all he’d meant to do is give Xie Lian a little help.
Necessary on Xie Lian’s part, completely out of line on Hua Cheng’s. He’d let his worst part get to him at the expense of His Highness’ comfort. It’s obvious from Xie Lian’s reaction—a boundary had been crossed that left the martial god catatonic to the point where he had to lie to get away from the situation. The only redeeming hope had been from within Qiandeng Temple, where Xie Lian had thankfully taken to its charm.
His eyebrows pinch and he looks away.
Never again will he be so bold. His Highness follows a path of virtue. His Highness is to be untouched. His Highness—
“San Lang?”
Hua Cheng snaps his head up. Xie Lian’s attention is fully on him, his face half-curious half-amused. He hasn’t been aware that his hands were rolled into fists until now.
“It’s only a bath.”
His Highness is requesting him to bathe with him.
Xie Lian moves to the bank. The closer he gets, the lower the water level around his body becomes and reveals a shapely waist perfect for grabbing onto. Once again, that good-for-nothing under-robe does the opposite of what it’s meant to do and only serves to feed Hua Cheng’s tainted, invasive mind. The translucent material, wet to the core, plasters nicely against Xie Lian’s skin, emitting a pale pink hue.
Hua Cheng gulps.
He may be a ghost king, but he is not equipped to face this challenge.
It had started with a simple question.
“Do ghost kings not take baths?”
Hua Cheng paused mid-sweep and looked back at Xie Lian curiously. They’d been fixing up Puqi Shrine and cleaning the grounds, after leaving it unattended for several days when they went off to catch a runaway fetus spirit. Things were winding down for the day, with Lang Ying washing dishes after a not-so-successful meal and Guzi put to sleep.
“N-not that I mean anything by it! I was just thinking, how we ran around all over the land recently and we just spent a whole day cleaning the shrine, and I haven’t seen you gone washing since.” Xie Lian stopped to reflect. “I suppose there aren’t suitable places around here to properly do so.”
Hua Cheng pulled a small smile and continued to sweep away the last of leaves into a corner. “Gege needn’t worry to justify his questions. Any curious thoughts arise, this San Lang will gladly answer. I don’t know about the other ones and I don’t care to, but this one does well to remember to be clean. It would be an offence not to.”
He faltered and quickly added, “Does gege think this San Lang is filthy? I will—”
“Ah no! Like you said, it was just a curious thought” Xie Lian says. His eyes then sparkled, caught bright under the gleam of moonlight. “How about we take a dip in the pond nearby? It’s a nice little spot I found not so long ago, with a waterfall. The night is still early. I’m sure it’ll help expel the last of the adrenaline from our recent voyage.”
Which is how Crimson Rain Sought Flower has found himself in this current predicament.
Much to Hua Cheng’s dismay, it doesn’t really expel much. If anything, it invites more adrenaline and that is not what he needs right now. To be so close, in the intimate space of such private practices—Hua Cheng calls upon the 800 years of learned patience and discipline.
Xie Lian is still waiting for him. “Something the matter? I promise, this time there are no demon babies in the water.”
“…I’m dirty.”
“That’s the point, San Lang.”
That unassuming smile graces his face, as ethereal under the night sky as the time when Hua Cheng pulled him out of the lake in rescue.
How can he say no to his god?
He feels an excited trembling at his side and Hua Cheng looks down to see E’Ming wiggling to get out. A soft chuckle runs through the air.
“See? Even E’Ming wants a wash.”
Hua Cheng slaps his weapon in annoyance. “Ignore it, gege. This thing just wants to play.”
As if Hua Cheng had said a magic word, the silk band around Xie Lian’s wrist slithers itself free and gently glides towards him. Without warning, Ruoye grabs him by the waist and tugs him into the pond. Hua Cheng surfaces just in time to hear Xie Lian laugh. It’s music in the making and he hopes to hear more of it for the rest of his time.
“Looks like Ruoye wants to play too,” Xie Lian teases.
E’Ming responds by unsheathing itself and splashing water towards the white ribbon. The two sentient weapons go at it nearby, chasing frantically at each other in an almost comic-like scene. It comes to a quick pause when E’Ming casts a rather large wave of water right in Xie Lian’s direction and Hua Cheng blocks the attack with his arm.
The demon lord shoots his weapon a cold killing look. Xie Lian meanwhile tugs on an assailing Ruoye and reminds all three of them, “gentle”.
Reprimanded, E’Ming and Ruoye calm down and go off to find other ways to play. Xie Lian then turns his attention back to Hua Cheng. “San Lang, will you hand me your robe? It’s gotten dirtied from all the chores today. I’ll wash it together with mine.”
If Hua Cheng still had a beating heart, it’d be skipping out from his chest. But he doesn’t and it’s a momentary reminder of the many boundaries he mustn’t cross over. He stands unmoving, a good distance from Xie Lian.
“Is Your Highness suggesting that he wishes to see this San Lang strip? That is quite a bold request.”
“Your outer robes, San Lang! No teasing, please.”
“This one wouldn’t dare.”
Nevertheless, Hua Cheng takes pride in observing the red flush on Xie Lian’s cheeks. Rosy and heated, it’s a gorgeous contrast to his pale white skin. He often wonders what other things can make Xie Lian blush like that. A simple touch on his neck, a nip at his ear, perhaps a kiss on his—
He stops. Stop stop stop. His Highness would not appreciate these inappropriate thoughts.
His Highness, who is currently scrubbing his clothes, as if it’s not a baseless and undeserving task for a martial god to do. He does it so earnestly, as he does with everything else. Xie Lian’s eyebrows scrunch with concentration, the tip of his tongue peeking out from habit. Hua Cheng quietly watches, peeking under his arms as he lathers soap into his hair. This is a treasured moment not to be missed.
“It’s not the grand bathhouse I’m sure San Lang has in his manor, but I find this spot to be very relaxing,” Xie Lian says in a soft tone. “Hidden astray from the main road, not a lot of villagers know of its location. Nature is untouched here and it helps me ground myself.”
“My bathhouse is nothing compared to this. If gege wishes, I can build a fence around the area. Prevent outsiders from trespassing.”
“San Lang,” Xie Lian chortles, “if people pass by, they pass by. If they don’t, they don’t. This place isn’t mine. None of it is, even Puqi Shrine. I’m merely borrowing the land from which the earth has gifted me.”
Hua Cheng sneaks a loving smile. He’s always admired this side of him.
After one final dunk in the water, Xie Lian wrings both their now-cleaned robes dry and drapes them over a low-hanging branch. He gives the red robe a long look, contemplation washing over.
“San Lang, if I may brazenly ask…”
Hua Cheng halts his scrubbing to give the man his full attention.
“Earlier when you said…it would be an offence…to whom would it be an offence?”
It takes several words out before Xie Lian flutters his gaze up to Hua Cheng, already bashful from making such an inquiry. But once Hua Cheng catches his eyes, he does all he can to hold them. He wills them not to look away, yearning to convey all the feelings locked inside. The fires, the bliss, the ten thousand words he’s thought up to say in the past eight hundred years. All the little tingles of emotions bottled up and will continue to be so for he has a beloved and that beloved cannot know.
Hua Cheng tilts his head slightly forward and softens his gaze. “Someone very important.”
A short moment of silence pass before Xie Lian hums in understanding. He grabs hold of the wooden bucket, floating forgotten nearby, and returns to his own washing.
“San Lang is a very earnest person.”
Only for his one god.
“Gege is not going to question further?”
“Whatever San Lang is willing to tell me, I will listen with gratitude. I trust you have your reasons.”
Hua Cheng purses his lips, not knowing what to do with this level of trust. So he dunks his head underwater and scrubs harshly at his hair. He’s determined to get all the dirt out. All that filth that sticks to him like a parasite, refusing to leave this place that Xie Lian considers his haven.
Get out. Get out get out get out. His Highness, in all his lack of self-preservation, has invited a Devastation for a private bath and all he wants to do is touch and feel and be close, so so close with him. Patience is his forte – it’s something he’s nurtured in the past centuries but there are moments of weakness. Moments like this when he cannot contain himself and wish he can kiss gege again.
Be a thief and steal another piece of bliss.
Hua Cheng lifts his head out, a thick curtain of black hair fall around his face. He’s done now, all necessary washing complete. He should get out of the pond and wait by the sidelines.
A warm hand places on his shoulder. Hua Cheng startles at Xie Lian’s sudden closeness.
“San Lang, that is not how you wash your hair,” Xie Lian chides, a slight pout to his displeased face. “You must treat it gently else you can get knots like that. Here, let me.”
Xie Lian pulls him towards the small waterfall in the corner, leading a winding path so they stay on a shallow path. Hua Cheng lets himself be turned around and a second later, feels gentle combing down his hair. He lowers himself to a kneeling position so Xie Lian doesn’t have to tip toe.
Somewhere in the depths of his chest, a ghost heart beats.
Here, under the lull of the waterfall and vigil of the moon, a god washes his follower’s hair. The consistent rhythm of Xie Lian’s fingers massaging soap on top of his scalp and combing through his hair length brings a soothing pleasure. It is here that Hua Cheng braves to think that once again, Xie Lian is okay with his touch.
“My mother used to brush my hair while I bathed.”
Somehow, Hua Cheng can imagine an overindulged young prince melting under his Empress Mother’s loving attention, just as he’s so lucky to be experiencing the same.
“Am I currently as well-behaved as gege was back then?”
Xie Lian answers with a light chuckle, “very. In fact, I was more of a troublemaker. I’d often want to go swimming and try to wiggle out of her grasps. Mother was always too lenient.”
“With good reason, I’m sure. Gege was a beloved son—” Hua Cheng stops, not wanting to bring up unsavoury memories, and quickly corrects himself. “And must have been very adorable in his mother’s eyes.”
His hair is tugged playfully. “Cheeky San Lang.”
Fingers run along his hairline, gently pulling back to catch every strand. When the same hand moves down to his ears and brushes against the outer skin, Hua Cheng shivers in delight. It feels like something forbidden, one he gladly welcomes. No one has ever come this close in contact and Hua Cheng resolves from here on out that only Xie Lian will have the privilege.
Washing turns to a pleasant session of grooming. Hua Cheng’s sure his hair is more than clean but he stays quiet in favour of Xie Lian’s touch. His eyes drift to a lazy close, the peace creeping up on him so sneakily that he almost misses Xie Lian’s murmurs.
“I don’t…I rarely reminisce on old memories, especially ones involving my parents. They were from so long ago.”
An image of the Xianle Empress flashes in Hua Cheng’s mind. She’d been looking worryingly over him, from that time when he’d been rescued from Xie Lian’s bastard cousin.
“Then San Lang is very happy that gege is sharing a piece of his memory with him.”
He’s rewarded with a final stroke of his hair before he’s pulled towards the waterfall.
“Come, rinse. Stand under here, the water is not that heavy.”
Hua Cheng dutifully complies, happy under Xie Lian’s full attention and care. When the waterfall hits him, he tips his head slightly back and feels the suds slide down his hair. He hums in pleasure.
“Gege is right, this is very relaxing.”
Hearing no response, Hua Cheng opens his eyes. Xie Lian is wearing a dazed look, his eyes round and staring at him almost in a trancelike state. Lips slightly parted, as if in shock after discovering something unexpected.
“Your Highness?”
That seems to shake Xie Lian out of his stupor. He swiftly looks away, a nervous smile slapped on to hide the quiver in his voice.
“Ah—sorry. You’re done. Clean now…I’ll leave you. Give you priva—ah!”
Xie Lian slips on a rock in an attempt to quickly turn away. Instincts take over and Hua Cheng moves to catch him by the waist, his arm holding firm.
“S-San Lang…”
Only when Hua Cheng registers that Xie Lian is safe and away from immediate harm that he notices their close proximity. Senses become hyperaware towards the man in his embrace—the heat emitting from Xie Lian’s stuttered breathes, the pounding of his very alive heart, the skin…
Oh the warm hot skin that sends tingles through every cell currently in contact with Hua Cheng. Only a mere thin material stands between them and it’s oddly erotic to feel the cold wetness. Hua Cheng flexes his arm and watches in satisfaction the way Xie Lian jumps. His muscles feel both hard and soft under his hold and Hua Cheng would like nothing but to memorize the ridges and curves.
“San Lang, I’m—I’m cold.”
This time, he’s barely whispering.
Hua Cheng takes mercy and slowly unwraps his arm around Xie Lian and steadies the man. “Gege, be careful.”
He receives no response but he doesn’t need to. That bright red blush on his face is enough to lift the heavy weight off his chest and unchain the shackles that has settled over ever since the time when Xie Lian scrambled away their kiss. Perhaps this is different.
Hua Cheng finishes rinsing himself under the waterfall, glancing over at Xie Lian from time to time making sure he’s alright. The god seems to be back to a normal state, no longer moving in jerky ways. They’re alright. It’s going to be okay.
He can stay by His Highness’ side for just a bit longer.
When time comes for them to wrap up, Hua Cheng grabs both of their outer robes from the branch. It’s still rather damp but better than having no covering on. Which…would be quite a problem because Xie Lian’s slowly getting out of the water, not even at all mindful of the obscene display he’s putting on.
Hua Cheng blames that under-robe once again. It molds perfectly to Xie Lian’s wet skin and paints a pretty pink picture of his naked body underneath. Hua Cheng accidentally catches sight of a rather perfectly-round bottom before looking away. Thick clouds roll over the moon, dampening any source of light. At least there is some protection to Xie Lian’s virtue by the night’s shadows.
But imagination doesn’t discriminate, not to a ghost king’s mind and definitely not to a cursed weapon with a cursed eye.
E’Ming jumps at the sight of Xie Lian, joyous to see its master’s beloved come up to the shore and even more so to see him…in that state. It does a shuddering whirl before launching itself at the man.
Hua Cheng makes a displeased sound and is about to snap his fingers when Ruoye whips around E’Ming and covers its red eye. The two weapons wrestle a short while before the scimitar gives and compliantly calms.
Hua Cheng huffs. Damn thing will have a beating later as punishment for even thinking of peeking.
Their walk back to Puqi Shrine is short but sweet. Now without the bright moon, there isn’t much light for Xie Lian to see. Luckily, Hua Cheng’s silver butterflies illuminate their path and the two take to an extra slow pace.
“They’re so lovely,” Xie Lian comments with a soft smile, a warm husk to his tone. He lifts a finger that a bold butterfly has landed on and watches its wings open and close. “I’ve seen them in action, but they’re so gentle and beautiful and—and…enchanting!”
Hua Cheng gives a teasing voice. “Gege, stop. San Lang can only take so many compliments in a day.”
“The butterflies, San Lang.”
“Oh? I guess I am none of these words that gege commends on.”
Xie Lian pauses and turns his attention on him. “That’s not what I mean! I said—well…San Lang is also gentle. And lovely.”
The smile on the ghost king’s face is ever-growing.
“Anyways! That was quite refreshing, right? I can already feel my muscles relax.”
He, too, can feel Xie Lian’s muscles. Hua Cheng’s fingers wiggle on impulse and he quickly brings his hands behind his back.
“Gege’s suggestions are always the best. I am at my cleanest state.”
Xie Lian laughs and the butterflies flutter to the musical cadence. One floats near Hua Cheng and he reaches to gently play with it. His hand grazes Hua Cheng’s shoulder and the latter promptly looks at Xie Lian, searching for any signs of discomfort.
None. Xie Lian is unaffected.
The butterflies grow more daring by the second and surround the god in an illuminating circle. He in turn gives every butterfly a chance of contact with his hands and hums in delight.
Hua Cheng relishes in the sight before him.
Perhaps it’s okay to be this close. Perhaps even in a way Hua Cheng hasn’t dared to think of before. And someday…maybe someday he can show His Highness just how close he desires to be.
a/n: somewhere between these paragraphs, dianxia drops the soap. cue shower-sex scene.
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yandere-daydreams · 5 years
I love your writing so much! Yandere Todoroki reacting to his darling seeing his darling in a crowd after she escaped from him years ago and what he does?
I really do love this trope, even if I might’ve been a little loose with the prompt. Still, when I’m given an opportunity to write a Soft!Shoto, I will take it gladly. I think I just miss this AU, too.
TW: Re-Kidnapping, Abuse of Power, Implied Past Abuse/Sexual Assult, and Breaking/Entering.
Half a decade. You’d been gone for half a decade.
Shoto couldn’t believe it, not really, even as he sat in an unfamiliar room in an unfamiliar apartment, situated in a neighborhood much too sketchy for his comfort. He knew you didn’t want to be a Hero, only a few of the General Studies students did, but he hadn’t expected you to disappear hours after graduation, hours after he’d… popped the question, to put it bluntly. He knew your relationship hadn’t been the most stable, but it was still a relationship, one that’d been ripped away from him much too quickly when you fled. He’d been mad, angry, wrathful, but that was years ago, now.
In all honesty, he was just glad to have you back. Even if you weren’t technically back just yet.
He’d saw you by mistake, in the background of a newscast Midoryia had asked him to watch. It was just a second, but he was able to find which city you were staying in, and from there, your new address. Just thinking about it made Shoto smile, the grin broadening as he heard you come in, the front door unlocking before creaking open. Your voice was immediate, wordless but so pacifying, Shoto suddenly finding himself tempted to melt into your bed, to hold you and kiss you and surround himself with you, if only because he could, now. It was all Shoto could do to wait for you, fists balled and attention focused on the wooden floor. So preoccupied with his own self-control, he hardly even noticed when you found him.
You didn’t seem to carry a similar distraction, though, freezing in the open threshold as soon as you stepped into your bedroom. The bag you were holding fell, crashing to the floor and falling open, and for a moment, you just… stared, lips parted and eyes wide, never leaving Shoto. He watched on, letting you break the silence. He couldn’t wait to hear how happy you were to see him.
And yet, your words didn’t reflect the same joy he knew you felt. “Leave,” You greeted, never giving him anything more than a harsh glare and crossed arms. “Get out of my house, or I’m calling the fucking cops.”
At that, Shoto couldn’t help but let his smile waver. Shouldn’t you be relieved? “Honey, aren’t you--”
“I don’t care.” There was no inflection, no fear or joy or feeling, only plain words and a step forward, the bag remaining sprawled out and unattended to. You stepped past him easily, not sparing a glance as you busied yourself with something on the nearby dresser, if only to avoid looking at your fiance. Shoto couldn’t help but feel offended, but he stopped himself from following you. He wouldn’t have changed at all, if he just smothered you like he used to. “I’m not going to say it again. Leave, or I’ll make you leave. Even you can’t get away with breaking and entering.”
The room went quiet as soon as the words left your mouth. It was a tense silence, palpable and thick, with you unwilling to continue and Shoto unsure of what to say. He did want to reach out to you, to remind you that he loved you and how much he wanted to love you again, but it was discouraging, how you seemed to flinch away at every little movement. He opened his mouth, but neither of you ended up breaking the stillness.
Instead, a small form poked around the open door, a head of pink hair emerging and catching Shoto off-guard. “I can’t find my… Who are you, mister?”
It was a child, a toddler, really, no more than four or five. A mop of diluted, rose-colored hair hung a little too long, partially covering eyes that looked far too similar to yours, and Shoto’s bliss was instantly renewed. The conversation was abandoned as Shoto turned, leaving you to your tantrum as he knelt in front of the boy. “I’m a Hero,” He started, as much kindness as he could summon. “(Y/n) is a… friend, to me. And you?”
“Sota.” A small hand extended for a handshake, but you took action before the interaction could go any further. The way you pulled him away, placing yourself between Shoto and the boy… it was so protective, Shoto’s heart skipped a beat from the sight alone. It must’ve been obvious, because your glare was sharpened in a second, the child catching on as he hid behind your legs. “Honey, go find Sute. I need a minute alone with my friend.”
With that, ‘Sota’ scampered off, and Shoto brightened. “There’s another?”
“Twins,” You explained, simply, bracing yourself. Shoto couldn’t blame you, not with how reflexively he took you up, his arms wrapping around your waist before you could push him away. He lifted you off the ground easily, spinning and beaming as you dug your nails into his arms, but he couldn’t care less. He was a father, a dad, and you were back! You were parents and you were together and nothing was going to seperate the two of you again! Shoto was sure of it, even if you didn’t seem to be. You moved to continue, to go on, but he didn’t let you, too excited to stay quiet.
“I can’t believe this! Is that why you stayed away for so long? You were afraid of what I’d think, weren’t you?” He didn’t give you a chance to answer, dropping you and holding you close, keeping you slotted against him. Like you should’ve been for the past five years. “Twins, too, twins. Have their quirks started to manifest? Do they have quirks? Yours or mine? Fuck it, that doesn’t matter. I’m going to need a bigger--”
“This doesn’t have anything to do with you.”
Shoto stopped, blinking. “What?”
“This isn’t your family.” You weren’t yelling, but he could tell you wanted to, something violent bubbling just under your tone. You shoved at his chest, but Shoto didn’t care, only holding you tighter. “I raised them, I am raising them, and I can do it alone. You don’t get to come back and just… control me again. I won’t let you.” There was a pause, and you went stiff, averting your eyes. “They’re my boys. I don’t care if you think you’ve changed, you’re not touching them. No one is.”
Shoto couldn’t help it, his chuckle turning to a laugh as he listened. “This is why you need me,” He said, ignoring the way you scowled. You two would have to talk about your ungratefulness, later. “I’m going to bring you three back to the city, alright? You’ve been working all this time, haven’t you? I’ll fix that. Someone’ll need to stay home with Sota and… the other one.” Again, you moved to complain, but Shoto only cut you off. It wasn’t hard, not when you made your priorities so obvious. “That is, unless you don’t want to be with them? Hiding a Pro-Hero’s kids won’t end well for you, (Y/n), especially with how long you kept this up.”
You went pale, going rigid in his hold. Shoto only smiled, leaning forward to rest his head on your shoulder. Sota and Sute, a bit taller and less strategic, were back in the doorway, looking on curiously, but Shoto didn’t worry about the pure concern written across their young faces.
He already knew you were going to be the perfect family. You’d be a happy family. A loving family.
Even if it took you a little time to get used to the idea.
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valhallanrose · 3 years
The Glacier House
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This is a rewrite of A Kindling, of Sorts. While the same premise, it is vastly different in terms of content. Astoria is still thirteen, as is Sachairi, and Edrine is twelve, and this fic occurs two years after Canary in a Coal Mine. 
Pronouns used in this fic: Astoria (she/they), Edrine (she/they/he)
Edrine refers to Avery as “Ava”, pronounced ‘Ah-vah’, rhyming with Mama, as a parental endearment. 
4.6k words. Cautionary CW for discussions of food and some real shitty parenting.
Title: The Glacier House by The Crane Wives
In the early hours of morning, Castle Kintyre began to stir, the hearths burning high to combat the mid-winter cold and staff passing through the halls to begin their duties for the day. Many of the Canonach family would not wake for a while yet, emerging slowly over the course of the next few hours to stumble to the breakfast table for their morning caffeination. 
Of all the children who lived in the castle, only one would willingly rise with the sun, leaving Catriona the sole person awake in their bedroom that morning. 
They slowly pushed themself up from the cushions and yawned, stretching their arms over their head as far as they could go until their back popped. And then they stretched out their legs, a little quicker than they meant to, only for their foot to come into contact with a head of curly hair. 
Edrine yelped, bolting upright with a bleary expression on her face and her curls sticking up in nearly every direction as she rubbed a hand over her face. 
“Ow...Catty, why’d you kick me?” She mumbled, yawning and covering her mouth with one hand. “That was rude. We haven’t even had breakfast.”
“Would you prefer I kick you after breakfast?”
“At least it’d be a respectable hour.” Edrine swung out a foot, launching her toes into the remaining slumbering party’s side with a dramatic sigh. “Get up, Sachy, if I have to be awake, you have to be awake. I don’t think Catriona actually sleeps.”
The child in question scoffed, gathering the cushions up and tossing them loosely on the bed. “I do sleep. I simply prefer not to spend all morning sleeping like you lot.”
“Boohoo, I like to relax, is that such a terrible thing?”
“Both of you, shut up.” Sachairi groaned as he pressed his face into a throw pillow. “The hour is ungodly and one of us has to have the beauty rest to be the pretty one.”
Edrine let out a cry of indignation and smacked him with a pillow as Catriona pointedly ignored them both, picking up the brush from the vanity and carefully pulling it through their hair. They would continue to watch with some amusement before Sachairi sat up, eyeing Catriona skeptically.
“Wait, you’re actually getting ready? Why? It’s hours before breakfast is ready.”
“Well, cousin, if you actually got up early, you’d know at this hour you can raid the kitchens and get nearly anything you want. I for one don’t like to dodge Erskine’s grubby hands to get to the butteries every morning.”
“Erskine?” Edrine echoed, and Sachairi nodded with a grimace. 
“Aunt Flora’s kid. They’re two and they tend to always have sticky hands, no matter how often they’re washed. Good thinking, Catty.”
“It may shock you, but I am, in fact, intelligent.”
“Shocking.” Edrine drawled, only to yelp and laugh as Catriona turned around and whipped the nearest throw pillow at them with a look of wild indignation on their face. She threw it back, and the room dissolved into chaos, laughter mixing with the morning birdsong through the cracked window 
They didn’t notice the bedroom door open until Sachairi threw a pillow that sailed through the opening and smacked firmly against Myrna’s face, all three of them freezing in place as it dropped quietly to the floor and left her startled expression in its place. 
Myrna lifted a brow, adjusting her grip on her cane so she could lean down to pick up the offending pillow. She dusted it off and weighed it in her hand, considering it before she looked up to look at the children again. 
“Who threw this?”
The trio looked at each other nervously for a moment before Sachairi sheepishly raised a hand. 
“I’m sorry, Aunt Myrna, I didn’t know you were -”
Sachairi was promptly cut off as Myrna whipped it back, hitting his chest and making him take a step back - only to trip over a few pillows on the floor and falling square on his ass. Catriona slapped a hand over their mouth as Edrine buried her face in her pillow, laughter hardly muffled.
“Good throw, Sachairi, your arm is getting better.” Myrna’s lips twitched, as if threatening a laugh of her own, and she folded her hands over the top of her cane. “I just wanted to warn you all to be careful if you go out on the grounds today. Sholto, Grace, and Rabbie have decided to go hunting, and I don’t want anyone getting squished under a horse. Sounds fair?”
“Sounds fair.” They all chirped, and Myrna nodded, reaching for the doorknob and starting to pull the door shut. 
“Also, I’d get to the kitchens soon if I were you. I hear they’re making cinnamon-sugar scones as part of breakfast this morning, and you can get first dibs when the batch comes out.”
And, as if she knew what chaos would ensue, Myrna closed the door just as all three children exchanged a look and dove for their respective outfits that had been laid out the night before, taking turns in the bathroom to change and shoving each other around playfully to use the mirror attached to Catriona’s vanity. 
Stifling laughter as to not wake any still sleeping members of the family, they descended the stairs - arms linked, with Sachairi on the right and Edrine on the left and Catriona happily in the middle - and snuck into the kitchens. They peered around the corner through the bustling room, only for their eyes to zero in on the batch of scones on a tray left unattended on the counter. 
“Don’t even think about it.” Barclay boomed, making all three of them jump noticeably before Catriona turned and pouted up at him with the sweetest look they could muster. 
Barclay had been the head of the kitchens for as long as most of the family could remember, and while he was rather no-nonsense with the adults, he had a soft spot for the children in the family. Sort of like another uncle - not that any of the Canonachs needed more aunts and uncles - who kept an eye out for them and made sure they took care of themselves. But he was uncannily quiet in step, meaning none of the younger crew got away with truly stealing things so much as he just pretended not to see it. 
“Those just came out of the oven. You’ll burn your fingers.” He opened the warming cupboard over their head and pulled out a fabric wrapped bundle, depositing it neatly in Catriona’s arms. “Take these instead and scoot. And take an apple on your way out for my peace of mind.”
He waved his hands, shooing them away, but Catriona caught his smile when they called out a “Thank you!” over their shoulder and ran out giggling to find a place to eat. 
*     *     *     *     *
Catriona tended to avoid the breakfast table, usually full of some degree of bickering and healthy debate over clan affairs. It’d been especially intense since their mother had become Baroness, opening a door for new policy and leadership to see what new directions they could lead the clan in now that a new generation had come to the forefront. 
So instead, the three of them squeezed into a window nook overlooking the grounds, picking at their scones and watching the cattle in the distance through idle conversation. 
“You two don’t have lessons, do you?” Edrine asked around a mouthful of scone, and Catriona shook their head, idly twisting off the apple stem as they spoke. 
“No, we’re off until after Hogmanay. Our tutors are all going home for the holidays - our last lesson was the day before you all arrived.” 
Sachairi snorted, flicking his own apple stem at his cousin once he tore it free. “Like you’re not going to spend most of the holiday holed up in the library. If Edrine weren’t here, you’d probably be there right now.”
“Well, it’s not like I can do much else on my own. I don’t need to ask permission to read.” Catriona mused, and Sachairi nodded with a sigh, then elbowed their arm lightly. 
“Fair enough. Maybe we can ask Edrine’s parents to take us to Rosafearn, though. I think you’d like the decorations they’re putting up in the square.”
“Mama and Ava want to go, so I’m sure they’ll say yes.” Edrine piped up, leaning her head on Catriona’s shoulder. “Myrna told Ava that the hot chocolate is better here than it is in Ardaleith and they think she’s full of shit.”
Sachairi laughed around his scone, then choked, leaving Catriona to frantically smack his back until he stopped coughing and waved them off. Edrine seemed completely unbothered, taking the opportunity to instead break a piece off his scone when he wasn’t paying attention. 
“You don’t think your mom will come with us, do you?” 
Catriona shook their head, dusting off their hands of the cinnamon and sugar and folding the fabric napkin neatly in their lap. “Probably not. She’s been all about the ‘new happy family’ since Malcolm was born, so I think she’ll leave us be. Fine with me, though, mother always makes things weird with Avery.”
Edrine nodded and sighed, lacing her fingers together behind her head and leaning back against the windowpane. “Yeah...Ava won’t tell me, but I think they had an argument a while ago. Baroness Senga didn’t even invite us this year, Malvina and Myrna did. I don’t think she even said hello when we got here.”
“Auntie doesn’t like most of the clan leaders, so I wouldn’t take it personally.” Sachairi shrugged, then raised a brow at Catriona’s perplexed expression. “Contrary to what you may believe, I do listen to things.”
Both Edrine and Catriona looked incredulous at that, and Sachairi rolled his eyes, playfully shoving Catriona into Edrine’s side and shaking his head. 
“Whatever. Catty, since you’re done, can you go ask Avery or Rima if they want to go into town today?”
“You just want me to ask because you know Avery likes me.”
“It’s a strategy.” Sachairi lightly nudged them off the window seat, waving as they rolled their eyes and began the walk down the hall toward the guest wing where the Maollosas had been offered rooms. 
Catriona was happy to wander for a little while - they weren’t sure where Avery or Rima could be, so it was something of a necessity - and they hummed softly to themself as they passed through halls and the library and peered out windows to see if they had gone to the gardens, but knowing they couldn’t venture upstairs yet unless Sachairi or Edrine came to find them first. 
They were about to walk past the slightly cracked door to the dining room - the place the family usually shared their meals when there were no greater events in the castle - when they paused, hearing familiar voices drifting out into the quiet hallway. 
“You can’t avoid me forever, Senga.”
“I certainly don’t have to speak to you outside of clan affairs, and you are not here on clan business.”
Curious, Catriona crept closer, realizing that the first they heard was Avery and almost pushing the door open - and then freezing when they heard their mother’s voice in response. 
They peered in the gap in the door, watching with wide eyes as Avery put together a breakfast plate from the spread slowly being placed over the table. 
“You have every right to hold what happened over my head, but there’s no reason we can’t be civil when we share the same space, at least for the sake of Edrine and Catriona -”
“You do not get to speak to me about my child.” Senga’s plate clattered to the table, making Catriona jump slightly at the sudden sound. “I don’t want their name in your mouth until I hear an apology first, Maollosa, and being civil is not throwing you out the second I found out my mother invited you here.”
“Oh, only surnames now? Fine, we’ll play it your way.” Avery set their plate down far more neatly, popping a berry into their mouth. “I regret that I created an issue in your home and I apologize for what resulted, but I won’t apologize for my actions. You did a bloody awful thing, keeping the truth from Catriona, and it was high time someone told them.”
“It was not your place -”
“When would you have told them? When they turned sixteen, in the middle of their declaration? ‘Surprise, Catriona, you’re an heir to the nation, but we didn’t think you deserved to know that until we announced it to the rest of Rosinmoor. Hope you don’t mind!’” 
“Well, what you did certainly wasn’t much better, was it? They were inconsolable, Avery, blubbering absolute nonsense about not wanting to be the oldest and asking me about abdication, of all things. It was too much for them, they’re fragile, you should know that if you think you know what’s best for them.”
Catriona slowly leaned out of the gap, still listening, but feeling the familiar burn of tears in the corners of their eyes as they leaned against the wall beside the door and let out a shaky sigh.
So it was their fault, then. They wondered idly if they should apologize to Avery for getting so upset all that time ago, or if it were too late now. 
Avery’s voice rose slightly, their calm exterior breaking as Senga’s own tone changed to one of anger that Catriona knew well.
“Gods above, Senga, maybe they do want to abdicate, maybe they’ll change their mind, but that doesn’t change how large of a secret you kept from them. Catriona -”
“Do not say their name -”
“Catriona is not as fragile as you think they are, which you’d know if you gave them more than scraps of your time and attention.” Avery hissed. “We told Edrine at eight - eight - with at least an age appropriate version so she wasn’t blindsided when other clans started asking questions. This is an unavoidable fact of our lives, and they should know what choices they have to make one day, no matter how much time you can give them before you have to step down.”
“It doesn’t matter, Avery, the outcome would have been the same no matter when I told them. Get off your high horse and let it go. That’s how you can get your civility.”
There were a few long, heavy beats of pause where Catriona dared peek back inside, only to quickly lean back out of sight 
They’d never seen Avery look so angry. 
“What the hell do you mean ‘the outcome would have been the same’?”
“Catriona knows their obligations to the clan, and I won’t allow them anything other than what they’ve been raised for all these years. As the oldest, it is the duty they were born for. I would think you of all people, with your own child as your heir, would understand that.”
“No, I don’t. I don’t understand how you can look that child in the eye, see how miserable they are the way they’re living now, and insist that what you’re doing is right. I don’t understand why it is so important to you that Catriona be the next Baronet when Sachairi is only two months younger and just as capable, and seems to actually be interested in -”
Avery suddenly stopped mid sentence, and by Senga’s snarled ‘what?’, must have been making some clear expression that revealed their train of thought. 
“Son of a bitch, you did it on purpose.” Avery said, so quiet that Catriona had to strain to hear. “You had them to make sure that if you didn’t get the title, you could get your hands on it through them. You were third in line, but if Grace or Quinn had taken the Barony, Sachairi still wouldn’t be heir because you had a child first.”
Catriona’s heart stalled in their chest, eyes fixed on the door as if staring through it to look at the place where they heard their mother’s voice last. 
Please, mother, say it’s not true. Say that something, anything, please, please -
“And if I did?”
She hadn’t denied it.
Catriona nearly crumpled, staggering back from the door and turning to run, not caring in the slightest if their mother or Avery heard their footsteps as they raced through the passages to try and find somewhere to hide. The tears welled up and began to spill over, but they clasped a hand over their mouth to try and stifle the sound as they ran blindly through the passages to try and reach their bedroom.
A part of them had wondered - they were smart, and some things they had been told simply didn’t make sense - and especially so since Avery had told them the truth, but to hear it confirmed made it feel like their heart was breaking into pieces. 
They paid no mind to their mother’s rules when they darted up the stairs, two at a time, trying to make it to their bedroom before they completely broke down -
Only to crash directly into their grandmother. 
Myrna stumbled, leaning hard on her cane with one hand and wrapping her arm around Catriona’s shoulders to catch them both until they both regained their footing. She’d hardly opened her mouth to ask if they were alright before she noticed the tears spilling down her grandchild’s cheeks as they rushed to apologize.
Finding their grandmother, the most comforting presence they knew, was the straw that broke the camel’s back. 
“I’m - I’m sorry, granny, I didn’t mean to -”
Myrna took a good look at them, really looked at them, then quickly pulled them back in for a hug that left Astoria burying their face in the fabric of Myrna’s shirt to try and stifle their whimpers. 
“Oh, please, darling, don’t apologize. I’ve suffered worse than a simple tumble.” Myrna kissed the top of their head, smoothing a hand over their hair for a moment before she cupped their cheek in one hand. “What’s wrong? I know you wouldn’t cry like this over a simple bump. Come, come, we’ll go sit. Take a breath for me, alright?”
Shakily, Catriona nodded, wiping her cheeks with her sleeves as Myrna gently led them to their bedroom and closed the door behind them. Myrna crossed the room, sitting on the edge of the bed, and then gently patted the space beside her for them to sit. 
“Deep breaths, darling, I’ll be here.” Myrna set her cane aside to wrap both arms around Catriona, hushing them gently and rubbing a hand up and down their back to try and soothe them as best she could. “When you’re ready, you’ll tell me what happened, yes?”
Slowly, ever so slowly, they calmed, enough to try their best to recount what they’d overheard in the dining room, unable to meet Myrna’s eyes as they repeated the phrases that stuck out in their mind and refused to escape. They only managed to look up when they finished and their granny said nothing, the silence between them so thick and heavy they thought they could cut it with a knife.
Myrna looked like fury hardly contained - white knuckled grip on the quilt, expression dark, angrier than Catriona had ever seen their usually energetic grandmother in all their years. 
“Are you...are you mad at me, granny?” They asked timidly, shrinking back as Myrna shook her head slightly. “I know it’s bad to eavesdrop…”
“No, I’m not upset with you.” Myrna got out, eyes fixed on a spot on the carpet as her jaw visibly ticked. “But I am furious with your mother. The absolute nerve of her - Avery is a guilty party, starting this where anyone could hear, but far less so than her - 
They flinched as Myrna shot to her feet, cane abandoned as she paced slowly around the carpet. “Please don’t tell them I was listening, granny, mother would get so upset with me for spying…”
“That’s her own damn fault for saying it in the first place.” Myrna snarled, then froze when Catriona let out a small whimper at the intensity of her tone. 
She let out a breath, trying to calm herself down enough so that she could school her expression back into one of neutral calm. For as angry as she was...there were more important things at hand. 
Slowly, Myrna stepped closer, kneeling in front of Catriona after a bit of effort and clasping their hands tightly in both of her own.
“I want you to listen to me, and I need you to listen well. You understand?”
Catriona nodded, lowering their eyes to their clasped hands as Myrna leaned her forehead against theirs and let out a sigh.
“No human is perfect. I make mistakes, your great aunts and uncles and your cousins make mistakes, your father made mistakes in the time I knew him. Your mother is no exception - she has made many mistakes in her lifetime, Catriona, but you are not one of them, and damn her for making you think otherwise. There is not a day that goes by where I am not grateful for your birth, a day where I am not filled with joy when I come home and see the way you smile at me and welcome me back, a day where I do not love you for who you are and how proud I am to call you my grandchild.” 
Myrna squeezed their hands again as she heard Catriona sniffle, uncaring of the tears of her own that were beginning to slide down her cheeks. “Astor loved you. Balfour loved you, gods rest them both. Your cousins love you. I love you. You are so, so loved, my darling, and it breaks my heart to know that you have doubted it for even a moment as a result of someone else’s cruel words.”
She released Catriona’s hands to cup their cheeks, tilting their head down to press a few kisses to their brow. 
“What do I do, granny?” Catriona whispered, laying their hands over Myrna’s and squeezing their eyes shut. “Mum said...mum said she had me so I could be the Baronet, but I don’t…”
Myrna leaned back slightly, enough to look Catriona in the eye when she tipped their chin up and waited for them to tentatively meet her gaze despite the tears that filled both their eyes. 
“Damn the barony. Damn all of it, Catty, because the barony means nothing if you are not happy. No title, no amount of money, no amount of power, nothing is worth giving up your happiness. No matter what your mother says, you have a choice, and if that choice is throwing everything she wanted for you at her feet, then I will stand behind you because I know it is what you want. No one can make you be anything that you don’t want to be.”
Catriona tried to swipe at their cheeks, but the tears only fell faster before Myrna pulled them into a tight embrace right there on the fur rug beneath them both. They sat together a long, long while, Catriona’s face buried in Myrna’s neck and Myrna holding onto Catriona like she was afraid they’d disappear. It would only be when Catriona quieted that Myrna would speak up, her voice gentle and thick with emotion all her own that she’d been trying to keep at bay for the sake of comforting their grandchild.
“Sweetheart, I want you to think about something.” Myrna murmured, prompting Catriona to lift their head and look up at her to show she was listening. “I won’t be staying here after Hogmanay ends. I have to go north, up to Prakra to speak to some colleagues, and then I’ll be going to Firent to work on a dig site. I’ll be gone from here for about two months, perhaps longer if I’m asked elsewhere. But...I want you to think about coming with me this time.”
“Come with you?” Catriona echoed, and Myrna nodded, smoothing some of Catriona’s hair back from their face. 
“You’ve spent your whole life here in Rosinmoor. I want to give you the chance to see the world, see what’s beyond our home - give you a chance to see what you could possibly become.” Myrna swiped a thumb across Catriona’s damp cheek, smiling a little despite herself. “I want you to know that you have choices, and I want you to understand how much bigger life is than it is here at Castle Kintyre.”
“What...what about mom?”
“Your mother may be Baroness, but she sure as hell has no authority over me. If you tell me you want to go, you’re going, and if I have to fight tooth and nail to make it happen, I will.” Myrna let out a playful growl, prodding at Catriona’s sides with tickling fingers and smiling when a peal of laughter fell from their lips and they shoved her hands away. “You don’t have to decide now, but -”
Astoria shook their head, looking up at Myrna with a hopeful gleam in her eyes. “No, I...I want to go. I want to go to Prakra, Firent, anywhere you go. I want to see it all for as long as you’ll let me. I just...don’t want to be here right now.”
A smile broke across Myrna’s lips, and carefully, she reached for her cane - not before bringing Catriona in for another tight embrace. 
“Trust me, my dear, you’re welcome to follow me anywhere. You’re far more welcome company than some of my other traveling companions.” She rose, gently nudging Catriona toward her wardrobe. “Pack your bags, darling.”
Surprised, Catriona stood, brows furrowing as she looked at Myrna. “Where are we going?”
“I have a little place down in Rosafearn. A cottage, where Balfour and I used to stay when we wanted to get away from the castle. I’m going to go get Edrine and Sachairi, and we can spend a few nights there so you can have some space away from home. I’ll deal with your mother later.”
*     *     *     *     *
Once they’d settled in at the cottage, Catriona nearly stumbled into the bed Myrna made up for them, kissing their brow and telling them she’d be back soon with her cousin, her friend, and their things to spend the rest of the holiday away from the castle. 
They didn’t know how much time it had been when the door cracked open, though by the time Myrna came back, the midmorning sun was peeking through the curtains just as the door cracked open and two familiar faces poked their heads inside. Catriona waved for them to come in, but didn’t move - not that Edrine seemed to mind, climbing into the bed beside them and cuddling up to their side. 
“Are you okay?” She whispered, and Catriona shook their head slowly, letting out a shaky breath.
“Not really.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“...not really.” They murmured, closing their eyes as they felt Sachairi drop into bed with them as well - his head resting on Catriona’s stomach and his legs hanging off the side. 
“That’s okay.” He said, finding their hand and giving it a squeeze. “We’ll be here when you’re ready.”
Catriona nodded slowly, their other hand finding Edrine’s and squeezing them both tightly. 
“Thank you.” They breathed, feeling themself sink into the bed as Myrna gently closed the bedroom door and plunged them all into relative quiet. 
When the next morning came, they’d realize the exhilaration they felt at the sense of freedom for the first time in all their thirteen years, but for now…
For now they wanted to forget the world completely.
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writer-k-pop · 4 years
The Artist (x.m.h.) - Waning Crescent Hotel
Please read this (W.C.Hotel) if you this is the first post of this series that you see. Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of death Genre: Angst, Hotel Del Luna AU, Choose your own adventure, SVT x Fem! Reader Staff: Yong (Spirit General Manager) / Jiwoo (Human General Manager) / Soon Bok (Room Manager) / Mun Hee (Front Desk Receptionist) / Shin (Grim Reaper assigned to Waning Crescent) Word Count: Ending A - 3.3k / Ending B - 3.4k
W.C.Hotel | Seventeen Masterlist | Masterlists
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"I can't believe you dated him!" Mun Hee says excitedly as we stroll through the hotel.
"You don't even know the man I loved." I tell him like he's lost his mind.
Mun Hee shakes his head, "I looked at his palm. He had 16 lives!" He exclaims, throwing his hands up in amazement. "That's one of the biggest amounts I've ever seen!"
I fight the smile that forces its way onto my face. Mun Hee's constant amazement whenever someone comes in with more than the average amount of lives amuses me. "I once heard of a woman with over 30 lives." I tell him.
"They go up that high?" Mun Hee's eyes grow to the size of tea cups.
"Apparently." I say, "How did he look?" I ask, crossing my arms.
Mun Hee shrugs, "Fine. I don't know how long it's been since he passed but his clothes were pretty wrinkled and he looked a bit thin."
I purse my lips in concern but remind myself that he'll change into the Minghao I remember. The first life Minghao.
"Vroom! Vroom!" A child vocalizes and accidentally barrels into my legs.
Instinctively, I reach down to steady him.
"Seok Jin!" A woman comes walking up to me with an apologetic look on her face, "I am so sorry."
I look from the child to the mother then to the father who walks up behind them. A family. In my hotel. With a child.
I force a smile to cover the nausea spinning in my stomach. What if the child is only one its first life? How could the Gods send such a child to me?
"I told you not to run in the lobby." The mother kneels in front of her son and scolds him, "Apologize right now, Seok Jin."
The child twists his hands together, knowing he's done something wrong. "I'm sorry." He says quietly.
I squat down to be level with him and meet his eyes. "That's okay. I forgive you." I tell him and pick up the toy car he dropped when he hit me, "Just don't do it again and be very careful where you walk." I remind him and hand over the toy.
The boy takes the toy and holds it close to his chest while nodding.
Satisfied, I stand back up and continue walking with Mun Hee.
"How many?" I ask when we're far enough away.
"The parents both had three." Mun Hee tells me, "The boy had 12."
I nod, "He'll leave with the parents?" I ask.
Mun Hee nods.
It happens rarely but if a child under the age of 13 arrives at our hotel, the hotel's life replay doesn't occur for them because they are too young to understand it. If the child arrives alone, we usually arrange a transfer for them right away. But if they arrive with parents or siblings, we send them away at the same time as their parents or siblings.
Knowing that the boy had lived 12 lives quiets the nausea I had felt earlier. For a second, I had worried that it was his first life and felt sick that the Gods were pulling him away.
"Room?" I ask Mun Hee as we turn down another passage.
"711." Mun Hee answers.
"You said 16 days?" I question.
Mun Hee nods, "16 days."
I breath out, "Let the waiting begin."
~The Sixteenth Day~
"What's that?" Mun Hee asks from behind me, scaring me half to death, and nearly making me drop the precious painting in my hands.
"Do not sneak up on me." I warn him then turn to show him the artwork. "It's a piece of Minghao's."
"You kept it?" He gingerly takes it from my hands and gazes over it.
"It was a gift. Of course I kept it." I tell him, "I just kept it hidden."
"Why?" Mun Hee asks like that was the dumbest decision I have ever made, "I mean look at the colors! And the emotions. You can really tell he put his whole heart into this."
"Exactly." I sigh. Taking the painting back from him, I place it back in its hiding spot. "He put his entire heart into it."
"Ah." Mun Hee realizes and then moves his hands to shake the thoughts away. "Anyway, he's there already. He had asked to get there earlier."
I abruptly turn to him, "What do you mean he wanted to get there 'early'?"
Mun Hee shrugs, "I'm guessing he wanted to do some art in your garden cause he also asked for paper and a pencil."
I scrunch my face up, wondering why he would want to draw anything in that dead garden. Wanting to see for myself, I turn and walk out of my office with Mun Hee shutting the doors behind me.
"Did you know that he was a professional swimmer in 14th life?" Mun Hee questions with excitement. When I stay silent, he continues, "Yeah, a couple days ago, he spent the entire day in the pool, just swimming laps."
I nod, silently, not exactly caring about any of his lives besides the first.
"And, and in his fifth life, he ran an orphanage with his wife and, oh my goodness, the stories he told were just heartbreaking." Mun Hee continues.
I roll my eyes and wonder when he will shut up.
"Did he like wine when he lived his first live?" Mun Hee asks me.
I give him a confused look as we exit the elevator.
"He drank at least like a bottle a day." He informs me. "And apparently, in one of his lives, he told me which, I just can't remember which one, but he was a wine maker person. Really fascinating."
"Mun Hee." I stop and turn towards him.
"Yes?" Mun Hee asks with innocence.
"Don't you have a front desk to watch over?" I question, hinting that he should leave.
He doesn't understand the hint but does realize he left the front desk unattended so he quickly rushes off and I am finally left to my own thoughts.
Thankful that I wore flats today, I quietly approach the garden with the sound of pencil graphite sliding against paper guiding me.
Instead of sitting on the bench, Minghao sits at the little table off to the side. A bottle of champagne sits between two tall glasses, one of which has been filled. Minghao has his back to me and he is constantly looking between the paper in his hand and the bare tree that sits in the middle of the garden.
I move closer but my shadow elongates and crosses Minghao's line of vision.
"You weren't thinking of sneaking up on me, were you, (y/n)?" He asks, glancing back at me with a lazy smile.
"I'm just naturally quiet." I say and slide into the unoccupied chair next to him. Leaning over, I peek at the drawing he's working on. He's captured only the tree and none of the chrysanthemums.
"What do you think?" Minghao asks, tilting the paper to give me a better view.
"You gave it way more life than it actually has." I tell him my honest opinion.
"But the real tree isn't dead which means it has some life left." Minghao counters, setting the paper on the table. He picks up his filled glass and inspects the liquid.
"I'm pretty sure it's been dead since the beginning of time." I mutter.
"You never told me you liked champagne so much." Minhao comments, ignoring my mumbling.
I grab the bottle and pour myself a glass, "I do, but you were a wine lover and I liked the wines you picked. So I had no complaints." I explain and take a sip.
"And you hid the best stuff from me." Minghao places a hand over his heart before sipping from his glass.
"You know, Mun Hee's probably going to remember you for a long time." I comment, taking in his features. His long hair, his gentle eyes, his round cheeks, and his sharp lips.
"The attendant?" Minghao wonders and I nod. "He was entertaining. Had a lot of questions. Reminded me of an old friend in one of my lives. You know the kind that is like a little kid, constantly wondering why and laughing at everything you say?"
I nod, agreeing with his perfect description of Mun Hee. "He has his moments."
Minghao leans back and looks up at the glass ceiling. "So, this is where you've been hiding."
"It is." I answer his statement question. "Surprised?"
He frowns and shakes his head, "Not at all. It actually makes a lot of sense now." He looks at me, "How you said you grew poor, made it rich, but actually hated all the riches you had obtained. It all makes sense."
I rest my chin in my hand and just gaze at Minghao. Just taking in his presence and the calm that he always gave me.
"Remember the one painting we did together?" Minghao asks.
My back straightens remembering the piece very well. "The one we danced on?" I want to clarify incase I'm remembering the wrong one.
But Minghao nods, confirming my thoughts. "It never sold." He smirks. "But I had always secretly hoped it wouldn't so it was a win for me."
"It was a really big piece." I chuckle, "Did anyone have room for that?"
He giggles, "It was kind ambitious but it was my favorite."
"You were always a sucker for the abstracts." I tell him with a smile.
"Remember how we did it?" He quizzes me, rising to his feet, and holding out a hand.
I tilt my head at him curiously. Minghao bounces his hand at me, telling me to take it. Cautiously, I place my hand in his and within two seconds, I'm pulled to my feet and away from the table. Minghao effortlessly twirls me so I'm facing him with one hand on my waist and the other outstretched with mine still in his grasp.
"Remember?" He repeats his question and begins to move back. 
Without having to think much, my body follows his as we dance before the tree that keeps me tied here. I smile as the memory returns with the feeling of the cold, wet paint squishing between my toes still attached. With a song playing only in our minds, we move together like no time has passed between us. Even though it has been so long, my eyes don't linger on my feet. Instead they stay locked on Minghao's eyes which are locked onto mine. A lifetime of unspoken stories swim just under the surface and with every physical step I take, I take one more step into that sea.
With one last twirl, our movements cease but we stay locked together. Our foot prints created a map of our dance in the dirt around us. A map that will soon be gone.
"(y/n), you do remember." Minghao says happily, releasing me.
I quickly grab his hand again, "Who said you could let go?" I question.
He chuckles, "I'm not going to run away. " Minghao nods towards the table, "Plus I want to finish drawing your dead-yet-still-alive tree."
"It's dead." I correct him quietly.
"Says the one who is alive but also not alive." He smirks and leads me back to the table. Sitting back down, he picks up the paper and pencil while I scoot my chair closer and rest my chin on his shoulder to watch his process.
"Did you ever marry?" I wonder and his pencil falters against the paper.
"Do you really want to know?" He responds with a question.
I nod, "I do. I didn't stick around to find out what kind of life you had and I want to know."
Minghao sighs, "I did marry in that life." He answers.
"Did you love her?" I side glance at him.
His eyes lift from the paper and land on the chrysanthemums at the base of the tree. "I did. And I loved the three children we raised together."
My lips form a small smile in content. "Three children is less than what you had always hoped for." I point out, thinking back to our late night conversations. The ones where we'd be tangled in the sheets and in each other and just talking about our future dreams.
"I lowered the number after you left." He tells me, resuming his drawing.
"Why?" I ask, pulling away and resting my head on my fist.
"Because I was so sure that we'd have a family together. So when you left, it was like one of those desired children also left with you and I couldn't see myself happy if I had the four with another woman." Minghao explains, "It just didn't seem right."
"Did your wife want four?" I wonder, hoping I didn't take away another woman's dream.
Minghao shakes his head, "No, she always wanted just three so it worked out."
"What were their names?" I ask, curious about his life.
"Maria was our first born. Then we had Jackson. And our youngest was Renjun." Minghao recites their names as I sip from one of the champagne glasses, not caring who's it is.
"Thank you." I say, relieved when I don't hear my name among his children.
"For what?" Minghao looks at me.
"For not naming any of your children after someone like me, someone cursed." I explain.
Minghao nods in understanding, "I thought about it." He says, returning to his drawing, "But that name was saved for the fourth child."
"Even then, I wouldn't have let you name a child after me." I tell him. "My name is one that should disappear when I do. It doesn't need to be around any longer."
"Finished." Minghao holds up the drawing after placing the pencil behind his ear.
The tree that sits on the paper is a good replica of the one we're sat in front of. Leaning in closer, I let my eyes travel up and down the drawn tree.
"You even copied its cracks." I notice the shadowed divots in the trunk.
"Every little piece counts." Minghao simply states.
"I still think it has too much life in it." I sit back in my chair.
Minghao turns in his chair to fully face me, "Even after all these years, you still don't think it's alive?"
I sigh and let my eyes wander over to the tree. "That tree isn't alive. It just stands there. Day in and day out." I meet his gaze again, "If it were removed from this garden, it wouldn't exist."
He picks up his glass then does a double take. "Did you drink from my glass again?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.
I laugh at his reference to me always, purposefully or accidentally, drinking from his glass. "Maybe. I wasn't paying attention."
Minghao smiles and finishes off his glass.
For the following hours, and through another bottle of champagne, Minghao tells me about his life. The places he got to travel to because his art was being featured. How Maria followed him and studied the arts. How Jackson was always getting into trouble. How Renjun was so quiet and such a daddy's boy that his wife began to joke that he definitely wasn't hers. The stories of the grandchildren he got to see.
When the stories and champagne subsided, Minghao gazed out the window with a pensive look on his face. I hold onto his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.
"Can I ask for one last favor?" He says, looking down at our hands.
"What is it?" I ask, worried I might have to turn him down. Some things I can do, but most are out of my control.
Minghao raises his head and meets my gaze. "Dance with me one more time?" He asks.
I smile, "Of course." I tell him and we both rise our feet.
As we dance, I get lost in him. Lost in the way his body feels against mine. Lost in the way we breath together. Lost in the way everything disappears when we step in time together. I don't know how long we dance for. But it is long enough for the orange glow to dim and for a cool breeze to remind me of what comes next.
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"Do I leave from here?" Minghao asks, leaning his forehead against mine.
"No." I whisper, "There's a car waiting for you out back."
"And you can't come with me cause I wasn't the first?" He wonders.
I shake my head, "I can't go with you." I repeat.
Minghao wraps his arms around my back and pulls me in close, "Whoever the guy is, he's one damn lucky man."
I smile, thinking of the first who is still to come. "We should get going before Shin sends his minions searching for you."
"He doesn't really have minions, does he?" Minghao asks, resting an arm around my shoulders.
"I don't really know. He's always threatening me with them but I've never actually seen them." I answer as we walk away from the garden, the two champagne bottles and two glasses sitting next to the abandoned drawing.
"What will you do while you wait?" Minghao asks, matching his pace with mine.
I shrug, "Probably the same thing I do everyday."
"Run a hotel and drink?" Minghao guesses with a laugh.
"Something like that." I agree knowing he's hit the nail on the head.
"You should start packing up your things, shouldn't you?" Minghao worries.
I shake my head, "I don't need to take anything with me when I leave. Much like you. I'll just go as I am."
"I guess that makes things a little easier." He declares, not having thought of that fact.
As we exit the back doors, Minghao takes in a large breath. We walk towards the idling car while Shin stands and simply watches us approach.
"Is he always that serious?" Minghao leans down and whispers to me.
"Unfortunately." I whisper back.
A few feet from the car, Minghao stops and faces me. I copy his movements, wondering why the sudden movement.
"Do you still have it?" He asks. "The painting I gave you for your birthday?"
I nod, "I have it stored away." I tell him.
"Hang it up." Minghao instructs me.
"Why?" I ask, scrunching my eyebrows together.
"I'm leaving this world for good." Minghao explains, "And I want you to proudly show off the painting to everyone."
"But it'll make me miss you." I counter with a frown.
Minghao smiles, "Missing me is okay cause it means you'll remember me."
My face settles into sadness when I realize what he's saying.
"I know I won't remember you when I cross over so you have to remember me? Alright?" He asks, cupping my cheek and strokes his thumb against my skin.
I nod, "I'll hang it up." I tell him though I'm unsure of where I would hang it. "I love you."
"I love you, too." He says then leans down and places a light kiss to my lips. Even though it's light, it's heavy with emotions. When he pulls away, my eyes shed a few tears while his stay dry. Though he was never a big crier.
"I'll tell the Gods to hurry up with the others so you don't wait too long." Minghao tells me before walking towards the car where Shin has opened the door for him.
I watch in silence as Minghao gives me a last wave before sliding into the car. Once the door is shut, the car begins to drive away.
I sniffle and hold back a flood of tears as the car disappears into the fog. But even through my attempts, a couple tears manage to escape and make trails down my cheeks much like the ones our feet made in the paint. Long after the car has disappeared, I pull back my heavy shoulders and turn back towards the hotel to wait for the others.
In the garden, a single chrysanthemum has withered away and only two glasses and two champagne bottles remain on the table. The drawing having disappeared along with Minghao.
Return to the Navigation Page (Waning Crescent Hotel) to choose the next guest.
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"Now it's your turn." Minghao states with a smile while I lock my hands together behind his neck.
"Finally, I've waited long enough." I joke.
"Well, your waiting is over." He says before giving me a kiss.
"Let's go before Shin comes hunting for me." I mumble against his lips.
Minghao chuckles but pulls away. As we leave the garden, Minghao confidently grabs my hand and swings it back and forth.
We walk hand in hand to the lobby where Yong, Mun Hee, Soon Bok, and Jiwoo stand solemnly.
"So this is it?" Mun Hee asks with tears in his eyes. "This is the day you leave us?"
I wrap him up in a hug, only a tiny bit annoyed that he's being so sappy. "Maybe I'll get punished again and be back here by the end of the year." I try to joke but Mun Hee abruptly pushes back from me.
"Don't you dare say that. You better not return here." He says angrily through his tears.
I chuckle, "I won't come back. I promise." Then I remember the painting of Minghao's that he admired. "Mun Hee, that painting in my office?"
He nods.
"It's yours now. Take it and hang it up wherever you like." I tell him and surprise widens his eyes.
"Seriously?" He asks me before looking behind me at Minghao, "Seriously?"
Minghao smiles, "It's hers to give away."
Mun Hee wraps me in a hug, "Thank you!"
"You're welcome." I tell him.
Turning to Soon Bok, I thank her for her service and her amazing work. Something I never did and should've done more.
Next onto Jiwoo. I also thank him for his and his entire family's service then I unclip the bracelet that has held him to this place.
"When you leave today, you won't be able to find this place again." I inform him, "I hope that you'll be able to go and live your life happily."
Jiwoo nods, "Thank you for letting me work with you. I won't ever forget you."
I smile sadly, "You will. But thank you."
Finally I reach Yong who is sniffling and trying so very hard not cry.
"You'd think after all these years of waiting that I'd be prepared for this day." She says through sniffles.
"Thank you, Yong." I rests my hands on her shoulders, "For everything. Thank you."
With lips pursed together, she leans forward and wraps me in an unexpected hug. But I soon wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tightly.
We pull apart after a couple seconds and I wipe the few tears that have escaped from her eyes.
"Keep this hotel running beautifully." I tell her before Minghao grabs my hand again.
With final waves of goodbye, Minghao and I walk out to the foggy forest that will take us to our resting place.
At the edge of the forest, Shin stands next to an idling car, a somber look on his face.
"(y/n)." He says when we reach him, "It has been an honor working with you. I wish you both a peaceful rest." Shin bows his head and I pat his arm.
"The honor was mine." I tell him with a smile. Now the tears start to line my eyes as the realization fully sets in.
I'm free. I served my years of punishment and now I'm free to let my soul rest.
I turn back towards the hotel and look up to the top where the rooftop patio is outlined with bright string lights. Then to the mid floors where random room lights are turned on, some guests staying in while others opted to experience the hotel's many services. Then to grand base where guests would be milling around, waiting their turns to leave this world.
"(y/n)?" Minghao softly asks pulling my attention to where he sits just inside the car, "Are you ready?"
I take one last quick look at the hotel before turning away from it. "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go."
I lower myself into the car and Shin securely closes the door after I am completely inside. As the car begins to drive forward, Minghao securely grabs my hand and I let his warmth guide me towards our final destination.
In the garden, the final chrysanthemum withers and dies so that no more stand at the base of the bare tree.
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themangolorian · 5 years
Both Hunter and Prey (Pt. 3)
Part One | Part Two | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Epilogue
Pairing: Mandalorian x Reader
Summary: A game of cat and mouse between you and the Mandalorian.
A/N: Inspired by this post. Part 3 of 5. Hope this hasn’t been done. Wanted some fluff/some smut between Mandalorian and someone who won’t leave him alone and who he can’t seem to leave alone.
Warnings: Some smut, sexual content, handjob.
The Mandalorian released you from the binders once the Razor Crest was safe in hyperspace. When you rubbed your wrists, he scoffed. “They were loose.” His modulated voice bit softly.
You grinned his way, all teeth. “You know I like them tight.”
He merely grunted and turned away.
“So where am I being kidnapped away to?” You asked nonchalantly as you now threw yourself back on the cot you’d had the Mandalorian splayed across not too long ago.
He spared you a glance before rummaging around in his cache of weapons, neatly stacked behind retractable metal doors.
You made a mental note of the cache itself. But more so of the fact that he was willingly showing it to you. This meant he trusted you? Another pool of warmth found its way to your stomach. This made you...happy? You didn’t like it.
He interrupted your confused train of thought. “I have a rendezvous with a contact on Felucia in the Outer Rim.”
You wrinkled your nose up at him as he approached you with something now in his hand. “Felucia? It’s hotter than stars there.” You complained.
He dropped to one knee in front of you. “And it’s safer than anywhere else right now.” His tone was chiding.
You leaned back when he reached for your face, wary, then stopped when you saw what it was he was holding. He ran the cool bacta cloth across your cheeks. You closed your eyes in pleasure at the sensation, hoping the bacta would quickly heal the scrapes and cuts you’d amassed during the alleyway brawl.
“You’re not leaving me there.” You said in a tone made soft by the healing facial you were receiving at his impossibly gentle hands.
He didn’t respond immediately. You could hear his quiet breathing under the helmet and peeked one eye open to gaze at his visor. He said nothing, and you wondered if he was enjoying the sensation of cleaning and healing your face. The cloth made its way finally to your lips. You hissed when the cloth first made contact, but he slowed his movements and dabbed gently at the skin around your lips, placing cool kisses with it on your mouth.
“You’ll be safe there,” he said finally, his tone softer than yours, the usual growl of his modulated voice almost a whisper.
You opened your eyes fully finally and gazed at his visor again, then scoffed and smiled lopsidedly at him. “There’s no such thing as safe in this whole galaxy, Mandalorian.”
He stared at you, tilting his helmet. Then he brought his free hand up to take your chin gently, tilting it one way then the other while studying your skin, searching for unattended wounds. Your throat tightened uncomfortably. For a man of so few words, he sure was great at communicating with mere touches. His movements willed you to believe you were wrong. Did he want you to believe you were safe with him? The worst thing was you wanted to believe it too, maybe already did to your own detriment.
You yanked your chin from his grasp and shot your hand out to take the bacta cloth from him. “What about you?” You asked almost eagerly, your eyes traversing his form. He’d taken substantially more hits than you had in the alley; there was no way he didn’t need healing too.
“I’m fine.” He murmured, standing finally.
“If you say so,” you responded in an almost sing-song tone of voice while using the bacta cloth to soothe the smaller cuts you’d gotten on your arms.
“You’ll stay on Felucia?” He inquired hopefully.
“Like hell,” you snorted, tossing the now dry bacta cloth at his boots.
He sighed heavily as you stretched your legs out, jostling his with yours. “What’s so important for you on Felucia anyway?”
He looked down at you almost sharply, hesitated, then-
A high-pitched squeal followed by a soft plop. You both turned swiftly towards the noise. The little green goblin had joined you now in the bay. You sat up slightly to study the child; the Mandalorian noted your movement.
“You’re the Mandalorian who’s wanted by the Imperials.” You said suddenly, your eyes darting from the child to the Mandalorian.
The Mandalorian tensed.
You made note of this too. “Relax, Mandalorian, the Imperials are no friends of mine. And it’s been all over the radar.” You watched as the cooing child approached the Mandalorian’s leg.
“You stole him,” you grinned wickedly, your eyes shooting right to his visor. “And you call me a petty thief.”
He grunted. Or chuckled. You couldn’t be sure from under the helmet. He leaned back against his ship then, fondly watching you as you watched the child waddle your way.
You averted your eyes from the child and studied the Mandalorian.
“It’s different,” he responded finally. “They were-.”
“You don’t have to explain why a child-.” You paused to eye the little green being again. “Any child. Would be better off with you than the Imperials.”
The child had been reaching out for your knee when you shifted your knees around the corner of the cot. The child blinked his big, watery eyes at you and you looked decisively away.
The Mandalorian made a noise in the back of his throat. “What, you don’t like kids?”
You rolled your eyes up at the Mandalorian, still evading the kid who was now tugging on your tunic. “I don’t mind kids,” you retorted, “but this one,” you gestured at the child, “threw me across a spaceship,” you whispered almost conspiratorially.
The child made an impatient coo when you shifted again away from him as he tried to clamber into your lap.
“I don’t speak monster,” you said, leaning further away.
The Mandalorian swept forward and picked the child up. “He thought he was protecting me,” the bounty hunter said almost defensively.
You smiled slyly up at him, crossing your ankles in front of you. “Do you feel like he protected you?”
The Mandalorian just grunted again as he held the child in his arms. The child meanwhile was reaching his arms out towards you.
“See,” the Mandalorian murmured, somewhat grumpily, “he’s trying to apologize.”
You rolled your eyes, looking away from them both. “He’ll have to do better than that.”
As if on cue, the ship rocked slightly in its journey through hyperspace. The kid, who had started struggling wildly in the Mandalorian’s arms, tumbled from his grip. You didn’t have a choice but to catch him softly in the crooks of your elbows, panic evident on your face.
“Cheat,” you smiled down at the baby, now gazing contentedly up at you.
A beat later, the Mandalorian, who had been watching the two of you carefully, turned and started up the ladder.
“Wait,” you exclaimed.
“Have to check what happened,” the Mandalorian threw over his shoulder at you, leaving you looking defeatedly but not distastefully down at the kid.
“This doesn’t mean I like you,” you said warningly.
The child just cooed contentedly and blew a small air bubble up through his lips.
You rolled your eyes and placed the child gingerly on the cot, then got up and threw yourself down against the wall of the spaceship, still facing the kid. He tilted his head curiously at you.
“What?” You tilted your head back at him quizzically. “You’re not going to win me over that easily, little monster. Or at all.”
The child gave a shriek of delight and then clambered off the cot. You sighed dejectedly as you got up to move away again from the curious babe’s grasping little hands.
That’s how the Mandalorian found you both, minutes later. The child had turned the little chase into a game, shrieking happily whenever he got close to you, shrieking unhappily when you evaded his grip. You supposed you’d turned it into a bit of a game too but you didn’t want to give either of them the satisfaction of knowing it.
The Mandalorian sighed when he came down the ladder to find you attempting to close the small hatch for the bunk space where you were hiding, purportedly where the kid usually slept.
Meanwhile said kid was reaching up towards you with gales of laughter. The Mandalorian’s appearance caught you off guard, and you tumbled backwards into the little bunk, the hatch falling down between you. From behind the hatch, you heard another muffled sigh and another shriek of laughter from the kid. Then the doors were whooshing open again. You stayed laying down, breathing heavily, holding back your laughter.
A pause, then- “You want to stay in there?” His voice could be so gruff.
You smiled out at him but shook your head then reached your hand out for help. When he took your hand, you yanked him toward you. Not hard. But he didn’t resist and then half his body weight was falling down onto you.
You sighed involuntarily, liking the feel of him over you.
“You’re impossible.” He sighed again but his tone told you it was in good humor. The next thing you knew, the little child was climbing over his father’s back and plopping down next to your head, disgruntled at being left out.
You pushed suddenly at the Mandalorian’s chest, a sturdy blockade. “Get out, get out, get out,” you urged.
The child gurgled and cooed next to you both. The Mandalorian glanced at him. “What do you think? Should I let her out?” The child cooed again. “That’s what I thought,” the Mandalorian replied, pinning you down further.
He should have known by then you didn’t like being trapped. You brought your knee up and got him in the groin. He let out a whoosh of air from his helmet and fell backwards off you. The child was giggling as you slid out of the bunk and away from him. You were only two steps from the ladder up to the cockpit when a now familiar hand shot out and grasped you around the ankle, your own momentum betraying you and taking you down. The Mandalorian had recovered much faster than you’d expected. Then he was pulling you back and sliding himself over you, once again holding you down, pinning your knees safely between his.
“You’re losing your touch, thief.” He teased, his voice still slightly hoarse.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes at his visor. “If you catch me, it’s only because I want you to.”
“Is that right?” His voice had dropped a whole octave, and it made your cheeks warm. You thought on your words and realized, if they were true, you’d just told him a lot about your past few interactions.
“Maybe I’m a thief and a liar,” you breathed up at his visor, but the words didn’t sound true even to your own ears.
You were both flushed again. You could feel his chest moving against yours, both out of breath. It took so little time for him to get you to this state.
A creaking sound from the bunk had the Mandalorian hopping rapidly to his feet from on top of you. You relaxed your breathing as you watched him check on the child. Leaning back you could see the child had fallen asleep. For a short touching second, you watched the Mandalorian watch the child. Tenderness was clear in his visor-hidden gaze. Then he was closing the metal hatch, hiding the child from your view.
He turned to see you still on the floor, watching him. He tilted his helmet at you, then reached out a hand to help you up. You reached up as if to take it then twirled around, scrambled across the bay and up the ladder. You heard his heavy footfalls not far behind you. Out of breath, trying not to laugh, you made it into the cockpit and threw yourself to the side. He was mere seconds behind you. As the doors hissed open again, you launched yourself at him and ended up mounted on his back. He attempted to dislodge you, but you evaded his grip.
He gave up and sighed. “How long are you planning on staying up there?”
You grinned widely. “Only until you say I’m better at running away than you are at catching me.”
He let out a noise you could decipher as either a groan or a chuckle. Stupid helmet modulator. “I don’t like to lie.” Okay, so he’d laughed.
You tightened your knees around his midsection. “Say it, or else.” You were too amused to sound threatening.
“Or else what?” He asked dryly. “You’re gonna ride me to death?”
That had caught you off guard. A beat later, you realized it had caught him off guard too. “That’s not what I meant-” He started.
You knocked on his helmet softly and slid down off him, smiling wickedly as he turned to look at you. “That can be arranged,” you teased.
But he caught your hands as they made their way down his front.
You fake pouted. “Didn’t know being a daddy made you so boring.”
He tightened his grip on your hands. “That’s not what you were saying on Agamar.” His voice was rough.
You paused, smirking up at him again now. “You’re such a tease, Mandalorian.” You let your tone be as disappointed as possible.
He just grunted then and released your hands before taking his seat in the pilot’s chair. You threw yourself frustratedly into the co-pilot seat.
“What do you usually do in hyperspace anyway?” You asked, trying not to sound bored and failing as you studied your fingernails.
He didn’t answer, ignoring you as he adjusted levers on the console.
You grinned again. “That dirty, huh? Well, that’s not a bad idea.” You shifted around noisily, messing with the clasp of your trousers as if you were going to put your hand down your pants.
He turned swiftly to stare at you, disbelieving. Then he relaxed when he saw you were not, in fact, touching yourself.
You laughed delightedly. “You are dirty,” you accused. “You like to watch too, don’t you?”
“Shut. Up.” His voice was hoarse again, which only made you giddier. That and him clearly being peeved at you. But you decided to take pity and stop teasing.
You slumped down in the chair, crossing your outstretched legs, one over the other. “So why did you take the kid?”
The two of you sat in the cockpit and talked for hours. You’d never had a conversation where both parties were so careful as to not say any more than necessary, without revealing too much, that was still enjoyable. You revealed next to nothing about yourself. Instead, you both dumped on the Imperials. He briefly and curtly told you of saving the child, keeping details to a minimum but wasn’t able to hide his obvious affection for the strange little being. You admired his efforts out loud at the same time that you clowned him for the few mistakes he’d made on that journey.
“So you just like to pick up strays, huh?” You wondered out loud, snacking on galla seeds he’d found for you while rummaging through his provisions.
He stared at you while you chewed thoughtfully, studying the pile of seeds in your hand and pondering which one to eat next. You realized he hadn’t responded and looked up at him. He turned away, almost as if you’d caught him… “What?” You asked defensively, rubbing at your face. “Do I have something-”
“No,” he was too quick to answer, and you wondered what it was he’d been thinking as he watched you, seemingly deep in thought. But you let it go because as far as you were concerned, things had already gotten too deep between you and you didn’t intend to let it go any further.
“I just don’t like injustice,” he said finally.
“Way to be vague,” you chuckled, then almost choked on a seed.
He turned to eye you disdainfully, but you weren’t fazed.
“Seems more like you like to protect the innocent and weak.” You spoke through coughs.
He swiveled again in his seat. “What’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing,” you shrugged, finally recovered from the wayward seed. “It’s just maybe you have a complex.”
He stared at you again for a second too long, but this time he sounded slightly bothered. “What, you mean a complex like running away when there’s nothing to run from?”
You pursed your lips at him. “Go to hell, Mandalorian.”
“You first, thief.” He quipped back immediately, making you throw your head back in a laugh. When you relaxed, you watched his visor carefully.
He nodded his head at you in question.
“You’re something else, Mandalorian.”
He started to respond, but you interrupted him. You didn’t need a compliment he didn’t really mean. You were a low-level petty thief. That was all.
“I’m taking your cot,” you said suddenly, standing and stretching. Your tunic rode up over your stomach and somehow you knew he was studying the patch of revealed skin. “Unless you want to join me?” You twiddled your eyebrows suggestively his way.
He grunted and turned away.
“So eloquent,” you muttered as you slipped back through the cockpit doors.
You made yourself comfortable underneath the warm, if scratchy blanket on the cot and breathed in his now so familiar smell deeply. You were exhausted, but the smell was so comforting, you were sure it helped you fall asleep faster.
This time you dreamed of the chase, the constant running, never standing still. Not since your mother- You’d learned to like it. In your own way. Because what else was there? The dream made you restless and sad and the slightest bit scared. If there was no end to the running, then what was there? An endless void of it? The sensations of the dream startled you awake. Cold sweat adorned your brow.
You sat up to see the Mandalorian laying on the ground just a ways from the cot and studied him where he lay.
He shifted and you started, realizing now you’d been caught staring. “Did I wake you?” He sat up slightly, sounding concerned.
You shook your head but for once, no words left your mouth.
He sat up all the way now. “What’s wrong?” Now he was definitely concerned.
You shook your head again, willing yourself to speak. “Nothing.” But your tone was off. “Not used to such an uncomfortable block,” you attempted a joke, hitting the sleeping pad with your fingers.
He studied you.
“Just come here.” You blurted finally, sliding over and lifting the blanket.
He looked at the closed bunk where the child still slept.
You rolled your eyes. “I promise to be good.” You held up your right hand mockingly in a promise.
He hesitated for another moment, then slowly got up and wandered over to the cot. There was just enough space for him. He lay down facing you and you threw half the blanket haphazardly over him. It wasn’t until then that you realized he’d taken off the beskar. It was so dim in the bay. But everywhere he pressed up against you was warm, unlike the cold stiffness of his armor.
Without being handsy, you cuddled into the warmth. The spaceship was cold, too cold for a one blanket type of deal. He let you, but lay unmoving, stiff.
“Relax, Mandalorian. I just want to sleep.” He started to relax. “For now.” You added, smiling at his visor.
A beat. Then he sighed. But relaxed all the same. His warmth was intoxicating. You felt yourself growing drowsy again. Somehow you knew the dreams that bothered you most would not be back. Not this time.
“What is he?” You asked softly, your eyelashes fighting sleep against his visor.
He contemplated the question. “I’m not sure. I’m trying to find his people.”
“That’s why...Felucia?” You asked, sleepiness heavy in your tone.
He nodded his helmet once.
“I think he may have already found his people.” You said drowsily, sure. Your eyes had lost the fight and were tightly closed now.
As you fell back into slumber, you felt a light, warm hand making its way over your face and through your hair over and over again. That lulled you into the warmest, deepest sleep you’d had in the longest time. If you dreamt, it was only of warmth and security.
When you finally woke up again, you were disoriented for only a second. The heavy body resting perfectly in sync against yours giving you such a sense of safety… But was that…?
Something hard was poking your leg. You shifted and heard a sleepy moan from under the helmet. That was.
It was the moan more than the erection that turned you on. You slid your hand down his front. He brought his hands up to grip yours tightly, lifting his head up from the pillow to look at you in the dim light.
You looked straight at him and shifted your hips again into his hardness. His resolve weakened; he let go of your hand and you found your way into his pants again finally.
He gasped under the helmet when your warm hand encircled his hard length.
You bit back your own moan now, feeling the way his dick pulsed in your hand. You felt him throw his head back onto the pillow when you began to run your grip up and down his length. Your breaths grew shorter as you pumped his member up and down. Modulated grunts and gasps left his lips from behind the helmet. You trailed your fingers up his hard, silky shaft until your thumb found his leaking head. His hips jerked up, a grunt of surprise leaving his mouth. You spread his precum around the tip wishing again you could taste it but unwilling to make any movement that would break the spell that had come over him to allow you to do this. You ran your palm over the head and his hips jerked upwards again.
Then you were gripping him in your hand and pumping up and down the impossibly long length of him. His cock pulsated in your palm and his breathing became ragged, more uneven. He was close. Cycles of teasing had brought him to this point, falling apart in your hand. You quickened your pace, alternating between squeezing and twisting gently. You really did wish you were using your mouth.
You felt his hips jerk again, then he was using his own hand to pull his pants down slightly, giving you easier access to his cock. You kept your eyes trained on his helmet, knowing it was safest not to look down at his now bare skin. But free of the pants, you made quick work, running your hand faster up and down his length, pausing frequently to swipe at his wet tip. Then-
He grunted, clearly trying to stay quiet, but his hips were thrusting upwards, until suddenly- Hot, wet liquid spurted onto your arm and pooled into your hand. Your hand rode him through his orgasm as he moaned and grunted quietly, trying to muffle the sounds.
When he was done, you pulled his pants back up over his hips for him without looking. He was spent, splayed carelessly next to you on the cot. You tossed the blanket back over his form and cuddled back into his side, feeling as satisfied as he must. It wasn’t exactly all that you wanted, but it was a start. The next time you could get him anywhere alone...you wanted to seal the deal. You fell asleep at his side fantasizing about finally having him inside you.
By the next time you woke up, the Mandalorian was landing the Razor Crest on Felucia, then tucking the babe back into his little bunk as he prepared to deboard.
“What are you doing?” He asked, watching you holster your blaster.
You looked at him like he was stupid, which clearly, he was. “Coming with you.” You said as if it was the most obvious thing.
He scoffed. “The last thing I need to worry about is a thief running off in the middle of my meeting with an already skittish contact.”
Now you scoffed, starting to get slightly peeved. “Run off? The last thing I need is to get abandoned on some boiling, backwater planet with no ship. Besides, if that’s what you’re worried about, you definitely want to take me with you.” You laughed now. “Calling me a thief and you’re going to basically leave me in possession of your ship?”
He stared at you, almost as if daring you to mean that. It’s not that you meant it. But you hadn’t gotten kidnapped and come all this way just to stay in the ship for a whole other cycle or however long it was going to take him to conduct business.
But caution won over less-worrisome caution, and he relented. “Just be quiet and let me do the talking.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” you promised as you both headed down the ramp. “Where is this meet up at anyway?”
“Cantina.” The Mandalorian said gruffly as he shut the ship securely.
“Perfect,” you grinned. He only sighed.
He let you enter the cantina ahead of him, which you thought was a good idea. Let him draw all the attention once you were safely to the bar. You’d had a hell of a cycle and this was the first opportunity you’d gotten to stop for a drink. Well, he was supposed to be meeting someone, but you needed a drink.
You skipped ahead to the bar before the Mandalorian could stop you. “One tihaar,” you breathed to the droid behind the counter.
You heard a sigh from behind you, no louder than usual, but maybe more pronounced in the large space full of strangers.
The droid deposited the drink in front of you mechanically. “He’s got this,” you threw your hair over your shoulder, pointing your chin at the Mandalorian before twirling to go find the contact.
Another sigh. But you heard the clink of the credits as they hit the bar. Then his heavy footsteps followed you to the booth in the far back of the bar.
A humanoid sat there, seemingly waiting. Haughty and arrogant. But very handsome. Your smile went crooked and you swayed your hips up to the table. This was going to be fun.
“You must be Argo.” You eyed him smoothly, taking a sip of your drink and licking the edge of the cup. On the short hike from the ship to the cantina, the Mandalorian had provided you with very vague information as to the contact in a clipped tone.
The man smiled back smugly and held out a heavily ringed finger as he stood. You took his hand and rather than shake yours, he squeezed it. “What a lovely surprise,” he purred, looking you up and down.
The Mandalorian reached the table now and stepped just to your side so he was towering over both you and Argo. More purposefully intimidating than usual. You were elated. You hadn’t been wrong.
“Let’s get to it.” He said curtly, shortly. There was a definite frown somewhere in that helmet.
You hid your smirk. “That’s just what I was thinking,” you raised your eyebrows at Argo teasingly, making sure the Mandalorian saw you do so.
The Mandalorian shifted, then he was intentionally bumping into you as he went to sit so that you were jostled away from Argo and had to release his hand. You skipped around the Mandalorian to slide into the booth so you were now sitting between the Mandalorian and Argo. If helmets had faces...you were sure the Mandalorian was fuming.
Argo on the other hand looked more interested in the matter at hand than he probably would have been otherwise.
Two drinks into the conversation, it was clear Argo had taken your bait (meant only to irritate the Mandalorian) much too far. He was much too interested in finding out where you’d be headed next and far too little interested in providing the Mandalorian with the promised information. Meanwhile the Mandalorian’s temper was growing shorter.
Then Argo was gripping your thigh tightly with one hand. He was daring the Mandalorian. You panicked. You hadn’t thought it was going to go this far; Argo wasn’t supposed to have been this stupid. Who would be dumb enough to mess with a Mandalorian?
Oh, that’s right. You. You flinched.
The Mandalorian’s helmet tilted down toward the table. For a beat. Then-
The Mandalorian’s blaster came up over the edge of the table; clearly he’d had one hand ready on it the whole time.
“Get your hand off her.”
The Mandalorian had only ever sounded this angry once before. When you’d joked about taking the child. The man’s grip on your leg loosened. But if he had hackles, they would all be raised right now.
“Put that blaster away, Mando.” The man’s attempt to sound dangerous next to the Mandalorian’s was almost sad.
You almost felt bad for him. Almost. Because now he was reaching for his blaster. You smashed your empty cup in his face and heard something crack. The man screeched, one hand going to his nose, the other still grappling for his blaster. You reacted instinctively and brought your elbow up, then down into his groin.
Then the Mandalorian was yanking the man roughly out of the booth.
Shakily, you stood and dropped some credits onto the table, smiled cheekily toward the other patrons and followed to the rear where the Mandalorian was just tossing Argo out the back door.
“Where is Krawn?” You heard another crunch and figured it was the Mandalorian’s boot connecting with some unfortunate part of Argo’s body. Krawn, the man who could take the Mandalorian to the child’s people...the only information the Mandalorian had managed to get out of the scoundrel at the table.
You skipped through the door to see pretty much what you’d expected. The Mandalorian had his boot at Argo’s throat. Argo was struggling to escape the Mandalorian’s grasp.
The Mandalorian didn’t look at you when he spoke. “Why do you always have to cause so much trouble?”
You knew he wasn’t talking to Argo. It stung a little, but you shrugged as you sidled up next to him. “A girl can’t have a little fun?” He glared sideways at you, and you kicked Argo in the side. Argo yelped. “He was never going to give you the information, Mandalorian.” You kicked Argo again, this time in the right place, and a small device fell out of Argo’s side pocket.
The Mandalorian swore, then he was taking his boot off Argo’s neck to smash the tracking device.
Argo moved, attempting to stand and reach his blaster near the rear door of the cantina. “Not so fast.” You kicked him in the groin but though he screamed in pain, he grabbed your leg, taking you down with him. You’d never said you were good at this.
The Mandalorian...well, snarled. Then he was picking up Argo detangling him from around you and tossing him against the wall. Rough hands picked you up and set you sturdily back on the ground. “Can’t keep out of trouble, can you?” He said almost fondly, then he was turning back to Argo, his blaster pointed.
“Tell us what we need to know.” The Mandalorian’s tone left no room for negotiation.
Still, Argo glared up at him then spat near the Mandalorian’s boot.
“He’s stalling.” You said urgently. He was hoping the Imperials would arrive before the Mandalorian could get anything out of him.
The Mandalorian looked at you, then back toward where the Razor Crest waited for the two of you. He seemed to make a decision then. You knew he had no choice.
The first blaster shot took Argo in the shoulder, only an inch from a major artery. The man screamed out. You flinched. But the Mandalorian was only doing what was necessary.
“The next one goes in your head.” The Mandalorian promised.
The man swallowed heavily, tears streaming down his face in pain. He thought about it, then spoke. “Lothal,” he spat again.
The Mandalorian paused, aiming the blaster at Argo.
“It’s Lothal, I swear,” the man yelled. “The Dinar settlement.”
The Mandalorian studied him, then lowered the blaster. “Get back to the ship.” He said in a low voice you were sure Argo hadn’t heard. You hesitated. In that moment, the Mandalorian had his sights on you, but you could see Argo out of your peripheral vision. He’d had another blaster. Just as he brought it up, aimed at the Mandalorian, you released a shot from yours.
The Mandalorian flinched, aiming the blaster in his hand rapidly at Argo. Who was now dead, the blaster clasped in his hand, never fired.
The Mandalorian looked at you. Your eyes were wide, disbelieving. “He was about to shoot you.” You said in a shaky voice, lowering your blaster now. It seemed irrelevant. Although, deep down, you’d known the Mandalorian was going to have to end Argo one way or another. To protect himself. To protect the child. To protect you. He was sending you to the ship to spare you. Instead-
“You’ve never done that before.” He murmured softly.
“Petty thief,” you reminded him in a low voice, still unbelieving.
The Mandalorian paused for a second, started to bring his hand up, then stopped at a noise. You’d heard it too. Still far in the distance. But engines. Loud. Lots of them.
“We have to go,” he said urgently. Trembling, you holstered your blaster and followed the Mandalorian’s quick pace back towards the ship. If you had time, it was very little to get out of there before the Imperials were swooping in on you.
If only you’d seen the tracking beacon sooner… But you hadn’t seen it until Argo had opened his jacket to get his blaster. It wasn’t your fault. Nor the Mandalorian’s. The trap had been set cleverly. Now, all that mattered was getting back to the ship. Protecting the child. The thoughts were rapid fire as you ran behind the Mandalorian toward the ship. You almost stopped in your tracks when your conscious self realized what you’d been thinking. When had this become just about his mission? But nothing in you came up to contradict anything you’d just thought. Somehow, somewhere, between Agamar and here on Felucia, the Mandalorian and his kid had suckered you into acting on their behalf. And you were all in.
You were falling behind. The Mandalorian’s strides were much longer than yours. When he slowed to wait for you to catch up, you yelled at him to keep going, though you heard the running footsteps somewhere behind you. It had to be troopers, but you weren’t going to look to find out. Still, he pulled you along behind him by your elbow. The Razor Crest was within your view now. But-
The shots started and you both had to tumble out of the way behind another ship to avoid the blaster fire.
“Kriff,” you cursed. The Mandalorian had tackled you to the side with him and was blocking your body with his.
When there was a pause in the blaster fire, you pushed him away. “The kid!” You yelled over the blaster fire. “We have to protect the kid!”
He stared at you for one long moment, too long considering the circumstances and you saw something change in his demeanor. Then he was nodding and turning to lead you around the other ships. You followed at first but you had a decision to make. If you kept in this direction, eventually they would find out where you were headed, and then the Razor Crest and the kid were in danger of being targeted. The Mandalorian was distracted with creating a route for you both to follow. You took one last look at him before you darted around and back the way you’d come.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid.” You muttered under your breath at yourself as you made your most daring move yet. But if you calculated everything right, the Mandalorian and his kid at least would get away. “Idiot, idiot, idiot.” You grunted at yourself as you ran. It was time to show the bucketheads you were right there. By now, the Mandalorian had realized you weren’t behind him. His sense of honor would carry him to the ship, no matter how much any part of him would want to circle back around to help you.
The blaster fire followed you as you ran back toward the village. This was the absolute most idiotic thing you had ever done. You had no plan to get away other than running. Running had been the thing you’d been best at your entire life. You’d never had to run from this many, but if your lifelong practice in running wasn’t enough, it never would have been. Your lungs burned as you ducked and ran. But the real spark within you came when you heard the telltale engines of the Razor Crest, heard it blasting off. The stupidest smile came to your lips then. Who smiled while being chased? Well, you reminded yourself. You always had.
Tag List: @disn3yfreak @cosmo-bear @rintheemolion @readsalot73 @space-princesssss @crushingonmando  @imaginebeinlovedbyme @scintilla-morningstar @creamysacrilege @abesottedlass @persephonehemingway @mando--daddo @satans-tongues @doubtedbus409 @retrofaek 
A/N: Thanks so much everyone for reading/enjoying/commenting, this has been so so so fun to write, especially with all of your support and love! I’m realizing this might be just a bit longer than 5 chapters as I grow to love the plot/character development and am definitely adding substance/backstory to reader. Looking forward to seeing what you all think of this chapter! 💜
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jabbajambler · 4 years
The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x f!OC
Word Count: 2,139
*GIF by @no-droids​*
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       "I can't believe you would do this! This is the best opportunity you've had in years."
         Greef stood proudly with his hands on his hips while I shouted at him. To him, it was the same as any other quarrel we had. I would get angry, he would stay calm, and we'd be over it within an hour.
         This time was different. My anger built and bubbled inside of me, bringing my blood to a violent boil. This was the best opportunity the Guild had received in years and I figured I would be first in line for the position.
         I guess I was wrong.
         "Myrah," he spoke calmly, "you and I both know that he is qualified enough for this bounty. Hell, he just might be the best. He will be fine."
         Yes, the man was a great hunter, but he was far from the best. I deserved this opportunity. I spent the last five years proving myself and I was more than capable of it.
         "I don't particularly care for his well-being, Greef. You and I both know that I can handle that bounty. Why did you hand it off to some tin-man?"
         I could feel my nails pressing into the skin of my palms, no doubt leaving small crescent shaped indentions in my skin. My face grew red and warm as I fumed. If I was any angrier, I'm sure steam would have burst from my ears.
         "I am just as qualified as your precious Mandalorian if not more so. I have been working with you for five years and have gotten nothing but petty missions. Don't you think I deserve a high commission bounty?"
         Greef sighed and pinched at the bridge of his nose as he always does when he's frustrated. I couldn't understand how he was upset when I was the one getting cheated out of an assignment.
         "Myrah, I can't favor you over the others. Don't you understand?"
         "It's not favoring if I deserve it."
         He placed his hands firmly on my shoulders, forcing me to look at him in his relaxed, deep brown eyes. "I think you need to go blow off some steam."
         I huffed a forced laugh. "Find a stick and stuff it."
         "Myrah!" He scolded and reached for me as I shrugged his hands off of me.
         I spun on my heel and left the place I had learned to call a home, allowing the door to slam behind me without another word. I stomped through the streets, angrily mumbling each of the pathetic excuses that Greef had given me.
         It was an abnormally chilly day, which helped me cool off from my blow up. Even with the light jacket that I had tossed on, the breeze swept through and brought goosebumps to my skin.
         The sight of the gray planet made me frown. What once was a peaceful, neutral place had become incredibly depressing. There was no color to anyone's life, not even a speck of joy. How could someone live in a place that does nothing but make you sad?
         As if the galaxy was trying to test my limits, someone walked past me like they were on a high-stakes mission. Their shoulder roughly hit mine as they went, sending a sharp pain through my arm.
         "Watch where you're going!" I snapped.
         They turned around and revealed the shiny helmet that I immediately recognized as one of the Mandalorians. Not just any, however, oh no. Each helm was specifically crafted for each individual and that one just so happened to belong to the one person Greef believed could handle the mission of a lifetime.
          The Mandalorian simply turned back around and continued walking down the path. A part of me wanted to run after him and knock some sense into his hollow skull, but then it hit me.
         His ship was left unattended.
         Most Mandalorians traveled alone and I assumed he was no exception. Well, he certainly didn't seem the family type at least. This was the perfect opportunity for revenge.
         As a child, I was always told that revenge was a fancy word for hate. Now, hate wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but it led people down a dark path if you let it fester for too long. More than anything, we were taught to be compassionate.
         But that could wait a few hours.
         The corners of my mouth tugged into a smug grin. If Greef wasn't going to give me the task, then I supposed I would have to take it. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?
         I began my stroll towards the landing area right outside of the town entrance. It was the most convenient spot unless you were dealing with some shady business.
         People typically left their ships unlocked and unattended, which worked great for me. It wasn't common for citizens of Nevarro to try to steal a ship or...sneak onboard.
         Greef told me stories of the Mandalorian's ship, the Razor Crest. Ever since he joined the Guild, he was always the topic of conversation. He gawked over everything he did, but he especially loved the man's ship. Seeing it up close, I have to admit that it's quite a beauty.
         I didn't expect for him to own such a large ship considering he lives alone, but if you spend enough time in a space, I'm sure the extra room is nice.
          Despite it's beaten up, slightly miserable appearance, it held some sort of attractive quality. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I was drawn to the ship.
         The ship was created before the Empire which meant that the rust-bucket of a ship was older than me. Why anyone would waste their time with such a ship was beyond me. I couldn't even begin to imagine the repair costs on this thing.
         The button for the ramp wasn't too hard to find. It was a bit loud, creaking as I closed it from the inside. Luckily, no one was around to arouse any suspicion.
         There were wires strung about the ceiling. They twisted and frayed, leaving the ship less than appealing. It was so dark and dingy, it was almost as depressing as Nevarro. How the Mandalorian spent so much of his time in here, I had no idea.
         I suppose I was wrong when I assumed he took better care of his ship.
         I gave myself a quick tour of the ship, finding each room to be even more dull than the last. There was a small living space of sorts in the belly of the ship. It held a small cot, a washroom, and several cabinets that I'm sure held an abundance of weapons.
         I like to consider myself a rather sneaky person. After spending years of hiding from the Empire, I've discovered quite a few ways to go under the radar. I doubt that Mando will even know that I'm here. I mean, he has no reason to suspect any stowaways on board.
         I hid in the escape pod across from the cockpit with my blaster held tight in my hand. As much as I wanted to continue exploring, especially those locked up closets, I couldn't. I couldn't take any risks while I was down here, all I could do was sit.
         So, I waited.
             And waited.
                   And waited.
         After nearly two hours of sitting, the soft hiss of the ramp filled the silence of the ship. I was beginning to think he was dead.
         Well, some can only hope.
         I pulled my hood over my head and tugged my maroon scarf over the lower half of my face. It was a mediocre disguise, but it worked in situations like these. Being a bounty hunter, these situations tended to happen a lot.
          I didn't want the Mandalorian to recognize me either. Most of the Guild members were aware of my relationship with Greef and how I've become his adopted daughter of sorts. One look at me and he would be calling for Greef to pick me up like some runaway child.
         My nerves grew as I neared the cockpit. Mandalorians are incredibly well trained and disciplined, perhaps even more so than the Jedi once were. He must've been fighting since he was a child, probably came out of the womb with a blaster in his hand. The only way I could win is with the element of surprise.
         He sat peacefully and unknowingly in the pilot's seat, taking his time to start up the ship. I had to move before he started the engines or else this would get very messy very fast.
         My fingers tightened around the handle of my blaster as I raised it and pressed it into the back of his neck. Mandalorians have very few places on their body that are not covered with armor and the neck just so happens to be one of those unlucky spots.
         "I won't hurt you." I spoke. "Just give me the tracking fob."
         I was shocked that my voice didn't crack. My hands were steady no matter how much I could feel them tremble.
         He was silent as he inched his hand towards the blaster on his hip. Apparently, he didn't think I would notice. That was a foolish move on his part.
         "I wouldn't do that if I were you." I threatened and pulled back the safety on the gun.
         He stood faster than I expected with his weapon drawn. I moved and grabbed the barrel of the blaster just as he grabbed mine, both of us ending with the other's gun.
         "This doesn't have to get ugly." Mando spoke surprisingly calm with a muffled but smooth voice.
         I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 'This doesn't have to get ugly' my ass.
         "It already has."
         I brought my foot up and forced it down on his knee. He faltered slightly, giving me an opportunity to grasp his shoulders and pull my knee into his stomach.
         That was a mistake.
         He dropped my blaster and grabbed my leg, forcing me to lose my balance. I fell to the ground, but not before grabbing his chest plate and pulling him to the floor with me.
         We both managed to clamber back to our feet, staring at each other from opposite sides of the small room. I pulled out his blaster and fired poor shot, giving him a chance to duck under my arm.
         I expected that. It was a mediocre shot, I've done much better.
         What I didn't expect was for him to shove me into the wall and press his arm against my chest. He tried to grab the gun while he held me in place, but I continued to struggle and keep it just out of his reach.
         Pressing my back firmly against the wall, I was able to lift my feet and kick him back into the control panel. I tossed his blaster on the ground and swung my leg against his, knocking him to the floor.
         I opened my mouth to speak as I stood over him, but was rudely interrupted by him pulling me to the ground next to him.
         A grunt escaped my mouth as my head hit the floor. My scarf fell from my face and gathered around my neck while I pulled myself to my knees, my fingers barely brushing against the engraved hilt on my hip.
         I pulled it off of its clip, but he beat me to the attack, tackling me to the ground.
         Mando had me pinned to the cold floor with my hands held above my head. I squirmed and held on tightly to the handle in my grasp as he tried to tear it from me.
         But then he stopped.
         His gaze scanned over my face. At least, that's what I assumed he was doing. With the tinted glass, I couldn't see any hint of humanity lying behind the cold stare. Nevertheless, he was distracted.
         I was able to knock him off of me and onto his back while I rolled over his body. My knees pressed down on his hips to keep him from moving while I grasped his wrists in my hand. It was a struggle, but I managed.
         "You put up a good fight, Mando." I chuckled with a wicked smirk on my face.
         I was out of breath. Well, we both were. Our chests heaved in sync, starting to slow with the lack of action. I could feel a small bead of sweat roll down my forehead as I leaned my face down towards his.
         "Greef was right about you. What a shame."
         I raised the hilt and knocked it against the side of the helmet, stilling him on the ground and sending an echoed ring through the ship. Not dead, just unconscious.
         Either way, the bounty was mine.
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darkmindsotome · 4 years
Two Cups and a Cure
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart x MC
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Word count: 4,296
Warning: soft/ very light angst quickly turning to fluff with a dash of spice at the end.
Written by: darkmindsotome
Tagging @cinnatwisted​ for this commissioned piece.
Summary: Creative block. We all get it from time to time and a suggestion turns into a sort of date. There will be teasing, there will be blushing but as always there is love.
Darkmindsotome Masterlist 
Two Cups and a Cure
The sound of pen on paper as it scratched out markings on the manuscript filled his room. The black ink rhythmically plotting its way through a song that was currently only heard in the head of the man composing it.
A loud noise preceded the muffled yet audibly far to clear chatter through his door. His creativity stalled while simultaneously his hand involuntarily jarred. Violet eyes watched in horror as the ink from his pen ran in a meaningless stroke destroying his perfect score.
He growled in frustration, crumpling the paper in his fist as he bounded from his desk and out into the hallway. His eyes fell on the two people at the root of this recent interruption and it was not a sight that induced a calming influence on his mind.
“Why is it so loud out here? It’s like you all have an affliction in this building that prevents you from remaining silent.” His voice resounded with a fury that caused the now still figures of Mc and Arthur to flinch. “Can you or can you not understand what it means to maintain piano-forte or must I forever be cursed by your deafening crescendo?”
“Now, now, Wolfie. No need to be so angry. I was just having a little fun with Mc here. You should hire her for your next Opera. Did you know she could reach such a high note?” Arthur recovered much faster than Mc, the teasing lilt to his voice grated on his nerves like an untuned violin.
“Arthur…” Mc looked between the two men for a second, trying to prevent incurring further animosity. She was also trying to free her hand from Arthur who stubbornly refused to loosen his grip.
“I don’t hire amateurs. I also don’t care what you are doing just take it somewhere else.” He scoffed a deep frown etched into his brow. He was aware of his words being more barbed than usual, it still shocked him how sharing his life with another had caused him to notice such things.
“Oh? So you don’t mind if I borrow her for a little game then?” Arthur made a show of getting closer to Mc. Drawing her to him by the hand he refused to part with. Violet eyes lingered on the connection between Arthur and Mc mentally taking note of every part touched.
“What?” His voice had lost some of its volume but none of its venom. Arthur almost looked as if he were going to wrap himself around her in public. It was enough to make his blood boil at the thought both in terms of jealousy and envy. How could he be so brazen?
“You’ve been so focused on your composing dear boy you’ve left your love completely unattended. It would be only natural should she find another.” Arthur’s words stung and were also little more than stirring the pot. It was all to clear that he was relishing the torment he was causing inside an already troubled mind.
“Preposterous! Mc isn’t like the women you fool around with.” Firmly denying the assumption he flicked his violet eyes towards Mc as if looking for confirmation.
He found it, those beautiful eyes were looking only at him. The way she held his gaze told him everything he needed to know. She had never failed to meet him head-on no matter his mood. He knew this and yet it did little to prevent the thoughts swirling in my mind of the possibility that Arthur may have a point.
In truth, he wanted to treat her kindly and spoil her. It was a genuine wish and one he had voiced before. He hated his current mood with a passion for how it caused his mouth to run without regard to her.
“No, she isn’t, is she? Still, even the purest of heart can be forgiven for having a wandering eye when mistreated.” Arthur and his blasted observational skills managed to put a voice to the budding insecurity in the composer’s mind. There was a playful smile on his face as if this were nothing but a very entertaining game to him before shrugging and straightening out his collar. “I should be running along though I promised a rather fine filly I would join them for a jaunt around town, cheerio!”
“Erm Mozart? He didn’t mean anything by all that… I’m sure.” Mc’s slightly timid voice confirmed his fear that he had been excessively harsh. If he hurt Arthur he didn’t care, but her? That idea was a pain that surpassed the torment and frustration plaguing him.
“It is of no concern of mine what he or anyone else thinks.” He looked in the direction Arthur had left before drawing closer and busying himself with a handkerchief to wipe the hand that Arthur had been holding. He meant what he said the opinions of others meant little as there was only one opinion that mattered to him now. “What do you think?”
There was a tenderness in her eyes as she watched him diligently cleanse her. The faint smile on her lips calmed him. She should always be smiling.
“I think you have been working very hard recently and very focused.” Mc spoke softly turning her hand in his and threading her fingers with his own. “No matter how much time I see you spending on work though I only ever see the torn-up paper. If you’re struggling then I’d like to help.”
“Help? How would you help?” He wanted to ridicule her for her offer but found his words had deserted him under her clear gaze.
“Look I get you are frustrated but that is no need to take that tone with me.” She frowned and took on a more determined manner. “I’m worried about you not just as your lover but your friend too. I used to get writer’s block as well.”
“Writer’s block?” His pale features became dusted with pink. How could she say something so embarrassingly sweet with such a straight face? He felt warmth rush through him from where their hands were connected and broke the connection in an effort to rid himself of these bothersome feelings.
“It’s a thing you get when trying to work. It's like an invisible barrier in your head that prevents you from completing a task. Prevents you from doing what you would do normally or want to do. It is very frustrating but unless you acknowledge it you will just be hitting your head off a brick wall.” Mc continued without pointing out his change of appearance.
“Who would do such a thing?” He felt a little horrified by the idea that his love had suffered as he was and taken to such extreme measures to overcome them.
“It’s an expression, like... trying to get blood out of a stone.” Mc giggled like a tinkling bell realising he had taken her words literally instead of figuratively.
“Pointless…” Again, he felt a rush of embarrassment hit him but it was from his own lack of understanding this time. 
“Exactly. It’s a futile action that isn’t going to change just because you pushed on with more determination. If anything, you will get more frustrated, angrier and become exhausted.” Mc straightened her posture and outlined everything he was currently feeling with finely tuned precision.
“So, what did you do when you had this writer’s block?” His mood hadn’t exactly improved but he felt a lot calmer now.
“Change of scenery. I’d go out, walk around with no particular place in mind and sometimes that was all it took.”
“Sometimes? That doesn’t sound at all convincing.” This was hardly the first time he had suffered such a creative barrier but it felt better somehow to know that at least this time he was not alone.
“Well I’m not saying getting some air and going for a walk is a cure-all for it every time but it doesn’t hurt to try.” Mc gave a small shrug.
He had been holed up in his music room and his bedroom for days. It wasn’t that he was trying to ignore her but he knew he had been. Her hair looked different, the colour of her skin, the scent flowing from her was all just a little changed from their last private time spent together.
“One hour” The words were out before he knew it.
“Pardon?” Her wide-eyed look nearly made him laugh. She's always so expressive.
“Meet me in front of the mansion in one hour.” He didn’t wait for a response and just returned to his room to prepare to leave. She had possibly meant for him to go out alone but he couldn’t deny how he felt after being reminded of how much of their time together had been lost. I missed her.
The town was as lively and annoying as he remembered it, somethings apparently never change. Getting down from the carriage he felt his legs regain their strength as his feet touched the solid ground.
“Are you getting any better with the whole travelling thing?” Mc asked quietly enough for him to hear.
“It is easier when there is sufficient babbling to distract me.” His clipped reply brought an end to the inquiry before she could push for more and caused her to smile at him.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“You are a very strange woman.” He grumbled.
Thinking about how far they had come together and how his words now no longer seemed to instantly spark confusion or offence he felt a warmth spreading through him.
“And you are in a relationship with me so what does that say about you?” She caught him off guard with her fast reply. The flustered moment was only brief but enough for him to feel overly aware of himself. He pivoted on the spot and began walking without a clear direction in mind. “Hey! Wait up.”
“Don’t dawdle or you’ll be left behind.” He didn’t have to look back, he could hear her feet shuffling as fast as a scampering child to reach him. It brought a smile to his face even if it was a slightly sadistic one.
“So where shall we go? That café looks nice.” Mc wrapped her arm around his like they attending a ball and pointed in the direction of a quiet-looking shop.
“They have good coffee.” He nodded. He was musing over the fact that she seemed to be looking for places he would like rather than dragging him towards more lively and noisy locations.
“Been before?” She looked up at him from his side still smiling happily. Honestly, why are you so happy about this?
“Been and won’t go back.” His voice was a monotone rejection.
“Why not?” She tilted her head clearly baffled. He couldn’t say he blamed her given he had just admitted their coffee was acceptable.
“There was a line of dirt where the handle attached to the body of the cup.” He scrunched his nose up at the memory.
“That’s it? That is why you won’t go back?” To her credit, she managed to keep the laughter mostly out of her voice as she looked at him.
“No… I can’t.” His clear voice sounded muffled even to him as he turned his head away from her.
“I know you’re a clean freak but seriously that--” That’s right Mc was aware by now of his habits. Her face wasn’t that of someone shocked at his observation more disbelief that it would be the only reason to refuse to return.
He had never hidden his preferences for cleanliness but he had been informed more than once by the other residents at the mansion that he was strange. She, however, had adapted and seemed to take his peculiarities in stride.
“The owner took offence to me using my handkerchief to wipe the utensils before I used them.” His face heated up under her direct observation. He could feel the prickly heat gathering as his ears started to burn with new colour.
“Pfft… HAHAHA oh my gosh, you didn’t? hang on I could totally see you doing that.” Any control she had over her laughter now was gloriously destroyed by the images of her imagination.
“Yes, yes. I’m sure it is all rather amusing. Pick somewhere else.” He wanted to be angry at her for her outburst. He wanted to chastise her for drawing attention to them in public and for his appearance taking on that of a ripe tomato, but he found he couldn’t when faced with her in such a happy display.
“Alright… let's go this way.” Mc gathered herself and looked around for a moment before settling on a direction.
“Where are we going?” He looked where she was pointing and failed to see anything of interest.
“I just told you this way.” Mc tugged his arm urging him to move forward and follow her.
“This is stupid.” He complained even as he naturally came to her side matching her pace.
“Oh? Got something else to be doing?” She sounded petulant but still happy. He frowned at her attitude but still found himself hopelessly lost in her. Mc glanced at him and gave him a wink before pulling on his arm a little harder drawing him closer to her side. “Come on where’s your spirit of adventure?”
“Oh! This is a cute shop” Mc exclaimed and stopped in her tracks which in turn caused him to nearly knock into her.  
They had been wandering aimlessly around side streets and bystreets. Honestly, the lack of direction irritated him but he had kept his mouth shut as he watched how happy she seemed to be and realised his irritation was nothing when compared to the time they were spending together.
He could even hear ripples of melody in his mind. The more they walked and passed pointless conversation the clearer his music seemed to become.
The ‘cute shop’ she seemed to be referring to was a hole in the wall location that was, in all honesty, the stuff of his worst nightmares combined. There was no order to it, items littered and piled high in places as if abandoned. Had it not been for the small sign denoting it as a shop he might have assumed it was simply the location of a recent disaster.
“Yes, if you find dust, cobwebs and clutter cute then I imagine this place is quite charming.” He felt his repulsion willing him to recoil but it was no match for the small female dragging him ever closer to the abyss.
“Don’t be like that I know it’s not up to your standards but look! They have some things that came from where I live. Lived.”
She points to a few strange items and he found himself wondering how she could have seen anything amongst the mess. It reminded him a little of that slob at the mansion and his appalling room. No matter what you asked him for he seemed to find what was needed effortlessly among the debris he called creativity.
He couldn’t deny he was a little curious about the things from her homeland. Sebastian was also a native but he had never taken much of an interest in Japan or other lands until she arrived in his myopic little world.
“Bonjour.” A detached voice called out from the back of the building. A few small thuds and some shaking stacks of objects announced the appearance of a happy, if rather scruffy, looking man.
“Oh, Bonjour Monsieur I was just admiring this little teacup.” Mc took the new arrival in stride smiling and holding up something ceramic.
She was so open and warm it amazed him and also worried him. She had proven time and again how meddlesome she could be but also how friendly. She really was going to get herself hurt one day, he only hoped he could be there to prevent disaster striking.
“Ah, Mademoiselle has a good eye. That is one of a pair it survived a very long journey.” The shopkeeper returned her smile and started to look around the space for something that was probably the partner to the cup in her hands. Why don’t you keep things together if they are a pair?
“How can it be a teacup without handles? There isn’t even a saucer.” He looked over her shoulder at the object she had referred to as a cup. It actually looked more like a ceramic beaker, crudely made as if someone had failed to smooth out the finger indentations on the outside of it.
“Japanese teacups don’t have handles we hold them, well cup them in our hands.” Mc demonstrated her right hand wrapping around the cup as her left hand slipped under to hold it from the base. “See?”
“You said they survived a long journey?” He called out to the shopkeeper who had his head buried in a swath of dangling linen that made his skin crawl just by looking at it.
“Yes, I had asked a trader to acquire a small number of them for me but only two managed to make it all the way. I understand there were some storms at sea.” Detaching himself from the dangling fabric the owner held out a second cup that looked to be a little bigger than the one Mc was holding. The colour was also a bit different. How is that a pair?
“They really are pretty.” Mc reached out and took the other cup from the shopkeeper. The expression on her face softened to match the warm glow of the glaze on the teacups.
“I’ll take them.” The words left him without much thought. He had felt the change in him the more time they spent outside the mansion and he wanted to gift his love with something she would actually like. If she liked these mismatched cups from her homeland then it simply made locating such a gift easier.
“Very good Monsieur I shall get those wrapped up for you tout suite, pardonnez moi.” The shopkeeper gently took the cups from Mc and vanished once more into the back of the building.
Back in the street, Mc kept looking at the small box tucked under his arm that contained the two cups from the store.
“You didn’t have to buy them.” She said acting aloof.
“And what would you have preferred I left them here and have you wax lyrical on the return home about how much you liked them?” He could clearly see how her eyes were betraying her.
“So where to now?”
“Somewhere clean.” His response brought a smile to her face and she once more linked arms with him careful to not knock him too much out of consideration of him now carrying cargo.
“Fine how about we take a walk along the Seine and then just call it a day then?”
Their outing continued until the sky was dyed in a new hue. The melody in his mind once trapped and stuttering flowed freely through sonata to sonata. All the while he was accompanied by his muse in human form.
The moon was high and full in the velveteen sky when the silence of his room was interrupted with the soft knocking at his door.
“Mozart? It’s me.”
“Come in.” His reply wasn’t loud but she had heard it clearly. He put down his pen next to the fresh stack of paper.
“Excuse me.” Mc came into his room slowly carrying a tray with a bottle of Blanc and the set of cups he had purchased earlier for her.
“What’s this?”
“I saw your light on and I thought I’d bring you a drink.” She placed the tray down on his desk in front of him.
“Last I checked I only had one mouth.” His playful quip was met with apprehension.
“Is it too much of a bother for me to join you?” Mc’s voice sounded meek which was unlike her. She was also avoiding making eye contact with him, shuffling her feet as if trying to make up her mind if she should leave or not.
“Come in and sit down before you wear a hole in the carpet.” He ushered her towards his bed.
It had not been his intention to push her to this extreme. She was normally so fast witted he could only assume that after their return she had pushed herself to help Sebastian with what was left of the chores and tired herself out.
“You used the cups.” He commented as he looked at the tray again. Taking the bottle of Blanc and downing it in several large mouthfuls. He had lost track of time, even managing to forget his own hunger. As the tempest of notes swirled in his mind while he moved frantically them in his manuscripts.
“Yes, they are meant to be used you know?” She smiled at the tray her expression reminding him of their walk along the river whenever she glanced at the box under his arm.
“Why did you look so embarrassed when I purchased them? I did it for you and they are just cups.” His curiosity got the better of him as he asked what was on his mind.
“Well yes but you see they aren’t ‘just’ cups. You brought them when we were together and they are a pair.” Mc reached out and picked up one of the cups that was a little smaller than the other. Holding it as she had done back at the shop the smile on her face seemed to gain warmth from the hot chocolate in her hands. “In my time couples sometimes buy matching sets of things together and its seen as romantic.”
“I fail to see how buying something together matching or otherwise is romantic. You have such strange ideas.” He nearly snorted as he picked up the other cup, the heat of the beverage transferring to his grip easily thanks to the lack of handle.
“I knew you wouldn’t get it.” Mc complained as if she were talking to herself.
“…I’m pleased though.” He muttered as he watched her take a sip. For all he had denied her words, playing them off as some strange act. He couldn’t hide the smouldering heat that was rising to his face.
“I’m pleased you thought of it in that way. I might not understand how things work from your time but the more I am with you the more I am reminded of how much I missed…” Avoiding her eyes he found himself wishing that the hot chocolate was something a little less hot. He might then have been able to disguise some of his bashfulness by drinking it fast.
“Mozart you haven’t missed anything. You’ve already lived a lifetime but you are here now.” Mc shook her head. She was always so ready to come to his defence even if it were himself who spoke against him.
She had been full of surprises today not least in the way she had continually taken him off guard with her actions and words. He normally hated the idea of something outside of music taking up his time but she was the exception.
No matter how much time he had it never felt like enough. He had added to his desire since meeting Mc. His wish to return, the focus of his new life now felt like it was discovering a revision that added resonance to a body of work. A new life following the path he had desired but this time imbued with feelings he had never experienced whilst he had been living.
“Meine Liebe.” He put his cup down and reached for hers. “I may have lived a lifetime before we met but I was not living until I found you.”
He placed the cups side by side on the tray again. He might not have understood how two pieces that looked so different fit together but he couldn’t deny it felt very apt.
“You know you can sound very poetic when you aren’t trying? Eep!” Mc had recovered some of her fortitude only to cry out as her back hit the crisp linen of his bed.
“Don’t forget who you are talking too. Whose room you are in.” His breath was hot, his face was flushed except this time he didn’t make any move to try to mask it. “I haven’t forgotten the noise that disturbed me earlier. Who disturbed me…”
“You are mine and that includes the sounds of your voice. I can’t forgive him for making you cry out.” He trailed his fingers with their familiar callouses up her arms and over her form beneath him.
“Mc – Meine Liebe, sing for me. Let me hear your voice.” Her breathing was already becoming heavier with his slightest touch.
“What about your work?” Even as she forced herself to speak, she made no move against his advances.
“Finished. It seems I found my cure.” Words ended as their lips joined. The time for talk had passed and all that was left was a communication far more fluent in expressing their love.
Yes, he had been cured or perhaps cursed with a new problem. His passion and drive normally focused towards his music seemed turned towards her. The hot chocolate grew cold in its containers long before their night was over. Sitting on his desk, the two cups appeared to be the last remnants of his creative troubles.
He knew he would always be reminded of today whenever he saw those cups. Two mismatched items standing as a pair in a union that brought joy to the world. How very fitting for a love such as ours.
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mrneighbourlove · 4 years
The Twilight Baby
The sun shone brightly down on the magnificent castle of Hyrule. Just as the day was starting, the calm winds changed as portal opened up in one of the hall ways. From there, a small child plopped out. The little boy’s eyes blinked, and he closed his eyes from the light of this world. Finally, it hurt so much that he let out a wail for help.
“Deer. I-I really must be going to work.” Ocax panted as his lover had him pinned, breath heavy.
"No, you're going to stay with me." Seer had gotten frisky during breakfast. There was something sexy about the way Ocax smelled right after a shower. He was clean, his scent was more potent and... dreadfully lacking of any of Seer's personal scent. Someone might get the wrong idea during mating season and attempt a move on his lover. That was unacceptable. The orca Direnor had started with little kisses down Ocax's throat before turning into nibbles. The dining room table was left unattended with breakfast getting cold, as Seer had promptly picked up the Twili, threw him on the bed, and started to make love to him... albeit, a touch rough since his instincts were getting the best of him. "Kanisa doesn't need you right now, you can wait until after lunch. Or after dinner. Maybe tomorrow morning."
“I-I must protest. I can’t lose another weekend of work. What would she think?” Ocax blushed blue as he felt his lovers shaft push tightly in him.
"That you are rather preoccupied..." Seer purred into Ocax's ear as he held tightly to his lover's hips, giving a teasing, harsh, thrust. "With being filled by me."
Ocax screamed aloud with a shrill voice and cam. Afterwards, he mumbled with a pout. “I just had a shower too...”
"What if I want you to smell like me today?" Seer asked the Twili with a smug tone to his voice. "Leave my mark..." He was certain there were a few love bites on Ocax's throat. Not to mention, his scent was now mingled with his lover's, so there would be no mistaking. "You can always top me too, you know. I'm not stingy that way. Though, I do enjoy feeling you wriggle beneath me."
“You little brat.” Ocax did so, quickly pushing his lover over the bed.
Rinku, first princess of and hero of Hyrule, sometimes really hated the snow. Trekking up to Kanisa’s door, she glanced down at the bundle she was carrying once again before knocking.
Kanisa, too, was at the mercy of her husband's loving. However, Vidar was currently occupied with training some rookies, so she had a break for the time being. Her legs still felt like jelly. When she heard the knock on the door, the princess wobbly walked to answer it. Surprised to see her elder sister, the princess then had a look of panic across her face. "Rinku?! Oh gods, is it Mama?! Papa?!"
“What?” Rinku was shocked that was the first jump Kanisa went to. “Not at all. Didn’t realize I was the arbiter for doom and gloom. Give me a hug and let me in from the cold?”
"It's not like you to come without announcement so of course I assumed the worst! You scared me!" Kanisa ushered Rinku inside, out of the cold. "But I am glad that our parents are all right and you're okay. To what do I owe the visit?"
After a hug, Rinku pulled her winter coat off to reveal a nice green tunic. She didn’t like to wear the hat. Placing the cradle down, she opened it up to reveal a sleeping Twili toddler boy. “Well, I got a problem I’m hoping you can help solve.”
"...?!?!?!" Kanisa's eyes nearly bulged out of her skull. "You have a kid?!"
“It’s not my kid Kanisa. Look closely. This remind you of anyone?”
"I thought you adopted, but... this... wait." Kanisa gently moved the blanket out of the way a touch more. She sat down with a loud thud, shocked. "This is a Twili. How in the world did you get your hands on a Twili?"
“It suddenly appeared at the castle a week ago. After speculation on what to do, I looked into records of any Twili who might be present in our realm. Imagine my surprise when I found one working with you off all people. Made a quick visit to my baby little darling sister to find this Twili named Ocax. Maybe I can dig some answers from him.”
"Oh goodness..." Kanisa felt terribly sorry for the poor little thing. It was just a baby, how in the world could it survive in this world without care? Not to mention, she thought the parents had to be worried sick. "Ocax fell through a portal, so maybe this little one did too. He has not had any luck on finding a way back to the Twilight Realm as far as I know. Or if he has, he doesn't want to. You can ask him what you wish, but, I"m not sure if he'll have all the answers."
“Alright.” Rinku plopped her hand in her palm. “Where does he live? I’ll go see him.”
"On top of the hill, near the lake." Kanisa pointed out the window to the landmark. "It's the only house with a multiple stone pathways, and one even leading to the water. Seer is blind, so he uses that to help him find his way around."
“Great. Shouldn’t be a problem.” Rinku smiled at Kanisa, looking around. “Where’s Wolfe and the kids?”
"Vidar is training the rookies today and the kids are doing chores." Kanisa told Rinku, "And I'm here doing paperwork for the king and queen. You ought to return for dinner. I'm fixing roasted duck."
Rinku picked up the cradle and nodded. “Love to.” The blonde hero walked away, waving goodbye for the moment. “Let’s hope Wolfe can behave long enough to keep his hands off you.”
"Rinku, as much as I'd love to assure you that is a possible outcome, we both know it isn't." Kanisa laughed. "I'd have more kids if my pregnancy was not so rough with Audlin, but Vidar did not want to take the chance."
Ocax was deep into giving Seer head when a knock came at the door. “Hoosh izh ish?”
Seer was enjoying the oral administrations when a rude knock was heard. "Just ignore them and they'll go away." Seer said, irritated at the interruption.
“Open the damn door! Order from the top authority!” Ocax pulled out, panting loudly for a moment. “Who... company?”
"Damn it all to fucking hell." Seer growled under his breath, quickly feeling for his robe. "I'll handle this, love." The orca Direnor kissed Ocax's cheek. "Give me one moment and I'll be back." Tromping to the front door, Seer yanked the front door open with the nastiest glare he could muster. "Someone either be dead or dying, or you must be here to give me Adda's head on a plate, because you have interrupted a most critical mating season ritual and I. Am. Not. Happy."
“Hey blind man. Long time no see.” Rinku snickered. “You gonna pull up your pants?”
"...?" Seer sniffed the air a couple of times. Adjusting his robe, he had very little modesty during mating season, but did not want to continue to flash the poor woman. "... oh. What are you doing here, Rinku?"
“I have problem you and Ocax can solve for me.”
The Twili man ran forward, fixing his appearance. “I’m so, so, so sorry for his behaviour. What can we do for you?”
“I’m here to ask you a few questions about the Twili. And to deliver this child.”
"I'm not sorry." Seer huffed, still annoyed that his lovey time with Ocax was paused. "And if this is another one of Adda's brats, you're out of luck, I haven't seen her in years, therefore there is reasoning this kid can't be mine---ow!" Seer jolted when he felt Ocax's elbow hit his side, warning him to be nice.
Rinku revealed the kid, and Ocax gasped. “A Twili child?!”
"...?! A what?!" Seer's jaw almost dropped. "... I swear to Rotar and Handeh, if Towa is playing a prank on us, I will boot her ass into the lake."
Ocax was careful to examine the child. “It’s a boy. It’s a Twili boy.”
"Should I even ask where you found him?" Seer felt a confused, and most of all, slightly worried. Caring for two human girls was one thing, but another species might be out of his grasp. "And... who left him?"
“We don’t know who left him. But we just found him wandering around the castle.”
Ocax frowned, remembering his own detail. “It could have been either an accident or they could have been thrown away.”
"Is he healthy from what you can tell?" Seer carefully bent down on one knee, feeling of the baby carrier. Gently, he found the blanket and then the kid's cheek. He was sleeping, and had... the Direnor almost gushed. The kid had those adorable curved ears... just like his lover! "Is he hungry? Does he need changing?"
Rinku took a whiff and plugged her nose. “Yeah. You want me to clean him?”
Ocax was puzzled, trying to figure out this baby. “Perhaps we can send it down to the orphanage for now.”
"What? The orphanage? No, no, Seija already has too many kids there, she doesn't have time for this little guy." Seer simply picked up the carrier and took the kid inside of the house. Mating season also brought out the drive to protect and nurture the young. This little one was like his lover and would have proper care. "I'll change him. Ocax, please get Rinku a snack if she's hungry. There's some leftover cheese and grapes if she wants some."
“But Seer. Surely we need to think this over.”
"It's just until Rinku gets some answers, right?" Seer downplayed Ocax's worry. "I mean, surely his parents are looking for him. They're probably in Hyrule right now or maybe looking for him. If Twili are anything like Abyssians, they'll have that link to their offspring and be here soon, probably within a fortnight or so." He assured his lover. "Don't worry, it's just for a night. Rinku needs her questions answered and a place to stay, and the little one needs a bit of care. Nothing much."
“Well, can I stay anywhere where Direnor’s aren’t in heat?”
“I know this will have my attention for a while.”
"Considering that Direnors are in mating season right now, your best bet would be to stay at the local inn if you don't want to interrupt anymore sex." Seer then suggested. "Besides, this is just for a night until we reach a conclusion on what to do."
“Hmmm. You know, I always wanted to take a deeper look into the old abandoned castle now that it’s king is gone.” Rinku smiled, petting Seer’s head. “Good luck with the baby.”
Seer took the little one into Liz's and Lex's old room to change his diaper. The tiny boy was fussing something fierce, but Seer shushed him. He seemed healthy, had a head full of hair, and a set of lungs to rival a shrieking lady. After swaddling him, Seer simply placed the boy into a sling he made. Then, he returned to the living area where Ocax was waiting.
"It's just for a night. He'd probably feel better around someone like him." Seer then asked once more, "Didn't you tell me that Twili are more at ease around their own species?"
“Anyone is more at ease with their own species. But I don’t like babies. They poo, they crawl over the place and-“ Right on the dot, the little toddler started to cry some more. “And they do that.”
"Heh, if you don't like kids, then you would have had a time with Liz and Lex when they were small. They cried a lot." Seer bounced the little one to try to soothe him. "It was worth it though. I've missed having a little one in the house, but it will be good for Rinku to have a break before she comes back to get him. I'm sure his parents have to be looking for him. If my Liz and Lex suddenly disappeared, I'd search for them."
“Well, it’s a possibility they could have thrown the baby away.”
"...?! They would... do that?" Seer looked disturbed. "Why? From what I can tell, the kid is healthy."
“Because it can be a form of execution.” Ocax sat down, fiddling with a pin on his shirt collar. “If Twili don’t have gateway stones, they can never return to the twilight realm. So with that in mind, we have ripples our people can open up to fling undesirables through your come here in the world of light. We can also adjust where we throw a Twili to, be that an ocean to drown or a burning desert. Sometimes though accidents happen near these ripples and one can accidentally be sent through. I’m imaging someone didn’t want to be a parent and just sent their baby to a nice castle.”
"Poor thing." Seer frowned when Ocax explained how easily a baby could be tossed away like trash. It made him think of how slaves were treated, how he was treated in the brothel all those years ago. The thought made him shiver slightly. "Do you really think we should take him to Seija? Or should we try to find Towa?"
The mention of Towa made Ocax visibly sad. “No. Towa can’t help us.” Sighing, he grabbed his glasses and cleaned them with a soft rubbing cloth. “I don’t know how to take care of a baby, I’ll be honest Seer. I’m going to go to work, so we can figure out what to do. Tomorrow, we can head to Seija’s.”
"All right." Seer stood, carefully putting the baby back into the small carrier. "I'll make it up to you tonight." He nuzzled Ocax, sliding his hands down his lover's sides. "I'll do that thing you like with my tongue..."
The boy cried again, and Ocax used that as an excuse to leave. “I’m running behind on work anyways. Have fun Seer.” Walking about, the little Twili made his way to the kitchen, reaching for some pans.
Seer heard the tiny kid moving around and gently scooped him up from the floor. The Direnor had this pet peeve about others messing around in his kitchen. It was not safe for a little one to be near all of his utensils anyhow. "I can't just keep calling you kid..." Seer mused as the baby fussed, still wanting the pans. Seer decided to occupy him with a snack. Luckily, he always kept fresh fruit peeled and ready thanks to Ocax. He heard the child munching on the apple and then suggested, "You need a name. How about... Echo?"
The little toddler threw the apple to the floor, the bouncing echoing on the wooden planks.
"I guess not. I could call you grumpy if you tempt me enough." Seer wondered if the child still needed a bottle.
The toddler babbled as it looked around for something important to it.
"If you're looking for your parents, I'm afraid they're not here, little one." Seer had a habit of talking to kids normally, just as he did when Liz and Lex were little. "Evidently, you either fell through a portal or they didn't..." He paused not finishing that thought. "So, you're going to stay with me for tonight until we find a better candidate to take care of you."
Falling back, the baby caught itself, wanting to crawl away again.
"I suppose you need a bit of a distraction, don't you?" Seer considered it was pure luck that he still had a few of his daughters' old baby toys. Little Val still played with them from time to time, but she preferred to be outside. He fetched a few of the toys from the closet and set them out in front of the child to entertain him. Blocks were always a good choice, there were some stuffed animals, and even a few carved wooden figures.
The toddler grabbed the stuffed wolf closely, babbling something once more. It sounded worried, yet comforted by the wolf.
"I'm sorry that you're sad, little one. I promise I'll take care of you while you're here with me though." Seer assured the little kid the best he could. He tried to entertain the child by moving around another stuffed animal, imitating a form of play. "You're safe. I just wish I knew your name."
“Papa.” The little Twili looked at Seer in the eyes and said the same thing again. “Pa-pa.”
Seer just wanted to melt when he heard the adorable voice. It was not right to encourage the name. He was not the boy's father. Yet, Ocax did not like children but... Seer absolutely loved little ones. "Oh... you're such a cutie pie." Seer tickled the kid's belly. "Yes, you can call me Papa."
“Papa!” The little Twili said it more enthusiastically and laughed as Seer tickled him.
"I... got you!" Seer scooped up the little boy and blew raspberries on his tummy. He loved to play with little ones. It reminded him of how he used to play hide and seek with Liz and Lex around the house, pretending he could not hear them from the other room. "On nom nom."
Ocax returned from a long day of work. It was harder with Kanisa more or less held captive by her husbands love making, but he was able to meet all the requirements for the day. Finished, he was about to open the door when he heard laughter coming from inside. Was that Lex?
“Aren’t you adorable? I’m Lex. Alexandria the great! You’re a beautiful little guy aren’t you?”
"And watch this, Lex, watch this, he's so smart!" Seer tapped his shadow. The little one had nearly made him shit a brick when he disappeared for five minutes. He then realized the child was hiding in his shadow and drew the curtains. "Come on. You can do it."
Ocax walked in without the adults noticing. He was astonished when he saw the toddler hide into Seer’s shadow.
"Give him a minute... and now..." Seer gently tapped the floor in front of him, signaling for the child to come back.
The baby popped out and Lex screeched with joy. “Oooooooo that’s so neat! When did Ocax pop out the little guy?”
“I did no such thing.” Ocax announced his presence.
"Lex, you know Ocax is male, and as far as I know, male Twilis cannot give birth." Seer praised the little boy, offering a sweet strawberry for a reward. "Who's so smart? You are, yes, you are!"
“I’m thinking of delivering the kid to Seija tomorrow. Should be a good day for her.”
"I... yes, I guess it will be a good day." Seer halfheartedly agreed as he set the kid in his lap, giving him the tiny stuff wolf.
“Oh no. You bonded with him, didn’t you?”
“How could he not?” Lex went to grab a bottle of breast milk from the fridge. “He’s a little mini you!”
"And those... ears..." Seer was gushing. "Look at how cute! Reminds me of how Ocax's ears twitch when I kiss him." He then took the bottle from Lex. "Thank you for bringing this over. He seems to be very picky about some solid foods."
“I’m here to please.”
Ocax took a seat, rubbing his temple. “Seer. A baby is a lot of work. And you’re not as young as you used to be.”
"I'm wounded, Ocax, you think I'm old?" Seer had a cheeky grin on his face. "Says the man who has trouble keeping up with me?"
“Can you even look after this child’s needs? It seems you like to act like one yourself from time to time.”
Now that hurt and it was uncalled for. The blind man had raised two lovely daughters and was always helping out from time to time with his grandchildren. Seer had a look of annoyance on his face. Even if Ocax did not want the child around, there was no need to insult him.
"Lex, would you mind helping me prep the carrier tonight?" He decided to ignore his lover's foul mood for the moment and focus on the little one. "I don't have a crib and he'll need somewhere to sleep until tomorrow."
“Course dad.”
Ocax saw the baby crawl towards him. Raising an eyebrow, he picked the toddler up to have an eye staring contest with the boy. It babbled a bit before burping. “You have thick blankets for him? I don’t think he’ll like the cold of Uskar.”
"I have Liz's and Lex's old baby blankets that are made of wool. They should serve perfectly." Seer stated as Ocax picked up the child. He was not sure what was going through his lover's mind, but there was no reason to be discourteous. As Lex helped him make up the carrier, Seer was sure to place the little wolf with the child.
Ocax brushed his hair back, opening the current up so the moonlight shone on the toddler. It seemed to sooth him enough to calm down and sleep. “Perfect amount of shadow and light. We’ll have to wake up early to close the blinds before the sun hits him.”
"I'll be up anyhow to fix breakfast." Seer heard the little one yawn. "What do you think we should call him? We can't keep calling him kid."
“Fyrir the unknown. How about that?”
"What do you think?" Seer asked the wee one who was dozing off. "You like it, Fyrir?"
Little Fyrir said nothing as he dozed off.
“That’s what I’m calling him.”
"I think Lex and I do agree on one thing," Seer stated. "If he was tossed out, then whoever it was made a grave mistake."
“Just tell me straight if you want to keep him.”
"... you don't like kids." Seer stated, letting the insinuation hang in the air.
“But I love you. And I want to see you happy. I work hard to see you happy... would having the kid around make you happy?” The little charm in his voice, Ocax let his own insinuation counter Seer’s.
"I love you as well, and I am happy. I just..." Seer sighed, bending down as stroking the little Twili's hair. "I feel so sorry for him. You and Towa were cut off from your home. He was... either tossed aside or fell through a portal. I can only imagine how lonely he'd be without someone to care for him."
Ocax placed his hand on Seer’s back, pretending to be nonchalant. “We’ll, I suppose we have no choice but to look after him then and give him the care he needs right now.”
"... are you sure? I don't want you to be miserable. I love kids, and I wish I had more, but... you are my lover. My husband." Seer kissed Ocax's forehead. "Are you happy too?"
“You want me to change my mind? Could always throw the brat out in the cold.”
"No!" Seer huffed at his lover's teasing. "He's staying."
Ocax folded his arms. “Then good. That’s that.”
"Come on, little one, that's it! You're doing so good!" Seer praised Fyrir as he heard the tiny footsteps stumble in his direction. He was down on his knees, coaxing the boy to come to him. "You're walking so well now! Soon, I'll teach you how to swim."
“Swim. Swim.”
Ocax shook his head, looking outside at the snow fall. Had it really been a month since they adopted Fyrir? “Seer. The waters will be freezing cold. He’s only just starting to get adjusted to direct sunlight.”
"Well... maybe a little later for the lake, but for now, you can practice in the tub." Seer picked up Fyrir and held him above his head, earning giggles from the boy. "He's a smart one like you, love. Imagine, he might be helping you with your work one day. What do you say, Fyrir? You want to help Daddy with papers?"
“Pa-“ the little Twili paused for ten seconds, then. “-per!”
Ocax’s heart melted at the enthusiasm.
"Yes! Yes, that's right! Paper! Pa-per." Seer repeated for the boy, kissing his cheek. "So smart! You're learning so fast. What is Papa going to do when he can't keep up with you anymore? I suppose you'll have to wait on him, right?" He then set the Twili back down on his feet, turning him in Ocax's direction. "Walk to Daddy. Come on, you can do it."
“Seer. I don’t think-“
Ocax stopped as he looked down to see Fyrir pull on his leg. “Da. Da.”
"See? He knows who you are already." Seer chuckled as Fyrir insisted on Ocax picking him up, hearing his little arms wave. "Are you hungry? I could fix you something to eat while I heat up Fyrir's milk."
“Feel bad taking from Alexandria so much. We really should start moving him to store bought.”
"I do too, but when we tried that last mixture, he barfed for a whole hour straight." Seer made a small crinkle of disgust with his nose. "Maybe I should try some pureed foods..."
“Or water perhaps.” Ocax patted Fyrir on the head as he finished off some documents for a Kanisa. “That should do it.”
"Do you think it's too early to teach him how to read?" Seer asked as he started taking some plates from the cabinets to prepare lunch for his lover and child. Fyrir had learned fairly quickly that the kitchen was a no-no. After dropping a pan on his own foot, the little one was more cautious. "He seems to like looking at picture books."
“I think we’ll have to wait for a while on words Seer. But picture books are fine.”
Ocax got up, picking up his son with him. “I have to go to work now, but daddy is here to look after you.”
"We'll have fun, won't we, Fyrir?" Seer took the boy from his husband. "And we will have fun later tonight." The Direnor purred at Ocax. "The silk ties I ordered came in from Hyrule and we should put them to good use."
Ocax lightly smiled. “You just can’t help yourself, can you?”
"You're irresistible, if anything, it's your own fault." Seer gave Ocax a kiss. "Take a jacket. It's supposed to snow later today. I can feel it."
“I’ll dress appropriately for any coming storm.”
Hyrule castle was preparing for another beautiful morning when a storm rang in. In the armoury it was quiet as a mouse. Suddenly, breaking that silence came a ripple in space. With a screech, two shadowy figures dropped down.
Unfortunately, the rookie was completing his rounds when the two monsters suddenly appeared. Startled, he started shouting, "INTRUDERS! INTRUDERS!"
The Twili mother whirled her hair. Her dreadlocks flung out, grabbing the soldier by the hands and throat.
The guard struggled wildly, trying to cut at her hair with his dagger, but she had his hands tied.
“Rwak Trei Kal Wry?!!”
"I..." The guard coughed, hardly able to speak. "Don't... understand!"
The Twili’s cold mask didn’t give away a change of pace. “Where is my child?!!”
"... child?!" The guard was beginning to see spots. "It... Uskar!!!" He was starting to panic. "It's in... Uskar!!!"
The Twili turned to her companion. “Uskar?”
The Abyssian was blending in with the shadows. The minimal sunlight peeking through the windows would scorch him if he was not careful. "A country of shapeshifters... to the North."
The Twili frightening mask turned back to the soldier she held captive. “World map. Or I pop you.”
"In... library!" The guard managed to rasp, starting to lose consciousness.
"I can smell him here. The scent is faint." The husband murmured to his wife. "We must find the one who took him."
“Go to library. Say nothing.” The Twili forcibly hid in the guards shadow. “Unless you wish to die.”
"I will ensure he says nothing." The Abyssian father then slipped into the guard's body, entering his mind. "I can see the world map from in here, my mate. It seems to get to Uskar, we will have to board a ship. It is sea locked."
“Too long. Too LONG!” This mother felt that even a day was too long in catching up to her son. “Give me coordinates.”
"There are three different ports. Our best guess for answers would be in the largest." The Abyssian started reading off the coordinates to his mate. "I do not know of these 'Direnors' that live there. They could be hostile."
“We are hostile. We are enough.” The Twili took the guard to an open tower area. Leaving him, she raised a sphere to the sky and started an enchantment.
Down below, Rinku happened to be wondering by, when her eyes caught the shadowy figures. “By Nayru.”
Before she could reach them, the Twili opened a portal in the sky. With that, herself and her husband broke apart into shadow particles and flew high into the portal above.
Reaching the guard, Link shook him awake. “Young man. Status report!”
"Urgh..." The guard held his throbbing head, feeling like he had drank one too many beers. "Princess Rinku?" He blinked a few times before stammering. "They... I swear, it was Midna here! I swear it! I'm not drunk, my head is just killing me! I must have been hallucinating!"
“More like Shadow Beast. I felt an Abyssian was here too. Do you know where they are going?”
"They said something about that strange kid you found a while back." The guard stood on his feet. "Wanting to find it."
Rinku’s adrenaline kicked in more than it already did. Kanisa. “Get up. Go tell Zarazu an Abyssian and Twili have broken through into Hyrule. I’m heading to Uskar immediately.”
"Y-Yes, m'am!" The guard hurried to find the reagent queen and hoped to the goddesses above another war was not coming.
“Kanisa. Do you have any idea how nice it is to not have your husband ravage you when he has a baby to look after?” Ocax was in an odd mode, actually enjoying the cold winter air for once.
Kanisa blushed slightly, trying to keep a composed face. The topic of intercourse still made her feel embarrassed, even after all these years. At least here in Uskar, it was normal to talk about sex like any other topic. "Well, I don't mind Vidar's... affections." She cleared her throat. "Why? Seer draining you of energy? All you have to do is just say no, you know."
“He has. But having a baby keeps him focused. Which lets me be focused on my work.”
"Ah, so you're saying that he needed a distraction. From you." Kanisa actually giggled. "Dare I say that you are finding it hard to concentrate?"
“You don’t? We have our duties you know. Our husbands can’t just use us and steal us away whenever they get a rut.”
"Oh, I think King Torbjorn would beg to differ whenever Queen Brigritta is in a rut." Kanisa sipped her tea. "Last time it was three days behind on paperwork I think."
“It’s insane how we have to try and keep up with their freakish nature at times.” From behind them, twelve feet to their left, a group of deer scampered away. “Huh. Wonder who lost their catch.”
"From the way I see it, the desire can be flattering, but also... occupying." Kanisa had to agree with Ocax. "It is hard to get a few things done when Vidar is demanding my attention. Yet, at least Seer seems very happy with you and little one. He always wanted more kids." As the deer ran away, Kanisa shrugged. "I suppose someone was being too loud."
“I feel like being a father is something Seer is simply naturally good at.” Ocax smiled, giving a sigh. “I wonder if he ever had any help in raising Lex and Liz. I’m glad I can give him help now.”
Above them, the clouds started to shift around, expanding to blot out the suns light.
"Seer had his family and friends helping from time to time, but mainly, it was just him." Kanisa told Ocax. "He was crushed when he found out that Lex and Liz were not biologically his. Yet, he still loved them the same. There was a lot of strife for a long while between them, I think, because of that reason. Seer hid it from them because he didn't want to hurt them, and it just blew up in his face. Though now, I think everything is good."
“How’d you feel finding two little Gerudo when you came here? Must have been nice, no?”
"Oh, I met them before they came here. Orana is my sister, and Corsaire's husband." Kanisa told Ocax with a smile. "They were adorable as babies. Lex refused to be put down and Liz wanted to explore everything. Seer had his hands full, that's for sure."
“Not to mention that Revy girl. Has she always been rambunctious?” Ocax laughed at the thought.
"I have no clue where she gets that energy from." Kanisa shook her head. "It was nearly impossible for Rat to keep her in one spot for long. She cannot sit still."
“Well, she is an electric-“ Ocax stopped, the colour in his face draining away. His feet felt cemented into the ground as he saw the war mask of a Twili. Behind that Twili was a massive shadow.
“Found you.”
“Oh. Oh no.”
As soon as the mask appeared, Kanisa released a shrill scream, stomping on it. She then yanked Ocax to his feet, and started to run.
Bursting from the snow, the Twili made her physical form known. With a spear in hand she stabbed at Ocax’s leg, catching him through the thigh. With a grunt he fell to the ground. “Kanisa! Run!”
As soon as Ocax fell, the male Abyssian pinned him and roared, "Where is he?!" "Ocax!!!" Kanisa skidded in the snow, nearly losing her balance when the Twili was suddenly pierced. She was in disbelief. It was... a Twili! And an Abyssian to boot! How in the seven hells did they get here?! There was nothing she could do right now. The princess had a dagger, but she doubted it would be useful against a creature of shadow. There was no textbook on how to fight a Twili... except for sunlight. Any kind of light. With gritted teeth, she shot a burst of concentrated lightning at the Twili... only to have it blocked by the Abyssian with a blast of darkness.
“Who?!” Ocax was terrified. He’d never met an Abyssian before, and being pinned and injured he was as helpless as a child.
The Twili presented her spear at Ocax’s throat. “MY SON!!!”
Seer has sensed the commotion before any of the others. His lack of sight aided him in perceiving what was happening, even if he was not close to the event. Ocax was in trouble. Releasing a series of whistles and clicks, Seer allowed his family to know there were intruders before handing Fyrir to Bjarke. He was visiting his friend so Naira could give Fyrir a checkup when he heard his lover's distress.
"...?! You're looking for Fyrir?!" Kanisa held her dagger tightly, trying to think of what to do. Abyssians, she could not let him get near her shadow. He'd possess her. For now, she had to buy time. "How did you get through the portal?!"
“Gate stone.” Ocax muttered out.
The Twili mother looked to Kanisa, pressing a hand on the ground. Lifting her hand up she drew a spear of darkness. With it, she chucked it towards the Princess. “Give us our son!!!”
Kanisa managed to avoid the spear, thanking the goddesses that she kept up with her exercises. "I don't have your son!"
"Lies!" The Abyssian snarled. "We can smell him on this filth," He shoved Ocax's face into the snow. "And you."
"He's not here!"
"Where is he?!"
She had to think. Seer would come. He would know. He had that creepy sense of knowing when something was wrong. Yet, he could not fight them well on land. The lake... it was still covered with snow. If she led them in that direction... "Please, don't hurt Ocax further." Kanisa assured the Twili and Abyssian. "I'll take you there if you follow me."
The Twili screamed in agony as a light arrow struck her directly in the back. Another was fired at the Abyssian within a second so that Ocax could have chance to crawl away. Their attacker was Rinku, who was wearing her green garb and drawing a Hylian shield and the Master Sword. The Blade hummed lightly in the presence of the Abyssian. “Get away from them you monsters.”
Kanisa quickly yanked Ocax away from the intruders as the Abyssian snatched his lover and descended into the shadows of the ground. "Rinku!" Kanisa exclaimed. "They're here for the kid!"
Rinku saw a shadow creep towards her, and stabbed the Master Sword into it. Never again would she be possessed. As the Twili and Abyssian fled from the ground, the mother snarled. “She’s mine. Go after the man before he can flee with our son!” Ocax was already hopping along with Kanisa to the lake.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were heavier than my brother." Kanisa struggled to help Ocax along the lake. She had to be careful with her footsteps. The ice could give at anytime. "How does Seer lift you?" Suddenly, the male Abyssian appeared in front of them with a growl. "I'll give you one last chance before I rip you to shreds." He warned the pair, tentacles of darkness appearing at his sides. "Where is my son?!"
Seer, however, was already in the water, swimming in the direction of the princess and his lover. He could feel their footsteps on the ice above him. Then... there was the intruder. His scent was faint, but it was there. It was as if he could move through air. That wouldn't save him. With a mighty swing of his tail, Seer busted through the air, jaws wide. He managed to take the Abyssian by surprise and dragged him under by his leg.
Ocax fell back, shock on multiple levels taking him.
Rinku and the Twili hunter danced in combat for a moment, with hair tendrils and spear lunges trying to take the hero down. Wise beyond her years, and not wanting to prolong this conflict when she could go assist her sister, Rinku ended the conflict. With a shield bash to the Twili’s face to stun her, Rinku leapt into the air with spin of her body, lashing in a saw motion at the Twili’s head. Her blade cut the helmet clean in half, and the Twili fell to the ground with a light gash in her face. Spinning around, Rinku pointed her sword at the woman’s throat. This wasn’t Midna. This was a threat to her family. “Who are you? No lies.”
Rinku saw panic and fear that was hard to fake. “I’m here for my son. Nothing more. He became lost to this world. We’re here to take him back. I just want my Seikro back.”
The Abyssian male struggled under the water within Seer's grasp. His leg was crushed by the whale's jaws. Finally, he managed to get free when he whacked Seer across the face with one of his tentacles, the spikes digging into the orca's flesh. Seer shook his head to be rid of the pain and the Abyssian hurriedly swam to the surface, crawling through the hole in the ice. Kanisa had managed to drag Ocax to land, away from the breakage.
Rinku’s eyes gleamed at the Twili, her fingers tapping the hilt of the Master Sword. Reading the woman’s face and recalling features of the child she delivered she called out for her sister to come to her. “Kanisa!”
"...?!" Kanisa's attention jerked to Rinku. "What?! I'm kind of occupied here!" She gestured to the wounded Ocax, trying to bind his leg with her scarf, and tied it tight. Just as she finished, the Abyssian male caught her eye. Yelping, the princess held out her dagger. "Go away!" Seer, however, was not far behind. The ice was thicker near the land. With a loud squeal, he surfaced, trying to wiggle his way to the Abyssian to end him. "By Mracni, call your whale off! We're here for our son! You kidnapped him! We want him back!"
“Where’s the toddler Kanisa?” Rinku kept her blade at the Twili’s neck. Her mind was on the Abyssisn not to far away though.
"I... I think Seer took him to Bjarke's house to see Naira." Kanisa gulped, watching the Abyssian closely. "For a checkup. He wanted to make sure he was adjusting okay to the cold weather here."
Seer, however, had shifted back on the ice. "What's going on?" He demanded. "Why are you attacking my husband?!" He sniffed, smelling Ocax's blood. "I'll have both of your heads for this!"
"Seer, please! Calm down!" Kanisa implored the Direnor. "They're here for Fyrir!"
"...?!?! What?!"
“Give us back our son!” The Twili mother said once more, however, this time with fear in her voice. Rinku shook her head in disappointment. She should have known this was a possibility. For Ocax, he had his own feelings. None too happy.
"What do you mean 'your son'?!" Seer snapped angrily. "You threw him away! He's ours now, we're taking care of him!"
"Seer, I have a feeling that Fyrir might have accidently found a portal... either that, or someone tossed him to get back at the parents." Kanisa was trying to remain level-headed throughout this incident. "Otherwise, why would they risk being stranded here to find him?"
"We've been searching for him for nearly a whole day!" The Abyssian exclaimed. "And we found his scent through the portal!"
"A whole day? He's been with us for over a month!"
“You lie!” The mother shouted furiously at Seer. Ocax, wincing the stand up, walked over to the Twili mother. It saddened him, but he spoke to her in his native tongue. “Hunter. Do you know of the Zalant clan?”
She was surprised for a moment, but nodded. “I do.”
“Do you remember Ocax and Towa?”
“... Yes. I-“ the moment she realized who she was talking to, she gasped. “You’ve almost been gone for over two years!”
“Lady. It’s been over 30 years.” Ocax sighed, his scientific discovery disturbing him. “Time must be different for our realms.”
Ocax had taught Seer a little of his native tongue. He was able to understand a few pieces here and there, mainly the mention of Towa and his lover. And something about time. "I'm not lying!" Seer growled, "We've been taking care of him ever since Rinku brought him here! He's safe, happy, and talking non-stop!"
The Abyssian felt a bit nauseated by the fact of how time flowed differently. Any longer, anymore struggles to find a rip to get here, and their son would have been grown.
“Where he is? Where is my son?” Ocax watched the desperation leave the Twili mom, being replaced by a tired tone. Maybe it was hopelessness. Maybe it was the blood loss. Either way, he sighed. “Kanisa, can you go find Fyrir?”
"I can---"
"No!" Seer interrupted Kanisa almost immediately. "Ocax, they want to take him away! What are you saying?!"
"Seer, it's their kid."
"I know that!"
"You can't keep---"
"But he's ours now." Seer now looked desperate, almost panicked at the thought of having to give up the little one. "I don't want to lose him!"
"Seer, be rational!" Kanisa wanted to kick some sense into the Direnor. "These are Fyrir's parents who came looking for him. Don't be the bad guy. You even said yourself that they might come looking for him."
"I was hoping they wouldn't."
Ocax walked up to Seer, placing his hands to grip his shoulders. “Seer. Do you want to be like Adda?” A low blow, but the truth. “I won’t be complicit in kidnapping. Let’s... let’s just see Fyrir’s reaction.”
"... no." Seer finally spoke after taking a breath. He had grown attached to Fyrir. His fists clenched; he did not want to let him go. Once Fyrir was brought to group by Kanisa, the little one was fussing at being woken from his nap.
Fyrir was yawning, but the instant he saw his mother, a light filled his eyes. “Mama! Mama!” The Twili held her hands out for her son as he excitedly turned into shadows through Kanisa’s grip and into her mothers. “Oh Seikro! Oh my baby boy!” She squeezed and held him tightly, never wanting to let go again.
Seer felt so heavy. He heard the excitement in Fyrir's voice. So, it was time then. His parents came for him. It was if a wave of sadness had washed over the Direnor. "Seikro!" The Abyssian limped to his son with a relieved sigh. "Oh, thank goodness you're all right. We looked everywhere for you!"
And that made him feel worse. He was Papa, not that... that... other one.
"We... apologize for any misunderstandings." Kanisa spoke to the Abyssian and Twili, still a little guarded. "Seer and Ocax were caring for Fyrir... I mean, Seikro, in your absence."
His name wasn't Seikro, it was Fyrir. Seer was angry, upset, and above all, just wondering why he was granted another little touch of love for it to be gone once more.
Ocax saw the Twili mother take out a gate stone. A small part of his core twinged in agony. Before meeting Seer, this was all he wanted. The mother was activated the stone with magic and it flew into the air, changing shape. They were going to leave so quickly. “Tell me. How is Towa? Is she happy?”
“Yes. She left sometime ago to find a way home. I assume she made it.”
“Towa does not live among us.” The stone cracked open a portal directly to the Twilight Realm. “Thank you. For taking care of our son.”
"Please, wait!" Seer called out before the parents took off. "Please, just... let me say goodbye?"
Little ‘Fyrir’ looked towards Seer, giggling with a laugh and waving a tiny hand. Then just like that, particle after particle they disappeared into the portal.
Fyrir was gone. Seer would probably never hear him again. Direnors, Hylians, no one except kin of Interlopers were welcome in the Twilight Realm. The blind man just looked defeated.
Rinku finally put away her weapons, sighing as she walked towards the couple and her sister. “Look. Part of me feels responsible for this outcome. I probably could have let you avoid the hassle had I saw this as a possibility first hand.”
Seer said nothing, still reeling over the fact that Fyrir was taken away so easily. It brought back unpleasant memories of when Adda tried to kidnap the twins. That feeling of... of failure, of loss, of desperation to do anything to protect those little ones filled his being. Why did they have to come looking for him? Couldn't he had loved Fyrir just the same? Was he horrible for wanting to keep the little one?
"You could not have anticipated them attacking us, Rinku." Kanisa told her sister. "We all thought he was simply tossed aside."
“Well... none of you got killed. I’ll call that a better defeat then my last one at the interlopers.” Pulling out an Ocarina, she sighed. “Should be getting back home. Teleportation is not easy to do in a pinch. Think I might give myself a heart attack with all the adrenaline.”
Ocax looked to his husband, holding him close. “We can get through this.”
"I... want to go home." Seer stated quietly. "I need to rest after a sudden shift like that."
The rest of the day and night Ocax stayed up in inner turmoil. To be honest, losing a son like that affected him too. He was just opening up to the idea of being a father. And Towa... was she dead? He never gave it much thought. Why had she never come back all these years to visit if she had failed in her quest? These depressing thoughts were too much. It was best he sorted them out. The next day, he forced Seer to go on a walk with him. “Quit your belly aching. You’ve brooded enough in the last 24 hours.”
"I have the right to brood, Fyrir was yanked from us without warning." Seer snapped at his lover, not in the mood for a lecture, still sour. "We did not get to say goodbye, that damn Twili woman attacked you, and the Abyssian tried to hurt Kanisa."
“I know. I know. But, if you trust me, I think we’ll have a situation.” Opening a door, Ocax lead Seer inside. “Seija! We’re here.”
"Oh! Good timing, Ocax! We're just about to---" Seija was interrupted by a loud noise upstairs.
She winced, groaning slightly. "... bake cookies... and we could use the help of an experienced cook."
“Yes. We’d like to help, but I brought Seer and myself to discuss the matter of adoption.”
"...?!" Seer was surprised by Ocax's statement. Adoption? He thought Ocax had no desire to raise any children. His lover did not seem too keen on Fyrir being with them at first. What changed his mind? "Oh, really?! That's wonderful!" Seija puffed up, her feathers standing highly on top of her head from happiness. "I'm sure you will love any of the kids. They're all wonderful really, just a little... rambunctious."
“I’m certain we can handle any challenge. May we meet the children?”
"Of course! Just... don't mention 'adoption' in front of them." Seija told the Twili and fellow Direnor. "I hate to put it this way, but I don't like them feeling like potential parents are 'window-shopping' if you know what I mean. If you find a child you just click with, great, but I hate getting the others' hopes up." "... are you sure?" Seer asked Ocax, now feeling slightly nervous.
“I am.” Ocax took his glasses to rub them clean. “I don’t like the idea of you being unhappy. I also don’t like having my work be taken away just as I was getting started. The idea of being a parent was exciting. I want to continue that. With you.”
"I wasn't that bad..." Seer was mildly flustered at Ocax's indication of the Direnor being rather demanding during mating season. "I do miss having little ones around the house. As much as I love our grandkids, it would be nice to have one that is... well... ours."
“I know.” Ocax nuzzled Seer close. “Will you be a father with me?”
"You know I will." Seer kissed the Twili affectionately, running his hands through the man's hair. "But that's not always going to save you from mating season."
“Well, you need to learn how to deal with blue balls in a while.” Ocax waved his horny mind away. “We have to be serious. For the children.”
"Serious as balls?" Seer teased with a grin, knowing just how to vex his lover. "Very well. Though, when the kid is asleep, all bets are off."
“Very well. Let’s get to be good parents.”
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