#the mandolorian gene is strong
bibannana · 2 years
The clones do not have a subtle bone in their bodies. They are built from:
Dramatic flare
Sarcasm (and eyerolls)
The inability to lie
The need to Dad (Waxer, Boil, Hunter I see you)
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You know what I love
De-aging fics
Now please picture Boba agreed to watch his starwars equivalent to God son for a week while his dad's deal with some force artifact lukes heard about
And next thing he knows he has a stressed Leia and loud r2 in his palace with two very small children "oh kiff that's din and his jedi"
Cue Leia dumping Boba with two new small children telling him ' keep them alive while I fix this like I fix everything if you need anything I left chewies number in lukes bag' and proceeds to leave
He's not going to argue with Leia he saw her strangle Jabba
Now there's 3 possibilities from here with Luke and din
1. They don't have any memories other than what they had as children Luke is very stressed be cause Mr. Mando why are we in Jabba place and can I go see my aunt and uncle please you seem nicer than the hutts and din is just really confused where he is and why the adult isn't wearing his helmet and yet still latching on to each other
2. They have strong feelings about things but don't actully remember anything
This has alot of comedy because
a) Din and Luke will be very clingy and also very protective of grogu
b) Luke will absolutely be eying Boba with suspicion while dins like I don't know I feel like I can trust him
c) Luke has very strong feelings about the throne room and does not know why he doesn't trust the floor but he doesn't
d) din trying to figure out what to do with the armor he refuse to leave anywhere
Finally option
3. They remember but they can't keep themselves alive due to being child
They are trying to maintain dignity
Din is not comfortable with out his helmet
Luke is having issues with both his powers and physical capabilities
Hand reveal that Luke used to have it and doesn't later
Let me know your thoughts I just couldn't sleep and it's 4 in the morning and I am having thoughts
Ommmmmgghhhhg this is glorious my dear 🐢!!!!!! I once worked in a primary school/kindergarten little kids are hilarious! Mix that with star wars! A flawless combo!!!
Boba is just in shock like 'I knew the Force was weird but THIS????' And hes then torn between being a DadTM and knowing these two toddler's are/were his friends (and two of the most powerful people he knows).
I love the idea of them like no memories but still some of the emotional memories. As adults Din and Luke were married, but ofc now theyre not now, but they still feel a strong connection so will just constantly hold hands when they walk around and its ADORABLE. They are those besties that just do everything together, if one does something stupid the other will immediately do it too - baby logic solidarity!
Also at nap time they make a cuddle pile with Grogu which is just too cute, like the kind of cute that physically hurts.
Luke is a very social child, basically winning people over instantly; meanwhile Din is slightly more reserved and will hold on tight to Luke's hand when there's more people around - he does it a lot anyway but this is a specific 'too many people' hand hold.
Fennec is surprisingly having a great time. She's not maternal but toddler's are very funny. Her holo is FULL of videos of them doing dumb child stuff (like biting into a chilli or running around in too big shoes) and so many videos of them face planting. She's the chaotic aunt while Boba is having his Jango/Mandolorian Dad Gene activated and telling her off.
Luke calls Boba "Mr Mandolorian" (Fennec thinks it is the FUNNIEST thing and will randomly also call him that , even after everything goes back to normal).
I also like the idea of Luke really liking Boba and wanting upies all the time, if he's not with Din he's trying to get Boba to pick him up, qnd Boba does not know how to deal with this; but, of course, no mandolorian can say no to a child that wants upies.
While holding Luke on his hip, Boba is "you know you're very cuddly for someone who helped 'kill' me," Luke just sticks his tounge out (hes assuming Boba was referring to the game they were playing earlier...rather than Boba getting drop kicked into a pit)
I also like this idea because when Leia and Han come back Luke's favourite adult is Boba and Han is offended and even after the situation is solved he's still salty. Han never stops bringing it up. Never.
Meanwhile, Grogu is like TINY DADS! TINY DADS! and is having an amazing time playing with them.
Din keeps picking him up, he doesn't know why but he has the urge to constantly carry him, put him to bed, feed him etc despite being a toddler - which has the comedy potential of a small child looking after a smaller child while an adult is like !!!! Youre too young you're gonna drop him !!!! Also Din feeding Grogu with full force (because he's at the age where you're still learning about strength etc).
Grogu doesn't get why Luke is suddenly not using the force? So keeps trying to teach him how...by setting the zappy droid on him...but Luke is an actual toddler and not 50 years old...Boba has a heart attack when he sees Luke sprinting through the Palace followed by the zappy droid.
So much blue milk is consumed. Boba doesn't understand how things so small can consume so much!
Ahhhh I love the ideas of them toddling around so much. Like little kids can move so fast when they want to and have the wildest logic it's incredible. Like Luke walking into a big scary Tatooine meeting and being like the "imma nap" vine, while Din is just bringing sand into the Palace for some reason only known to him, and the gangs/families are like ?????
So much pure comedy and adorableness potential!!!!!
When they get turned back their baby memories qre quite fuzzy, but never fear! Fennec has a huge data stick full of videos and photos, so she hosts a movie/show and tell night for ALL of Clan Mudhorn and Co. She gets to embarrasse everyone, she's living her best life (no one will ever know she thinks it was kind of cute).
Boba is slightly sad when they get turned back, but then, a few years later when tatooine is much more stable and several mandolorians have decided to help and live there, Boba adopts some foundlings!
There's just so much potential *chefs kiss*
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