#also coriander but dont look up why
plasticsandwich · 2 years
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@secretbenvibes​ doing it to youuuu!!!!!!!!!! flowering u,................
uwahhh i think ill assign u a Sunflower!! they’re very simple yet memorable flowers, and they symbolize all sorts of good things and omens- all of which come to mind when i think abt you :)
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Generally sunflowers are seen as a sign of purity, growth, loftiness/ambition & happiness. There’s a lot i could tell you abt them but nothing i think you wouldnt know already smdkfmsdkfs to me, you’re always very kind and reliable, and i think of you as someone who always helps me look towards the nicer parts of life. Its simple, pretty and sweet, all which are traits i associate with you <3
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Today's thing I'm turning over in my brain: resisting the urge to go "this person whose insights I respect does this thing x way so if I do it y way I'm Wrong and Bad" because like. That's not true? At all? Obviously there are limits but the limit is, like, being a folkist, not conceptualizing incredibly individual aspects of worship in slightly different ways.
Offerings, for example. I tend to offer steam in place of burning offerings for meals because I don't have a good way to burn food at the moment and it feels wasteful. If applicable, I'll also set aside what seems to be the best portion and eat it last in recognition of the offering. This is because I:
1) have makeshift altar spaces atm that don't leave much space for more involved meal offerings
2) conceptualize food offerings to ouranic deities as something you share in thanks (even w/ libations, you drink what you don't pour out). Offering the steam (analogous to smoke imo) and eating the meal/drinking the beverage is in that category to me. It's also a way to actively remember the gods, because I'm consciously leaving a portion for last, have dedicated something I can physically see, etc.
3) live in a house that bugs get into easily and have no intention of drawing the little fuckers towards my room or altar spaces b/c I left too much food out for too long. This is also why I eat unwrapped food offerings after a certain point (usually the end of the day) on top of wanting to avoid waste.
On top of that, any sort of prayer or offering takes effort because everything takes conscious effort for me. Regardless of whether it's a food or meal offering, or a libation, or a devotional/dedicatory activity, I'm not only managing to actively remember it and the gods but am also taking the requisite time and energy to complete it.
Engaging with the Hellenic community has really helped me stretch my "doing things differently is okay" muscles which has been nice. Call that character development lol
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phobidawg · 4 years
renegades as discord quotes
i found this going through my drafts from a few months ago and even though it’s not up to date with latest funny quotes it’s still too iconic not to share. enjoy this does of smgh nonesense!
nova: "We're gonna overthrow the government and win game shows we'll be fine" - michelle
sentenial: “just throw my body in the ocean” -mar
adrian: "My family can't disown me if I disown them first" - nev 
ruby: “you BROKE YOUR INTESTINES???”- dot
danna: "if you don't get some rest ill have to get out the stroller"-nev 
oscar: "you fail to understand the genius of coriander" - veev
(alternatively: “why is ariel a ketchup flavored cat thing?” - kinley)
narcissa:  “kiss a mirror to kiss narcissa, she's out there somewhere” - ren (technically this is about narcissa not something she’d say but still)
hugh:  “Oof how are all us untrustworthy, lying and irresponsible sugar babies supposed to get any bots 😔” - michelle 
simon: “hello i am looking for a trusted and honest and loyalty sugar baby, i will offer you'll— “ - eleanor
ingrid: "oh yea you are a bit of an arsonist" -ren
phobia:  “hi my nyame is dicey phobia feaw tewwow’ wawwes evewhawt westwood and i have a wong bwack cwoak that covews my face and i make peopwe’s wowst feaws come to wife (that’s how i got my nyame) and i have a shawp scythe i cawwy awound evewywhewe and a wot of peopwe teww me i wook wike jacin cway in a cwoak (AN: if u don’t knyow who that is get da heww out of hewe!) i’m nyot wewated to ace anyawchy but i wish i was because he’s a majow fucking hottie.” - diana + carlbot
tamaya: “men are the biggest problem to ever exist /lh but also not” - mar
evander: "i guess you could say i'm bi-bestial :smirk:" - diana
gargyole: "🤓🍍👉🚪" - dot
max: "you don't fucking bite out your fingers you just chew them" - diana
hawthorne: "snort the kale, nev"- ari
adrian’s sandwiches: "noo dont eat me /j" - mar
stingray: "reeking of spicisoism" - dot
magpie: "Why say sis when you can just scream into the void"- nev
me: oh this seems fun!! we're all hanging out together <3 mar: kills dot - diana
prism: “that vase. that vase right there. very good personality. phat ass but back to the personality.” - dot
the barista oscar saved: 
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translates to “my strength: sexy. actual usage: I use my sexy side to be fucking hot" - michelle
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amjustagirl · 3 years
i looooooove coriander they dont deserve the slander ughhhh
tw: body image
i have a love/hate relationship with food. ig mostly bc i grew up chubby and having seen that most “popular” girls in school were skinny + mass media and all that crap definitely made me super insecure about my weight.
people ask me how i slimmed down, i always say, “oh just puberty”. thats just half of the story bc i used to restrict myself to one/two meals a day + exercise (i was in table tennis for 10 yrs lmao), and now it has became a habit. im trying to be nicer to myself, but more often than not, i still fall into that spiral to the point where i’ll purge after a big meal. it’s so unhealthy but it’s even harder for me to be content with myself, yknow?
im sorry for rambling T-T and you dont have to answer this if it makes you uncomfortable!!
- ☕️
yeah i feel like there are a lot of ppl who hate coriander but i don't get it, i grew up eating it and i guess maybe that's why im used to the taste / smell of it? IT'S SO CRUCIAL TO SOUTH EAST ASIAN CUISINES! like i fking love coriander in thai crab vermicelli, and we even add coriander as a garnish to some clear chinese soups so yesss.
tw: talk about body image issues
oh, darling. i 100% understand how you feel because i used to be a chubby girl too, and to a certain extent i still am because i'll never be as long and lean and lithe as my sister and sister in law, i'm short and built like a work pony and even up til today i'm still super insecure about my weight! i can't step onto a weighing scale without cringing, i go to the gym religiously in part because i wanna get stronger but also as a means for me to relax and not have to keep thinking abt my weight too much, if that makes sense.
i wish the world were kinder to us. and i wish that you could be kinder to yourself, my dear. i'm just an internet stranger, but i do wanna say you're not alone, and as someone who's gone through what you've gone through, and who's kinda still struggling with loving my weight fully without any shame - it's hard to be content with yourself, i get it, i really do.
just keep working at reminding yourself that you're valid and beautiful. you don't have to compare yourself to everyone else, because you're worthy of love and you're beautiful, yeah?
for myself, i don't count calories, and i focus on what makes me feel good - not so much how i look? i try to eat intuitively - most of my diet is filled with healthy food that makes me happy (square meals of rice, veggies, eggs, tofu, grilled meats) but i don't actively stop myself from eating 'unhealthy' things once in a while. i feel like it's all about balance? and also - i've turned my goal re exercise from weight loss to gaining strength and mental clarity, and overall it's really helped me to focus on omg i lifted heavier today or i did one more burpee and i feel so happy and sleep so well after exercise rather than stare obsessively at the weighing scale to see if my weight drops yknow?
i guess what i'm trying to get at is - try to focus on your health rather than just one measurement - weight. cos then your focus shifts towards self-love rather than restriction and overall it's healthier and you'll be happier. easier said than done, i know i know but i believe in you, little baby steps at a time!
you don't ever have to apologise for rambling and you would absolutely NOT make me uncomfortable talking about it. if anything, i'm glad you raised it up cos like...a lot of us struggle with this, and it's so important to normalise conversations like this! and if you want to chat more about this (or anything at all), know that my inbox is always open to you <3
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gayregis · 5 years
Hello hello I’m trying to listen to the lady of the lake audiobook but I’m so bored. I don’t care about this dream readers plot line at all and I feel like it takes SO LONG to get to the bits that are actually interesting :( please tell me it gets a little easier!
oh man this is why i dont even attempt to read lady of the lake as a whole book. i read all the hansa bits first and then i went back to read about ciri bc i thought i was missing out (i wasn’t.) and that’s it. i really dont care about jarre or shani, so i didnt read the battle of brenna. and i dont care about djikstra so i didnt read his stuff either. (for comparison re: audiobooks, i could barely listen through all of the ppl arguing about dandelion’s ballad in blood of elves.)
lady of the lake also in print is considerably thicker than any of the other books. it looks like a bible. i think sapkowski just needed a long time to wrap things up and imo it would have been better if he cut it in half and stuck some of the filler (like toussaint stuff) in tower of the swallow instead. so yeah you’ll be stuck with nimue’s girl, coriander tilly for a while
edit: this wouldn’t be a post complaining about the filler in lady of the lake if i didn’t throw the phrase “‘PON MY WORD!” in there at least once
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lavendermanna · 7 years
Answer the questions and tag [as many as u fuckin want]blogs to get to know them better
tagged by @lesbianlandsknecht (the main reason im doing this is so that i can recommend all the bands i like :p)
nickname: lav
gender: nb woman
star sign: the horse one
height: 5′8
time: 11 40 am
birthday: why would u ask this and also star sign are u lazy or smth? smh
fav bands: mogwai, the constantines, mewithoutYou, los campesinos!, modest mouse, streetlight manifesto
fav solo artist: uh idk i dont listen to solo stuff much. tomas kalnoky i guess?
song stuck in my head: rn im listening to this rad japanese post-rock album youtube recommended to me: https://youtu.be/LKM3iLzvVKE
last movie i watched: the dark knight, i think? heath ledger’s joker is honest to god an anarchist direct action icon and is the actual hero of the movie. seriously. bruce wayne is a fucking fascist.
last show watched: technically i watched a couple episodes of bill nye the science guy on netflix but the last actual narrative show i watched all the way thru was Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency season 1
when did i make my blog: spring or summer 2016 iirc
what do i post: social justice stuff, donation posts, all of my friends’ posts and selfies, and that Good Gay Trans Shit
last thing i googled: autogyro (look it up its cool)
other blogs: mega-aggressions.tumblr.com
asks: yes please!
why did u choose ur url: the song Watermelon Ascot by mewithoutYou has a line that i love: coriander manna in the mortar of a joke. when i was trying to come up with a new online handle, i found the concept of coriander manna very compelling, evocative, and poetic. i inserted lavender, which is my favorite color, scent, flower, and aesthetic to make it feel personal to me, as well as to hit the right gender coding (because “lavender” and “manna” both have interesting gendered connotations and i like the way that they fit together). lavender was also a name i was considering for myself irl, and while i ended up deciding on something different, i consider it to be just as much a “real name” as the one i use offline. i think that theres nothing wrong with having two equal and alternative first names. both are chosen names that are personally meaningful to me, and both feel right when people use them.
following: 277
followers: 179
favorite colors: take a fuckin guess :p (also black and sometimes dark red)
how many blankets do u sleep with?: 1 regular blanket and 1 fuzzy throw blanket. also a flat sheet
dream job: successful artist/activist (as opposed to dirt poor artist/activist which is prob where ill end up)
dream trip: roadtrip to visit all my wonderful far away friends!!!
fav song right now: ive been getting kind of obsessed with Repelish (from mogwai’s Rave Tapes) (again)
favorite food: let’s not talk about that
ok so if i tag ppl here and they dont do it they get cursed right? thats how this works?: @righteoussness @the-transfeminine-mystique @endreal @astolforiderofblack @salyagalpal @lesbianlenin tell me intimate details about your life inquiring gays need to know
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popularmyblog · 4 years
Indian restaurant near me
Inside this method, some spices or herbs and also herbs are tempered at attractive oil or perhaps clarified butter chicken. The process unlocks all health then medicinal values of the elements. On hot fat comes with the ability to extract that the aroma plus essence of the spices to include per delicious flavor to your ingredients. Will commonly used spices or herbs and also natural herbs into the Indian tempering are mustard seeds, asafoetida, turmeric, red chili powder, cumin seeds, ginger, garlic, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander seeds, curry leaves, additionally dried out red chilies. With regards to the variety of foods, several other spices is added too. Many of these natural herbs and values own amazing benefits. While could be incurred for this, will tadka is not only to add on taste appreciate, but it even includes countless health advantages as well.Yes, Indian meals are quite easy to prepare. Even, they're so that tasty specialist express that it's likely in order to cook such foods by following the Indian food steps. Anybody who's got the basic flair out of cooking could create Indian foods lacking much trouble. Thus, at Muscat, many restaurants offering Indian items to satisfy their clients. These serve breakfast items, treats, biggest training foods, as well as sweets in which bring the original plus authentic flavor out of Asia.Poll: How Much Do You Earn From Indian Restaurant?You tend to be absolve to publish this short article without the change in this content electronically, in print, within e-book, or even on your own webpage, totally free, providing the writer resource information are included.Now why don't we get behind that scenes. At the rear of like overwhelming selling point of each north Indian meals available in Singapore, what actually means they are so delicious additionally unique? Let us do a little fact-finding powering in which strange additionally simple truth.The Asia eateries around the world have always been giving that the flavorful sustenance formulas plus tasting the planet. In the event that you have to setup these sustenances, you should have all neighbor hood tastes through the subcontinent. Some individuals round the Indian country have always been requesting their formulas at eateries in place of creating. A few times it is ideal, in the grounds which setting up such formulas tend to be frenzied move doing. Specially creating the sun and rain for goof are an important unpleasant doing.India are the best country of numerous countries, customs, furthermore religions. It's the reasons there is certainly a complete array of cuisines at Indian food. Using the equivalent ingredients and spices, folks of countless states can easily prepare dishes it style amazingly separate. At CafeT, chefs have covered some sort of variety, wide array, and/or tongue-tickling flavors concerning Indian dishes up to the best. That they bring the best panorama concerning Indian delicacies done making use of intricate components. Therefore, how in order to miss out the flavor regarding the ingredients cooked by your mother and also feel homesick anytime inside Muscat? Grab your very own mobile furthermore purchase the most Indian edibles!Indian meals, particularly the North Indian people, with all their enigmatic mixture of countless formulation plus envigorating aromas, have always been adored throughout the world.. Singapore is no countless. Indeed, Singapore now houses really one appreciable quantity of restaurants in which serve North Indian food.What Can You Do About Indian Food Right NowMustard Seeds Mustard seeds need higher health values, tall antiseptic additionally anti-bacterial properties, and are usually low in kcalories. These augment calorie burning rate thus, is great for food digestion. Mustard seeds are definitely rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, required protein, zinc oxide, omega 3 fatty acids, and/or dietary materials. It is also produces one nutrient known as selenium, that is known for the anti-inflammatory qualities. There Are Many any other health benefits that mustard seeds bring in order to the best human system.This occasion if you should be preparation a holiday journey or even company trip inside Leicester you then need not stress within regards. The real reason for this is, you will find your chosen morning meal dish which includes all of the South Indian Foods as you purchase within Southern Indian Restaurant Leicester.At these lines, we are going to check out exactly how these types of tips and tricks of Indian cuisine have had like a large influence on the folks of Singapore. So if you are a fan concerning Indian gastronomie and surviving in Singapore, you'll not need to lose out on scanning this page till ab muscles end.Most men and women dont connect salads among Indian cooking, but that is a genuine mistake. Indians make a selection of salads, and a lot of of those tend to be lighter plus high in fibre, proteins and/or advanced carbohydrates. Sprouts salads would be the most widely known of all of the Indian salads, as well as form a great breakfast item. Sprouted legumes form the primary ingredient, and they're whipped together with chopped onions, tomatoes, cucumber, peanuts and/or potato. The great flavor originates from a combination of sodium, lemon liquid to localized spices or herbs. This will be a really versatile recipe, and you may differ some sort of components according to flavor.In any case, the actual fact of situation is actually planning Indian formulas are so organic whenever you contrast and different countries formulas. For getting waiting Indian nourishment you're looking for not be a professional at formulas or big in-your-face fan. That Indian flavors could make ones delightful sustenance everything you anticipated. You'll find an alternative way of Indian passion concerning cooking inevitably.Cardamom plus Cinnamon both happen used for a huge number of years for the medicinal purposes and possess many healthy benefits. With popular benefits love anti inflammatory and anti-oxidizing attributes, useful in lowering blood sugar, anti-bacterial attributes, cancer-fighting abilities, and so many more, they have many other advantages and.
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New Post has been published on https://travelonlinetips.com/13-of-the-best-gold-coast-restaurants-you-dont-want-to-miss/
13 of the best Gold Coast restaurants you don't want to miss
It’s been a long time since The Pink Poodle was the height of culinary sophistication on the Gold Coast (if you can even remember that far back).
Metamorphosing from dining wasteland to a gourmand’s playground, the Gold Coast has award-winning fine dining options in spades. But there are also a bunch of down-to-earth, rustic and homely restaurants, cafés and diners that should definitely make the list next time you hit the GC.
Make a reservation at one (or all) of these Gold Coast restaurants for your next visit.
RICK SHORES, Burleigh Heads
Award-winning dining? Tick. Waterfront views? Tick. Great food? A given, considering the guys behind the aprons hail from some of the country’s top South-East Asian restaurants.
Ask any local about Rick Shores in Burleigh Heads and you’re guaranteed to cop an earful. Close enough to feel the salt spray, you won’t know what’s more impressive – the prime location or the flavour sensations blowing your mind, from bar snacks like the silken tofu with Sichuan eggplant sauce and crisp lettuce through to the finger-licking main roasted pork shoulder with apple teriyaki and red miso.
Labart, Burleigh Heads
Sink into the Parisian-style seating, order yourself a cocktail or something from the natural-leaning wine list and find yourself humming along to the playlist while you peruse tonight’s menu. This is the neighbourhood local you wish you had at home.
Opening in 2018, Labart quickly shot into ‘best’ restaurant lists across the country and after one round of the Set Menu here, you’ll understand why. Don’t fill up on that Burleigh Baker sourdough with caramelised butter, as insanely good as it is.
The Tropic, Burleigh Heads
You’d be hard pressed to find a hotter address on the Gold Coast right now than Burleigh Pavilion and on the ‘formal’ restaurant side, you’ll find a tight protein-led menu served with box-office views.
Start with crunchy fried school prawns and a bowl of burrata topped with persimmons and chorizo oil then go large with the house speciality dry aged rib eye on the bone (800g) to share.
Hyde Paradiso, Surfers Paradise
LA comes to the Gold Coast with the opening of HYDE Paradiso atop Peppers Soul Surfers Paradise offering panoramic ocean views and swoon-worthy interiors.
Predominantly a glamorous drinking hole – hello, Bottomless Brunch on Sundays! – the tapas-style menu fuses Greek, Turkish, Moroccan, Lebanese and Italian cuisines. But if you’ve really worked up a hunger there are some heartier choices, like Portuguese chicken with chickpea salad, or whole baked reef fish baked with roasted fennel.
Iku Yakitori, Burleigh Heads
Look for the sign with a fish fighting a chicken and you’ll know you’re in the right spot. Push through the doors and come face-to-face with the coolest yakitori bar this side of Tokyo.
The little brother of Mermaid Beach’s Etsu Izakaya, expect casual bites high on flavour and an impressive whisky bar that could easily turn an early dinner into an all-night journey.
THE FISH HOUSE, Burleigh Heads
Burleigh Headland and seafood go together like peas and carrots; like roast lamb and mint sauce; like meat pies and sauce (okay, you get the drift). Not unexpectedly, fish is the hero here.
At The Fish House, the onus is on the highest quality catches, prepared simply so you can still taste the ocean. Oh, and an A-Class wine list.
Book for lunch, order a bottle of crisp white wine and say yes to the chef’s menu.
This suave culinary hot spot garnered John Cusack’s Hollywood tick of approval, but to be honest we knew it was a winner well before then. The actor opted to dine at Social not one or two, but five nights running while filming on the Gold Coast. And it’s not hard to see why he was so smitten.
Impeccable service, a classy fit out, quality charcuterie and cheeses, and inventive Spanish-inspired share plates make Social Eating House a stand out in Broadbeach’s Oracle complex.
Hot Tip: Eat at the bar overlooking the buzzing kitchen for a slice of Manhattan living on the Gold Coast.
The Collective, Palm Beach
There are times when your crew just won’t be able to decide what they feel like eating. This is when you head for The Collective in the old Palm Beach post office and open yourself up to one big menu covering five individual kitchens with table service to boot.
With Italian, Mexican, Pan-Asian, Modern Australian and good ol’ down-and-dirty burgers in the mix, you can work your way around the world in one sitting.
HELLENIKA, Nobby Beach
Lamb shoulder. That’s all you need to know to add Hellenika to your list of must-try Gold Coast restaurants.
This Greek restaurant and rooftop bar in Nobby Beach not only has some of the best atmosphere and décor along the coast, it also has the juiciest, falling-off-the-bone lamb shoulder to be eaten. Ever.
Hellenika is on the side of one of the busiest highways in Australia, however, the unlikely setting makes the cosy and welcoming atmosphere inside even more surprising. It’s also one of the best spots for a long Sunday lunch, just be prepared to leave full!
BONITA BONITA, Mermaid Beach
Thank goodness Aus-Mex has gone as stale as a two-year-old Old El Paso shell and been removed from our dining repertoire. In its place, a funky-as-hell soundtrack, moody Day of the Dead decor and a killer menu from the ladies behind Bonita Bonita in Mermaid Beach.
Think scallops with hazelnut mole and chorizo crumb, piquillo poppers filled with melted Meredith goats cheese and slow-cooked lamb tacos followed up with sweet pumpkin empanadas with salted caramel. We’d say arrriba, but then we’d had to slap ourselves for being so cliché.
Neighbouring BonBon bar is the perfect spot for pre or post-dinner drinks.
KIYOMI, Broadbeach
Itadakimasu! World-class, fresh and inventive-as-Einstein Japanese is found in the form of Kiyomi on the lobby level of The Star Gold Coast in Broadbeach.
Chase Kojima of Nobu and Sokyo (The Star, Sydney) is the master of the menu here, with a lengthy selection of small bites, tempura, grill traditional sushi and sashimi taking you from tuna tataki with asparagus, enoki and tosazu leek sauce to cloud-like snapper tempura with coriander, chilli, black pepper amazu.
Then, if the sake selection isn’t hitting the right spot, dessert will smack you around the sweet tooth with the insanely good Goma Street signature stack (it involves sesame ice-cream and yes, you need to order it).
JUSTIN LANE, Burleigh Heads
Nestled down a lane in the surfing mecca of Burleigh Heads, Justin Lane suits the cool vibe of this area to a T. The bohemian set congregates here in big numbers on a Friday and Saturday night (expect to queue) for some of the best pizzas around.
There’s a rooftop bar and a cocktail list that keeps you going back for more. Don’t expect to linger though as this place is so popular a bill will be on your table by the time you finish your last slice.
Okay, so it’s not technically a restaurant, but if you’re looking to eat out on the GC (and especially if you can’t decide on a cuisine that will keep your horde happy), take a stroll down a laneway in Miami and get in on the buzz that is Marketta.
Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evening, the markets serve up everything from Spanish, Italian, Thai and French cuisine – as well as boutique local beer and wine, a dessert hall, Gin Parlour and live music.
You could be gobbling down dumplings for starters, filling up on fresh ravioli for your main and taking home a sinfully sweet French pastry for dessert (or let’s face it, eating it all in the one sitting because you only live once).
Still hungry?
What’s your favourite Gold Coast restaurant? Share with us below.
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vaporwave1987 · 7 years
Top 5 movie/TV tropes? Top 5 physical features you find attractive? Top 5 recipes you can cook?
this is so long I'm sorry hahaomfg I love when a character is asked to hand over their weapons and they somehow pull like fifty guns off of them, each getting more ridiculous both in appearance and hiding spot. I also love when a chaaracter is explicitly told not to do something, so they lock eyes with whoever said so and, not breaking eye contact, do it anyway. I'm not sure if it's considered a trope, but dramatic zoom-ins on ppls faces never fails to crack me the fuck up. another good one is when the squad is escaping a near death situation where a vertical door is closing or something, and they take the dire extra second to grab the hat they dropped lmao. and then I also enjoy when like...someone runs into a guard or something and there's that pause where both parties are surprised to see each other, and then someone just fuckin bolts loli've always been super partial about hands, fingers especially?? they're one of the first things I notice about someone. and I love backs, like, the shoulder/neck area is very attractive to me. uhhh I'm also weirdly attracted to big noses? thighs are also very very 👌👌 and a big reason why I love sitting in laps. and then I guess ears, though it's not so much that I find them attractive, it's rather I'm indifferent about them unless I notice they look unappealing to me.oh I love this question!! lately I've really been loving a simple pan-seared chicken breast (salt/pepper/garlic) stuffed with sliced garlic, and then I make a butter/lemon juice/capers sauce for it and it's honestly such an easy, flavorful, and quick dish to make when I have like no energy but still want actual food, and the sauce really makes it more than just cooked chicken. I also like taking salmon, when I can afford it, and baking it, with a creamy tzatziki-style sauce. lots of sauce in my cooking haha, I'm not a fan of meats without sauce. all I do is cook the salmon in the oven with salt/pepper/garlic/dill, some lemon slices on top or even just lemon juice. while it's cooking I put some sour cream in a bowl with some mayo, more dill and lemon juice, salt and garlic, and also finely diced cucumber O: this is another pretty low-effort meal that has a lot of flavour.I also make a mean chicken soup, but this takes a lot of energy and preparation so I don't do it often. I take a whole chicken, season and cook it inside and out. after it cooks, I take all the meat off and use the leftover cooking juices and bones to start the stock, along with water, which I also salt and pepper. I can't remember how long I let it simmer for, but the longer the better. I then put it in the fridge overnight so all the fat went to the top so I didn't have a greasy soup. there's also a gelatinous layer, so I scraped the actual fat off and tossed it and then scooped the other layer off, since that's basically a chicken-infused flavorbomb. tossed the bones, heated up the stock and added the gel and some bay leaves, thyme, oregano, rosemary, and more salt and pepper. i also added carrots and onion so they could soften while i let that simmer for fucking everrrrrrr, stirring it here and there. at this point it's just adding whatever you want - I opted for chopped kale instead of noodles, along with a can of corn and the chicken I cooked earlier. I didn't put ANY artificial stock in this soup, everything is flavoured with the spices and herbs and chicken itself, which is why I love it. it's seriously phenomenal, but it's a lot of work. another favourite, but also difficult and time consuming, is chicken coriander stew. it's very hearty and packs a ton of flavour, it almost tastes taco-y without being chicken taco soup. cook some chicken thighs, seasoned with soy sauce/paprika/salt/pepper, which takes like 45min. while the thighs are cooking, put some potatoes, carrots, and onion in a pot with some oil and cook them down, then add coriander/tumeric/salt/pepper along with chicken stock. after I cook the thighs I put them in the stew and let everything cook some more before taking the thighs out, shredding them, and adding them back in. this is one of my favourite things ever to eat but I dread the prep for it hahahathe last thing is another bit of a process and uses stuff that i dont always have, but it's easy to customize and goes by quick once you've done it. so I just take some 5min white rice and boil it in water, chicken stock, tumeric, red pepper flakes, and just a bit of vinegar so the rice gets a little sticky. while it's boiling I start the sauce - just water in a pan with a fuck ton of garlic chili sauce (it's right by the sriracha at stores, it's really similar), along with soy sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil, orange marmalade, honey, and garlic paste. since it's water-based itll be thin, so I thicken it with a corn starch slurry. it takes a bit to cook down so while it's simmering I'll take the finished rice and put it in a hot pan with some oil. I crack an egg or two into it and fry it all til it's crispy, adding in some chopped green onion now as well as saving some raw onion for a garnish. and then I put the sauce on it! this is the dish that got me to start eating rice, I love the sauce but thickening it is such a pain in the ass that I don't make it often haha
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milkpretzels · 8 years
48 Recipes for 2017 (1/2)
r In my attempt to come up with 12 different cuisines I’d like to try making for 2017, I accidentally came up with 24. I picked 4 for each, even though this only leads to 48/52 weeks each year I’m fine with that, it gives me wiggle room or an off day. Here’s the first year!
I randomized the list so here’s what I’ve got! Feel free to tell me your favorite dishes/recommendations  if you have any and I’ll work them in.
January 2017: Vietnamese - Kinda funny that I’m starting with this one, as I probably know the least about it other than pho and banh mi; the former of which I’ve been craving for weeks and the latter of which I’m.... not a fan orz.
1. Bò Kho- Because who would I be if I didn’t start off 2017 with a beef stew 2. Phở - Let me live alright........  3. Canh Bap Cai Nhoi Thit - Stuffed cabbage soup, as cabbage is something I’ve learned that I like in the past year or so. Will probably combine with next one to fit 4 in one month 4. Gỏi cuốn - Spring rolls, which is leading me to realize: Considering I’ve never been a pork, shrimp, or seafood person, I might have to start looking into vegetarian recipes more often. Will probably replace pork with chicken and avoid/omit seafood :S
Febuary 2017: Swedish - I’m not gonna lie, I know next to nothing about Sweden too. Hey tho isn’t this an opportunity for me to learn more about these cultures? Although, it seems like a lot of these seem to call for lingonberry jam on the side, not something I foresee being available in Bing so I might ask my mom to go to IKEA and send me some up (also subtly planting the idea of going to IKEA forwhen she goes furniture shopping for her new apartment huehuehe)
1.  Köttbullar - Swedish meatballs...... listen. Will hopefully make these for myself on valentines day 2. Jansson’s Temptation - Apparently a christmas dish, will probably swap anchovies out for capers.  3. Ärtsoppa - Yellow split pea soup 4. Pitepalt - this one seems a bit too simple, but hey. Scandinavian food. I found a recipe that calls for bacon so that should at least be nice.
March 2017: Greek - oh fuck yes im gonna eat bread with olive oil at every goddamn meal. ive never been a huge fan of olives but for the sake of authenticity i’ll probably keep them in at the first recipe. 1. Tzatziki - I always thought this was an Israeli invention but im not surprised it’s greek. a childhood classic 2. Greek Salad - Will probably go with the leftover tzatziki ill inevitably have LOL 3. Moussaka - i’m kind of neutral about eggplants but this is a staple and looks pretty damn good 4. Baklava - i have a feeling this wont come out great when i make it and thats okay LOL
April 2017: Argentinian - A close family friend grew up there, and my brother spent a year teaching English here, which is why I want to include it here.  1. Asado - i dont know how i can pull off barbeque in a tiny apartment but apparently it’ll be a crime not to include this argentinian staple 2. Carbonada - did you guys kno? i love...... stew 3. Choripán - sausage is a weird thing that i ignore my usual dietary choices for, i blame my parents. plus i have such a weakness for street food (well, it’s not street food if you make it in your kitchen but you know what i mean) 4. Chimichurri - Realistically? I will probably make this with the asado, since spring break is in april and i doubt ill be cooking thatweek
May 2017: Soul Food - Distinct enough from american food (another month), I’ve never really been south of the Mason Dixon Line. I have at least 2 friends who I know would recommend/swap out a recipe for me here. 1. Hushpuppies - these look........ amazing...... (im gonna toss scallion in. let me live) 2. Black eyed peas & Cornbread - 2 for one because these are both “mom” foods in a way and i’m not sure if either would entirely satisfy my hunger on their own 3. Chicken and Waffles - okay feel free to drag me but ive never had this there i said it (deep frying is also a process that scares me but all of 2017 will be filled with fear so) 4. Oxtails with gravy - maybe throw some collard greens in? idk man
June 2017: Moroccan - I had to actively balance the overlap between Mediterranean and israeli foods here too.  1. Chickpea Stew - coriander seems to be a popular spice in moroccan food! 2. Lamb Tagine - I knew I had to include lamb, it was between this and kebabs, but I’ll save those for later hehe 3. Chicken Marrakesh - again, more chickpeas!  4. Maghrebi mint tea - It’s odd to consider tea it’s own recipe, in the middle of summer no less, but I think the cultural significance makes up for it
July 2017: Colombian - rip to my crush on the immaculate alex carillo. see you space cowboy.... regardless i wanted more central and south american cuisine  1. Arroz con coco - simple yet elegant?  2. Empanada - im just praying i dont butcher it yaknow 3. Sudado de Pollo - speaks for itself here 4. Bandeja Paisa - I feel like this is one i will probably make with/eat with friends
August 2017: Filipino - I texted claude and got a response back within seconds this was the easiest one to find dishes for 1. Lumpia - excellent 2. Pancit - cabbage, chicken, noodles hell yes 3. Chicken adobo - this speaks for itself 4. Sisig - Claude mentioned lechon but i don’t really look forward to pork.... why am i such a picky eater...... anyway im always a fan of sizzling meat
September 2017: Cajun - This is really just me admitting that I want more of the holy trinity (green bell pepper, onion, celery) in my life  1. Po’ Boy - Sloppy roast beef sandwich? 2. Brochette - Some form of skewer, will have to find a specific recipe 3. Gumbo - Will have to make sure I can get okra for this? 4. Jambalaya - Crystal’s favorite! The one she made was fantastic and Iwant her recipe
October 2017: Italian - I originally split this into two months, emphasizing on pizza and pasta. after some strong encouragement and scorn (??) i’ve decided to look up other italian dishes and make the second month “american food” 1. Risotto - I accidentally made this once and i want to do it justice, in the name of milan 2. Bruschetta - Pat and Caroline have made really good bruschetta several times so perhaps ill hit them up 3. Sicilian - This is vague because I’m gonna ask andrew! one of my favorite biochemists and culinary aficionados  4. Gnocchi - I have a feeling this is gonna be a pain in the ass but i love it so it’ll be well worth it
November 2017: Persian - I’m expecting a lot of rice pilafs and saffron here 1. Kebab - chicken? lamb? the world’s my oyster, i just wanna do something classic here 2. Ash-e jow - I’ve never had barley soup but i do love both of those things! 3. Fesenjan - Same reasoning but pomegranate soup! 4. Tahdig - crunchy fried rice 
December 2017: Ukrainian - This one is timed nicely because Polina’s birthday is the 17th! I’ll probably convince her to cook with me each time hehehe 1. Chicken kiev - another classic 2. Varenyky - Ukrainian variation of pirogi (I decided to leave polish food out of this mix) 3. Holubtsi - The beautiful cabbage rolls I’ve grown to love, like tamales but you also eat the outer portion 4. Green borscht - sadly, i’ve made borscht and didn’t like it (beets aren’t my thing) but this version doesn’t contain beets!
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middletuna7-blog · 5 years
Ssshh! Don't Tell Aunty, Surry Hills
Don't Tell Aunty is a new modern Indian restaurant on Fitzroy street in Surry Hills (replacing 4Fourteen). The restaurant is decorated in gorgeous, sumptuous colours with accents of copper and gold. And the menu? Well they proudly proclaim it's "unauthentic Indian". That is, the sort of the classic Indian food that you might tweak and just not tell your Indian aunty about.
The Fourth Kardashian sister and I are the second group to arrive at Don't Tell Aunty and we take a seat by the large window. One wall plays Mughal-e-Azam or what our waiter describes as "the best Indian movie ever made". For a change there are no cocktails ordered and we go straight to the food. The uni biryani which intrigued me so much is not available this evening (sad face).
The tell tale sign that you've ordered a lot is when the staff quietly start to take cutlery off a neighbouring table to join two tables together. The Fourth Kardashian Sister giggles with delight and for me, it's a regular occurrence. The chef is Jessi Singh who also has two restaurants in America and a place in Melbourne and he is in the kitchen and on the floor tonight.
Service here is...very present. Which is not necessarily what we want. We want to have a private, animated discussion and they keep coming back and checking on us. "Would you like the next dish now?" seems a popular refrain and we don't know why they can't just bring it out but they're eager to please and get feedback given it is early days. However every time we get started on talking about something interesting, another staff member pops up to ask if we want a dish cleared, or to check on how something was and by the end we're a bit over it.
Yogurt kebabs $14
Probably one of my favourite dishes of the night are the yogurt kebabs or yogurt croquettes. I'd had these at the One Table Supper Club and loved them so much that I made their version of yogurt kebab on my blog. The one here is crunchy deep fried on the outside and it sits in a beetroot yogurt puree. The hung yogurt is rich and creamy and it's strong in ginger and spices.
"The original" naan pizza $12
The naan pizza is shaped like a pizza but it is a pizza in the reverse with the blue cheese inside the pizza and the pickled red chilli sauce spread on the outside. I think I was hoping for more, perhaps more cheese or something else. Also the menu does say it is fontina cheese but it's blue cheese used which is an odd substitution considering some people have strong opinions on blue cheese.
Pappadum, chutney and naan platter $18
Sauces are life for me so when presented with an option to try 6 sauces, garlic naan and pappadums we order this. The pappadums are rolled up like cigars and the sauces are: cumin spiced yogurt, hot chilli sauce, tamarind sauce, pickled mango, mint sauce and sweet mango chutney. There's also a tomato and daikon salad in the centre. The garlic naan is nice and garlicky although not as puffy as I really like naan to be, instead it's flatter and thinner.
Grilled Summer Prawn $28 and aged basmati sella rice $5
The grilled summer prawn come as two large head on prawns with pineapple and jalapeno chutney. The menu describes them coming with a micro herb salad and again this comes with something entirely different, an heirloom tomato salad which truthfully doesn't suit it very much. I wish with all of the service they had mentioned this to us. We also order this with the aged basmati sella rice very lightly flavoured with cumin and lemon.
Colonel Tso's Cauliflower $16
They tell us that one of the most popular dishes is the Colonel Tso's cauliflower which is an Indian Chinese dish (it's a thing, just visit Harris Park) with a spicy, sweet and sour style of sauce. The cauliflower florets are steamed and then deep fried and coated in the sauce and black and white sesame seeds. The serve that we got was not quite as crispy as we had hoped and when they asked us about it we mentioned that the softer texture and they whisked it away and replaced it with a crispier version although still not quite as crispy as I've had before. I think steaming it rather than roasting it first makes it softer and less crispy.
Short Rib Korma $25
The other dish that I liked apart from the yogurt kebabs is the short rib korma which we had to wait for quite a while for. It's a richly sauced cashew nut based curry with soft beef chunks, curry leaves, cardamom, coriander and coconut.
Dessert is sent out to us (we noticed another table got complimentary fairy floss) and it's delicious. It's a chai and Parle-G biscuit (classic Indian biscuit) kulfi. You do have to eat it quickly as it may fall off the skewer but it's super creamy in texture with just the right amount of chai and finely ground up biscuit.
So tell me Dear Reader, which dishes did you like the look of? Have you ever tried Indian Chinese food? And do you like over attentive service or do you prefer to be left a bit alone?
414 Bourke St (enter on Fitzroy Street), Surry Hills NSW 2010 Tuesday to Saturday 11am–2:30pm, 5–10pm Sunday & Monday Closed Phone: (02) 9331 5399
Source: http://www.notquitenigella.com/2018/10/19/dont-tell-aunty-surry-hills/
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heavenfemale07-blog · 5 years
Ssshh! Don't Tell Aunty, Surry Hills
Don't Tell Aunty is a new modern Indian restaurant on Fitzroy street in Surry Hills (replacing 4Fourteen). The restaurant is decorated in gorgeous, sumptuous colours with accents of copper and gold. And the menu? Well they proudly proclaim it's "unauthentic Indian". That is, the sort of the classic Indian food that you might tweak and just not tell your Indian aunty about.
The Fourth Kardashian sister and I are the second group to arrive at Don't Tell Aunty and we take a seat by the large window. One wall plays Mughal-e-Azam or what our waiter describes as "the best Indian movie ever made". For a change there are no cocktails ordered and we go straight to the food. The uni biryani which intrigued me so much is not available this evening (sad face).
The tell tale sign that you've ordered a lot is when the staff quietly start to take cutlery off a neighbouring table to join two tables together. The Fourth Kardashian Sister giggles with delight and for me, it's a regular occurrence. The chef is Jessi Singh who also has two restaurants in America and a place in Melbourne and he is in the kitchen and on the floor tonight.
Service here is...very present. Which is not necessarily what we want. We want to have a private, animated discussion and they keep coming back and checking on us. "Would you like the next dish now?" seems a popular refrain and we don't know why they can't just bring it out but they're eager to please and get feedback given it is early days. However every time we get started on talking about something interesting, another staff member pops up to ask if we want a dish cleared, or to check on how something was and by the end we're a bit over it.
Yogurt kebabs $14
Probably one of my favourite dishes of the night are the yogurt kebabs or yogurt croquettes. I'd had these at the One Table Supper Club and loved them so much that I made their version of yogurt kebab on my blog. The one here is crunchy deep fried on the outside and it sits in a beetroot yogurt puree. The hung yogurt is rich and creamy and it's strong in ginger and spices.
"The original" naan pizza $12
The naan pizza is shaped like a pizza but it is a pizza in the reverse with the blue cheese inside the pizza and the pickled red chilli sauce spread on the outside. I think I was hoping for more, perhaps more cheese or something else. Also the menu does say it is fontina cheese but it's blue cheese used which is an odd substitution considering some people have strong opinions on blue cheese.
Pappadum, chutney and naan platter $18
Sauces are life for me so when presented with an option to try 6 sauces, garlic naan and pappadums we order this. The pappadums are rolled up like cigars and the sauces are: cumin spiced yogurt, hot chilli sauce, tamarind sauce, pickled mango, mint sauce and sweet mango chutney. There's also a tomato and daikon salad in the centre. The garlic naan is nice and garlicky although not as puffy as I really like naan to be, instead it's flatter and thinner.
Grilled Summer Prawn $28 and aged basmati sella rice $5
The grilled summer prawn come as two large head on prawns with pineapple and jalapeno chutney. The menu describes them coming with a micro herb salad and again this comes with something entirely different, an heirloom tomato salad which truthfully doesn't suit it very much. I wish with all of the service they had mentioned this to us. We also order this with the aged basmati sella rice very lightly flavoured with cumin and lemon.
Colonel Tso's Cauliflower $16
They tell us that one of the most popular dishes is the Colonel Tso's cauliflower which is an Indian Chinese dish (it's a thing, just visit Harris Park) with a spicy, sweet and sour style of sauce. The cauliflower florets are steamed and then deep fried and coated in the sauce and black and white sesame seeds. The serve that we got was not quite as crispy as we had hoped and when they asked us about it we mentioned that the softer texture and they whisked it away and replaced it with a crispier version although still not quite as crispy as I've had before. I think steaming it rather than roasting it first makes it softer and less crispy.
Short Rib Korma $25
The other dish that I liked apart from the yogurt kebabs is the short rib korma which we had to wait for quite a while for. It's a richly sauced cashew nut based curry with soft beef chunks, curry leaves, cardamom, coriander and coconut.
Dessert is sent out to us (we noticed another table got complimentary fairy floss) and it's delicious. It's a chai and Parle-G biscuit (classic Indian biscuit) kulfi. You do have to eat it quickly as it may fall off the skewer but it's super creamy in texture with just the right amount of chai and finely ground up biscuit.
So tell me Dear Reader, which dishes did you like the look of? Have you ever tried Indian Chinese food? And do you like over attentive service or do you prefer to be left a bit alone?
414 Bourke St (enter on Fitzroy Street), Surry Hills NSW 2010 Tuesday to Saturday 11am–2:30pm, 5–10pm Sunday & Monday Closed Phone: (02) 9331 5399
Source: http://www.notquitenigella.com/2018/10/19/dont-tell-aunty-surry-hills/
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