#also do you see the morgwen i slipped in
nimrism · 2 months
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could you make this post? please, it's so fascinating i really want to hear your thoughts on it
"The Dark Tower" Morgwen Interactions Analysis
i've literally been waiting for someone to ask me this so i can go all out in answer, so you're literally my favorite- THANK YOU! i've tried to put all the thoughts swirling around in my head into one coherent post, so strap in and let's LOOK AT THE IMPLICATIONS (from my perspective)!
first and most importantly, i want to zero in on morgana's choice of kidnapee; she could've chosen anyone in camelot, any one of the knigts who were regularly privy to arthur's battle plans and schedule, but nope. if we're looking at it from the perspective of "she needs the closest person to arthur" wouldn't that be merlin? she could have kidnapped and brainwashed him; he would've made for a fabulous inconspicious mole in the court, and arthur literally goes to him for anything and everything. i actually think it would make for a really interesting au/fic if it were merlin who was kidnapped instead of gwen (love confession/magic reveal possibilities are ENDLESS), but maybe it's a little too close to the plot of "a servant of two masters" and the writers didn't want to be repetitive. i'm going to be biased and delusional in believing that morgana did choose gwen, in particular, for more personal reasons as well as for her nefarious ones.
the way i see it (and this is obviously very objective), by the time we get to this point in s5, morgana is LONELY, like, has-no-one-in-the-world-except-aithusa type of lonely, and her choice of allies has been lacking diversity as of late (why are they all men 💀), AND they all end up dying anyway. so, she needs a plan, and she needs a trusted ally (she also needs a bit of love and lip balm cause DAMN). BUT the thing is, why would anyone be loyal to her? she's never kept any allies (or friends) thanks to her wit and charm alone, she's only ever kept men loyal to her by striking fear in their hearts. it's the same for her friends and family, i think. she doesn't believe they even tolerate her existence, so she needs to be crowned queen to subdue them and FORCE them to respect her. the same goes for gwen. she was only morgana's friend when morgana was a naive and vulnerable girl, plagued by nightmares and unexplained fears, and the second morgana grew out of them (or learned to control them) gwen stopped being affectionate, stopped being open. that's how morgana sees it, and it only reinforces her belief that gwen would never understand the person she's become now, she wouldn't quite see what morgana was trying to do. unless morgana forced her to.
the whole kidnapping affair was to MAKE gwen understand, because she wouldn't do it of her own free will. gwen would never willingly be on morgana's side, so she had to jump through a few morally questionable hoops to bring her over. in the end, i do believe all morgana really wanted was a friend (maybe a little bit more, amirite ladies), though by this point her concept of friendship had become twisted beyond recognition, and in all the chaos, this was the only way she thought she could have one. throughout the episode, a lot of the old morgana shines through, even if it is portrayed as just manipulation, and i do think that was her either slipping back into old habits or forcing herself to, for the sake of the brainwashing and for the sake of their friendship that she's trying to rekindle.
a point that i've seen several people make is that between the niceties, the "real" morgana peeks through several times throughout the ep, but i kinda disagree. i don't necessarily think that just because her smile drops, it means that the niceties were a facade and her "evil" side pops back out. i read the sudden change in expression more as disappointment. gwen fights back with such vigour that it's probably painful for morgana to realize that her former friend sees her as nothing more than an evil witch who's hell-bent on hurting her, now. she's disappointed that gwen, who was supposed to know her best, believes what the others do, and doesn't believe that morgana is being sincere in her offer of friendship.
a small remark i also have is: why wasn't morgana one of the visions/hallucinations gwen had in the dark tower? it's interesting to see that the closest three people to gwen are her brother, arthur, and merlin, of all people. i feel like gwen's history with morgana has to have had a lasting effect on both of them, even if morgana is supposed to be "evil" now. you don't stop loving someone just because they've chosen (or BEEN chosen by) the dark side. morgana was one of the people gwen cared about most in seasons 1 through 3 (s3 is pushing it a little, but still), it doesn't really make sense for it all to be forgotten so completely like we see in this episode. i also think it would've been super interesting to see a hallucination of younger morgana in particular, partially as a reminder that part of gwen still cares about morgana and largely because i'd like to see how gwen would react to that vision... would it differ from the other three? what would morgana do? would she sneer and laugh like elyan and arthur? would she do a little rawr like merlin (😭)? i feel like a ficlet is in order for this concept cause i would like to see it but i have to imagine it first (but that's the hard part 😭)
M: "Would you prefer some chicken?"
i just found this one hilarious tbh like she's so out of pocket what are you doing offering your kidnapee some chicken and WHAT WAS THE OTHER OPTION, IF NOT CHICKEN?
M: "I know how lonely you must be, all by yourself in that room. At least you're not shackled, and there's daylight. You can move, you can see."
oof. she's obviously referring to her own capture and torture, pulling from her own experience. it's heartwrenching that morgana has been through all of this, traumatised beyond reason, but it's even more heartwrenching that she thinks she's doing gwen a service, like this. it might not seem like that to any sane person, but after everything she's been through, morgana's worldview is completely different. in her mind, however twisted and detached it has become, she's being merciful to gwen this way, giving her luxuries that she was never afforded when she was captured. (including a warm meal with chicken at miss havisham's table 🤩)
M: "I too have suffered, Gwen. I spent two years living in darkness. I spent two years chained to a wall at the bottom of a pit... You did not know."
goddddd this line... it's just so painful, so powerful, so indicative of SO MANY THINGS. it's EVERYTHING. every acting choice katie and angel made in this scene was brilliant but ESPECIALLY their facial expressions in this particular part WOAH. the way morgana's voice cracks on the word "pit" is DEVASTATING. i was floored. the way gwen's face falls as she processes her words and they properly set in... INCREDIBLE. the concern in gwen's eyes is palpable as she realizes the horrors inflicted on her friend. and the final "you did not know" was so, so powerful. morgana realizes that gwen didn't know about and clearly wasn't okay with what she went through. gwen had no part in it. morgana SMILES at gwen's reaction, but instead of it being a smile of malice or evil it's one of RELIEF, and one that she hides very promptly. she's reassured in the knowledge that gwen had no idea she had suffered so immensely, and that, more importantly, she wasn't involved in it. it's SO important to note that morgana has no idea whether arthur had a hand in her own torture or not. it's especially not a good look on him that he invites the sarrum as a friend of camelot so soon after the events of "the dark tower", so, as far as morgana knows, he could've been a "friend" when she was being tortured for years, too. i wonder what would've happened if morgana had kidnapped gwen AFTER the sarrum's visit to camelot... i feel like that would have complicated things with gwen much further, if morgana thought she was complicit in her imprisonment.
M: "I would have sold my soul for someone to show me kindness such as this."
only two points on this heartbreaking line: 1- FUCK the sarrum of amata. all my homies HATE the sarrum. s4 and s5 morgana might both be textbook cases of "evil", but they're two VERY different people with two very different worldviews and tactics. morgana's imprisonment turned her into the cold husk of a person she is by s5. and 2- this just further confirms that morgana thinks she's doing gwen a favor, dining with her and letting sunlight into her room and choosing not to tie her up etc.
M: "Your hands are cold... I have a warm fire going for you."
oh boy is this a MOMENT. the way morgana keeps her hand held out. the way gwen reluctantly puts her hand in hers (MORGWEN HAND-HOLD!) *ivy by taylor swift starts playing out of nowhere* {ohhhhh goddamn, my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand, taking mine, but it's been promised to another, ohhh}
um anyway i digressed. then the way gwen wriggles her hand out of morgana's grasp, while morgana grips her fingers with unwavering determination... it's just delicious.
M: "Anything you want, you can have. I'll give it to you."
idk about you but personally i'm SOLD. take all my money. i read this as morgana trying her utmost best to sell gwen on joining her, but i can also see the manipulation laced in it.
G: "Why are you doing this?"
M: "Because we're friends. We always were."
to me, this reinforces the theory that morgana's just trying to get her friend back on her side. by stating that they've always been friends, morgana reaffirms their friendship as much to herself as to gwen. she was her friend once, and she can be again.
M: "I'm helping you. I'm looking after you."
this sort of feels like morgana is telling herself that, more than she's telling gwen. maybe it's just part of the manipulation process, but i do believe that this was morgana's conscience reassuring her that what she's doing is in gwen's favor and that she's being kind to her.
M: "It's alright, I'm here."
UGH this line. morgana is being the person she needed when she was imprisoned. this scene is also a parallel to all the times morgana woke up screaming in the middle of the night and gwen was there to comfort her in s1/2. this time the tables have turned and it's morgana comforting gwen. simply delicious.
M: "My darling, I was wrong to make you suffer."
TEA! to say that this line was spoken from the bottom of morgana's heart might just be a bit too delusional, but i like to think there's at least some truth to it. torturing gwen had a lot of paralells to morgana's own imprisonment and torture, and she did want to make her suffer, at least in the beginning. but it was also different from what morgana went through. this is NOT to justify torture, btw, torture is BAD, but her "manipulation" tactics got a bit too personal at some point, and i like to think at least a part of it was genuine.
G: "No. Whatever twisted game you're playing, I want no part in it. I would rather stay here and die."
ouch. gwen's resistance to the last possible minute shows such strength on her part (cause me? i would've given in before she even dragged me through the desert tbh) and it gave us such a delicious performance from angel; the reluctance? the uncertainty? the distrust? the relief that morgana is there but also the FEAR of what she's doing? the contradiction between the morgana that gwen once knew and the morgana that everyone KNOWS is evil? but the morgana that gwen once knew is shining through now, and she's saying everything gwen wants to hear... grade-A angst.
IN CONCLUSION they're gfs your honor, this was all just a plot to snatch gwen back from arthur cause morgana didn't think seducing her herself would work. (this phrase could be in reference to this ep or the "lancelot du lac" ep i'm cackling morgana really is hopeless) there are also SEVERAL psychological layers to it, but describing it this way is just easier.
SO... this is possibly the longest post i've ever made. it got a little more comprehensive than i originally thought it would be, but THERE YOU HAVE IT! that's my take on the morgwen interactions in the dark tower. if i seem a little biased, that's because i 100% am :) i hope that clears things up. this is an open invitation to keep sending me asks (even if it's about the most random things ever) cause i love them and i love every single person who sends in an ask, and a public apology for how long these answers get sometimes 😭
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namelessayakashi · 3 years
so I got this title with a different name in the title but ive decided to use the same title just with a different name. Title: THE SEARCH FOR MERLIN also i forgot to say the ship in the last one but hopefully you know what ship im talking abouttt
Oooh okay so you see.. I could make this super angsty or I could make it NOT super angsty....
To prank or not to prank—to angst or not to angst...
The Search For Merlin
"Surely this really isn't necessary..." Merlin sighed from the chair he sat high upon, fidgeting with his deep blue ceremonial robes, a crown of flowers atop his head. The druids only grinned.
"Ah, my Lord Emrys, but it is!" The oldest one told him, "he must come, must find you on your throne, and ask for your hand here, in this sacred clearing, before the joining of man and magic may occur."
Merlin let out a soft sigh, pink colouring his cheeks. "I understand this is important to you, but really, you should have at least told him of this mission... Arthur's probably going crazy now. At least let... Mordred... tell him what's going on..."
The three druids stared at him a moment before turning to converse in private with one another. Merlin waited impatiently as the minutes passed, before finally they turned back to him.
"Alright. The young druid will be informed of his duty to tell the King about what he must do," The younger, albeit still old, woman announced, bowing her head, "so Emrys wishes, we shall do."
"Great..." Merlin sighed again, louder this time, leaning his head back to look at the sky.
"I can't believe I've been kidnapped on my wedding day..."
Merlin and Arthur were set to marry in spring, four years after the magic ban was repealed and dragonlords had their nobility reinstated, three years after Arthur convinced Merlin to be his Court Sorcerer (which Merlin only agreed to after declaring he'd get to still maintain certain duties), two years after Morgana proposed to and married Guinevere, and one year after Arthur finally Merlin got tired of waiting and proposed.
The Kingdom was blooming with excitement for the King and Warlock. And then, the day finally came, and all that was meant to be well and exciting... Descended into chaos, upon the discovery that Merlin had been snatched from his dressing chambers while getting ready for the ceremony.
Now, the hunt was on to find Merlin. And Arthur, was... only a little panicked.
Until the young Sir Mordred appears with, very frustrating yet relieving, news.
So can you see which I've chosen? Hint: not angst
Hope you like it 👀👀👀
🤲🏻🤲🏻titles for my 8 arms pls🤲🏻🤲🏻
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tink-wondering · 3 years
Title: Uther Wants To Speak To Your Manager (Hehe now you're forcedddd to write suburban uther whether you like it or nottttt hehe)
Hey... so... This took a turn. Not planned, but:
Happy Pride!
(kind of... you'll see)
A punk
His kids
A twist, oh my!
From this ask game.
Rating: G
Ships: Morgwen (mentioned), Merthur (pre-slash)
Word count: 777
Uther Wants To Speak To Your Manager
“Get off my lawn, you punk!”
Uther yells at the kid from his porch in all his suburban glory: a pale blue, horizontally-striped polo shirt; beige shorts, held at his waist with a dark brown belt; white, calf-high socks on his feet, of course, tucked into sandals; and a monotone grey cap, surprisingly displaying the straight ally flag on its front.
Sadly, for the ‘punk’ the cap does not compensate the nightmare that is the outfit nor does it stop there. No, Uther marches off his porch with the most pinched look ever worn by someone who hasn’t eaten a lemon beforehand.
The teenager quickly moves off the lawn and onto the sidewalk, falsely believing in his safety once he hits the warm, sun-kissed concrete of the public road. In all his self-infused power, suburban Uther will not be defeated by something as intangible as delimitations set by a city that he funded with years of labor and subsequent taxes—taxes that were, of course, too high for a law-abiding citizen just like himself.
“Look, I did not—“ the teen starts his defence, putting up his hands to show he means no harm. However, the damage has already been done, Uther can see it from the green stains on his white sneakers, and he makes his displeasure known.
“First of all, punk, you will use appropriate appellation. My name is Mr. Pendragon or Sir,” he reprimands in what he believes is a low, calm voice but is truly the shrieking of a man desperate to preserve the pristine green of the one land he has ever owned. “Second, you see this continuation of concrete into more concrete? This is where you should step. Not. On. The. Grass.”
“Well, sir, if I have to use proper appellation for you, I think I am inclined to the same privilege. My name—“
“Kids these days are so entitled,” Uther remarks with a sneer.
“Old men, these days, are so out of sync,” the teen replies.
“You-you cannot be so disrespectful to my face! I want to talk to your manager!”
“My parents you mean?”
“I will not suffer—“
“Merlin?!” Arthur exclaims, coming back from his run and cutting through the front lawn to quickly interpose himself between them. “What are you doing out here, I told you to wait for me out—“ He stops himself, taking a moment to acknowledge the pulsating vein in his father’s forehead. “Um, hey dad.” He accompanies his greeting with a little wave.
“You know this punk?”
“Yeah, he’s my… friend?”
“Are you asking me? Because if you do, I’d tell you not to frequent punks like him.”
“He is, my friend that is. I’m making a statement, not a question. But… we have to go work on a project, the project Merlin has come to work on.” He turns pleading eyes to raven-haired teen who simply continues to glare at Uther. “Right, Merlin?”
“Your dad is so weird,” Merlin-the-punk whispers loudly as Arthur drags him away by the arm. Uther watches them run inside with a self-satisfied smirk.
“You know,” Morgana says, appearing out of nowhere, “that could’ve gone smoother than this.”
“You wanted them to stop pining, no?” Uther turns to her, taking off the cap to dissipate some of the heat that accumulated underneath it. “This will do the trick.”
“I wanted them together, not traumatized for life as will be the rest of the neighbours,” she grimaces, glancing at the public they’ve accumulated.
“I think it’ll teach Aredian not to let his dog onto our lawn ever again.” He glares at the quivering curtains from the house next door. “Also, have some faith. They’ll further bond over their weird dads, and the embarrassment of being caught will cause them to slip sooner rather than later.”
“That’s too devious a plan, even for me,” Morgana sighs. “So what’s your asking price if this works out?”
“We’ll see in due time, but how about you invite Gwen to come over and eat with us when she’s free?”
“She was here last week,” Morgana frowns.
“Not as your girlfriend, she wasn’t.”
He whistles as he walks back into the house, leaving a gobsmacked Morgana behind.
‘Ah, to be young, in love and thinking they are so secretive,’ he thinks as he enters the surprisingly quiet house. Arthur must have shut himself in his room with Merlin.
He puts the cap back on, even though he’s inside, and starts his trek up the stairs. Time to surprise them and see if they finally confess; he couldn’t wait to what excuse Arthur will try to come up.
Who said being a single father was not fun?
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