#also dont make me draw shoes i just wont
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the skill talk got me thimking
Control: +3 Gearhead: +3 Processor: +2 Survivor: +2 Corpus: +1 A Weak Muscle: +1 Vice: -1 (Kim skills from my fic lol)
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what's also great about the ichi watch is that the gold and red goes well with the arakawa-inspo outfit i have..
#snap chats#aka the outfit im wearing right now BYE#its so funny that i have really accidentally stolen his clothes. like idk what to tell you#owning a grey suit and a three-piece black suit's commonplace i really did just need the shirt LMAO#did eventually find a scarf buried in my closet so i even have that on lock down 😩 perfect for fall ig LOL#POINT IS i do have that gold bracelet plus the gold-buckled belt but also the red shoes.. that i and everyone around me love..#its perfect goku idk what else you want from me.. was meant to be even#what I want tho is food but i dont have time to make rice and im going out to eat in the city after class anyway#anyway love how i know im gonna preorder it but i havent yet because I Dont Know i like waiting until the last second i guess#ive reasoned with myself only to get the watch since as cute as the bag and wallet are#the wallet i have now is perfectly fine- plus my sister gave it to me. and i dont need a bag enough to warrant getting it#love how i never even considered the jacket LMAO LIKE ITS A CUTE JACKET just.. not $200 cute..#that's what my puffer is tho.. dont tell anyone--#ANYWAY YEAH <3 once i get the ichi watch i can stop wearing this bitch ass cringe ass watch my mom gave me#i just hope changing the battery in the watch wont be a pain down the line cause i dont think its solar powered WHOOP..#it'll be worth it to me.... ok bye im gonna stare at the wall until i have to leave for class#i have all my commission stuff done for now and i wanna rest from drawing for the rest of the day. maybe.#might stream tonight but i also might be drunk LMAO we'll see#if i stream uhhhhhh dude i dont even know.... funny y3 stream ???? drawing stream ????#we'll see what happens anyway BYE
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wasyago · 11 months
unsure if you’ve been asked this before but what is your character designing process?
i have already answered in this post (you can go read it if you want), though it's more jrwi based, so i feel like i can answer again! i doubt I'll end up saying something new but hwhatever who cares dhhdhd
obviously this isn't math, so there's no specific scheme i follow every time, and each design is different and it all varies heavily.
in general, when i start working on a design i already have *some* sort of idea in mind. normally not for the entirety of it, but some bits and pieces here and there that help me characterize the design in my head! i try to get those on the canvas first. they're like key points, and i most likely wont change them.
(and if i don't have an idea, i don't start drawing. and instead scroll through my gallery or pinterest in search of inspiration)
let's take my Gem's recent design as an example! i knew i wanted her to be a squirrel, and i already had squirrel scar and cub designs to base it off. so the key points were big pointy ears, curvy tail, claws. i also knew i wanted her clothing to look regal and floral, and reflect her main base. this is an idea that i haven't fully visualized, but i kept it in mind and knew in which direction i had to move.
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after that comes the point where i start making stuff up 👍👍 i enjoy thinking my designs through and making them make sense in my head and be practical. so the process consists of me asking myself questions and then answering them in a design. with occasional "oh wouldn't that be cool" thrown into it.
continuing with gem. she needed to have her clothes be suited for a tail, so her underskirt splits in three parts to make it easier. i still wanted the design to be recognizable as gem and have it resemble her skin; so i kept the white sleeves, the green skirt, the corset. i wanted to make her and scar's designs match, so i changed the corset to green with this long piece of cloth but decided to change the patterns on it. because the brown from the corset was gone, i removed it from her shoes as well and made them black instead, so brown wasn't part of the color pallett anymore. i will introduce pink into the design later, so getting rid of one of the colors wasn't that big of a deal. plus, brown makes her look more down to earth, whereas i want her to look elegant and rich, so its a win/win. i wanted to keep her antlers, but obviously she's not a deer anymore, so i turned them into a crown and made it black to match the shoes. etc etc. i can ramble for three more hours about this hdgshsh.
well, that's how the well thought designs work.
sometimes it's just "im gonna draw all the things i think are fun and cute until i can't think of any" and there's no rhyme or reason to it. that's why things like "doc as a unicorn", one-off series designs, random concepts, aus exist!
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sometimes its a "i have no idea what to do with it, so im gonna merge all the layers together and just keep fiddling with it until i figure it out", and that's exactly what happens. if i feel stuck with a design, merging it together and working with both line and color helps a ton, because it helps me to see the design as a whole and i dont have to divide my process and think of which parts im gonna do in color and which in line! recent example is hypno's design. here it is when i didn't know how to make it interesting and the final version:
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(funnily enough i still like the first concept, the fact that all the clothes is the same color is quite tasty. but i know that if i needed to draw this design in the future, i would struggle with keeping the clothing layers separated and shading and all that stuff.)
visually i don't think there's much difference between how i design things (?), but the process varies and in my head they're all on like, different tiers.
hopefully this was somewhat helpful! if not it at least let me ramble about my design process which is great hdhsjsh
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kosmicdream · 19 days
I got this ask on curiouscat but.. the site wont let me post my reply?? so i just decided to put it here since i dont get a lot of questions these days. so i like to answer them when i actually have something more to say. this one also went kinda off topic but w/e.
Q: How do you keep the motivation to work on all your long comics? I always start and then abandon a project cause another distracts me or I feel unsatisfied with the result... I admire your commitment so much!
Aw, thank you! I really appreciate it. But don’t get too discouraged.. I get distracted too! I currently have 9 ongoing comic projects with 2 more i eagerly want to start drawing, and at least a dozen concepts on the backburner that have been around for sometimes over a decade. I think that what I’ve found, is that starting a new comic takes so much time. It takes a lot of time to get a story really rolling, time to learn how to draw the story how you want and in a weird way - having a longer comic you’ve had more experience with, you can pull a lot more things from. I generally find that FFAK and NRD are much easier comics for me to work on because of all those years of experience with them. But it still can get demoralizing if i focus too much on the faults or how long I still have to go. Sometimes its easy to feel that readers have lost interest and moved on, or its just not as good as you wanted it to be, ect. If you look for reasons like that, reasons to demotivate you, you’ll find them in spades.So i try my best to NOT do that, because working on a comic is hard enough.
In a weird way, when i sometimes find myself in the pit of struggles like this - i realize every author ive ever read has been in the same shoes as me. There is no artist that just magically has it easier and never runs into some challenges like this, some challenges can never be overcome because they’re part of the experience of making the project. There’s limitations involved and things change overtime. You won’t always have the same experience with the same story as you make it, or the same feelings involved. Sometimes that's really hard to let go of, if you feel the earlier years were so much better than the struggles you have now. I know I faced that hurdle with FFAK and I am currently going through that with NRD, but even the harder times do change too. It never gets easy to make a comic, but it changes. 
With FFAK, i don’t honestly know how I will finish the complete story. I often struggle too, especially with the third (final) arc, if it really is good enough. In a way, a lot of places of it feel incomplete and rushed, so I tend to worry a lot about how that will go. However, I never thought i’d have a comic like FFAK in the first place, so i feel really lucky to have made it this far at all. Endings do scare me, as there’s just so much pressure involved to deliver and even reach it at all, that it feels almost like an impossible fantasy to pull off in a satisfying manner to yourself or the readers. However, I do think I’ve gotten more excited to reach endings than I used to be even a couple years ago, and I have gotten more forgiving of myself for not being perfect at it. No matter what I manage to make, I’m going to have my own critiques of it because there’s improvements to be made in all aspects of the story. I’m looking forward to seeing what I can actually do so I can learn from it and be more confident in the future. 
FFAK also has such a huge cast, it can be a technical nightmare to figure out. I dont envy authors like GRRM that have a seemingly endless cast to deal with. I already have so much of my hands full with what is essentially one family. And I know for my other comics that I’ve made, the cast has never gotten as out of hand as FFAK’s. But I dont mind having FFAK be like this, because it has been part of my enjoyment of writing the story too. FFAK is generally very motivating because I always have something I’m excited to share about it, and every small progress is a big reward for me. I’ve put a lot of years of work into ARC2 and i am desperate to get to share it with everyone, so I hope readers will enjoy what is to come for the future of the story even though it already is a decade old at this point.
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princemick · 2 years
hi kyle, please explain your process of making graphics! <3
hi anon! I definetely will, I'll walk you though how I get to a graphic like this:
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(warning, half of my process is just 'throw it at the wall, see what happens' so like, idk how easily explainable it is.)
first off, I get all my inspiration from pintrest, instagram graphics artist and random stuff I find. inspiration is everywhere and I always keep a notebook with me where I draw/write what I come up with.
all my photo's are from pinterest and google, I dont sell these, if you're going to please make sure the photo's you're using are free use.
all my fonts come from dafont.
the program I use is photoshop.
now, I'm going to break up my editing process into 7 parts.
colour blocking
hopefully it's clear enough
gather inspiration.
so I really like this and this edit I made before and they're pretty easy so I wanted to make a new one.
but normally if I wanna make an edit I scroll through my poster/edit inspo pintrest board which you can find here.
normally if I dont have such a clear way I want to go I'd make some sketches to see what works and how to get the idea out of my brain.
2. gather images.
I wanted to make a Danny one so its not to hard to find stuff as I have a specific search for this edit but I also have a growing archive of folders of drivers full of pictures ive found over time that I'd normally go through to find good stuff.
when you use google please remember to click on 'tools' and select 'size' and big otherwise you'll cry because of the bad quality
this is the picture I wanted to use for the danny edit.
I thought this would work well because it has depth and so will show the colour blocking well, it also has the flag and the shoe which is clearly recognizable.
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3. trow it into photoshop baybee.
this is going to be hard to explain but I basically jsut fuck around. most of the time I kind of know what I want to do and the way I want to go but one of the first steps is always to raserize the layer.
I also make sure to copy the original picture for later so you have the same picture twice
I do this so i can be lazy and go to quick actions and remove the background because then, I get this.
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without basically any work. (it's almost never perfect so after I let photoshop do it's work I fix up the parts that need it.)
this is what your layers should look like fter.
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that lil black and white thingy is really useful and if you select that and go over it w the erase tool it doesnt permenantly change anything.
next thing I do is smart sharpen to spice it up, here is the sharpening settings I use.
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a small problem with this picture is that it's to small for an A4 size (which is what I'm making it on) so I need to extend the background a little. which I do in the laziest way.
I select the most of the top of the picture I can and copy paste + extend it out. like this:
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then, for this edit, I'm gonna add a black and white filter to the background so everything behind daniel is in black and white with an adjustment layer. I do this to keep the focus on our subject and remove any and all focus from the bg.
I also add a guassian blur to the bg to once again, keep the focus on daniel.
this is the before and after of that.
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now, kinda boring right? yeaaah so now onto
4. colouring
first off CLIPPING MASK IS YOUR BESTIE!!!. if you right click on the adjustment layer and click on clipping mask it will ONLY grab the picture right below it, this way it wont affect everything else you've added to your edit.
anwyay. this is the fun part, and the only way I can explain it, is fuck around, see what you wanna do and what works.
I always add, levels, curves etc to just deepen the blacks and add some contrast. heres the before and after of that.
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for this edit I kind of wanna focus on the contrast of blue and orange, kinda like the seb one but a lil different so what I'm gonna do is add hue/saturation and remove the yellow and blue from the picture.
you use this adjustment layer by grabbing the little hand and selecting the colour you want to change.
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so I'm gonna play around and remove the blue and yellow from this picture. here's the before and after of that.
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now I'm going to add selective colour, i wanna up to an extreme the reds in the suit. this is kinda hard as you'll obviously grab his skin with that too so I'm gonna use that black little mask on this too, it already exists when you add an adjustment layer
it's that little white box, if you select that and ue the erase tool you can basically remove that adjustment layer in places you want to, this is what it looks like on my layers and on the picture.
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I want to upp the red even more then this so I'm gonna copy paste that layer two more times and THEN add a non erased selective colour and play around with the depth of the skintone until I'm happy with it.
now I'm almost happy with the colour, I want it to be a bit more blue so I'm gonna go to 'colour balance' and play around with that a little more.
this is the before and after of all that
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then I'm done with the colouring on the picture itself. I'm also gonna put all my adjustment layers into a folder to make my layers less busy
I'm also going to add noise to both the BG and front picture. it just gives a bit more texture and grain that I like
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5. typography!
now the stressful part lol.
I know what I'm gonna add so that makes it easy. the name of the race, place and year. this is hard to explain, I know where I'm gonna put everything because off the other edits so it's just about finding a good font.
for this I'm not gonna fuck around with shapes and text layers and adjustments etc. if you want me to explain that please ask away that's just a whole other 5k worded essay.
I know what kinda font I wanna use at first already these choices have to do with a few things which is basically one questions I ask myself:
is there a vibe that already exists around the race and/or win and how do I translate that into the font? (is it fancy, cool, magical, incredible, bold etc etc)
here's an example of how a font can change the vibe
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so the vibe I want to go with for this edit is fancy smansy n stuff so I'm thinking of flowly maybe 1930s vibes this is the font I ended up with
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I'm still gonna move the place around but the idea if there.
(I change and play around with my text a lot so, again, ask if you want me to go deeper into this)
6. colour blocking
now for this edit I'm going to add a box of colour, I do this if I want to add a bit of an oomph and contrast to it, I like what I have now but I want to add some contrast to make the colour and him pop even more.
this is petty easy I'm basically just going to add a colour box behind him, I'm gonna do blue as well, thats the opposite of red on the colour wheel AND its the other colour red bull is associated with, also colour theory and all that etc.
I'm also going to add gaussian blur and noise to add some texture and use and overlay. heres the diff in with and without that to show the use of it.
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at this point I'm also going to move the text around (as you can see) to make it fit better with the added box
7. texture
the moment where it starts feeling like its finished.
for this edit I kinda want to add some photo texture and more grain. here are the textures I used:
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I added these and put it on a screen overlay layer and added some adjustement layers to tweek the last few things.
you can find different textures on google, pinstrest and some awesome artists have texture packs you can pay for w just a few bucks. for these, again, if you're going to sell your work MAKE SURE ITS FREE FOR USE!!!
I add my watermark and maybe fix a few little things but thats all and then I'm done, I reccommend playing around and seeing what works for you.
enjoy and have fun <33
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baconcolacan · 2 years
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Since I’m still stuck at work and cant do anything, I thought it would be fun to post my drawing process for my semi-serious style, using the latest fanart I did with Edd and Edu but only featuring Edd :3c Maybe one day I’ll make a speedpaint but thats not today. If you’re curious, one by one below the line + me talking about the process (as best I can)
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1. Preliminary sketch. These are my roughs, this is the start after I had my brainstorm and planning phase. I’ve found all my references and did the pose myself as well so I know what it feels like and if its bodily possible. 2. Clean sketch. This is where I loosely put in all the nitty-gritty, where the folds are, details of the hair, etc etc. I change the pencil colour so I can differentiate certain parts. 3. Line art. Like it says on the tin, but for my semi-serious style I tend to avoid lining folds because I prefer to paint them in this style. 4. Grey out. I need this layer so that I don’t get blinded/confused when I lay down the colours,
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5. Flats. So all the colours needed, usually when I draw backgrounds they would also depend on the lighting, so I would colorize them if needed, but for standalones I just put in the basic colours. 6. Soft shadows. I tend to use multiply layers for this step, but sometimes I also do normal layers, in case I feel as though the colour should be more relative to its surroundings since multiply wont let me do that. It all depends on how I want the shadows to feel on the piece, but when I’m lazy I just do multiply (lol). Soft shadows also include the colour on the planes of the face, so = yellow for forehead, red for middle, blue for the lower part aka jaw area. Of course also the reds on the skin in other areas like elbows and knees, but since Edd is fully clothed, its just the tip and inner part of his ear, and the tips of his fingers. 7. Hard shadows and minor highlights. For my style, I gear more towards a watercolour style kind of shading, so I follow that principle when I decide where to put and how to render my shadows. Typically I have at minimum 4 layers for this type of hard shadow shading. The minor highlights here are just the lights in the pupil, and a soft large airbrush going over the spaces where shadows cant reach. 8. Missing details and overlay highlights. Near the end I put in all the little details I missed, so in here its Edd’s 5 o’clock shadow, and some scuffs and scrapes on his clothing and shoes. The overlay highlights are super subtle but make the drawing feel a bit more alive, for me at least, these highlights are the ones on the “bumps” of the clothing folds, and the hair highlights.
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9. Hard highlights and atmospheric lights. The finale! This is where I just put in the brighter, harder, highlights in places they should be, and then clip a Luminosity/Overlay layer on top of the entire drawing, using a large soft brush I go over the drawing to put a bit more brightness into it. And there! Thats how I render in my semi-serious artstyle. But...eh, dont be fooled, I know this step by step makes it look like I would jump around all the parts of the drawing and render things equally, sadly thats far from the truth. My perfectionism flares up badly and it often leads to me obsessing over a singular part before moving on, so the process would look more like this:
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awfullydrawnkarkat · 11 months
uhm. hi. so i'm the anon that was paleflirting with you. uh. feel free to bully me for it i guess. also my icon looks nothing like me btw i just wanted one of my edgy drawings as my pfp. just so ya know
*the village idiot known as RinAtePaste is a pasty white human girl with light brown hair that's styled in a ponytail, has some freckles, olive green eyes, skinny jeans, cheap tennis shoes from Payless, and a bright yellow shirt with an olive green paintbrush on it with lil ink splats around it of the same color. she is very nervous*
*He gives her a pat on the head.*
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sssatrn · 1 year
striker design process notes
a bit about the process for designing my fake omega strikers character. posted separately since not everyone will be interested.
the base character design comes from my pngtuber i use while streaming, which is loosely based on my irl appearance/outfits.
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obviously, there were going to have to be some major changes, but i wanted there to be some consistency between this character and the striker character. the haircut is the same, but i iterated it two different ways (one tied, and one down). the jacket also makes an appearance in one of the striker designs with most of the same patches and pins, but recolored to match the color palette. some other aspects made it to the striker design like the baggy pants and chunky shoes, but they aren't as iconic or important in my mind.
the originals are both pen sketches i jotted down while running errands. tbh most of my projects start off as shitty, quick, and EXTREMELY rough sketches or thumbnails in my tiny pocket notebook. i find that having a basic idea of what im gonna draw makes me feel infinitely more confident while transferring it to digital, even if i know i'll have to make edits. i usually force myself to draw these initial sketches in pen, so i dont overthink and waste time redrawing it a million times. im sure that strat doesnt work for everyone, but i still thought id share.
honestly the hardest part of this was making sure that my character fit into the omega strikers "aesthetic", which is this sort of futuristic, streetwear, sportswear combo??? to match this, i added things like the goggles, arm guards, knee pads, straps, sneakers, etc.
this past week ive drawn a metric ton of omega strikers fanart b/c there are so many interesting aspects of the character designs. here are some things i tried to integrate into my own:
a striking color scheme. this doesn't mean having ALL striking/saturated colors (although some characters do that). it just means having a set of colors that define the character, usually one or two colors to make up the majority, and one or two to highlight parts of the character and make them pop.
so many accessories... i tried to make sure that there was no "dead space" in the design. with most strikers, even if their outfits are very straightforward, there's a pattern or accessory to break up the monotony.
weirdly, a lot of strikers have a sort of... triangular, chevron pattern? idk how to describe it but SO many of them have it somewhere on their outfit. so i went wild with it, occasionally converting it into straight stripes when necessary.
some strikers have something dramatic on their outfit that indicates motion. so like, something that will move around when they move. this could be hair, ribbons, straps, jackets, capes, etc. since my character's hair isn't quite long enough to float around, i added the scarf. this step was especially important for me since i sort of wanted my character to be a speed-based zoomy striker, so the impression of movement was essential.
sheeeesh i've written a lot. sorry for the wall of text lmao
i have a lot of other projects this week, so i wont be able to draw lots of omega strikers for a while, but ill come back to it, promise >:)
that's all. see ya ~
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cheeseandbretboy · 11 days
the painting i continued (from longer than a year ago) has too bright white highlights so i need to get rid of them AND quite possibly it would be nice to just give up and do whaeter and get on the train just ot look at all the stations i havent seen before nd cvt and listten to whip your kids on repeat again and again and have no money to afford to eat and find someone who is just so ?? and mean but not in that non self absorbed self absorbed way and stupid because everyone has too much to look forward to and too much to complain about and that makes everyone so yucky and hypocritical and ughghurejne me whenni have work tmr ALSO need to print out more movie photos AND anyone i meet gets so human and i get sick of them so easily but not myself so i will always be alone and thats a good thing unless im not listening to music then it is not so good bc i can hear my breathing an feel my skin also what even is life without music its just ------------------ no ty i do not want to be like amber or ritchie but oh i did thrift their shoes and also jasons but hes kind of an L WAIT that makes so much sense anyway that scene where they are walking in the store with the heavy combat boots that have been discontinued (why?) and a shotgun wow! imagine being tricked by a soda can what a loser anyway the sehleves ive built are really nice and after doing that with hands blistered and joints sore i realised i can fit everythign insdie it and oh god im gonna lose absolutely everything! and thn something even WoORSE hit me that none of this even means anytnign, what the flip, imagine this format will stop and we only live in the real world what then maybe just maybe musicals make sense and then i bash my head into my desk HOW COULD U FOR A SECOND THINK MUSICALS ARE OKAY blood is spurting just likein that scene in longlegs dilf, jokes no maybe nicholas cage hes too pasty this has gotten long uve recently discovered this rly underground and unpopular artist michael jackson yea nobodies really heard of him sigh WHY DO I HAVEA FRENCH BOOK OH GOD IM GOING TO HELL people should put everything ive ever ever made into a bible because that is all i am and i am so happy that is true so yea put this in as well and all my assigmnets and paintings and digital art from 2019 and old drawings and scribbles and south park doodles and short stories ad gore and all the deleted notes of measurrements (sigh why phone) and dont forget all the photos and the annotations i rubbed out later cuz they sounded dumb and too personal remember always to make ur writing as obscure as possible because people always look to make everything about them hey emotions are really stupid our brains are amazing at finding information so much of it but our conciousness is preoccupied with other stupid stuff like education and being horny so all we get is emotions that have been processed information so hey our thinking brain really is in the back seat and we cant change it yk im bnad! im bad! u knowit really really bad megamind... evan peters is eyeing me rn.. i did a really good job of diverting my mental problems its actually really good but i am hoping we can get back to them once they get fixed and maybe this dependence wiol go away too right maybe and wait a darn second are you telling me i wont find myself a tim burton anti hero what the flip unbelievable may i get a refund never sell your doc martens just break them in please the blisters and pus and blood will pass and they will be great i swear unless theyre the max platform types then u might have to keep getting pain but thats okay god dont tell me i need to work in the future although when i watched the movie for the 2nd time in cinemas there was 3 seconds where there was a doctor with a mask and wowww maybe i shld become one of those but i dontthink i have the right motivation maybe neurobiology maybe quantum mechanics mabe maybe even both like quantum mind god thats interesting but only after biology i need to get worried abt climate change and then realise OH MY GOD NOTHING MATTERS BUT OUR MINDS and thats
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predoom · 2 months
Thursday, August 14, 2008 crasy is just a perspective. (i am sid and nancy) i feel like i owe you something after tonight. this is an oldie. i dont know why im sharing this wrote this one sometime after i shoulda just been comatose in a best buy parking lot,ive never said this before and i wont ever really talk about it. please dont repost.... no edits:
"This is where the story begins, not linearly but more like this is where it stalled out. Like “back after the commercial” pause that never ends or the humming with the “be patient. We’re having technical difficulties” sign. St. Valentine’s Day massacre of the brain cells. 8 blue ones will do that, anyone in a white coat will tell you. You’re in your sister’s car on the phone with managers, psychiatrists, and your mom. You love to hate attention. You hate to love attention. They’re telling you to drive to the emergency room. It’s so predictable. ‘I am only telling you this to set the scene’. The cold February air is sobering but unforgiving. It feels like there are insects buzzing through your veins. It’s funny the way the black night sky into the double-doored white-lit corridor of northwestern hospital is like heaven, in the movies. The only thing missing is overweight baby angels and some harps. They are unfortunately on back order. “You know what the Midwest is? Young and restless” is playing on the speakers at the door. Your mom laughs nervously in the waiting room- the thing inside your head bothers her far more than it bothers you. There is a fish tank on the right side of the room, over there, just between the bleeders. The fish in the tank are all a brilliant blue. They are the first thing you circle in a “what does not belong in this picture” quiz. You are mesmerized. An old woman with a bandage wrapped around her head, you know like from the old days, stands right in front of you obscuring your view. She needs them more than you do. They call your name and take you into the next room. The security guard looks at you in a “the fuck are you gonna do” kind of way but then settles into boredom. You almost feel like you owe him a tantrum or some kind of psychotic episode. They say undress and put on the gown. You want to call her up because she knows just how to get you out of your clothes. “You can’t have those in here,” the guard says pointing at your shoes. "The laces are considered a suicide risk. The lights are bright and the door is open- nothing is going on here. You aren’t getting away with anything. You ask them for a pen and paper to write down all the details. They are also considered a suicide risk too and are denied. You tell them in that case it won’t be your fault when your memory is blurry and you don’t get any of this right. ‘I am only telling you this because it’s possible that none of this is right’. They make everything the whitest white in the hospital. The lights are so white they burn your skin or maybe you are just imagining things. It makes you feel more alone than you ever have before. You are lying on a gurney that hundreds of people have died on before. You lift yourself off of it quickly so none of their memories seep into you. You look around to make sure that no one saw you do this, no one saw you acting “crazy”. The security guard is staring at you with the “just give me a fucking reason” look but settles back into the monotony. You cough but you’re feeling down and kind of light and get worried you might blow yourself away- you hold on tight to the rails.
The crisis counselor comes into the room and shuts the door but she asks the guard to open the blinds and watch through the window. Now you are the brilliant blue fish in the tank with him watching. Swimming, not quite as brilliant, just as blue. A nurse comes in to draw your blood. She puts the needle in and you get kind of nervous that she is gonna pull “the boy” out of you. ‘Yes I did just drop that reference. I’m okay like that’. The crisis counselor is a fucking amateur. If she had her shit together you suppose that she would be in some nice building in the suburbs with a receptionist- make 200 for 45-minute sessions. She’s fucking farm club not even minor league ball. You on the other hand have read The Pill Book from front to back. You could talk your way out of anything. But you’re too busy swimming for the guard. She says she won’t admit you to the hospital if you’ll sign a contract saying you won’t hurt yourself. You actually laugh out loud at the thought of anyone depressed enough to kill themselves being stopped by a piece of paper. It’s like slitting your wrists over a sink so you won’t make a mess. You joke her “imp gonna have to go over this with my lawyer. And send back some markups”. She’s not impressed. Crisis counselor A is followed by B and so forth- it’s getting hard for you to keep your story straight. You feel yourself bending it just to keep it interesting, adding minute details, waiting for compliments on your storytelling ability. I'm only writing this because I shouldn’t’. You call the one person who matters from the gurney and say, “the Capulets and Montagues don’t have shit on me and you”. You are pretty sure you got her voicemail. You call back and apologize for leaving the first message. You are talking into a phone that doesn’t exist to a girl that doesn’t matter anymore. But who are you kidding; it takes a bit of time to get in or out of your system, the same as any drug. You fall asleep in the room. Your dreams are sterile and uninfected.
Wake up; the thought of having a conversation with another human being makes you throw up. You are noticing the way everyone is talking about you- not in a conspiring against you kind of way- and again not in a “the world revolves around you” kind of way- but more the way a doctor and family member would have a conversation over the bed of someone in a coma. “I hope it’s not serious. Is he going to be the same? Will he wake up?”. You understand why there aren’t mirrors in places like this. No one wants to see their cried out eyes or stitched up faces. Every time you look in a mirror you remember you are always one second away from crying or getting it right. It’s fucking pathetic. You pitch and turn. You can’t control your head right now on the inside, there’s no way of describing it. The closest you can come is the movie where the paralyzed man drowns in the bottom of a swimming pool. Your head is that scene. You shut your eyes and disappear off of the face of the planet but only for a second so no one notices. ‘Im only telling you this so you know things could have turned out so much differently’. You are a set of circumstances, nothing more, variables. The only important part of this from the start was: you in your sister’s car in the past tense, YOU in the past tense, almost but not quite.
====this is some old shit. unaltered.. from a specific moment.
posted by xo at 1:16 AM
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datingdonovan · 3 years
hq boys falling for a manic pixie dream person
in which you are the manic pixie dream.
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inspo: I was listening to Portland by Bowling Shoes while cleaning
a/n: so this is the manic pixie dream person as in like, 500 Days of Summer and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. aka like, kinda sad story, emotionally unstable, and not that romanticized. leaves a lot. lol. I'd elaborate on my thoughts about mpdp tropes but this intro is already long so uhh send me an ask if you want to hear bc I could truly go on lol.
length: ~2k
warnings: yeah i wont lie this went to way darker places than i wanted it to and it became a lot about the manic pixie dream trope and relationships in general as a performance hahahhaa soooo this has real life angst along with the fluff. some scenarios work out and some don’t. sorry to be too honest. im literally becoming the ceo of emotionally damaged reader i dont know what else people expect. anyways off to the races.
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shockingly matches your energy. I mean this man is down to do anything, anywhere, anytime. you say the word and he’s there. starts asking to pick YOU up for random trips in the middle of the night and signing YOU up for couples kickboxing classes, and you bite your lip every time he calls you at 2:55am, not believing you found someone who can keep up with you but simultaneously scared you might be falling a little too hard. one night, he drops you off at your door, and you know the tables have turned too far. all of a sudden, he’s holding your hands and asking you to move in with him and your heart is in your throat knowing you just can’t. this is fun, but that’s closer than you ever really want to be.
➽➽➽hinata, atsumu, bokuto, lev, goshiki, noya, tanaka
same energy match as the above but bonus points because he’s so aware of what you’re doing. he does it to the people he chases, too, probably more than he’d like to admit, and with the two of you together, it’s gonna be mind games to the finish to see who falls in love first. real twin flame type of deal because you both sort of know you’ve met your match, and maybe if even one of you could just let down your walls, you’d find that it’s really something special to be together with someone else who is as smart, wacky, interesting, bold, and shockingly blunt as you. this one’s open ended. are you gonna take that chance or not? and even if you do, is he gonna be open enough to reciprocate? or will he just shut you down like he does everyone else?
➽➽➽TERUSHIMA!!!! I WILL SCREAM IT FROM THE TOP OF MY LUNGS TERUSHIMA!!!! (i’m sorry but who else is thinking about @applepiekyuu’s fics??? I can’t help but believe he would do this bc of the way gwen writes him!!! she writes my fave terushima ever), also feel like this could be tendou, with walls up and a sort of snarky calculated way that he goes about relationships
finds it really refreshing to be with someone who’s flippant with him, who doesn’t see him as some bigshot like all of his fans. it’s not as much about your antics. the relationship is more marked by the fact that you could care less about how what you do affects him, and somewhere in the back of his head is a little voice telling him that’s not a good sign, but it’s drawing him in like nobody else has in so long. it’s like falling in slow motion. he can see every red flag and every time you hold your real self back from him and he just ignores each one, knowing exactly where this is heading. Im thinking on the way down except you don’t catch him and he does fall right thru. wow this is actually maybe the saddest one because he sees the whole thing happening and just has this stupid hope that maybe it’s not gonna end that way, maybe he can change you, maybe he can really get you to you like him enough to make you stay.
➽➽➽OIKAWA. I know he’s the only one but im just getting EXTREMELy strong vibes thats all
isn’t phased by you. for whatever reason this man is a stone cold chiller. he’s really relaxed and down to earth and honestly finds your little act kind of weird and intriguing, but in a mostly disinterested way. sure he’s into you but he’s not swept up in the manic pixie hype. Im getting vibes of him just sitting on the couch doing something else while youre actively trying to show off for him or seduce him or whatever and he’s just. i guess it’s not that he’s not impressed but it’s that he’s not really interested in your trying to impress him. he’s like… what are you doing you weirdo. just come sit with me. you’re probably totally weirded out by this bc it’s sort of the opposite of above—rather than you not being starstruck by him, he’s not starstruck by you, which is something you really don’t experience a lot and have trouble figuring out how to handle. and i think how this ends really is in how you handle it. are you gonna exit stage left the second you realize he’s not swept up in your allure or are you gonna end up chilling right there next to him and finally letting your guard down? news flash i think this man could literally change your life if you allowed him to chill you out and give you a no judgement space to be your real self
➽➽➽MATTSUN, makki, semi, aran, fukunaga, iwaizumi. maybe Osamu??
tries really hard to pretend he’s not into it, but you’re pushing all the right buttons and he’s like, the perfect candidate for this type of thing. kinda sulky or uninterested or tsundere or sadboi whatever he is or whatever you want to call him he is SO into it. I feel like ive truly read countless fics about these guys doing exactly this already like the classic picking up your phone call in the middle of the night and really trying to be angry but just feeling so excited to hear your voice no matter what stupid thing you’re asking him to do. over the course of you nagging him and teasing him and forcing him out of his comfort zone, he goes from glares to smirks to soft smiles to actually enjoying the out of pocket adventures you take him on. but i think for you this is about you intriguing him, you going out of your way for him, you wanting to unlock him, and he’s just basking in that glow, always the one being let out of his shell without much give and take between you. when you leave, it’s abrupt, and it’s because you’ve had your fun transforming him, but he’s still no match for your chaos, and you need to find someone who can bring that energy to the relationship, who can entertain you sometimes, instead of it always being the other way around. and honestly, in the aftermath, i dont think you helped him as much as you thought you did, because maybe all he learned from this experience was not to let anybody in like that again.
➽➽➽TSUKISHIMA, yahaba (ok i know he seems out of left field but i can see him being like cocky and unamused and just… breaking down into a simp omg), SUNA, kenma, kyoutani omg, kunimi, sakusa, maaaaaybe kageyama if you could somehow get him interested in the first place hahahaha
falling way too hard. these are the ones you really probably wouldn’t expect to enjoy the manic pixie thing but oh man i am gonna speak from personal experience on this one guys like this they just let their guard down waaaaaay too much. they’re really fairly stoic and sort of intense decision makers in everyday life, but when they’re alone with you, that all just goes straight out the window. you’re such bad news but they just dont see it coming at all. they’re so distracted and SO enamored with every wild idea you suggest, and they’re sort of also scared out of their minds, but they’re on top of the world like they never have been before when they’re with you, and maybe most of all they just don’t want to lose you. of course, they inevitably get to the point of wanting to settle down with you. how could they not? you seem like the perfect person! but when that hint of commitment starts rearing its head you just become a totally different person. like omg have you seen Gone Girl??? where the whole thing is sort of the guys being like, where did that sweet sexy person go? I thought you would always be like that??? and the love interest is like… um… the act is part of the fun of it all. but eventually it ends. this was truly something but im not in it for the long haul. sayonara suckers
➽➽➽DAICHI, YAKU, weirdly getting daishou vibes here hahaha, hoshiumi and kindaichi maybe too?? SHIRABU. UKAI JR. ushijima, aone
ok i personally love this one. he’ll admit it. whatever you’re doing is very sexy, and he’s endlessly intrigued by you, but he’s no dummy. he knows you can’t really be like this all the time and he so badly wants to figure you out. this one really verges on sort of a protector role, like he can see the way you’re bending over backwards to be this exciting person and he doesn’t understand why. studies you when you’re not watching, trying to get a sense of what you’re actually like. and the worst part is that he really likes what he sees. you’re attractive, and fun, and you carry yourself with a real confidence and self-assurance when you’re not so concerned about how you’re being perceived. he wants to show you that you can be you around him, and he’d like that person just as much if not more than the persona you put on when you know he’s watching. and it’s so hard because he has to be so careful about it. he kind of agonizes over it. he wants to know you for real, and love you for real, and understand what makes you act this way, and handle all the baggage that comes with it. together. but if he oversteps or changes his demeanor for even a second, he knows you’ll pick up on it and disappear. please don’t disappear. please let him be there. I swear those moments with him would change you.
➽➽➽SUGA, ennoshita, kuroo, kita, AKAASHI, HIRUGAMI, im also putting yamaguchi ikejiri and asahi in this group with the caveat that they’d have to be emotionally mature and have the bandwidth for it bc honestly i think they have enough emotional issues of their own lol. finally this is out of left field but koganegawa. he gives me very strong vibes of someone who would want his partner to be totally at ease and themself, and i think he would be in the hyper excited category until he suddenly one day realizes how one-sided the relationship is and he’s like wait… the vibes are off... and investigates...
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lucky-draws · 2 years
hii I was just wondering if there are any songs you associate with particular mgs characters or ships? any playlists? I need recs for mine!! ty <3
HELLO!!! um OK i don't have any playlists of my own but there are definitely a bunch of songs i associate w mgs ppl/ships... (apologies in advance for a lot of them being by the same band LOL)... erm maybe what i’ll do is i’ll just list them here first without any explanation but then under a read more i will post the same list but with some thoughts/specific reasons why so you can choose whether to listen blind/draw ur own conclusions OR to read my thoughts beforehand etc, i wont talk abt every song tho just a few of them, SO yeah: by Depeche Mode: Judas - ocelot Bottom Line - ocelot Halo, Personal Jesus, Only When I Lose Myself - bosselot In Your Room - bosselot, or any other ship (horny) (lol) Never Let Me Down Again - kaz Walking In My Shoes - big boss Mercy In You - otasune/david pov Black Celebration - otasune Barrel Of A Gun - david, maybe venom snake too Policy Of Truth - sort of kaz and bb but more generally just like. lies. betrayal. etc. just general horny songs by the modes which u could apply to whoever include Rush, Higher Love, World In My Eyes (< that one’s kind of bosselot?) by the Pet Shop Boys: Opportunities (Let’s Make Lots Of Money) - Kaz (lol) Pandemonium - bosselot? Two Divided By Zero - otasune? vaguely... by Kraftwerk Computer Liebe/Computer Love - dr strangelove/strangeboss (lol), also maybe otacon actually (idk if there are any others by them i’d specifically relate to a character BUT. just the general electronic loneliness might bring some vibes to a playlist....i will just list some of my fave kw songs for fun lol: Radioactivity, Radioland, Airwaves, Ohm Sweet Ohm, Neon Lights, Pocket Calculator...) by Duran Duran Is There Something I Should Know? - very vaguely bosselot View To A Kill - a cheesy james bond film song but that makes it snake eater esque and therefore kind of bosselot or mgs3 in general (snake eater itself also definitely works as a bosselot song....get that tree frog in your playlists) by The Jam Thick As Thieves - bbkaz? ok that’s all i got for now rly, apologies that these are all the same kind of uh genre sort of. if u dont like depeche mode or synthpop in general then i guess this was no help at all.......LOL.......really tho depeche mode and metal gear just fit so well together in my opinion it’s a win if ur a fan of both....
so yh anyway hope u manage to fill your playlist!!! have a good day :-) <3
ok errm i wont talk abt every song bc that would be a lot but i’ll do the ones i have the most to say abt/think they need explaining/can actually articulate something abt:
Depeche Mode:
- Judas - ocelot and his devotion to bb. religious suffering. martyrdom. all the shit ocelot does for big boss. yeah.
- Bottom Line - kind of ocelot also, his devotion to bb again but specifically like. idk 'the apple falls, destiny calls, i follow you' was the line that made me go (!) bc i saw a post on here where someone i think it was a user called captmelbourne mentioned the whole. ocelot born from a snake shaped scar thing. 'destiny and shit' was the words they used i believe and like! fucking. exactly that... idk. ocelot and bb being so weirdly horribly intertwined bc of the boss is what makes me go insane every time
- Never Let Me Down Again - i sort of relate this to bbkaz like from kaz' pov...the 'he' the song talks abt being bb...'im taking a ride w my best friend. i hope he never lets me down again. promises me im safe as houses (as long as i remember who's wearing the trousers.)'..... just the whole kaz caught up in euphoria of being w bb except we know and maybe he himself knows that it will not end well. bb's power/control over and eventual betrayal of kaz etc. u know?
Pet Shop Boys: - Pandemonium - maybe the type of music itself doesnt feel that bosselot-ty but the lyrics sort of are, from bb’s pov marvelling at ocelot’s general lunacy, ‘in major trouble since u were almost a minor’...’sometimes i think we’ll both explode’...just their crazy dynamic basicly - Two Divided By Zero - you could see this as like philanthropy otasune, always on the run kind of thing....? idk its just a song that i like LOL ...half of these are like my fave songs anyway that i also happen to go (!) what if i forced this to be related to mg somehow LOL
Kraftwerk - Computer Love - just makes me think of strangelove + the ai pod, loneliness, literally ‘computer love’ in terms of building the ai as a replacement boss kind of thing.....and also maybe more generally otacon? makes me think of him pre-meeting snake, his lonely nerd era etc Duran Duran - Is There Something I Should Know? - only vaguely bosselot but i class it in similar vibes to snake eater ish, just the cheesiness, ‘don’t say ur easy on me, you’re about as easy as a nuclear war’ is very metal gear i think LOL, just in general mgs3 bosselot meeting, same w View To A Kill The Jam - Thick As Thieves - just vaguely bbkaz, ‘like a perfect stranger you came into my life, like a perfect lone ranger you rode away..’ just friendships falling apart etc...more childhood friends in the song than uh whatever bbkaz are but ya know, just vibes
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sporksaber · 2 years
Gravity falls scooby doo au.
Dipper is velma (not just because he's the brains, but because mystery inc started with velma debunking her parents mysteries and that's just. Perfect.) Also bc it's more fun when velma isnt a skeptic and wants very much for ghosts to be real.
Mabel is fred. The obvious choice. (Also, dipper cant drive in this au and mabel teases him anytime she can.)
Scooby doo is soos in waddles body. (Everyone knows, noone acknowledges it.) He also tends to strangely be the most emotionally mature and the most loyal friend.
Now, here's where it's difficult to decide. The options for daphne and shaggy are pacifica and gideon. I went back and forth for awhile, because both are rich. Post season 3 gideon could be shaggy. But that's not what I ended on.
Gideon is daphne. Rich material girl, but can get shit done. Far more up to mysteries than Pacifica.
Pacifica takes shaggy's place after being cut off by her parents. She doesn't have the messy habits but tends to hang with the pig, as he is least likely to get her murdered.
I had written this first half a month ago. I started doodling and their designs lined up better than I thought. It's not done and I probably wont finish them. But:
I gave dipper his vest as a zip up turtleneck with an orange long sleeved shirt underneath.
Mable got a button up underneath her sweater and a ribbon like daphne's in her hair as a mix of her headband and his ascot (it also gave me room for an extra color since their color schemes don't line up).
Pacifica wears green instead of purple (she says she likes green in the ghost episode). Her outfits are put together but down toned and practical (there were only so many pairs of shoes she could ruin before other people noticed her lack of her parents credit card.)
Gideon was the hardest, like mabel his color scheme doesnt line up and his hair makes a headband difficult. So I gave him an ascot and decided to add purple where it could fit with his usual blue.
Soos is a pig (which, apparently, I cant draw). He has a green collar with a question mark and brown spots that are shaped a bit more like scooby's. I did consider giving him a vest instead though (I thought a collar would be easier to draw, but we'll never know since I couldnt get passed figuring out pig proportions).
I also think their shipping dynamics line up pretty well despite me not considering that when I chose who was who. People dont really ship fred and velma (would've made for a whole yikes in this au). They also dont really ship daphne and shaggy. People ship fred with shaggy while daphne likes fred, just like people ship Mabel and Pacifica while Gideon likes mable. And people ship shaggy with velma like dipper and Pacifica are shipped.
Anyways, two other things:
1. This isnt meant to be a one to one thing, I'm aware not everything lines up and it's a bit wonky.
2. I wanted to keep it to characters in the same age group (with the exception of soos, he was the second one decided bc scooby needed to talk), so no wendy or the other teens as part of the gang. I also knew I wanted to use pacifica, which left one slot open. I didn't want one of characters so I had to choose between gideon, candy and grenda. Splitting up candy and grenda dodnt feel right and working in gideon seemed more fun.
2b. Using candy and grenda both without pacifica leaves dipper kind of isolated. Which could work, either as velma being an awkward nerd or dipper instead as shaggy mostly hanging with soos, but it wasnt the vibe I was going for.
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
choir and kisses
a niki x reader school au, where there in choir together and have a project to work on. maybe they kiss? maybe
this baisically inspired my school au tbh
Niki sat in her choir class, exhausted from her previous class. The kids were just too much to be around and didn't have the mental strength to deal with them sometimes. She opened her choir folder, putting it on her stand.
“Yo niki, you good?'' Wilbur says, sitting down next to her. “I'm fine, but Wilbur, you're not in this class. I thought you were in orchestra.” she answers, looking at the tall man. “I am, I just don't have a class right now so I decided to visit you.” niki nodded. “Oh right, seniors have free hours sometimes.” he nodded at niki’s statement, opening his phone. “Texting sally?” niki asks, making Wilbur blush. “No no I'm not.” niki laughs, turning to the front of the room when the bell rings.
“Alright everyone, we will be doing a group project today! Your gonna do a presentation of a musical and then sing a duet together! Your partners are posted on google classroom.” niki opened her phone, seeing who she was partnered with. Wilbur just sighed, staring at niki. “Mind if i hang with you and your partner?” wilbur asks. Niki nodded. “Yeah its fine. Seems like I'm partnered with your sibling!” wilbur just started laughing. “What are you laughing at?” he calmed down slightly. “It's just that you have the biggest crush on them, it's gonna be so funny.” niki blushed. “I don't have a crush on them! We’re friends, I don't like them like that wilbur.” he just laughed at this. “Niki, your blushing!” niki huffed. 
“Wilbur leave Nikki alone, besides we need to do work!” niki turned to see (y/n) yelling at their brother. “I'm still pissed at you for leaving me to deal with techno and tommy.” Wilbur laughs nervously. “I'll do your chores if you don't tell dad.” “deal!” (y/n) sits in the empty seat next to nikki.
“So, what musical do you want to do for the project? Note that we do have to do a duet.” (y/n) says, setting their folder down. “Maybe we could maybe do into the woods? It takes two isn't that hard of a song to do.” niki suggests. “Yeah, we can do that!” niki and (y/n) started to work on their presentation, getting what they needed before they had to leave for class. Wilbur occasionally budded in, bored out of his mind. 
“Maybe you should have chosen a different class wilbs. Maybe bother tommy.” (y/n) says, listening to the song they were gonna do. “I dont wanna hang out with Tommy, he's always bothering me about my music.” he crosses his arms and sinks into his chair. “Oh calm down, he's just excited.” niki says, gathering information on her phone. “Niki, you don't have any siblings, shoosh.” niki just laughs. 
Things went on like this, right until the class was nearly over. “Oh, niki, you should come over tonight to finish the project. We could practice the song as well!” (y/n) says, moving their chair for the orchestra class that was next. “Yeah, that would be great! I could come over after school?” niki asks. “Yeah, we can walk home together! Gotta make sure to leave Wilbur behind though, he would constantly complain if he were to come along.`` We laugh together. The bell soon rings. “Alright, see you after class ends!” (y/n) says, picking up their stuff. “See you then!” niki puts away her stuff and leaves soon after.
Class went on, (y/n) very excited that niki would be coming over, yet also very nervous. They knew Wilbur would just say something. (y/n) turned to techno, who was in their english class. “Techno, did you read the book we were supposed to read?” technoblade turned to them. “(y/n), this is the second time you're taking this class and you didn't read the book? Again?” (y/n) just glares at him. “I don't like the book, okay! Anyway, did you read it?” techno just sighs, nodding. (y/n) smiled. “Oh thank god! Okay, help me with the essay then.” techno agrees, knowing if they didn't pass, he would get in trouble for not helping.
After a half hour, the bell rings, signalling that school has ended. (y/n) picks up their things, heading to their locker. They see niki waiting for them there. “Did you get out of class early?” (y/n) asked, unlocking the locker. “Yeah, I asked the teacher and she said it was fine!” (y/n) shoves their things into their bag. “Well that's nice of her! Anyways, we better get moving or one of my brothers would force us to ride home with them.” niki nodded, closing (y/n)’s locker for them. They walked down the stairs, heading out of one of the school's many doors.
They walked home, talking about random things as they went along. “You ever think about getting run over when your crossing the road?” niki stared at (y/n), concerned at their comment. “No? Are you okay?” (y/n) nodded. “Yeah im fine.”
After ten minutes, they reach the minecrafts home, noticing that they weren't home yet. “Oh thank god, i forgot they had to pick up tubbo as well.” (y/n) says, opening the door. They both walked inside the dark home. “Im gonna get us some food, just head up to my room!” (y/n) says, taking off their shows and heading to the kitchen. “Alright!” niki says, taking of her own shoes and heading upstairs. Niki spotted a door that had the progressive flag on it. “Oh thats new!” niki says, entering (y/n)’s room. “Wow, their rooms changed since I was last here.
(y/n)’s room was painted (f/c), and had drawings and posters all over the room. They had a desk, with their pc and art stuff atop it. Their bed was unmade, having stuffed animals all over the place. Niki spotted a whale plushie seated on their pillow. “Aww they kept it!” niki had given it to them years ago, so she found it sweet that it was still there.
(y/n) soon came up, holding a bunch of snakes and some cokes. “Sorry this is all we had, tommy wont let us buy anything else.” (y/n) says, handing niki the coke. “Oh, that's alright!” they sit down on (y/n)’s bed. (y/n) sat their snakes on their desk, so as not to spill them all over. 
“Okay, we need to actually put the presentation together. You have the notes right?” niki nodded, grabbing her phone while (y/n) sat at their pc, not too far from the pink haired girl. “Okay, so we have-” they did this for a while, niki reading the notes while (y/n) wrote them into the google slide. It soon got to the part where they had to sing their song. 
“Okay, so I'll be the baker, and you can be the other one.” (y/n) says, opening the song for them to sing. “Okay, i can do that!'' They started the song, getting ready to sing.
“(Y/N) ARE YOU WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND???” (y/n) stops the song. “I swear to god I will kill tommy. NO JACKASS, WE’RE NOT DATING!!” niki tries to stifle a laugh. “ARE YOU SURE????'' Tommy responds, still downstairs. (y/n) glares at the laughing niki. “Sorry sorry.” niki says, still laughing. “IM POSITIVE, NOW SHUT UP WE’RE TRYING TO DO SOMETHING!!'' Tommy responds immediately. “ARE YOU TWO HAVING SEX??” niki chokes on her own spit, while (y/n) blushes profusely. “OH THAT'S IT, COME HERE YOU LITTLE BITCH!!” (y/n) says, jumping out of their chair, running downstairs to attack the child. Niki leaves as well, wanting to see (y/n) beat up a child.
She comes down the stairs to see (y/n) putting Tommy in a choke hold while techno cheered them on. Niki stands next to techno.
"Apologize! I'll take your Cds if you don't!!!" "No no not my disks!!"
Niki turns towards techno. "Does this regularly happen?" Techno nodded as a response. Niki turned back, seeing Tommy try to bite (y/n). "OH STOP IT RACOON CHILD!!" philza soon comes In and breaks them apart. "Awwe my free entertainment.'' Techno says. "Oh calm down. Tommy, please stop annoying your sibling. This is why you get choked.” Tommy pouts. “Okay phil.” philza glares at the young child. “Also, (y/n), next time, just punch him in the throat. You've learned from techno.” “HEY!'' Tommy says, offended. (y/n) laughs, “okay, will do dadza. Oh, what time is it?” techno looked at his phone. “Its close to 9 pm.” (y/n) pouts, going over to niki and clinging onto her. “Noooo, it can't be her time to leave.” niki giggles, patting (y/n)’s head. “I have to leave. I'll come over soon, okay?” (y/n) nodds, letting go. 
They go upstairs together, grabbing nikkis stuff. They go back downstairs to the front door. (y/n) and niki hug each other. “Are you coming back tomorrow?” (y/n) asked, letting go. “Yeah, we did never got to actually practice the song! I'll be over at 4 pm, like always.” (y/n) nodds. “Okay, well, see you tomorrow?” niki nodded, leaning over and kissing (y/n) on the cheek, making them blush. “Yep! See ya, bye!” she says, opening the door and closing it, leaving (y/n) a mess.
“Yep…” they say to themself, smiling happily. “YES!!!! I TOLD YOU THEIR GIRLFRIENDS!! PUSSY DIDN'T EVEN KISS HER THEMSELF HAHA!!” (y/n) turned around, running towards tommy. “COME BACK HERE AND SAY IT TO MY FACE YOU LITTLE BITCH!”
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
This is the Bad Grammar Anon😜 can I get a match-up plz? If not plz just ignore me.
Good/not bad qualities/personality: my way I like to show love is through acts of service, mostly through cleaning and cooking, if I like someone I always want to make them food, I like to receive physical love but will accept however any guy of mine would give.. I can receive any, ridiculously easy to please, soul trait-kindness, goofy, likes to pick shit for funsies like a game, good with communication for the most part, long fuse but it is ugly if my limit is reached, loves animals massive dogs r my favorite, and I don't take up much space, very submissive person, good listener, pretty reasonable and easy to bring to sense if I'm being irrational, selfless almost to a fault, once I'd get with a guy I'd dress more modest when out and only wear skimpy stuff around him, social chameleon
Bad qualities: can get reclusive at times, antisocial, introverted, can get Moody, can get passive Agressive if I feel disrespected but am working on not doing that will listen if someone says I'm doing it and stop (I like someone who isn't scared to call me out), not very good at flirting (my flirting style is what I like to call 'poking the bear'.. tease him until he does something), bad relationship with food.. I either emotionally eat a ton more than I need or I won't eat and have no appetite., Has body dysmorphia a lot because I used to b able to work out a lot and got an injury to where I can't do it like I used to, can get possessive and jealous at times, my voice doesn't carry that well so it's hard to hear me at times, I can sometimes take too much to heart and overthink stuff he may say or do
Hobbies/likes: I crochet and knit, like to care for animals (I'm a zookeeper), swimming is one thing I can still do a lot so I love doing it, reading, drawing, and , I cook. I enjoy doing spa days every other day on myself n the evening, am never seen without a drink with me mostly it's water but coffee and tea I also bring. I like to play with my puppy and put the hats I crochet on him. I also like my swishy sweatpants.. I feel so fancy n my swishy pants. I also like anything sparkly like a raccoon, (cough cough biting and scratching and being manhandled a little n bed)
Pet peeves: people who make fun of my accent (it's deep Texas accent) and say I sound dumb or uneducated for it (I actually have a medical science degree and a computer science degree), when people mistake me for a kid or talk down to me, people who start real shit for no reason or like everything is a problem to them, and people who wont tell me stuff because they fear my reaction or 'dont want to hurt my feelings' or 'keep me calm', and people who take everything as a joke
Deal breakers: allowing people to disrespect me or our relationship and him have nothing to say of it or he tries to get me to b ok with it, keeping his thoughts, feelings, and stuff that happens from me and not tell me stuff.. so being secretive, not wanting to b with me long term, and if he's always telling me what to say when I didn't ask (sometimes I do.. that's when I'd accept it.. other than that I don't want to b scripted), taking everything as a joke
Values: I'd want to b respected as an adult, someone who's loyal and won't play games with me mind games, someone who'd b there for me like I'd be there for him, someone who wants to b with me (hopefully for life) long term, and who makes it super clear that he wants me around unashamed
What I look like: I'm 4'5'', a woman, have a petite hourglass figure, wear a corset to give myself a snatched waist most of the time so it brings out my shape a lot, I have pale almost white skin, pale green eyes, and waist length dark blonde hair, long dark eyelashes and full dark eyebrows, and I like to wear short shorts crop tops and comfy tennis shoes, in a relationship I'd go out n sweatpants and jeans, and I'd have a t shirt or hoodie on. Always have sparkly peridot stud earrings on or a peridot necklace or a peridot ring. I own a set, it's my birthstone.
Attracted to physically: I like any guy taller than me which most r, I like a guy with big strong hands, I like a rogue ish / mischievous smile too but it's not a must, and I like when guys have a sassy way they stand, no particular body type I go for
After lots and lots of back and forth it came down to two boys. One I feel is much better suited though.
Second place was boss (lol) and the boys you are matched with is…..
Lush! (Lustfell sans)
What attracts lush to you is not only your goofy nature but also how much of yourself you throw into the relationship. Your devotion endears him to you easily, and for once, he feels spoiled and appreciated in his relationship instead of used. It means a lot to him.
Lush is a sugar daddy lol. He shows his love by spoiling you rotten. He loves appealing to your raccoon side by getting you new shinies all the time. Whether that’s jewelry, or just decor, he gets it.
Lush too is a sweatpants man, and will sneak his into your drawer so you wear them. He likes having his scent on you. He also lets you “steal” his tshirts and hoodies as well.
The only issue I can see is your jealously and his flirtatious nature. Lush will never cheat, but he does flirt with every one. It’s his personality. Communication goes a long way there. He’s respectful of his partners
And he will happily bite and scratch if you’re wondering
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chuuyagum · 3 years
Things To Improve About My Art
gotta speedrun improving again or im gonna blow a fuse SO dont mind me just dissecting some things
• torsos 》 particularly shoulders and tiddies
• fat folds 》 tums and chins
• hands 》 wrists and knuckles
• mouths 》 more expressive
• menswear 》 suit coats
• skirts 》 how they sit
• ruffles 》 detail work
• shoes 》 in general lmao (ayuda)
• i have some anatomy books so i should probably Actually use them
• have to be careful of how many hours i spend drawing bc my hands have cramped to the point they wont open more than once
• cousin gifted me a lap desk thing so i'll be able to draw traditional more comfortably - havent been able to use my sketchbook in months thanks to 1) no where comfortable to sit with it in my lap 2) cant use my desk due to leg pain
• rely on erasing less often (getting better)
• do 2/3 sketches before final line art
• rely on 3D models less - only use as pose ref
• not comfortable using irl refs for full piece yet only for practice sketches
• pay attention to when brain fog hits, dont force myself to keep going anyway
• stop comparing numbers it does nothing
• try new brushes
• dont box into one style
• stop taking advice from strangers
• time myself so i can be mindful of how long i spend & also get quicker
• do more of what i love & only make for me
• self praise
• doesn't matter who likes it - if they dont its not my problem
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