#also dont make me think about 11 year olds dating please lol its literally fine theyre children let them be please
crunchycrystals · 7 months
side note i 100% called that evie was still alive after that first chapter in renegades
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officialgleamstar · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank u for the tag @cerealmonster15 :] sorry for forcing you into tagging me and then FORGETTING TO DO IT ONCE I GOT OFF WORK but insomnia is killing me tonight sooo tag game time :3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
127 fics on my account, and then 130 anonymous fics, and two? maybe three? orphaned fics lol
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
826,251! getting close to 1 mil... maybe that should be a writing goal for this year :0
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently its oxventure all the way down, baby bfdjgfdhhj i have a few dndads fics im still working on though, and i have an aftg fic im working on for an event right now as well! i need to... make sure i finish that on time, actually
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
they aaare mostly anonymous LOL but! for fics i list, these ones. the way that three of these are from 2017 and 2018... i know that makes sense because theyve had more time to accumulate kudos and also are for more popular fandoms but :') man 1. Cleaning Up - Haikyuu!! - 908 kudos 2. heart under your sleeve - 3rd Life - 616 kudos 3. four am - All For the Game - 502 kudos 4. his soul - Empires SMP, 3rd Life - 391 kudos 5. "Are you dense, or do you just not know how to say no?" - All For the Game - 288 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes i do!!! im bad at it, but i do :D
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
just like cereal, i dont write much angst, but probably you know i love you, right? or these feelings, they're not gone :0
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of my fics are disgustingly sweet and sappy so its hard to judge
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have a few times but not enough to be a trend, lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yeah lol if i cant write pet play and/or breeding kink i wither up and die. who said that
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
just once! (can you kiss me more) absolutely beloved
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
two times that i know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah lol someone translated a handful of my old rpf fics into russian :]
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah, but never a finished fic
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
you simply cannot make me choose. you cant make me choose. please.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Divorced Dad Rock Mix you are everything to me but chapter 3 thru 6 are probably never seeing the light of day
16. What are your writing strengths?
im really good at telling a compelling story in a very small amount of word :] also, SPEED WRITING. i can write very quickly when i put my mind to it!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
im so awful at ending fics just absolutely dogshit at it
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
its . writing dialogue in another language, i guess? lol its fine
19. First fandom you wrote for?
pokemon or harry potter i think. maybe my little pony or minecraft. or world of warcraft but i think that was later? id have to dig through my deviantart and i dont feel like it lol
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
god that is a hard question to answer, i love all of my fics a lot bfdgfjhdbghjd i think... the first fic to come to mind was, naturally, my beloved your love is tried and true-blue. normscary <333 AND my glennry soulmate fic as well, so where do we begin? hmmm... the johnny spells thing comes from a very personal space, and its a fic that i thought about for literal years, so its very near and dear to me in that sense as well. and on our dates, it's never daytime is a super self-indulgent fic that i reread a lot because its so perfectly targeted at myself lol same thing for fall (back) in and i love mine, mine, mine for more recent examples. uh. okay thats a lot of rambling LOL those i guess :3
tagging: hmmmmm @bidoofenergy and @cookies-over-yonder i think!!! have fun guys
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not-a-space-alien · 5 years
hey its me again wall of text sorry not sorry
k i saw your little treatise justifying zadr and yknow its a cartoon its not the worst thing ever of course nobody is gonna sue you for reblogging fanart or burn you at the stake or w/e and im glad you decided to open yourself up to a differing opinion but zim IS portrayed as an adult. there was even an unfinished episode where zim’s childhood and growing up training from start to finish would be shown so by the time of the pilot he is definitely a full grown developed adult by irken standards especially if hes a former member of an elite military force like the invaders. jhonen has said that the irony and sad comedy of zims character is that hes a grown ass man and a war veteran to boot who VOLUNTARILY goes to an elementary school every day and throws hands with an 11 year old boy who should be well below his notice because he’s that pathetic and desperate for validation that he’ll stoop to seeking it from a child. it also sets up a dynamic between them where dib is CHALLENGED by having to go up against an adult with way more experience than him while dib is just a child, so when he wins its more meaningful, which is a common trope in childrens fiction that an underdog young hero has to take down a powerful adult villain.
jhonen might joke a lot but he’s serious about this part of the characterization of zim and dib and he even went to great lengths to make dib look and act more like a kid in ETF (more emotional and naive, designed to look smaller/softer, going in depth with his relationship to his dad and sister and needing his dad to protect him at the end when he’s too overrun to fight alone) just to drive home the point of how young he is. it was a very deliberate move and jhonen knows what hes doing ESPECIALLY since he also left zim pretty much unchanged and also includes gags about zim’s relative maturity like animating him briefly grimacing because his joints are sore and the part where he pretty much gestures to his crotch and goes “theyre afraid to look at ALL-A THIS”. like you would not see jhonen do that sort of joke with an underage character ok. dont confuse his social awkwardness and self deprecating/trolling humor for not knowing the difference between right and wrong and not acknowledge when he means something sincerely because he doesn’t just clown on people and troll ALL THE TIME 24/7 hes a human, and times have changed with more awareness on issues such as the grooming of minors so he can go back on things he may have said in the past that he doesn’t agree with now or said by mistake. he has said enough times that zim is older than any human alive that its safe to take his word for it by now. judging by the one strip he did in JTHM about johnny murdering a pedophile who was about to prey on squee i think his stance on protecting kids is pretty clear. also i wouldnt put it past jhonen to have redesigned membrane to be more chaddy looking to divert the adult fandom’s attention away from dib and throw the fangirls a bone but thats a whole nother can of worms lol.
and the justification that zim is immature so hes essentially on dib’s level is a reversal of something lots of kids hear from either creepy or ignorant adults who tell them theyre “so mature for their age”. no matter how emotionally mature you are it wont ever compensate for the number of years youve been alive so that’s not very sound logic, and even in fic where theyre both adults it’s still pretty weird because it doesn’t erase their history where zim knew dib as a kid. that’s sort of like a grownup waiting with bated breath until a kid is “legal” so they can start dating. kinda like when jacob imprints on bella’s newborn daughter in twilight then having it handwaved away by saying he’ll wait till she’s grown up, which understandably drew a huge amount of criticism. it’s a loophole that might be mildly acceptable in some cases but the context leaves it colored with a residual ickiness that sets off some red flags for me and a lot of other people.
also you said zim is an alien and therefore the situation itself is unrealistic, but the reason invader zim’s writing resonates with people is because zim is written with very HUMAN emotions and motivations and part of the humor again is how irkens despite being aliens from another planet mirror some of humanity’s worst flaws such as being petty, gluttonous, willfully ignorant, arrogantly believing they are special and better than everyone else, easily manipulated by propaganda, all too eager to greedily colonize other societies etc making them not so different from us at all. so the premise out of context might not seem realistic but the idea of a sad burnout adult who doesn’t realize how humiliating it is to be consistently outsmarted by a kid less than half their age IS realistic and applicable to human interaction since we’ve likely all met someone like this before at one point in our lives for example a schoolteacher who has a personal vendetta against one or more of their students and has nothing better to do than antagonize them, or a really dumb parent that you fight with a lot.
another thing, i know you and other fans probably have a lot of sentimental value and nostalgia attached to zadr because you probably shipped it back when you were a kid yourself and you cant be blamed for something you liked as a kid, but youre an adult now, and you have to listen to the portion of kids in the fandom who dont like zadr and say without question that the age gap makes them uncomfortable. those kids ARE the priority. we’re grown up now and we have to put our feelings aside for them because that’s part of being responsible and mature. i feel like zim himself is a pretty good example of how not to act at our age [shrug emoji]
and anyway a lot of the same elements of zadr can be explored with zadf just as well with just as much potential for cute moments and as a bonus is it’s not creepy
You do bring up some good points, and I’m not saying you’re wrong...  But honestly I’m still not convinced.  I mean, stuff that Jhonen said, the thing is even if it’s the author saying it it’s still outside of canon, that’s the reason why Neil Gaiman got flack for Good Omens because they didn’t write an actual kiss or hug or hand-hold between Aziraphale and Crowley yet Neil Gaiman went on Twitter saying they were queer representation.  I still don’t really put much stock into what he says because the unfinished episodes and Jhonen’s commentary don’t really change the dynamic that’s actually in the show.  And again...Jhonen said if there were going to be romance in the show it would be Zim/Gaz, so he’s either a huge hypocrite or doesn’t view Zim as being incompatible with Gaz.
I do think it’s much better when Dib is an adult and it just makes more sense, and I actually do prefer zadf to zadr and if i were going to ever write fanfiction or make fanart it would probably just be zadf, just because i know this does have some stuff to think about and I totally respect that you have a different view of it, but i honestly just don’t see it that way.  The analogy with Jacob imprinting on Bella’s child in Twilight isn’t really the same thing honestly.  The author in that situation tried to make it not......that....by saying that imprinting isn’t always a romantic relationship thing, and that Jacob would be more of an older brother, but honestly that doesn’t really negate the impact of grooming that kid would have with Jacob around.  The idea that Zim would somehow be grooming Dib seems really silly to me although you’re right, I think his characterization in Into the Florpus has evolved somewhat especially with regard to Dib wanting to get his father’s approval, but again Zim has parallels with that in trying to please the Tallest.  the world-building and characterizations are inconsistent and scattershot at best.  Like no, zim isn’t waiting for him to turn legal, that’s absurd, they’re nemeses coming at each other then learning to be friends.  You’re right that that doesn’t have to be zadr but I still tag it as zadr so people can block it if they want to.
Like, I’ve seen people ship Zim with Professor Membrane instead of Dib.  That seems very weird to me.  that professor membrane would have a relationship with someone who literally goes to his son’s elementary school and who doesn’t know anything at all about human behavior and emotions.
I feel like with this discussion people don’t really understand the problem with age gaps. With age gaps, it’s not a matter of mature/immature, it’s about development.  A ten year age gap sounds like a lot right?  a 25-year-old and a 15-year old would absolutely have a predatory “relationship.”  But a 35- and a 45-year old, that’s perfectly fine.  Having a difference in age doesn’t automatically make the relationship unhealthy.  so if Dib is 25 and Zim is [whatever the hell aliens years i still don’t really take Jhonen’s word for it bc he’s not consistent], that’s doesn’t mean it has to be bad.  The thing about telling minors they’re “so mature for their age” to try and convince them that a person interested in them isn’t a pedophile is that we know a human being who is 15 isn’t developmentally at the same level as a 25-year-old regardless of their behavior.  What is Zim?  All we have to go on is how he acts, and he acts like Dib is an equal match, it’s not “he’s immature for his age,” it’s very unclear.  Raw number of years isn’t the ultimate decider, for example in DnD lore elves reach maturity at, like, 100 years old so a 25-yo human trying to get with a 50-year-old elf would be predatory to the young elf even though the “younger” one is technically twice as old as the human.  Do you see what I’m saying?
I also don’t really buy the idea that Invader Zim’s writing resonates with people because Zim is ~~so human~~.  The guy steals a bunch of kid’s organs in one episode and flies into a tantrum over the slightest inconvenience.  You have to be reading really deeply into it and dig into some old internet archives of things Jhonen Vasquez has said to paint it as realistic.  You can do some interesting things with it wrt like, Zim being defective and starting to experience human emotions but that’s mostly fanon.
Well, you’ve given me some things to think about, thanks for explaining your side to me.  I’m still going to tag things as #zadr so people can block if it can’t plausibly be categorized as zadf.  I’m not actually making any fan content for Invader Zim so the point is kind of moot, but if I ever do I’ll definitely take this into consideration.
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1112lw · 5 years
Every question!!
1: Name: Arche/Jupiter, my close friends know my real name so!
2: Age: High school has just been done so try to guess
3: Fears: Heights, oral presentations, the dark
4: 3 things I love: Drawing, men- concept art n stuff like that
5: 4 turns on: Oh here we go- uhh thighs, messy hair? when they give u The Look or when they. say things i will not talk about here HHGBDF n uhhh Arms 👀👀
6: 4 turns off: weird macho attitude, overly confident bullshit, being selfish and fuckboys in general
7: My best friend: not sure what this means but my bff is named Daphnée n i love her and ive known her my whole life so 
8: Sexual orientation: homosexuale
9: My best first date: :))))))) as if
10: How tall am I: sigh. I’m 5″4
11: What do I miss: sometimes i miss the feeling loved ig
12: What time were I born: 12:19
13: Favourite color: pink!
14: Do I have a crush
15: Favourite quote: My senior quote!! “if what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, I’m telling you I’m immortal”
16: Favourite place: well? my room ig? I like my yard too
17: Favourite food: ugh ramen,,,korean dishes are TASTE as fuck but i also like classic ass spaghetti so like lol
18: Do I use sarcasm: does it look like i dont
19: What am I listening to right now: dr.phil LMFAO
20: First thing I notice in new person: Hair and eyes!! also how they laugh
21: Shoe size: Like. a 7-8 in women’s 6 in men’s 
22: Eye color: Hazel/Golden yes bitch let me be special
23: Hair color: it’s either dark brown or golden brown idk
24: Favourite style of clothing: bruv its either kpoppie fuckboy or uwu skirts pastels
25: Ever done a prank call?: no i have anxiety
26: Meaning behind my URL:
27: Favourite movie: rise of the guardians and HTTYD
28: Favourite song: Comeback Home (BTS cover)
29: Favourite band: looks in the camera i dont know nan molla huh
30: How I feel right now: I’m fine im hungry
31: Someone I love: shoutout to my babeys in my server ily
32: My current relationship status: Single(tm)
33: My relationship with my parents: theyre fine ig just a bit tired
34: Favourite holiday:
35: Tattoos and piercing I have: Ear piercings? that’s it
36: Tattoos and piercings I want:
37: The reason I joined Tumblr:
38: Do I and my last ex hate each other? I sure hope not?
39: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? A bit ig?
40: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? Literally no
41: When did I last hold hands? Like last Friday
42: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 20 minutes
43: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? no i havent shaved in like months
44: Where am I right now? in my room, in quebec, canada
45: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? bitch i sure hope my friends would
46: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? fuck my ears 
47: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? yeah
48: Am I excited for anything? yeah? yeah
49: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? ig? always
50: How often do I wear a fake smile? just at work tbh
51: When was the last time I hugged someone? not long ago i cant tell but my friends r cuddle monsters so 
52: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? i havent kissed anyone so 
53: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? lemme think uhhh no not rlly im not dumb 
54: What is something I disliked about today? i woke up n i thought i had school lol
55: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? oh john cock i want to be ur best friend
56: What do I think about most? i daydream 24/7
57: What’s my strangest talent? uhhh i can put my thumb behind my hand?
58: Do I have any strange phobias? trypophobia, if thats “weird”
59: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? depends on what the video is, mostly behind
60: What was the last lie I told? idk answering to my deadname
61: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? online
62: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? I slightly believe in ghosts? also aliens GOTTA exist so 
63: Do I believe in magic? i think!
64: Do I believe in luck? yeah
65: What’s the weather like right now? very pretty i filmed a video outside!!
66: What was the last book I’ve read? L’Étranger d’Albert Camus in french class
67: Do I like the smell of gasoline? yes my dad’s a mechanic
68: Do I have any nicknames? a lot a lot
69: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? bitch @ my birth #neverforget 
70: Do I spend money or save it? i have 40$ in my name right now
71: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? no
72: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? yes highlighter
73: Favourite animal? cats or otters
74: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? FBISDFD NO WE DONT TALK ABOUT IT
75: What do I think is Satan’s last name idk he can have any last name he wants!!!
76: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? everytime i start hearing “waiting for you anpanman” or “i just wanna go home” 👀👀
77: How can you win my heart? aaahh. be a twink. b fashionable. b funny. cheesy. pls romance me like a npc in the sims 2
78: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? s(he) died smh
79: What is my favorite word? cunt is SUCH a satisfying word
80: My top 5 blogs on tumblr? oh great uh honestly cant be fucked 
81: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? please have brain. PLEASE
82: Do I have any relatives in jail? i sure hope the fuck not?
83: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? either invisibility or mind reading
84: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? ahaaa “what are your intrusive thoughts”
85: What is my current desktop picture? my lesbian sims getting married LMFAO
86: Had sex? no
87: Bought condoms? no
88: Gotten pregnant? NO
89: Failed a class? i think yeah maths last year
90: Kissed a boy? :(((
91: Kissed a girl? no
92: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? no
93: Had job? I have a job rn so 
94: Left the house without my wallet? yeah when i go to school
95: Bullied someone on the internet? define bullying?
96: Had sex in public? virgin squad
97: Played on a sports team? yeah
98: Smoked weed? no ew
99: Did drugs? no ew
100: Smoked cigarettes? NO EW
101: Drank alcohol? yep 
102: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? no i’d die
103: Been overweight? i’m twig
104: Been underweight? i think i was underweight when i was young? i was very Small
105: Been to a wedding? yes very long boring
106: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? bruh. everyday
107: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? probably?
108: Been outside my home country? ONCE
109: Gotten my heart broken? TWICE !
110: Been to a professional sports game? yesss canadians game!!
111: Broken a bone? no
112: Cut myself? not technically 
114: Been in airplane? once
115: Fly by helicopter? i am not rich bitch
116: What concerts have I been to? noneeee- WAIT NO MARIE MAI
117: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? not sex but for the purpose of pretending i have a penis yes plenty
118: Learned another language? yeah!! i learned english, i almost learned spanish and i’m trynna learn korean now
119: Wore make up? i try!! but i’m not super good
120: Lost my virginity before I was 18? not 18 yet but it’s goin that way
121: Had oral sex? as if 
122: Dyed my hair? i wishhh
123: Voted in a presidential election? I WISH THE ELECTIONS R ONE MONTH B4 MY BIRTHDAY 
124: Rode in an ambulance? nope
125: Had a surgery? yes at a week old 
126: Met someone famous? i think yes but i was super small
127: Stalked someone on a social network? define stalked?
128: Peed outside? yes
129: Been fishing? YES
130: Helped with charity? i think? we do volunteering so 
131: Been rejected by a crush? not directly
132: Broken a mirror? no 
133: What do I want for birthday? boyf......boy..boyff
134: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? oh man uhh maybe 2-3, i dont know their names yet honestly
135: Was I named after anyone? MY DAD NAMED ME AFTER A FUCKIN CLIENT HE MET. as for my actual name now I named myself after my fav video game character. lit
136: Do I like my handwriting? yeah!!
137: What was my favourite toy as a child? bitch hot wheels
138: Favourite Tv Show? hells kitchen,,,,judge judy,,,anythin like that
139: Where do I want to live when older? honestly i wish i could just live in japan or tokyo, or new york? but i will most likely end up in montreal 
140: Play any musical instrument? i used to play the clarinet last year!!
141: One of my scars, how did I get it? the one on my knee, i scratched my desk with my knee 
142: Favourite pizza toping? my dad makes AMAZING sea food pizzas,,,
143: Am I afraid of the dark? a lot
144: Am I afraid of heights? A LOT
145: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? idk prolly? im a bit of a goody two shoes or however u spell it
146: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end: dont we all
147: What I’m really bad at: organizing my anxiety n shit i get overwhelmed
148: What my greatest achievments are: finishing high school 
149: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: honestly has to be that time someone dug up my vent post about being dysphoric to try to say i hated myself with some dumbass DySphorIa Is SelF HaTRed argument
150: What I’d do if I won in a lottery: pay my parents’ debt off, buy 284223$ of BT21 merch, pay my whole college/uni and transition
151: What do I like about myself: idk i like how i literally do not give a fuck anymore and ive learned to love myself instead of trynna care
152: My closest Tumblr friend: @peptobismol-official​ @ace-landofthesun​ @dorkalisious​ and ana but idk her @ anymore :((( ana pls
153: Something I fantasise about: we dont talk about that
154: Any thoughts on the paranormal?: lit. please stop crawling in my ceiling !
ok now that u know my whole biography. go doxx me ig. bye bye
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whenismuna · 7 years
1. Name: stephanie, steph, stoof, mistake
2. Birthplace: iowa bye
3. Ancestry: german and swedish aka whitest of the whites
4. Zodiac Sign: aries :)
5. Biggest fear: lmao being alone and losing trust in the people i care about most haha
6. Strength/Weakness: nothing/everything
7. Worst habit: breathing
8. Favorite holiday: halloween
9. Ever been in a car crash: almost
10. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher: lol who hasnt
11. What do you do as soon as you walk in the house: fill up my water and take off my pants
12. Age at first kiss: 17
13. When did you fall in love for the first time: 17
14. Who Is Your Longest Friend & How Long: michelle, the loml, 10 1/2 years :’)
15. Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: dont die maybe
16. What were you doing at midnight last night: listening to after laughter
17. When was the last time you laughed hard: this morning talking to michelle
18. Who was the last person that told you they love you: michelle :’)
19. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up yesterday morning: how am i supposed to know bye
20. Where did you go for your first date and who was it with: very first date was a double-date with my then-friend and our then-boyfriends and we saw that movie with justin timberlake about time?
21. Who’s wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsmen: my moms :)
22. Who did you see in concert first: weird al in like 4th grade
23. Who was your favorite teacher: SARAH JACKSON MY MOTHER I LOVE HER THE REAL LOML
24. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day: michelle
25. Who do you think about most: michelle or carly rae jepsen
26. Is your ideal occupation? doing anything with animal husbandry/rehabilitation
27. Beer, wine, or liquor? liquor 100%
28. Favourite restaurant? old sammy t’s or maybe legume
29. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? ben and jerrys americone dream
30. McDonlads or Burger King? neither?
31. Fantasy dinner guest(s)? crj, griffin mcelroy, rachel carson
32. Have you ever been drunk? When was the last time? yee like january wtf
33. What is the most embarrassing thing you have done drunk? lmao i sent michelle a bunch of snaps once crying about how much i love dogs
34. Wonder Woman or Cat Woman? wonder woman
35. How many pets do you have? none but i wanna get a kenyan sand boa so bad :(
36. What would be the first thing you bought if you won the lottery? an education
37. When was the first time you smoked? like july?
38. Who last sent you a text? delaney
39. Who did you last send a text to? delaney
40. What 4 things would you take to a desert island? rope, a knife, a lighter, and plastic wrap
41. Name the 3 most important people in your life? michelle delaney and nay
42. Favorite song? rn probably fake happy tbh
43. Favorite movie? always hsm bye
44. When did you last cuddle someone? last night :)
45. When did you last have sex? tuesday
46. If you woke up tomorrow with no fear, what would you do first? so much oh my god
47. What was your biggest worry five years ago, do you still feel the same about it at this minute? i mean this time five years ago i was getting ready to go to camp for the first time so i was probably worried about people liking me and like some of my best friends are from camp so obviously thats not a fear anymore
48. If you could change one law of your country, what would it be? just one?
49. What relationships have ended? But you can’t let go? literally none
50. Where would you take a road trip? everywhere
51. How do Mondays feel for you? time isnt real. i havent known what day it is for the past month
52. If you could spend ten minutes with your ‘hero’ alive or dead what would you ask them? “hi rachel yeah a) are u gay, b) will you marry me?”
53. Do your practice ‘self love’ or ‘self loathing’? love in theory but loathing in practice
54. What’s your greatest achievement to date? beating a game of solitaire in 25 seconds
55. What scares you about your future? literally everything
56. Why does pizza come in a square box? idk?
57. What would happen if you knew you could not fail? id already have my dream job tbh
58. How does it feel to be photographed? if its on my terms, very nice, otherwise no
59. If you could erase an event from your mind, which one would you choose? all of middle school
60. Do you want your children (if you have any) to be ‘just like you’? trick question, i dont want kids
61. Do you stand for what you believe in or are you pleasing others? im the most non-confrontational person i know but if it really gets to morals i will absolutely stand for what i believe in
62. If money were no concern, what would you do for the rest of your life? travel
63. What are you thankful for, this moment? my friends
64. Do you have same sex fantasies? im gay?
65. If you have had sex in a public place, where? nope
66. Have you ever cried during/after sex? nope
67. Who is the oldest person you’ve had sex with? 25
68. Who is the youngest person you’ve had sex with? 19
69. Would you rather be in a relationship with a totally submissive partner or a totally dominant partner? dom bye
70. How tall are you? 5′10 bye
71. How much do you weigh? lmao i dont even know. i havent weighed myself in so long like i dont care lowkey
72. What color is your hair naturally? brown
73. What size jeans do you wear? umm???? 10??? 12????? idk
74. What is your favorite color to wear? black
75. Do you have any piercings? no :(
76. Do you have any tattoos? no :(
77. Do you care how other people see you? sometimes
78. Do you like sports? eh
79. How do you feel about age differences in relationships? it depends. as long as its not a huge age gap its fine idk
80. How do you feel about race differences in relationships? why would that matter?
81. Do you believe in karma or fate? both? more karma though
82. Do you keep a journal? i used to
83. Describe the last dream you remember: i was at delaneys house and her and her mom were showing me around the house and i was sobbing
84. Describe your favorite dream: see above
85. Where are some places you would like to visit? everywhere
86. Any upcoming concerts you want to attend? harry styles, handsome ghost, misterwives
87. What music do you listen to when you are happy? it depends? mostly carly rae jepsen tho lbr
88. What music do you listen to when you are mad? mostly folie a deux or vices or something
89. Do you like to burn candles or incense? candles
90. What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? oh yikes becherovka
91. What are your favorite alcoholic beverages? anything fruity
92. Do you smoke cigarettes or cigars? What about marijuana? nope
93. Who is your number 1 friend and why is he or she there? MICHELLE!!!!! we are soulmates and tbh i swear we were friends in a past life and when we met we knew because we were instantly best friends and i trust her with my life and tbh i could write a 10 page paper on why i love her and why shes my best friend bc wow a+ what a gal i love her so much and she will always be my #1. i am michelle trash #1
94. Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member? nope
95. Is there anyone of your friends that you would ever consider having sex with? yeah probably
96. Would you ever have sex in the shower or the bath? nope
97. Have you ever kissed or had sex with someone of the same sex? im gay
98. Do you think your last ex still wants to be with you? lmao tbh who cares im so over that and like lowkey if she sees this i dont really care bc like so much happened and also i have agf now so it doesnt even matter?
99. Ever wondered what it would be like dating the same gender as you? IM GAY
100. What are your outlooks on gay/bisexual people? I AM GAY
101. How often do you brush your teeth? depends on if im in a depressive episode or not, but usually at least twice a day
102. How often do you shower?  When was the last time you had a shower? depends on if im in a depressive episode or not but usually every day, and i showered yesterday
103. How often do you shave your legs? lmao like once a week maybe, that also depends on seasons and stuff
104. Political affiliation? liberal 100% like?
105. Opinion on abortion? jesus christ i dont care like im not boutta stop yall
106. Opinion on immigrants/ immigration reform? we need reform bc people need help and we cant just let them die yknow?
107. Should prostitution be legalized? oh god this is lowkey a super loaded question like theres a lot that would go into this holy shit
108. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? literally what does even mean
109. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? good question
110. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? just one?
111. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? being at camp
112. Would you break the law to save a loved one? it depends? but probably?
113. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? probably france? idk i just always liked it?
114. Why are you the person you are? jesus i wish i knew
115. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? id like to think so?
116. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? misunderstandings 
117. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? so many things
118. Were you happy when you woke up today? i mean i got to facetime michelle so
119. What’s a fact about the last person who text messaged you? shes such a good friend and i miss her and i cant wait to hopefully see her in august bc wow its been almost 2 years since we saw each other and i cry every day
120. Want someone back in your life? my grandpa tbh
121. What are you excited for? a lot actually for once
122. Are you scared to fall in love? absolutely terrified 
123. When is your next road trip? um i guess june because im going to pennsylvania?
124. What was the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? listened to harrys album
125. Do you like to cuddle? yeS
126. Have you ever kissed more than one person in 24 hours? nope
127. Plans for tomorrow? i have no clue
128. Do you care too much/not at all/just enough? probably too much
129. How is life going for you right now? um id say pretty good. definitely better than it was at this point last year
130. If you were offered a shot of whiskey right this second, would you accept? maybe? idk
131. This time last year, can you remember who you liked? haha yeah lol
132. Could you stay in the same relationship for over a year? i have before so... yes.
133. If you could have one super power what would it be? idk man
134. Background on your cell phone? my dog :’(
135. What are you thinking about right this second? after laughter and how sad/relatable it is ://////
136. Last book you read? How was it? um i still havent finished it but oil and honey and its so good i love bill mckibben so much
137. What is the last thing you bought? halsey tickets :’)
138. Do you live with your parents? yea
139. Have you ever been caught sneaking out? theres really no “sneaking out” of my house anymore bc my dad trusts me to not fuck up?
140. Have you ever met a celebrity? tyler joseph oh my god aleX CAPLOW WOW
141. What are you like when you’re drunk? im super laughy. im a typical drunk girl like idc
142. What are you like when you’re high? chill idk
143. Do you want children? not really
144. Do you want a church wedding? idk probably not tbh
145. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2 but i have 4 that i lay on my bed?
146. Have you ever been scuba diving? yeah i wanna go again and get certified tbh
147. Who was your first real crush? yikEs
148. What are you allergic to? nothing i am perfect, evolution did me well
149. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? nope
150. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? neither
151. How did you get your name? my mom chose it 20 minutes before i was born
152. Name one thing about your body you love? my eyes/eyebrows :)
153. What is your biggest goal in life? be happy and have a job that i love
154. Do you still have feelings for your ex? nope
155. Do you think aliens are real? absolutely
156. What age did you start drinking? 15? 16? 17? i dont know
157. What do you think of President Obama? overall good
158. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? i sure hope so?
159. Describe your dream girl/guy? my gf :)
160. Story of your first kiss? lmao nop
161. Story of the first time you made out with someone? lmAO NOPE
162. Story of the first time you had sex? FUCK NOP
163. When did you first have sex? 18 bye
164. First time you gave/ received oral sex? 18 jesus
165. Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to? nope but im gonna have to soon kill me i want to die
167. Favorite fictional character (movie, book, tv show)? cosima niehaus
168. How many followers do you have on tumblr? What about twitter/ instagram? 500 something idk? twitter like 200 something and insta 200 something too? idk im not really on insta anymore?
169. Are you friend with your parents on Facebook? who isnt?
170. First time you thought you were in love? When did you realize that you weren’t actually in love with that person? haha lol wow what a mistake jahahahaha
171. Do you talk to yourself? constantly
172. How old will you be on your next birthday? 20 what the fuck
173. How did you meet the last person you kissed? we were in public speaking together rip
174. Do you have any hickies? yea
175. Turn ons? girls
176. Turn offs? boys
177. What qualities did you get from your mom? all of my bad qualities
178. What qualities did you get from your dad? also all of my bad qualities
179. How many siblings do you have? 2 older brothers
180. Have you ever taken anyone’s virginity? nope
1 note · View note
nctsoftzens-blog · 6 years
little brother!taeyong
oOF heRE wE gO! also, i added a “request/ask me” box in my description (...i think lmAo a bitch dont kno how 2 blog) welp, please request anything ya’ll want and i’ll do my best to grant your wish :))
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little brother!taeyong
•will fight a bitch
•cries when you accidentally scratch or hurt yoself
•”noona! who hurt you?”
•*points to a rock* “its ok taeyong, i just tripped and fell, thats it-“
•*taeyong yelling at the rock* “oH YOU WANNA FIGHHT? yOU WANNA fighT?”
•literally the sweetest little shit ever
•”noona, love you”
•when you were kids, you taught him how to “play” the bongos
•you also taught him how 2 gEt girls
•and how to smile cutely
•and how to wink with one eye
•”taeyong- no- you’re blinking, you gotta squint one eye- oh nonono- nO, wRONG EYE DONT DO THAT”
•you have fetus photos of him in a neon pink mohawk that you showed to the members
•you literally share all of taeyong’s fetus photos with his members
•*points to a picture of 11 yo taeyong wearing a bikini as a fun joke* “and this is a picture of taeyong being- oh hey taeyong.”
•”showing them a picture of you in a bikini- what’d you mean i cant show them? oH are you making threats right now? ha! i have nothing to be ashamed of, i look good in all my photos”
•ljn:”*whispers to chenle* i wish i had the confidence of y/n noona”
•zcl:”*nods in agreement*”
•did i mention that he’s sweet as shit? hes like a sugar cookie baby
•”nooonnaaaaaaaa~ let me come with you!”
•”taeyong you cant go out of the building”
•”but i wanna comeeee”
•”but taeyong you can’t. *pats his head although he’s taller than you* just stay here and wait. i’ll bring snacks. what do you want?”
•”choco pie...”
•”okay :)) *returns back to sm building and sees taeyong sitting in the middle of the hallway* wtf are u doing”
•”waiting. did you bring choco pie?”
•he nags the shit out of you if you’re going out on a date
•”taeyong i dont need you to come along, i’ll be fine!”
•”but nOONaA u dont know if that guy is a nice guy or not. aLL mEn aRe mOnsTerS.”
•you roast the shit out of him just for lols
•”oh what about you? wait! nvm, you’re a little boy so its ok ;)”
•you hated all the people that unnecessarily attacked him for messing up a choreo or some shit like that
•with all honesty, you fought off many nct-antis
•”stfu and dont be a problematic bitch, just go back to ur business and leave them alone please and thanks”
•you were hired by sm to be a bodyguard for some weird ass reason
•”tf u mean i have to protect my brother? iM SMALLER THAN HIM”
•you quit bc of some fans at the airport that shoved you away from your job, and you didnt want to get involved with all that crazy jazz
•you want to baby taeyong but you realized that he’s not a 3 year old anymore
•lty: *accidentally chokes on a macaroon*
•nvm he still is a baby go baby him n make sure he’s safe
•he cooks
•mti:”hey, taeyong, why dont you let y/n by the kitchen?”
•lty: “because-“
•*clanging pots and a fire ontop of your apron while the dreamies are fanning you with their hands making it worse, then, doyoung hurls a bucket of water onto you, putting it out*
•lty: “*sigh* -thats why”
•you own all the nct merch, albums, n jazz
•#1 fan
•”tHAtS mY bOyS”
•he observes how you act around the members
•and when he suspects you like one of them he does some pretty thorough interrogation
•”noona, do you like (insert member’s name)”
•”whHAt? of cOurse nOt! tha-that would be nAsTtyy”
•”*sips tea* lies”
•he honestly is still a phat bitch for your storybook reading time
•”noona, read me a story”
•”tf taeyong? you’re a big boy now, read it on your own”
•”nOOnA, rEAd mE aA stORyY”
•”holy fUck bitch, ok”
•the members whine to you about taeyong’s nagging
•”what did he do this time?”
•lots of laughing
•on taeyong’s birthday, you treat all the members to barbecue after they do their vlive shtuffs
•”order anything you want”
•”alright then noona. excuse me! 7 more servings of fried rice please!”
•*internally crying because you love your brother but u aint a rich bitch*
•”issa ok, because is his birthday. yeah, its ok”
•sometimes you hang out with jisung and jeno’s older sisters and just c h i l l
•”so, did you get anymore blackmail on the boys?”
•*all together* “eYeE lOVeEE NesTLeE cRuNcH!”
•lots of wheezes with the girls
•when taeyog comes back home to visit on holidays, he nags you about cleaning your room
•”ah! look how dusty the room is! you need to fix your bed! wait how is my room- oHMYGOD LOOK HOW DUSTY MUSTY N CRUSTY IT IS WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU DUSTED MY ROOM NOONA”
•”3 and a half years ago”
•*taeyong always does this high pitched dolphin screech when he enters unorganized or unclean premises*
•”taeyong come over here and help me do the dish-“
•lots of hugs and pats on the head when he’s stressed out
•”noona, do you think i deserve to be in nct? *sobbing*”
•”ok, questions aside, no doubt you deserve to be in nct. you worked so hard taeyong, for so long... and who made you feel this way? *hugging him so he’ll feel better*”
•you both have this weird sibling connection
•ex. when he’s crying, you need to fight back your own tears because it hurts you to see your precious little brother cry
•ex. when he’s stressed out, you become stressed out because he is for some weird reason
•you love your little brother, even if he is an ass at times
159 notes · View notes
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I've been pulled over last night no insurance and no L plates HELP ME PLEASE?
Hello, I'm a genuine person, who has had a bad past with motoring, 3 - 4 years ago i was a maniac, a complete ideot who defied everything that was said and told to him( been caught for no insurance and disqual driving and driving without a license x15 times but after relizing what a ideot i was i decided to go the straight and narrow, so i got my license back last august with 6 points on it, they aint due to clear till next year although they are dated 2009?! any way, i own a decent 09 bike, that isnt cheap and i was what i thought fully insured (otherwise i wouldnt have driven and risked loosing my bike) anyways i got pulled over last night for speeding, and it came apparant i wasnt insured :O i rang my girlfriend and got her to produce the paperwork, they couldnt get hold of my insurance company due to they were shut at 10pm at night :S so they decided to seize my bike!:@ they give me a gypsys warning about the speeding, and refered me to court for no insurance no L plates, my arguement is, after going home and checking my bank, i have been driving for 3 months uninsured ( i really had no intention of doing so) i had thought that when my giro money lands into my bank acc swintons took it out the same day so i never defaulted, but this is not the case and i have defaulted. so i have insured my bike immediately after relizing what has happened and im going to get it out the impound in a minute (15 hours later after being seized) but the genuine thing is i've always had a rear L plate till 4 days ago when it snapped and i was waiting on my giro to come to purchase a new one, however i know that is no excuse but its the truth! what can i say to the judge to not get myself banned! the L plates situation is difficult because there like1 to buy but i have 0 pence! and i run my bike of scrap yard petrol ( filtered runs sweet) and i will take full admission to only ever having one L plate on my bike and explain my situation but what can i say or do so i dont get banned!? im really stuck with this one, it really is annoying as i had no intention to drive without insurance?! thanks guys""
Does Geico have the cheapest car insurance?
I've always had Geico and it was the cheapest a couple years ago. Is that still the case?
Is it cheaper to buy health insurance in any other state than CALIFORNIA?
I am shopping for health insurance and it is through the roof. Is it cheaper in other states? Should I move from California? I am 62 and my husband is terminal. Just need some real information.
HOw much does PIP insurance cost in miami florida?
does anyone know how much would PIP insurance cost for a 18 year old female driving a white 2002 SATURN SL2 in miami florida
Cheapest car to insure for new driver aged 17?
I looked for a quote on a 1994 renault clio 1.4 RT, which came up as 1059 per year, and also for one of the older eary 90's golfs, which was even higher at over 2000, for a 17yr old driver. I then looked at a 1.4l vauxhall corsa, 1993, which was still at least 1000 to insure. yet my friend managed to get insurance on her own policy for the same 1.4l corsa, at around 700 a year, and she had only been driving an additional 2 months more than me. and thats on the same insurance company too. Whats one of the cheapest cars possible to insure (within reason, preferably a half decent car haha) now, so i can see what my cheapest quote could be?""
Which medical insurance is best for the self-employed?
medical insurance and Rx co pay
Health insurance question?
Is there any way I can get health insurance? I have no money and no job. I recently had to quit my recent job due to moving. I'm 19 years old and have a disc herniation that I'm trying to get checked out. Parents don't have money and will not take me not their fault, healthcare as I know is expensive. Ill have a job by the end of November is there anyway I could somehow get insurance through a loan or something similar? Probably a dumb question but it don't hurt to ask.""
What is the cheapest life insurance a 66 year old man from california can get?
My dad is currently with AAA, signed up for life insurance for the first time, this month... he is paying 350 a month which is making it hard for him to have money for food. I'm looking for a cheaper plan for him. No health problems.""
Where to get Motor Trade insurance?
I'm 23 years old and I live in Bradford so getting a quote is near impossible. I've called a lot of Motor Trade insurance companies but none have been able to quote me either due to me being under 25 or because I live in Bradford. Do you guys know any companies I can try?
Car hit by uninsured driver - how to recover the costs?
My stationary car was hit by an uninsured driver in March 09. The insurance company made me pay 500 excess and said that this will be fully recoverable as the other driver was at fault. The car was then written off and I was paid the value of the car. In December the other driver was found guilty of driving without insurance, fined and given penalty points. Even though my policy gives me legal cover, it has now been 11 months since the incident and they do not seem to be very active. Also, my policy expires next month and as the claim is still open, the insurers assume that I lost my no claim bonus and quoted me twice as much for the renewal. I'm confused now, is there anything I can do to get my 500 back? I hope you can give me any ideas on what to do. Thanks""
Question about car insurance?
Is car insurance cheaper the older the car is or is it the other way around?
""I know it seems crazy, but whats the insurance per year of a 16 Year old with a Corvette?""
Lets say a 1995 Corvette with a V8 5.7 Liter Engine? I want to get a broken down one as a project car, I'd have to get insurance but how much would it be? Don't tell me its a stupid crazy idea just stfu... its only an idea.""
""If you are a 22 year old male, please reply telling me how much your full coverage car insurance is. Details!?""
If you are a 22 year old male, please reply telling me how much your full coverage car insurance is. Details!?""
I am looking for car insurance for a courier?
this is different from regular insurance.. is there any service that offers just courier insurance. one who uses their car to make deliveries
How much are you paying for car insurance?
How much are you paying for car insurance?
Which car in Canada has the lowest insurance rate?
I'm not talking about new cars btw, I'm talking about the old cars from 95-2002 the shitbox cars, I'm a student and I plan on getting my first car with my first insurance so I need to know what's a good starter/shitbox car with the lowest insurance costs. Thanks""
21st Century Insurance ?????????????
Is 21st Century good auto insurance. I am on my dads auto insurance. I pay 250 a month for a 03 dodge durango. So I am going to be shopping around in 6 months. I have progressive auto insurance.
How much would car insurance cost me?
I am male 31 yr old, have 1 yr experience driving on a provisional license, how much would insurance cost me for a 99 fiat punto 1.2?? Also if its possible to pay it monthly or whats the best? Would appreciate any help.""
If the insurance company totals my car do they keep it?
My car is old. Its a 95 Neon and it was backed into this weekend. We got one estimate of 2600 but that is more than the car cost. If we go thru the insurance company and they total the car will they keep the car or let us keep it. It still runs fine.
What can I get FIRST: a driver's license or car insurance?
I'm 19 & have had a class O learner's permit since February & my brother has been giving me driving lessons with his car since then. A couple days ago he got me this $300 car for when I get my license (so I won't keep asking to borrow his, lol) so..... I called the DMV, but this lady said I needed proof of insurance for a driver's license, plates, registration, etc.... So I called this insurance company, but the guy there said he needed a valid driver's license # to even give me a quote.... I'm probably gonna get my license in the next couple of weeks, but.... 1) Why isn't a learner's permit # considered valid when trying to get car insurance? 2) Which can I get FIRST: a driver's license or car insurance? And how?""
Third party fire and theft car insurance?
Does third party fire and theft car insurance cover me for personal injury? Also if I was to be at fault in an accident?
What do Republicans think President Obama health insurance is really about?
Do you think hes trying to give Insurance to poor people on welfare? Because they already have insurance, it's called medicaid. Do you think he's trying to give insurance to lazy people? Because MANY people have jobs that either dont offer insurance or they don't qualify. Perhaps they have preconditions. Also for college students who work part time jobs who don't get enough hours for insurance. Do you know that medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy and debt in America?""
Car loans and insurance?
Okay, I recently took out a loan for a car, and I got liability only on the car. The bank just contacted me saying they need proof of insurance. When I take it in, and they realize that it is liability insurance only, what will they do? Because, I heard you need premium insurance when you buy a car with a loan. So am I gonna have to go premium or what will happen? I have a 1990 Nisasn 240sx. My bank is Great Plains Federal Credit Union. My insurance is American Family Insurance.""
Can I pay a AAA Auto Insurance bill online?
I'm in California but I don't know if that makes any diffrence.
Question about auto insurance?
I'm 17 and I've had my prov. license for over a year now. I'm not on my parents auto insurance policy yet. Can I still drive though? Does auto insurance only matter for accidents and not when a cop pulls me over?
Curryville Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 16631
Curryville Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 16631
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
I got charged with dui however not convicted. when getting insurance do i need to state a dui on there or not?
I recently got a dui. I cancelled my insurance afterward and I'm just about to get done with the 90 day hard suspension. I am getting a hardship licese in a week. Anyways i need to get car insurance. I have a trial in January in which I hope to get a not guilty verdict by the jury. In the meantime when I look at insurance quote questions, it asks of any infractions in last 36 months. Wondering if I need to put down the dui as an infraction or no. (I am innocent untill provin guilty). I dont know if i dont have to put dui down or not since i have not been convicted. If no great, But if yes could you also let me know that if i do have to put dui down and I am found not guilty in court in january, can i take action to get lower payment or money back""
Where can I get the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
I just bought a bike and haven't ridden in years so don't know where to start and I live in Pennsylvania if that's any help. Thanks
Insurance for 17 year old?
i was just wondering the cost of insurance when i turn 17 next year. my parents are paying around 800 each car on there policy. so when i get added to there policy how much approximately will it cost me?
Best/cheapest car insurance for new 20-something year old New York driver?
20-something New York driver - I need car insurance. If I get insured here, it's bound to be THOUSANDS (probably around 5) :( Who do you suggest I go with? How's esurance?""
Does it cost more to insure an Automatic than a Manual?
I have a friend who recently passed her test. Stupidly she learnt in an automatic so she can only drive autos now. So the question is, are automatics more expensive to insure or is there not much difference? This is UK insurance by the way. I dont want to know about American car insurance as the prices might be different. Cheeers!""
Is motorcycle insurance available for six months?
I live in an area where I can only ride for half the year, yet all of the policies cover 12 months. Does anyone know of a company that offers six month packages? A second question, does taking a Riding course offer a sizable discount with insurance companies? Thanks""
Will simply getting an STI test raise insurance rates?
I was wondering if any doctors or insurance professionals know as fact if insurance rates will increase if someone goes to their primary care physician to get an STI screening, even if they test negative for everything.""
I need affordable mortgage life insurance. I' m 62 and have a heart problem that is under control with meds?
I also have stents in my arteries and heart. I need $250,000 in insurance to payoff a 30yr loan. Our house was originally paid off and I (the house was put in my name alone, not my husbands) took out a mortgage for $130,000 to finance my daughters business which failed. I thought that I did have mortgage insurance on the original loan but did not find out until after I took out my 2nd mortgage ($120,000) to pay off other bills the business acquired. Between the 1st and 2nd loan I became ill and I don't know what to do now. My husband doesn't know about the 2nd loan. If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know. I don't want to die and leave 2 mortgages for my husband to pay off.""
What accounts affected by liability insurance?
What accounts affected by liability insurance?
How much have your insurance rates gone down since the affordable care act (0bamacare) has passed?
You know , making it more affordable to keep the coverage you want ? Bonus question . How has the Medicare your parents paid into their whole lives improved their ...show more""
Drive without car insurance?
i can't afford car insurance right now... i just have too many other obligations. does anyone else care to comment on what its like to drive without insurance? what happens if you get caught?
Cheapest insurance company for young drivers?
Just wondering what the cheapest place for a young driver to get insurered is from people's experience, thank you""
Does insurance go up for out of state speeding ticket?
I hae a New York drivers license, i was pulled over going 45 in a 30.....$150 ticket....................i looked it up and i know i do not get points on my record, but does my insurance go up? does anyone knoow and have a good source they can provide? Thanks""
How to deal car insurance situation?
Someone from behind went behind back of my car , the bumper is out and back lights smashed. I feel very unhappy and shaken by this Do I call their insurance company or mines instead to sort this out? What if they try to deny it what can I do?""
Can the auto insurance company pay me directly for my medical expenses or do they have to pay the doctor?
I was in an auto accident and I have medical insurance. My medical insurance covered my medical expenses; however, I wanted to know if the auto insurance is still liable for those expenses? It seems as if my having medical insurance should benefit me and not the liable party's auto insurance company. If I did not have medical insurance the auto insurance company would still have to pay for those expenses. So shouldn't they still have to pay for those expenses and I get what ever is left that my medical insurance company did not pay? Are there any laws statures that back this up in Georgia? I am trying to settle this claim without getting an attorney and I need all the help I can get. Any advice would be helpful. I am in the process of writing a demand letter. Thanks for all the help.""
How much will my car insurance go up?
I am the defendant in and have just settled an automobile lawsuit at $100,000. How much will my car insurance go up?""
Whats a good cheap sports car?
Hello i need some help. This is my situation I'm 20 years old i live in Connecticut and I'm looking to purchase a car (used). I have about $2k cash to put down on it. I would say my limit for price would be about 6-8k due to financing fees taxes etc (credit score of 731). Now what I'm looking for is a pretty fast sports car to use as my DD.(I currently have a 89 mustang lx 5.0 which gets about 10 mpg city) Not very economical as a DD when gas is over $4 a gallon. Anyways back on topic, I found a 2002 wrx for 8k but got quoted for an insurance rate of 2k-3k. So this is out of the question! I make about 200 a week at the moment and pay $100 cell phone bill and $100 a month for rent. So my funds are limited for insurance + car payments. Basically i need to know a reliable cheap fast sports car i can get a good insurance rate on. But it also has to get good fuel economy! Sorry for the long rant and me being so picky but please help!""
Does anyone know of Grange Insurance Company?
My insurance agent recommends that I switch to Grange because they will give me a much lower rate than what I currently have, with the exact same auto insurance coverage. But, I have never heard of this company.""
What kind of insurance do I need as a teen?
I am looking for quotes and anchor insurance asks which insurance I want I have the choices of Liability only, Comprehension and collision and Comprehensive only""
How much will my car insurance cost? (Teenager)?
I am 16 years of age, and will be in 11th grade as of the next school year. I had B Honor Roll the last two years of school. I will be most likely driving my mother's Nissan Quest (2013) or my father's Nissan Titan (I do not remember the year). I am currently enrolled in Driver's Ed, and will get my permit once I finished. I live in Jacksonville, Florida, if that is helpful. I need to know for a Driver's Ed assignment. I was supposed to ask my parents, but they don't know, and I know they will forget soon.""
How much will my car insurance be as a new driver?
I'm learning to drive as a necessity for a new job, but I am struggling to get a reliable estimate of the insurance premium I should expect once I have a car. I know that nobody will be able to give me a precise figure as it depends on so many variables, but I wondered if anyone would know what to put into a quote generator to get something accurate? I'm female, in the UK, 27 years old and will need a cheap and cheerful 5 door hatchback. Unfortunately I don't know enough about engine sizes and that sort of thing to know if I'm answering the questions on the form realistically. I tried compare the market and got a cheapest quote of 3,700 per annum - does this sound right? I know it will be expensive but even so that seems very high for a 1999 Vauxhall Corsa! (the car I used to get the quote). I do realise this is a very subjective question but any advice is greatly appreciated - at the moment it is looking like I won't be able to take up a dream job offer as all I will be doing is working to pay for a car that I oly got in order to take the job :(""
Would it cost more than 5000 per year to insure a Ferrari F430? heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
my uncle is buying a second hand 2009 ferrari f430. it has done 20k miles. and it is a convertible. he has a 3 year no claim bonus and has been driving for 5 years. he parks his car in his drive way and he drives 15k miles per year. ( i know it is stupid to use a ferrari as an every day car.) how much would it cost him. i mean he earns 30k per year and his wife earns 30k per year. he has always been a big car person and he started saving up about 7 years ago to buy a ferrari 360, but now he bought a f430. so how much would it cost him, actually will cost around the same for ANYONE who has a driving history like his. i wanna know because in the future i would loooooooooove to have a ferrari.""
If business were de-regulated would it really save the owners money? What about insurance costs?
Regulations protect business from lawsuits; which are costly, damaging and highly unpredictable. More, because there are guidelines and the government enforces those guidelines businesses can be insured and insured at affordable rates. If regulations on business were repealed, what would happen to the cost and availability of insurance for business?""
How much do teens pay for car insurance a month?
If i am 17 years old buying a brand new 2009 car sedan about how much will i pay monthly on insurance?
Curryville Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 16631
Curryville Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 16631
Car insurance question?
I recently got into a car accident that was my fault. The total damages is around 2000 dollars. the owner of the car has contacted me and asked if we could resolve it with out involving the insurance Company. What would be better to do? i have had one other accident that was not my fault. how much will my car insurance go up and for how long?
Does your insurance go up if you get a speeding ticket?
Im 18 but my car and insurance is still under my mom. I dont want her to find out... but will she? Lol. Is there anthing I can do so she wont find out?!? :))
How can I make my car insurance quotes cheaper?
I am a 21 year old, married, female driver; with no ncb and a fresh license (only just passed). I'm looking to buy a Fiat Panda 2004, 1.2L automatic (insurance group 2)...the cheapest quote I've found for this car is 1300 and that was using moneysupermarket.com I've tried other search engines such as compare the market and go compare; and insurance companies like diamond and sheila's wheels and have been quoted anywhere between 1600 and 3000! I've also tried adding my husband or my mum to the policies, but this only increases the price... Can anyone recommend any other site or insurance company to try? And please don't just comment to criticise on my choice of car as I'm not interested. Thanks :)""
17 year old student Car Insurance for a Ford Fiesta 1.25 or a 1.4 climate 2004-2005?
Insurance for a Ford Fiesta 1.25 or a 1.4 climate 2004-2005 I need reasonable car insure I have no no claims bonus and I am new driver. I have been quoted around 4000 fully com on a 4000 car. My budget for insurance is around 1400 full or third party. I am an A level Law student I will going to uni next year and I might use the car to commute to there
I just got a new car and was wondering what is the cheapest insurance?
I just got a new car and was wondering what is the cheapest insurance? I need some cheap Insurance that won't charge alot besides USAA is there anyone else out there that will give me a good price I am currently 20 years old and I need a good insurance company that wil not charge alot besides USAA I have a dodge stratus 2004 it's a V6 it's an SE it's a 4 door and 2.7 liters it's the biggest engine you can get with a stratus anyways if any of you could help me out that would be great thanks.
How many point is taking off on my license when I get point on driving without insurance?
I was wondering on how many point do i get off from my driver license when I driving without insurance on my car
Auto insurance question -- Florida?
My daughter can't really afford the insurance on her car; it's a 2003 Jetta and if she keeps it she will probably have to do a certain amount of repairs. Right now she has full coverage but is considering dropping the collision to lower the cost. If, God forbid, she should get into an accident without collision coverage, could she sue the other driver to repair or replace the car? Would she be likely to be successful? I am not hopeful of anything like that happening, believe me, but you just don't want to lose your investment especially if you have spent a lot on repairs. Thanks in advance for any insights.""
""Compare Car Insurance for mazda 3, Where?
how much would car insurance be for a 2009 mazda 3.
Really expensive insurance for new 16yo driver?
Hi, I'm 16 years old and I passed my driving test on Jan 23, 2014. I want to get insured asap and be added onto my fathers policy. Our insurance guy told us it would be around a MASSIVE $400 a month at the CHEAPEST!! Near $2,000 per 6 months, this can't be serious can it? Is our insurance referral ripping us off? My friend said it should be around $150 a month. ALSO.. Is it possible to get my own policy on my own at 16 and not be added to my dad's policy? I live in a SMALL town, Palm Springs in California. It's not like I'm in LA..""
Car Insurance and Registered Owners?
I have recently bough a car and I am the registered owner and keeper of the car on the documents. As this is my first car and I am under 26, my insurance quote was very high, so as the car will be driven by me and my boyfriend he is the primary driver and i am the second driver on the insurance policy. Does the primary driver also have to be the registered owner for an insurance company to pay out?!""
Motorcycle Insurance?
If i accidentally knock over my bike, will insurance cover that? if so, which coverage covers it?""
Where can I find cheaper car insurance quotes?
I'm 17 in a few months, have a car, and have been checking insurance quotes. From my previous experience of quotes from Churchill, Quinn-Direct, Directline etc. it doesn't cost much, if at all, to insure on my provisional license with hopes of changing the policy to insure me on a full license in the future. I have got a 1997, 3 door, 5 seater, diesel peugeot 106 with a 1.6 litre engine and the best insurance quote I have recieved so far was from Quinn, but they have recently stopped insuring in the UK so I won't be able to use it when I am 17...They gave me a quote of around 800 whereas everyone else are offering me 1,500. Does anyone know of any other companies who can give me cheaper comprehensive cover? Thanks for any answers""
What is the cheapest car insurance ?
Right what it is , i lost my license for a CD10, Which is driving without due care and attention , Yes i know what you are all thinking and i have learned my lesson, I appreciate that i do have to pay loads more on insurance but my question is does anyone know a company who does cheap insurance for a convicted driver, Many Thanks in advance""
Two car insurance policies?
very sorry if this is confusing for people to read but please try and help me out as i have confused myself =\ I have 1 years no claim bonus, and if idon'tt claim till May then i will have two years no claim. i am going to buy another car in a few days and tend to open a new car insurance Policy (Februaryy ). when it comes to may and the first carpolicye has finish. i shall not be driving that car no more. but when it comes to Febuary, will it mean that i have 3 years no claims ? even though i have been driving 2 years 9 months,,
Car insurance in massachusetts?
im gonna buy a $700(ive checked it out its a good deal, shutup) 1996 honda civic dx(its a first car, i hate hondas but im not rich like half of the assholes that are gonna make fun of me for getting a honda) anyway i live in massachusetts and i know insurance will be a variable but does anyone know how much itll be when i start driving? thanks""
California Medical for teens?
I am 19 & i have no insurance at all and i was wondering if theres a way to get on the Medi-caid or medi-cal that the state offers to usually younge kids or pregnant women? can someone give me info?
How would i go on my parents car insurance? and how much cheaper than being on my own insurance would it be ?
how would i go on my parents car insurance? and how much cheaper than being on my own insurance would it be ? first decent answer gets 10 points:)
Would car insurance be more on a newer 2-door red sports car or an older 4-door sedan BMW?
Basically, I am a 20 year old college student and I am going through the proccess of buying a car. I have some family friends helping me out. They told me I could get financed for a 2006 red 2 door sports car but I am still on my parents insurance and I don't want it to skyrocket. I will be paying for my car but I don't want to make my parents pay a ridiculous amount for my insurance. I would just like to know which one is more likely to be cheaper...""
Received ticket for failure to report accident if found guilty will this make my insurance pay out void?
Was in one vehicle accident car written off insurance paid Still have court for failure to report accident need to know if found guilty will I have to pay the insurance company back
""What is the best learner motorcycle, cheap on insurance and good quality?""
I am looking to learn how to ride a motorcycle and am looking for a bike that is easy to learn, cheap to run, cheap on insurance and a good ride. Are older bikes cheaper? Are some brands better on insurance than others? Thanks.""
I got into a minor accident and decided not to get it fixed so the insurance company is sending me out a check?
but with the lien holders name attached, how does this work?""
How much would insurance be for a first time driver thats 19?
im gonna buy a brand new 2012 volkswagen gli thats 25k and its my first car and was wondering what would the insurace cost monthly for me
How much would an 1996 Acura Integra GSR 2door insurance cost for me?
Im 19 years old, in college living in Los Angeles and i want to buy a GSR Integra. And i want to know Approximately how much Insurance would cost for me? ...Thanks.""
I do not have regular health Insurance?
I regularly go for activities like white water rafting. Is it possible to buy cover for injuries from such activities on per event basis?
What insurance plan is most affordable and supports therapy?
Hi, I've been seeking good therapy since I was 17, I'm just wondering, what insurance plan is the most affordable as well as obviously covers therapy? Thank you""
Curryville Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 16631
Curryville Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 16631
What company provides a life insurance quoting engine software to install in an insurance agency website?
I need a software where I can input one (or more) life insurance company rates. Preferably if I have the freedom to input any company and not pre-packaged ones. Thanks.
Whats cheaper car insurance or moped insurence?
im 20 and doing my lessons soon i do want to have a car but they are really expensive to run , do u think i should just stick to a moped and wait till i get a lil older plus how much on average is it to run a moped compered to a car including petrol+ insurance Only:)""
Insurance and Stepchildren?
I've been doing some research and have been able to find very little information on this topic. My husband and I got married recently and with our combined incomes, my son would no longer qualify for Medicaid (which had previously been his insurance). My husband asked his employer (who carries Aetna) if he could add his stepson and they told him yes, absolutely, they just needed his birth certificate, SS#, and a copy of our marriage certificate. We provided all these documents, and then they told us we needed to cancel his current insurance and provide proof of cancellation before they could cover him - which seemed strange to me, because I've had Medicaid as secondary insurance in the past, but we complied. We provided them with the letter saying that his coverage would be terminated effective June 1st. Hubby asked HR if everything was in place, and they said yes - as of June 1st, when his Medicaid expired, they would pick up coverage. Then yesterday (June 7th), HR approached my husband and told him that an Aetna representative called them and said that they can NOT cover his stepson unless I, the biological mother, am also on the insurance. This was NEVER mentioned to us previously and they knew he was not planning to add me as well - we never provided any of my documentation or information. I called Aetna and they told me that HR at the place of employment are the ones who determine this policy, and HR is telling us that it's the insurance company. So now my son is completely without coverage when they TOLD us that it would begin on the 1st. I have no interest in switching my insurance - I am covered under my parents' policy and it is very good. I am currently pregnant and I know my OB takes my current insurance and they have already preapproved all prenatal care and the birth. I might have considered switching if absolutely necessary had we known ahead of time, but we didn't, and now his insurance has lapsed as a result. So my question is - in my research, I came accross Obama's Affordable Care Act, which I know is the one that requires insurance companies to cover children until they are 26 and is the same reason that my parents' insurance company covers me. I read a couple different places that this same law also applies to stepchildren. So, under this law, is my husband's insurance required to cover my son?""
Can someone please tell me why used Audi's or so cheap?? Can someone help me pick which used car to buy!?
2003 BMW 325I 84K Miles $10,900 2002 Audi S4 64K Miles $10,900 2005 Audi A4 1.8T AWD 79K Miles $10,900 2006 Honda Civic EX 1.8 75K Miles $10,900 2003 Infiniti G35 sedan 64K Miles $10,900 insurance is no problem, all these are clean car fax, clean title, all under KBB value, the infiniti is $3,000 under value, the rest are about $1000 under value. Any ideas why Audi are so cheap? im just looking for about a 10-11,000 car with low miles. Which should i pick?""
How much would it cost to insure a Dodge Stealth?
I was looking at Dodge Stealths but I am afraid it would cost to much money to insure being I am 17. I'm not talking about the Twin turbo version, I mean the base (which has about 125hp), the ES (about 222hp), or the R/T(same as ES but also has a turbo charger). The car weighs about 2500lbs i believe (if that even matters), also I would not be getting any upgraded body kits for it. Please don't just say a lot or something to that extent. Thank you for your time.""
What insurance is available for those who are between ages 18-24 and can't qualify for Medicaid?
Any low cost health insurances out there?
How much would a car insurance be for a 18 years old?
How much would a car insurance be for a 18 years old?
How cheap could i get insurance?
im 17, gonna be 18, no parking violations tickets or accidents whatsoever. the reason i ask is because the state i live in requires insurance.""
Best health insurance?
Im looking for a great health insurance. One that is reasonable with cost. My location is kansas if it matters.
Health Insurance for a College Student in California?
I am a 19 year old who is a full time student in college. I just moved out of my parents home a while back and well I dont have Health Insurance. I'm in desperate need to see a doctor and as well as a Gyno due to menstruation problems and I tried applying for Medical but on the application it said i couldnt go further unless I was a pregnant person or have children. I just need a affordable plan. Any suggestions for a new-adult?
Which Car Insurance is cheaper at the state of NJ?
I tire of riding in public transportation, I had my licend 1 year ago but the thing is that I am 21 years old and almost a new driver and I want to get the Cheaper option for me. I dont have the car yet but if i found a insurance that fix for me buy it will not be a problem. Let said that i buy a car from Honda 2000. I want something with the basic, i know it going to be hard for my age but their is no impossibe.""
Can insurance companies automatically add new drivers to an existing policy?
I had my g1 (permit) and got my g2 (license). I called the insurance company to get a quote of how much more it is going to cost my dad (which is what I'm going to have to pay) and they are telling me that I have to notify them that my license is now a g2 class. They can't quote me until he calls them (he's at work) when my dad calls to confirm then they will change it automatically and add me. But I don't have a choice if I want to add or not (If I don't like the rate) can they forcibly add me to a policy even if I don't agree with the rate? kinda tricky to explain but I hope you understand what I'm saying and if not then I will add additional details as necessary.
Do I have to have car insurance?
I use to own a car and had insurance I now sold the car and drive a company car 100% of the time. I called my insurance guy and told him to cancel it and he says that Illinois has a state law that says I have to have insurance on a car since I live at home with my parents and everyone in the house has a car. I could potentially get in to one of there cars and be uninsured. I told him I don't cuz I still a car with company insurance he said I have to have a policy with my name on it by law is this true?
""If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
When You Buy Car Insurance On The Internet..?
You know when you buy Car Insurance, is it immediate effect? or do you have to wait a certain amount of time until you can go out and drive?""
How much would I pay for car insurance?
Im 19 and I was just wondering what would be a good estimate for how much I would pay for car insurance on like a normal sedan.
Can anyone recommend a good car insurance company?
I'm just looking for some quotes at the moment. To narrow it down: I've been driving for 4 yrs. No accidents. Gieco, State Farm, and All State are not available in my area. Anyone have any experience with any other good car insurance agency?""
Does anyone have recommendations for low-cost health insurance in CA? I can't afford Tonik any longer.?
I am an unemployed healthy 20-something paying around $150 a month (with a high deductible).
If you have two insurances...?
We have two medical insurances on our children. Should there still be a copay? Should having 2 insurances cancel out the copay?
How much will my insurance go up after a minor accident and a aspeeding ticket?
I live in California and in the past 4 months I got in a Fender bender(10MHP and the Guy is claiming bodily injuruy awell.) and In November I got a speeding ticket. But I am unable to attend traffic school cause I fought the ticket. I'm 19 My moms the main insurer on the car and its a sports car. Any idea how much will my insurance will go up? Any Ideas? I might have to sell my car if its too much. I have insurance through Geico.
Will my car insurance pay for surgical weight loss surgery?
i live in michigan and have no fault benefits. i was involved in a car accident 2 years ago and lost my leg resulting in weight gain and need to stabilize my weight to wear prostheis. my doctor wants me to get the surgery and has scheduled an appointment with the weight loss clinic.
Car insurance question?
I recently passed my test, and was looking at car insurance quotes and they're all pretty expensive. I was wondering if I were to just wait until I'm about 23 or 24 before I purchase a car, would the insurance be cheaper, even if I didn't have any driving experience? Thanks in advance.""
Auto insurance limits of liability ?
How high should I reasonably set my liability limits. From what I can tell my current Auto policy limits are $25k and $50k. That seems a bit low to me. My friend said he has $100k and $300k. What do you suggest. We are an average income family, and currently drive and Escalade ESV, and a G35 coupe(Nothing like living beyond your means, you only get one shot at this thing right?).""
I am looking for health insurance for my 9 year old son and i?
in the state of tennessee. any suggestions for max coverage, min cost and no hassles. we were on cigna with my wife but she is now on disability, brain cancer and cobra is killing us. thanks and merry christmas.""
""What company can I use to purchase private dental insurance in Seattle, WA?""
which dental company can I use to purchase affordable dental care privately, not through an employee? For anyone age 18 and over and would cover basic dental visits and surgery such ...show more""
Curryville Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 16631
Curryville Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 16631
0 notes
shinozaki-ayumi · 7 years
Please answer all the things from the ask thing I can't decide what I want to know most :'''(
omg thats ok!! this’ll be a long one then lol
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
its my boyfriend, so i’d probably be just like… “oh hey, that’s cool”
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
he’s my boyfriend lol
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
yeah mostly because i don’t want to associate myself with it and i’d also just be really concerned about their health too? like weed isn’t bad but anything else is a no
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
nope. exactly 6
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
sober bc i don’t drink lol
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
the only person i’ve ever had a crush on is my current and only boyfriend so no 
7. What does your last received text say?
“pack up your stuff”
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
too many times over the past three years to even begin to count
9. Where was your last kiss at?
about 20 mins ago at my boyfriend’s front door
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
i don’t have a sister, but i have a brother and i saw him 2 minutes ago
11. What do you drink in the morning?
tea or milk
12. Where did you sleep last night?
in my own bed 
13. Do you think relationships are hard?
not really because if you are really meant to be with someone you both will put in the effort to make sure you are respectful of each other. i do think it’s probably difficult to find a partner though, especially in high school bc those almost never last. 
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
not really honestly lol. this year has been pretty decent.
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
nope. it would prooobably be pretty awesome actually
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
rainy! i love rain so much. it’s so relaxing to listen to and watch.
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
no. my middle name is Jean, so i don’t know many people with that as a middle name. i don’t think it’s very popular.
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
pajama pants :D
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
hell yes. my boyfriend and i have been together for three years already and are more stable and loving than we ever have. 
20. Does anyone like you?
not at the moment i don’t think, but i have known about several guys who have liked me. aside from the current bf, they were all… gross….
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
my boyfriend’s name is Stefan lol
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
nope, he’s straight as can be
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
absolutely! i want something simple (like a triforce or something) on my wrist or ankle. 
25. In the past week have you cried?
this morning lmao
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
mutt/mix/hunting dog thing. idk what she is. her name is hazel and she is my boyfriend’s dog.
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
mix of both? lol
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
no none of the football players at my school are even remotely attractive to me 
29. Do you think you’re old?
…im 16, so no
30. Do you like text messaging?
it’s ok. but honestly, in comparison to the past few years, i just prefer talking in person or on skype
31. What type of day are you having?
GARBAGE but its ok because its getting better as it goes :)
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
no… the only piercings i want are more ear piercings.
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
cold. like, mid fall weather. 
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
i would literally die to save my boyfriend from suffering
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
relationship; flings/one-time things are not appealing to me. i like friendship and emotional bonding.
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
complicated, but i don’t think anyone is really “simple.”
37. What song are you listening to?
none, my computer just decided to turn volume up to 100% for some reason without me pressing the buttons and now my ears are ringing. nice.
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
depends who i’m talking to and whether or not they deserve it39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
a girl? ya, but only one. i only have a few female friends. most of my friends are boys lol40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
i had a dream that they were sleeping in my room and the next day at school i almost threw up when i saw them. good times.41. When did you last receive a text message?
about an hour ago42. What is wrong with you right now?
TOO. MUCH. HOMEWORK. 43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
she’s my mom, so pretty well i think lol44. Does anyone disgust you?
a variety of people. pro-life people especially disgust me. also any religious zealots and closed-minded people in general. 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
no, way too dedicated to my actual boyfriend.46. Are you in a good mood right now?
i’ve been better but my current mood is far better than my mood yesterday/this morning!!47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
my mom48. What color shirt are you wearing?
black49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
yeah… it’s pretty personal though. not gonna talk about it.50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
not currently but in the past year or two, many people51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
not in the slightest
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
not sure if this means in a relationship or not but platonically yes. that friendship ended in far shittier ways though, so sometimes i sort of regret it. don’t think it could’ve ended any other way though.53. Do you like rain?
I LOVE RAIN 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
yeah because if they are a huge party animal who wants to drink all the time and loves being drunk all the time i am NOT compatible with them. casually drinking once in a while would probably be fine though.55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
the only person i’ve ever liked is fully aware that i like him lol56. Do you like to cuddle?
YES. SO MUCH. I LIVE ON CUDDLES.57. Are you shy?
yeah but i’m growing out of it a bit!!!58. Do you get along with girls?
not really59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
currently dating60. What do you carry with you at all times?
phone, pencils, sketchbook61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
I’D DO IT FOR FREE 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
it’s been three years in my current one, so yes lol63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
you all know the answer to this64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
yes i love when he does this. its gentle and reassuring65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
idk. not cute, but i had some nice moments with my bf. mostly just laying on my bed and talking about “deep” stuff while playing fire emblem
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
theres only been one and he’s 17 
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?
do them myself but i haven’t done my nails in years    68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    
can i say neither69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    
i dont have a car but my family does not70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?   
….can i say neither?  71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? 
iPhone   72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?   
ages ago because my town’s only Pizza Hut closed years ago  73. Do you like diet soda?    
no those cancer-inducing chemicals can stay 5000000 miles away from my body74. What color are the walls in your room?    
dark yellow-y tan 75. Are you 16 or older?    
i’m 1676. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?   
no, tried, not a fan 77. Do you have a job?    
no and i am dreading it. i’d like to take commissions instead lol
 78. What are your initials?  
EJC  79. Did you ever have braces?    
yes and they are long gone. i am grateful80. Are you from the south?    
nope, upstate New York! best state 
81. What does your last status on facebook say?    
i don’t use facebook82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?  
lol  83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    
my mom84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?  
neither  85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?  
i genuinely do not remember. i think Rogue One  86. Do you smoke?    
HELL no 87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    
flip flops88. Is your phone touch screen?    
yes89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?    
straight90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    
no91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?   
pool 92. Have you ever made out in a car?    
yes93. …Had sex in a car?  
no lol  94. Are you single or in a relationship?  
in a relationship  95. What were you doing last night at midnight? 
96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? 
fourth of july on Saratoga Lake    97. Do you like the camera on your phone?  
its much better than my last one, but still not the best. i have a 5s   98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?   
nope 99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    
never drank 100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?  
not on facebook, but on instagram yes  101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    
yes even though it was 99.9% irrational. i’m tokophobic lol. thank god for the pill 102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    
i cant even name one 103. Do you have any tan lines right now?  
HAHAHAHAHAHA i’m of british and german descent (aka about as white as they can come) so my skin burns, never tans   104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?  
absolutely not
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