#also dont remove the caption
dandelion-roots · 9 months
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No matter what you do, you just can't shake him off, can you, Chūya?
[lyrics: Florence + the Machine | id in alt]
EDIT: I made a whole ass janky animatic to this song, enjoy!
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mattibee · 1 year
Hey so that antlers post had its caption removed somewhere along the line, I highly suggest you reblog OP’s version with the caption intact!!
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princessmyriad · 7 months
#i cant do it i cant any more im worn out!! and i know i have no right to be!#ive been worn out for a long time. i know everyone has. i know i cant take a break from the internet because Palestine still needs coverage#and now with the *drama* happening on tumblr. i dont want to tag it i dont want o be delet but you know the one#feels fucked to even have to call it drama but im one blog. im one little blog and im gonna be devastated if i get got for speaking out#ive had one blog removed by an authority figure it was soul crushing and i only had that one for like 3 years#this is over a decade of my life. if its gone my soul goes with it so i cant risk speakin out in any way that matters or is too conspicuous#but its all just too much. i need to go grocery shopping and it feels hard and bad. i try to come to my one safe place on the internet#to give me courage but its just post after post about more bad news. i saw a photo of a group of soldiers smiling and laughing#about murdering diabled people and taking their walking aides. i know the captions were people saying how horrible those soldiers were#and the active participation in ending diabled lives those soldiers had to take those photos and im just. why was it posted at all#we know the worlds bad. we know. why are you giving these people more publicity. i dont want to see that sickening smile#i just cant any more. i cant deal with anything its all too much its too much on a personal note and its too much internet wide#but i cant complain about it because im not the one being actievly genocided or harrased and i also cant leave because the people who are#need as much support as they can get and i want to support. i want to help#idk idk im crying im stuck i just wanna be able to get groceries but everything real life and internet is too fucking much
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luckyemo · 1 year
honestly i think one of the biggest (and worst) differences pre-2020 and post-2020 on this site is how for some reason now everyone is just like cool w sharing reposted artwork wtf is with that
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owlyflufff · 11 months
not to drop a litle negativity here but I saw a haikyu ship poll to which personally, I don't mind if you like other main ships over bokuaka
if you like iwaoi more than bokuaka? that's valid! because it's your preference
kagehina over bokuaka? also valid! because again that's your opinion and I can respect it and so on for the other main ships
although in the very least, don't downplay/twist the canon material to prove that your ship is superior TvT. Furudate-sensei didn't canonically state that bokuaka were written to be foils to each other, both of them being each other's greatest inspiration in the OFFICIAL character sheet and have a well written dynamic for you to oversimplify what their dynamic amounted to at the end of the series.
for context, the haikyu ship poll that sort of spread caused tension cause they added extra captions like asanoya being a flop ship, iwaoi inventing love over bokuaka and the likes to which they also tweeted this:
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personally I can respect op for liking iwaoi over bokuaka because that's their opinion + I love iwaoi chaotic childhood friends my beloved :'<< but for their argument to not give a proper reason/ water down bokuaka's dynamic is really saddening
so instead of cooking op since the quotes on the tweet are doing it (and I personally don't like starting/insulting anyone cause it just adds fuel to the flame than any actual progress) I'll just drop an actual list of evidence as to why this is wrong:
"They had like 5 moments"
bokuaka had more moments than solely 5 moments as op states and to make it fair I'll be removing bokuaka main moments this would include: iddle fleeting thought, we are the protagonists, give me your 120%.
It's important to note that most of bokuaka's main moments are found in Fukurodani's respective match. However if we remove these 3 pivotal moments than it still manages to disprove they had only 5 moments because bokuaka had a severe number of moments prior to this which would include the following:
a. Training camp arc: naturally bokuaka's introduction, bokuto doing a killer spike and immediately choosing to ask akaashi if he saw it, and of course the most well known moment of bokuto receiving an emo mode and alaashi not only knowing how to solve it but also that he knows bokuto's weaknesses, instills it in his mind
b. Post Training camp arc: albeit briefly, bokuto and akaashi were shown to which bokuto swears that he's been praise and akaashi brushes it off. despite being a brief moment, it shows alone that bokuaka hang out together in lunch or they are each other's company
c. Land vs Sky: it's been a while since I watched this so my apologies if my memory is rusty but I remember nekoma'a attempts of shutting bokuto down to which akaashi noticed + motivated bokuto
d. Nationals arc: this one naturally has the most but to simplify and at least show they had moments would be the little interactions they had throughout karasuno's matches, "THAT'S OUR TSUKI" "He's not ours Bokuto-san", akaashi being worried for bokuto and asking him to go back into the hotel due to the flu only for bokuto to bring it up again later on meaning he remembers akaashi's words, and naturally the entirety of the mujinazaka match that showed their backstories, established firther that bokuto cares about akaashi just as much and is attentive of him and the growth of their characters not solely as a pair but as individuals
With this, tell me then, did bokuaka only have just 5 moments? Even if you take away the moments bokuaka are most known for, there's still a SEVERE number of moments the two of them shared.
And dont get me started on timeskip because that's for the next point-
"bokuto never mentioned that man out of highschool?"
To put it simply, a good portion of the timeskip arc was the msby vs adlers match, this includes bokuto's appearance who mainly is in the story AT THE START OF THE MATCH. Meaning, there wasn't a window of opportunity for bokuto to talk about akaashi because Furudate-sensei had him and his main focus already at the match, there wasn't any slice of life tidbit as both teams went straight into the match after the bathroom confrontation. It would be very out of place if bokuto mentioned akaashi in the middle of a pretty intense match/it wouldnt have made sense for bokuto just randomly bring up akaashi while he's spiking during the match.
bokuto has in fact made a reference to akaashi during the match/post highschool. When hinata and atsumu unleash a killer spike against the Adlers, bokuto shouted "the first strike is always the most lethal!" (or something similar, I forgot the exact quote :'DD) to which is a nod and referencr to the EXACT same thing akaashi said during the inarizaki match. Not only this but mind you that bokuto shouted this WITH akaashi in two very DIFFERENT places. It implies that bokuto still remembers akaashi or references him and the things they tell each other all the way from highschool
the ultimate evidence is of course the post match because bokuto quite literally meets akaashi again when he gets interviewed. how does bokuto react? big smile on his face and invites akaashi to a meat date later on (I don't even mean to write this in a romantic context because the fact that bokuto wanted to hang out and spend time with akaashi in and of itself shows that akaashi is still relevant and important in his life)
There's so much more evidence to simply say that op's tweet is wrong but it would make this post severely long. Simply, it's one thing to choose, disrespect even, another person's ship but it's another to simply discard canon in the hopes of proving another ship is better.
Bokuaka are so much more than what they're iconic moments dictate them for, I mentioned it once but I'll say it again: the fact that they're not even childhood friends or in different years yet still grounded in a dynamic of trust and respect that carries to the years is impressive and just shows why they're a very beloved ship in the community in the first place.
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skreebs · 6 days
Thinking about the ableism toward Jouno in the BSD fandom and it genuinely pisses me off so badly I want to hit people. I’ll be perusing the tag and looking at stuff and then I’ll see some random pop ups for AO3 and get shit like this
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Now I don’t 100% know the context of this screenshot, for all I know this fic could be about him before he lost his sight, but either way it got me thinking and thinking got me angry and being angry means i need to complain. Jouno is already pretty shit blind rep, I’ll be honest. He’s the basic stereotype of “blind character has super senses because they’re blind” but can we give blind people literally ANYTHING else??? jesus christ. I’m pissed how BSD writes his blindness so as per usual I had to attempt to fix all of that myself, but attempting to fix it and removing it entirely are NOT the same and one is VERY MUCH SO WORSE. Again, not talking about this fic specifically but other ones I’ve seen that do this, or those “Jouno if he could see” edits. Spoiler alert, blind people can open their eyes.
I dont know why BSD and every other piece of media is so adamant on not giving visually impaired and blind characters white canes and just giving them "super senses" to get around it. It’s incredibly stupid and abelist to portray stuff like this. Disabilities are not super powers and thank GOD they didnt make that his ability but they still gave him that aspect and I guess it can be excused with SOME lore stuff like maybe he got really good senses from his surgeries but it just sucks that it happened that way at all? And then they don't even touch on how horrible having incredibly hightened senses to the point you can HEAR blood would be?? can you imagine hearing everyone internal organs around you 24/7 EVERYDAY? No one talks about that at all. That would be so fucking overwhelming its genuinely insane. Jouno is such a dear character to me, but genuinely when I remember him in canon without any of my headcanon explinations it’s just really sad that all I can say about him as representation is "well.. it could be worse".
I know there’s going to be at least one person saying “theres good blind rep in other shows though!!” Yes! I know! I’m super glad about that! But ignoring the bad ones doesn’t help much. You need to point out the issues to get good results. Recently, and by recently I mean about 17 hours ago, I watched/listened to the first episode of Daredevil, once with audio descriptions, and then after I watched without AD and had captions. I’m super glad that things are more commonly getting AD—it’d be a bit pathetic if the show with a blind main character was not accessible to blind people—but even with Daredevil, Matt still falls a bit into this stereotype.
Don’t get me wrong, seeing a character with a white cane has me absolutely elated, but from the single episode I’ve seen and what I’ve heard, he apparently also has some sort of super senses, and I know in the first episode he can hear heartbeats. I think super senses as a power is fine, but it’s just the fact they always give it to the blind characters. I, myself, am not blind, nor am I really visually impaired, I just wear glasses. However, as someone with a special interest in disabilities and also as someone that is disabled in other ways, seeing disabled rep fall into stereotypes over and over just really bums me out sometimes.
I think Daredevil is great so far from this one episode, I’ll probably be looking at more of it, but that is definitely just one gripe I have with it. I think Charlie Cox putting a bunch of effort into the role with the method acting and talking to people in the blind community and just all of that is amazing, I love to see that in anything, it’s just urrghh that it’s so hard to find a blind character that doesn’t have some kind of insane superpower senses with things. It reminds me of when characters with autism are so frequently portrayed as geniuses or their autism is only acceptable if it helps the neurotypical cast with “gadgets” or something. I dunno. Hard to explain, it’s 11 at night and I’m tired. Just don’t be ableist in any fandom or in real life. I shouldn’t have to even point out why this shit is disgraceful.
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rileyclaw · 1 year
Your last post about your animatic process was super interesting to read! I've always wanted to get into animatics but they become super intimidating to me once I finish thumbnailing. Do you have any tips on ways to keep from getting overwhelmed with big animatic projects?
Also, how do you decide how many frames a moment needs? Do you just start out with stills and then see what feels stale or is that something you figure out in the planning stages? Sorry for all the questions haha, love your work!
Im glad the post was informative!! and dont worry I love fielding questions like this !!
I'm sorry to say that there really is no big secret or anything about getting to the finish line on an animatic but making sure you keep going. If it's any comfort, if this is something you're doing for fun because you're interested in it and think it could be cool to make, there is no rush to the finish line! It's daunting, but there's no race. and think of how cool it'd be to see it to completion
For me personally, making sure I keep toiling away on it even if it's just refining half a shot per day is a big thing because I'm someone who'll forget his keys are if they are not in my direct line of sight (they are in my back pocket )
I've always had a pretty good grasp of timing (aurghhh 12 animation principles . explodes ) for animation so the framecount always comes naturally to me. I usually determine those timings during a cleaned up sketch stage, or even at the linework stage itself if I feel confident enough in the shot's comp.
I generally do begin with just one panel to span a whole section, then break it down based on 'beats' in audio (or dialogue captions). I like to frame animations based on accents in audio - change the drawing on an aural beat and I find it makes the animation more appealing that way!! (And if you're drawing with OR without audio, I often act it out in real time and get video reference of it, and see how I naturally move and if my timing matches up with that.) Sometimes the original plan changes, too, so don't be afraid to remove or add more frames if you feel like it may be better that way!
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holmesillustrations · 10 months
Bracket Info!
My starting list was the 700 illustrations included with first publications of each story or novel, this means the initial magazine printing in the uk and us (usually the Strand and Colliers, though other magazines get involved too especially in the later stories) plus the first novel edition if i could find it. I did Not include reprints or translations, but it might be fun for a later bracket if people want them!
I tried to get the best quality image available for each one but some are just not online unfortunately.
Bracket Poll
Full Bracket - This is in spreadsheet format because with 256 polls in round 1 and inconsistent image titles i can't figure out a more visual format, but im open to suggestions! I'll make some graphics once we hit the later rounds and there's a more manageable number
Bracket Graphic - From round 3 onwards
Polls All - R1 - R2 - R3 - R4 - R5 - R6 - Quarterfinals - Semifinals - Final Battle
Elimination Rounds (complete)
I filtered out some title banners and space-fillers/formatting-focused illustrations, but getting to 512 for a functional bracket is gonna take some elimination rounds first! Since part of the motivation here is to highlight some of the lesser known artists, i split this up into 30 'Sidney Paget' rounds, and 27 'Other Artists' rounds. These will last a week, but i'll be posting one of each every day (more or less lmao)
After these ill seed the proper bracket based on the elimination votes and we can narrow it down to a winner 1v1!
Poll Format Each poll will have 11-12 illustrations, the poll options are numbered and include a partial caption next to the artist name and story abbreviation (STUD, SIGN, SCAN &c.) Under a read more ill include the full captions, the print source, and a list of the characters or subjects present left to right.
You can see the list of story abbreviations here if you're not familiar with them, and that site also has a lot of publication info/history if you want a sneak peak at the illustrations and artists coming up that you might not have seen before 👀
Paget Eliminations
Other Artist Eliminations
Offensive Imagery and Language
I wanted to give a blanket warning for this bracket: These are drawings by white men in the 1890s-1920s, the vast majority are fine, but there is a handful that portray racist and classist imagery in line with what is present in the stories themselves. I can't consistently warn for these individually out of a list of 700 pieces, but i also dont want to pretend they arent part of this history or set myself up as an authority on which cross a line or not, so ive decided not to automatically exclude illustrations that might be offensive. Likewise, im not censoring any of the captions that are part of images, but will do my best to remove offensive terms where i'm typing them out.
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fivewholeminutes · 8 months
Im very new to st and all ive seen today is chaos. Wtf happened if you dont mind answering
Hello there anon! I don't mind at all 💖 but what a time to be new to st, aw man. My condolences. (I am mostly kidding. But also, not really.)
First things first, i promise you, it's not always like this. Generally we're way more chill here on tumblr. I can't vouch for other sites, but if you don't want their identities spoiled and be around very chill people, stay here. Avoid pinterest and google and, for your own mental health, tiktok and twitter. (First two will guarantee an identity reveal and former two will guarantee that + psychic damage.)
Back to the drama!! So, you probably know they're anonymous. And VERY adamant on staying this way. If you check their very first interview or the voice messages from the 2023 US tour, you would see what i mean. Their identities are not important, their art is.
But. Some entitled little shit found their anonymity is a personal insult to them or something. So they decided to publish iii's birth certificate and some other personal info + there was something about them wanting to stalk iii (i really don't know the details, because i got rid of my twitter account a few months prior, but it was definitely vile behaviour). And it's. Not a very legal thing to do. I mean, if you're really curious, you could google them and find their identities in less than 5 minutes, no extremely personal info release needed. What i am trying to say, this is the 21st century, you're not some kind of sherlock to find personal info about anyone, no need to boast. Or, you know. Do illegal things to prove a point, because you feel entitled to someone's identity.
So, as a result, iii deleted and/or made his socials private (the ones related to his st activity, anyway). It is not the first time he did that, because people were getting too straightforward or rude before too, just not on that scale. It all happened a few days ago (2? I have no perception of time passing, sorry). It was understandable, he got doxxed, he did what had to be done to protect himself. Another drama started when the main band account removed all its posts on instagram today and changed the description to "nothing lasts forever". Which is a catchphrase they use from their very beginning, so it is not a worrying thing in itself. However, the circumstances have made people believe the whole band will disband (not dismember, alex, do not write dismembered AGAIN), because of the invasion of iii's privacy.
However, in the end, i believe the consensus is that since they have changed their masks for the Wembley show and had the "new era" captions (+ other bands tend to do that too), the insta post purge is just a PR tactic before the new era's introduction. Which i am prone to believe, really. They are mysterious, sure, but if something is happening (like iii needing to leave the German rituals in December because of personal reasons), the band notifies the fans about it. So if they were to disband, or iii was to leave, they would just communicate this. They didn't, so we're waiting for their next move, whatever is might be.
But i don't think they're going anywhere. They have finished their trilogy with the latest album, so Wembley was the best way to end it all, as a finished project. It didn't happen. They already have 2024 tour dates announced, so we know they're not done. So it's all fine, just unfortunate timing/their legal team telling them to do that/their way of showing they're done with annoying people/just a new era's insta purge. Or something else, which they would soon inform us about, if they want to.
All we can do is wait for more news and keep supporting them in our own ways. And not stress about it 🖤
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thousandheadeddolphin · 9 months
An overly detailed analysis of the scp foundations adopted son, the backrooms
Due to the fact that I have no control over my interests, ive decided that im gonna post cringe and start writing a minimum 100 word (50 for subrooms) review of every single backrooms level (or at least as many as I can get through before the hyperfixation burns out). And before we can actually get to the meat and potatoes, we gonna discuss the universal quality cap contained within the very premise of the modern backrooms (more under the cut)
The history of backrooms is like, pretty simple, and actually kind of similar to how scp started. Some guy posted an imagine with the caption:
"If your not careful and noclip out if reality in wrong areas, you'll end up in the backrooms, where it's nothing but the stink of moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, and endless backround noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hindered million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to be trapped in.
God save you if you hear something wandering around nearby, because it sure as hell has heard you"
The concept very quickly caught on, because even retrospectively, the concept is really good, and then people started to write about. And at this point, it varies very, very heavily from scp. Because scp-173s whole premise doesnt crumble like a sandcastle upon any elaboration.
Ill blaze through this part simply because its by far the most common criticism of the backrooms and im not getting ad revenue from puffing up a video about it. You cant add entities or other humans because the vagueness of the final line and also ruins the isolation inherent to the original passage. You cant add more levels because that gives the person somewhere to go and makes the person less trapped, you cant make your levels death traps because thats just not scary, and you sure as hell cant make them safe because that removes the looming threat of death (this last point also applies to lucky o' milk and almond water). But personally, I dont think that talking about this helps the writers, or even gives us a better feel for what these writers are doing wrong, so instead im gonna focus on the main problem with the backrooms
The writing style is contradictory with the material presented
Since the backrooms popularity boom happened congruently with the one for liminal spaces (which ill just use interchangably with "eerily empty nostalgic space, even though the original definition just describes one thats transitional) even the most recent levels try to invoke this sort of setting. This within itself, is great. Theres a lot of room for very personal, intimate horror, especially when combined with isolation. Guess what they tried to do with it?
They jacked scps writing style, which for those not in the know, is intentionally written from a dry, neutral voice. To describe a setting meant to invoke one of the most personal emotions one can have.
Beyond this, articles, as evidenced by their often dubious writing quality, are written by teens who are far too young to have experienced that kind of nostalgia, so a lot of the articles end up not being able to fully capture the feeling, even if they werent written like a courtroom report.
To summarize, the premise is just kind of limiting within itself, even detached from any disloyalty to the original premise of the backrooms.
anyhow Im releasing the first review tomorrow
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mythicalshipping · 1 year
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You can’t really tell in this screenshot but Rhett stood up on his tippy toes and it was cute afffff. 
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I need Renn Faire Rhink, for REAL. Also it was amusing to me how they seemed to struggle slightly to get all of Rhett in one action shot here XD 
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If I remove that caption, this pic becomes kind of questionable...
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Quick! I’ve got to spread this around so she doesn’t know it’s me! And this is the ONLY way to do this on Rhett, climb him vigorously like I’m running in the woods from a wild animal and my only hope is this tree. 
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O.O *me, who used to work at Planet Fitness* 
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Also just here to scream about the newest edition of “Everyone Looks Hot In This”:  ~ Suits.  ~ Sundresses. ~ Trench Coats. 
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umbrvx · 1 year
Hi! Genuinely curious. I know a lot of artists don’t like qrts on Twitter because they remove engagement from the original post, but on tumblr, the engagement stays with the original poster, so I’m curious why you don’t want comments on reblogs. Is the engagement thing why you don’t like comments on your art, or is there a different reason?
hi! so im going to write this post with the assumption some people who read it may be unfamiliar with tumblr so pls excuse me if im explaining things you personally already know/is considered common sense/etc... i am also unsure which parts i should consider common knowledge/how far to explain so please forgive me if i overexplain a bit!
so on tumblr, comments on art do not affect engagement, but it is still commonly held etiquette not to add comments directly onto reblogs of art.
the reason for this is that when you add a comment directly onto a reblog (ie, not in tags nor the reply function) is that the comment becomes permanently affixed to that version of the post. it becomes a secondary caption, basically; it is not the same as a reply on twitter or a comment on insta. if the reblog with the comment is reblogged by someone else, that comment will remain and can continue to be shared, even if the commenter were to later delete the post. you now then, effectively, have a new version of the post that has additions to it.
this has become somewhat more of an issue lately, as tumblr recently updated to remove the ability to go to where somebody reblogged a post from. which is to say, if somebody encountered a post that has a lot of additive comments on it, but wanted to reblog the original/a version with less or different comments, they can no longer do so unless they scavenged someones blog for the post manually.
generally speaking, many artists prefer no direct additions be made to their posts (although sometimes people add image descriptor IDs, which i dont mind people doing) so that only the original iteration exists and can be reblogged, without anything extra added onto it that isn't meant to be there. the reply function (looks like a chat bubble at the bottom of a post) is a newer addition, but most people still prefer to add thoughts/commentary in tags -- since reblog tags only serve an organizational purpose within someones own blog/exist to help filter content warnings, it is very commonly used to add comments, since that will stay within someone's specific reblog and will not affect or change a post. original posters are still notified of every reblog and their tags (and i really like to go through and read/reread tags), so any commentary can still be appreciated and seen even without having to attach it to a post directly
tl;dr: id just prefer my art posts to be able to stand alone and be able to be shared that way w/out extra comments/a comment chain on them
i hope this helps answer the question...!
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cpunkwitch · 1 year
i think major film companies should make less visually intense versions of all releases for ppl with epilepsy and other sensitivities. i think it should be standard practice and i think movie theaters should show them in their own rooms w less intense carpet on the way in and whatnot.
and on tvs and streaming platforms they should have like a reduced contrast mode. cause im really tired of everyone getting away with inaccessibility. captions colours brightness video descriptions everything needs to be regular practice. we arent extremists for wanting that i think.
what are your thoughts?
adding on
they should also just in general lower the brightness on their screens and lights in the theaters esp when they turn the lights on after movies. and not the damn white led lights, the softer yellow/warm lights that are so much ficking easier on our eyes.
my sensitivity isnt as bad as most people but i still get bothered by all these things to an extent and can sympathise with ppl who struggle with it more intensely.
people should absolutely make versions and accessible places of productions that dont cause eye strain issues- to say the least.
yes flashing lights, bright colours, intense saturation etc can add to the experience of watching a movie but when theres people that literally get migraines, nausea, seizures and so on there needs to be something done about it. the easiest answer is removing/lessening these things from productions outright or making an edited version without them so its much easier on people
by productions i mean games and shows not just movies. this can be plays and musicals too.
and making environments more accessible like adding spaces in theaters where YOU CAN PUT YOUR DAMN WHEELECHAIR because you cant use the fucking fold seats, keeping the lights dim and fewer, using softer/less cluttered carpet designs, not having an overwhelming amount of bright ass screens etc can be a huge help to people
absolutely needs to be common practice, literally not in any way or form is this some kind of extremist thing, its asking for things to be accessible so more people can experience entertainment too.
we deserve to see there/play it/be there/enjoy it just as much as people without these issues.
i also like your idea of seperate show rooms that are lower input/stimuli and remote settings for things to make things safer to view.
i would be so happy to pick up a remote and hit a few buttons so i can mute contrasts and light flashing in some way on whatever comes on/im watching on the tv
also the news should be easier to read theres so much text with half of it moving on the screen that i can never fucking tell whats going on so i never watch the news unless my parents already are.
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boozois · 1 year
i hope this doesn't come off as rude or anything but im just curious, how do you make your art, i just found your account and it looks awesome, im just really curious about the process honestly:3
not rude at all! it's actually a pretty simple process, but i'll explain as much as i can
so i'll find a background, usually these are photos on liminal space communities that are newer. sometimes i take photos myself and use that. i look for really dark photos, and specifically photos that are gonna work with the angles i have.
that leads into the next part, which is choosing a photo of a borzoi to mess around with. i usually choose this based on what picture i have. that way i can have an easier time editing it. so i select the picture based on lighting, angle, and also the quality. i try to use high quality images, because (1.) it's better to have more to work with than you need, and (2.) it's what works best when removing the background. you can do this manually on ibis paint, but it's so much easier to do it with a website. there's a lot that'll turn your image into a transparent png.
once i got all that, i put it together. i do this all in ibis paint x. i put the dog a bit higher than it is realistically, and extend the features. sometimes i add different heads or other attributes. i change the lighting by adding different colors and blending. i use a few filters, including color balance, blur/zoom, and unsharp mask.
while i'm doing this, i like to make a little story up about the new creature i made. then i use the captions to kinda tell it. there is actually a little bit of "lore" around some of the dogs, and there's repeat characters. i like this part of it the most, this was why i originally made this account. it's just hard to keep a character, plus i dont operate a side blog and dont want to. world building has always been the coolest thing to me and this is a super cool way to practice it. this account hasn't even been here a year and i've learned a lot.
anyway, thanks for asking! having lots of fun and it's cool to see that people are interested in what i'm doing.
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arisatominakos · 2 years
i want your gif making lore. 7, 9, 17, 15, 20, 26, 40, 45, and 49!
7. Who are your top 3 gif makers
ohmans thats hard khfdsa. i actually am big fans of a lot of gifmakers out there that i dont follow but i see their stuff all the time in the tags & rb from them etc etc. but like i do follow a lot of folks who’s stuff i rlly enjoy and are folks that tend to inspire me. its a bit unfair to list just three so fkjsdha uhh @aartyom  @eurodynamic @onewingedangels @preciousgyro @entreri @marogarreh @thequantumranger @trident
9. What/who inspired you to start making gifs
i dont fully remember, i think a mix of just fandom stuff w/ friends & rp blogs. i do remember it was a hellacious journey until i could figure it out and since then i just have tried to keep improving or learning new things etc etc.
17. 10 sets, 8 sets, 6 sets? How many gifs to you prefer in a set
this is VERY dependent on the set im making at the time. i try to avoid like sets with a lot of images bc i get very tired with the task. but some stuff like i try to do between 2-5 so it looks nice in a post.
15. Have you ever had gifs stolen and reposted
constantly. usually its my avan gifs or star trek gifs. which is like the major reason i dont do them anymore or do a lot of non-video game slash anime sets. i tend to confront the person or ask them to take it down & it goes as well as you expect half the time: not the best. the worst time was a rp blog stealing all my avan gifs, not aware i was in the same rp circles so like tons of mutuals( most shared between the two of us ) notified me & they blocked me on said blog so i had to message them from my personal + other blogs i had at the time as well as said mutuals spoke with them as well before they took them down. it was a very frustrating day.
20. Mac or PC
i have experience with both mac & pc, however my default is my pc which is built for gaming. i’ve had mac laptops in the past via my older sister who would give me her school handmedowns. as far as specifically creating art gifs what have you, i have no preference between the two.
26. How many un posted sets are in your drafts right now
sO I KNOW A LOT OF PPL DO THAT WHERE THEY MAKE STUFF AND SAVE IT IN DRAFTS BUT IM DKSJHA i just i dont have the like mental fortitude to make something and not post it soon after. back when i was doing rp stuff & writing i used my drafts very heavily for wips & i sorta do that w/ gifsets in a way. as i make them i have a opened draft to upload each one to see how they look on tumblr, if they upload correctly, & to check coloring between my main monitor secondary monitor & phone as well so i make sure colors are good theres no washes etc. so usually if there is something in the drafts im currently working on it or its about to be posted so there are zero things in my drafts other than this ask kfsha
40. Why do you make gifs
good question. no clue. fkjhdsa but its fun & i enjoy it. its also just fun to share my interests in a way that can be shared by other people in reblogs etc. reading the tags of my sets & seeing ppls reactions or just opinions or whatever is just it rlly makes it. I Make Gifs For The People.
45. Ever gotten hate over a set
i’ve had ppl disrespect me bc of a gifset but ive never gotten hate persay. i do get a lot of bitchy people upset about my “do not repost or remove caption.” that i add to my posts which like i tend to ignore. realistically i cant stop ppl from doing such but it has helped so i keep doing it. usually i get a comment on said set they reblogged that day or in the tag but ive gotten 1 ask once about it & it was p funny. but proper hate with a valid reason ? nah.
49. How much would you say you’ve improved since you first started giffing
oH SO MUCH LOL. from coloring, to timing of the frames, to composition, to typography, to quality. the more i make the better i get. && there are things i want to redo to see how much i’ve improved. im not using the best tools to make these, but i’ve seen my improvement i’ve seen how much better i am & it’s rlly nice to be able to visually see your growth.
                                     /  GIFMAKER ASKS
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granma-sweetie · 2 years
hi i really want to watch mor but i dont know which version to choose, which one would you recommend?
i totally didn’t jump up and down and cackle when you sent this <- lying but ummmm well.
they are both soooo so excellent and i love them with my whole heart
so i will make a pros and cons list for each
starting with this version (this is the one i watched first)
okay so pros:
claire pérot who plays constanze weber. i love her sooo much she’s incredible
bangs salieri (extra angsty flavor)💞💞
BRAVO MOZART GUY 💞💞💞💞 (when you watch it you’ll understand.)
optional captions in english
not much else to say, it’s very good i love it
not really any? but it’s not as high quality in. ok i forgot the word but it has less pixels? it’s more pixelated idk i forgot the word but yeah
not as many jokes in the rosenbeeeeeerg scene
that’s about it?
oh also. no flonytail </3
ok now this version!
diane dassigny as constanze!! she’s also incredible and i love her also!
THE FLONYTAIL i die 💞💞💞💞
yamin dib gets to be funnier and mayonnaise during the rosenbeeeeerg scene (also he calls stephanie more names in their first scene)
higher quality resolution? is that the word?? the picture is clearer?? i still forget the word
also you get different angles and stuff than the first proshot which isn’t necessarily better or worse but you should def watch both versions no matter one you start with
no bravo mozart guy :(((
you can’t choose to not have the captions, also there’s captions in korean(?) and you can’t remove those either which is kinda annoying but it’s okay
no salieri bangs (they had to be sacrificed for the flonytail. worth it, but still)
i think that’s it yeah
in the end, they’re both incredible and it’s up to you which one you pick to watch first! oh also in the second version mikele’s hair is. different? not that different but it’s more emo i think
EDIT ANOTHER PRO FOR THE SECOND VERSION. when mozart bows before le bien qui fait mal it shows salieri staring at his ass which i think is very funny
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