#also eddie now has short hair bc he works at the plant
hellishchrissy · 1 year
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June, 1987
June gloom. That's the term Chrissy's college friends had used to describe the odd, suffocating fog that had seemingly taken over the entire coast in California, looming over the promise of the summer in Los Angeles.
It was a strange sight, the wall of fog like a physical being in the horizon; suffocating her, pulling her in. Sometimes it felt the same that it had felt back home in Hawkins. Suffocating, alienating. And the fog never failed to invite back the nightmares that haunted her. Of her mother, of Hawkins, of red, vengeful skies filled with creatures her father would've called "demon-like". 
Chrissy had left Hawkins for good in August of 1986 - she had often dreamed of getting away from her mother and the crushing weight of what could be considered the "high society" of Hawkins. In other words, an endless parade of church potlucks, charity auctions and dinners at their local country club. A painfully artificial smile plastered on Chrissy's glossed lips, her mother's reproachful voice in her ear if she accidentally spilled something on her dress. Endless greetings and hands she shook time after time, the perfect daughter with the golden cross dangling between her collarbones.
California and the freedom of college had been a breath of fresh air after eighteen years of suffocation. Chrissy had felt free for the first time since she was a child, free of judgement, free of the red skies. And occasionally, she almost believed that she was free of the knowledge of what lied below their own dimension.
And then her mother died on June 9th 1987, and Chrissy jumped on the first plane that flew out of Los Angeles in the early hours of the morning.
That first night back in Hawkins Chrissy woke up screaming, flashes of red skies and golden crosses in her mind. Her clammy hands clawed at her bare throat, almost confused that her fingers weren't entangling with the dainty, gold chains of neither her cross necklace or the ´86´ necklace that Jason had once gifted her.
She had left both necklaces in the drawer of her desk in Hawkins when she had skipped town, eager to let go of the chains that still tethered her to her mother and the memory of Jason.
That June, Chrissy felt like she was watching herself from somewhere else, hovering over her own body. Making promises to her father, swearing she'd stay until the end of summer to take care of her brother and to help with the funeral, the documents, all the miserable shit that Chrissy's father was dreading to do alone.
And so she stayed. Even with the nightmares, she stayed. It was easy enough to forget, to force herself not to feel real. The numbness was her salvation the days she had to go through her mother's things, the scent of her perfume still clinging to the clothes making her gag. The numbness helped her during the funeral, her thumb drawing absent-minded trails on the back of her brother's palm as he clutched onto hers.
Nothing felt real, and Chrissy was so, very grateful for it.
Until the day a pair of all too familiar brown eyes met hers across the vegetable isle of the supermarket; that's all it took for Chrissy's facade to crumble, and she was no longer numb.
// follow this fic on ao3!
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russian-romanova · 5 years
the blood oath
title: the blood oath
pairing: young!bill denbrough
word count: 2K
warnings:  mentions of blood and injury, a line of sarcasm near the end
notes: short little blurb bc i adore bill so much. i tried to make it separate from the actual scene will bill and beverly, but we’ll see how that turned out. also i don’t think i’ve ever written a kiss before this i have no idea how those work oops 
summary: after defeating it for the time being, the losers make a promise to return twenty-seven years later if it comes back.
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Two months ago, you had almost died. All of you had, but you remember the specific feeling of staring at It, looking like a clown as he had for many of your encounters, and thinking that none of you were going to make it out of the sewers. You had almost lost both Stanley and Mike to different forces that day, and you had lost Beverly -- although by some miracle you had gotten her back. 
There had been that immeasurable feeling of fear, greater than any emotion you had felt before in your life. It looked from one loser to the next, and your heart had stopped beating. You would swear on it, it had lay frozen in your chest for a good few seconds when Its eyes fell momentarily on you, and only remembered when It was looking at the next kid. 
You were going to die, you knew it. You were thirteen years old, in the height of your small life, and you were going to be murdered by a demonic clown in a sewer. If you hadn’t been so scared, you would have peed your pants. It had captured Beverly, could have killed her if It wanted to. Who’s to say It couldn’t do the exact same to every one of you, feeding on your fear before eating you whole. 
Then you had looked towards Bill Denbrough, and things seemed to be okay again. He had looked back at you, his young face furrowed in some sort of determination you had never seen before. It was the determination of a man, the man you would see twenty-seven years later, not the determination of a thirteen-year-old boy. Bill had looked at you, nodded sharply, and then the two of you had looked away. After that, you could breathe again. 
Then It had gotten Bill too, and you thought all hope was lost once more. It has Bill in Its wicked grasp, and It told you that if you left the two of them, you could get away from all of this. If it had been any of the other losers, you would have considered it for a split second. You wouldn’t have left, never in a million years, but the back of your mind would have held the idea for less than a second. 
This wasn’t any of the other losers though, this was Bill. You felt the same fear you felt earlier in your stomach, the fear that accompanied the idea you would positively die. Somehow worse, was the idea that he would die. That It would kill Bill Denbrough, and then it would kill every single one of you, not that it would matter because without Bill you were just a bunch of kids. 
It was September now.
You had defeated It, at least for now. This was one of those things you wouldn’t know without time, without roughly twenty-seven years of time. You could hope It was gone forever, but deep down you all knew It would be back. It was for this reason, at least in your mind, that you had all come back here. 
Eight of you sat in a field near the Kenduskeag, forming a small circle that you could give your secrets into. Bill had called each of you individually and told you how the encounter was something that needed to be talked about. You had all battled It, gotten out of the sewers and gone your separate ways, only to return the next day in the Barrens as if nothing had happened. As if It had been a dream, the fight an accompanying nightmare.
It wasn’t a dream here, not when you sat together in silence. Here, looking from face to face, it was real. For this short time, all the details were vivid in your memory. Beverly was speaking now, her eyes moving from person to person as she recalled what she had seen as she floated. “I can only remember parts, but I thought I was dead. That's what it felt like. I saw us, all of us together back in the cistern, but we were older, like our parents' ages.” 
Bill looked at Bev before asking, “What were we all doing there?�� 
She paused, looking at the grass under her shoes before shaking her head. “I just remember how we felt. How scared we were. I don't think I can ever forget that.” And that was understandable, of course it was. You had all been terrified, and you found yourself thinking back to how sure you had felt that you were going to die. Nothing you had faced before had been that frightening, and it would be twenty-seven years before anything did again.
Suddenly inspired, Bill shot off of the log he was sitting on to his feet. “Swear it.” He began, and you noticed a shard of glass between his fingers. “Suh-suh-swear if It isn't dead, if It ever comes back,” Bill paused, his eyes briefly meeting yours. “We'll come back, too.”  
You gulped, unsure. But as Bill looked at you, and you at him, you felt the sense of security return to you that you had all felt in the caves. Bill knew what he was doing. He was your fearless leader, and he would never let you down. 
Fully trusting him, you stood up. 
One by one, the other losers followed. When everyone was on their feet, Bill looked down at his own hand and brought the glass to it. Wincing, he pushed the shard into it and sliced a line. For a moment, he looked down at it in thought. None of you rushed him.
Slowly, he walked towards you and your already extended hand. You looked up at Bill. and his silent look said it all. The cut was going to hurt, but you knew that already. If you got the sudden urge to duck out, all you had to do was think of George Denbrough, and how hurt Bill had looked when It had used Georgie to trick him. He had cried tears that had been stuck inside him since Georgie had given him that final goodbye, stomping off in galoshes Bill would never see again. Bill had never cried in front of you like that, not with his eyes so raw and puffy, face in complete agony. If you got the urge to run away again, you would remember Georgie and how Bill had looked at him, and your feet would be planted again. 
The glass moved above your palm, biting into the area between your forefinger and your thumb until blood began to show. Knowing it was deep enough, Bill glided the shard across your hand, ripping and tearing at your skin until he deemed it was enough. The glass was withdrawn, and you winced at the finished product. Staying strong, you lifted your head to look at Bill, who was watching your reaction carefully. His mind was already that of an author’s, capturing details for later recollection. Neither of you spoke, and after a moment Bill moved on.  
You looked down at your hand. It was smeared in red now, reflective of the messes you would make with finger paints when you were much younger.  ‘The blood helps the pain,’ You reasoned. ‘The blood covers the cut, and it can’t hurt so bad if I can’t see it.’
One by one, Bill sliced open every loser’s palm with the same line. When he was done, Bill took his place back in the circle next to you and held out his hands to either side. None of the action was awkward; you all silently knew what to do. Silently, you grabbed Bill’s hand with your own left hand and reached for Beverly’s with your right. 
At this moment, it seemed complete. You were all connected, as you had been for a while now and suspected you always would be, but here it was physical. You were connected by hand and blood, the warm blood of one loser smearing onto the hand of the next. Simple and truthfully, you were permanently connected. 
But as soon as you had all known what you were doing, you knew to stop. All eight losers dropped their hands, and Stanley broke the comfortable silence. “I gotta go. I hate you.” He grinned at Bill, who seemed relieved that Stan was only joking. Bill gave Stan a goodbye, and the curly-haired boy was the first to leave the group. Eddie was next, a connection so large yet one none of you would ever make or even remember. Then Mike, Richie, Ben, and Bev all made their way back towards the populated part of Derry, where they could go home and begin the long process of recovery. 
Nearby you and Bill, the Kenduskeag rolled by over rocks, ambiently centering you. “Can you believe school’s starting next week?” You asked Bill softly. 
He looked up. “No. I kind of wih-wih-wish it wuh-wuh-wasn’t, though.” You nodded in response. No matter how horrible of a summer you had all had, it had still been summer. 
“I can’t believe we spent our whole summers fighting a fucking clown,” You mumbled. 
“At least it was suh-something,” Bill said, shrugging before he looked at you. Out of the blue, he added, “I’m glad y-you’re oh-oh-okay.” 
You met his eyes, smiling. “I’m glad you’re okay, too.” You added softly, all at once remembered the softer part of the fear that had eaten away at you when you thought you had lost Bill to It. The burning emotion had been care when you boiled it all down. Why had the thought of It getting Bill frightened you so much more than it had when you thought It had gotten Beverly or Mike? Because you cared. 
In a moment of bravery, you realized that Bill Denbrough must have cared too. 
The realization was shared, and Bill moved forwards in a natural way. However, you beat him to it, pushing yourself towards him until your lips met. It was somehow completely unlike how you would have imagined kissing Bill was like -- not that you would ever have done that -- but it was perfect at the same time. The thought that you were kissing Bill Denbrough didn’t even hit you until the two of you released, pulling away to look the other in the eye. 
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to say after one of those,” You answered honestly. “I liked it though.”
Bill turned bright red. “Oh, oh-oh-okay, muh-muh-me t-too.” His eyes flicked to the grass and then back up to you. 
“I thought it was really nice,” You added.
He nodded. “Muh-me t-t-to.”
Satisfied with his answers, you leaned closer to kiss Bill once more. This was something you could certainly get used to, you realized, smiling softly against his lips. 
Bill felt it, moving his head back to smile back. “Wuh-what?”
You shook your head. “Nothing,” You said before leaning in for a third time. And it was true. For the first time all summer, you felt happy and free. Absolutely nothing was wrong. 
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justadadonthenet · 7 years
Loser’s Club as camp half blood kids hc
(These are terribly organized I’m so sorry, all under the cut)
Stan: deffo an Athena kid, look at that little logic man and tell me he’s not Athena. He would be extremely talented on the battle field but would rarely want to fight (besides, why do that when he could command his battalion in capture the flag) and he somehow befriended an owl in his third year at camp and it’ll do whatever he wants (including keeping richie in check)
Ben: also in the Athena cabin, but one of the softer of them. Always wins when they’re tasked with a building competition cause he actually reads up on what types of structures work best,,he would develop and design all of the Athena cabin weaponry and would specially design stuff for stanley. Their cabin is the coolest one because Ben is always reconstructing as needed, and it’s never too full because he has somehow developed a building that expands as needed, but only on the inside. This kid is fucking gifted.
Mike: Jesus imagine my boy mike as a Persephone kid that’s the cutest shit I’ve ever seen,,,persephone kids are almost as rare (if not more) than big three kids, so he lives in the Demeter cabin. the whole camp would adore him and the wood nymphs would love talking to this ~one~ boy because he has major respect for all parts of nature,, he would grow lil flowers to give to everyone and would make flower crowns for bev,,and although he is a little flower child he takes capture the flag VERY seriously if he’s up against his Losers. (The wood nymphs love doing favors for him such as tripping richie and taking bev’s sword right out of her hand)
Richie: holy fuck he would definitely end up head of the Hermes cabin (somehow) and he would be worse than the Stoll brothers combined,,,don’t ask how he managed to acquire a dildo tree or get a Trojan horse to camp without anyone noticing, he’s also ~conveniently~ part messenger god, which makes sending pranks to people even easier (also imagine the first time he tries to use the winged converse y i k e s there was definitely a face plant in there)
Bill: listen,,,,he would definitely be a Zeus kid if he wasn’t such an angery piece of shit,,, so you better believe he is one of the softest Hades kids to ever enter that camp,,,when he got bored he’d summon cool rocks and shit. As soon as he hears of Nico being able to summon the dead he pesters him into teaching him, learning extremely quickly how to summon spirits. Every once in a while the losers cant find bill, cause he’s sitting in a hidden cave he managed to create, talking to Georgie
Bev: listen my fiery girl would obviously be an Ares kid. She may be the nicest in the cabin, but you’re dead wrong if you think for a second she wouldn’t beat your ass if provoked. Her and Stan definitely have a friendly rivalry in capture the flag (or any battle-related activity, for that matter.) she loves her bf Ben but she can’t help but coaxing the latest Athena cabin weaponry plans out of him. Ben goes to mush as soon as Bev talks to him, and every thought he had of keeping the developments to the cabin goes out the door with one look into those eyes. Coincidentally, next week’s capture the flag battle is between Ares and Athena, and Ben is completely lost as to how the Ares cabin somehow had counter measures for all of their weaponry,, he’d been planning them for months, and had picked through all of the Ares cabin’s tactics previous to this, how did they know? Let’s just say stan was HEATED
Eddie: okay with an idiot of a boyfriend like richie (who constantly forgets where he sets up traps during capture the flag) eddie needs to be able to fix his boy. He may not seem like an Apollo boy other than the fact that he’s wicked good at being camp medic, but he’s getting pretty dialed in on his foresight (even though it only consistently reaches about an hour into the future.) still, this makes fixing up his idiots easier, as he knows exactly what to pack in his magic fanny pack (think Leo’s tool belt) before every capture the flag (even though he no longer needs it, after realizing that it wasn’t his drugs healing him but his own abilities). After LOTS of practice, Eds walks up to richie, touches his forehead, and richie fucking loses his shit because h o l y s h i t why is everything so blurry??? Before taking his glasses off and crying because everything is in focus
-bill and mike always help in developing the area for the capture the flag games and make sure it’s aesthetically pleasing, interesting, and different from the last time
-SHIT AND MIKE AND THE DEMETER CABIN MAKE CORN MAZE CAPTURE THE FLAG FOR FALL (complete with spooky scares from the grain nymphs)
-most of the hades kids come and go, so billiam is alone a lot in his cabin, making the hades cabin basically the loser’s cabin for sleepovers
-(bill also sleeps in the Athena cabin a lot cause of the immense space and his bf)
-Eds discovers his poetic abilities when sitting with Ben and trying to think of what to say to ask rich out
-Eds definitely also helps richie write songs
-richie is a large lanky boy but somehow kicks ass when they have track events (its one of the only places he doesn’t trip)
-his biggest threat? Billiam, aka lanky boy #2
-“it’s not fair, he can literally influence the track and make my lane turn into sand!” “S-step up your p-prank game, tozier”
-richie replaces bill’s shoes with some winged ones and Jesus Christ he’s never laughed as hard as he did when bill hit the side of the big house as soon as the race started
-eddie never really pursues his artistic abilities but one time rich has a bad night and sends Eds a message to meet him at the hades cabin (bill is with Stan) and he finds richie panicking over a nightmare so he starts singing to richie and holy shit richie was crying but not cause of his nightmare
-mike always brings flowers to the medics tent and brings some of each patients’ favorites to put at their bedside
-mr d cannot stand richies existence sometimes but all of that is forgotten when richie somehow gets him some ancient bottle of wine that d hasn’t seen in millennia
-whenever eddie sees richie’s laugh or smile the camp gets a lil brighter for a second
-sometimes mike goes and sits with bill while he’s talking to Georgie. He helped him with hiding bill’s little spot, can also (to an extent) contact the dead, and bill trusts him immensely. Bill loves the losers but most of the time he just wants to talk to Georgie alone. When he does invite the losers to come talk, they don’t go to bill’s spot
-I can’t help but imagining mike making all of the losers little flower crowns made of assorted flowers and all of them match the person
-richie has so many laurel wreaths from mike due to his immense list of track records
-they think bill was conceived while the gods were battling with their second self, because he was claimed by hades but has the ability to conjure metals and jewels like Pluto (which is super uncommon when you’re Greek)
-(of course he gets his bf’s cabin some of the best metals for weapons)
-richie somehow gets all of the Good Shit from the outside world into the camp. Nintendo switch? Stan buys it off of him the first day rich has it (along with all the Mario games that comes with it.) cigarettes? Him and Bev share those. Books from libraries across the world? Ben is still amazed as to how richie gets a hold of some of the Ancient Greek texts he sells him but he’s not complaining.
-Eds sometimes misses his boyfriends stupid glasses, so richie finds some hipster glasses and wears them sometimes
-sometimes Eds wishes he had better luck with curses bc sometimes his boyfriend needs to shut the fuck up
-richie and Bev live at camp year round, while bill and Ben often return home, eddie has to go home every break (no matter how short), and mike and stan only goes home on the really long ones
-mike also helps Eddie with finding certain medicinal herbs (richie of course finds the medical marijuana eddie is keeping hidden in his fanny pack)
-instead of “your mom” jokes richie now makes jokes relating to Percy (with only the occasional jokes about mrs k) because come on he’s now the camp mom
-“wait eddie this is so gross that we’re dating cause we’re related” “fuck off richie” “gives me more of a reason to date your mom”
-eddie always makes sure Bill gets enough sunlight,,,that kids depressed enough he needs some vitamin d
-Stan’s owl friend always watches the cabins during the night, and when he sees richie setting trip wires and such on the playing ground, alerts stan
-eddie teaches richie guitar, which he picks up on quickly. It’s one of the only things his Hermes dexterity applies to, and his lankiness gives him a little bit of an advantage
-reddie is the musical power couple that everyone loves during campfires, although Eddie objects every time until richie literally pulls him to the middle of the circle with Eddie on one knee and his guitar on the other
-they have WiFi thanks to richie
-richie sets up sensors on all the cabin doors on April first and the first door to be opened (bill’s) sets off speakers in all the cabins, blasting Africa by Toto at full bass and full volume
-let’s just say eddie didn’t talk to him for four days because WHY WOULD TOU DO TJAT RICHARD
-“wait bill can you have blue fire hair like hades in Hercules??” “Richie I s-swear to god”
-eddie purposely makes it sunny all the time cause he loves the way the sun shines in Rich’s hair and gives him lil freckles :,,,,)
-Ben appreciates the sun too because bev’s hair looks like fire and she gets so many freckles
-Percy stays at camp during breaks cause he knows how lonely it can get and it always helps for richie to have one more friend while most of his are gone
-he adopts richie cause he sees a little bit of himself in that little shithead (and he may use him to long-distance pester Jason with letters rigged to spew water at him as soon as he opens the envelope before pulling out a soggy piece of blue paper that says “hope you’re not missing us too much in California”)
-Annabeth ADORES Ben and Stanley, she basically adopts them as her kids cause Ben is an intelligent little softie and stan is equally intelligent (although in battle strategy rather than crafting)
-Ben loves it when annabeth visits cause he has someone to show his architectural plans to and help him revise them
-Ben gets SUPER good at architecture, so good in fact that he’s literally hired at age sixteen to help in construction in Olympus
-Hermes learned from his mistakes of neglecting his kids, and is sure as hell to visit and talk to richie and the others as often as he can, especially Richie because of his family history
-after the Athena cabin’s plan backfire, stan gets richie’s assistance in payback (he gets the Hephaestus cabin to create weapons that look exactly like the Ares cabins’, but turn into a mini metal figurine of richie doing finger guns as soon as the capture the flag buzzers go off)
-Bev has a rage in her eyes that hasn’t been seen since they defeated IT, and sweet sweet Ben has to hold her back and (try) to calm her down until bill can come in and make her pass out
-she wakes up kicking and screaming with her entire cabin giving up at blocking her from the door and parting like the Red Sea as soon as they see a red glow surrounding her
-this is the one time bill allows a third loser into his cave hiding place, as nobody knows where it is (he made richie pass out as well before taking him into the cave to protect him from the Wrath of Beverly)
-Bev finally calms down (eddie may have put that medical marijuana to use in some special tea he’s formulated)
-mike sometimes just goes and sits in the forest if he can’t sleep. He loves how it looks at night, and how many odd creatures are roaming around
-he meets Grover one night, and they instantly become great friends
-Grover figures out that one of the wood nymphs has a crush on mike, and plays match maker
-the losers notice mike going to the forest more frequently, and while walking back into camp, little patches of flowers grow in his footprints
-when they start dating, mike likes to make his girlfriend’s tree bloom, and changes the color and type of flower each time
-they’re adorable and everyone loves them
-he protects her tree with all costs, as its life is tied to hers
-mr d has definitely found richie in his underwear and a camp Jupiter shirt passed out on the steps of the big house at 6 in the morning, with Richie holding a bottle of fireball
-richie was put on pegasus shit duty for a week, and Eddie refused to rid him of his immense hangover
-somehow richie gets a cat into the camp, its the camp pet and rich always brings it into the med tent to cheer up injured and sickly kids
-the cat mainly lives there, but it goes to bill’s cabin a lot for peace and quiet
-listen,,, the cat would totally have some horrible name that richie makes up like mr noodles and mr d would be so confused as to who mr noodles could be
-Ben my sweet boy and Stanley sometimes sit with mike in the forest during the day. Mike and stan watch the birds, and Ben reads more of the books rich has smuggled in
-richie tozier makes it his goal to get as many aphrodite kids after him as possible (eddie acts like he hates it but knows his idiot would never leave him)
-literally half the Aphrodite cabin is in love with him, and the other half isn’t interested in guys
-richie gets mike to give him assortments of flowers, and brings them to Eddie in the medics tent every morning
-it’s basically like an alarm cause every day, without fail, the sun will shine a little too brightly at 8 am
If you took the time to read all this you’re a Saint and I appreciate you
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cryingbilldenbrough · 7 years
you: a concept: kasplonbrough also you in the tags of your post: “i’m feeling some bill/eddie/mike ot3!” me: ok bitch it’s time so i’m thinking i’m going to need to know who was dating first and how was the third person added? like i need to know some origin stuff. please and thank you (also ilysm).
OK so let’s build off this post
the thing is, bill knows eddie loves mike more than friends, more than a brother even
he can tell by the way eddie gets a little short of breath when mike bends over to pick up a particularly heavy rock, muscles straining beneath a white shirt
and bill knows mike’s similarly smitten, cause he bites back a smile whenever eddie gets started on one of his rants, gearing up and sucking in a deep breath to get ready to talk for as long as he can without interruption
bill figures he just needs to leave them to it
(even though he’s fallen in love with mike’s smile and his casual wit and his soft-spoken intelligence)
(even though he’s been in love with eddie kaspbrak since before he can remember)
he knows he needs to step back and let them figure it out, without getting his own stupid feelings involved
cause for bill, love is So Messy
he’s a glass table with jagged broken edges, one blow from fracturing further into a thousand pieces
and his friends deserve a love untainted, without fear of breaking
(bill’s kind of an idiot)
anyway, mike and eddie never get together as kids
cause eddie goes off to new york for the second half of high school and mike takes on more responsibility at the farm
and they all kind of just…. forget each other
bill forgets about thursday night dinners and helping mike’s mom cook and he forgets looking out the kitchen window to watch mike and eddie, pink cheeked and eyes watering from battling biting wind, do farm chores with breathless smiles on their faces
bill eats dinner alone at the dining room table at his house and can’t shake the feeling of emptiness in his chest
he shoulders the invisible burden, he goes to college, becomes World Famous Author bill denbrough, and forgets all about Derry and his Family
until mike hanlon calls him late one night
it’s nearing 3am and he’s awake, because bill really doesn’t sleep much
and the caller ID has a number with a maine area code
he answers hesitantly, mind almost numbingly blank, and gets shot back into the past by the sound of mike’s voice
he books the next flight home and spends the journey bouncing his knee anxiously
he gets into town at like noon the next day and immediately goes to the derry public library
mike hanlon grew up handsome, as if there was any worry of that
his shoulders are broad and strong and he shakes bill’s hand with confidence and god, bill feels it all rushing back
the warmth of loving mike flows through his veins and god, how did he forget? how did he let this memory slip past his finger tips
the fear is almost an afterthought, the reason they’re there and Together at the back of bill’s mind, forgotten
he goes back to mike’s house and sleeps in his guest room and bill hasn’t felt so At Home since he stopped going to hanlon family dinners
there’s a piece missing though
cause the dinner table isn’t the same when eddie’s not chattering away 
conversation is stilted, not because mike and bill can’t get along by themselves, but because they’re constantly pausing
as if they know instinctively eddie would want to butt in and say his piece
it’s not until the next day, late into a lazy afternoon 
(mike had gone to work for a few hours in the morning and returned to explain the Full Story of Its return with bill)
eddie comes home
he somehow knows where mike lives, marching right up the porch steps and something in bill’s chest pulls him to the door, answering it before eddie can even knock
eddie kaspbrak grew up good. his hair is fluffy and he has a pair of thin-framed wire glasses on his face and he’s wearing a really warm looking sweater
bill scoops him into a hug and breathes in deep, familiar and grounding
they share a bottle of wine in celebration that night, gathered around the kitchen table at mike’s house
they’re loose, flushed and giggly, and bill looks at his boys with wonder on his face
“how’s your dad?” eddie asks, almost as if the thought has just occurred to him
bill remembers then, remembers cooking with jess hanlon, remembers the bond with mike’s family he once had
mike swallows, looking just a little too old and weary, and tells them of both parent’s tragic deaths
will passed away from cancer a few winters back and jess hanlon followed him peacefully the following spring
it really really fucking hurts to hear
it’s like bill’s been given a gift and then had it ripped from his grip
he reaches out, across the table, and grabs mike’s hand
eddie has the other, fingers interlocked, and they’re a chain of grieving
they spend that night in remembrance of their family and all they shared
as time goes on, the losers arrive one by one
bev then ben then richie (no stan, and that fucking burns too)
they spend a day lost in memories again, relearning a forgotten childhood
and bill tries not to want it
he tries not to want to gather eddie and mike up and flee this cursed town
he tries not to want to finally let himself indulge in a fantasy where he gets both of his boys all for his own
he tries not to picture himself happy
because it’s all going to be torn apart soon
he puts his head down and tries to get some fucking Work done and doesn’t get distracted by eddie’s familiar lilting laugh and mike’s fucking stupid white smile
(it’s not going well)
they go on their Walking Tours and god, it’s only worse
cause mike fucking gives bill the gift of Silver, of memory of childish carefree fun
bill and mike spend the afternoon riding his bike like fucking children
and then eddie comes home from his own Tour with scraped knees and a dirty face and bill plummets back to earth
he remembers why they’re here
he throws himself back into it with fervour
he tries to remember their secrets, their hidden weapons, the reasons they survived the first time
he tries to make a plan, a foolproof plan to beat It
letting himself get lost in mike and eddie is really not a part of the plan
unfortunately (fortunately) for bill, eddie kaspbrak has never once done anything according to bill’s plan
he sneaks into bill’s room late one night, when they’re so close to the end that bill can taste it
there’s a thrumming in the air that bill knows means their time is almost up
(bill doesn’t know that Henry Bowers is currently making his way to the hanlon house, fully intent on killing them all)
he slides the door open almost silently, feet tracking over the hardwood floors, and bill sits up in bed as he enters
“eds?” he says, voice scratchy, and feels eddie sit down on the edge of his bed
“it’s me” he answers, but bill knew that from his soft breath and steady heartbeat
“w-what’s up?”
“oh, nothing. just wondering if we’re gonna die tomorrow.”
bill doesn’t answer. it’s answer enough. eddie sighs and takes a deep breath in, almost like he’s steeling himself
(bill loves his brave boy)
“i love you”
bill wants to brush it off
he wants to go back to forgetting, to letting things fall through his fingers without feeling their loss
but he can’t
“i love you t-too, eds” he says instead
eddie plants a hand on bill’s knee through the blankets and kisses him
just once, light and steady, and then he backs off
and u KNOW that once bill’s tasted the forbidden fruit he can’t forget
he dives back in head first
“what about mike” he can’t help but breathe against eddie’s mouth
“i’m sorry,” eddie says, and moves back
bill chases him, leaning in and trying to capture his mouth again, but eddie’s gone
“what?” bill asks, confused
“i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have,” eddie’s making excuses, running a hand through his hair and bill reaches up to flatten it down “i just thought maybe…. i just figured you had maybe felt what i did but i understand if you’re just interested in mike i shouldnt have assumed and i love mike too it’s okay you two deserve each other i shouldn’t have come in here”
“whoa whoa whoa,” bill says, putting his hands up because eddie is rambling and he isn’t making any sense “eds, i love you,”
“yeah, but–”
“but what?”
“but you love mike” 
bill chuckles
“can’t i love both my boys?” he says
and eddie fucking crashes into him
anyway, i dont feel like getting into logistics bc i have already written too many words of ot3 makeouts and there’s only so many times u can write three-way kissing b4 u wanna die
but they end up in mike’s bed, pressed together on the king size mattress
and that’s when fucking henry bowers makes his debut
mike’s not alone this time
he’s flanked by bill and eddie and they have something worth fucking fighting for now
they’re been recharged by every moment they’ve been together and they’re fucking unstoppable
mike takes a knife to the thigh and bowers gets off a solid right hook to eddie’s jaw but otherwise they’re virtually unharmed
it has Begun though
they make their way down to the sewer, just like they’re meant to
except man, bill’s powerful this time
(there’s no Audra, nothing to distract him, and his boys are walking strong beside him)
eddie supports mike, the other man’s arm thrown over his shoulder, as they track through the sewers
and while Bill and Richie go into the deadlights, mike is there to help eddie take down the spider
and eddie kaspbrak does not lose his fucking arm
because right as he’s thrusting his inhaler into Its mouth, mike’s arm catches him round the waist and pulls him back
eddie loses the tips of his fingers but it could have been a LOT fucking worse
eddie and mike call bill back from the Deadlights together, whispering “come home bill” into the Void
“you’re too old,” It tries to taunt, tries to distract from the power of eddie and mike calling him back “too old and broken and you’re all going to die here” 
bill hears mike and eddie’s whisper in his head
and turns to richie, eyes flashing wickedly in the dark vaccuum of the void
and he smiles
because nothing can stop bill from getting back to his boys
send me requests/headcanons/prompts!
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purplesmmr · 7 years
DWSA HEADCANONS PLS! i love them and have a nice day 😄
aaaa !!! thank u sm for the ask! i’m so freakin glad that people are enjoying my headcanons !! ily anon whoever you are credit for a few of these again goes to @wordofyourbodyreprise
they all do secret santa every year and all of them Know to just get melitta socksshe has shakespeare socks from her bro, and got van gogh, klimt, da vinci, and munch socks from some of the others
they all speak asl at some level, some are better than others
they all do some sort of group costume for halloween every year
he will personally fight freud
hates so called “animal rights activists” (aka peta & uninformed bigots)
melchiors actually a really careful person when it comes to eve ry thin g
he has glasses but he rarely wears them because “he doesn’t like them”wendla steals them bc they’re close enough to her prescription and she forgets her glasses at home a l o t
even when moritz or thea aren’t present, melchior has a habit of still signing things as he’s talking to someone
can someone get him to stop talking about psychology? please??
“latin is an important language” - melchior gabor
melchior gabor is the King of disappearing at parties so he doesn’t have to socializehe’s also king of losing his wallet
melchior gabor has five (5) fidget spinnershe doesn’t even like fidget spinners, he has them just to piss people offwell it roya l l y pissed moritz off when one day he had enough of melchior’s bs and threw the spinner in the middle of a busy street
she has a liiiil bit of a temper and if she’s pushed the wrong way, she will fucking go off on someonebobby mahler was a victim of that at one pointshe made him cry and now he’s scared of her
likes to tie her hair up with colorful ribbons
she went by wendy in elementary/middle school bc it was easier for everyonesome of them still call her that occasionally bc honestly its rly cute
wendla and ernst’s passion is community theatre
can run in stilettos and it Scares melchior
has to sleep with some kind of white noise in the background otherwise she Wont
absolutely adores aloe plants
his smile is honestly the best thing ever and lights up everyone’s day
he likes it when his gf plays with his hair
never gets tired of deaf puns
piggybacking off of my last round of headcanons with colleges and careers and stuff, mo ends up going into social workhe shows up at home after work with two deaf foster kids and convinces otto and mart to let the three of them adopt them
his lock/homescreen is a pic of him, mart, and otto
sits for life drawing classes in college in order to make a little more money
ilse neumann is 5’ ½" of pure spite
can make even the ugliest of pantsuits look great
hav i mentioned what a lesbian she is???
she’s a tea drinker and melchior, who fuckign ru ns off of high amounts of caffeine, looks at her like she’s insane
martha convinced her to try burning incense and now she’s Obsessed
never actually sleeps in her own clothes, it’s always one of her bf’s shirts
she’s honestly Always stressed about smth
martha lived with her aunt for awhile while she was trying to sort some problems out with moritz and otto
her aunt is a psychic and can tell sooo much abt a person by just looking at themmelchior didn’t believe in it at first “she knew me and thea were twins when it was only me there!” “a lot of people have twins, it was just coincidental”. after he went over there once to talk to martha and her aunt said something to him abt him being a miracle bby, his outlook on it changed
martha is resident advice lady to thea for things involving depression/eating disorders/problems in general bc martha’s Been There
martha has a Love for lacy lingerie js,,otto does too (on martha)
hanschen and ernst have matching ties that thea got them for prom: ernst has a rainbow tie and hans has a bisexual flag colored tie
he and ernst are so domestic and it’s adorable
forgot to get groceries when ernst was gone for a week and he came home to a basically empty house and was like “??? wha t ha ve you eate n??”
watches victorious as a form of Depression Entertainment
he loves wicked soo much ngl
he’s straight as an arrow for eva noblezadaand carleigh bettiol
when ernst blushes, color goes into his cheeks, ears, and neck n hanschen thinks its the cutest thing
has color coordinated binders so he stays Neat
he’s Very Particular on the arrangement of things in his and hanschen’s apartment
does drag and absolutely Kil l s I t
likes to pick flowers and put them in his unsuspecting friends’ hair
he came out to his parents after he turned 18 and got kicked out,, luckily he has an amazing boyfriend who helped him out
has seen moana more times than he cares to admit
he and otto got their first tattoos togetherin georgs basement, by his unclethey thought it would make them Cooler
he’s double jointed & a weirdo who can lick his own elbow?? (this is totally based on someone i know,, it’s s o frea k y) 
tells the Best scary stories
everyone calls otto by anything and everything they can think of that sounds like his nameottoman empire, otto-bahn, river otto,  otto-matic, otto shop, etc.(i l OV the headcanon of melchior occasionally calling him eddie bc of oedipus so s/o to @melchixr !!)
works like three different jobs to help out his mom and younger siblings
hates to see her siblings upset and will Fight
she owns one (1) pair of shorts
her favorite broadway show is newsies she introduced melitta to it and created a monster“jeremy jordan can STRIKE me anytime”
in love with ben tyler cook
her black binder for scores and sides is like three inches thickit also has a taped on picture of aaron tveit for Inspiration 
she’s a photographer
so is ernst
hans is the Model
her secret weapon is her ability to Riff
she n otto are both lifeguards & work together at a local community center
her closet is 50% thrift store, 25% department store, and 25% stolen clothes from her sister, brother, & boyfriend
owns a pair of lounge pants that have lobsters on them
she’s weirdly good at standardized testing
owns nothing but dresses and skirts and they’re all super cute
has a Collection of lil trinkets she finds in random antique shops and thrift stores
she’s got a lil string of fairy lights from wendla that she decks her chair out with
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