#also ethan???? made 100% of mold so
didn't the connections just want Evie as a weapon/ tool to end all wars (I need to check that file in 7) and Miranda wanted a replacement for Eva hence why she decided to dig up her dead daughter and give them tissue samples (high key even if Miranda brought Eva back the poor kid would never ever be good enough Miranda has had 100 odd years of putting the child on a pedestal)
also Alan Droney (Director* douche who transported Evie with Mia... again the connections sent two 2 people to transport Evie without the treatments needed to keep her stable will that ever not be a problem for me and something i don't see other people mentioning at all?) was posing as a father figure to Evie who rejected her and Evie wanted Ethan to be daddy instead of Jack when he turned up which made Jack mad and Ethan has no idea what he's on about and of course rejects her as well
*in game they call him that and Mia is a caretaker
basically I hope Evie finds people in the conciousness of mold who know everything about her whilst not being directly affected by her violence and help her out (mold therapy group is a idea near and dear to my heart)
As far as the Connections go--tl;dr i went and did some research which is why this took a bit to answer, but yeah, it looks like the Connections DID always plan to use Evie... but Miranda didn't just provide mold, she also provided DNA of her daughter for use in Evie's creation. This, combined with the fact that rose is a 'perfect Eveline' and Eveline's name being so close to Miranda's daughter (Eva) are contet clues that Miranda wanted Eveline made so she could do what she tried with rose. Meaning Eveline's original 'true' purpose was to become Miranda's daughter, but she was 'imperfect'. Because of the emphasis on rose being 'perfect' and Eveline being 'imperfect', I think you make a great point about how ultimately, Eva probably wouldn't have been good enough. None of the 4 Lords were, despite all their power, Miranda still made them feel like they weren't enough to please her.
(side note: this whole 'Miranda was working with Connections!!!' feels very like it was decided after the fact/making it up as they go along. But this interpretation makes it make more sense, at least to me.)
iirc (and someone can feel free to correct me), Mia and her partner were posing as Mia's parents specifically to avoid arousing suspicion when they were transporting her. They weren't intended to be actual parental figures to her. But she was a heavily sheltered child, likely lonely, so she wasn't going to understand it was fake.
We know Evie latched onto Mia as a mother figure, I don't know if she latched onto the guy as a father figure, though. She killed that guy because he essentially rejected her, yeah. If she did see him as a father figure, it was not for very long and it was not to the extent she latched onto Mia (which is intentional--you're not really supposed to care about that guy, so Evie likely didn't either). She also let Ethan 'defy' her much longer than she did Alan.
Evie did use Mia to lure Ethan, though. re7 is explicit about that, bc when Mia is lucid, she tells Ethan she didn't send him the video--meaning Evie was controlling her. Evie wanted Ethan as a father figure because her 'mom' should be married to her 'dad'. I don't think she ever saw Jack as a father figure, because he had adult children her 'mother's age, and because those children (Lucas and Zoe) would likely have been rivals for his love. It's easier for her to play house with Mithan as her parents, and the Bakers as extended family.
Infected!Jack was jealous, yeah, because Ethan was essentially going to replace him as the male head of the family, but Infected!Jack is not the real Jack. Those feelings and actions came from the false family hierarchy that Eveline set up, in which she is both the head of the family and the treasured only grand-child (which is why her rapid aging works as such a good twist; a lot of southern families have an old matriarch like that, and many of them also have a darling granddaughter who is adored).
tbh I don't really care what happens to Evie in the mold matrix, it's just upsetting to me that people call a child irredeemable and deserving of death. Like... they can't see Eveline as the tragedy she is. But Lady D and Heisenberg get praised to high heaven.
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shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
hi, fae have a pheromone around them that often tricks humans into instantly trusting and believing them, and it’s a trance they don’t control and is really difficult to escape from.
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
Karl and Alcina Swapping Place
Lady Dimitrescu inherited her family iron factory while Lord Heisenberg inherited his family castle
Karl still has metal bending but also the blood disease and he needs to drink blood to keep himself from falling apart, he also has Alcina's near invulnerability when he's in human form, can turn into the gigantic metal bat-like creature.
Karl wearing pristine white suit and round black glasses but still saying bitch, fuck and all kind of profanities all the time, he also operating a wine business and using human blood as one of the specialty wine ingredients. Karl also using the cadaou and metal bending ability to fuse his human servants into medieval knight armors in his castle, making them his personal guards, like the verdugo in salazar castle
Lord Heisenberg is also known for his love for horses, he has an undead stallion fused with machinery ( Alcina made it for him )
Karl blindly loyal to Miranda because the brainwashing stuck in his head for what? 100 years? 80 years now? He really believe in Miranda and sees her as his mother Hence why Karl is Miranda's favorite, when Ethan met with the four lords for the first time in the ruined church, Karl genuinely defended Miranda's decision He controls the Moroaicǎ and anyone experimented + fused with metal by him. The fused creatures can move independently but Karl is still in control over them like a hivemind Heisenberg is actually worried that Miranda might throw him away once she revive Eva, but he keep this insecurity a secret.
Karl has his own special kind of cadaou parasite, it looks like any other piece of broken metal but its actually works like a nanite, the metal is just an encasing for the mold parasite. If you cut yourself on it or Karl inserted this metal into your body, you'll get infected with the mold and you'll turn into his mutated minion, this parasitic metal will grow all over your body and over take your mind, like red lyrium
Heisenberg and Moreau often fighting over Miranda's affection
The cadaou parasite still mutated Alcina into this huge 9'12 feet tall woman and gave her the ability to shapeshift into a giant wolf like creature, she also still has her long razors and near invulnerability in her human form
Alcina wearing Karl's attire but minus the hat and glasses because she has her wide brimmed black hat. Lady Dimitrescu is known through the village for her talent in engineering and inventing, she is the sole reason why the village has functioning infrastructure.
Bella, Cass and Dani are not only her daughters but also assistant in the workshop. Their mama taught them everything the girls need to know about engineering, biology, chemistry, literature and art ( also occult stuff ) the three girls also often hunting humans with their favorite lycans and vârcolac Alcina was loyal to Miranda until a few years before Ethan arrived in the village, she began questioning Miranda's motive and whatever the mother really cares about her four lords.
This trust and loyalty disappeared when Alcina found out about all of Miranda's plan, she pretended to be loyal but secretly building a soldat army to kill Miranda. She rebelling not just for herself but also for her three girls, there's no future for her daughters with Miranda. So the battle is about two mothers who will do anything for their daughters, Miranda for Eva and Alcina for the three girls
Alcina is not only controlling her soldat army but also a sizable portion of the lycans and a vârcolac, she's the ultimate alpha of this pack. They are usually patrolling around the factory
Alcina tried to warn the other lords about the possibility of Miranda killing them, Moreau and Karl didn't listen to her and only Donna who secretly agreeing with Alcina but she can't do much against Miranda
She and Karl rarely get along but after finding out about Miranda's plan, she feels nothing but pity for Moreau and Heisenberg, Alcina didn't show this tho out of pride
Alcina still doesn't care about the villagers, nope. She did offer Ethan a chance to ally with her tho, telling him that she can understand his feeling over wanting his daughter back since she is a mother of three daughters
Despite the fact that she wore leather jacket and top stained with oil from her machine, Lady Dimitrescu still behave properly like an aristocratic matriarch should be
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nancydfan · 3 years
Okay but honestly everyone (besides Mia) doubted Ethan and his abilities the entirety of the game- especially Chris.
Obviously all the lords are like “ha ha you’ll never get past me!” And then insert picacho surprised meme when he does.
Even Miranda seems to be like “whAT THE FUCK” when Ethan stumbles his way back to fight her after she swore she killed him. Like yes she knew he was “special” somehow but never realized the full extent of his abilities.
But Chris himself doubted Ethan the most honestly.
I feel like when Chris and his team found and got Ethan and Mia out of the Baker’s house in RE7, he probably just thought Ethan was lucky. I mean, here’s this totally average guy and you’re telling me he killed/ severely injured the members of this family who had been infected with the mold, as well as killed Eveline himself? Like Chris was probably like while this man definitely was able to fight his way out there’s no actual way he was able to do this on his own, maybe he’s over exaggerating or whatever.
But he doesn’t say anything, and offers to teach Ethan military training (at least I think it was Chris, only because they seem to be more familiar with each other in RE8) because even if he’s over exaggerating the man clearly has talent and capabilities to make it out of that house in relatively one piece.
And then they get into training and Chris is incredibly impressed. For what appears to be your typical average dude he’s got pretty good fight tactics and techniques, and can handle a gun pretty well. Of course there’s always stuff to improve on and Chris teaches him to the best of his abilities, and here he gets to know Ethan.
This is a man who always offers help to anyone who needs it, and goes out of his way to comfort people whenever they need it. He truly loves his wife, he never makes a “gotta get back to the old ball and chain” or other “I hate my wife” jokes, he truly appreciates her and respects her with every part of him.
He has a great intuition, both in fighting and just when reading people. When Chris or someone around them has an off day he immediately picks up on it and is able to sense what that person needs. With Chris he will casually mention that his door is always open, he might not know the answer but Ethan is always willing to listen if Chris needs it. And though Chris at first insists that he’s fine, somehow Ethan Winters gets him to open up a bit (not completely, but Ethan’s genuine kindness begins to crack Chris’ ‘tough guy’ mask he puts on that lets Ethan see a glimpse of the real him. Chris’ squad is in utter shock of this because it took them YEARS to achieve this), and they both can sit down and share the horrors they both have experienced and for once in Chris’ life he starts to feel that maybe he can actually recover from what he’s seen.
Ethan also somehow knows exactly what to say. Though sometimes he’ll have to pause to get the right words and thoughts together, when he finally speaks his words are exactly what Chris (and others) needed to hear, even if Chris won’t admit it.
Ethan is the guy who when he sees injustice he doesn’t stay quiet, he is loud and makes sure that whatever happened doesn’t go unnoticed. He somehow remembers everyone’s birthday and gets them the present that they actually want, even if the person and Ethan have only talked once.
And though Ethan has the capability to be serious when needed he can be light hearted and funny, and though sometimes his jokes are simple puns or the same reiteration of the joke you’ve heard 100 times you can’t help but laugh because he somehow made it sound different, somehow breathed some fresh life into it. He has his favorite shows that he always makes sure he is home by to watch, and though he is at his core gentle and kind he can also be tough, and isn’t afraid to call you out when you’re wrong.
Ethan is the least judgmental person you will ever meet, and is truly open minded and will listen to you completely and openly. He isn’t afraid to change his opinion when he realizes he was wrong. When him and Mia throw a Christmas party they always invite Chris and he is always touched by it.
It is through their time together training that Chris realizes that while yes Ethan is a completely normal man he is far from completely ordinary and boring.
And when he announces he’s going to be a father Ethan’s eyes completely light up, and he spends hours of talking about all the beautifully mundane things that accompany preparing to become a parent and dealing with the trials of Mia’s pregnancy. There is no doubt in Ethan’s voice or heart that lead anyone to believe that he thinks that there’s a possibility that Rose might be unhealthy due to both of their exposure to the mold. Ethan runs on optimism and truly believes that she’ll be alright, that though they’ve been through hell him and Mia finally got the happy ending they deserve, and Chris has never been so happy for him.
And then, of course, everything comes crashing down.
When Chris learns that Miranda has infiltrated the Winters’ home he is infuriated on their behalf (can’t this family catch a fucking break?) and does all he can to help them (but little does he know he actually will make it worse). He doesn’t tell Ethan whats going on because they need the element of surprise to get Miranda and Chris knows Ethan will not lie low until he gets there. While Ethan was incredibly lucky to survive Dulvey there’s no way he can survive Miranda’s wrath.
(Also I think there was a document saying they didn’t know if Ethan was compromised or not, hence why Chris didn’t tell Ethan immediately what was going on but still he was over the line)
When Chris discovers that his team escorting Ethan, Rose, and Miranda had crashed and died, leaving Miranda in sole control of Rose he is devastated but thinks to himself that he must keep going, there’s no time to grieve or feel guilty for mistakes when Miranda is moments away from completing her ceremony.
And then he gets word that Ethan Winters has been spotted in the castle. And he shakes his head because of course he’s still alive, Ethan must run on luck and sheer will because how else would he have survived the crash?
And though Chris wants to go after him to tell him to sit his ass down so his team can do their job he can’t because again time is a luxury he can’t afford and he hopes Ethan’s luck saves his ass again this time. And though he hopes for the best can Ethan really take on these god-like creatures?
And then he again gets word that Ethan Winters somehow is defeating all of the lords. He’s going through them as if they’re simply ants beneath his feet and somehow he is still going. And though this is great Chris and his team are rapidly losing the element of surprise they’ve been trying to maintain since coming to this village.
And when he encounters Ethan again it almost hurts to see this man who once sat with him for hours talking about nothing, offering to help him with his taxes look at him with such fury and disdain that it almost sends shivers down his spine, that even though Chris is a highly trained operative he for some reason feels like if Ethan chose to kill him Chris wouldn’t last long. He wants to explain but time won’t let him (or is it the fear that he was wrong all along and once he spits his words out he’ll realize this).
And when Chris runs into Ethan at Karl’s factory he finally gives up and figures that he could use Ethan’s luck on his team, if Ethan can eliminate the four lords without any military help then he’s got to be able to have a shot and killing Miranda with Chris’ and his team’s help.
And when he hears Miranda kill Ethan on the phone it is a blow to his gut that he wasn’t expecting, because Ethan Winters has made a bigger impact on his heart than he thought possible. And it is in this moment of grief that he realizes his mistakes, that he was wrong to alienate Ethan, the man who went through hell twice without looking back to save his family.
The guilt only gets worse when he finds Mia, because he has to explain to her that it’s his fault that her husband is lying dead without his heart due to Chris’ own negligence. And when Mia tells him that he doesn’t understand how special he is he desperately wants to hear it, despite his mind telling him that’s she’s wrong, he wants Mia to tell him that Ethan can survive the impossible because he wants a second chance to make things right.
And when he gets the report again that Ethan Winters is somehow alive and is on his way to the ceremony site Chris’ heart soars and he wonders how could he have ever doubted Ethan Winters and his ability to come back to the people he loves time and time again.
(Also I could be wrong here because I don’t remember if Miranda blocked Chris out once she realized he was there but the rest of this is going to go off of the assumption that Chris was present and could see what was happening)
It is not until Chris makes it to the ceremony site and sees the battle between Miranda and Ethan that Chris truly realizes that he has severely underestimated this man for 3 whole years.
He’s seen Ethan fight before- he saw it in training and heard his squad give him the summary of what they saw when Ethan fought the other lords, but this is the first time Chris has seen Ethan TRULY fight, and on his face where Chris is so used to seeing compassion and love and carefreeness is suddenly replaced by anger, resentment, and pure determination because his daughter’s life is on the line and he will fight until there is nothing left of him to keep that little girl safe.
Chris watches in awe, because even though Ethan looks like he is barely staying together, like he is one breath away from falling apart he is still fighting. Maybe it’s because the mold is being destroyed or maybe Ethan’s injuries are so severe that the mold can’t be bothered hiding itself anymore but he finally sees the proof for himself that Ethan Winters is no longer human- Miranda is tearing into him and Ethan does not care- the long gashes she makes onto his body are desperately trying to suture themselves back together with small tendrils of black, this mold desperately trying to keep Ethan together when Miranda is so intent on tearing him apart.
He watches in amazement as Ethan somehow manages to avoid her claws and her own tendrils of mold reaching out to pound him into dust. He watches in amazement as it doesn’t matter how much Miranda damages Ethan- he gets back up again to unload another round of bullets into Miranda without slowing down, and watches in amazement as Ethan actually begins to win this battle- this perfectly normal man versus a god-like creature and Ethan is actually winning despite all the odds stacked against him.
This is Ethan Winters, he thinks, and while the mold might have given him regenerative properties the mold did not give him the drive and determination Chris sees before him- though Ethan Winters is infected but he is still Ethan Winters, each bullet he fires is coming from him, and his pure will to survive and save his daughter. The mold did not change him to a super hero because this is who he is at heart, a man who is willing to risk it all just to make sure the ones he loves are all right.
And if he didn’t already respect Ethan before he certainly does now, and he curses himself for being so ignorant and not letting Ethan in when he had the chance.
But that’s alright- because Ethan Winters has just eliminated Miranda before his eyes and is running to his daughter, and now Chris will have a lifetime to make it up to him.
But then he sees Ethan collapse to his knees in front of him, and his feet are moving before he even thinks to go because there’s no way, this man did not survive this hell just to die on him now.
Chris is relieved that Ethan is still (barely) conscious as he puts his arm around the man to help him out. Time has never been on their side and it certainly isn’t now, as Chris practically drags Ethan out because he has failed him too many times and he refuses to fail him again.
He tries to get Ethan to keep fighting because it seems that all of the life has drained from this man, the only part of him that’s full of life is the arm carrying his daughter because even when he’s on the brink of death he will not let anything happen to her. Chris brings up Mia and it pains him to hear the loss in Ethan’s voice, as if he’s already decided he’s a lost cause. Chris will not let this happen, he points out that they’re going to blow the village sky high and that’s why they need to get a move on and-
Suddenly Ethan is pushing Rose into his arms, and Chris can’t believe he gets the privilege to hold this man’s daughter after all he’s done and Ethan is draping Rose in his worn out coat and begging Chris to teach her to be strong and Chris won’t have this, Ethan Winters will not die on his watch he will get home to his family and live to live a perfectly normal life, when suddenly Ethan pushes Chris out of the way of a mold tendril that acts as a barrier between them and Chris watches in horror as Ethan stumbles backwards, the man looking more and more like a walking corpse versus the man he just saw moments ago, full of life and determination to kill Miranda.
“Goodbye, Rosemary” Ethan chokes out as he starts to stumble his way back to the ceremony site, and Chris can almost feel the pain of Ethan’s loss at not being able to be with his daughter and wife just within the utterance of these two words.
And Chris is calling Ethan back because dammit it doesn’t have to be like this but Chris knows what a man hell bent on something looks like, and Ethan is already almost out of his sight and the whole village is collapsing around him.
Cursing Chris turns around, cradling Rose close because Ethan somehow miraculously chose to trust Chris in protecting her and like hell will he let something happen to her after this. Chris will teach her to be strong and how to be brave, and not because he’s a man and Mia is incapable of it, but Chris will teach Rose how to be strong like her father was, and how to defend herself because both he and Ethan know that Rose’s abilities will make her a constant target for people to use for their own gain.
When Chris hands Rose back to Mia the joy on her face is short lived and suddenly she’s demanding where Ethan is, begging them to put the plane back down because there’s no way in hell he’d leave them willingly and just as Chris utters that Ethan chose to sacrifice himself the bomb goes off and he feels another blow to his chest, and it’s as though he can’t breathe for a second. He sees the realization hit Mia, and that though Ethan has survived the impossible time and time again can he really survive being blown to bits?
Chris can barely contain the grief and guilt that is consuming him as he looks out the window at the site where Ethan Winters’ luck has run out, the site where Ethan Winters has now died for the second time.
He glances back at Mia and Rose, and each sob Mia lets out cuts him like a knife because he knows he is responsible. He promised this little family that he would protect them and he failed. He failed Mia, he failed Ethan, and now he has failed Rosemary as she must now navigate her life missing a father who would have done anything for her.
Chris will not let Ethan die in vain. He will protect Rose, he will teach her how to fight and how to defend herself. And though he wants to reach out and comfort Mia he knows it will be unwelcome, but looking at Rose he will not fail her again.
He made a promise to Ethan Winters that he fully intends on keeping.
I’m sorry what did I do to be so emotionally attacked like this 😆
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I’m SOBBING OMG. Ty really. I feel like I have nothin I can add to this because GAH MY HEART. You get it. You understand these characters and I was smiling so huge as you described Ethan because YES ALL OF THIS. Then the pain as Ethans end approaches. AND CHRIS’ PERSPECTIVE THROUGHOUT AND HIS PROMISE GOING FORWARD.
Anyway someone get me tissues. This was so beautiful. Bless you 💜💜
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newtafterdark · 3 years
Welcome to me at 6pm thinking about Hellboy. This is what happens whenever I draw monster men. I am going right back into that wonderful world with my favorite hero character of all time.
(This is taken straight from my Twitter where I was writing this thread for over an hour)
Being 100% honest - I think about my "everyone lives - no one dies" version of Hellboy more often than you'd think.
Not to mention that I have an AU rotating in my brain with the Lords from RE8 getting resurrected and intigrated into that world.
Just all of them getting slowly used to freedom amoung people who are unusual like them... 🥺
Plus, I can totally see the Duke occasionally selling & buying goods at the Troll Market! That place is buzzing with folks appreciating his wares & aesthetic!
Moreau getting to choose if he wants to become someone more human-like again or meeting Abe and deciding "No, I think can work with this. :)" and letting himself be a fishman who becomes a trusted doctor once more.
Heisenberg 100% says "thank you but fuck you" to the royal twins & does his own thing in the streets of the Troll Market for a while... until eventually joining the blackmiths in their lava powered forge who are 100% just as rough around the edges as he is.
Donna would actually stay close to Princess Nuala, appreciating the silent chambers of the palace & doing her crafts beside Nuala doing her own studies. Possibly even have Abe as a visitor sometimes as well. Just all of them doing their own things in comfortable silence.
Meanwhile Lady D and her daughters... I think Prince Nuada would appreciate them very much. Specifically Lady D as an equal for discussing political matters that require swift action.
Bela, Cassandra & Daniela no doubt get encouraged by the entire fae court to "find themselves", learning about their past & developing their own preferences aside from what they learned at Lady D's place.
Am I possibly thinking about Miranda getting held accountable by the royal fae court for A) experimenting with the Mold & B) bringing attention to it, which lead to it getting destroyed by humans? Absolutely.
But also!! The fae court offering their power & influence to rebuild the Village & teaching the folks there how to gain control of their powers and how to help the Mold heal. Which means Ethan Winters and his family can stay there & not be bothered by Umbrella.
Consider this: Hellboy & the BPRD grabbing Chris & his squad like "Wanna try again, bootboy?" is just good. We are shaking the guy until he is no longer a goverment man.
Look me in the eye and tell me that Chris Redfield wouldn't look respectfully at Hellboy. 👀
... then again, so would Heisenberg. Welp, that's for the three of them to figure out amoungst themselves, I ain't touching that hot mess.
Back to Lady D for a moment - Just imagine her in her own version of the royal fae robes! Specifially with Nuada's black, red and gold colours~ OoooOooo!!🥺💕She gets something made that is a combination of armour & dress for sure.
... all in all, you can tell that I've been roating this comfort AU in my head for a while. It's simply nice to combine two pieces of media that you love & figure out how they'd interact with eachother. :>
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erin-bo-berin · 4 years
A Game of Chess
This was an anon request to write a fic that involved Spencer’s childhood friend Ethan that appeared in season 2′s episode Jones. To the anon who requested this, I’m so sorry it took so long to write, but I seemed to have trouble getting this fic perfect. But finally, I tweaked it and molded it into a story I’m proud of and really like how it turned out. Shoutout to the wonderful @multifandommandy​ for helping me with the inspiration for the unsub in this fic. With her suggestion of using the real Axeman of New Orleans from the 1900′s, the unsub in this fic was born. I hope you guys enjoy this fic. Enjoy some sassy, jealous Spencer. Happy reading!
Spencer Reid/Reader
Rating: M (smut)
Word Count: 6,907
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New Orleans. 
Home of jazz, amazing food and beautiful sights.
Unfortunately, it was also the home of a current and active serial killer.
You and the rest of the Behavioral Analysis team had been called in for a serial killer running rampant in New Orleans, which meant that left little time to actually enjoy the sights.
“Remind me before we leave to take you to this jazz club I think you’d like,” your friend and coworker, Spencer nudged you with a smile.
“If we have a moment to breathe,” you groaned, taking a peek at the murder board that had already been set up by the local detectives.
“Don’t worry. I’ll make time for my favorite agent.”
He gave you a slight smile and a sly wink as he headed in the opposite direction of you to get started on some geographical profiles.
You felt a flush creep up from your neck all the way to your cheeks. It was no lie that you fancied the intelligent Dr. Reid and some days, you thought he actually reciprocated your feelings.
It felt like the two of you had been circling one another constantly for months, either pretending the feelings didn’t exist or shamelessly flirting with one another. At this point, you weren’t sure anything would ever happen between you two.
That still didn’t stop how flustered he could make you. Such as how he had just done.
It was something special to have his undivided attention. That was a recurring thing for you though. You always seemed to receive a more special kind of attention from him than the rest of your friends—aka the rest of the BAU team.
You were heading towards the table in front of the murder board to set down your things when JJ quite literally appeared out of nowhere by your side.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice that wink,” she smirked knowingly, settling down in a seat at the head of the table.
“Don’t start,” you retorted, cutting your eyes towards her in a warning glance.
“I’m just saying,” she smirked, opening the file and flipping through it before she spoke her next words.
“It’s just a matter of time before the other shoe drops.”
Whatever that meant.
You hooligans think you can catch me, but you can’t. You won’t. I’m much more cunning than you think.
You’ve found victims one, two and three. What about four, five and six? Seven? Maybe they exist, maybe they will exist soon. That’s for me to know and you to find out. If I wanted to, I could slay thousands of your best citizens, for I am in close relationship with the Angel of Death.
“Well, that’s not chilling at all,” you muttered.
A letter had been sent to the NOLA police department, apparently from the killer himself. He was taunting them and your team, that much you knew.
“Definitely a narcissist,” Rossi said, relaying your thoughts, “He thinks he’s untouchable.”
“Not to mention he actually took a line from the infamous Axeman of New Orleans case,” Spencer pointed out.
Everyone blinked at him, clueless.
“The Axeman was a serial killer from May 1918 to October 1919 here in New Orleans. He was never caught, but he typically murdered couples with an axe; axes that belonged to the victims. It’s similar to our current unsub although he’s killing women with an axe. That’s actually kind of similar to the Axeman because he did actually slay a few single victims, some being female and-”
Spencer paused, noticing the entire team staring at him, once again.
“I’m rambling, aren’t I?”
“Just a bit,” you nodded, holding back a grin.
Once the boy got started on something, it was hard to get him to stop. Or not talk 100 mph.
“Is this guy a genius or something? I didn’t even know about that serial killer,” the local detective, named Valadez, whispered to you as Spencer started back up and more to the point.
“You get used to it, trust me,” you grinned.
“The Axeman actually sent a few letters of his own,” Spencer said, looking at the copy of the letter, examining it, “He quite literally copied one sentence word for word.”
“Which one would that be?” Tara asked.
“I could slay a thousand of your best citizens, for I am in close relationship with the Angel of Death,” Spencer read.
“That’s the copied line?” Emily asked.
“Yeah,” Spencer answered distractedly, still studying the writing, “From the Axeman’s letter on March 13th, 1919.”
“So is this just a copycat?” Matt asked.
“I don’t think so,” Spencer answered, “Although the similarities shouldn’t be ignored. He kills women with axes and then sends a letter that has a line that’s verbatim for what the Axeman said.”
“So maybe he’s getting his inspiration from this Axeman guy?” JJ questioned.
“It’s possible,” Spencer nodded.
Spencer was totally in the zone, looking at the writing, tongue poked out of the side of his mouth.
“At most, he has an ego that needs to be stroked,” you said, “There will definitely be more victims.”
“Victim three, Raquel Clayton was discovered outside a jazz club,” Detective Valadez said, studying the murder board.
Spencer’s head jerked up.
“Did you say jazz club?”
“Yeah, does that mean something to you?” Luke asked, curious.
“The Axeman also mentioned in said letter he would spare anyone that was listening to jazz music on a specific night. That night the entire town had dance halls filled with people listening to jazz music. Either his motive is somehow related to this or this guy is just fascinated by the Axeman case. What jazz club was it?”
You were glancing over the detective’s shoulder, reading the file. The name struck you as one you’d just heard earlier in the day. With a smirk, you looked at Spencer.
“Up for a trip to your favorite jazz club?”
“It doesn’t surprise me that I managed to actually bring you here, but under the fact of work circumstances,” Spencer grumbled.
“Hey, we’re here aren’t we? We can enjoy a little music while we ask around and see if anyone has seen anything.”
The club was darkly lit, but was filled with soothing sounds of jazz music. You could see why Spencer liked it here.
“The music is pretty.”
“It is, isn’t it?” he agreed.
You stood for a few moments more taking in the pleasant sights and sounds around you before sighing.
“Guess we better get to work, huh?”
Spencer nodded.
“You start with the bartender and workers around there, I’ll start at the back. I’ll meet up with you later,” Spencer said.
You nodded and headed off to start your first rounds of questioning.
An hour later you met a disheartened Spencer. He’d had no more luck than you had. No one had seen anyone suspicious, no one had seen anything, there wasn’t even the first hint of who a suspect was.
This guy seemed to be as invisible as the real Axeman.
“Maybe Jazz was just a coincidence?” Spencer asked.
“You know as well as I do, that there’s no such thing as coincidences in our line of work,” you commented.
He was about to say something when a voice interrupted him.
“Reid, is that you?!”
You and Spencer turned to see a tall man, roughly the same age as Spencer with dark hair and dark eyes. His long beard would’ve been unruly on anyone else, but on this man it seemed to fit him perfectly.
“Ethan?” Spencer’s face lit up, as he hugged the guy.
“It’s been quite a long time since I’ve seen you. What’s it been? 13 years?”
“About,” Spencer nodded, “I didn’t know you were still here in New Orleans.”
“I just got back after some traveling. You can take the boy out of New Orleans but you can’t take New Orleans out of the boy.”
You watched the exchange back and forth, smiling politely.
“Are you gonna introduce me, Spencer?” you asked.
“Well, does Reid here have a girlfriend? Cause if so, he sure does have mighty fine taste,” the man said.
“No, he’s not my boyfriend,” you chuckled, “I’m his partner.”
You held out your hand.
“Supervisory Special Agent Y/N Y/L/N. But you can just call me Y/N.”
He smiled, shaking your hand.
“Reid, you didn’t tell me the FBI had such beautiful girls like Y/N here. If I’d known that, I wouldn’t have dropped out of the FBI so long ago.”
You smiled bashfully as you dropped your hand from his.
“Y/N this is an old friend from Las Vegas, Ethan. We grew up together.”
With a sidelong glance at Spencer you could see him jaw clenching and unclenching. Something he did when he was annoyed. That intrigued you. What was annoying him?
“So you were in the FBI?” you asked, curious.
“Nah. After the first day of training, I dropped out. Left it to this guy here,” Ethan nodded to Spencer, “I knew Reid would be the better agent anyway.”
“What made you drop out?”
You winced, realizing your tactlessness. 
“Sorry if that was too personal of a question,” you apologized.
“No need to apologize,” he held his hands up, “With a pretty agent like you, I’d spill all my secrets.”
A slight blush grazed your cheeks and you smiled brightly up at him. It was nice to hear such compliments. It was something you weren’t used to.
“I figured out I wasn’t up for being in the FBI. Much more of a musician, I guess you’d say.”
“Oh, you play?”
“Sax, piano, a little guitar.”
“Impressive,” you grinned.
“So, Reid. You doing better now? No more addiction?”
You furrowed your brows, looking at Spencer quizzically.
“It’s nothing,” Spencer mumbled.
“Last time I saw him he was pretty messed up,” Ethan said, demonstrating a shaking hand, “What was it you were on again?”
“Dilaudid,” Spencer answered, lips pressed in a thin line.
You had joined the team only eight years ago, in your early twenties, just shy of Spencer’s thirtieth birthday. He’d already been with the BAU for eight years himself by that time. There were a lot of things you didn’t know about his past and apparently, this was one of them.
“Y/N is a newer member to the team,” Spencer said, suddenly seeming more relaxed, “She only joined a couple of years ago.”
“How long has it been since you’ve been in the BAU again man?” Ethan asked, taking a sip of his drink.
“Fifteen years.”
“Damn. That’s impressive. I could never. Guess that’s why I ended up here,” he motioned with his glass, indicating this certain jazz club.
Spencer’s phone rang, but he ignored it.
“Speaking of,” Ethan turned to you, “How would you like to hear some great music sometime? I could get you front row seats. Maybe even play a request or two just for you.”
He winked at you, increasing your flush. It’d been a long while since you’d had a guy hit on you, hence your constant flushing. You were flattered and you were seriously thinking about taking up his offer.
Spencer’s cell started in again. Once again, it went ignored.
“If I get a chance, I’d love to come hear you play.”
He was about to say something when the cell rang again. For a second you actually thought it was Spencer’s phone again, until you felt the vibration against your thigh from your own phone.
“One second, excuse me,” you apologized, taking your phone out of your pocket.
You had a missed call, followed by a new text.
New body found. Meet us at crime scene ASAP.
It was from Emily.
“I’m awfully sorry to break up this reunion, boys,” you said, “But we gotta go. The job calls.”
“No problem. See you around dude,” Ethan said, patting Spencer on the back.
“Anytime you want to take up my offer, just drop by. I’ll hook you up.”
This was said to you.
He raised his tumbler in your direction with a flirty grin as he backed away.
When you turned to follow Spencer out, you realized he’d already left.
You and Spencer arrived at the crime scene ten minutes later.
“What took you guys so long?” Emily asked.
“Sorry, my phone was off and Y/L/N didn’t tell me you needed us.”
You shot Spencer a look.
What the hell was he talking about? You certainly had. Especially after he’d ignored his own ringing phone twice.
“It’s fine, you’re here now,” Emily said.
“Another body was dumped. Female, approximately 25-30, seems to be wounded from an ax,” Detective Valadez said.
“Man, he really did a number on this poor woman,” you mumbled, shaking your head, “She must’ve really pissed him off.”
The victim was so wounded and bloodied, it was difficult to identify much else about her.
“I know what that’s like,” Spencer mumbled.
You glanced at him again, your questioning glance being plainly ignored.
What was up with him?
“Split up. Witnesses said they had just seen her get off of the bus down the street. We need to know how she ended up here,” Emily said, “Y/N, Spence. I want you to start at the bus stop and see if you can retrace her steps.”
So that’s how you and Spencer ended up at the bus stop, him mumbling to himself and you exasperated at his silent treatment.
“How are we going to figure anything out when you won’t even talk to me?”
He continued to ignore you, walking up and down the sidewalk, thinking.
“If you’re mad can you just please tell me why?”
“I don’t know. You might be too busy flirting with some passerby,” he grumbled.
You were even more confused. 
“What are you talking about?”
Back to ignoring you again.
“I think we’ve figured out about as much as we can from here, let’s go,” Spencer said, taking off.
He left you behind feeling even more confused than to begin with.
The only bright spot of the next few days was that there was a break in the case.
Thanks to Spencer’s excellent geographical profiling skills, he’d managed to narrow down the unsub’s hunting ground.
The icing on the cake?
In the dead middle of his hunting ground was a jazz club. The same jazz club you’d been to with Spencer the day before, the one where Ethan frequently played at.
Two more victims had been murdered, something that made your heart twist painfully in your chest. You’d been too late to help them, but now, you could get justice for the poor women who had met their untimely end. 
To attempt to catch him, the team came up with the idea of sending an undercover in and staking out the place in an attempt to lure him out.
You were going to be the one that would be sent in. In fact, you yourself volunteered to. You wanted to arrest this guy and throw him in handcuffs. It’s what the bastard deserved after his heinous crimes.
Even though Spencer had hardly talked to you for the last few days, he still flat out refused. He kept trying to talk you out of it and convince Emily to send someone else in. But you’d already made up your mind. 
“You’re not going in there, Y/N,” he protested.
“Yes. I am.”
Your voice had a steely edge. He wasn’t going to change your mind.
“Do you know how dangerous it is?!” he’d thrown back at you.
“Gee, no. I never thought about it,” your sarcastic tone was harsher than you intended, but it felt good.
If he was going to be mad at you for whatever reason, then so be it. But you had every right to be just as angry at him for giving you the cold shoulder.
“This is serious, Y/N.”
“You know what, Spencer? You have some nerve acting like you care about me all of a sudden. You have no right to order me around like you’re my father. Especially since you’ve been passive aggressive with me all damn week.”
With that, the plan was set.
And you went in.
“Remember, Y/N,” came Emily’s voice in your invisible earpiece, “If you encounter our unsub, we have to catch him in the act. It’s very likely he will attack you and try to hurt you, you know that right?”
You trailed a finger around the lip of your tumbler, looking around the mostly empty bar before answering.
“I’m aware. I’ll be alright.”
“Okay. Just act like a normal young woman out having a night out. We know he’s picked up all his victims here.”
“Got it.”
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Agent Y/LN,” you heard.
You turned around, seeing Ethan stroll up to you, a sly grin on his face.
“Well hello there,” you grinned, leaning against the bar, “And please, call me Y/N.”
“Y/N,” he said trying out the name, “Might I say you look outstanding tonight.”
You smiled down at the deep teal ruched dress you had donned for the evening. It was a simple dress with thin spaghetti straps and a deep plunging neckline, showing off more of your breasts than you ever had at work. It fit on your body perfectly, hugging your curves and highlighting them. A pair of strappy, gold, stilettos were the only accessory you’d paired with it.
“Thank you. I’ve been anxious to hear you play.”
“Where’s Reid? Did he not come with you?” Ethan asked.
“Oh, he’s around,” you replied coyly.
Just outside, down the street sat Luke, Rossi, Emily and Spencer in an undercover van, watching the entire thing on their monitors.
The styrofoam cup in Spencer’s hand crumpled from his grip on it as he watched the scene unfold before him. Thankfully, he’d already finished his coffee earlier.
Rossi glanced at the cup then to Luke, with a raised brow.
“You okay there Reid?” Luke asked, knowingly.
“I’m fine,” he gritted out. 
“Right,” Rossi drawled, clearly not convinced.
“Isn’t that your childhood friend?” Emily asked.
Yup,” Spencer said and nothing else.
“I saved you a seat at the front, just like I said I would,” Ethan said.
Spencer’s blood boiled when he saw Y/N’s hand on Ethan’s arm. She was doing that thing she did when she flirted: that cute half smile and a peek up through her lashes. 
He’d seen it before many times. It was just one of the many things he’d noticed about her before.
“I’ll personally escort you.”
Ethan wrapped an arm around her waist, leading her towards the stage. They were briefly off camera for a moment and Spencer couldn’t help but feel the jealousy tugging at him. He wouldn’t even be in this position if—well it wasn’t important right now.
They appeared back on camera, near the stage. He sat her at one of the tables at the front.
“I’ll try hard not to mess up. It’s a bit nerve wracking when you have such a beautiful girl in the audience to cheer you on.”
Spencer fought the urge to roll his eyes. 
Y/N actually giggled in response.
“Reid, you’re seconds away from snapping that pencil in half,” Rossi said.
He peered down, not even realizing he’d picked up a pencil to worry in his hands.
“Anything you’d like to share?” asked Rossi.
Spencer looked at the three expectant faces staring back at him and grimaced.
“Not particularly,” he grumbled.
“Reid’s just mad that his friend is making moves on his girl,” Luke stated, nonchalantly.
“She’s not my girl,” Spencer replied.
“Dude, come on. We all know that you like her and just refuse to make a move.”
Spencer glanced at Rossi and Emily who seemed in agreement to Luke’s statement. A glance at the monitors showed that nothing exciting was happening anyway, so there was no way to avoid this conversation with his teammates.
“It’s like a game of chess,” Rossi said, steepling his fingers together.
“What is?” Spencer asked.
“You and Y/N,” he replied, “But it’s like you’re both stuck in a stalemate waiting for the other to make a move.”
He had no reply to that. What was there to say? Rossi was right and it was all his own damn fault.
“Take this as a lesson, kid,” Rossi advised.
“A lesson how?”
“Let this be your motivation.”
Ethan had left you since he was up next.
You sat at the table, sipping on your drink when you heard an unfamiliar voice to your right.
“Looks like you’re awfully lonely tonight.”
You turned to see an average looking man dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. He seemed out of place in such a casual outfit. That didn’t qualify him as the unsub though.
“Maybe I like to be alone?”
That stopped the guy in his tracks. He quite literally backpedaled and left you alone again. You heard a muffled snort in your earpiece.
“You sure know how to tell ‘em,” Luke scoffed.
“Yeah, well, if our unsub is picking up women with lines that bad, we’re in even more trouble than we realized,” you muttered.
You knew from the profile that this unsub was full of himself and egocentric. He would have to be smooth enough to actually lure a woman back with him. 
“We’ll keep watching,” Emily said.
You sat alone in peace as Ethan played. He was rather good and you had to say you were impressed. 
Your drink eventually disappeared and when you caught Ethan’s eye, you held up your glass just slightly, nodding towards the bar so he knew you were getting a refill. You stood, heading towards the bar, deciding you’d just go for a simple water. You were on the job, after all.
“I’ll take a water, please,” you told the bartender.
He was young, maybe early 30’s with dark hair. He seemed put together, even for a bartender. His outfit was neat and mess free and not a hair was out of place.
“For a beauty like you, you should have a drink, it’s on the house. It’s my specialty.”
He leaned forward to you, giving you a sly wink, as he reached for a glass without even hearing your answer.
“No, that’s okay, really.”
“Oh come on. One drink won’t hurt. I make the best drinks in the city,” he said.
Something in your mind was trying to piece together, but you couldn’t get it to completely form. Shaking it off, you reluctantly relented.
“Okay, I’ll take one then.”
He mixed the drink, poured it in the glass and slid it towards you.
“Now tell me that isn’t the best drink you’ve ever had.”
You took a sip. It was too strong for your taste but you smiled anyway.
“It’s very good,” you lied.
“So, have you heard about these weird ax murders happening around here?” he questioned, wiping the bar.
“Mhm,” you hummed, “Scary stuff.”
“It’s amazing these deadbeat feds can’t seem to catch him,” he shook his head, as if it were a real tragedy.
Neurons in your mind were sparking and there was something about him that was setting you on edge.
“What did you say your name was, again?” you smiled, flirtatiously.
“I didn’t.”
His grin was icy. 
Red flags were going up. If he wasn’t your unsub, then this guy surely wasn’t someone to mess with.
“Oh my bad,” you giggled, playing the part of a flirty, young woman, just there for some fun.
“Anyway, all I gotta say is, is that this guy is really proving a point.”
“How so?” you asked.
“You just gotta give the ax to some people,” he replied, slamming his palm down on the bar top, making you jump, “You know what I mean?”
You nodded, seeming interested, but goosebumps were forming on your skin. It was too much to be a coincidence that this guy wasn’t the unsub and he sure had the ego to match the profile.
“Oh excuse me,” you said, reaching for your phone in your purse, pretending like you were getting a phone call, “It’s my boss. She can’t leave me alone even on a night out.”
You smiled apologetically and put the phone to your ear.
“Hello? Yeah, just a minute, I can’t hear you.” 
You covered your other ear as if you were trying to hear as you headed towards one of the side doors. 
Once you were out of the building, you pulled your phone away, hitting the speed dial for Emily.
“Emily, it’s me. Did you hear any of-”
Before you could finish your question, you felt a hand over your mouth and you were jerked backwards. You kicked and screamed in tandem as your phone hit the pavement and you were dragged back into the darkened alley.
“Y/N? Y/N?!” Spencer yelled, panicked eyes looking at the others.
“Everyone move. Now. We believe the suspect has a federal agent,” Emily barked into her walkie talkie.
“Cover the parameter. We have no idea which direction he could’ve taken her,” Luke added over the radio.
Spencer was out of the door before anyone could stop him.
He heard Rossi yell out after him, but he didn’t stop running.
If that son of a bitch dared to hurt a hair on Y/N’s head, he was going to leave here tonight in a body bag instead of handcuffs.
Spencer would make damn sure he’d see to it.
Your back hit the brick wall, the nearby streetlight hitting something metal just right that it gleamed for a split second. 
Your heart stopped when you saw the blade of a hatchet in the bartender’s hands.
“I knew the feds had been around here snooping for me,” he sneered.
You tried to act cool. This was part of your job, to be in dangerous situations. But truth be told, you were terrified.
“Your little boyfriend Ethan mentioned seeing you and your partner here the other day asking around about me. Little did he know he was really doing me a favor by letting me in on that little piece of gossip.”
Ethan. He had just gotten back from a tour of the world. He was innocent in all this, yet somehow he still ended up mixed up in it.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you scowled, wriggling against his grasp.
He held you tight with one arm across your neck and shoulders, his arm almost to the point of choking you. You had to stall, had to do something. Where was Emily and the team?
“Where were you that day anyway? I never saw you here.”
“That’s because it was my day off. Lucky break huh?” he snorted, “Besides, I was in search of victim number five.”
Lillie Newton. She was victim number five. She had a name, she wasn’t just a number. 
Anger boiled within you. Pure hatred for someone as evil as this man that stood before you.
“Why? Why do it? Were you just trying to be another copycat?”
“You know, one of the things said about the Axeman of New Orleans was that his crimes were mostly ethnically motivated. He killed mainly Italian-Americans or Italian immigrants. For some reason, he must’ve hated them. I found it...inspiring. Of course, I have nothing against the Italians. Unless they’re women, that is.”
“Oh so that’s it? You hate women? Talk about typical psychopath 101,” you spat.
A sharp sting came across your cheek as he slapped you, hard. Hard enough to bring tears to your eyes.
“Listen here, bitch. I’d watch my mouth if I were you, because this baby?” he lifted up his machete for you to see, “This can do a lot of damage. I can’t wait to strike it into you and chop you up so your FBI friends won’t even be able to recognize you.”
You swallowed hard. Your brain was scrambling for a way to escape. You were just about ready to kick him in the groin when he was suddenly yanked away from you, his hard grip leaving your body.
You blinked quickly, not understanding what had just happened until you saw Spencer a few feet away, punching the guy. It wasn’t just one punch either. Two, then three came. You bounded into action then.
“Spencer! Spencer, stop!” 
You tried pulling him away as the rest of your team came running into the alleyway. He managed to get one more hit in before you successfully pulled him away and Luke had pulled the unsub up, slapping cuffs on him faster than you realized he even could.
Spencer grabbed you and pulled you close, holding you tight. His head went into the crook of your neck as he clung to you, all of his apparent fear and worry being transmitted from him to you through the hug. No matter what tiff you both may have been in the middle of, he still cared about you.
“I was so scared something happened to you,” he mumbled.
He pulled back, looking over you, assessing you to see if you had any injuries.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I promise.”
His finger brushed your cheek lightly and you winced.
“Did he hit you?!”
“Slapped me, but I’m okay. It’s just a little sore,” you told him.
“You might have a nasty bruise there in a few days.”
“Least it’s just a bruise, huh?” you smiled a tiny bit.
He was gazing directly at you as if no one else were around, as if there wasn’t a bustle of activity around you. In that moment, it was just the two of you.
You both turned to see Emily, motioning for him, needing his help.
Spencer let go of your arms, stepping back a bit.
“I’ll talk to you later, okay?” 
With a nod, you watched him head in Emily’s direction. It had been a long day. A long week actually. But the murderer had been caught and there would be justice for the poor families who had lost their daughters.
That wasn’t all though.
Something had seemed to shift between you and Spencer. Sort of like a chess piece in it’s hesitant movement to another square.
By the time you’d handed over the unsub to the local precinct so he could be their problem, it was well past midnight.
Everyone had been way too exhausted to even think of boarding the jet tonight, so it was mutually decided that they’d spend one more night in New Orleans and head home tomorrow. Everyone had gone their separate ways once back at the hotel.
You headed to your room, managing to score an ice pack for your sore cheek. Unfortunately, after all the excitement, there was no time to talk to Spencer and he’d left the precinct before you had anyway. You made a mental note to check in on him tomorrow and maybe even see if things were okay between you two.
You’d changed out of the dress and into more comfortable clothes—sweatpants and a t-shirt. You were sitting at the small table in your room, icing your cheek and pretty much about to fall asleep when there was a knock at your door. Sitting the ice pack down, you walked to the door, opening it. You were surprised to see Spencer standing on the other side.
Before you had the chance to say anything, he grabbed your face and kissed you.
After your brief initial shock, your lips moved with his so fluidly it seemed natural, like you did this every day.
Minutes may have passed, or it might just have been seconds as you kissed him back, your hands naturally finding a spot to rest against his chest.
You were so stunned when he pulled away, that it took a moment for you to realize he had said something.
“Huh?” you asked, still dazed.
“I asked if I could come in,” he repeated.
“Oh, yeah, of course.”
You stepped aside and let him in, closing the door behind him. Your head was still reeling from the kiss as you turned around and saw him sit down on your bed, his hands running through his hair.
“Come here,” he whispered.
You walked over to him, standing in front of where he sat.
“I’m so sorry,” he began.
Your confusion deepened. Was he sorry about the kiss? About you getting hurt? About being mad?
He said nothing else as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him and holding you tight.
“When I saw the unsub had you…” he mumbled into your neck, trailing off as his voice cracked.
You pulled out of his embrace to look at him. You now stood in between his legs, even closer than you had been before, your body mere inches from his.
“I was so afraid I might never see you again. Suddenly, me being angry at you was the least important thing in the world.”
“Why were you mad? If I did something I’m so sorry, I-”
“Shh, no,” he mumbled, his finger covering your lips gently to silence you, “It was my own fault, I’m so sorry.”
You waited silently, seeing if he was going to elaborate. His eyes closed, his expression looking pained and even a bit embarrassed.
“I was jealous.”
“Jealous?” you questioned, your brows furrowed, not understanding.
“Of Ethan flirting with you,” he sighed, “And you flirting back.”
“I,” you paused, your mind racing, not being able to piece everything together quick enough, “I was just being nice to him, then just playing the part earlier. Why would you be jealous?”
He gave a half laugh, almost a humorless one.
“Because I’m crazy about you, Y/N,” he whispered, his gaze finally meeting yours.
His hand cupped the side of your face, his other hand resting lightly on your waist. You didn’t move from his touch nor did you make a move to push his hands away. 
“And seeing you with someone else made me see red. Just the thought of you being someone else’s and not mine because I’d been too scared and stubborn, locked in this chess game, if you will, with you, not making a move. I was afraid I had been too late and I was mad at myself.”
“I’m not interested in Ethan. I only have eyes for you,” your eyes slid to his lips, unable to stop yourself.
You were still thinking of the way his lips had felt against yours. The softness of them, the passion in the kiss, the way his hands had cupped your face and held on firmly like he himself was afraid the moment was just a fluke.
“It’s always been that way.”
Your voice was barely a whisper now as your eyes slid closed and your lips found his again.
This time, the kiss was more heated. Your feelings for one another had finally been laid on the table, igniting a need to act on them.
Your hand tangled in his curls as you kissed him back fervently, suddenly feeling like you couldn’t get enough of him. You had spent years not knowing what kissing him would be like and now it felt like you were simply making up for lost time.
You smiled gently against his lips when he moaned into the kiss. Apparently, he was just as eager for your touch against him, as you were for his against you.
His hands reached for the hem of your top, pulling away to pull it up and over your head. His tongue moved out and over his lips slowly, his eyes taking in your newly exposed skin. Your own hands pulled at his loosened tie, dropping it once it left his body. 
Spencer’s mouth met your neck, leaving soft kisses down it as your fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt. The simple task seemed so much harder as you were distracted by the feel of his lips on your skin.
In one fell swoop, he’d picked you up and turned, tossing you in quite a gentle manner against the mattress of your hotel bed. His hand ran over your exposed stomach, his kisses moving lower. You chewed on your bottom lip as you watched him, unable to control the growing desire forming between your legs.
You were so caught up in the sensation, it didn’t even register what he had been doing until you felt the slight tug of your waistband being pulled downwards. His fingers gripped the material and pushed it down over your raised hips until it was completely off.
You wasted no time in ridding him of his own pants as well.
Left in only your undergarments, you and Spencer laid practically skin to skin, taking a moment just to enjoy one another. He kissed you again, his slight scruff tickling your face, while his hands roamed your body.
You, also, took your sweet time exploring the new found territory of his bare skin underneath your hands. They ran over his back, his chest, his arms, his sides before finding their way back to his face, your lips moving in a fluid dance with his own.
He reached behind you, unhooking your bra, pulling the straps down until the item had completely left your body. You were almost positive he held back a groan as he took in your naked top half. 
“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he whispered.
Your legs inadvertently clenched at his cursing. It wasn’t often he did it, but something told you that in bed it was a good possibility that he could be a completely different person.
His hands cupped each breast, his lips kissing your throat as he massaged them. His fingertips briefly moved over your peaked nipples, making you moan softly. 
Spencer wasted no time though, his touch quickly retreated downwards to the only item left on your body. His fingers hooked into the waistband of your panties and pulled them off, leaving you completely exposed and turned on beneath him.
Maybe it was a mixture of how close you came to death tonight and your feelings for him, but you didn’t want this moment to end. You wanted to hang on to it forever. That’s why you took your time, hands pushing off his underwear, your eyes meeting his.
It was like he could read your thoughts. Being as close as you two had been previous to this, it wasn’t surprising, but knowing you so well in this instance was just on a whole other level of mind blowing. He nodded, wanting to enjoy this for as long as he could too.
His hand covered yours, interlocking your fingers together as he pushed into you. The new feeling of him inside you was overwhelming but really good.
Your hands stayed laced together as he kissed you and moved within you. Your body met his rhythm and soon instead of two, your bodies moved as one.
Breaking the kiss, your head fell back against the pillow as you moaned. You couldn’t wrap your mind around the fact that he felt so incredible. His teeth bared into his bottom lip as he gazed down at you, his desire written plainly on his face.
“Spencer,” you whimpered, pulling your legs up his sides, allowing him a deeper access.
His movements quickened as your pleasure heightened, fulfilling the need for more. You couldn’t help but smile, even as you moaned, at the curl that fell over his brow, moving with each thrust.
“God, Y/N,” Spencer groaned, his forehead falling against yours, eyes closing, “Fuck.”
You briefly registered the other noises in the room besides both of your moans: the bed creaking and the headboard hitting the wall.
“Spence,” you mumbled, whimpering as he hit a sensitive spot, “You're gonna wake up the entire team.”
“Let them hear,” he grunted, “Let them know who you belong to.”
“Whatever you want,” you mumbled, pulling him towards you once again.
Your fingers dug into his back as your high built deep within you. He moaned against your lips, his hands gripping your sides as you both moved frantically, desperate to reach complete ecstasy.
“Fuck, Spencer,” you moaned, your noises suddenly higher in pitch and volume, “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
He kissed you as you came apart, the fire in your veins shooting through you as quick as lightning. Luckily, his kiss muffled most of your loud moan. 
He buried his face in your neck as he soon followed, his own moans filling your ears, much to your delight.
Your fingers tangled in the back of his hair as you panted, starting to come down from the high. His body was slick against yours as he finally turned his face to yours, kissing you once again.
The cool air of the hotel room hit your sweaty skin, cooling it gently, but your insides still felt red hot, both in reaction to the sex and the fact that it was Spencer, the fact that he was as crazy about you as you were him.
The fact that both of you no longer played this complicated game you’d inadvertently been involved in for so long.
It was only after he’d stilled, his body still flush against your skin that he smiled one of his heart stopping grins, before finally speaking.
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homoo-wan-kenobi · 3 years
Not the anon from earlier but I have seen anti-Mia discourse on The Tumblr as well, and it really boils down to three things: her involvement with the bio-terrorism group that made Eveline in Biohazard, her keeping said involvement a secret from Ethan along with his megamycete infection, and the fact that in the recent months of the marriage she'd gotten more aggressive about shutting down conversation about what happened to them in Biohazard. So, she'd made some bad life choices and also the marriage did have a lot of lies and some toxicity seeping in, I won't deny that.
HOWEVER, I'M GONNA SPEAK IN HER DEFENSE HERE: all evidence points to her having just found out about Ethan being a mold man in the past six months, and that's kind of a rough thing to tell your spouse, so we don't know if she WOULD'VE before she was kidnapped. Some of her aggressive defensiveness could 100% be her reacting badly to the trauma of what she'd been through, which doesn't excuse her shutting down Ethan but it's not like she was being deliberately cruel. And finally, while I can't defend her having a criminal past or lying about it, some of the same people who villainze her for that are fans of the Lords, who are objectively just as bad, so. That's a weird line to have IMHO.
TL;DR: yes there is canon reason to dislike or be uncomfortable with Mia but in a fandom that's constantly like "The Lords deserve better!!" it feels weird to have so much hate is centered on HER specifically. Sorry for the length of this ask I just have a lot of thoughts on the matter.
oh wow, I really don't look through much of the tags on here and just stay within the dimitrescu's and donna tags! so I had no idea that there was anti-mia discourse on here! yeah, it is a bit of a double standard to be one way toward the lords and another way toward mia, but to each their own. and I, honestly, cannot speak on anything mia related in re8 so I'm not trying to shit on anyone's opinion on her or anything. anyway, don't apologise for the length of this ask, it's completely fine! thank you for kind of looping me in with like a gist of the situation, I really appreciate it! and Imma have to look more into this cause I'm still kinda surprised by it!
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utterlyhopeful-fics · 4 years
Who is in Control? - Part 2
A/N: Unedited smut because ya girl is ALWAYS thirsty for Henry Cavill. 🔥🔥🔥 Catch up on Part 1 HERE!  Masterlist
August Walker x Reader 
Also, if I keep tagging you and you’re not interested or want to be tagged; please let know!
Word Count: 2570k
Warnings: dirty filthy CONSENSUAL smut, language (Just don’t scroll past the cut if you don’t want to read smut)
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“FUCK!” Ethan slammed his hands abruptly on the table. “Damnit, we missed him. He’s gone.”
“We’ve searched nearly every smelly crevice London has to offer. We were so damn close!”
“Lane’s gotta be with him. If we hurry, we can still sniff out his tracks.”
Ethan eyed Y/N suspiciously; “Think Y/N. Where would he go next?”
Y/N scanned through every memory she could muster. Her frontal lobe throbbed as she rubbed the spot aggressively.
“Hazlitt’s! That’s where we’d go.”
“You sure?”
“I know it. 100%”
“Why there?”
“I’d read to him when we were in bed together. Hazlitt’s is a hotel. He surprised me when he actually listened one night. I was reading an autobiography about essayist William Hazlitt. He was the one to find out William had died there. My morbid curiosity found his gesture macabre yet sweet. It was his way of showing he’d cared without saying anything at all. And before you say anything ridiculing, don’t.”
“Shit, what the hell did you do to him? No wonder he’s on a damn rampage.”
Dryly chuckling, Y/N didn’t quite know how to follow up, fumbling over her fucked up feelings once again.
“It was our place where we could just be ourselves. Away from the world and constant bloodshed. No alterative motives, no plan of action, just us. If he’s as heartbroken as he’s letting on, I bet that’s where we’ll find him. Besides, who doesn’t enjoy a trip down memory lane, hm?”
“I underestimated you, Y/N. Fucking the information out of him AND tricking him into thinking it was love. You’re a fucking genius.”
She coldly glared at him, her mind already two steps ahead of Hunt pissing him off to no end.
“Seriously. When did it stop being a mission?”
“The SAC told me to keep an eye on him, make sure he stayed in line under a watchful eye. They teamed us together as an experiment. I can’t pinpoint when, it just happened Ethan. I mean we’ve worked side by side in the field for three years! THREE YEARS.”
“He’s scared of you. You’re his one weak link.”
She mulled his comment over. It was a truth she wasn’t quite ready to admit. Yes, she wanted to make him hurt but killing him was an entirely different story. She prayed her strength was hiding, just waiting to surface when called upon.
“Clock’s running. Let’s go.”
So, Y/N followed him through a skinny corridor alley getting to the car at an inhumanely speed.
Ethan and Y/N surveyed the perimeter looking for an obtainable entrance point. The dumbfounded clerk had confirmed a Mr. Patrick Bateman checking in. Taking after his favorite character, Y/N knew what room they’d find him in. His impeccable taste for detail consistently blew her away. Room 916. No doubt in her mind. The day they met, or as he likes to better describe; the first time he ever felt noticed.
“Let me go in first. Try and reason with him.”
Irritation came off him in waves crashing nonverbally disagreeing with Y/N.
“Too dangerous. This isn’t negotiable.”
Undermining his own words Y/N spoke; “I’m not asking for permission, I’m telling.”  
Just then, the door swung open, Y/N sauntered towards a seeable back exit adjacent from Hunt’s point of sight. Walls bare of color and life lined the narrow hallway. The dimness bordered into eerie. An unknown sound skyrocketed her frenzied nerves. 913…914…915…
The garish gold numbers stood conspicuously still. Invisible weights kept her place. A knock resonated off the white dilapidated door.
Nothing. No response, not a sense of movement. Can’t fool me that easily Walker.
“I know you’re there—watching me through that stupid peephole wondering what in the literal hell I’m doing here.”
A chain clanged loose as the door astutely opened. Never had she met a man as devilishly handsome before. Towering over her 5ft7 frame, he smirked.
“Don’t give me that look. We need to talk.”
August didn’t flinch a muscle remaining inaudible. All of a sudden enigmatic emptiness consumed her.
“By all means, please come in.”
Good to see his charm and charisma hadn’t yet abandoned him.
“We both know you didn’t come alone. How long I do we have?”
“15 minutes, maybe 20 if you’re lucky. And I dare say luck isn’t on your side today. Why did you leave?”
“Getting straight to the point then my love?”
“Don’t give me that shit, Walker. I’m seriously not in the mood.”
The air conditioner hummed in the background forcing goosebumps to prickle her skin. An unexplainable chill drifted around them; a veiled noose of destruction lingering just out of sight. Y/N walked towards the window gazing up at the luminated stars. 
She’d always been fond of constellations and their profound mark on the universe. Heavy footsteps followed making their way to her. His breathe tickled along her collarbone standing mere inches away. His hands reached for hers interlacing their fingers placing a wet kiss to the exposed column of her neck.
“How far are you prepared to go?”
Her neck slanted at him in childish annoyance.
Y/N snorted; “I will go further than you. However, many weapons you’re willing to bring, I’ll bring more. However low you will go; you will never dig deeper than me. I will win, because what this will cost me in pain, I will pay. My resources are limitless, I will always outbid you, and I will never, ever back down. Am I clear?”
The seriousness in her tone amused him giggling quietly. His rebuttal was quick and brash.
“You must seriously hate the person underneath that attractive flesh of yours.”
“Already to the petty part of the evening? Always a sour puss, Auggie.”
Closing the space between them, August pinned his upper body to Y/N’s back. Her head landed powerfully on his shoulder; his fingers brushed her pulse point teasingly.
“Neither of us are getting out alive darling. Have you paid your penance? Shall we be rejoined in the afterlife or reign in hell? I do wonder.”
Ignoring him Y/N pressed further; “Where’s the plutonium? Death is but a ploy of distraction.”
“Clever girl. Reverse psychology won’t work on me, Y/N. Try again.”
His right hand wrapped entirely around her delicate neck into a light chokehold securing her in place.  
A hushed rough voice similar to a forgotten whisper slipped through; “You’re the one who has to live with your choice. Everyone else will get over it, move on, no matter what you decide. But you never will.”
His left hand stroked the button of her jeans undoing them in record time. The zipper was the next offensive item to go before he shoved her pants around her wobbly knees. Paralyzed in fear, Y/N didn’t risk moving a single muscle.
“Do you want me to fuck you? Here, now, pressed against this chilled glass, exposed for the whole world? I’ll gamble just one glance from a stranger down below will get your rocks off.”
His next words terrified her; “Only I can make you feel this alive. Tell me I’m wrong.”
She fought the searing intrusion growing between her thighs. He spoke directly to her reflection like he was talking to a ghost.
A concoction of pants and grunts were the only distinguishable noise escaping Y/N. August’s hand slithered underneath her blouse groping her covered breasts. Still she didn’t move to stop him. She was putty in his glorious hands ready to be molded into whatever he needed or craved. immersed terror sent a jolt of unexplainable excitement to her core. 
Y/N cowered ashamed of her body’s biological reaction. But something in her brain told her to let him see the demon hiding in plain sight. Suddenly, Y/N reached back fisting the hair along his neck and pulled, hard.
Her behavior shifted on the cusp of absurdity. The ruthless killer long submerged had finally met her match, someone just as vile as she believed herself to be.
“You’re not the only cold-blooded asshole in the world. Hate to burst your villainous bubble.”
“I know, my darling. I’ve waited so patiently to see you in this darkened light of misery. After this, you won’t be able to go back to work without seeing every speckle of shit sprinkled before your eyes. CIA, FBI, MI6, they’re over and you my dear play a dear role in their long-awaited demise. Once you cross this line, which you undoubtfully will, Agent Y/N is dead.”
August swept her hair to one side nipping a trail along her collarbone. Her blood pressure steadied showing him she was calm, in control, and spontaneously impulsive.
Gauging his reaction, Y/N leaned into August; “I know. You’re my Hades and I’m the beloved Persephone. We’re written in destiny, baby. You and me.”
Her voice expressed a detached, cunning, and malevolent mischief. Her words made his skin crawl and cock harden. She was truly magnificent.  
“Did you know that I’ve dreamt of your blood spilling while I fucked you raw? Holding a silver tipped blade on that very neck of yours, watching the fear grow as I rode you like a wild stallion. There’s no more denying the predatory urges I desire with you, for you....to you. We could have the world at our finger tips, Auggie. Quite frankly, you don’t scare me a bit and it pisses you off.”
August bit down sinking his teeth into her peachy flesh leaving a crimson imprint in his wake. Y/N yelped; her underwear flooded with moisture. Her feet wobbled closer to the glass as August shoved her forward. With her breasts pressed against the window, she heard the fasten of his zipper undo. Her nipples hardened in response. August’s dick pressed vigorously into her ass cheeks hitting every spot but the one she wanted. A feral growl betrayed her as she pushed back in resistance.
“Mmhm, who’s the horny one now?”  
“I’ve grown familiar with villains that live in my bed…”
The lace grazing her hips snapped painfully watching her panties fall to the floor.
“Ouch! Easy asshole.”
“Vile words from such a pretty mouth. Obviously, there’s lessons to still be achieved with you yet.”
“You foolish brute. You should be thanking me for covering your tracks, saving that scrumptious ass of yours. Oh, my pet…when you will realize you are the one at my disposal now?”
Finally, skin to skin August lined up with her entrance. His tip rubbed teasingly against her parted folds pushing in a few inches. His shallow thrusts only spurred her on. He didn’t dare let up on the vice grip of her hips. An unnaturally strained whimper strangled the surrounding room. Pre cum leaked from the tip stirring the aching in their bellies.
“You have no idea how disturbingly gratifying it is to have found an equal, a partner of sorts with a taste for blood and sadism.”
His mocking grew old quickly as his hands continued their firm hold.
“We put Bonnie and Clyde to shame. Pathetic for running, idiotically oblivious to their own demise that lot. They didn’t appreciate the art of murder. The true pleasure of control. No room for impulse or error. Unappreciative of valuing a method to morbid madness.”
Without a word, he sunk in Y/N in one quick push. Her hands jutted out leaving imprints along the steamed window.
“Ah, fuck Auggie.”
Again, August snapped forwards unrelenting in his cruel pace. Y/N met him each and every movement in their ferocious dance of dominance. She squeezed her pelvic muscles painstakingly tight around his cock. August’s eyes rolled to the back of his head attempting to picture anything to keep him from busting that very second.
“Hunt will be arriving soon. We can run, start anew, create chaos elsewhere without any government supervision. Say the word and I’m yours.”
Y/N barely made out his panted speech due to the pounding of blood running through her ear canals crashing like waves. She was too turned on, too lost left unable to process what August was offering instead moaning raucously loud.
Slapping of skin resonated as their ends soon approached desiring nothing more than to cum. His balls slapped against her as his cum dribbled down her inner thighs. He rammed harder causing Y/N to stumble remaining deep inside her. August halted all movements finding a pair of sapphire eyes staring into his. Y/N shifted her hips in hopes of resume.
“Fucking move, Walker. I want to cum.”
“What’s your decision; orgasm or death?”
Silence stilled; August’s patience was disappearing at an alarming rate. He rutted upwards into her forcing an exhale from her lungs.
“You embarrass yourself with the question if you didn’t already know the answer.”
Anger blinded him compelling him to rip her face towards him. In his moment of rage, August thrusted powerfully reading her body like the back of his hand. She was on the cusp of orgasming and he took full advantage of that knowledge.
Barely a whisper graced his ears; “Yes, forever yes.”
Her pussy constricted pulling him in deeper than ever before as they fucked like wild animals. Taking whatever offered succumbing closer to orgasmic ecstasy.
“Good girl.”
August stiffened bending Y/N at the waist driving violently into her dripping cunt. Not more than four thrusts later, August tensed feeling Y/N constrict around his length sending a shiver down his spine. Breathy grunts could be heard through the walls as he filled her with his sticky cum. She devoured every drop placing her hands on his ass keeping him in place at her sweet spot. Her orgasm overtook her like a summer thunderstorm on a midnight sky. 
She quivered speechless as she surrendered to his touch. This breath tickled the back of her glistening neck. Hot white emission gushed out of him painting a mural in her womb. They didn’t move from their current predicament still coming down from their highs. All too soon, August removed himself tucking himself back into his pants. Y/N stayed in place untrusting of her jelly legs.
“Shit, I needed that.” A tiny queef escaped her now drenched lips watching in awe as small spurts of his juice ran down her legs like raindrops. She swiped a finger against the white liquid sucking it dry. August felt his cock twitch in his pants wanting to fuck her all over again.
“We need to get out of here now.” Tossing her a towel, she cleaned herself observing August scramble his life remnants together.
“Where to next?”
That devilish smile she so longingly adored frighteningly arose to life, his pupils darkened at her questioning nature, before reaching his hand towards hers. She accepted interlocking their fingers as one. In two seconds, time, August pulled her into his grasp kissing her in passionately. Their kiss was messy, vile, and monstrous. Y/N already craved another round but knew better than to push. After all, they were on a time constraint.
“India. We’re off to India my dove.”
“I hear their Murg Makhani is quite delectable.”
“I have a friend in Kashir but we must move quickly. We need something to knock Hunt off our scent.”
“I’ve just the idea.”
Just one glance was all it took for August to read her mind effortlessly.
“By all means lead the way.”
A wickedly foul smirk scrabbled to the surface, unearthed from a long-sealed lockbox.
“You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.…”
Tags:  @maggiemoo1892 @thedeadhearted @giveusbackourbucky @henry-cavill-obsessed  @onlyhenrys @omgkatinka @thereisa8ella @threeminutesoflife @homewreckingwreck @gemini0410 @maan14 @bluegalaxyprime @sofiebstar @whyyykitkat @encounterthepast  @readermia @ly-canthropewrites @scorpionchild81 @henrythickcavill @snowbellexx @stephartrave @agniavateira  @henrythickcavill @cap-barnes @henryfanfics101  @mary-ann84 @westcoast-nightowl @poledancingdinos  @justaboringadult @peakygroupie @scorpionchild81 @nalathefirefly @vikingsbifrost @bloodyinspiredfuck @moderapoppins @cooldiva1234 @icedcoffeeismythang @titty-teetee @summersong69 @kaatelyyynn @missursulacalmet @michelehansel @iloveyouyen @shyshu @star017 @raynosaurus-rex @radkesgirl83 @titty-teetee @starrynite7114  @wheretheriversrunintothesea @i-love-scott-mccall  @darkbooksarwin @ellieseymour70 @designerwriterchic @studywithrosie01 @dangerouslovefanfic @lebguardians @crazybutconfidentaf @hen-cavill​  @cavill-sass​ @oh-for-fic-sake​ @icedbottles​ @buckysgoldenheart​ @brexrif​ @gryffindorwriter​ @laketaj24​ 
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piracytheorist · 3 years
I was running under the assumption that Ethan's heart was regrowing and that's why we heard it (like Jack 100% got his heart destroyed after chainsaw battle and he came back) and what Duke said about Ethan being unable to return? I thought it was him realising that Ethan destroying MM could lead to the destruction of himself
Yeah, I think Ethan's hand calcifying was a combination of his injuries during the boss fight, of "it's done, Rose is safe, I can stop fighting now and let death take me" and of "big boss connected to the Megamycete is dead and the Megamycete is growing weak and the mold inside me is breaking down as a result".
But your first sentence makes sense too. Considering the hit that killed Ethan the first time was a stomp to the head, it must have caused severe brain damage, yet the mold came in and made everything act normal to the point where for 3+ years Ethan didn't notice a single difference. Also, considering it must've taken some hours for Ethan to come to after getting his heart ripped out (it's early February in Romania so the sun sets early; he enters Heisenberg's factory at sunset, and it's dark when he comes out, kills Heisenberg and then Miranda kills him, and then it's dawn when he wakes up in the Duke's carriage) maybe a part of his heart, big enough to cause the heartbeat feel/sound had grown back, maybe full-on mold but Ethan's brain probably wasn't in a much better shape since Jack's headstomp.
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theannaredfield · 3 years
Resident Evil 8 Overview/Review
Ah yes. The moment everyone has been waiting for. I’ve completed the game and now it’s time to hear my final thoughts. Spoilers under the cut.
To start out with, the opening cinematic was amazing, beautifully animated
I do have some big issues with Mia here, as she does seem to just brush off Ethan’s concerns, and even seemingly gaslight him at times. There’s a lack of communication, and it’s causing them issues. Mia wants to just forget and pretend it didn’t happen, annoyed that Ethan keeps being up the events of 7, while Ethan is scared, worried something might happen again and feel like he can’t just let it go (it’s very likely that both of them have trauma, and the fact that Mia refuses to have them work through it is unhealthy). Plus Ethan makes comments about Mia being scary when she’s angry... it just seems like she might be abusing him, mostly just mentally. Downplaying his concerns and what not.
Aside from that I LOVE Ethan’s character development in this game! He’s so much more alive and seemingly present, I love his comments and stuff, and just not having him be a hallow husk this time!
Some of the cutscenes happened way earlier than I expected them to, and played out differently too. Subverting expectations, good.
There are absolutely 100% multiple assets in the entire game that can and most likely will be reused for RE4 Remake.
This game may not have a bondage kink, but it definitely has a hand torture kink. (Seriously what the fuck. Let Ethan have his hands.)
I really enjoyed fighting the daughters. I thought it was cool and unique (also it was fun to go around and shatter all the windows). I also went to the trouble of knife fighting them for the full experience
Also I can’t believe the daughters are BUG PEOPLE! Oh my god I didn’t expect that, and it just surprises me and like, I’m so happy. They did it. They made the vampires scientific. I’m proud of them.
I’m sorry simps, but Lady Dimitrescu was nothing more than the introductory boss, which is probably why they pushed her so much. After killing her, then you find out the full... situation I guess you could call it.
I thought house Beneviento was really interesting, however it felt like it was out of some horror game other than resident evil. Like I expected to get attacked by dolls, which was very stressful when it finally did happen, but.... the fetus was... unexpected and disgusting. I mean good, I didn’t see that coming at all but JESUS CHRIST
Speaking of things I didn’t expect in a Resident Evil game, THEY DISMEMBERED AND CRYSTALLIZED MY FUCKING BABY. Like damn I never expected us to go this dark.
I feel like house Beneviento could’ve had a lot more doll action, considering she was the doll maker, but I guess what we got was okay.
It kinda sucks that the Beneviento treasure gets locked off if you don’t go to the tomb right after the boss fight. Like, I don’t think it should’ve locked itself again, especially because not everyone might’ve figured it out. Me and my uncle personally thought we had to go find yellow flowers to put on the grave, we weren’t even thinking about the tombstone. It was basically the only treasure we didn’t get because I didn’t think to look there, nor did I know I was suppose to.
Moreau was just... kinda sad. I felt bad for the dude. He was just trying to do his best and be as good as his other siblings, but he just.. wasn’t. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I felt bad for Lady D and her children too, but Moreau was just a dude trying his best to impress his “mother”
Once again, they subverted my expectations, because Moreau was not a rehash of the RE4 Del Lago fight, very different actually! I’m happy about that.
PS, we see Chris again around here, once again surprising me, but it kinda gives you a “did Chris just... die?” Moment.
I can see why Heisenberg was the second most advertised Lord, because he has the next biggest section, but he’s also the last sibling. He’s also split into 2 parts, the factory and the stronghold. (Kinda sucks because it shows Moreau and Donna got the short end of the stick.)
The stronghold wasn’t that bad, though me and my uncle do wonder if we learned more about the 4 founders and just forgot or what. Like we got the cup from Luiza and that plate, was there more? Maybe.
The factory... Jesus Christ, if the fetus didn’t give me anxiety, this place sure as hell does. Between the fucking FAN MAN and The drill dudes.. Jesus Christ.
Also I can’t stop thinking of Elijah Kamski when dealing with Heisenberg because they have the same voice actor and would probably get along.
This area is... long. Like hella long. (Talking about the factory)
The Heisenberg fight was cool, I loved Ethan just taking hold of whatever that creation was and going ham.
Chris’s part was pretty short, however I feel it was nice, could’ve been longer.
So Miranda and Spencer were a thing and she inspired him and he stole the cave design from the walls..? Weird but okay, I guess I’ll accept it (kinda undermines their genius though.)
So I was right, Moreau and Donna were cognitively delayed, as expected.
Mia is alive, nice to know but
What in the silent hill “you’ve been dead all along” bullshit is this. I’m gonna need to know exactly when Miranda replaced Mia and exactly when Ethan died.
I need a fix it fic to fix the sadness I feel about Ethan dying. He saved his daughter but he doesn’t even get to watch her grow up?! Fuck! My family issues can’t handle this shit. I want Ethan to get to escape with his daughter and watch her grow up.
Fuck this, they didn’t have to kill Ethan. How could they. God damn it (I know he probably would’ve died anyway cause of the mold but FUCK!
Rose is pretty and id love to see her again. But does she age fast because of mold powers
Just... fuck man. I liked the game, I really did but the ending hurt my fucking soul.
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Also, so the BSAA are bad guys now? Shit, I sure hope Jill’s okay.
I can’t believe they killed Ethan, he was the only protagonist they had the BALLS to kill. They could’ve just let the dad go home with his baby. Fuck you guys. Fuck you.
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writer-jamie · 4 years
My thoughts about Resident Evil 8 Village - Part 2
On the leaks page, it has been stated that “The main villain of the game is a man called Alan R, a mysterious count living in a castle. He is the leader or at least a high ranking member of the Connections.” I believe that Alan R is the man with the glasses that has been seen in the trailers, mainly because we haven't seen him before and the lighting behind him makes it look like the castle where Alex Wesker is too. 
I don't think we will ever get a boss fight with him but he will make Alex and the Witch fight for him. Since he is the main villain, he seems to have control over the cult and over everyone involved in it. So I don't believe Ethan will ever fight him, unless he gets turned into a BOW like Jack Baker did at the end of RE7. 
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We have heard of ‘The Connections’ before in RE7. It was said that Lucas and Mia were working for the Connections. This is another link between RE7 and RE8 by having “The Connections” be in both games. The Connections could be a new type of company like Umbrella or even Umbrella’s competition. 
Based on the wiki, it is said that “The Connections worked in collaboration with Albert Wesker's H.C.F. in 2000 in the creation of a revolutionary new fungus.” This fungus being the Mold that is seen in RE7 and what Eveline controls. It also states that “the organisation was forced to take Eveline into hiding after rival companies attempt to sabotage the operation to maintain competition in the market, transporting her to another lab. The Connections made use of Genome Codexes to assist assigned Handlers in keeping track of Eveline.” Mia was one of the Handlers in charge of looking after Eveline on the boat. This could be a reason why Blue Umbrella is after Mia? The wiki also states that “by the beginning of January 2015, they set up a lab in the Abercrombie Salt Mine, provided Lucas Baker with the serum, and enlisted him as an agent. Lucas kept in contact with the lab, keeping them up to date with Eveline's condition while in hiding." 
I think it is very interesting that “The Connections” were the ones who made Eveline and that Mia and Lucas worked for and that they are coming back in this game. It also links the witches insects are the same are Marguerites if they are created by the same company. 
The leaks also state that: “The secondary villain is Nathalia/Alex Wesker. She was originally the main villain who this game was still Revelations 3, but her role is rather small now. There are files hinting at Blue Umbrella being evil as well”
Alex Wesker was last seen in Revelations 2 as the villain and tried to use the young Nathalia’s body to stay young. I believe she is the lady seen in the castle like place with the cult.
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All the scenes she has been in have been in the castle as the lighting and decor looks the same. This is the same with the scenes with who I believe is Alan R. 
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The photo below seems to show the woman eating Ethan’s hand. (that poor man’s hands never get left alone). This shows that the cult might be cannibalistic and the fact that there might be some vampiric nature to their cult. 
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It is also shown that Alex first appears in the Castle. I believe she will be introduced in the second half of the game and will lead you up to the stuff with Alan R and the cult. 
This isn't really factual but its just a thought I had while watching the trailer. The bugs shown in this photo really reminded me of Marguerite Baker in RE7 when she gets overtaken by the bugs in her fights. This is in the same area where the cult seems to operate. They also look like the same women in the photo with Alex Wesker because of the black clothing and the capes etc. 
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It is also said that the witch has the ability to disappear and turn into bugs, like the photo above shows. This could even be her in this photo. The leaks state that: “The witch stalker is a former friend of Alan, who was turned into a BOW. She does not stalk the player for the whole game, she is only in a few parts. She can unleash insects and is similar to Marguerite, but taller and you can't really see her face”. 
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So I'm almost 100% sure that the voice actor for Chris is Carlos’ re3makes voice actor, Jeff Schine. I knew as soon as I saw Carlos I knew the voice actor from The Walking Dead: A New Frontier as he is the voice actor for Javier. It seems strange to me that they would change his voice actor to one that they just used for Carlos in the remake but it’s up to them. I can't tell if his voice suits him just yet as every role I've seen Jeff in has been of a Hispanic decent, Carlos and Javier.
Another thing is that in this photo that Capcom released shows that Chris has some black sort of infection or goo (?) around his eyes and on his face.
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It could just be blood or something like that but that, to me, looks like infection. In the synopsis it says that Chris’ actions “setting off a chain of events that sees a distraught Ethan seeking answers to Chris's shocking actions.” I think that either Chris is working for Blue Umbrella like at the end of Resident Evil 7. On the wiki it states that Chris is leading a Blue Umbrella operation.
On Biohazard Declassified, it states that “Chris is confirmed to return, he will also appear in some flashbacks surrounding Ethan, Mia, and a Baby, in which he attempts to break into their home and shoot one of the three.” This also shows that his shooting of Mia might not have been the intended victim, the same goes for the baby. The baby could have been the victim but Mia got in the way.
I saw a theory that maybe Chris shoots ‘Mia’ to prove to Ethan that she is still infected and that after the clip ends he says something like “Wait.” and Mia gets up completely fine. I also saw something that says that he shoots Mia but patches her up, just enough so she doesn't die, making Ethan go to the Village and find answers.
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The leaks also state that “At some time Chris also comes to the village. You play a few parts as him and during that he saves Emily and comforts her, showing that he hasn't become a completely terrible person.” 
There are several more leaks about Chris and him possibly attacking both Mia and Ethan and maybe even dying in the final boss fight but I'm holding out hope that most of these leaks aren't true and that Chris hasn't become the villain for no reason other than Capcom not knowing what to do with his character. 
According to the leaks, “Barry Burton is killed by Alex/Nathlia in a flashback. His role is minimalist. It is hinted at, but not shown, that she murders the rest of the Burtons as well.” But it also states that this isn't a fact and that they might cut it. It also states that Claire might be in the game but “it is possible that she died in a flashback as well, explaining why Chris is so different this time”. There is no knowledge of Leon or Jill appearing but things might change before the full game is released. 
In this photo, it seems that there is another person with Chris when they ‘break’ into the Winter’s house. I can't tell if this person at the front is Chris or a new partner but there is definitely at least two people in this photo. I also can't tell if either of these people are Chris as they aren't built the way that Chris seems to be in this game and the photo of him. But this seems to take place before the events in the Village as they have a normal house and this scene might be what leads to Ethan going to the Village for answers.
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Here are some people I think it could be:
Jill Valentine: We haven't seen Jill since RE5 when she was rescued by Chris and Sheva from Wesker. Jill’s eyes are light and a mix between blue and green and this person’s eyes look light. It’s hard to see because when I zoom in the image just blurs but they look blueish.
Claire Redfield: In the leaks, it was said that Claire was supposed to make an appearance at some point. She also has light blue eyes which would match the eyes being blue in the photo above. 
Jessica Sherwat: We haven't seen Jessica since Revelations when it is shown at the end that she's alive and fine. I heard a rumour once that she was due to come back in Revelations 3 and because this game was supposed to be Revelations 3, she may make an appearance. I’m not sure what colour Jessica’s eyes are.
New characters: These two could end up being two completely new characters and work with Chris throughout the first part of the story, but again we won't know until the game is out. 
And that all! This took me far too long to write out and there are so many other things I want to say but it hurts my brain to think about. Hopefully as we have more trailers and a demo we can piece together the story but I am hopeful and looking forward to this game as RE7 was such a good experience for me! 
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myhahnestopinion · 6 years
THE AARONS 2018 - Best Film
I watched 102 films from 2018, which met my personal goal, broke my personal record, and won another competition between myself and my good friend. 102 seems like a proper purview to declare these entries my favorite films of the year, the crème de la crème, the top 10% of the top 100%. Here are the Aarons for Best Film:
#10. Roma
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“Intimate” is a good word to describe Roma. A passion project for director Alfonso Cuarón, Roma was inspired by his own childhood nanny and his mother, and filmed in his native Mexico. The film depicts the tumultuous breakdown of social relationships within the country’s history, but keeps the focus on the dissolution and reformation of familial bonds. “Intimate” is indeed a good word to describe Cuarón’s deeply moving film, but “intricate” just might be better. Roma is never short of gorgeous for every single shot in the movie, every bit of staging and every camera-pan planned down to the tiniest background detail, making each the breath-taking black-and-white painting of a true auteur. It perhaps would be best experienced on the big screen, but credit to Netflix for funding such a personal, profound film, which means, if you’re looking to watch one of the best films of last year, you don’t have to roam very far.
#9. Isle of Dogs
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Wes Anderson should stop filming movies. To clarify, Wes Anderson should stop filming movies in live-action, as the stop-motion medium is where his visual panache, off-beat humor, and oddball characters most brightly shine. Isle of Dogs, like a best friend for man, puts a smile on one’s face that never departs throughout its stylish adventure, even in the most unexpectedly dark moments of its animated dog-eat-dog world. While concerns over its depiction of Japanese culture are worth discussing, its impeccable voice cast, including Bryan Cranston, Edward Norton, Jeff Goldblum, and Bill Murry, deadpanning their way through its gorgeously hand-crafted sequences makes for a doggone good time at the movies. 
#8. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
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Certainly the most unconventional choice for me this year, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom’s placement on this list is not the product of some nihilistic capitulation to chaos theory; in fact, it is thoughtfulness that made the movie stand out to me so much. An encouragement for empathy, a validation of the value of all living creatures, and a condemnation of cupidity, wrapped up in big-budget special effect sequences and culminating in a Gothic-Horror influenced haunted house set piece, the latest sequel in the series hit all the right sensibilities for me with a combination I never thought possible and a blockbuster boldness that recalls why The Last Jedi became my favorite Star Wars. While others may look upon this movie and see a fallen franchise, I see a king’s ransom of cinematic riches that means the world to me.
#7. Mission: Impossible – Fallout
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The Mission: Impossible franchise was last seen on this list in the very first Aarons for Rogue Nation, an action film so masterfully crafted that one can’t help but be ecstatic at the series’ decision to shift from a rotating set of action directors to the singular efforts of director Christopher McQuarrie. Indeed, McQuarrie just may have outdone his prior masterpiece with the jaw-dropping Fallout, whose spectacular set pieces, shot with confidence and flourish and bolstered by the crazed energy of star Tom Cruise, blows every other blockbuster this year, and perhaps since Rogue Nation, out of the water. Fallout not only manages the impressive feat of making a sixth franchise entry feel tense and unpredictable, but also finds new emotional heights to strengthen its thrills through Ethan Hunt’s uncompromising drive to save everyone. It’s an explosive experience, whose only potential fallout is the impossible task McQuarrie has set for himself for surpassing it in his next two confirmed installments.
#6. Black Panther
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Black Panther was nothing short of a phenomenon, even among the movie-going domination of its larger cinematic universe, and rightfully so. The worldbuilding, taking inspiration from real-life African cultures and heightened by fun futuristic technology, is so elaborate, and its supporting cast (including Letitia Wright, Daniel Kaluuya, Winston Duke, and Danai Gurira) so well-defined that Black Panther feels like a universe in its own right, even as it deftly weaves through the larger Marvel world. The film’s true power comes from how it breaks the mold, from its unforgettable villain who is not just a physical, but philosophical, foe to the hero, through its nuanced tackling of socio-political stances, to, of course, the impact of its increased representation. In vision, in stature, and, yes, in box office, Black Panther is king.
#5. First Reformed
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First Reformed’s methodical pacing and meticulous framing, both evocative of its reflection on faith, slowly melt away to reveal a film that’s darker and more disruptive than one is initially led to believe. Similar to director Paul Schrader’s other written work Taxi Driver, First Reformed’s examination of existential questions and the descent into extremism is harrowing; unlike that other work, it is perhaps also hopeful. Ethan Hawke’s soulful performance gives extra gravitas to the film’s contention of hope and despair and its interweaving of contemporary issues with long-standing questions, thematic material that lingers in the mind long after its stunning final moments. Shot in awe-inspiring Academy ratio, First Reformed’s masterfulness cannot be improved upon, even as one cannot wait for the team of Paul Schrader and Ethan Hawke to re-form for their next collaborative effort.
#4. Love, Simon
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Love, Simon’s placement on this list perhaps cannot be properly explained in prose, only in the unintelligible garble of the uncontrollable emotions that it elicits. It’s a flooring of feelings, of sadness, of fear, of nervousness, of hope, of happiness, that no movie has produced in me since The Perks of Being a Wallflower, one of my top 5 favorite films. The soundtrack is lively and the characters’ charming, but Love, Simon becomes a peak coming-of-age movie by perfectly capturing the uncertainty of a young crush and the joy of young love. It’s calming comfort food in all the right ways, sure to be rewatched nearly as often as the aforementioned Perks, which is why Love, Simon is a film loved by Aaron.
#3. A Quiet Place
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A Quiet Place was a silent surprise, both in the way it slowly built up curiosity and critical acclaim, and in the way its stillness stands in sharp contrast to any other movie-going experience of recent memory. It’s sublime in its simplicity as a lean and mean horror thrill ride tied to the beating heart of a tender family drama, and stylish in its scares as an unexpectedly impressive directorial debut for John Krasinski. The film’s risks, including its harsh opening, its reliance on non-verbal dialogue, and its fist-pumping (and shotgun-pumping) closing moments, come with great reward that elevate it to an instant horror classic. A Quiet Place’s tension and tenderhearted moments may stun the audience into silence, but I will not be quiet about its placement near the top of this list!
#2. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
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Sony’s incessant need to exploit their Spider-Man franchise is chock full of bad ideas. Phil Lord and Chris Miller, as illustrated by the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs adaptation, the 21 Jump Street film franchise, and The Lego Movie, are very good at turning bad ideas into masterpieces. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse takes that Lego Movie enthusiasm and spins it into another irreverent and self-referential screenplay, crammed full of jokes that draw from all the oddities of its venerable franchise, while also never losing sight of the hero’s journey of Miles Morales at its core. Credit, of course, is also due to directors Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsay, and Rodney Rothman, who brought that screenplay to life with amazing animation that combines stunning hand-drawn and CGI work to mimic the film’s comic book origins. It’s beautiful, boisterous, and features John Mulaney as a talking cartoon pig. Amped up by a killer soundtrack, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is such a crowning creative achievement that one can’t wait for Sony to get back into the franchise for a second verse.
#1. Eighth Grade
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Eighth Grade is horrible. No, not the movie Eighth Grade; that should be evident by its place as my favorite film of the year. Eighth grade, the year in school, is horrible and we all know it. Bo Burnham, the musical comedian who makes his screenwriting and directing debut with this movie, especially knows it. It’s a time of anxiety, insecurity, uncertainty, a time of pursuing increased agency but still being constrained by the limitations of youth. A time where it feels like no one understands what you’re going through. Except when you find a movie like Eighth Grade, that channels all that mess into an disconcertingly perfect bout of pity and insight that exposes the comical and affirming nature of all of it. And yet, while Eighth Grade deftly portrays those universal experiences, it remains uniquely and powerfully tied to its particular era, understanding the ways in which mass communication, the endless information of the internet, and the failings of modern society have provoked the latest cycle of those anxieties in unprecedented ways. Eighth Grade’s empathy and its hilarity will likely make it a mainstay for the modern generation, and puts it at the top of its class for the year 2018.
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shockfemme · 6 years
Those Richard Linklater Before movies ruined me forever. All this unlikely romance tied up in a handsome Ethan Hawke bow. It led me to believe that all things are never finished. I hold onto so many people, holographic distorted totems of a past that was painful, yet somehow transformed to endearing and wonderful with the glow of nostalgia...
In real life, has anyone ever really objected at the “speak now or forever hold your peace” part of the wedding ceremony? I haven’t even been to a wedding where that sentence was said, maybe to save everyone from an expensive stupid disaster. I have to admit that I have often times wished something like that would happen at a wedding I attended because weddings can sometimes be really damn boring and too long. If you know me and you’re reading this, of course I’m not talking about YOUR wedding.
Ultimately I wish that my stubborn memories would only highlight the negative aspects of certain people so I wouldn’t constantly wonder what this one person I kind of dated in 2004 is doing and whether or not he still “can't stop thinking of me” like he said on the phone six years ago. Or if the guy who got married is now divorced and if he is, what happened? Why do I care? I can only point to one source, a brain that was molded from a very early age by movies and television. I’m not attempting to be the Tipper Gore of the motion picture industry and blame movies for anything. I enjoy believing in fairy tales, until I get reminded continuously that they’re not reality.
Honestly, who cares? I love my boyfriend and we are in a solid relationship, but I have never been in a solid relationship prior to this one. I’ve always fallen in love with musicians that suffer from “emotional problems”. I’ve waited years for overgrown teenagers to come to the conclusion we were meant to be together forever.
It took me a very long time to realize that three types of movies exist for one sole purpose. There could absolutely be more but mostly these three. The teen movie or TV show where everyone is extremely mature and witty and everyone gets together with the unlikely objects of their affections (Pretty in Pink, Gossip Girl, etc. forever). Then there’s the romantic comedy where “the one who got away” returns and it’s all happy ever after (There’s Something About Mary, Reality Bites <Damn it Ethan Hawke>, etc.), or the one where the protagonist falls in love with someone who’s with someone else, and it never fails that this “someone else” is HORRIBLE (Titanic, Wedding Crashers, etc.)  
The sole purpose is (except in rare cases where these people actually lived these fantastic lives, in which case they can go fuck themselves, because really, ugh) the writer of the script regrets the way they handled a situation in their actual life. Well, this is my theory, but I think it’s pretty legit. I had this idea the other day when I started watching The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. I mean, there is a lot of fantasy involved in that show, but what I picked up on is how intelligent and well put together these kids in the show are. There is a part where they’re all seated at Dr. Cerberus’ Bookstore and they’re debating whether or not David Cronenberg’s The Fly is about body dysmorphia or STD’s. I 100% can’t imagine having that conversation at 16. I was too busy trying to be the punkest person on Earth at that time and all I talked about was boys and which musical guest was going to be on Late Night With Conan O’Brien.  Did I just lead a different life than these people, or am I onto something here?
Now, let’s talk about “the one who got away.” I’ve had plenty of ones that got away and it’s probably a damn good thing that they ended up leaving and staying gone, and yet I still harken back to basically any Ethan Hawke movie from the 90’s and think, well, I should see what ole so and so is up to just so I can fulfill my cat-like curiosity and then dwell on it for one-hundred-thousand hours.
When I was growing up, my parents got divorced twice. Well once for real, and then the second time it was a common-law divorce. Additionally, my mom would often take back men she had previously written off because she wanted to give them a second chance. At some point in my teen years, I vowed I would “never” do that because I saw how it never ended up working out for my mom and seemed to be a waste of time.
However, I gave many people who probably didn’t deserve it multiple chances, maybe because it’s true we all turn into our parents, or because I believed that just like in Reality Bites, some Troy Dyer would come stand at the foot of my driveway and tell me he loves me after doing some gloriously fucked up thing that drove me to do something that is the equivalent of running up a huge phone bill with a psychic hotline. I never had the advent of a seemingly perfect Ben Stiller as Michael in my life, until recently.
It’s weird when you go through a certain amount of hoops to get into a relationship with someone. The beginnings of any romantic entanglement are so cinematic and lyrical, but I was never told how to stay in a relationship once you get into one. I grew up where all relationships ended abruptly or seemed alien and weird grown-up things that I didn’t care about. I thought that living with someone and being in love was the end-all-be-all of existence but guess what, that’s dumb. I was over 30 when I figured out this was not the case…. arrested development is not just the name of a band and a TV show, y’all. Relationships take work, and they don’t make problems disappear. They make them easier to deal with, but it’s not all wine and roses. There are some movies that touch on this reality, but not enough.
Instead of telling us how to stay in a long-term relationship, movies often teach us that if our partner has some quality that doesn’t live up to our expectations, some perfect hero is going to appear out of nowhere to rescue us from the bad choice we made. Hello, Billy Zane in Titanic!
The thing is, that in reality, Rose would’ve concocted this entire fantasy of Jack in her head, while staying right by Cal Hockley’s side and trying to remember how awesome it is to have a rich, handsome fiancé, even though he’s an asshole. Jack would have lived because he would’ve found the floating door. Rose and Cal would’ve got on the first lifeboats and they all would’ve lived miserably ever after. This story doesn’t win Academy Awards however. Also to touch on Wedding Crashers, in what world except for the fictional one set before us in this film would Owen Wilson get the girl over Bradley Cooper? Anyway….
Basically, movies are not typically touchstones on how to live your life, which I wish I could’ve figured out before I had so many failed relationships. There are some that are incredibly inspiring and have great messages, but more often than not, they’re fantasy scenarios that people wrote because that’s what they wish they could’ve done. If my theory is correct, I guess I have plenty of my own extremely unrealistic screenplays to write, so I’m going to go ahead and get to it.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Resident Evil Village: Mother Miranda’s Origin Story Explained
This article contains RESIDENT EVIL VILLAGE spoilers.
While Resident Evil Village‘s trailers and demos strongly suggested that the mysterious Mother Miranda would ultimately be the game’s “main” villain, even the wildest theories regarding the character’s background didn’t come close to guessing just how important and fascinating she would prove to be.
As is this case with many things in Resident Evil Village, though, there’s a chance you could walk away from the game without a proper understanding of who, exactly, Mother Miranda is and why she is more than just another entry into Resident Evil‘s impressive collection of big bads. While some of that ambiguity can be attributed to storytelling issues, much of what makes Mother Miranda so interesting is simply not explicitly stated. It’s waiting to be discovered in various discoverable texts and pieces of environmental storytelling.
So if you walked away from Resident Evil Village with a few unanswered questions about Mother Miranda, here are some of the things you need to know about her origin story and the significance of her character.
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Mother Miranda is Over 100 Years Old
It’s not clear exactly how old Mother Miranda is, but we know that her daughter, Eveline, was born in 1909. We also know that Resident Evil Village takes place in 2021, so that would mean that Mother Miranda is well over 100 years old by the time we encounter her in the game. She’s probably between 130-150, but her ability to alter her form makes it kind of tough to tell her exact age based on her physical appearance alone.
How did Mother Miranda survive for so long? Well, the easy answer is that the Megamycete granted her extended life (which we discussed elsewhere), but it’s not entirely clear how some people survive this process and others do not. The Megamycete seems to identify some kind of quality in people that make them ideal hosts, but the specifics of how that works seem to be intentionally ambiguous.
Mother Miranda Lost Her Daughter to the Spanish Flu
As noted above, Mother Miranda had a daughter named Eveline who she clearly loved dearly. In fact, her grief over Eveline’s death in 1919 is essentially what triggers the next 100+ years of RE lore. We’ll dive into that more in a bit.
What you might not have realized, though, is that Eveline died after contracting what is commonly known as the Spanish flu. It’s fascinating that Miranda notes in one of her diary entries that she felt guilty for not being able to save Eveline from the Spanish flu but then proceeds to essentially create a different virus as part of her attempts to resurrect her daughter.
Mother Miranda Was a Priestess Who Became a Scientist
Again, the details of Miranda’s life prior to her daughter’s birth aren’t as well-documented, but some notes and environmental clues suggest that she was essentially a priestess who also occasionally acted as a kind of physician for the region.
However, Miranda would later become one of the most intelligent and capable biologists in the world. While it’s implied that Miranda was always somewhat intelligent, the Megamycete eventually granted her the combined knowledge of all the people it had come in contact with over countless years. Needless to say, that greatly enhanced Miranda’s understanding of the world and allowed her to begin her seemingly impossible experiments.
Alcina Dimitrescu Was Mother Miranda’s First “Successful” Transformation
Mother Miranda began her search for a suitable vessel for her daughter’s resurrection by infecting the local villagers, but many of those villagers just turned into Lycans or other animalistic creatures. It wasn’t until Miranda infected the noble Alcina Dimitrescu that she found a vessel that was able to survive the process with many of their human features intact. Even better, Dimitrescu was able to exercise a degree of control over the abilities she acquired.
Still, Miranda makes it clear that she did not consider Dimitrescu to be a capable vessel for Evelyn. While the extent of Dimitrescu’s mutations may have been too great for Miranda to resurrect Eveline in an ideal form, it’s also worth noting that Dimitrescu had a pre-existing condition that left her with a “thirst” for blood after the transformation. That defect alone may have made Miranda somewhat bitter towards Alcina, though Miranda did eventually create the creatures that would become Dimitrescu’s daughters, so it seems Dimitrescu may have been the closest thing to a daughter that Miranda “created.”
Mother Miranda Helped Start Umbrella (Kind of)
In the 1950s, Mother Miranda saved a young lost hiker who had the misfortune of wandering too close to Miranda’s village. Rather than kill or infect him, though, Miranda came to treat the young hiker as a kind of protégé. To make a long story a bit shorter, that young hiker turned out to be Oswell E. Spencer: the eventual founder of Umbrella.
In a way, then, Miranda’s decision to not only save Spencer but teach him about her discoveries would eventually lead to the events of almost every Resident Evil game so far. After all, Spencer took “mold” samples from the village (as well as Miranda’s teachings) which he later turned into the first Umbrella virus, and he even based the eventual Umbrella logo off a symbol he saw in the village. So why did Miranda spare him in the first place? She was likely just happy to find a companion who understood her work, but there’s a possibility the Megamycete recognized something special in Spencer and somehow persuaded Miranda to spare him.
Mother Miranda and The Connections Are Responsible For Resident Evil 7’s Eveline
It’s shocking enough that Mother Miranda was essentially Umbrella’s uncredited founder, but it turns out that Mother Miranda played a large part in the creation of Resident Evil 7‘s engineered villain: Eveline.
Mother Miranda’s diary reveals that she was approached by a group called “The Connections” who offered to help her with her experiments in exchange for a mold sample and information on her progress so far. Miranda complied, but the result of The Connections’ experiments, the creature known as Eve, did not please Mother Miranda. In fact, Mother Miranda considered Eve to be defective. It seems that she was hoping for a perfect recreation of her daughter rather than a genetically enhanced variation.
Not all was lost, though. The Connections eventually told Mother Miranda about Rose Winters (possibly out of revenge over Eve’s apparent death at Ethan’s hands), which is what leads to Mother Miranda deciding to impersonate Mia Winters, kidnap Rose, and kick off the events of Village.
The post Resident Evil Village: Mother Miranda’s Origin Story Explained appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3eAMQao
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nancydfan · 3 years
So I have been a fan of resident evil for a while now and I have to say without a shadow of a doubt Ethan is my favorite protagonist. I feel like the rest of the protagonists in the series are kinda the same, you’ve got the police/army guys (Leon and Chris) who are determined to save the world, and then with the rest of them they’re kinda the same, badass people willing to give their all to get rid of evil and return the world back to normal. And that’s fine, except it’s a kind of story that’s been told over and over again and not just in resident evil.
That’s why I love Ethan so much. He is a breath of fresh air that the series needed. And while yes, you can argue that his type of storyline has also been used a lot, it’s something that has never been explored in resident evil.
With the rest of the protagonists, they choose to fight. They volunteer to put themselves in horrifying scenarios for the greater good.
Ethan isn’t like that.
He’s literally just your typical average dude. He has a normal job, and has a relatively normal life which he was happy to spend with Mia until she went missing.
In RE7 Ethan doesn’t volunteer to deal with the horrors that he faces. He just wanted his wife back, and even after 3 years he still loves her enough to drop everything and rush out to find her.
When I finished RE7, I liked Ethan as a main character, but it was RE8 that made me fall in love with him. In RE7 there were a lot of times when he just didn’t respond or kind of reacts underwhelmingly, but I think this is less of his character and more of Capcom trying to make you feel more like Ethan and having him react too much might take you out of feeling like the main character is you.
Of course his actions are still very reflective of him, like when he first enters the house and has to “kill” Mia the first time, when she reaches out to him he reaches right back, implying that he regrets what just happened and that he still wants her to be okay, no matter what is wrong with her.
I know Jacksepticeye said one of the reasons why he doesn’t like Ethan is because he doesn’t have a character arc, but I disagree. Like I said, Ethan goes from not being very vocal at times/ underwhelming reactions in RE7 to I feel the exact opposite in 8; he talks a lot more with lines that make sense, and you can feel his emotions at times even with just seeing his hands. Now one can argue that Capcom just wrote Ethan differently, which I can see.
But I feel as though Ethan has changed- in the first game, he’s scared and confused, and finally ends on frustration as the game nears its end. In RE8 he is angry, angry that his life keeps getting turned on it’s head because of some stupid mold. He is angry, and fueled by his grief and determination to save the only family (he thinks) he has left. He is 100% done with everything and has honestly given his last fuck a long time ago.
And again, this is what makes him special- he doesn’t necessarily care about the mold, about Miranda or any of the “bigger issue” things- he just wants his family. In 7 he just wants to get his wife and get out of there, and In 8 he just wants to save his daughter. He didn’t sign up to be a hero, to save the world from it’s own creations. He just wants his family.
And honestly that’s what makes him more human and alive to me than the rest of the protagonists- the rest of them kind of just feel like characters with their (almost cheesy) need to take on insurmountable problems to save the world. But Ethan is different, he’s just a man who probably just wants to do his taxes in peace and have a normal, quiet life. The rest of the protagonists, though I’m sure would love to quit, wouldn’t change their jobs or their situations because they know someone has to do it and it might as well be them. But not Ethan. If he had the choice than he’d make it so none of this ever happened, and that he and his family never have to be involved in something like this again.
Which is why I think this is what makes his sacrifice so much more tragic. With any of the other protagonists yes we would be sad but we’d find comfort in knowing that they died doing what they loved (saving people), and wouldn’t have it any other way.
But Ethan is different.
He didn’t want to sacrifice himself- we can see that in the way he struggles with Chris to get out, to stay in one piece for his daughter because he wants to be there for her. He went through hell and he just wants to see his little girl grow up. And when he hears Mia’s alive that want only grows more because he has a chance to have his family back, but I think he knows he can’t. He’s falling apart, his body has dealt with so much and kept him alive but not for much longer. And so even though he desperately wants to go back with Chris, after hearing Mia’s alive he knows he can let go. I think another part of why he was fighting so hard to escape with Chris is because he didn’t want Rose to live without both of her parents, but when he hears Mia’s alive he realizes that Rose will be okay, she will at least have one parent. He is so tired, so tired of fighting that even though he hates the fact that he can’t go back with her (you can physically hear the pain in his voice when he says “Goodbye Rosemary”), he knows that it’s something he has to do.
And he isn’t happy or content with sacrificing himself. In fact this is the last thing he wanted, which again is what makes it so heart wrenching. After all the pain he’s been through he doesn’t even get to see his daughter grow up, doesn’t get to grow old with his wife, his painful adventure to get his family back ends just as painfully as he pulls the trigger to destroy the mold.
This is why Ethan is special to me. Ethan is just a man who wanted to be happy with his family, not some stereotypical stone cold hero who would gladly give up his life for the greater good. He is truly unique and in a way I saw myself in him and his personality, which is what crushed me so much when he died. I wanted him to have a good ending and he got handed a shitty end. I really hope Capcom gives him a good resolution, one where he doesn’t have to be a main character at all but at least give us something where we know he’s okay and reunited with his family.
Sorry for getting weepy and deep lol, it’s just I really love Ethan and have no one to talk about how upset I am at his ending lol. Thanks for listening to my rant!
Oh my dear nonnie you’re always welcome to rant in my inbox. Long or not, thoughts, etc. that’s why my box is always open :)
And just so you know, I’m currently crying in an airport lobby over Ethan Winters 😆
I’m on mobile so I won’t be able to properly respond probably except to say you are absolutely right on all of these things. He really is such a stark contrast to the rest of the RE heroes and that’s what makes him so special to me too. He is just a man. A man who does everything he can for his family. All he wants to do is be left alone to love his wife and raise his daughter. I keep thinking of that scene in re8 where he’s talking to the doc. That is the Ethan Winters Capcom refuses to let us see all that much. Easy, happy, carefree moment. There’s a lightness to his voice. He doesn’t care about the problems of the world. That isn’t his job too. And it’s unbelievably tragic that not only does he get pulled into this twice (with three years of suffering for Mia before Dulvey and then the heartache of her “murder” and Rose’s kidnapping), he then dies in the end???? He doesn’t even get the reward to live with his wife and daughter? WHAT DID ETHAN WINTERS DO TO YOU, CAPCOM!!?
also overcome? Miss me w that bullshit. Y’all blew him to smithereens.
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I swear if Capcom doesn’t bring him back in some way I don’t know how I’ll proceed w this series. I love Leon and Claire and Jill a lot too but nothing like Ethan. And I’m super not interested in getting my heart ripped out every few years. Especially w a new protagonist.
Ethan is just the perfect representation of deserved better. He pays his taxes on time, probably helps that old lady down the street whose husband just died. Tells the same joke we’ve all heard a thousand times to the point only Mia and him are laughing at it. He would be there for every parent teacher conference and up at 130 with a flashlight chasing away the monsters from Rose’s closet. The world may be crazy somewhere but he’s content to just be here with his family.
And Capcom took all of that away. I don’t think I’ll ever not be angry about it.
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mr-vile · 7 years
End of Zoe
Okay yeah I just finished my first play through for the last piece of DLC for Resident Evil 7.
Wow. That was incredible.
Playing as Joe Baker, at first, actually felt underwhelming but I grew to love him. The combos (yes combos people, play this chapter) are actually pretty tough to pull off at first. But trust me, get the hang of it The combos make combat much more managable and efficient as the molded start to stack up on you, also it just feels better than just button mashing.
Fighting the molded has never been more personal and in truth I have never been a fan of the monsters since the game launched. They quickly grow tiresome in the base game and all dlc BUT this one. The unarmed combat forces the player to read enemy's attack patterns, rather than just stand at the end of a hall and shoot dah gun at their head. Though there is a new weapon intended for dealing with a new enemy!
Also there is two new enemies to fight! Ill leave the second for you to discover, but the first new enemy is the infected gators in the swamp. I had dark flashbacks of the gators from RE5 and yup these guys are just as much of a scary bastards at ever.
The best part of this dlc is that the areas are all brand new! The atmosphere is perfect and despite the fact that you are the most capable character ever In a resident evil, there is still moments that made me almost soil myself. I remember reading that this is a test for the sound design that is going to be used in the new monster hunter and yeah... The sounds of the swamp and the things lurking just outside where enough to send chills down my spine!
Unfortanate complants! It was really short! And yes its just slightly longer than the free dlc 'Not a Hero' with an unfortunate 15$ price stacked on top! So if you only had a mild intrest in RE7 or thought it was "alright" in your opinion then maybe wait till it goes on sale down the line. Though there is replay value with a time trial to unlock a sword! Minor complaint! While I loved the atmosphere I can't deny that this was silly. I could never get away from the fact that i was a man punching monsters with my bare fists and the first boss battle had me howling in laughter. Though I love Jack Bakers antics and personality and i cannot deny Joe Baker's trek through the swamp was filled to bust with the same feeling of when Jack was doing donuts and Tokyo drifting in his garage.
Also opening crates with what used to be filled with ammo now contains.. tree limbs. So yeah don't take this 100% serious! But that's what I kinda hoped for!
Resident Evil 7 was an amazing turn for the franchise that I hope continues down the line with the love and tone of the base game. This and N.A.H. is more for fans of combat in vain of RE4-6 rather than the puzzles of Ethans trek through the mansion. I'm glad to have it Though but im also glad it didn't impact the base game. The devs really showed that they are listening to the community! And aren't afraid to poke abit of fun at themselves for the *ahem* over-the-topness of the past few games.
Anyways this is a huge post I apologize but I am so pleased with this content! I recommend it highly! It's a great time that'll have you smiling and is a satisfying send off to the Bakers. Who are now my favorite Resident Evil characters of All time.
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