#also featuring Steve™
tabieeee · 8 months
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what do u do if your new teammates are charming af technically a prequel to this? song: All The Right Moves - OneRepublic
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creedslove · 9 months
Who of the boys would be more of a cat and who would be more of a dog person?
Rewatching Narcos currently andJavi P seeking justice for Murphys cat was the animal love I needed.
I know he says he’s not much of a cat person but the way he treated it.. cat man 🧐🫶
Featuring: Javier Peña, Joel Miller, Agent Whiskey, Dave York and Marcus Pike
A/N: aww this is a very good idea!!! I love it honey! Also, I have a feeling all the Pedro boys lean towards dogs, but that doesn't mean they won't go soft with a kitty 🐈
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Javier Peña: Javi likes dogs better, there's no argument towards that, he grew up around dogs on his dad's ranch and he loves how strong and loyal they are, however, that doesn't mean Javi is insensitive towards cats, we all have seen how fierce he was to fight for the fact that cat was DEA as much as Steve and himself were, even if there was a tiny comical hint to it; Javier isn't a huge cat person, but he does have a soft spot for them, they are cute sometimes and amongst all the violence he has encountered through his life, he thought he would lose that empathy towards smaller things, but he was very wrong, so once he saw a stray kitty fumbling around the garbage to look for food and it made his heart break, he didn't know why exactly, but he was so tired of seeing the evilest side of people, it felt just too unfair such a tiny cute little creature starve on the streets, which caused Javier to feed the cat leftovers of his meals which quickly became a habit and now the cat is fat and he doesn't know what to do
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Joel Miller: Joel Miller is 100% dog person and there's no argument about that at all, although after he grew up and had to take care of a house and a baby daughter on his own, he decided to have a no pet rule: money was tight and so was time, taking care of a baby, and then a toddler and then a child and then a teen was exhausting as it was, so he didn't have time for bullshitting with cats or dogs. In fact, getting a puppy was the only request Sarah has ever made him and he managed to remain strict and not let her have it. However, he knows his daughter pets all the neighbor's pets and he's okay with it. Now, if you have a cat, you can expect Joel getting into a grumpy old man mood™ he is just going to complain about the cat and he is going to swear that cat is up to no good, plotting against him because its so jealous of you. He will definitely have arguments with your cat
"get out of my guitar now!"
"I swear... get off my truck or I'll kill you!"
And well, sometimes it kind does seem your cat is teasing Joel by sitting on his truck hood or sitting on his beloved guitar; if Joel is reading some work papers on the kitchen table you can bet your life your cat will climb all the way just to sit ON the papers and make Joel's blood boil, and you'll de damned if that ain't the funniest shit you'd ever seen; but hey, sometimes after you went to bed, your cat nuzzles Joel's body and your tough boyfriend actually pets your cat, but it's their secret and neither of them will ever admit it 🤫
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Agent Whiskey: our sweet Jack loves animals! He is a farm boy after all, and that means he absolutely adores every single living thing. Of course he likes dogs and cats like everyone else, but those aren't his favorites, if anything, Jack is the kind of man to have farm animals as pets as if it was the most normal thing in the world. As a grown man, Jack has his own ranch, and he keeps all the animals he likes there: he's got cows, horses (his big passion), pigs, chickens, goats, bunnies, dogs and a few cats in the barn because someone needs to catch those damn mice, since he hates killing any kind of animal, he leaves it for the cats to chase down the mice and if he finds spiders in the house he'll definitely just throw them outside. He loves birds and fish but he'd rather watch them out in nature than have them trapped in birdcages of fishbowls; he's not a big fan of frogs but he doesn't mind them at all and his biggest childhood trauma was when little Jack befriended a very cute little pig and the two of them became quickly inseparable, playing together and hanging out all the time, he even named his pig Hector™ until one Sunday morning he woke up to see his friend gone and later, mama Daniels had made pork chops for lunch ☠️ Jack cried his little heart out, refused to eat lunch and spent years without eating pork, until this day he feels kind of guilty to eat bacon or something, he doesn't kill any of his own ranch animals to cook, he just goes to the supermarket to get the meat
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Dave York: Dave had always loved dogs from a young age, when he was little, his dog Sprinkles was his best friend and he still keeps old pictures of himself and his old friend in the back of his memory boxes. Once he grew up and he got into his... business... he realized dogs are the safest option for a pet; they are very rational, they can be trained and protect the house and the owners against threats or burglars. If his kids beg him for a puppy, he will never say no to them, but it will be frustrating to him that they will pick the cutest and fluffiest puppy over the one breed he thinks it's safer for the family, statistical saying. However, how happy they get will make him think of Sprinkles and soon enough he will become those dads who treat the family pet better than his own kids. He will definitely doze off on the couch and the dog will be curled up to him. Dave also admires the felines and mostly how neat and careful they are. They are silent and are able to sneak into a room without anyone noticing, exactly like Dave does when he's out working, he likes how cats are independent and always take care of themselves, however, the idea of having a cat never occurred to him, but well... never say never
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Marcus Pike: that man is the human version of a golden retriever, so he obviously would prefer dogs. He has thought of getting a dog some time but he hasn't made up his mind yet, on one hand, he would like to have a puppy waiting for him at home so he won't be too lonely, but on the other hand, dogs are a lot of trouble and he doesn't know if he will be able to actually take care of it, not to mention dogs remind him a lot of the perfect image of a happy family, you know, a husband and a wife and kids, something Marcus would love to have but he hasn't been too lucky with it lately! He does like cats too, but the thing is: he is allergic to cats, and I don't mean just a slight allergy, I mean sneezing, coughing, red puffy eyes, stuffed nose etc, so cats are definitely a big no to him!
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anns-works · 11 months
League Of Jay Tings (bc that right there? wasted potential)
The customizable character was a cool-ass feature and one of the best ideas Unagami had for the game. Even before Jay got sucked in, there were players running around with the ninjas as their skin.
(Scott got bored at one point and spent his time antagonizing the Red Visors in a Gold Ninja skin that was ridiculously expensive. Hw also lost a life. Totally worth it.)
On that note, I would like to point out that Jay and Scott's skins appear to be similar, so I'm guessing its one of the defaults that they ended up customizing (I imagine its like putting on a mustache or hat on minecraft Steve and calling it a day.
So, Jay's early days mainly included trailing around Scott cuz he was the only interaction he had with another person that wasn't just an NPC.
They finally encounter another another player but this one has a (surprise!) Blue Ninja skin. wat resulted was a ten minute long standoff between Jay and the other player which involved a lot of pointing and unintelligible noises.
The player bolted. Jay followed them screaming the entire time. Scott also followed cuz this was the most entertainment he's had in a long time. It's a miracle they haven't been discovered by any of the Visors yet.
The played leads them to a hideaway that had a LOT of people, all equipped with Blue Ninja skin.
Scott's previous amusement quickly turns into horror as he quietly goes what the fuck over and over again. Jay gets an idea like you know what, lets use this.
and basically thats how the League of Jay born in Scott's garage through Jay's ''diabolical" plan (he's making a safe hangout space for these kids and also letting them cause chaos)
(For convenience sake, lets just refer to og Jay as SRJ (after his gamer tag) ft. some of the other Jays from the league! w/ their nicknames. DeeJay777 is Dee. Jay22Walkin is Walker. BlueJay6669 is Blue. JayBird9000 is Birdy.)
Most of the things these gremlins do is mainly going around to vandalize stuff. Scott is apparently the "Master of Color" or whatever that may entail. It just basically means he can go around graffitiing "UNAGAM I UR MOMAS A HOE" or other stuff like that.
And back to the whole customizable skin bit, it was an instant hit cuz of the opportunities it presented. You could be a guy. You could be a girl. You could be as sexy as a kpop idol (is that in thing in ninjago?). You could be an eldritch creature beyond mortal comprehension if you're willing to spend up a few units.
Dee enjoys not having tits for a while. Birdy also loves the whole transmasc feeling. SRJ just updated his skin to be Like That™ to give everyone gender envy.
Unagami once released a feature in the game that would let you access different levels and mini-games based on your selected binary gender (back when that was still a thing). The League hated it and let him know dearly. So Unagami changed it into something else and threw in a couple units in the mix (a goddamn dance competition). This was an instant hit. They planed their next updates based on the League's reactions.
Unagami: I didn't realize it was you at first. But some of your actions proved to be quite educational.
SRJ, flashback to that one time he wrote "UNAGAMI I FUCKD U MAMA HERE" on a wall cuz he was feeling pissy: Sure man, don't mention it.
Also on that note, SRJ DEFINITELY founded the ninjago LGBTQA+ community. I meant ninjago in itself is a pretty non-heteronormative society and you can kiss whoever you want with no issue. But everyjay was trapped in the lair w/o Scott out nothing to do and he's bored out of his goddamn mind and just suddenly suggests coming up w/ names for different sexual orientations cuz why not? taxonomy is fucked but they're bored.
Walker has an anthropology degree and Birdy is studying gender so might as well begin.
After getting out they get awarded by the NU for their fantastic discovery.
SRJ gave up the mansion he inherited from Cliff Gordon to Scott and it sort of turned into a hangout spot for the League.
One League member said on Chirp (jokingly) that the League of Jay should have their own social media platform cuz they're too weird and are apparently freaking out people on Chirp. They get a reply from Blue who tells them she'll look into it, and two months later there's a new social media in town.
Lentils and beans of all sizes, I give to you TRip, ninjago tumblr. The buckwild experience ever. A huge hit among the serpentine immedietly.
Those iconic posts but ninjago style. Red floor at Darkley's. the three weed smoking ninjas. Don't you love the color of the gi. I like your shoelaces, thanks I stole them from samurai x. Garage ballpit.
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xenon-demon · 1 year
So I talked a little while ago about what Steve’s deal is in my Kas!Steve AU - one of the things I mentioned was he has vertical pupils now, because vampire Steve having excellent night vision makes sense, plus monstrous features….. sexy….. (Also, here is where I talk about the general AU concept, if you’re unfamiliar!)
The other day I found out (from a certified Cat Man™) that cats actually have super shitty vision in normal light because of the same eye adaptations that give them good night vision. Therefore, for your consideration: Kas!Steve needs glasses. (I’m imagining he gets them as a government-organised “hey sorry you died and came back wrong, if we fix your vision will you promise to try your best to keep your existence a secret thanks” type of deal lol.)
Please imagine this big, intimidating vampire man wearing glasses with thick as hell lenses and the classic 80s style chunky frames. He quickly perfects the judgemental over-the-glasses stare, and the kids all agree it’s the only thing about Steve that could even remotely intimidate them. (That’s still not saying much, though - he’s still their Steve, and they’re still the same loveable shitheads they’ve always been.)
Before he gets the glasses, Kas!Steve uses his sense of smell to identify people from a distance, or relies on distinctive physical features to identify people. He picks Eddie out by his hair, or Robin by the way she’s always standing kind of awkwardly and moving uncoordinatedly. Steve keeps the lights off at night and puts up thick curtains for the daytime so the house is dark enough for him to see easily.
Kas!Steve, who is struggling with the idea of what he is now and the fact he came back wrong, still needs such a common human tool and finds comfort in it. Steve feels a warmth inside of him every time he sees someone else wearing glasses, on the TV or out in public or in the news, since it turns this monstrous part of him into something that’s just another part of the human experience. Eddie tells him he loved Steve’s eyes when he was human and he loves them now, but he thinks he loves them most of all when they’re framed by those thick glasses, like the works of art Eddie knows they are.
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ruhua-langblr · 3 months
Hi, you seem to have a decent grasp on Language Learning Resources™, so maybe you could help me.
I currently have a 2600+ day streak for Duolingo Spanish, which I initially picked up because I took classes in school and wanted to see if I remembered any. I'm well aware of the limitations on the app, and at this point it's just because I like to see the number go up. I've only ever been a casual student but I would like to progress eventually. The problem is I have trouble finding a method between gamified app, and full-blown, academic, novel -and- textbook self study. Do you know of good ways to move past Duolingo lessons without biting off more than you can chew?
Thanks for any input you have
I feel like that "number goes up" connection is the main reason a lot of people don't want to move on from Duo and similar apps! I hope to do a post that goes into all of this more in depth, so consider this a shortened version~
My personal philosophy is that you shouldn't have to chose between just gamified apps and academic study—ideally you need it to be engaging enough to keep up for when you have less motivation, but with an academic rigor! I'm gonna drop some general resources/resource types and try to give them all a shot! Don't think of replacing Duo with a singular app or activity, but a collection of resources that you can switch between.
Anki: SSR vocab learning. Lots of customization and habit tracking features available so consider this a good "number goes up" replacement (and if you really love looking at data it's much more thorough!). With Spanish as your TL (target language), you'll have plenty of pre-made decks available. You can have specific decks, sentence mine, or have a huge 5,000 most frequent words deck. Anki isn't my favorite method personally, but people get SUPER into it and it works for them—also you'll hear this everywhere anyway.
Language Transfer: I wish my TL was one of the ones they have! If you're coming from Duo then you've probably been lacking a good method to really train your listening skills. 100% free, and I've heard great things about their Spanish course as well. All the files are available to be downloaded to listen to offline. Great to put on when you're getting ready in the morning, for bed, or during a commute.
LingQ/Youtube/Podcast Comprehensible Input: "[TL] Comprehensible Input" in the Youtube search will get you pretty far. There are podcasts like this as well, but it's nice to have a visual stimuli as well! This is pretty much the epitome of a ~natural language acquisition~ style. Immersion and immersion at an appropriate level is what works best. If you've even dipped your toes into the language acquisition sphere, you'll know Steve Kaufmann. LingQ is his app that's based on these principles.
Textbooks: Duo assumes that you can just pick up grammar from pattern recognition and that can work, but upper-level nuanced grammar or grammar patterns that are vastly different from your native language are hard to intuit. Find a good, dedicated grammar textbook and use that as what you will learn the details of grammar from. All that audio stuff will teach you what sounds right, this will teach you why/how it's right. (Buy a used textbook, visit your library, or check out my pinned post...)
+More: There's so MANY ways to learn a language. I'm focusing on specific methods that would fit in naturally with your existing habits (solo, digital, habit-forming), but there's tons more out there that you can do: journaling, discord servers, italki, chatting apps, graded readers, etc.
To start pick one that you feel the most drawn to and then a second that compliments where it might be lacking. Make a goal that you feel is reachable, and build from there.
Best of luck!
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12 (or 21) for the Somfte Steddie prompts!! I realize those numbers are opposites but I didn't do that on purpose, I just liked those prompts. Also that's the number of years added to my life every time you write these two. 🖤
Imp!! Hi!!!!! This is so so so very very very late, but it's here!
12: "you could say I’m fond of you."
Two years since Vecna. A year and nine months since Eddie had been released from the hospital. A year and seven months since Max had been released.
Two years since Steve and Eddie had become inseparable friends.
Eddie fit surprisingly well into the Party, each of them able to connect with him in a different way. Dnd worked with most of them, but with Nancy Eddie had books, with Jonathan he had the softer side of his music, and with Steve he had this.
Movie nights.
Movie nights weren’t uncommon with any of them. In fact, it was exactly why Eddie wasn’t peeved that it wasn’t just their thing. Steve loved movies, and it hadn’t taken Eddie that long to figure out that it was because Steve loved stories.
Letters, apparently, moved around on the page when he read, which sounded like Hell to Eddie, but Steve found that love in movies. He was surprisingly into the nitty gritty film aspects too, liked watching the documentaries that sometimes came on about the history of film and the mechanics of filmography. Eddie would watch Steve watching the documentaries and realize that Steve was, in fact, a bit of a nerd.
This thrilled Eddie immensely.
Tonight, they were settled on Eddie’s couch for their own double-feature. Labrinth was Eddie’s pick, and a new TV documentary series about surrealist cinema was Steve’s.
Eddie highly suspected this one was Robin’s fault.
They both sang along to David Bowie, sitting nearly flush against each other. They were both smiling and getting sleepy by the time the documentary came on at 11pm, and when Steve’s arm settled on the back of the couch, as it had been doing more and more and more the last couple months, Eddie leaned his head back against it, as he’d been doing more and more and more.
As the show started and Steve sat enraptured, Eddie couldn’t help but think oh Steve, I am so terribly fond of you.
They fell asleep on the couch, Eddie never realizing that in the moment where his head hit Steve’s chest, Steve was thinking Ed, I am so in love with you.
soft™ prompts
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booksandabeer · 2 years
fic rec anon here, so I was specifically asking for recs because I'm on vacation rn and could use some long-ish reading material. I do like the pre-war flavor, but I'm not really picky about the plot or era overall, as long as it's written well, the characterization fits, and the dialogue flows easy
Ok, long fics to read during a vacation, you say? So nothing too heavy I think—although I personally am all for ANGST in my fave fics and I guess a lot of people would still consider some of these quite angsty? I tried my best!
Without further ado, I offer you a Stucky recs potpourri of five wildly different stories:
North Fork by @beaarthurpendragon | 62K, Explicit
Author’s summary: Sworn to silence by the Air Force after a friendly fire accident in Afghanistan, former aid workers James and Sam have come home to take over Sam’s family’s vacation rental business to escape the bad memories. Losing an arm and working maintenance wasn’t how James pictured his life turning out, but his life is good: He likes fixing things, he gets to work for his best friend, and he loves surfing every morning.
Fresh out of the ice, all Steve wants is for SHIELD to announce his return and let him get back to work so he won't have time to think about all he's lost. But when his psychiatrist refuses to clear him for duty until he's dealt with his trauma, he reluctantly accepts Tony's offer of a beach house for the summer to settle his mind. Armed with a false identity and a stack of sketchbooks, his only goal is to get back into the field. He's got no intention of letting his heart defrost along with the rest of his body.
That is, until a handsome maintenance man with a secret of his own shows up with a gallon of ice cream and a smile that could light up half of New York.
One of the best Shrunkyclunks fics I’ve read. Both, Steve AND Bucky are complex, fully fleshed-out characters in this, and — even more importantly—equal partners (something which I feel can sometimes be a bit of a problem with Shrunkyclunks). Bea is one of my favorite authors writing for this ship, so I’d also recommend any other story of hers. I picked this one for the ‘beach house for the summer’ premise, but it is really so much more than that. Features beautiful art by @lisamott9
These City Walls by @tessabennet | 88K, Teen
Author’s summary: Before there was Captain America, before there was even a war, there were two idiots in Brooklyn, just getting by every day, living a life, trying very hard not to let it show that they had, as a matter of fact, fallen in love with each other.
This is the first part of what I plan to be a multi-part fic spanning the entirety of the MCU, following Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes on their journey with, away from, separate from, and back towards each other.
A beautiful, in-depth look into Steve and Bucky and their lives in Brooklyn before the war. Be aware though that they don’t actually get together in this installment of the series (the goal of this series is to stay as canon-compliant as possible all the way through, with an eventual divergence post-FATWS to give these boys their much-deserved happy ending). However, if you’re into Pre-war Pining™, this will definitely hit the spot for you. And then some.
 A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall by @disraeligearsgoestumblin | 60K, Explicit
Author’s summary: He got off the boat in New York on May 13th, 1945, five days after V-E Day... 
A story of loss, grief, war, and a love that survives them all.
An AU set between 1945-1979, where Steve doesn’t go into the ice, but Bucky still becomes the Winter Soldier. This is the darkest/angstiest fic on this list, but it is so, so good and you will be rewarded with the most satisfying ending, I promise. God, just thinking about it, I want to reread this right now.
Space Oddity by @spacerenegades (crinklefries) | 147K, Mature
Author’s summary: After the world ends, things happen to Bucky in this specific order: he helps defeat Thanos, he rejects Steve’s attempt to address Feelings, he watches Steve volunteer to put the Infinity Stones back in time, he waits for Steve to come back, he is sad when Steve does not come back, he realizes that everyone thinks Steve disappeared in 2012 (???), he gets taken to space by Carol Danvers (!!!), he meets up with a depressed literal alien Norse God, he and the depressed literal alien Norse God travel through space, he and the depressed literal alien Norse God hit a wormhole and fall into the--Multiverse.
What the fuck.
This is the story of how Bucky and Thor pick up the pieces of their lives, find their own worth, find their own person, and find their way out of a multiverse of 100 realities stitched together with 100 tropes. There’s love, there’s friendship, there’s an extreme amount of Tesseract fuckery, but most importantly there are sexy vampires. Bon Appetit.
A love letter to Stucky and to fanfiction as a whole. It’s hilarious, heartbreaking, and just incredibly entertaining. The perfect binge-read for a vacation, I think. Also comes with beautiful art by cyclamental and @nalonzooo.
the world on fire by burlesquecomposer | 51K (WIP), Mature
Author’s summary: Steve loves old vinyl records, doodles on his files, and cannot remember a time that he didn't serve the TVA. And that suits him just fine—that is, until stray variant Bucky Barnes, fresh out of HYDRA's grasp, drops into his time theater and makes Steve question everything he believes in.
Yes, this is a WIP (a regularly updated one!), but PLEASE do not let this stop you from reading this gem of a story. It is well written, has a super fun premise,  clever plotting, wonderful characterizations, and a firm grasp on the SteveBucky dynamic. It is brilliant and I think it deserves a lot more love and attention.
This was fun--let’s do it again some time! 
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Kayyyy, my dove! Can I please request questions 9, 19 and 30 for the ao3 wrapped meme? ✨
Love you 😘
Tejjjjjj my little duckling! 💘 I love you to the outer space and back ✨
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
Well, it's obviously Stucky, but I'm gonna cheat a bit and choose a version of them from one of my AUs and say... oh god, this is hard. 😫 But seeing as you've got me all in my Other College AU™ feels, I'm going with the Bookish Sk8er Boi Bucky & Sensitive Jock Steve from Young Adult Friction?
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
Okay, for this I'm gonna say Blackhill? I've got this canonverse ficlet I'm hoping to finish at the start of the year, and they're also heavily featured in this bigger Stucky fic I've got planned. 💘 It's a ship I've come to love a whole lot, and would like to see more of.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
...maybe how difficult and tough and heavy it has felt, for a lot of this year? Which does make sense 'cause 2022 hasn't been easy in other regards, either, but I think last year I used writing more as an escape from all the dreary things in life, but this year it hasn't quite worked like that. 😕
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pluttskutt · 2 years
Wake Up Loser, my series just finished
I've been writing this series for over a month and it's complete so I can finally rest now.
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»I Hate Myself For Loving You« is a Steddie series about Steve struggling with how he feels for Eddie, whilst also struggling with trauma following their fight against Vecna.
↠ The series started before s4 part 2 dropped so it's not canon compliant. It focuses on Steve and his struggles and refusal to ask for help.
↠ Features Eddie and his nerd crap; Clueless Steve; Nancy trying to get these two idiots together; Cuddles; Steve's fear of spiders; General stupidity; Gay Panic™
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Bosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen https://www.merchant-business.com/bosch-power-tools-expands-its-line-of-18v-cordless-offerings-to-provide-new-product-solutions-for-hard-working-tradesmen/?feed_id=1223&_unique_id=6662cf9fe8b51 Bosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen The brand’s latest product drop broadens its tool offerings for tough cutting, drilling and debris removing applications18V Brushless 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw: High-Performance with 5-inch Cutting Capacity18V Brushless Planer: Fast Blade Changing TechnologyPROFACTOR™ 18V Connected-Ready ¾ In. Impact Wrench with Friction Ring and Thru-Hole: Three Speed/Torque Settings for Greater Power InputMT. PROSPECT, Ill., June 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Bosch Power Tools introduced a new variety of products including an 18V deep cut band saw, planer, impact wrench and blower, continuing to expand its cordless portfolio to support a variety of applications that trade workers execute on the jobsite everyday. With features like brushless motors, tool-less accessory changes and ergonomic tool designs, this new lineup of products includes built-in innovations to provide a powerful cordless experience and precision when used by workers. Bosch’s expanded lineup of 18V cordless tool offerings are ready to support hardworking tradesmen as they execute tough cutting, drilling and debris removing applications on the jobsite.“After launching several new cordless solutions at World of Concrete earlier this year, we are bringing even more new tools to market in 2024 to help make hard workers’ efforts on the jobsite simpler and seamless, such as the new 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw. This new cutting solution is built to execute clean cuts through larger materials with ease and offer tool-free blade change technology, to help workers on our 18V platform transition from task to task quickly. Also, the PROFACTOR™ 18V 3/4in. High Torque Impact Wrench features 1,620 Ft.-Lbs. of breakaway torque and 1,180 Ft.-Lbs. of controlled max fastening torque, making this tool a bolt-busting powerhouse with three-speed settings to quickly release and fasten bolts, nut, and anchors in heavy equipment applications, giving the worker more precise control, even when tackling demanding tasks,” said Steve Shepherd, Vice President, Portfolio Management & Business Strategy for Bosch Power Tools North America.Cordless Solutions18V 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw (GCB18V-5N) & 18V 5 In. Deep Cut Bandsaw with (2) 6.0Ah Battery Kit (GCB18V-5B26)5 In. Cutting Capacity – Cuts cleanly through larger materials with easeBrushless Motor – Delivers efficient performance while maximizing battery runtimeBlade Guard – Allows for tool-free blade changes and enhanced user protection while cuttingAdjustable Material Guide – Tailors the position of the cutting area for close, accurate cutsErgonomic Design – Allows for optimal two-handed operation for greater balance and control18V Brushless Planer (GHO18V-26N)Brushless Motor – Powerful motor delivers 13,600 rpms to handle any applicationSafe Blade Change – Accessible drum belt allows the user to place the blade drum at the desired position without having to touch itFast and Easy Blade Changes – Fast blade changes can occur without adjustment, thanks to a dual blade changing system.Higher Planning Depth – Fulfilling different user applications needs by providing a 3/32 In. Max planning depthBlade Storage Slot – Blade replacement offered as 1 extra blade is already included in the kitPROFACTOR™ 18V ¾” Square Impact Wrench (GDS18V-1180CN) & PROFACTOR 18V ¾” Square Impact Wrench with (2) 8.0Ah Battery Kit (GDS18V-1180CB28)¾” Anvil with Friction Ring and Through Hole – Enables tool-less socket installation with secure socket retentionHigh-Torque Wrench – Delivers up to 1180 Ft.-Lbs. of fastening torque and 1620 Ft.-Lbs. max breakaway
torqueControlled Driving Power – Features 3 speed settings (0-800/1,300 /1,750 rpm) to manage and prevent overdrivingThree Speed/Torque Settings – Provides greater control over power output (0-800 / 1,300 / 1,750 rpm)Auto Stop – Shuts the tool off when screw head is flush with the workpiece to help prevent overdriving, making repetitive driving easier and more consistentPROFACTOR™ 18V Brushless Blower (GBL18V-450N)Variable Speed – Finger touch dial speed control to maximize operating time and amplify powerBetter Control – Soft-start feature for greater tool control as the tool starts upEnhanced Performance – Features top air speed at 123 MPH and air volume of 459 CFMGas-like Performance – BITURBO brushless motor delivers power and speed comparable to gas blowerLow Noise – Making sounds at 64 dB, the tools is quieter than dishwashers/vacuums Dust Removal Solution Bluetooth® Dust Control Auto-Start System (GCA30-42K) & Bluetooth® Dust Control Auto-Start Remote (GCA30-42)Open System Compatibility – System can be utilized with Bosch or competitor 18V tools and corded dust extractorsRemote Control Button – Allows the transmitter to manually start or stop the dust extractorP54 Protection – Offers dust and water protection in a tough jobsite environmentLED Status Indicator – Visibly identifies the connection strength between the receiver and the transmitter, even in low-light work environmentsVibration Detection Sensor – Detects when the 18V power tool is turned on or offFor more information on the new Bosch Power Tools products, visit our Press Room at pressroom.boschtools.com/or connect with Bosch Power Tools on Facebook and Instagram.Contact:Contact person/s for press inquiries:Kasia KedzierskaAnastasia Maragosphone: +1 224 234 4616     phone: +1 217 250 6076E-mail: [email protected]About BoschHaving established a presence in North America in 1906, today the Bosch Group employs 42,000 associates in more than 100 locations in the North American region (as of Dec. 31, 2023). Bosch generated consolidated sales of $16.5 billion in the U.S., Mexico and Canada in 2023. For more information visit www.bosch.us, www.bosch.mx and www.bosch.ca.The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of technology and services. It employs roughly 429,000 associates worldwide (as of December 31, 2023). The company generated sales of $99 billion in 2023. Its operations are divided into four business sectors: Mobility, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology. With its business activities, the company aims to use technology to help shape universal trends such as automation, electrification, digitalization, connectivity, and an orientation to sustainability. In this context, Bosch’s broad diversification across regions and industries strengthens its innovativeness and robustness. Bosch uses its proven expertise in sensor technology, software, and services to offer customers cross-domain solutions from a single source. It also applies its expertise in connectivity and artificial intelligence in order to develop and manufacture user-friendly, sustainable products. With technology that is “Invented for life,” Bosch wants to help improve quality of life and conserve natural resources. The Bosch Group comprises Robert Bosch GmbH and its roughly 470 subsidiary and regional companies in over 60 countries. Including sales and service partners, Bosch’s global manufacturing, engineering, and sales network covers nearly every country in the world. Bosch’s innovative strength is key to the company’s further development. At 136 locations across the globe, Bosch employs some 90,000 associates in research and development, of which nearly 48,000 are software engineers.Exchange rate: 1 EUR = 1.0818SOURCE Bosch Power ToolsBosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen #Bosch #Power #Tools #Expands #Line #18V #Cordless #Offerings #Provide #Product #Solutions #HardWorking #TradesmenSource Link: https://www.
prnewswire.com/news-releases/bosch-power-tools-expands-its-line-of-18v-cordless-offerings-to-provide-new-product-solutions-for-hard-working-tradesmen-302160972.htmlBosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen:The brand’s latest product drop broadens its tool offerings for tough cutting, drilling and debris … Global - BLOGGER - #Global
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Bosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen https://www.merchant-business.com/bosch-power-tools-expands-its-line-of-18v-cordless-offerings-to-provide-new-product-solutions-for-hard-working-tradesmen/?feed_id=1224&_unique_id=6662cfa07961f Bosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen The brand’s latest product drop broadens its tool offerings for tough cutting, drilling and debris removing applications18V Brushless 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw: High-Performance with 5-inch Cutting Capacity18V Brushless Planer: Fast Blade Changing TechnologyPROFACTOR™ 18V Connected-Ready ¾ In. Impact Wrench with Friction Ring and Thru-Hole: Three Speed/Torque Settings for Greater Power InputMT. PROSPECT, Ill., June 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Bosch Power Tools introduced a new variety of products including an 18V deep cut band saw, planer, impact wrench and blower, continuing to expand its cordless portfolio to support a variety of applications that trade workers execute on the jobsite everyday. With features like brushless motors, tool-less accessory changes and ergonomic tool designs, this new lineup of products includes built-in innovations to provide a powerful cordless experience and precision when used by workers. Bosch’s expanded lineup of 18V cordless tool offerings are ready to support hardworking tradesmen as they execute tough cutting, drilling and debris removing applications on the jobsite.“After launching several new cordless solutions at World of Concrete earlier this year, we are bringing even more new tools to market in 2024 to help make hard workers’ efforts on the jobsite simpler and seamless, such as the new 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw. This new cutting solution is built to execute clean cuts through larger materials with ease and offer tool-free blade change technology, to help workers on our 18V platform transition from task to task quickly. Also, the PROFACTOR™ 18V 3/4in. High Torque Impact Wrench features 1,620 Ft.-Lbs. of breakaway torque and 1,180 Ft.-Lbs. of controlled max fastening torque, making this tool a bolt-busting powerhouse with three-speed settings to quickly release and fasten bolts, nut, and anchors in heavy equipment applications, giving the worker more precise control, even when tackling demanding tasks,” said Steve Shepherd, Vice President, Portfolio Management & Business Strategy for Bosch Power Tools North America.Cordless Solutions18V 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw (GCB18V-5N) & 18V 5 In. Deep Cut Bandsaw with (2) 6.0Ah Battery Kit (GCB18V-5B26)5 In. Cutting Capacity – Cuts cleanly through larger materials with easeBrushless Motor – Delivers efficient performance while maximizing battery runtimeBlade Guard – Allows for tool-free blade changes and enhanced user protection while cuttingAdjustable Material Guide – Tailors the position of the cutting area for close, accurate cutsErgonomic Design – Allows for optimal two-handed operation for greater balance and control18V Brushless Planer (GHO18V-26N)Brushless Motor – Powerful motor delivers 13,600 rpms to handle any applicationSafe Blade Change – Accessible drum belt allows the user to place the blade drum at the desired position without having to touch itFast and Easy Blade Changes – Fast blade changes can occur without adjustment, thanks to a dual blade changing system.Higher Planning Depth – Fulfilling different user applications needs by providing a 3/32 In. Max planning depthBlade Storage Slot – Blade replacement offered as 1 extra blade is already included in the kitPROFACTOR™ 18V ¾” Square Impact Wrench (GDS18V-1180CN) & PROFACTOR 18V ¾” Square Impact Wrench with (2) 8.0Ah Battery Kit (GDS18V-1180CB28)¾” Anvil with Friction Ring and Through Hole – Enables tool-less socket installation with secure socket retentionHigh-Torque Wrench – Delivers up to 1180 Ft.-Lbs. of fastening torque and 1620 Ft.-Lbs. max breakaway
torqueControlled Driving Power – Features 3 speed settings (0-800/1,300 /1,750 rpm) to manage and prevent overdrivingThree Speed/Torque Settings – Provides greater control over power output (0-800 / 1,300 / 1,750 rpm)Auto Stop – Shuts the tool off when screw head is flush with the workpiece to help prevent overdriving, making repetitive driving easier and more consistentPROFACTOR™ 18V Brushless Blower (GBL18V-450N)Variable Speed – Finger touch dial speed control to maximize operating time and amplify powerBetter Control – Soft-start feature for greater tool control as the tool starts upEnhanced Performance – Features top air speed at 123 MPH and air volume of 459 CFMGas-like Performance – BITURBO brushless motor delivers power and speed comparable to gas blowerLow Noise – Making sounds at 64 dB, the tools is quieter than dishwashers/vacuums Dust Removal Solution Bluetooth® Dust Control Auto-Start System (GCA30-42K) & Bluetooth® Dust Control Auto-Start Remote (GCA30-42)Open System Compatibility – System can be utilized with Bosch or competitor 18V tools and corded dust extractorsRemote Control Button – Allows the transmitter to manually start or stop the dust extractorP54 Protection – Offers dust and water protection in a tough jobsite environmentLED Status Indicator – Visibly identifies the connection strength between the receiver and the transmitter, even in low-light work environmentsVibration Detection Sensor – Detects when the 18V power tool is turned on or offFor more information on the new Bosch Power Tools products, visit our Press Room at pressroom.boschtools.com/or connect with Bosch Power Tools on Facebook and Instagram.Contact:Contact person/s for press inquiries:Kasia KedzierskaAnastasia Maragosphone: +1 224 234 4616     phone: +1 217 250 6076E-mail: [email protected]About BoschHaving established a presence in North America in 1906, today the Bosch Group employs 42,000 associates in more than 100 locations in the North American region (as of Dec. 31, 2023). Bosch generated consolidated sales of $16.5 billion in the U.S., Mexico and Canada in 2023. For more information visit www.bosch.us, www.bosch.mx and www.bosch.ca.The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of technology and services. It employs roughly 429,000 associates worldwide (as of December 31, 2023). The company generated sales of $99 billion in 2023. Its operations are divided into four business sectors: Mobility, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology. With its business activities, the company aims to use technology to help shape universal trends such as automation, electrification, digitalization, connectivity, and an orientation to sustainability. In this context, Bosch’s broad diversification across regions and industries strengthens its innovativeness and robustness. Bosch uses its proven expertise in sensor technology, software, and services to offer customers cross-domain solutions from a single source. It also applies its expertise in connectivity and artificial intelligence in order to develop and manufacture user-friendly, sustainable products. With technology that is “Invented for life,” Bosch wants to help improve quality of life and conserve natural resources. The Bosch Group comprises Robert Bosch GmbH and its roughly 470 subsidiary and regional companies in over 60 countries. Including sales and service partners, Bosch’s global manufacturing, engineering, and sales network covers nearly every country in the world. Bosch’s innovative strength is key to the company’s further development. At 136 locations across the globe, Bosch employs some 90,000 associates in research and development, of which nearly 48,000 are software engineers.Exchange rate: 1 EUR = 1.0818SOURCE Bosch Power ToolsBosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen #Bosch #Power #Tools #Expands #Line #18V #Cordless #Offerings #Provide #Product #Solutions #HardWorking #TradesmenSource Link: https://www.
prnewswire.com/news-releases/bosch-power-tools-expands-its-line-of-18v-cordless-offerings-to-provide-new-product-solutions-for-hard-working-tradesmen-302160972.htmlBosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen:The brand’s latest product drop broadens its tool offerings for tough cutting, drilling and debris …
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groupinternetnews · 9 days
Bosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen https://www.merchant-business.com/bosch-power-tools-expands-its-line-of-18v-cordless-offerings-to-provide-new-product-solutions-for-hard-working-tradesmen/?feed_id=1222&_unique_id=6662cf9f5b096 Bosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen The brand’s latest product drop broadens its tool offerings for tough cutting, drilling and debris removing applications18V Brushless 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw: High-Performance with 5-inch Cutting Capacity18V Brushless Planer: Fast Blade Changing TechnologyPROFACTOR™ 18V Connected-Ready ¾ In. Impact Wrench with Friction Ring and Thru-Hole: Three Speed/Torque Settings for Greater Power InputMT. PROSPECT, Ill., June 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Bosch Power Tools introduced a new variety of products including an 18V deep cut band saw, planer, impact wrench and blower, continuing to expand its cordless portfolio to support a variety of applications that trade workers execute on the jobsite everyday. With features like brushless motors, tool-less accessory changes and ergonomic tool designs, this new lineup of products includes built-in innovations to provide a powerful cordless experience and precision when used by workers. Bosch’s expanded lineup of 18V cordless tool offerings are ready to support hardworking tradesmen as they execute tough cutting, drilling and debris removing applications on the jobsite.“After launching several new cordless solutions at World of Concrete earlier this year, we are bringing even more new tools to market in 2024 to help make hard workers’ efforts on the jobsite simpler and seamless, such as the new 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw. This new cutting solution is built to execute clean cuts through larger materials with ease and offer tool-free blade change technology, to help workers on our 18V platform transition from task to task quickly. Also, the PROFACTOR™ 18V 3/4in. High Torque Impact Wrench features 1,620 Ft.-Lbs. of breakaway torque and 1,180 Ft.-Lbs. of controlled max fastening torque, making this tool a bolt-busting powerhouse with three-speed settings to quickly release and fasten bolts, nut, and anchors in heavy equipment applications, giving the worker more precise control, even when tackling demanding tasks,” said Steve Shepherd, Vice President, Portfolio Management & Business Strategy for Bosch Power Tools North America.Cordless Solutions18V 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw (GCB18V-5N) & 18V 5 In. Deep Cut Bandsaw with (2) 6.0Ah Battery Kit (GCB18V-5B26)5 In. Cutting Capacity – Cuts cleanly through larger materials with easeBrushless Motor – Delivers efficient performance while maximizing battery runtimeBlade Guard – Allows for tool-free blade changes and enhanced user protection while cuttingAdjustable Material Guide – Tailors the position of the cutting area for close, accurate cutsErgonomic Design – Allows for optimal two-handed operation for greater balance and control18V Brushless Planer (GHO18V-26N)Brushless Motor – Powerful motor delivers 13,600 rpms to handle any applicationSafe Blade Change – Accessible drum belt allows the user to place the blade drum at the desired position without having to touch itFast and Easy Blade Changes – Fast blade changes can occur without adjustment, thanks to a dual blade changing system.Higher Planning Depth – Fulfilling different user applications needs by providing a 3/32 In. Max planning depthBlade Storage Slot – Blade replacement offered as 1 extra blade is already included in the kitPROFACTOR™ 18V ¾” Square Impact Wrench (GDS18V-1180CN) & PROFACTOR 18V ¾” Square Impact Wrench with (2) 8.0Ah Battery Kit (GDS18V-1180CB28)¾” Anvil with Friction Ring and Through Hole – Enables tool-less socket installation with secure socket retentionHigh-Torque Wrench – Delivers up to 1180 Ft.-Lbs. of fastening torque and 1620 Ft.-Lbs. max breakaway
torqueControlled Driving Power – Features 3 speed settings (0-800/1,300 /1,750 rpm) to manage and prevent overdrivingThree Speed/Torque Settings – Provides greater control over power output (0-800 / 1,300 / 1,750 rpm)Auto Stop – Shuts the tool off when screw head is flush with the workpiece to help prevent overdriving, making repetitive driving easier and more consistentPROFACTOR™ 18V Brushless Blower (GBL18V-450N)Variable Speed – Finger touch dial speed control to maximize operating time and amplify powerBetter Control – Soft-start feature for greater tool control as the tool starts upEnhanced Performance – Features top air speed at 123 MPH and air volume of 459 CFMGas-like Performance – BITURBO brushless motor delivers power and speed comparable to gas blowerLow Noise – Making sounds at 64 dB, the tools is quieter than dishwashers/vacuums Dust Removal Solution Bluetooth® Dust Control Auto-Start System (GCA30-42K) & Bluetooth® Dust Control Auto-Start Remote (GCA30-42)Open System Compatibility – System can be utilized with Bosch or competitor 18V tools and corded dust extractorsRemote Control Button – Allows the transmitter to manually start or stop the dust extractorP54 Protection – Offers dust and water protection in a tough jobsite environmentLED Status Indicator – Visibly identifies the connection strength between the receiver and the transmitter, even in low-light work environmentsVibration Detection Sensor – Detects when the 18V power tool is turned on or offFor more information on the new Bosch Power Tools products, visit our Press Room at pressroom.boschtools.com/or connect with Bosch Power Tools on Facebook and Instagram.Contact:Contact person/s for press inquiries:Kasia KedzierskaAnastasia Maragosphone: +1 224 234 4616     phone: +1 217 250 6076E-mail: [email protected]About BoschHaving established a presence in North America in 1906, today the Bosch Group employs 42,000 associates in more than 100 locations in the North American region (as of Dec. 31, 2023). Bosch generated consolidated sales of $16.5 billion in the U.S., Mexico and Canada in 2023. For more information visit www.bosch.us, www.bosch.mx and www.bosch.ca.The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of technology and services. It employs roughly 429,000 associates worldwide (as of December 31, 2023). The company generated sales of $99 billion in 2023. Its operations are divided into four business sectors: Mobility, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology. With its business activities, the company aims to use technology to help shape universal trends such as automation, electrification, digitalization, connectivity, and an orientation to sustainability. In this context, Bosch’s broad diversification across regions and industries strengthens its innovativeness and robustness. Bosch uses its proven expertise in sensor technology, software, and services to offer customers cross-domain solutions from a single source. It also applies its expertise in connectivity and artificial intelligence in order to develop and manufacture user-friendly, sustainable products. With technology that is “Invented for life,” Bosch wants to help improve quality of life and conserve natural resources. The Bosch Group comprises Robert Bosch GmbH and its roughly 470 subsidiary and regional companies in over 60 countries. Including sales and service partners, Bosch’s global manufacturing, engineering, and sales network covers nearly every country in the world. Bosch’s innovative strength is key to the company’s further development. At 136 locations across the globe, Bosch employs some 90,000 associates in research and development, of which nearly 48,000 are software engineers.Exchange rate: 1 EUR = 1.0818SOURCE Bosch Power ToolsBosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen #Bosch #Power #Tools #Expands #Line #18V #Cordless #Offerings #Provide #Product #Solutions #HardWorking #TradesmenSource Link: https://www.
prnewswire.com/news-releases/bosch-power-tools-expands-its-line-of-18v-cordless-offerings-to-provide-new-product-solutions-for-hard-working-tradesmen-302160972.htmlBosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen:The brand’s latest product drop broadens its tool offerings for tough cutting, drilling and debris … Global
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brightonlinenews · 9 days
Bosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen - #Global https://www.merchant-business.com/bosch-power-tools-expands-its-line-of-18v-cordless-offerings-to-provide-new-product-solutions-for-hard-working-tradesmen/?feed_id=1221&_unique_id=6662cf9eba0ac Bosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen The brand’s latest product drop broadens its tool offerings for tough cutting, drilling and debris removing applications18V Brushless 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw: High-Performance with 5-inch Cutting Capacity18V Brushless Planer: Fast Blade Changing TechnologyPROFACTOR™ 18V Connected-Ready ¾ In. Impact Wrench with Friction Ring and Thru-Hole: Three Speed/Torque Settings for Greater Power InputMT. PROSPECT, Ill., June 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Bosch Power Tools introduced a new variety of products including an 18V deep cut band saw, planer, impact wrench and blower, continuing to expand its cordless portfolio to support a variety of applications that trade workers execute on the jobsite everyday. With features like brushless motors, tool-less accessory changes and ergonomic tool designs, this new lineup of products includes built-in innovations to provide a powerful cordless experience and precision when used by workers. Bosch’s expanded lineup of 18V cordless tool offerings are ready to support hardworking tradesmen as they execute tough cutting, drilling and debris removing applications on the jobsite.“After launching several new cordless solutions at World of Concrete earlier this year, we are bringing even more new tools to market in 2024 to help make hard workers’ efforts on the jobsite simpler and seamless, such as the new 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw. This new cutting solution is built to execute clean cuts through larger materials with ease and offer tool-free blade change technology, to help workers on our 18V platform transition from task to task quickly. Also, the PROFACTOR™ 18V 3/4in. High Torque Impact Wrench features 1,620 Ft.-Lbs. of breakaway torque and 1,180 Ft.-Lbs. of controlled max fastening torque, making this tool a bolt-busting powerhouse with three-speed settings to quickly release and fasten bolts, nut, and anchors in heavy equipment applications, giving the worker more precise control, even when tackling demanding tasks,” said Steve Shepherd, Vice President, Portfolio Management & Business Strategy for Bosch Power Tools North America.Cordless Solutions18V 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw (GCB18V-5N) & 18V 5 In. Deep Cut Bandsaw with (2) 6.0Ah Battery Kit (GCB18V-5B26)5 In. Cutting Capacity – Cuts cleanly through larger materials with easeBrushless Motor – Delivers efficient performance while maximizing battery runtimeBlade Guard – Allows for tool-free blade changes and enhanced user protection while cuttingAdjustable Material Guide – Tailors the position of the cutting area for close, accurate cutsErgonomic Design – Allows for optimal two-handed operation for greater balance and control18V Brushless Planer (GHO18V-26N)Brushless Motor – Powerful motor delivers 13,600 rpms to handle any applicationSafe Blade Change – Accessible drum belt allows the user to place the blade drum at the desired position without having to touch itFast and Easy Blade Changes – Fast blade changes can occur without adjustment, thanks to a dual blade changing system.Higher Planning Depth – Fulfilling different user applications needs by providing a 3/32 In. Max planning depthBlade Storage Slot – Blade replacement offered as 1 extra blade is already included in the kitPROFACTOR™ 18V ¾” Square Impact Wrench (GDS18V-1180CN) & PROFACTOR 18V ¾” Square Impact Wrench with (2) 8.0Ah Battery Kit (GDS18V-1180CB28)¾” Anvil with Friction Ring and Through Hole – Enables tool-less socket installation with secure socket retentionHigh-Torque Wrench – Delivers up to 1180 Ft.-Lbs. of fastening torque and 1620 Ft.-Lbs.
max breakaway torqueControlled Driving Power – Features 3 speed settings (0-800/1,300 /1,750 rpm) to manage and prevent overdrivingThree Speed/Torque Settings – Provides greater control over power output (0-800 / 1,300 / 1,750 rpm)Auto Stop – Shuts the tool off when screw head is flush with the workpiece to help prevent overdriving, making repetitive driving easier and more consistentPROFACTOR™ 18V Brushless Blower (GBL18V-450N)Variable Speed – Finger touch dial speed control to maximize operating time and amplify powerBetter Control – Soft-start feature for greater tool control as the tool starts upEnhanced Performance – Features top air speed at 123 MPH and air volume of 459 CFMGas-like Performance – BITURBO brushless motor delivers power and speed comparable to gas blowerLow Noise – Making sounds at 64 dB, the tools is quieter than dishwashers/vacuums Dust Removal Solution Bluetooth® Dust Control Auto-Start System (GCA30-42K) & Bluetooth® Dust Control Auto-Start Remote (GCA30-42)Open System Compatibility – System can be utilized with Bosch or competitor 18V tools and corded dust extractorsRemote Control Button – Allows the transmitter to manually start or stop the dust extractorP54 Protection – Offers dust and water protection in a tough jobsite environmentLED Status Indicator – Visibly identifies the connection strength between the receiver and the transmitter, even in low-light work environmentsVibration Detection Sensor – Detects when the 18V power tool is turned on or offFor more information on the new Bosch Power Tools products, visit our Press Room at pressroom.boschtools.com/or connect with Bosch Power Tools on Facebook and Instagram.Contact:Contact person/s for press inquiries:Kasia KedzierskaAnastasia Maragosphone: +1 224 234 4616     phone: +1 217 250 6076E-mail: [email protected]About BoschHaving established a presence in North America in 1906, today the Bosch Group employs 42,000 associates in more than 100 locations in the North American region (as of Dec. 31, 2023). Bosch generated consolidated sales of $16.5 billion in the U.S., Mexico and Canada in 2023. For more information visit www.bosch.us, www.bosch.mx and www.bosch.ca.The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of technology and services. It employs roughly 429,000 associates worldwide (as of December 31, 2023). The company generated sales of $99 billion in 2023. Its operations are divided into four business sectors: Mobility, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology. With its business activities, the company aims to use technology to help shape universal trends such as automation, electrification, digitalization, connectivity, and an orientation to sustainability. In this context, Bosch’s broad diversification across regions and industries strengthens its innovativeness and robustness. Bosch uses its proven expertise in sensor technology, software, and services to offer customers cross-domain solutions from a single source. It also applies its expertise in connectivity and artificial intelligence in order to develop and manufacture user-friendly, sustainable products. With technology that is “Invented for life,” Bosch wants to help improve quality of life and conserve natural resources. The Bosch Group comprises Robert Bosch GmbH and its roughly 470 subsidiary and regional companies in over 60 countries. Including sales and service partners, Bosch’s global manufacturing, engineering, and sales network covers nearly every country in the world. Bosch’s innovative strength is key to the company’s further development. At 136 locations across the globe, Bosch employs some 90,000 associates in research and development, of which nearly 48,000 are software engineers.Exchange rate: 1 EUR = 1.0818SOURCE Bosch Power ToolsBosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen #Bosch #Power #Tools #Expands #Line #18V #Cordless #Offerings #Provide #Product #Solutions #HardWorking #TradesmenSource Link: https://www.
prnewswire.com/news-releases/bosch-power-tools-expands-its-line-of-18v-cordless-offerings-to-provide-new-product-solutions-for-hard-working-tradesmen-302160972.htmlBosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen:The brand’s latest product drop broadens its tool offerings for tough cutting, drilling and debris … Global Bosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen The brand’s latest product drop broadens its tool offerings for tough cutting, drilling and debris removing applications 18V Brushless 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw: High-Performance with 5-inch Cutting Capacity 18V Brushless Planer: Fast Blade Changing Technology PROFACTOR™ 18V … Read More
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Bosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen - #Global https://www.merchant-business.com/bosch-power-tools-expands-its-line-of-18v-cordless-offerings-to-provide-new-product-solutions-for-hard-working-tradesmen/?feed_id=1220&_unique_id=6662cf9e30001 Bosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen The brand’s latest product drop broadens its tool offerings for tough cutting, drilling and debris removing applications18V Brushless 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw: High-Performance with 5-inch Cutting Capacity18V Brushless Planer: Fast Blade Changing TechnologyPROFACTOR™ 18V Connected-Ready ¾ In. Impact Wrench with Friction Ring and Thru-Hole: Three Speed/Torque Settings for Greater Power InputMT. PROSPECT, Ill., June 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Bosch Power Tools introduced a new variety of products including an 18V deep cut band saw, planer, impact wrench and blower, continuing to expand its cordless portfolio to support a variety of applications that trade workers execute on the jobsite everyday. With features like brushless motors, tool-less accessory changes and ergonomic tool designs, this new lineup of products includes built-in innovations to provide a powerful cordless experience and precision when used by workers. Bosch’s expanded lineup of 18V cordless tool offerings are ready to support hardworking tradesmen as they execute tough cutting, drilling and debris removing applications on the jobsite.“After launching several new cordless solutions at World of Concrete earlier this year, we are bringing even more new tools to market in 2024 to help make hard workers’ efforts on the jobsite simpler and seamless, such as the new 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw. This new cutting solution is built to execute clean cuts through larger materials with ease and offer tool-free blade change technology, to help workers on our 18V platform transition from task to task quickly. Also, the PROFACTOR™ 18V 3/4in. High Torque Impact Wrench features 1,620 Ft.-Lbs. of breakaway torque and 1,180 Ft.-Lbs. of controlled max fastening torque, making this tool a bolt-busting powerhouse with three-speed settings to quickly release and fasten bolts, nut, and anchors in heavy equipment applications, giving the worker more precise control, even when tackling demanding tasks,” said Steve Shepherd, Vice President, Portfolio Management & Business Strategy for Bosch Power Tools North America.Cordless Solutions18V 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw (GCB18V-5N) & 18V 5 In. Deep Cut Bandsaw with (2) 6.0Ah Battery Kit (GCB18V-5B26)5 In. Cutting Capacity – Cuts cleanly through larger materials with easeBrushless Motor – Delivers efficient performance while maximizing battery runtimeBlade Guard – Allows for tool-free blade changes and enhanced user protection while cuttingAdjustable Material Guide – Tailors the position of the cutting area for close, accurate cutsErgonomic Design – Allows for optimal two-handed operation for greater balance and control18V Brushless Planer (GHO18V-26N)Brushless Motor – Powerful motor delivers 13,600 rpms to handle any applicationSafe Blade Change – Accessible drum belt allows the user to place the blade drum at the desired position without having to touch itFast and Easy Blade Changes – Fast blade changes can occur without adjustment, thanks to a dual blade changing system.Higher Planning Depth – Fulfilling different user applications needs by providing a 3/32 In. Max planning depthBlade Storage Slot – Blade replacement offered as 1 extra blade is already included in the kitPROFACTOR™ 18V ¾” Square Impact Wrench (GDS18V-1180CN) & PROFACTOR 18V ¾” Square Impact Wrench with (2) 8.0Ah Battery Kit (GDS18V-1180CB28)¾” Anvil with Friction Ring and Through Hole – Enables tool-less socket installation with secure socket retentionHigh-Torque Wrench – Delivers up to 1180 Ft.-Lbs. of fastening torque and 1620 Ft.-Lbs.
max breakaway torqueControlled Driving Power – Features 3 speed settings (0-800/1,300 /1,750 rpm) to manage and prevent overdrivingThree Speed/Torque Settings – Provides greater control over power output (0-800 / 1,300 / 1,750 rpm)Auto Stop – Shuts the tool off when screw head is flush with the workpiece to help prevent overdriving, making repetitive driving easier and more consistentPROFACTOR™ 18V Brushless Blower (GBL18V-450N)Variable Speed – Finger touch dial speed control to maximize operating time and amplify powerBetter Control – Soft-start feature for greater tool control as the tool starts upEnhanced Performance – Features top air speed at 123 MPH and air volume of 459 CFMGas-like Performance – BITURBO brushless motor delivers power and speed comparable to gas blowerLow Noise – Making sounds at 64 dB, the tools is quieter than dishwashers/vacuums Dust Removal Solution Bluetooth® Dust Control Auto-Start System (GCA30-42K) & Bluetooth® Dust Control Auto-Start Remote (GCA30-42)Open System Compatibility – System can be utilized with Bosch or competitor 18V tools and corded dust extractorsRemote Control Button – Allows the transmitter to manually start or stop the dust extractorP54 Protection – Offers dust and water protection in a tough jobsite environmentLED Status Indicator – Visibly identifies the connection strength between the receiver and the transmitter, even in low-light work environmentsVibration Detection Sensor – Detects when the 18V power tool is turned on or offFor more information on the new Bosch Power Tools products, visit our Press Room at pressroom.boschtools.com/or connect with Bosch Power Tools on Facebook and Instagram.Contact:Contact person/s for press inquiries:Kasia KedzierskaAnastasia Maragosphone: +1 224 234 4616     phone: +1 217 250 6076E-mail: [email protected]About BoschHaving established a presence in North America in 1906, today the Bosch Group employs 42,000 associates in more than 100 locations in the North American region (as of Dec. 31, 2023). Bosch generated consolidated sales of $16.5 billion in the U.S., Mexico and Canada in 2023. For more information visit www.bosch.us, www.bosch.mx and www.bosch.ca.The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of technology and services. It employs roughly 429,000 associates worldwide (as of December 31, 2023). The company generated sales of $99 billion in 2023. Its operations are divided into four business sectors: Mobility, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology. With its business activities, the company aims to use technology to help shape universal trends such as automation, electrification, digitalization, connectivity, and an orientation to sustainability. In this context, Bosch’s broad diversification across regions and industries strengthens its innovativeness and robustness. Bosch uses its proven expertise in sensor technology, software, and services to offer customers cross-domain solutions from a single source. It also applies its expertise in connectivity and artificial intelligence in order to develop and manufacture user-friendly, sustainable products. With technology that is “Invented for life,” Bosch wants to help improve quality of life and conserve natural resources. The Bosch Group comprises Robert Bosch GmbH and its roughly 470 subsidiary and regional companies in over 60 countries. Including sales and service partners, Bosch’s global manufacturing, engineering, and sales network covers nearly every country in the world. Bosch’s innovative strength is key to the company’s further development. At 136 locations across the globe, Bosch employs some 90,000 associates in research and development, of which nearly 48,000 are software engineers.Exchange rate: 1 EUR = 1.0818SOURCE Bosch Power ToolsBosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen #Bosch #Power #Tools #Expands #Line #18V #Cordless #Offerings #Provide #Product #Solutions #HardWorking #TradesmenSource Link: https://www.
prnewswire.com/news-releases/bosch-power-tools-expands-its-line-of-18v-cordless-offerings-to-provide-new-product-solutions-for-hard-working-tradesmen-302160972.htmlBosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen:The brand’s latest product drop broadens its tool offerings for tough cutting, drilling and debris … Global BLOGGER - #Global
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pettersimons · 9 days
Bosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen https://www.merchant-business.com/bosch-power-tools-expands-its-line-of-18v-cordless-offerings-to-provide-new-product-solutions-for-hard-working-tradesmen/?feed_id=1219&_unique_id=6662cf9d8dc57 Bosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen The brand’s latest product drop broadens its tool offerings for tough cutting, drilling and debris removing applications18V Brushless 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw: High-Performance with 5-inch Cutting Capacity18V Brushless Planer: Fast Blade Changing TechnologyPROFACTOR™ 18V Connected-Ready ¾ In. Impact Wrench with Friction Ring and Thru-Hole: Three Speed/Torque Settings for Greater Power InputMT. PROSPECT, Ill., June 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Bosch Power Tools introduced a new variety of products including an 18V deep cut band saw, planer, impact wrench and blower, continuing to expand its cordless portfolio to support a variety of applications that trade workers execute on the jobsite everyday. With features like brushless motors, tool-less accessory changes and ergonomic tool designs, this new lineup of products includes built-in innovations to provide a powerful cordless experience and precision when used by workers. Bosch’s expanded lineup of 18V cordless tool offerings are ready to support hardworking tradesmen as they execute tough cutting, drilling and debris removing applications on the jobsite.“After launching several new cordless solutions at World of Concrete earlier this year, we are bringing even more new tools to market in 2024 to help make hard workers’ efforts on the jobsite simpler and seamless, such as the new 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw. This new cutting solution is built to execute clean cuts through larger materials with ease and offer tool-free blade change technology, to help workers on our 18V platform transition from task to task quickly. Also, the PROFACTOR™ 18V 3/4in. High Torque Impact Wrench features 1,620 Ft.-Lbs. of breakaway torque and 1,180 Ft.-Lbs. of controlled max fastening torque, making this tool a bolt-busting powerhouse with three-speed settings to quickly release and fasten bolts, nut, and anchors in heavy equipment applications, giving the worker more precise control, even when tackling demanding tasks,” said Steve Shepherd, Vice President, Portfolio Management & Business Strategy for Bosch Power Tools North America.Cordless Solutions18V 5 In. Deep Cut Band Saw (GCB18V-5N) & 18V 5 In. Deep Cut Bandsaw with (2) 6.0Ah Battery Kit (GCB18V-5B26)5 In. Cutting Capacity – Cuts cleanly through larger materials with easeBrushless Motor – Delivers efficient performance while maximizing battery runtimeBlade Guard – Allows for tool-free blade changes and enhanced user protection while cuttingAdjustable Material Guide – Tailors the position of the cutting area for close, accurate cutsErgonomic Design – Allows for optimal two-handed operation for greater balance and control18V Brushless Planer (GHO18V-26N)Brushless Motor – Powerful motor delivers 13,600 rpms to handle any applicationSafe Blade Change – Accessible drum belt allows the user to place the blade drum at the desired position without having to touch itFast and Easy Blade Changes – Fast blade changes can occur without adjustment, thanks to a dual blade changing system.Higher Planning Depth – Fulfilling different user applications needs by providing a 3/32 In. Max planning depthBlade Storage Slot – Blade replacement offered as 1 extra blade is already included in the kitPROFACTOR™ 18V ¾” Square Impact Wrench (GDS18V-1180CN) & PROFACTOR 18V ¾” Square Impact Wrench with (2) 8.0Ah Battery Kit (GDS18V-1180CB28)¾” Anvil with Friction Ring and Through Hole – Enables tool-less socket installation with secure socket retentionHigh-Torque Wrench – Delivers up to 1180 Ft.-Lbs. of fastening torque and 1620 Ft.-Lbs. max breakaway
torqueControlled Driving Power – Features 3 speed settings (0-800/1,300 /1,750 rpm) to manage and prevent overdrivingThree Speed/Torque Settings – Provides greater control over power output (0-800 / 1,300 / 1,750 rpm)Auto Stop – Shuts the tool off when screw head is flush with the workpiece to help prevent overdriving, making repetitive driving easier and more consistentPROFACTOR™ 18V Brushless Blower (GBL18V-450N)Variable Speed – Finger touch dial speed control to maximize operating time and amplify powerBetter Control – Soft-start feature for greater tool control as the tool starts upEnhanced Performance – Features top air speed at 123 MPH and air volume of 459 CFMGas-like Performance – BITURBO brushless motor delivers power and speed comparable to gas blowerLow Noise – Making sounds at 64 dB, the tools is quieter than dishwashers/vacuums Dust Removal Solution Bluetooth® Dust Control Auto-Start System (GCA30-42K) & Bluetooth® Dust Control Auto-Start Remote (GCA30-42)Open System Compatibility – System can be utilized with Bosch or competitor 18V tools and corded dust extractorsRemote Control Button – Allows the transmitter to manually start or stop the dust extractorP54 Protection – Offers dust and water protection in a tough jobsite environmentLED Status Indicator – Visibly identifies the connection strength between the receiver and the transmitter, even in low-light work environmentsVibration Detection Sensor – Detects when the 18V power tool is turned on or offFor more information on the new Bosch Power Tools products, visit our Press Room at pressroom.boschtools.com/or connect with Bosch Power Tools on Facebook and Instagram.Contact:Contact person/s for press inquiries:Kasia KedzierskaAnastasia Maragosphone: +1 224 234 4616     phone: +1 217 250 6076E-mail: [email protected]About BoschHaving established a presence in North America in 1906, today the Bosch Group employs 42,000 associates in more than 100 locations in the North American region (as of Dec. 31, 2023). Bosch generated consolidated sales of $16.5 billion in the U.S., Mexico and Canada in 2023. For more information visit www.bosch.us, www.bosch.mx and www.bosch.ca.The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of technology and services. It employs roughly 429,000 associates worldwide (as of December 31, 2023). The company generated sales of $99 billion in 2023. Its operations are divided into four business sectors: Mobility, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology. With its business activities, the company aims to use technology to help shape universal trends such as automation, electrification, digitalization, connectivity, and an orientation to sustainability. In this context, Bosch’s broad diversification across regions and industries strengthens its innovativeness and robustness. Bosch uses its proven expertise in sensor technology, software, and services to offer customers cross-domain solutions from a single source. It also applies its expertise in connectivity and artificial intelligence in order to develop and manufacture user-friendly, sustainable products. With technology that is “Invented for life,” Bosch wants to help improve quality of life and conserve natural resources. The Bosch Group comprises Robert Bosch GmbH and its roughly 470 subsidiary and regional companies in over 60 countries. Including sales and service partners, Bosch’s global manufacturing, engineering, and sales network covers nearly every country in the world. Bosch’s innovative strength is key to the company’s further development. At 136 locations across the globe, Bosch employs some 90,000 associates in research and development, of which nearly 48,000 are software engineers.Exchange rate: 1 EUR = 1.0818SOURCE Bosch Power ToolsBosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen #Bosch #Power #Tools #Expands #Line #18V #Cordless #Offerings #Provide #Product #Solutions #HardWorking #TradesmenSource Link: https://www.
prnewswire.com/news-releases/bosch-power-tools-expands-its-line-of-18v-cordless-offerings-to-provide-new-product-solutions-for-hard-working-tradesmen-302160972.htmlBosch Power Tools Expands its Line of 18V Cordless Offerings to Provide New Product Solutions for Hard-Working Tradesmen:The brand’s latest product drop broadens its tool offerings for tough cutting, drilling and debris …
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lodibricks · 4 months
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