#also happy Buddy Daddies Friday!
zsbrainrot · 9 months
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It was Miri’s idea to start sending out Christmas cards this year 🥰
Happy Holidays Everyone!
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dizzybizz · 2 years
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ok, look... i blame @dirtd0g for bringing up their asses with the dumpy tournament last week.....
literally all i could think was this:
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reikurusu · 2 months
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Buddy Daddies + Text Posts [Part 20/ ??]
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kaiiscottage · 1 year
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꒰when the adopted daughter raised by queer parents grows old <3꒱ྀི
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flyingmintbunny0 · 1 year
Ok I'm liveblogging this whole ep in this post for my own amusement/detriment
I am not ready hhhhhh
They're back in their apartment and its snowing awww :,)
Breakfast duo!!! They are precious
Rei's in his work suit, somethings gonna go down as soon as Miri is at daycare isn't it
Also Miri mentioning her mom 😭 this so sad, they're gonna run out of excuses eventually. This lil girl is gonna need so much therapy
the pinky promise 🥺 Reis face pfbfbfbf
(also I dislike only Rei gave the pinky promise, something better not happen to Kazuki, if I get Banana fish'ed I'm gonna cry and die hhhhh)
Kazuki: "They're genetically inclined to be bad with words, after all." PDHDBDBFHF THATS TOO FUNNY TO BE A REFERENCE TO REIS DAD PLEASE
Omg we were right they are going to go after the organization, i didn't think that would come true omg
HEY YOU CANT CUT AWAY LIKE THAT Kazuki is in danger hhhhhhh
Miri is babey tho i love her
Ogino is a horror game/movie villain oh my god he's scary, pls die
holy shit
that fight was visceral what the fuck
Ogino mentioned Kazuki's wife, Kazuki's bluff, Rei's hair came undone (the symbolism aaaa), the sound direction for Ogino's death is so uncomfy like damn and then they eXPLODE HIM HELL YEAH
Also they're partners im gonna cry 😭😭😭
pinky promise is back 😭🥺😭
Rei's recap im done im ded ;v;
This is insane, it makes sense to keep the boss alive so the others from the org dont go after them for revenge but omg
Glad Rei told off his dad completely tho haHA get fucked!!
Miss Anna deserves the world <3
they made it ;v; and the santa outfits ;v; hwhwhhhh
its so cutee aaaaaaa ;v;
Theyyydre 😭 aa fammilyyyyyy hhhhhhwhbdhdjdhdb 😭😭😭😭
This was the best possible series finale i am never going to recover, my heart has melted onto the floor, im deceased
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heyimc · 2 months
All the memories stay
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A.N.: So, this is actually my first time writing something like this, hope you like it and enjoy it. Also, everything will be narrated from Vada's point of view. Warnings: Angst, not a happy ending, possible grammar mistakes (English isn't my first language).
Inspired by the song "Everything Stays" from Adventure Time.
Vada's POV
It’s crazy how someone can change your life with just one smile…one smile, that’s all it takes to make someone feel safe, for me that person was Y/N.
¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ It was the first day of classes, during break time in the cafeteria. - Hi! Can I sit here? - She approached me with a vibrant and charming way of being, I was confused about it, no one really paid me that much mind or ever asked me that, my only friend has ever been my buddy Nick, who sadly couldn’t be here at the moment cause he was with on a vacations trip with his family for another two days.
- Ah…sure? - I was shocked by it, probably my face showed even more than my actual voice cause she just laughed and sat at the table, right in front of me. That gave me a chance to look at her more directly, but before I could even form an idea about the type of girl she might be, she spoke again.
- My name is Y/N, I’m new so I’ve just been trying to check out the place and find someone interesting to talk to, I also like your shirt. - 
- I’m Vada - I said, and she smiled.
That was the first time she talked to me, and suddenly a conversation started, she was nice…made me laugh, and intrigued me at the same time, but soon things started going in another direction.
- Okay, so here is the question, would you rather be with someone who looks like your friend’s mom or someone that has the same age as her? - It was a Friday, a casual day after classes letting the weekend soon start and take us away for rest after a long week of exams. Y/N, Nick, and I were just at the beach with some slushies from 7/11 and doing dumb stuff as we normally did.
- Why do all your questions always have to do with moms? Is this your way of telling me you like mine? - Nick joked around and Y/N laughed at it, those were the moments I truly loved, cause we were just being teenagers, having fun, and enjoying our time together.
- Who wouldn’t? - Said then Y/N and Nick hit her in the arm soon after finishing her sentence - Hey! Hey! I’m joking! - We all laughed and she then spoke again - Hmm, well…I think I will go for someone who is the same age as her. I mean, what if one day she sees my girlfriend and then finds out that it actually is her long-lost daughter who wanted to get closer to her so she used me instead? Plus, older women are way hot and mature. 
- Yeah, cause an adult woman would sure put her eyes on someone so immature and crazy as you - I said with sarcasm and she then smiled back at me.
- Hey! I think I am very charming and would totally be able to get with an older woman - She tried to defend herself.
- If you end up doing that, do you think you could find me a sugar daddy? Gotta take care of my hair and good looks.
We all soon started laughing at Nick’s remark and continued with our hangout at the beach. But after many hours in the sun and the breeze of the ocean waves hitting the sand, we left the place and went to our houses. I was going to spend the night at Y/N cause we planned to continue a Netflix series we started watching some days ago, so it was the perfect plan to stay up all night. With the time passing and the dark being a witness of it, something else happened, something changed between us two, I could feel it and I know that she did too on that day.
The days went like normal, but we weren’t the same anymore, our relationship changed, and we started growing closer and closer with each interaction, Nick noticed, my family noticed, Y/N did too, and one day…
- Pss, Vada… - She called me from behind, Y/N always sat behind me since the classes started and made sure to stay like that, and I wouldn’t have it any other way, I was falling for her, how could I not? Funny, smart, pretty…such an idiot but that’s what made her so intriguing, she was herself and didn’t try to hide it, she always made sure to show me how she was, how honest and real her presence and she was, she always knew how to make me smile and reassure me…she knew how. - I was wondering if you well, would like to go to our spot at the beach later? - The look on her face was weird, nervous it was, but I didn’t know at the time what it was.
- Sure, let me send Nick a text - I responded but the reaction she gave me said something else to me - Or…you don’t want me to? 
- I thought it could be just between us two? Want to tell you something important - And she smiled, like she always did, I wish things could have been different then.
- You can tell me now - I said, almost too quick to respond, to change things, make a move, and be brave for once, but she looked at me confused.
- Vada…you know how this is supposed to go, I’m not here anymore. You can’t change the story.
But I wanted to, I wanted to be able to stop it from happening, if I could have done something else if I didn´t receive that text if I could have just been there for her even though she told me to go, why did I leave her alone? Why, why, why, why, why…
- Vada, are you still with me? - I snapped and looked around me, I was with the psychologist.
- Yeah…I’m sorry, where was I? - My mind was blank and my emotions were like a river flowing by, I knew the answer but my mouth didn’t want to move again, I didn’t want to end the story.
- You were telling me about Y/N, and how her death affected you - She said and pushed me to keep going, I knew things wouldn’t get better if I didn’t do this, but it would also hurt if I did.
- That day…I was ready to confess to her, but the shooting took place and I was in the bathroom, I tried to go and look out for her but then Mia and Quinton were there too so we stayed, the last thing I remember was my hands covered in her blood, she tried to go look out for me and got shot in the end, I can’t stop thinking about it if she could have just waited and didn’t worry about me, or if I didn’t stay in the bathroom or chatted with Mia in a first place, maybe…just maybe, she could still be here, I could hear her voice, her laugh, see her smile and how we just had fun like how we were supposed to be doing during those days, maybe I would have even told her how much I loved her…that I still do…I still do…
My voice broke, I didn’t want the reminder of her to be erased by the actions of someone that was too far gone to take away so many lives…including her - I know…I know that I can’t change the past, but I just…I…I guess all that is left is just the reminders of her life, all the memories stay but she didn’t do the same.
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ripplestitchskein · 2 years
I love how I think Buddy Daddies is going to go a certain way and they just…don’t. Like this episode was so healing when I expected drama.
Also continue to love how relatable every single episode episode is as a parent and significant other. Like every single episode is “Yup, been there.” Or “I know that feel.” Like from both sides, both Rei and Kazuki embody so many aspects of parenting and family dynamics and shared experiences families go through so they are equally relatable in different ways.
The end of this episode made my heart so happy, just the soft look Kazuki had and seeing how worried Rei was. Just all the fluffy feelings every week. It makes Friday so much better.
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impromptu-sketches · 1 year
Buddy Daddies, final thoughts.
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I had such a fun time watching this show one episode at a time every Friday morning. I haven’t been this tuned in to an anime in a long time but I was so excited about this one from the beginning!
It’s so weird thinking back to everyone saying “it’s like Spy x Family with two guys” because that became inaccurate so fast haha we really thought it was going to be a light-hearted comedy... they really got us.
I loved the Wednesday previews, the music (especially the lofi remix!), the instagram posts, the notes, and whoever started the bingo, bless you! ♡
Overall Buddy Daddies was a rollercoaster (not ferris wheel thank goodness)! I really could not guess where it was going from episode to episode, it could have gone in a million different directions, but I am so happy that this is the story we got.
The way Miri burst into everyone’s hearts from episode one ♡ and for a four/five year old, was shown to be such a great kid who wants to be accepted, wants to make friends, who sticks up for others, and who tells people when they’re doing something wrong.
Rei starting out as a stereotypical quiet mysterious dark haired character but becoming SO MUCH MORE. Sure it took him a minute but he was the one who FOUGHT for their family the most - he became the GLUE. We all thought it was going to be Kazuki, but it was Rei. He said ‘I want to be a family’ and then they DID.
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Kazuki on the other hand, the overprotective mama hen, he created their family. He CHOSE Rei, chose to move in, chose to take care of him, to buy him a couch, cook for him, and stay with him. He took one look at Miri, smiled and chose to run after her - he didn’t have to do that during their mission. He chose to risk the mission to save her, to call himself her papa, to take her home. This means so much more knowing he’s an orphan who never had a family - he went and created one.
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About the queerness specifically ~
From what I saw -from the show- if I knew nothing about it and just hit play and watched all the way through...
Rei seemed ace/aro to me. He’s not shown to have any romantic or sexual relationships past, present, or time skip. This guy grew up with ZERO affection so it’s either he doesn’t know how, can’t, or isn’t interested. But there’s no attempt or interest, so aro/ace it is! Even with Kazuki, we see him accepting help, them clearly forming a bond to be living together for three+ years and be partners doing dangerous work together - that requires a lot of trust and we finally see that trust and teamwork in episode 12 - but it’s unspoken between them. They’re not affectionate with each other, not physically close, etc. (that we see anyway).
Kazuki definitely seems bi or pan. He’s obviously into women, but he also does this thing where he’s kind of flirty with guys in a joking way? (see images below) To me that’s nervous bisexual energy. That’s just the overall vibe I get from him too. Also that look he had on his face when he first saw Rei... suspicious.
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Would I have liked it if they showed each other more affection? Yes! Especially in the later episodes. If their relationship was canon? Hell yes! Because I like BL and I think it would’ve been cute and also made sense and added to their character development. 
There’s ~plenty~ of room to read into queerness in this show... I actually think it would be an even better story if they were in a relationship for a few reasons.
For Rei, finally being free to be his true self, being with someone for love and not for the family bloodline, to accept love and affection. And Kazuki, forgiving himself, letting himself be happy again, finding love again. I think that’s an amazing story for the both of them!
But they didn’t make it that way. This show isn’t (technically) a BL and that’s okay. They still both found happiness and family - and that’s what’s most important.
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Buddy Daddies was FUN and that could have been it but it was deeper than that, watching all of them grow and change together. The ending made me cry tears of joy and relief that they’re all happy and safe.
I have a few tiny things I didn’t like or would have changed, but they’re so minor looking back at the show as a whole.
I do wish they spread out the story, either with more episodes, longer episodes, or both. I wanted to see more small moments, more fluff, more day-to-day family activities, more Rei & Kazuki being friends and having regular conversations, and more assassin scenes with them working together like in the beginning of ep. 1 and in ep. 12. We mostly saw them mess up their work... I wanted to see more action!!
But the show did SO MUCH more than expected with this story. 
The ending episode was AMAZING!! We got to see them fight together for themselves and their family, we saw them being there for Miri, and the time skip!!!! I CRIED EVERY TIME I WATCHED THE TIME SKIP SCENE!!! Miri growing up to be a lovely happy healthy girl. Rei & Kazuki owning a diner at the beach. A simple life full of love and acceptance.
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From episode 1, did I think Buddy Daddies would make me cry? NO
Did I think I would post this much about this show? NO I wasn’t planning on posting about it at all!
But here we are crying and spending all day/night on tumblr sharing our thoughts, reading the thoughts of others. It’s been a blast!
*Update ~
I wrote all that ^ the weekend after ep. 12 came out and now it’s almost a month later.
I’m so happy to see everyone still posting about them ♡♡♡
Lily is still posting drawings - we’ve gotten so many great ones, official images from the DVDs are coming out, and I’ve seen so much fanart and fanfiction going around! Amazing!! Thank you to all of the creators out there!!
Shoutout to some fanarts on twitter I’m loving!
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@KMRbd5118 ^
@tamsekai​ | twitter
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crimeshowlover · 10 months
Looking for horror movie recommendations
As an avid horror movie fan I started running out of horror movies to watch and I really want some new ones to watch
NOTE: I am looking for a movie with a male killer preferably a slasher with a decent looking killer!
Seen and also like
Halloween (all movies but 3 and the remakes)
The boy (first movie only)
Scream (first 2 movies)
Friday the 13th (all movies expect first, fifth, ninth and x)
Freddy vs Jason
Nightmare on elm street (all movies but the remake)
House of wax (2005 version)
Black Christmas (original only)
The collector
The collection
Chucky Movies (all exepct remake)
American psycho
Hellraiser (all that start Doug Bradley)
Saw (all movies including the new one but excluding spiral)
Hannibal lector movie trilogy
The covenant 2006
Fresh 2020
Silent hill & sequel (unsure if I’ve seen the sequel)
Psycho (all movies but the remake)
Candyman (all movies but the newest one)
Phantom on the opera (1989 version)
The shining
Wolf creek
Wolf creek 2 (also seen and like the mini series)
My bloody Valentines 3D
No one lives
Slenderman movie
A cure for wellness
Split & glass
Bad Samaritan
The exorcist 3
The human centipede first sequence
The human centipede final sequence
The menu
The wicker man (original)
Five nights at Freddy’s movie (does this even count)
My soul to take
Buddy Hutchins
Magic 1978
The reaping
Spare parts 2020
Shiver 2012
Happy Death day 2U
The nightingale
Ravenous 1999
Daddy’s girl
The mummy 1959
The curse of Frankenstein
Cherry falls
Leprechaun (all movies but the ones without Warwick Davis)
I am Not a serial killer
Broken vows
Falling for you
Silent night deadly night (original)
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zsbrainrot · 6 months
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Happy Buddy Daddies Friday! Rei smiling will always be one of my favorite things to draw
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allthefujoshiunite · 1 year
Hello... can I ask a link to your review on anime, "Buddy Daddies"? Sorry I can not find them, or are you writing them in your twitter? I just finished the anime, and now I can say it's one of my top favorite anime ever....! Can I ask for your BL recs that have the same vibe as Kazuki/Rei, please?
Also from Sk8 between Reki/Langa and Joe/Cherry and Adam/ Tadashi, who are your favorite ship? And why? Whichever your answer is, can I also ask BL recs that have the same vibe as them?
Sorry if I ask too much, please feel free if you want to answer them or not....Thanks for sharing your recs and reviews, you are my best guide on BL manga/manhwa...... I knew you first time from your A to Z BL challenge and then I found your blog. I hope you know that founding your blog and tumblr means so much to me.... Please just answer (if you want) any time you want whenever you're free....🙏
Hi again! I answer these asks whenever I have time & energy, so no need to apologize. ^^ Time to recommend some BLs and answer your questions!
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As to why you couldn't find Buddy Daddies (BD from now on) review on my blog; because I haven't reviewed it. Neither on my blog nor my Twitter. When I was about to finish the seasonal first impressions (I had two reviews left, BD and High Card), the major earthquake happened and I took a break. After that, the political climate and the economy have been so bad that I didn't have the energy to spare for my blog. I still write reviews (mostly of books, on my Instagram, but in Turkish) and occasionally talk about stuff on Twitter but that's it. One other minor reason that made me feel reluctant to write on BD was because my thoughts on the series is quite negative. I didn't finish it, and not sure if I ever will. But I did like Kazuki and Rei together, the mighty "sunshine x emo" trope, and happy to hear that you've found something you felt so passionate about!
I'll recommend 3 titles that have a similar pairing. I'll also add my reviews from my blog, you can head there to find additional information such as the publication status, where to read, screenshots etc.
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It's Just a Dream... Right? by White Eared: If you like supernatural elements, are okay with reading ongoing, mature content, then I highly recommend this one. I've reviewed it before, you can check it out here.
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The Neighbor I Desire by Makoto: If you like the "I just can't leave you alone, I have to take care of you!" trope and when characters share a table, eating together, this might be up your alley. Another title I've reviewed for my Friday BL corner.
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Oh! My Assistant by MILA & AngryMonster: You said you've found me through my A to Z Challenge so you've probably have seen this but in case you haven't. Another puppy seme with an uke that's not exactly an emo, but fails to convey his emotions. Here's my review, but Tapas has removed this one from their library and now it's on Lezhin. You can find it here (All Ages) and here (Mature).
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As for Sk8. It was a fun show to watch but I wasn't deep in their fandom. I can understand the appeal behind Adam/Tadashi and found Joe to be really cute ~ Joe/Cherry have that enemies to lovers vibe that starts off as something strictly physical. Hence, I can recommend Glasses Cloth & Playlist. I know the name is weird but it's short & completed, and I highly recommend it. You can find out more about it here in my review.
That's all I have for you! Hopefully you'll find something that suits your taste and my recommendations were at elast close to the vibe you're looking for. Enjoy, and let me know what you think of them if you ever get to read one!
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reikurusu · 7 months
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
umm friday night lights characters ranked now that i’ve known them for a while <3
tami taylor. her guidance counselor swag and mom realness and coach’s wife slay and milf serve…. she’s so everything… i can’t tell you who she reminds me of because explaining that would take hours but just trust that she reminds me of something very VERY near and dear to my heart and soul and seeing her go about her fun little plotlines brings such joy and happiness to me it’s unreal…
timmy riggins <3333 that’s literally my guy… he’s breaking barriers by being every letter of the lgbt acronym at once and also a cishet teenage boy from texas etc we’ve heard this. also he thinks the scarlet letter is about a woman named scarlet… he’s so me when i don’t do my assigned readings fr…
LYLA GARRITY THE MOST SPECIAL GIRL ON THE PLANET!!!! she’s literally having her comphet arc right now… and also in her getting slut shamed era… happens to the best of fictional teen girls <3 love you girl
julie taylor… she doesn’t really do anything for like 7 episodes but then when she does get to do things she’s soooo funny about it… her dad was conspiring against her going on a date and she outwitted his every move! i don’t even think she really cares that much about dating matt she just thinks it’s funny that her dad is mad about it and matt is awkward about her dad being mad about… like you just KNOW this bitch is giggling up a storm to herself after watching them interact…
matt saracen :) he’s just a nice young man for real… a nice boy… he loves his grandma and he just really wants his daddy to be proud of him for becoming the quarterback and he just has so much going on he’s like an overly stressed out puppy that’s just shaking and shivering and quivering because he just has so much to worry about all the time and he’s just a little guy he’s only 16 and he just wants to hang out with his buddy while he plays bad music with his shitty band… he’s so clary core actually maybe that’s why i like him. ok
coach taylor. i don’t know this man’s name. his first name is coach to me…. and i like him :) he’s kinda my dad core…. he’s also literally nothing like my dad and that’s WHY i like him… it’s complex
jason street… he’s like if a really nice young man was also the most irritating mf alive. society if his plotlines didn’t revolve around him being mad about shit 80% of the time. i love him but goddamn. doomed by the narrative but instead of that meaning he’s going to die at the end it means he’s literally narratively not allowed to be happy and it makes him act in such annoying ways….. this also happened to archie andrews but i can’t talk about that lest i incur the wrath of my rivermutuals
landry clarke. he’s just so funny to have around… he’s like matt damon but a little gayer and more pathetic… he’s like such a classic comic relief character he’s so good at it he’s so cunty he’s so everything and he has a shitty band and he drives his best friend on dates because he has nothing better to do than be a chronic third wheel i guess… love this guy !!
tyra <3 she’s so slay but also sooooooo Written By Men…… girl you don’t deserve this shit
smash. i don’t like him at all really but i know he’s only written Like That because of racism so like i’m being forgiving and i don’t hate him but i also still don’t like him and i’m never going to be excited to see him onscreen :/
well that’s all the major characters, an honorable mention goes out to jason’s friend from rehab who’s name i’ve forgotten, but he’s fun to have around!
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gheeheehee · 1 year
So Buddy Daddies ended last Friday, I had a lot of fun watching it, got sad, angry, worried, etc... In the end, I think it's one of the best original anime I ever watched, it feels full, idk how to explain that as a non English speaker but I felt like I had an experience, they made me really involved in it.
I rebloged lots of posts that talks about the many things Buddy Daddies did, so feel free to explore those, it's so interesting.
Thank you for this amazing work P.A.Works and also thanks to the fans for making it even more interesting to follow 💖
I will still keep being updated about Buddy Daddies of course. I would just add that I was happy with the ending and even if there's no romantic Kazurei, it's fine! Them able to be a family is a huge relief and happiness for me, for the Kazurei romantic ship, there's tons of amazing artists making fabulous fanarts, So we have that too💖 I don't know if I'll be able to read fanfictions tho since English is not my language but I'll try, please recommend me good fanfictions if you can.
I'm gonna now follow 3 new animes : Skip to Loafer, Otonari ni Ginga and Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia! I'm reading those mangas since a long time so I'm super excited to see those animated and to discover the ost, va, etc.
Have a nice day y'all ~
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kngofsoul · 1 year
watching buddy daddies has been so much fun! gonna miss waiting for an episode to come out on Fridays but I'm also happy that it's over AND that our little family is safe and happy. now I gotta cry because I'm so happy
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heich0e · 2 years
happy friday liv! how's your day going? i was wondering if you could recommend some animes/mangas, i can't find anything that interests me lately♡
i recently watched wotakoi for the first time and it was soooooo good!! i keep meaning to read the manga too as i hear its also great <3 i also recommend reading kaiju no. 8 if you're more of a shonen hoe, it is FANTASTIC and it's being adapted into an anime next year i think. otherwise the only currently airing animes i have been keeping up w are buddy daddies and trigun stampede!!
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