#also having to save enough money for special items or weighing the costs of something against your game balance
watercolor-wings · 6 months
Boomers would hate this but playing video games has actually made me good at money management.
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
How Btvs characters would spend Halloween with their s/o:
A/N: This is based on the assumption that the reader really enjoys Halloween 🖤🦇
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Buffy summers:
Buffy really likes Halloween
Often her one night off
But she loved it from being a kid
Having fond memories of trick or treating and then squabbling over candy with Dawn
Being allowed to stay up late to watch movies
When she told you her fond memories you were determined to create more fond memories for her on Halloween
Will absolutely love the idea of a couples costume
But won’t want you to tease her about it
Once you get the hints she’s dropping you would totally pick the cheesiest outfits to compliment each other
You spend all day making Halloween treats with Dawn and not allowing Buffy in the kitchen
And you share them with her before you go to a Scooby gathering/party
you dress up and Dawn hypes you both up (she loves you together)
the party is fun
you laugh along with your friends and even bob some apples
(Xander’s idea)
You rent a bunch of movies to watch for when you get in
you want to recreate something that feels like home for her
She cuddles up to you and kisses you softly thanking you silently
she really loves you and now she loves Halloween more
Xander Harris:
big Halloween fan
he really enjoys it
Won’t shut up about it as soon as October first hits
It’ll be infectious and he’ll love it if you’re as enthusiastic as him
Will have horror movies all lined up for the whole month
you’ll settle in, dim the lights and cuddle up
On the 31st he will have saved the best line up until last
Will want to spend as much time with you as possible
So movies will be his ideal
You’ll both for sure be dressing up even if you’re not going out in the evening
he’d do a couples costume but may actually prefer surprising each other with your respective costumes
Bonus points if you dress kinda sexy he won’t be able to keep his hands off you
Will have so many films lined up you’ll have to stay up basically all night to finish
He’ll have the classics and some more modern ones too to mix it up
He’ll know a whole bunch of facts about the filming too
You bring the snacks and just enjoy your night together
It’s perfect cos it’s the two of you
Willow Rosenberg:
Will be as enthusiastic as you
Will have planned out a costume way in advance
(one made not bought just in case and will insist to make yours too)
It’ll be all part of the
Lots of time for kissing and snuggles in between making the costumes
Plenty of time together through October
you make your costumes and finally they are perfected
the best part has been spending so much time with her though
Halloween night finally came and you spent the entire day eating candy and adding the finishing touches to the costume
you were both giddy with excitement
At the Halloween party you will be the coolest and most historically accurate
you enjoy yourselves, not caring what anyone else thinks of you or your costumes
you have each other, that’s the best part
you meet up with the Scoobies and have a great time
she’s so comfortable with you she can actually let loose
you leave really late, stumbling home together
Willow loves the way you bring her confidence out
you get home and curl up in bed together
you wished the day would never end, you had so much fun 
Rupert Giles:
Enjoys the holiday
Didn’t celebrate so much in England
But has fully embraced Halloween since moving to Sunnydale
He’ll dress up, he used to wear the same costume every year but now switches it up a little
his favourite is the trusty wizard costume
He does prefer to stay at home but would go out if you asked
but you don’t, you’re content to just be with him
he has his nose in a book as you make Halloween treats
you entice him to join you 
(promising it means he gets as many as he wants)
He came over and immediately helped with weighing everything
He’s actually a good cook so he could have taken over
but loves sharing the responsibility
you put some Halloween themed music on and dance around the kitchen
he adores seeing you so happy
makes him melt more than the caramel for the candy apples
you laugh together and just generally enjoy the time you share making sweet treats
he loves every moment
you decorate them and share them when they’re done
you ask him to tell you ghost stories
and he does. Although they’re all true and from his Ripper days
it makes it even more interesting (and he loves sharing his past with you)
Loves it
everyone knows he (not so) secretly loves Halloween
will have stolen any and all candy left outside people’s homes
will split it with you if you ask nicely
may tease you and ask for his treat first
but will definitely share the candy cos he’s fond of you
may take some convincing to get him to leave the crypt after dark
but if you do, by some miracle, manage it
you will find him warming up to it
wont dress up himself but won’t mind that you do
might even teasingly offer to help get you into your costume
you go to some bar or the Bronze
had the impression that dressing up was some kind of insult
but figures eventually that you all must just think he (as a vampire) is very cool
makes him very full of himself 
(more so than usual)
Won’t dress up at all but will mutter under his breath his thoughts and a primitive rating system on everyone else’s costume
this will make you laugh
a lot
 he’ll enjoy making you laugh and continue until someone overhears and it gets him in trouble
You’ll end up being kicked out of the bar but neither of you will mind
Halloween is so much better when you were together
Angel doesn’t like Halloween so much
But when he sees your love of the holiday he will change his tune
he just likes to see you happy
it’s not selfless really, to see you happy gives him so much joy
so he sets off on his October-long mission
Will find every Halloween themed activity you can attend
Sunnydale unsurprisingly has a lot to offer
Haunted houses, pumpkin carving, the works
You name it he’s looked into it
by the time the week of Halloween arrives, you’ve done everything on offer
you tell him one evening that you want to go ghost hunting
he looks at you and frowns
it sounds dangerous
and he would rather you didn’t die (especially not on Halloween)
but you manage to convince him to go ghost hunting
on Halloween
You said it was your Halloween wish. only for you would he do this.
you go to a graveyard and look around with a torch
you were one step away from dressing as a ghost buster
but decided it would probably be disrespectful
You turned and there was a ghost! A real one
you slipped your hand into Angel’s as you communicated with the ghost
Angel planned this. He knew as soon as you saw one you would want to leave and do normal Halloween stuff again
would admit to it eventually, but the most important thing was your face when you met a real (and friendly) ghost
Anya Jenkins:
Anya loves it. She loves making money
She loves dressing up. And she loves you
A winning combination. She also loves learning about everything
Does try her best to get used to being human (and doesn’t get enough credit)
You and Anya will spend the entire day in the Halloween department of the store
Not kidding, you get there early and are there well into the afternoon
You can’t decide what to buy
there’s so much candy so little time
and the decorations! You squabble over what’s worth buying
eventually you manage to convince her you need everything you’ve chosen no matter the cost
she smiles at some of the items and shrugs
she’s new to Halloween, she finds it very cute though
not at all scary
when everything’s decorated and candy is left out, you can relax
(she will have definitely checked on the Magic box while you were in town to make sure it’s going okay)
she can stomach the worst, most gruesome horror movies without so much as batting an eyelid
She’s seen and done worse. will protect you if you struggle to watch
Tara Maclay:
Tara used to get a bit weird around the holiday
You found out later it was because she thought she was a demon
And just decided to sit Halloween out
You had always missed her and offered to stay in but she wanted you to go out and have a good time
Finally this year you knew everything about her past
And so did she
Surprise: she’s no demon
So you make sure she has the best Halloween ever
Cos she’s missed out on so much
you start with pumpkin carving
a staple
you plan out your designs and spend time perfecting them
they look super cute lit up later that night
she smiles a lot
its the first time in a while she’s just done fun things for Halloween
without something in the back of her head telling her she’s wrong
you decorate the dorm you share and play spooky music
You watch Halloween specials and family friendly movies through the entire afternoon
you dress up and hand out a whole bunch of candy
she really likes it, finding herself able to relax
the Scoobies come over and you have a little party
nothing too outrageous just you all hanging out
some of you are in costume, some not
but you have a really great time
and Tara has plenty of plans for celebrating next year
Oz doesn’t hate halloween
He isn’t enthusiastic either
Kinda hard to pinpoint his feelings on the occasion
Either way? He’s a sucker for you
he’s usually booked at some gig for Halloween
But this year, he tells the guys he isn’t doing it
knows how much you love the spooky day
so he’s going to spend it solely with you
took him ages to figure out what to do
he will help you decorate 
eventually says he needs to go out to the store
when he was out he found a lot of Halloween goodies for you
Decided to use the Halloween themed treats and decided to hide them around the (well decorated) home
its like a little treasure trail. You get clues and you get a treat and another clue until the end
he loves to buy gifts for a s/o and Halloween is no exception
you love Halloween and he loves you so he wanted to make it special
you will come to the end of the trail and gush about how much you love it
he’ll shrug but that smile’s there
he’s pleased
as the night draws in you cuddle up and every time the door goes you insist you both go
so you can see the cool outfits and hand out candy together
wouldn’t celebrate Halloween unless you wanted to
Might not be aware of how big the holiday is
Would humour you if you wanted to celebrate though
Might find it cute the way you love it
Would want you happy so would make sure there were Halloween decorations everywhere in whichever lair you were in
Decorations would stay up all year round
It kinda blends with the rest of the place
If you’re really into Halloween would hold a ball/party in your honour on the 31st
She would be very proud of it
Would invite every demon she knew but most probably wouldn’t show
demons don’t party. Not on Halloween
Even if it was just both of you attending the party, she would dance with you slowly in the middle of the room
Even with no music
Will pepper your face in such loving kisses
May offer to sire you as she knows you love the date so much
But is happy to wait if you refuse
you are her favourite so Halloween is her favourite of it’s yours
you show her the cuter side of Halloween
Will hum to you softly
maybe a tune like the Addam’s family but will hum it very seriously
Faith always thought Halloween was lame
until she met you
she likes to pretend she doesn’t care
and she’s too cool for all that stuff
but melts into a puddle when she sees your enthusiasm for the holiday
Will basically do anything you ask so long as she gets to see you happy
But what you really want is her and you tell her this
you make a plan to go for a ‘spooky walk’ before coming back to get cosy and watch Halloween tv
on your walk, you point out all of the spooky decorations and lights
she thinks its cute but won’t admit it
you end up dusting a few vamps that didn’t get the memo 
but you convince her it was perfect, very Halloween-y so she doesn’t get so mad at them for interrupting your evening after that
She will stop and kiss you every few streets
loves stolen kisses, especially like this
you enjoy looking at the cool costumes but eventually walk back home
her favourite part of the night, however was when you turned the motel room you now shared into a cosy fort
blankets everywhere and candles 
very romantic and to you it had the right amount of spooky too
You hide under the blankets and start to tell outrageous ghost stories into the night
she held you close and insisted it was now her favourite holiday
Cordelia chase:
Cordy loves Halloween
Especially the excuse to dress up however she wants
Would 100% want to dress you up
Wouldn’t ask, would tell you it’s happening
And you ofc would agree
(Or else)
She’s a sweetheart really and wants a lot of input on what you’re comfortable wearing
Will use her dads credit card to buy anything she thinks you’ll need
You will probably be wearing something worth more than your entire wardrobe for the night
She will dress you up, maybe do your spooky makeup if you’re into that
She would make sure to get you both invites to the coolest party going
I’m talking the coolest
anyone who’s anyone is going
Will walk you in as if you’re both on the red carpet
Will not let anyone compliment one of you without demanding they compliment the other
You will have the best time
Dancing and laughing the entire night
Probably wouldn’t enjoy Halloween so much
He sees enough demons on a normal week day
Might want a night off but won’t be too into going out
But If he sees you all excited he’ll start to change his mind
He’ll do some activities if you ask and smile as he watches your enthusiasm
When he sees you dressed up he may rethink
Wants you to have a good time so he asks what you wanna do
your choice all day
you wanna go and make dumb decorations? He’ll get the craft glue
you wanna eat your weight in candy? He’s down to share
will take you to a party if you ask
(and maybe even join in with any activities on offer if he’s in a good mood)
will enjoy himself, especially with you on his arm
but you will leave early
He will make an excuse to go home with you
weirdly his job hasn’t called him in tonight
maybe the demons have time off or something?
you go back to his place and are able to spend a whole uninterrupted night together
you have Halloween themed movies on in the background but mostly you’re spending it together in bed
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lobitoworks · 5 years
Fursuit Pricing, Explained
I had someone message me on Instagram politely asking why fursuits cost what they do. I had a little time tonight to delve into specifics to help enlighten them and others who have asked this same question.
EXAMPLE SCENARIO: A full fursuit that costs $4500 from a professional maker. This isn’t even considered all that high a price today but it’s a fairly average price for us currently, so we’ll use that as an example.
- MATERIALS: 6 yds fur: $125 - 230 half roll 1/2��� foam: $15 half roll 1” foam: $15 half roll blue foam: $6 spray glue: $12 plasti-dip: $14 minky/vinyl/fleece fat quarters: $15 glue sticks: $7 2 spools thread: $7 pens, pencils, pins, chalk, etc: $5 2 rolls masking tape: $4 tagboard for drafting patterns: $2 thrift store sheets for testing patterns: $10 polyfil: $10 eye plastic, buckram, paints, zippers, misc: 30 spandex and other lining fabrics: 17 shipping box, tape, packing materials: $8 __________ MATERIALS -$300 - $405
-Payment Fees Every electronic payment service will charge fees for using them- the fees are fairly comparable between Paypal, Square, and Stripe. Mailed payments are possible for less or no fees, but you can’t beat the convenience of electronic payments.
PP FEES ON 4500: -$130
- TAXES: Self employed people have to set aside around 20% of all their earnings for taxes. So 20% of 4500 is $900. Tax refund?? Don’t know her!
- ACTUAL PAY? So $4500 fursuit minus cost of materials, taxes, and fees actually equals around $3100 in pay. And this is assuming no mistakes are made during fursuit construction that require more materials to be purchased, your equipment doesn’t need maintenance, and you don’t need any special materials not listed above. Also, I estimated the fur price based on a $21-35/yd, but faux fur can cost $65 a yard and higher depending on what it is.
- SUPPLY/DEMAND: Anyone in the market for a fursuit has undoubtedly noticed that virtually every full time maker usually has a full queue and opens for commissions infrequently. When a popular maker opens, they usually get to pick and choose what projects they want to take on and inevitably have to turn down some applicants. Despite there being more and more professional fursuit builders out there taking commissions, demand for fursuits continues to rise, and there’s still not enough makers to fill the demand. It is a seller’s market- we are able to raise prices yearly and demand does not waver. It’s anyone’s guess when/where we’ll find the ceiling on this market.
- NICHE GOODS: Fursuits are super niche market and only a relative few of us can 1. produce professional quality costumes 2. successfully run a home business and stay on top of deadlines, finances, customer service, etc So if professional fursuit builders are a rare breed, those who are reliable and timely are basically a unicorn. Niche markets for luxury items equals luxury prices.
- TIME TAKEN TO CREATE: Fursuits are a lot of work! There’s no getting around it. Even those of us who have been doing this a long time can take between 75-150 hours to create a typical fullsuit on average, and this doesn’t include all the other work like research, brainstorming, emails, social media, web shop maintenance, and packing + shipping.
- EXPERTISE: If you’ve been working at the same job for years, you can expect to make more money than someone just starting. The same is true for fursuit builders! We deserve raises as cost of living increases yearly and as we get better at our jobs. So it is not uncommon at all to see fursuit builders gradually increasing their prices year by year.
- NO JOB BENEFITS: Working for yourself is rewarding but also expensive. If you’re doing this full time and don’t have anyone else supporting you, you have to provide your own healthcare and make sure you have extra money saved for sick time, vacation days, all the stuff traditionally employed people don’t have to think about.
It is easy to be dazzled by the prices professional fursuit builders are charging and imagine we must be loaded, but all in all it is quite a modest lifestyle. Those makers who haven’t gotten fast/confident at building and don’t have a huge fan following may really genuinely struggle in the beginning (which is why I wouldn’t recommend just diving on into professional fursuit building without a plan or fallback). The most successful of us are still definitely not rich. We budget for the things we want and we need and have to weigh carefully any trips or luxuries, just like anyone.
Professionally made fursuits are not affordable to all, it’s true- that’s actually why I started making fursuits, I wanted one but couldn’t afford it. I still can’t justify spending the money to have someone custom create something for me, my lifestyle just doesn’t support that kind of luxury spending.
I was actually really reluctant to DIY my first fursuit it in the beginning, I had no experience with sewing or fabrics at all and had to learn everything from basics. I strongly recommend anyone interested in fursuits try making their own at least once- worst case scenario you waste a few materials and figure out you don’t enjoy it, best case scenario it ignites a hidden artistic passion within you like it did me! DIY can be a wonderful solution for those who want a fursuit but can’t afford a commission.
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sehlaahmad9521 · 3 years
Advice on Purchasing Furniture Online in Kuwait
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Furniture is one of the most important components of any home or business. We require furniture to meet a range of requirements. You might not buy a house or a car, but you're more likely to buy furniture. Although it may appear simple at first, purchasing furniture online needs careful deliberation and research. Buying new furniture online may be a daunting endeavor, whether you're upgrading your current décor or relocating to a new home. Here are some tips to consider while purchasing furniture online in Kuwait
1. Take the proper measurements
Never buy furniture without first taking measurements. There have been numerous instances where buyers have purchased a set of furniture only to discover that it does not fit when it is delivered. It's a lot easier to get the measurements than it is to return your furniture. You'll have a good sense of which furniture would fit perfectly after you get the figures. So spare yourself the trouble and begin your furniture online shopping in Kuwait التسوق عبر الإنترنت في الكويت by taking accurate measurements beforehand.
2. It should be a contrast to the walls' color
It is vital to consider the color of the walls while purchasing furniture for your living room, bedroom, or any other space. Everything will look ungainly if the color of your recently purchased furniture does not contrast with the color of the walls in that room. So, to prevent making that dumb mistake, research and analyze what colors would go well with your walls. Unless you want to have the interior walls painted after you purchase the furnishings.
3. Don't be fooled by gimmicks
Many businesses have begun to provide discounts on their furnishings. True, buying furniture online أثاث على الإنترنت during a sale can save you money, but keep in mind that the best pieces are rarely on sale. They are typically sold before the promotion time expires. Substandard furniture, or furniture with flaws, is frequently put up for sale. The best deals are those that are supplied by banks. Also, keep in mind that if a deal appears too good to be true, it probably is.
4. Consider it a one-time fee
Before you buy Kuwait furniture أثاثات الكويت", as with any expensive item, having a budget in mind is always a good idea. However, it is just as prudent to choose overall quality over pricing. Make a budget, but keep a little wiggle room. There is generally something to suit all budgets, although the less expensive options may sacrifice durability, design, longevity, and quality. Purchasing new furniture should always be viewed as a one-time expense.
5. Don't make hasty decisions
This is a guideline that is rarely considered while purchasing furniture. A typical person looks for a house for a few months and then buys a car for a few weeks. Take your time when purchasing furnishings. Because acquiring furniture should be viewed as a one-time expense, careful consideration should be given. Do your homework, browse around, weigh your options, and then pick which furniture to purchase. You probably wouldn't want to buy new furniture every now and then unless it's a pastime of yours.
6. Maintenance
You can buy the nicest furniture in the world, but if you don't take proper care of it, it won't last long. When purchasing any type of furniture, maintenance is an important factor to consider. Some furniture requires special attention, while others does not. Buy furniture based on how much care you think you'll be able to provide it and whether that care will be sufficient. Purchasing high-quality furniture and maintaining it properly is enough to make it cost-effective in the long run.
Purchasing furniture is not as simple as it may appear, but it can be a stress-free experience. If you follow the aforementioned guidelines, there will be no room for error. As previously stated, a little research and effort can go a long way. Rest assured, the furniture dealership you choose will exceed your expectations in terms of furniture purchasing, including leather sofas, fabric sofas, dining tables and chairs, office furniture, outdoor furniture, and more.
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marcjampole · 7 years
The social policy behind Trump GOP tax plan is to turn America into a polluted military camp of rich and poor in which ignorance reigns
Government taxation of its citizens goes back at least six thousand years, and at least as far back as the Greeks, the purpose of taxes have always been twofold: To raise revenues for the government and to guide public policy. In the case of Athens, the social policy was to go to war with other nations, as Athens would raise taxes on a temporary basis to finance war-making. But Athens also taxed every inhabitant who did not have an Athenian mother and father, which certainly advanced a public policy that has recently gained adherents in many western nations: limit immigration.
Societies and governments are much more complex than they used to be. Most industry sectors and most of the utilities that define modern life like electricity and natural gas service didn’t even exist 200 years ago. Tax policy can’t help but favor certain industries and individuals, and typically the hand-up—be it in the form of tax credits or deductions—is a conscious attempt by our leaders to make people and industries do something, or stop doing something.
The overall dynamic of the current Trump GOP tax plans is to give most people a tax break today, but heavily weigh the benefits to top wage earners, especially in the financial industry, and those whose income comes mostly from investments; the tax breaks for the ultra-wealthy are permanent, while most of the breaks for everyone else are temporary. In either of its forms, the proposed new tax system will not be revenue neutral, but raise the budget by 1.5 trillion dollars. Despite this enormous increase in the deficit, the Trump GOP tax plan still needs to raise taxes on many people and cut government programs and services to pay for what can most accurately be described as an enormous tax break for the wealthy.
Within this broad outline are the details, most of which assert a public or social policy, and they certainly are devilish. Let’s then, take a look at the public policy implicit in both the overall thrust of the plan and in its minutiae.
On the macro level, the tax plan suggests that its developers do not believe that people have any responsibility to society and that society should be a cold and inhumane place in which everyone essentially is on their own, sink or swim, with no help to the poor or disadvantaged to level the playing field of a market economy of private actors.
I understand full well the Republican line on tax cuts for the wealthy dating back to before the Great Depression, nonsense that the wealthy and corporations will reinvest their tax savings to create new jobs and that high rates of taxation harm society’s producers. But all historical evidence going back at least to the 16th century in Spain demonstrates that in the real world raising taxes on the wealthy and lowering taxes on everyone else generally produces economic growth, whereas lowering taxes on the wealthy generally causes stagnation or economic decline, especially when accompanied by raising taxes on everyone else. An analysis of the cash flow when rich folk, everyone else and the government get more money demonstrates the almost offensive illogic in believing that lowering taxes on the wealthy creates wealth that flows down to everyone else. Governments spend all the money in their coffers, sooner or later, and for most modern governments, it’s sooner. That spending becomes jobs, government contracts and benefits to the poor and middle class, which then get spent. When everyone but the rich get more money, they spend most of it and save only a little, again putting money into the economy. The rich, by contrast, will stick most of the extra money into dead assets, that is, assets that do not create wealth such as collectibles, real estate and stocks that are bought on the secondary market and not directly from companies.
Except for the stupid and the fanatical, most elected officials and certainly most of the right-wing’s well-paid horde of think-tankers know that the idea that cutting taxes on the wealthy will unleash growth is a ridiculous myth. We must therefore look behind their overheated rhetoric to understand the true public policy in the Trump GOP plan. If we judge the plan by past history and the outcomes predicted by virtually all mainstream economists, it’s clear that the public policy goes beyond laissez faire to create a society that favors the already wealthy and provides no helping hand to anyone else.
The provisions of the plan involve some radical truly social thinking. In the case of education, Ted Mitchell, President of the American Council on Education, put it best when he called the Trump GOP tax plan “a reverse GI Bill.” The GI Bill put millions of veterans of World War II through college free or at a very low cost, through government support of public higher education. By contrast, the Trump GOP plan removes many of the tax breaks that help people pay for their college education, making college even less affordable than it already is in the 21st century:
Repeals the interest deduction for student loans, which is taken by more than 12 million people.
Repeals the $2,500 tax credit that middle-class parents can take for having children in college.
Forces graduate students to pay taxes on the tuition waivers they receive, which will make many leave school.
Places a 1.4 percent excise tax on college endowments that exceed a specific limit, which will affect over 150 colleges and reduce the funds these institutions have for scholarships to needy students. Thus, in the same bill that gives corporations a tax break and continues the carried income tax break for hedge fund managers, most major universities will pay a new tax.
It’s clear that the Trump GOP do not see the benefit in providing or facilitating the educational aspirations of its citizens and see no benefit to society to educating the next generation of managers, engineers, physicians and other medical professionals, technicians, communicators, software developers, translators, urban planners, human resource professionals, teachers and the myriad other professions that require higher education. Nor do the Republicans place any value on the pursuit of knowledge or research and development.
Let’s move on to healthcare. From its many failed attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act we already know the GOP has no interest in providing low-cost universal healthcare, a birthright enjoyed by the citizens of virtually every other industrialized country of the world. Again, the GOP espouses the false idea that the marketplace will provide less expensive, higher quality healthcare, and again the facts belie this nonsense. The citizens in our private sector healthcare system pay more than those in other industrial nations and we get less, as our infant mortality and life expectancy rates are much worse. In truth, the rightwing that controls today’s Republican Party does not believe that healthcare is a birthright and questions the idea that it is in the best interests of society to keep its citizens heathy at an affordable price.
The Senate version of the tax bill reinforces the Trump GOP notion that it’s every person for himself when it comes to healthcare by ending the individual mandate that makes those who don’t buy healthcare pay a special tax. Most experts agree that ending the individual mandate will leave 13 million more people uninsured and raise premiums for everyone else by 10%. Both bills end the deduction for unusually high medical expenses. It’s clear that Trump and the GOP do not really care about the health of Americans—at least not as much as they care about giving the ultra-wealthy more money.
For decades, the federal government has encouraged support of charities and religious institutions by allowing deductions for charitable contributions. But to take the deduction, the tax filer has had to itemize deductions. By raising the standard deduction (which cuts taxes) and lowering the maximum that can be deducted, the Trump GOP plan provides less incentive to give to charities and will likely result in charities receiving less funding. Moreover, ending the estate tax will likely lead to fewer and less generous major gifts, as the wealthiest one-fifth of one percent—the lucky few whose estates are large enough to be assessed estate taxes—will no longer feel the need to give to charities to reduce their tax burden. Thus, where once the public policy of our tax system encouraged charitable giving, the public policy advanced by the Trump GOP tax bill encourages selfishness.
The GOP tax plans rescind a number of tax credits, each of which was instituted to support a public policy deemed beneficial to American society as a whole. The credits up for repeal include the adoption tax credit, the credit for the elderly and the totally and permanently disabled, the credit associated with mortgage credit certificates, and the credit for plug-in electric vehicles. The GOP prefers lining the pockets of the already privileged over encouraging adoption, helping the elderly and disabled, supporting home ownership and building the market for non-polluting vehicles. To those who argue that the temporary (!) tax cuts partially or entirely offset the loss of credits and deductions miss the point: The changes collectively replace the use of tax policy to implement public policy with a kind of brutish and brutal lack of concern for the direction of the country.
The tax plan, of course, fits together with the budget. Proposed budget cuts to keep the deficit increase under $1.5 trillion also reflect public policy. The example of our foreign policy expenditures truly represents a turn that will be dangerous to both the United States and the rest of the world. The Trump budget calls for slashing the State Department by more than 30% while adding more than a 100 billion to the already bloated defense budget, including for the development of robot weapons and more sophisticated nuclear weapons. The social policy behind this shift is easy enough to see: We now prefer to go to war or oversee wars others fight for us than to achieve diplomatic solutions to world problems and disagreements with adversaries.
Other proposed budget cuts show a disregard for the importance of research and development, public education and environmental protection.
The tax plan provides more benefits to the ultra-wealthy than to the wealthy. It favors those whose income derives from investments over those who work for a living and get paid well for it—the Trumps and Mnuchins over LeBron James and Giancarlo Stanton. What’s the social policy there? To reward capital over labor, even high-priced labor.
We could go on, but let’s take a look at the vision of the future created by these different strands of public policy: A society of rich and poor in which most people are less educated and less healthy and live in a more polluted world than now and drive on crumbling roads and bridges to crumbling schools and shoddy public spaces, a world in which the elderly, disabled and disadvantaged are left to pretty much fend for themselves and in which no one will ever know peace as we fight or support dozens of regional and civil wars around the globe. Dystopia.
The overriding policy of Trump and the Republicans is to push the country into dystopia to satisfy the greed of a handful of billionaires. Among those ultra-wealthy are the members of the Trump family, who stand to gain tens of millions from the tax breaks right away. Upon the death of Trumpty Dumpty, that amount would increase to the value of his estate, which could be anywhere from $400 million to $4 billion or more, depending on whose estimate of his net worth you use.
In the future, when most American are living from hand to mouth trying to navigate their way along potholed roads and in broken down mass transit, the air foul with particles and carbon dioxide, their tap water undrinkable, most people in debt all their lives paying off their college degrees, the entire country running on obsolete and ramshackle early 21st century technology, the billionaires won’t care. They’ll have their own computer servers, servants, concierge medical service, security staff, airplanes and real estate in the more civilized locations of Paris, Berlin and Shanghai. It’s the ultimate end game of the politics of selfishness.
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merrybrides · 7 years
Wedding Planning Tips and Tricks
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When planning your wedding, there are things that are nice to know, and then there are things you need to know—advice so essential that any bride who's lucky enough to hear it thinks, "I'm so glad someone told me that!" If you're wondering whether there's something you may have missed (or even if you've got everything under control), check out our indispensable planning secrets below.
1. Guests Come First
Get a grip on the approximate number of guests you'll invite before settling on a venue. This will ensure there's ample space for your crew. As a rule of thumb, allow for 25 to 30 square feet per guest. That may seem like a lot, but it's not if you count the space you'll need for the tables, bustling waiters, the band and a dance floor.
2. Investigate Wedding Blackout Dates
Know ahead of time if your wedding date falls on the same day as a trade conference, charity walk, or other local event that could affect traffic and hotel room availability. Here's a handy list of potentially problematic wedding dates coming up in the calendar.
3. Listen to Mother Nature
Heed the weather and other potential annoyances. Guests have been known to skip out early from hotter-than-hot summer tent weddings and improperly heated winter loft receptions. Bugs (gnats, deer flies and mosquitos) also swarm in certain areas during certain seasons. Consider renting pest control tanks to alleviate the problem or including bug repellent in guests' gift bags. And if you want a sunset ceremony, make sure you know when to say your vows.
4. Check Your Credit
Take advantage of the high cost of weddings and sign up for a credit card with a rewards program. Whether it gives you airline miles or great shopping deals, consolidating all wedding-related purchases to this card will help you accumulate thousands of rewards points (which could be used for your honeymoon).
5. Pay It Forward
Let one vendor lead you to another. Your wedding photographer can tell you which florist's blooms really pop, and your reception manager should know which band packs the dance floor.
6. Lighten Your List
The easiest way to trim your wedding budget? Cut your guest list. Remember, half of your wedding expenses go to wining and dining your guests. If it's costing you $100 per person, eliminating one table of 10 can save you $1,000.
7. Ask and You Might Receive
Request an extra hour for cocktails or for your band to throw in that Frank Sinatra sound-alike before you sign on the dotted line. Most vendors would rather secure the reservation than nickel-and-dime you early on (which might turn you off of them). Later on, though, they may be less inclined to meet you halfway.
8. Make a Meal Plan
Another unforeseen expense? Feeding your wedding day crew. Before you sign the contracts, make sure you're not required to serve the same meal to your vendors that guests will receive. Otherwise, you could be paying for 20 additional lobster tails. Choose a less expensive (but equally hearty) meal for them instead. You will have to let your wedding caterer know a couple of days before the wedding exactly how many vendors you need to feed (don't forget photography assistants and band roadies) and what you want them to serve.
9. Get Organizationally Focused
In a three-ring binder, compile all your correspondences with vendors, notes you make during meetings, and photos or tear sheets from magazines you want vendors to see. Set up a special email address dedicated to your wedding, and store important vendor numbers in your cell phone.
10. Tend to Your Bar
Typically, you need one bartender per 50 guests to keep the line at a minimum. But if you're serving a signature cocktail that cannot be made ahead of time (or in large quantities), consider adding an extra server designated to this task.
11. Leave Some Room in Your Wallet
Your wedding budget should follow this formula: 48 to 50 percent of total budget to reception; 8 to 10 percent for flowers; 8 to 10 percent for attire; 8 to 10 percent for entertainment/music; 10 to 12 percent for photo/video; 2 to 3 percent for invites; 2 to 3 percent for gifts; and 8 percent for miscellaneous items like a wedding coordinator. It's essential to allocate an extra 5 to 10 percent of your money for surprise expenses like printing extra invites because of mistakes, additional tailoring needs, umbrellas for a rainy day and ribbons for the wedding programs.
12. Don't Be Afraid to Ask
Your wedding vendors should be your go-to, most-trusted experts during the planning process. When working with them, you should feel free to really explore what it is you want—maybe it's serving a late-night snack instead of a first course or doing a bridal portrait session rather than an engagement session. The bottom line is that you should feel like you can have an honest conversation with them about what it is you want. Their job will be to tell you what you can and can't make work given your wedding budget.
13. Wait for a Date
Sometimes, last-minute planning can work in your favor. The closer your date, the more bargaining power you have. Since most people book their wedding venues at least six months in advance, calling for open dates two months prior to your desired time can save you up to 25 percent. And, Friday and Sunday weddings should cost about 30 percent less than Saturday weddings.
14. Manage the Mail
Of course you want the perfect stamps for your wedding invitations. But not all stamps are widely available at every post office, especially in large quantities. Save yourself scouting time by ordering them online at USPS.com. And be sure to weigh your invitation and all the additional paper products before you send them out so you can attach the right amount of postage. Ask your stationer about the need for additional postage for oddly shaped envelopes.
15. Prepare for Rejection
Know that as a rule, about 30 percent of the people you invite won't attend. Naturally, this depends on the location of your wedding (destination weddings are harder to attend), how many out-of-towners are on your list, and the timing of the event (some guests may have annual holiday or summer plans).
16. Make a Uniform Kids Policy
You have four choices: You can welcome children with open arms; you can decide to have an "adults only" wedding; you can include immediate family only; or, you can hire a child care service to provide day care either at the reception space, in a hotel room or at a family member's home. To prevent hurt feelings, it's wise to avoid allowing some families to bring children while excluding others (unless, of course, the children are in your bridal party).
17. Prioritize Your People
Pare down your guest list with the "tiers of priority" trick. Place immediate family, the bridal party and best friends on top of the list; follow with aunts, uncles, cousins and close friends you can't imagine celebrating without. Under that, list your parents' friends, neighbors, coworkers and so on. If you need to make some cuts, start from the bottom until you reach your ideal number.
18. Take It One Step at a Time
Put together a wedding planning schedule and do things one by one, in a logical order, so you don't take on too much too fast and end up with everything snowballing around you. Don't hire any vendors before you've confirmed your date; don't design your cake before you've envisioned your flowers; and don't book a band before you've settled on a space.
19. No Ring, No Bring
If your guest list is bursting at the seams, assess the plus-one scenario. Do a faux seating chart in your mind, and imagine whom your single pal would sit with. If it's a table of singles that she knows pretty well, then you're all set. If it's a table of couples (making her the odd one out) or if it's a table of singles where she won't know anyone, consider bending the rules. If asked why you're not allowing single friends to bring guests, size or budget constraints or your parents' never-ending guest list are always good reasons.
20. Release Rooms
As soon as you've picked a date, start to look for hotels in a wide variety of price points. Many hotels allow you to reserve rooms for guests under a special wedding block and a reduced rate. You can then release any unbooked rooms a month prior to your wedding. If the hotels you contact insist upon contracts with cancellation penalties, just say no—you don't want to be responsible for rooms you can't fill.
21. Provide Accurate Driving Directions
Make sure guests know where they're going. As easy as online map programs are to use, sometimes the directions are wrong or there's a quicker, less traffic-prone route to take. Ask your ceremony and reception sites for printouts or digital copies of recommended driving directions and even test out the routes yourself. Then include the best directions on your wedding website or email them to your guests to print out if they'd like.
22. Keep a Paper Trail
Get any nonstandard changes to your agreements in writing or send the vendor a confirmation email saying, "Hello, just confirming that you'll keep the venue open until 2 a.m. versus midnight." Don't just assume everything's all set—sometimes, by the time the actual day rolls around, your contact with a certain person may no longer be working there to vouch for you.
23. Schedule the Setup
You must make sure there's ample time for setup. If you're renting a venue and bringing in outside help, ask what time people can come in to start setting. Preston Bailey, author of Preston Bailey's Fantasy Weddings, recommends seeing if they can do it the day before, or at the very least the entire wedding day, before the event starts.
24. Learn About Marriage Licenses
You can check your state's license requirements online, but confirm with a call to the county clerk's office to see when they're open. Even if it's open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., they may issue marriage licenses only during slower times like, say, Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Give a copy of your marriage license to your mom or your maid of honor (just in case you lose yours during the final days before your wedding).
25. Go Over Ground Rules
Be prepared—ask the manager of the house of worship or site where you'll be married for the list of restrictions (if any). For instance, is flash photography or bare shoulders prohibited? Or, if you're exchanging vows outdoors, are you allowed to plant tent stakes in the lawn (which is often not allowed)?
26. Classify Your Cash
Wedding budgets are all about balance. Start your budget planning by making a checklist of the crucial details, like the music, your wedding gown, the invitations, the flowers and the photographer, and assign a number to each—one being the most important and three being the least. Invest your money in all your number ones and cut corners on your number threes. (But everything can't fall into the number one category!) For example, if a designer gown and fabulous food are what really matter, you may have to choose simple invitations and smaller floral arrangements.
27. Help Guests Pay Attention
Make sure your guests can both see and hear from their seats. If people are seated farther than 15 rows back from your ceremony altar or podium, consider renting a mic and a riser. This could range anywhere from $50 to $100, depending on the equipment used. You'll need to coordinate the delivery and setup with your ceremony space, so put your wedding planner or best man in charge of this task.
28. Write Down Your Digits
Keep an emergency contact sheet or phone with your vendor contacts on you on your wedding day—it may come in handy in case your limo driver gets lost or you decide you'd like your photographer to take some behind-the-scenes shots.
29. Call the Fashion Police
Don't go dress shopping on your own—all the gowns will start to look the same after a while and it will be harder to recall which style you really loved. But be careful about who you do bring. If your mom or sibling can't make the trip, ask a friend who is truly honest. This is the time when you really need to know which dress looks best.
30. Be Realistic With Your Time
When it comes down to the last month of your planning (and when you're particularly harried) look at your mile long to-do list and cut three things. Yes, cut three things. Not crucial things that you just don't feel like doing, such as picking a processional song or confirming final details with all of your vendors. Eliminate only the over-the-top tasks like hand-painting "Just Married" signs, or baking cookies for all of the welcome bags. Cross them off and make a pledge not to think about them again.
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comrade-jiang · 7 years
The Price of Bread in Dungeons and Dragons, Part 1
There's a multitude of issues with the way the economy in D&D works; namely, it doesn't. This is a worldbuilding exercise by me to try and make some sense out of seemingly random numbers. I'm probably going to fail. This week, we're looking at bread, milk, cheese, beef, pork, and chicken. The necessities in life.
For ease of understanding, the seasons are renamed in my campaign. The calendar is 360 days and begins in the spring month, Pollengrass, which is then followed by Sunpeak, Harvestfall, and finally Deadwood. I use the terms fairly interchangeably with their actual counterparts here.
So, what is the price of bread? Well, first we have to discover how much it costs to plant wheat.
Planting 100 pounds of grain seed (wheat, rye, barley) will yield 1500 pounds of grain on average. One acre of land can handle this amount normally. Planting takes up most of Pollengrass (spring) and ends in Harvestfall (fall). Not many people just want wheat itself, so the wheat has to, in most cases, be milled first. 100 pounds of grain will result in 70 pounds of flour. An average-skilled miller takes 10%, and about 20% is lost in the milling process. Bread, of course, requires flour AND water to make. For most, the cost of water is negligible, but we'll say 1 gallon of fresh water costs 2 copper pieces and can be used to make 4 loaves of bread. A loaf is a pound, and has about 4 servings in it. That pound loaf costs an average of 8 copper. This means making a loaf of bread actually requires 1.1 pounds of grain to be recovered from the miller, who then takes his 10%, and including what is lost in milling, it requires 1.3 pounds. The average person needs about a pound of food per day. Half, one quarter, or even one eighth of this could be bread. Let's say this super-average farmer plants 10 acres of grain, getting back 15,000 pounds at harvest. The government taxes 1500 pounds. The farmer is left with 13,500 pounds of raw wheat, which he takes to the super-average miller. Due to average loss and the miller's cut of 30% total, the farmer comes away with 9450 pounds of flour.
I'm saying all this to say that a pound of wheat bread costs 8 copper. A pound of white bread costs 15 copper.
The farmer comes away with 60 pounds of flour for every 100 pounds of wheat he planted. Average price of regular brown flour is 5cp per pound, while the more expensive white flour is about 10cp per pound. This means the farmer that plants 50 acres (5000 pounds) of brown wheat seed gets 75,000 pounds of wheat at harvest, and 45,000 pounds of flour after tax and milling. At average market price, that returns 225,000cp, or 22,500sp, or 2250gp, or 225pp.
A 1-acre plot of brown wheat yields 1500 pounds, and yields 900 pounds of brown flour after milling and tax. At average market price, this returns 4500cp, or 450sp, or 45gp. If this is a field of white wheat, it yields 9000cp, or 900sp, or 90gp.
Forgetting everything else, one human will need 365 pounds of bread per year to stay fed. This is not at all a nutritious meal. Assuming the farmer has a spouse and 8 farm hands, these 10 people need 3650 pounds, roughly, of bread per year.
I think this is all I can say about bread, but you can read about milk, beef, chicken, and pigs under the cut.
Now that the price of bread has been established, we can talk about things that aren't bread.
A dairy cow, before it can produce milk, must first have a pasture. For the most part, this means the farmer must have the land- roaming dairy cows are an easy target for cattle rustlers. Cows can eat hay and corn.
A dairy cow needs 4 pounds of hay or corn per day, which means 1 acre of land just about feeds a cow for a year. To keep a cow producing milk, it has to have a calf every year. This calf can be slaughtered or sold, with the average calf commanding a measly 10gp at market.
A good cow in Bronzeisle can produce 6 gallons of milk. A good cheesemaker can turn 4 of those gallons into 1 pound of cheese. This can be done at home with cheap, easy to use supplies, but if a town is large enough to have a cheesemaker, he will usually charge 1sp per pound of cheese, or 5cp if you give him the supplies.
We've already determined that an acre field of average wheat can yield a farmer about 45gp per year, so we can justify the standard price of a cow, which is 50gp. The farmer could be using the field for something else like that wheat. Instead he chooses to raise a cow. This means the price of the cow is more dependent on the worth of the land it uses than the materials it produces.
So, 4 gallons of milk make 1 pound of cheese. A cow can produce 6 gallons a day, or 2190 gallons a year, or, if it is all used to make cheese, 547 pounds of cheese. We can guess that 4 gallons of milk is worth about 4 copper when there's far too much of it in the summer, and 8 copper when there's less in the winter. This comes to 1cp per gallon in summer and 2cp per gallon in winter.
This means cheese is worth 8cp, right? Well, no. It's labor-intensive, but because cheese is often made in bulk, it's less expensive than one-off jobs would be. Throw in an extra 4cp for labor costs, as practically all materials except the milk itself are reused in the cheesemaking process. Sure, there are things like rennet, but we're going to count those as very minor expenses, 1cp per pound of cheese. The worth of this cheese on the books is 13cp. The average farmer will sell this for anywhere from 15cp to 2sp, but we'll stick with 2sp for further calculations.
This pound of cheese could feed one person, although there are several problems with this. 1. it's difficult to just eat cheese alone all day, 2. this is far too expensive for the average person, and 3. the average person would be lacking in key nutrients.
A half pound of cheese, half pound of bread comes to 14cp for the average person.
Cows can also be slaughtered for food. To keep cows to purely be slaughtered is the height of decadence for a farmer, as beef cows command an average of 60gp at the market. They can be grain or corn fed, but most choose to let them roam on open land. Either way, a beef cow needs about 1 acre of land to grow to an appropriate, healthy size of 600 pounds. The farmer only needs to feed them throughout Deadwood (winter), which usually lasts about 90 days, but it's often too cold for plants to grow 120 days of the year. This means the farmer needs to provide 1/3 of the food for the cattle himself.
Feed corn is cheaper than corn that humanoids eat, so we'll establish here that 1 pound of feed corn costs 1cp. This means each cow costs 4cp per day to keep fed during the winter, or each cow costs 480cp (48sp) to kept fed for the winter. If a farmer really wanted, he could front the entire 1440cp (144sp, 14gp 4sp) and feed the cattle for the whole year, still making enough money when he sells them at market. It takes about two years for a cow to get to slaughter weight, although calves are often slaughtered between 3 and 16 tendays.
Speaking of the market, the butcher mostly cares about how much the animal weighs. Mostly bulls will be taken to market, as the cows can be used to produce more bulls, and gain more money. If the bull weighs about 600 pounds, it will produce a 360 pound carcass, and 240 pounds of beef. The butcher will often try to lowball the seller, but the bull will often sell for 80 gold. The butcher will then want to nearly double his money and make 140gp off the meat alone. Some people will buy the refuse from the bull, like the bones, tongue, eyes, heart, stomachs, and testicles, but we'll focus on the meat.
The average pound of beef will go for 6sp at the market, making it the most expensive item by far. Beef is often saved for VERY special occasions, if eaten at all by the people who produce it. The last three days of the year, known as the Knight's Nights, were historically a time when serfs would be allowed to eat beef.
Pigs are more important for most people than beef. They eat the leftovers of anything they're given, making their food costs largely negligible. For consistency's sake, we'll say that each 5 pounds of food produces 1 pound of edible refuse.
Pigs can forage, but like cows must be fed for 120 days of the year during Deadwood (winter). The pigs need about 2 pounds of feed per day during this period. This means pigs cost 2cp to feed a day. To feed a pig for the winter, it would cost 240cp (24sp), or 720cp (72sp) for the whole year. However, a pig can get up to slaughter weight in only 6 months, which would cost only 360cp (36sp).
At time of slaughter, a pig weighs about 200 pounds, produces a 120 pound carcass, and has about 80 pounds of meat. Similar to the cow, the pig's extraneous organs will be sold to various people, but the meat is most important here. The pig can be sold for a little more than a third as much as beef, or roughly 25gp. The butcher will then sell that meat for 2sp per pound. This makes pork a good option for the poor farmer who happens to have a holding, but not enough to maintain even the smallest cows.
Chickens mainly produce eggs and more chickens. Both of these are valuable commodities. Similar to pork and beef, chickens eat feed corn, but at a much slower rate. Per tenday, a chicken eats 1 pound of feed corn. The average chicken is slaughtered at 6 tendays, meaning it costs just 6cp to bring a chicken to slaughter weight. Chickens often roam around town freely and return to their coops at night, meaning they often supplement their rationed feed with bugs and spilled grain.
The average slaughter weight chicken weighs 4 pounds, and produces 3 pounds of meat, more or less. This is, of course, much less than the average chicken in contemporary times, whose weights can reach twice that. Regardless, this chicken will sell for 5sp to the butcher, who will then sell the meat for 1sp, making only a 1sp profit. The upside to this is a good butcher can prepare a chicken in maybe ten minutes, with a big scalding vat to seat several of them at a time. This presents a profit margin of 6sp per hour, or 48sp per 8-hour workday.
Welcome to actual economics. The chickens aren't as profitable as pigs in the long run, which is why they're often just slaughtered and eaten at home. Similarly, the eggs chickens provide aren't as profitable in small batches, but provide for the family. A female chicken provides roughly an egg every three days, or 120 per year. An especially fertile chicken can produce up to an egg every other day, or 180 per year, but this is quite rare. These female chickens often live for up to 6 years, producing roughly 720 eggs in their lifetime.
These eggs, though, are worth next to nothing. They cell for 6cp for a dozen, or... half a copper coin each. This technically isn't even a real measurement, like half a penny. This means our average, 120-per-year hen brings in a grand total of.... 60cp per year, making keeping her alive only 1sp more profitable than killing her. Grim prospects for chicken farmers.
Chickens become invaluable in larger numbers. Keeping a single chicken seems a bit odd, anyway. So we'll give our theoretical farmer 15 hens and 3 cocks to keep them happy and productive. He also has 3 acres of feed corn, which gives him 1500 pounds of feed for the birds. The birds only need 36 pounds each, or 648 pounds a year. Throughout the course of a year, this farmer will eat 72 roasters as well, selected from the eggs the hens lay. These will grow to six tendays and then be slaughtered. Our three acres of land give us 4500 pounds of feed corn. The roasters eat 2592 pounds of this over their existences, and the hens and cocks eat another 648 for a total of 3240. Our farmer can sell the remaining 260 pounds for a profit of 260cp (26sp).
Let's see how our meal is looking. We have bread. We have cheese. We have a choice of chicken, beef, or pork. Assuming a 1:1:1 composition, let's see how much a burger, a pork sandwich, and a chicken sandwich would cost in our world so far, assuming the consumer made them, but bought the materials from fair dealers.
A third of a loaf of bread is 2.6 copper, which we have to round to 3. A third of a block of cheese is 6.66 repeating copper, which we, again, have to round to 7.
This is where it gets fun. A third of a pound of beef is 2 silver, again the most expensive thing by far. A third of a pound of pork is 6.66 repeating copper. A third of a pound of chicken is 3.33 repeating copper. Let's see how this affects our menu.
Hamburger.............22 copper. Cheeseburger..........30 copper. Pork Sandwich.........16 copper. Chicken Sandwich......13 copper.
Our menu is shaping up, but incredibly expensive. We haven't calculated for the economy of scale or other price reduction methods that exist today. Next time we will discuss fruits, spices, and land, hot commodities upcharged not because of their rarity, but purely because of how badly people want them.
Part 2
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rayshafazand · 4 years
9 Restaurant Cash Flow Tips for Your Recovery and Beyond
Comprehending your restaurant cash flow is essential to running your restaurant business. Cash flow refers to the amount of cash coming into your restaurant minus the amount of cash going out on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Understanding this basic concept is key to ensuring your financial health during your restaurant recovery.
Managing your cash flow is something you must do on an ongoing basis, whether or not your restaurant is experiencing a cash flow problem. However, if your restaurant is currently struggling with cash flow, you’re not alone, as it’s an issue shared by many restaurant businesses. Solving this challenge requires taking steps that will either increase cash flow or decrease overhead costs, and ideally, both.
Common factors that cause cash flow issues
Some of the main causes of cash flow problems in restaurants are:
Low profits (or losses)
Too much inventory
High labor to sales ratio
Unexpected expenses
Poor financial planning
Create a cash flow forecast for your recovery
The first step in managing your cash flow is having a plan. A cash flow forecast is a projection of your restaurant’s future financial position based on anticipated payments and receivables. Using a cash flow forecast, you will know when cash is coming in and going out. A cash flow forecast will give you warning before money goes out, so you can better manage your cash flow. The main goal of a cash flow forecast is to assist with managing liquidity within your restaurant business and ensuring that your business has the necessary cash to meet its obligations and avoid funding issues.
The unexpected impact of COVID-19 on the restaurant industry has had a huge effect on cash flow for most restaurant businesses. Consequently, you might need to make major adjustments. Now more than ever, your cash flow forecast is essential to helping you make critical business decisions.
For example, by analyzing your cash flow, you can determine how to manage, delay, or temporarily stop your required outflow cash payments. When looking at your cash outflow, start by breaking your expenses into your fixed and variable costs.
Your variable costs include expenses such as sales tax, payroll, and food costs. Your fixed costs are the base level of operating activity expenses, including your rent, outstanding debts, or existing liabilities in accounts payable (AP).
You may be trying to decide whether your sales from delivery/takeout and limited dine-in capacity can generate enough cash flow, given your fixed costs and outstanding AP (current liabilities, payroll, etc.).  Any number of adjustments may change your calculations. However, one of the most helpful tools in deciding between any approach is your analysis of what variable cash outflows you can adjust, and what fixed cash outflows you cannot adjust, given your current inflows. With an understanding of your cash flow, you are better prepared to weigh your options.
Cash flow forecasts are especially helpful when deciding whether or not to cut an expense. You can also gain insight into your business by comparing actual figures to what you forecasted.
How to Categorize Restaurant Expenses
When creating your cash flow forecast, categorize your restaurant expenses by fixed and variable costs.
Fixed Costs
Your total fixed costs are your expenses that must be paid, despite the amount of your revenues. These costs do not fluctuate. You can count on paying them monthly. Common fixed costs include:
Rent, insurance, and property tax
Utility bills
Phone and internet
Licenses and permits
Marketing and advertising costs
Variable Costs
Variable costs are expenses that vary in proportion to the total menu items you sell. Your total variable costs change with changes to your sales volume. Variable costs include:
Labor costs
Food and beverage costs
Takeout containers or disposables
Credit card processing fees
Mixed Costs
Mixed costs are those that are both partially fixed and partially variable by your business demand. For example, your utility costs can vary slightly with the changing months, but typically utilities stay within a range. For your cash flow forecast, group mixed costs with fixed costs and use a monthly average for your calculation.
How to improve cash flow in your restaurant business
Having a positive cash flow can be the difference between staying above water or facing potential serious financial repercussions. The pandemic and its resulting downturned economy can have a devastating effect on your cash flow. Follow these cash flow management tips to successfully manage your cash flow to avoid a cash crunch now and in the future. 
1.   Stay on Top of Bookkeeping
When you have limited cash flow, it can be tempting to reduce accounting and financial resources.  However, this is exactly when it is most essential to have someone on top of your expenses and billing.
Ensure that invoices are entered daily to help you better manage your cash flow. Running financial reports daily will also provide insights into your finances, allowing you to determine if you need additional financial guidance.
There may be mistakes in vendor invoices or added fees from vendors when you’re late on payments that end up costing your restaurant more. A common mistake during times of poor cash flow is using a credit card to pay invoices. However, the credit card doesn’t get reconciled by the accounting team and invoices are still being sent to the company, so bills can end up getting paid twice.
Understanding the relationship between the kitchen and your finances is always important, but it can be the critical difference for surviving tough times. It’s impossible to run effective cash flow if you’re behind on your data entry or missing information.
2.  Keep Inventory Low
If your restaurant sales are not covering your expenses or if you have extra inventory in your walk-in or dry-storage that just isn’t moving, it may be time to update your restaurant menu. it’s a good time to start trimming fat from inventory. Analyze your menu to determine if there are items that aren’t selling. By minimizing your menu you can limit the amount of inventory you need to order each week. Also, cross utilizing menu items helps reduce waste and save money.
Additionally, keep an eye on your inventory to make sure you’re not consistently over-buying food and liquor each week. Careful forecasting can alleviate this problem.
3.  Hold Vendors Accountable to Contract Pricing
As you receive vendor invoices, use a system that can track purchased item costs so that you can discover any contract violations. Reviewing these numbers frequently can help you hold vendors accountable to the prices they are quoting. Also view item price verification across all of your locations to determine if all stores are paying the same price. Tracking these prices on an ongoing basis can ensure that your restaurant business is paying only the contracted amount for an item.
4. Organize Changes in Payroll
Payroll fluctuations can be one of the biggest issues for restaurant operators. Turnover, new employees, furloughs and layoffs can combine to complicate payroll. Keeping a payroll budget and maintaining a payroll budgeting process can be an effective way to organize your payroll.
Normally, you’d budget six months out based on historical payroll data. But, Covid-19 has thrown a wrench in that timing as historical data from last year is not relevant for your recovery. Analyze how your payroll has changed over the past six months. See if you can notice any trends in this short time frame. Analyze your turnover in the six-month period. This will give you a better understanding of wage changes in your budget period.
Looking forward will help you prepare for how payroll will change and will help you manage your cash flow.
5. Restructure Your Seasonal Forecasts for 2020
Forecasting your cash flow will also allow you to create seasonal budgets. Using your cash flow forecast as a guide, budget out several months in advance of seasonal upswings, or in the current climate, downturns in sales. You’ll have a much closer understanding of your needs and can allocate costs of seasonal staff, stock and marketing in advance of busy times. It also gives you the flexibility to adapt during periods of slow business. 
6.  Increase Restaurant Cash Flow
While the best way to increase your restaurant’s cash flow is to increase sales, this may be a greater challenge than controlling costs, especially in light of closed indoor dining and other pandemic-related
restrictions on your ability to grow your revenue. Still, this doesn’t mean that increasing your restaurant’s cash flow is impossible. You can run promotions, such as early bird specials to attract budget-conscious diners and use your email database to get the word out. You can also encourage Yelp reviews and use your social media platforms to engage with your customers. Use your creativity to market your restaurant on a limited budget.
For more no-cost and low-cost marketing ideas, read the blog post, 13 Restaurant Marketing Ideas and Tips for Driving More Customers.
7.      Make Frequent and Informed Labor Decisions
Labor has a major impact on your restaurant’s cash flow. Consequently, you’ll need to use forecasting to help predict the number of employees your restaurant will need each day based on your recent sales and labor data. This will enable you to create more purposeful schedules during these uncertain times. Throughout the week, reevaluate the schedule and readjust your forecasts based on actual sales coming in. If sales don’t meet your adjusted recovery forecast, you may have to reduce the number of staff working—both on the floor and in the kitchen. The current situation is ever-changing, requiring you to evaluate labor needs on a frequent basis and adjust accordingly.
8.  Avoid Relying on Credit
Credit can be a useful tool for getting your restaurant business off the ground, but don’t let it become a crutch when you’re having cash flow issues.
Instead of accepting offers of credit from your vendors, negotiate a discount on your food and beverage purchases in exchange for making immediate payments. You may find that your vendors, are also concerned about their cash flow and may welcome upfront payments. While paying upfront may seem counterintuitive when cash is low, it’s preferable to adding debt to your financial situation.
9.  Work with Your Creditors to Improve Cash Flow
Be proactive about asking for help. If you know it’s going to be difficult making the month’s mortgage or rent payment, call your bank or landlord and ask for an extension. Your bank may extend your deadline or even restructure your loan to help you make ends meet.
You should always know how much money you are bringing into your restaurant business and how much is going out. If your restaurant is experiencing a cash flow problem, it’s important to take steps that will either increase cash flow or decrease overhead costs – or ideally both.
Successfully managing your cash flow during challenging times requires cash flow forecasting. Restaurant reporting tools provide a wealth of detailed information about your inventory, sales and labor, to help you forecast your cash flow.
If you’re interested in improving your cash flow,  consider using Restaurant365, an all-in-one, restaurant-specific accounting, inventory,  scheduling , labor and HR platform that features advanced financial and operations reporting tools.
Ask for a free demo today.
The post 9 Restaurant Cash Flow Tips for Your Recovery and Beyond appeared first on Restaurant365.
from Restaurant365 https://www.restaurant365.com/blog/9-restaurant-cash-flow-tips-for-your-recovery-and-beyond/ via IFTTT
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kuwaiti-kid · 4 years
Wedding Dress Rental- One of the Best Ways to Save Money
Weddings seem to bet getting more and more expensive. Couples have a hard time finding ways to save money on the big event. Wedding dress rental is something that may make sense. Before you stop reading, please hear me out on this.
When it comes to planning and paying for a wedding, couples should spend according to their priorities. The easiest way to identify how to budget for a wedding is to discuss what is most important to you and your soon-to-be spouse. Some commonly named top priorities among engaged couples – photography, venue, and the guest list. That makes a ton of sense because where you celebrate and who you celebrate with are two things that impact how you feel on your wedding day. And, of course, photography is the tangible reminder of all the fantastic memories you'll share on that special day.
One thing that doesn't always rank as highly among the list of priorities is the wedding day attire. Anyone who's ever seen an episode of Say Yes to the dress can attest to the fact that wedding dresses can be quite expensive. While there are several affordable wedding dress retailers to shop these days, you sometimes get what you pay for in terms of craftsmanship and quality. 
While some brides-to-be have been dreaming of their wedding dress for decades, others couldn't care less about donning a designer-labeled gown. Even if your dream dress is at the top of your list of wedding wants, you can still attain the look for less with some savvy bridal hacks. While buying a used wedding dress is increasing in popularity thanks to a combo of cost-savings and being eco-friendly, there's another way to score your dream dress for less– and that's renting a wedding dress.
Why Renting Your Wedding Dress is the Way to Go
There are tons of perks to enjoy if you choose to rent a wedding dress rather than buy new ones. Let us count the ways! Check out some of the top benefits of renting your wedding dress below. 
Score a savvy price on the designer dress of your dreams
If you're looking to reduce the cost of your wedding attire while also scoring a designer dress, renting may be the best option for you. Renting is a great way to don a designer gown without the hefty price tag. Often times, you can rent a dress for a fraction of the original retail price to purchase new. Brides to be can now enjoy the rental wedding attire cost savings that grooms have been afforded for decades– yay for equality! 
No Need to Dry Clean or Preserve
If you pay a handsome sum for the designer wedding dress of your dreams, chances are you're going to need to have it professionally cleaned and preserved to ensure its beauty. Wedding gowns are delicate– you shouldn't just shove it in the back of your closet to collect dust for decades. You should aim to have your wedding dress professionally dry-cleaned and preserved for safekeeping to make sure it maintains its original state for eternity.
You won't have to store it, either.
One post-wedding challenge brides often grapple with is where and how to store their wedding gown after the big day. If you're short on storage space (NYC-sized closet, anyone?), then you may not want to sacrifice the room for an oversized item you're likely never going to wear again. Skip the hassle of reselling or storing your wedding dress by opting to rent instead. 
Wedding dresses have a terrible cost-per-wear factor.
When considering purchasing an item of clothing, calculating the Cost-Per-Wear is an excellent rule of thumb to decide whether or not an item is a good investment. Paying a pretty penny for an item you'll only wear once doesn't really make practical sense unless it's something you plan to resell after your single-use. Opting for a wedding dress rental is a much savvier and sustainable choice.
Renting is more sustainable than buying new. 
Renting your wedding dress is a fantastic eco-friendly wedding idea! The keys to being sustainable are to recycle, reduce, and reuse. Wearing a designer dress from a wedding dress rental company allows you to reuse an item that's been worn before and will be worn again. It also assists you in reducing the amount of wedding waste you produce since you're not making a single-use purchase. You can take it a step further by seeking out a rental company that is committed to sustainable practices and recycles dresses that are no longer suitable for rental due to damage or wear. 
The downsides of renting a wedding dress
Of course, renting is not the perfect solution for every bride. There are some drawbacks to renting a gown that should be considered, such as added fees like shipping costs or security deposits. Check out the other cons below:
You can't make alterations
Unfortunately, you won't be able to make alterations or modifications to your dress if you rent it. That means it may not fit you as flawlessly as a dress that you could have custom-tailored to your body. Whether this is truly an issue or not depends on many different factors and personal preferences. If you find you're typically an in-between-sizes kind of gal and often have to have your clothing adjusted, you may not want to rent a designer wedding dress. 
You won't be able to pass it down.
Are you someone who has always dreamed of being able to hand down your wedding dress to your future daughter? Of course, you won't be able to do that if you rent it. If you don't buy the gown, you don't get to keep it. If you're the overly sentimental type, renting may not be the best choice. 
Sizes + options may be limited. 
From what we've seen from the options we've found, you may have trouble finding a specific dress you want in a full range of sizes. Because of the single-item nature of many of the rental sites we found, you'll likely have a tough go of finding your dream dress in your specific size. If you're lucky enough to hit the jackpot, you will reap the reward of significant savings. If you're concerned about having a perfect fit, you may be better off looking elsewhere. 
You won't get the “bridal experience.”
Unless you first find and try on your dress in a traditional salon, you likely won't get the same wedding dress shopping experience that you've pictured. Not to mention, your timeline for receiving, wearing, and returning the dress will be quite slim. 
Should you rent your wedding dress?
The answer is, it depends. If you are considering opting for a rental over purchasing new, you should ask yourself the following questions to help you decide. 
Questions to ask yourself when considering renting a wedding gown:
What will you do with your wedding dress after your big day?
Is your dream wedding dress costly?
Can you find a dress you like available for rent?
Is it worth it to you to buy a designer gown you will only wear once?
What is the biggest factor in making this decision for me? Is it the cost, or is it wearing my dream dress?
Are there other items on my wedding wishlist that rank higher than a pricey gown?
Do you typically fall in-between sizes? Will the inability to alter your dress be a factor?
If you ask yourself these questions and find yourself leaning towards renting over buying, then check out the resources below to find a source to rent from.  
Where to Rent a Wedding Dress
If you've decided that the rental process is right for you, you'll probably be wondering where you can find wedding dresses for rent. What are the best places to rent a wedding dress? If you're looking for local options for leasing a wedding gown, try doing a Google search for 
“wedding dress rental business near me” and see what you come up with. However, choosing an online rental business will likely give you potential options to consider. We did a bit of Google research and came up with the following online options to consider– check them out below!
Rent the Runway
RTR is widely known as a reputable company to rent and return designer clothing, but did you know they have a whole section of wedding-worthy frocks you can choose from as well? While you're at it, check out their selection of rental accessories to finish your wedding day look! Rent the Runway even offers a Wedding Concierge service to help you pick your perfect styles. They make things super easy by including a pre-addressed return shipping label, so all you have to do is drop your package in the mail to return your dress. 
Another option for renting a bridal dress is RentMyDress.com — their website allows you to search and filter by many different points to peruse their selection. We spotted dresses as low as $150 for a rental there, although it seems they are listing single dresses in a specific size. You'll likely also have to pay a refundable security deposit as well as shipping costs, so the total rental price may not actually be as savvy as it seems. 
Yet another rental option is the P2P rental site StyleLend. Users can upload items from their own closet to rent out to others to earn money for their clothing or accessories. While this may work for a cute dress for a bachelorette party or bridal shower, renting an item like a wedding dress may be worth going with a more professional source. If you're looking for an LWD for an intimate elopement or micro wedding that isn't overly fancy, this could be a good option. 
Is renting a wedding dress right for you?
Be sure to weigh all the pros and cons of renting a wedding gown before making your final decision. If you don't want to pay a hefty price for a huge white dress that will take up precious space in your closet for years to come, you may be better off renting! 
From a purely practical perspective, renting is an excellent option if you're concerned with cost savings, want to avoid the aftercare like dry cleaning and storage, and if you aren't overly sentimental or picky. If you're going to have a traditional bridal shopping experience, you may want to choose the more familiar path to buying your wedding dress. That being said, there are plenty of other ways to save money on your wedding, so feel free to check out our wedding budget tips for more money-saving ideas!
The post Wedding Dress Rental- One of the Best Ways to Save Money appeared first on Your Money Geek.
from Your Money Geek https://ift.tt/3gmgA9O via IFTTT
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josephlrushing · 4 years
Pitaka Air Omni 6-in-1 Charging Solution Is Something Special
It should be no surprise that Pitaka makes both Judie’s and my smartphone cases of choice. The company also makes great chargers and, as the title of this review says, their new Pitaka Air Omni 6-in-1 Charging Solution is something special. It’s currently available for backing on Kickstarter; I have an early version and love it.
  Pitaka describes the Air Omni this way:
6-in-1 Charging Solution:Experience charging like never before with the Air Omni. Charge your iPhone, Android devices, Apple Watch, AirPods and Samsung Ear Buds, iPad, and even your Mac – all at the same time.
  They go on to say that this is the last charger you will ever need and I’m happy to say that isn’t hyperbole. When you see how many devices you can charge simultaneously you will not only want an Air Omni, but you are going to want to give them as presents to those you love. It is that good!
And while the Air Omni isn’t inexpensive, it is currently $127 on Kickstarter and will retail for significantly more, it will actually save you money.
The cost of buying a separate charger for each of your devices can be well over $300, not to mention the cost of regularly replacing old power cables. The Air Omni saves you money, time, and space by covering all your charging needs on a single portable pad.
Let’s take a walk around this Swiss Army Charger.
It measures 6.7” by 8” by 1.2” and weighs just over 1.77 pounds. It was designed using the aerospace-grade Aramid fiber that has become a Pitaka staple thanks to its smooth feel, lightweight, and extreme durability. You might wonder why they use Aramid fiber and not the carbon fiber you might expect. As they explain:
Through rigorous testing, Aramid fiber has been shown to be a tougher and more flexible alternative to carbon fiber. It is also highly scratch and flame resistant, smooth to the touch, easy to clean, comes in multiple color options. Unlike carbon fiber, Aramid fiber is not conductive and therefore safe to the touch as part of a wireless charging pad.
In addition, the Aramid fiber looks cool!
When you look at the Air Omni, it looks like a plain, black box with a white circular disk in the center.
Ultra-Fast Charging: The Air Omni’s powerful all-in-one 18W fast charger powers your phone to 50% in just 30 minutes.
Subtle indicators on the front half of the Air Omni outline the ideal positioning of your wireless charging-enabled phone.
At the same time, it is worth noting that the Air Omni has an advanced chain coil charging pad design that ensures devices will always charge wirelessly even when not positioned “optimally.” Having grabbed my phone off chargers from other companies only to find that it was not properly placed and had no charge left, I love this advancement.
Certified by Apple’s rigorous Made for iOS (MFi) standards, the Air Omni offers safe, fast charging. The featured Apple Watch pop-up charger can charge your smartwatch both flat or upright with the push of a button.
The white disk at the center of the Air Omni is, of course, a charging disk for Apple Watch. It offers an output of 5W. It lays flat if you want to lay your watch down but, with the press of a side button, it rises to hold your Apple Watch in nightstand orientation. It is a slick design and it really works well.
To the left of the Apple Watch charger is another subtle indicator.
This identifies the ideal position for charging earbuds with wireless charging such as the Apple AirPods 2, AirPods Pro, or the Samsung Galaxy Buds. This area has an output of 5W. (I’m still waiting for wireless charging for my Jabra and Master & Dynamic true wireless earphones so, for now, these are is of little use to me.)
Behind the Apple Watch Charging disk is one of the most innovative aspects of the Air Omni.
Lightning to Type-C Toggling: Whether you have an Android or an Apple device, the Air Omni’s unique adapter toggle has you covered: simply press the button to easily switch between the lightning or Type-C connectors. Tested over 3000 times by PITAKA’s expert technicians, the Lightning to Type C Toggle is guaranteed to meet the highest quality standards in today’s market.
There is a small window in which you can see either a Lightning or USB-C connector.
Pressing a button hidden at the back rear portion of the Air Omni toggles between the two connectors.
That means the Air Omni will work with both my iPad Pro with its USB-C connector and my iPad Air with its Lightning connector. Since Apple is currently using two different charging ports on its mobile devices, having this kind of flexibility is great. In addition, it also means I can use this charging location with both my iPhone or my Pixel 4.
Behind the Lightning/USB-C connectors, you can see the hinge of the metal tablet stand-in “closed” position. When not in use, the stand sits safely on the underside of the Air Omni. As you begin to pull it up either the Lightning or USB-C connector begins to rise into a position where it becomes available to a power-hungry device. The hinges on the stand are tight enough that the stand will hold your mobile device at almost any angle you want.
But there’s more.
The Air Omni can even charge your iPad horizontally, allowing you to use it as it charges.
Included with the Air Omni is a small piece of plastic in the share of a shallow “U.”
This connects magnetically between the Apple Watch charging disk and the Lighting/USB-C charging connector and allows you to place a tablet in landscape mode for easy viewing. Here’s the thing. When your tablet is in landscape it obviously can’t sit on the Lightning/USB-C connector. That’s where the two charging ports on the side come in.
Behind the button that releases the Apple Watch charging disk, there is a USB-C port and a USB-A port. The USB-C port outputs PD 18W or QC 18W and can even be used to charge a MacBook. The USB-A port has a quick charge output of 18W. When both ports are in use, they output a total of 15W.
These ports can be used to charge two more devices and, if your tablet is in landscape on the Air Omni, you can simply connect a cable to one of the two side charging ports and use and charge your device at the same time.
Pitaka meant it when they wrote:
While most wireless chargers on the market can only handle a few devices at a time, the Air Omni has been designed to handle all your charging needs.
But there’s even more. On the left side of the Air Omni when facing it there is a hidden drawer. A slight press in not only releases it but also turns on an internal light so you can see what is inside.
The storage area isn’t large, but it is certainly spacious enough for your rings, some pills, some earplugs, or other small items you want to keep handy. It’s small details like these that make this charger as impressive as it is.
I was excited when got my first phone with wireless charging. The initial charging stands I purchased left something to be desired, however. They were one-trick ponies, the phone had to be placed rather precisely to get a charge and they were slow. Chargers have gotten faster, more refined, and more capable over the last year or two and the Pitaka Air Omni is a prime example of what can be done when a company spends the time to really think through what devices people actually use and how they use them. The Air Omni is a fast, safe wireless phone charger. It is a speedy charger for Apple Watch and AirPod Pros. It has a built-in charger that toggles between Lightning and USB-C and it has two additional charging ports on the side. All of that combines into the one bedside or desktop charger you need. Add in the fact that it looks great and, if you back it on Kickstarter you can get it for as little as $127 and I have no doubt Pitaka has another hit on their hands. If you use multiple devices and find yourself having to play musical cables you are going to love this! It’s a fantastic charger and you can back it here.
A personal note: Like many of you, Raina and I have been sheltering in place. Because we attended a conference where a number of people were ill, we started early and are in our eighth week of this. Living in a New Jersey town where many residents commute into the city, it will come as no surprise that our community has been hit hard. A few weeks into this “journey” I received an email from company founder and CEO Roger Pitaka. It read, “Dan, things are easing up here a bit, but I hear your community is being hit hard. I’ve sent something your way.” A week later a box of surgical facemasks showed up. But as if that wasn’t enough, when the Air Omni arrived last week for review, I opened the box to discover that Anna, our PR contact at Pitaka had snuck some additional masks beneath the Air Omni. I love Pitaka products, but these acts of unsolicited kindness make me a customer for life. Check out their entire lineup of great products here.
Source: Manufacturer supplied review sample of the Pitaka Air Omni
What I Like: Well built; Looks great; Charges up to six devices at once; Chargers devices at optimal speeds while protecting them from overcharging; Apple Watch can be laid flat or charges in Nightstand Mode; Cute little lighted drawer is great for a few small items you don’t want to lose; Toggle between Lightning and USB-C
What Needs Improvement: Useful for everyone but ideally suited for those of us deep into Apple’s ecosystem
from Joseph Rushing https://geardiary.com/2020/04/27/pitaka-air-omni-6-in-1-charging-solution-is-something-special/
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teamwoah · 5 years
Lp Grill Opinions - Assists One to Choose the Best Item
For those trying to continually save yourself the absolute most money on the textbooks, half.com that are their best bet. A special child of eBay, half.com, despite its misleading name, is the entire offer as it pertains to purchasing inexpensive school books online. Giving primarily every book out there (and actually some publications that aren't out there), you'll have the choice of choosing from equally new and applied books at a broad smattering of prices. Half.com works as being similar to eBay (big surprise) in so it lets individuals offering publications select their price tag and then lists all of these guide possibilities in an on the web marketplace for customers to search in. If you're thinking about getting your school books on half.com (and clearly you are currently contemplating it; you are studying this short article after all), then have a look at these advantages and drawbacks before you start guide getting willy- buy ios reviews :
Obtaining your needed university books could not be easier. Being a man who prices laziness as a life style goal (I'm presently publishing that in night because the sun moved down and I won't get around start any lights), locating my college books with as little energy and time on my part is almost as major of a deal as finding inexpensive guide rates is. Fortuitously, half.com takes makes this method primarily suffering free, letting you easily research by book, writer, or ISBN quantity ("guide DNA", if you will) and also shows the guide cover for individuals who like to choose a guide by its, effectively, their cover.
Applied book rates can be hugely, laughably cheap. Often when I desire a excellent pick-me-up I'll only head over to half.com and chuckle at how inexpensive of an amount a number of the publications on there are being distributed for. It's not uncommon to visit a typically $30 book being offered for 75 dollars, and even though you factor in the price of delivery (all books from half.com cost around $3.50) you are still getting a publication for the buying price of a good ice treatment cone. Admittedly, if I had to choose I'd however get the cone, but you obtain the idea.
"Used publications" may be more applied than you think. Unlike gunpowder and toilet paper, publications still basically function their purpose even when seriously used. If you are one of the "provided that it operates, good enough for me" forms (a popular component in all my ex-girlfriends), investing in a half.com applied book at a heavily-reduced value is definitely the solution to go. But, don't be shocked if you receive a guide in the send that's been outlined to a point the pages weigh more and look to have been gently nibbled on from time and energy to time.
Many company homeowners already know this. Therefore, opinions are something that business homeowners want. Nevertheless, I have seen lots of confusion about where in actuality the evaluations must be located and simply how much value and weight they carry. The principal price is based on credibility from potential clients and probably search engines. Listed below are where most of the reviews find yourself and the value that they carry.
· Company Internet site: Published Evaluation - This kind of evaluation carries number fat with research motors and very little credibility with possible clients since everyone understands you get a grip on the website and you can set such a thing you need on their regardless of truth of the record or if the consumer is really a true person or not.
· Business Web site: Movie Evaluation - That holds more fat with your possible consumers since people could see that it's a genuine individual and not really a development of your imagination. They still don't know if this person is actually a customer of yours or perhaps a buddy that owes you a favor, but it looks more realistic. Often these types of evaluations are great for a particular product site or the site that discusses a site you provide.
· Bing Plus: That appears to carry more weight with potential customers since they know you can't erase a bad review and it's somewhat difficult to fake the reviews.
· Yelp: This seems to carry more fat than Google reviews because it's actually harder to phony these reviews and you can't remove bad reviews from this forum. That review software provides a lot of reliability with Bing as well. Yelp has a dedicated following and there are certainly a lot of people who use that as opposed to a research engine.
0 notes
samuelfields · 5 years
The Best Home Insurance Companies
Once you buy a house, you absolutely need the right home insurance.
Your home is usually the largest asset that you have. If something happened to it, you’d be ruined financially. Getting the right home insurance policy protects you against that risk.
Home insurance protects you from storms, fire, robbery, and other disasters. Keep in mind that home insurance doesn’t usually include protection from flooding. You’ll need a second policy for that.
I wouldn’t skimp here, take the time and money to get the right policy. Your home is too important.
The 10 Best Home Insurance Companies for 2020
Should an unthinkable disaster happen, you’ll be glad you stuck with one of the best home insurers, which should help you receive a prompt payment of your claim. Here are the 10 best home insurance companies to use.
Amica Mutual – Owned By the Customers
Great reputation and customer service scores but you’ll pay a premium price for it and won’t get many discounts.
Promptly pays the majority of claims
Excellent customer service scores
The customers become part-owners and receive dividends over time
Proven reliable
First year premiums are higher than average
Doesn’t offer very many discounts
Allstate – Good for New Homeowners
A good option for first-time home owners that can’t get good policies elsewhere, some discounts will be available too. But the customer ratings could be higher.
Willing to insure first-time homeowners
Multiple creative discounts available
Well-known brand name
Many local agents to pick from
Customer satisfaction scores could be higher
May reject some policies in wildfire danger areas
American Family – Multiple Discount Options
Not available nationwide but does have plenty of discount options. It’s worth checking to see if you can get it. Customer ratings aren’t great though.
Its digital tools for self-managing policies work well
Has quite a few discounts for those who qualify
Policies are relatively easy to customize
Customer service levels are a bit disappointing
Not as widely available across the country as some other insurers
Erie Insurance – Highly Rated Insurer
People rave about Erie Insurance but it’s extremely limited, you can only get it in the Northeast and Midwest.
Outstanding customer service scores
Gives you quick response to investigate any claims
Guaranteed replacement cost coverage options
Makes it easy to add coverage for uncommon situations
Only available in certain regions of the country
Doesn’t have an online service option, so you have to make a telephone call
Farmers Insurance – Specializes in Large Homes
Great option for larger properties, the rates are usually better. It’s a standard, nationwide insurance company with customer ratings that are alright but not great.
Good choice for high value homes and properties
Gives you policy options in multiple pricing tiers
Policy features customized to your location’s perils
Rewards customers who don’t make frequent claims
Customer service could be better
Rates on smaller homes aren’t as competitive as for big homes
Geico – Easily Customizable Policy
One of the best options if you want to get your premiums as low as possible. Geico doesn’t handle the claim themselves though, they sell it to another insurance company. So you won’t know who’s responsible for helping you when you purchase the policy.
Allows you to closely control your policy’s features
Reasonable prices for homeowner coverage
Customer service is easy to contact in multiple ways
Geico sells the policies to other insurers, so someone else handles claims
Fewer local agents than some other insurers
MetLife – Guaranteed Replacement Cost
A good option if you really want a guaranteed replacement cost policy. Customer ratings aren’t as good as they could be though.
Will give policyholders guaranteed replacement cost coverage
Well-known brand name
Provides discounts to employees of certain companies
Customer service scores could be better
Difficult to find information or make account changes on the website
Progressive – Lots of Pricing Options
Lots of options and very easy to change your policy online. Definitely one of the better options if you want to avoid getting on the phone.
Specializes in letting you control your policy digitally
Offers policies in a huge range of price points, depending on what you want
Has multiple tiers of replacement cost coverage options
Doesn’t write the policies itself, so the someone else handles the claims
Inconsistent customer service response levels
State Farm – Well-Known Brand
One of the largest insurance brands so it’s almost always an option. Has a good reputation overall too and open to insuring first-time homeowners. But the rates will be a bit higher on most policies.
Plenty of agents to personally serve you
Delivers better than average service to customers
More than willing to sell policies to first-time homeowners
One of the biggest brand names in insurance of all kinds
Rates are a little above average
Doesn’t have as many discount options as some others
USAA – Excellent Customer Satisfaction
If you or your family is employed by the military, definitely get a quote from USAA. They have some of the highest customer ratings around but are only available to the armed forces.
Highly rated for customer service
Trustworthy and reliable insurer
Good discount if you also have an auto policy
Seems to handle the claims process quickly
Only open to military members and their families
Premiums are a little higher than average
How to Choose The Best Home Insurance Company
When purchasing home insurance, you need to pay attention to more than just price. I’d avoid going with the cheapest quote from an unknown company.
The last thing you want is to have your insurance company fail you at claim time, just when you need it the most. Here are some tips for determining how to choose the best home insurance provider.
Check the Insurer’s Reputation
You can use the A.M. Best website, the J.D. Power website, or Consumer Reports for third-party information on the performance level of various home insurers. Some of these reports will require a paid subscription, usually in the $10/month range. I think it’s well-worth the cost when getting something as important as a home policy.
You also can check personal reviews of various insurance companies on the Internet. Just keep in mind that some reviews may be fake, so don’t rely on just one or two random reviews.
Do You Want an Agent?
Some insurance companies do the majority of their business over the phone and Internet. Local agents are not commonly available. These insurance policies often appear at a below average cost.
Other insurance companies rely on personal agents. These agents will live near you, and they will be willing to visit your home and help you pick the best option. If you ever have a claim, it can be a big relief to have a person with whom you’re familiar on your side. It’s also a lot easier to work directly with a nagent if you need a customized policy.
You often will pay a bit more to have an agent, though.
Look for Insurance Discounts
Discounts on homeowners insurance can add up quickly if you have enough of them. Some of the items for which you may receive a premium cost discount include:
Actively monitored home security features
Actively monitored smoke detectors installed
Carbon monoxide detectors installed
Other policies (such as auto) with the same insurer
Good credit score
Member of the military
First responder
Specific home improvements
Specific types of roofs
Senior citizen discount
Not smoking
Installing the right features in your home and getting your credit score up are the best ways to get a better policy. Also consider combining multiple policies with the same company if you can get good quotes on those other policies.
Coverage Areas
Some home insurance providers will serve any region in the United States. Others only appear in a certain region or collection of states.
If you can get one of the regional insurance companies like Erie Insurance that have amazing reputations, do it. If you live outside these areas, get a few quotes from the national brands to give you a sense for what to expect. And if you’re considering a regional insurer that’s not on our list, double check their customer ratings before going with them over the national providers.
Learn How Deductibles Work
The deductible is the main part of your policy that you have control over.
What is a deductible? The deductible is the amount you must pay out of pocket before you’ll receive any benefits from the policy.
How does a deductible work? If you have a $2,000 deductible on your roof, and the repair costs are $6,500, you will pay $2,000 for the repairs, while the insurance company will pay $4,500 on the claim.
Do deductibles vary in a single policy? Almost certainly. You may have different deductible amounts for different types of claims in one policy.
How do deductibles affect the policy cost? If you choose a higher deductible, you will save money on your monthly premium. But you then must pay more out of pocket if you ever have a claim. So you have to weigh the pros and cons of a high deductible for your personal financial situation.
If you think the odds are high that you’ll file a claim or don’t have much cash on hand, get a policy with a low deductible. You’ll have to pay less before your insurance company starts covering the cost.
You could also choose a high deductible if you’re not worried about covering that amount yourself and would rather have a lower monthly payment.
Are You Penalized for Making Claims?
Some insurance companies will raise your rates immediately after you make a claim. And it often doesn’t seem to matter if your claim is for a few hundred dollars or tens of thousands of dollars.
First, ask the insurance company about its policy on raising rates after claims. Some companies specifically say they will not raise rates after some types of claims.
Second, avoid making claims for small items if at all possible. If you are making a $1,300 claim and your deductible is $1,000, you’re only going to receive a $300 payment.
Is that small amount worth it if the company is going to raise your rates right after it sends you the check? Probably not. So you may want to avoid making a claim in this case and just pay the full $1,300 out of pocket.
Do You Have Big Dogs?
Some insurance companies are leery about insuring homeowners who have large dogs, certain breeds of dogs, or some exotic animals. The insurer may charge you a premium if you have these types of animals, or it may deny your policy application.
If you have big dogs or nontraditional pets, you will want to shop around and find a home insurer that will not penalize you for owning these animals.
We Didn’t Forget About Price
Price shouldn’t be the only thing you consider when shopping for the top home insurance policy, but it does play a role.
I would get at least three different quotes from insurance companies before making a decision. Quotes can range widely for the same policy so you’ll want to check around. And if you want to get the best policy for the least amount, get at least 5 quotes. Then compare the prices to customer satisfaction scores before making a final decision.
Update Your Mortgage When Changing Policies
If you do select one of these best home insurance companies, and you’ll be changing your home insurer while you have a mortgage, don’t forget to contact your lender about the change.
If your mortgage company believes you don’t have home insurance coverage, you could have a significant problem with your home loan.
Ultimately, the lender may choose to purchase insurance for you, likely at a much higher price than you could receive in a policy on your own. This could cost a lot of extra money for something you don’t need.
The Best Home Insurance Companies is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Finance https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/best-home-insurance-companies/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
andrewdburton · 5 years
The Best Home Insurance Companies
Once you buy a house, you absolutely need the right home insurance.
Your home is usually the largest asset that you have. If something happened to it, you’d be ruined financially. Getting the right home insurance policy protects you against that risk.
Home insurance protects you from storms, fire, robbery, and other disasters. Keep in mind that home insurance doesn’t usually include protection from flooding. You’ll need a second policy for that.
I wouldn’t skimp here, take the time and money to get the right policy. Your home is too important.
The 10 Best Home Insurance Companies for 2020
Should an unthinkable disaster happen, you’ll be glad you stuck with one of the best home insurers, which should help you receive a prompt payment of your claim. Here are the 10 best home insurance companies to use.
Amica Mutual – Owned By the Customers
Great reputation and customer service scores but you’ll pay a premium price for it and won’t get many discounts.
Promptly pays the majority of claims
Excellent customer service scores
The customers become part-owners and receive dividends over time
Proven reliable
First year premiums are higher than average
Doesn’t offer very many discounts
Allstate – Good for New Homeowners
A good option for first-time home owners that can’t get good policies elsewhere, some discounts will be available too. But the customer ratings could be higher.
Willing to insure first-time homeowners
Multiple creative discounts available
Well-known brand name
Many local agents to pick from
Customer satisfaction scores could be higher
May reject some policies in wildfire danger areas
American Family – Multiple Discount Options
Not available nationwide but does have plenty of discount options. It’s worth checking to see if you can get it. Customer ratings aren’t great though.
Its digital tools for self-managing policies work well
Has quite a few discounts for those who qualify
Policies are relatively easy to customize
Customer service levels are a bit disappointing
Not as widely available across the country as some other insurers
Erie Insurance – Highly Rated Insurer
People rave about Erie Insurance but it’s extremely limited, you can only get it in the Northeast and Midwest.
Outstanding customer service scores
Gives you quick response to investigate any claims
Guaranteed replacement cost coverage options
Makes it easy to add coverage for uncommon situations
Only available in certain regions of the country
Doesn’t have an online service option, so you have to make a telephone call
Farmers Insurance – Specializes in Large Homes
Great option for larger properties, the rates are usually better. It’s a standard, nationwide insurance company with customer ratings that are alright but not great.
Good choice for high value homes and properties
Gives you policy options in multiple pricing tiers
Policy features customized to your location’s perils
Rewards customers who don’t make frequent claims
Customer service could be better
Rates on smaller homes aren’t as competitive as for big homes
Geico – Easily Customizable Policy
One of the best options if you want to get your premiums as low as possible. Geico doesn’t handle the claim themselves though, they sell it to another insurance company. So you won’t know who’s responsible for helping you when you purchase the policy.
Allows you to closely control your policy’s features
Reasonable prices for homeowner coverage
Customer service is easy to contact in multiple ways
Geico sells the policies to other insurers, so someone else handles claims
Fewer local agents than some other insurers
MetLife – Guaranteed Replacement Cost
A good option if you really want a guaranteed replacement cost policy. Customer ratings aren’t as good as they could be though.
Will give policyholders guaranteed replacement cost coverage
Well-known brand name
Provides discounts to employees of certain companies
Customer service scores could be better
Difficult to find information or make account changes on the website
Progressive – Lots of Pricing Options
Lots of options and very easy to change your policy online. Definitely one of the better options if you want to avoid getting on the phone.
Specializes in letting you control your policy digitally
Offers policies in a huge range of price points, depending on what you want
Has multiple tiers of replacement cost coverage options
Doesn’t write the policies itself, so the someone else handles the claims
Inconsistent customer service response levels
State Farm – Well-Known Brand
One of the largest insurance brands so it’s almost always an option. Has a good reputation overall too and open to insuring first-time homeowners. But the rates will be a bit higher on most policies.
Plenty of agents to personally serve you
Delivers better than average service to customers
More than willing to sell policies to first-time homeowners
One of the biggest brand names in insurance of all kinds
Rates are a little above average
Doesn’t have as many discount options as some others
USAA – Excellent Customer Satisfaction
If you or your family is employed by the military, definitely get a quote from USAA. They have some of the highest customer ratings around but are only available to the armed forces.
Highly rated for customer service
Trustworthy and reliable insurer
Good discount if you also have an auto policy
Seems to handle the claims process quickly
Only open to military members and their families
Premiums are a little higher than average
How to Choose The Best Home Insurance Company
When purchasing home insurance, you need to pay attention to more than just price. I’d avoid going with the cheapest quote from an unknown company.
The last thing you want is to have your insurance company fail you at claim time, just when you need it the most. Here are some tips for determining how to choose the best home insurance provider.
Check the Insurer’s Reputation
You can use the A.M. Best website, the J.D. Power website, or Consumer Reports for third-party information on the performance level of various home insurers. Some of these reports will require a paid subscription, usually in the $10/month range. I think it’s well-worth the cost when getting something as important as a home policy.
You also can check personal reviews of various insurance companies on the Internet. Just keep in mind that some reviews may be fake, so don’t rely on just one or two random reviews.
Do You Want an Agent?
Some insurance companies do the majority of their business over the phone and Internet. Local agents are not commonly available. These insurance policies often appear at a below average cost.
Other insurance companies rely on personal agents. These agents will live near you, and they will be willing to visit your home and help you pick the best option. If you ever have a claim, it can be a big relief to have a person with whom you’re familiar on your side. It’s also a lot easier to work directly with a nagent if you need a customized policy.
You often will pay a bit more to have an agent, though.
Look for Insurance Discounts
Discounts on homeowners insurance can add up quickly if you have enough of them. Some of the items for which you may receive a premium cost discount include:
Actively monitored home security features
Actively monitored smoke detectors installed
Carbon monoxide detectors installed
Other policies (such as auto) with the same insurer
Good credit score
Member of the military
First responder
Specific home improvements
Specific types of roofs
Senior citizen discount
Not smoking
Installing the right features in your home and getting your credit score up are the best ways to get a better policy. Also consider combining multiple policies with the same company if you can get good quotes on those other policies.
Coverage Areas
Some home insurance providers will serve any region in the United States. Others only appear in a certain region or collection of states.
If you can get one of the regional insurance companies like Erie Insurance that have amazing reputations, do it. If you live outside these areas, get a few quotes from the national brands to give you a sense for what to expect. And if you’re considering a regional insurer that’s not on our list, double check their customer ratings before going with them over the national providers.
Learn How Deductibles Work
The deductible is the main part of your policy that you have control over.
What is a deductible? The deductible is the amount you must pay out of pocket before you’ll receive any benefits from the policy.
How does a deductible work? If you have a $2,000 deductible on your roof, and the repair costs are $6,500, you will pay $2,000 for the repairs, while the insurance company will pay $4,500 on the claim.
Do deductibles vary in a single policy? Almost certainly. You may have different deductible amounts for different types of claims in one policy.
How do deductibles affect the policy cost? If you choose a higher deductible, you will save money on your monthly premium. But you then must pay more out of pocket if you ever have a claim. So you have to weigh the pros and cons of a high deductible for your personal financial situation.
If you think the odds are high that you’ll file a claim or don’t have much cash on hand, get a policy with a low deductible. You’ll have to pay less before your insurance company starts covering the cost.
You could also choose a high deductible if you’re not worried about covering that amount yourself and would rather have a lower monthly payment.
Are You Penalized for Making Claims?
Some insurance companies will raise your rates immediately after you make a claim. And it often doesn’t seem to matter if your claim is for a few hundred dollars or tens of thousands of dollars.
First, ask the insurance company about its policy on raising rates after claims. Some companies specifically say they will not raise rates after some types of claims.
Second, avoid making claims for small items if at all possible. If you are making a $1,300 claim and your deductible is $1,000, you’re only going to receive a $300 payment.
Is that small amount worth it if the company is going to raise your rates right after it sends you the check? Probably not. So you may want to avoid making a claim in this case and just pay the full $1,300 out of pocket.
Do You Have Big Dogs?
Some insurance companies are leery about insuring homeowners who have large dogs, certain breeds of dogs, or some exotic animals. The insurer may charge you a premium if you have these types of animals, or it may deny your policy application.
If you have big dogs or nontraditional pets, you will want to shop around and find a home insurer that will not penalize you for owning these animals.
We Didn’t Forget About Price
Price shouldn’t be the only thing you consider when shopping for the top home insurance policy, but it does play a role.
I would get at least three different quotes from insurance companies before making a decision. Quotes can range widely for the same policy so you’ll want to check around. And if you want to get the best policy for the least amount, get at least 5 quotes. Then compare the prices to customer satisfaction scores before making a final decision.
Update Your Mortgage When Changing Policies
If you do select one of these best home insurance companies, and you’ll be changing your home insurer while you have a mortgage, don’t forget to contact your lender about the change.
If your mortgage company believes you don’t have home insurance coverage, you could have a significant problem with your home loan.
Ultimately, the lender may choose to purchase insurance for you, likely at a much higher price than you could receive in a policy on your own. This could cost a lot of extra money for something you don’t need.
The Best Home Insurance Companies is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Finance https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/best-home-insurance-companies/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
kennethherrerablog · 5 years
The Best Home Insurance Companies
Once you buy a house, you absolutely need the right home insurance.
Your home is usually the largest asset that you have. If something happened to it, you’d be ruined financially. Getting the right home insurance policy protects you against that risk.
Home insurance protects you from storms, fire, robbery, and other disasters. Keep in mind that home insurance doesn’t usually include protection from flooding. You’ll need a second policy for that.
I wouldn’t skimp here, take the time and money to get the right policy. Your home is too important.
The 10 Best Home Insurance Companies for 2020
Should an unthinkable disaster happen, you’ll be glad you stuck with one of the best home insurers, which should help you receive a prompt payment of your claim. Here are the 10 best home insurance companies to use.
Amica Mutual – Owned By the Customers
Great reputation and customer service scores but you’ll pay a premium price for it and won’t get many discounts.
Promptly pays the majority of claims
Excellent customer service scores
The customers become part-owners and receive dividends over time
Proven reliable
First year premiums are higher than average
Doesn’t offer very many discounts
Allstate – Good for New Homeowners
A good option for first-time home owners that can’t get good policies elsewhere, some discounts will be available too. But the customer ratings could be higher.
Willing to insure first-time homeowners
Multiple creative discounts available
Well-known brand name
Many local agents to pick from
Customer satisfaction scores could be higher
May reject some policies in wildfire danger areas
American Family – Multiple Discount Options
Not available nationwide but does have plenty of discount options. It’s worth checking to see if you can get it. Customer ratings aren’t great though.
Its digital tools for self-managing policies work well
Has quite a few discounts for those who qualify
Policies are relatively easy to customize
Customer service levels are a bit disappointing
Not as widely available across the country as some other insurers
Erie Insurance – Highly Rated Insurer
People rave about Erie Insurance but it’s extremely limited, you can only get it in the Northeast and Midwest.
Outstanding customer service scores
Gives you quick response to investigate any claims
Guaranteed replacement cost coverage options
Makes it easy to add coverage for uncommon situations
Only available in certain regions of the country
Doesn’t have an online service option, so you have to make a telephone call
Farmers Insurance – Specializes in Large Homes
Great option for larger properties, the rates are usually better. It’s a standard, nationwide insurance company with customer ratings that are alright but not great.
Good choice for high value homes and properties
Gives you policy options in multiple pricing tiers
Policy features customized to your location’s perils
Rewards customers who don’t make frequent claims
Customer service could be better
Rates on smaller homes aren’t as competitive as for big homes
Geico – Easily Customizable Policy
One of the best options if you want to get your premiums as low as possible. Geico doesn’t handle the claim themselves though, they sell it to another insurance company. So you won’t know who’s responsible for helping you when you purchase the policy.
Allows you to closely control your policy’s features
Reasonable prices for homeowner coverage
Customer service is easy to contact in multiple ways
Geico sells the policies to other insurers, so someone else handles claims
Fewer local agents than some other insurers
MetLife – Guaranteed Replacement Cost
A good option if you really want a guaranteed replacement cost policy. Customer ratings aren’t as good as they could be though.
Will give policyholders guaranteed replacement cost coverage
Well-known brand name
Provides discounts to employees of certain companies
Customer service scores could be better
Difficult to find information or make account changes on the website
Progressive – Lots of Pricing Options
Lots of options and very easy to change your policy online. Definitely one of the better options if you want to avoid getting on the phone.
Specializes in letting you control your policy digitally
Offers policies in a huge range of price points, depending on what you want
Has multiple tiers of replacement cost coverage options
Doesn’t write the policies itself, so the someone else handles the claims
Inconsistent customer service response levels
State Farm – Well-Known Brand
One of the largest insurance brands so it’s almost always an option. Has a good reputation overall too and open to insuring first-time homeowners. But the rates will be a bit higher on most policies.
Plenty of agents to personally serve you
Delivers better than average service to customers
More than willing to sell policies to first-time homeowners
One of the biggest brand names in insurance of all kinds
Rates are a little above average
Doesn’t have as many discount options as some others
USAA – Excellent Customer Satisfaction
If you or your family is employed by the military, definitely get a quote from USAA. They have some of the highest customer ratings around but are only available to the armed forces.
Highly rated for customer service
Trustworthy and reliable insurer
Good discount if you also have an auto policy
Seems to handle the claims process quickly
Only open to military members and their families
Premiums are a little higher than average
How to Choose The Best Home Insurance Company
When purchasing home insurance, you need to pay attention to more than just price. I’d avoid going with the cheapest quote from an unknown company.
The last thing you want is to have your insurance company fail you at claim time, just when you need it the most. Here are some tips for determining how to choose the best home insurance provider.
Check the Insurer’s Reputation
You can use the A.M. Best website, the J.D. Power website, or Consumer Reports for third-party information on the performance level of various home insurers. Some of these reports will require a paid subscription, usually in the $10/month range. I think it’s well-worth the cost when getting something as important as a home policy.
You also can check personal reviews of various insurance companies on the Internet. Just keep in mind that some reviews may be fake, so don’t rely on just one or two random reviews.
Do You Want an Agent?
Some insurance companies do the majority of their business over the phone and Internet. Local agents are not commonly available. These insurance policies often appear at a below average cost.
Other insurance companies rely on personal agents. These agents will live near you, and they will be willing to visit your home and help you pick the best option. If you ever have a claim, it can be a big relief to have a person with whom you’re familiar on your side. It’s also a lot easier to work directly with a nagent if you need a customized policy.
You often will pay a bit more to have an agent, though.
Look for Insurance Discounts
Discounts on homeowners insurance can add up quickly if you have enough of them. Some of the items for which you may receive a premium cost discount include:
Actively monitored home security features
Actively monitored smoke detectors installed
Carbon monoxide detectors installed
Other policies (such as auto) with the same insurer
Good credit score
Member of the military
First responder
Specific home improvements
Specific types of roofs
Senior citizen discount
Not smoking
Installing the right features in your home and getting your credit score up are the best ways to get a better policy. Also consider combining multiple policies with the same company if you can get good quotes on those other policies.
Coverage Areas
Some home insurance providers will serve any region in the United States. Others only appear in a certain region or collection of states.
If you can get one of the regional insurance companies like Erie Insurance that have amazing reputations, do it. If you live outside these areas, get a few quotes from the national brands to give you a sense for what to expect. And if you’re considering a regional insurer that’s not on our list, double check their customer ratings before going with them over the national providers.
Learn How Deductibles Work
The deductible is the main part of your policy that you have control over.
What is a deductible? The deductible is the amount you must pay out of pocket before you’ll receive any benefits from the policy.
How does a deductible work? If you have a $2,000 deductible on your roof, and the repair costs are $6,500, you will pay $2,000 for the repairs, while the insurance company will pay $4,500 on the claim.
Do deductibles vary in a single policy? Almost certainly. You may have different deductible amounts for different types of claims in one policy.
How do deductibles affect the policy cost? If you choose a higher deductible, you will save money on your monthly premium. But you then must pay more out of pocket if you ever have a claim. So you have to weigh the pros and cons of a high deductible for your personal financial situation.
If you think the odds are high that you’ll file a claim or don’t have much cash on hand, get a policy with a low deductible. You’ll have to pay less before your insurance company starts covering the cost.
You could also choose a high deductible if you’re not worried about covering that amount yourself and would rather have a lower monthly payment.
Are You Penalized for Making Claims?
Some insurance companies will raise your rates immediately after you make a claim. And it often doesn’t seem to matter if your claim is for a few hundred dollars or tens of thousands of dollars.
First, ask the insurance company about its policy on raising rates after claims. Some companies specifically say they will not raise rates after some types of claims.
Second, avoid making claims for small items if at all possible. If you are making a $1,300 claim and your deductible is $1,000, you’re only going to receive a $300 payment.
Is that small amount worth it if the company is going to raise your rates right after it sends you the check? Probably not. So you may want to avoid making a claim in this case and just pay the full $1,300 out of pocket.
Do You Have Big Dogs?
Some insurance companies are leery about insuring homeowners who have large dogs, certain breeds of dogs, or some exotic animals. The insurer may charge you a premium if you have these types of animals, or it may deny your policy application.
If you have big dogs or nontraditional pets, you will want to shop around and find a home insurer that will not penalize you for owning these animals.
We Didn’t Forget About Price
Price shouldn’t be the only thing you consider when shopping for the top home insurance policy, but it does play a role.
I would get at least three different quotes from insurance companies before making a decision. Quotes can range widely for the same policy so you���ll want to check around. And if you want to get the best policy for the least amount, get at least 5 quotes. Then compare the prices to customer satisfaction scores before making a final decision.
Update Your Mortgage When Changing Policies
If you do select one of these best home insurance companies, and you’ll be changing your home insurer while you have a mortgage, don’t forget to contact your lender about the change.
If your mortgage company believes you don’t have home insurance coverage, you could have a significant problem with your home loan.
Ultimately, the lender may choose to purchase insurance for you, likely at a much higher price than you could receive in a policy on your own. This could cost a lot of extra money for something you don’t need.
The Best Home Insurance Companies is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
The Best Home Insurance Companies published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
0 notes
paulckrueger · 5 years
The Best Home Insurance Companies
Once you buy a house, you absolutely need the right home insurance.
Your home is usually the largest asset that you have. If something happened to it, you’d be ruined financially. Getting the right home insurance policy protects you against that risk.
Home insurance protects you from storms, fire, robbery, and other disasters. Keep in mind that home insurance doesn’t usually include protection from flooding. You’ll need a second policy for that.
I wouldn’t skimp here, take the time and money to get the right policy. Your home is too important.
The 10 Best Home Insurance Companies for 2020
Should an unthinkable disaster happen, you’ll be glad you stuck with one of the best home insurers, which should help you receive a prompt payment of your claim. Here are the 10 best home insurance companies to use.
Amica Mutual – Owned By the Customers
Great reputation and customer service scores but you’ll pay a premium price for it and won’t get many discounts.
Promptly pays the majority of claims
Excellent customer service scores
The customers become part-owners and receive dividends over time
Proven reliable
First year premiums are higher than average
Doesn’t offer very many discounts
Allstate – Good for New Homeowners
A good option for first-time home owners that can’t get good policies elsewhere, some discounts will be available too. But the customer ratings could be higher.
Willing to insure first-time homeowners
Multiple creative discounts available
Well-known brand name
Many local agents to pick from
Customer satisfaction scores could be higher
May reject some policies in wildfire danger areas
American Family – Multiple Discount Options
Not available nationwide but does have plenty of discount options. It’s worth checking to see if you can get it. Customer ratings aren’t great though.
Its digital tools for self-managing policies work well
Has quite a few discounts for those who qualify
Policies are relatively easy to customize
Customer service levels are a bit disappointing
Not as widely available across the country as some other insurers
Erie Insurance – Highly Rated Insurer
People rave about Erie Insurance but it’s extremely limited, you can only get it in the Northeast and Midwest.
Outstanding customer service scores
Gives you quick response to investigate any claims
Guaranteed replacement cost coverage options
Makes it easy to add coverage for uncommon situations
Only available in certain regions of the country
Doesn’t have an online service option, so you have to make a telephone call
Farmers Insurance – Specializes in Large Homes
Great option for larger properties, the rates are usually better. It’s a standard, nationwide insurance company with customer ratings that are alright but not great.
Good choice for high value homes and properties
Gives you policy options in multiple pricing tiers
Policy features customized to your location’s perils
Rewards customers who don’t make frequent claims
Customer service could be better
Rates on smaller homes aren’t as competitive as for big homes
Geico – Easily Customizable Policy
One of the best options if you want to get your premiums as low as possible. Geico doesn’t handle the claim themselves though, they sell it to another insurance company. So you won’t know who’s responsible for helping you when you purchase the policy.
Allows you to closely control your policy’s features
Reasonable prices for homeowner coverage
Customer service is easy to contact in multiple ways
Geico sells the policies to other insurers, so someone else handles claims
Fewer local agents than some other insurers
MetLife – Guaranteed Replacement Cost
A good option if you really want a guaranteed replacement cost policy. Customer ratings aren’t as good as they could be though.
Will give policyholders guaranteed replacement cost coverage
Well-known brand name
Provides discounts to employees of certain companies
Customer service scores could be better
Difficult to find information or make account changes on the website
Progressive – Lots of Pricing Options
Lots of options and very easy to change your policy online. Definitely one of the better options if you want to avoid getting on the phone.
Specializes in letting you control your policy digitally
Offers policies in a huge range of price points, depending on what you want
Has multiple tiers of replacement cost coverage options
Doesn’t write the policies itself, so the someone else handles the claims
Inconsistent customer service response levels
State Farm – Well-Known Brand
One of the largest insurance brands so it’s almost always an option. Has a good reputation overall too and open to insuring first-time homeowners. But the rates will be a bit higher on most policies.
Plenty of agents to personally serve you
Delivers better than average service to customers
More than willing to sell policies to first-time homeowners
One of the biggest brand names in insurance of all kinds
Rates are a little above average
Doesn’t have as many discount options as some others
USAA – Excellent Customer Satisfaction
If you or your family is employed by the military, definitely get a quote from USAA. They have some of the highest customer ratings around but are only available to the armed forces.
Highly rated for customer service
Trustworthy and reliable insurer
Good discount if you also have an auto policy
Seems to handle the claims process quickly
Only open to military members and their families
Premiums are a little higher than average
How to Choose The Best Home Insurance Company
When purchasing home insurance, you need to pay attention to more than just price. I’d avoid going with the cheapest quote from an unknown company.
The last thing you want is to have your insurance company fail you at claim time, just when you need it the most. Here are some tips for determining how to choose the best home insurance provider.
Check the Insurer’s Reputation
You can use the A.M. Best website, the J.D. Power website, or Consumer Reports for third-party information on the performance level of various home insurers. Some of these reports will require a paid subscription, usually in the $10/month range. I think it’s well-worth the cost when getting something as important as a home policy.
You also can check personal reviews of various insurance companies on the Internet. Just keep in mind that some reviews may be fake, so don’t rely on just one or two random reviews.
Do You Want an Agent?
Some insurance companies do the majority of their business over the phone and Internet. Local agents are not commonly available. These insurance policies often appear at a below average cost.
Other insurance companies rely on personal agents. These agents will live near you, and they will be willing to visit your home and help you pick the best option. If you ever have a claim, it can be a big relief to have a person with whom you’re familiar on your side. It’s also a lot easier to work directly with a nagent if you need a customized policy.
You often will pay a bit more to have an agent, though.
Look for Insurance Discounts
Discounts on homeowners insurance can add up quickly if you have enough of them. Some of the items for which you may receive a premium cost discount include:
Actively monitored home security features
Actively monitored smoke detectors installed
Carbon monoxide detectors installed
Other policies (such as auto) with the same insurer
Good credit score
Member of the military
First responder
Specific home improvements
Specific types of roofs
Senior citizen discount
Not smoking
Installing the right features in your home and getting your credit score up are the best ways to get a better policy. Also consider combining multiple policies with the same company if you can get good quotes on those other policies.
Coverage Areas
Some home insurance providers will serve any region in the United States. Others only appear in a certain region or collection of states.
If you can get one of the regional insurance companies like Erie Insurance that have amazing reputations, do it. If you live outside these areas, get a few quotes from the national brands to give you a sense for what to expect. And if you’re considering a regional insurer that’s not on our list, double check their customer ratings before going with them over the national providers.
Learn How Deductibles Work
The deductible is the main part of your policy that you have control over.
What is a deductible? The deductible is the amount you must pay out of pocket before you’ll receive any benefits from the policy.
How does a deductible work? If you have a $2,000 deductible on your roof, and the repair costs are $6,500, you will pay $2,000 for the repairs, while the insurance company will pay $4,500 on the claim.
Do deductibles vary in a single policy? Almost certainly. You may have different deductible amounts for different types of claims in one policy.
How do deductibles affect the policy cost? If you choose a higher deductible, you will save money on your monthly premium. But you then must pay more out of pocket if you ever have a claim. So you have to weigh the pros and cons of a high deductible for your personal financial situation.
If you think the odds are high that you’ll file a claim or don’t have much cash on hand, get a policy with a low deductible. You’ll have to pay less before your insurance company starts covering the cost.
You could also choose a high deductible if you’re not worried about covering that amount yourself and would rather have a lower monthly payment.
Are You Penalized for Making Claims?
Some insurance companies will raise your rates immediately after you make a claim. And it often doesn’t seem to matter if your claim is for a few hundred dollars or tens of thousands of dollars.
First, ask the insurance company about its policy on raising rates after claims. Some companies specifically say they will not raise rates after some types of claims.
Second, avoid making claims for small items if at all possible. If you are making a $1,300 claim and your deductible is $1,000, you’re only going to receive a $300 payment.
Is that small amount worth it if the company is going to raise your rates right after it sends you the check? Probably not. So you may want to avoid making a claim in this case and just pay the full $1,300 out of pocket.
Do You Have Big Dogs?
Some insurance companies are leery about insuring homeowners who have large dogs, certain breeds of dogs, or some exotic animals. The insurer may charge you a premium if you have these types of animals, or it may deny your policy application.
If you have big dogs or nontraditional pets, you will want to shop around and find a home insurer that will not penalize you for owning these animals.
We Didn’t Forget About Price
Price shouldn’t be the only thing you consider when shopping for the top home insurance policy, but it does play a role.
I would get at least three different quotes from insurance companies before making a decision. Quotes can range widely for the same policy so you’ll want to check around. And if you want to get the best policy for the least amount, get at least 5 quotes. Then compare the prices to customer satisfaction scores before making a final decision.
Update Your Mortgage When Changing Policies
If you do select one of these best home insurance companies, and you’ll be changing your home insurer while you have a mortgage, don’t forget to contact your lender about the change.
If your mortgage company believes you don’t have home insurance coverage, you could have a significant problem with your home loan.
Ultimately, the lender may choose to purchase insurance for you, likely at a much higher price than you could receive in a policy on your own. This could cost a lot of extra money for something you don’t need.
The Best Home Insurance Companies is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Surety Bond Brokers? Business https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/best-home-insurance-companies/
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mcjoelcain · 5 years
The Best Home Insurance Companies
Once you buy a house, you absolutely need the right home insurance.
Your home is usually the largest asset that you have. If something happened to it, you’d be ruined financially. Getting the right home insurance policy protects you against that risk.
Home insurance protects you from storms, fire, robbery, and other disasters. Keep in mind that home insurance doesn’t usually include protection from flooding. You’ll need a second policy for that.
I wouldn’t skimp here, take the time and money to get the right policy. Your home is too important.
The 10 Best Home Insurance Companies for 2020
Should an unthinkable disaster happen, you’ll be glad you stuck with one of the best home insurers, which should help you receive a prompt payment of your claim. Here are the 10 best home insurance companies to use.
Amica Mutual – Owned By the Customers
Great reputation and customer service scores but you’ll pay a premium price for it and won’t get many discounts.
Promptly pays the majority of claims
Excellent customer service scores
The customers become part-owners and receive dividends over time
Proven reliable
First year premiums are higher than average
Doesn’t offer very many discounts
Allstate – Good for New Homeowners
A good option for first-time home owners that can’t get good policies elsewhere, some discounts will be available too. But the customer ratings could be higher.
Willing to insure first-time homeowners
Multiple creative discounts available
Well-known brand name
Many local agents to pick from
Customer satisfaction scores could be higher
May reject some policies in wildfire danger areas
American Family – Multiple Discount Options
Not available nationwide but does have plenty of discount options. It’s worth checking to see if you can get it. Customer ratings aren’t great though.
Its digital tools for self-managing policies work well
Has quite a few discounts for those who qualify
Policies are relatively easy to customize
Customer service levels are a bit disappointing
Not as widely available across the country as some other insurers
Erie Insurance – Highly Rated Insurer
People rave about Erie Insurance but it’s extremely limited, you can only get it in the Northeast and Midwest.
Outstanding customer service scores
Gives you quick response to investigate any claims
Guaranteed replacement cost coverage options
Makes it easy to add coverage for uncommon situations
Only available in certain regions of the country
Doesn’t have an online service option, so you have to make a telephone call
Farmers Insurance – Specializes in Large Homes
Great option for larger properties, the rates are usually better. It’s a standard, nationwide insurance company with customer ratings that are alright but not great.
Good choice for high value homes and properties
Gives you policy options in multiple pricing tiers
Policy features customized to your location’s perils
Rewards customers who don’t make frequent claims
Customer service could be better
Rates on smaller homes aren’t as competitive as for big homes
Geico – Easily Customizable Policy
One of the best options if you want to get your premiums as low as possible. Geico doesn’t handle the claim themselves though, they sell it to another insurance company. So you won’t know who’s responsible for helping you when you purchase the policy.
Allows you to closely control your policy’s features
Reasonable prices for homeowner coverage
Customer service is easy to contact in multiple ways
Geico sells the policies to other insurers, so someone else handles claims
Fewer local agents than some other insurers
MetLife – Guaranteed Replacement Cost
A good option if you really want a guaranteed replacement cost policy. Customer ratings aren’t as good as they could be though.
Will give policyholders guaranteed replacement cost coverage
Well-known brand name
Provides discounts to employees of certain companies
Customer service scores could be better
Difficult to find information or make account changes on the website
Progressive – Lots of Pricing Options
Lots of options and very easy to change your policy online. Definitely one of the better options if you want to avoid getting on the phone.
Specializes in letting you control your policy digitally
Offers policies in a huge range of price points, depending on what you want
Has multiple tiers of replacement cost coverage options
Doesn’t write the policies itself, so the someone else handles the claims
Inconsistent customer service response levels
State Farm – Well-Known Brand
One of the largest insurance brands so it’s almost always an option. Has a good reputation overall too and open to insuring first-time homeowners. But the rates will be a bit higher on most policies.
Plenty of agents to personally serve you
Delivers better than average service to customers
More than willing to sell policies to first-time homeowners
One of the biggest brand names in insurance of all kinds
Rates are a little above average
Doesn’t have as many discount options as some others
USAA – Excellent Customer Satisfaction
If you or your family is employed by the military, definitely get a quote from USAA. They have some of the highest customer ratings around but are only available to the armed forces.
Highly rated for customer service
Trustworthy and reliable insurer
Good discount if you also have an auto policy
Seems to handle the claims process quickly
Only open to military members and their families
Premiums are a little higher than average
How to Choose The Best Home Insurance Company
When purchasing home insurance, you need to pay attention to more than just price. I’d avoid going with the cheapest quote from an unknown company.
The last thing you want is to have your insurance company fail you at claim time, just when you need it the most. Here are some tips for determining how to choose the best home insurance provider.
Check the Insurer’s Reputation
You can use the A.M. Best website, the J.D. Power website, or Consumer Reports for third-party information on the performance level of various home insurers. Some of these reports will require a paid subscription, usually in the $10/month range. I think it’s well-worth the cost when getting something as important as a home policy.
You also can check personal reviews of various insurance companies on the Internet. Just keep in mind that some reviews may be fake, so don’t rely on just one or two random reviews.
Do You Want an Agent?
Some insurance companies do the majority of their business over the phone and Internet. Local agents are not commonly available. These insurance policies often appear at a below average cost.
Other insurance companies rely on personal agents. These agents will live near you, and they will be willing to visit your home and help you pick the best option. If you ever have a claim, it can be a big relief to have a person with whom you’re familiar on your side. It’s also a lot easier to work directly with a nagent if you need a customized policy.
You often will pay a bit more to have an agent, though.
Look for Insurance Discounts
Discounts on homeowners insurance can add up quickly if you have enough of them. Some of the items for which you may receive a premium cost discount include:
Actively monitored home security features
Actively monitored smoke detectors installed
Carbon monoxide detectors installed
Other policies (such as auto) with the same insurer
Good credit score
Member of the military
First responder
Specific home improvements
Specific types of roofs
Senior citizen discount
Not smoking
Installing the right features in your home and getting your credit score up are the best ways to get a better policy. Also consider combining multiple policies with the same company if you can get good quotes on those other policies.
Coverage Areas
Some home insurance providers will serve any region in the United States. Others only appear in a certain region or collection of states.
If you can get one of the regional insurance companies like Erie Insurance that have amazing reputations, do it. If you live outside these areas, get a few quotes from the national brands to give you a sense for what to expect. And if you’re considering a regional insurer that’s not on our list, double check their customer ratings before going with them over the national providers.
Learn How Deductibles Work
The deductible is the main part of your policy that you have control over.
What is a deductible? The deductible is the amount you must pay out of pocket before you’ll receive any benefits from the policy.
How does a deductible work? If you have a $2,000 deductible on your roof, and the repair costs are $6,500, you will pay $2,000 for the repairs, while the insurance company will pay $4,500 on the claim.
Do deductibles vary in a single policy? Almost certainly. You may have different deductible amounts for different types of claims in one policy.
How do deductibles affect the policy cost? If you choose a higher deductible, you will save money on your monthly premium. But you then must pay more out of pocket if you ever have a claim. So you have to weigh the pros and cons of a high deductible for your personal financial situation.
If you think the odds are high that you’ll file a claim or don’t have much cash on hand, get a policy with a low deductible. You’ll have to pay less before your insurance company starts covering the cost.
You could also choose a high deductible if you’re not worried about covering that amount yourself and would rather have a lower monthly payment.
Are You Penalized for Making Claims?
Some insurance companies will raise your rates immediately after you make a claim. And it often doesn’t seem to matter if your claim is for a few hundred dollars or tens of thousands of dollars.
First, ask the insurance company about its policy on raising rates after claims. Some companies specifically say they will not raise rates after some types of claims.
Second, avoid making claims for small items if at all possible. If you are making a $1,300 claim and your deductible is $1,000, you’re only going to receive a $300 payment.
Is that small amount worth it if the company is going to raise your rates right after it sends you the check? Probably not. So you may want to avoid making a claim in this case and just pay the full $1,300 out of pocket.
Do You Have Big Dogs?
Some insurance companies are leery about insuring homeowners who have large dogs, certain breeds of dogs, or some exotic animals. The insurer may charge you a premium if you have these types of animals, or it may deny your policy application.
If you have big dogs or nontraditional pets, you will want to shop around and find a home insurer that will not penalize you for owning these animals.
We Didn’t Forget About Price
Price shouldn’t be the only thing you consider when shopping for the top home insurance policy, but it does play a role.
I would get at least three different quotes from insurance companies before making a decision. Quotes can range widely for the same policy so you’ll want to check around. And if you want to get the best policy for the least amount, get at least 5 quotes. Then compare the prices to customer satisfaction scores before making a final decision.
Update Your Mortgage When Changing Policies
If you do select one of these best home insurance companies, and you’ll be changing your home insurer while you have a mortgage, don’t forget to contact your lender about the change.
If your mortgage company believes you don’t have home insurance coverage, you could have a significant problem with your home loan.
Ultimately, the lender may choose to purchase insurance for you, likely at a much higher price than you could receive in a policy on your own. This could cost a lot of extra money for something you don’t need.
The Best Home Insurance Companies is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Money https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/best-home-insurance-companies/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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