#also he has earplugs :] cause i think thats fun
siilyclown · 5 months
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was in a sonic mood
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Could you tell us more about the rest of the Act 1 protagonists?
(sorry if i end up asking anything that are spoilers)
Yes! So the rest of the Act 1 Protagonist cast is Katherine, Lydia, Tabitha and Marcus, who I will talk about in that order
There's also Blake and Leah but like they're not protagonists and they're like... a whole spiel that I won't go into right now
Anyways! Katherine!
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Katherine is also one of the OGs, the story starts when she's 13 as with the rest of the Act 1 cast and probably ends when she's about 21 or so. Katherine technically has no powers, though she can notably turn into a black cat (think housecat), which she enjoys using to mess with people. She's a total jokester and kind of a comic relief character in many ways. She also really likes art and drawing and painting, and she has an ongoing floral motif in her work. She's very impulsive and chaotic and she likes causing problems for fun, but she notably doesn't like going over-the-top to the point of being hurtful. She's definitely an all-in kind of person and she doesn't like to half-effort anything, except maybe schoolwork.
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(Ignore the bright pink lines here I was crossing out some notes that I had with this sketch that I don't think are super necessary to the doodle or this introduction)
This is Lydia! Next member of the Act 1 cast! She's kind of the skeptic, so to speak. She's very much a scientist. She's a very very logical thinker, almost to a fault (aside from her bad anxiety but thats another tangent). She likes things that she can break down and understand, and as of the beginning of the story, she is very convinced that magic doesn't exist and that everything magic based is not real (boy she's gonna be proven so. So wrong) but once she has a working understanding of the magic system, and has witnessed it on several occasions, she concedes that it's real. She's wearing earplugs in this doodle, and wears them most of the time because sound is very overstimulating for her (which like. Not gonna lie is a mood). She also doesn't always grasp when people are trying to imply things to her. She's also kind of got a similar thing to Jesse where her spatial awareness isn't great. So as much as she's a little high strung, she's also usually the first person to logic the way out of situations. Also she's super cool and I love writing her.
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Here's Tabitha! Another OG! She's a super nice person, generally loves being around other people. She's fairly calm for the most part, there are a few notable exceptions to this but she is overall very chill. She's also a classically trained ballet dancer, which is kind of a specific thing that's not in any way plot related I just think it's cool. I'll be honest there's not much I can say for her other than she's arguably one of the more responsible characters in the cast and she's definitely taken very seriously but she does have some difficulty dealing with things that get out of hand and with people who make impulsive decisions. She likes thinking things through and she doesn't like having to improvise.
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Finally, we have Marcus. Marcus is a really fun character for me to write / think about and I don't really know why.
A few things about him! He's selectively (but honestly almost entirely) mute, he very rarely talks and communicates mostly with sign language. This eventually prompts all his friends to learn it, but Zander knew it long before the story started so those two definitely become quite close because they communicate with each other a lot easier than Marcus does with everyone else, at least at first. Marcus also notably is quite magically powerful. I won't really... go into his abilities because that's a bordering-on-spoiler-territory tangent, but it's notable anyways. Marcus is painfully shy, he does not want to be perceived (honestly understandable lol), but he likes being around his very good friends and while he doesn't talk around most of them, he does open up to them to an extent. That said he's also a fairly cuddly person, particularly near the end of the story- he likes hugs from his very close friends. Not all the time but. Sometimes. He's also really intelligent but he does have difficulty communicating that very frequently, which he finds very frustrating. Eventually, as his friends learn sign language, it becomes much less difficult to communicate with them, and it becomes less of a frustration. And honestly he's fun to write. I love writing him he's such an interesting character.
I hope this answers your question! And again, I'm definitely enjoying all these rambles :)
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abluescarfonwaston · 4 years
The wolves all go out of there way to bring home a few books every winter. Just whatever they can find and fit in their bags. They won't ever be able to replace the library they lost during the sacking but the slowly growing collection does give then something else to do during the long winter nights.
It also becomes a bit of a competition- as it always does between them - to bring the best book, the book with the most interesting story of how they acquired it, and the most Valuable book (the definition of which changes every year).
Lambert makes it his goal every year to bring the most indecent romance novels he can. I'm talking novels labeled Erotic. I'm talking Porn with just enough plot to get published. Sometimes the others will try to one up him by bringing something even steamier. No one has ever beaten Lambert though.
Much to Vesemir horror the new library is a majority erotic novels (which they do try to hide from Ciri when she arrives).
One year Lambert brings home a story about a wandering knight and his faithful squire. He likes to read excepts to the wolves to get back at them for insulting his cooking, ripping the fancy blanket he won last year, beating him at qwent. Any opportunity really.
And the first few chapters are them going to brothels and wooing ladies. the standard stuff.
But then. Then they start sharing beds and brothels and the other partners just. fall away and they're Only with each other.
Lambert LOVES reading this to Geralt especially cause it can Actually make Geralt blush and run from the room. He's NEVER managed that with Geralt. Fuck YEAH.
And Geralts Dying. Because he recognized the prose during the First Chapter. and the pen name the writer used.
Jaskier had written a gay romance novel about the two of them. Chocked full of the squires effusive praise for the ‘knight’.
And then one day Lambert stops reading it. Seems even shorter than normal with everyone.
"Lambert you wanna stop being a prick and read your dumb gay romance novel to us? Promise to only throw food at you this time." Eskel said.
"No. that was a shitty Fucking book and I hate it."
"Oh did the gays die again? Lambert you know they won't get published if they have a happy ending. Just rip the last pages out like always."
"No! The knight went and rode off into he Fucking sunset with that damn princess! Left the squire behind without a Fucking word!!!! I hate that Fucking knight and wanna rip his Fucking dick off!"
"Oh. Huh. Well they didn't die for once. happy ending."
"It's not a happy ending Eskel how -
"The knight and the princess were Fated to be together Lambert! all the foreshadowing was there!"
"The princess treated him like a moron! The squire Actually knew him and cared about him!"
"The squire caused him nothing but problems Lambert! Of Course he went with the princess who loved him and could give him the peaceful life he craved! Not every damn bi man has to end up with the guy Lambert!"
Eskel and Lambert continued their Screaming match. Vesemir appear to be regretting his every life decision. Ciri popped in the earplugs and continued reading her book. Geralt stared into his ale, frozen.
"What happens to the squire Lambert?" Geralt asked his drink quietly.
"This is why we told you not to bring gay novels Lambert. You always get upset with how they end."
"It's not Fucking fair."
Geralt’s chair screeches against the stone as he stands up - an oddity since they all Hate that noise and actively avoid making it.
"Where are you going?" Eskel questioned as he stroad to the door.
"I need to talk to Jaskier."   
"And how do you intend to do that? Gonna ride down the mountain in a Fucking blizzard Geralt?"
"I." The door slammed closed behind him.
"Should." Ciri started. "One of us check on him?"
"No." They all said in unison.
(They did all at some point check on him)
Ciri was first. with a timid and then assertive knock on his door before she entered. Crawling into his arms and burrowing into his chest.
"We can go find him as soon as the snow melts. Okay?"
"I don't think he'd be very excited to see me." He mourned tucking her closer and burying his nose in her hair.
"It's Jaskier." She said simply about a man she only knew from their stories. "He's always excited to see you."
"You going to Brood all winter or do you actually want to figure out how to apologize wolf?" Eskel asked dragging him to the courtyard for a spar.
"There's nothing I can do. He'll never forgive me."
"Oh like he'd Never forgive you for the Djinn? Or for ripping his favorite doublet? Or telling him his singing sucked?" Eskel landed a hard jab. "And what happened every one of those times he'd Never forgive you?"
"That's different." He said returning the blow.
"Uh huh. Guess we'd better make sure you've got a damn good apology ready then?" Eskel smiled easily like he knew the punchline to a very funny joke. "Tell me what happened."
So he did.
Vesemir eased into the spring water across from him with a groan. He wondered how long he had before Vesemir started making fun of how long he spent in the bath again. Longer than if it was Eskel or Lambert at least.
They sat there and a question curdled in his belly until it forced its way out.
"How are we supposed to not get attached?"
"I think we're well past that point lad."
"But How? I can't. All these years and I still can't." He buried his head in his hands so he couldn't see how he'd failed Vesemir yet again.
"If I knew I'd tell you Geralt." Vesemir said, exhausted.
He glanced up and was Viscerally reminded how much Vesemir had lost over the long centuries of his life.
How he'd seen the school founded and fall. How he'd known every child who'd walked these halls and died in them.
How he knew exactly how many had died in the raid.
He remembered how Vesemir had fallen to pieces when the last Witcher he'd ever teach, Leo, had died.
And he remembered how Vesemir put himself back together for them.
"I can't. I can't Vesemir." If Ciri or Eksel or Lambert or Vesemir or Jaskier died. "I'm not as strong as you. I Can't."
"You will. You are." Vesemir squeezed his shoulder as he stood. "Make it worth the loss Geralt."
He sunk into the hot water and wondered how it could be.
He was half asleep when the door Slammed open and only had half a second before Lambert was cannon-balling into his chest.
He breathed through the pain. "Fix my ribs ass."
"You're fine whiny old man." Lambert shoved a book under his nose. the scent of barely dried ink filling his nostrils. "Read it!"
"Just tell me what happened. I'm not reading your handwriting in the dark." He said shoving it back.
"It's better than yours!" It wasn't. "The knight gets his head out of his ass and tells the squire he loves him and they go on countless more adventures." he puffed up proudly.
"And the princess? what happens to her?"
Lambert scowled at him. "Who gives a fuck about the princess?"
‘I do.’ He thought. "The knight does." He said.
"Ugh. uh. she meets another princess and they go ride off into there own sunset. okay? Happy you ungrateful prick?"
He smiled in a way that made Lambert gag. "I think that's a much better ending Lambert."
"Of course it is!" He preened from atop Geralt. Toes digging into his abdomen painfully.
"Now get out of my room or I'll throw you into the snow bank Lambert."
Lambert tried to call him on the threat so he made to make good on it. Lambert dashed from the room with a crass gesture.
That did sound like a better ending. He gripped his medallion and hoped that in the spring they'd get that ending.
An ending that lead into a very very happy beginning of something new.
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
marry me?
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Title: marry me?
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Fluff: engagement
Rating: G
Tags: none that I can think of, kissing, taking shots, proposals, getting down on one knee, saying yes to the rest of your forever.
Mentioning: @sweetness47
Created for @spnfluffbingo
Fluff list   part 1   part 2   part 3
by this point you have had an amazing almost 2 years. fell head over heels with a man who makes you feel like your more than just a top notch ace reporter. 
you confessed your feelings for said man at a wedding you were supposed to be covering not making a huge fool of yourself. your best friend well she had also found love, hers wasnt as vaste as yours but she got the other half of a very stunning package. 
the article written by your best friend Beth became your new fave article. though you still wrote fabulous wedding articles, that story put beth on the article map. your editor loved it, loved the entire scope, the plot, everything. 
she also enjoyed meeting the men who had enriched both yours and beth’s lives. Jensen and Jared the two men who had stolen your hearts, had decided that you both were important enough to keep. 
what you didnt know is that on this day the anniversary of when you had first met Jensen would be the day that your life would change once more. this time a bit more drastically i suppose the story shall continue from hence forth. 
we pick up in the penthouse you and Jensen are living in, both of you preparing for date night. well double date night anyway. it was the one thing both couples could agree to do, once a week both couples went on a double date. it was that easy. 
Jensen knew you had just finished your shower, he didnt care he was having trouble finding what he wanted to wear.
Jensen: hey babe, where is my dark navy faded jeans?
YN: on top of the dresser in the pile of clothes you still need to put away.
jensen: oh umm right silly me. 
YN: do you want me to wear my hair up or down?
Jensen: half and half, its gonna be a magical day. one that has been planned for a while now. one that we both will not soon forget. 
now you were really curious, he said this had been planned for a while… what the hell could the surprise be. 
YN: why do i not get to know where we are going?
Jensen: cause that would spoil the fun of the surprise. now ive laid out your outfit on the bed hurry up we have a schedule to keep. 
YN: schedule. babe we have never had any kind of schedule other than when you are filming. so what are you planning? and why this outfit? 
Jensen comes over to you and kisses you to get you to stop talking. thats when he pulled back looking at you with smiling faces. 
Jensen: so curious babe, why cant you just enjoy the surprise for once. 
YN: fine ill put it on and enjoy whatever you have planned. but im gonna say this you better have something extra special planned otherwise you will have me to deal with.
Jensen: never fear babe i will always have lots of surprises for you from this day forth. now what kind of mischief can we get into if you dont put on your outfit. or do you want me to put it on you?
YN: I can do it but it’s just I haven’t used this outfit since our anniversary last year.. Why do I need to wear it again, not that I’m complaining…
Jensen: just do it and when we get into the car i have to blindfold you and cover your ears so that way you dont spoil the rest of the surprise. 
now you were curiouser, this made you pull Jensen onto the bed and pin him there… 
YN: why do you insist on tormenting me like this? 
Jensen could only smile as he flipped you onto the bottom as he held you there. 
Jensen: cause its fun now hurry up and get ready we are gonna be late.
the following happened like this:
you finish getting ready
both you and jensen walk out of the apartment and down to a limo where jared and beth are waiting. 
beth and you both are curious as you both are blindfolded and ears are covered before you both are allowed to exit the vehicle. 
once Jared and Jensen knew it was safe for you both to see and hear again they were to remove the blindfolds and earplugs. 
you both are revealed to be in the airport. you both plea to your men but they instead of saying anything give you both money to go and buy anything from the boutiques. 
you both come back with another backpack and a whole bunch of things. random objects, but ones that would provide great entertainment later on. come fancy things in case of whatever your boyfriends had planned. 
then Jared and Jensen ear plugged you both when the flight number was called. though they had spoken to the flight attendant when you both were gone, told them of their plan, told them that you both would have ear pluggs in when you both board. 
both you and beth still oblivious, as the boys remove the ear plugs as the plane takes off. thats when it made you both question really badly. Where your boys were taking you.
the flight wasn’t long but one of the boys sat in the aisle then the respective girl would sit beside then so on and so forth. The one on the end would get informed when it was time to blindfold and ear plug you both again. 
 Sure enough you both were unsure of how much time had passed, but eventually one of the flight attendants came round and whispered something to the guy on the end. It was ear plug and blindfold time again. 
You both didn’t question when the guys did their handy work of blindfold and earplug it wasnt like you were strangers to it. Jared and jensen led you both off the plane, through the busy airport and into the taxi landing bay. 
They unplugged both your ears. 
Jared: in a moment we will take off your blindfolds but first we want you both to listen to the sounds. What do you both hear.? 
You and Beth listened very carefully to the sounds around you both. 
YN: people talking 
Beth: something about taxis so we are definitely on a taxi landing of some kind. 
Yn: the smell in the air is familiar. Wait a minute. I think I know where we are I just hope I’m right. 
Jensen: you both may step forward and remove your blindfolds. I guarantee you both that where we are is gonna be a fun spot for all of us. 
You and Beth remove your blindfolds, your eyes land on the sight before you of a place where your story had began all those years ago. 
Yn: you did this? 
Jensen: happy anniversary sweetheart! Now we need to find a taxi or a ride or something. 
You look around and you start walking toward the person at the small stand near by. 
Yn: excuse me sir, I was wondering if you had any cars available to rent? 
Rental dude: what kind of car were you looking for? 
Yn: do you have anything sporty but easy to get in and out of? 
Rental dude: what about a lack 2021 jeep wrangler Rubicon unlimited 4x4? 
Yn: can you show it to me? 
The guy flips round his monitor and shows you the car, you whistle and the others bring the bags to where you are. 
Yn: babe can I use the card? 
Jensen: what kind of vehicle are we getting. 
Yn: you will see. Now sir, do I need to sign anything. 
The rental guy laid out papers told you to sign/ initial at the spots marked with “x” that’s what you did. Then he handed you the papers in an envelope, the license plates and insurance for the vehicle and then sent you guys to the spot where the vehicle was. 
You led your boyfriend, best friend and her boyfriend to the vehicle. Their eyes went wide as they loaded the bags into the jeep. 
Jensen: babe this is style. But whose driving? 
Yn: me silly cause I have a feeling I know where we are staying. The place where we spent our vacation together.
Jensen: correct, now everyone in the vehicle so we can get this show on the road. commence vacation immeidately.
everyone piled into the vehicle and you began to slowly pull out of the parkade. you hit the highway and sped up, within 45 min you were pulling into the resort. you told the guard that your reservation was under Ackles. 
the guard handed you a packet with park passes, roomkeys, parking pass and your receipt. along with the list of nearby stores, and the hours for the resorts amenities. and then opened the gate for you to drive through. 
upon arriving at the parking space you handed a room key to Beth discovering it was a side by side. this vacay just got a whole lot better. 
You all seperated into accommodations to settle in. 
Jensen: I have made reservations at gastons where we shared that big plate of nachos and grab us some champagne to celebrate the start of our vacation!
YN: i like that idea. i wanna get out of these shoes first. i want to put on something more suited for walking in the parks that wont kill my feet. these heels will kill my feet from walking through the park. 
you sat down to take off your heels but Jensen was now kneeling by your feet undoing them for you. he placed gentle kisses on your legs as he removed the shoes from your feet. 
he then slid on your slip on runners. he smiled as he got off the floor, helped you up and he spun you around like the love struck man he was. you had no idea what was about to happen but you were gonna enjoy yourself. 
now in comfy shoes you and jensen head to meet up with jared and beth as you all head to the car and head off to main street magic kingdom. To where you and jensen first met. Course ya know it was also to enjoy the fireworks and eat the nachos and such as well.
you look around still amazed by everything you see around you. but you are the way Jensen kept looking at you was what made you feel normal. like the disaster at the wedding of Misha and vic didnt almost ruin your reputation. 
your vacation was finally in the bag, your happiness was now in sight. your new life awaited but nothing would prepare you for events of the future. upon your arrival to Gastons tavern, Jensen had started talking to the waitress, she took something from him and smiled as she led you all to a booth.
Jensen could not help but smile, all he could do was smile. he was beyond excited for what he was about to do.
waitress: welcome to Gaston’s is this your first time here?
Jensen: for me and the lady across from me no, but the other 2 yes. can we get 4 rounds of your finest house shots right away, and 4 glasses of your finest champagne and bring the item. on a tray with the shots.
waitress: coming up sir. your shots will be out in a moment.
thankfully for jensen you were too engaged in conversation with Beth and Jared to hear what jensen had discussed with the waitress. Jensen placed his arm around your shoulders, his own breathing shifted, he was nervous about what was about to happen.
Jensen: ah good shots. we each get one i have a toast to make. but ill make the toast after we take the shots. now i dont know whats in these but they are sure to be good. on 3.
You all swig back your shots, Jensen kisses you after you both have downed yours. Then Jensen turns to you and smiles as he gets up from his seat and whistles to get the restaurants attention.
Jensen: I invite you all to bare witness to this momentous occasion. Me and my girlfriend are celebrating 2 years together this very day. I have to know YN did I mention that I'm in love with you.
That's when music starts playing. And jensen begins to sing.
Jensen: I met this girl who rocked my world like it's never been rocked and now I live just for you and I won't ever stop, I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me but now look at what you've done you have got me down on one knee.
You look down and see Jensen kneeling in front of you.
Jensen: it's us against the world, us against those who are jealous, those who dare to throw outrageous accusations our way or print stuff that isnt true. now and evermore i will have the most gorgeous woman on my arm. Will you do me the honor of marrying me.?
The entire restaurant now looking at you as Jensen unveiled the 24k rose gold emerald cut diamond ring surrounded by yours and Jensen's birthstones.
You begin nodding your head before your mouth would let you speak.
Yn: yes yes yes yes a thousand times yes!!!
You felt the cool metal ring slide around your finger as Jensen helped you off your seat and kissed you in front of the entire restaurant.
Lifting both your hands in the air he then yelled.
Jensen: shots for the entire restaurant on me. She said yes!!!
Then he turned to you and you leaned in his ear.
Yn: descendants 3 proposal nice touch.
Jensen: thanks to our best friends for helping set this up.
the hugs and congratulations poured in from everyone in the tavern. it wasnt till a few hours later as well as several shots and drinks later that you, jensen, beth and Jared all exited and went to watch the fireworks. 
the moment of yours and jensen’s first kiss under the fireworks was just recreated. you and jensen waited till the first firework cracked lighting up the sky before creating once more your first kiss. 
~to be continued~
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