#also he's 2 years older than me
spearxwind · 2 months
Happy 10th birthday to Cercerion!
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idiashrouded · 4 months
devastating news the twst fandom can’t separate the two orthos from each other (ORTHO having og orthos memories does not automatically make him 16 please pleas egod he is his own entirely different person that’s the whole point) (i rant in the tags sorry i’m going insane) (autistic ramblings of a madman)
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coquelicoq · 2 months
this relationship between the emperor and his favorite concubine is something else. because apparently she was his DAD'S concubine and she reminds him of his mom...he's like you're the only connection i have to my mother (presumably because she was friends with his mom, because they were concubines of the same guy, and because after his mom died she used to take care of him and make him the food his mom used to make him because she "loves children") and i'm sitting there like ���� ok where are we going with this. then i get to the end of the show and discover they weren't going anywhere with it in particular. they were just like, we want this guy to have a mommy complex and we want you to know about it. okay. thanks i guess...
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phoebeejeebies · 5 months
there's not NEARLY enough lucky domingo content on tumblr. wtf. *rolls up my sleeves*
i have headcanons. i need to deliver.
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wutheringmights · 5 months
With Spirit being a serial dater, what kind of exes does he have? What were his breakups like? If he was attracted to Jean for his stability, what else was he attracted to in his partners? And who is this Warriors-like exe? 👀
Ooooooh boy. Strap in because I am ready to info-dump so much about Spirit's horrendous love life.
Spirit's serial dating didn't start until a couple of years after he returned back to New Hyrule. His relationship with Zelda had a slow, painful death. He lashed out at her a lot because he felt like he wasn't being heard. Zelda was upset that he betrayed her trust while feeling terrible that she was making his pain about herself. When Zelda had to start thinking about political marriages, Spirit finally decided to put them both out of their miseries and end things.
They're still friends. Spirit still loved her. But the moment the relationship ended, Zelda seemed to brighten up and become her old self again. She was so much happier, and that hurt.
Spirit tried moving on too, but he really couldn't get over Zelda. This was also around the time that his lashing out and moodiness was starting to reap consequences. Alfonzo fired him. A lot of his friends lost contact. He was gaining a reputation for being hard to work with. He was as famous as ever, and no one liked him.
He didn't set out to date a lot. There were plenty of people who wanted to date the famous Link Macaryll, so he was never short of options. He was looking for a partner, but in the sense that a partner was going to fix him. He felt abandoned. Unlovable. He just wanted to find someone who would stay by him.
If you asked him what his ideal partner was like, he list generic traits like humor or kindness. In reality, his ideal partner was someone who liked him. He would mold himself to be whatever they wanted so that they would stay and never abandon him.
But of course, that's a terrible foundation for a relationship. Nothing progressed past the first date because it was so obvious that Spirit didn't really like the people he was going out with. This was a chore, and he didn't really enjoy himself. It hurt every time he was refused a second date.
Jean was probably the first person he dated because he actually liked them.
At this point, Spirit had been weaving in and out of Jean's life. Spirit was friends with Linebeck, who was friends with Jean. They ended up getting drinks together sometimes. They probably first met on the day of Jean's accident, the one that led to his leg being amputated. They got closer after Linebeck and Spirit opened their own garage in Trading Post, with Jean being one of the first employees. This is where they started to become friends, albeit with the occasional discomfort whenever they realized that Spirit was Jean's boss.
Before Spirit dated Jean, he was in a pretty terrible situationship with a character I have not named yet (vote now on your phones).
This character was the son set to inherit his father's lucrative trading company. Until he did, he captained a prominent trading vessel. In New Hyrule, job titles are used in place of names when possible (ie: engineer) (somewhere in CTB, Spirit has a line about being used to just being called the engineer vs his name...). So this character is often just referred to as the Captain.
So when Spirit meets this handsome asshole called the Captain, he's first more than a little weary. But the Captain loved the hunt, and pursed him endlessly. And, well, Spirit wanted to be loved. That this guy resembled Warriors quickly went from disquieting to kinda attractive.
They never officially dated, but they did hook up and spend a lot of time together. That the Captain was a terrible person and was terrible to Spirit was an added bonus. Spirit liked how familiar it was. A part of him wanted to bring some part of his experiences in the war to New Hyrule so that people would understand him. Another part was so lost as to why his life wasn't fixing itself the way he wanted to that he wanted a problem he knew how to cope with. He even insisted on calling him by his job title as much as he could, because he wanted to be fighting Warriors again.
Everyone who knew Spirit was worried about him, but no one could get through to him. Zelda, Niko, Linebeck-- they all tried to sit Spirit down and gently tell him that he needed to cut this guy off, but Spirit would only dig his heels in deeper.
Which takes us back to Jean. One thing about Jean is that he never looked down at Spirit. For all his intelligence, Spirit was infamously terrible with people. When it came to social cues, his friends and family tended to get a little condescending about it. Not Jean. After a couple of months of this bullshit and reaching his breaking point, he sat Spirit down and talked to him about it.
Jean wasn't condescending, so Spirit didn't throw his defenses up. Jean's questions forced Spirit to actually reflect, and he had a moment when he realized that he didn't want to put himself through this anymore. Finally, he cut off the Captain.
That was a turning point. They became closer friends and, after a few weeks, Spirit realized he had a crush. He tried to hide it, but wasn't too subtle. Jean tried to ignore him for as long as possible, but Spirit eventually did ask him out. Jean ended up agreeing, and they dated for six months.
As a character, Jean is the pinnacle of stability. He's calm and even headed. He wasn't prone to getting upset. He was thoughtful, hardworking, and a grade A older brother. He's the type who asked a lot of questions before making a judgement, which gelled well of Spirit's irrational behavior-- by asking Spirit why he was upset, he would accidentally deescalate. If he had a flaw, it's that he's not the most romantic guy. Rituals like buying flowers and going out to dinner seemed a bit pointless to him. He'd rather stay at home and not waste the money. But over all, he was a real catch.
Spirit wasn't used to stability. He couldn't shake the feeling that everything was going to go wrong again. Jean was going to hurt him because everyone hurt him. Subconsciously, he believed that if everything was going to go wrong anyway, he might as well do it himself; he'd rather be the problem than be another victim.
On top of that, Spirit was a terrible person to get into a disagreement with. Everything had to turn into a high stakes argument. He was defensive, and often got mean when he was upset.
They lasted six months. Jean couldn't handle Spirit anymore. He broke up as gently as he could, but Spirit was still crushed. He had half the idea to apologize and try to win Jean back, but Jean started dating someone else-- someone a little older and as steady as Jean was.
Spirit was only 2-3 months out from the break up when he was pulled back into Warriors's era. It's still fairly fresh, and he was in the middle of lapsing back into his worst self when he wound up in the Temple of Souls.
Bonus Facts:
Spirit realized he liked Jean when he saw Jean playing with his younger siblings on the beach. Was watching him build sandcastles and was like "aw, fuck"
Jean got Spirit to quit smoking, which lasted up until Spirit ended up in Warriors's era
Jean didn't have a crush on Spirit when they started dating, but Linebeck swore that Jean was so bothered by the whole Captain thing because he was a little jealous (Jean's reoccuring complaint was that Spirit deserved better)
Linebeck didn't know they started dating until a couple of weeks in. Then he sat them both down and did a joint shovel talk that amounted to: a) Jean if you hurt Link, I will kill you, b) Link if you hurt Jean, I will kill you, c) Jean if your boss takes advantage of you I will stop it, d) Link if your love affair endangers this business I will kill you
Spirit liked that Jean was older, both because he felt better understood and that Jean was someone who he could depend on to take care of him; but Spirit was also constantly anxious that Jean thought he was immature
The last straw in the Captain situationship was Spirit getting a black eye
Spirit probably met the Captain at a royal function, while he was moonlighting as Zelda's guard
Zelda didn't know anything about the Jean relationship until it was over; Spirit didn't trust her after how badly she reacted to the Captain stuff
Even when he was with Jean, Spirit never really got over Zelda; while he does sincerely love her, she also symbolizes a point in his life when he was sincerely happy that he aches to go back to
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danrifics · 10 months
i think it's interesting to see the complex reactions there are, cause back in the day, any insight into them and each other and relationship was Private. it wasnt for us and we had been conditioned into hey keep it to yourself. whereas now, they're letting us into some of those moments, being a little more public, but we still have some of that coding saying whooaa I Am Not Meant To Perceive That
i'm so over the moon happy for them. each instance they choose to share is special, and particularly lately, not something i ever expected from them. (sometimes it's been damn holyshit i can't believe they went there)
i'm just grateful they're here. that they came back to the gaming channel, honestly--and seem genuinely into it all again. i havent been ready for anything they've tossed at us in 2023 and that's so fucking fun! keep being happy, boys, it's great to be a part of.
honestly all of this!! like there are some people being genuinely horrible about it for some reason but i think for me and a lot of others were just not used to being like hey this is actually a public thing he posted and actually wants online, like i come from a culture of being told not to post the nakedbooths cos dan doesn’t like them yknow so to see him post something equally as slutty my brain is like no do not interact in a positive way, people will be rude to you about it
but like every day they actually just make me more and more excited about this “chaos era” as dan called it cos like yeessss boys pls reclaim this unhinged space, feed it and let it grow!!
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knockoff-conlon · 4 months
did i start writing my albert as a teen parent redfinch au?? yes!!
am i very in love with the way albert and race interact with each other even tho they're not my endgame?? YES
am i losing my shit a little because jack is just really worried about albert going on his first date ever and its cute?? YES YES YES
i really like writing this, they're such cuties omg. they're very very fun.
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idk what the fandom consensus is on yuma raincode's age but in the game i generally assumed he was like 14-16 and after the game im even more convince about that. the reason is after chapter 5 i was confused why makoto, yuma's clone who should be genetically identical to yuma and also the same age, is much taller than yuma himself. but if they used yuma's dna to clone makoto 3 years before the events of rain code, yuma would have been about 11-13, which is generally right before boys hit a growth spurt.
the idea of a boy detective becoming the head of a global detective organization isn't really too out there in a kodaka game tbh. and the child prodigy detective is a really popular trope anyway. but yeah yuma as the head of the WDO would have lived on nothing but coffee, protein bars, and like 3 hours of sleep a day during the time where he was supposed to be growing taller. meanwhile makoto, who doesn't really get to do much in kanai ward even after becoming the CEO, would have had three square nutritious meals a day and plenty of sleep. hence why makoto grew taller like a normal teenager and yuma will be a short king forever.
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crownconstellation · 6 months
so with this year’s April Fool’s event, which is themed after the Chinese Zodiac, A3! has given almost every character confirmed official birth years depending on what zodiac clan they were assigned to! these are as follows:
?????? - Guy, Azuma (they were assigned the cat, which is an unofficial / excluded zodiac sign. clever move, Liber.)
1987 (Rabbit) - Sakyo
1991 (Ram) - Homare
1992 (Monkey) - Chikage, Hisoka
1993 (Rooster) - Tsumugi
1994 (Dog) - Tasuku, Itaru
1995 (Pig) - Citron
1997 (Ox) - Omi
1998 (Tiger) - Misumi, Kazunari
1999 (Rabbit) - Tsuzuru
2000 (Dragon) - Banri, Juza
2001 (Snake) - Sakuya, Tenma, Taichi
2002 (Horse) - Masumi, Kumon
2003 (Ram) - Yuki, Muku
2004 (Monkey) - Azami
(Izumi got assigned Rat, which would be 1996, but based on canon statements about her age (her knowing Sakyo as a kid + her being the same general age as TaTsm), she’s presumably a 1992-1993 baby & she got put in Rat solely bc no one else filled that slot.)
#a3#a3! act addict actors#listing all this has made me realise the way a3 labels ages is…. interesting.#bc of how it does things people who may be only a few months apart in age will be listed as an entire year apart#because based on these birthdays it lists everyone as the age they’re turning within that act (going april to march)#so say… tasuku who’s only a few months older than itaru is listed as a year older than him bc he turned 23 right before act 1. whereas itar#turns 23 at the start of it. and then tasuku turns 24 in february. and then for acts 2 on the ages just tick up one#so even tho for most of the year they’re the same age tasuku will be listed as older#this is the same for masumi & kumon and sakuya & taiten#this makes a lot of age assignments for the students Interesting also bc they seem younger than they should be?#maybe i got too used to how enstars does the age stuff but 15-16 for 1st years 16-17 for second years 17-18 for third years…#but a3 has the third years turn 17 During their third year & etc. sakuya turns 17 at the very end of the school year#and it can’t be the march birthdays being the start of the year loop bc then sakuya would be a 2000 baby and masumi 2001#i think i’m overthinking this LOL. well anyways!#i also saw someone point out homare is three days too early to be a goat so LOL i don’t think they thought this through past general year#on that note is it goat or is it ram. i see people use them interchangeably. well anyways#bri.txt#omi literally only five (5) days younger than me…#also i just realised. tsuzuru being assigned rabbit LOLLLLLLLLLLL he is never getting past the white rabbit
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talkfastcal · 2 months
that catfish episode reminded me of my weeworld days
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loudestcloud · 7 days
The Undertale anniversary is my favourite thing to quietly observe because there is always a point, like just now for example, when I go 'huh... I'm 9 now' Me being referred to as Sans is 9 now, I'm... 9. Like yeah not exactly (8 years 8 months ish) but it's always a strong reminder, I don't count cos I know everyone will tell me what year it is. At the start, I didn't know it'd stick so hard but it did and 9 years on, my nan calls me it almost flawlessly and I know for a fact that my little neighbor who I was born post my transition still hasn't found out what Undertale is or he'd probably be banging down my door to tell me. In fact I now know about 10 people who never knew my deadname
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raulfernandez · 9 days
The fact that Deniz Öncü is only 21 is wild to me
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g0thsoojin · 29 days
#honestlyyyu#life without him is so boring....#idk... just imagining my life without him makes me feel bored lol#i want to be with him i think ...#but it is difficult bc we live on two different continents#and relationships between nations are difficult bc you're not allowed to just move anywhere lol#idk how it could work#plus ... also he's 20+ years older than me.. to me it isnt an issue more than#1) he wont live as long as me (if we both die of old age that is lol)#2) everyone are very judgemental and even if both of us mainly want to just have us and not any social circles#it will be hard.. and how am i supposed to tell my mom....?#the thing with that is hard because of my avpd.. im not normal#i never will be. even if i like met a guy my age now in school and we started dating i wouldnt want to tell me my mom#i cant explain how i feel to normal ppl but yeah... im just someone who wants to live isolated to myself#i dont want to be like yeah hi mom heres my bf who i fuck and love and now lets go for family dinner woooop#idk ... i could never. i just cannot do that normal life.#so then its like.. it isnt purely bc im 'ashamed' of him and the age gap#im just someone who feels shame about everything.... so i wouldnt wanna tell my mom anyway#but then it feels like im 'betraying' her. if i move away to another country to be happy on my own#and she wont even ever get to meet my bf or hear abt him... i'll get married (bc of convenience) and she wont know#that feels bad.. like im hurting her. but i know in my heart that even if i met a bf my own age here#i would NEVER want a wedding. my avpd.. im not a normal functioning person.. i'd want just me and the other person there. not infront of my#family... idk i just cant do normal life things..#maybe sometimes i dream abt having a few friends and being cared for. but that is a DREAM#theres no way of knowing if i'd ever find ppl like that. im also very different and cant connect to basically anyone i meet fkn EVER!!!!!#he's the only one i've ever met that im this compatible with.. and he is real. and i know him. should i let go of him just for ppl i havent#even met? who i might never even meet? bc yeah the thing is that with him we wouldnt have a conventional life. it'd be just us#and thats not really a bad thing. its just that w my avpd i never know what i really want bc i want smth but when it gets real#and i can actually have it suddenly i dont anymore. and i want the other thing i didnt want before...#so i have sm fears.. what if i choose him but then will never get that comfortable job in a cozy school and my own apartment
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fnvbennygecko · 1 month
im going to be honest im sort of an insane person about age gaps even when it comes to like straight up adults i know it's like fine at that point or wahtever but idk im fucked int he head and i dont like it
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impala-dreamer · 10 months
i go looking for info on something totally unrelated and the next thing I know I'm down a Seb Stan google hole and I've forgotten why I got there. The old cliche...
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aeolianblues · 2 months
pop stars aren't born in the 70s anymore like they used to be. These days they're born in a year uncomfortably close to my own which makes me clutch my chest and cry out
#music#musicians#Nia Archives was on radio the other day going 'my album's the first jungle album to be nominated for the Mercury Prize in over 25 years#that's such an honour! The last one was Roni Size and I wasn't even born then' --hang on a minute#that album was like. 1997. 'I wasn't even born yet'?#Folks she is a year older than me 😭(❤️ but also personally 😒)#Cat Burns' Mercury shortlisted album is called 'early twenties'. It is a term I am told I can no longer use for myself.#She says 'the album was a 4-year long process. I started writing it when I was 20.' Cat Burns is my age.#CMAT. Dublin's 'global superstar'. 1997. Literally she's such a classic popstar/country star I'd have expected to read like '1987' or somet#not in terms of saying she's old or anything; just that that seems appropriate for someone who's in control of their career#CMAT is like 2 years older than I am. It's so wild to me#especially this time! There have been a lot of debut albums you see#and I'm really proud of all these--I suppose at my age I'm allowed to say--kids; my peers? But it's also so strange to see#My peers are at the Mercuries. Declan McKenna is like a year older than me#That has been in my head ever since Brazil came out. He was 15. I was 14.#sigh it's a long road to either acceptance or such radical change that I 'catch up' with everyone; whatever that means#yes I'm well aware that comparison isn't a thing to do. I know it's not productive.#I try not to let it get me anxious; afterall what do I do about it?#It's not like I've got the ball rolling on anything significant to speak of. I'm just at ordinary work#idk also the industry I work in doesn't exist anymore hahahaaaa so yeah. No career. Only far away admirations! :)#We will have no infrastructure and we will be happy.#Don't read all this; just laugh at the meme about age and move on#growing up
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