#also hi Brian nice to see you sorry about the bottles in the front yard
victorluvsalice · 8 months
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-->With coop and shed clean, Alice wandered back to chat with the chickens for a little while and collect the eggs (in between giving herself more pep talks, because that sad moodlet from earlier was really sticking -- on the other hand, she got cake for breakfast, so that had to have helped in the "happiness" department), while Smiler successfully entertained Moory and got some milk for the fridge. Victor, for his part, continued his tending and harvesting of the greenhouse -- hampered slightly by the fact that Bugs and Elmer, now on low battery, had decided it was their duty to float off around the lot and hide from me. *sigh* Elmer I fortunately found pretty quickly as he passed by the greenhouse searching for more plants to tend, and got Victor to shut him off, but Bugs proved to be harder to find...
-->But while looking for that darn bot, I happened to spot a familiar face in the front yard -- one Brian Pimentel, NAP Inspector! Making note of a bunch of recyclables the gang had left in the front yard during an earlier attempt to clear out the garbage. ^^; I quickly had Victor go recycle that and some other trash while Brian went around the house to check on the greenhouse -- and, to my delight, Bugs appeared, "chasing" the guy there! I kept an eye on him while Brian finished his inspection -- fortunately, despite the mess in the front yard, the gang got another passing grade. Even more fortunately, he wasn't at all tempted by Toothy's cake tongue when he left the lot. XD I had Victor finish up his recycling, then go and turn off Bugs before the bot exploded before harvesting his now-fully-grown oversized crops. Whew -- disaster averted!
-->While that was going on, I had Alice refill the pet bowls so a hungry Surprise could get her lunch, then give some meat to Toothy so they didn't try to snap up any passing Sims. She then fixed up a broken water collector while Smiler (somewhat glitchily) hatched the latest chick out of the coop, and Victor claimed the last slice of cake in the fridge as his lunch. I mean, after all that tending and harvesting, sir, I think you deserve it! He wandered over Alice's way for a chat while Smiler celebrated the birth of a new chick with a dance...
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asphalt-cocktail · 4 years
Kinkmas Prompt #6: Dirty Talk
A/N: Yeah, I went really over board with this fic and I’m NOT sorry. This is probably my favorite one that I have written so far so I hope you all enjoy! All your comments, likes, and reblogs are so nice to see/read and I appreciate every one of them!
If you would like to request a prompt and character yourself please reference my Kinkmas masterpost.
Pairing: Roger Taylor x F!Reader
Word Count: 5.1k
Warnings: Smut, oral (m and f receiving), p in v, unprotected, HELLA dirty talk, also smoking and alcohol, fluff, public sexy time, the WORKS people, its high key filthy, also its kind of a college AU??? But not really, (it’s still the 70s), not proof read as well
Kinkmas 2019 Masterlist
General Masterlist
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If you are considered a minor do NOT interact with this post. This is fictitious content and I own nothing.
You didn’t know why you had agreed to come along to this party, in fact you don’t even know how you managed to get invited in the first place. It was a friend of a friend situation that caused you to show up on Freddie Mercury and Roger Taylor’s college apartment one warm spring night.
To summarize it quickly, you knew John’s girlfriend, Veronica through attending the same university. You met in a freshman seminar class and bonded over your mutual love of disco music and drive for success as women. Eventually when dorm life became too restricted for your liking and you were seeking a roommate, Veronica just so happened to be in the same position. Now, two years later and into your third year of college you found yourselves living very well together.
You knew her boyfriend, John, he was quiet and smart but also had quite a sassy mouth on him and a secret wild streak. That was a quality that John and Veronica shared, they often went out late to go dancing, leaving you alone in the flat. You didn’t mind, you weren’t one to go out and preferred to stay inside, reading or listening to LPs. But when Veronica knocked on your door the Thursday before, begging you to go, you found yourself unable to say no.
“Come on,” She whined, “Roger is going to be there…” She said in a sing song voice.
You scoffed “So,” You said crossing your arms over your chest. Sure you knew of the other three guys that made up John’s band, but it wasn’t like you actually liked any of them.
“Oh don’t even pull that, I’ve seen you making eyes at Roger.” She said lightly pushing your shoulder. You rolled your eyes in response and opened your mouth to comment but she quickly interrupted you “You could at least use a quick shag even if you don’t fancy Roger. You never leave the house.”
Your jaw fell open, “What!” you shrilly said, “I leave the house!” you really didn’t have much else to say, even if what you yelled wasn’t all that true.
“Yeah! For class! When was the last time you brought a guy home? That Michael guy? That doesn’t even count, he was in and out of the house in 15 minutes!” Veronica had a point, Michael from Lit 305 was a disappointment, he was one of those guys who aggressively rubbed everywhere but your clit and repeatedly asked if you were coming. Spoiler alert: You weren’t.
“Fine, I’ll go!” You yelled back in defeat, “But I won’t have fun and you’ll have to kill me before you put my hair in rollers!” if you were going to go out, you were going to do it your way, and not hers.
So here you were, the annual Mercury, Taylor spring end of year bash. You could hear the yelling from outside their damn apartment building and could see people cluttered on the balcony and scattered throughout the yard, Christ this was going to be a mess, you could already tell.
You lugged a case of beer up the steps and opened the door, letting yourself in and were greeted with a grinning and red-faced Veronica “You came!” She squealed and pulled you into a hug.
You furrowed your brows and patted her back awkwardly, “Yeah, yeah, I wouldn’t hear the end of it if I didn’t.” You muttered and scoped the room out, you couldn’t see Freddie, but you could hear him amongst the smoke-filled room and over the loud music. Brian was sitting on the couch his long arms comfortable spread along the back, you could tell he was in a casually heated debate. John was right behind Veronica, his arms firmly wrapped around her waist once she pulled away from you; their red faces and grins matching. But Roger, he was standing by the keg, pouring a drink for himself with several girls flocked around him, laughing at something they probably pretended was funny if you had to judge by the looks on their faces.
“Can I set this down somewhere it won’t get stolen?” You asked, nodding to your case of beer and scrunching your nose as someone bumped into your shoulder while they pushed past you.
John perked up “Oh, you can put in Roger’s room.” You opened your mouth to protest, the last thing you wanted was to see Roger, “Rog!” He called, catching the blonde’s attention and waving him over.
Roger walked up, beer in hand and looked you up and down, his grinning face settling on your scowl, “Can [Y/N] put this in your room?” John asked, swaying with Veronica lightly to the music.
His gaze broke away from you and he glanced at John, “Sure!” He said and pushed his way through the crowd with you following suit.
As the two of you pushed further into the house, the more crowded and densely packed together the bodies got. Roger reached a hand back for you to grasp so you wouldn’t get lost and you took it, feeling the callouses on the palms of his hands and on the pads of his fingertips. You gulped and clutched your case of beer under your arm while the two of you continued to push through before you finally reached his door. He pulled out his keys and unlocked it on the first try. The rush of cool air that left his room was refreshing and didn’t smell like stale beer, cigarettes, and sweat. You had only met Roger a hand full of times but knew the smell in the room was so uniquely him.
He kicked some of his clothes out of the way and looked over at you “You can keep them in here, just grab a few and stick them in the fridge, if you need a refill you know where to find me.” He said giving you a cheeky salute.
You froze, there was a reason you tried to never interact with Roger. It was because that stupid soft voice of his made your knees weak and your head begin to spin. “O-okay” You answered quickly, adverting your gaze and grabbing an arm full of beers, “Do… do you want one?” there was something about this man that caused you to lose all sense of focus and you hated it.
Roger gave you an odd look, “Sure,” He said taking a beer from your hands, “You able to carry all that?” His wide blue eyes looking down at you.
You shifted your stance and nodded your head “Yeah I got it,” You answered just as three cans slipped out from the gaps in your arms and fell to the floor “Shit,” You cursed, bending over and dropping several more cans. You let out a frustrated huff, now holding significantly less than what you had been previously and looked up, only to see eye to eye with Roger as he bent down to help you pick up the fallen cans, “I got it,” You repeated, your hand darting out.
Your hands collided together in a very cliché manor, “It doesn’t look like you do.” He teased, “I can help.” He insisted, you let out a long sigh and finally agreed to let him help you.
When the two of you exited his room, you found Veronica immediately standing at the door, “Oh hey!” She said smiling sheepishly. You narrowed your eyes at her, knowing exactly why she was standing there.
Roger, clueless as every grinned back “Hey Ronnie, you seen Fred?” He asked, craning his head to look over the crowd.
Veronica nodded her head “Yeah, I think he’s on the balcony or outside?” Her answer was more of question, some how he was everywhere at once, running around and insisting on interacting with the guests that had arrived in order to be a good host.
“Right, well I’m going to help [Y/N] put these in the fridge and find him. Roger answered, pushing through the crowd with you in tow.
You were thankful the kitchen was sparsely populated and only contained a few stragglers that were looking to mix their drinks. You placed your cans of beer in the fridge and grabbed one, cracking it open and gulping down the bitter liquid, “I need to be way more fucked up to be here.” You muttered to yourself.
Apparently, Roger had heard you, “Want a shot?” He asked, curiosity flashing behind his azure eyes, “You know to loosen up a bit?” Roger waved a cheap plastic bottle of vodka in front of you.
You looked at your beer, at Roger, and then at the bottle of vodka and your face broke into a grin, “Only if you take one with me.” You responded.
Roger poured out four shot glasses he’d pulled from the cabinets, not caring that he spilled a little as he filled them to the brim, “Ready?” He asked before the two of you raised your glasses to clank them together, tapped them on the table, and then swallowed the clear liquid, it burned going down and caused the two of you to wince and cough. Roger shook his head, trying to clear the sting and blew out a puff of air “Next one, quick,” He said grinning.
You laughed and followed the same pre shot ritual, now feeling a bit more loosened up. The alcohol caused a shiver to creep up your spine and spread through your ears, “That was awful.” You sighed out but couldn’t help but laugh.
Roger grinned back at you, “I know!” He answered back before looking around the room “I’ll be around if you want to do more, ‘kay?” Right, Freddie still needed to be found.
You nodded your head, “Yeah, course.” You responded and exchanged weird nods before he left.
Of course Veronica was waiting for you to exit the kitchen, “Did you kiss him?” She pressed, quickly bombarding you with questions.
You made a face “Of course not, we just took shots and he went to find Freddie, just like he said he would.” You made sure to point out, “Nothing, is going to happen between me and Roger.” You made sure to put emphasis in your sentence.
As the night continued and the alcohol flowed, you found that you weren’t upset about being forced to go out tonight. You and Veronica laughed and danced to the loud continuous music and continued to suck your drinks down like they were water. A wonderful buzzing feeling spread through your body, warming your face and hands. It had been ages since you’d loosened up this much.
Despite the fun atmosphere the small apartment soon became stuffy from breathing recycled air and the lack of circulation, “I’ll be back I’m stepping outside.” You yelled back over the crowd to Veronica who gave you a thumbs up.
You pushed past everyone, looking over the crowd to the balcony which looked as though it was one person away from collapsing and opted to just head outside.
Once outside you coughed at the surprisingly cool air as it filled your lungs and patted your pockets looking for your pack of cigarettes. “Fuck,” You mumbled unable to find the crumpled pack. You leaned against the cool brick of the building and huffed out a sigh of disappointment, at least you still had your beer.
“Need a smoke?”
You turned to see Roger next to you, leaning on the wall of the apartment, his hands casually in his pockets and a cigarette dangling from his lips, “Please,” You asked looking sheepishly at him. He stuck the soft pack out and you picked one placing the cigarette between your lips.
Roger held up his lighter and you looked quizzically at him “You need a light right?” He asked, pulling you from your daze.
You shook your head “Oh, yeah, right.” You answered awkwardly and leaned in towards the little metal flip lighter. He flicked it open and used his hands to shield the flame from the wind, you inhaled as the flame danced around the tobacco and paper, feeling the smoke trickle into your lungs. You pulled away, puffing the smoke into the air and watching it disappear.  
As you smoked your cigarette you continued to sneak side glances at him, observing how he shifted the weight from one leg to the other and stuffed his hands as far into his jean pockets as possible. The colorful and thin button down was doing nothing to keep the cool air out, especially since it was hardly buttoned. “What?” Roger finally said breaking the silence.
“What?” You answered back, slightly taken back.
“You keep looking at me.” He accused, you could hear the amusement in his voice as he spoke.
“No, I don’t.” You said defensively.
“Yeah, you do.” Roger said matching your tone and now turning to face you, “Why do you act so weird around me?” He pressed, shifting closer to you.
You found yourself leaning back away from him, looking down and making a weird face “I don’t act weird around you.” You continued to defend yourself.
Roger grinned, turning his head away and letting out a soft laugh before looking back at you “There you go making that face,” Before you could continue to deny he interrupted you “Anytime I come over you run and hide in your room, you’ve lived with Veronica for three years and this is the most I’ve heard you speak let alone seen you.” He looked at you with keen eyes.
You looked away, averting your gaze from his and flicking the ash from your cigarette “I’m just shy,” You answered.
Roger let out a loud laugh, causing you to jump “That’s a lie and you know it.” he was close, you could smell the combination of cigarettes and alcohol on his breath and felt your face getting flushed “Do I… make you nervous?” His voice was teasing and low.
It caused you to clench your thighs together as heat pooled between your legs “I-I… no…” You managed to peep out. Your skin felt like it was on fire and you had dropped your long-forgotten cigarette on the ground, placing your palms flatly against the building behind you as you turned, looking away from Roger’s face.
“Look at me,” Roger’s voice was demanding, and his hand cupped your chin urging you obey him, “Be a good girl and look over here, love.”
You chewed on your lip, stifling a whimper that still managed to seep out of your lips and looked up at Roger. He was so close to you; his shallow breaths brushed against your face and filled your nostrils with the scent of cigarette smoke and alcohol. It was intoxicating. “There you go…” He said softly. You looked up at him wide eyed, like a deer in headlights. You swallowed thickly and tried to calm your rapid breaths and urge to look away from Roger’s intense gaze. “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” He asked, his hand sliding from your chin to cup you the side of your face.
Roger’s thumb traced your lower lip and you found your self letting out a shaky breath, your lower lip lightly quivering against his rough fingers. His thumb pressed past your lips into the wet warmth of your mouth, “Suck,” He ordered.
You found yourself obeying and closing your lips around his fingers, gently rubbing your tongue along the soft pads of his thumb and groaning lightly as you sucked on it, “Good girl.” He said breathlessly.
You whimpered, clenching your thighs and hoping the pressure would help ease the arousal you felt. He pushed his thumb further back into your mouth, pressing at the back your throat. You gagged, your mouth opening as you coughed and your throat constricting around his thumb. He quickly pulled his finger back and looked up at your glassy eyes, maintaining eye contact with you as he pulled his thumb completely from your mouth.
Saliva dribbled down your lip and you wiped it off with the back of your hand, keeping eye contact. Your eyes were glassy, and tears had formed in them as a natural reaction to gagging. Roger’s hands cupped either side of your face and he licked his lips, “Bet you with you were gagging on my cock instead of my finger.” He boldly stated.
Your breath hitched in the back of your throat and you felt your face heat up. He wasn’t wrong, that was the problem, “What are you going to do about it.” You had no idea why you said that, you truly didn’t. Perhaps it was the alcohol you had been drinking, or the fact it had been well over a year since your last decent lay, either way you eagerly awaited his response.
“You wanna get on your knees here, or inside?” He asked, pressing his body against you. His cock strained through the already tight fabric of his jeans and pushed against your leg. You whimpered and felt yourself slinking down onto the ground.
The coolness from the damp grass soaked into the knees of your jeans as you knelt in front of him, palming him through his pants. “Fuck,” Roger breathed out before stepping around you to lean against the brick building and quickly scrambled, fumbling with his belt and taking his cock out from his pants.
You instinctively reached up, gripping him at the base and pumping your hand along his length. His head leaned back and he widened his stance, shoulders resting comfortably against the wall. You licked the tip of his half hard cock and looked up at him. His mouth hung ever so slightly ajar as he watched you engulf his length and begin to bob your head up and down.
You let out a content moan, feeling him stretching and filling your mouth with his length and sucked him into your mouth, rubbing your tongue along his length. His hips bucked into your mouth and Roger found himself loosing composure.
Roger roughly gripped your hair, his fingernails scraping at the base of your scalp as you began to pick up your speed, bobbing your head and moving your hand in synchronized movements. Spit began to gather and seep from the corners of your mouth and down your hand as you continued to suck him off, soon forgetting the two of you were outside.
“Shit,” Roger cursed out, bucking his hips hard against you causing his length to hit the back of your throat. You found yourself gagging unexpectedly, pulling back to wipe your mouth and catch your breath. Quickly you found yourself opening up, ready to swallow him once more “You like sucking me off outside?” He asked, tapping his cock against your flat tongue while his other hand kept your head firmly in place.
You looked up at him wide eyes and nodded your head, “Yes,” You rasped out between ragged breaths.
He slipped his erection between your lips once more, this time your hands braced yourself on his hips and he slowly pumped into your mouth. Soft grunts and moans left his lips as he held your head in place with both of his hands, thrusting into your mouth, careful to not make you gag. His movements were surprisingly slow, like he wanted to savor the moment and not waste it.
But a cat call shattered the moment. Pulling the two of you from your own little bubble and back into reality. Your face flushed and you quickly pulled away, burying your face in your hands in embarrassment. Roger couldn’t help but break into a grin, “As fun as this is.” He said tucking himself back into his pants, “We should go inside, I wanna see that pretty pussy of yours. I know you’ve got to be soaked.” He continued to speak and reached down, helping you up from the ground.
“Wait!” You said, stopping in your tracks as the two of you headed for the front door, “Do you have a back door up?” you asked and averted your gaze nervously “I… I just don’t want Ronnie snooping around.” You said, rubbing your fingers along the hem of your shirt.
Roger smiled softly and nodded his head, taking your hand in his own “Yeah, come on we can go through the car park.” He offered.
After your little detour, the two of you had successfully made it back into his flat without much of a bother. The crowd had died down and only a few stragglers and passed out friends remained in the living room. You and Roger slipped into his bedroom where he immediately locked the door and pushed you up against it, capturing you in a hot opened mouthed kiss.
Your teeth clanked together, and you let out a soft whimper feeling your back hitting the wooden door, it was quickly swallowed by Roger’s feverish kisses. He sucked your lower lip and lightly tugged on it as he pulled away, “Bed, now.” He said pulling away and lightly pushing you in the direction of his bed.
You nodded, scrambling to make your way over, plopping down, Roger pushed you back and you fell onto his plush blankets. He quickly climbed on top of you, wasting no time kissing down your neck and continuing down, nipping and licking at every bit of skin that had been exposed by your tee shirt riding up. He paused, kissing the waste band of your jeans and looking up at you, “Keep going,” You said breathlessly, “Please.” Roger grinned and unbuttoned your pants, slipping them off and revealing your panties which had soaked through. He nuzzled his nose against the dark spot of moisture that had collected and licked you through your panties. “Fuck,” You said, raking your hand through your hair with anticipation.
“You’re so wet,” Roger said, spreading your legs more and kissing along your thighs, gently licking and sucking at the soft supple skin, “You wet for me, love?” He asked, “You wet from sucking me off?”
You squirmed against him, inching closer so he would get the hint, “’M wet for you.” You whimpered.
“You like having my cock in your mouth?” Ge asked, hooking his fingers on either side of your panties and slowly pulling them down.
You let out a helpless sigh “Yes, I want your cock in my mouth.” You responded bucking your hips into his touch.
Roger held down your squirming hips and spread your folds apart, giving him an unfiltered view of your wet cunt, e led with his nose as he buried his face between your legs, his tongue followed, flatly licking at your core before his tongue swirled around your swollen clit causing you to let out a whiney breath, “Ah, Rog,” You moaned, reaching down and lacing your fingers in his hair.
Your stomach tightened, as the tip of his tongue meandered around your wet cunt, making sure to explore every inch you had to offer. He slipped two fingers into your tight cunt, slowly pumping his fingers into you and curling them as he alternated between suckling and lapping at your clit. Before he pulled away to watch you, sigh in disappointment at the loss of pleasure.
“Please, don’t stop,” you begged and bucked your hips onto his fingers that curled against your walls, rubbing against them. You back arched against his touches and as you felt him dive back between your legs, feeling his tongue sharply darting backing and forth on your sensitive nub. You tugged his hair and pressed his face closer into your cunt hoping to relieve some of the pressure that was building in the base of your tummy “Fuck, fuck, ‘m so close.” You mumbled out, your thighs clenching tightly as you tried to stave off your looming orgasm.
He paused momentarily, “It’s okay, you can let go.” He huffed out before swirling his tongue around your clit and sucking on it immediately after, sending you over the edge. Your chest heaved as your thighs clenched on either side of his face, your hand holding him in place as you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you.
He pulled away, watching your pussy clenching and pulsating around his fingers as they slowed down, milking and prolonging your pleasure. You found yourself pulling back from his soft teasing touches “Stop, stop, stop,” You whimpered helplessly as the pleasure and frustration soon became too much for you to handle.
Roger stuck his fingers into his mouth, sucking on them and softly grunting at the taste.
You looked at him through hazy eyes, your mouth still ajar and trying to steady out your erratic breaths. You soon found yourself pulling him back up your body, kissing him softly and sensually. Your mouths slowly moving against each other as you held him tightly against you. Roger pulled away pulling off yours and his shirts and trailing a line of kisses from your jaw and down your neck. “You want me to fuck this tight pussy of yours?” He growled right in your ear and ground his hips against your sensitive core.
You whimpered and held his hips in place, moving with them “Please,” you sighed.
“How do you want it?” He pulled away and studied your face, hoping you’d answer him honestly.
You stuttered, trying to find your words, no one had ever asked you that before “I… I…” you could hardly think of an answer “I don’t want to be able to walk afterwards.” There was your answer.
Roger’s face broke into a wide grin, “Turn over for me, love.” He said pulling away and tapping the side of your hips.
You quickly followed suit, rolling over onto your stomach and getting on your knees, spreading your legs and pushing your ass back against him. Roger licked his lips and spread your cheeks, getting a perfect view of your already swollen and wet cunt that was still sensitive from your previous orgasm “You’ve got such a pretty pussy, you know that?” His soft voice saying such lewd words caused you to twitch with anticipation. He hummed, “You like it when I talk to you like that?” He asked and slowly inserted two fingers into you causing you to gasp, “When I call you a good girl and tell you how good that pussy of yours taste?” You let out a low moan and clenched his fingers as they began to pump in and out of your cunt, “I could eat that cunt of yours all night if you’d let me,” He let out a soft sigh, “But, fuck I want to feel you clenching around my cock.” He said and pulled his fingers out of you abruptly.
You whined at the loss of feeling but he quickly pushed into you, his cock stretching you as he filled you up. You clenched the bedsheets tightly and gasped “R-Rog,” You sobbed out as he started moving slowly, still barely recovered from your previous orgasm, “Harder, please?”
Roger pulled out from you nearly all the way and slammed back into you, “You want me to fuck you harder?” He asked leaning over to growl in your ear and gripped a fist full of your hair, pulling it back and forcing your back to arch.
“Yes, please,” You cried out, “Please,” seemed to be the only word you could choke out as his hips harshly slapped against you. The sound of your slurred words mixed with his grunts and the sound of your skin slapping together and filled the room, forming a sinful combination.
His let go of your hair, allowing your arms to collapse as he now pushed your head into the mattress, driving you into the soft plush blankets with his hard-steady thrusts. His hand reached around pressing hard against your clit “You gonna come for me again, baby?” He asked rubbing harsh messy circles on the swollen and sensitive bud. You nodded your head against the mattress, whimpering incoherently, “I want that tight cunt of yours to come all over my cock, come on, I know you have another one in you.” Your walls fluttered around him, your second orgasm building easily and quickly threatening to overtake you.
The tight feeling in your belly began to build and you clenched your eyes shut tightly, choking out a high-pitched whine before your walls clenched hard around Roger’s cock “Ah, fuck, that’s my good girl.” Roger grunted through his tightly clenched jaw. His hands dug into the meat of your thighs and hips as his pace began to lose rhythm and become uneven. He groaned loudly, burying himself to the hilt as he spurted hot ropes of come into your still clenching pussy, allowing it to milk him as he worked the two of you through your highs with a few shallow thrusts.
His hand stayed on the small of your back as he stilled, slowly pulling out and whimpering as your tight walls brushed against his sensitive member. You straightened your legs out and laid flatly against the bed while Roger flopped over next to you. The sound of your rapid breaths filled the room as a comfortable silence hung in the air before Roger broke it, “I knew I made you nervous.” He said proudly.
You turned your head towards him, your muscles aching as you did, “Shut up,” You said and buried your face with embarrassment.
Roger pulled you into his sticky and sweaty chest, kissing your bare shoulder “I think it’s cute.” He mumbled against your skin.
“Cute?” You asked, peering up at him.
He swallowed thickly and nodded his head “Yeah, cute.” He reassured and reached down, pulling his tangled blankets over the two of you. You rolled onto your side, your back against Roger’s chest as he tapped soft mindless rhythms against your skin, “You know you should come around more often.” He said softly.
You rolled over and faced him still in his arms “If this is what happens when I come around more, then I guess I can.” You tried to feign disappointment but couldn’t hide it behind your post sex glow.
Roger’s hand came up, lightly brushing your messy hair from your face, “If you would have stopped hiding in your room, this would have happened sooner.” Roger admitted, his thumb softly rubbing circles on your cheek.
You closed your eyes and leaned into his touch, sighing softly, “Can… can it happen again?” You asked sounding hopeful.
Roger couldn’t help but grin as you resorted back to your shy tactics, “Of course it can.” He said and once again pulled you back into his chest and running his fingers through your hair.
As the two of you laid in silence and felt a wave of exhaustion claim you, you couldn’t help but secretly feel thankful that Veronica had convinced you to go out tonight.
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radiosteve · 5 years
Need Your Loving Tonight Ch. 13
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Summary: As the party continues, things with John and Roger may take an unexpected turn.
 Note: Hi everyone! Sorry for any grammar issues or anything but I have a really bad cold and I’m half asleep while writing this. Hope you enjoy! As always, the italicized part is the reader’s thoughts. This photo is one that I found on google. I do not own any rights to it. If youwant to be added to the taglist send me a message or an ask and I’ll add you!  
Warnings: Language, slight sexual content
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Reader, John Deacon x Reader
Words: 3.4k+
  December 20, 1972
 Your eyes fell onto John’s as a blush formed on your cheeks. He mirrored a similar look as he gazed at from across the circle. Sally reached over slightly to squeeze your leg as an excited smile crept onto her face. Your stomach flipped with each passing moment before you began to move in John’s direction. It wasn’t until you had already started crawling towards him that you realized that John was moving too. You both met in the middle as your bare knees brushed against the fabric of his jeans. He flashed you a small smile before reaching up to tuck his long waves behind his ears. He leaned in ever so slightly, whispering as his breath smelled of vodka and spearmint.
 “Are you-” he began before you grabbed for his hand and cut him off.
 “Yes,” you spoke gently, confidence radiating off of you as John’s smile grew wider. He raised his hands to cup your cheeks, brushing his thumb against them as he did so. His index finger slightly pulled your hair back, exposing more of your face as you melted into his touch. Your hands, following their own agenda, moved to wrap around his neck. John leaned in, then you leaned in. And you both kept moving closer until it finally happened. Your lips collided and the world faded to black. The only thing that mattered, the only thing that existed was your hands in John’s hair and the soft kiss that you shared. Your lips parted and his tongue slipped past, matching the same pace as yours. The kiss felt like pure bliss, as if every happy memory from your life occurred all at once. All the months of tension and emotion shared between the two of you finally released and it couldn’t have been any better. 
 That is until you remembered where you were. When you realized that not only were you kissing John, but that you were kissing John in front of a bunch of your friends, including Roger. You pulled back lightly only to see John’s hooded eyes focused solely on you. He slowly started moving back to his spot in the circle as his smile returned to his lips. You crawled back to your place next to Sally and she gave your hand excited pinch. Your eyes darted around the circle towards the faces of your friends. Freddie had a large grin plastered across his face while Brian looked slightly taken aback, but still enthused. Finally, your gaze fell on Roger and guilt flooded your body. Not only did Roger look completely heartbroken, but you also saw the water fill his eyes and slowly run down his cheeks.     
 “Johnny, it’s your turn to spin,” Freddie chimed in, pulling your attention from Roger back down to the bottle in front of you. 
 “No, I think I’m ok,” John spoke quietly, folding his hands in his lap as he peeked at look over at you. You tried your best to flash him a genuine smile, but your head was swarmed with too much at once. 
 “But you’re next,” some girl protested, twirling her hair on her finger as she clearly tried to get John’s undivided attention. 
 “I think I’m done playing,” John patted his legs gently before standing up and walking back to the table covered in alcohol with a beaming smile stretched across his lips. 
 “Yeah, I’m over this game too,” Roger spoke quietly, wiping the tears from his eyes as he stood up, heading towards the door.
 “Rog, wait,” you called out, following him through the front door as he stomped outside. “We need to talk please,” you said when you finally caught up to him, grabbing the sleeve of his jacket.
 “No, we don’t. I already know everything I need,” he tugged his arm from your grasp and trudged further down the front steps. 
 “Come on Roger, please. It’s been over a month since you last talked to me. Like, really talked to me,” you voice was desperate as you managed to trail behind him. He turned around abruptly, nearly causing you to run into him in the process.
 “What do you want me to say? Huh? You want me to tell you that I’m in love with you? That I’ve always been in love with you? Because I have, and it sucks. And it sucks to see you all lovey dovey with John, it really does. But it’s not my place and we both know it. So go on and be with him or whatever it is that you want, because it’s your choice. Just try not to flaunt it around in my face when you finally do decide what to do over your little thing for Johnny,” Roger yelled at you before turning back towards the street.
 “Roger, wait,” you pleaded trying to make amends and calm him down.
 “I’m sick of waiting, Y/n. All I ever do is wait for you and I’m over it. So go on and have a nice life. Just try to keep me out of it,” Roger turned on his heels, before unlocking his car and sliding into the front seat. He drove off at lightning speed as you stood dumbfounded and shivering in the front yard. 
 You came back into the house, quickly wiping at your tears as the loud music drowned out everything that just happened. Your thoughts raced as you worked your way through the swarm of people, pressed against each other in the dingy room. Finally, you managed to get to the back of the room, spotting Sally talking to a girl as a smile curled up her cheeks. 
 “Sally,” you rested your hand on her shoulder to get her attention, but she brushed it off.
 “Not now, Y/n. I’m a little busy,” she spoke never breaking eye contact with the girl once. A flood of frustration filled your body as you let out a small moan.
 “Sally, I want to go home now,” you whined, not caring about how needy you sounded. Sally finally looked over at you, noticing your puffy, red eyes and the slight shiver that raked through you.
 “Alright love just give me a minute,” she said sincerely and grabbed your hand reassuringly before dropping it and turning back to the girl in front of her to say goodbye.
 “That’s ok Sal. I’ll take her home,” Brian spoke up, appearing out of nowhere. He came up to stand between you and Sally and rested a hand on each of your shoulders. 
 “Are you sure?” Sally looked up at Brian and he shot her a soft nod, causing his big curls to bounce. “Alright, I’ll see you at home love,” Sally leaned over to kiss your cheek and then focused her attention back on the girl.
 “Thank you, Brian” you said quietly as the two of you pushed your way through the party. He just threw one arm over your shoulder and kept walking. You’d nearly managed to walk out without saying goodbye to John, but he saw you and turned away from Freddie to call your name.
 “Where are you going?” he asked as you and Brian came closer. John’s hands rested on his hips as a close-lipped smile covered his face.
 “I, uh, wasn’t feeling too well so Brian offered to drive me back to my flat,” you tried your best to muster up a smile as you spoke, but your heart wasn’t in it. 
 “Oh, well I could drive you home so Brian could stay here a little longer,” John suggested hopefully, wanting to spend more time with you and talk about the kiss you shared. 
 “That’s alright, mate. I’m all partied out. I don’t mind,” Brian spoke up, saving you from making up some lame excuse. You made a mental note to thank him later. 
 “Ok, well I’ll see you guys later then,” John leaned over and pressed his lips to your forehead gently. When he pulled back, he looked just as giggly and dazed as he had during the spin the bottle. It took everything within you to drag yourself away from him and head towards the car. You head swirled with the sensation of John’s lips smoothing over every inch of your body as his hands rubbed up and down your thighs. What is wrong with me? I just got into a huge fight with one of my closest friends and all I can think about is John.
 You followed Brian as he pushed through the front door, walking to his car parked a little further down the street. He unlocked the car and you pulled the door open as your emotions began boiling up inside. You had barely closed the door behind you when you heard Brian speak up from the driver’s seat.
 “You want to talk about it?” his words were comforting but also completely unnerving. 
 “Was it really that obvious that something is wrong?” you turned your head in his direction and his eyes met yours. 
 “No, but you’re my best friend. I can tell when something is wrong with you,” a small smile graced his lips before quickly slipping off as his expression became serious once more.
 “It’s Roger,” you began, feeling the tears prick in your eyes. “He said that he loves me,” you let out a shaky breath as Brian began driving.
 “But you already knew that. I told you that a month or so ago,” Brian said as confusion etched across his face.
 “Yes, but it’s very different for someone to tell you that they love you in person rather than through a friend,” you shot Brian a cheeky smile, still holding back the tears that threatened to spill.
 “Yeah, yeah I guess so. But you seemed pretty distraught. That couldn’t have been the only thing that you guys talked about,” Brian’s words seemed to trigger the floodgate within you and hot tears began to stream down your cheeks.
 “He also told me,” you gasped for breath a little, trying to sound as normal as possible. “He told me that he doesn’t want me in his life anymore,” sobs flooded the car and Brian pulled over to the side of the road. “Wha- what are you doing,” you gulped for air as your nose filled with snot.
 “Comforting my friend,” Brian threw the stick shift in park and leaned over, engulfing you in his arms as you cried. Your tears dripped onto his jacket sleeve as Brian pulled you closer to him. 
 “I don’t know what I’m going to do,” you heaved in between cries. Your lungs struggled to keep up with the amount of air that escaped from your lips.
 “Well,” Brian pulled back slightly so he could see your tear streaked face. “It’s going to be damn near impossible for him to avoid you at rehearsals and shows,” he brushed the loose strands of hair out of your face, giving you a warm smile as he looked down at you. 
 “I guess you’re right,” you sniffled, peering up at your best friend through your clumpy, tear-ridded eyelashes. “That would be rather difficult,” you rested your hand on Brian’s as he pressed his palm against your cheek. A small smile formed on your lips, mirroring his.
 “Trust me, love,” Brian began, leaning back over to his side of the car as you sat yourself upright against the seat. He pulled off onto the street once more, looking back over at you as he did so. “This definitely isn’t the end for you and Roger Taylor.” 
 December 21, 1972
 After Brian dropped you off the night before, you went inside and stripped off all of your layers. Your tight knit ball of emotions unraveling like the fabric resting against your skin. You quickly found yourself naked and shivering in your bedroom as the moonlight peaked in beyond your curtains. Everything felt wrong. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. So many things about tonight were wonderful and exciting, but your thoughts kept shifting back to Roger. The hurt on his face. The tears on his cheeks. The pain in his eyes. All of it. The feeling, deep in the pit of your stomach, eating away at you. Remorse. Guilt. Shame. Everything at once. A swirl of fire colliding with a wall of ice. An impasse. Unmovable. Static. 
 Your limbs folded into each other as your body curled into a ball. The weight of the world, the memories of the night, pressing down on you as you tried to breathe. The sobs falling from your lips as the air pushed back from your lungs. You didn’t realize that you were screaming until Sally burst through your bedroom door. 
 “Y/n?” she called out, her eyebrows furrowed as she looked down upon your weak, shaking figure on the ground. She grabbed a blanket from your bed and picked you up off the floor. Sally draped the blanket over your shoulders, covering your body with it as she embraced you. “Shhh, it’s ok,” Sally brushed her hand over your hair as you sobbed against her. “Come on,” she said, gently pulling away from you and guiding you towards the bathroom. She sat you down on the toilet as she plugged the bathtub drain and started to run the water. After a few minutes the tub had filled up. Sally sprinkled in bath salts and poured in some bubble bath. 
 Your body sank slowly into the tub, feeling the water rush over your skin and the steam hit your face. Sally turned away, moving towards the door as if to leave.
 “Stay,” you lifted your hand from the water, splashing bubbles over the side of the tub. She turned around and nodded, sitting in the space between the toilet and the tub. You were facing each other, and you could see the worry in her eyes. “Why’d you leave? The party I mean. I thought you were having fun,” your words were quiet, but you couldn’t convince yourself to talk any louder. 
 “I was, but it’s a little hard to have fun when you’re worried about your best friend,” Sally spoke quietly as a sad smile stretched over her lips.
 “I didn’t mean to ruin it for you,” you looked down at the bubbles covering your body and took a deep breath. Sally’s head snapped up and she almost looked offended.
 “Hey,” she scooted closer to you, reaching out for your bubble covered fingers. “You didn’t ruin it. Don’t blame yourself. For me, for Roger, for anything,” her gentle words were reassuring and sweet, but you still felt that ugliness in the pit of your stomach.
 “So, I’m guessing that you talked to Brian,” you gave her a small smile and she returned it before moving back to where she sat before. 
 “I just wanted to make sure that you were ok,” Sally looked genuine. “I left about twenty minutes after you guys did, and I called him as soon as I got home. He told me most of what happened, but I hung up on him when I heard you in your room,” she looked sad as she continued talking but she kept going. “I’m sorry. About everything. I shouldn’t have encouraged you to play that stupid game. That’s not how your first kiss with John should have happened. That’s not how Roger should’ve found out. I’m sorry,” now Sally was the one crying as you leaned forward. Your hand stretched out and you tried to wipe away the tears that had fallen on her cheeks. However, instead of drying her face, your wet fingers only made it worse and she let out a small giggle.
 “It’s not your fault, Sally. I’m an adult. I can make my own decisions. I don’t blame you. And you shouldn’t blame yourself,” you spoke gently, and she stopped crying. 
 “Ok,” she said almost in a whisper, her eyes holding yours. You leaned back in the tub, letting the bubbles consume you. The two of you stayed in the bathroom, talking quietly until the bath water turned cold. You felt warm and loved. It almost made you feel better. Almost.
 When you woke up the next morning, you noticed the fresh snow falling outside your window. Your sock-clad feet wandered from your bed into the kitchen. You’d just set a kettle on the stovetop when you noticed a note on the counter. 
 Gone to the store to get some food for the snowstorm, Be back later - love Sal  
 You smiled slightly at the note before looking back towards the window. It felt so childish to feel excited about the snow, but you didn’t care. It made you think back to winter break in your freshman year of high school. 
 Your parents were snowed in and couldn’t go to work. So, in order to pass the time, they started to fight. You threw on two sweaters over your t-shirt, a pair of sweatpants over your jeans, a soft hat, and a fluffy pair of socks. You stuck your arms in your big winter coat, grabbed some gloves, and took off out the back door. You walked all the way to the beach because the snow was too deep to ride your bike in. The snow was still barely falling but you didn’t feel cold. Your boots sunk into the white covered sand as you marched across the beach. You climbed into the lifeguard tower, glad to see that the inside wasn’t covered in snow, and just watched the waves. There wasn’t a seagull in sight, but you could still hear them somewhere in the distance. It still smelled like the beach. The soft crash of waves on the cold, yellow sand. Everything was the same, but it also wasn’t. It was different, being there in December when the water is far too cold to swim in. But it was the beach. Your safe space. The only place that felt like home. 
 Your lips curled at the memory and you heard the whistle of the kettle in the back of your head, you just didn’t realize that it was real. At least not until the phone rang as well. You snapped from your thoughts and ran over to the stove, turning off the boiling water before moving towards the couch to grab the phone. 
 “Hello?” you brought the phone to your ear and let out a labored breath.
 “Y/n, hi,” you heard John voice crackle through the speaker. “I just wanted to check up on you,” his voice was so gentle, and you felt your body relax. “You said that you weren’t feeling well last night. Just wanted to see if you felt any better.”
 “I’m ok John, thank you,” you let out a breath as you responded, and it made your voice sound shaky. 
 “Are you sure? The storm isn’t too bad yet. I can come over and take care of you if you want,” he offered, and a smile formed on your lips.
 “You’re too sweet John Deacon,” you laughed breathily, and you could tell that he was smiling on the other end of the line.
 “Only for you, love.”
 “John,” you spoke quietly, almost scared to ask your next question. “About our kiss last night.”
 “Right. The kiss,” he paused, trying to gather his words the best he could. “I meant to bring that up. It got me thinking. And I’ve been thinking this for a while now. But I’d like to take you out on a date. A real, proper date. Just me and you,” he sounded nervous and bashful as he spoke. You took a second, mulling over everything in your head. The phone call from Roger. Brian telling you that Roger’s in love with you. Last night. Your kiss with Roger. Your kiss with John. Roger storming out. Your fight. Roger saying that he’s in love with you. John calling to check up on you.
 It all seemed like so much in such a little amount of time. Like the days blended to hours and hours fell to minutes as the seconds ticked by. Your heart raced in your chest, trying to decide on what to say next. Should I go out with John? Will that just piss Roger off more? But what if this is my only chance with him?
 A deep breath escaped your lips before you tightened your grip on the phone. You inhaled once more before giving John a proper answer.
 “I’d love that.”
Taglist: @retromusicsalad @bohemiansweede @deaconsroger @queen-crue @ohtheseboysilove @queeniesteiins @kemeryyyy @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ixchel-9275 @rogmeddows @ziggymay @deakysmisfire @rogertaylorsfalsettogivesmehives @briarrose26 @greatdinosaursalad @queendeakyy
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pennywaltzy · 4 years
Third Party Opinions
This was another Holmestice gift for Sasha, who wanted a Mystrade or Johnlock fic. I had one that I started that had both ships and is an AU, which was a favorite thing of Sasha’s, but it got away from me and so I wrote this for them instead.
Third Party Opinions - It takes a third party’s opinion on the state of his relationship with Mycroft to convince him to make a move.
Read @ AO3
“Professor Lestrade, sir?” The young woman who always sat in the front and asked the most interesting questions that came out of all of his criminal justice courses came up to him, blushing slightly. “I was...I was wondering...”
Greg looked up and gave her a reassuring smile. “You’re going to pass the course, Linette, I promise,” he said.
She relaxed. “Oh, good. My father...he wanted me to go into political sciences and follow in his steps, but I always thought it would be better to do what I wanted.” She flashed him a wide grin. “He’s a fan of yours, though, so I think I lucked out.”
“Is he?” Greg asked, surprised. He’d published a few books based on his time in Scotland Yard, talking about cases he’d solved with the help of Sherlock Holmes, but he wasn’t used to hearing he had fans. Sherlock was usually the one with the groupies, thanks to John and his blogging, but ever since the two went public with their relationship the female groupies seemed to have faded away, which Sherlock said was a blessing.
Not that Greg minded female company, but as Sally had pointed out time and again, his wife taught him that female company didn’t always suit him.
He had tried, but he’d always known that just because a wife was expected at the time he’d been in the Yard didn’t mean that it was expected now. And academia had all sorts of different rules than the police force did when it came to same-sex relationships. And he was, he realized, very lonely.
But it wasn’t the idea of Linette’s father that made him think of all this. He knew her father was quite happily married to Linette’s mother, and that was that. But Linette’s father was a subordinate of the man who had caught his fancy since Anthea had left to pursue a life away from the government.
Maybe Mycroft could take the same hint?
Maybe not.
Probably not.
“...and Mr. Holmes has him over so often, it would be nice to have dinner with just my Mum and Dad this weekend, you know? I mean, not that Mr. Holmes joins us, but...”
He realized at almost the same time that she did that his attention had wandered, and he shook his head. “I’m sorry, Linette. You were saying?”
“My Mum’s birthday is this weekend and I want to take my parents somewhere nice, but Mr. Holmes keeps calling my dad in all the time, and even when he doesn’t, it feels like there’s the expectancy that my father will be called in. I’d just like the weekend to be free, just this once.” There seemed to be a slight twinkle in her eyes, and he wondered exactly what her father thought of the relationship between himself and Mycroft. “Maybe you could help?”
“And just how should I do that?” Greg asked, taking a sip of his lukewarm coffee. He’d gotten so into the lecture that he’d forgotten it much of the time.
“Shag him senseless.”
Greg nearly choked on his coffee. Well. That answered what Linette’s family thought of his and Mycroft’s relationship. She did look surprised, or maybe a bit more worried that he was going to actually choke, but she also had a smile on her face. “Does your father think I’m that obvious?” he asked when he got himself collected.
“He thinks you’d make Mr. Holmes happy. And not much makes him happy, as you know well.”
“Oh, that I do.” He set the coffee cup down and then looked at her, setting his hands on his hips. “And just what should I do to get him into bed?”
Her smile grew a bit. “Be honest. That’s all you need to do because Dad says he’s head over heels for you, he just needs a...push. But if you plan it so this weekend he’s occupied, I’d be most appreciative, and so would my mum. We might even get Dad to stop talking about the two of you long enough to have a good meal somewhere.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” he said. Linette gave him a thumbs up and then left, leaving him in his lecture hall all by himself. He had to admit, if Mycroft really needed a push, maybe he’d needed this one as well. He was lonely and had been since the divorce was finalized. He’d seen Sally navigate the dating scene, and it was daunting, something he hadn’t wanted to deal with. He’d decided to cultivate his friendships instead, and he hadn’t expected to end up fancying Mycroft in the end of it. He was grateful for their friendship, but was he ready for more? Was that what he needed? What Mycroft wanted? There were so many questions and he wasn’t sure what the answers were, or at least he hadn’t been sure.
But maybe...well, a third party opinion had seemed to be needed. Now he just needed to see if said opinion was the right one.
He had called Mycroft to see if they wanted to share a whiskey that evening and wasn’t surprised that Mycroft had suggested they do so at his home. Mycroft was never really one for the two of them being in public together, or even being in public when he was by himself, so he had gotten to know Mycroft’s home well. And there was the fact Mycroft seemed to like his home, now that he’d moved into a more respectable bachelor flat.
Maybe he should have seen that was a sign that they were comfortable in each other’s presence. He knew that it wasn’t that Mycroft was ashamed of their friendship, but the fact that Mycroft chose to spend time with him in private was important. He knew Mycroft had few confidants and fewer friends, and he wanted to keep those relationships close to the vest. It had never made him think that Mycroft was afraid their own friendship would have been misconstrued, and he certainly wasn’t about to start thinking it now.
He’d gotten a bottle of A’Bunadh by Aberlour from Sally when she told him she was expecting her first child just months after her engagement and would he please walk her down the aisle? And of course he would, he was chuffed she’d asked, and they’d agreed the bottle would be used for a significant event in his life. And this...well, this might be just the right occasion.
Linette’s father Brian answered the door when Greg knocked, and he glanced down to the small gift bag he held and grinned. “Good news?”
“Hoping so,” Greg said with a grin.
“Wish you the best mate,” he said as he squeezed by Greg to head to the waiting car. Mycroft must be in a good mood to dismiss him early, but that meant just the two of them would be around and if the subject of what, exactly, their relationship should entail was going to be broached, it’d be best if it was just the two of them. He shut the door behind him once he stepped inside, locking it out of habit and then made his way to the study. That was his favorite room in Mycroft’s home, as it seemed to be the warmest when they sat in the overstuffed seats and had a fire going while watching classic films on the projector, each of them absorbed in the hard to find movies Mycroft seemed to never have any trouble finding and content with the company for the evening.
But he wasn’t there. Instead, there was a note to go to the kitchen on the study door, and Greg had to admit, he was intrigued.
His steps echoed as he made his way to the dark, cavernous room. It was never like his own kitchen, full of warmth and light, and it was almost depressing to be int here to put food away or to get a glass of water to go with his single malt. But tonight, there was more light and the smell of something good. “Cooking?” he called out as he got into the doorway.
“I thought it was appropriate for the evening,” Mycroft said. His face was illuminated by the light and he even had a white apron on over his clothes. Greg noticed that his suit jacket was off, his shirtsleeves were rolled up, and the top few buttons of his shirt were undone. There was no tie, and it was a sight that made him hope he was successful tonight. Nothing was as intoxicating as the sight of a man in a waistcoat with their shirt rolled up, though he had to admit, the apron around the waist was also endearing.
“And what are we eating?” Greg asked, setting the gift bag with the bottle of whiskey next to Mycroft. Mycroft wiped his hands on a towel and then pulled out the bottle, looking at it approvingly before getting two glasses and some ice. He remained silent as he poured the whiskey over the ice and then handed a glass.
“Linguine with a cream sauce, spinach, and shrimp,” Mycroft said.
“Cheat day?” Greg asked with a smile before taking a sip.
“A...special occasion,” Mycroft said. He studied his glass for a moment and then held it up in Greg’s direction. “To new beginnings.”
“And...new relationships?” Greg asked.
“If you’re willing,” Mycroft murmured. Greg grinned and tapped his glass against Mycroft’s, watching Mycroft take a sip and then lick his lip, a hooded heat in his eyes. He had the feeling Linette would, indeed, get her father a weekend of freedom this weekend...and maybe many many more afterward.
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nerdwaifuu · 6 years
The Elemental Experiments~ Chapter 3
It was nearly nightfall by the time Zane finally found his way to the party. The front yard was filled with highschoolers of actually all grades, which was surprising to see even seniors came to the party. He rode up to the drive way and hid his bike in the garage of the summer house, then snuck his way into the backyard. Knowing how many people were hanging out in the front yard, Zane couldn't even imagine what was going inside.
Once in the backyard, Zane walked by the pool and sat down on one of the lounge chairs, watching other guests pushing each other into the cold water. Zane chuckled a bit while seeing everyone having fun, but soon got startled as a warm hand grabbed his shoulder, letting out a small gasp.
"Don't need to worry, it's just me." A familiar voice reassured him. Zane looked over to the hand and his icy blue eyes met with the hazel eyes of one of his friends, who seemed to be dressed as Brian Johnson, the lead singer of AC DC. In his other hand, his fingers wrapped around an empty red solo cup.
"H-hello Cole." Zane stuttered, still not recovered from the little spook Cole gave him. The raven haired teen began to chuckle, sitting down on the lounge chair right next to Zane's.
"Heh, nice costume?" Cole said, reminding Zane of the costume that Jay got him and the hoodie he had on, hiding the majority of his costume. Zane scratched the back of his head, not knowing how to respond.
"I believe the hoodie isn't part of the costume. Why don't you take it off?" Cole asked, motioning towards the zipper. Zane's cheeks began to blush as he remembered how "revealing" he believed the top was. But, without an answer from Zane, Cole quickly unzipped the hoodie and revealed the sparkling blue top and long cape. Zane finally caught on though and tried to zip up his hoodie again, but it was too late.
"Holy shit, Jay actually got someone to make it..." Cole whispered, his cheeks becoming a bit red too. Zane's arms were crossed, trying to hide his revealed chest. Cole started chuckling again, grabbing one of Zane's arms and moving it out of the way and pulling it close to him, then setting the cup down and slipped Zane's hoodie off.
"It suits you... you know. It's kinda..." Cole fakes a cough, then finishes his sentence quietly.
"Hot..." Zane begins to blush, yet again not knowing how to react. He never expected his night to start with this.
"Um... th-thanks?" Zane finally responds, looking away from Cole. He could hear his friend sigh, holding Zane's hand close to his chest.
"Well, my king, how about we head inside and hang out or whatever." Zane's shoulders shrugged. He realized how nice it was out, and he was enjoying the fresh air. He rather wanted to stay outside instead of enter the hell inside.
"I would... prefer to stay out here..." Cole nodded and stood up, letting go of Zane's cold hand. Immediately, Zane missed Cole's warmth as Cole went inside. He held his pale hand close to his revealed chest, a feeling of loneliness flooding over him. Fortunately, the sound of the sliding door that led to the back opening caught his attention.
"Buddy, c'mon. I've heard you got a good taste in music. Save Dareth and I from the songs my classmates like." A senior in a smaurai looking costume was telling Cole, who was carrying two red solo cups this time.
"No way Ronin. Too busy." He responded before sitting back down.
"Dammit... I'm tired of feeling like I'm at a middle school dance." Ronin mumbled, getting a look from the other senior with him, who was wearing a brown ninja suit.
"Not everyone has the same music choices as you..." was the last thing Cole and Zane heard the two senior students say before heading inside. Cole began to shake his head as he held out one of the cups to Zane. He hesitantly takes the cup, examining the dark liquid within the plastic cup.
"It's just soda... I know you wouldn't like anything else they had... however, I want to ask you something?" Zane began to bite his lip. He knew where this conversation was going.
"What is it?..." he asked before taking a small sip of the soda. With a sigh, Cole asked his question, or questions.
"Where were you during lunch? Why were you even more distant? What is bothering you? What is going on in that big brain of yours?" His pale hands started to shake, causing Zane to grasp the red solo cup tighter. The one time he thought he could forget about it, he couldn't. There's no escape... unless...
"Well..." he sighed and told his tale. He started with what happened on Monday. What his father told him. How it kept him awake at night. It made him toss and turn while he pondered on what he could mean. It turned his gears in his mind during class, acting as a giant distraction to his education. He was surprised him possibly overthinking such simple statements hasn't driven him mad. Although, he never dared to ask about it nor let it off his chest.
Cole sat through his entire rant, listening to each and every word of what his fellow classmate had to say. Guilt filled him, knowing that he had noticed him clearly disturbed, but he didn't try to help him figure this out at all. In the end, both sat silently, staring at the crystal clear pool filled with a handful of highschoolers having the times of their lifes.
Then, suddenly, Cole wrapped his arm around Zane, holding him close to him.
"Promise me not to hide anything from me anymore... you always worry me, you know." Cole whispered in Zane's ear. He slowly nodded, feeling safe in Colés arms. Like nothing can harm or bother him anymore. Like everything is actually perfect...
Ring ringgggggg~ ring ringggggggg~
The sound of Zane's phone interrupted the moment, causing both to quickly break apart.
"Sorry..." Zane muttered before retrieving his phone out of his hoodie, which ended up on the ground. He checked the number, seeing it was actually his father. A look of worry was his face as he answered the phone. Dr. Julien barely calls...
"I love you son..."
Zane slowly lowered his phone. The two freshmen looked at each other with worry and confusion in their eyes, until their train of thought was disrupted by a scream.
Everyone flooded into the front yard, staring at the rising flames of something in the distance. Multiple firetrucks, ambulances, and News vans passed by, heading towards the fire. All the party attendees chatted, clearly scared or worried. One question caught Zane and Cole off guard.
"Yo, ain't Borg Laboratory's over in that area?" Once Zane remembered that his father was at the lab this Friday night, he hopped onto his bike and went down a short cut to the laboratory. Many other people followed him, curious of what actually was getting burned down. Once Zane found his way to the lab, he felt like falling to his knees and screaming. The entire building was on fire, looking like it was a huge torch. People were being rushed out of the building, but from what he could see, none resembled Zane's father... but he could see a few of his fathers co-workers and an injured Cyrus Borg, being carried into an ambulance. Zane walked over to multiple co-workers, asking about his father. Each one shrugged, saying they haven't seen him. The feeling of just breaking down and letting everything out grew and grew, but Zane kept all his feelings bottled off. He wanted to be strong in front of all of his fathers co-workers and all the dressed up students he could see any day of his entire highschool life.
All the highschoolers stuck around until the fire was put out and once the adults started to shoo them away, saying they should head back home. Most listened, leaving Kai, Jay, Lloyd, Cole, and Zane. They all stood together, waiting for Zane to hear if they knew anything about his father. No news ever came. They never found his body, dead nor alive. Their was no trace of him. All they know was that Borg was with him, but, unfortunately, Borg was not in good enough shape to be interviewed by any news reporters.
Soon enough, the five were also told to head home as well. They obeyed and all silently went their separate ways, none knowing what to say. They were all still scared and worried, but not for the same reason as before they knew what was burning down.
Once home, Zane disappeared into his room. He was too worried to get undressed or even get ready. He wanted to just curl up and scream and cry into a pillow or his blanket, which he ended up doing, minus the screaming. He ended up wrapping himself in his soft blanket and hiding hisface in his pillow, allowing the warm tears to rolls down his cold cheeks. He did this until he went onto his side and fell into a deep sleep, tired from what occurred that day...
"Please be safe Father... I love you too..."
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I’m sorry Lala, i had to warn you i was writing an epilogue for this! get ready for even more tears!
This was it, Brian and I were standing behind Johnny and Zack as they read their vows.  I'll admit, I definitely teared up a little bit.  It was crazy watching them get married, Brian and I had said fuck it and eloped since it was less of a hassle.  Our families understood we didn't want something elaborate, and actually encouraged us into getting eloped. It was a nice change of pace for once.  I kept glancing over at Brian and smiling, he looked so gorgeous in his tux.  Zack had basically dragged Brian to get a tux while Johnny and I got ours somewhere else.  Said something about keeping tradition so Johnny wasn't allowed to see him before the wedding at all.
“I now pronounce you Mr. and Mr. Baker, you may kiss your husband” The JOP stood back as Johnny and Zack shared their first kiss as a married couple, at least theirs was more romantic than ours.  Can't really be romantic when you have to kiss in front of a judge.  
They made their way down the aisle, their faces nearly glowing with happiness.  Brian and I followed suit, linking our arms before we headed into one of the side rooms so they could take pictures together with their families before the wedding party did.  Michelle had pouted when she wasn't able to be in the wedding due to being pregnant.  She had offered to be our surrogate while Val was Johnny and Zack's surrogate.  She wasn't very far along in the pregnancy compared to her sister who had just hit eight months.  Of course she was more than happy to carry our child for us, she was just excited for it all to be over with.
“I gotta say, you look stunning babe” I wiped off Brian's jacket as we headed out to join Zack and Johnny for photos.
“Look whose talking” Brian smiled and kissed my cheek before we stood in our respective spots.
We took more photos than I was expecting, of course Brian demanded to take one with Zack since they had known each other the longest out of everyone.  I chuckled and rolled my eyes as the photographer finished the photos outside. Everyone else was inside mingling and getting drinks.  I walked over to Michelle and raised my eyebrow at her belly.  She seemed to have dropped since we last saw her.
“How's the baby doing?” I sat down with her and held my hand on her belly as the baby kicked. I wish I could have been around for this more.
“Oh they've been kicking my ribs a lot lately, but other than that everything is good according to the doctor” Michelle set her glass of water on the table and stood up slowly.
“The nursery just got painted last night, Johnny helped me.” I gently rubbed the sides of her belly and watched her smile as I did.
“Brian told me, the color is perfect” I looked up at her, my mouth hanging open.
“So it is a boy” I stuttered out, I always expected we were having a girl.
“Yes, you're having a healthy baby boy” Michelle reached into her small clutch and pulled out the sonogram photos.
I looked through all the pictures and smiled, that was Brian and I's son.  A little human from us.  The lights dimmed which was my cue to go find Brian.  I pocketed the photos and ran to the side room where Brian had told me to meet him earlier.  Zack was practically shaking from excitement.
“And now to announce, Mr. and Mr. Baker!” The dj called as Johnny and Zack walked out of the room holding hands tightly, anyone could see how much they loved each other.
Brian and I walked out along with the wedding party, their wedding song played as everyone danced together.  I was very glad  Johnny and Zack made sure Brian and I would be able to dance together, even if I was on the side with all the ladies.  Nothing wrong with it.
“So it's a boy?” I whispered in Brian's ear.  I felt him stiffen slightly knowing I knew his secret.
“She told you didn't she?  I wanted it to be a surprise until he was born” Brian pouted slightly and looked at my face, as if trying to read it.
“I told her that Johnny and I painted the nursery, and she said the color was perfect so I put two and two together.  You're not very slick babe” I smiled and kissed him as he continued pouting at my poking fun.
“Well, we're having a boy and I have a name picked out already” Brian said sliding his hands to my shoulders.
“Oh?  Well I would love to hear it” I pulled him closer without being too close as to take attention away from the couple a mere ten feet away.
“Aiden James Sanders” Brian said it in such a tone that it stuck.  It felt right to be his name.
“It's perfect” That would be his name without a doubt in my mind.
The night went on perfectly, they each shoved cake in their faces which was very funny to watch.  Especially when most of it got stuck in Zack's beard. Brian made jokes about Johnny licking that off and more when they were alone.  Always had to be the pervy one.  Once everyone had gone home, leaving just the four of us sipping whiskey in the back yard of our house I began to think about my life.
Would I have died if I hadn't been found that day?  Or would I have finally given in and found the guys and told them about my struggles?  They could have easily thrown me to the side if I tried that, I was surprised standing here now that they forgave me in the first place.
“Matt, babe you're not breathing” Brian was holding my face before I had even realized I wasn't breathing, or that I was sitting now.
“What?” My voice sounded so hollow and weak, I must've blacked out when I had stopped breathing.
“Are you okay?  Do we need to go to the hospital?” Brian grabbed a bottle of water from the cooler near my foot and held it out to me.
“No I'm alright” I nodded and sipped the water slowly, that was a new one.
“You scared me half to death, what happened?” Brian pulled over a chair and sat down across from me.
“I was thinking of what would've happened if you guys hadn't found me that day, or if I had finally got the courage to find you guys” I watched Brian as I sipped the water.
His expression became sad, borderline angry as he shook his head and sighed.  I knew it would make him upset in the long run.
“I'm here now though, so none of it matters” I said quickly.
“Just don't do that to me anymore please” Brian said with a small glare.  I knew it held no heat behind it.  Brian loved me too much to be angry with me a lot.
I would just have to make it up to him.
21 Years Later
“Brian I swear to god if you don't let go of her I will pry you off of her” I had my hands on my hips as I watched Brian hug our daughter Ryan.  Aiden was shaking his head off behind them both.
“Our daughter is going off to college I can hug her all I want!” Brian yelled at me, it was very obvious who the protective one was.
“She'll be back for Thanksgiving, now please let go of her” I started to grab Brian's arms before he let go of her.  She laughed and picked up her bags.
“Thanks daddy, I promise to call when I get there” She kissed both our cheeks before getting into the car Brian had bought her for her 16th party as we watched her drive off.
I wrapped my arms around Brian as a few tears slipped down his cheeks, he was stronger than he ever gave himself credit for.
“Come on dad, let's go out for a drink” Aiden was watching Brian closely to see his reaction.  Aiden had just barely turned twenty one and hadn't gone out drinking at all yet.
Brian looked over at him with a raised eyebrow, drinking with Brian meant contests that could never be won by anyone but him.
“How about this weekend with your father and your uncles?” Brian smirked as Aiden agreed. The poor kid was going to die of liver failure before he even got to enjoy his life.
I stood back and chuckled as Brian and Aiden went down to his study.  We were still touring the world globally, selling millions of records and meeting fans all the time.  Except now we had our kids who could join us and see the craziness their parents got up to.  Johnny and Zack's daughter always wanted to go since she was little.  But we set ground rules that once they were eighteen they could travel with us.  Aiden had gone on more tours with us than Ryan and Ashley both.  While they loved the touring and seeing new cities and countries.  They also loved sleeping in their own beds.  I couldn't blame them at all.  Your own bed is the only thing that can truly comfort you after six months of straight touring.  And to think, we had all of this because of one horrible loss.  We all had memories of Jimmy to hold on to forever, and we would.  We would always remember him as the amazing person he was.  And now I could live my life with my husband, my best friends, and my children by my side.  Forever.
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