#also how dangerous electric appliances were at the time
dyad-tmesis · 2 years
Would you let a Victorian into your home? There is a follow up question if so.
Yeah, seeing them be in awe of modern appliances would amuse me.
….they’d possibly clutch their pearls if they saw my batim collection and some paintings I have in my room tho-
If it were me being let into a Victorian persons home? Mmmmmmmnope, curiosity would absolutely push me in there but I wouldn’t stick around for too long. While I love Victorian era interior design and such I’d prefer not to be exposed to lead, mercury, and arsenic.
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script-a-world · 11 months
Submitted via Google Form:
How can I have a world that improves technology but also doesn't remove obsolete technology? Obviously not all obsolete technology, ones too dangerous, doesn't have enough safety features etc, why of course they can go. Let's first start with things like computers. Clearly older things no longer run on newer computers, but it erases things that were made on old types. I want a society that actually preserves those old things and still has new things made with the old technology. If it's a car, well, obviously poor safety features do have to be gone, but any technology that can be kept stays - I suppose you can say retro but definitely trying to follow the old technology as much as possible.
Licorice: You can have this world by making it like the world you’re living in right now. Human beings have a tendency to get very attached to their old technology and invest a great deal of time and effort keeping it in working order, as vintage car rallies can attest. Of course, if you want to drive your vintage car on a public road you have to make sure it meets emissions requirements, is fitted with seat-belts, and fulfils all the other safety regulations. 
Technology very rarely gets removed, it’s simply superseded by something that does the same job better - but “better” is a subjective concept. It depends on what any given individual is looking for in their tech. For example, whenever I have to replace an appliance in my home I try to find a second-hand item that pre-dates ‘smart’ technology. They are easier and cheaper to repair, last longer, and have fewer things that can go wrong with them. 
Nowadays we have tablets and photoshop but people still make art using brushes, charcoal, paint and canvas. We have Google docs but people still write their novels by hand. We have electric cars but people still drive horse-drawn buggies as a hobby, and also as a competitive sport. In fact the only field in which I imagine obsolete tech really does completely disappear is in STEM, but even then there are probably hobbyists who lovingly maintain and use these old tools. 
In short, people hanging on to and lovingly using their old tech is just a normal thing that people do.
Tex: People keep around objectively dangerous technologies all the time as novelty or historical items (see: all the mercury in things, or radioactive materials), and will create entire hobbies around developing patches across technological eras (see: phonographs with USB ports, old video games in emulators on your computer) as a niche skill set. At that point it becomes history, and people work to preserve it for a variety of reasons. As Licorice said, the world you’re looking for is the world you’re already living in. What sort of technologies were you having in mind? There’s a fair chance some hobby groups are out there preserving, restoring, and using exactly that.
Feral: In addition to what Licorice and Tex have already said, I recommend that you look into planned obsolescence and understand that it is not actually necessary for a lot of slightly-less-than-new technologies to no longer be usable the way we often see with Smart devices. It’s a purposefully built in and added feature that could easily be left out.
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dragoneyes618 · 3 months
On the day that Israel was created in 1948, its Jewish inhabitants numbered a little over 600,000. Within three years, that population had almost doubled in what was perhaps the quickest demographic growth of any nation in history. The explosion in numbers was due to two enormous migrations: of Holocaust survivors and Jews from the Arab world.
When World War II ended, many Jewish survivors of Hitler's concentration camps found themselves put into DP (Displaced Persons) camps. Those survivors who wanted to go to Palestine quickly learned that the British allowed very few Jews in. Jews caught fleeing to Palestine were sent back to Europe or to British DP camps on the nearby island of Cyprus. Shortly after Israeli statehood was declared, fifty-two refugee camps were closed in Europe, as were the Cypriot DP camps. Within a few years, more than 200,00 Holocaust survivors were brought to Israel.
At the same time, the creation of Israel accelerated the deterioration of Jewish life in the Arab world. Arab Jews, fearing for their lives, fled Egypt, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen en masse, leaving behind small remnants of formerly large communities. In almost every instance, Arab governments confiscated the property of the fleeing Jews, many of whom were rich. As a result, most arrived in Israel penniless. Israel itself was a very poor country in 1948, and little money was available to help integrate the new immigrants. Many, but not exclusively, Arab Jews were housed in hastily created ma'abarot (transit camps). To this day, the recollection of the primitive ma'abarot arouses deep feelings of resentment among the Sephardic Jews from the Arab world.
One of the more happily integrated Arab-Jewish communities in Israel came from Yemen. Yemenite Jewry had lived for many centuries in one of the poorest countries in the Arab world. In addition, the antisemitic restrictions imposed on them had been in strict accord with fundamentalist Islamic teachings. They were forbidden to wear bright garments, to bear weapons, or to use saddles. They were also compelled to clean the sewers of San'a, Yemen's capital city. Arab schoolchildren routinely threw stones at Jews, and when the leaders of the Jewish community tried to have this frightening and dangerous activity outlawed, Muslim religious leaders insisted that it was a religiously mandated custom that could not be forbidden. Yemen itself was so primitive that few inhabitants had ever seen an appliance, tool, or vehicle operated by electricity. When airplanes started arriving in Yemen to take the Jews to Israel, the deeply pious Jews were reminded of the verse on the Torah "You have seen...how I bore you on eagle's wings and brought you to Me" (Exodus 19:4). The rescue of the Yemenite community seemed so miraculous that it became known as "Operation Magic Carpet."
Unfortunately, when discussions are held today about the status of Palestinian refugees, the larger number of Jewish refugees forced out of the Arab countries are invariably ignored. Few people even think of them as refugees, because, unlike the Arab world, Israel made massive, if not always fully successful, efforts to end their refugee status and to integrate them.
- Jewish Literacy, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, pages 318-319
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garthcelyn · 1 year
Risen - A (Unfinished) Version of Chapter One
I'll be real, I don't know how to feel about the direction this is going but hey, it's something.
It was on that planet, at the very edge of the universe, a decade after anything remotely interesting had happened, centuries after the important bits, that the city of Kingshill thrived. The city glimmered in the morning light, its geometric designs of gold and brass cogs shining brightly and its white buildings towering proudly above. The overhead wires crackled with Lancer & Co branded electricity, connecting every house and business and small, forgotten shack to the beauty that was a danger to society, but very good at powering newfangled appliances. Cars and shuttlebuses created by the Godricks of Godrick Gears rushed around to no end through busy streets and polished roads. The same city that was protected by its many soldiers, from those of the military academy to the templars of the twin temples that stood mirrored on opposite ends of this glorious place. A perfect haven, where nothing wrong ever happened. Ever.
In the courtyard of the Temple of Omera, a dog knight lay dying. Flat on her back, her chest a concave broken mess. She wore no armour - that was a first, and now her last. She assumed that when the time came, as it does for all, she would go peacefully and quietly. No such mercy ever came her way.
When the elders dragged her still-wheezing corpse from that patch of evergreen grass, she could not fight. Her eyelids were heavy, eyes staring unfocused into the sky, sending one sloppy glare into Sanctum. Behind her, she left a red carpet across the marble flooring, a snail trail of gore that wouldn’t be her problem.
And there, in the back room semi-used as a mortuary, she lay across the stone table. An altar to her. A bottle pressed to her lips, thick liquid forcing itself down her throat as if it were a living thing. Minutes. An eternity. No time whatsoever. Her chest re-inflated with a violent pop, bones sewing back together, skin mending. She sat up with a start, gasping to fill her semi-fixed lungs, hands grasping at her front, feeling how the skin pulled itself together.
She was alive, and that was awful.
A hand came to rest on her shoulder, patting her gently. A rook, one that the humble dog knight knew years ago, though time is a fickle thing that does what it wants. His name was Rutherford, once. If it still was, she could never be sure. A fellow barbaric cocktail of etain and human, big catlike eyes and pointed ears hidden beneath a thick cascading mass of black hair.
“Cooper,” he said, voice low but crackling like a hearth. A warning. “You need to be more careful, if anything happened to you-”
“Well, I can’t die,” she said through blood-stained lips, the sound closer to a gurgle than her voice. Closer to water fighting to flow down a plughole. “Idris would get lonely.”
“Forget about the damn dog for two seconds. You have a duty. To the temple and your squad.”
“You had that duty, once.”
Rutherford huffed, blowing air forcefully through his nose as if he could breathe fire. He couldn’t, Cooper had checked. His big purple eyes regarded her, stared through her, before he sighed once more. “Get some rest, Cooper. You still need it.”
Nails scratched at the door, shaking it on its hinges. A loud whine shattered the air before Rutherford opened the door and let the bounding mass of fluff and muscle.
“Hey puppy!” greeted Cooper, voice raising several uncharacteristic octaves; reaching over to rub the overly large wardog between his drooping ears.
Rutherford clicked his tongue. “It’s not a pet, Cooper. It’s also not allowed within temple walls. Your bond shouldn’t have called him.”
Cooper did not have a bond with Idris, not how she expected. They were not connected in any way, either through magic or some other means. She cared for him and, in return, he cared for her. The very fact that he was allowed to grow up without that link is likely the reason for his size, the largest out of his litter, who looked closer to a lycan tank than a typical wardog. His size, unfortunately, came at both their downfalls.
Despite this, the temple was unaware that she skipped the bonding ritual so many years ago. Now standing at the ripe old age of twenty-one, she didn’t see a reason to do so. “I need to get back to the barracks somehow, yeah? Were you going to carry me? Probably not.”
“Don’t let me catch it in here again.”
“Yes, sir.”
She swung her legs over the edge of the table, Idris instinctively laying down so that she could climb onto his back. Her spine cracked, joints popping, but sore now rather than dead. Digging her fingers into thick black fur, Idris stood and carefully walked out of the room, his colossal body squeezing through the doorway once more.
The grey room was still and cold, and the only sound was the soft chatter of the other Templars. After everything, it was a welcome sight. Nothing could have been more comforting than the straw of her bed that she gained from wearing her old mattress down for the past twelve years. Idris lay beside her, his big head dropping into her lap with a thump. One step away from perfection, that last step being positively ruined by Hawkins, the rampant bitch of the twelfth herself, changing in the corner of her eye.
“Back already?” she called over, torso bared and a white cotton shirt that was practically the same colour as her skin bundled in her hand. “And you brought the mutt. Of course. Weren’t you busy dying?”
“Rutherford gave me ichor.”
Cooper rolled her eyes. “Don’t get too worked up about it.”
“Oh, I’m not. If anything, I’m more upset that you’re still here.”
“I hate you.”
“Who got the better of you? I’ll buy them a drink.”
Cooper replied rather eloquently with a middle finger in Hawkins’ general direction.
It was Mayburn who spectacularly ruined her chest. A child. A child, who both wielded a hammer and was raised by Cooper herself. A young dog knight who had, actually, had the temple’s bond with her animal. Was it pride that Cooper felt blooming in her chest, that the girl she trained bested her so royally? No. No, it was likely heartburn from where her ribs continued to fuse back into place.
Regardless, she did not want to encourage the ten-year-old to gain a drinking problem. Not just yet.
“I think they’d only fight you.”
“Then I welcome the challenge.”
Cooper snorted, hand flying to her chest as it throbbed. Fingers pressed at the bones beneath, massaging out the flames that grew within her heart. Hawkins cast a look that could only be described as pitiful, or rather, pitying. A horrific thought. Her eyes soft and scrunched, focused on Cooper and only Cooper, before hardening once more before strapping a pauldron onto her otherwise unarmoured self.
“The Bishop wants to talk to you.” A roll of the shoulders. “Talk to us.”
“Get some rest, Lieutenant.”
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As the sun set over the city, bathing the land in a warm golden glow, Cooper found herself once more in the chilling breeze that haunted her. She lead Idris back to his pen, back to his pups and pack mates, hand lost in the mass of fur of his front leg. The sun disappeared over the gleaming white buildings, the city’s gold glinting for the last time that day.
She sucked in a long breath, lungs chilling and filling with the scent of old mutts that would have once caused her to gag, was now a strange comfort. The dogs understood her like no other templar. She ushered Idris in, rubbing him between the ears one last time before closing the door and locking it behind her. The last stop before her summons.
In the temple’s backfield, she felt the wind on her face, and was free for a few glorious moments. Free in the chilling air as the day slowly but surely turned to night. Above her inky black ate away at the pinks and ambers, the twin moons still out of sight behind the paint dabs of clouds. Free. Cooper couldn’t say what the word meant.
The inside of the temple was hardly any warmer. The chill followed her in, hiding within her bones and gripping its withered fingers into her skin. In the ribcage of marble, the only thing that resembled home, the world fell silent. There she stood before her greatest foe, the dark wooden doorway to the Bishop’s quarters. Her heart hammered away, stomach rolling. She hadn’t been in that room in many years; she could still feel the desperation of leaving Andrin behind, even all these years later. For him to never return from the Bishop’s lair, buried with the rest. She alone left victorious, a new title to pin on her chest.
She didn’t regret it one bit.
Cooper knocked. The sound echoed down the empty hallway. She mustered her courage and struck again, the sound ringing in her ears. It was this time a muffled voice came from within, words unknown but assumedly a “come in” or “go away”. Gambling, she entered.
Bishop Nyxus sat hunched behind his desk, his back arched in such a way it almost overshadowed his head. The same man who took issue with his shining templar’s posture looked closer to an uncooked shrimp in purple robes than the head of their fine regime. Slowly he raised his head, green eyes staring unblinking at Cooper, pupils slits in the soft lamplight.
“Late, isn’t it, Cub?”
“You wanted to speak with me?”
The Bishop nodded slowly, gesturing towards the seat before him. Cooper sat, unaccustomed to the soft fabric that stretched over its overstuffed form. She fingered at the deep purple velvet of the armrests, rolling the pads across its surface. Soft. Cosy. Not for her, but she indulged nonetheless. He watched her. Looked through her. Searching for something beneath the surface.
“Bonbon?” he asked, finally breaking his unblinking stare. Cooper grabbed one from the little ornate bowl on the desk with very little hesitation and popped it in her mouth. It was awful. Chalky and bitter, like licking at where the stone had began to crumble in the courtyard, or the powder that had accumulated behind the peeling wallpaper of the armoury. It coated her tongue, viscous and sour, and stayed there like her own personal punishment. The Bishop gave a small smile at her struggle. “You died today. Perhaps I should be impressed, that the one you trained has overtaken you so quickly, though I invested a lot into you. You do understand how hard it is to fill our ranks since the war, yes?”
She nodded, despite not understanding at all. The temple was worthy to serve, no matter how curious she was about life outside. Four hundred shills, she cost. She had never seen that much money in her life, wasn’t allowed. Too valuable, Nyxus had told her. That, paired with free room and meals for the past twelve years, was more than she could ever give back. Twelve years. She had been dragged through the temple gates kicking and screaming, a feral little thing; underfed and sharp. She had been placed under Rutherford’s care, and had bitten him plenty of times during those first few weeks. That, too, had been beaten from her, trained from her.
She scarfed another bonbon to fill the silence.
The Bishop poured a glass of red, swirling the liquid around the chalice. “Now, Cooper, you’re better than this. You’ve always been better than this.” Cooper grew warm and uncomfortable, sweat prickling her skin. It was a compliment. She was sure it was a compliment. With a long sip, and a lazy appraisal, the Bishop spoke again. “Make it up to me?”
Cooper nodded without hesitation, sitting forward in her seat, though not daring to touch the desk. An over eager child in adulthood. Her skin itched, burned with the need to please despite it all. She could count on both hands the times she had seen him, spoken to him, in all her years serving the Goddess. A busy man who the Goddess chose as her eyes and ears over the Kingshill temple. Too busy to raise her and too busy to father her, but pushed her forward the best he could. She owed him.
“How?” she croaked out. She cursed herself, swallowing the words like a bitter pill. For the Goddess, she’d do anything. It was only right. “How do I make this right?”
“I would have told you in the morning, though there’s no harm in telling you now.” He sat back in his chair, chalice abandoned and fingers steepled. Still, he watched her. Never once had he taken his gaze off of her. “You’re needed on a search party, as you’re likely aware Prince Kirran is missing, and his siblings have asked for you personally.”
Cooper’s stomach dropped. It twisted and boiled, raging against the flesh it was housed in.
Through gritted teeth she said “of course.” And left it at that, which brought a little smile to Nyxus’ lips.
“You’re our best,” he said like a threat. “I agreed on your behalf, though I will have to send Captain Hawkins alongside you. Should take a few months, and I have something in mind for when you return.”
That something, Cooper hoped was the greatest reward of all; no longer being under Hawkins’ leadership.
“Of course, sir,” she nodded, “anything for the Goddess.”
Nyxus smiled at her now, teeth gleaming like the paste advertisements littered around on posters around the city. Very white, and dripping charisma. “You’re dismissed, my cub. You have a long week ahead.”
After sleeping the day away, it now evaded her. The silver moonlight washed over the barracks, untainted by the stained glass that filled the front half of the temple, barely kept out by heavy purple curtains. There in her once-white shirt that had belonged to at least a dozen templars before her, now drenched due to the warm night air; Cooper wanted to die.
As silently as she could she shifted her legs to the side, pulling on her worn down excuse for shoes, she fled the barracks as she had many nights before. It was something she would have considered herself quite good at, if it wasn’t for the knowledge that Nyxus had given the order to let her leave whenever it fancied her. A perk of training under Stykes Academy, though that in itself was only natural for templars. Despite it all, they had a better training ground.
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alphacrone · 1 year
Angst Week Day 2 - @lco-angst-week
miscommunication | betrayal | arguments
X-posted on AO3
TW: minor internalized misogyny, low self esteem
Book Spoilers up to Book 4
Lucy had done her best to avoid Lockwood & Co. for months, but today the universe was not on her side. 
First she’d woken up to no electricity. The entire neighborhood was blacked out, their landlord citing some mess Bunchurch agents had made tackling a haunting. Power lines were damaged, at least one agent was in the hospital for severe electrical burns, and Lucy was stuck showering in the dark. 
Since her only real appliance was an electric hotplate, Lucy took this as a great excuse to buy her breakfast at the Thai restaurant down the block. Of course, she realized belatedly, they also had lost power and were closed. So she found herself hiking out of the area until she found unaffected businesses and bought herself a couple sausage rolls and a coffee…
…which was then spilled all over her front by a harried man in a suit who was careening down the pavement without a care for anyone in his way. He offered no help, no apologies, leaving Lucy wet, stained, and very, very unhappy. 
By the time she’d replaced her coffee and eaten her rolls, Lucy had managed to wander into the area between Streatham and Lambeth Cemeteries. Both had been cleared out ages ago and posed no real danger anymore, but most of the locals had never quite returned to those few streets, leaving them mostly empty and run-down. One of the buildings there had been converted to an outlet for Satchell’s overstock, cheap but poorer quality than the full-price items. It was the only reason to come to this part of town really, unless you were one of the unlucky souls who dared to live here. Lucy had considered leasing a flat along Smallwood Road when she’d moved out, but the landlord’s wandering eyes had given her pause. 
That was when she heard familiar laughter—a bright, tinkling, feminine sound. Lucy’s heart skipped a beat and she ducked behind a cluster of trees. The last person she wanted to see while coffee-stained and in her ugliest joggers was Holly Munro . 
A boy’s voice joined Holly’s and Lucy’s blood ran cold. Scratch that—Holly was the second-to-last person she wanted to see right now. 
Anthony Lockwood was the first. 
Lucy peeked around a tree trunk to catch a glimpse of the duo. They had clearly just come from the surplus store, arms laden with bags. Holly looked as pretty and perfect as ever, dressed in a floral romper and baby pink cardigan. Her dark hair bounced in a tidy ponytail, pulled back with a yellow ribbon. She was laughing at whatever Lockwood was saying, hand covering her mouth in such a delicate, polite way it made Lucy feel sick. 
And Lockwood—he looked thinner and paler than he had those months ago, but was just as handsome as ever. He was smiling, bright and genuine, and talking animatedly. Lucy thought he might be telling Holly the story of how he uncovered Harold Crisp, the mass-murderer. It was one of his favorites, despite it sounding to be 90% exaggeration. 
Though, Lucy thought bitterly, Holly wasn’t the type to laugh at such a gruesome story. Lucy herself was, and she had found the story amusing when it wasn’t horrific. But she supposed that was something boys liked about Holly. Girls weren’t supposed to laugh at gross things. 
Girls also weren’t supposed to walk around in stained shirts or hide behind trees to avoid awkward encounters. Lucy had never been good at being a girl. 
“-so then George thought he’d found the bones the goose’s spirit had been attached to, but they turned out to belong to a badger!” Lockwood was saying as he and Holly drew closer. Lucy bit back a smile; she fondly remembered the case with the goose spirit that chased them into the pond, especially the way George screamed when a living goose appeared. “I would’ve been ghost-touched by a dead bird if it hadn’t been for- well. It would’ve been an embarrassing way to go.” 
A lump formed in the back of Lucy’s throat. She’d been the one to cut off the goose’s warpath towards Lockwood, barely getting her rapier through its head before it could touch him. He’d given her such a bright, excited smile then, she could still remember the way his eyes had glinted in the light of the ghost-lamps that littered the park. 
Holly’s laughter faded and Lucy heard her say, “You can talk about her, you know.” 
Lucy’s heart thudded in her chest. Lockwood sighed. “I’d rather not.” 
“She was your friend, Lockwood,” Holly said. “You’re allowed to miss her.” 
“Friends don’t just leave in the middle of the night. Clearly she was never my friend.” 
Lucy swallowed roughly. She knew he was angry but this…
“You know that’s not true.” Holly’s voice had gone soft, almost too quiet for Lucy to hear. 
“Whatever,” Lockwood said brusquely. “She made her choice. With you and George at my side, we don’t need her.” 
Tears welled in Lucy’s eyes. Leaving had been for the best, had been the only way to protect Lockwood, but realizing how irreparably she’d damaged her only remaining friendships was more painful than she could have ever imagined. Lockwood hated her. 
Lucy understood. She hated herself, too. 
With one last glance at Holly and Lockwood, Lucy slipped from behind the tree and silently turned down a side street. As soon as she was out of sight, she broke into a sprint, and didn’t stop until she got home. It was only then that she allowed herself to cry.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t until Lucy was gone that Holly spoke again. 
“I know you’re angry about what Kipps told you,” she said more sternly. “About Lucy taking solo jobs. She shouldn’t be working alone, I agree, but you either have to accept it and move on or go talk to her .” 
Lockwood glanced to the side, where someone had just turned the corner onto the next street over. He could have sworn he’d seen Lucy, but there were plenty of girls in London with short hair and blue jackets. He saw her everywhere he went these days, on every busy street, in every crowded station. Holly gave him tired, worried looks every time he lingered too long at the furnaces, just hoping to run into Lucy, or at least catch a glimpse of her from a distance. The only news he ever heard of her came from Kipps, who seemed to be at the center of Fittes’ web of gossip. Even he hadn’t seen or spoken to Lucy in months and the lack of first-hand information drove Lockwood mad. 
“Do you really think she’s going to take advice from me? ” He asked with a frown. “What am I supposed to say, ‘Hey, Luce, haven’t heard a word from you since you snuck out in the middle of the night, but I’ve been keeping tabs on you like some horrible stalker and I think you shouldn’t be taking solo jobs because you’re far too reckless—why yes, I am a hypocrite, thanks for asking.’” 
Holly sighed. “Well something has to change. You were downright mean to George yesterday when he made that joke about Listeners losing their minds.” 
“It wasn’t funny,” Lockwood snapped. Holly raised an eyebrow. 
“Let’s get these bags home,” she said, understanding this was a losing battle. “My feet are killing me.” 
Lockwood let her lead the way, lost in thought. George’s joke hadn’t really been a joke ; it had been a cruel truth disguised by a poor attempt at humor. George was angrier at Lucy than Lockwood was for leaving, and angry at Lockwood for letting her go. But more than anything, George was worried about Lucy and her growing, uncontrollable powers. They all were. 
Holly was right. Lockwood either had to give up on Lucy entirely and move on with his life or talk to her. Both were heinous, painful options, but the answer was clear. 
There was no universe in which Anthony Lockwood gave up on Lucy Carlyle. 
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perfectrepairs · 2 years
perfect repair services - Electrical services
How to protect home appliances from the dangers of electricity
Protecting household appliances is an electrical hazard issue. Learn about home electrician tips and advice for your ideal maintenance to protect your home
What are the electrical risks to home appliances?
First, the electrician of Sharjah homes explains the definition of the dangers of electricity. As the dangers of electricity to the home appliances are considered to be damaging or causing the failure of one of its electrical components, or the occurrence of a fire, God forbid, on the devices. That is why it is very important to protect your devices in every home as these devices have become a daily necessity and when they stop, life stops.
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One of the worst things that can damage home appliances such as washing machines, refrigerators, desktop computers, and televisions. Power failure and sudden recycling. In addition, electricity can temporarily raise the temperature of the connections, and God forbid, kill the occupants of the house with fire.
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Turn off devices that were on before the outage, wait a few minutes when power is restored, and then reconnect the device to mains power. This is because the recovered energy can damage power plants because the device is higher than the resistance for which it was designed.
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jshawelectrical · 1 month
The Importance of Switchboard Upgrades: Ensuring Electrical Safety in Brisbane
Ah, Brisbane. A city renowned for its dynamic urban precincts, iconic river, and vibrant energy. But that energy isn’t just metaphorical. With a growing number of electronic devices, appliances, and technologies powering our homes and offices, the electrical energy we rely on is ever-increasing. Yet, how often do we think about what lies behind the scenes of our electrical systems? Enter the humble switchboard. In this piece, we’ll explore the significance of a Switchboard Upgrade in Brisbane and why it’s a crucial step towards ensuring electrical safety in our homes and businesses.
Modern Living Requires Modern Infrastructure
Decades ago, the average Australian home had fewer electrical demands. A television, fridge, washing machine, and perhaps a few lamps were the main electrical components. Fast forward to today, and we’ve added air conditioners, sophisticated kitchen appliances, home automation systems, and charging stations for our multiple gadgets. With the added demand, the old switchboards, designed for simpler times, are not always up to the task. This is where a timely Switchboard Upgrade and Repairs in Brisbane can make all the difference.
Old Switchboards: A Safety Hazard
One cannot emphasize enough the dangers associated with outdated switchboards. They increase the risk of electrical fires and electric shocks. Many old switchboards lack safety switches, crucial for preventing electric shocks. If your switchboard hasn’t seen an upgrade in decades, chances are you’re playing with fire, literally.
Circuit Overloads and Frequent Tripping
Have you ever experienced the annoyance of your circuit breaker tripping frequently? It’s not just a nuisance but a sign that your switchboard may be struggling with the electrical load. Instead of continually resetting the breaker, consider it a warning sign to seek a Switchboard Upgrade Brisbane expert.
Safety Switches: A Non-negotiable
By today’s standards, every circuit should be protected by a safety switch. They detect imbalances in the electrical current, indicating a potential hazard, and quickly shut off the power. If your switchboard doesn’t have safety switches or if they are only on a few circuits, it’s high time to consider an upgrade.
Future-proofing Your Home
With the rise of electric vehicles, home automation, and other technological advancements, our future electrical needs will only grow. A switchboard upgrade ensures you’re prepared to handle these upcoming changes with ease.
Brisbane’s Unique Climate Needs
Brisbane’s warm, subtropical climate poses unique challenges. High temperatures can strain electrical systems, making an already overloaded old switchboard even more of a risk. With our summer storms, power surges can occur, potentially damaging electronics if your switchboard isn’t equipped with modern protective devices.
A Switchboard Upgrade in Brisbane isn’t just about keeping up with modern electrical demands. It’s about the safety of your family, the protection of your assets, and peace of mind. For those in Brisbane and surrounding areas, if you haven’t reviewed your switchboard in a while, it’s worth reaching out to trusted professionals like J Shaw Electrical. They specialise in Switchboard Upgrade and Repairs in Brisbane, ensuring that your home or business is equipped with the latest in electrical safety.
By ensuring that your switchboard is upgraded and well-maintained, you’re not only securing your present but also ensuring a safer and brighter future. So, don’t wait. Reach out to an expert today. Your switchboard might just be the unsung hero of your home’s safety.
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techtired · 1 month
Why Flame Retardants Are a Must-Have for Modern Safety Standards?
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Flame retardants are compounds meant to prevent or slow down starting fires. Among these compounds, some might be dangerous for humans and animals. Scientists have created many flame retardants to prevent commercial and daily products from readily catching fire. They can cover Many objects, including furniture, appliances, building supplies, and vehicles. Read on to learn more about Flame Retardants… Describe Flame Retardants Flame retardants are chemicals that slow fire spread or keep things from setting on fire quickly. To put out fires is what "flame retardants" do, not a particular chemical. Scientists are paying close attention to flame retardants because they are used in many things, and there are worries about how they might affect health. Where Are Flame Retardants Used? Flame-retardant compounds have been included in several different kinds of products since the 1970s: Furnishings including mattresses, carpets, coverings (including vehicles), and sitting foam and covers. Computers, phones, TVs, home appliances, and other electronics and electrical tools. Building and construction materials include polystyrene, polyurethane insulation like spray foams, and electrical wires and cable coatings. These substances can stay in the environment and the body for years as they do not readily break down. Studies reveal some could be dangerous for humans and animals. Why Are Flame Retardants Significant? Studies estimate that throughout Europe, fire claims about 5,000 deaths annually. On the towns it influences, it also has significant financial effects. Therefore, limiting the capacity of fire to destroy property and life is the first important step. Apart from stopping fires, flame retardants help to limit their spread. Researchers discovered that coating objects with flame-retardant coatings allowed individuals 15 times longer to flee a space than otherwise. Key Statistics on Flame Retardants: What the Numbers Reveal Repeatedly, flame retardants are taken off the market, and their manufacture is stopped when their toxicity to humans and the environment is proven. They are formally recognized and listed under the Stockholm Convention, a worldwide treaty to protect human health and the environment from POPs. Among the first chemicals used as flame retardants listed in 2004 was Mirex; other Chlorinated compounds included PCB, listed in 2004, and PeCB, listed in 2009. HBB listed in 2009, HBCD listed in 2013, PDEs tetraBDE / pentaBDE / hexaBDE / heptaBDE listed in 2009, and decaBDE in 2017 replaced them. The chlorinated paraffin replaced the brominated compounds; SCCP was suggested for listing in 2017. PFOS was listed in 2009, PFOA in 2019, and PFHxS in 2022; fluorinated compounds were utilized shortly as flame or fire retardants. Phosphate compounds (TDCP, TCEP, TnBP) are increasingly employed to lower flammability. What Difficulties Present With Flame Retardants? In recent years, attention has been paid to flame retardants. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) are two of the various flame retardant compounds the EU has outlawed. For producers of goods like furniture, maintaining good flame retardant performance while following several rules poses a difficulty. How Do Humans Associated With Flame Retardants? One can come into touch with flame retardants in several different ways. Products can leach chemicals into the air, then bind to food, dust, and water—which can be consumed. Chemicals leak into the land, water, and air during production or application. In low- and middle-income nations, burning or disposing of electrical and electronic equipment (e-waste) can damage the environment with harmful substances. The Possible Health Consequences Connected To Flame Retardants An area of ongoing study is learning how and in what quantities these substances could affect human health. While adding flame retardants to some items can have advantages, mounting scientific data indicates that many of these compounds may harm humans and animals. Adverse health impacts could be endocrine and thyroid disturbance, immunotoxicity, reproductive toxicity, cancer, and effects on fetal and child development and neurobehavioral functioning. Who Is Most Vulnerable To Flame Retardants? Children's brains and other organs are still developing; hence, they are more sensitive to harmful consequences. Play close to the floor and hand-to-mouth behavior help to raise children's chances of coming into touch with dangerous chemicals. Several studies have shown that children have more exposure than adults. The general population's chronic exposure to flame retardants, as well as indications of neurotoxicity from animal research, cause questions about neurodevelopmental implications for every individual. What Is The Future Of Flame Retardants? Stahl Integra® will become ever more important as government rules on flame retardants tighten in many nations and call for creative and flexible solutions. The modular toolbox concept lets producers customize the protection they provide so that their goods satisfy particular environmental and safety standards. As the sector works for more sensible and flexible solutions, we will witness further decreases in the following years in flame retardants' ecological and health effects. What Is The Role Of ICL Industrial Products? Developing breakthrough flame retardant (FR) solutions that improve quality of life while prioritizing human safety, sustainability, and forward-looking innovation, ICL's technology revolves mainly around safety. Across many uses, ICL's flame retardants provide outstanding fire resistance and sustainability. The company works closely with its consumers to fulfill their needs and maximize their applications. ICL Industrial Products carefully reviews flame retardants catered to specific industry needs. Using their SAFR® system guarantees the early stages of product design's most suitable flame retardant choice. Read the full article
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skylarmoon71 · 3 months
Alexander (Grimm) - Crossover AU - Chapter 7
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“You’re really going in on those books.”
Whenever Nick invited you to the trailer you made a habit of memorizing as many Wesen as you could. Everything about his family’s lineage was almost something from a fairytale. Their abilities, the links it had with their personalities, it was just so carefully configured. You can’t imagine what having a gift like Nick’s feels like.
Taking another sip of your tea, you flip the page, gesturing for him to put the kettle on. You were running low. He just smiled.
“When did I become your maid and what’s with the obsession for tea?”
You stopped for a second, looking down at your cup.
“Hmm, actually I can’t believe I never noticed it before.”
Your father was something of a tea enthusiast. Clearly you’d picked up more than just his skills.
“How’s team Alexander going?”
You roll your eyes.
“For your information we’re making a lot of progress. So far we’ve stopped two corrupted officials, started a treaty with Switzerland and hired some very qualified guards to protect the council. All in all I’d say I’m a really valuable asset.”
“Sounds like fun.”
He clicks on the kettle, and you smile at the electric appliance. He just shakes his head with a laugh.
“I’m starting to think you’re addicted to tea.”
“Addiction implies I can’t stop. I assure you I can stop at any time.” 
You take a sip of your drink for good measure. Nick just goes back to the books.
It’s been about a month since you’ve last met with Alexander. It’s not really that uncommon. Since you both have started working together he’s gone weeks on end. He’s busy promoting peace and you have to say that you admire what he’s doing. Especially since you have a general idea of what he’d done in the past. What you’ve gained from being around him is that duty is something he places above everything else. You also know that he's revised a lot of the old views of the council. You have a hunch that Nick has a lot to do with that.
Change wasn’t easy, but he was taking it in stride and thriving.
You admire that, admire him. If only you could get yourself to admit that to him. Since that day in his office you’ve been sneaking some not so subtle glances in his direction when you work together. You can’t get that treble in his voice out of your head and it’s made you a bit awkward. Luckily Alexander isn’t as perceptive as you. He hasn’t picked up on any of it. It’s both infuriating and relieving.
You turn when you hear Nick answer the phone.
“Sure, we can be there in twenty.”
You stand, taking in the urgency of Nick’s tone. He hangs up the phone and you’re already grabbing your jacket.
“What’s wrong?”
“Not sure, the captain says it might be something serious. We won’t know until we get there.”
You don’t need any more explanations. You’re both rushing out of the trailer in record time. The drive there has you anxious. You don’t like not knowing. Nick is going as fast as the traffic will allow. By the time he pulls up to the precinct you’re both out of the car in seconds and rushing through the door. The first person you spot is Wu.
“You know what’s going on?” Nick asks.
Wu nods, guiding you over to Renard’s office.
“From what the captain said, this might be an international problem.”
You don’t like the sound of that.
Nick opens the door the second he’s within reach and you all file in. When you look up, the blond locks catch you a bit off guard.
Jane smiles widely and before anything else, he reaches out for a hug. You return it happily as he rubs your back.
“I was hoping I could see you under better circumstances.”
He pulls back and you just wait for some kind of explanation.
Now standing in the room with Renard, Nick, Hank, Wu and your father, you know it must be dangerous if the entire squad is here.
“Your friend is in trouble.” 
Jane pulls out the letter. You’re a bit confused, because the envelope has a date on it. From what you can tell it’s dated three weeks prior.
“Lisbon and I have been working on a case with Abbott. Someone has been paying off politicians, policemen, even judges to cover up a major trafficking ring. Alexander reached out to me when he noticed the connection between our case and his drug trading minister.”
You just gape.
Jane nods.
“That’s right. He’s been keeping me updated on the case. Lisbon and I have been keeping tags on all his contacts, friends, any and everyone linked. Jefferson was supposed to be charged here in the US, but a week ago he got out. Alexander sent this note in advance as a SOS. The FBI hasn’t been able to reach him for three days.”
You can’t believe it. You take a step back and Nick places a hand on your shoulder.
“We can’t jump to conclusions, he could still be alive.” Nick is trying to be comforting, but that won’t help. You shake your head.
“Damn it this is all my fault. I taunted the bastard now Alexander is paying for it.”
“We can’t make any assumptions. As of right now we need to act like he’s alive. Portland PD and the FBI will be collaborating on this case. We’re at your full disposal, whatever you need.” Renard assures your father.
“From here on out we need to assume that the corruption is widespread, we don’t make any uncalculated moves until we know who we’re dealing with.” Renard advises. 
Everyone nods.
“I think Alexander may have already helped with that.” Jane states.
You’re confused, but he opens the folded piece of paper. You stare at the list of names.
“We were working on a rough draft, but Alexander finished the list. These are all the people involved.”
Sean and the others looked stunned. You’re a bit annoyed.
“Damn it dad, why didn’t you lead with that!!”
“I was building up to it.” He shrugs. It’s clear that some things would never change.
“Most of these people are slimy, so they’ll squeal. None of them have any interest in doing jail time. We can use these names to find my daughter’s boyfriend.”
“H-He’s not my boyfriend!!”
“Your face says differently. You’re carrying a little torch for him aren’t you?”
“S-Stop mentalizing me!”
“What, you used to like it when you were younger. You thought I could read minds. You were so adorable looking all serious. I miss those times.”
Your cheeks flush as you glare at your father. Everyone else present just watches the interaction. Nick is a bit impressed. He’d never seen you squirm before. Jane was reading you quite the same as how he’d seen you read other people countless times.
“So are we going to get to work or are we going to sit around here discussing your crush.”
“I don’t have a crush!!”
This case will be a challenge for obvious reasons. 
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s2ep11 robostus
wow, an episode where chat noir was actually useful.
pacing was better. i can believe in AI in a show about superheroes and magic. but what i found strange was the combination of technology and magic. bc technology could maybe make certain appliances come to life and be malicious, in a sense, if we're to believe markov is truly AI. but magic could only make a things like dumb fridges, microwaves, and machinery come to life the way they did.
like building a mech out of mostly construction machinery is pure magic, bc it's not computers controlling them. it has a battery that transfer electricity.
it was just interesting that they identified "any object that has electricity" as something robostus could control. there's nothing wrong with it. because again we're dealing with believing in magic and superheroes, as well as true AI. but it was still very strange. (that's also just not how technology works, most of the time. the cars one really got me. yes there are smart cars like that. no, surely not everyone in paris can afford one.)
i thought it strange marinette was suspicious of max talking to his bag, considering she spends considerable amounts of time talking to her purse. esp, as far as netflix's release schedule is concerned, max literally sacrificed his life to save marinette last episode. so much for being such great friends, eh. i also found it strange that she didn't seem to know max very well, and made a weird face when markov flew out to help, before doing a complete 180, and suddenly accepting him and helping max.
as far as overall writing goes, i think it's dangerous to introduce a character like markov and have him akumatized, because they skirted dangerously close to a situation where ladybug and chat noir were out of options, and going to lose their miraculous. i think that max helping them was a really good way to solve that problem. the only reason i'm pointing out this problem now is bc once you introduce something like that, someone as smart as markov fighting against ladybug and chat noir, you have to believably then get them out of that situation. and that can be difficult. i'm actually impressed they managed to do that, honestly, bc their writing so far has left much to be desired.
but okay, i will give them that much. it's not much, but they did solve the issue in a creative and believable way.
i remember the fandom going crazy over this episode bc we have hawkmoth fighting and dodging fucking missiles. i can suspend my disbelief for a lot of things, but him exploding missiles in a metal dome hits the limit. where is all that energy going??!!
also fuck max i guess. we're just gonna leave him in the stadium and he has to find his own way home.
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seattlesewerplumbing · 6 months
10 Signs It’s Time for Electrical Panel Replacement
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Did you know that the average lifespan of your electrical panel is expected to last 30 to 40 years and even higher, depending on specific home needs? Many homeowners do not consider the need to replace their breaker boxes because electrical panels are out of sight, and out of mind. It’s important to repair or replace your electrical panel on time if it is outdated, malfunctioning over a long time, or not working as expected.
When maintaining or updating outdated electrical circuit breakers, you need to keep this in mind to avoid being in danger. If you own an outdated home and experience repetitive problems with your electrical panel & the problem still doesn’t go away even after multiple repairs, it’s a sign you need electrical panel replacement. 
Whether you are a residential or commercial property owner wondering how to know when it’s time for electrical panel replacement, this blog is for you. In this blog post, we will discuss the top 10 signs you need electrical panel replacement and recommend the best way to replace your electrical panel or circuit breaker correctly and efficiently. 
So, let’s get started!
Top 10 Signs It’s Time for Electrical Panel Replacement
If you experience any of these signs, consider hiring a reputed electrical panel repair or replacement for your residential and commercial property needs. So, let's explore these top 10 signs you need electrical panel replacement; 
1. Outdated Electrical Panel 
Generally, the average lifespan of electrical panels is 25 to 40 years. If your electrical panel is outdated or has reached its end of life and is not working properly after repeat repairs, it’s a clear sign you need an electrical panel replacement.
Wear and tear and deterioration are natural parts of the process. In the 90s, it was a good idea to have your breakers checked if you didn't know when they were last checked. Consult a reputed electrical service contractor to inspect your electrical system, perform the assessment, and determine whether you need repair or replacement services for your homes.
2. Frequent Breaker Tripping
Your electrical panel may need to be replaced if you find yourself constantly resetting breakers. If you have to reset breakers repeatedly and the problem persists, it's a sign you need to replace your circuit breaker. In most cases, new appliances exacerbate this problem by straining the existing electrical capacity, which could result in significant damage to circuit boards and components connected to the circuit.
3. Flickering Lights
Have you ever noticed the overhead lights dimming when you start the microwave or turn on the vacuum cleaner? Or do the lamps constantly flicker even when there isn't a significant power draw? These signs could indicate that too much power is flowing through a single circuit. 
One solution could be to add extra circuits to alleviate the problem, but in some cases, a total electrical panel replacement may be necessary. Your professional electrician will be able to inform you which route is best based on your specific situation.
4. Burning Smell
If you are experiencing a burning smell, it’s a clear indication something could be seriously wrong with your electrical panel. In addition, it could also be a sign of other electrical or fire hazards your home might be dealing with. To get to know the bottom of the problem, it’s best to hire professional electricians for same-day electrical panel repair and replacement. 
If you are a homeowner experiencing a burning smell with your electrical panel, don’t wait until the problem becomes a bigger one. Call a reputed electrician to assess and analyze the problem and perform any emergency electrical repairs to fix the issue on the spot.
5. Appliance Upgrades
If you have recently upgraded an appliance in your home, it is important to check if your circuit breaker panel can handle its current electrical needs. The new appliance may require more amps than your current circuit breaker can provide, which can be dangerous and lead to significant electrical damage.
To ensure the safety of your home and its electrical system, it is recommended that you read the appliance manual to determine its amp requirements. Afterward, check the number on your circuit breaker panel to see if it can handle the new appliance's electrical needs. It is crucial to replace your circuit breaker panel if the number on it is lower than what your appliance requires.
6. Melted Wires
Melted wires are another indication you should need to replace your electrical panel. It's a sign that your wiring system has been overworked if your wires have melted or have stopped working. The circuit breaker panel needs to be repaired and replaced to fix this problem. Your home will be able to handle the amount of electric energy that comes through once this has been done.
7. Odd Sounds
Unusual buzzing or humming noises coming from your electrical panel should immediately raise safety concerns. These sounds could indicate loose connections or other significant issues that require professional assessment and inspection. Ignoring these warnings could lead to more serious problems in the future, so it's important to call a reliable Seattle electrician to tighten the connections and explore the possibility of upgrading your circuit panel or considering fuse box replacement. 
8. The Wrong Amp Wiring
It is crucial to use the correct amp or size wiring for your electrical load and equipment. Using a wire size that is smaller than the one required can lead to a host of problems. For instance, it can cause damage to your entire electrical system, and conductors may start heating up, creating a fire hazard. Additionally, connected devices may become damaged due to voltage drop, thereby posing a risk of fire.
To prevent these issues, it is essential to use the appropriate amp-size wiring for your electrical load and equipment. If you are uncertain about the proper wiring for your electrical system, it is always advisable to consult a licensed, professional electrician for assistance.
9. Lack of Outlets
It's not uncommon to find multiple devices that require charging in the average American household. From smartphones and tablets to laptops and gaming devices, there are plenty of gadgets that need to be charged on a daily basis. In addition to these, households also have a variety of kitchen appliances like air fryers, toaster ovens, and crockpots that require electrical sockets to function. 
Not to mention, there are also larger devices like TVs, desktop computers, and speaker systems that need to be plugged in. While some people use power strips to solve this problem, it's not the ideal solution. Power strips don't actually increase the amount of power available in your home. Each outlet in your home is designed to handle a specific amount of power, and when multiple devices are drawing more power than the outlet can handle, it can cause your circuit breakers to trip.
If you're experiencing this problem frequently, it may be the right time to consider upgrading your electrical panel to handle the increased power demand. To make this job much easier and more efficient, hire a reputed electrical service contractor like Seattle Plumbing, Sewer, Septic, Electrical, Heating, & Air near Greater Seattle, WA, and its surrounding area. 
10. Tripped Breaker
Don't let a tripped circuit breaker interrupt your day and cause inconvenience to your family or loved ones. While resetting a tripped breaker is a simple task, if it keeps switching off, it could be indicative of a larger issue with the circuit breaker. Don't let this problem persist - it's time for an electrical panel replacement. Take immediate action to ensure that your electrical system is reliable and efficient with the help of professional technicians.
Bottom Line
Now that you know about the top 10 signs it’s time for electrical panel repair and replacement. Whether you are a residential or commercial property owner experiencing any of the above signs, you need to call a professional electrician for electrical panel repair and replacement. We at Seattle Plumbing, Sewer, Septic, Electrical, Heating, & Air Company offer prompt and reliable electrical panel replacement, repair, and installation with same-day service. 
No matter what your electrical repair or replacement needs are, we are here to help you 24/7, 365 days to meet your emergency electrical, plumbing, sewer & septic, and HVAC needs on time. If you are looking to upgrade your electrical circuit breaker, fuse box replacement, AC installation, sewer line inspection, furnace, or other plumbing and electrical services, rely on our licensed, skilled Seattle technicians. Schedule your next electrical panel inspection, repair, or replacement with our Seattle electrical experts today!
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coastdesignbuild · 7 months
What are the Reasons for remodeling?
Revitalizing your house's bathroom and kitchen is a great way to add value and charm to your property. If you want to change the style of the kitchen and bathroom remodeling Bakersfield without completely gutting your home, you can do so with a makeover.
Now, we have examined the advantages that you will gain from renovating your home, which will well exceed simply giving it a new appearance.
The reasons are: ● Make Your House Worth More Homebuyers might expect a higher return on investment (ROI) and a quicker sale price (SVR) after investing in a kitchen or bathroom remodel. Bathroom and Kitchen remodeling Bakersfield is a surefire way to increase the value of your house, and it's also one of the most common projects for home improvement.
Spend anywhere from ten percent to twenty-five percent of the worth of your house on a kitchen makeover, based on its size and style. Investing in today's booming home market can, fortunately, yield returns of as high as 75-100%.
● Makes You Feel Happier
Unless you want to stay in your house for at least another five years, you may be dissatisfied with the way the bathrooms and kitchen are currently designed. Your happiness must be your primary concern. Having a happy life is priceless, not just for you but for your entire family. A complete Kitchen remodeling Bakersfield is a great way to update your home's ambiance and foster closer family bonds. Because of this, your house will become an oasis as well as an attractive place to live.
● Get organized properly  
Remodeling the bathroom and kitchen is a great way to make the most of the available space while making the most of your storage options. Keep in mind that this is the area you will be spending the majority of your time upon awakening. A dreary day can be your reward for a disorganized kitchen as well as bathroom. Your home will be more structured and well-planned once you rebuild the kitchen and bathrooms to a high standard. Your alternatives will be endless with the assistance of a skilled remodeler.
● Enhanced Energy Savings
Home equipment and utilities might be upgraded during a remodel. Doing so will make your house environmentally friendly, which will result in long-term cost savings. Modern wiring and illumination are standard in high-end remodels, and they significantly cut down on energy consumption. On top of that, your residence will have energy-efficient plumbing as well as appliances that won't drain your electricity bill.
● Stay Safe
Priority number one: safety. A lot of people don't know how dangerous it may be to operate in an old, antiquated kitchen or bathroom. Some of the old equipment can be broken or malfunctioning. Potentially dangerous electrical hazards could result from outlets that are not grounded properly. You run the risk of a possibly fatal fall if your bathroom's tiles as well as floor are broken and slick.
Food going bad could be a sign that your fridge isn't functioning properly. Death awaits you and the ones you love at the hands of each of these dangers. The hazards can be securely eliminated during a redesign, turning your house into a safe refuge for your entire family.
● Bring Your Unique Character
The majority of the houses still have the original, classic style that was considered when they were built. There has never been a better time than now to inject your home with your unique style and personality through renovating.
Whenever you need assistance designing your ideal kitchen or bathroom remodeling Bakersfield, the professionals are here and ready to help. We are happy to help, so please don't hesitate to contact experts today.
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newmovers2023 · 7 months
How to Get Rid of Stuff Before Moving
If you’ve lived under one roof for more than 5 years, then the chances are that you will be surrounded by a great number of material things that are supposed to make your life easier and more fun.
In most cases, owning stuff defines who you are and what you are passionate about – you wouldn’t own a massive book collection if you didn’t like reading books, and you wouldn’t own a guitar if you showed no interest in music whatsoever, right?
The accumulation of stuff is often inevitable – after all, what would a home look like without any pieces of furniture, furnishings, electric appliances, electronic equipment, and of course – your personal items that you prize so much?
And naturally, things are perfectly fine until the moment comes when circumstances force you to move to another home, often in another city or a different state. For when it’s time to move house, you just can’t take all your possessions with you. Or to put it better, you can but you shouldn’t.
Isn’t it easier and faster to just throw everything you own into boxes and finish the packing job in style? Not really.
Learn how to get rid of clutter before moving, and why you should do it in the first place.
Why less stuff will help you move house for less
You only need to combine two facts together in order to understand the idea behind sorting out your stuff before you move and then deciding what to get rid of before it’s time to leave your current home and what to take with you to your new address.
The two little pieces of factual wisdom that will help you save loads of money in the long run are:
In general, moving house is an expensive business! According to the American Moving and Storage Association, the average cost of an intrastate is around $2,300, while the average of an interstate Packers and Movers Kolkata to Noida.
The moving cost is calculated on the basis of several important factors, and one of the most influential price-forming factors is the overall weight of the shipment.
By now it should be clear to you why everyone is frantically searching for good ways to reduce the moving cost, and, keeping in mind what you just read above, you should definitely consider doing the same.
In theory, it’s relatively simple – you simply have to take much less stuff with you when you move. In practice, however, that “simplicity” could turn out to be one of the hardest things you’ll do until you reach the protection of your new home.
But why is it exactly that you should decide to get rid of unwanted household items?
Declutter your home before moving to SAVE MONEY
Some household items were never meant to have served for that long in the first place.
When you choose a professional moving company to move your furniture and all the other things to the new home, a moving expert from the company you have selected should visit your home and make a visual inspection of the items you have for moving. The in-house survey will also include risk assessment and danger evaluation, but the main purpose of the visit is so that you can get a written estimate of the moving costs.
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recentlyheardcom · 1 year
Donald Trump still doesn’t like sharks.The former president turned a rant against renewable energy into a wild explanation of how he’d rather die if he were on a sinking electric boat.“But if I’m sitting down, and that boat’s going down, and I’m on top of a battery, and the water starts flooding in, I’m getting concerned,” Trump said at an event in Iowa in Sunday. “But then I look 10 yards to my left and there’s a shark over there. So I have a choice of electrocution or shark, you know what I’m gonna take? Electrocution. I will take electrocution every single time.”Any electrocution danger in the water is not exclusive to electric boats. Many gas-powered watercraft also have batteries that provide electric power to on-board appliances. Boaters and swimmers have been injured and died from electric shock drowning over the years in waters around boats and docks, well before the development of electric boats.The Boat Owners Association of The United States says these incidents are “often the result of faulty wiring and equipment on boats or docks.”Trump, however, has had a vendetta against renewable energy, attacking everything from electric cars to windmills.He’s also had a long-running problem with sharks, according to Stormy Daniels, the porn star who says she had an affair with the then-TV host in 2006.“He is obsessed with sharks,” Daniels said in an interview with In Touch magazine in 2011. “Terrified of sharks. He was like, ‘I donate to all these charities and I would never donate to any charity that helps sharks. I hope all the sharks die.’”Trump has denied an affair with Daniels, but his attorney, Michael Cohen, arranged a $130,000 payment to her in October 2016 to keep quiet about their relationship ahead of the election.Trump has also inadvertently confirmed her story about sharks.“I’m not a big fan of sharks,” he said in 2020. “I have people calling me up, ‘Sir, we have a fund to save the shark, it’s called Save The Shark.’ I say ’no thank you, I have other things I can contribute to.”
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jshawelectrical · 1 month
The Importance of Switchboard Upgrades: Ensuring Electrical Safety in Brisbane
Ah, Brisbane. A city renowned for its dynamic urban precincts, iconic river, and vibrant energy. But that energy isn’t just metaphorical. With a growing number of electronic devices, appliances, and technologies powering our homes and offices, the electrical energy we rely on is ever-increasing. Yet, how often do we think about what lies behind the scenes of our electrical systems? Enter the humble switchboard. In this piece, we’ll explore the significance of a Switchboard Upgrade in Brisbane and why it’s a crucial step towards ensuring electrical safety in Brisbane.
Modern Living Requires Modern Infrastructure
Decades ago, the average Australian home had fewer electrical demands. A television, fridge, washing machine, and perhaps a few lamps were the main electrical components. Fast forward to today, and we’ve added air conditioners, sophisticated kitchen appliances, home automation systems, and charging stations for our multiple gadgets. With the added demand, the old switchboards, designed for simpler times, are not always up to the task. This is where a timely Switchboard Upgrade and Repairs in Brisbane can make all the difference.
Old Switchboards: A Safety Hazard
One cannot emphasize enough the dangers associated with outdated switchboards. They increase the risk of electrical fires and electric shocks. Many old switchboards lack safety switches, crucial for preventing electric shocks. If your switchboard hasn’t seen an upgrade in decades, chances are you’re playing with fire, literally.
Circuit Overloads and Frequent Tripping
Have you ever experienced the annoyance of your circuit breaker tripping frequently? It’s not just a nuisance but a sign that your switchboard may be struggling with the electrical load. Instead of continually resetting the breaker, consider it a warning sign to seek a Switchboard Upgrade Brisbane expert.
Safety Switches: A Non-negotiable
By today’s standards, every circuit should be protected by a safety switch. They detect imbalances in the electrical current, indicating a potential hazard, and quickly shut off the power. If your switchboard doesn’t have safety switches or if they are only on a few circuits, it’s high time to consider an upgrade.
Future-proofing Your Home
With the rise of electric vehicles, home automation, and other technological advancements, our future electrical needs will only grow. A switchboard upgrade ensures you’re prepared to handle these upcoming changes with ease.
Brisbane’s Unique Climate Needs
Brisbane’s warm, subtropical climate poses unique challenges. High temperatures can strain electrical systems, making an already overloaded old switchboard even more of a risk. With our summer storms, power surges can occur, potentially damaging electronics if your switchboard isn’t equipped with modern protective devices.
A Switchboard Upgrade in Brisbane isn’t just about keeping up with modern electrical demands. It’s about the safety of your family, the protection of your assets, and peace of mind. For those in Brisbane and surrounding areas, if you haven’t reviewed your switchboard in a while, it’s worth reaching out to trusted professionals like J Shaw Electrical. They specialise in Switchboard Upgrade and Repairs in Brisbane, ensuring that your home or business is equipped with the latest in electrical safety.
By ensuring that your switchboard is upgraded and well-maintained, you’re not only securing your present but also ensuring a safer and brighter future. So, don’t wait. Reach out to an expert today. Your switchboard might just be the unsung hero of your home’s safety.
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testandtagsa · 1 year
The Role Of Testing And Tagging In Preventing Accidents
The role of Electrical testing and tagging Adelaide in preventing accidents has been widely discussed, but it seems that many people still don't understand the importance of this practice. 
After all, if trucks are not tested before they leave the factory or if they are not tagged with their weight limits, then how can you know if your goods will be safe when they arrive at their destination? This article explains what testing means and why it's so important that you do it before loading any cargo on your truck.
Ensuring Electrical Safety 
Electrical safety is a must. It is a responsibility, a priority, and an absolute requirement. Electrical safety must be done by everyone working in the electrical field, whether they're employees or contractors.
Electrical safety is not just about being aware of hazards; it's also about knowing how to deal with them before they become problems for you or others around you. 
electrical test and tag Adelaide can help prevent accidents from happening at all—and if something does go wrong (which will happen), there will be fewer injuries as well as less damage done overall because fewer lives were lost due to accident prevention efforts put forth by testing and tagging protocols like those described here!
Minimising Electrical Faults 
You can use a test meter to find out if there are any electrical faults in your circuit.
A multimeter is used to measure voltage, resistance, and capacitance.
A voltmeter measures the difference between two points on a circuit. For example, if you want to know whether there is sufficient current flowing through a wire or cable then you will need a voltmeter (or ammeter).
An ohmmeter checks continuity across terminals on an appliance or component by measuring changes in resistance when they are connected together using different leads - this works well with lamps as well as motors!
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Mitigating Fire Risks 
One of the most important ways to reduce fire risk is to make sure that your building is properly equipped with fire alarms and sprinklers. Fire alarms can be installed in any room where a fire might start, even bathrooms or hallways. 
You may also want to install smoke detectors in your home. Sprinkler systems are designed specifically for extinguishing fires by releasing water from hoses attached to outlets every time heat or flames rise above certain temperatures. 
Fire Extinguisher Testing Adelaide should be available at all times in case of an emergency and should be checked regularly for maintenance purposes so that they work properly when needed most often during testing times such as holiday weekends when many people are away from home alone without supervision by family members who may not know how dangerous these types
Protecting Against Electric Shocks 
To protect against electric shocks, you will want to hire a qualified electrician who is experienced in installing the electrical system. They should also test and tag your wiring before they leave. 
If you don't do this, it is possible that someone could accidentally shock themselves or others with live wires during their work on your property.
As you can see, there are a lot of things that can go wrong when it comes to electrical safety. While this may seem like an overwhelming problem for some people, it doesn’t mean that we should give up on our homes or business and live in fear. 
The best thing to do is make sure all your equipment is properly Electrical tested and tagging Adelaide before being put into use. This way if something does happen then there will be less damage done than if nothing had been done at all!
Source: https://blogdairy.weebly.com/blog/the-role-of-testing-and-tagging-in-preventing-accidents
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