#also i dont know if i remember this correctly but i think the book ends with them abolishing the caste system
tadpolesonalgae · 5 months
i've read the last chapter twice and i honestly thought things would go a different way? idk i thought even if running away didn't work with the magic that maybe she got at least a bit of a backbone, it kinda feels like running to eris and have all that guilt on top of the one she already had was all for nothing. i wanna root for her but at a certain point she's really doing all this to herself. i thought the reunion would warrant some well deserved anger from both parts like a climax of sorts, i guess it did it was just more depressing and defeated than the anger i was expecting. kinda wish we'd seen azriel or even mor tell the others too
and i'm sorry but how did she pick the weirdest way to off herself 😭 like there are so many easier ways, even just with the arrow just stab it through your heart, she definitely wouldn't hit azriel like that and she remembered the wards but didnt think to mind speak to call rhys and feyre? like i get she was in shock but i just dont know how she's so smart but keeps making the dumbest decisions. i also thought the prophecy meant she'd kill him with her powers not just this
i'm sorry if this sounds a bit critical, the chapter was beautifully written as always, you're really amazing at conveying emotion, the reason it's so frustrating to see her stay stuck in her self pity is because of how well you write it but i just thought there would be more happening when she came back - 🧶
Okay…I have some thoughts drifting around in my head so I hope I’ll express them in a coherent fashion 😬😭🧡💛 (though this did get a little long, sorry 🫣🫂)
So, first of all, I think some people probably were expecting anger or some kind of emotional detonation, but in my experience anger and frustration take a lot of energy to sustain and I don’t believe reader—where she was at that moment—was capable of directing her resentment anywhere but herself? She’s exhausted from being alive; she doesn’t have the energy nor the instinct to become angry with Azriel or any of the IC.
I know this is a fanfic, so it would be quite simple to have her ‘fixed’ after visiting Eris, but that scene was supposed to be the first moment of catharsis, where reader is able to physically exhaust a portion of her magic that has been straining on her. It’s mentioned (I think in acomaf, and we also see it with Nesta in acosf) that Rhys has to constantly have magic in use to relieve the pressure it puts on him or else it will drive him insane, so reader needed to have some kind of release moment since her magic wasn’t able to manifest correctly.
I’d also like to mention that I think it might seem underwhelming or anticlimactic in some lights because it is frustrating in a way to see someone continuously be unable to stand up for themselves and just kind of melt into a puddle on the floor? Particularly if they aren’t entirely deserving of certain behaviours and it would be simpler to fix if the person just took a stand and stopped muddling about the place 😭
‘kinda wish we'd seen azriel or even mor tell the others too’
With this, do you mean that reader ran away to Eris, or that she tried to end herself, because I’m pretty sure both of those will be spoken about in chapter 16 if that’s any consolation! 🧡💛
Okay, onto the method of suicide! (Yes, I acknowledge it was a weird choice, certainly a more unintentionally flamboyant approach)
So, since she’s fae (I can’t actually remember if decapitation works?) I’m pretty sure ash is the only thing that can actually kill her? Which limited the options quite significantly? I suppose she could have taken a large dose of faebane to reduce her healing and then ended herself in a more ‘human’ (?) way?
Personally though, there were a couple a reasons I wanted to use the crossbow and arrow!
First of all, using a crossbow, letting reader set it up, knowing she just has to knock into a book and then it will be out of her hands? It’s passive. She’s again letting things be taken out of control—I didn’t want her first moments of real autonomy to be trying to end herself (though that might have been very impactful for a different direction of the story) (I’m also not counting her giving away the earrings since that wasn’t something she did entirely for herself)
Secondly, the Crossbow itself was lying inside the House of Wind, along with various other weapons and blades that the IC are just too accustomed to—I want a specific reason for the IC to understand what sort of problems are happening with reader. While I don’t feel it’s expressly their fault (again, I feel it’s passive, not active—they didn’t intend for their distance to have a negative impact on her, though it did anyway) they will feel responsible that she used something of theirs to hurt herself with.
Then, Eris was the one who gave reader the ash arrow and I would like to have a reason to elaborate on what’s going on in the background (which I’m scared I won’t do well 🫣)
Admittedly this is a slightly strange reason, but I think from reader’s perspective and without being able to understand az’s side, he’s seemed quite cold/distant from her due to external pressures and I wanted this to serve as a reminder that despite how bad things are right now he does still care about her? Not romantically or anything obviously, but he doesn’t want any of the people he cares about to be hurt where he can help it so this felt like a good circumstance that would set their reconciliation (not reconciliation, but their distance closing I guess?) in motion and give them a reason to actually pay attention to one another and figure out what’s going on
(Lastly, this one is more an allegory than anything, but being shot through the heart by an arrow is usually something done by Cupid. So revolving around her love for Azriel and how it’s kind of messing her up? This is definitely a more indulgent reason though 😭)
For the mind speaking thing and why she didn’t call out for Rhys and Feyre—I’m not sure if I expressed it incorrectly but reader was suffering through an onslaught of pretty debilitating inclinations revolving around ending herself, and then the solution to those urges was stripped away from her when Azriel took the arrow instead so she’s having to grasp with the fact she’s still alive, she’s now responsible for murdering someone rhys, Feyre etc. love dearly, she’s killed someone she loves dearly, while also dealing with small glimpses from the war—she isn’t in the right headspace to think outside of those problems.
Also, I don’t feel daemati abilities are explained very clearly, but in my mind Azriel, Cassian, Mor etc. who aren’t daemati would be familiar enough with it (through speaking with Rhys) that they know roughly where to push within their mental expanse to search for a connection point. With reader who has only been fae for two years, has little to no experience with speaking mind to mind—I don’t feel it would be at all possible for her to figure out how to call for someone mentally when she can barely control her own magic and when neither Rhys nor Feyre would have a reason to be checking on her mentally when as far as they know she’s safe and with Az.
With the prophecy/vision that Elain got, all she explicitly sees is Azriel on the floor with blood around him then a flash of green. He looks dead but that’s not something Elain can determine just through visuals just yet—no, Azriel is not dead, but he comes close enough to imitate it!
‘i'm sorry if this sounds a bit critical, the chapter was beautifully written as always, you're really amazing at conveying emotion, the reason it's so frustrating to see her stay stuck in her self pity is because of how well you write it but i just thought there would be more happening when she came back - 🧶’
I think it was critical but I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all and really appreciate it!! 🧡💛 It wasn’t malicious or mean and I really enjoy hearing your opinions on cbmthy’s storyline because it helps me adapt and shape the direction of the plot—seriously, I love getting to hear your thoughts, thank you so much for taking the time to articulate them, it’s such a massive aid 😭🧡💛 I hope none of my replies felt too harsh or absolute, and I would love to know if you have any other thoughts on the storyline!! 🧡💛
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shiftingtomydrs · 4 months
shatter me is a dystopian book series btw, i can very much recommend it (i found pdfs online if anyone wants them)
spoilers under the cut as always :)
okk so i went into the general outline here and the introduction is here if youd like to read that first :)
here are some of my (fave) moments i scripted:
aaron giving me my name when we were 5 since evie couldnt be bothered to give me one (when i write it down it sounds weird but i promise its a cute moment)
ella and i meeting for the first time and not knowing were technically at least half sisters and just laughing about how similar we look
just everything to do with aaron istg that man is perfection
not a fave but adam ending up with ella (just thought id throw that in there)
also not a fave but in the original series ella cant be touched cos she obviously has lethal touch, my equivalent of that is that i merge minds with people i touch which can end up being lethal for them (inspired by samara from the ring? yes) and it mostly is cos i dont have any barriers at all (in the first book + pre first book at least) so the person is basically being hit with a whole life of memories and another conscience which is too much for most
i cant think of anymore rn but if i do ill add them :)
offing anderson (sorry but if youve read the book youll get it i hate that man with all my being)
Not a moment but I'm immune to emmalines mind control thing so I don't really understand why everyone is so pessimistic bcs to me the world looks different (literally cos if I remember correctly emmaline makes everyone see the world worse than it is due to her telepathy but it doesnt work on me cos mental barrier)
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pendwelling · 2 years
Man, reading how heartbroken Cedric was over Yeseo's death was amazing. Chef's kiss. Like the GRIEF and the REGRET and especially the anger when there were SO MANY CLUES!! like that old woman who prophesied Jesse's death.. AND?! WHEN THEY FINALLY REUNITED AND THE MYTH-GRADE DEMONIC BEAST SHOWED UP.. BRO KNELT DOWN AND PROPOSED A COVENANT. MIDDLE NAME AND EVERYTHING. I felt like I was reading a marriage proposal even though I know that the rituals usually go this way 😭 also Aurelie bottling up her emotions after Jesse died.. HER GRIEF AND GUILT MAAAN. And when she was looking over Jesse's body at Juliette if I remember correctly she finally called him her child!! Only for it to go unheard by deaf ears.. SOB SOB AND EVAAA WHEN SHE VISITED JULIETTE AND ACKNOWLEDGING JESSE AS LIKE A BIG BROTHER 😭😭😭😭 I loved when the devine beasts awoke too when yeseo arrived. Twas amazing and it was very heartwarming reading the hope and joy the kids and johan etc. had that Jesse was back. Now, Cedric wants to lock him away back at the palace.. so mistakes won't be repeated 😭 even tho it isn't said and it's most likely johan used his wind ether, I like to think he bridle carried yeseo out of the barracks hehe wwww and our smart ga-in quickly figuring out yeseo's identity, but only after Jesse passed 😭 she was so ready to accept her too I loovee her. And the dynamic between Emma and her too lol.. I like the acknowledgement of same-sex attraction in TWSB idk bc usually in novels I read it's like the idea isn't even possible so it's nice lol "my mermaid" is such a nice name too knees weak lmfao. Also glad yeseo kept his purple eyes to a certain extent, bc I they're so pretty I was scared haha and idk I feel a little sad he's not called prince anymore (which is understandable ofc) but I loved seeing the difference in respect and honorifics when johan used more respectful terms towards yeseo since he sees him as his master.. anyways thanks for reading my long tangent if u got to the end LMFAO school is kicking my ass and I've been binging to forget the stress so like Jesse always says, "grab onto that small thread of hope!" Or whatever. fighting lesgoo!!!
Literally it was heart-wrenching reading Aurélie's reaction to finding out through GERRIT'S POV 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 HE BARELY KNOWS WHATS GOING ON!!! AURELIE BROKE DOWN!! SOMETHING BAD CLEARLY HAPPENED, BUT WHAT EXACTLY?
Absolutely devastating move of Sookym to pull, giving us the child outsider POV of such a heartbreaking scene :')))
Yeseo's debut into TWSB is also so exciting. The identity porn was real (the way he chose "Heineken" of all names as his alias is also so funny to me wKSJSKKSKSKS)
Glad you mentioned Emma Corleone too hehe, I love the Admiral a lot wkdjkdkddk i have the hots for me.,,, My bi liege, if françois or chris dont want to be your next spouse............... im right here— //slapped
(also i feel you abt about the purple eyes! Theyre such a significant detail so im not surprised he kept them (even if only when using ether haha) but stil!!!! The purple eyes are great!!! Hes truly favoured by the universe's lord hehe)
It was nice hearing your thoughts!! I hope school goes easy on you soon as well!
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t0byt3 · 9 months
why i think noels lament fits vil pre overblot 🫡
i started thinking about this and havent stopped so now yikes
anyways uhhhh im going to reference exact lyrics and how i think they play to vil
also i hc vil as gender fluid so i will be switching between he/she/they pronouns for vil throughout the post
this ended up being long af i forgot that i cant stfu jesus
anyways start !!
Uhhh i will say that i dont think the fact that this song is bascially just a fantacy of some sort relates to vil (for the most part). like i think some of the lyrics would pertain to vils imagination or fantasias or whtvr but ya
none of the things i mention are 100% cannon (they could be?? idk) ill go back l8r to see if i can find proof from the story/book or from the manga to see if some of the "points" i make are actually cannon or just me confusing my hc w canon (it happens yikes)
the whole "town bicycle" thing pertains to vil cause people sometimes take their anger/h8red of a character out on the actor whos plays them so for vil who has said that she has played a shit ton of villain roles (i think she said shes played only villain roles if i remember correctly) so if thats the case then she has definitely had to deal with whtvr h8 and name calling has come w that.
then the whole "dont knock it till youve tried my life of sin" refers to people shitting on him for playing the villain specifically the "my life of sin" being vil playing the villain over and over (many villains are seen as wrong or sinful so that also plays in)
lmaooo this just makes me think of his manager cause i feel like vils manager has def heard or seen vil loose his shit either on someone or just ranting about someone
idk if this is fact or not but i always thought of vils manager as being the same one hes had throughout most if not all of his acting career
tbh i see this as being one of those fantasy parts like vil fantasizing about harming neige and/or taking his place
idk thats all i feel like that line is self explanatory idk
"i sing songs until the break of dawn" while i feel like in the song this could be referring to actual sing or fucking all night or whtvr IN THIS CASE FOR VIL i interpreted it as actual singing in which she sings while getting ready for bed or in the morning or smthng) either practicing songs for the hero roles she never gets to play or just practicing in general (maybe even singing songs that she likes just for fun)
"i embrace a new man every night" again im aware this is referring to s3x IM interpreting it as like,, taking on new roles every night either for a new play or a new part or whtvr (this one is one of those lines that doesnt really relate but ya)
"my lifes one never ending carnival a whirl of boozy floozy flashing lights" SHOWBIZZ!! lame but ya thats all i just think that this would be just like in referrence to actor life or whtvr. the whole "my lifes one nvr ending carnival" part could be read as slightly sarcastic cause while everything is also new! fun! wow! its also just ick after awhile cause thats just how its is. the nxt line would just be referring to all the bright ass lights and camera lights and shit that go into acting and whatnot
another one that i feel is self explanatory tbh people tell actors they love them all the time so while vil probably gets h8 for playing the villain they probably also get fans telling they they love them (which i can imagine how annoyed that must make vil but not the point rn)
as much as it annoys them when random ass people say they love them, i do think sometimes, vil will give into it a go along, either for publicity or whtvr. especially as a kid i feel like vil would give into that lie more often (hence why they dont anymore as they have learned its false) but sometimes when the loneliness goes haywire theyll indulge someone for a bit (typically just simple "ilu2 :))" and conversing with them) to gain some sort of fake closeness to satiate the loneliness for a bit (this is 100% hc i feel like vil is seen as the best or the second best so its probably hard to make real friends or relations that dont just want to use them for money or fame or whtvr but once again,,, not the point)
skipping a few lyrics here 1- cause tw and 2- bc i havent found a way to word the way i feel they relate to vil (maybe ill edit when i figure it out maybe i wont idfk)
this just makes me thing of her overblot lol while i def think that the overblot has been building for more than eight months but it just shot forward from being to book six to when she overblotted. "i catch the typhoid flu" makes me think of how she "caught" the overblot "sickness" since its going around/being passed around similarly to how i feel a flu or sickness would be (obviously not very contagious and if overblot was some sort of sickness nrc would be fucked)
"DYING IN AN ALLEY, A PRIEST KNEELS DOWN TO ME- "My child, do you have any final words to the Lord you'd like to say?" "Oui. Tell Him that, like Him, I choose to burn out rather than fade away!"
the priest in this scenario would be either neige or rook
if we're going w neige as the priest id says it because neige was trying to be nice to vil before vil tried to poison him. The line that noel says would be interpreted as vils words right before giving neige the apple which wouldve cursed him
if we are going with rook as the priest then i see it as rook talking to vil before she goes off to give neige the apple, like before vil separates from everyone, and noels part ould be like vil replying before she goes (i dont remember if they spoke before vil went to curse neige but ill look into it)
the other lines in this lil mantra dont really fit but thats okay
the whole shattered dreams thing like duh bros shattered dreams of playing a hero role and being chosen over neige
super crusty - idk for this one ill be honest
holy terror wild eyes and black mascara - yea so "terror" more like rage but terror may fit cause while he was full of rage he could have also had fear that hed never be able to be more than the villain or second to neige
and broken heart obvi bros broken hearted over this realization
in this case that fucked up girl could be in reference to neige
tbh that whole thing abt this song being abt some guys fantasy could also be in reference to vils fantasy of taking neiges place as the fairest of them all of the most loved and such.
anyways that was a lot and idk if any of it made sense tbh
thats all :3
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fma03envy · 1 year
okay one more dr ask thing (dont feel obligated to answer if you dont want to BUT) Id really love to hear what you think about the big questions 20 and 42, its bit something Ive seen peoole discuss on tumblr at length recently
Had a few thoughts for the first one so putting them under the cut
20. What is your favorite aspect of Danganronpa?
This one's a bit hard to put into words but I'll try.
I love Danganronpa plotlines that kind of HAD to happen based on the context was built up, and characters who are doomed by some core aspect of their situation (either plot context or their own intrinsic character traits).
I think Nagito's a good example of this, because him being Like That is so tied to his talent on every level as well as to the setting of the killing game, but with context it feels like he couldn't have turned out any other way. His whole "this despair will lead to even greater hope" thing cannot be separated from the fact that his talent literally guarantees anything unlucky that happens to him to be reimbursed with something lucky. Everything in his life is so dialed up to 1000 that his only way of staying hopeful on a personal level is to believe that the cycle ends at the universe righting itself, a sentiment that the setting of the killing game makes the others see (correctly) as illogical but him cling to as salvation. He's the most extreme version of what Chiaki and Kamishiro describe where people get defined by their talents.
Dr3 Chiaki is another one of my absolute favorite examples, though in her case what gets me is more a matter of framing. You first see her and your immediate thought is "WAIT why is Chiaki here? There isn't any human Chiaki later-" and then after a second the dots connect™. But if you're anything like me, you still end up endeared by her, and so will find yourself hoping against hope that maybe she'll be ok. And so of course, she isn't, she was never going to be, she dies as horribly as possible, setup and payoff. Aside from all the junkozuru stuff, Chiaki's arc is easily my favorite part of dr3 because it takes advantage of its nature as a prequel and uses your own expectations to build dread.
Speaking of prequels, I feel like Danganronpa Zero (my favorite part of the Dr series thus far) also utilizes its chronological location well to build an air of inevitability. Like you know after this book comes The Literal Apocalypse, so the question isn't if or how everything will go to shit but when. And our protagonist's attitude of denial only heightens your unease, because she's so singlemindedly set on having a happy life with Matsuda and blocking everything else out that you can't help but assume that ultimately will become impossible (and of course in the back of your mind, the fact that neither of them is ever seen again later in the series nags at you). But then it turns out that Ryoko is doomed not only by the narrative but also by her base character premise. Her very existence was conditional and she was never going to win; Junko would never be able to find satisfaction chasing such dreams.
(Sidenote: I would also argue that Junko and Izuru are both intrinsically doomed by their own boredom tied to their ridiculously OP talents. This is why Junko devotes herself to insane schemes that will never be enough, and why Izuru's two choice coping mechanisms are a) give up or b) help her).
Plus on reread, not only does Ryoko's plight become more tragic, but Matsuda's whole thing feels a lot more predetermined, both because Junko had the whole thing literally planned from the beginning (which is foreshadowed in ways that drive me up the wall), and because it's like. All Matsuda's actions tie back to the combination of his classmates being murdered + his loyalty to Junko + his suspicions he's trying desperately to first ignore and then disprove that she's behind this + guilt over harboring her + guilt over Soshun + guilt over lashing out at Ryoko about this when she doesn't remember and LOVES him, guilt guilt guilt guilt. Of COURSE he's a confused, bitter contradictory mess, how would this character be anything else in this context.
So, the short answer would be that dr0 Mukuro's repeated "that's the kind of story this is" quote encompasses the ideal Danganronpa vibe (ik she only repeats that in one of the two dr0 fanstranslations I have on hand but I like the quote and so am hoping it's canon)
42. How do you feel about the Danganronpa fandom as a whole?
Eh, I feel like I'm not really the best person to ask here? My perception is skewed by the facts that a) I only really interact with dr fans on Tumblr (or insta but then it's mostly ppl who've followed me first) b) I'm very quick to block strangers if it seems like they're shitty or annoying and c) I've been into dr for less than a year. So I feel like I've been able to keep my own experiences relatively good bc of that?
Generally a lot of the weird bigotry I've seen here is people uncritically parroting the same stuff present in the games, but also I've been a fan of media with far fewer issues where the fandom really wasn't much better (see: utdr. Trying to find letsplayers who I didn't hate was just as hard there as here; currently I've got like 2 channels I trust to be normal about dr but that's it). So basically no good fandoms only good friends
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fiymywings · 2 years
ahh if youre able to, would you mind sharing some tls of hollow? there’s so little content of him? 😭
absolutely! i'll make a few proper posts with translations once i get the time and energy to (very mentally burnt out right now so basically anything i've already done/am working on at the moment are the most i can muster), but this is sort of an assortment of summaries/from-memory translations for the time being
it's a bit long so it's under a read more but hopefully these can suffice until i get on that
from ch. 2 of his beginning of a dream meister story:
hollow and emma run into someone injured in a back alley, and rush to aid him only for a bystander to mistake hollow as the perpetrator behind several similar attacks, insisting it was him on the basis of him being caught literally red handed. hollow doesn't reply and just dismantles a nearby wheel barrel to become a makeshift . i forgot what they're called but they transport hospital patients and tells him to take the injured guy to help which clears the air up pretty fast. the resulting conversation happens:
Emma: By the way... when that guy said your hands were stained red, what was up with that?
Hollow: ... fufu~
Emma: ?
Hollow: Efufufufu~
Emma: ?????
Hollow: I was enjoying a particularly good drink of pomegranate juice that day. Though, I appear to have been a bit clumsy with disposal.
(i think about this exchange so much. yes she did use ??? in actual dialogue if im remember correctly)
Moon route Ch. 3
after having essentially put down a mechanical hound, he approaches emma and asks for her hand before putting a handmade metal bracelet on her. she asks about the details, and he confirms it was made with some scrap parts from the hound, having wanted to carry the memory of the hound around before she realized he had a matching bracelet (this made me start absolutely losing it btw. absolutely broke the hinges off my metal door)
he also said a REALLY nice quote about hardships and relying on each other but i cant for the life of me remember the baseline of it so i'll rb and tack it onto it
guild home interaction
i don't have the exact tls and because it was a random event it might take a bit for me to get it again to tl but essentially hollow was flipping through a book/magazine, saw an illustration of a mouse, and yelled. emma went to check up on him and tried to calm him down but iirc he ended up bolting despite it just being an illustration
train of remembrance ch 5
hollow sits down next to emma after effese (i dont know how to spell his name sorry if i got it wrong hgfdjb) is settled down by her and they take a moment to look out the window (this one i had written down because i was gushing to someone over discord)
Hollow: Would it be alright if I rested here as well? Emma: Of course! Go ahead. Hollow: Nfu~ Then, please excuse me a moment. If you take your time gazing out there… it's as if just outside the window is but a sky full of stars. Though of course we have our current situation, it begins to feel like we're merely on a journey. Just a bit. Emma: Fufu, looks like it. Hollow: Everyone back at Niji no Kanata too, they're all working very hard, so… Someday, with you invited along as well, I'd like to go on a nice relaxing journey together. Certainly Lagoon will prepare the finest transport available. Emma: Wah, I'm looking forward to it! [ Idling chatting with Hollow, the tension from prior had abruptly relaxed.] Emma: (Such a nice feeling, it's like my shoulders have finally untensed. Hollow… he pretty much controlled the energy in the room, huh?) Hollow: Efesse too, shall we get you sat down somewhere so you may talk too?
he later dropped the bomb he had basically picture perfect memory and could remember stuff even back when he was just a lil baby which is pretty in line with his natural talent of not just dismantling at stupid speed but 1. rapid assembly 2. part recognition (i.e. recalling what part in a machine is what series, what number, what alloy, etc)
some uncategorized stuff:
hollows date lines, i dont remember if its 10+ or 20+ since i have him at 26 but hes talking to the player and says smth along the lines of "we look like lovers? ... ah, that makes me happy"
it's confirmed in his sun route he sort of mentally blacks out upon hearing a clock and has to stop everything in order to dismantle it right away assumedly because of a noise trigger. it's played off for giggles in the main story but it seems outright painful for him in the meister story so i have no idea what's going on there but i believe in ch. 3 emma actually asks about that and he essentially goes "although i'm not sure, i'm sure i'll figure it out eventually!" nonchalantly and emma goes YOURE SO CHILL ABOUT IT?!
i'm not sure how well i would translate it, but he speaks pretty politely/formally! i kinda translate it as the type of speech "OH GOOD HEAVENS!" would come from as a result but you're welcome to interpret it as you'd like
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I'm not sure if this is actually the case because you don't have a pinned post or masterlist or anything (would recommend) and I don't want to scroll forever to check. But I remember that you have all of the Cosmere books grouped as one thing but had people vote on which Robin Hobb trilogy to include? I think it ended up being Tawny Man. This makes no sense to me. If anything I would do the opposite. Realm of the Enderlings is one contiguous series, Tawny Man having the same characters as and following directly after Farseer for example. And even Liveship is more connected than the Cosmere books are to eachother. Unless you're a superfan the different Cosmere series have nothing to do with eachother and are entirely individual things. For example Stormlight is my favourite series of all time where as Mistborn is just mid for me. Cosmere books have nearly no relevent character overlap, different vibes, sometimes different genres and writing styles. If Cosmere is going to be grouped (even though it shouldn't be) then Realm of the Enderling should be as well.
Sorry if you've already changed this. It's too far back for me to check without a pinned post.
simple answer, i did not know. all these fantasy books have so much overlap and if i havent read them or dont know a super fan, i just. . .go with the knowledge i have? also the reason book series are lumped together is because i made a poll and followers voted.
sooooo i guess ill change it in the next round?? also i havent added a masterpost and i dont know if i will. you can check the polls by searching the authors name tho. i tried to make sure all names were spelled correctly.
again, let me remind you all, i am not an expert, simply an enthusiast.
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rg11 · 5 months
hi okay im not gonna change your opinion on jadetav i do just want to say tho that
that specific conversation youre using as a reason or pillar to dislike the ship was kind of a bad example for them
idk if you remember this but tavros was not only pressured but he was bullied into behaving like a prick, he was bullied and told he needed to be more confident, and since he didnt know exactly what it meant to .. present confidently, he acted based off of how he saw people behave in movies and books. and he also DID respect her wishes. tavros is a character who shows struggles with understanding tone and communicating things, he was joking around and trying to lighten the mood, he could not tell that she was upset, he had no idea, he was only trying to lighten the mood between them
and again he did stop meddling, if i remember correctly he didnt even continue to pester her after that
obviously i dont care if you like the ship or not, because its a fictional relationship and in no way does it effect my view on your art, i just wanted to get that across because it does kind of feel a little silly to say the ship isnt good because tavros didnt realize what he was doing was wrong
that specific conversation youre using as a reason or pillar to dislike the ship was kind of a bad example for them
YEAH i wasnt really thinking before i used that example. i was really tired when answering that ask and i didnt exactly think while answering the ask. i just didnt want to say "not particularly" and just end it at that
i just wanted to get that across because it does kind of feel a little silly to say the ship isnt good because tavros didnt realize what he was doing was wrong
i understand that! i knew what his intentions were behind the conversation. i do get why people ship it. i just didnt exactly have a reason why i didnt exactly "prefer" (not prefer, i just simply dont ship it lol) the ship. sorry if this caused any confusion, anon.
and he also DID respect her wishes. tavros is a character who shows struggles with understanding tone and communicating things, he was joking around and trying to lighten the mood, he could not tell that she was upset, he had no idea, he was only trying to lighten the mood between them
yea i get that. just i feel like the joking was a bit "out of place" ? i understood he respected her wishes and all that though.
but also i have to go through my homestuck re-read because i cant remember that much of the comic . lmao
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cheap-spirits · 6 months
“The high priestess walked onto the stone platform and raised her hands above her head. The folds of her midnight blue gossamer robe fell around her, and her white hair was long and unbound. An eight pointed star was tattooed on her brow in a shade of blue that matched her gown. Its sharp lines extending to her hairline.
“Welcome all and may the blessings of the goddess and all her gods be upon you”
- chapter 38 of Throne of Glass
(if anyone has the page number be a legend and lmk im listening to the audiobook for this) ((yes i paused after every sentence to get this right if its not the exact quote please dont yell at me im trying my best here)
Uhhhhh 8 pointed star, blue priestess robes AND a goddess figure that has been described earlier as coming to this world through the wyrd to shape it. (Also possibly had been referred to as the mother but again sleepy and audiobook)
So this is the yulemas ceremony in the first tog book, iconic scene, buuut ive never seen anyone bring up this exact description before. Now i know its easy to just make connections out of nothing and who knows sjm might just really like 8 pointed stars and the colour blue but i kinda really hope that now tog and cc are confirmed to be connected (the og shifter world AND lidias heritage) that there will be more development.
Caaaaauuuuuuuse i want to know if the valg were asteri or if they were like diet asteri, i want to know how the mother connects these three worlds cause it absolutely is the mother that is mentioned as the goddess cause who the fuck else is it??? Most of the other gods and goddesses are mentioned by name and are actually from a different world (i also want to know more about that, what world did they come from are THEY the asteri????) i want to know more about the 8 pointed stars and how it fits into the tog world, we know the sisters both made the stars in cc and acotar worlds respectively but HOW DID IT GET TO THE TOG WORLD??? I want to know more about world walking, it was mentioned in lidias exposition dump about her lineage so that makes me think that aelin mastered it somehow and taught her descendants and lidia is a descendant but that also raises questions cause if i remember correctly (and im tired so im probably not please feel free to correct me) aelin closed all the connections to other worlds but then bryce was able to open a portal to prythian. BUT theres also the thought that lidia is from a different branch of aelins family tree that split off at an earlier point in time, but they also wouldve had to master world walking for it to be passed down in knowledge to lidia. (I personally think lidia is aelins descendant cause she gave the ring to the twins that is the ring aelin picked out i think….lot of potential misremembering here but i think the ring aelin picked was an emerald and i think thats the ring she gave the twins) I also want more information about the barrowhite becoming the underking, like how the fuck did they end up in CC and how the fuck did they end up in such a power position and just what??? ALSO the witches??? How are they so different in TOG and CC??? Unless theyre from different worlds but like where did the cc witches come from? Did they come from the ACOTAR world?? But still the description of the witches in acotar is so different to the cc witches and i just need more information. SJM please help i need more information i am begging im going insane i need MORE LORE!!!!
idk its all very confusing i really need to start taking notes when i read these books cause either im a dumbass and can’t remember or understand what happened or sjm has rewrote history and logic and honestly both could be true simultaneously. There’s probably more but like i said i sleepy and i have so much uni work to do and im on the first book, thank you for reading this if you got to the end, think i might crack out the conspiracy board over summer as a way to cope with finishing uni forever and becoming a real adult. ALSO if you read this please gimme your thoughts and questions to add to the conspiracy board that i absolutely will make but may just end up being in a sketchbook cause i have hundreds of them and boards are expensive
Oh also i think the single goddess figure with other gods below her is only mentioned in this book, i could be wrong (again i can only apologise i am ✨tired✨) but it had also been mentioned a few times in the og tog book
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touboutenshi · 8 months
thinking abt childhood. i still clearly remember the homes of relatives that died (and the ones who just moved away).
gigi's house was pretty big and had a nice room full of antiques that i liked to be in. there was almost always a little dear shaped bowl with chocolates. there was a miniature porcelain tea set and some porcelain rabbits that i liked. they were given to me when she died. the tea set is in another room because i didn't want the pieces to get lost on my mess of a shelf, but the rabbits are used to keep my books from falling over now. i'll admit, when i was a kid i stole a small piece of fancy looking soap from a bowl of it she had in the bathroom. sorry about that. i thought it looked pretty. she had a pool in the backyard that i liked to play in when i brought a swimsuit. i didn't know how to swim (still dont), but it was fun just being in there. she almost always had the pool vaccuum cleaner in there though, and those things freak me out for some reason. one time she showed me a pair of raggedy ann and andy dolls she had in her bedroom. i wonder who ended up getting those. me and my parents visited her every now and then, really just to hang out, but we had family events too. mainly christmas, some thanksgivings. i remember her kitchen was pretty (but small) and had a wooden trash can that was i think connected to the floor. i have a specific memory of watching annoying orange on her tv one christmas because its what cartoon network was airing at the time. it was the most interesting thing that was airing on any channel to me. i didnt watch the tv long enough for anything else to start i think.
my great grandma's house was a bit small. there was a hallway that led to different rooms, like a sewing room, bathroom, ect. the room at the very end of the hallway was a guest bedroom, and was where the kids would hang out when family was over. i'd also hang out in there alone when i visited with my parents, she had some books and toys in there. i remember i borrowed an uglydolls book once. i dont think i ever gave it back, but i don't have it anymore, so it mightve ended up at a thrift store somewhere. she had a pet cockatiel. i forgot his name. he was old and nice. she had a big backyard with a lot of bushes. she'd host easter parties a lot because of it (since there were a lot of places to hide the eggs). eventually she moved out because she couldn't take care of herself as well, first to my aunt's, then to a nursing home. then she died. if i remember correctly, my family held her funeral in another state, even though she died here, so me and my parents couldn't go. i think my dad was mad about that.
but the house i remember the most was my nana's house. she's still alive, just moved to another state with her friend. i used to visit and spend the night with her a lot. she lived in a messy little mobile home. she had a wii and a few games that she kept for when i visited. she gave them to me before she moved. i remember playing my ds there a lot too. i actually used to live there with my mom for a while, before we got our own place. that was before i met my step dad and step brother, i think. i haven't seen them in years. i wonder how they're doing now. even after we had our own place, nana would pick me up from school. preschool, kindergarden and early grade school, i think. she also lived with papa for a while. i don't remember him well. he died too early for me to remember much. i think i visited him in the hospital. i think it was cancer. i remember he was a heavy smoker, so that's what i think it was at least. nana's house was small. she had a kitchen + dining room, living room, 2 bathrooms, and 2 bedrooms. when i stayed the night with her we'd share the bed in her bigger bedroom. it was a big bed and i was a little kid so it wasn't cramped. she also had a tv in there on top of a dresser if i remember correctly. there was also a tv in the living room. the other bedroom was always a mess from what i can remember. i dont think it was ever properly cleaned when she moved. as the years passed, the living room also became messier because she used it less. i have a specific memory of accidently dropping a glass bowl on the floor while sitting in a chair in the living room. i was in the house alone, i think nana was a way and only papa was out on the potch, and i knew not to get up because id step on the shards, so i had to yell until he finally heard me and came in to sweep the floor. she also made hard boiled eggs for me a lot. she had a jack russel terrior named lovey. and a chihuahua named niña. lovey lived up to her name. she was an old lady. niña was much younger, i remember i first met her when she was a puppy. nana hid her in her fluffy bathrobe so she could surprise me. now she's an old lady. i haven't talked to nana in years now, so i wonder if the girl's still alive... i have a photo i took of her somewhere. eventually, lovey died, and nana moved in with a friend. i stayed the night with them at her house a few times. she was nice. she had a big dog named bo, short for hobo because he was found on the street. idk his breed. he died eventually. he was a friendly old man. i dont remember the friends house much. she had a guest bedroom with 2 beds, and i remember she let me use her shower a few times. it was one with a glass door. we'd go out to barnes and noble together and eat breakfast at their little cafe area, then walk around and just look at stuff. it was nice. i'd bring my tablet so i could draw. she had a fancy car. last time we did it was in 2019 i think, then they moved to another state. i dont remember which one. me and my nana texted for a bit but then we eventually stopped.
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tadpolesonalgae · 4 months
WEEWOO, CC, ACOTAR, AND TOG SPOILERS AHEAD as well as my own lighthearted opinions/ theories on sjm's work<3
ab what the other anon said, i also remember moriel being pretty big. there were a lot of really good theories and fanart at the time and sjm was leaving lil breadcrumbs in interviews that people were excited about if i remember correctly too.
but around that time a lot of authors, directors, etc started getting an increasing amount of backlash about the representation or lack thereof in their work, and sjm was one of them. so i think that influenced the hasty switch in mor :( which unfortunately led to me personally not enjoying it as much. as a queer woman who dates people regardless of gender it just fell really flat to me, which really sucked because i loved mor and i was super invested in her character at the time.
which isnt to say that i dont enjoy these characters, this is still a series i really enjoy reading even if i dont love it as much as tog or cc 😂
and now, about cc hehe, i read somewhere there were supposed to be 4 books, one for each house. And Sjm's confirmed the fourth book but hasnt said whether there will be more or not. Im curious to see what the plan is now that the asteri are dead tho, because i thought they would be the main antagonist of the series so maybe she'll introduce another?
and i totally agree with your criticisms ab cc as well. The lil crossover nuggets we got with aelin being the red comet (headcanon that her court would laugh a lil knowing that she was considered a bad omen in another world lol), the books, etc. But I honestly didn't expect to get a crossover from CC into acotar, i thought it would be more fun for acotar and tog to clash. (let aelin into helion's libraries i BEG of u sjm pls 🙏🙏)
(not to mention the crack theory that maybe maeve is why daemati exist, that maybe millenia ago she or other valg were in prythian?? the powers are described similarly in dorian's povs i cant even lie 😭)
PS sorry if my last post came off a lil mean ab acotar 😭 i reread it and was like why did i word it like that and felt a lil bad but shhhh we can pretend that didnt happen
PPS god yes lorcan showed elide everything and sjm really showed us nothing. i hope lucien makes up for it otherwise i think im gonna start gnawing at the bars of my enclosure.
PPPS elide, helion, cbmthy crackship? i dont think lorcan would be into it if helion was there 😂 (he doesnt seem like the type to share nicely)
Warnings: a plenty lot of spoilers for CC, acotar, and ToG!
‘but around that time a lot of authors, directors, etc started getting an increasing amount of backlash about the representation or lack thereof in their work, and sjm was one of them.’
I think I’m glad I read acotar after that 🫤
It’s kind of lame if miss Maas did sprinkle in hints for Moriel and then suddenly changed it? Obviously someone will probably have a different stance on this to me, but personally I think if you have an actual story to tell, yes representation would be lovely just because I think if it’s done well it can be such a great way to nourish a story and add depth to it, but if it would conflict with the immersion and detail you already have in your story then I don’t think it’s necessary? I think ultimately I am happy Mor was written to like males and females, but I can understand the frustration if miss Maas was hinting at a pairing and then double back on it that would be so irritating :/
‘Im curious to see what the plan is now that the asteri are dead tho, because i thought they would be the main antagonist of the series so maybe she'll introduce another?’
I still haven’t finished CC3 but I have to agree with you because they seemed like such great antagonists??? They actually end up dead?? Okay I might actually finish the book now to find out how because I 100% thought they would be the main villains because, to be fair, they were excellently terrifying 😭 I think miss Maas did do an amazing job on coming up with creatures so obviously more powerful than the fae?
Although now the asteri are dead, it feels like if CC4 does some out it will either be a case of ‘oh, one survived’ or ‘they came back from the dead’ or she’ll just invent a new scare but either of those feels like it would be insincere and not thought out very well? I guess unless Maeve or Erawan somehow got shoved into the CC universe? that might be kind of cool? But I think if that was the case i’d want Maeve or Erawan to win 🫢 just for funsies and chaos 🫢
‘ i thought it would be more fun for acotar and tog to clash. (let aelin into helion's libraries i BEG of u sjm pls 🙏🙏)’
Oh my gosh yes that crossover would have been so amazing I would have loved to see that! Well, I would have loved to see them getting along with one another—I wouldn’t be able to read a crossover if they were fighting 😭
‘(not to mention the crack theory that maybe maeve is why daemati exist, that maybe millenia ago she or other valg were in prythian?? the powers are described similarly in dorian's povs i cant even lie 😭)’
Oh I’ve seen some stuff about Maeve and the Valg, like how her mind reading powers are described, and I think her eyes were supposed to be kind of similar to Rhys’? To be fair I’d be quite like for that plot line to be explored, it’s doesn’t sound as implausible as some other theories I’ve heard so I think it would be quite cool? Though I don’t know what effect it would have on the story?
‘PS sorry if my last post came off a lil mean ab acotar 😭 i reread it and was like why did i word it like that and felt a lil bad but shhhh we can pretend that didnt happen’
Babes don’t worry I literally didn’t think any of it was rude at all!
‘PPPS elide, helion, cbmthy crackship? i dont think lorcan would be into it if helion was there 😂 (he doesnt seem like the type to share nicely)’
I could imagine Helion pestering Lorcan though 😭 I think reader and Elide would get along so well oh my gosh I want to hug Elide so badly you don’t understand she’s definitely one of my favourite characters in ToG ☹️🫂
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tumortunes · 2 years
halloween was fun! we went to lin lin's friends house again. i dressed up as aang and nathan was appa. i thrifted my whole outfit! it was super cute and i got a lot of compliments from people saying they liked my costume.
i didn't drink too much at the party so i felt good the whole time. and i played a lot of beer pong! nathan and i won like 3 games, i played a game with a guy in a fairy costume and we won, and we lost when playing liz and this random guy at the party dressed up as the professor from power puff girls. he was carrying a bottle of chemical x which was just hennesy. barf
im glad we went tho. i was feeling a little stressed about the outfit and paying for the ubers there but it all worked out well.
i've also been hanging out with more school friends. i ate brunch with sophia and christina at town and country. but it was so healthy there. i wouldnt go back lol. i just got a latte bc it was a vegan restaurant. dont trick me with your fake chorizo!
i also went to the w basketball preseason scrimmage with sophia and saw a bunch of people there.
and my fav part was probs doing hot pot at home with nathan, mai, and jenn. i originally was just gonna hang with jenn and order in food. but nathan got a bunch of hot pot ingredients! so we all stood around our tall table bc we only have 2 chairs lol. and we did hot pot. it was really good! and it was fun chatting with mai and jenn. mai left earlier to get ready for a halloween party on campus. jenn and i were supposed to do some painting but we ended up just chatting instead. and later that night we saw jimmy o yang! it was a really good show. this night was probs the highlight of my halloween week and it wasn't even really halloween related. just fun times with friends and good food and a free date night with nathan.
ive been working on doing scholar rx and anki lately. i updated my add ons so it's more fun with killstreaks and a heat map for what days/how much i worked on anki. it's def motivating. im realizing that i remember things better when i write them out on my ipad. it takes longer but def helps it stick in my memory when i know the spelling of the word.
i think i've always done this but now it's more clear. but if i can see the spelling of the word in my head then i can remember and pronounce it better. it feels like im reading subtitles in my brain. and if i dont know how to spell a word, then it's really low odds that i'm gonna remember that word or pronounce it correctly. i find that it happens a lot with words in different languages or medical terms. if i only have an auditory intro to the word then it's easy for me to get the sounds of the word mixed up. but once i see the spelling and break down the word into easier chunks, then i can use that word more effectively and apply it. but the thing is that im an awful speller. im good at reading but not spelling. it used to drive mom and dad crazy bc i really loved reading and would do it a lot. but i couldnt spell for shit and was always making errors when i wrote myself. there's something about seeing the word in front of me vs in my head that makes it stick.
i feel like ive accomplished a lot of the goals that i set for myself lately and now i want to do more.
what im proud of accomplishing:
sewed my prom dress
went to prom and had fun
made my halloween costume
went to halloween party and had fun
lots of quality time with friends
finished scholar rx bricks for derm
working on anki consistently
read some books
attended some writing workshops for aya even tho i was uncomfy and didn't like feeling vulnerable. i cried.
attended the self love workshop
what i want to work towards:
work out - walking, playing basketball, anything really. ive been very stagnant and it takes a lot for me to get out of the house. once im out it's easy for me to continue being active. but if im already inside, then i wont make the effort to be active. but my step count in oct was lower than sept so i wanna keep staying active. GOAL: at least 5k steps 3 days a week.
care for dry skin - find solution for dry skin over top lip
wake up earlier, dont just stay up all night and sleep in all day
if nathan is home then seek alone time outside of the house
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mirrorballdazai · 2 years
Hey! Can you explain a bit more your comparison between it and st kids? I don't really understand. Have a nice day <3
gladly !!
there are LOTS of parallels between the st and it kids on so many levels, but what i was focusing on in that post was the difference between the two in relation to sex (and other “adult stuff” like cigarettes, but mainly sex) and how that shows different ways to cope with trauma and what the kids symbolize as a whole in the show/movie/book
first off let’s remember that the losers are all 11 years old, if i remember correctly only stanley is 10 in the book. the members of the party are 12 in the first season and obviously they grow up, so at what is right now the end of the show they’re all 14/15.
both groups face struggles like bullying (which is often rooted in racism, homophobia, ableism and other things), abusive or neglectful parents (or in max’s case, siblings), personal fears and obviously there are the supernatural plots, so monsters and whatever pennywise is (i didn’t finish the book yet but i think he’s an alien or a semigod but anyway).
the interesting thing is that even if the it kids are younger they show a knowledge of some, idk how to word it, “adult things”. for example some of them smoke — in the movies i’m pretty sure beverly is the only one who does it both in the og and in the remake. the thing that really stuck with me though is that they all know what sex is or even just have a vague idea of it (for example eddie in the book doesn’t really know what exactly is, but shows that he knows that it’s a thing). they make jokes about it and say/think sexual things in general. it’s also connected to eddie’s visions since in the book he sees a man with syphilis who offers to do yk sexual stuff which is connected to his fear of being ill and stuff.
on the other hand the st kids never show to know what sex is, except for max that talks about “happy screams” in s3, which makes sense because max is supposed to be the one who knows more stuff in the group, the one who lived in a city and all that. el then mentions again these “happy screams”, and when someone (i dont remeber who exactly i’m sorry) asks what happy screams are max interrupts el who was about to answer and says that it doesn’t matter — which could be for many reasons. maybe she is embarrassed or something, but when i first watched it i thought “ah she probably doesn’t want to kind of ruin everyone’s innocence” since she showed stress only after that-person asked what happy screams are, which shows that they don’t know what sex is at least in max’s mind.
the question now is why. there’s this difference between these groups, but why? for mainly two reasons.
1. show different ways to cope with trauma
my theory is that stephen king wanted to show how less innocent kids can be after trauma and abuse. he wanted to show the cruel reality, the one where kids are not that innocent even when they’re very young, especially after bad experiences. those experiences make them want to act like grown ups, talking about sex, joking about it and stuff like they think adults do.
stranger things does the complete opposite: the kids are an ideal. if you think about it even after their traumatic experiences they stay sweet and innocent — because let’s be real, they never act really bad. maybe they’re a bit bitchy or something, maybe they distance themselves from the others, but they never do REALLY bad stuff. i mean they acted like mike was a criminal in s2 because he cheated on a test/essay, or because of the graffiti thing. mike also says “everyone graffitis the bathroom stall”, which is true! they act like he’s a really bad kid for doing something normal kids do on a daily basis! another example that i love is that when will is feeling bad he clings to his childhood even more, whether that be playing d&d or going trick or treating or drawing. those are normal things kids do. when max faces depression and anxiety she stops talking to basically everyone — which kids often do, it can even be selective mutism in some cases. and there are many MANY other examples !! like el and mike’s relationship — whenever they’re stressed they scream about how much they love each other, they cling to each other and their relationship, because it was their first crush, their first love (even if you think they never really loved/had a crush on each other it was their first relationship you know?). being each other’s partner is a part of their childhood they cling onto when they’re scared.
2. because they symbolize different things
the losers are an example of how reality is: even things that are supposed to be pure and innocent can be cruel, “dirty”. they’re the symbol of a society that puts each person to their limit, sometimes making them the worst version themselves.
the party members are an ideal. they represent innocence, the “good” in a world full of bad people, bad ideals, bad decisions. they’re a symbol of hope, because a world that is as ugly as theirs needs hope.
+ i also want to point out that it as a whole has a grey type of morality — the kids do bad and good things and at one point you don’t even know what to think about them. richie is a kid that deals with this feeling of alienation from his friends (canon in book and in the movies, but for different reasons), he’s overall a sweet guy, but also makes offensive comments — sometimes these comments are even racist, or fatphobic, or ableist. henry is a character you’re supposed to hate from the first to the last moment, but you’re sometimes even supposed to emphasize with him because at the end of the day he’s been abused his whole live. while in stranger things the characters are inherently good or bad. a black and white kind of morality.
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Welcome, Father...
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"Tell us, demon scum." The male agent grabbed the light from the female agent, shoving it in his face, "Who do you work for? Satan?"
"How did you get to our world from the afterlife?"
"Why are youse killing humans?"
"When did you show up here?"
The damned agents finally stoped passing the lights about, giving him a moment to adjust to the situation.
"Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there, bitch." He snapped at the humans, "First of all, we just woke up from a very nasty shock and I'm still feeling fuckin' woozy, so I'm gonna request you fetch us some coffee before we get into this. I mean, everyone gets coffees in shitty movies with scenes like this, am I right? I want something iced, bitch." Looking over his shoulder, he asked his employee, "Mox?"
Raising his nose, Moxxie began, "I'll have a Neopolitan cappuccino, more cappu than cino, make sure it's got no more than four ounces of milk, the beans won't have the right texture otherwise, and make sure they spell my name correctly on the cup they always put "Foxy" or "Roxy", I hate that."
"If you can't handle that, I'll have a Venti traditional Misto. Please use soy milk with two blond shots Affogato and Ristretto. I'd also love three vanilla pumps at the very bottom. Then, add the coffee after, then-"
"Enough!" The male agent snapped, "We aren't getting youse coffee!"
"Wow, I was getting massive douche chills just there, Mox." He told him proudly, "Congrats!"
"If we have to, we are willing to resort to torture methods to get answers out of you nasty hell beasts!" The female agent failed to sound threatening.
"When you say "tortured", do you mean physical or psychological?" Moxxie asked in his typical know-it-all tone, "Physical seems counterproductive; we would likely tell you anything if it meant an end to the pain, and you have no way of knowing what was true." He spouted at the humans.
"Or we might like it too much." He but in, "And then you got a whole new thing to deal with."
The male agent leaned down, raising a bore "What do you mean by that?"
"Oh, you're stupid, huh? I can work with stupid. Daddy Likey Dummy!" Blitzø taunted the agent.
"Good one sir, Daddy likey-" Moxxie sputtered, squirming in his chair.
"You better stop laughin' at us." The female agent threatened.
"Yeah! You're the ones at our mercy!" The male agent yelled at him, grabbing his collar
"It's hard to resist, I'm really sorry. I mean, considering your approach thus far, you've had us tied up here for what, hours?" Mox cut in, "And you haven’t even had us confirm what exactly we are!" Moxxie mocked the agents like the nerd he was.
"What are you?" The female agent asked, a curious tone coming to the females voice.
"I'm a Virgo." Moxxie told her, smugness dripping from his voice.
Both Imps burst into laughter, the agents only getting more frustrated.
Just as the male agent was gonna snap at them, the door to the room suddenly swung open.
An unnatural amount 9f light poured into the room, blinding them all for a brief moment. Once there eyes adjust, they found a silhouette standing in the doorway.
They were dressed in black, looking up a distinct shine came from his eyes, the figure wearing glasses.
Walking into the room, the figure spoke, "The question isn't what they are? The question is why there here?" He spoke cryptically.
Stepping closer the male agent came to meet the stranger halfway, "Who da Hell ah' you and how'd you get in here?" The male agent demanded.
Raising his gaze the stranger wore a smile.
The agent noticeably reacted. Stumbling back "F-f-f-father Cain... W-what are you's doin here?" He sputtered.
This 'father' just smile at him, "My associates informed me you acquired two new specimens." He looked at him, "I've come to process them." He spoke menacingly.
Father cain looked over the agents shoulder, gazing at him and Moxxie. "Excellent job My child. I always knew my faith was well placed." The father told the agent, patting his shoulder.
The agent seemed taken aback, "Th-thank you Sir." He spoke, a lone tear sliding down his cheek.
"Father Cain?" The female agent asked, walking up to 'father' Cain. "Last I heard you were down at some beach on Spring break."
Smiling at the pair, father cain raised a finger, "Ive no time for such hedonistic pleasures. Not while the Lords work is to be done" He said happily.
"Now" He began cheerfully "I need a table if I am to do my work." He spoke firmly, raising a medium sized doctors bag, that seemed to appear from nowhere.
The male agent snapped to attention, quickly running about before rushing into the back room.
Walking forwards, Father Cain removed his glasses, staring down at him. "My, my, my, they certainly did a good job. Quite a pair of specimens you have here." He spoke to himself.
Raising a brow, Blitzø wore a little grin. "Oh yeah? You should see my junk, now thats a specimen." He spoke in his usual cocky tone.
'Father' Cain just smiled, slowly walking around to Moxxie inspecting him as well. "And unharmed, very impressive." The 'Father' told the female agent.
A moment later, the male agent returned, awkwardly dragging in a large wooden table. Dropping it down, he gave a few deep puffs, "There ya go 'Fatha', will this do?"
'Father' Cain smiled told him, gratefully telling him "That will do perfectly, thank you my child."
Walking over, the 'Father' placed his bag down before opening it and pulling out a myriad of odd and strange objects.
There was a series of shiny items and tools. Although a small wooden case caught his attention, the Imp couldn't help but think it didn't belong.
"Hey, uh, you guys seem pretty chummy and we'd hate to be a third wheel, so we'd be happy to leave you to it." He cut in smugly, hoping to get a rise from one of them.
And that he did, the male agent trying to snap at him, only to be tempered by this 'Father' Cain
Calming down, the male agent asked, "What did you mean, when you came in Sit. That it's not "What they are, it's why there here?'"
Smiling, Father Cain patted his shoulder, "I'm glad you caught that, I always knew you were sharp."
He smoke warmly, "I said that because, simply put. I know what they are. They are Imps." He said it simply.
That actually surprised him, even Moxxie reacted, releasing the slightest gasp.
Looking over the father just had a eerie smile, clearly happy with there reaction.
Both agents looked confused, "Imps?" They asked each other.
The father released a deep sigh, "Yes, Imps. Imps are the very lowest of the low in hell, as well as the lowest of the Hellbornes, or Hellspawn, I can never seem to remember which is the proper term."
Walking over, Father Cain placed a finger under his chin, raising his head to meet his gaze. "Your responsible for the death of a two hundred and sixty three humans." He told him coldly.
"Yeah, but I wanna know is why?" The female agent asked, "If they were just killing humans for shits and giggles, why not just kill wherever and whenever?" She asked.
Nodding his head, "Because..." Father Cain stood up, "They do serve a higher demon, but not Satan."
Standing up, the 'Father' walked to his bag, pulling a yellow folder out. "They've killed hundreds, and the only thing that connects them...? Death."
There was another pause, before he spoke again, "But not there deaths. Each person they've killed has had someone directly related to there lives die in the past decade."
Walking over to the Imps, the 'Father' showed them a series of pictures. Blitzø recognised them... they were targets they'd killed.
"There not killing them for a demon lord, there killing them for other human souls. I imagine with a the ability to travel to the human world, you've turned revenge into a buisness." He said simply, tossing the pictures to the side.
Crouching down, the 'Father' stared at him coldly before asking "Who's book did you use to get here, Demon?"
Blitzø stared back at him, the Imp doing his best to keep calm. But he could tell this human was clearly more dangerous than the other two idiot 'demon hunters'.
Standing up, 'Father' Cain told the other agents coldly, "Leave us. Remove any cameras. I dont want any sort of witness."
"What?" The female agent asked aghast, "We caught these 'Imps' there our score and we'll be interrogating them." She snapped at the 'Father', only for the the father to calmly stare at her.
Before he could speak, the male agent grabbed her by the wrist, dragging her out of the room he spoke hastily "P-please forgive her, Sir. She doesn't fully understand the importance of your work."
The female agent put a fight, but was quickly pulled out of the room, slamming it behind him.
Now with just the three of them, 'Father' Cain removed his glasses before placing them on the table.
Stretching his neck, he removed the white collar piece at the front of his shirt, placing it in his coat pocket.
"Now" he began coldly "shall we begin the fun?"
Turning around, Blitzø decided now was a good time to speak up. "Fun, aye? What kinda fun we talkin. Shots, blow, maybe a good old fashioned threesome?" He asked, hoping to get under this 'Father' Cain's skin.
He was surprised, however, when the 'Father' just laughed, glancing over his shoulder at him.
"Your tricks won't work on me demon. I'm used to your tricks by now." He spoke happily, grabbing a small gun like object. Placing that down, he inspected a series of bottles.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Blitzø spoke up. "You clearly know more us then those dumbass agent dickwads did, so... what's your game?" He asked, trying to be serious.
The human stopped for a moment, looking over his shoulder, he spoke up, "I know much about you. For instance, your the other Imps boss, hence he calls you Sir." He spoke coyly, still inspecting the myriad of items he'd brought.
"I also know you've killed people on three different continants, although I wonder how many you came up to kill specifically and how many were collateral." He spoke again.
Turning around he held a small bottle, walking forwards he leaned over Blitzø "I also know you can only get to the living world if your a succubus, a demon lord, or... you have a Grimoire."
Blitzø chuckled, "What is that some kinda fish?" He asked, trying to play dumb.
The 'Father' chuckled, shaking his head, "Besides how do you know I'm not a succubus, I can hold my own in the sack." He spoke smugly.
The 'Father' stared at him, an eerie smile crossing his lips.
"You want to know how i know what you are?" He asked coldly, cold eyes sending a shiver down his spine and not in the good way.
Before he could ask what I was, the father reach forwards, ripping a hole in his pants leg. "What the fuck?!" He yelled at him, "These are my good pants!"
Not minding him, the 'Father' removed a second bottle. "This" He showed him a small blue bottle, "Is poisen to Succubus." He said simply, opening the bottle and revealing an eye dropper, dropping two little droplets on his leg.
Nothing happened, the cool liquid sliding down and observing into his pant leg. Putting the bottle away He showed the original brown bottle, "This... is for Imps." He said simply.
Opening the bottle, it revealed another eye drop, holding it over his thigh, he dropped a single drop on his leg.
This time his whole body reacted, he pulled against his bindings as he released a blood curdling screech.
It felt like someone was jamming a molten hot poker into his thigh. It went on for minutes, the Imp whining in pain. "What the fuck do you want you sick fuck?!" Blitzø yelled at him.
A small smile crossed the 'Father's' lips before he stood up and told him "I want to show you something."
Walking over to the table, he grabbed that wooden case before bringing it over to the Imps.
Crouching down besides the both of them, he told the both of them "These are my most prized possessions." He spoke warmly, running his hand across the wooden case.
"What'cha got there? Ya dildo collection?" He tried to sound smug, though the Imp was still writhing in pain.
He heard moxxie tried to laugh, but it died in his throat, the smaller Imp still terrified by his boss's earlier reaction.
Opening the case, he revealed several colourful arrow heads, each one varying in size, shape and colour.
It took a long time, the imp looking over the arrow heads before he realised, 'Those aren't arrow heads... there demon tails.'
"Fuck..." Blitzø gasped, he heard Moxxie sputter out a similar cuss, just as scared behind him.
The 'Father' on the other hand, seemed quite proud, gently trailing his fingers across the tail heads.
"These are my life's work" He spoke calmly, "I've dedicated my life to hunting demons like you." He trailed his fingers across the tails, "Most of these are from Succubus. They can come and go from my world to yours the easiest, so most of the demons we find are Succubus."
He pointed to two crimson tail tips, "But these two... these two are special."
Leaning in, he spoke gently "These two... are from Imps." The revelation seemed to bring bile into the back of Blitzøs throat.
"Jesus..." moxxie said shakily, turning his head and throwing up.
Blitzø took a deep breath, doing his best not to throw up. Looking back at the human he found him holding up a tail head.
"This one" he told him, twirling it between his fingers, "I got at a little beach city. The city getting my attention after a giant demonic fish had popped up. Sound familiar." He asked with a smirk.
"Unfortunately most of them had used there demonic charm to escaped the police before I arrived... key word being, 'most'." He told him, turning his attention back on the tail head.
"I got this one from a succubus. She hid herself as a chubby little black woman. She played dumb, just like you, and much like you she was cocky and ignorant." Placing the tail tip into the container, he said coldly, "But now..."
He left the question open, clearly trying get in there heads. The problem being... it was working.
Standing up the human didn't speak for several long moments, before he placed the case on Blitzøs lap, gently telling him "Hold this"
Blitzø's whole body froze up, a deep sickness growing in his stomach as he felt the cool wooden case on his lap.
The human walked over to the mirror Blitzø only just noticed. The human stared at it for a long moment, the silence in the room becoming palpable.
Until the silence was dashed when the 'Father' smashed his arm through the mirror, before throwing his body back smashing the male agent through the mirror and slamming him into the wall.
Looking at his slumped form, 'Father Cain turned back to the now broken mirror, finding the terrified female agent standing there.
Releasing a deep sigh, the 'father' began climbing in through the now broken double sided mirror.
"It was your doing, wasn't it?" He asked, "I said I needed no witnesses, but you always did hold him back. What a waste of potential." The 'Father' told her, before grabbing her and dragging her through the window.
Bringing her to her knees, he grasped the sides of her head.
The woman desperately clawing at his arms. The female agent releasing a desperate cry for mercy as he began crushing her head.
Blood began trailing from her eyes and nose, crying out until her head splattered between his hands, sending a splatter of bone and brain matter across his face.
Dropping her now destroyed head, he realised it, the now sludge like head hit the ground with a wet splat.
Before the 'Father' flicked his hands, looked back at the Imps, "What the fuck are you?!" Blitzø yelled at him.
The human only smiled, walking over, he gently grabbed the wooden case before walking back over and placing it on the table.
Walking over to the now collapsed male agent, he placed his foot on the side of his head. "I... am alpha and Omega." He said coldly, staring him right in the eyes before crushing the other agents head beneath his foot.
Walking back to the table, he grabbed a red cloth, wiping his face before placing on his glasses he turned to the two Imps.
"Oh Satan... Oh, Satan please, please help me" Moxxie begged, clearly losing his shit. "Please just let me see Millie one last time, I don't want to die."
Before Blitzø could snap at his limp dick employee for showing weakness, the roof began to rumble, bit suddenly gave way, Millie falling through carrying a battle axe.
"MILLIE!!!" Moxxie practically cried, tears of joy beading in his eyes.
"MOX!" Millie cried back, rushing over and getting them out of ther bindings.
Just after that Loona broke through the door, Blitzø taking a moment to tell her how proud he was to see her in the field.
Now all free and together they turned to the 'Father', finding him still very much cool and collected, the sight sending a bone chilling shiver down his spine.
"Just in time" The human spoke, seemingly happy at the outcome "Its so good to see a family reunited."
"Now I imagine one of you have my Grimoire?" He asked inspecting his fingers. "Give it to me and I'll let you leave."
Now it was Blitzøs turn to chuckle, "Nah, I don't think so." He spoke cockily, reaching into his emergency pack for a gun.
The 'Father' just chuckled again, standing up straight he snapped his finger. And like it were choreographed, dozens of suit wearing humans burst into the room.
"Gentlemen!" He addressed them "These demonic scum have killed your commanders. And they shall do it again and again and again, until you send them back to hell." He told them, stepping into the back room.
The fight after that was one of the best Blitzø had ever had, although it would have been even better if he didn't have this injured leg.
Regardless, the whole thing was so bad ass and everyone was working together so well. He even got to see his Loony kick some ass.
Firing a missle, from his over sized launcher, he cleared what was left of the agents.
He'd though that was it, there weren't anybody left to stop them.
He was wrong.
The lights to switch to red, an alarm start blaring through the facility.
They all made for the door, only for a series of doors to slam in there face, locking them in the room.
His Loony tried desperately to read the book, but couldn't see anything in the crimson light that filled the room
It was then he heard a slow clapping, all of them turning to find the 'Father' giving them a condescending clap.
"Well done, Hellspawn, Well done. You've killed all the witnesses, depleted your ammunition and now I know you can't read the Grimoire in crimson light. Well done."
Standing before them, even outnumbered and unharmed, the 'Father' seemed to hold total control of the situation.
Before he could think of something any, all the air seemed to such out of the room, demonic whispers filling the room like shadows.
"You dare threaten my Impish little plaything~" the whispers spoke.
He knew this voice, but like his friends and family, he chose not to speak, too caught up in the moment.
Screens flew off the wall, avian footprints trailed across the floor. The bodies of the dead agents rose to there feet, eyes black as they began the intricate process of drawing some demonic symbol from there own blood.
Stepping back the 'Fther' looked about, before smiling, "Finally" He whispered, pulling out a flask and began chugging it.
Shadows seemed to slither like a million black snakes crawled across the floor, disappearing at the 'Fathers' feet.
There was a long pause before the human bent over and violently projectile vomited, throwing up what seemed like gallons of black liquid from his mouth.
The vomiting stopped, the human standing back up.
The back liquid slowly pulled itself to gathering, slowly morphing into a figure.
The black tar slowly formed into feathers, limbs and fingers, a set of crimson eyes appearing in the black goo.
The figure appeared to be Stolas. But this was not the elegant demon lord of hell.
This being was a wretched, wounded animal, covered in filth.
The 'Father' just wiped his mouth, that cold gaze returning to his eyes. Stepping forwards he grabbed Stolas by the filthy collar, staring him down.
The owl demon was a sputtering mess, coughing up black liquids as he tried to breathproperly.
The owl looked up at him.
And for the very first time in wjat was likely a millennia of existence, Stolas looked Terrified.
Not scared.
Grabbing at the arms of the human, the Prince of Hell sputtered out, "W-what are you?"
The human stopped, looking down at the owl, leaning down and whispered, "I am the beginning... and i am the end..."
The owl just stared up at him in horror, the humans hand coming to wrap around his throat, the demon feebly attempting to break free from his grasp.
There was a long moment where the only sound in the room was the prince's pitiful wheezing, frail little cries coming from the owl as the life was squeezed out of him.
The sounds were seemingly corked by a wet smack ringing out.
Blitzø had taken one of the agents weapons, a large knife and had impaled the 'Human' through the lower stomach.
There was a long moment of silence, before the 'human' slowly turned to look at him with that same cold gaze.
Without releasing Stolas, he pulled his arm back and smacked Blitzø, sending him sliding back to his friends.
Reaching down, he grabbed the knife, yanking it out of his back without hesitation.
Nothing came from his wound, and when pulling the knife out, no blood stained it's blade.
With knife in hand, he released the owl, letting his pathetic form hit the ground, the owl desperately gasping for breath.
Leaning down, you grasped Stolas' wrist, the owl releasing a pathetic little gasp of pain, followed by a frail little whimper as the 'Human' slid the blade across his wrist.
But what came next left them all shocked.
Bringing his wrist to his mouth, he pressed his mouth down before greedily suckling the foul blood straight from his veins.
He drank down the demons fowl blood, not making a sound cept the muscles of his throat contracting to push the fowl liquid down his throat.
The demons black blood flowed down his throat. Every demon in the room just watched, to shocked to think and to fearful to do anything as you had your way with the Prince.
After a few minutes of the 'Father' drinking the demons blood, he finally released the demons wrist. The owl quickly clutching his wrist to his chest as he desperately clawing to get away from the 'human'.
The 'Father' stood there, panting as a demons black blood stained his lips.
When he finally opened his eyes, they held a Unholy glint to them.
Wiping his lips he walked forwards, calmly packing what few items had survived the fighting into his bag before Putting on his glasses and placing the small white band into his shirt collar.
Walking past the now cowering demon Prince, he leaned over and pressed one of the buttons on the dashboard, instantly the lights returned to normal.
Stepping before the group they awaited some sort of attack, or threat, what they got instead was a single phrase "Excuse me."
He said it so simply, each hellborne took a moment to make sure they'd heard correctly.
Each of them just stared for a moment before Millie spoke up, "What?"
The human raised a brow, lowering his glasses he asked again, this time his voice cold, threateningly cold, "Excuse me."
The demons awkwardly stepped to the side, giving him a clear path to walk.
Walking past them he gave them a slight nod, "Thank you."
The demons were all in shock, silently watching the 'human' walk away from them.
"That's it?" Blitzø asked before he could stop himself, quickly slamming his hands to his mouth.
The 'Father' stopped in his tracks, looking over his shoulder, he smiled, "Kill you later." He told them playfully, lowering his glasses and giving them a wink.
He walked away, the eerie sound of his shoes on cold tile floors permanently burned into there memory.
Hey Hey, I hope you enjoyed. I really wanted to try something a bit different. I had the idea for this in my head since episode 6 came out and I just really like the idea of an unknown entity showing up with either motive or intentions clear to anyone.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, I really wanna start writing more of my own original ideas, so expect more content in the future. Bye Bye.
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sxfik · 3 years
I have an idea!
Ok so we all know that Hanseo is abused by his big brother, and if i remember correctly, the jipuragi trio found out about it from the guillotine file for the first time.
Now hear me out, what if the jipuragi trio found out about the abuse from Hanseo himself, not from the guillotine file??
After failing to burn down geumga plaza, Hanseok threw that object at Hanseo, telling him not to dodge it, and it left a scar on his forehead. When Hanseo visited jipuragi, he seemed proud of that scar, right?? Because thats what he got from saving geumga plaza, and he hoped that the scar would show them that he wants to be on their side.
BUT lets forget about all those stuff for a moment.
Hanseok loves to strangle, threaten, and hit Hanseo with the hockey stick. It certainly happens more than once, so i figured that there must be a bunch of scars and bruises on his body right?? What if the jipuragi trio noticed one of his scars/bruises?? I know Hanseo always wear long-sleeved stuff, so its not exactly visible, but what if someone caught a glimpse of it??? Perhaps the scar/bruise was on his arm???
Maybe when Hanseo visits jipuragi, Vincenzo asks him to wash some coffee mugs, and as Hanseo is rolling up his sleeves...
"yo whats that on your arm??"
And maybe Hanseo is like "thats a bruise..? Do you not know what a bruise is??"
Okay, idk. I have no idea how he's gonna react if that happens. I just feel like Hanseo wouldnt be proud of his scars if he didnt get them from trying to save geumga/jipuragi people.
And now im just wondering, what do you think? How would Hanseo react, in your opinion? If the jipuragi trio really did find out about the abuse from Hanseo himself, how would that affect their relationship? Im really curious about what you think
Hhhhhhhh sorry if its too long. I just thought that this might be a good way for Hanseo and jipuragi to kinda get closer with each other...
han seo headcanons (part one)
helloooo, thank you for sending an ask in :D
SORRY this answer is super long and for some reason my phone isn't allowing me to add a keep reading cut thingy, apologies in advance to the amount scrolling you have to do
tw: abuse
i've been thinking so much about this ask and just how han-seo would react to them finding out, and honestly i never really took note of how many long sleeved shirts he wears. i believe han-seok has switched a lot more into emotional manipulation and abuse than physical abuse but he has a lot of anger issues. i'd honestly imagine him using han seo as a punching bag for any and every inconvinence that happens to him, even as an intern.
i also agree with you, han seo is someone who is a very bright personality who tends to hide his hurt and emotions, and he's very very good at it as he has been living under a psychopath his whole life. he's good at hiding his anger (although it definetly bubbles over in smaller outbursts) and especially his hurt (i.e. the scene that han seok throws that candle holder at him and he just smiles back). han seo has a lot of anger at himself for not speaking back or being able to act like himself. like in that scene in the office, you can tell as he curls his fist that he wanted to speak back so badly. even when he finally snaps against han seok, he said "i'm getting tired of being afraid of you." i feel like he'd be embarrassed that even after years, he hasn't been able to escape his abuse
(you can also read the following on ao3)
i feel like this scene and their dynamic would play out something similar to this:
han seo joined the team and has been working with vincenzo and cha-young for around a month. at this point han seo isn't walking on eggshells with both of them, he's a lot more comfortable and visiting their office regularly without choi/han/han seok finding out.
sometimes it's vincenzo and cha-young providing him books to study economics from, maybe even giving some brotherly/sisterly advice to him. every couple weeks, vin and cha-young give him quizzes and slowly, he's getting better and better
over time, he even got closer to the plaza residents (even though the residents were definetly cold to him in the beginning, miri scaring the shit out of him by doing her ghost thing, the lady with the lipstick from bye bye balloon staring him down, snack bar lady refusing to serve him, larry also scaring the shit out of him by doing his zombie routine)
but despite this, they adopt him into their family, han seo doing small errands for the residents, him buying the best coffee, food and getting camera equipment for the snack bar lady's son. han seo gifting the pawnshop couple with cute baby items etc.
(obviously he buys the most expensive shit bc he's still a rich boy, but they dont have to know)
(side note: he'd be fucking adorable with a baby, imagine him being the babies "uncle han seo" who gets them the best gifts !!)
even though he was comfortable with all of them, every once in a while his facade would slip.
every once in a while, someone would make a sharp movement towards him and he'd flinch. or if someone makes a quick step towards him, he'd back up and stiffen up on instinct
even if it was someone patting his back or just making a quick movement, he'd react on instinct from the years of abuse from han seok. but no one ever said anything about it if they noticed.
one afternoon after lunch, they were washing dishes, han seo on washing duty and cha-young drying and placing them back. and han seo was in his full sleeves and cha-young notices his sleeves getting wet
"yah, roll your sleeves back, by the end of this your whole sleeve will be wet! you know how uncomfortable those sleeves would be?"
"ahaha, it's alright noona, i'll be fine"
han seo tries to laugh it off, grining at her with one of his wide grins but there's something off about this one. but cha-young gives one of her patented glares and he rolls them up carefully, shielding his arms from her view, and continues washing the rest.
cha-young doesn't take note of his bruises at first, but noted the care he went through to shield his arms from her. his arms were posed almost awkwardly and he was on high alert
it wasn't until after they both finished and he was drying his hands that cha-young saw the massive bruises he had, climbing up his forearms and under the sleeves
he stiffens when he sees her stare, and quickly tries to cover them but she grabs them before he could hide it
she's completely quiet while she stares at his arms. after a moment, he speaks up
"oh i accidentally banged these against my doorway, they're just small bruises. it's go away in a couple days" he smiles at her again but she could tell from the way his shoulders were frozen and the wavering of his voice that it wasn't the truth
"did he do these?" she asked him, her face completely neutral and her voice barely a whisper. she's still looking at his forearms, her fingers ghosting over the bruises.
han seo just looks down and the silence is enough of an answer for cha-young. he walks away, embarrassed that she found out about it, even though his years of therapy told him that it wasn't never his fault, he still felt the shame and anger of not being able to break free.
he's quiet for the rest of the time, feigning tiredness and finding an excuse to leave the plaza
that night, it was just vincenzo and her working at the office late, in preparation for babel. cha-young's mind was still on what she saw that afternoon. abruptly, she stands up, her hand gripping the pen in her hand as she turned to vincenzo sitting at the other desk.
"did you know that bastard hurt him? he's been abusing han seo this whole time?" she asked vincenzo, her voice seething with anger
"i know."
"you know??? why didn't you ever say anything?"
vincenzo looks up at her from his stack of papers, setting his pen down.
"it wasn't my place. i picked up on it when he flinched when mr. tak reached toward him to place a hand on his shoulder."
cha-young sat back down then, her lips pressed together, and vin went back to his paperwork
"we should get him out of there. who knows what han seok would do in one of his rages?"
"couple nights ago, we went to drink makgeolli and i offered him a way out. i told him if he ever needs to leave, and if he's ready to leave, he has a place at the plaza."
"and is he? leaving that is?"
"no. he thanked me, but said that he needed to stay until his brother and his group crumbles to the ground."
cha-young let out a sigh, biting her lip, the worry on her face all too evident
"hong cha-young byeonosa-nim, we shouldn't baby him. jang han seo deserves revenge against his brother just like we do and the choice is ultimately up to him."
"i know. i just worry."
they stayed quiet for the rest of the night, working late but the topic never leaves cha-young or vincenzo's minds
the next day, han seo avoided her like the plague, not wanting to talk about what she saw yesterday
but while he was studying, she approached him, a glass of juice and a snack in hand, setting it next to him. she checked over his work quietly as he took a break and glanced at his arms, doing a once over just to make sure he didn't get any new ones.
"well done, han seo, you're doing well" she smiled at him and ruffled his hair and han seo let out a breath of relief and gratefulness that she hadn't treated him any different
from then, cha-young and vin only got fonder of han seo and han seo was pretty much adopted by them. after the battle and han seok is in jail permanently, he moves out of his apartment, and gets one closer to the plaza.
mr. nam would show him how the organization worked at jipuragi and put him to work, the paralegal grateful to have an extra hand around the office
eventually, even han seo grows an affection to the instant coffee and buys more for himself and his apartment
vin would take him shopping for suits, both rich boys obsessed with their sleek looks. they take cha-young with them once but she manages to sleep off at every shop they go to.
vincenzo also plays hockey with him regularly and the plaza invites him to plaza game nights. they get up to all kinds of mischief,
han seo loves spicy food, just like cha-young so they make it their mission to go to try every restaurant and compete to see just how much spice they can handle. obviously vincenzo doesn't even make it past the first round of the spice competitions but cha-young and han seo have the same competitive streak that keeps them going
han seo is also dropping hints to both of cha-young and vincenzo that they should get married. constantly teasing vincenzo about cha-young in the way only younger brothers do
obviously on one of cha-young and han seo’s days out, han seo drops hints CONSTANTLY, trying to get her to admit cha young likes vincenzo
and OBVIOUSLY she slips up, and han seo doesn’t let go of it
he does the whole younger brother teasing every single time he catches cha-young glancing at vincenzo at the firm
“cha-young noona and vin hyung, sitting in a tree. K I S S I N—” “HAN SEO!!!”
obviously chayenzo eventually get together but decide to keep it a secret (and of course, they were awful at it)
eventually when they reveal it to the office, mr. nam and han seo react like that one scene in suspicious partner (“quick, act surprised” “*gasp* you guys are together??????? we had no idea!!”)
han seo is basically adopted as a younger brother to both cha-young and vincenzo and even the plaza loves his presence and he gets to have a peaceful existence for the rest of his life
anyways han seo deserves a happy ending with a good family. he deserves a second chance with a family that LOVES AND CARES FOR HIM AND GIVES HIM CHOICES AND ALLOWS HIM TO BE HIMSELF. (and yes this covered more than just one scene but I HAVE MANY THOUGHTS ON HIM) as always feel free to add on :D
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avengerphobic · 2 years
If I'm remembering correctly you like Daken Akihiro right? I know very little of him but I know that he was a complete asshole and evil for a long time, I don't really know how he became less asshole-ly in the present, s what made you like him?
Also, do you think he'd fit in as an agent of atlas? I can see him clashing with Amadeus and Lin Lie and the more younger agents but I'm not sure how Jimmy or Shang chi would react to him.
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[Id: anonymous message: Hey, what do you think would happen if Daken Akihiro and Shang chi met? Do you think they'd get along? Cause I'm not sure if they'd hate each other instantly or get along alright. Then again the homoerotic tension that is possible if the two fought is just peak comic book action. But yeah, what do you think? [end id]
I'll answer these together lmao cuz I've been working a lot and havent had time to sit down and think lately
I havent been keeping up with daken comics (I read everything he was in about 3 or 4 years ago I think but havent kept up since) but what initially drew me to him is his relationship with Johnny storm I found that really compelling. plus I love evil/self serving characters a lot I just found him neat I'm not sure why I became so obsessed with him so quick but I did lol
as for him on the agents of atlas I definitely agree that I think the younger agents wouldnt get along with him. I am torn about amadeus tho cuz amadeus has this thing where he defends misunderstood men, but also the only time I can think amadeus interacted with daken was when he and Hercules briefly fought the dark avengers (tho they didnt directly fight) so either amadeus would be like come on guys hes not that bad or hed be like I dont trust him at all hes evil (tho with how amadeus defended namor I'd be inclined to think he might be like hes not really evil just a jerk)
I think jimmy would like daken. I dont really have any reason for this besides he ended up liking Temujin who's sorta evil and a bitch. I have joked that theyd fuck cuz Jimmy's type is people with daddy issues but I cant find the post rip.
now for shang-chi, I think that initially shang-chi would hate him or not trust him, but over time they might get a sorta I see you you also have a terrible relationship with your father maybe it's not the same context but I can understand that. I dont think that shang-chi could ever fully trust daken just because daken isnt very trust worthy. but I think maybe they could be friends. I definitely want a homoerotic fight between them (I've said this before actually lol)
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