#also i love how Sensei portrays how good old friends who went through a lot can heavily disagree when things get way too emotional
midnight-in-town · 1 year
Predicting Cordelia's last resolve
I wish I could write something more sensible and optimistic, but this chapter almost tore my heart out...
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For obvious reasons, Gudrid has a lot of plot armor and so does Karli. It makes no sense, considering last month's chapter, to have Thorfinn losing them right now, so it seems the story is rather heading towards Cordelia finding the strength to protect them, no matter what.
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After all, even if Thorfinn & Gudrid were the only ones who ever told her "it was okay not to fight", they are also the ones who welcomed her without fear and who worked things through with Halfdan so that Cordelia would finally know freedom.
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Cordelia is a kind soul, someone who dislikes fighting and war, but she loves Thorfinn and his family way more. She definitely won't kill, but she will probably die to protect Gudrid, Karli and his newborn brother with that strength of hers.
TBH as much as I really really absolutely love her character, I unfortunately don't think Thorfinn, Hild & co will make it in time. T_T Not with them currently being chased too. Last hope I kinda have is Ivar and Styrk finally becoming useful and saving them (instead of, y'know, triggering more conflict)...
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But unfortunately again, Cordelia dying might also be the only way, narratively speaking, for characters like Einar, Ivar, Hild and Styrk to realize that staying in Vinland will cost them everything they've achieved so far (and that Thorfinn is actually not such a bad leader).
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If anything though, as a dim ray of light deep within the storm that war brings, this chapter proved Thorfinn was right.
Even amongst the Lnu themselves, "desiring swords" simply translates as a way to control others: they pretend to be righteous and to act as leaders, because "violence" is the most effective way for them to keep their power over others.
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Honestly I'm devastated. ;_; It's not Cordelia's first death flag, Sensei left hints here and there that she would probably sacrifice herself to save the place in which "she finally could live as herself" but, after this chapter, I've next to no hope of seeing her survive. T_T
Please prove me wrong, Yukimura-sensei...!
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Chapter 1: A Little Fox
First of all, I wanted to thank @sebastianshoe for all the support on my writings and the encouragement to post a long fanfic story with multiple chapters, despite the possible negativity that could appear, but hey, I really love how this turned out, and the characters portrayed, so I thought, hey, what could hurt?
So here it is, my Gaara Love Story, because he deserves all the love and understanding in the world :)
Hope you’ll enjoy it!
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Today is finally the day I get assigned a proper Team to work it and needless to say, I'm so excited! I was only 8 years old when I graduated the Ninja Academy and since then, I was allowed to be taught by a Jonin everything that I should know for my standard age and more. This, thankfully, ensured that I could accompany any team of Genins that would be assigned any kind of C-level missions (although I managed to sneak into a B-leveled one as well, thanks to Gai-sensei who fell the fastest to my 'kit eyes', much to Kakashi-senpai's amusement.)
And so, after Iruka-sensei told me about the team arrangements the Hokage did, I was to be teamed up with Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura, for Team 7. What was bizarre, however, was the fact that he wouldn't disclose the name of the Jonin attending us. I suppose it would make for a fine surprise?
Fastening my black forehead protector to my arm, I walk inside the room where all the other Genins were awaiting (not so) patiently for their sensei to arrive. Seeing my favourite person just sitting there, sleeping, I walk to sit next to him, open a bag of crisps, take one, and offer the whole bag to Choji, while I was floating the crisp in Shikamaru's face, trying to wake him up with a gentle voice.
Me: Good morning, Shika~! Guess who's back with - Choji: BRAND NEW CRISPS! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH, KITSUNE! *nom nom* Shikamaru jumped in his seat, yelping at the sudden noise done by his friend and with an annoyed expression, he turned to Choji, trying to reprimand him. Choji only laughed and pointed in my direction, which made the lazy boy turn on the other side, only to get wide-eyed realising it was me.
Shika: Yo, Kitsune, long time no see! What are you doing here, I thought you were already far ahead of us. Me: *shrugs* I've only been doing solo training for the past 5 years, but they never let me join a team until now, despite all my protests. I think they had something special in mind, after all? Shika: Keh. Wouldn't surprise me, really. These higher-ups are such a drag with their plans...
But just as he said that, Asuma-sensei came in the room and called for his team, the famous Ino-Shika-Cho, waiting to train yet another generation. Doing a mock military salute, I get up and sit between Hinata and Kiba, putting my arms around their shoulders.
Me: Did you miss me? Hinata: K-Kitsu-chan, I'm so happy t-to see you! Kiba: Yeahh, it's been a while, eh? Akamaru missed you! Me: Ah...! Poor baby! Him and Kasai should totally meet again soon. Let's set a meeting -
But before I could finish my sentence, Kurenai-sensei came in the room and called for their team, leaving only my own team to deal with. Gai, Asuma, Kurenai all have a team...So who is our Team's Jonin? Could it possibly be him...?
Naruto got his head out of the room, looking left and right for our teacher, complaining how he's extremely late and Sakura started arguing with him. Sasuke, as usual, was silent as a lake. Proving no surprise at all coming from the blond, he set the table eraser as a prank for our teacher, giggling like a school girl, whilst the pinkette was trying to act tough in front of her crush, but it was slightly obvious that she was looking forward to the prank outcome. Only Sasuke scoffed unfazed, explaining how a Jonin wouldn't ever fall for something so puerile and see-through. I could only sit on the desk with my legs crossed, smirking at them, already sensing an approaching figure. As soon as he put his hand on the sliding door to enter, the room fell deadly quiet, all eyes on the mysterious person - And the eraser fell on his silver, gravity-defying hair, making Naruto laugh like a monkey in victory, Sakura trying to apologise like a prude, clearly excited at the outcome, while Sasuke was more or less questioning Kakashi-senpai's skills. Once again, I could only grin widely at the situation at hand, evidently more than happy at the choice of teacher and once again ready to be on the field. Kakashi stared at us with his usual bored expression, holding the eraser.
Kakashi: Well, my first impression of you guys...I hate you. Me: Wouldn't blame ya~. Kakashi: Ah, and what a surprise, there's a fox sneaking around us. And I didn't mean you, Kitsune. Me: Wait wha- Kakashi: Kasai was done with her waiting outside the Academy, so I let her in.
Saying that, he left the room, allowing my lovely fox baby to jump into my arms as she started purring and rubbing her little head on my cheek, showing affection. Sakura yeeped, already seeing stars and hearts in her eyes seeing us and she approached us, looking a bit shy.
Sakura: Can I touch her? You look so adorable together-...It's like you're sister! Twins, really! Me: *laughs* Thank you, Sakura! It was a great surprise when I found her in the forest too. I think Kurenai mentioned the same thing that day. But hey, I guess I can gloat a bit and say that my bond with Kasai is much more obvious than Kiba's with Akamaru. *winks* Sakura: Ahhh, that's SO cool! Naruto: Ne! Ne! So this is your fox? It's so cool! I want a fox too! Me: Then start looking for one! They don't grow in trees, y'know? They just sleep under them. *smirks* Anyways, let's go on the rooftop, Kakashi-senpai's waiting for us there. Naruto: LET'S GO, DATTEBAYO! Sakura: Hell yes!
We all ran upstairs and sit on on the stairs as Kakashi leans on the railing. Sakura sat between me and Sasuke, with one hand scratching Kasai's ears, while the other was held tight into a fist in her lap, trying not to be so obvious in her fangirling.
Kakashi: Why don't you introduce yourselves? Sakura: But what should we say? Kakashi: Eh...What you like, hate, your dreams and hobbies...Or something like that. Naruto: Why don't you introduce yourself first, Sensei? Me: Not the worst idea today. Kakashi: Me? I'm Hatake Kakashi. I have no intentions of telling you my likes or dislikes. As for my dreams...I have a few hobbies. Me: And that was the most tear-strucking speech I've ever heard. Thank you for the insight, senpai.
I tried not to laugh at him, so done with life, just wanting to return to his perverted books, yet not being allowed to, just now. Sakura: So...All we found out was his name. Me: Honestly, that's more than I expected. Kakashi: Now it's your turn. You first. Naruto: I'm Uzumaki Naruto. I like cup ramen, but I like the ramen from Ichiraku that Iruka-sensei bought me even more! I hate the 3 minutes I have to wait after I put the hot water. My hobby is to eat and compare cup ramens and my dream is to become greater than the Hokage! I'm going to make all the village recognise my existence! Me: Inspiring. Kakashi: Okay. Next. Sakura: I'm Haruno Sakura! I like...Well, the person I like is...*blushing, looking at Sasuke* And my hobby is......And my dream is...*fangirling* Me: At least they both have something in common. Compulsively obsessing over one thing. Kakashi: Seems that way. So what do you hate? Sakura: Naruto! me: *sigh* That's...Not a great start. Kakashi: Next. Me: Third time's the charm, they say, right? My name is Kitsune, I like foxes, reading and training, I dislike -...Um...*looking away* Nevermind that. My dream is...*mumbles* Peace, I guess. *shrugs* Kakashi: And it only took two words to shut you up. I should remember that. Me: Rude. Kakashi: Good. Last guy. Sasuke: My name is Uchiha Sasuke. There are many things that I hate and there aren't a lot of things that I like. Also, I have an ambition that I have no intention to leave as just a dream. The revival of my clan and....To kill a certain man. So it is true...Sasuke loathes Itachi more than anything else in the world. It only makes me wonder if maybe there was something much greater at stake that we don't know of that had the man act the way he did. Without a few skeptics in this world, it would be positively dull.
Me: Ah, what a fascinating Team, huh? We have...Ramen, Love, Foxes, Revenges and...Reading as the five main themes. We can't get bored in a group chat, then, can we? Kakashi: *sighs* Just...Give up with that. Alright, you 4 all have different personalities. I like that. Me: Can we add that to your list of likes? Kakashi: *silence* Me: I guess not... Kakashi: We're going to begin a mission starting tomorrow. Naruto: What kind of mission is that, sir? Kakashi: First, we're going to do something that we 5 can do. Naruto: What, what, what, what is it? Me: Oh shit. Kakashi: Survival training. Naruto: Survival training? me: Fun! Sakura: Why are we going to train when we're on a mission? We had plenty of training while in the Academy. me: Nobody ever stops training, Sakura. Otherwise, you can't get stronger, right? Besides, it can't be just any ordinary Academy training, can it? Kakashi: Correct as usual, Kitsune. That is no ordinary training. Naruto: Then what kind of training is it? Kakashi:*chuckling* Me: I don't like that sound. Sakura: Hey, what's so funny, sensei? Kakashi: Well, if I say this, I'm sure you 4 are going to be surprised. Me: Try me. Kakashi: Out of all 28 graduates, only 10 are going to become Genin. The other 18 will be sent back into Academy. In other words, this is going to be a very hard test with a dropout rate of 66%. me: Ohh, that sounds sexy! Survival of the fittest! Kakashi: See! At least 3 of you are surprised! Naruto: No way! I went through all this trouble...Then what was the final exam for? me: Clearly, to pick the ones who express any ounce of potential. After all, not everyone can be a ninja. That'd just be pathetic and mundane. Kakashi: Exactly~! Naruto: WHAAAAAAAT? Kakashi: Anyways, I'm going to determine whether or not you pass at the training grounds tomorrow. Bring your ninja equipment and meet at 5 AM sharp! Now then, meeting over. Oh yeah, don't eat breakfast. You're going to throw up if you do. Me: Roger that~!
I sniggered at my teammates' reactions, a sly smirk plastered on my face as I looked deep into Kakashi's eyes. After he left, I look back at them, flipping my hair in a condescending manner, letting my fox companion down on the ground.
Me: I honestly hope you're not truly considering going at that Ungodly hour, especially without eating anything. It's clearly unhealthy and stupid. Sakura: But sensei said- Me: *shrugs* Do as you wish. Think of it this way, if you don't do what I suggested, you will be the first to arrive and see whether or not I was right. On the other hand, if I am wrong, there is one free spot for you. *winks* Laters~! Naruto: KITSUNE!! ARE YOU SERIOUSLY GOING TO DEFY SENSEI'S ORDERS? Me: See for yourself tomorrow.
For the rest of the day and all the way until midnight I continuously trained in the forest, just to make sure I'm not getting rusty. After all, it would be a real shame if I were to disappoint senpai.
After a good night's rest and an ever better breakfast, it was suddenly 10 in the morning, so I ran to the field, seeing my teammates dead tired on the ground. I guess they didn't listen to my advice.
Me: Morning, peeps! Lovely day, innit? Sakura: You were right... Me: *shrugs* I could have been wrong as well. It's always better to listen to your intuition anyways. Naruto: Did you bring any food? Me: Should I have? O-Oh...Neither of you actually ate, huh? *sighs* How pitiful.
Not long after, we see Kakashi slowly walk towards us, and with a lame excuse, he started the mission, which basically had to do with us taking the 3 bells, which were tied to his kunai holder on the back of his waist. Sakura's question of why there were only 3 bells clearly shook everyone around me, but I had to maintain my facade, otherwise he might actually suspect a true attack.
After they argue a bit about whether or not to attack him with the true intent to kill, Senpai taunted Naruto until he put him back in his place, moving faster than the speed of light, and as he yelled our start, we all spread in different directions.
First, I went to the most powerful in our team, Sasuke, trying to persuade him to work as a whole team with the rest, but he mumbled stuff about his petty revenge and jumped away, saying he had to do everything on his own, otherwise he wouldn't be able to kill Itachi. Sakura was the next obvious choice, but she refused since her crush answered the same and she tried persuading him. After Naruto lost the fight against Kakashi, as he was once again reading Icha Icha Paradise, then used the Thousand Years of Pain to make him fly into the water.
By the end of those three's petty separate attempts, I once again tried to ask them to join me, dispelling Sakura's Genjutsu, getting Sasuke out of the carrot hole and tying the rope hoisting Naruto on a tree, but to no avail. Sighing in annoyance, I jump in front of Kakashi, impaling my katana on the ground and leaning on the handle, pouting.
Me: Why did the Hokage want so badly to get me into a team that doesn't want to cooperate? It's ridiculous! Now, how am I supposed to complete a teamwork mission with the evident lack of a team? Kakashi: *chuckles* I was hoping you'd be successful in your own friendly attempt to fortify Team 7. What a pity. Me: Maybe if all 4 of us were to attack together, we could have at least touched you. Gah...But you know what? You, Senpai, are also a part of Team 7, so as long as one of us, the 5 members of Team 7 holds the bells, then the missions is a success, correct? Kakashi: Hmmm...I like how you think, Kitsune. But I clearly specified one of you must get the bells from me, otherwise the mission fails. Me: But I'm sure you care about teamwork more than a petty mission, right? Kakashi: True, but this is how you see if they deserve it. Besides, you knew my antics and you didn't sha- Me: I actually did, but they chose obvious precaution. Kakashi: That's too bad, then. Me: You don't want to accept such an obvious loophole...Clearly, you see potential in us and you want us to succeed, somehow. Well, fine, be that wa-...Wait, what? Are those 3...together? *smirks* Ah, so they finally heard you confess to the mission's true meaning! Kakashi: Ah-...They really are there? What did you do? Me: Saved them from your traps, I guess? As he turned around to dodged the 3's simultaneous attacks, I dispelled the 3 Kage Bunshins just as they got next to him, made Kasai get the bells from him, made her run back to the forest as I threw a heavy fire attack on him with my katana, which he blocked with his arm quite easily.
Kakashi: Unpredictable as a fox. Your name truly suits you in more than appearance, after all. Me: *smirks* As if you didn't know, Senpai~. But our fight was stopped by the clock, so I quickly shrugged, unfazed, sheathed my katana on my back, my hands behind my head, telling Kakashi to return to the meeting place, where he tied Naruto to a log for attempting to steal the food.
Kakashi: Oh? Your stomachs are growling, huh? Ah, by the way, about the results of this training, none of you need to return to the Ninja Academy. Sakura: Huh? But all I did was faint. Is that okay? Naruto:Does that mean we 4... Kakashi:Yeah...The 4 of you...Should quit being a ninja! Me: Ah, before you say that... Sakura: *gasps* Sensei! The bells! You don't have them anymore- Kakashi: *wide eyes* Huh? Kitsune, what did you do? Me: You said you wanted teamwork, right? I showed you teamwork. Maybe my human companions were unwilling to help, but my dear fox kin was more than happy to help.
As I whistle-called her back, she started running in our direction, handing me the 3 bells and licking my face, as I kept snuggling and playing with her with one hand, while the other was holding the bells up, victoriously.
Me: You see, Kakashi, Team 7 managed to get the bells just like you instructed. You didn't want to accept my loophole, so fine, more work for me, but in the end, the result was what was important, despite seeking the means to achieve it as far more important. Naruto yelled in shock and glee at what he just heard, taking it a sign of "YOU PASSED!", while Sakura was yeeping just as excited and Sasuke looked annoyed, since he couldn't do that himself. Kakashi: Sometimes, you truly piss me off with your antics, Kitsune, but the truth is, I cannot deny what you said was true, which makes it even worse. I can't even...*sighs* The rest of you truly don't deserve to be ninjas. You should just quit. You are still just immature kids.
Irked out of his mind, Sasuke charged at Kakashi with killing intent, but clearly, he was pinned down in  the blink of an eye, the latter comfortably staying on the younger one's back.
Me: Bad move, kiddo. Sakura: Don't step on Sasuke-kun! Kakashi: Do you think being a ninja is easy? The only one who understood why we are training in teams is Kitsune, because she actually uses that brain in her head. Sakura: What do you mean? Naruto: Of course she knew the answer! She was already training higher than us! It was cheating! Kakashi: It's anything but cheating. In other words, you 3 truly don't understand the meaning of this test. Naruto: Answer? Kakashi: That's right. The answer to determinate whether you pass or fail... Sakura: We've been asking what that is... me: Honestly, what's so difficult to understand?! I've been trying to tell you the answer the whole day! Naruto: SO WHAT ABOUT 3 OR 4 PEOPLE BEING IN A GROUP? Me+Kakashi:TEAMWORK! Sakura: You mean cooperate with each other? Me: Why else would every mission involve more than two ninjas paired up together? Just for the numbers? Naruto: Uh...Safety in numbers? Me: *eye twitch* THERE'S NO SAFETY IN NUMBERS, YOU DAMN IDIOT! Kakashi: Calm down, Kitsune. Yes, Sakura, you had to cooperate, otherwise Kitsune wouldn't have gone to all of you, asking you to join the teamwork. Truth be told, I wasn't surprised that she got the bells. I knew she wouldn't listen to a word I said yesterday and would try anything she could to achieve success. But you declined the winning side and yet, there she is, sharing the completion of the mission with dunderheads like you. If all of you would have charged at me at the same time, you could have gotten at least 1 bell. But that's too bad. Sakura: But even so! Why do we need to use teamwork when there's only 3 bells? Even if all 4 of us work together, there is one who is left over! A group conflict will appear instead of teamwork! Kakashi: That's right and Kitsune answered to that question just moments ago! This test makes you go against each other. In this test we prioritise those who put teamwork before themselves. That was the purpose, but you 3 were pathetic. Me: *sighs* It all sounds fine, in the end, but you cannot deny that in a real situation, things would be much different. After all here there was no potential death or war threat, so it was not...Well... Kakashi: That's exactly so. Sakura! You cared more about Sasuke than Naruto or Kitsune, even though they were right in front of you and you didn't know where Sasuke was. Naruto! All you did was work on your own and you assumed that this 2 would only burden you and did everything yourself. Kitsune!...You did good. Your manipulation techniques are getting significantly better. I didn't realise I turned to look at the obvious fakes until I had already done so. One more step and you could have sliced me dead. Me: Now, now, Kakashi...Let's not get ahead of ourselves...You know better than anyone else that I put little to no value in today's...Everything, really. Kakashi: I noticed your mind was constantly drifting in other places, but you have to forget of what happened. It's only going to get worse. Me: I am aware. *nods* Kakashi: Back to the subject. Missions are done in groups.It's true that ninjas need well-developed abilities, but is teamwork that is much more important. An individual action that disrupts teamwork can result to danger or even the death of a comrade. For example...SAKURA! Kill Kitsune or Sasuke dies! Me: Th-That...! Kakashi! Kakashi: That will happen. Sakura: Oh...You surprised me... Kakashi: In fact, it was exactly what happened in Kitsune's last mission. Me: KAKASHI! THAT'S ENOUGH! Sakura: And...What happened...? Kakashi: How would you answer to that, Kitsune? Me: ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?! *exhales* Besides, in a real situation, no idiot would kill their safe partner for the one already under serious threat, since there is no guarantee that they won't both die, and themselves next, left vulnerable. Naruto: W...Woaw... Kakashi: After getting someone hostage you will face a difficult situation and someone will die. In every mission you put your life in the line. Look at this. The numerous names carved in the stone. All those names are praised in this village. Naruto: I like that! I like that! Me: Oh, do you, really? Naruto: I've decided to have my name carved into that!! me: ...Why...Would you...? Naruto: Who wouldn't?! A hero! A hero! I'm not going to die an useless death! Kakashi: But they aren't normal heroes. Naruto: So what kind of heroes were they? Me: Naruto... Naruto: Come on! Tell me! Kakashi: Those were K.I.A. Naruto: K.I.A? me: Killed In Action... Naruto: Oh... Kakashi: It is a cenotaph. The name of my friends are carved there. Me: *sighs* Indeed... Kakashi: I will give you one more chance. However the battle for the bell will be much harsher after lunch. Eat lunch only if you're up to a challenge. But don't let Naruto eat. me:*sigh* I'm seriously debating whether or not you are bipolar. Kakashi: Who knows? Fine then. Naruto, this is punishment for breaking the rules and trying to eat lunch early. Anyone who feeds him will fail immediately. I'm the rule here, got it? Me: *scoffs* Pathetic...
As I muttered that, he poofed away, leaving us in complete silence, making Naruto's stomach growl echo through the forest.
Naruto: I'm okay even if I don't eat! Don't worry! Me: *sighs* Anyone who listens to a word he says is an idiot. 'I'm the rule here!' he says. Ha! Don't make me laugh. Sakura: You were right before...I think I will trust your instincts until I develop mine, Kitsune! Here, Naruto, take my lunch. I'm on a diet, after all. Me: *smirks* How cute, do I see a kouhai here? Fine, little pink kouhai, take my lunch as well, then. You haven't eaten since...? Sakura: *mutters* Last lunch... Me: Should have known. Sasuke: Hmpf. Fine then. Take this. Sakura: S-Sasuke-kun? Sasuke: I don't sense him anyway nearby. He said teamwork. Can't let this idiot slow me down. Sakura: So cool...! Me: *amused breathe* Said the sensory type...
As the two started feeding the blond idiot, Kakashi returned in a stormy cloud, trying to appear pissed off, but instead, after the 3 of us defended the blondie, saying we were a team, he grinned and said that we all passed.
Kakashi: You 4 are the first to pass. All the others were blockheads who only listened to what I said. Ninjas have to think beyond normal. In the world of ninja those who break the rules are scum, but those who don't care of their friends are even worse scum.
I high-fived Sakura, while Naruto was on the verge of crying of how cool Kakashi is and Sasuke just smirked in pride. Kakashi: The training ends here. Everyone passes! Team 7 will start doing missions starting tomorrow! Let's go home now. Me: Well, that was entertaining. See ya next time, kids!
And with that, I saluted my team, walking home with my fox, beaming in satisfaction as what I was able to achieve today. After all...It's not every day you get to bond with your team and make new friends, right~?
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