#T_T sensei why
midnight-in-town · 1 year
Predicting Cordelia's last resolve
I wish I could write something more sensible and optimistic, but this chapter almost tore my heart out...
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For obvious reasons, Gudrid has a lot of plot armor and so does Karli. It makes no sense, considering last month's chapter, to have Thorfinn losing them right now, so it seems the story is rather heading towards Cordelia finding the strength to protect them, no matter what.
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After all, even if Thorfinn & Gudrid were the only ones who ever told her "it was okay not to fight", they are also the ones who welcomed her without fear and who worked things through with Halfdan so that Cordelia would finally know freedom.
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Cordelia is a kind soul, someone who dislikes fighting and war, but she loves Thorfinn and his family way more. She definitely won't kill, but she will probably die to protect Gudrid, Karli and his newborn brother with that strength of hers.
TBH as much as I really really absolutely love her character, I unfortunately don't think Thorfinn, Hild & co will make it in time. T_T Not with them currently being chased too. Last hope I kinda have is Ivar and Styrk finally becoming useful and saving them (instead of, y'know, triggering more conflict)...
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But unfortunately again, Cordelia dying might also be the only way, narratively speaking, for characters like Einar, Ivar, Hild and Styrk to realize that staying in Vinland will cost them everything they've achieved so far (and that Thorfinn is actually not such a bad leader).
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If anything though, as a dim ray of light deep within the storm that war brings, this chapter proved Thorfinn was right.
Even amongst the Lnu themselves, "desiring swords" simply translates as a way to control others: they pretend to be righteous and to act as leaders, because "violence" is the most effective way for them to keep their power over others.
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Honestly I'm devastated. ;_; It's not Cordelia's first death flag, Sensei left hints here and there that she would probably sacrifice herself to save the place in which "she finally could live as herself" but, after this chapter, I've next to no hope of seeing her survive. T_T
Please prove me wrong, Yukimura-sensei...!
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redge · 2 months
【OSHI NO KO】 Season 2 Episode 15
When I started consuming this media, I made a Twitter thread while watching Season 1. Now that I caught up with the manga, I'll just put my thoughts here on Tumblr.
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The opening song is one of the best parts of this season.
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This manga panel made it to anime! 🤣 As they say, desperate times call for desperate measures. 🤪
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It's so interesting that season 2 has been using this I'll Go With Sweet Today scene for two episodes now. As far as I know, the only time Abiko-sensei mentioned Sweet Today was when she and Kichijouji-sensei made it through a deadline. It's curious.
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Himekawa Taiki, all shaved and clean (this sounds wrong but why not HAHA!)
Abiko-sensei, can we have a Tokyo Blade spin-off where Blade falls in love with Tsurugi? If not Abiko-sensei, then Aka-sensei, can we please have that angle for Taiki and Kana? Yes? HAHAHA
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Another deviation from the manga (that I actually like haha). As Aqua is watching Kana rehearse, that's when he started thinking of "memories when I was happy". His thought process here was more emphasized compared to the manga.
My favourite OnK character is Arima Kana and it was in this chapter that I thought maybe Kana and Aqua have a chance? Above anything, I just want Arima Kana to be happy. Please Aka-sensei. T_T
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Please give this doctor his peace of mind. For everyone's mental health, he needs to calm down and let Aqua be the teenager that he's supposed to be come on Gorou-sensei.
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The other side of the fandom hates Kana Arima for liking Aqua even when he is dating someone else like it's a nasty feeling to have and you can actually do something about it. Well, if Kana was that bad of a woman, she would've run to Aqua and assisted him. But she chose to stand by because Akane was there. And why would Kana run to him? Who is she to Aqua, anyway? Heck at this part of the story, she doesn't have any idea what she is to Aqua (even after chapter 150, I am not convinced. Yes, I have trust issues). She's just a girl Aqua entrusted the B-Komachi members with. Right? Even that childhood boast is just her foolish assumption.
Now let's put emotional acting to use. Imagine you're Kana Arima. You have this crush, you see him often, but you can't do anything about it because he has a girlfriend. When you're suffering from jealousy, he'd state that he's just dating for work. Then he makes a "plan to make his partner happy", then he avoids you, then tells you he's protecting you, then tells you he can't help but have fun when he's with you. And after all those things you still don't know what you are to him. 🙃
Why do some people condemn this woman for having this hopeless romantic love for Aqua? If anything, our enemy here should be Aqua. I mean, Ruby says it all, right? ↓
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Kidding. I love Aqua, he's just a broken, lost and confused teenager but I love Kana so much more please give this character the happiness she deserves I beg you Akasaka-sensei. T_T
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There's something crucial missing from Gotanda-san's "I'd thought for sure that..." that was in the manga. But then, what importance would other characters' thoughts be if we have no clear proof what (who) Aqua is thinking, from his own mouth? So Aqua, when will I know your feelings, my dear child? 😅
Trigger warning for the next screencaps
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This was painful but Aqua's monologue before the execution of that Sayahime and Touki scene was 100 times more painful for me. Actually, Aqua having these last memories of Ai as his mother is torture.
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The voice actor of Kana posted on Twitter (X) about this scene. Interesting, right?
Akasaka-sensei, conclude this manga already please 😅
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jacksgreysays · 10 months
heehee--looking back over that post with the Three Beauties, I think the "Four of a Kind" team is a great idea, too. Maybe it's just because I love how Anko gets characterized in fics that are kinder to her, and maybe it's because I remember a fic where Anko got Kakashi's team because Anko was going to give a summoning demonstration at the Academy, and Team 7 assumed she was their sensei because why else would a Jonin be at the Academy? But a team of Genin with Flee On Sight orders is hilarious
Anko had so much potential as a character and was (unsurprisingly) underutilized in canon. Which is WILD considering how prevalent of an issue Orochimaru was. Like-- I’ve not actually read a fic that does this, but I’m sure they exist somewhere—the fact that Anko didn’t basically poach Sasuke from Kakashi as her apprentice is wild. They could have had the prickliest heart to hearts! They could have bonded about being betrayed by the older man in their life (ie, older brother and teacher)! They could met in the common ground of being infamous within the village that should have protected them but failed, but they will nonetheless protect that same village regardless!
Anyway, Anko as a solo character is rad as hell without needing to attach Sasuke to her arc. The fact that she became as powerful as she did even after her sensei betrayed then abandoned her, and its unlikely some other teacher wanted to take her on, so I imagine she had to essentially teach herself with the rest of the village watching her like some kind of ticking time bomb. And obviously there are some exceptions to that (ie, her friendship with Aoba and Ibiki and MAYBE Kurenai?) but not, I think, during the most critical window of time when she went from apprentice to the apparent next Hokage to abandoned student of the worst criminal Konoha has ever produced. [I kind of went into the politics of the fallout here on a wider clan scale, but not on an individual scale.]
Because the fall in prestige is one thing, but the fall in, like, career trajectory? Or, hm… because if you really think about it, with Konoha’s implied familial/teacher-to-student line of succession for Hokage, Anko is basically the equivalent of a disinherited royal. Maybe not crown princess per se, to continue the metaphor, but possibly within the top five “in line for the throne” kind of vibes.
She had the same standing and degree of distance from the position as Minato! Maybe even closer considering Jiraiya was kind of the fuck up of his generation and the Sandaime did favor Orochimaru even if the general public may have wanted Tsunade (who herself didn’t want the position)
Imagine a world with Hokage Anko!
And anyway, she is incredibly charismatic in a brash, aggressive way which I love in a character (hence the Four of a Kind team, although, to be honest, of that Four of a Kind team, Shikako is the least like the others personality wise but, in turn, the MOST Flee on Sight so…) That is why in my extremely, extremely slow WIP—Externality—that version of Tetsuki does eventually have Anko as a treasured and trusted senpai
Oh, Anko, I’m sorry you were not treated well in either Watsonian (diegetic) or Doylist (exegetic) interpretations. T_T
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kassiedoodles-xo · 8 months
Yuki (ninjago OC) power headcanons
Has the best stamina out of everyone, purely because she runs on the treadmill for 3 hours everyday while belting Taylor Swifts Eras Tour setlist ( ngl this is me projecting)
accidently developed a bloodless torture curse (like crucio from harry potter) when she was 10 and spewing random words after the death of her brother.
She's one of the strongest masters of Magic, stronger than her mother. Sensei Wu even admits "she's far beyond Asterias' skill level at her age. The last time the master of Magic was so powerful was when Queen Morana ruled." (The name Morana means death... sooo ✨️ foreshadowing✨️)
Despite being the purple ninja, her Magic isn't purple, it's actually pink.
Yeah that one was a surprise to everyone.
Turns out Dark magic is purple tho
look. she's not evil, but she developed a lot of Jinxes just to use for pranks
Once Lloyd made her blush so hard she burst into pink flames.
Jay pissed her off once and she burst into flames and her eyes glowed.
Jay Is scared of Yuki
Yuki turned Jay into a Squirrel multiple times
There's an inside joke about her spontaneously combusting
Her eyes glow when using her full power.
They also glow when concentrating. On anything. Or when angry.
Her eyes BURN when they glow for too long
PIXAL figured out it's probably the main cause of her migranes + stress + head trauma.
Curse marks that look like frostbite on her fingers after using the forbidden spell
Has a spell for EVERYTHING
Her metabolism is WHACK cause of her powers. Magic uses alot of energy & cals .
Remeber the hc that she forgets to eat? Sometimes after a battles she's completely worn out and this conversation follows:
Yuki: *on the verge of passing out* why am I so tired T_T
Zane: when was the last time you ate?
Yuki:.... God dayum
Everyone else: *pulling out protein bars* eat up
So yeah everyone keeps protein bars on them.
also is skilled at body manipulation after becoming more comfortable with the use of Dark Magic(similar to blood bending from ATLA)
Taught Nya how to manipulate someone's body by manipulating their blood like it was water.
did i mention her powers cause frequent fainting spells?
everyone genuinely thought she had narcolepsy for a while cause it'd happen EVERY day.
She temporally looses her power during a full lunar eclipse (2-3 times a year)
on the contrary, a total Solar eclipse empowers her even more (every 18 months)
overuse of magic can weaken the immune system
after the events of The Forces Of Destiny, she can astral project and channel (communicate with spirits of the past queens)
so yeah that's it for now :)
ill do a thorough breakdown of the magic system soon!
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sorairokakera · 2 years
characters development, friendships & romances
この音とまれ! Kono Oto Tomare
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If I get asked which manga with romance in it that I like the most or would excitedly talking about, I likely will mention Kono Oto Tomare! first or it certainly on my top list. I didn't expect I would like a manga with music theme, traditional music instrument Koto, this much. I really like characters developments and relationships in Kono Oto Tomare!. Some of them seem to bring troubles but they learn to face their struggles together and their bond gets stronger, they really are a good team. Each of them has their own problems but with genuine supports from their team, their true friends, they are able to be their better self and walk side by side. Friendship and romance parts in Kono Oto Tomare! are really good.
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/major spoiler alert/
My (two) most favorite characters are Kudo Chika 久遠愛 and Hozuki Satowa 鳳月さとわ!! I love both of them, they are very adorable and charming. I love their interactions. They also one of my top 2 favorite couple (not yet, but their feelings are mutual) among all mangas. I really like when Chika feels the urge to touch or embrace Satowa, oh my heart!!
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When Satowa answered Uzuki why she wants to protect Chika (Satowa best woman!!) then Chika remembered his grandpa's last wish, they hugged each other tightly- uwaaaghh all this wholesome moment made my heart burst feeling overload!! While waiting for next chapter update, I read from the beginning of manga again, it just, really good ; ;
What lies ahead of you will, without a doubt, include countless moments where you'll have to make a decision. In those times, do not hesitate. Always choose the road that leads to your happiness. That is something only you can do. No matter how much others extend a hand to you, no matter how much they push you forward, whether or not you take that step, whether or not you take that hand, that is something only you get to decide. So become happy, Chika.
Really, I cried at this part. Chika's grandpa T_T Really— 幸せになれ、愛
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Several chapters after, Satowa's feeling got accidentally recorded in the footage they watched in koto club room, when others tried to help the situation after they heard her feeling toward Chika, Chika straightforwardly gave the best response!! (Chika best man!!) MY HEART—!! When Isaki talked about what Chika said at that time, Chika's words made me cried, knowing him feeling that happiness I'm- ;_;
I don't want to make this into something to be "embarrassed" about. To have somebody convey their love for me, and then being able to say that I love them back, I just thought how happy I was to experience that.
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I also really like Takaoka Tetsuki 高岡哲生, best best friend!! He cares deeply for his friends, good at studying, cooking and at fighting too. Very kakkoii and gentle man, his father too. Sane, kota, and Mittsu are very nice friends but Tetsuki just-(my heart). Kurata Takezo and Kurusu Hiro, very nice senpai in koto club, their relationship also adorable~!! I love both lovely couples (not yet) in Kono Oto Tomare! I also interested in Takinami Suzuka sensei, wondering will he also be in relationship, maybe with Akira sensei? or Isaki? No romantic relationship is fine too.
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I enjoy reading Kono Oto Tomare so much, it might be one of mangas that I re-read most often. Heartwarming and adorable, they also encourage me with their words. I watched anime because I want to listen to their koto, hope they will adapt it till the end with nice improvements. I wonder will I get to watch and listen to koto live performances someday, it's so charming.
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melyy01 · 2 years
*Yo con ganas de molestar a los profesores*
Uzui: bueno, cualquier duda que tengan pregunten
Yo: profe, por qué el agua hirviendo endurece un huevo pero ablanda una papa?
Uzui: .... me estás jodiendo?💢
Yo: misma pregunta para usted, Rengoku-sensei.
Rengoku: la verdad no tengo idea, nunca me lo planteé!! :D
Yo: y usted Tomioka-sensei?
Tomioka: no sé T_T
In English:
*Me wanting to annoy the teachers*
Uzui: well, any questions you have ask
Me: teacher, why does boiling water harden an egg but soften a potato?
Uzui: .... are you kidding me?💢
Me: Same question for you, Rengoku-sensei.
Rengoku: I really have no idea, I never considered it!! :D
Me: and you Tomioka-sensei?
Tomioka: I don't know T_T
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allersinwonderland · 3 months
On Chinapuri
So i've finally decided to bite the bullet and watch the netflix 2019 chinapuri series and MY GOD maybe its because I'm not watching chinese dub (though that has been eons) and that
there's so much i want to comment on. sometimes but not often on subtitling.
recognize that live action will also have some deviation to manga/anime canon.
but one thing is there something a tad annoying where i've always felt cdramas tend to be a bit more cringy vs what ive seen/ heard of kdramas or jdramas.
i think the biggest thing is WHY did they make nanjirou and ryuzaki-sensei a kohai/sempai relationship rather than student/sensei?!?!??! I rather liked the sensei/student dynamic.
edit1: JK that's not the biggest thing. WHY DID THEY MAKE SASABE cute and NOT most of the team??? (jk thats a biting remark). Kaidoh's kinda hot, inui/ tezuka/ and taka-san are hot but why are the rest just not doing it for me T_T rip.
edit2: also one thing i didnt really think much of on the OG series (but i do a lot for chinese live action)-- if Lu Xia is REALLY a transfer student, most ABCs/ even those who came to the states pretty early and then went back...if he's never had a chinese education, hes gonna be quiet just cause the transition/ immersion in language is gonna be a culture shock. LMAOOOO.
edit 3: OH it was freaking ARAI-sempai NOT SASABE? creative changes, ill give them that but i find ARAI cute are you KIDDING ME =-='
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hoshikuzupenguin · 2 years
When I was listing out my favorite characters for the About Me page, it reminded me of a post I saw here years ago about how when you line up your favorite characters from your fandoms it will be clear you have A Type (tm). Looking at them lined up where 3 of my top 5 are basically the same character in a different font and the other 2 are quite similar, I’d say yes, yes I do have A Type (tm). 😂
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anhappyfangirl · 5 years
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Two brothers finally reunited...
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... and two brothers forever separated
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hirazuki · 6 years
Part of me is excited to be starting a new show (especially since I don’t really get into western animation often).
The other part of me is fervently wishing I don’t like it, because if I do I only have 11 days to watch 5 seasons before the new season airs. 
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pocketramblr · 2 years
AU where during the mall scene, Tomura and Izuku talk more and Izuku becomes enraged at how AFO is treating Tomura and Tomura gets infuriated with how much expectations (and the not helping him with the bone-breaking quirk) Toshinori is putting on Izuku, please. (I just want them to aggressively care, please. T_T)
Aggressively care! Caring through rage and wrath!
1- it starts because Izuku asks Tomura why he's asking him about Stain, and not All For One- that's who he's working for, right? Tomura corrects that's his Sensei, brat, and he doesn't need to be coddled by his teacher like they clearly do at UA- are they too busy on the water slide to practice usj rescues? Are they too busy talking about ads and media to train izuku to not explode his bones with his quirk on live TV?
2- Izuku is offended because he figured the bone breaking thing out, thank you very much, on the UA internship- "so not even their teachers? Some other hero? All Might too busy to actually teach at that school?"- and All Might did his best, actually, and sent him to someone who did know it. AfO didn't even provide Tomura direction, clearly, since he was just wandering around the mall. Was going to the food court supposed to make him a better villain? Help him through the philosophical questions he had?
3- It's Tomura's turn to get offended, because his Sensei is busy and trusts Tomura to find the answer or the person with the answer in time. Besides, Izuku can't say he's better than the heroes, because no heroes or civilians helped him when he needed it, only Sensei did. He's survived this long because of him, Izuku seems to have survived in spite of UA and All Might's faulty teaching.
4- Izuku's heroism sense pings, and he asks how long Tomura has been "helped" by Sensei - how long since the heroes failed him? As long as Tomura can remember. Years. Over a decade, and then some. Izuku realizes AfO is doing something extremely awful, and Tomura isn't even aware he needs to be saved. As Izuku's tone turns to be more in his defense, saying Tomura deserved better and should get out, accept help, Tomura gets more intense and angry at the system that seems to have failed them both, if in different ways.
5- Izuku watches Tomura leave and calls All Might, asking what there even is to be done if All For One kidnapped a 0-7 year old to force him to villainy, what his plan likely is, from the past, where should they go next to save everyone.
Tomura, in turn, leaves and decides he'll prove izuku wrong- he'll pluck him out of UA's neglectful hands over the summer, make him see Sensei directly, understand better. Maybe even join them, powerful against All Might and the heroes that ruined their lives.
+1- THE most awkward statement gathering meeting Naomasa has ever had, including the time he had to get one from his unhappy little sister. He just wants to make sure Toshinori's kid isn't going to get killed or kidnapped on the way home and AfO doesn't know more delicate info, but Izuku's just going on a mumble rant.
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midnight-in-town · 5 months
I know that the blue revenge arc in kuroshitsuji is not over yet , but what's your opinion on it so far ? Which mission is your favorite and which new character you find interesting ?
Hey Anon ! My opinion is that the pacing of this arc absolutely sucks, even if I'm well aware that it's because Yana's way overworked. Unfortunately, I find it kind of often takes away the fun of this arc.
Going back a bit, I overall enjoyed Mey and Ran's investigation and I think Jane was an important character that we need to keep an eye on.
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Bard's arc was slightly less interesting but I liked Ada, though I think it makes no sense for her to leave overseas, when she could have worked with Sieglinde and Wolfram. Who knows, maybe Sensei will back up on this idea and Ada will stay in England...
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Also I think Layla is Lord Vega and Baron Heathfield's undead child [x][x], which is probably why Mey discovered a blood collect using drugged women in his mansion during her investigation.
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Finny's arc was by far the one I liked the least because, Snake's tragic death aside T_T, Finny didn't discover the full purpose of F.O.L orphanage.
Sure, the kids and Finny know it's connected to the BD project, but nothing more. Personally, I believe it could be a test to turn the BD project into a profitable business [x] [x] [x], but we didn't really get more details about what these "clinical trials" were, so I was not happy. :(
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However, I think it's good writing that all 3 investigations went differently (Mey succeeded without damage, Bard almost died but was saved by blood transfusions, Snake died and might become a BD) and that only Ciel and Seb will manage to put the pieces together.
That's about it. Can't say I'm excited about the upcoming investigation for now, but way more by whom we might meet and know more about next (Tanaka ? Joker ? Viscount of Druitt ?).
I hope it answers your question ! Have a good day, Anon. :))
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redge · 26 days
【OSHI NO KO】 Season 2 Episode 19
If I seem very biased with my reactions, please note that she is my favourite OnK character. 😊
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This expression looked so sad like she just resigned and enjoyed looking from the sidelines as the actors acted their part. Another post, another please grant happiness to this character, I beg you Akasaka-sensei 🥲
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"My gosh Uchiyama Koki as the voice actor of Himekawa Taiki is just really making me hope Taiki gets more more screentime" was my reaction when I first watched this scene. Some of my adored anime characters are voiced by Uchiyama Koki :D
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The same script, and the same characters, but with added flavour is what this season does every time. ♥
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My real-time reactions when I first watched this scene: "I can't believe the most skinship we get from Aqua and Kana is through a play hahaha"
"Why is this so elaborate compared to the manga I am screaminggggggg"
🤣🤣🤣 Also can you see Himekawa's smile in the anime like why the smirk Taiki?! In my head, Taiki and Aqua planned this together hahahaha
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Last June 18, Mengo-sensei posted this on Twitter (X) along with that panel and it sure came as a shock to me because it just came out of nowhere! Season 2 was not even airing at that time yet and this was chapter 62 and the latest chapter when she posted it was chapter 152 (beginning of the last arc of the story). I guess we'll never know what these mangakas are cooking until the feast is done. 😅
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No manga comparison because these frames were anime-original. Like I was just expecting this chapter to be animated as it is but anime production went above and beyond I am truly grateful. ♥
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In Aqua's She shines brightest when her face screams "Look at me!” thoughts, I was wondering why the catch ball scene didn't make it there and when I watched this episode, "Oh. that's why ♥" I don't know why this episode paid homage to all these scenes in the first season but whatever the reason, I truly enjoyed watching every bit of it. 🥰
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This episode is a mixture of 😍😍😍 and 😭😭😭. Oh, Kana Arima. My heart breaks for your child self. 💔
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Oh, he sure does. 😂 Not to mention he's also always confusing Kana like what is she to you, really?! Will we ever hear you say it from your own mouth?! 🤣
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Akane's heartbeat 😍 I'm afraid I can't compete with Akane as a fan of Kana. Like if Kana has a membership fan club, Akane's member number is probably 000001 and I'd love her for that 🥰
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This panel getting animated showing how the director really knows and understands Aqua🥹😭 This episode is really crazy because it made me happy with that Touki-Tsurugi adlib then sad about Kana's childhood then happy about all those frames of Aqua and Kana, delighted with Akane's reaction when Kana finally acted the way she used to and now I feel sorry for Aqua like this episode needs to make up its mind what do you really want from me?! 🥲
The voice acting, the animation, and all those flashbacks with Ai oh this episode ended with a bang.
I just saw posts and Tokyo Blade indeed ends in episode 20. But am I ready to see Aqua's dream? T_T
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huskymaine · 2 years
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Another cute Kakashi Retsuden fanart based on a very pure scene from the novel. The kid is truly a hardcore Kakashi fanboy and as a fellow hardcore Kakashi fan, I agree with every words he said.
Nanara is us, us are Nanara (biased af toward Kakashi and proud of it 😎😎)
Posted with permission. Source of the art is from this link.
Art by 烏龍茶 (from pixiv)
Translated by me
Warning!! More Spoiler about that scene from the novel :
Nanara pouted and lowkey offended because he thought that Kakashi’s reaction is too plain and underwhelming for a topic about his admired Sixth Hokage. Unbeknownst to him, actually Kakashi struggled to keep a straight face and blushed hard underneath his mask. He also thought that Nanara’s praises toward the Sixth Hokage are too much, like a self-deprecating bastard he is.
At the end of the book, Nanara ’s opinion shifted from that above picture into “Sixth Hokage is the strongest ninja and the best leader! 
.....and a bit kind of a jerk”. (His bird agreed with him)
To be completely fair for the poor boy, he just realized that in the past month he was unknowingly gushing about his Rokudaime fanboying in front of the very own person himself. And Kakashi already quietly left his country before Nanara can demand explanation from him. Kakashi is truly a merciless troll XD. But in the end of the day, Kakashi is so happy to meet his fanboy and Nanara thinks that meeting Kakashi is the greatest gift he ever received. 
Awwww they both are truly too pure for this world 🥰🥰🥰 (melted Humain on the floor)
Look, this whole novel is all about fluffy student-teacher interactions between our Kakashi-sensei and a very pure and charming kid. I as Kakashi fan completely sign up for this. Ugh, why July 26 can’t come faster T_T...
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yourtamaki · 2 years
I LOVE IT please T_T from what i know about zoro's past (i'm not even near catching up with the anime) he's always been alone. not in the physical sense because he lived with his sensei for, idk, 10 years? but the only person he seemed to have some kind of connection was kuina. then after he left the dojo until he met luffy, he was completely alone. he couldn't be vulnerable, he couldn't show any kind of weakness. and a romantic relationship is all about showing your most vulnerable sides to one another. and THAT'S why i like the way you write zoro. most people interpret his aloofness (and his whole character) as selfishness, but zoro…is not selfish?? ok he has this goal in his life that's only his, but he would literally DIE for his nakama. he's just extremely emotionally constipated. [ASCE]
he’s been alone for literally half his life until luffy found him. he had those two pirate hunter friends but they weren’t close enough for him to actually travel with so that’s just years and years of being on the road alone. so what happens when a man so embroiled in solitude has to open up in a way he’s never had to before? there’s no way any relationship he chooses to enter doesn’t come with a shit ton of obstacles of him and i just know he’d fucking shut down at some point and think what’s the point of burdening you with his lack of communication skills. his guilt would manifest in him pulling back even more and it would be the make it or break it point in your relationship. if you can stand firm and sit him down and tell him you want to work through this with him, you two are pretty solid from then on. but if you don’t and you give up on him well, he won’t blame you. no hard feelings. he’s been alone before and he can be alone again. or at least he’ll try to convince himself he can.
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chibisunnie · 3 years
Blanc Ch 11 translation
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EDIT: BLANC HAS BEEN LICENSED IN ENGLISH!! :D It is now released and can be ordered from all the places listed on Seven Seas’ site here: https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/classmates-vol-6-blanc/  Since deleting a tumblr post from my page won’t delete it everywhere on tumblr, I figured the best thing to do for right now would just be to delete the pictures from my translation and then whenever anyone clicks the read more they’d see this update and the link of where to buy it. So if you want to read it, go buy the official version or request it from your public library! :D  Below the cut is my translation for Blanc Ch 11! Aka THE WEDDING CHAPTER!! :D I AM SO HAPPY FOR KUSAKABE AND SAJOU!! :D
I was told Honyakusuru already translated this, but I had to do my own translation for Zandynofansub’s scanlation and I like to have all my translations on my tumblr for consistency’s sake. I’m so frustrated it took me this long to finish this chapter. T_T But between everything that happened last year and everything that’s happened this year (I had to deal with a lot of life things such as moving to a new state and Murphy’s Law has been relentlessly following me around this year @_@), I feel like finding time and mental energy to work on it at all is an accomplishment. >_< But I did my best to be sure it’s as accurate as possible! ^_^ Like with the kanji for Kinosaki’s first name that could be read as either Hideto or Shuuto, the kanji for Tani’s first name could be read as either Naohito or Naoto and the kanji for his wife’s first name could be read as either Maaya, Maya, or Aya. I went with Naohito for Tani because I’ve seen that name more frequently in mangas I’ve read. As for his wife, I thought it was cute that she might have a similar name as their daughter, Mayumi. But Miyamura’s first name is Maya, so I went with Maaya to make it slightly different than that and still have that Ma starting sound.
As always, please support Nakamura-sensei and buy the mangas if you’re able! Vol 1-3 of Doukyuusei are already available in English (they call it Classmates) at pretty much all places that sell mangas. Vol 4 (Sora to Hara) will be officially released in English from Seven Seas in November 2021, and a combined omnibus of vol 5 and 6 (OB) will be released in April 2022. Pre-ordering/buying them can help get Blanc and Futari Gurashi licensed in English in the future! Requesting Blanc and Futari Gurashi on Seven Seas’ monthly survey can also help them get licensed!
Pg 1: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Hey, are we on the right road?   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Maa-chan, wait! Bubble 2: Don’t go off on your own! Bubble 3: Go hold Papa’s hand for a bit.   Bubble 4: It’s like we’re getting further and further from civilization. Bubble 5: Why don’t you look at your phone’s map instead of the invitation?   Bubble 6: Well, because where my phone says we are is wrong.   Tiny text: Says we’re in the river. Bubble 7: What the hell? Bubble 8: Papa, carry me!   Panel 3 Bubble 1:  Ah.
Pg 2: Top Right Side text: Latest Work in the Doukyuusei Series   Bottom Right text: Nakamura Asumiko Left Side text: Beyond the curtain of greenery,   Bottom Left Text line 1: Books & E-books now on sale:   Bottom Left Text line 2: [Doukyuusei] [Sotsugyosei -Winter- ] [Sotsugyosei -Spring- ] [Sora to Hara] [O.B. 1] [O.B. 2] [Sotsugyosei Album Extended Edition]
Pg 3: Panel 1 Text:  is a place overflowing with light and the promise of happiness……………. Panel 2 Bubble 1: Welcomeeeeee!
Pg 4: Panel 1 Bubble 1: No, don’t say “Welcome” like that. Tiny text: What are ya, a saleswoman? Bubble 2: Ah! Bubble 3: You’re right, it shouldn’t be like that! Bubble 4: Errr Tiny text: I’m kinda nervous. Bubble 5: Congratulations!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Ah, Bubble 2: th- Bubble 3: thank you so much for making time in your busy schedule to come today. Bubble 4: No problem, Bubble 5: I’m happy to be here.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Here you go. Envelope Top: Best Wishes Envelope Bottom left: Tani Maaya Envelope Bottom right: Tani Naohito Bubble 2: Thank you very much. Bubble 3: I will take care of this.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Well then, please write your name here… Bubble 2: Hey, Papa! Bubble 3: Looook!   Panel 5 Bubble 1: So cuuuuute! Bubble 2: Oh, awesome! Tiny text: It’s made out of cookies. Bubble 3: I know, right?
Pg 5: Panel 2 Bubble 1: WOAH IT’S THE STAR OF THE SHOW!! Bubble 2: Hey there! Bubble 3: IT--   Panel 3 Bubble 1: IT’S REALLY HIM!!   Panel 4 Bubble 1: OH! SORRY! BUT UMM BUT Bubble 2: YOU-- Bubble 3: YOU’RE SO COOL!! Thought bubble 1: Ah, Thought bubble 2: that’s right, Tani’s wife was one Thought Bubble 3: of the original ZGOK fans… Tiny text 1:  Or something like that.   Panel 5 Tiny text 1: In person!! Bubble 1: I was the vocalist, you know. Tiny text 2: For what it’s worth. Bubble 2: Ahh, well, thank you… Bubble 3: Umm, if you don’t mind, c-could I shake your hand… Tiny text 3: Like, as a fan service or something.   Panel 6 Bubble 1: This isn’t the kind of day for that. Bubble 2: Hikaru.
Pg 6: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Rihito! Bubble 2: Excuse me for interrupting.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: The flower coordinator wants to fasten the boutonnieres on us. Bubble 2: Boutonnieres? Bubble 3: It’s a flower attached to the lapel. Bubble 4: Ohh, Sajou-kun!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Congrats! Bubble 2: Ah, Bubble 3: thank you. Bubble 4: Sorry about my wife.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Ah…it’s Bubble 2: no problem… Bubble 3: Let’s go, Rihito.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Well then, I’ll see you later! Bubble 2: See ya!
Pg 7: Panel 3 Bubble 1: …You know…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Hm? Bubble 2: Er, I thought that something like this, Bubble 3: how do I put it…   Panel 5 Bubble 1: I thought that it would feel really weird. Bubble 2: But like… Bubble 3: It’s not like that at all.
Pg 8: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Ahh, I know what you mean. Bubble 2: And now… Bubble 3: I’m feeling…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Well, I’m glad that I came.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Even though I hesitated for a moment, Bubble 2: I’m glad that you called to invite me, Tani. Bubble 3: Thank you.
Pg 9: Panel 1 Bubble 1: You should have shaken her hand.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Huh? Bubble 2: Who, Bubble 3: Tani’s wife? Bubble 4: That’s right.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: You jealous? Bubble 2: Not really.
Pg 10: Panel 2 Bubble 1: Because today WE are the stars of the show.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Kiss
Pg 11: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Let’s get going. Bubble 2: O… Bubble 3: Okay.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: HE’S TOTALLY STOLEN MY HEART!!   Panel 3 Text line 1: Event Staff Text line 2: Waiting Room   Panel 4 Bubble 1: You guys are late.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Hey, Chin Pubes. Bubble 2: Eh?   Panel 6 Bubble 1: When did you get here? Tiny text 1: Are you wearing make-up? Bubble 2: You idiot, I’ve already been here for about 30 minutes. Tiny text 2: It’s just oily-skin concealer. Bubble 3: What are you two stars of the show doing giddily wandering around? Bubble 4: Isn’t it supposed to be a surprise or some shit? Bubble 5: A surprise? Tiny text 3: But it’s not like I’m wearing a fancy dress.
Pg 12: Panel 1 Bubble 1: And what the hell is up with your hair?! Bubble 2: You just wake up? Bubble 3: No, as I’ve been growing it out it just does this for some reason. Tiny text 1: And it’s uncontrollable. Bubble 4: Sensei…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …you Bubble 2: cut your hair too.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Ah. Bubble 2: Ohhh. Bubble 3: That’s right, it’s kinda like Bubble 4: an image change? Bubble 5: Or more like a change of pace? Bubble 6: Aahh, Bubble 7: that’s enough. Bubble 8: Let’s not get into that topic. Tiny text 1: It’s dangerous to get involved.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Thank you for helping us today. Bubble 2: Ahh there you are!   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Where’ve you two been? Bubble 2: The flowers are gonna wilt.
Pg 13: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Koma-chan has been looking for you! Bubble 2: Ah, really? Bubble 3: Okay, I’m going to fasten on the flower.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Thank you so much. Bubble 2: Oh yeah, Kusakabae-san, I saw it! Bubble 3: That soda commercial   Panel 3 Bubble 1: with your song!   Panel 4 Bubble 1: WHAT? Bubble 2: Ah, err…   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Man, I was so surprised! Bubble 2: I just happened to turn on the TV and in the corner your name appeared! Bubble 3: It’s so great! What an awesome song! Bubble 4: Ah, Bubble 5: I’m sorry but Bubble 6: please don’t move.   Panel 6 Bubble 1: Say, did you cut your hair? Bubble 2: Was it for this? Bubble 3: What soda commercial?
Pg 14: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Well, that’s ummm…. Bubble 2: They’re using your song? Bubble 3: In a commercial? Tiny Text 1: All done!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Yeah, but ummm really, Bubble 2: just since like yesterday. Bubble 3: It was only super recently…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …that they started playing it………. Bubble 2: Didn’t I tell you to inform me of such things right away?   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Ahh, well, yes. Bubble 2: You did say that. Tiny text 1: Sorry… Bubble 3: This is so typical of you. Tiny text 2: Kyoooot. Thought bubble 1: This must be the way that Sajou loses his temper against Kusakabe. Bubble 4: Don’t get all lovestruck, Old Man.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Didn’t I tell you this countless times? Bubble 2: Err, yeah, you really have.   Tiny text 1: But I like your angry face… Bubble 3: Aaahh!! Here you are!!
Pg 15: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Geeze, what’s this? You came back to the waiting room? Bubble 2: I’d been looking everywhere for you! Bubble 3: Ah, Bubble 4: sorry…………   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Anyway, that aside,   Bubble 2: look at this!! Bubble 3: Surprise! <3   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Aren’t they cute?! <3   Bubble 2: They’re flower crown veils! <3   Panel 4 Bubble 1: I coordinated them to match the boutonnieres! Bubble 2: They’re a present from me! <3 Tiny text 1: Aren’t they great? <3 Tiny text 2: Yeah! <3   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Come now, try them on! <3
Pg 16: Panel 1 Bubble 1: OMG!!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: TOO. CUTE!! Bubble 2: You’re so cute I hate you!!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Cut it out!! Bubble 2: Don’t clam up, you two!!   Panel 4 Bubble 1:  You’re blushing!!   Bubble 2: Ah… Bubble 2: Thank you… Bubble 3: It’s about time to stop welcoming guests. Tiny text 1: Kyaaah! Tiny text 2: Kyaaah!
Pg 17: Panel 1 Bubble 1: EH?! Bubble 2: WHAT’S THIS?! Bubble 3: SO NICE!! Tiny text 1: Wow!! Bubble 4: I know, right?! <3   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Ohhh it’s almost   Panel 3 Bubble 1: like you’re already… Bubble 2: Sob   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Miyamura-san… Bubble 2: It’s too early to cry. Bubble 3: Waaah but Bubble 4: when they’re already like this I can’t help iiiiiit.   Tiny text 1: There there.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Ah…That’s right. Bubble 2: Sajou-kun, so,   Panel 6 Bubble 1: um… Bubble 2: Your father is the only one who hasn’t come yet………
Pg 18: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …Okay. Bubble 2: It’s alright Bubble 3: to start. Bubble 4: Thank you…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …welcome!   Bubble 2: It’s a perfect day for a wedding.
Pg 19: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Fittingly, the young couple is starting their new life Bubble 2: under a clear blue sky… Bubble 3: …where the brilliant sunlight is pouring down…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …and brightly illuminating their future.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …Sorry Bubble 2: about earlier.
Pg 20: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Huh? Bubble 2: Ah, no, Bubble 3: I’m sorry… Bubble 4: I was Bubble 5: their homeroom teacher… Bubble 6: When the officiant gives the signal Bubble 7: I’ll open the door.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …when they were in their second year.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Congratulations.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: I was looking forward to the arrival of this day more than anyone.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: At that point, please proceed into the hall. Bubble 2: Now then, Bubble 3: I present to you my dear students…
Pg 21: Panel 1 Bubble 1: From today on, these two Bubble 2: will walk through life together. Bubble 3: Squeeze   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …Can I kiss you? Bubble 2: Everyone, please welcome them with warm applause.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Do you even have to ask?   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Go ahead.
Pg 22: NO TEXT
Pg 23: NO TEXT  
Pg 24: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …-san…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Sajou-san.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Gasp Bubble 2: Eh? Bubble 3: Ah, Bubble 4: sorry. Bubble 5: Umm.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: No, I’m the one who should apologize Bubble 2: for nodding off… Bubble 3: I need to get going now. Panel 5 Bubble 1: Ah.
Pg 25: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Thank you. Bubble 2: Umm… Bubble 3: The welcome board was really popular. Bubble 4: And the cake was very delicious. Bubble 5: Ah, Bubble 6: don’t mention it…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Um…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: I also have a male partner.
Pg 26: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Up until now, er……. Bubble 2: It’s like, even though I’d been invited to wedding ceremonies, Bubble 3: I never felt like it was something I would be a part of. Bubble 4: That’s what I thought, anyway. Bubble 5: But, Bubble 6: today…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: I was thinking, Bubble 2:that isn’t the case at all.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Congratulations.
Pg 27: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …Thank you. Bubble 2: Sajou-kun!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Sorry to interrupt, Bubble 2: but like, Bubble 3: just now someone from the ceremony hall gave this to me.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: They said it came from some old guy who said he was your relative.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: I heard that he just left the congratulatory gift and went on home. Text on present: Congratulations
Pg 28: Panel 1 Bubble 1: They asked if he’d like to at least give ya a greeting but Bubble 2: he declined sayin’ that was good enough.       Panel 2 Bubble 1: When? Bubble 2: When did they say he came? Bubble 3: Ju-- Bubble 4: Just a moment ago.   Panel 3: Bubble 1: Oh, and Bubble 2: he also left this with it for Kusakabe-san…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Sajou-kun!
Pg 29: NO TEXT
Pg 30: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Dad!
Pg 31: Panel 5 Bubble 1: ...You………….
Pg 32: Panel 1 Bubble 1: You actually came…
Pg 33: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Rihito!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Oh……..   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Uh… Bubble 2: Umm.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: About this…   Panel 6 Bubble 1: My wife had made a list of songs for the present she wanted to give you.
Pg 34: Panel 1 Bubble 1: She was very grateful for the CD.
Pg 35: Panel 2 Bubble 1: Dad!
Pg 36: Panel 1 Bubble 1: ……………. Bubble 2: I’m sorry……… Bottom Text: Blanc #11/End
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