#also i only recently found out i have an RBF
pawseds · 9 months
Today I learned I have a resting evil GM face (according to @katastrofish at least)
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my mbti is changing
im shifting from P to J for the better(imo)
apparently to study better you gotta have a schedule and i absolutely HATE being restricted when it comes too anything soooo this has been a tricky task for me for many years
my exam scores are decent (70-90 ish marks) and i feel like i could get 85-100 marks if i have a study schedule, so i started a couple of months ago and now i need exam week to come so i can observe my progress through scores
i also used to be a balanced T/F(51% Feeling lmaooo) but now im shifting more to the Feeling side so thats something
and i used to be 81% Turbulent and now im 79% yayyyy
also i recently found out that im so easy to read?? like my emotions are literally on display with bright red neon lights and exclamation marks, no joke hahahah like ive always wondered how people could tell when i was feeling down, but its so obvious cos imagine seeing some person who's smiling and happy and bubbly 90% of the time, then all of a sudden theyre silent- not the deep in thought kinda silence 😭
and i move on so quickly its strange even to me lmaooo😞 like my classmate vandalised my book i lent her, and i was literally crying(im a very emotional person ☹), 5 mins later i was back to laughing and smiling??? no joke im pretty sure it was like 3 mins or smth
eniway yh thats me
you just like me like i'd happily plan a schedule and make strict time tables but when it comes to following it? 🤡🤡 also same for the exam scores thing bc yes if i actually try i know i can score better but i like just winging it 😔✌️but you my friend you should def set a schedule and get those scores! (im so glad my academic era is over)
and you being an enfp may be why you're so easy to read i swear i can spot xnfps from miles away 😭😭 and that's bc your emotions like you said are always on display lmao me im hard to read but mostly bc i look like im tired and done with life 99 percent of the times (rbf) so if i ever smile in front of anyone they're like 👀 did something happen? what you smiling about? 👀
bruh you moved on so quickly if that happened to me i would not cry i would move on yes but only after k-wording the said person in my head in 50 different manners and then i'd make peace with it 😔✌️like yeah i may look and act unbothered, most of the times i will be, but sometimes you just gotta make a scenario in your head to cope 🤩 and that's on me being an intp thru and thru
let's see how the shift from P to J changes you tho hoho
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princehatterene · 5 months
🖊️💯🍝🤔! (@comfortingstars)
🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
hawkin is the only one in the gang who has tattoos! he has two of those teardrop prison tattoos under both eyes. in the lore, those tattoos are used to show that you're a member of the casimir crime family, and the more you have, the higher in the ranks you are.
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
penelope can wield two weapons at once! but only one kind of weapon at a time, so she can only use two swords or two spears, not a sword and a spear.
i think i mentioned this in a post about the gang i made recently, but andreas' hunter companion is a dog named glen! i imagine him to be like, an all-brown border collie.
orietta had a husband before she got divorced and found out she was gay. whichever one of those things happened first is up for debate.
🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)?
ori: those little finger foods you find at parties. would devour a cheese platter if left unattended
cammy: her dad's homemade stew, chock full of potatoes and veggies! they have a small garden that they grow carrots and potatoes and other stuff in :)
tyb: loves a good sandwich, as long as it's not peanut butter cuz he has a nut allergy
ollie: he's a vegetarian cuz hurting animals makes him sad :( he couldn't be a vegan tho, he loves eggs and cheese too much. also has a huge sweet tooth
penny: definitely the least picky out of the bunch, she'll eat just about anything as long as it's not burnt or rotten. if she had to pick a favorite, it would be glazed ham
dre: grilled game meat, especially boar and deer. doesn't eat any kind of poultry (the wind spirit would probably frown upon that)
twy: huge fan of seafood, having lived on the coast all her life. would probably love fish and chips in a modern au
hawkin (he doesn't have a nickname cuz he's no fun 😞): fruit, especially tropical fruit. would love making people angry with his pineapple on pizza opinions
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
ori: very preoccupied with the physical appearance of herself and others. will tell you if there's something in your teeth or you have a cowlick or something
cammy: very thrifty and frugal, possibly even better at finding a bargain than orietta
tyb: has a mad case of RBF, but he's really a very sweet guy
ollie: gets really chatty when he's in a good mood. will talk your ear off about theatre and floriography and other things he likes (Autism™️)
penny: gets skittish around animals and can only suppress her fears while hunting (she's ok with glen though)
dre: an avid birdwatcher, also inspired by the wind spirit. often has to stop glen from chasing and trying to eat them
twy: loves singing little tunes to pass the time. she and oliver often devolve into full-on musical numbers while on the road together (Theatre Kid™️)
hawkin: a sore loser at any game he plays. if you beat him at poker you're on his shit list for the rest of the night
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wastelandcth · 4 years
omg maybe a little blurb fic of him always with the biggest smile when you’re around? like we know he has the biggest resting bitch face but also the cutest baby face like when he was playing with roy so maybe just moments when his rbf turns into cuteness because i know i have a big resting bitch face but i feel like i would be baby if i was with the loml djdjdmmfkekmff omg maybe both the readers are like that so when they take pics they have a rbf but also can take cute ass selfies fjdkdmfmdkkd
the recent pictures calum posted just proved this point and i love him for his rbf and his baby face
Smile - a resting bitch face or two
Resting bitch face, you’d heard it said to you before. That you looked unapproachable, intimidating, and scary. It had bothered you in your teenage years, but as you grew up, you realized that what others were thinking of you didn’t matter.That if people really wanted to get to know you, your so called resting bitch face wouldn’t matter. But the day Calum had come up to you at the cafe near your university, that day changed your life. Small coffee dates where he would sit and read one of the many books he had in his collection while you studied for class turned into movie nights at his place. A couple years later when you had joined him on tour for a couple days, a fan had pointed it out. He had been on a walk around the hotel. His sunglasses were shielding his face, his jaw squared and a tight smile on his face showing as a couple fans spotted him while he waited for you to arrive from a day around the city with the other guys' partners. He stopped to chat with them, taking a couple selfies with them all.
You had seen him with the fans, telling the others to head inside, you'd wait to go back inside with him. You waited off on the side, smiling as you watched your boyfriend interacting with his fans.
"I'm a big fan." you told him as you walked over and nodded quickly,
Calum laughed softly as he saw you, sliding off his sunglasses and looking at you with a smile on his face. The fans realized that it wasn't the usual smile he was usually seen wearing in pictures with fans. He pulled you into a hug, kissing your forehead and chuckling as you asked him for a picture.
The fans couldn't help but appreciate the rare moment that they'd all witnessed, Calum wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close as you snapped a quick picture, the blush on your cheek causing his smile to grow even wider. You were both very private when it came to your relationship, never really posting about one another on social media, except for the occasional birthday or celebratory post. So when the fans saw the rare display of affection, videos of you in the small moment were all over social media in a matter of seconds.
"We're glad you make him happy." one of them had told you as he walked over to take a few more pictures with the fans. "No one's ever seen him smile like that. Most of the time they think he’s got a resting bitch face. But you bring out a good side of him and you two are so cute together! Thank you for making him happy."
Later on in the day, when you were both sitting on a couch in the dressing room, waiting for the rest of the boys to freshen up before a night out, You found the video one of the fans had taken, a small smile forming on your face. You watched his face light up the moment he saw you. The fan who was recording the video mumbling over how cute you both were. Looking up at Calum, you pulled up the camera on your phone, angling it so that his face was in the picture. You laughed, snapping the picture before he could notice, your head shaking as you looked at it.
"Babe, maybe we do both have resting bitch faces." you'd tell him, laughing quietly as you showed him the picture, both of your faces matching one anothers. His laugh rang in your ears, his arms pulling you close as he looked at the picture.
"Gonna post that? Should add the one from earlier too." he nodded, his lips on your shoulder. And so you did, laughing at the big difference between both pictures, one showing you both, looking bored and uninterested and the other showing your bright smiles, eyes scrunched up in happiness. And his fans went crazy for it, their comments pouring in under your post. Calum smiled as he saw, happy that his fans were supportive of his relationship. Happy that his fans were able to see how happy you made him, how you made him smile.
"You're the only one who could make me smile like this, bub."
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vnsspsclmddpps-28 · 3 years
Depressed and Perpetually Angry
Hi, call me V.
If there's something that makes me toxic, it's my anger management issues. If there's something that I am proud to have, it's my anger management issues. If you ask me to describe myself in a few words, I would say "perpetually angry". Unfortunately I don't have big tits like Emma Stone's best friend in Easy A, but I do have that perpetually angry description which pretty much describes why I have an RBF that scares even my own parents.
Even so, I take pride of that.
However, due to that fact that I am constantly raging, I am also diagnosed with depression--which is why I am perpetually angry. I mean, who doesn't feel depressed in 2021?
But the point is, I have found that there is only so much that anger can do to manage my disorder. Rather, it is a manifestation of my depression, that gaping emptiness that I try to fill by raging online, getting into arguments with random people, and just going off on anyone who dare try to argue with me. And expression may be good but it's only a momentous solution to the underlying problem that is--well, I honestly don't know the underlying problem (or more like this isn't the time to reveal that yet) that needs to be either addressed or denied and in this case, since I am not yet in therapy, it has to be denied.
It's 2021 not 2012, I live in a province in the Philippines and I'm on tumblr. Obviously, my problems have to be addressed (aside from the fact that my country has the longest lockdown in the world due to COVID because our president is a murdering, scamming fucktard) but as I said, I am not yet in therapy. Thus here I am with what might be my hundredth account, trying, again, writing as a form to make myself calm instead of lashing out on random people, I might as well just talk to myself here & whoever sees this, please go away.
Also, I have recently discovered my interest in clay-making so this might as well be a site where I'll upload whatever I make. Soon.
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sukirichi · 3 years
read the new chapters and aAAACKKKKK BESTIE???
y/n - ‘I was born to make everyone’s life a living hell’ maam this LINE?! JAW DROPPED, TIME STOPPED being insecure all her life and wanting to live up to the expectations to her dad just to have that sliver of attention from him, that sentence gives us a glimpse on how little she felt despite being accomplished, rather successful actually because she always cleans her boss’ mess have a lot of baggage to unpack. and when the secret was confirmed, her anger rejects all of the entity that ties with her past because both her parents deprived her for the things she was supposed to have– becoming greedy to fulfill those. then eventually, somehow, going back to her roots aka being humble after having the talk with her dad. As most of her insecurity started because of him and how she had to be the bigger person for his other family, clearing out the misunderstanding between them brought a sense of peace  while she’s settling in the restless turn of events.
and with our main man gojo, this guy, it is not wise to- 😤😤 how can you say you’re engaged after doing the body tango huh? esp when you said you want y/n to be your wife? oh gee and the revelation of his past relationship with mia and how he sees her in y/n is so fucked up. can’t help but think that satoru wanting to marry and be this lovey-dovey with y/n is just him reliving the moments that mia never gave him in the past. and y/n accepting that their current relationship is based on how they’re filling up the cracks in their needs and settling for the sake of familiarity. imagine how deep in love our girl is to keep satoru in her life 💔 im still in it for the second lead agenda
needless to say, everyone here needs a therapy so they can get their shit straight together 🤧🤧 (ノ•̀ o •́ )ノ ~ ┻━┻
BUT i know you mentioned this many times but laywer! naoya all poised and in his best behavior while helping y/n in her new situation has my heart go💕💕 winning lots of cases and is known in his field, he proved that he is both beauty and brains. and the pen spin??? man be pulling those fast spins either to distract or impress the person he is talking to flashing those perfect white pearls wtf now i can’t get that out of my head naoya brain rot 🥵🥵 also celebrity chef! sukuna in charge of all those delicious, exquisite cuisines? imma make myself broke just to taste his masterpiece🥲 ooh but how about him being a michelin star chef and owning a michelin-starred resto?! no doubt, left and right you see this man appearing on some high food magazine on the cover 😊😊 oh oh i also saw that supermodel! choso?? also his face is plastered on magazines AND luxurious advertisements ex. shibuya crossing! where most people be drenched in his glorious presence yea weird shibuya arc ref pls kill me and everyone talks how handsome and intimidating he is while he just have a rbf and only the closest people in his life get to see him drop that front 😌😌
with that in mind, imagine supermodel! choso being a godfather to the baby of y/n?? he would go soft immediately at the sight of the child and would probably love giving lots of branded clothes it will be good enough for more than a year ☺️🥲😭
oh and there is this one scene in chp7 that reminded me of the recent korean movie i watched i dont wanna say it in case you wanna check it out its called sweet and sour and oh god idk why but watching it, mind keeps on prompting your fics 😬😬 maybe bcos i some of your fic always had med related topics and the main actress role there is a nurse. i remember that you’re on your clinic training so maybe thats why 😳oohh pls don’t forget to take breaks and be safe heart and oh ur a psych major too? oh wow hi ig in relation to one actress in the sweet and sour fic, she was also in a kdrama the heirs- which was popular at the time with it being packed with some solid household actors and actresses. sky castle tho, ig it relates to the theme of reckless more because its mostly how parents from the upper class will mindlessly destroy someone’s life to attain their materialistic desires  🤧🙂
this fic, easily in my top 3 ‘heart belongs to who it dictates’ so many twists, so much drama and ANGST! YES BESTIE GIMME THOSE ANGST 🥲😌
i hope you’re doing well nowadays :’)) we need to find gege the best chiropractor to take care of his back, so good that it’ll make naoya respawn to life 🙂 suki i don’t think i’ll get tired of saying how much i love your work that it feels illegal im reading it for free 💔. i don’t really have much to offer, but im wishing you good health and success in your life :’)) aah i’ve mentioned this already but take care always 💕💖😊🥰
- 🍳
read the new chapters and aAAACKKKKK BESTIE???
y/n - ‘I was born to make everyone’s life a living hell’ maam this LINE?! JAW DROPPED, TIME STOPPED being insecure all her life and wanting to live up to the expectations to her dad just to have that sliver of attention from him, that sentence gives us a glimpse on how little she felt despite being accomplished, rather successful actually because she always cleans her boss’ mess have a lot of baggage to unpack. and when the secret was confirmed, her anger rejects all of the entity that ties with her past because both her parents deprived her for the things she was supposed to have– becoming greedy to fulfill those. then eventually, somehow, going back to her roots aka being humble after having the talk with her dad. As most of her insecurity started because of him and how she had to be the bigger person for his other family, clearing out the misunderstanding between them brought a sense of peace  while she’s settling in the restless turn of events.
and with our main man gojo, this guy, it is not wise to- 😤😤 how can you say you’re engaged after doing the body tango huh? esp when you said you want y/n to be your wife? oh gee and the revelation of his past relationship with mia and how he sees her in y/n is so fucked up. can’t help but think that satoru wanting to marry and be this lovey-dovey with y/n is just him reliving the moments that mia never gave him in the past. and y/n accepting that their current relationship is based on how they’re filling up the cracks in their needs and settling for the sake of familiarity. imagine how deep in love our girl is to keep satoru in her life 💔 im still in it for the second lead agenda
needless to say, everyone here needs a therapy so they can get their shit straight together 🤧🤧 (ノ•̀ o •́ )ノ ~ ┻━┻
BUT i know you mentioned this many times but laywer! naoya all poised and in his best behavior while helping y/n in her new situation has my heart go💕💕 winning lots of cases and is known in his field, he proved that he is both beauty and brains. and the pen spin??? man be pulling those fast spins either to distract or impress the person he is talking to flashing those perfect white pearls wtf now i can’t get that out of my head naoya brain rot 🥵🥵 also celebrity chef! sukuna in charge of all those delicious, exquisite cuisines? imma make myself broke just to taste his masterpiece🥲 ooh but how about him being a michelin star chef and owning a michelin-starred resto?! no doubt, left and right you see this man appearing on some high food magazine on the cover 😊😊 oh oh i also saw that supermodel! choso?? also his face is plastered on magazines AND luxurious advertisements ex. shibuya crossing! where most people be drenched in his glorious presence yea weird shibuya arc ref pls kill me and everyone talks how handsome and intimidating he is while he just have a rbf and only the closest people in his life get to see him drop that front 😌😌
with that in mind, imagine supermodel! choso being a godfather to the baby of y/n?? he would go soft immediately at the sight of the child and would probably love giving lots of branded clothes it will be good enough for more than a year ☺️🥲😭
oh and there is this one scene in chp7 that reminded me of the recent korean movie i watched i dont wanna say it in case you wanna check it out its called sweet and sour and oh god idk why but watching it, mind keeps on prompting your fics 😬😬 maybe bcos i some of your fic always had med related topics and the main actress role there is a nurse. i remember that you’re on your clinic training so maybe thats why 😳oohh pls don’t forget to take breaks and be safe heart and oh ur a psych major too? oh wow hi ig in relation to one actress in the sweet and sour fic, she was also in a kdrama the heirs- which was popular at the time with it being packed with some solid household actors and actresses. sky castle tho, ig it relates to the theme of reckless more because its mostly how parents from the upper class will mindlessly destroy someone’s life to attain their materialistic desires  🤧🙂
this fic, easily in my top 3 ‘heart belongs to who it dictates’ so many twists, so much drama and ANGST! YES BESTIE GIMME THOSE ANGST 🥲😌
i hope you’re doing well nowadays :’)) we need to find gege the best chiropractor to take care of his back, so good that it’ll make naoya respawn to life 🙂 suki i don’t think i’ll get tired of saying how much i love your work that it feels illegal im reading it for free 💔. i don’t really have much to offer, but im wishing you good health and success in your life :’)) aah i’ve mentioned this already but take care always 💕💖😊🥰
- 🍳
y/n becomes a real baddie when she’s pissed off 😫
hmm y/n wasn’t really working hard for her dad’s attention, it was more like she felt so left out and unwanted (she feels unwanted wherever she goes) that she just decided to pack up and support them from afar bcos to her, she’s so alienated in her dad’s family that she felt like she had to work hard to earn a spot in their table. she knows she’s the outsider but she wants to feel like she can be part of them, that she is also a child deserving of love and care, but becos her stepmom focused more on her actual kids and her own dad was too busy with his new family now, it made y/n feel that she had to do something to be worthy of that.
that’s why most of the money she made working in tokyo was still wired to her family; she put her brothers in school and supported them, all because she hoped it would make them accept her more. now, things are different because she finally found her biological family, but even if valeria and co. still don’t want her, y/n is now more focusing on building something that’s truly hers that no one can take away. yes yes, she did become greedy, but more for power than of acceptance. she got to a point she doesn’t care as much vying for her parents’ approval and now thinks her luxury gives her comfort; only because at least she has that much. like she said in the latest chapter, happiness was not what she needed, it was stability and money - all things she lacked before.
and yea she did go back to her roots! all of her issues started with her dad anyway but that part is slowly patching up 🩹💔 oooh actually your theory is right bestie 🧐 gojo found y/n interesting bcos she reminded him of mia, so the more she pushed him away, the more he’s like wait, i’ve been here before, let’s not repeat past mistakes but i can do better now. on the part where gojo talked to mia while she was asleep, notice how he said he’s given a second chance to do better now, all because he couldn’t do them with mia but he could with y/n.
ohhh actually y/n was the one who established that ‘fulfilling mutual need and settling for familiarity instead of being lonely’ type of relationship. gojo avoided her for weeks and he’s pretty settled in keeping his distance, but she was the one who sought him out. deep down, y/n is afraid if she doesn’t at least use him as an anchor to her more humble roots, then she might spiral out of control and end up like valeria, thus using him as a ‘distraction’ but in reality, she needs his comfort to be grounded.
SECOND LEAD AGENDA OMG LETS GOOO 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ geto the fine fine option.
NO BESTIE MOMENT U MENTIONED LAWYER NAOYA I JUST KNEW I WAS GONNA SCREAM. okay but lawyer! naoya is so fine, i love his character so much bcos he’s a pure bean. originally, i was gonna make him an antagonist but i found he had more potential as a good, supportive character. HIS PEN SPIN HELPPP WHY COULDN’T HE JUST BEEN OUR BABY DADDY 😫 he pulls them fast spins bcos he’s nervous btw HAHAHAHA y/n can be quite intimidating and lawyer! naoya is sometimes too precious.
celebrity chef! sukuna is MEAN! he was pictured after gordon ramsay so lmao. omgggg sukuna being famous not only for his food but also his handsomeness 😳 he gets so cocky over how no one can get in his level while popping a battle of champagne, listening to ‘careless whisper’ while dancing to his reflection in the mirror 😤
also yoo supermodel! choso is THE hot shit 🥵 he’s so famous his schedule is packed for an entire year and a half and those are just for very selected brands and designers! ugh imagine going to work on the subway when you see supermodel! choso with rbf posing sexily and you swoon because he’s so sexy. plot twist that choso doesn’t know how to drive bcos as a kamo family member, they grew up with drivers taking them to and fro, so when his driver got sick and everyone else was busy, supermodel choso takes the subway himself and hides behind a face mask and cap while still wearing extravagant clothes that makes him stand out more. he does not have ‘subtle’ on his book at all.
and yeah people say he’s intimidating but its more his height and build + rbf! in reality, he’s just as soft and sweet as naoya, but both of them go into protective mode when someone they care about is being crapped on. and boy when they DO get into “what did you just say?” mode, better run away 🏃🏻‍♀️ supermodel! choso is also an heir to the kamo empire though not after the business, but he still has enough power to take you down in a second.
meanwhile, lawyer! naoya didn’t become this successful without being so savage yet composed he makes you question your entire existence before he drags you to court. lawyer! naoya is so scarily convincing that he can make you plead guilty even tho you did nothing wrong 💀
aaaah omg supermodel! choso LOVES babies actually! as the eldest child who looked after his brothers bcos the kamo parents are always away for work, being a father figure is so natural to him. i can picture him being the one who cries harder than gojo if the baby is born bcos he’s so excited, then reads poems to the baby before sighing that childbirth is such a beautiful thing 🥺
omg i know sweet n sour, the actresses are one of my faves tho i haven’t watched it yet! oooh they’re a nurse? i didn’t know that 🧐 i actually finish my short training in a week so i’ll be heading on to heavy majoring in psychology! wait bestie are YOU also a psych major 😳💕 oh and i see i see, sky castle *jots that down for future references* reckless actually has lots of significance in terms of the parents’ roles so i’m excited to see that! and aww thank you so much, can’t believe i made it in someone’s top three 🥺💕
HELP AHSKWKW i’m gonna call the best chiropractor in the world and send them gege’s way, i’ll cry a river if that’s what it takes to bring my boo back to life 😭 and noo baby the support already means a lot to me, i’m just happy to indulge in my hobbies and share it wih you all so thank you very much for everything 🥺 please take care of yourself too n have a nice day!! kith MWAH 💕
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winduphaurchefant · 5 years
RULES.  Repost, don’t reblog! Tag 10! Good luck!
TAGGED BY. @to-the-voiceless
TAGGING. @fivebrights and anyone else who wants to do it since the rest of flowr has been tagged
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FULL  NAME : Charalise Farouel
NICKNAME : Reese, which she uses instead of her actual first name. It stuck.
AGE : 28
BIRTHDAY : 28th day of the 6th umbral moon (12/28)
ETHNIC  GROUP : Elezen / Wildwood and Duskwight parentage
LANGUAGE / S : Eorzean Common, Sharlayan, and bits of some niche languages.
ORIENTATION : Bi (is inexperienced with the concept of polyamory but might be willing to try if it comes up)
RELATIONSHIP STATUS : In flowrverse (our fc where we are All wol)) she’s most likely taken by Haurchefant because there’s absolutely no fucking way he’d die on her watch. In-game universe is less concrete, her self esteem is quite low so she doesn’t actively seek relationships but she’s prone to getting crushes easily; Urianger being one of them.
HOME  TOWN / AREA : The Sharlayan Colony, Dravania
CURRENT HOME : A small cottage on the very fringes of the Lavender Beds. Also technically Fortemps manor and her room in the Pendants.
PROFESSION : Scholar (in the literal sense), Adventurer, and Warrior of Light 
HAIR : Café au lait blonde. She used to have it quite long, reaching past her hips, not styled in any specific way but brushed at least. After the Seventh Umbral Calamity she’s kept it quite short for practical purposes and usually hacks away at it herself, much to her friend Lunya’s chagrin.
EYES : Almond shaped eyes of deep blue with a halo of gold around the pupil, accentuated by her thick brows which are uncommon for most Elezen.
FACE : An oval shaped face with a tall, straight nose. Not overly animated in her expressions since the calamity.
LIPS : Has somewhat pouty lips and a bad habit of lip biting
COMPLEXION : Fair skin that freckles easily, she has the ability to tan but makes sure to apply salves to her skin before leaving for areas with more intense sunlight. Lots of moles, with a few noticeable ones on her face.
BLEMISHES : None that are noticeable 
SCARS : A Lot. She has a very prominent scar across her back which she usually likes to cover up.
TATTOOS : None. She enjoys seeing other people’s tattoos but wouldn’t get one for herself, she hates feeling stuck with something.
HEIGHT : Average height for an Elezen at around 6′3″
WEIGHT : 180 lbs give or take, most of it is muscle
BUILD : Tall and lean, quite muscular but not very toned. Her muscles were built more for purpose and less for show, like a power lifter. She could probably roundhouse kick someones head clean off. Pear shaped.
FEATURES : Her prominent brows and two moles beside her right eye
ALLERGIES : No known allergies, but she can get sick very easily.
USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  When it was long she usually just wore it down and free flowing, she does the same with her short hair although it doesn’t flow as much.
USUAL  FACE  LOOK : Her expression is usually quite stoic with a hint of Very Tired to spice things up. Is known frequently to come down with a case of RBF
USUAL  CLOTHING : Loose tunics and some fitted trousers and boots when she’s sitting around researching or not doing much, she’ll just pile on armour as needed. Starts to wear things that are a bit more form fitting or aesthetically pleasing as she becomes more comfortable with herself.
FEAR / S : Heights, being trapped, death, death of loved ones, failure, being abandoned, and... spiders
ASPIRATION / S :  To just be... content. Surrounded by people she loves and who earnestly love her in return.
POSITIVE  TRAITS : Empathetic, resilient, compassionate, she is the unstoppable force and the immovable object.
NEGATIVE  TRAITS : She is the unstoppable force and the immovable object. Tends to bottle her feelings and has a hard time trusting people. Self-sacrificing. Low self worth.
MBTI : INFP-T (Mediator) 
ZODIAC : Althyk (Capricorn)
TEMPERAMENT : Cross between phlegmatic and melancholic
SOUL  TYPE / S : Server
ANIMALS : Dire wolf, lioness, sparrow
VICE HABIT / S: Prone to bouts of just... lying there. Doesn’t sleep very well so she ends up half finishing a lot of things.
FAITH : Unsure
GHOSTS ? : Yes.
AFTERLIFE ? : Possibly
ALIENS ? : Anything’s possible!
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT : She really doesn’t like thinking about politics after being absolutely smothered by The Bibliothecs. Very left leaning
EDUCATION  LEVEL : Received a proper education at the Studium in Old Sharlayan, sponsored by a certain Archon. Her interests were too varied to become an Archon and was constantly belittled for her niche areas of study. If she only applied herself...
FATHER : Barnimonchet Farouel. (Status Unknown)  Archon Barnimonchet was the foremost expert on aetherytes and aetherical travel. Having led repairs to multiple aetheryte systems across Eorzea and a member of the Antitower excursion team, he drifted (literally) quite frequently between the Studium and the colony. Despite his meek nature and tendency to ramble, there is no doubting that he was worthy of the title of Archon.
MOTHER : Nenne Farouel née Phillone (Status Unknown) Archon Nenne was a master in the studies of all things alchemical, including potions, crystal structures, and inks for grimoires and tomes. Her preferred area of study was researching ways to better the body and mind, noting the aetherical compositions of different beings and brewing revitalizing concotions; especially her recent invention which coined the term "Craftman's Tea", creating the recipe as a way to help her husband in his work. She often found herself in the Arboretum gathering ingredients and helping out her fellows tasked with groundskeeping, scolding tones of "Barn!" could be frequently heard echoing through the Telmatology quarter as her husband and formerly mentioned Archon fumbled his way through the vined walkways to visit her.
EXTENDED  FAMILY : No knowledge of extended blood family. The closest she had to a parental figure was Archon Louisoix who had originally offered to babysit her as a babe when her parents left on orders to study an aetherical disturbance, after which they disappeared. He took on the role as a surrogate parent for her, having no trust in Sharlayan’s current care system. Takes on an older sibling role with the younger scions.
NAME MEANING / S : I named her Reese Peepo because I like Reese’s Pieces and the peepo video was popular at the time. Charalise is a nonsense name I gave her to fit in with why she’s Reese. 
BOOK : She loves history books with any knowledge predating the fourth astral era, and has been known to read the occasional romance novel when no one is looking. Has grown to hate learning about anything Allagan.
DEITY : No specific deity
HOLIDAY : Starlight Celebration
MONTH : October (Fifth umbral moon)
SEASON :  Fall/Winter
PLACE : Urth’s Gift
SOUND / S: Wind blowing through the trees, crackling of firewood, morning bird calls, the cello
SCENT / S :  Clean laundry, freshly baked goods, flowers, cut grass
TASTE / S :  Savoury, warm spices, nothing too sweet
FEEL / S : Heavy blankets, smooth crystal, soft leaves
ANIMAL / S : All
NUMBER : none
COLORS : Earthy colours and the blue of the ocean on a clear day
TALENTS : Gardening, sword fighting, art, singing (she usually does it by herself), healing magic
BAD  AT : Staying level headed, opening up, decorating, fashion
TURN  ONS : Honesty, good sense of humour, kindness
TURN  OFFS : Cruelty, making fun of her interests, being ignored, arrogance
HOBBIES : Researching lost civilizations, anything creative, cooking
TROPES : Rage Breaking Point, It Sucks to Be the Chosen One, Big Fucking Sword, Adorkable, Conveniently an Orphan, Friend to All Living Things, Broken Hero,  I Just Want to Be Loved, Badass Bookworm
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 : Probably a LOTR-esque high fantasy adventure movie
Q2 : What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 : Lots of cello and choir pieces
Q3 : Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 : She’s basically my self insert but with a little extra Oomph
Q4 : What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 :  She’s basically my self insert
Q5 : Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 : She’s not very expressive, she’s not used to being super goofy or anything which I am
Q6 : What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 : Lots
Q7 : How does your muse feel about you?          
A7 : Probably pretty chill, would probably go and get pizza together
Q8 : What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?        
A8 : Haurchefant intentionally or unintentionally tends to break her stony facade with his ceaseless flirting and a barrage of compliments which usually ends up with Reese either cracking a little smile or turning beet red and abruptly leaving the room. He brings out the morosexual in her. She instantly becomes brighter than the sun when she’s around anyone far younger than her, switching to a more motherly persona. Alphinaud and Alisaie receive the brunt of her affections before Ryne comes along. Neither will admit to the fact they both actually enjoy it.
Q9 : What gives you inspiration to write your muse?        
A9 : Honestly       listening to LOZ music since she’s basically Link but a little bit to the left
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?          
A10 : F.....four days
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khhunniewriting · 7 years
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The ends of your lips curved up into a smile when you saw Tres attempt to imitate your moves. He repeated the choreography exactly, except for this time he made it... sexier? You questioned if it was supposed to be sexy or funny because when he did it you couldn’t help but laugh. “Okay, that’s enough. Who taught you how to dance?”  You stopped the music, making it possible to hear him speak. This was the first time you were seeing him dance. It was quite surprising since you didn’t imagine he could move like this.
“I have a friend that taught me everything I know.” Tres rolled his body before spinning and stopping in front of you.
You didn’t hold back your laughter. “Your friend taught you well but if you want to learn how much you can accomplish through body language then keep coming here for some lessons.” You body rolled just like he did but slower making your movements more fluid.
Your students behind you joined in and copied what you did and continuing the choreography you had recently taught them. You were a professional dancer with your very own studio. Although it was all still very new, you along with four of your students made up a dance team. It was becoming popular after Tres discovered you and began hiring you to be in the music videos he directed.
Once they finished Tres applauded them. “I’m a genius.” He was glad he had stumbled upon you when you first opened your studio. Although it was difficult to approach you at first.
You dismissed the class and started packing up so you could leave. “Tres, a little help.” You pointed to the sound system wanting him to turn it off. 
“I got it.” When he saw you teaching he couldn’t help but think of Young Woo. You two seemed so alike to him that it was scary. You had a tough exterior and intimidated people with your RBF (resting bitch face). But in reality, you were very easy to get along with. He wondered if all bossy people liked to dance or if you two were just a coincidence.
As you walked out to the parking lot you thought back to Tres’s dance. “So why didn’t you tell me you were so good at dancing?”
"Are you teasing me? You know I’m older than you.”
“What is age amongst friends?” You pet his head with a smile before running off in the direction of your car. “See ya later Tres.” Tres shook his head not believing you got away with doing that again.   
Tres and Young Woo were very good friends, dare he say best friends. He knew him pretty well and knew his friend was as single as a pringle. “Hey Woo, you like competitive girls who challenge you right?”
Young Woo stopped polishing his motorcycle to look over at Tres. “Why are you asking?”
“I’m just trying to remember what your type was.” If he was correct then he planned to introduce him to you. Since you were new to the city you asked him for help in making friends. And even though you said you were joking you had asked him to help you find a real man who didn’t scare easy.
His brow rose in suspicion. “That sounds very suspicious when you bring it up so suddenly.”
“It’s just, I have this friend and she-”
“You have another friend besides me?” Young Woo asked jokingly making Tres stop. “Sorry continue.”
Tres couldn’t help but think it was true, you two deserved each other. “I think I found a good dance group. The leader is the owner of a studio downtown and she might be better than Buckey.”
“Really?” Young Woo was a bit intrigued. When it came to dancing he was confident in the Woo Fam. He also knew Tres had good judgment and if he was saying this then it might be true. 
Tres proceeded to endorse you, “yeah she even does the choreography.”
Young Woo was tempted to take a look at the group that Tres was referring to. “What kind of dance do they do?”
“They do a little bit of everything, the whole group is very diverse. I visit her from time to time and end up in a dance battle. Maybe next time you should come with me.” 
Young Woo was inclined to take his offer. “I’ll go.” He had completely forgotten how the conversation had started. 
A few days later you were having a private lesson, just you an the girls who made up your professional dance group. All five of you were listening to a new song trying to think of a choreography for it. 
You were only a few hours in but you had come up with something good and were starting to focus on the execution rather than the concept. “Cici you need to bend lower when we do the dip.” You demonstrated the way you wanted her to do it as you spoke. “That way when we go down to the ground for the next move we all get there at the same time.”
“No problem” Cici replied still a bit out of breath from the last run. 
Her response was enough for you to realize they needed a break. “Sorry for pushing you all harder than usual. Let’s take a break.”
“Thank God!” One of the girls immediately dropped to her knees before laying flat on the ground. 
“If I go overboard don’t be afraid to tell me.”
“You say that Y/N but...” Cici trailed off. They all knew what it meant. You were very passionate about dancing and would constantly push your own body past its limits. “We know how you get girl.”
“Yeah, no one can stop you when you’re on a role.”
“That’s true!”
You turned when you heard a familiar male voice. “Look who’s back.” After a quick scan of Young Woo, you suddenly felt happier than usual. “I see you brought company.” 
“This is my friend Young Woo.” He motioned towards him then to you. “Young Woo this is Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you” he cooly greeted you as she tried to keep from smiling. As they had entered he caught you dancing and he was left breathless. The air was knocked out of him as you dropped and moved your hips. He was embarrassed to admit his mind had gone to unholy places not that he was a holy man.
You wanted to smile but your face didn’t listen. “Nice to meet you too.” Instead, you looked uninterested almost like you didn’t mean what you said. But that was just on the outside, inside you were dying. His voice made your mouth dry. You picked up the water bottle by the wall and drank from it. The man was making you thirsty.
Young Woo gulped as he saw a drop of water glide down your neck and chest until it disappeared in between your breasts. He looked away and coughed as he tried to keep calm.
Tres looked back and forth between you two with a smirk. There had been no more than a greeting yet he could tell you two had clicked. He would dedicate the rest of the day to getting you two to know one another.
After all the girls left you turned out the lights and locked up. “Need some help?” Young Woo asked when you got outside. 
You were expecting Tres to be waiting outside the door with Young Woo. He always stayed and accompanied to your car when you stayed late but there was no sign of Tres anywhere. “I got it” you reached into the pocket of your jacket for the keys but didn’t find it. 
Young Woo took hold of your hand and placed the studio key in it.
“What the-” It was strange to see one key alone. Usually, you had a bunch of keys hanging together with an assortment of random cute keychains. “Where’s the rest of my keys?”
“Tres, he said I should take you since he was going to borrow your car.”
After locking the studio door you turned to Young Woo not minding the situation as much as you thought you would considering what Tres had done. At least he had made it so you were comfortable with Young Woo now. “I guess you’re stuck with me.”
Young Woo chucked not minding the situation at all. “You want to go home right away or do you want to stop by somewhere?”
“I don’t know, you have anything in mind?”
“You want to have dinner with me?”
Your heart raced as you thought about this like a date. “I would love to.”
The next day Tres showed up at Young Woo’s. He wanted to ask how it went with you but there was no answer at the door. He kept knocking until finally, you opened it. Tres smirked when he saw you in one of Young Woo’s shirts. 
“You!” your eyes narrowed in anger. “How dare you take my keys?!”
“Good morning to you too Y/N.” Tres slipped by you and went into the kitchen where he found Young Woo cooking breakfast. “Woo, you are just as romantic as you are strong. Cooking breakfast for your girlfriend after-”
You slapped the back of Tres’s head to stop him from going further. “Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“But you-”
“You took my keys last night so I couldn’t go home.” After going out for a late dinner with Young Woo you realized you couldn’t even go home because Tres had forgotten one detail. Sure he gave Young Woo the key to the studio but he never gave him your house key. “Young Woo was nice enough to let me sleep here.”
“Oh...” Tres remained quiet as he realized his mistake. 
“Now can you give me my keys back?” You laid your hand out, palm up. Tres immediately gave you back the rest of your keys and apologized before leaving.
Once Young Woo heard the door close he came from behind you and held you closely against him. His hands rested on your abdomen. “You know you can sleep here whenever you like.” He gave you a kiss on the cheek that left you smiling.
You placed your hands on top of his. “Thanks, Young Woo.” Although you didn’t sleep WITH Young Woo you did sleep beside him in the same bed. You stayed up late talking with him until you suddenly confessed you might have fallen in love with him at first sight. To your surprise, he said the same thing. “Do you think I should tell him I’m not mad?"
Young Woo shook his head. “Nah, it’s more fun this way.” He knew Tres had done it to get you two together and it worked. 
A/N: Love at first sight... Yay or Nay?
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sharistonecom · 4 years
Resting Bitch Face (RBF) is the Latest Fad in Cosmetic Surgery.
We have all seen the look.  The woman or man who sits there viewing you with disdain or even contempt.  You feel socially uncomfortable and, of course, you don’t warm to them.  If this is in the context of a first date it pushes away the chances of a second encounter or in a business situation it might push you towards a competitor.
Yet, this person might not feel any animosity towards you and what you are perceiving as disdain might just be a case of RBF (resting bitch face).  Now we know that cosmetic surgeons sometimes create problems that are looking for solutions, the RBF might actually be a facial disability that a skilled surgeon can correct and that will make you more loveable and approachable.  
Some people’s mouths naturally raise on one side when they are resting, causing them to look contemptuous even though they’re feeling neutral. This can cause lots of problems since people subconsciously have negative reactions to expressions of contempt because it is the universal facial expression for hatred and arrogance. Ageing can also cause extra wrinkling on the brow which can made the face seems scowling or unfriendly.
Meet the Kardashians
Like many new trends there is some suggestion that RBF awareness is ‘Kardashian’ influenced. 
“This is actually a common request from patients — I get several each week,” says Dr. David Shafer, a double board-certified plastic surgeon and medical director of Shafer Plastic Surgery & Laser Center in Midtown.
It’s because of a public shift in focus from the upper to lower face — “popularized by the Kardashians, and their affinity for lip injections” says Dr David Schafer in a recent NYT interview.
He says selfies are also a factor: They force people to “look down at their phone, [which] accentuates the resting bitch face.”
Here’s the Science Bit ..
Jason Rogers, a behavioural neuroscientist ran neutral pictures of celebrity faces through a face-scanning software to discover the differences between those who have resting bitch face and those who don’t. He found that a typical neutral face will only register approximately 3% of hidden emotions. So, their faces do in fact look neutral. People with resting bitch face however show an average of 6% underlying emotions and most of that is contempt. Full contempt is shown when one side of the mouth is slightly raised. 
People are not generally looking for a ‘Joker smile’ but rather a subtle adjustment to their resting face. To achieve the look, doctors use techniques such as the injection of fillers into the face and sometimes Botox, medical experts said. The procedure takes about 10 to 20 minutes, costs between $500-5,000, with top docs, depending on the number of shots. It typically lasts up to two years. A tiny bit of bruising and swelling can occur near the mouth and lips, but “it’s barely noticeable,
Botox or Dysport can wipe out the vertical lines between the forehead. This area is called the glabella. A major contributor to the appearance of RBF can be attributed to the permanent scowl created from these frown lines. If you have etched lines in the glabella, even at rest, then Botox or Dsyport can help improve RBF.
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Changes Plastic Surgery & Spa San Diego USA
Unlike many traditional plastic surgery centers in San Diego, they are industry-recognised experts in a…
1. Changes Plastic Surgery & Spa San Diego USA
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Unlike many traditional plastic surgery centers in San Diego, they are industry-recognised experts in a wide variety of cosmetic procedures and are proud that they offer ‘scarless surgery’. As a triple board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Lee aspires to help patients achieve a “natural” look. To accomplish this goal, he works with patients to understand their plastic surgery goals and ensure they look and feel refreshed and youthful – without appearing fake.
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Address: 11515 El Camino Real #150 ​​​​​​​San Diego, CA 92130
Airport Pickup
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Medical records coordination
Procedures Offered
Breast Augmentation
Breast Reduction
Breast Lift
Blepharoplasty (eyelids)
Abdominoplasty. (tummy tuck)
Rhinoplasty (nose job)
Non-surgical Nose Job
Forehead Lift
Otoplasty (ear correction treatment)
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Rhytidectomy (Facelift)
Gynecomastia (male breast reduction)
Scarless surgery
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    The post Resting Bitch Face (RBF) is the Latest Fad in Cosmetic Surgery. appeared first on Best Cosmetic Surgeons.
source https://bestcosmeticsurgeons.com/women-are-flocking-to-plastic-surgeons-to-fix-resting-bitch-face/ source https://bestcosmeticsurgeons.tumblr.com/post/617460152476516352
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sexy-sans-the-ass · 7 years
May I have a matchup?
[Forgive me if this runs a bit long, i may have gotten a tad over-enthusiastic, haha]
I’m a straight girl, (probably) around 5'4", black with dark hair and dark eyes. I used to have an afro (and goodness, was it glorious), but I recently decided to buzz it all off. I look thin around the waist, particularly from the side, but I’m actually pretty heavy, and any part of me that jiggles jiggles a LOT. 
My resting bitch face is absolutely awful, so much so that I look like something’s wrong even if I’m NOT in a Mood, and attempting to appear pleasant-neutral. I don’t like my smile much because it looks kind of snarly, and I can’t smile at all unless I’m GENUINELY happy, or else it looks super fake. When I get excited, I get EXCITED. I mean bouncing in place, arm flapping, happy squeaky voice, the whole thing. I have a variety of interests, including cooking and baking, video games, anime, watching let’s plays’ and reaction videos, drawing, reading, cryptozoology, regular zoology, gardening, and beekeeping. I’m a huge foodie, too, and I heavily pride myself on how fast I can eat. My depression kills my appetite on bad days, though, and makes it difficult for me to find the motivation to do pretty much anything, much less take care of myself properly, so I can go for an unhealthy amount of time without eating properly or drinking much of anything. I don’t really like myself all that much. At the best of times, I find my existence tolerable, just barely. My friends (and my cat, his name is Baby) mean more to me than I think I’ll ever mean to myself, and when my loyalty has been won, it takes a serious transgression in order to lose it, and once it’s gone, it’s GONE. I’ve spent far too long dealing with mistreatment I didn’t deserve, I’m done with it.
I’ve been through a lot of traumatic shit in my life that I had no idea was traumatic until pretty recently. I’m still kind of coming to terms with that. Also still coming to terms with the fact that I’ve been touch starved for my basically my whole life. Asking for physical affection when I need it is difficult, but I’m working on it. I’ve found I like being layed on.
----- Pun:
I match you with: Mutt (Sf Papyrus)!
Where does he even start?! He loves the smooth chocolate color of your skin, the dark pools of your eyes, and the way your dark hair compliments the both of them. He doesn’t think you’re heavy at all- and he thinks the jiggly parts of you are adorable! Lanky boi here is surprisingly strong, so there’s never a need to worry about your weight around him. It’s okay that you have RBF syndrome- he has it too, but his is the more mild version where he just looks bored all the time rather than angry. He does constantly ask whether or not you’re okay, but that’s only because he never wants you to be anything other than happy, especially if he can help it. When you smile, snarly is the last word he would use to describe it, because to him it’s like watching the clouds part to reveal the most beautiful dazzling night sky filled with stars, and it makes him stop whatever he’s doing and stare in pure awe. He can’t help but to get excited whenever you go off about something, your delight is contagious! And your wide variety of interests certainly makes sure the two of you rarely run out of conversation topics. He may not know much about your interests, but he’ll do a little research on them so he’s able to keep up in a conversation and be sure to ask you about things so you can teach him more too. Don’t even get him started on being a foodie- this bean can put food away like no one else, so he can admire your skill at eating so quickly. Whenever your depression hits, he’s right there to comfort and take care of you, making sure you eat properly and get enough liquid. ‘you don’t have to eat a lot, sugar, just a little something. how ‘bout some crackers and a glass of water?’ He just wants to make sure you’re okay. He knows you aren’t too fond of yourself, but that’s okay, a lot of people tend to care about others more than themselves. Every night when the two of you are settling down, he’ll soothe you to sleep with whispers of how much you mean to him, how perfect you are, how he’s always going to be there when you need him and that if he can help it no one will ever hurt you again. He won’t ever break your trust, he’d rather be dusted. No need to worry about asking for affection, because this tol skele will shower you with it at any given time. You’re doing the dishes? He’s gonna come up behind you and put his arms around your waist and lean on you gently, just talking about nothing and everything. Going up to the room for a nap? Nah, c’mere, you can sleep on his chest while he watches reruns of cheesy tv shows. He does his fair share of laying on you, too, especially if you’re lying in bed or on the couch. He’ll just pop in and WHUMP, now you have a skeleblanket. Enjoy. He can’t help it, you’re adorable and he just wants to have you in his arms. He adores you.
Wheew, this ran two pages. I took one look at the request and something in me was like MUTT. So, here you are! Enjoy, dearheart!
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Sim Profiles: Étienne Duchamp
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Sim Name: Étienne Duchamp
Nickname: É
Gender: Male
Traits: Geek, Good, and Creative
World: Willow Creek
Occupation: Start-Up Genius
Hobbies: Modeling, Chess, Woodworking, Fishing, Bowling, Playing Guitar, and Painting
Marital Status: Married
Spouse Name: Amélie (Durand) Duchamp
Children: 3
Children’s Names and Ages: Micheline - Teen; Antoine - Child; Marceline - Toddler
Parents: François and Adrienne (Marchant) Duchamp
Sister: Charlée (Duchamp) Ritter (married to Derrick Ritter, 1 child Quynne)
Half-Brother: Stéphane Marchant (Girlfriend - Jillian Freeman)
Étienne’s Story: 
Étienne has known Amélie most of his life and has always had a special place in his heart for her. They have always been close and he has never looked at another girl the way he looks at her. They started dating in high school and eventually Amélie ended up pregnant with Micheline. Even though he finished high school, married Amélie right afterward, has made it to the top of his career (Start-Up Genius), and has been an amazing father and husband, Amélie’s parents, especially her father, have not fully forgiven him. This despite Amélie finishing high school, university, and medical school. Étienne’s kids are closer to him than they are to Amélie. However, right now, they are making life challenging for him. Micheline recently came out as bi to Étienne and Antoine is going through a mean streak. To top it all off, É and Amélie just had their third child, and the kids were less than thrilled about it. Now Amélie’s married sister, Élise, is throwing herself at É every chance she gets. And now É’s long-lost half-brother Stéphane recently found his birth parents and let’s just say that things are starting to get complicated... Through it all, Étienne maintains his sense of humour and generally keeps his cool. Don’t let the RBF fool you, he really is a nice guy. 
Why I Love Him:
Étienne is my favorite Sim and I play him the most (however, I do not write as him). He is the first Sim I made when I got Sims 4 back in 2014, so I am quite attached to him. He is essentially the first Sim that popped up when I went into CAS the first time. Until recently, he was largely unchanged except for his eye color and skin tone. He’s unique because his eye brows are no longer a preset option in CAS, and I reserve his original hairstyle (not pictured) just for him. I recently updated his Everyday/Party hair to the style pictured. I also updated his Formal hair to a different style for each outfit. Since updating his Everyday/Party hairstyle, he now sports his original messy hair only for sleeping. I have now added eyelashes, eye bags, body hair, facial hair, full-body freckles, and correct anatomy. I also updated his wardrobe from suit jackets over polos and khakis to button downs over t-shirts and jeans. I have kept his layered style, but made him look more like a skater boy and less like a computer geek.
LumiaLoverSims for Étienne’s skin, body hair, and necklace (you can’t see it but it is there).
Kitty25939 @MTS for Étienne’s eyes.
LittleDica @MTS for Étienne’s teeth.
Screaming Mustard @ MTS for Étienne’s pose (Pose 6)
Olesmit for Étienne’s shirt and jeans.
NataliS @TSR for Étienne’s nails.
Severinka_ @TSR for Étienne’s single left earring.
S-Club @TSR for Étienne’s eyelashes. 
Raizon for Étienne’s Celtic knot tattoos
SimsOnARope for Étienne's freckles
Tamo for Étienne's eye bags
Necrodog @ MTS for Étienne's feet
Étienne’s hair, eyebrows, glasses, skin tone, and boots are EA.
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jiminnieblues-blog · 7 years
get to know me tag(s)
yoo so recently i’d been tagged to do three get to know me tags, and i dont want to make three separate posts for each so im gonna combine all of them in this one post which is under a cut bc……….its really long LOL anyways i was tagged by @lovhobe, @elementaljimin, and @protectkimtaehyung thank you so much guys!!!!!!!!!!! <333 im glad i got to know yall better asdfgh
im tagging @jiminslipgloss​, @jxxminmols​, @kismet-soo​, @baeklipse​, @sonyeondn​, @neckatie​, @kihyunswife​ and @bulletproofbookworm​ you guys are welcome to do however many of these you want lol i just didnt wanna tag people separately for each tag
i was tagged by @lovhobe​ to do the 20 questions one tysm!!  instructions: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better. (lol yall already know i aint tagging 20 people)
name - zara
nickname - um a few of my friends like to call me zar-zar and i get called zaro by my family a lot
zodiac sign - cancer
height - 5′ 3″
orientation - straight
ethnicity - pakistani
favorite fruit - pineapple i think
favorite season - fall
favorite book series - idk um i’ll be that person and say harry potter lol i cant rlly think of a good series rn but my fave book is the kite runner 
favorite flower - i dont rlly know a lot of flowers but i like roses and the vibrant colors that orchids can have
favorite scent - fresh laundry
favorite color - purple
favorite animal - zebras?
coffee, tea, or hot cocoa - hot cocoa
average hours of sleep - five
cat or dog person - i like both but i think i like cats a little more
favorite fictional character(s) - this is hard bc i used to be in a lot of fandoms asdfghjkl draco, red & gold, percy, bakugou, link and i have more from all the drama i watch but the list will be to long lmao !!!
number of blankets you sleep with - three
dream trip - idrk?? somewhere out of the country i guess i dont leave the us unless im going to pakistan lol
blog created - i had to check my archive lmao but i made this blog in oct of 2015
number of followers - :^)
NEXT i was tagged by @eternaljimin​ for the get to know me tag tysm !! there werent any instructions just.........answer the questions lol.
a - age - fourteen lmao.........................
b - biggest fear - tight spaces
c - current time - 10:35 pm
d - drink you had last - water
e - everyday starts with - getting out of bed??
f - favorite song - im saying this just bc it just came out but RUMOR BY KARD IS A BOP WATCH IT AND SUPPORT THESE LEGENDS  
g - ghosts are real? - idk my dude
h - hometown/country - us
i - in love with - jimin?
j - jealous of - i was just watching sbs kpop star and there are these two kids who are eleven yrs old and are so talented i wish i was talented you feel 
k - killed someone - why would someone even ask this akshf ofc not
l - last time you cried - i think i cried today lmfao
m - music you last listened to - RUMOR BY KARD
n - newest thing you bought for yourself - i think the last thing i spent my money on was cheez its from the vending machine @ school ajksf
o - one wish - i wish my life went smoothly and that i wasnt mentally ill?? lmao
p - person you last messaged - @jiminslipgloss​ :)
q - questions you get asked often - since i wear the hijab i get a lot of questions abt that i also get questions on my rbf like ‘why do you look so depressed all the time’ asfkjkj
r - recommended (movie? series? book?) - i just remembered that i read this book called this blinding absence of light and it was rlly good a little explicit but it was a damn good book i rlly wanna re read it 
s - song you last sang - i dont rmbr but it was probs a track from hamilton lol
t - thanks, last person you said thanks to - the waiter that gave me food @ a restaurant i went today 
u - underwear youre wearing - not sure what this is asking but im wearing a purple one rn???
v - vacation, your dream vacation - i dont rlly have one lol
w - worst habit - idk if this counts but i lose my temper a lot? is that a habit? if not i tend to space out/get distracted a lot esp in class
x - x rays youve had - my teeth, my ankle, a few of my fingers
y - your favorite food - rice !
z - zodiac sign - cancer
for the third one i was tagged by @protectkimtaehyung​ for the seventy questions tag tysm!!!!!!
do you have a good relationship with your parents? yeah
who did you last say i love you to? um listen im rlly not tryna be edgy but i seriously dont rmbr the last time i said ily irl
do you regret anything? i regret a lot of things lol
are you insecure? unfortunately
whats your relationship status? single
how do you want to die? asdfghjkl um a painless death i think
what did you last eat? rice
played any sports? i used to play tennis and swim but now i do kung fu
do you bite your nails? no
when was your last physical fight? i kind of have......to fight in kung fu so like when i last had class lol
do you like someone? no
have you ever stayed up forty-eight hours? yeah
do you hate anyone atm? i tend to hate a lot of ppl lmao?
do you miss someone? uhm i dont think so
have any pets? no :// i used to have parakeets but i gave them away and i just recently found out that they passed away :(((
how exactly are you feeling right now? i was kinda happy but since its sunday night im starting to feel shitty bc i dont want to go back to school tmrw afjh and im rlly tired
ever made out in the bathroom? no
are you scared of spiders? yeah lol
would you go back in time if you were given the chance? this is an interesting question bc it depends like if i were given just one chance then mayyyybe id go back and change smth i did that was stupid but if were given the chance to go whenever i want then probably not bc thats way too much pressure/commitment to have a power like that sdhfa 
where was the last place you snogged someone? i havent snogged anyone lmfao
what are your plans for this weekend? sleep
do you want to have kids? how many? i dont want to have kids bc childbirth doesnt seem appealing to me but idk i might change my mind when im older/more mature
do you have piercing? how many? one on both ears
what is/are/were your best subjects? the only classes i have solid as in are art, lit, and w4p lol math and science are def not my thing
do you miss anyone for your past? from my past, yes
what are you craving right now? sleep
have you ever broken someones heart? in first grade some kid liked me and i embarrassed him in front of his friends to get him to stop liking me so yeah i was wildin in first grade
have you ever been cheated on? no
have you ever made a significant other cry? no
whats irritating you right now? my tiredness? 
does somebody love you? oh geez i hope lmao
what is your favorite color? purple
do you have trust issues? yeah
who/what was your last dream about? um i dont think i remember v clearly
who was the last person you cried in front of? my mom
do you give second chances out easily? i dont think ive been in a situation where ive had to but i probably wouldnt 
is it easier to forgive or forget? wow um can i say neither lol
is this year the best year of your life? definitely not
how old were you when you had your first kiss? havent had one
have you ever walked out naked? no
favorite food? rice
do you believe everything happens for a reason? hmmm probably idk man i dont think too hard lol
what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? scrolling through this hell website
is cheating ever okay? no
are you mean? i probably dont come off as mean online but im not gonna lie i def get mean irl
how many people have you fist fought? i dont think ive been in a situation where i had to punch someone?
do you believe in true love? ive never experienced romantic love so i wouldnt be able to say but probably aajkf ive read/watched too much and analyzed too many relationships for me to say love is real but...........love isnt real yall
favorite weather? when the sun is covered by clouds and its a little chilly
do you like the snow? ive only encountered snow like twice so idk but i feel like i wouldnt like it very much lol
do you want to get married? idk man
is it cute when someone calls you baby? pet names arent rlly my thing lol 
what makes you happy? sleep...........im rlly tired rn 
would you change your name? no
would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? this is an interestingly phrased question lol. well i dont rmbr the last person i kissed so idk
your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? wow that would be rlly sad LMAO but id turn him down and tell him to get better standards wtf
do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? well they wouldnt be considered my friend if i couldnt act like myself around them so yes
who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? i just texted my friend so we can play video games aslfkh 
whos the last person you had a deep conversation with? literally the same dude from the last question lol
do you believe in soulmates? um no i dont think so?
id there anyone you would die for? my family/friends
thanks everyone again for tagging me !! <33
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kimandmakeup · 6 years
The owners of Glow Recipe were recently on a podcast where I heard them mention something that perked my ears up.  They frequently travel to Asia to research new skincare ingredients and get inspiration for their line. When asked what trends they see coming up in skincare, they predicted “skincare as makeup” to be the next big thing.  
  While I absolutely adore makeup of course, I prefer to only wear skincare during the week instead of makeup unless I’m doing a look after work.  The main benefit to skincare is obviously to protect my skin during the day and treat/ prevent acne. However, there are some products I like to use that do double duty and actually make me look a little more presentable at work without having to wear actual makeup. These are some of my favorite kind of products so “skincare as makeup” being a trend is exciting to me.  Hopefully we will be seeing more product releases that function in this way.
For me “skincare as makeup” starts at night.  I swear I can tell a difference in my skin the next day when I have applied Egyptian Magic before bed.  It feels more supple and bouncy without being greasy. After I wash my face I like to apply Bio Oil and gently massage it to promote lymphatic drainage.  Along with regular use of face masks (faves here), having hydrated skin helps me be more confident without makeup.
Every morning before work I wash my face in the shower, moisturize, then go in with Jergens Natural Glow Face moisturizer. It’s a sunscreen with a gradual tanning agent in there. It won’t turn you orange and just helps my face match my neck and chest when I have a fake tan. On days where my tan is gone I put on a mattifying sunscreen by Etude House that keeps my face matte all day long at work. It is kind of magical because I’m SUPER oily. If this brand did a mattifying primer that did the same thing as the SPF I’d scoop it up since this works so well.
  If I have an important meeting at work or want to look a little better than my typical bare face, I curl my lashes, put on mascara, and apply Cicapair Tiger Grass cream. It has SPF 30 and neutralizes redness. It’s mint green in the tub but doesn’t stay that way on my face. It looks really natural and a small dab goes a long way.
  I probably look like a weirdo but I do all this skincare (starting with moisturizer) while sitting in my car in the parking lot just before walking into work. It takes two minutes tops and I make it work by keeping a makeup bag of all these things in my car.  There are times when it comes in handy when I randomly need to run out and add a touch of powder or whatever.  I also like to keep an aloe vera face spray in my car to refresh my face on warm days and get a little more moisture.
no makeup!
There are a couple things I keep at my desk as well that I qualify as skincare. Besides having a few lip balms and hand cream that I apply constantly, I also have an Origins Ginzing eye cream that has a light peach tint. It feels soothing and brightens up my under eyes on early mornings. I haven’t found a dupe that has a nice tint like this one even though I don’t really believe that this does anything for my eyes in terms of anti- aging.  
  Something that comes in super handy is having triple antibiotic cream if I have a psycho zit that is bothering me. Dabbing on a layer makes me feel like I’m fighting it and it’s transparent so no one knows that I’m doing a spot treatment while I work. Lastly in my desk face arsenal, I love having a vitamin E oil roller ball to run over areas that are prone to wrinkle while I have RBF sitting at my desk. I also like to dab it on my lashes and brows when I’m not wearing mascara to encourage hair growth.
  Besides having a good skincare routine, one more step that goes a really long way to making my face look better with no makeup is dermaplaning. It makes my skin smooth and pretty much gives me a new face when that layer of dead skin comes off. It is so satisfying to see and feel the fresh skin underneath. To do it I start with clean wet skin and run a razor pretty much everywhere other than my brows and eyes.
Other than tinting my brows, whitening my teeth, and applying fake tan on a kabuki brush to my face every once in awhile, all these steps make me feel semi confident going out bare faced in public on the regular. It can be hard to do when you rely on makeup to cover active acne. Supplements like spearmint, vitamin a, collagen peptides, l-lysine, and fish oil have helped my skin SO much. Check out my current skincare routine here.
I’m also kind of dying to try out ice rolling to depuff and energize my skin. It basically sounds so refreshing as a pick me up! I haven’t bought one yet because I don’t think it’s something I want to leave in the work freezer then run to a bathroom stall to use.   I’m trying to not reveal to my coworkers how high maintenance I am so I keep all this underwraps even though I do most of it on the daily at work lol. I hope this post helps anyone out there that is wanting to try out going makeup-less on a regular basis. If you have any sneaky skincare as makeup tips that you do, please share!
Skincare as Makeup The owners of Glow Recipe were recently on a podcast where I heard them mention something that perked my ears up.  
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wastelandcth · 4 years
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anon requested : the fans thinking reader is toxic and the new "a*******" just because of her rbf sometimes when she's with Cal and him shutting them down is my kink
thanks for the request! she who will not be named brings back bad memories hence the above but i still really likes the idea of calum speaking out over his loved ones!
By the time Calum had finished recording the video, his hands were shaking, the anger in his body still present as he thought about how he'd found you in your living room, a blanket wrapped around your body as you scrolled through your phone, reading all the comments and messages his so called fans had been writing about you. The urge to grab your phone and throw it as far away from you both faded away as he heard you choke back a sob from escaping your mouth, his body moving over next to yours and wrapping his arms around you. He felt like this was his fault, he was used to everyone talking about him whenever he did anything, comments would stream in about how he looked, what he was doing, who he was with. But you had never asked for any of that, all you had done was stolen Calum's heart and then you were thrust into the spotlight. Everytime you two would go out there was pictures online before the two of you were back home, the fans commenting on every little detail of you two.
At first, you thought you'd be able to handle it. They were just people hiding behind a screen and it hadn't bothered you at all in the beginning. In the beginning, the fans were accepting of your relationship, never prying too much when they'd spot you both out running errands. You'd been dating Calum for almost a year when you two first went public, so you both knew that your relationship was solid, knew that you were both understanding of each other's lives and the fans seem to understand that. It wasn't until some of them had compared you to a certain ex that the band didn't mention much anymore that your feelings toward his fans began to change.
At first, Calum hadn't noticed the way you seemed to walk further away when he was stopped by them when you two went shopping, most of the time completely disappearing from view until he would have to text or call you to find out what store you had hidden in, your excuse being you wanted to give him more time to spend with them, that you knew how important they were to him. You'd also stopped posting on most social media, especially about him. Anytime you'd post a tweet about you'd done during the day, or even just a picture of Duke, the hate comments would stream in, blaming you for Calum's recent behavior or the way he was looking. Then you just altogether disappeared from the online scene, your accounts left unused and some of his fans wondering where'd you gone. Calum noticed something was off when you started making excuses up as to why you couldn't go out with him to run errands or go to lunch anymore, always blaming work or even a family emergency in order to get out of being seen in public with him.
This time you had told him you were busy with a work project, that lunch just wasn't possible for the next couple of days. Frustrated, Calum made his way to your place. He was fed up, he was tired of being the one who always had to reach out and try to plan something for the both of you. He didn't know exactly why your mood had changed over the last couple of weeks, why you distanced yourself from him and everyone else around you. And that's when he found you on your couch, tears streaming down your face as you finally told him the truth, how his fans thought you were ruining his life, that they thought you were toxic, that you had changed him for the worst. Your body shook as you told him everything, told him how you felt like they were right at times, that he'd probably be better off with someone else. It wasn't until Calum had cupped your face in his hands and forced you to look at him that you felt the stress and sadness of the past couple days leave your shoulders.
"They're wrong. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me, you know that right? Ever since I met you, I've never wanted anything but to be with you, to be able to hear your laugh and hear about all of your workplace gossip." he nodded, his thumb sliding under your eye to wipe away the tears, "You're the only one for me, if they can't understand that, then they're not my fans, they're nothing to me, baby." he sighed, his arms pulling you into a hug, "I know you never asked for any of this, that you deserve to have the privacy in a relationship. I'm sorry that I can't give that to you." He held you close, a small sigh leaving his lips as he felt you lean into his touch, only leaving your side once your breathing had evened out and your eyelids had fluttered closed. He made his way into the office, his phone tightly gripped in his hands, uploading the video to all his social media, making the message very clear to whoever was listening.
"My relationship is frankly none of your business. Who I choose to love and spend my time outside of the band with does not concern you. If I want to be with my girlfriend because she makes me happy, then that's who I will be with. I won't let my so called fans decide who they think is best for me. You know a portion of my life, the parts I choose to share with you. You do not know me like she knows me and honestly, none of you will ever know me like she does. She is my sun and I will not have you all disrespect not only her privacy but her image. My girlfriend is the most caring and thoughtful person I've ever met. She's made me want to become a better person and I wish she could have that influence on all of you who are wasting your time sending hurtful and disrespectful comments towards hers. I'm not sure what you all believe but hating on my friends, family, and loved ones will not make me notice you, it will not make me fall in love with you, and it will certainly not make me want to interact with you. If you guys can't respect me and my decisions then you have no business being a fan of me and the band. I've seen this happen plenty of times to my brothers and I will not stand by and let it happen to me as well. I love her and she makes me happy. That should be enough for you guys to respect her, respect me, and respect our relationship."
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selfcompassion88 · 5 years
I say this with certainty but I feel happy lately, for obvious reasons. I've been two weeks binge-free, until today but I'm not sure if today was considered binging or simply just freeing myself from counting calories and eating till contentment. I don't feel sick or overly full, just sluggish from the carb overload but I think that's normal. You know what, I'm just going to deem today as NOT a binge day but a free day of eating. I don’t remember the last time I’ve written, possibly early June perhaps but since then so much has happened. I got two jobs, Supre and The Trybe and damn am I so excited for The Trybe. I still can’t believe that I was one of few successful applicants who got hired. It’s crazy how much I underestimated myself. I mean I didn’t think I did horrible but I wasn’t very confident with either. My mindset for both was very ‘go with the flow’, if I get it GREAT and if I don’t, I guess I’ll keep applying. Today I felt incredibly stressed about which job I was going to keep. I’m bored of JB but shifts are flexible and plus it’s such a chill environment and the managers are so supportive. I’ll also miss the crew so much if I left and plus it’s a super easy and comfortable job. For that reason I don’t plan to quit, I know I’ll definitely keep JB so now I have to choose between Supre and The Trybe. So this is my plan, I’ll sign the contract for both, work both and PRAY that the shifts don’t clash and while I’m working both these new jobs, I’ll have to go on leave at JB. Doesn’t sound like the most promising plan but it’s the best one I’ve got. I’ll never know which one I prefer if I don’t try both. I really didn’t think I’d get both offers, that’s what’s so crazy to me. I feel like so many things are going right in my life right now. I got an ongoing volunteer position at Second Chance Animal Rescue and my goodness are the dogs so frickin cute. I feel secure in my friendships and most importantly, I feel content in the way I look and how I’m going about eating and losing weight. I haven’t lost any weight since my let binge day 2 weeks ago but the fact that I’m okay with that and that I’m consistent with continuing to track what I eat, not letting the fact that I haven’t lost any weight get me down is honestly such a HUGE thing for me. Two years ago, I’d wake up, stand on the scales and if the number didn’t drop I’d binge eat, but I haven’t done that in 14 days. As with my appearance, of course I’m not at the point where I fully love the way I look. I wonder if I’ll ever even get to that point? What I mean by ‘feeling content with my looks’ is that I’ve had a number of days where I simply felt pretty and even confident. For a few consecutive nights I’ve started watching videos from Youtubers Thatssoyin and Christine Le. Ever since then I’ve played around with make-up more. I’ve attempted to apply eyeshadow after 2 years, followed their tutorials and enhanced my base make-up application, started using falsies and wearing lipstick and because of all that I feel pretty more often.
 So there’s something else I wanted to get off my chest, something that I’ve been very insecure and embarrassed about feeling but it has to be let out in order for me to move past it. I feel like in the last two months I’ve made such great progress in terms of confidence, happiness, getting to know who I am, not comparing myself to others and loving myself whole-heartedly, but there has been one incidence that has kind of resurfaced that I thought I had already worked on and moved past from. So I have this co-worker who I’ll name A. So A is a year younger than me, really pretty, the hot kind of pretty that turns heads. She’s slim-fit, tanned, strong features, has a constant RBF, and dresses in a body-flattering way. A always tells me how many guys slide into her DMs, ask her for sexual favours, hit on her, add her on social media, try to get with her at social events, etc. I’ve worked with her for a total of 7-8 months now and in that span of time she’s literally introduced about 15-20 guys who she’s dating/dated. Frickinnn give me three years and I’ll only have one interesting guy to talk about, two if I’m lucky. Anyway the topic of her and boys comes up so often that I’m literally like “do we even talk about anything else?”. Don’t get me wrong, our friendship is not completely one-sided, she’s one of the few at work who I’m able to talk about my life with (I guess) which is rare since I never do that with pretty much everyone. I’ve been working at JB for over a year and a half and probably ¾ of the store don’t know anything about me. A boasts so much, so much to the point where I’m starting to slowly resent her for it. Here’s the thing, I don’t know if I’m slowly starting to resent her because I’m slightly jealous or because I’m genuinely sick of it. Part of me knows that I feel insecure when she talks about how many guys want her because I’m not able to relate at all. Like NO (absolutely zero) guys give me attention. If I really had to delve down and figure out why I would say 80% of it is the fact that I’m genuinely so tired of having the same conversations with her. Like yeah a customer thinks you’re hot and wants your number but this has happened about four different times and I know this because you’ve told me so like what’s ya point? I just don’t want to be an insecure, envious teenage girl you know. I thought those days were in the past and that I had outgrown them but I have to remind myself that it’s not jealousy that’s driving our distancing friendship. I’m honestly so exhausted of hyping her up. She sometimes tells me accounts like their nothing. Like if what you just told me happened to me, I would be overjoyed, I don’t get why she just drops what to me is considered exciting news like they don’t mean anything. The other day she casually told me “I have an interview with Rebel Sport”. This was around the time that I was struggling to get a call back for any jobs that I applied for online, not to mention the fact that I applied for that exact same job and didn’t even get a call back. My point is, she just boasts so much, about all these guys that want her, events that are going on in her life, drama with girls that are apparently ‘jealous’ of her, how her dad pays for everything, etc. and it’s getting to a point where I’m like PLEASE STOP TALKING! I feel like the reason why it’s so hard for me to get close to people is because very few want to get to know me. A lot of relationships I’ve formed have been one-sided and it’s honestly so mentally-draining to entertain these kinds of bonds. If everyone would just understand that it’s not that hard to ASK other people questions instead of talk about themselves all day I’d be best friends with literally everybody. It’s as easy as “how have you been?” and “anything new in your life?”. I’m tired of A greeting me and the first thing she says is “I’m mad at [insert the name of the guy she’s seeing here if there even is JUST ONE]” or “my psycho ex-best friend did this”. I’m always gonna care about the stories she has to tell me, it’s in my nature but I’m giving her advice, helping her when she’s down but she just keeps throwing herself in the same position which obviously means that she’s gonna get hurt AGAIN. Do you get why I’m so done with it and the fact that it’s not just jealousy? When I bring up what’s been going on in my life she couldn’t care less and that’s unfair. I told her that I was successful in getting a one-on-one interview with The Trybe and she’s like “congrats!”. I do genuinely think she was happy for me in the moment but she didn’t seem to have any interest in talking about it any further. I remember talking about job interviews and offers with her and she ended up turning it back on herself.  She’s honestly easy to get along with, humourous and kind but shes considerate in unimportant ways like when she offers to get you a coffee. I wouldn’t call her selfish because she isn’t, just more immature I guess. I think to an extent she’s use to things being about her.
 Ok so the next story also includes A but it involves another person too. Let’s call him B (hahaha I’m so original). So B started working at our store about a month before A did. They were both Christmas casuals. Before B started working at the store I remember I felt low-key desperate for JB to hire a cute Asian boy. And weirdly somehow that came true. I remember the first time I met B. it was during semester two’s exam period, I came in with my black hoodie and leggings looking like absolute trash because I had gained weight from stress-eating, I walked in and saw him walk out from the back room with a name tag on before the store opened. Before I could even process the thought that he was cute, I automatically just shook his hand, introduced myself and continued walking. Apparently he started a while ago but we never had any shifts together. I thought he was super cute, cool-looking, he seemed awkward as well and I kinda dug that. Then that day, I went home and stalked him on Instagram and found out that he had a girlfriend. Any plan I had in regards to getting close to him, going out of my way to talk to him and getting to know him was thrown out the window because of that. I mean if he already had a girlfriend, there was no point in crushing on him. From then on (literally only took 24 hours) I only saw him as a co-worker and I told myself that if a friendship was gonna form it would form naturally and have maintained that thought ever since. Anyway B recently broke up with his girlfriend of 3 years. Last Friday I noticed he looked quite sad when he approached me and so I asked him twice if he was okay and if anything was wrong. A was there at the time that I asked him too. As he walked off he told me that he and his girlfriend broke up and I thought he was lying because they seemed so happy together on social media and plus she was his lock-screen. I thought they were really into each other and so why would they randomly choose not to be together? Anyway Friday was a lil cray at JB. At one point in particular I was alone at the counter on the phone with Latitude and the line grew so long, all the customers were angrily watching me wondering why they weren’t being served and some guy even gave me the “WTF!”, impatient hand gesture. I paged for assistance so many times and was wondering why A wasn’t coming out to help me out. 20 minutes later I asked my manager where A was because she was gone for a while, at one point nobody was being served and she wasn’t there to help even though it was HER job to do so. Because she was nowhere to be found I had to deal with backlash from customers and other employees from different departments had to go out of their way to do a job that she was exclusive to. Anyway, after she came back I asked her what happened not in a bossy way just a curious, concerned way because maybe she was on the phone to her parents or she was out of the store. Instead she told me that she was talking to B about his break-up with his girlfriend. I’m not mad about it anymore at all but that night and for a bit the next day I was a bit bitter that she did so. First of all, it’s because of me that she found out that he broke up with his girlfriend in the first place, I don’t think she would have found out directly through him otherwise, and second of all because I wanted to be the one to talk about it with him and to give him any advice when necessary because I recently went through one as well whereas she just strings guys along. B and I have always been so so so awkward whenever we’re alone together. I think because we’re both awkward, alone we just create huge awkward energy. I’m not really close to B personally and so when I found out about the break-up I was thinking that this was my chance to kind of bond with him closely in a platonic way. But A already bet me to it. I heard that she gave him advice and hugged him for it and so now if I ever bring it up with him he’s not going to want to because he already said everything he wanted to say to A. she talked to him during his most vulnerable and so now if I do the same it’ll just seem like I’m prying. Here’s the thing, I know her intentions weren’t bad, if anything they were really noble when she tried to help him. She’s not a bad person for doing so but at the same time I can’t help but be annoyed that she couldn’t just let me have this situation. She has guy 1, guy 2 (who btw also works for us and is cheating on his gf with her), guy 3-to-probably-15 by the sounds of it so I don’t understand why she felt the need to get close to B as well. She bragged about B being able to open up comfortably with her and that she just has this aura where people can talk about their issues with her but she doesn’t realise that I don’t feel like that with her. I always thought that B felt closer to me than A because he found A slightly intimidating but now this will probably bring them closer and he’s only going to want to talk to her at the counter instead of me. She’s also rostered on with him on her next shift which is usually my shift and so any chances I have to talk to him, I’ll have to wait until the week after. It’s petty and silly and I 100% know that this situation has purely arose from jealousy. It’s just frustrating because it’s really hard for me to get close to guys. The one reasonable excuse I have to get close to one who I’m slightly interested in has been taken away from me by someone who practically gets boys at her knees in front of her. I’m not upset about this at all now and I would never hold such a petty situation like this against her, I just wanted to rant about it because it really did annoy me at the time.
 But anyway, so many good things have come my way this past month and so I’m going to stop comparing and dwelling on unimportant things. Tumblr has helped me put so much of my faith into fate and destiny. So if I was to get close to B or to anyone else for that matter it’ll happen regardless of who gets in the way. I believe so much in the saying that everything happens for a reason and if it doesn’t happen it wasn’t meant for you. I guess you could say I’m a bit of a dreamer. But I love where fate has brought me so far and I’m going to continue to cherish this happiness. No matter how good someone else’s life seems this blissful feeling and happy feeling is my own.
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OTTAWA ICON - Maryam & Dhivya
“Two great friends entering a journey together. Together, in school for Medical Radiation Technology, and pursuing portrait photography!”
Maryam @marya.mali : Hey! My name is Maryam Ali. I am 22 years old and am currently living and studying in Ottawa, Ontario.  I am a first generation Somali-Canadian. I love reading, taking long strolls through Netflix, and eating at new and fancy places :) My guilty pleasure tv show is MTV's Catfish (it’s 2018 and people are still getting catfished, HOW???). A recent book I’ve read is by Trevor Noah called Born A Crime. It’s quite an insightful read and would highly recommend it. Dhivya @dhivya.sri : Hi :) I’m Dhivya Sriranganathan. I am a 22-year-old student and have lived my whole life in Ottawa. I have way too many interests, but I’m really into visual arts, singing, reading (something I haven’t done in a while though) and photography. I’m always trying to learn something new, so recently I have been wanting to take up graphic designing/digital art! I’ll see far I get with that though haha.
What was your first impressions of each other? M: You know what's funny? I thought Dhivya was a little rude at first. It was grade 8, I was new to the school and we were in the same class. I would attempt at making conversation but she wouldn’t really want to talk. Once we did start talking though we found out that we had a lot in common and hit it off.  It’s funny now looking back at it, and how far we’ve come since. But yeah, I thought she was rude aha!
D: I always find it funny when Maryam recounts her side of the story. It makes me look like the bad guy! She was the new kid in our class and all I wanted to do was introduce myself, but for anyone who knows me, they’ll know I’m pretty shy. Also, my RBF doesn’t help either lol. But if you look at us now, we’re like an old married couple lol.
What are you both in school for? What made you pursue this path? M: I’ve always had a passion for science. Ever since I was in kindergarten I knew I wanted to pursue a career within the science field. As I got older, biology and medicine were the areas in science that interested me the most. After high school, I did my undergraduate studies at the University of Ottawa. I graduated this year, and now have my Bachelors of Science in Biomedical Science, with a Minor in Law. Currently, I’m in my first year of studies at Algonquin College for Medical Radiation Technology. I find that this program is really a perfect blend of both science and photography. Consider me a sort of medical photographer. It’s really interesting so far and I’m excited for what’s to come.
D: I graduated this year from the University of Ottawa with a BSc in Biopharmaceutical Sciences. I’m currently in my first year of Medical Radiation Technology at Algonquin College as well! I decided to pursue this path because I knew that I wanted to work in healthcare and specifically, I found the diagnostic aspect of it really interesting. I also love how this program incorporates the arts and sciences as I have a huge appreciation for any medium of art, as well as the health sciences.
What was it that introduced photography to you? M: When I was about 8 years old, my dad bought our first family camera. I would always sneak away with the camera to take my own photos and videos, only to delete them later on so I wouldn't get caught. Just after my dad bought his camera, my principal at my elementary school bought the same camera. He saw how much I loved using it and decided to make me the school’s photographer. Ever since, I’ve taken every opportunity to learn more about photography and develop my skills. I bought myself my first DSLR in the summer of 2016. Dhivya was also interested in photography, and we decided to learn how to use our cameras together. 2 years later, and I’ve done photoshoots, weddings, a bit of videography, and am now learning about diagnostic imaging.
D: I would say that my brother was the one who introduced photography to me! When we were little kids, he’d be the one making funny music videos of my sister and I would be the assistant. He’s a very techie sort of guy and always knew what he was talking about in terms of the newest camera equipment. I never understood it until I started using our family’s DSLR for the first time in 2016. I shot my brother’s prom and I fell in love with shooting! From then on, I wanted to learn more and luckily, I had Maryam, so we were able to learn together. I’ve done a bunch of portrait shoots and event photography since then, but I’d love to venture out and try something new when I get the chance.
If you could give your past self advice, what would it be? M: If I could give my past self a piece of advice, it’d be to do the best you can with what you have available to you. When it came to photography, I was always a little self conscious about not having the ‘perfect camera’ or the most expensive gear. What I’ve come to learn over time is that having nice gear, although making the job a little easier, is not what gives you the best product. What gives you the best product is learning everything you can about the supplies you have available to you and applying that knowledge. Certain people will label themselves as a photographer, but won’t know a thing about their camera. If your phone is all you have available, then learn everything you can about it. The price tag of your gear does not make the photo, you do.
D: In terms of photography and art, I would tell my past self not to worry about what others may think of my work and just continue to create. Don’t be discouraged when you look at other artists’ work because there is always room to learn and grow. Art is very subjective, so as long as I personally love my work, that should be enough. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? M: In ten years, I hope to be done my program and maybe have a MSc under my belt (not too sure yet!). I also hope to have a space I can truly call my own, one where I can think and create in peace. Maybe I’ll be married? Honestly, as cliché as it sounds, I just hope that I’m happy.
D: I hope to either by working in the healthcare field, teaching, doing research or maybe a combination of them! I hope that I’ll be able to continue creating, whether that’s taking pictures, drawing, singing or maybe even something else I haven’t yet thought about. And I hope to be doing this while I have a cute little family of my own. If you were to pass down a legacy, what would you want that to be? M: I want to be remembered as someone who’s hard work paid off. I want to be remembered as someone who cared, not just about herself, but about her family, friends, and community. I would like to leave my mark in the scientific world too (maybe discover a new element? A long shot, I know).  My dream would be to open a new hospital or medical clinic somewhere in Somalia, hopefully that will also be part of my legacy.
D: If I could pass down anything, it would be my values and core beliefs. Some of my main values include treating others the way I want to be treated, showing gratitude and being there for family and friends. I’d also love to be able to put out my artwork, whether it be in photography, art or music. Why do you think I chose you to be a part of my series “ICON OTTAWA” M: Ottawa is known as a ‘big-little city’. It’s small in comparison to Toronto, Montreal, and other notable cities, but big in its status as the nation's capital. As someone who’s lived most of her life here, it’s easy to feel as if you’re one of few creatives in the city. “ICON OTTAWA” is innovative in its approach at featuring different artists across the city, giving them a platform to showcase their art, personality and a way to connect. I believe you chose to feature me because I share something in common with everyone else in the series, a desire to imagine and create. I am truly humbled and grateful that you chose to feature me, and want to thank you and your team for all your hard-work in making this series a reality :)
D: The point of this series to connect creatives and showcase their work, so that we can come together to create something of significance for our community. I believe that I was chosen for Icon Ottawa because I am a part of a large and diverse group of artists based in Ottawa who has that ability to create. By joining this series, I am joining a collection that is larger than myself. Thank you again to Willow and her team for including me in this impactful series!
The reason I chose Maryam & Dhivya,
I heard about Maryam from our very own Ottawa Icon, Ream. Next Maryam introduced me to Dhivya. It was uncanny how close these two were in sharing the same outstanding story! These two inspirers are very intelligent and creative women. They truly empower us to fill your life with the splendours of education and art. Maryam & Dhivya's ICON is the Linnaea borealis. Also known as the ‘Twinflower’.
The twinflower is from the Honeysuckle family. It has one stem and two flowers sprout on the top. They are beloved by hummingbirds. They symbolize happiness and sibling love. The flower is a lovely pink colour. “Pink represents friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace, and approachability.” -bourncreative.com/meaning-of-the-color-pink/
A big "Thank you" to everyone on the team  involved in making this possible! Looking forward to .07 of OTTAWA ICON
  Location: Nepean Photographer: Willow Lamoureux Photography / @willowthephotographer Assistant: Anna Pickles / @anna_pickles Models:  Maryam / @marya.mali @maryamali.space Dhivya / @dhivya.sri @diyaphotos
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