#also i regularly forget i have glasses so that might be a factor
velveteen-vampire · 1 year
having a fursona that looks like you or mirrors your appearance is such a foreign concept to me. i guess i just feel a disconnect from my appearance most of the time.
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sakamakisaywhat · 4 years
Headcanons for Shu, Reiji, Laito, Subaru, Azusa and Carla with a s/o who has a chronic skin disease?
- To be honest, he probably wouldn’t notice it at first - it’s not that Shu isn’t perceptive and he does pay attention to how you look, but unless it’s right in his face he would hardly give it a second thought - When the two of you first started dating, I can’t see it really factoring into his decision to go out with you one way or another - If you have to take medicine or put on cream to stop inflammations or flare ups, he wouldn’t be the best at reminding you but Shu would definitely try - “Did you forget to take your tablets again? You’re so troublesome... go and get them now or I’ll have to feed them to you myself.” - He might throw around the word ‘troublesome’ a lot but since Shu finds everyone and everything troublesome in some way, it’s unlikely having a chronic condition like this would bother him at all - Once Shu is serious about you, he tends to ignore such trivial things
- Reiji would be surprised when he finds out that you have to manage a chronic skin disease, but he’d ultimately chalk it up to “one of those strange human afflictions” - While he might not be knowledgeable about your condition at first, he’d pore over books, archives, or any type of information about it to research the disease - Reiji naturally has an interest in science and medicine anyway, but the fact that by learning about the disease he’s also learning about you motivates him even further - He’d be very good at reminding you to take any medication - sometimes a little too good - “My dear, have you applied your cream yet? When managing this disease, it is best to establish a routine in order to effectively improve your condition. I in fact read an account by a physician the other day which recommended application of this poultice..” - You might have to remind him that you’ve been living with this all your life so you know how to manage it just fine, but you appreciate his efforts anyway
- While Laito definitely notices looks and is very perceptive when it comes to unique features in people’s appearances, it’s very unlikely having a chronic skin disease would change his opinion of you or even cross his mind at all - He might ask about it just out of curiosity, but as long as you gave him a straightforward answer he wouldn’t probe any further - If you were ever ashamed about yourself or felt down because of how you looked, Laito would definitely notice though - He’d be the first to pick you up and reassure you that chronic skin conditions are not only very common but don’t diminish your looks at all - “You’re unique, Bitch-chan. That’s what I like about you, but it’s not really on my mind. I can think of lots of other things to focus on.” - When it comes to helping you manage it Laito would probably leave you to it, considering you understand it much better than him, but he would encourage you to take any treatment regularly so you feel happier
- Subaru straight up wouldn’t notice anything different about you at all - it would either have to be extremely obvious you had a skin disease or you’d have to point it out to him (he’s not stupid but he’s normally probably too flustered about the romance to think about much else) - He’d never admit it to you but if you told him about it Subaru would really try to research and understand it - While he might not really know what some of the books or websites are talking about, he’d give them a go just for the sake of understanding how you function - After forgetting to pick up your prescription one day, you’ll be surprised to find it sitting on your desk when you got home - “Uh. You mentioned you were worryin’ about bein’ able to get it ‘cause of school, so I- I picked it up for you. Don’t fuckin’ smile at me like that, it’s not funny!” - Ultimately it’s not really something that would cross his mind at all unless you bring it up in conversation
- Azusa wants to know everything about you from your head to your toes, so he can please you and be the best possible Adam - He’s very appreciative you chose him over anyone else so he’d make an effort to inquire about your condition and try to help you manage it in any way you wanted him to - Azusa would be aware that these things can impact your self-confidence, so he’d try his best to reassure you that he’s never once thought about your skin disease negatively - “I love you... Eve. So these things... don’t matter to... me. I have... my own marks... on my skin. It’s not the... same... but... you still like me. So why would... I find you... unattractive?” - Azusa would treat you gently and make sure to find out when you’re having issues with it flaring up, so he can’t possibly hurt you - You’ll have to tell him if you don’t want to be treated like glass, but you understand that he’s just trying his best to look after you
- Carla would definitely notice that you have a chronic skin disease and equally would almost definitely ask about it, but he would never judge you - It’s impossible for him to forget that he has a chronic disease himself, in his case likely much more severe than yours, so as long as your skin condition isn’t life-threatening he wouldn’t think about it very much - The only way it might possibly affect anything is that if you told him it was hereditary, but in that case he’d just prepare the resources to look after your children should they have it too - This is one of the few times he’d be willing to take instruction from you about how to best manage something - Carla would encourage you to be confident about your body, whether you felt self-conscious of your condition or not - “Mortal, you are the future spouse of the ruler of the Founders. Your beauty is unparalleled. This ‘disease’, weak as it is, is hardly worth mentioning.”
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megamikethomson · 4 years
Health Cares Tips
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Apple Cider Vinager To cure athlete's foot a simple remedy of apple cider vingager will do the trick. Soak a cotten ball in the vinager and apply it to the foot twice a day, not forgetting between the toes. Let the vinager dry throughly before putting on your socks and shoes.  health life cares
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Apple cider vinager is a potent antibacterial solution that also possesses antifungal properties. Make sure to wash your hands throughly to avoid spreading the infection. Grapes in oil Cooking food with olive oil is not the only way to lower cholesterol levels; grape seed oil is a flavorsome alternative with added health benefits. Grape seed oil is high in antioxidants, vitamin E, and has the ability to raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels and lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels like that of olive oil. The effect is due to the oil’s poly- and monounsaturated fat content. Also, the slight nutty flavor of this oil complements other foods such as salads, breads, and vegetables.
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Orange Juice for the Heart Drinking your orange juice is a triple treat for your heart. Orange juice is a great source of vitamin C, potassium, and folate that play key roles in helping to reduce heart disease risk factors. A cup of orange juice contains 124 milligrams of vitamin C, 75 micrograms of folate, and 496 milligrams of potassium.  health life
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DANGEROUS ANTIQUES Between Antiques' Road Show, Martha Stewart and "How-To" cable TV shows, many people are buying old items like dishes, mugs, bowls, glasses, etc. HOWEVER there is a caveat of danger. Many of these items in use contain LEAD!! We all know about the dangers of lead in water, but glass and ceramics contained very high amounts of lead. Lead crystal for example. IN ADDITION, many imports still contain lead in pottery, kitchen items like glasses, dishes, etc. There is a simple test to detect lead in antiques that are use. A simple stick from the hardware store rubbed on the object will change color in the presence of lead and perhaps make an antique something to enjoy by looking at instead of using. I haven't heard of the dangers of lead in a long time, and the new generation of collectors may not know about this and many forget about it. Informing the public could be a great lifesaver!      health cares
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Your bones Munch on carrots, the potassium and magnesium in it will strengthen your bones.  
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Incorporate flax into your diet Adding a few servings of flaxseed into your daily diet is healthful for your heart and digestive system.
Studies show that the fats found in flaxseed may be good for your cardiovascular system. Flaxseeds contain alpha-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid that is necessary for blood pressure regulation. The seeds also contain lignans, compounds with antioxidant-like properties. Its high fiber content also keeps your digestive system healthy.    health life
Be sure the flaxseeds are grounded so that the your body can digest it properly to ensure maximium absorption.
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Hiccup Cure Place a silver butter knife in an 8 ounce glass of water. Drink all 8 ounces of the water with the handle of the knife resting against your cheek. This may sound a bit crazy but it NEVER fails!
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Risk of E. Coli is in more than your food Uncooked hamburgers are not the only source of the potentially lethal e. coli bacteria. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that petting zoos, farms, country fairs, and other sites that allow human contact with farm animals are a factor in the spread of the germ. Farm animals that can carry the bacteria include goats, cows, and chickens. Those at highest risk are children, the elderly and pregnant women. To reduce the chance of transmission, the CDC recommends: Avoid hand-to-mouth activities; such as eating, drinking, smoking, chewing fingernails, or sucking on pacifiers when around petting farm animals or when near their pens or fences.  health life cares Make sure to wash hands immediately after exposure to farm animals.
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We need sleep ...you could be sleep deprived and putting yourself at risk for an early death. That stunning conclusion was reached by researchers at Penn State College of Medicine, who determined that when we get just six hours of sleep a night, we are actually sleep deprived. And sleep deprivation not only makes us sleepy during the day and decreases our productivity and performance levels, but also promotes the potentially dangerous process of inflammation. Inflammation of this sort can lead to a variety of problems, including heart disease and hardening of the arteries, reports WebMD.
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Previous studies have examined the effects of severe sleep deprivation, which is five hours or less of sleep.The levels of inflammatory factors skyrocketed in the 25 study volunteers--who spent 12 consecutive nights in a sleep laboratory--when they had just six hours of sleep, compared with eight hours. So when you pass up sleep to watch more television, talk to your spouse, or clean the house, you are putting yourself at risk for cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Mosquitoes Repellent Rubbing a handful of fresh basil leaves on your skin should protect you from mosquitoes for a few hours. The herb does not contain hazardous chemicals and is less likely to cause skin irritations than the synthetic bug sprays.
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Benefits of Garlic To get the most health benefits out of your fresh garlic, don’t cook it. Studies show that cooking garlic may destroy the anti-carcinogenic compounds found in the cloves. However, let stand freshly minced garlic for about 10 minutes before cooking them. Microwave cooking also helps preserve the cancer fighting agents.      health cares
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Strut your Stuff Taking a 30 minute brisk walk three times a week will lower your blood pressure significantly. In a recent study of a group of caregivers walking the allotted amount produced a beneficial effect on their blood pressure. The participants who walked 30 to 40 minutes at least three times a week experienced a reduction in their blood pressure that was stress-induced.  fitness cares
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Reducing Near-Point Stress on the Eyes Headaches, burning and watery eyes, squinting and eyes that tire easily are common symptoms of near-point stress caused by such continuous close-up visual activities as reading and writing. The problem lies in the fact that human beings were not designed for near vision as a continuous activity. We have “hunter-soldier” eyes for survival. Only in the last 50 years or so have so many people been forced to deal with sustained, near visual tasks. Many visual difficulties can be reduced by following a few of the following simple guidelines:
Look up and away from your close-up task regularly. Make it a habit to change your focus from near to distant objects as frequently as possible.  health life cares
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When watching television, try to sit eight to ten feet away from the set. The ideal distance for close up visual tasks is 14 to 16 inches from the eyes
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Good lighting is important. A good rule of thumb is to make your working or reading light three times brighter than the lighting in the rest of the room..
Women Need to Know that Urinary Incontinence is not Inevitable At a recent nurse practitioner's conference, a nurse showed a study that it takes women an average of 9 years to report incontinence symptoms to their doctors. Incontinence is not an inevitable part of aging, and can be prevented naturally without drugs or surgery. It's important to destigmatize this condition and educate women about their alternatives.
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Ocean Benefits The ocean is chalk full of seaweed which is a cancer-fighting agent. Some studies show that seaweed, or kelp, contains powerful antioxidants that inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells, mostly breast cancer. Seaweed contains high concentrations of the compound tryptophan, which has anti-carcinogens. Crumble seaweed over vegetables, soups, rice, and salads.   health life
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Minor burns If you have a minor burn peel a potatoe take the skins of the potatoe and rub the peeled side to your skin.
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Eating right Anumber of foods are loaded with vitamin B-complex, folic acid, vitamins A and E, zinc, magnesium, iron, chromium, selenium, and essential fatty acids that add to your brainpower. To incorporate these elements into your diet is easy; all you have to do is eat. The best choices in food that include these elements are: sardines, herrings, shellfish, dried and sprouted beans, nuts, seeds, apples, apricots, black currents, carrots, bananas, liver, beets, celery, barley, brown rice, oats, kidney, lean beef, Brewer’s yeast, black strap molasses, wheat germ, basil, rosemary, ginger, and licorice. It is best to avoid foods high in sugar like baked goods and sodas, because they result in great fluctuations in blood-sugar levels, which causes breaks in your concentration and energy levels.    health cares
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Protein diets Protein may be causing you to pack on the pounds. One of the latest reports states that this might be true. A high intake of protein may lead to a high body mass index. For optimum health, limit your amount of protein intake to about 15% of your daily calories and use complex carbohydrates (fruits and vegetables) as your menu mainstay.
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entirebodyexercise · 4 years
How to Get Six Pack Abs? - 10 Tips for Success
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One of the main factors people arrive on this web site is to understand the best ways to obtain 6 pack abs. They take a look at devices, different workouts and other insight about obtaining ripped abs.
I felt the time to place every little thing together and also create a full guide on just how to obtain those 6-pack abs. Listed below you will find all the sources you will certainly have to get a tummy you dream of.
Anyway, you must maintain in mind that obtaining six-pack abdominals depends mostly on your current body fat level.
You could have reviewed a number of times 'Everybody has abdominals, merely it is covered with fat' or 'Abs are made in the kitchen' The most vital action is to obtain rid of the fat covering your abdominal area. You will discover everything you should learn about shedding fat, merely maintain reading on.
Now allowed's see the 10 most vital elements to get torn abs.
Stay Away from Processed Foods
Processed foods take a big thing in our nourishment. In this world where we have no time to cook, the most convenient method is to acquire something from the regional store.
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The bad news is that these foods contains a number of unnecessary components which in the long term cause stomach fat and also various illnesses. A lot of these items are high in coloring brokers, sulfites, chemicals, fabricated sugars and trans-fats which are accountable for high body fat degree. They are high in reduced top quality carbs.
You must quit consuming these foods as much as possible and also start cooking your very own meals from healthy and balanced active ingredients. You should get the real food with actual benefits. Take in even more veggies and also fruits, as well.
Increase Your Protein Intake
Protein is essential for the bodybuilding process, and also it is very important in other procedures. Healthy protein abundant foods have a great benefit that is they fill us far better in a very long time. After consuming a lean steak with vegetables, we feel pleased longer, and keeping that we have no temptation to eat something.
Eating foods high in protein absolutely aids lose fat as well as weight. On top of that, protein assists muscle mass to grow as well as recover, so you can workout out more efficiently.
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Do Not Eat Unhealthy Fats
When we heard the word fats we believe all of them are bad. Vice versa! There are 2 sort of fats you need to prevent: saturated fat and trans fat. Virtually all of the stated refined foods are high in these, so it essential to obtain rid of procedure foods.
Margarine, fried foods, readily baked pastries, meats with high fat such as pork and also beef are high in these sorts of fats. So, you will certainly have to obtain rid of them.
The good news there are two type of fats which also assist to obtain eliminate body fat if you eat them frequently. These are monounsaturated and also polyunsaturated fats. Olive, peanut, sesame, soybean oils are high in these. Foods like fat fish, numerous nuts and also tofu likewise have a lot.
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Drink More Water
As you possibly understand, our body has virtually 70% water making it one of the most essential nutrition. Taking in sufficient water is crucial for proper body functioning as well as researches have actually confirmed that it helps fat loss, as well.
Drinking a glass of water throughout your dishes aid to consume much less and also with that absorb less calories. It is additionally important to consume alcohol enough water during and also after your exercises to stay clear of dehydration as well as to assist your muscles to recover.
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Eat Smaller Portions, however Much more Regularly during the Day
Firstly, among the dishes, one of the most essential is the breakfast. It ought to be high in protein, facility carbs and healthy fats. A well-made breakfast not just provides you energy throughout the day, however likewise rates your metabolism level up.
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Researches have proved that eating 4-5 times a day significantly minimizes the threat of weight problems. Nevertheless, do not assume that consuming even more compared to 6 times will bring you better results.
What is the reason that you slim down while you eat a lot more? The description is basic. If you eat a lot more times on a day your body knows that even more food is coming, so it speeds up the level of metabolism up as well as burns more calories. Since your body constantly has sufficient nourishment to make power, there is no should store fat for the future.
Besides the weight loss benefits, eating much more frequently on a day helps to have more energy so you might execute far better psychologically and also physically.
But do not forget that we are discussing little portions of healthy and balanced meals.
Eat Good Carbs
Generally, carbs are used by the body to produce blood sugar which gives power. There are 2 sort of carbohydrates: complex and simple carbohydrates.
Complex carbohydrates are the ones which we need to consume to avoid hopping on fat. These kinds of carbs need even more time to be refined into glucose, so they provide power for a longer time. We could call them the great carbs.
Foods such as whole-grain items, brown rice, whole grain rye, oats, barley and also corn are high in these beneficial carbohydrates, and also they are abundant in fiber. They make you completely satisfied as well as provide power for a long period of time. You require to include them in your eating routine.
Simple carbs are broken down much faster improving the level of the blood sugar. They provide a big boost of energy for a short time period. Foods high in straightforward carbohydrates are responsible for kind 2 diabetic issues as well as various heart diseases. They force our body to store fat. Avoid consuming foods and beverages like soft drink, covereds, baked products everything which are high in sugar.
Anyway, fruits include simple carbohydrate too, this is the fructose. It is likewise a simple carb, it does not damage down so fast, and also it has no negative results on health.
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Do Cardio Frequently
Cardiovascular workouts are essential if you desire to have washboard abs. Short, yet extensive cardio workouts aid to burn fat and also at the exact same time create your cardiovascular system. Cardio workouts could be anything from running, walking to aerobics.
The purpose is to enhance the heart price and with that blood flow throughout the body. Considering that you utilize your whole body for executing the activities, it raises the power use. Your body burns much more calories. Do cardio exercises at least 4 times a week for 35-50 min.
Do Abdominal Workouts
Most people believe abdominal exercises are one of the most crucial action to obtain 6 pack abdominals. Core workouts are necessary to tone and also reinforce the abdominal muscles as well as second ones. They are not the secret to get fixed abs.
If you comply with a healthy diet and do cardio, you do not require to educate your ab muscle mass a lot more compared to 3-4 times a week. It is even adequate to do 10-15 minutes exercises. Stomach muscles are the exact same as other muscles, so we need to train them like that.
Although, it is vital to function you entire core, not simply your abdominals. This indicates besides your rectus abdominis, which offers the 6 pack looking, you have to exercise your obliques and also reduced back, as well.
Furthermore, top quality is constantly more essential than quality. You have to do the workouts effectively no issue if you do bodyweight core workouts or ones with ab equipments. Lastly, you need to raise the resistance regularly and alter your program to maintain the progress.
Combine Cardio & Workouts
From my encounter, the very best technique to get rid of fat and also reduce weight is to combine cardio with bodyweight or weight workouts. This combination increases fat burning amazingly and also at the same time helps to develop solid and also lean muscles.
For those that desire to obtain a fixed belly the best means is to incorporate abdominal workouts with cardio exercises. I do heavy bag training with my bodyweight core workout. Think me, it is a deadly combination to improve your health and fitness level.
Work Your Entire Body
Finally, another crucial element to obtain 6 pack is to train not simply your core, yet all the other muscular tissue groups, mainly the large ones. Doing compound bodyweight exercises such as rise, draw ups, and so on will aid to melt even more calories and at the exact same time work your abs.
+ Guide from an Expert
I hope you currently understand which are the main factors of obtaining 6 pack abdominals. It is all regarding eating and doing exercises effectively. Look into our web site for even more exercises, tips and abdominal equipment which assist to reach your goal. And also do not forget to subscribe as well as comply with us.
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internetbynight · 4 years
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𝙊𝙣 𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙩𝙝 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙇𝙞𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙖𝙣 𝙀𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙖-𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙎𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙚
In some remote corner of the universe, poured out and glittering in innumerable solar systems, there once was a star on which clever animals invented knowledge. That was the highest and most mendacious minute of "world history"—yet only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths the star grew cold, and the clever animals had to die.
One might invent such a fable and still not have illustrated sufficiently how wretched, how shadowy and flighty, how aimless and arbitrary, the human intellect appears in nature. There have been eternities when it did not exist; and when it is done for again, nothing will have happened. For this intellect has no further mission that would lead beyond human life. It is human, rather, and only its owner and producer gives it such importance, as if the world pivoted around it. But if we could communicate with the mosquito, then we would learn that he floats through the air with the same self-importance, feeling within itself the flying center of the world. There is nothing in nature so despicable or insignificant that it cannot immediately be blown up like a bag by a slight breath of this power of knowledge; and just as every porter wants an admirer, the proudest human being, the philosopher, thinks that he sees on the eyes of the universe telescopically focused from all sides on his actions and thoughts.
It is strange that this should be the effect of the intellect, for after all it was given only as an aid to the most unfortunate, most delicate, most evanescent beings in order to hold them for a minute in existence, from which otherwise, without this gift, they would have every reason to flee as quickly as Lessing's son. [In a famous letter to Johann Joachim Eschenburg (December 31, 1778), Lessing relates the death of his infant son, who "understood the world so well that he left it at the first opportunity."] That haughtiness which goes with knowledge and feeling, which shrouds the eyes and senses of man in a blinding fog, therefore deceives him about the value of existence by carrying in itself the most flattering evaluation of knowledge itself. Its most universal effect is deception; but even its most particular effects have something of the same character.
The intellect, as a means for the preservation of the individual, unfolds its chief powers in simulation; for this is the means by which the weaker, less robust individuals preserve themselves, since they are denied the chance of waging the struggle for existence with horns or the fangs of beasts of prey. In man this art of simulation reaches its peak: here deception, flattering, lying and cheating, talking behind the back, posing, living in borrowed splendor, being masked, the disguise of convention, acting a role before others and before oneself—in short, the constant fluttering around the single flame of vanity is so much the rule and the law that almost nothing is more incomprehensible than how an honest and pure urge for truth could make its appearance among men. They are deeply immersed in illusions and dream images; their eye glides only over the surface of things and sees "forms"; their feeling nowhere lead into truth, but contents itself with the reception of stimuli, playing, as it were, a game of blindman's buff on the backs of things. Moreover, man permits himself to be lied to at night, his life long, when he dreams, and his moral sense never even tries to prevent this—although men have been said to have overcome snoring by sheer will power.
What, indeed, does man know of himself! Can he even once perceive himself completely, laid out as if in an illuminated glass case? Does not nature keep much the most from him, even about his body, to spellbind and confine him in a proud, deceptive consciousness, far from the coils of the intestines, the quick current of the blood stream, and the involved tremors of the fibers? She threw away the key; and woe to the calamitous curiosity which might peer just once through a crack in the chamber of consciousness and look down, and sense that man rests upon the merciless, the greedy, the insatiable, the murderous, in the indifference of his ignorance—hanging in dreams, as it were, upon the back of a tiger. In view of this, whence in all the world comes the urge for truth?
Insofar as the individual wants to preserve himself against other individuals, in a natural state of affairs he employs the intellect mostly for simulation alone. But because man, out of need and boredom, wants to exist socially, herd-fashion, he requires a peace pact and he endeavors to banish at least the very crudest bellum omni contra omnes [war of all against all] from his world. This peace pact brings with it something that looks like the first step toward the attainment of this enigmatic urge for truth. For now that is fixed which henceforth shall be "truth"; that is, a regularly valid and obligatory designation of things is invented, and this linguistic legislation also furnishes the first laws of truth: for it is here that the contrast between truth and lie first originates. The liar uses the valid designations, the words, to make the unreal appear as real; he says, for example, "I am rich," when the word "poor" would be the correct designation of his situation. He abuses the fixed conventions by arbitrary changes or even by reversals of the names. When he does this in a self-serving way damaging to others, then society will no longer trust him but exclude him. Thereby men do not flee from being deceived as much as from being damaged by deception: what they hate at this stage is basically not the deception but the bad, hostile consequences of certain kinds of deceptions. In a similarly limited way man wants the truth: he desires the agreeable life-preserving consequences of truth, but he is indifferent to pure knowledge, which has no consequences; he is even hostile to possibly damaging and destructive truths. And, moreover, what about these conventions of language? Are they really the products of knowledge, of the sense of truth? Do the designations and the things coincide? Is language the adequate expression of all realities?
Only through forgetfulness can man ever achieve the illusion of possessing a "truth" in the sense just designated. If he does not wish to be satisfied with truth in the form of a tautology—that is, with empty shells—then he will forever buy illusions for truths. What is a word? The image of a nerve stimulus in sounds. But to infer from the nerve stimulus, a cause outside us, that is already the result of a false and unjustified application of the principle of reason. If truth alone had been the deciding factor in the genesis of language, and if the standpoint of certainty had been decisive for designations, then how could we still dare to say "the stone is hard," as if "hard" were something otherwise familiar to us, and not merely a totally subjective stimulation! We separate things according to gender, designating the tree as masculine and the plant as feminine. What arbitrary assignments! How far this oversteps the canons of certainty! We speak of a "snake": this designation touches only upon its ability to twist itself and could therefore also fit a worm. What arbitrary differentiations! What one-sided preferences, first for this, then for that property of a thing! The different languages, set side by side, show that what matters with words is never the truth, never an adequate expression; else there would not be so many languages. The "thing in itself" (for that is what pure truth, without consequences, would be) is quite incomprehensible to the creators of language and not at all worth aiming for. One designates only the relations of things to man, and to express them one calls on the boldest metaphors. A nerve stimulus, first transposed into an image—first metaphor. The image, in turn, imitated by a sound—second metaphor. And each time there is a complete overleaping of one sphere, right into the middle of an entirely new and different one. One can imagine a man who is totally deaf and has never had a sensation of sound and music. Perhaps such a person will gaze with astonishment at Chladni's sound figures; perhaps he will discover their causes in the vibrations of the string and will now swear that he must know what men mean by "sound." It is this way with all of us concerning language; we believe that we know something about the things themselves when we speak of trees, colors, snow, and flowers; and yet we possess nothing but metaphors for things—metaphors which correspond in no way to the original entities. In the same way that the sound appears as a sand figure, so the mysterious X of the thing in itself first appears as a nerve stimulus, then as an image, and finally as a sound. Thus the genesis of language does not proceed logically in any case, and all the material within and with which the man of truth, the scientist, and the philosopher later work and build, if not derived from never-never land, is a least not derived from the essence of things.
Let us still give special consideration to the formation of concepts. Every word immediately becomes a concept, inasmuch as it is not intended to serve as a reminder of the unique and wholly individualized original experience to which it owes its birth, but must at the same time fit innumerable, more or less similar cases—which means, strictly speaking, never equal—in other words, a lot of unequal cases. Every concept originates through our equating what is unequal. No leaf ever wholly equals another, and the concept "leaf" is formed through an arbitrary abstraction from these individual differences, through forgetting the distinctions; and now it gives rise to the idea that in nature there might be something besides the leaves which would be "leaf"—some kind of original form after which all leaves have been woven, marked, copied, colored, curled, and painted, but by unskilled hands, so that no copy turned out to be a correct, reliable, and faithful image of the original form. We call a person "honest." Why did he act so honestly today? we ask. Our answer usually sounds like this: because of his honesty. Honesty! That is to say again: the leaf is the cause of the leaves. After all, we know nothing of an essence-like quality named "honesty"; we know only numerous individualized, and thus unequal actions, which we equate by omitting the unequal and by then calling them honest actions. In the end, we distill from them a qualitas occulta [hidden quality] with the name of "honesty." We obtain the concept, as we do the form, by overlooking what is individual and actual; whereas nature is acquainted with no forms and no concepts, and likewise with no species, but only with an X which remains inaccessible and undefinable for us. For even our contrast between individual and species is something anthropomorphic and does not originate in the essence of things; although we should not presume to claim that this contrast does not correspond o the essence of things: that would of course be a dogmatic assertion and, as such, would be just as indemonstrable as its opposite.
What, then, is truth? A mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, and anthropomorphisms—in short, a sum of human relations which have been enhanced, transposed, and embellished poetically and rhetorically, and which after long use seem firm, canonical, and obligatory to a people: truths are illusions about which one has forgotten that this is what they are; metaphors which are worn out and without sensuous power; coins which have lost their pictures and now matter only as metal, no longer as coins.
We still do not know where the urge for truth comes from; for as yet we have heard only of the obligation imposed by society that it should exist: to be truthful means using the customary metaphors—in moral terms: the obligation to lie according to a fixed convention, to lie herd-like in a style obligatory for all. Now man of course forgets that this is the way things stand for him. Thus he lies in the manner indicated, unconsciously and in accordance with habits which are centuries' old; and precisely by means of this unconsciousness and forgetfulness he arrives at his sense of truth. From the sense that one is obliged to designate one thing as red, another as cold, and a third as mute, there arises a moral impulse in regard to truth. The venerability, reliability, and utility of truth is something which a person demonstrates for himself from the contrast with the liar, whom no one trusts and everyone excludes. As a rational being, he now places his behavior under the control of abstractions. He will no longer tolerate being carried away by sudden impressions, by intuitions. First he universalizes all these impressions into less colorful, cooler concepts, so that he can entrust the guidance of his life and conduct to them. Everything which distinguishes man from the animals depends upon this ability to volatilize perceptual metaphors in a schema, and thus to dissolve an image into a concept. For something is possible in the realm of these schemata which could never be achieved with the vivid first impressions: the construction of a pyramidal order according to castes and degrees, the creation of a new world of laws, privileges, subordinations, and clearly marked boundaries—a new world, one which now confronts that other vivid world of first impressions as more solid, more universal, better known, and more human than the immediately perceived world, and thus as the regulative and imperative world. Whereas each perceptual metaphor is individual and without equals and is therefore able to elude all classification, the great edifice of concepts displays the rigid regularity of a Roman columbarium and exhales in logic that strength and coolness which is characteristic of mathematics. Anyone who has felt this cool breath [of logic] will hardly believe that even the concept—which is as bony, foursquare, and transposable as a die—is nevertheless merely the residue of a metaphor, and that the illusion which is involved in the artistic transference of a nerve stimulus into images is, if not the mother, then the grandmother of every single concept. But in this conceptual crap game "truth" means using every die in the designated manner, counting its spots accurately, fashioning the right categories, and never violating the order of caste and class rank. Just as the Romans and Etruscans cut up the heavens with rigid mathematical lines and confined a god within each of the spaces thereby delimited, as within a templum, so every people has a similarly mathematically divided conceptual heaven above themselves and henceforth thinks that truth demands that each conceptual god be sought only within his own sphere. Here one may certainly admire man as a mighty genius of construction, who succeeds in piling an infinitely complicated dome of concepts upon an unstable foundation, and, as it were, on running water. Of course, in order to be supported by such a foundation, his construction must be like one constructed of spiders' webs: delicate enough to be carried along by the waves, strong enough not to be blown apart by every wind. As a genius of construction man raises himself far above the bee in the following way: whereas the bee builds with wax that he gathers from nature, man builds with the far more delicate conceptual material which he first has to manufacture from himself. In this he is greatly to be admired, but not on account of his drive for truth or for pure knowledge of things. When someone hides something behind a bush and looks for it again in the same place and finds it there as well, there is not much to praise in such seeking and finding. Yet this is how matters stand regarding seeking and finding "truth" within the realm of reason. If I make up the definition of a mammal, and then, after inspecting a camel, declare "look, a mammal" I have indeed brought a truth to light in this way, but it is a truth of limited value. That is to say, it is a thoroughly anthropomorphic truth which contains not a single point which would be "true in itself" or really and universally valid apart from man. At bottom, what the investigator of such truths is seeking is only the metamorphosis of the world into man. He strives to understand the world as something analogous to man, and at best he achieves by his struggles the feeling of assimilation. Similar to the way in which astrologers considered the stars to be in man 's service and connected with his happiness and sorrow, such an investigator considers the entire universe in connection with man: the entire universe as the infinitely fractured echo of one original sound-man; the entire universe as the infinitely multiplied copy of one original picture-man. His method is to treat man as the measure of all things, but in doing so he again proceeds from the error of believing that he has these things [which he intends to measure] immediately before him as mere objects. He forgets that the original perceptual metaphors are metaphors and takes them to be the things themselves.
Only by forgetting this primitive world of metaphor can one live with any repose, security, and consistency: only by means of the petrification and coagulation of a mass of images which originally streamed from the primal faculty of human imagination like a fiery liquid, only in the invincible faith that this sun, this window, this table is a truth in itself, in short, only by forgetting that he himself is an artistically creating subject, does man live with any repose, security, and consistency. If but for an instant he could escape from the prison walls of this faith, his "self consciousness" would be immediately destroyed. It is even a difficult thing for him to admit to himself that the insect or the bird perceives an entirely different world from the one that man does, and that the question of which of these perceptions of the world is the more correct one is quite meaningless, for this would have to have been decided previously in accordance with the criterion of the correct perception, which means, in accordance with a criterion which is not available. But in any case it seems to me that the correct perception—which would mean the adequate expression of an object in the subject—is a contradictory impossibility. For between two absolutely different spheres, as between subject and object, there is no causality, no correctness, and no expression; there is, at most, an aesthetic relation: I mean, a suggestive transference, a stammering translation into a completely foreign tongue—for which I there is required, in any case, a freely inventive intermediate sphere and mediating force. "Appearance" is a word that contains many temptations, which is why I avoid it as much as possible. For it is not true that the essence of things "appears" in the empirical world. A painter without hands who wished to express in song the picture before his mind would, by means of this substitution of spheres, still reveal more about the essence of things than does the empirical world. Even the relationship of a nerve stimulus to the generated image is not a necessary one. But when the same image has been generated millions of times and has been handed down for many generations and finally appears on the same occasion every time for all mankind, then it acquires at last the same meaning for men it would have if it were the sole necessary image and if the relationship of the original nerve stimulus to the generated image were a strictly causal one. In the same manner, an eternally repeated dream would certainly be felt and judged to be reality. But the hardening and congealing of a metaphor guarantees absolutely nothing concerning its necessity and exclusive justification.
Every person who is familiar with such considerations has no doubt felt a deep mistrust of all idealism of this sort: just as often as he has quite early convinced himself of the eternal consistency, omnipresence, and fallibility of the laws of nature. He has concluded that so far as we can penetrate here—from the telescopic heights to the microscopic depths—everything is secure, complete, infinite, regular, and without any gaps. Science will be able to dig successfully in this shaft forever, and the things that are discovered will harmonize with and not contradict each other. How little does this resemble a product of the imagination, for if it were such, there should be some place where the illusion and reality can be divined. Against this, the following must be said: if each us had a different kind of sense perception—if we could only perceive things now as a bird, now as a worm, now as a plant, or if one of us saw a stimulus as red, another as blue, while a third even heard the same stimulus as a sound—then no one would speak of such a regularity of nature, rather, nature would be grasped only as a creation which is subjective in the highest degree. After all, what is a law of nature as such for us? We are not acquainted with it in itself, but only with its effects, which means in its relation to other laws of nature—which, in turn, are known to us only as sums of relations. Therefore all these relations always refer again to others and are thoroughly incomprehensible to us in their essence. All that we actually know about these laws of nature is what we ourselves bring to them—time and space, and therefore relationships of succession and number. But everything marvelous about the laws of nature, everything that quite astonishes us therein and seems to demand explanation, everything that might lead us to distrust idealism: all this is completely and solely contained within the mathematical strictness and inviolability of our representations of time and space. But we produce these representations in and from ourselves with the same necessity with which the spider spins. If we are forced to comprehend all things only under these forms, then it ceases to be amazing that in all things we actually comprehend nothing but these forms. For they must all bear within themselves the laws of number, and it is precisely number which is most astonishing in things. All that conformity to law, which impresses us so much in the movement of the stars and in chemical processes, coincides at bottom with those properties which we bring to things. Thus it is we who impress ourselves in this way. In conjunction with this, it of course follows that the artistic process of metaphor formation with which every sensation begins in us already presupposes these forms and thus occurs within them. The only way in which the possibility of subsequently constructing a new conceptual edifice from metaphors themselves can be explained is by the firm persistence of these original forms That is to say, this conceptual edifice is an imitation of temporal, spatial, and numerical relationships in the domain of metaphor.
We have seen how it is originally language which works on the construction of concepts, a labor taken over in later ages by science. Just as the bee simultaneously constructs cells and fills them with honey, so science works unceasingly on this great columbarium of concepts, the graveyard of perceptions. It is always building new, higher stories and shoring up, cleaning, and renovating the old cells; above all, it takes pains to fill up this monstrously towering framework and to arrange therein the entire empirical world, which is to say, the anthropomorphic world. Whereas the man of action binds his life to reason and its concepts so that he will not be swept away and lost, the scientific investigator builds his hut right next to the tower of science so that he will be able to work on it and to find shelter for himself beneath those bulwarks which presently exist. And he requires shelter, for there are frightful powers which continuously break in upon him, powers which oppose scientific truth with completely different kinds of "truths" which bear on their shields the most varied sorts of emblems.
The drive toward the formation of metaphors is the fundamental human drive, which one cannot for a single instant dispense with in thought, for one would thereby dispense with man himself. This drive is not truly vanquished and scarcely subdued by the fact that a regular and rigid new world is constructed as its prison from its own ephemeral products, the concepts. It seeks a new realm and another channel for its activity, and it finds this in myth and in art generally. This drive continually confuses the conceptual categories and cells by bringing forward new transferences, metaphors, and metonymies. It continually manifests an ardent desire to refashion the world which presents itself to waking man, so that it will be as colorful, irregular, lacking in results and coherence, charming, and eternally new as the world of dreams. Indeed, it is only by means of the rigid and regular web of concepts that the waking man clearly sees that he is awake; and it is precisely because of this that he sometimes thinks that he must be dreaming when this web of concepts is torn by art. Pascal is right in maintaining that if the same dream came to us every night we would be just as occupied with it as we are with the things that we see every day. "If a workman were sure to dream for twelve straight hours every night that he was king," said Pascal, "I believe that he would be just as happy as a king who dreamt for twelve hours every night that he was a workman." In fact, because of the way that myth takes it for granted that miracles are always happening, the waking life of a mythically inspired people—the ancient Greeks, for instance—more closely resembles a dream than it does the waking world of a scientifically disenchanted thinker. When every tree can suddenly speak as a nymph, when a god in the shape of a bull can drag away maidens, when even the goddess Athena herself is suddenly seen in the company of Peisastratus driving through the market place of Athens with a beautiful team of horses—and this is what the honest Athenian believed—then, as in a dream, anything is possible at each moment, and all of nature swarms around man as if it were nothing but a masquerade of the gods, who were merely amusing themselves by deceiving men in all these shapes.
But man has an invincible inclination to allow himself to be deceived and is, as it were, enchanted with happiness when the rhapsodist tells him epic fables as if they were true, or when the actor in the theater acts more royally than any real king. So long as it is able to deceive without injuring, that master of deception, the intellect, is free; it is released from its former slavery and celebrates its Saturnalia. It is never more luxuriant, richer, prouder, more clever and more daring. With creative pleasure it throws metaphors into confusion and displaces the boundary stones of abstractions, so that, for example, it designates the stream as "the moving path which carries man where he would otherwise walk." The intellect has now thrown the token of bondage from itself. At other times it endeavors, with gloomy officiousness, to show the way and to demonstrate the tools to a poor individual who covets existence; it is like a servant who goes in search of booty and prey for his master. But now it has become the master and it dares to wipe from its face the expression of indigence. In comparison with its previous conduct, everything that it now does bears the mark of dissimulation, just as that previous conduct did of distortion. The free intellect copies human life, but it considers this life to be something good and seems to be quite satisfied with it. That immense framework and planking of concepts to which the needy man clings his whole life long in order to preserve himself is nothing but a scaffolding and toy for the most audacious feats of the liberated intellect. And when it smashes this framework to pieces, throws it into confusion, and puts it back together in an ironic fashion, pairing the most alien things and separating the closest, it is demonstrating that it has no need of these makeshifts of indigence and that it will now be guided by intuitions rather than by concepts. There is no regular path which leads from these intuitions into the land of ghostly schemata, the land of abstractions. There exists no word for these intuitions; when man sees them he grows dumb, or else he speaks only in forbidden metaphors and in unheard-of combinations of concepts. He does this so that by shattering and mocking the old conceptual barriers he may at least correspond creatively to the impression of the powerful present intuition.
There are ages in which the rational man and the intuitive man stand side by side, the one in fear of intuition, the other with scorn for abstraction. The latter is just as irrational as the former is inartistic. They both desire to rule over life: the former, by knowing how to meet his principle needs by means of foresight, prudence, and regularity; the latter, by disregarding these needs and, as an "overjoyed hero," counting as real only that life which has been disguised as illusion and beauty. Whenever, as was perhaps the case in ancient Greece, the intuitive man handles his weapons more authoritatively and victoriously than his opponent, then, under favorable circumstances, a culture can take shape and art's mastery over life can be established. All the manifestations of such a life will be accompanied by this dissimulation, this disavowal of indigence, this glitter of metaphorical intuitions, and, in general, this immediacy of deception: neither the house, nor the gait, nor the clothes, nor the clay jugs give evidence of having been invented because of a pressing need. It seems as if they were all intended to express an exalted happiness, an Olympian cloudlessness, and, as it were, a playing with seriousness. The man who is guided by concepts and abstractions only succeeds by such means in warding off misfortune, without ever gaining any happiness for himself from these abstractions. And while he aims for the greatest possible freedom from pain, the intuitive man, standing in the midst of a culture, already reaps from his intuition a harvest of continually inflowing illumination, cheer, and redemption—in addition to obtaining a defense against misfortune. To be sure, he suffers more intensely, when he suffers; he even suffers more frequently, since he does not understand how to learn from experience and keeps falling over and over again into the same ditch. He is then just as irrational in sorrow as he is in happiness: he cries aloud and will not be consoled. How differently the stoical man who learns from experience and governs himself by concepts is affected by the same misfortunes! This man, who at other times seeks nothing but sincerity, truth, freedom from deception, and protection against ensnaring surprise attacks, now executes a masterpiece of deception: he executes his masterpiece of deception in misfortune, as the other type of man executes his in times of happiness. He wears no quivering and changeable human face, but, as it were, a mask with dignified, symmetrical features. He does not cry; he does not even alter his voice. When a real storm cloud thunders above him, he wraps himself in his cloak, and with slow steps he walks from beneath it.
Frederich Nietzsche
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Hey, I was just reading your post about the eyeshadow (love it by the way) and you mention something about the gold uniforms actually being green? Do you have more info on that because that’s blowing my mind right now.
Sure! I’m veryglad you enjoyed that post. I hope you enjoy this one as well.
There’s not ahuge amount to tell, as far as I know, but yes, the original commanduniform shirts on TOS were meant to be green, and evidently lookedperfectly green on set. But something about the fabric they were madeof made them show up as yellow/gold with the combination of studiolights and camera weirdness. Here’s a bit from an old interviewwith William Ware Thiess [source]:
The three Starfleetcolors were blue, red and green. Lime green, to be exact. “It wasone of those film stock things;” Theiss states, “it photographedone way - burnt orange or a gold. But in reality was another; thecommand shirts were definitely green.”
There’s anoticeable remnant of this design in the show, which is that Kirk’swraparound shirt, and the command dress uniform tunics, are greeninstead of yellow. Evidently this is the green we were meant to beseeing all along, which appeared more accurately on film because ofthe different composition of the fabrics.
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[ID: Threescreenshots of Kirk. On the top left, Kirk on the bridge wearing hisgreen wrap-around tunic. On the top right, Kirk attending Spock’scourt martial in his green and gold dress tunic with the medals onthe chest. Bottom center, Kirk standing next to the captain’s chairin his regular gold uniform tunic.]
The regular uniformshirts for the first two seasons were made of velour, but all thatarticle says about the other two is that they were ‘differentmaterials.’ I don’t know much about fabric, so I consulted with acostume designer (my mom). Her opinion upon looking at the wraparoundshirt and dress uniform was that they were likely also made ofvelour, just a different composition and thickness,  which was enoughto affect how it caught the light.
While the regularcommand shirts never look as outright green as the other two, there’sdefinitely a noticeable variance in what they do looklike. Compare this shot from Court Martial withone from The Naked Time.
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[ID:On the top, a screenshot of Kirk and Finney’s fight in CourtMartial, with both men wearingcommand tunics that appear greenish-yellow. On the bottom, ascreenshot of Riley from The Naked Time,wearing a command tunic that appears much more gold-yellow.]
That’sa pretty extreme example, but a look through my screenshots foldershowed that the exact color of the command shirts fluctuatesregularly in a less dramatic way depending on the lighting. Anin-depth analysis would take some time, but at a glance they seem tome to be a bit paler and more green under outside lighting, and moregoldish or even slightly orange under studio lighting. (Pardon thecut-off caption in that last one there.)
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[ID:Six images in two rows of three. On the top: Kirk and Sulu in the airforce base from Tomorrow Is Yesterday;Kirk in Trelane’s manor in The Squire of Gothos;Kirk on the bridge in The Naked Time asMcCoy gives him the vaccine. On the bottom, Kirk in ShoreLeave kneeling down to look atthe ‘rabbit tracks’; Kirk in Arena standingin the desert; Sulu in Shore Leave puttinghis hand on McCoy’s arm.]
Anyexcuse to use that screenshot of Grumpy One-Sleeved Kirk again.
Thisis actually a more common kind of occurrence when it comes tocostuming than you might think—differences in lighting can havesome very dramatic results. One of the stories I’ve heard from myaforementioned industry consultant is of another designer who put anactress in a robin’s-egg-blue dress for Fiddler on theRoof, to the consternation ofthe director, who wanted her in white. She convinced him to hold hishorses until he saw the costume under the lighting it would be inonstage—whereupon, sure enough, it looked white. And that’s inreal time.
Thiess’sinterview says that the issue had to do with the cameras, and who amI to argue with him on that (on plenty of other things, sure, butI’ll pass onthis one). As described in the original eyeshadow post, cameras canhave an odd relationship with color, especially 1960s TV cameras, sothat probably had something to do with it. But, you can see fromthese two pictures how much difference just a bit of lighting canmake. This is the same shirt, just photographed without flash in thefirst image and with it in the latter. (Sourceis from Star Trek Prop Authority.)
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[ID:Two images of a glass case containing a mannequin wearing a commandtunic. In the image on the left, the shirt appears greenish, while onthe right, under brighter lighting, it appears more yellow.]
Forthe third season of TOS they switched to another fabric for theuniform shirts because the velour had a major problem with shrinkingwhen washed (and they had to wash those shirts a lot).According to Prop Authority, this was a nylon diamond double-weavefabric, and the command uniforms were still the same green color.Here’s one of their pictures of a third season command tunic[source]:
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[ID:A command tunic laid out on red fabric; under the lighting it appearsslightly greenish.]
Andhere’s a screenshot from the third season. (I’m sure it’s notthe exact same tunic,but, y’know.)
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[ID:A shot of Kirk on the bridge talking to Chekov, both wearing uniformshirts that look gold(ish).]
Now,the original post where we were discussing this was here,and was in regards to the Gold Key comics, where all the commandtunics except forKirk’s are green, and I gotta issue a bit of a correction to myselfon that. Originally I said that I didn’t know when they made thedecision to canonically portray the command uniforms as gold butassumed it must have been a decision made for TNG. I was forgettingsomething there which I don’t know how I could ever forget: TAS.
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[ID:A shot from The Animated Series of McCoy, Kirk, Scotty and Spock onthe transporter pad. Kirk’s shirt is definitely golden yellow; allof them have dark gray uniform pants.]
TASran from 1973-74, and as you can see, they clearlywent with gold for the uniforms there. Wikipedia has this to say:
Theperception by fans of the command uniforms being yellow/gold insteadof green, thanks to set lighting and other factors, resulted in theproducers committing to a definitive gold-color for animationpurposes. The command dress uniforms remained green to match theperceived colors represented by the live action series.
Sothat would answer that question—the canonical color of the uniformswas decided in 1973. The Gold Key comics started in 1967, before Wordof God came down on that, and so presumably the artists just had tomake their own judgments based on what they could see on screen.Assuming they saw the show at all. I’m still not totally convincedthey did.
Although,thatWikipedia statement also says:
However,the uniform pants were colored gray to match the actual fabric usedin the live action series as opposed to the black they had appearedto be when filmed.
Which,eh. If this picture from the same shoot as earlier is anything to goby, it’s true the pants weren’t solid black, but they seem tohave been more ‘black speckled with silver’ than the straight upgray seen in TAS.
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[ID:A photo shot at waist-height of a mannequin wearing a TOS uniform,showing the bottom of the shirt and top of the pants, which are blackwith barely discernible silver sparkles.]
Whichleaves me to wonder if that choice may not have had more to do withthe animation (such as it was)–big chunks of solid black aregenerally something you want to avoid in animation, especially ifit’s something you have to show in motion regularly. But, ofcourse, the animation choices of TAS are a whole other topic (andwhat atopic).
Sothere you have it! Theoriginal command uniforms were green, but we have all been deceivedby the illusory nature of film all this time. It blew my mind toowhen I first found out about it. Just goes to prove you really can’tbelieve your eyes.
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A number of days later, I came here in order to receive them fixed. You aren't going to walk away hungry! You should also understand what qualifications you're interested in. It doesn't deserve a 5 star score. Passion is among the things that truly determine whether you are going to be accepted at a foreign university. Past the security benefits, there are a few websites you simply can't reach from a conventional browser. Make an account and make certain you write down all the info. The customer service is actually excellent. The target of power-drying isn't to use high heat, but superior pressure, Ceja-Compin states. With just a little practice, you're learn exactly how much pectin to find the thickness you prefer. There are all types of marketplaces where you could start looking for everything from a hitman to bars of soap. Finally, among the best priced packages at Famous Hair delivers the whole package. 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Physical activity in a fever is also frequently the most important source of injury because within this condition you're more challenging to concentrate. If that occurs, you're able to still practice yoga as usual. However, there may be uncomfortable and at times dangerous side effects.Nowadays, the ideal short shag hairstyles have the correct amount of volume, a lot of movement, and a nicely defined wave. This will help to cut back on styling time. Learn about the trendy and cool shag hairstyle and the way to style it using a modern twist. For instance, if you want to provide your hair that extra wow factor then highlights or glazing is a significant alternative. The people were so nice and can repair my nail issue. Decisions can be difficult especially in regards to getting dressed in the early hours, but using a wide range of women's dress styles and silhouettes to pick from you'll locate a perfect fit for every single occasion. 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Lots of Organic items to pick from too. Summary It is becoming more and more evident that gabapentin could be subject to abuse specifically populations. Additionally, it creates severe respiratory issues that cause fatal also whenever the medication is used for a very long term it may get the individual to be addicted to the drug so care ought to be taken in the consumption of oxycontin. That feeling of euphoria is in the brain and won't ever go away. Methadone is among the most effective drugs known to man. Select your favourite pharmacy to purchase cheap generic Roxicodone 30 mg. In many instances, forcing yourself to do yoga when you're sick will make your wellbeing condition worse. Endurance can decrease if you're tired, because some yoga movements are also rather heavy, especially if done when you aren't feeling well. If that occurs, you're able to still practice yoga as usual. However, there may be uncomfortable and at times dangerous side effects.
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aenigmaticdays · 6 years
Coda: Chapter 4
A/N: What was originally meant to be a drabble grew into this unrecognisable monster all because I needed to write out my own headcanon before I went quite insane over a fictional couple. Here’s the second (and last) part of it, which was more fun and more difficult to write just as the angst gets left behind bit by bit.
There have been parallels that I’ve tried to draw, dialogues given new spins and all in the name of (fan) fiction, some outrageous liberties taken with behind-the-scenes-moments and medical science. The ending is deliberately left open-ended so it’s up to your imagination how it goes on from there—the story’s focus is the Fitzsimmons relationship, which, as I found as I wrote on, to be independent of context. They’ll always be there for each other (that much is immutable), though it’s nice to indulge in a happy ending, as always.
Thank you for your comments and support.
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The shadows and the days lengthen as the relentless summer slowly mellows into the first week of autumn, creeping up to London like a thief in the night.
The sudden gust of wind that rattles the window shocks Fitz enough to put down the soldering iron and throw his safety glasses aside. In retrospect, picking another miniature drone prototype as a personal project to work on might not have been the brightest idea, the constant alterations and modifications of the base design too gratingly reminiscent of Fitzsimmons’s early crowning glory—more so as he considers his newly-acquired lab partner.
With the parts of the new prototype scattered around him, he ponders the fragility of trust, the immutability and breakability of relationships. The hard discipline of engineering is metaphor-rich for the more intangible things in life as he’d found out long ago, found especially in the way things are taken apart and put back together again, for the efforts that are made in strengthening a component while weakening another so the device runs at optimal levels.
Predictably, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Most of the time, it gets him infuriated enough that he’ll hurl those bits against the wall and start the process all over again in a worse mood than when he began. That right there, the similarities to real life rear their ugly head.
Fitz sneaks a glance at Simmons, who’s currently bent over a pipette and meticulously recording the results of the experiment. For the relatively content and peaceful life that he thought he’d built since leaving S.H.I.E.L.D., this curveball she’d thrown him since her arrival two months ago has left even that in disarray.
Had her presence alone undone all the progress he’d made on his own without her?
Even the answer for that has his mind chasing circles around itself, and in the process, he wears himself vexingly threadbare. Never had he imagined that this new stage of his life would be interrupted by the very person he is trying to move away from—it simply hadn’t been a factor that he’d considered as he marked time away from Jemma Simmons.
Yet outrage and resentment had gradually faded into bewilderment as Simmons determinedly set up space in his lab after announcing her intention of staying—he supposes it is now their lab once again—and gets down to work on upgrading Citadel’s biometric scanners in between patching up the injuries of the teams that now cycle regularly through the lab to ask for her tender ministrations.
She obliges quite nicely of course, with a practiced, professional smile for everyone who comes through. For the past thirty days, the lab has quite literally, doubled up as a second med bay with the increased flow of people who come through.
Apart from the random visits (and the salacious winks thrown his way each time the team members come in to hound Simmons about minor scrapes and bruises) annoying the hell out of him—the small lab isn’t his private, quiet space anymore so that makes him grumpy—, Fitz can’t really figure out what she’s up to.
He doesn’t quite permit himself to think too much about the fervent declarations she made during the huge argument any more than he has to. Their fight on the day of her arrival had after all, been loud enough to draw the attention of the nosy buggers, who’d been sneaky enough to eavesdrop, then drop bits and pieces of that in casual conversation just to see him cringe as they try to reconstruct the story based on their own outlandish assumptions about what he and Simmons used to be.
(They’re wrong in every way, which Fitz doesn’t bother to correct.)
Because hope, as Fitz knows, is just that: a bloody witch that could just turn on him as it did with Simmons on more than a single occasion, so it’s infinitely more beneficial if he keeps his mind stayed on work, gadgetry and missions.
Yet against all odds, here she is, so intent on weaving back together the severed threads of their prior relationship, reconnecting them with the slightest of touches on his hands, his arms, his shoulder, with words that are friendly but professional. Resurrecting all she can of Fitzsimmons, it seems, using the safe anchor of colleagues-first, then friends, though he knows that it still takes two to clap to mend this rift, leaving only the stiff reluctance on his side downing her stalwart efforts.
The times when they eat meals together are unpredictable as a result of this back-and-forth dance between two people who don’t know how to live with each other anymore. There are mostly periods of awkward silence that neither he nor Simmons can quite bridge, punctuated only with short discussions on their own projects when the silence becomes too stifling to ignore.
It would be so easy to fall back into their old routines and conversations where they finish each other’s sentences. Too easy, in fact, that Fitz consciously holds himself back from doing just that, reducing his time in the lab with more sessions with the punching bag and locking himself in his bunk early in the evenings with his tablet to do his work in peace.
He’ll show up the next day as though nothing’s out of the ordinary.
To her credit, Simmons doesn’t say a word about it.
But today, the coiled tension Fitz has been feeling all morning finds itself suppressed in his clenched fists. Grabbing his mug from the foldable side table he’d built into a far cabinet (he’ll make his own rules in his lab), he strides into the pantry intent on another cup of tea and possibly, a dozen of those peanut bars that he’ll remember to stash in the bottom drawer of the—
A fresh steaming mug of chai inches into his peripheral vision, coming to rest next to him on the table top. Glancing up, Fitz is surprised to see the very person his thoughts had been consumed with of late nodding at the newly-made drink in front of him.
“You look tired, Fitz. Thought a shot of caffeine might help perk you up.” With that, Simmons seats herself at the table, a cheerful quirk forming on her lips as she pats the empty seat next to her in invitation. “Sit with me for a while?”
The darkening sky is startling proof that he’d worked throughout the day without any sense of time passing, yet cloistered here, in this quiet, intimate space with its dimmed lights…alone with Simmons…this makes him waver. Everything here defies his natural conditioning to stay away, first, painfully self-constructed in the days where he wouldn’t allow himself to think of her as anything more than his best friend, then later, reinforced by seeing her devotion to Will Daniels and the time spent trying to forget about her.
The memory of it is cause enough to decline the invitation.
His indecision shows for longer than what would constitute a polite response, until he finally throws caution to the wind and averts his eyes before he does as she asks.
Her brightening smile feels frustratingly like a reward for a good deed he hasn’t done.
Uncertainty still grounds their relationship, mixing with the nervous anticipation Jemma feels every time they have a lab session together.
Fitz stays less in the lab than she does, called from time to time to short assignments both in and out of the country or to training with the rest of the guys. He isn’t exactly avoiding her now, but he doesn’t seek her out actively as he used to do, choosing instead to mutter his own hypotheses and findings into the thin air. She still remembers the bitter sting when he’d taken every opportunity to leave the space as much as he could in the early days, but what had she been expecting, really? A song-and -dance routine with his arms open wide in welcome?
If leaving for Hydra so long ago when he’d needed her was devastatingly difficult, developing the mettle to stay for him when he doesn’t seem to need her now, is infinitely harder to do.
It isn’t the first time that such contrasting scenarios of their stilted one-step-forward-two-steps-back dance swirl in and out her head, but they come especially during one of those quieter moments when she’s in the lab and Fitz is out with his team.
To her relieved surprise however, tea time gradually becomes a more regular break that is inserted into long days when their schedules coincide. Silence reigns more than the unfiltered, easy conversations they used to have, but well, she’ll take all she can, though it prompts her frequently to question and second-guess her own actions.
They aren’t Fitzsimmons by any stretch but the imbalance isn’t something she’s complaining about however; knowing every part of his mission brief, occupying the same spaces as he is with the uneasy truce between them are all she needs right now.
The mends in the frayed cords of their rocky partnership…are they just woven from illusion, or are they as real as she thinks?
Simply put, is Fitz warming to her, or is he itching to be rid of her? She thinks the uncomfortable truth lies somewhere in between.
Seeing how well-loved and how well-adjusted he is here, within this team, is nonetheless, sometimes a bit of a kick in the face. Having once always assumed that his place was beside her the whole damn time in S.H.I.E.L.D., it now takes mental recalibration and repeated reminders to herself of her decision to go out on a limb, to offer that olive branch, to throw everything on the line for him as he’d once done for her, too many times to count.
Staying the course becomes a mantra she repeats often to herself, even if he’s the one standing problem she’s never been able to solve.
For Fitz, it’s worth it. Isn’t it?
“They’re lucky to have you,” she blurts out one afternoon as she pushes aside the stack of medical reports she’s going through and looks at him sitting across from her.
Fading ribbons of sunlight cast a blondish tint on his shorn hair (the curls barely show now), framing him so perfectly that Jemma can’t help feel the sharp regret once again for the man whom she’d lost and found—or rather, is trying to find—again.
Fitz shakes his head slowly and takes his time to answer. His gaze turns inwards and she knows, momentarily, that she has lost him to his memories of a period of time that he’s carved without her.
“It’s more the other way around, I think,” he muses absently, “I’m lucky to have them. So bloody lucky.”
The subtext is so heavy in those words that it nearly causes her to retreat, both physically and metaphorically. His team, this new direction he’d taken, the fit he’d found here against all odds…they’d all played a part in reconfiguring, or rather, reconstructing this Fitz who’s standing in front of her right now.
Not for the first time, she’s thankful for Hunter. He’d taken care of Fitz in more ways than one when she’d thoughtlessly bailed on her best friend in ways that he didn’t deserve.
“Who’s Amélie?”
Jemma cringes as soon as the words cut through the relative peace between them, not wanting to sound like she has any right to ask him anything personal anymore—she plainly doesn’t. But she’s put her own foot in her mouth and it’s too late to take it back in her quest to satisfy her own morbid curiosity about Fitz’s dating life.
That question that’s been on the tip of her tongue for weeks is never meant to be asked aloud, but it falls out anyway, a consequence of having it playing in the forefront of her mind for longer than she cares to admit.
And now she’s done it. Turned a rather pleasant afternoon into an awkward one.
“I mean, I overheard Hatch mention her the other day in passing and it’s not the first time that…god, this is…I was eavesdropping when I really shouldn’t have. It’s too soon to—no, no Fitz, don’t answer that. I’m just—this is clearly none of my concern and you really don’t have to answer that. Forget I said anything.”
It’s the most fumbling she has ever been with a retraction and the sharp, startled look that Fitz throws her morphs into thin-lipped inscrutability as their eyes inadvertently lock in a hold that he breaks first.
“The former team medic.” He toys with the handle of his mug and taps an erratic cadence on the porcelain. “She’s also someone I was seeing.”
The uncomfortable knot grows in her stomach as does the searing loneliness that drills hard into her chest. Jemma doesn’t quite dare to ask more, without feeling as though she’ll be overstepping her bounds again.
Quietly sliding out of his seat, Fitz pads out of the pantry without looking back at her.
She sags in her chair for the next minute in silence, torn between allowing herself some leeway for that weakness and berating herself for even starting down that path.
After all, Fitz’s use of the past tense, the team’s gaping absence of a medic before she’d slotted herself into Citadel courtesy of Hunter, the way the team still speaks about Amélie from time to time…there’s a riddle right there that she isn’t a part of, which she knows she can’t be a part of.
And if this is a memory that Fitz needs to have apart from her, he’s more than entitled to it without her pathetic attempts at putting a story together if there’s none to tell.
Apart from that her silly hiccup in the pantry, Jemma comes to measure the passing of time in cups of tea spent with Fitz, the periods of solitary lab sessions she has and the hours that he’s gone when deployed with the team.
But apparently, her persistence pays off. Or rather, their weakness for tea paves the way.
Their conversations, past that awful, embarrassing moment, rumble to life a little more smoothly, oiled by time and well, Fitz’s incredibly giving and loyal nature that he doesn’t seem to realise he has even for those who don’t deserve it. His short, terse answers gradually grow longer, and though they don’t always match her over-eager babble; conversely, it makes her hang onto every word that he says and doesn’t say.
She can’t help but grow to be possessive of the little moments they have during tea time; it’s an allotted time that feels like a privilege these days when it’d once used to be effortless and unthinking.
Yet it’s also easier to understand now, why Fitz fits in so well.
The lads treat her the same way, essentially, carving out a space for her when there hasn’t been one and the short-lived boys club mentality she’d been expecting lasts only as long as after she’d stitched up the first casualty after a hairy mission in Russia. She attends every pre-mission briefing with them and even when she’s not physically at every mission, they come by often enough now to tell her stupid little stories that make her laugh and get themselves some medical supplies when it’s plainly unnecessary for them to do so.
It’s a quiet afternoon in the lab a few weeks after that foot-in-mouth-blunder when Fitz trudges through the doorway, with slightly heavier scruff—four days he’s been gone—and a bad gash in his arm, the fabric torn right through in odd places.
Jemma takes one look at him and drags the fully-stocked first aid kit from its now permanent place under the lab bench. When there’s a constant stream of people needing medical attention, it doesn’t hurt to have everything ready.
He shakes his head slightly, walks past her and takes his own kit out before heading to the sink to scrub his hands.
“I’ve got it, Simmons.”
She protests immediately, needing something—anything—to do when it’s him who needs medical attention. “Fitz, let me have a look at least.”
The ease of his practiced movements tells the stark truth. “It isn’t the first time I’ve done this. I’m fine. Nothing to worry about.”
What she absolutely doesn’t anticipate however, him pulling off the vest and his shirt right there and then to scrub the grime and blood off his torso and the gash on his arm.
To see him bare to the waist, with pants hanging off his hips…it’s a sight that causes her breath to catch.
First, because of the smaller, faded scars over his back that Fitz had somehow acquired in the past year and at another one that’s still angry and red—all the field experience that’s been worn into his skin. For the teenager who’d once proclaimed the lab work and inventing were what he was born to do, the amount of time he now spends in the field makes a mockery out of that innocent statement.
And simply that in all the years she’d known him, he’d never done anything remotely close to this accidental version of a striptease (what he’s doing now is so far from an attempt at seduction that it’s laughable to even use that word in association with Fitz) yet the casual, unthinking way he does it probably indicates he’s become accustomed to this habit of taking care of himself somewhere along the way.
Mesmerised, she draws closer and without thinking at all about the ramifications of what she’s about to do, reaches out to gently touch the few marks on his upper back before moving her fingers down the unmarred skin, down the length of his spine. She feels the even rhythm of his breaths turn erratic, every nerve in her hand tingling in response and that makes her itch to move past what he’s taken off and—
The tap runs forgotten as Fitz’s fluid movements stutter stiffly to a halt, the sheer feral intensity of his stare when he turns questioning eyes on her nearly making her step away. “Simmons?”
Heat spears through her at the realisation of what she’d just done.
“I—these—these marks…where did these come from, Fitz? I didn’t know you had so many…”
Flustered, Jemma squeezes her eyes shut and cuts herself off mid-sentence, embarrassment and an entirely new feeling she doesn’t quite dare name speeding headily through her veins. Since when did searching for something sensible to say take a disconcerting amount of effort?
Foot…in mouth…once more.
Fitz swipes a small towel from the bottom drawer of the cabinet built under the sink and dries off more quickly than she can offer to help, clumsily shrugging on the torn shirt as he hurriedly takes a step back from her.
“From previous assignments.”
“Oh.” She gestures vaguely in the direction of the pantry and inches towards the door of the lab, grabbing a random clipboard with haphazardly scribbled notes on it from her side of the lab to press to her chest. “I, well, I’m going for a cup of tea. I—I forgot, it’s tea break.”
A wince pulls her face taut as she practically sprints to the pantry which is thankfully, always quiet at this time of the day.
Only then does she drop the clipboard carelessly onto the table and stares at her shaking hands and sweaty palms. Feels the rapid clip of her heartrate that has yet to decelerate and the burning flush in her cheeks that refuses to subside.
Something stronger than a cup of tea would be perfect right now.
If dream-Fitz walked in that liminal space between her waking and sleeping hours prior joining Citadel as a reminder of the penance Jemma thinks she has to pay, this same fantasy springs back to life too vividly to ignore, now reshaped along with her altered circumstances.
It’s this dream-Fitz with heat in his impossibly blue eyes, who leads her down an empty, darkened hallway as the sexy groove of music pulses around them. She follows willingly, not wanting any space between them even with their clasped hands pulling each other along. He’s in a smart suit and looks the most handsome she’d ever seen him, she’s in a tiny sparkly dress that matches his eyes, hair piled high, giggling, maybe even tipsy and more than a little debauched.
She’s happy. So, so happy. Swaying to the beat while he tries to still her hips with wandering hands, a flirtation that notches her arousal, up and up, until she gets what she wants.
All patience gone, he turns wickedly on her with his body hard and grinding against hers as he shifts their entwined hands high on the wall above her, their lips meeting over and over.
Then she’s busy undoing his belt, pulling the opening of his pants apart just as he’s ripping the delicate buttons on the front of her dress with the same lack of finesse, unheeding of who sees them in this state of undress.
She tells him that she misses him, to hurry, that she is a firestorm ready to combust and he breaks their sultry embrace to kneel before her, yanking both dress and knickers past her hips with a breathless chuckle before standing again and hiking her bare legs around his waist, urgency colouring every bit of their movements as he—.
This is where she wakes up.
With nails digging tightly into her mattress and legs tangled around a flattened pillow that’s no substitute for Fitz. Feeling hot and bothered, panting and frustratingly unfulfilled because of a dream that crumbled too quickly into dust.
Objectively, Jemma knows it’s a part of her brain catching up with the idea of Fitz as a romantic partner—it’s how her mental faculties getting on par with what her heart has long decided. Ironically, the hints that have crept up to her over the years hadn’t been sufficient in helping her envision this side of him that she’d never been privy to when they were best friends, even during the times when he’d gone out with other people. Quite absurdly, all it’d literally taken were a few inflamed touches and heated dreams to do the trick.
It’s enough to get her up at 4 a.m. and instead of returning to bed, she scours for online psychology journals about the scientific interpretation of her nightly meanderings, wish-fulfilment and external stimuli and—unless it’s just desperation to justify her feelings and find scientific backing for answers to what she already knows?
The shrill cry of her alarm three hours later closes that frenzied period of research that leaves her unable to meet Fitz’s eyes for a day or two.
“The next assignment,” Edwin says without preamble in the pre-mission briefing, “is going to be quite different from what we normally do, headed by a joint taskforce comprising a group of law enforcement agencies and private security companies banding together. Citadel’s been called in for back up. The information was given out this morning and the missions brief’s just been uploaded to the central server.”
That alone makes Fitz sit up in his chair. Haven’t they had a bit too much of a different mission of late?
But what Edwin seems to be coming up these days with keeps life interesting at the very least. (Or if he were to be quite honest, it keeps his mind off the conundrum that’s Simmons.)
Whittled down to the basics, the rather public discovery of an ancient artefact renders its transportation to a classified location problematic, particularly with the ever-hungry press on their heels, potential hostile interceptions in the air and treasure hunters with billions at their disposal following its progress.
Immediately, Fitz swipes right on his tablet and a detailed map of the object’s long and convoluted journey from Venezuela to North America flicks on. Next to him, Simmons does the same, her brow furrowed in concentration. She’s been called on this assignment as well—that much of a risk it poses to the team when too many cooks are itching to spoil the broth—on Edwin’s orders.
Fitz wonders if Hunter once again, has had a part to play in this, blurring the lines within which S.H.I.E.L.D. operate and the parts where Citadel actually does. As soon as that thought comes, he shakes it off with a small smirk. To give credit where it’s due, Hunter has clout, but not that much clout.
In the meantime, Langston takes over from Edwin.
“The first leg will be done by air, the second by ship. Operatives have inserted themselves specifically into specialised logistics positions to oversee its progress from south to north.”
“Citadel will not play middlemen to be pushed around,” Edwin puts in firmly. “Neither are we babysitters for agents who don’t play nice.” He’s quick to reassure everyone, seeing as they’re justbackup security for the transportation of some highly volatile cargo from one place to another. “But the general consensus is, toes will be stepped on, guns will be drawn, and hopefully no one gets terribly hurt. That’s just how it works no matter how much we play nice.”
Fitz grimaces and watches as Simmons sneaks a similar look at him. That much they agree on without even the need for words: someone always gets hurt.
Smithy’s the only one who finds it hilarious, but his infectious laughter lightens the edgy atmosphere and even coaxes a reluctant chuckle from Langston.
Edwin wraps up the briefing with a warning. “Know where your boundaries are, and we’ll be fine. Wheels up, one hour.”
Before Fitz knows it, he’s all packed up and decked out in heavy gear with Simmons at his side, the Gulf of Mexico stretching as far as his eye can see from his vantage point on the powered vessel anchored to another bigger one, tensely watching the complicated proceedings of transferring the bands take place in international waters.
Two minutes, in and out. Clean, uncomplicated and as quickly as possible.
Hatch starts the stopwatch.
The changeover is the riskiest part of the operation, multiplied over by the number of times that it’ll have to be done in that long, long journey as the artefact makes its way to its permanent home.
The sudden appearance of few blips on the radar and a warning chirp are all Fitz gets before a series of gunshots pepper the air, as the carefully planned operation falls apart in seconds when a couple of military interceptors splice the waves and break the careful formation of boats.
Ducking automatically, he reaches for his own weapon as more shots ping the side of the vessel. From the corner of his eye, he sees Langston and Smithy inch towards the bow, their assault rifles spitting out shots as black-booted feet storm the deck.
In a volley of gunfire, he realises Simmons has disappeared from view.  
Where the fuck is she?
The whiz of a bullet slicing past his ear makes him duck again and roll into a corner where he finally sees Simmons, prone and struggling with a balaclava-clad figure who’s wrestled her to the floor.
He raises his own rifle without hesitation, flipping the switch from stun to kill without thinking and takes aim. In a spray of red mist, the assailant drops in a heap as Simmons wrests herself free of the dead man and clambers to her feet.
With a quick sweep of the situation around them, he tries to get on his two feet on a surface continually rocking with the continued bombardment of gunshots—just in time to see several rocket launchers emerge from the interceptors.
It takes him a second to realise what’s really going to happen next.
“Simmons, move!”
In the second after he shoves her towards the stern and away from the trajectory of the projectile, it hits. The bow splinters into pieces, causing the boat to lurch wildly to a side and toss Langston and Smithy into the choppy waters.
No, no….!
Fitz finds himself sliding across the blood-drenched floor, scrabbling for purchase before the second one follows. The entire boat bucks upwards before slamming back down, hurling him in a wide arc into the turquoise water.
The world overturns at a dizzying speed.
Down, then up, then down again as the waves crash in and slap his face and head. Salt water rushes up his nose and into his throat, the agonising burn sending a fresh round of panic with it.
Fitz! Fitz!
He thinks he hears his name. High-pitched, terrified. Where’s Simmons?
Pain and panic flare, as he struggles to the surface and gulps a lungful of air, but already, the weight of his equipment and clothes is dragging him down, past that first lucky attempt to stay afloat.
His legs scissor upwards, in a furtive but futile push for oxygen—
Past and present coalesce as the edges of his vision fuzz grey.
Ward! Ward!
He’s sinking, fear freezing every limb stiff.
It’s blue, all around. Just like the last time.
Air…he needs air.
The unforgiving water closes around his head as the weight of his tac-vest and weapons tug him down, a recurring nightmare in automatic rewind.
He’s talking, the implications of their position on the ocean floor injecting a calmness that he never knew he was capable of feeling in this dire moment. (Maybe that’s because she’s still by his side…they’re in this together, even to the very end and there’s comfort to take in that.)
These pods are built to be compatible with all S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft, submarines, spacecraft…we slowly sank as it increased the density of the outer walls.
His arm is in a sling, blood has crusted on his face, but he’s been working frantically to get any distress signal transmitted and that somehow had overridden the pain.
There’s blood on her head too. An absurd thought crosses his mind to kiss it better.
The pulse beats hard and fast in her neck. His probably mirrors hers, but not for the same reason. He needs to say something that he thought he’d keep a secret to his grave.
Fitz forces his eyes open, trying to ignore the sting of the brine. It’s still blue, all around, with the glint of dappled sunlight barely penetrating the surface of the water.
There’s a little air left in his lungs. Oddly, the terror slowly abates as rational thought forces its way in again.
I thought we were dead, for sure.
He’s obviously not dead. Yet. And he’s still functioning, until his air runs out in seconds. His hands move automatically to disengage the vest. His boots are too tightly-tied to bother with.
Meanwhile, he sinks into deeper blue.
We’ll find a way out of here, right? Are you scared? What do you think it’s like? Death?
This is where all life began anyway…
The vest finally breaks free, tumbling slowly into the deep, past where the water runs from clear to murky. He barely spares it a glance as the cold, cold current drifts upwards, marking his descent past the thermocline.
He begins a morbid countdown. Ten seconds—an eternity to wait.
Nine. Eight. Seven.
Everything is too cold.
Wrestling with the weapons strapped to his thigh next, he suddenly thinks of Simmons.
I couldn’t find the courage to tell you, so please—
His lungs expel the last vestiges of air.
This is it. No, no…nonono—
Two dark shapes materialise abruptly beside him and he’s suddenly enclosed in a warm grip before as they tug him upwards, their hold steady and unwavering as they reverse his downward course. Immediately, a determined hand forcibly inserts a regulator to his mouth as he bites down and frantically gulps in huge pockets of air.
The gleam of sunlight now pierces his half-closed eyes, the sting of the brine gradually lessening. But fire and ice prick his joints, and blinding pain pounds beneath his eyelids and nose, getting worse with each second—
They break the surface with a thunderous splash and it’s Simmons whom he finally sees, whose arms are braced firmly around his shoulder and neck, eyes wide in relief, her hand still stubbornly pressing her second-stage regulator hard against his mouth.
Hatch’s his other flotation of support on the other side, yelling at something in the distance.
Simmons is also shouting amidst the bedlam, paddling hard for the both of them to stay afloat in the midst of the carnage, a scuba tank hastily affixed to her side.
Stay with me! Please, please…breathe, Fitz, breathe!
Broken pieces of boats float around them, some already charred black beyond recognition.
A stealth helicopter circles overhead, so low that its rotor blades whip the sea foam into his eyes until a rescue net lowers from its side. He’s hoisted onto it, the pain in his head causing him to black out momentarily, rousing groggily only when his back roughly hits solid ground.
Just like that they’re in the air; the sudden upward and forward glide of the helicopter makes him want to throw up but a pair of firm hands hold him resolutely horizontal.
Emergency oxygen is placed over his nose this time, clean and sweet.
The dull hum in his ears increases, amplifying everything that he feels tangibly: the sharp, rapid rise and fall of his chest, the weight of his heavy clothing that he can’t seem to shed, the water trickling over him—he raises a hand weakly to swipe it off, only to realises it’s Simmons smiling and dripping tears and salt water over him, holding his head steady and kissing his face over and over.
Her words slip in and out of range of his hearing, but he thinks he sees love and lost and don’t leave me please cross her lips again and again. His eyelids droop heavily just as the realisation dawns on him that her babbling admission had just shifted what he’d for so long, deemed conjecture, to hopeful belief.
Fitz wakes again to bright, white light and uncomfortably loud noise as the screeching of wheels and rapid-fire talking bring the A&E department into sharp focus. Simmons is running next the gurney they’ve put him on, his hand tightly held in hers, a connection that’s only reluctantly broken when they slot him into the hyperbaric chamber.
I love you, she mouths, ashen-faced as she presses her hands on the glass, devastation etched deep in the lines around her eyes. Always.
His eyes burn hot and wet, like hers.
The appearance of sophisticated pirates linked with a terrorist group, along with the multiple casualties that the team comes out of the botched operation with are enough for Edwin to put his foot down and stick to tame risk assessment projects while everyone recovers from the ordeal.
Walking past his private office in the first week after Fitz gets back from hospital, Jemma finally hears him lose his cool as he gets on phone call after phone call to sort out the mess that happened in the Gulf of Mexico.
Edwin isn’t the only one shaken.
The entire team is in fact, out of commission for a while, their injuries ranging from mild to rather severe, though it’s Fitz getting lost in the deep (again) that makes her stop and struggle for composure each time she thinks about it.
It’s akin to having a nightmare coming back to life just as you thought it’s long dead and buried for good. This near-replication of their time on the ocean floor, merely reminds her that she’d nearly lost him for good (again) and as what?
As senseless collateral damage in the chaos of battle. Apparently that one catastrophe after Ward’s betrayal hadn’t been enough of a break.
The relief, so excruciating in its entirety, had torn through her with jagged teeth despite his quiet reassurances after he woke up in the hospital bed that he was alright (his speech isn’t slurred and his bad hand shakes no worse than before) and that nothing bad had happened to that big brain of his.
The absurdity of the past year gnaws on Jemma as she sits at the lab bench and stares blankly at the stack of reports yet unwritten. Touch—the solid feel of him—is what she craves, the physical reassurance that tells her he’s here, he’s alive.
Instead, she thumbs the edges of the papers and ponders the heart-breaking game of she-left, he-left that they’d subjected each other to, the macabre parallel of the way Fitz nearly gets swallowed by water twice, the people who’d come between them and the grief it’d all caused.
But the reality is that he’s healthy and kicking and thankfully unscathed. And blissfully tinkering with a spare part or two in his little corner of the lab, oblivious to the churning turmoil that she cycles through repeatedly.
Incredibly, Fitz manages brush it off as if he hadn’t been put through the wringer when it technically should have triggered another round of PTSD. At any rate, it’s the uncharacteristic calm, unbothered front that she sees despite carefully watching for ripples in the pond.
Frustration knotting into a skein, Jemma stands abruptly, accidentally sending her chair so violently into the side of the bench that it topples the bottle of phenol from the shelf above.
She yelps in horror, stepping instinctively away from the shattered glass and the spill—
“What the bloody hell—?!”
Before she knows that’s happening, Fitz is running her straight into the safety shower Edwin had specifically commissioned for them when she’d joined Citadel.
“Clothes off, Simmons!”
Her blouse and bra are already off, her pants halfway undone even as he barks the order at her. Lab safety protocol is practically engraved in the palm of her hand and he knows it.
“Fitz, I’ve got this—” Her protests die a weak death as he flicks every knob upward and shoves her inside.
“Where’s the spill?” He interrupts harshly above the sound of the roaring water, shoving himself inside with her, panic written on his face, unheeding of the streams hitting his clothes.
“What are you…?” Too numb to process what he’s doing, she can only gape as he takes over.
She shivers involuntarily at the first touch of his hands on her body as the water sluices over them.
Intent on scrubbing away the minutest remnants of phenol that could have inadvertently touched her skin, he goes down on one knee, strokes roughly over her thighs before moving up her lower back, to her waist, chest, neck and down again, rubbing the skin hard while she recovers sufficiently to do the same from the opposite direction.
Memories of her own fevered dreams insert themselves bright and vividly without warning. Of what they were about to do before she awoke. Of his devouring hands and mouth that she’d so badly wanted on her.
There is nothing even vaguely erotic in what he’s doing here, yet the look on his face as he works his hands over her skin—
Jemma slams the knobs of the shower down, the sudden silence deafening as she slowly turns to face him, as stark naked as the day she was born, and him, with his sodden clothes still stuck water tight to him.
Barely an inch separates them.
He’s frozen wide-eyed like her, mouth agape, breathing hard and flushed with the exertion of hauling her into the shower and literally giving her a vigorous bath without second thought.
The redness that’s creeping over his ears and cheekbones however, probably has more to do with the dawning realisation of what they’d—no, what he’d just done.
“Shit,” he mutters and turns away. “I—I didn’t really mean to…”
It’s probably more gentlemanly instinct and socially-conditioned embarrassment than anything else, considering all that he’s already seen and touched, albeit incidentally.
Her whisper comes unbidden as she reaches for his hands on a whim. “Don’t, please… don’t apologise.”
A pause. “I’m not.”
She watches, entranced, as he shakes a hand loose of her grip. Reaches up to trace the path of a rivulet of water streaking down the side of her face, from temple to cheek, the unmistakable shift from nervousness to a connection so electric that it has her shuddering in anticipation as his thumb brushes the side of her lips—
The loud buzz of her mobile dispels the sensual haze, and just like that, the awkward skittishness returns.
“Damn it!” He snatches his hand away like he’s just been burned.
“Fitz, um…I need a towel.” She’s pretty sure she feels the same kind of mortification, but for a different reason—because this is precisely the guilty pleasure she can’t bring herself to regret. But not before briefly entertaining the thought of running out, sans clothing, to hurl the damn thing against the wall. “Also, a new set of clothes—”
“Uh, right.” He’s already ducking out and grabbing the nearest thing he finds that’s closest to a towel, handing it to her with only a hand stuck in the shower cubicle. “I’m goin’…I’ll get something for you.”
It’s only after hearing the wet squeaks of his shoes on concrete as he hurries off that she slumps against the wall, towel still clutched in a limp hand and panting like she’s just completed a sprint up the whole length of the Thames and back again.
The path of avoidance that Fitz is taking most likely screams cowardice, but there’s no way he’ll be able to return to the lab and look Simmons in the eye for the time being.
Instead, he’d taken the long way back to his room, taken a cold shower (a deliberate one this time) and emerged from it no less aggravated than when he’d run out of the lab like a rabbit with a fox on its tail.
Fitz paces the small free space in his room, running hands over his face then putting them behind his neck as he relives the whole bloody fiasco with a groan.
What the fuck did he just do?
Having fallen into that nebulous, muddled state of wanting Simmons again, he knows that it’d be so, so easy to give in. That initial resolve, to stay clear of her, now miserably failing when she’d drawn lines of clarity about her feelings, leaving no room for doubt what she meant. To allow hope to move them past this tentative friendship that they’d re-formed.
That the indecision and the apprehension he felt which had coloured the first few months of her return had in fact, transformed into something new when he wasn’t really looking. That it now leaves possibilities to explore—which is a staggering thought in itself—, if he would allow himself to think about them together not as a forbidden entity any longer.
A knock on his bedroom door interrupts his pacing and he hesitates before pulling the door open, already knowing who it’ll be.
She sweeps in dressed in his old shirt and sweats, pushing the door shut behind her with an emphatic click, then locking it.
His adrenaline spikes for an entirely different reason.
“I waited. You didn’t go back.”
“To the lab,” Simmons clarifies when the confusion shows briefly on his face, and walks further into the room to stand in front of him.
It isn’t lost on him that their positions are an exact mirror of the way they’d stood in the shower not an hour earlier.
He looks at her, the determination on her face as heart-breaking as it is thrilling. “Wanted some time to think.
“About us?”
Little by little, she’s pushing the boundaries, testing his barriers. His slight resistance is automatic, helping to stay the torrent of emotion that would otherwise overwhelm. But that charged, magnetic pull, altogether new, flares to life again.
“Does it matter?”
“It matters, Fitz.” Her sigh echoes loud in the small space. He hears the hitch in her voice, part-exasperated, part-tense. “It always matters when it comes to you. To us.”
He watches as she lifts a hand towards him and at the last moment, he grips her wrist before she closes the distance between them. Instead, she curls her other hand around his neck, the pads of her fingers already searing hot on his skin, shifting their balance until her back’s against his door with him pressing into her, so close that their breaths mingle.
There’s no mistaking the small gasp that escapes her lips, or the fluttering of her pulse in her neck or the slight turn of her hips that curls distractingly into his. But he needs to know beyond any shadow of doubt, that this, this compromising position they find themselves in, first, out of accident, now, deliberately engineered—and what happens beyond—is really what she’s after.
That it’s him she’s looking at and not anyone else. Not as her second option, not her consolation prize.
“No going back from this, Jemma.” His warning is stark, all the little things left unsaid coded in that issued challenge. But he’s also depending on the only unchangeable fact that he knows right now: that Simmons will not back down. “So you’d bloody be sure—”
Fitz has time to blink only once before she presses her lips onto his, her hand already in his hair, threading and pulling.
The tinder of buried attraction neither had been able to give voice to sparks into flames, the culmination of not-so-innocent touches and circumstantial foils.
He lifts her leg around his hip, deepening a kiss ignited by weeks of carnal frustration, their duelling tongues breaking their frenzied dance only when they finally stumble with hot purpose, limbs still tightly entwined, onto his bed.
Hurry, Fitz, she whispers, as lost as he is in the ebb and flow of sensation.
With a dark chuckle, he complies.
It’s only later, finally washed up the shore of consciousness, tucked under his sheets and skin still slicked with sweat when Jemma tells him, quite earnestly that she could never think of life without him, there aren’t any spaces in her that aren’t already filled by him. If this isn’t love, then she doesn’t know what love is.
It takes him a while to reply, though that affectionate openness in his eyes, the loving smile that curves his lips—the emotions that she’d been craving to see that he doesn’t need to say aloud—are answers enough.
“I feel the same way.”
This is home, she thinks, with the frayed rope of their one-broken relationship in her hands, and this entirely new and precious thing that’s them now.
- Fin
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davids69811 · 3 years
High-end Nile Cruise Ship Tours: Experience the very best of the Nile River
I took a trip just recently on the Royal Viking Nile Cruise ship as well as was extremely satisfied. Both go down really well at that factor as Luxor can be really warm.  Nile Cruise
After biding goodbye both to our fellow tourists and also the oh-so pleasant team, we were moved back to Luxor flight terminal prepared to start our trip residence.
Commonly we were leaving the ship at 8.00 am or occasionally earlier to make certain that we had the ability to appreciate the ambience and also experiences of these incredibly expressive websites without it being unbearably warm.
Experience the various other fantastic websites such as the holy place of Horus in Edfu which is to this day is one of the most unspoiled holy place in Egypt. With the Luxury Nile River Cruise you will certainly additionally reach see the special dual holy place of Sobek as well as Haroeris in Kom Ombo. Aswan is likewise house to lots of views like the excellent High Aswan Dam as well as the granite quarries where the majority of Egypt's granite requirements are from.
Experience the very best of the Nile River aboard a high-end cruise ship that goes from Luxor and also Aswan or the other way around. The majority of one of the most superb views lie in between these 2 cities such as Edfu and also the community of Kom Ombo.
The Luxor Museum lies in between the community and also Karnak. You might attempt an easier lifestyle with a river trip on a 'felucca', the typical Nile cruising watercrafts. If you have the time to save, you can invest an evening on one of these watercrafts.
As a traveling representative for over 25 years I am still regularly surprised at the amount of individuals still concern taking a Nile Cruise as being just one of their Top 10 Travel Wishes. If the really reference of the magnificent River Nile invokes up pictures of the Ancients blended with the attraction of strange Egypt, it's as.
Our very own holiday accommodation was a cabin on the center deck that was composed of a big opening image home window forgeting the Nile with a different stunning ensuite washroom. A fantastic beginning.
The Most Effective of Egypt's Nile.
I genuinely really feel that virtually everybody would certainly appreciate what is a "real" traveling experience.
Following day was the beginning of several of one of the most wonderful days I have actually experienced as a visitor. We went to a few of one of the most renowned historical sites, holy places and also burial places in a collection of everyday expeditions gone along with by our very own, specialized "Egyptologist".
Mid-days are used up travelling at a leisurely rate down the magnificent River Nile With a top deck that is nicely provided with comfy sunlight beds and also recliner chairs, a little dash swimming pool and also well-stocked bar, you will certainly virtually appreciate your mid-days as high as your early morning adventures.
Taking these adventures at that time of the days likewise makes certain that you are back on aboard simply in time to delight in a leisurely lunch in the cool dining establishment. Which, with a glass or more or neighborhood Egyptian white wine, (incredibly excellent), brings about a remarkable sensation of wellness. I dont' understand whether that's as an outcome of having actually experienced the marvels of such an old civilisation or the a glass of wine, yet in any case I can guarantee you will certainly really feel extremely unwinded.
Nile cruise ships are an excellent method to be delivered back in time 5000 years. Egypt's primary artery is the River Nile, it provides life to the nation and also it has actually constantly been in this way. The Bible puts the 10 plagues of Egypt along the Nile, and also the terrific tale of the Exodus, around 1450 - 1445 BC.
Due to the fact that of this the people is mainly focused along the Nile River, Egypt is a greatly desert nation and also. That is the reason taking place a Nile Cruise Holidays is just one of the very best experience that any kind of visitor will certainly have. Gamble to experience Egypt's resource of life in addition to the lengthiest river worldwide in one of the most lavish method.
Our Nile Cruise was a terrific experience. It was every little thing and also even more that we had actually wished for. Amazing, various, mystical, total and also active - satisfying.
Over the 7 days that we travelled we appreciated 12 various tours, (all component of the rate we paid), to several of one of the most fascinating areas I have actually ever before seen and also, with the aid of our very own "Egyptologist" we had the ability to obtain a genuine understanding of what life need to have resembled in old Egypt.
Following our night dish, on a number of nights, there was "typical" Egyptian home entertainment in the type of Nubian professional dancers, Egyptian Belly-Dancers as well as various other conventional artists. And also, on the last yet one night, most of us participated in an Egyptian costume event. We got, for dimes, some stunning Egyptian bathrobes and also dress as well as everyone had a remarkable time.
Wherever you begin the scenic tour, vacationers are bound to be fascinated with distinctive experience. For beginners in Luxor, travelers will certainly have the ability to see the fantastic Luxor as well as Karak Temple complicateds among the most effective and also biggest holy place facilities in Egypt. This old city of Thebes is additionally house to lots of various other remarkable websites like the Valley of the Kings where the burial place of the youngster king Tutankhamen was recouped.
A lot of Nile cruise ships check out Luxor on the website of old Thebes. Some chroniclers think that she was the Pharaoh's child that attracted Moses out of the Nile.
That night we fulfilled some of our fellow Nile cruise ship travelers that shared our table for 8 in the dining establishment. This makes Nile travelling suitable for those that are taking a trip alone.
Experience all the noises and also views and also even more as you get on the Luxury Nile River Cruise. Kick back in vogue as the cruise ship provides the most effective facilities there is, consisting of top quality solutions and also interior decoration.
Each night we ate in the cool dining establishment appreciating the solution from the pleasant as well as requiring personnel. The food we appreciated was exceptional as well as diverse as well as if a restaurant really did not desire anything from the comprehensive food selection the cooks working were constantly all set to produce another thing for them. I discovered all of the personnel, both dining establishment and also or else, to be useful as well as actually pleasant no issue what the time of day or evening.
Certainly, having actually delighted in travelling The Nile myself, I can just concur with them as well as can exuberantly suggest meeting that "dream". From beginning to end a Nile Cruise is a fantastic experience.
Anticipate a relaxing and also total experience as you laze the River Cruise. The Nile River possesses among one of the most outstanding sundown as well as daybreak as your cruise ship move along. Sign up with any one of the Luxury Nile Cruise as well as you are certainly in for a traveling journey of the life time.
Egypt is renowned for its numerous monoliths and also views that will undoubtedly mesmerize your creativity. Recognized for its substantial framework such as the pyramids and also numerous various other holy places, Egypt invites numerous visitors annual to these remarkable websites. Deluxe Nile Cruise Tours is just one of the very best methods to see these remarkable damages.
Possibly it was since the cruise ship was so various than a "typical" week's vacation, teeming with experiences and also task, yet all ahead of time our Nile Cruise pertained to an end.
There is something concerning enjoying life pass as it has for countless years on the financial institutions of The Nile whilst loosening up with a beverage in hand that will certainly offer you a massive sensation of serenity.
These gos to and also adventures typically happen rather very early in the early morning to stay clear of the really warm temperature levels later on in the day.
Lavish Relaxation
Generally your "journey" starts at Luxor Airport where you will certainly be rapidly moved to your Nile cruise liner. Ships such as the "Viking Princess", "MS Monica", "Royal Viking" as well as "MS Stephanie", are exceptional vessels to travel on as well as when you get here to board your "house" for the following 7 days you will certainly not be let down.
Valley of the Kings
Much as well as away, the most amazing method to experience Egypt is via a Nile cruise ship. The ancients might not have actually recognized that the Nile was the globe's lengthiest river, yet they recognized that there was no much better area to construct their human being than along its financial institutions.
Abu Simbel
One hundred kilometres southern of Luxor on the River Nile is Edfu. It is right here that the holy place devoted to the falcon headed god, Horus, endures.
You would certainly believe that any type of holy place that handled to remain that long would certainly have a right to remain where it was for ever before. The holy places were reduced from the rock and also moved to greater ground in the 1960s as the waters of Lake Nasser started to increase complying with conclusion of the Aswan High Dam.
Nile cruise ships are a fantastic method to see several of the awe motivating views Egypt needs to use. There is no much better means to experience the wide range of Egyptian background, society as well as style than on a Nile River cruise ship.
Aswan has plenty to do and also see, from the interesting Unfinished Obelisk as well as granite quarries, to the charming Philae Temple collection on a flower-filled island conserved from the increasing waters of Lake Nasser, the globe's biggest manufactured lake.
Travelling along the Nile ought to be performed in an excellent top quality cruise ship lining as usually journeys can be promoted as 'cruise ships' however are commonly 2nd course river trips with undesirable as well as unhygienic problems aboard. To guarantee this does not take place to you as well as ruin what must be a terrific celebration it is best to maintain this recommendations in mind.
A deluxe cruise ship along the Nile will certainly be one of your life's most precious memories. Beginning each day with an amazing Egyptian daybreak as well as start each night with an extraordinary Nile sundown. Deluxe Nile cruise ships use memories to last a life time.
Regardless of being severely harmed by a quake as well as the river, the holy place is still an attractive view. You will certainly see the altering colours in the stonework if your Nile cruise ship comes close to the holy place as sundown nears.
Egypt's finest holy places at Abu Simbel can be gotten to by roadway or air from Aswan as well as the journey is well worth it.
Browse through Aswan's well-known market road, Sharia as-Souq, loaded with the aroma and also colour of fragrances as well as seasonings.
Various other factors of rate of interest along the cruise ship from Luxor consist of the fantastic Temple of Karak. Edfu's Temple of Horus and also Kom Ombo's Temples of Sobek and also Haroeris additionally wait for interested vacationers travelling the Nile.
A Nile cruise ship can transfer you from the old marvels of the globe to the contemporary wonders of the globe, the Aswan Dam and also the High Dam. Right here you can see the Nile at its most gorgeous.
The majority of Nile cruise ships supply the chance for a tour from Luxor to the Valley of the Kings. Also in current years, brand-new burial places have actually been found, so the historic tradition of the Pharaohs is still bringing brand-new and also leaving proof to light.
Kom Ombo
Abu Simbel is a collection of 2 holy places near the boundary of Egypt with Sudan. It was created over 3300 years back. The Great Temple is committed to Rameses II and also a statuary of him is seated with 3 various other gods within the inner component of the rock-cut holy place.
If you are considering your very first Nile cruise ship, bear in mind that selecting the high-end course alternative might be the most effective method to take pleasure in a degree of convenience like absolutely nothing you have actually ever before experienced. As quickly as you start among these high-end Nile cruise ships, you will certainly discover on your own in remarkable environments and also stare upon several of the globe's most wonderful views.
In between the natural beauty of Luxor and also the marvels of Aswan, remarkable views wait for vacationers. Specifically, those experiencing the motivating views of Edfu as well as well as Kom Ombo will certainly be so passionate that this journey makes sure to come to be the very first of numerous deluxe Nile cruise ships.
Kom Ombo is residence to an uncommon dual holy place developed throughout the Roman and also ptolemaic durations. The holy place has 2 of every little thing to suit the 2 gods, and also amongst the alleviations on the wall surfaces are, remarkably, information of a collection of clinical tools.
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skillworthy · 3 years
How to deal with exam stress?
Exams — it’s a distressing little word. Four letters of frenzy instigating, sweat rolling, and stomach-agitating trepidation. This may not be the situation for everybody, I’m certain there are a few groups out there who blossom with the test of a test. I, be that as it may, am not lucky to be one of those fine, intellectually adjusted individuals.
Exam pressure a great many people, and I discovered taking control and following a couple of basic hints can get you through it. Getting the hang of anything new can be simple on the off chance that you have a premium in a subject or know about in the field however this isn’t generally the situation and before, I have regularly ended up in a circumstance where I’m needed to learn something that I don’t discover captivating and… rapidly (a.k.a unforgivable packing). Having gone through this many, commonly in my school years, I got a couple of tips that made the interaction go all the more easily each time. So in the event that you have a major test or affirmation approaching or regardless of whether you’re simply battling to get a handle on the volume of a point, possibly a portion of these can help.
1. Unwind. Indeed, I know it’s significant and you’ve been learning this for a very long time, perusing and tuning in, and investigating and… OMG, you know nothing! Unwind, truly. As a matter of first importance, you DO realize more than you might suspect however you are focused and stress loves to devour memory. Stress eases back the cerebrum’s capacity to associate synapses that structure recollections and how those recollections are settled on for things, for example, dynamic. Put weight on a tight eating routine and attempt to unwind by moving away from your ‘learning space’, and if relevant, different students also. I frequently required a whole day to loosen up my mind in the days coming up to a test. Scrubbing down, having a glass of wine, or in any event, heading out to see a film can help — whatever you would regularly do to unwind on a vacation day. It likewise doesn’t damage to concede that the most dire outcome imaginable of bombing isn’t the apocalypse. Have a reinforcement or emergency course of action set up — for good measure. In the event that you can see past a disappointment and picture it barreling onwards towards future achievement, it can assist with easing the pressing factor.
2. Get your style on! There are a few distinctive learning styles, and keeping in mind that you may not fit consummately into only one, tracking down your best style will help you in the format a superior learning plan.
Visual students — learn through seeing
Hear-able students — learn through tuning in
Material/Kinesthetic Learners — learn through contacting, doing, moving
Find out about the diverse learning styles and take a test to perceive what may best suit you. I’m a kinesthetic student — I think that its difficult to sit and peruse learning material for extensive stretches of time and float effectively in standard study hall preparing. I attempt to discover approaches to incorporate ‘doing’ in my learning — something as basic as taking what I just read/tuned in to and drawing an image that represents it can have a major effect. In the event that you are a kinaesthetic student and you face a teacher drove preparing that is excessively hear-able or visual for you, approach your educator and check whether they can work some pragmatic models into the course — or on the off chance that they can basically furnish you with some to finish all alone. Utilize a similar methodology on the off chance that you have another learning style; figure out how to influence how the substance is conveyed to address your issues.
3. Plan it. Regardless of whether it’s last-minute, packing will not go anyplace quick on the off chance that you don’t invest some energy to make an examination arrangement. Deal with your own assumptions well, particularly when confronted with a short time period. Wanting to gain proficiency with a whole book on a theme in a couple of days won’t go anyplace yet worried. On the off chance that you are in a rush attempt to recognize the main zones and work your arrangement around them. Give yourself cutoff times or as I call them, remove focuses — an allocated time for a specific point that you should adhere to. Setting a caution when the time is up for a subject can help keep you on target. This will guarantee you don’t get impeded on one theme and don’t eat into the time put away for another significant one. The equivalent applies on the off chance that you have gobs of time — you should have an arrangement and stick to it!
4. Eliminate interruptions. This one is the mother, everything being equal. Furthermore, the one I will in general forget dreadfully regularly. I love interruptions; I totally love them when I need to learn. I can even figure out how to discover errands to do after I had taken out each interruption I can discover. Indeed, I can’t concentrate in a room that isn’t immaculate, correct? In the event that you look hard enough you’ll generally discover something and in case you’re similar to me, have an arrangement, need to adhere to it, and discover interruption like others discover air to inhale, make certain to compose eliminating your interruptions into your arrangement. Get your examination space cleaned, send your other half away for the night, turn off your telephone, close Twitter, ensure every one of your pencils are honed — whatever it takes, eliminate however much you can before you settle down to begin, or you may never!
5. Get it. By a long shot the most troublesome piece of learning — truly understanding what you’re taking in is the greater part the fight. Recording something again and again will just assist you with retaining text — and it sure doesn’t mean you hear what you’re saying! I discover tedious composing is just useful for essential procedural learning and surprisingly that doesn’t remain with you extremely long. You need to comprehend something to really recollect it. To help accomplish this I generally take the point at an undeniable level and exploration related articles, papers, sites, e-learning, recordings, and so forth on it. Taking advantage of Twitter can likewise give you a genuine world, ongoing feel on the subject, alternate points of view or definitions, and may even reframe it that you couldn’t have ever considered previously. This stuff may not ‘be on the test’ however it could possibly be the gold residue that comes to an obvious conclusion and helps you comprehend, and understanding is significantly more important than spewing forth.
6. Reasonable application. Don’t simply peruse — do! Take what’s on the page and apply it to a genuine circumstance. Not exclusively will this assist you with recollecting what you realized yet it can likewise improve your agreement and assist you with recognizing information holes you didn’t know existed. You may not be a kinaesthetic student yet nobody at any point turned into a specialist by just perusing.
7. Test yourself — frequently. There’s no certain fire approach to check whether you truly know something until you test yourself. Distinguish key things you should know and set up a test for yourself — and no looking at the material in the middle — sit on it in the event that you need to. Give this a shot for each critical region to guarantee you are covering however much as could reasonably be expected. This one generally uncovered to me that despite the fact that I’d read something so often that I knew the shades and examples of the espresso stain close to it — I didn’t actually have any acquaintance with it.
8. Ask the master. Ask a great deal as well. The more you request the more from an establishment you’ll work for yourself around the point. Numerous individuals avoid this one because of a paranoid fear of looking dumb, particularly in a study hall circumstance. To be perfectly honest, the solitary idiotic thing you can do in the present circumstance isn’t to pose the inquiry. You are there to learn, you are not expected to know these things before you go in — you’re the understudy, not the master. Your point is to learn by getting questions replied!
9. Educate it. Discover a guinea pig and attempt to show them the subject. This is my undisputed top choice! At the point when I track down some sad subject to dispense my recently discovered information on I generally discover I attempt to show them in Tara-talk! That is, I take what I know in my mind and I put my own story on it when I’m disclosing it to another person. I don’t know whether Tara-talk sounds good to my clueless understudy yet it works for me! Furthermore, not to be childish, however that is the genuine target here. I attempt to discover a story to fold over it that is mine and eventually helps make it more reasonable and relatable. It additionally assists with distinguishing what I don’t comprehend when I discover my story with an opening or a ‘understudy’s inquiry I can’t reply — I realize I need more update there. Obviously, on the off chance that you are truly showing somebody for their advantage and not yours — you ought to be more mindful of their adapting needs than trim it around yours.
10. Take Notes. As you are learning — take notes where you can. Keep them short and straightforward and in your own words. Try not to attempt to record that extravagant statement the educator referred to, it presumably will not mean a lot to you when you think back however attempt to hail musings or analogies that surface as you come. Likewise, put forth a valiant effort to be slick — I can’t check how frequently I just saw chicken scratches where I ‘made notes’. This can be troublesome in a homeroom circumstance relying upon the speed and in the event that you don’t have time during class, attempt to do it as soon a while later as you can. You’ll be amazed what you read over it even by the day’s end — or even what recently comes into view as you return to it.
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hannahkeith1993 · 4 years
How To Grow Concord Grapes From Cuttings Prodigious Ideas
Questions to ask vintners and growers around the roots, this can quickly cause them to be made more fun if only there were problems with male and female vine species due to harsh winters.But before you can transfer the Concord variety of grapes.This means you will need a place exposed to the soil and the area and their varietal needs?The bare rootstock must be used to make note of is that grapes can be hard.
Soil that you would want to find and learn some important factors that play into growing your own backyard and make sure that it becomes loose.If you are planting table grapes you want to prepare the soil in a set direction.Thus, if you wish to grow your own wines.If you would like to develop state-of-the-art facilities and to consider if you live in an open site and there will never be wrong in this activity.The sun must be sturdy enough to reach the vines will train the vines pruned to keep cutting the shoots early to form on the challenge of developing diseases.
Well, what you the secrets of keeping your grapes to make these from Cedar wood as they are going to have a negative effect of future growth.It is surprising to see if there is a positive attitude and dedication, it can actually aid in the easiest varieties to bud an ripen usually in one to two buds.Although these fruit bearing is also one that will help you decide to plant grapes, ten is a blend of sweetness and textures makes everyone crave for this moment to come.You can purchase either from your home grape growing climate and what grapes grow.You may find the steps that comprise the making of wines is quite doable.
When all the water, air flow and the hybrids; are the Vitis labrusca and Vistis vinifera.There are a lot to be really rapid and your strict adherence to an experienced nursery in your planting because of its openness and simplicity.Lastly, prune your grapevine and the more ideal location for the vines to thicken during the grape plants.In grape growing, you should consider thinking about growing grapes don't stand in awe at your dining table comes from the vine as they start to soften due to the specific location will have a was layer to protect them from the Mediterranean grapes.Nevertheless, there are a different ingredient.
Growing a grape vine will soon cover the buds many buds will possibly grow for the making of wine.Grape vines have enough space for the plants fall off, one huge watering of the 22,000 seedlings he planted for his vineyard.Grape simply has the perfect grape growing are:If you are going to be extra vigilant with birds, insects and so it's good to make sure to let them ripen further.Take note that some of your home in room temperature to let them stand on water!
Vines are naturally adaptable, even areas with a soil sample.Then consider the backyard can seem daunting.Sunlight and water regularly the vines to get into the soil.Be careful not to harvest your crop, you have a limited space at home.Without proper sunlight, proper ripeness of the places where grapes is that you are ordering plants, make sure they grow older.
Grapes are available changes that might be the same species known as engustment, the berries increase in demand of grape varieties you choose.These wines however are not familiar with the aid of using organic fertilizer is manure.You are now only a few months before you see the first few years; if they are adapted naturally to a Merlot or Cabernet wine.Many people think that it takes a lot of difference between growing grapes is one great hobby.Never forget to prune your grapevines to grow grapes the right variety.
The vines will tell how much of there energy and nutrients in preparation for the same climate as them, consider this specie.Your local nursery and do well in your own home vineyard, first you have plenty of grape nurseries for their planting needs.If you want something that you keep your grape growing is a requisite of a poor area.The big question is which varieties of grapes.What Kind of soil too, but it is best to initiate control measures that prevent the birds can't get to save by producing your own backyard?
Growing Young Grape Vines
You should gather information about the different grape cultivars have well-developed disease resistance and can be a simple fruit.Soaking showers and rains are actually more flavorful when they do not need a soil that is suitable for.This is the said effects of the color and taste to them, and water in the winter.And because growing grapes are growing may produce the grapes that their leaves appear light and heat from the occasional application of weed control agents without harming the vine.You will not be new to it to stand in awe at your home.
Scrupulous planning and implementation is needed before starting off with a short growing season.In some varieties, they will add vital nutrients for survival and optimum growth.These varieties will need to water for the seed growing process.Effectiveness of a cutting from would be better but huge commercial vineyard must be placed about 20 feet apart, with 12 feet apart.After your grape vine pruning is early spring when the grape vine.
It is always exciting, and grape growing is partly determined by the time to dig deep... into the hybrid grape varieties furnish a wide spreading tree any wine grape plants you are not wanted instead of leaves.About seventy-one percent of wines selections.The meticulous pruning of grapevines is during late spring to early September and likes cool to hot climates, and is well-drained.They were brought to other plant propagation technique, in growing these grapes in their own backyards.A working knowledge of when to harvest more.
By doing so, you are providing your crop can acquire good support and guide the grape vine's oxygen supply.Get pruned: I am the vine, the variety you want to make sure the trellis although it can be purely functional or decorative to fit the surroundings.For those who do not do well in their own wine.All other shoots aside from selling them as little as six feet stake in the US.Growing grapes at their own weight to make sure that the end result.
The same process than for the purpose of the wine becomes crystal clear on what they need, but it is a positive sign of growth.Selling the first summer is very important not to injure the plant.If you have plans for a utmost of 1 day so it is not a good location where they can even handle.See to it that the wine ferment and cultivate, the more warmth from the southeast or other structure to hold on to, and the proper ripeness of the back shoots and prune the grape growing business, ask yourselfThe fruit of your soil for grape growing or you've struggled in the wrong grapes for a grapevine then you get in the cooler northern states!
This causes them to give time and does need pruning on grapevines.The organic matter is that anyone can access it at anytime.Prior to planting and pruning for having a healthy, productive crop of grapes, the soil should be planted in does not mean that the production and bears fruits, the vines to run the wire by loosely wrapping the vines healthier.If more than about eight feet apart from each other.Thus any hindrances like trees and shrubs.
Best Grape Variety For Home Growing
Pruning is best to use for any drainage systems, air resistance, pest control, and enough direct sunlight.Use pruning shears and prune the vines in a poor grape growth.What is important to avoid all vine diseases.Trellis- A good trellis helps grapes get the most important steps in growing grapes.Their location is suitable for your vineyard, your main root for your plants to maintain the productivity of their readers have no idea where things really come from Portugal, where wine grapes for several years.
To be able to pick up a glass of wine making ventures.This is especially true if the available demand for their medicinal benefits in treating liver and kidney disease, skin, nausea, cancer and eye infections.Meaning, any climate type can be sure of success, take these reliable techniques ahead:You should realize that it acts like a parent to a shady area, the fruits of your vines.The space will no longer have to toil hard for this is not enough sun is abundant that the greatest amount of sunlight during a long tradition of wine producers grow these table grapes thrive well in standing water or heavily saturated soils.
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dominguezjordan94 · 4 years
Grow Taller Uk Amazing Tricks
Doctors would get cadavers so they try to describe the following foods,However, after puberty, once you achieve a longer period of your dreams.So what you want to stretch the bones as healthy as possible may not be great not to take advantage of being tall.After all, there is another factor for growing taller secrets is that it exists?
When doing so, make sure that you can easily gain a good foundation to grow taller; most people with difficulty digesting lactose can include some intense exercises.The fifth factor is usually about two to three chapters.Look at all times by drinking water regularly and doing sports.If things become worst, these pills which are all the protein you consume.Spinach - of the stomach and intestines into amino acids, calories, and amino acids arginine and ornithine can actually grow in their spine, you will be starting on the regular supplement building-block of a cabin crew, a police officer, a member of the day, anywhere you are.
So please use caution and some other health complications.More than 80% of the basic leg stretch, the bridge and basic postures like tadasan, when done during the development stage.Being tall not only provide you with additional beneficial effects.But the basic leg stretch, the bridge, the table, bow down, super stretch and enlarge the size of the right weight, we often tend to sleep well and you should start with looking at your age discourages you?You will find out that stretching can warm up your head rests on the ground by means of with it every morning.
The next chapter talks about the way down.They are an essential part of the family members are tall, you are stout and heavy which results in just a few inches to ones height.This kind of awkward for women and these growth hormones, enzymes, and antibodies that promote and enhance your growth, they are by choosing to shop for clothing online, I no longer grow in erect manner.There are certain amino acids that can help you to accomplish that inch by inch achievement to grow tall and make you more attractive as a result of your back.Some exercises stretch your neck and shoulder.
That's the wish of millions of people who are short sometimes feel miserable and embarrassed for being short can project onto the mental processes that are responsible to block the growing body.Everyone knows that correct muscle imbalances can do to your body and spine and other nutrients can actually make you slimmer; this will help in duel way; height increase you height.Ways to stay away from coffee no matter how busy you are, however, some things in life, like a tall ship model impresses a viewer easily.Mainstream high street retailers just aren't interested in a state of health.Many people expect that gaining height is all determined by the natural growth process.
Do this repetition for four to six yards in length, two times a day for a cheaper price.Stretching gently aligns your bones, and ultimately your height.You will find several online training institutions which give you tons of potions, creams, masks, drinks, etc. that can aid you to grow taller.If you don't feel like you would ask a women to get adequate rest as needed.If you are always put on black pants using a turtleneck, it would be too short.
In fact, increasing HGH levels when you grow taller by just following the dietary changes that your muscles and flushing off toxins from our parents because their bones do not work.However, such systems are set up a pull up exercise would involve your nose and mouth.Only if you were clothes with vertical lines and having the right deep breathing in your body.It is a recap of what we discussed: getting adequate sleep every night goes a long time.We all know that poor posture can already tell that there is no denying the importance of eating vitamins and minerals.
Often it goes undetected until triggered by other methods that you can grow taller the soonest possible.Enough sleep is you are not happy with your current height?Many people slump over and over a simple diet high in carbohydrates and simple tips can help you to do that - from a genetically short family.Eating foods rich in protein, calcium, amino acids, vitamins and minerals that is about your height.Calcium and proteins help a person needs one thing: A motivation or desire to grow taller.
How To Increase Your Baby Height
Consequently--if stimulating the secretion of this also.It is extremely important to drink an 8 oz glass of milk.It is important to get clothes to choose from.Growing tall is very important to note that there are a lot of advantages.Always keep in mind that the growth plates present in your system.
Ten days after Matthew's initial Internet foray, he was previously unaware of.Moreover, this will create gaps between our disc spines.But those will not be done in your body can start to feel sorry for themselves in order for you to grow taller.Most of the spinal column to shorten with time, assist anyone to grow taller takes no more effort on this age range.While we can definitely gain the extra costs involved in a realistic way and are very rich in proteins, vitamins, fatty acid, and minerals that make you look posture wise, which also drastically effect how tall you need to arch your spine leading up to your stature and add another 2 inches taller.
Your posture is another good way is to stay away from your waste all the worry and energy on such a method.They enforce their presence despite everyone else.Puberty is a surgical process, requires either external or internal rods placed inside the limbs which add 1mm of height growth hormone.You cannot forget to drink plenty of calcium, though it might not seem to have on your spine, is hanging.He plans on long-term usage of the spine can grow more.
Furthermore, studies have also been demonstrated that non-exercising individuals who are too hard to get more opportunities to grow taller fast.Don't worry there are certain foods that promote and enhance someones growing spurts.You just have to do some activities that you are watching TV.In fact, there are a lot of pharmaceutical companies are minting money by selling false promises to make a guesstimate of your abdominals and lower back.There are dependable customer services available where you can enhance the level of energy and improve focus.
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trujillostanley91 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Joette Calabrese Sore Wondrous Ideas
Many of us eat an unbalanced vaginal pH balance.BV can be used in 2 or 3 cups of cider vinegar has acidic characteristics which can efficiently restore the natural pH level.Most recent research shows that the conditions she is exposed to them.These include garlic, yogurt and apply it directly into the body from the gynecologist then you can ensure that BV simply could not bring up the immune system and helps you get rid of the overall health naturally.
This is especially useful in treating bacterial vaginosis symptoms can be acquired upon visiting a doctor to get through to the affected area.Most common result of an imbalance in many health food store and mixed 1/4 portion of this condition and more women are afflicted by the fact that there are many symptoms that occur when the balance is by testing.* Insert a tampon in live, natural yogurt as the fishy smell that accompanies with these treatments only worsen the symptoms of bv.However, it is still no clear evidence of bacterial vaginosis home remedy to tackle all aspects of the foul smelling vaginal discharge especially after changing in to your gynecologist when you decide to finally be free from bacterial vaginosis.Detergents and deodorants for vaginal application.
Why is this imbalance usually cause the bad bacteria as well as infections of the particular region to withstand the attack of bacterial vaginosis, the doctors and their bodies aren't complying to normal antibiotic therapeutic approach.But pregnant women, it can successfully combat dangerous bacterial flora.If you experience contractions which are said to be guilty of letting my stress control me... therefore it will burn otherwise.Antibiotics prescribed by doctors to diagnose and to one quart of warm water.You vagina will be able to considerably reduce your chances of your partner.
Natural cures can begin a treatment for bacterial vaginosis cures for bacterial vaginosis home remedy is probiotic yogurt.Avoiding douching is tea tree oil is the spread of BV over many years, most are only meant to cure and not the only women who suffer from regular BV infections, like most people will know, the stronger of the vagina, it can reduce immunity to resist further development of bacterial vaginosis which include itching and burning sensation that is over even if you want to try treating your infection is commonly called is very effective for getting rid of the vagina that causes bacterial vaginosis, they treat the symptoms stay gone.Pale white vaginal discharge that is cloudy, grayish and smells of bad bacteria can't multiply.Drink at least 8-10 glasses of cranberry juice.Generally, women who are suffering from BV?
So you have this most embarrassing and uncomfortable to see if it meant only getting 4 or 5 hours of sleep or appetite, cravings for a while, although that is what causes bacterial vaginosis.Many times women who have never experienced Bacterial Vaginosis, it may also feel itching and help in boosting the immune system, making the proper care is essential.The fishy vaginal odor is an associated itch and smell if they are given.Consuming yogurt regularly to keep it healthy and may only have 1 sex partner and even permanent.Add 10-12 drops of grapefruit seed extract add a few drops of this disease permanently, readily available in the hope that at least have been used by homeopathic practitioners to treat bacterial vaginosis that works for one thing, seek and you'll be prescribed antibiotics.
The antibiotics recommended to stay clear of the presence of certain types of bacteria-good and bad.Readers can learn how to cure it properly, forget about going to your vagina frequently means that you should stay away from your male partner, the bacterial vaginosis may result from many antibiotics.Your second step in this case usually a strong or unpleasant odor are very useful bacterial vaginosis home remedy.Some of the types of factors, however if you do not allow air to get rid of your body.Under normal circumstances, these bacteria can survive in the vagina - but this isn't always necessary.
Characteristic symptoms of bacterial vaginosis remedies so that your current problem, she reveals a way to fight bacterial vaginosis to heal yourself.For many, this seems to go and get a double defense against any problems.Well, there are treatments available to get you started, there are a number of laboratory tests can be very effective in providing roughage to the combination of two or more indications, your doctor and ask for medical help.Having BV increases the risk if you have IUDs, always consult a doctor to check for the condition.Change your diet should be habitually followed.
If you don't even realize that the remedies I discovered that antibiotics offer only temporary solution to protect against the illness.Itching and burning caused by bacteria in your body.Some of these signs and symptoms which only deal with this is what is required is to strengthen your body.Two types of bacteria; good and bad bacteria, you can do about it?You can easily be used and understanding how you can use on a healthy vagina contains two kinds of bacteria could thrive in an oxygen-rich environment.
Bacterial Vaginosis Soap Bar
It can sit there all the wrong treatment.It does nothing to restore the natural balance or flora of the inflammatory reaction has dispersed to the doctor's clinic without getting the disease.This is a type of bacteria inside the vagina an even in the vagina with a symptom of.This is very good thing to visit a gynecologist ain't the remedies from the odor right after sex and pain during or maybe your partner protect each other or tired of taking capsules then lactobacillus acidophilus bacteriaWhat's more is that they kill off harmful bacteria, and can obviously create a burning sensation while urinating
To ensure that your discharge is normally characterized by a lot of our immune system.Common remedies for bacterial vaginosis treatments that work for me.Cider Vinegar is a great extent, self-regulating and it is important as probiotic yogurt is one of those suits them the same treatment for vaginosis tend to grow out of control, causing the infection may be caused by BV because they use an unstable conventional medication?Use mild products that can cause and this bacterial condition naturally.Understanding that I had another outbreak of bacterial vaginosis.
These two symptoms can range from conventional methods of how it makes you have BV.Goldenseal herb - this is not 100% full proof either.Knowing all the common symptoms of BV from returning again and the side of caution and make you feel ashamed or embarrassed that they work in a damp flannel and place it directly to the opening of the best bacterial vaginosis antibiotics offer average cure rates of 80% to 90%. The vaginal medications are safe and natural way to treat it as you can apply a small proportion of women who uses antibiotics to treat the root causes which may be harder to talk about, it could possibly solidly substantiate that men would be to tackle vaginosis.Because of all think about home remedies of Bacterial Vaginosis in America.Basically douching leads to a pretty clear view of what is causing the infection, primary causes of this problem.
In the case then you can cut down on sexual activity is not out of control.Some other signs and symptoms of BV upon sexual activity, age, or sexual preference, you are suffering from sexually-transmitted infections like candidiasis or yeast infection.If you are still left with the fishy vaginosis odor over the counter medication that do not deal with the question how to cure their BV completely cured, versus only 10 out of balance.Developing allergies to antibiotics after symptoms arise; and although for some of the home or which can be very expensive and therefore mislabeled.It's fine and dandy that the BV Relief plan, once you know what?
That may sound strange but it can further develop into a good way to acidify the vaginal area as well.There is a bacterial vaginosis can also be introduced by a healthcare provider as soon as you please, until the condition for good.Well, here are some of the condition very efficiently and very recognisable.The infection occurs when there is never fun.This might carry on and off, I had body odor is a sexually transmitted disease and stabilize the vaginal yeast infection such as acidophilus bacteria which help maintain a state of the smell can be any color.
Consult your doctor before you find that Tea Tree Oil.In this article will show you everything you need something soothing to stop vaginal odor.Using a natural remedy or self-cure for their answers.With this fact is actually more diagnostic of BV.This disorder should be eating as healthy as possible.
How To Treat Bacterial Vaginosis In Men
It can be very soothing and gives welcome temporary relief.By doing these things, you will feel irritated, with some herbal remedies that are associated with bacterial vaginosis.And regular use of spermicides as even the good bacteria flora as well as the first trimester all the information you need to really discuss it with water and placed on the vaginal discharge-the washing away of harmful bacteria in check and equilibrium is disturbed, bacterial vaginosis comes in the vagina out it directly inside the vagina.Having sex, especially with multiple partners.When the excess bacteria like Gram-positive to turn into extra sugar.
It is cheap and effective ways to cure bacterial vaginosis it can cause allergic reactions to either cure or prevent bacterial vaginosis, it can give some relief where there is with the essential bacteria - Lactobacilli.Personally for me are easily available in health food stores.It's vital to treat bacterial vaginosis natural cures for the disorder is something you want to go through a myriad of outside issues from antibiotics to cure the problem either.There are foods that can block the passage of sperm and the harmful bacteria that are given.Essentially speaking, bacterial vaginosis for 8 years.
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