#also i say he gets a dusk lycanroc it suits him so well.... i will go to the grave saying this.
foxceus · 6 months
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post-indigo disk team that is real TO ME.
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swordsmanofsweets · 4 years
Update + some new stuff I thought up!
Howdy ny'all! I know it's been forever since I've posted anything, it's been a rough year for me, and the past few weeks haven't been any easier and I lost motivation to do anything I enjoy really. But! I'm trying to pick myself back up again with a weekend off and being home alone to just do what I want! I've been playing Pokémon Yellow again recently, and that led me into a convo I had with my very good friend @youkaiangel, what would the WH characters be like as Pokémon trainers? So this was the only thing I could actually write, so here is the Wizardess Heart x Pokémon crossover that literally all of 2 people asked for! I plan on doing every season, along with some side/support characters and my OCs! But to make it easier on the eyes, I'll do one season at a time, in chronological order, so here are the Season 1 boys as Pokémon trainers!
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Whimsicott / Jellicent / Sylveon
Elias is about as studious as they come, knowing type advantages and weaknesses, what moves bring out the best in his Pokémon, how they all complement one another in battle. The more I think about it, the more I see Elias with a support team. All three of his Pokémon are great at setting up for each other, given all the moves they could possibly learn between them. Also, given the fact that his father is a gym leader, he and his brothers had access to many resources to get the best of everything they could possibly get their hands on. Eevee was Elias’ first ‘mon, so it’s no wonder it evolved into Sylveon so quickly. It has slept by Elias’ side from the day they met. Can you imagine an adorable little Eevee curled up next to a just as adorable little Elias? 🥺
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Lycanroc (Dusk form) / Azumarill / Leavanny
What else can be said about this soft, nature-loving boy? Just look at the Pokémon he’s raised! I don’t picture Yukiya to like battling his Pokémon (unless it’s for fun or absolutely necessary), I think of him supporting them if they want to do something like compete in Pokémon contests or something like that. His starter ‘mon was Azurill, who evolves into Marill when its friendship level with its trainer is maxed out. Can you imagine the look on little Yukiya’s face when he saw that tiny ball of fluff look up at him and squeak as it recognized him as its trainer? Are you crying as you’re picturing it too? No? Just me? Okay, moving on! 😅
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Umbreon / Raichu / Hydreigon
I tried to find the best Pokémon for Luca that suits what I know about him, and these three were the best that came to mind. Kinda overdid it on the dark types, huh? Lol, Umbreon is that powerful and dependable type, Hydreigon is that other powerful dark/dragon type (gee, I wonder what made me think of a dragon 🤔), and Raichu is there for added cuteness! As the Academy’s most knowledgeable man on campus on all the latest gossip, who else is gonna help him find the information? Only the world’s most adorable electric mouse ever! Pikachu was Luca’s first ‘mon, and can I just say does it love to tease the crap out of Elias’ Sylveon 🤭
Well, that's what I think of our season 1 boys as trainers. Yes, Walter is a gym leader, are you even surprised? This was actually a lot of fun to do, mixes two fandoms I have delved myself into for quite some time, and honestly just makes me really happy. I hope you all enjoyed and stay tuned for the next season of WH characters as Pokémon trainers! Let me know what you think in the comments and/or feel free to reblog with your thoughts! 😸
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thebladeblaster · 3 years
Pokémon: the Dark Circuit (aka Vanguard Descends season 2)
Chapter 4 The Calm Before the Storm
Aichi’s current team
Level 79 Wingal (Lycanroc (dusk)) rock
Stealth rock
Stone edge
Play rough
Level 77 Llew (Golisopod) water/bug
Sucker punch
First impression
Level 78 Gancelot (Lucario) fighting/steel
Focus blast
Stone edge
Meteor mash
Dragon pulse
Level 85 Soul Saver (Haxorus) dragon
Iron tail
Dragon dance
Scale shot
Level 100 Alfred (Aegislash) ghost/steel
Sacred sword
King’s shield
Iron head
Shadow Claw
In Sanctuary town…
Some students sat around their desks chatting at Hitsue Middle. The residents of Sanctuary town recently returned. Thankfully there wasn’t much damage to the buildings in the town. Morikawa sat back in his chair with his feet on the desk.
“I wonder where Sendou is?”, one of the students murmured.
“Who knows.”, another replied.
“I heard a rumor that he has powers just like Suzugamori Ren’s.”, another whispered.
“Yeah, I heard he could also understand Pokémon and did you see when Sendou fought those dynamaxed Pokémon?”, a different student added.
“What if he’s been in cahoots with him this whole time?”, one of them asked.
“Hmph. Aren’t the same flies that were buzzing around him not too long ago, telling him how cool he is. Now the second he’s gone their trashing him like this. These guys were just trying to lick his boots to get in his good graces.”, Morikawa thought.
“Why would he beat him them?”, the other questioned.
“I don’t know, but Sendou looks an awful lot like Gin Gaillard. What if it’s some big conspiracy?”, one of them replied.
“Your right! They look almost exactly like except their hair and age!”, a different student replied.
They all jumped as they suddenly heard the loud slamming of a book against the desk.
“Ahem!”, Mark called out, to gain his students attention for their class about to start.
“Before we start I must inform you that Sendou Aichi won’t be with us today. Also, it's not very nice to talk about your classmate behind their backs.”, Mark added.
“Ah, sorry!”, they hastily apologized as a unit with no sense of individuality.
(Speaking of Aichi..) In Alola…
“Maximillion Pegasus?”, Aichi questioned, having no idea who that was.
“Golisopod! Golisopod! Golisopod! Golisopod! Golisopod! Golisopod! Golisopod! Golisopod! (Don’t worry if these suits try any funny business we’ll just beat them up!)”, Llew assured, cupping his ‘fist’ with his claw.
“I guess so...why is he letting us in exactly?”, Aichi asked.
“No idea. I’m just following orders.”, the suited man with really pointy hair replied.
“Alright.”, Aichi nodded, still keeping his guard up as he started to follow one of the suited men in.
“So, who is Maximilion Pegasus exactly?”, Aichi asked.
“He’s a very wealthy businessman. He’s always had quite the interest in Pokémon battling especially after his trip to Kairos region. He’s held several Pokémon battle tournaments including the private Trainers Kingdom tournament which was held here in Alola. That’s what this castle was originally built for.”, the suited man explained.
“Kairos huh...Didn’t Pokémon battling originate there?”, Aichi asked.
“Yes, the sport of Pokémon battling as we know it originated from that region many millennia ago.”, the suited man replied.
They stopped before a door which the suited man opened. Aichi’s Pokémon kept very close to him preparing themselves for any sort of attack. They saw the back of a revolving chair. They could see someone holding a wine glass. With a swift kick the chair spun around and they could fully see the man sitting in it. He had long straight silver hair which covered one of his eyes. His eyes were brown and he wore a flamboyant red suit with red pants and white shoes.
“Hello, what brings you to the wonderful region of Alola? I am Maximillion Pegasus.”, Pegasus greeted.
“Haxorus. Haxorus. Haxorus. Haxorus. (I wouldn’t call the locals wonderful.)”, Soul Saver said.
Aichi’s eyes widened in disbelief and let out a startled gasp at Soul Saver’s sass.
“Soul Saver! That’s rude!”, Aichi blurted out, briefly forgetting that other people can’t understand Pokémon.
“Lucario! Lucario! Lucario! Lucario! Lucario! (Soul Saver! Wingal and Llew are native to Alola!)”, Gancelot hastily informed him.
“Hax...Haxorus. (Ooh...sorry guys.)”, Soul Saver apologized.
“Golisopod. Golisopod. Golisopod. Golisopod. Golisopod. Golisopod. Golisopod. Golisopod. Golisopod. Golisopod. Golisopod. Golisopod. (It’s fine I’ve never been here before anyway and I have to agree a lot of the Pokémon here aren’t nice. Besides, I was born in Kakusa.)”, Llew replied.
“Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. (Yeah, I don’t care. What Llew said a lot of the mon here are jerks anyway. They try to suck out your life essence or hug you to death or gush out poisonous gases with no regards to others or eject their organs at you. That’s why I left.)”, Wingal added.
They minus Pegasus and the suited man looked stunned at what Wingal told them. The suited man looked rather confused wondering why Aichi was talking to his Pokémon. Pegasus simply chuckled at this and Aichi looked rather embarrassed.
“How very amusing. The way you talk to your Pokémon. I met a person once who could really understand them. I wonder if your the same way.”, Pegasus said as Aichi flinched.
“Who was it?”, Aichi asked.
“I was at a rather fancy party in Johto when I met them. He was a bit younger than you and rather unruly. Way too much arrogance for his own good. For some weird reason he referred to himself as a number though he gave me a second name to make it easier. His other name was Christopher Lo.”, Pegasus answered.
“Christopher Lo”, Aichi muttered.
Lo definitely sounded strangely familiar to him like Ren’s name did. He tried to search his memory for that name. Slowly over time pieces of his past in Galar had been returning to him. So far he was mostly remembering the moments he had with Oliver. Perhaps it was triggered back when his mother mentioned him? After all he didn’t remember 002f.
Aichi struggled a bit before he suddenly had a brief flashback.
“I don’t see much of a reason to create another Psyqualia user.”, Gin replied, boredly to someone.
One of the men had short desaturated pink hair and blue eyes. He wore glasses and a green suit with a red A. He had a name tag that said Jonathan Lo. The other man who was with them was Ryuzu. 003v looked up a bit curious about what they were talking about.
“Another one. Dad’s right we don’t need another one. I’m all we need.”, 003v thought.
“Well, Jonathan here has contributed about as much as Katsuki and Triton so why not?”, Ryuzu replied.
“You say that as if their just rewards. I don’t think we should have too many. If we had a large number a few might get some unsavory ideas.”, Gin replied.
“I’m not saying we’ll make a bunch. It’s just one more.”, Ryuzu replied as Gin narrowed his eyes.
“I’m not sure...I’ll have to think about it.”, Gin replied.
Flashback end
“Jonathan Lo...that’s his father right?”, Aichi asked.
“Oh you know him?”, Pegasus asked.
“So, they went through with it didn’t they…why! Why! How could he allow another to be made! Doesn’t he believe in me! I can fulfill father’s ambition on my own!”, Aichi thought.
He felt a weird feeling in his chest that he tried to push down. Part of him felt a bit outraged that they felt the need to make another one after him. Like a wounded pride. It felt like the more he remembered the more 003v’s thoughts and feelings started to blend into his own. Aichi blinked, shaking his head to snap out of it.
“No! I’m not him! Why does this keep happening? I don’t want to help my father with his twisted ambition!”, Aichi thought.
“Don’t we though? Can you really resist it when it’s hard coded into your brain?”, Aichi flinched confused, were those his thoughts? Or 003v? He wasn’t sure and it was worrying him.
Soul Saver, Gancelot, and Alfred looked rather worried. Soul Saver could feel his emotions through the link. Gancelot could read his aura so he knew exactly what he was thinking and feeling. Alfred being the wise old ghost he was he knew how to read people well. Wingal and Llew were a bit confused and concerned by Aichi’s strange behavior.
“...Kind of...I think I’ve met his father before.”, Aichi replied simply.
“Something seems to be troubling you ah…”, Pegasus trailed off awkwardly, pretending not to know his name.
“O-oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I’m so sorry. My name is Sendou Aichi. I am from Kakusa. As for how I ended up here it’s kind of a weird story…”, Aichi replied sheepishly.
“Ah, I love stories!”, Pegasus replied.
“Oh...okay well…”, Aichi replied as he started to recount when he met Leon and him getting hit by a tsunami.
In Kanto…
“He’s at that Pegasus jerk’s doorstep!”, Honda said.
“Pegasus? You mean like the business man?”, Misaki questioned confusedly.
“It’s...a long story.”, Yugi replied.
“He stole Yugs gramps soul!”, Jonouchi blurted out and Anzu face palmed.
“Say what?”, Kourin questioned.
“Oh Arceus…”, Anzu groaned.
“And he got better!”, Honda added.
The Kakusans looked at the Kantonians like they were insane minus Kai.
“Uhh...well you see it all started when I got this weird video and somehow I battled Pegasus on the video…”, Yugi started.
“How did you battle a video?”, Kamui questioned.
“Magic!”, Jonouchi replied, like that explained everything.
“Anyway there was a time limit, it ran out and he took my grandpa’s soul and forced me to battle in his tournament…”, Yugi continued as Misaki and Kourin looked at each other with the ‘these people are crazy look’.
“Then you know I participated with Jonouchi and I beat Pegasus and won my grandpa's soul back.”, Yugi finished.
“I know it sounds like they're clinically insane, but it’s actually true.”, Kai said.
“Sure...whatever you say Kai.”, Misaki replied.
“So, we have to get to Alola!”, Yugi said.
“Alright. Let’s go.”, Misaki replied.
In Galar…
Oliver looked determined as he got the back of his Garchomp. With him on their Pokémon was the tall brown haired teen, the short dark skinned girl, both from before and Raul. The tall teen had a Corviknight. The dark skinned girl had a Mismagius. Raul had a Hydreigon. He wasted no time flying towards Alola full speed while the others tried to catch up.
“He really can’t wait to meet 003v can’t he?”, the dark skinned girl questioned jokingly.
“Oliver, wait up! Oh whatever...you want to make this a race Oliver? I’m going to win!”, the tall teen yelled.
“Oliver. Neve. Ah...those two and their rivalry…”, Raul sighed face palming a bit.
The tall teen was now known as Neve. Raul and the dark skinned followed after the two who were going rather fast.
In Kanto…
They had gotten to the boat they had arrived in and were now setting course to the Alola region. Yami looked over in the direction of the Johto region with a concerned expression. Yami closed his eyes looking away.
“Yami?”, Yugi questioned.
“I’m just worried about 004a attacking, but with their friend we should be able to stop him.”, Yami replied.
“Don’t worry about it too much. We won’t be gone for long. And once we’re back we’ll be able to stop him once and for all.”, Yugi assured and Yami nodded in response.
“Hey just in case we should avoid getting as close to Johto as possible. It’s been occupied by Team Asteroid.”, Yugi warned, the Kakusans.
Thus the race to find Aichi began between our heroes and Team Asteroid.
In Johto…
A boy around Kamui’s age yawned. He had desaturated pink hair in a ponytail and blue eyes. He wore a green Teddiursa hoodie and jeans. He sat on a throne, his feet rested on a trembling person bent over.
“Your shaking is getting quite annoying foot rest.”, the boy said in an annoyed tone.
“S-sorry!”, the poor person being used as a footrest hastily apologized.
The poor guy was covered in sweat with his heart beating loudly against his chest.
“Footrests don’t talk. You stupid Caterpies keep forgetting that.”, the boy replied as the guy shook more in fear.
The boy showed no empathy to the man’s frightened expression. The man let out a pained whine as he was surrounded in gold aura and was forced to uncomfortably fold his limbs. He felt extremely uncomfortable as his face was pressed against the ground and he was folded unnaturally into more of a foot rest position. Bits of drool leaked from the guy’s mouth as he tried to hold in another whine. The boy looked down still rather unamused and dissatisfied. Loud cracking sounds could be heard as the man yelped in pain. Though all you could really see was his hands in foot in awkward positions and the boy sitting there with an unfazed expression.
“Hmm...that guy is leaving? Why? Maybe I should burn down that little town. Nah, that would be lame without him there to try and stop me. Maybe I could inconvenience him?”, the boy thought.
The boy had a dark expression as he held out a master ball. All of the citizens turned servants flinched as they saw the master ball. He jumped off his chair making sure to land on his human foot rest before walking forward. The servants had rather horrified looks and reluctantly went back to their labor.
In Alola…
“Wow! It sounds like you experienced something like something out of an old story! Well, you are welcomed to stay here for now Aichi-boy. You look like you need to wash up anyway.”, Pegasus said.
Aichi looked rather embarrassed when he mentioned washing up. Yeah, with how much he was sweating under Alola’s searing sun he needs a bath. He was still a bit cautious, but the offer sounded rather alluring. He looked down at Wingal. All of his Pokémon were hurt by the tsunami, but Wingal had it the worst. He needed help quickly or...he didn’t even want to think about the or.
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darkzeruda1214 · 5 years
The Destiny Trio as Pokemon Trainers??
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Oh… whoa,
Sorry. That was one of the most random questions I’ve ever gotten. But at the same time really interesting. I do like Pokemon, I grew up watching the show when I was younger. And still a fan of the show and games today.
Now I won’t deny that your question left me thinking. What kind of Pokemon would the Kingdom Hearts characters would have. I’m not 100 percent sure what Pokemon team the characters would have. But I’ll give it my best shot
Now I will have to modify your question and might split it into three parts (for the three trios) if I ever get back to going on it. Not sure if I’d be able to write it for organization XIII (Or the Disney characters... I’m sorry, but Disney and FF characters will have to strictly stay out of this one). 
I don’t think all the KH character would all get a full team, but I’ll try to think more into it.
However, I do believe that they would all get at least 3 Pokemon with them. (But again I do have a hypothetical team for all the trios) But for now I will only focus on the Destiny Trio and a brief explanation as to why I gave these Pokemon to them alone.
I did make a couple of ground rules before I started, one being, that neither of the characters would share the same Pokemon, regardless if one is evolved and the other is still in the first stage or so.
So let’s say I gave Sora a Gardevoir and Riku a Gallade. Since they are both from the same Pokemon line, regardless of different evolutions and are of different genders, they would counteract with each other (and while it would make sense, make the challenge way too easy). So I would cancel that.  
Also, like I said I gave myself a challenge, so there are no starters. And absolutely. No. Legendaries.
*But since region starters are a primary Pokemon that every trainer has to get at first, I decided to add a “hypothetical case” if I were to give them a starter. (And as an added bonus, each starter has to be a different type, so if I give character B a fire type, character A and C must be EITHER water or grass). Just an extra challenge for me.
Also, one Eeveelution since Eevee has the ability to change it’s type when it evolves. And I think everyone has a special type of personality that would fit them well with a certain element.
Also I’m strictly sticking with Gens 1-7, since Pokemon Sword and Shield hasn’t been released when I wrote this.
With that said were we go with the Destiny!
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Starting with the one and only protagonist in the majority of the titles, I think it’s only natural I only start with our little cinnamon bun. His type of Pokemon team was a little tricky to come up with considering his easy going personality. But I think I managed to get a stable kind of team. I don’t think realistically he would be very balanced out in types, but since I based the type of Pokemon they get from personality his a little balanced here.
So the main three Pokemon he could possibly have would be:
Okay. Okay. I know I said Eevee was a hypothetical case for everyone, but I’m gonna have the bend the rule slightly once because of the reason behind it. Now as far as why I gave him these three is simple. As for Eevee’s case, since the beginning of the game Sora has been rather classified as this “normal boy.” As stated by Xehanort, mentioned in KH1 and even by Nomura himself. He was just a normal boy so people would be able to relate to him.
So Naturally Eevee stuck with me (not because his hair and Eevee look pretty similar in a sense) but also because Eevee is known as the evolution Pokemon. And as you all know, Eevee can evolve into any Pokemon type (currently only 9 types at the moment when I wrote this analysis). And Sora has shown time and time again to shape his own destiny by his own hand and choices. Despite being that “dull, ordinary boy.” So to me Eevee was the best option.
Again, I know I wasn’t going to add Eevee other than a Hypothetical Pokemon, but I think Sora earned the spot to be the exception because of what kind of character he’s portrayed as.
Now as for Klefki, the answer is obvious. Sora’s the first character to show that he has a Keyblade when the games first came to existence. And while Klefki isn’t exactly one of the most strongest Pokemon it is a good support Pokemon. And to me that really “speaks Sora” because of “his friends are his power” and how much he supports his own friends.
So maybe not a powerhouse, it still speak reflects Sora’s character.
Litleo has a few reasons why he’s on Sora’s team, and namely because of a certain Pride Lands exploration. But also just in general because I’ve always seen Sora having fire as favorite magic spell. So naturally fire would be a good Pokemon type for him. (Also it doesn’t help that in monster’s inc he’s a cat-based monster and the Simba summon is fire based, so...)
Now as for the rest of his team in this hypothetical case scenario:
Lucario (He’s a fighting steal type, which also reflects on Sora’s character and Keyblade)
Pidgeot (His name means sky in Japanese, it would be criminal for not for me to give him a flying type. But also I think Sora would like to have a Pokemon to fly once in a while and I think Pidgeot fit’s the glove)
Lapras (A certain Atlantica incident inspired this one. But also Lapras is shown to be large enough to carry it’s trainer across water. And in a sense that would also be Sora since he doesn’t have trouble to carry extra weight to help his friends) Also Lapras is adorable and so is Sora.
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(The starter I think he would more likely get would be Charizard) (And he already has normal Eevee, so…)  
This one was a bit of challenge for me to figure out, but in the end I managed to get something in. I’m not 100 percent happy with this team, so if you might think that there are other Pokemon who fits him better, I understand why, but this is what I got.
The main three he would call upon the most would be:  
Lycanroc (dusk form)
These three Pokemon spoke a small little story to me when I put them in that specific order.
Zoroark was the first Pokemon that came to mind when I thought about Riku’s team. The majority of the time we see Riku’s he’s struggling or is using darkness to help him win his fights or get an advantage. So there’s no way I wouldn’t give him a dark type I think Zoroark made the most sense. Not because it’s solely a dark type, but also because it’s an illusion fox.
And while not cannon to the game (at least to my knowledge) the anime has shown that Zoroark has the ability to transform into people. And to other Pokemon. And that’s what happened to Riku, whether he wanted to or not, when he used the powers of darkness Riku turned into Ansem seeker of Darkness. And to me that spoke a nice Pokemon for Riku to have on his team.  
Now as for Lycanroc (more specifically dusk form), Riku also came off to me as this “lone wolf” kind of character. And yeah sure there is Mightyena, and let’s not forget Lycanroc’s midnight form. I felt that while Riku did have darkness, it’s not too much to the point his entire team would be all dark types. And so we get to dusk form, for one the reason I gave him Lycanroc is because it’s a rock type which coincides with his name. Because Riku means land.
And while I do like the midday form, since it looks more a like a wolf, the Midnight form suited his style more. But at the same time, I didn’t want his team to solely reliant at the night. And so we have his dusk form. And Dusk Lycanroc speaks a lot of Riku’s transition from the darkness to the light. Because he chose neither light nor dark. But the road to dawn. Which to me felt like a mixture of both. (Heck his Keyblade is called “Way to Dawn” which has a combination of both light and darkness) And closest we got to in between was Dusk form. So I think it worked the best.
(Also Riku spent a good amount of time in Twilight Town, so…)
When it came to Aegislash, I will admit that it could be either one of the evolutions. But knowing Riku he would want to max out his entire team to reflect his strength. So the conclusion why I came to Aegislash is to continue the story, when he first started out as darkness, he soon came to the light but was still influenced by his past. So when he finally overcame that he started to fight against it and for what is right. And to me, I think the best way to demonstrate that was Aegislash because it’s a sword. And normally when I think of a fighter of good, I normally (stereotypically) think of a knight in shining armor. And the Pokemon that fit the category the best was Aegislash. And to me it finishes the story of Riku’s arc in Kingdom Hearts (or in this case, in the AU Pokemon)  
For the rest of his team, well might not be the best choice I figured it could be like this:
Gyarados (Gyarados is a Pokemon of both intimidation and hard work, in order to get Gyarados, either you have to beat it, or struggle to evolve a Magikarp. And Riku fit’s that bill pretty good IMO. Also Riku can be intimating if he wanted to).
Garchomp (This is mostly because I feel like Riku would have a dragon type, I know Salamence might be a choice. But I think Garchomp eased into the role mostly because of it’s design as well as being a ground type, again fitting to Riku’s name)
Sawk (Okay… I’m not going to lie, I’m not 100 percent sure about Sawk. There are other Pokemon that fit’s the fighter type better. And since Riku is a fighter, I wanted to give Riku a fighting type. In the end I just chose Sawk because of it’s color design, because Riku wear predominantly blue in KH3)
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(The starter I think he would most likely get is Greninja) (Eevee would no doubt be Umbreon)
Kairi was sorta like Riku, a little difficult to decide, as many of the Pokemon I thought would be nice also seemed… too redundant. I tried to limit the amount of Fairy types since that’s the closest we’ll get to a light type in Pokemon. But since Kairi is a princess of Heart naturally she would have more light compared to others.  (I wouldn’t be surprised if she had an all out Fairy team, but again I needed to give her something a little more realistic).  
So in the end I thought her main three would be:
The reason I didn’t go for Florges is mainly because I think Kairi would care little to evolve her Pokemon for power. I can see her be a bit of a strategist and Floette could provide a good amount of advantages. Also biggest reason I gave Floette, because one: Fairy type. And two, it’s a flower which goes pretty well with her Keyblade.
Milotic was sorta an easy pick because of Kairi’s name meaning ocean. And Milotic is a really pretty Pokemon. I can easily imagine Kairi wanting to join showcases or Pokemon Contests. And just in general it could also represent Kairi and the sign of strength. Despite not looking much, she can grow into something much more than just something simple and dull. (Though… it’s debatable after what happened in kh3... But that’s not the point right now!)    
As for Meowstic, it doesn’t really matter what gender Kairi would get, because I sincerely doubt she would care about that. But I think the female version would be more likely on her team, knowing how it’s typically girls with girls sort of deal. But beyond that, the reason I gave her Meowsitc has to be because it’s a psychic type. For as much as I can tell Kairi has been surrounded in and has magic, and the closest we’ll get to a magic type is psychic type. And while I know there are other Psychics that fill the role. I think Meowstic isn’t too much of a bad choice. That and it’s a cat, and there is a theory that Kairi is a chirithy just like Riku is a dream eater for Sora. So, I use that to help choose her Pokemon.
I think Kairi would definitely have the least amount of Pokemon compared to everyone else. But hypothetically for a full team, I thought this would work:
Ninetales (Alola version) (during my gameplay I noticed that Kairi used a lot of ice spells, so I figured that might be her favorite element in magic. That and Ninetales is really pretty in design and I figured it would be a nice addition on Kairi’s team).
Emolga (The biggest reason? Emolga is freaken adorable, and I know Kairi would have other cute Pokemon, that and it doesn’t evolve, which… sorta fit’s Kairi… but also I think Kairi would be interesting to see Kairi have an electric type that isn‘t Pikachu) that and I think someone else would more likely have Pikachu on their team 
Arcanine (I’m sorry, but no one can tell me otherwise that Kairi would not have a fire type. Despite her nature she has shown to be feisty and can get riled up. And honestly I wanted to give Kairi a Pokemon that does look pretty strong since the rest of her team has an appearance of fragility ~even though the Pokemon themselves aren’t~ I wanted to give her something that would show her fighting spirit too)
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(The starter I think she would most likely get is Chikorita, unlike the others I don‘t think she would evolves hers. At least not beyond Bayleef, I feel like Chikorita would be comfortable being in it‘s first stage).
*The other starter that I feel would suit her as well is Fennekin. But her Keyblade is mostly flowers so I felt the grass type held a little more influence in what starter she would get
(I’d be an idiot to not give her a Sylveon)
And that’s pretty much it, I actually had a lot of fun writing this, and honestly I think I might do the others to. Also, please consider that this was done for fun and not meant to be taken seriously. I understand that others will have different views and opinions. And that’s totally fine, I see no harm in it at all. In fact I’m really curious,
What Pokemon teams do you think these character would have? I’d love to see what you all have in mind
That’s all for now, thanks for reading
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terra-writes · 6 years
Mystic Messenger Pokémon AU
This wasn’t a request, but it’s something I’ve thought about off an on for almost a year and a half now. I might expand on this more one day but if any of you guys have suggestions about this feel free to send them in! Also I didn’t include MC in this because I left it open for you guys to interpret and determine how your own MC falls into this AU! Anyways I hope you enjoy! Also sorry to everyone wanting Vanderwood but I don’t feel comfortable writing for him as I don’t feel like there’s enough content with him in the game for me to get a handle on his character and do it confidently.
Also big thanks to my friend Mary @maruthor for helping me out with this AU! And putting up with my shit but
Warning: Spoilers for character’s routes below, read at your own risk
This boy
This sweet boy
Of course, he ends up running his own Pokémon clinic
It’s not a Pokémon Center, they’re weirdly ornery about having to have a Nurse Joy run those
But it’s a small clinic in a more remote area of the Kanto region and it suits him just fine
He probably ends up doubling it as a mini Pokémon daycare service after and incident with Seven’s ditto and two of his own Pokémon
And the fact that Seven gifted him a ditto of his own after said incident because he’s “just trying to help his friend continue to earn a living”
Yoosung doesn’t have a lot of Pokémon of his own, but he’s acquired a few that were given to him or left behind by patrons who couldn’t keep them anymore for whatever reason
Those Pokémon include: a Glameow from Jumin, Blissey, Noctowl, Pikachu, Glaceon, Lillipup and Rattata
The Blissey came from a Nurse Joy as a Happiny as a thank you for his help during an outbreak of a Pokémon illness that had shown up one day
His own personal partner for his clinic was an Audino from the Unova Region where he went to study Pokémon medicine and care
Occasionally he’s called out of the clinic to care for a sick or injured Pokémon
So he does travel some, but not as often as other members of the RFA
He’s the only one Jumin trusts to care after his many cat Pokémon and precious Elizabeth the 3rd
Not that he himself is too thrilled about that
He even takes the overflow from a nearby Pokémon Center occasionally and probably most often travels out there to help out when needed
Zen is obviously still an actor
But instead of just doing musicals, he now does full-fledged Pokémon movie productions
He has two partner Pokémon he’s had since before his career that appear on stage with him
One is his Milotic, and the other is his dusk form Lycanroc
He’ll never forget the day his feebas evolved
He credits his Milotic as one of his biggest inspirations to keep going
Since it was his Feebas at the time that helped keep him positive during the time before and after he ran away from home
It was one of his days that he was feeing more down than usual
It was a complete accident that he had come across a prism scale
And at first he didn’t know what it was, let alone that his Feebas could even evolve
But he had thought it was pretty and wanted to give it to his friend as a thank you for being there for him
When his Feebas started to evolve to say he was surprised was an understatement and he was blown away by the sheer beauty of its evolved form
But seeing his now Milotic in front of him gave him a new sense of hope and self confidence
He didn’t meet his other partner until after he was running with the biker gangs
He had come across the little Rockruff at the time digging through some trash cans in an alley
Remembering the hard times he faced while still living on the streets, he decided to take the Pokémon home with him without a second thought
He was once again awestruck when his Rockruff evolved
He decided to do some research about his new friend, and so he was aware of the two evolutionary forms of Lycanroc, and the rarer third evolution form
He had been visiting his favorite spot up in the mountain with his two Pokémon
Trying to clear his head, and train his Rockruff to help it evolve
When it started to glow and change form, he thought it was going to be the Midday form, he didn’t realize how low the sun had gotten during the time he had been up there
When the evolution light faded and he saw the Dusk Form staring back at him
He was over the moon with excitement
Since that day he worked harder on his acting career, and with the three of them on stage he was quick to draw the eye of many fans across the regions
Occasionally he is propositioned to work with other Pokémon as is partners, but he always refuses
His dream was to preform yes, but he would never abandon his two closest friends who helped get him where he was today
Occasionally he takes his two partners to compete in Pokémon Showcases in and around the Region
It helps keep him and his team in top shape for the cameras, and it allows him to enjoy friendly competitions with his friends
Once he joined the RFA, Jumin had gifted him an Eevee for one of his birthdays
When it evolved into an Espeon, Zen was a mix of emotions
Even though he knew that Espeon was a fox Pokémon, the fact that it still vaguely looked like a cat was enough to set his allergies on edge
He refused to give it away though, he’d never abandon one of his Pokémon, but he swears that the trust fund kid planned it
And though Jumin would never admit it, in a way he knew that it was a likely outcome given Zen’s personality which was why he did it
She currently runs a Pokémon Café in Lumiose City
She needed a break from all the stress working under Jumin brought to her life so one day she just turned in her resignation letter and opened up a café
With a little help from Jumin
He felt a little betrayed at first, but he got over it fast and offered to open it up under his company
As a parting gift he gave her a shiny Swirlix as well as it’s needed evolutionary item
Only after he tried to give her a cat Pokémon for the mascot on several occasions with which she had to put her foot down
Eventually she decided to use her Lucario as the café’s mascot, since it was with her since before her parents passed away
It took some time, but eventually she was able to make the business take off with the help of some of her Pokémon who also worked as staff
Some of her Pokémon include: Leafeon, Shuckle, Miltank, Mienshao, Stufful, Kirlia, Vespiquen, Chesnaught, and Lurantis
He’s the Ceo-in-line of his father’s company
Which produces a wide variety of Pokémon items as well as things for their trainers as well as regular citizens
C A T   D A D
He has so many cat Pokémon
It’s probably why Jaehee quit tbh
The main problem, is his Skitty, Elizabeth the 3rd who was gifted to him by none other that Jihyun one year after his Delcatty had an egg
Elizabeth is a hyperactive Pokémon with an eye for destruction whenever Jumin isn’t around
I like to think that his Skitty is like May’s from the anime
Other than Elizabeth, he has: Persian, Alolan Persian, Purugly, Liepard, Luxray, both genders of Pyroar and Meowstic, and Incineroar
He also has an Espeon which he adamantly refuses to admit looks a little like a cat to Zen in order to keep messing with him
And to further mess with Zen (partly) he has a statue of Elizabeth the 3rd on display in the park near C&R, which so happens to be a park Zen has to walk by every day to get to work
He also has a Dragonite, an Urasring and a Kindra for extra protection
Is habit of trying to make cat-related projects is still a big thing with him
He one day wants to open up an entire island just for cat Pokémon
Jaehee had been able to narrowly keep avoiding that disaster every single time, but his new assistant is going to have some work cut out for them
Probably inadvertently the reason Mewtwo exists
He heard Mew being described as “the pink cat Pokémon” and that was all it took
He often travels to watch Jihyun compete in contests when he can
Especially if he hears that he’ll be using his Delcatty
He’s also seen quite a few of Zen’s showcases but he’ll never say anything to him
Also keeps trying to use his position to get really rare Pokémon and Mega Stones/Z-Crysrals for the other members of the RFA because he knows he can be quite hard to get along with, but he does care about the other members whom he considers his friends and in some cases family
Since Saeyoung loves space so much, he works at an observatory or at the Space Center in Mossdeep City in Hoenn
His Pokémon have a lot to do with Space and technical work, so he ends up with an interesting mix of Pokémon
He used to work initially as a Professor’s assistant studying fossil pokemon, but the work proved too much for him
He left amicably to work at the space center, so he could still be involved with the RFA and his brother more
Still has an Aerodactyl and a Tyrantrum from that time whom he bonded with and was allowed to take with him
He was also gifted a Torchic from the professor when he first started working there
Also owns a Chatot for the sole purpose of playing pranks on his co-workers and the rest of the RFA much to their annoyance
His Pokémon include: Clefable, all 7 colored Minior plus a shiny Minior, Starmie, Lunatone and Solrock, Beheeyem, Porygon-Z, Reuniclus, Vikavolt, Ditto, Castform, and Rotom
Absolutely won’t stop asking Jihyun if he too could have a Skitty, to which Jihyun always finds a way to politely avoid answering the question and changing the topic
He also owns an Espeon, which is from his childhood and is part of a set of twin Eevee’s him and his brother had befriended before they were rescued from their home
It’s his ultimate goal to one day own a Deoxys and maybe a Jirachi
Ends up owning a Poipole for research after a trip to the Alolan Region to help investigate Ultra Wormholes ends up going haywire
He definitely travels a lot across all the regions
He’s still an artist, so he often takes pictures to paint later on in his studio
He was a nature photographer, so his Pokémon are a lot of grass types supplemented by a few other types of Pokémon to even things out
His starter Pokémon was a Bulbasaur, and it’s his most trusted companion that he takes with him everywhere
He probably shed a few happy tears each time it evolved
The first thing he did when he learned about Mega Evolution was to get a Venasaurite for his most trusted companion
Jumin probably offered to acquire one for him, but Jihyun declined, wanting to make the journey himself
He also participates in Pokémon Contests
His Pokémon definitely reflect that artist side of him
Some of his Pokémon are: Florges, Delcatty, Beautifly, Bellossom, shiny Sylveon, Alolan Ninetails, Togekiss, Gallade, Altaria, Roserade, Cherrim, Gastrodon, Leavanny, Whimsicott, Lilliagnt, Cinccino, Sawsbuck, Volcarona, all patterns of Vivillion, Riombee, Smeargle and Bewear
Definitely has every single grass type starter
And probably a Primarina
Jumin does worry about him though, so he made sure to gift him some pseudo-legendary Pokémon for his own piece of mind over his friend’s safety
especially after hearing about some of the more dangerous areas Jihyun tends to end up in for the sake of his art
Not that he thinks Jihyun’s Pokémon are weak
So from Jumin, his Pokémon are Aggron, Tyrannitar, and Metagross
He was also gifted an Amaura from Jumin, who thought it would be enough to fit his aesthetic while still being a somewhat powerful Pokémon
And Jumin just likes spoiling his friend with cool Pokémon when he’s allowed to
Since Jihyun is rich, he definitely has a house with a lot of land around it so that he can keep so many Pokémon
They’re some of his biggest inspiration for his art, and he likes capturing them in their natural element when he’s not traveling or competing
Definitely has seen and befriended a Celebi on one of his trips and visits as often as he can
Seven also gifted him a Bruxish one year as a joke knowing it was an eyesore of a Pokémon
None of them were expecting Jihyun to absolutely fall in love with it and make it the subject of his art for the next 8 months
No one has the heart to tell him how they really feel about it
He’s just so happy to share everything about his splotchy fish someone please save him
He used to be an admin under Rika
But he ended up leaving
He was persuaded by Saeyoung to become the regional professor’s assistant
He was skeptical at first, but he found the job surprisingly rewarding and healing after everything he had been put through with Rika and his past
The Pokémon didn’t judge him for the deeds he had done, and it allowed him to work through his own issues as well as atone for all the misfortune he caused under Rika
While still pursuing a greater cause that would benefit everyone
Ends up as they kind of person who befriends Pokémon really easily, so he ends up with a lot more than he started out with
Which makes it even better that he works for a Pokémon Professor who is more than willing to help house and care for all his Pokémon
The Eevee he had from his childhood evolved into an Umbreon, which is the only reason Rika had allowed him to keep it
He also had befriended a Swirlix while he was working for Rika, but had to keep it a secret lest she think it made him “weak”
He was able to evolve it after joining the RFA with the help of Jumin and Jaehee
He absolutely adores his Slurpuff and will fight anyone who tries to talk shit about it
He has quite a few Pokémon from his time as Rika’s admin
Most of them were ones she gave him to make him look “strong” and keep him in the mindset of the Saeran she created
She wouldn’t tolerate him having any Pokémon she deemed “weak” that might bring out Ray
His Pokémon include: Shiny Charizard, Nidoking, Arcanine, Alolan Marowak, Rhypherior, Granbull, Weavile, Houndoom, Staraptor, Sharpedo, Krookodile, Bisharp, Braviary, Hydreigon, Pangoro, and Midnight Form Lycanroc
Has a Magikarp and a Wimpod he raised in secret because he related to how people perceived it as being weak and useless
He may have shed a few tears when they finally evolved into a Gyarados and a Golisopod respectively
Jihyun probably also gifted him another Eevee at some point to help him reconnect with his brother and he absolutely cried when it evolved into a Sylveon because that’s only possible if there’s a strong bond of love between trainer and Pokémon
And it helped him prove that he was on the right track to healing all the lingering wounds from his past
After he joins the RFA, Jihyun probably gifts him several Flower Pokémon knowing how much he loves flowers
So he ends up with a Megainum, a Sunflora, a Florges, a Bellossom, a Roserade, and a Comfey
Eventually befriends a Zoroark on the professor’s grounds that he uses to get back at his brother and his Chatot
He eventually stumbles across a Mimikyu during one of his business trips to Alola
He absolutely falls in love with it and relates to it
Eventually with permission he grows a field of flowers that Shaymin need to switch forms and absolutely loves watching them all migrate, and that time is always one of his happiest
This boy just needs a lot of love in his life and he probably ends up with so many Pokémon because he can’t just abandon any Pokémon he finds that are hurt or struggling
Founder and leader of Team Mint-Eye
Which also operates under the name “Magenta” in some instances to avoid authorities
This is still mostly the same Rika from the game that we see
Someone who wasn’t able to find a healthy way to cope with her past trauma and mental illness
And only got worse through the unhealthy relationship her and V had with one another
She uses Pokémon that she thinks represent the darkness and her “devil” within her and some that she uses to help control and manipulate her Believers and Admins
Her Pokémon include: Delphox, Gengar, Hypno, Honchkrow, Mismagius, Girafarig, Solrock & Lunatone, Sableye, Cacturne, Seviper, Banette, Dusknoir, Haxorus, Musharna, Cofagrigus, Gothitelle, Chandelure, Malamar, Dragalge, Trevenant, Salazzle, and Nihilego
Used to have a Darkrai and a Cresselia captured for her own use but Saeran ended up freeing them on his way out
Has plans to add more Ultra Beats to her lineup and the lineup of her Believers
She also has a Wigglytuff that Jihyun had given her when they were still together to try and help her stay on the right path but she doesn’t like using it and keeps it far away from her in the other end of her base
Not to say she’s abusing it, because despite everything Rika has done she’d never, but she just doesn’t like being reminded of that time
She operates largely out of the Alola Region but before she was in Sinnoh on account of Darkrai and Cresselia
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anaja-theratbird · 2 years
RWBY and Pokemon
I’ll be adding to this over time.
If I refer to a Pokemon as “it” I didn’t choose a gender for them.
Ruby: Little Red Riding Hood and the big bad Dusk Lycanroc. While she doesn’t encounter them often, she feels a connection to Lunatone.
Yang: Arcanine and Kommo-o. Big popular fire dog and a powerful Fighting/Dragon-type with scales that clang in a cacophony.
Salem: Grimmsnarl. I mean, that is the ultimate fairytale Pokemon. Her party of doom also includes Malamar, Houndoom, Hydreigon, Hisuian Zoroark, and Ninetales.
Watts: Alakazam, Manectric, Klinklang, Espeon, and Orbeetle. All fine Pokemon for a distinguished, sophisticated, technological gentleman...even if he’s not a good person...
Tyrian: Drapion. I mean, look at this Poison/Dark guy. Also Seviper and Ariados. Seviper is straight-up a venomous snake, and Ariados is a Bug/Poison spider that jumps its prey, then lets it go...with a thin thread that leads Ariados to its friends.
Roman: Weavile, Krookodile, Honchkrow, and Blaziken (Torchic) for this city mob boss.
Neo: Weavile, Zoruark, and Toxapex for the silent, tricky, deadly sidekick.
Vernal: Fearow, Poochyena, Liepard, Whirlipede, Scrafty, Midnight Lycanroc. All tough Pokemon for this sadistic bandit. I also imagine this team fits someone who went through a skateboarder phase. She feels close to them, and doesn’t push them if they’re not ready to evolve (she makes up some lie to get Raven off their backs.)
Emerald: Emerald found a Zorua a long, long time ago who became her only comfort on the streets. She’s not confident enough to evolve her yet, but someday. Emerald also befriended a Wimpod, which Cinder chased away soon after meeting her.
Pyrrha: Pyrrha left behind a Rapidash, Falinks, and female Pyroar when she went to Beacon, and they miss her very much.
Penny: Mareep, Togepi, Totodile, Clefairy, Blitzle, Weedle...all adorable Pokemon that will grow up to be big and self-reliant and strong.
Pietro: Magnezone and Klinklang. I can also see him with a Delibird. Penny would love it, and they do live in Solitas. Also, Delibird really is not the best fighter, but there might be something handy in that sack.
Clover: Bolthund and Braviary. AMERICAAAA!!!!!!!! (yeah, Bolthund is based off a mix of English breeds but you get the idea...sleek, friendly military poster boy dog).
Harriet: I see her with an Electrode and my only excuse is that it’s one of the speediest Pokemon and is prone to emotional explosions. Gotta go fast. Sigh.
Winter: Empoleon, Beartic, and Dragonair are all military-trained and ready to defend the kingdom from threats...IRONWOOD.
Jacques: Jacques had a Purugly, Granbull, and Chatot that were so insufferably spoiled that no one liked them, not even Whitley’s Glameow. They’re kept in their Pokeballs out in Vacuo, for everyone’s sake.
Whitley: We’ll say Glameow for now.
Willow: Persian, Alolan Ninetales, Sawsbuck, and a male Indeedee.
Robyn: Thievul or Ninetales. I can also see her with a Taillow. Smart, agile, and small enough to fit into tight spaces, this partner in legal crime would make a good scout as well as an approachable--but sharp--partner. She hasn’t evolved it into Swellow yet because that’s a bit too big and intimidating for the career.
May: Sylveon, Milotic, Gyarados. Trans feels.
Fiona: Wigglytuff LOOKS like a cutesy, girly Pokemon but would totally beat the crap out of you if you pushed it too far, with a surprising range of ability. Fiona would also have an Ampharos, which is known for being happy, bright, and adorable, and a Herdier. Herdier is well suited to the rugged working-class dependability of Mantle and evolves into something much bigger and stronger with renown in saving people from blizzards. Something something Huntress.
Joanna: Sigilyph. A strange, seemingly silent Pokemon that retains memories of guarding an ancient city. They never vary the route they fly. Also an Ursaring, for the Robin Hood reference.
Velvet: Velvet owns a Lopunny. Listen, she befriended a Buneary and it was all over from there. People don’t appreciate the work it took to evolve her. But they share a very close bond, so Velvet takes small comfort in the fact that if it came down to it, Lopunny could Mega Evolve and knock the crap out of someone.
Fox: Krokorok, Mandibuzz, Zangoose, and Girafarig? I didn’t read Before the Dawn asfhsgfrh. Krokorok is a desert dweller that lives in small groups and can always see its surroundings thanks to special membranes in its eyes--bonded like Fox while helping his sight. Mandibuzz is based off a vulture, so another desert type. Zangoose is agile and prepared to fight, with its claws being its greatest weapon. Girafarig...I needed a Psychic-type for his Semblance, and Girafarig’s tail is kind of like ADA.
Yatsuhashi: Rillaboom, Chesnaught, and Golurk. Large, powerful, protective, loyal to allies, and the first two are connected with nature. Rillaboom is harmonious, but can easily devastate an area with its drums.
Maria: Maria would have a Mudbray. Come on, it’s true.
Ilia: Cubone. Fucking duh. When she moves on from her parents’ deaths it will become Alolan Marowak. Ilia picked up more friends over the years, including a Mimikyu and Sobble that she tried not to have around the rest of the White Fang too much. Her “friends” pressured her to evolve her Eevee, and saying no was one of the few decisions she felt good about in her entire life. They’re not sure yet what he’ll be. But by far her cult’s favorite team member was the Hisuian Zoroark, who was as horribly tormented and toxic as Ilia was, always on the brink of lashing out. When she finally left the White Fang, the Absol that shadowed her came in from the distance and followed her to her new home.
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hauntinghyrule · 6 years
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Oooh that’s a cool thought I haven’t considered before!  So these are gonna be mostly disorganized, incomplete ideas, but...
Green:  Green is actually the one giving me the most trouble with this...
Uhhh... something focusing on a theme of teamwork, probably?  Like how some Pokemon games will have a section where you team up with an NPC and do double battles?  And in that case, maybe there are two totem Pokemon - the midday and midnight forms of Lycanroc - and you have to fight them as a double battle that is also an SOS battle.  Challenging!  (also potentially very lag-inducing, but shhh this is all pretend anyway)  Or if that’s too complicated, you could maybe have to do teamwork-stuff to get through most of the trial, but face the Totem Pokemon - in this case a Dusk Lycanroc - by yourself.
And maybe the Totem(s) SOS-summon Minior in addition to Rockruff, because a) they’re Rock/Flying type; Lycanroc is Rock-type and Green’s element is Wind, b) they come in different colors and look a little like the elemental keys in FS+, and c) I kept thinking of that drawing Sarah did of Green with a Minior as I was trying to come up with a trial for him.
Or for a completely different alternative, maybe the trial could be something based on the four forms of Oricorio?  I dunno.  Sorry Green, I’m having trouble coming up with ideas for you!
Red: Now, Red though.  Him I have ideas for.  Red should absolutely have something involving lighting lanterns, like he did in the Temple of Darkness.  Possibly a direct parallel to it: you start out lighting lanterns one by one, but they go out so fast it’s physically impossible to light them all in time that way.  When they go out, you’re faced with a Pokemon battle.  After ~3 battles, a method of lighting all the lanterns at once is revealed, and after doing so you face the Totem Pokemon - Chandelure!  ...technically Chandelure isn’t in Alola’s regional dex, but I want to make an exception because I think it would be such a perfect fit for Red’s trial!
Blue: Not sure what the puzzle would be exactly, but I imagine it’d be something along the lines of “facing challenges head on.”  I keep thinking about A:tLA, and the episode where Toph was first trying to teach Aang to Earthbend.  Could make some use of the Tauros Charge ride Pokemon, perhaps.  Oh, or you could get Sharpedo as a ride Pokemon after completing this trial, and it could have a Sharpedo as a Totem Pokemon!  Or, alternatively, Crabominable.
Vio: For Vio’s trial, I’m thinking you have to retrieve pages from his notebook that have been “stolen” by some mischievous Pokemon in the trial area.  You learn trivia facts about different kinds of Pokemon that help you figure out where they might be hiding.  (Some of Vio’s dialogue would definitely hint that the whole thing is orchestrated and he and the Pokemon actually planned the “theft” as part of the trial.)
As for Totem Pokemon... dang, I really want to say Decidueye.  On the one hand, yeah having an evolved form of a starter as a Totem Pokemon doesn’t seem like something that’d happen, and it’d be part Ghost, same as Red’s Chandelure, but c’mon!  Archery bird!  It’s even grass-type, which suits Vio’s Earth element!  I’m having a very hard time coming up with other options that I like even half as well.
Shadow: Something involving darkness, reflections, the seen vs. the unseen... how does this sound: the trial takes place in an obsidian cave. Shadow’s dialogue says some things about “knowing your true self” and “seeing yourself as you really are,” which sounds quite poetic and meaningful.  And maybe that’s true, but it’s also quite literal advice.  See, each chamber of the cave offers several paths forward.  Near each path will be a patch of obsidian on the floor or wall polished smooth enough to see your own reflection.  But only one of them will show you accurately - all the others will have some small detail wrong.  (This is a great chance to play to the trainer customization features, too!)  You can only progress via the path that shows your “true self”; any other path will send you back to the beginning of the trial.
I like the idea of his Totem Pokemon being Absol.  Although it’s a one-stage Pokemon so I’m not really sure what it would summon as SOS allies.  Alternatively, it could be Weavile, maybe make the cave reflections ice rather than obsidian?  Though, Weavile would result in more type doubling no matter which Totem Blue uses, and... I’m just very fond of Absol and its “not as 'evil’ as I seem” symbolism ^^;;
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(If anyone else wants to share their own thoughts on this, too, please feel free!)
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sage-nebula · 7 years
honestly? i was wondering how they was gonna handle rockruff since both evolutions seem to suit different aspects of ash's battle style and with rockruff's whole eagerness to evolve thing i was sure it was gon' happen. but to see them repeating the exclusive evolution all over again jus' makes me laugh tbh. well, the boy's happy no matter how it turned out cause he loves his doggo anyway so i dont see any room to complain. watchin ppl lose it will be pretty funny, tho.
I’m sorry this took me so long to reply; I was eating dinner and watching The Office earlier, haha.
Anyway, yeah---they did make it pretty clear that they wanted Rockruff to evolve since they gave him a thirst for battle and a desire for evolution. I maintain that they didn’t have to write him that way; when planning the saga, they could have given Ash’s rockruff a different character arc, one that didn’t require evolution. The Kalos saga was the first time Ash’s entire team ended up evolving to their final stages (aside from Pikachu of course, but that’s a given), so it’s not as if leaving some of Ash’s pokémon unevolved would have been a big deal. In fact, I have a feeling that Rowlet is going to stay a Rowlet for the duration of the saga, both because it seems to be the comic relief pokémon of Ash’s team (what with the backpack gag and all), and because of that concept art with Rowlet on Incineroar’s chest.
So they didn’t have to do this, but I agree: Once it became clear that Rockruff wanted to battle everyone all the time + evolve, the natural step is to have him evolve. I also agree that Rockruff seemed really torn between the two evolutions. On the one hand, Ash has always worked best with pokémon that are speedsters, even if not fragile. He has had slow ‘mon before, of course (he has a torkoal ffs), but in my opinion he battles best with agile pokémon, particularly since he tends to fly by the seat of his pants at times, and having pokémon that can adapt the second the plan needs to change works best for him. While midnight lycanroc isn’t slow, midday is absolutely faster, so it would make sense for Ash to have midday lycanroc, especially since Gladion already has midnight lycanroc for some midnight representation.
On the other hand, Rockruff is aggressive and wants to fight all the time, which is a character trait associated with midnight lycanroc. Additionally, Ash is good at winning over disobedient and prideful pokémon given all the experience he has (Charizard alone is experience enough to last him a lifetime, let’s be honest), so letting Ash work with a midnight lycanroc could have been interesting as well, even if it would be rehashing a plotline that we’ve already seen before (even if the anime wants to pretend that plotline never happened).
So yeah, there was evidence for it going both ways . . . but that said, can we really say we’re surprised they decided to take a third option?
Like I said before, this makes it so that Ash isn’t “choosing” one starter over another. Although Gladion is far from a villain, he’s not a primary character (as in, one we see all the time), so if Ash had midday then it would seem as if midday is better than midnight. On the other hand, if Ash picked midnight, then we’d hardly see midday at all and it’d be like midnight was superior. This is the same reason, I think, why Ash never had an eeveelution (and why Red had his espeon taken away from him in the HGSS remakes and all subsequent appearances); they don’t want to play favoritism out of fear of making kids feel bad for what they chose. And to be honest, I think that mentality is ridiculous considering the sheer number of pokémon that don’t get more than a Pokémon of the Day spotlight due to there not being enough space in the cast to equally showcase every character, but I can understand the thought process nonetheless. It’s one that has existed since the anime’s first planning stages, so it’s not as if this was new.
On top of that, though, giving Ash something Super Special Just For Him is also par for the course. I mean, it’s always been this way. He saw Ho-Oh at the end of his first day out on his journey, he was the Chosen One in the Shamouti Islands prophecy, he has aura powers, he received Ash-Greninja in Kalos. Giving him a super special and unique lycanroc evolution is practically expected at this point. Dusk lycanroc is nothing more than the another “you are the protagonist, and you are therefore special, here is your special protagonist thing” item to add to the list. Anyone acting as if this is different from Ash-Greninja is just being silly. 
So yeah, I just find it funny. I’m sure the Discourse™ will be over with in less than a week, as per usual, but it’ll be amusing while it lasts. I can say one thing: I’d much rather have dusk lycanroc Discourse™ than any Discourse™ from another fandom I could name but won’t. Seriously, the Pokémon fandom’s salt is far and away more preferable. Keep it coming, guys. Be saltier than the Dead Sea. I love it.
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