#also idk why tumblr won't let me tag some people >:(
horrorshow · 1 month
Can you talk about why you think blocking and moving on is a bad thing? I thought it was a way to curate your space and avoid drama
idk maybe i'm too idealistic but fandom is a much more friendlier, welcoming, supportive, creative, engaging, active, diverse and interesting space when it's treated like a community where people are encouraged to participate and talk about their interests and where there's space for niche or more unpopular opinions without these people having to worry about being blocked and feel unwelcome by the majority of the fandom they are in. i can't stand how blocking everyone you disagree with has become the first thing to do.
you say its 'to curate your experience'. but blocking people does not only curate YOUR experience. you're also forcefully curating other users' experiences. and not for the better.
people say 'i will block you for literally anything' and then those same people wonder why engagement is down, why no one sends asks, why no one reblogs, why rarely anyone talks in the tags anymore and why this place feels so dead and boring and quiet. i wonder why!!!!
people treat real people as annoying ads they can dispose of at their whim. but that's not how a fandom or a site like tumblr works. (besides, if you really care about people curating their own experience you wouldn't block people. you can filter and blacklist and never see them again while still granting them the same freedom instead of actively making their experience worse.)
you say its to avoid drama. but seeing a post you dont agree with is not 'drama'. and blocking is not solving anything except for you personally. fandom was more fun when we remembered that every user is a real person you share a space with, and probably some mutuals as well, so you find a way to live with each other. starting with a restraining order seems a bit excessive and is not contributing to anything. it's not that hard to be respectful and tolerate others and acknowledge people have different opinions and interests and still co-exist in peace. its not that hard to be nice to people and try to find common ground with them and interact with the stuff you DO like. you do this in every aspect of your real life, so why not online?
i hear you say: 'but that requires WORK and i don't NEED to do any of that bc i can just block them'.
yeah, you can try to create your own bubble and only hang out with like minded people but you wont EVER fully achieve that (no matter how much you block, social media WILL keep feeding you posts you disagree with bc it makes them money). social media WILL pressure you into an 'us vs. them' mentality where you constantly feel like everything online is a threat or an argument you have to win and where being mean and unnuanced gives you the most notes and where you don't even see, let alone be able to treat, other users as people anymore bc you don't interact with them anymore other than to block or fight them. that's not how i want it to be online. it's not fun to me. and maybe i'm a pessimist but i think it will eventually be the death of online fandom and sites like tumblr. look at the state of twitter right now. DOES blocking give you a better experience in the long run? i doubt that it does. overall, i think it makes people even less tolerable and more vulnerable to hate and fear mongering, and social media an even more hostile place.
it's everything i hate about social media and everything i want to fight against and WILL fight against. i won't pretend my meager contribution will change anything, but i LIKE to just scroll past posts i don't vibe with and not see every argument online as a personal offense. it keeps me curious. most posts aren't that bad when you know the person behind it. i mean, you do you, i'm not gonna say what you should or shouldn't do bc that's up to you, but i recommend it: free yourself of the block button and bring back supportive user communities based on a shared love for the same thing and focus on what you have in common with people, just like you would do in real life. save the block button for the rotten apples who DO keep trying to pick fights and exclude others.
(which is, now that i think about it, probably the main difference: most people see the block button as a neutral way to prevent worse. but. that's only the case on an individual level. and treating everything online as an individual choice to which there are no further consequences, especially if they happen on a larger scale, is already a loss.)
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stomach-bugg09 · 1 year
summary: [y/n] has always been an angry girl. why wouldn't she be ready to fight any avatar that puts their hands in her siblings?
sully family x sully!reader
a/n: i just did this one for fun because i wanted one where she's an absolute boss and a half. love her !! remember , reqs are open and waiting. i probably won't write anymore fali x [y/n] stuff unless i get specific reqs because they're really difficult to write without direct inspo and ideas. once again , motivation is really important to keep me writing , so please comment feedback + reblog !! i would seriously appreciate it. ( also , for some odd reason my two most recent works have barely gotten any interaction -- idk if that's just bc tumblr is being a problem , or if it's because fali has lost his magic touch ( which if so , i completely get it ) , but if you guys could help me out to try and figure out what's going on ?? )
warnings: violence, guns, fighting, weapons, death, killing
tags: @rafeslovergirl @wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @itssiaaax @grierpilots @23victoria @nyotamalfoy @gcldtom @eywas-heir @historygeekqueen @missroro @sweetheart-bo
angry spirit
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nobody quite understood the rage that naturally flowed through the veins of the women in the sully family. nobody quite understood the urge to protect that seemed to be carried between each and every one of the children that jake and neytiri shared and adored together. nobody quite understood… not until they experienced it themselves.
and trust me, plenty of people have experienced it, humans and na’vi alike. even from a young age, there were times where one of the kids were ( one-hundred and ten percent ) willing to fight another kid if it meant they would stop picking on their siblings.
luckily — of perhaps unluckily, depending on the perspective — that shared agreement only seemed to get stronger with age. as the relationships between each kid developed, as more seemed to join the family in general, there was a camaraderie between the five sully kids. even tuk, just a tiny thing herself, was well aware of her willingness to risk her own life if it meant she could save her sisters and brothers.
that being said, there was absolutely no way any of her older siblings would ever let that slide, but it was a sweet sentiment on its own.
even though this habitual response seemed to run through every sully’s blood, it was strongest in the eldest girl.
being neteyam’s twin — younger by just a few minutes — allowed for [y/n] to balance him out. while he had the expectations of future olo’eyktan on his shoulders from the moment he graced pandora with his birth, [y/n] was a freer spirit.
she was also a much more angry spirit.
not that she held fury against every person she interacted with, but [y/n] wasn’t scared of disliking anyone. she also wasn’t scared of letting them know that she didn’t like them; a blessing and a curse, the sully family often called it.
but it stemmed further than that. it ran stronger than that.
from a young age, jake taught his oldest daughter how to channel her anger much healthier. what did jake sully consider a healthy outlet? well, fighting, of course.
so, the sully child that’d been this close to fighting another kid in lo’ak’s honor? yeah, that was [y/n].
not to mention her iknimaya — the rite of passage that quite possibly boosted this girl’s ego far too high. she deserved it, though. not many young na’vis could complete the event in such little time, especially against the pain that her ikran was.
he was a bitter fellow, similar to his spirit sister. angry at the world for every little thing and always ready for a fight. they truly were connected in every possible way.
but, her iknimaya was physical evidence that fighting fire with fire never worked. the truth was that one flame had to overcome the other — one flame had to envelop the other. it was just a matter of which flame was stronger.
[y/n] knew from the moment she locked eyes and that joyful, adrenaline-filled grin blessed her face that she would win.
thank eywa she believed in herself, because neytiri and jake nearly lost all of their faith at the sight of the monster that towered over the young girl.
another notable moment — or perhaps a series of moments — of her oh-so optimistic and joyful personality was prompted by her very own father. if there was one thing that the oldest daughter was confident in, it was her father’s love. she knew that he loved her — loved all of them — and that made it extremely easy for her to argue with him on any topic she disagreed with.
as annoying as it happened to be to jake, neytiri loved that she was raising a strong woman. it often reminded her of herself at a young age.
but, every single one of those stories were child’s play compared to the raw anger that surged through her body when her and her siblings’ lives were held under knife and gunpoint.
[y/n], the original rebel and inspiration for lo’ak’s ‘admirable’ choices, was happy to join the crew on their adventure through the jungle. with lo’ak grounded from flying due to his choices just the other night, he’d practically begged his older sister to join them.
they were partners in crime, afterall.
once neteyam decided to become all responsible and stuff ( not that [y/n] blamed him… but it was disappointing ), [y/n] and lo’ak seemed to have magnetized toward each other, although that might be a sign to turn the other way and run as fast and as far as you can.
either way, [y/n] found herself exploring the similar jungle scene alongside all of her siblings minus neteyam and with the additional presence of spider.
as soon as the familiar scene turned not-so familiar, it seemed that [y/n] had a feeling. a feeling that something was wrong, that something else was creeping. she should have listened to her gut.
and that same thought resurfaced as soon as the stomach-dropping view of the avatars overcame her view from the bushes.
it was only once said avatars put their hands on her baby siblings that the familiar settled, bubbling beneath her thick layers of skin. it was only when [y/n] fell into an eerie silence and state of pure calm that every other sully sibling felt their own fear.
even as tuk squirmed and cried against the bruising grip of the avatar’s, even as kiri cried out at the sharp knife edge against her throat, even as spider fought his restraints, even as lo’ak stared into the terrifying eyes of the same man that had nearly killed his father…
[y/n] stayed perfectly compliant. stuck on her knees, queue throbbing at the feeling of her opponent tugging it, [y/n] merely stared straight at quaritch. silently, her urge to fight was building, and everybody that knew her was perfectly aware. and ready.
she ran her tongue smoothly against her fangs, eyes narrowed straight at the man that threatened the lives of her siblings.
a solid thirty minutes had already passed, eclipse coming quicker than [y/n] would’ve preferred. she just had to hope that, without being used to their forest and bodies, the avatar’s didn’t have the same keen night vision as she did.
“you okay there, kid?” the avatar teased, attempting to startle her with his threatening voice. he tugged her braid, nearly drawing a hiss from deep within her rib cage, but she held it back. he seemed to be bothered with the fact that her eyes hadn’t once left the body of their colonel.
but, for once, she drifted her gaze to meet her perpetrator and summoned english for his benefit. “ask again in a few minutes.”
and, almost as if [y/n] could feel the presence of her parents, a familiar bird call echoed through the nighttime breeze. her ears pressed back against her head in shock before she quickly recovered and flashed an innocent smile to the avatar.
he merely grunted, pulling her braid one last time for good measure, and looked back up at quaritch.
now, she just had to be patient. she could do that. well, as long as she got what she wanted in the end, and that was a good fight. she deserved it after letting the chains rub back and forth against her wrists, eating at her skin through the friction.
that being said, as soon as her mother’s signal became clear, she straightened up and locked eyes with lo’ak. a discreet nod was enough between them. grab tuk and go. she knew kiri and spider would handle themselves.
plus, the extra connection between spider and quaritch was just another layer of protection for her baby sister. perhaps it was a terrible way of thinking, but [y/n] wouldn’t dwindle too much on it. the urge to survive had its faults, afterall.
and finally, once neytiri’s arrow soared through the air, it was go time.
while lo’ak and tuk bit the arms of their restraining avatars, lo’ak also doubling duty and releasing whatever gas canisters had been accessible on the guy’s belt, kiri and spider were lucky enough to be given a chance to run as soon as the avatars lifted their guns.
[y/n] liked to do it the hard way, though.
she swung her legs in a swift motion, wrapping them around the avatar’s. she weighed his bottom half, keeping him from being able to move far, and in a split second, neytiri’s arrow was embedded in his chest.
[y/n] let go, scrambling to her feet and up the nearest tree, finding a moment of solace nested in the upper branches. she could see everything, and they couldn’t see her — she was a master of disguise and hiding, if anything.
and then, it seemed the world went a few clicks quieter, gunfire calming down just a tad. one scan of the scene, and [y/n] knew it was because they’d lost sight of her siblings.
“the kids are gone.” a voice crackled through the walkie strapped to a dead avatar’s chest at the base of the tree, the small noise quiet against the chaotic scene. [y/n] was merely lucky she was in little enough of a proximity to even catch the words.
“what do you mean gone?” quaritch. she could tell from his stingy accent and infuriating pronunciation of vowels.
a beat of quiet against more raining gunfire. “the boy and youngest girl ran off. tarzan and the other girl split to the opposite direction.”
“which other girl?” [y/n] felt a familiar smile on her face.
“what do you mean —”
quaritch was angry, and [y/n] couldn’t help but find pure enjoyment from the scene. little did he know that the young na’vi girl could now see him from her spot in the tree, eyes narrowed on the colonel hunched behind a fallen log.
“there are two girls. one of ‘em quiet and useless, the other looks like her devil of a mother.” the same mother that managed to kill him the first time.
[y/n]’s eyes focused on the demon in na’vi skin, watching his face contort at the familiar arrow pierced in the wood beside him. it was almost as if he’d conjured her very own “devil of a mother” into existence. “seems that very mother might be in attendance this fine evening.”
[y/n] scrunched her nose in disgust, her skin crawling at his words. she really could not stand him. but, her attention was quickly pulled back to reality when he dropped the walkie and called into the open air, all while reloading his gun, “that you, mrs. sully? i recognize your calling card.”
instantly, [y/n]’s head whipped around, locating the exact tree in which her mother hid behind. unfortunately, [y/n] was a few feet away and at the worst possible angle to help.
“why don’t you come on out, mrs. sully?” quaritch continued, and [y/n]’s eyes followed a different avatar that began to creep past the colonel. “you’n i, we got some… unfinished business.”
“demon!” neytiri’s voice caused panic to spike in the young na’vi’s heart, blood pumping with adrenaline. “i will kill you as many times as i have to.”
it was only when [y/n] looked back at quaritch that she noticed the other avatar was missing. a million different curse words rattled deep within her brain, eyes widening in fear.
meanwhile, quaritch would not be distracted from his tangent. “i guess you an’ the corporal have been pretty… busy, haven’t ya? got yourself a whole litter of… half-breeds.”
what could she do?
as quickly and as silently as she could, [y/n] scrambled through the wet tree branches, cursing herself every time her feet lost grip. nerves added up with rain never helped.
at the very last second, [y/n] reached a spot in which she could just barely see her mom. well, her mom, and the avatar that had a gun aimed right at her. just as [y/n] opened her mouth and prepared to scream a distraction, an arrow flew right through the avatar’s body.
gunfire followed almost immediately after, and her dangerous balance finally lost way, causing the girl to topple from her position and into the muddy ground below.
[y/n] was quick to stand up — she had to be — but the scene was not a pretty sight to behold.
she was surrounded. surrounded by three different avatars, each with their own weapon that could quite easily hurt her, if not kill her on the spot. she just prayed that, if they did manage to get to her, she could make them scream first.
[y/n] knew she would. it was always just a matter of mentality, right?
and so, as if the clock slowed down just for her, [y/n]’s eyes flashed around her and gauged every detail possible. the machine gun, loaded and prepared ( although she had noticed that it was already halfway empty ), in the hands of the avatar to her right, the two knives ready in the hands of the avatar to her left, and the last avatar just in front of her. nothing but his fists.
a smile surfaced.
she could deal with that.
and then, before the rest of her body returned to the consciousness of time, her feet began to move. [y/n] lifted her arms so she could see her wrists — still wrapped in chains — and she leapt upwards.
her long legs gave her a higher jump, bringing her and her hands to the perfect height to wrap her chains around the weaponless avatar’s neck. she swung herself around, legs hooking his torso as she tugged with every bit of strength she could muster.
at the chaotic sounds around her, [y/n] knew that bullets were being fired now. lucky for her, she had her very own personal shield, but that meant the tree she was choking was about to go timber.
once she felt the warm splatters of his blood against her stomach, she knew she only had a matter of time before getting squished under a dead man’s weight. [y/n] shifted her weight, unhooking her legs and placing her feet on his hips very carefully.
[y/n] kept her ears aware at all times as she leapt up and off of the now dead avatar, pushing him onto the ground with her jump. her ears moved vigilantly, picking up the sounds of the bullets just before they were shot so she could move just in time to avoid any casualties.
and then her favorite sound rang through the air. an empty cartridge.
at that, her infamous smirk surfaced as she locked eyes with the now useless avatar.
now, behind her, the third avatar with the knives thought she was being slick, creeping behind her with both weapons raised to stab her in the back.
luckily, [y/n] was far too aware and far too pissed to miss such an important detail.
just as the third avatar broke through stabbing distance, [y/n] whirled around and disarmed her in a quick movement. both knives flew into the air, and she swiftly grabbed each of them.
each blade found their own homes embedded in the chests of her enemies
and then, just like that, she’d won.
[y/n] huffed for air, three dead avatars laying around her feet. blood pooled, swirling in an overwhelming pool of maroon. and none of it was hers.
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 8 months
🌸Intro post! (Changes over time)🌸
I do polls about the qsmp eggs and what kind of children they are! Suggestions are greatly appreciated, as I am a one man band!
Polls will be scheduled to post at 10AM PST every day, but I also love to reblog things about the eggs! I also run events to encourage people to make eggsonas and interact with others in the fandom.
🌸More about me and my blog under the cut! (and some rules)🌸
About me!
⭐️ My name is Captain! You can also call me Poll if you want, as that is the name of this blog's mascot/eggsona.
⭐️ I use They/it/(+neos? idk) pronouns. I don't mind what you call me either, so just go with your heart kkkkkk
🇺🇸 I am American
❗️I can and will block liberally. I refuse to let this blog be swamped in any amount of negativity. I am not a celebrity, I am a pleasant escape.
🌱 My special interest is plants, I am going to start my own garden soon! I also just watch a LOT of cartoons. Oh, I'm also an artist and a writer.
🫶 My native language is English, but I have been learning American Sign Language, Spanish, and recently French. I'm not good at the French.
My main Tumblr account is Captainbee66, but I keep them mostly separate. I just reblog fanart on that one, mostly. I also write fics on Ao3!
I am an Aroace, Agender adult with ADHD :]
About my blog
❤️ Most of this is going to be polls. When requesting polls, PLEASE request them separately. I would prefer an inbox spam over a block of requests. It makes it easier. Also, your requests won't be answered right away. I actually have a lot saved in my inbox, so there's a good amount to sift through. Rest assured, requests will be saved until a later time. I try not to waste.
⭐️ Random asks and questions are also encouraged! I think they're fun. If I don't answer them though, don't be discouraged. Sometimes I just don't have a good answer!
⭐️⭐️ If someone makes fanart/fics based on anything on this blog, please please please tag me, that would be so cool.
❤️ Also, any language allowed here! Google Translate is my best friend, so you can use whatever is comfortable to you.
⚠️ Since I've been asked a few times I'll put it here: I have a limit of 12 options on a poll. We have 11 living eggs. I unfortunately cannot put your favorite dead egg on the polls for this reason. That is why the "Other/Combo" answer exists.
Who are those eggs I keep seeing? I don't remember them from the QSMP??
They're my OCs! The egg in my pfp is Poll. They're sort of my mascot/eggsona that you all helped me make! The other egg is Tequilla, their brother! He's new to the family :]
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⭐️ Poll uses all pronouns, Tequilla uses He/Him
🌸 Poll's defining item is a flower crown, Tequilla's is a messenger bag
😭 If anyone makes fanart of them, I will be so emotional about it.
What is Poll's Egg Playdate Project? Can I participate?
🌸This is a community project that I started! It is to encourage you all to make your own eggsonas and make friends, despite events that have happened. We are a strong community, and I want to foster that closeness we've had over the past year!🌸
❤️everyone is welcome to participate, no matter how "late" you are to the party!
❗️Please be respectful of other people's eggs. Don't be a bully, don't put them in bad situations without permission, and just generally behave, alright?
🫶Just have fun, interact with people, and spread your creative wings! If anyone wants a list of specific eggs, I've made a list that I can draw from :]
📖🖌✏️ You can make whatever you want for this project! Artworks, doodles, drabbles, paragraphs of loose thoughts, whatever you want! In any form that you want! The whole point is CREATION.
(Feel free to ask questions in my inbox <3)
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aliceinclockland · 1 year
Cardcaptor Magicians and their Ceremonial Clothings
Welcome to Episode one of my random Cardcaptor Blabberings (or blabblecaptor— it's a working tag title), a "series" where I talk about random Cardcaptor things without doing that much deep diving because I hate too much research.
Since I'm notorious for starting things and not being consistent to the point of not even continuing what I started, let's see how this one goes. 😆 I'm also bad at words so wish me luck.
I'd like to start this off by saying 2 things:
this all started because I saw Sakura's pointy hat and got reminded by Kaito's ceremonial robe... then got reminded of Eriol's robe right after.
this isn't a serious analyzation of their outfits, given the reason i wanted to blabber about this is their pointy hats. also I'm more of a Nadeshiko when it comes to fashion: so far from the word 💀
Lastly, take this as a silly post while I try to learn how Tumblr works. I don't want people to use this as a source (or anything similar) because at the end of the day, this is all just silly typings of someone who excels in associating the most random stuff with each other without being able to explain why.
With all of that out of the way, Let's get started!
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lold what i said earlier, the moment i saw Sakura's color page in Chapter 74 my mind went straight into Kaito's robe, and when my brain went to remind me of Kaito's ceremonial robe colored page, it immediately went to Eriol, and then started to compare the three, asking myself about their similarities aside from the initial idea of this entire post, the pointy hats.
starting off with the robes, all 3 of them have their attires in the color black. idk why it's like that, but it makes the gold in their clothing shine more i guess 😆
the patterns the clothings have also are (mostly. just in case if there's a part where it's not) symmetrical, visibly seen within the designs on the torso parts (in this case, Eriol & Sakura's chest (?) part, and Yuna D. Kaito's back). I could say it's the magicians' insignia but just in case it's not I'll just say symmetrical symbols 😅
but, surely that's not the only similarities, right?
well, aside from the pointy hats™ and the color scheme & patterns their robes have, I also realized that they're also all powerful magicians~
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Eriol is Clow's reincarnation, and according to various Cardcaptor characters, he (Clow) was the most powerful magician to ever exist (but also the most fucked up one as well, i guess.)
Given that Clow's reincarnation were 2 people (he thought he could divide his magical abilities between them), Eriol still (unfortunately) got all of the magic, and most of Clow's memories, literally passing down his title of being the most powerful magician onto Eriol.
This manchild can do lots of things, and his memory of his past life helps him excel in some of everyday skills a "normal child" would struggle with (ie. baking, drawing, sewing, speaking a language, etc). But, no one knows that— not even Sakura until he told her that himself.
also I'd like to point out the fact that despite a lot of his robe's designs were in gold (color, who knows if it's really gold? I don't.), the lining of his outfit is in red.
not sure if Clow's robe is similar (if not the same) or anything but if it is, has his robe been passed down from generations before him? and if so, which side of Clow's family was the robe from?
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Yuna D. Kaito is also a powerful magician— in fact, one of (if not the) highest ranks in the Magical Association. (that's the D. in his name— it wasn't his middle name and in fact, Yuna D. Kaito probably isn't his real name) He can do lots of things, but he specializes in Time Magic... which is considered a taboo since you'll get a fucked up alternative world when YOU fucked up using that kind of magic... and also a shorter life-span but let's not delve much into that so this post won't go to the depressing direction 😁
And in regards of his robe, one can argue that the robe isn't really exclusively HIS, since you can see in the picture I've used that there are other people with him wearing the same clothing (assuming it's his clan's) so i suggest burning their headquarters down to ashes to make it YDK's own robe 😆😆
note: a kind friend in the comments pointed out my mistake of associating Yuna D. Kaito and Lilie Shinomoto's clans as one: their clans differ from each other. Yuna D. Kaito's in particular are a congregation of magicians that aren't blood-related and are officially referred to as "Magic Association".
i have no idea what to call his or Lilie's clans yet, but for now I'll refer to those as their respective clans 😅
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Now onto the main Protagonist of the series: Sakura Kinomoto. In Tomoyo's words, "The only Cardcaptor in the world"
Started as a girl that had little magic that managed to grew stronger and stronger, then now having one of the abilities Clow had— creating cards (or new magic) on her own.
Though one can argue that she won't be able to do that if Yuna D. Kaito wasn't pulling the strings in the background, keep in mind that Momo said she saw right past Eriol's magic protection [to contain Sakura's magic]. Plus, in the Sakura Arc (where she technically created new cards but under a "template"), Eriol was pulling the strings as well and yet her powers still managed to grow, probably beyond people's expectations.
Her ever-growing power might be hard to control for her, but she's doing her best to utilize it in protecting the ones she cherishes the most.
Now the upcoming argument about Sakura's"ceremonial attire"... well, technically Sakura doesn't have one, and you can't really call that outfit a robe, but most of the details in a ceremonial robe (at least CLAMP's robes) present: the neutral color, the symmetrical design, and the gold lining/design.
I like to consider it her own ceremonial robe— made in a very fitting and unique image of Sakura, that only she will wear.
speaking of different, there are other powerful magicians that doesn't follow the same "ceremonial outfit" pattern so I thought I'd show them too!
here we have the Shinomoto Ceremonial Outfit, worn by the beautiful Akiho Shinomoto in this color page!
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sorry about the picture if it's not clean... i tried so hard to find a textless one (same as yuna d. kaito) but unfortunately I couldn't.
now about the details aside from the pointy hat: the neutral color + gold lining & symmetrical detail scheme is there, but the difference with the 1st three and their robe is that the neutral color used with the Shinomotos' were white, as opposed to the first three who used black.
i know you've seen this already but since I'm talking about Lilie here in specifics I'd like to put this here are well: a kind friend in the comments pointed out my mistake of associating Yuna D. Kaito and Lilie Shinomoto's clans as one: their clans differ from each other, and that Lilie's (though only officially referred to as "most ancient magician clan in Europe") clan is blood-related, as opposed to Yuna D. Kaito's.
again, no idea what I'll call their respective clans separately yet, so I'll probably refer to them as their respective clans for now— though i have a few ideas xd
another difference is that the hat may be a bit pointy, but it's not as pointy as the three, and that the hat has three pointy things instead of just one.... okay, maybe not that pointy, but, still pointy 😅
okay that's too many pointy, let's get back on track 😁
the difference is blatantly obvious about this one, and I really can't cross Lilie Shinomoto out from one of the most powerful magicians CCS has ever introduced, since she had strong premonition powers and she was also considered a very powerful magician that's feared within Yuna D. Kaito's Clan. I mean it would take lots of powerful magic to be even able to cross time and dreams for that long just to tell Sakura about the truth in their (now fabricated) timeline?
but i wonder why is their robe different than the others?
we'll get back to that later, if i remember it. 😆
speaking of pointy hats™, you know a magician who doesn't have a pointy hat?
He's none other than Li Clan's next leader and Sakura's most important person, Syaoran Li!
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one can never talk about ceremonial outfits without remembering Syaoran's iconic ceremonial outfits! with S because he has two— 1st one (in the pictures) being the original clothing he has, and the 2nd one Tomoyo made for him that was inspired by the one he used to have.
our little wolf is special~ from being Sakura's rival in the Clow Card Arc to being Sakura's most important person? He has learned so much and grew stronger along the way.
now about the details: his clothing doesn't really follow the usual attire pattern: the dominant color of his robe is green, the designs are indeed symmetrical, but the linings are both orange and yellow instead of the usual neutral pallete... his hat also doesn't have a pointy thing on it and instead has a hanging detail on the back.
"what about the attire Tomoyo made for him? it has 2 pointy things!" yeah well you're right, and as much as I gave the effort to add his Clear Card arc ceremonial outfit, I'm realizing now that it's not really an official robe now, is it...
about the clear card ceremonial attire, one can argue the same thing as they thought about Sakura while reading this blabber (if anyone has gotten though this far), "That isn't even a ceremonial ROBE". and you're right, it isn't... since it was Tomoyo's work, inspired from the original one. 😅
so think of it the same way as Sakura— made in the fitting and unique image of Syaoran, that only he could wear.
I guess the main couple of the series have that one as a similarity in regards to this random topic I've thought about. 💚
sooooooo what does this mean? why is his so different than the others?
is he not as powerful as the ones listed?
well. probably.
but he's not entirely powerless— his entire bloodline is directly related to Clow, and in addition, his mother Yelan Li is also a powerful sorceress. So they're powerful.
I mean would the Li Clan even let someone not as powerful as Yelan to be the next in line to lead? Of course not, since being able to have magic and to be able to properly control it are probably some basic requirements to be even considered as a candidate.
But in CCS at the moment, his magic wasn't enough to turn all of the Sakura Cards into those little orbs he kept on his compass. He's even having a hard time converting just one. And if I remember this correctly, he was aided by her mother (by casting the magic he needed in the bears) when he snatched the Sakura Cards from their master.
I'd say he's not as powerful NOW probably because everything happened too fast, and that he didn't have much time to make his magic stronger to get at least within Sakura's power level. Besides, he has lots of potential, and we all know he's a strong one so it's about just a matter of time until he reach his full power.
Now this entire post got me thinking about things as I was typing it.
Mostly they're questions I had to ask, like "okay, now what?" "Why did I do this?" especially because the original plan i had was to only have Eriol, Yuna D. Kaito & Sakura here but I thought I'd be unfair to the Lilie & Akiho, and Syaoran since they both have their own as well...
I really didn't think that one through when I started typing, but the more I think of things to type, the more I asked myself, is the ceremonial clothing an indicator of how powerful you are?
and it's probably a "duh." moment, since the ones who have robes are part of clans AND are also powerful.
(note that Clow was from a union of a European Magician AND an Asian Magician so imo- technically he's still part of BOTH clans, if each of his parents were part of one)
it's probably more of "if you're in an association with lots of other magicians", considering the fact that some of the ceremonial clothings were passed down to the living blood-relative of the family— hence why Sakura doesn't have one and the rest has.
though eriol with that ceremonial outfit can be a bit questionable since he's a reincarnation n stuff, and so far I don't remember ERIOL (capitalized bc I've been linking him to Clow, but I'm talking abt him as JUST him) being part of a clan since he worked independently (as far as I can remember), from what I can recall it was mentioned in the anime that the ceremonial clothing resembled Clow's... correct me if I'm wrong, though.
with the additional input i got from Cinzia (the friend who also pointed out the difference between Akiho's & Yuna D. Kaito's clans),
I also now wonder if the colors used in their robes reflect their intentions? or, since Lilie & Akiho's clan has been around for ages, how long their bloodline has existed?
because if it's the former, then it really won't make sense for Sakura & Eriol (though Eriol is once again, questionable... since his previous body as Clow isn't particularly... good nor he is also evil— at least from my perspective), and the latter makes more sense in general.
another one question i have is the explanation for Meiling's ceremonial clothing? like do they give different styles of ceremonial clothes in the Li Clan based on your gender? your magical abilities? or how closely-related you are to whoever leads the clan? i mean, i know she's an anime-exclusive character but I still want to know because I'm curious...
lastly, i wonder if Nadeshiko has one... since she is also a powerful person (she really doesn't do much sorcery stuff as far as i can remember), though the extent of her magic is unclear like Lilie, it's clear that she's also powerful because she can still do lots of things even after life.
IF you're one of the few people who finished reading this i just want to say thank you, and i hope everything made sense since i am very bad at explaining my thoughts 😭.
I think that's it, my brain is tired now and i want to go back to sleep again so good day to everyone and until next time, if there will ever be a next time 😆
and, cut! 🎬
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wokelander · 1 month
jesus what is with these save Leon ppl and their hard-on for mobilizing support for anti dc shit surrounding this man??? i've never seen such targeted harassment for someone writing incest fics. and there are dc creators in like my hero academia for the students😭 even seen dc outer banks and gilmore girls fics literally every single fandom has that side LMAO ??? like yeah they'll get the occasional hate ask and ppl starting discourse and shit. but never seen repeated attempts of creating a hate and harassment campaign against one specific person bc of writing dc. also bc im pretty sure i've seen other ppl write dc Leon fics but u get it the worst for some reason ?? you've suffered more than jesus fr🙏🏽 sending u so much love u don't deserve all this for writing fictional shit for a fictional man. he's not reallllll he doesn't need to be saved. i stg these ppl are absolutely batshit crazy it's not even funny. like imo it's more concerning than anyone writing incest fics bc okay u don't like it...but this isn't anything new. tumblr user wokelander is not the first person to write incest fanfic and she most certainly won't be the last. this makes me think it's ppl new to fandom spaces bc dark content is not a new phenomena. even if u delete ur blog and stop writing (pls don't i will die 😫) or they move to a different fandom, unfortunately for them incest/dc/pro-ship content isn't going anywhere! so they can be an adult and learn to curate their own online experience by muting keywords and tags or spend the rest of their miserable lives witch-hunting every dc writer they come across 🤷🏾‍♀️
sorry for the long ask i just think the hate you've gotten is so bizarre and u don't deserve it at all❤️❤️ pls don't let these ppl get in ur head❤️❤️
I’ve written in SO many different fandoms and I have gotten hate before but omg the leon girls are fucking crazy and this isn’t me trying to be like. Annoying ab it but I do genuinely believe that bc re got so much traction from re4r leon from tiktok and whatnot that it’s just brought in a load of people who are unfamiliar with re as a whole..
I’ve never written for re on tumblr but I’ve been in the fandom for years and I only used to post on ao3 and I never got backlash there? I also grew up reading weird re fanfics LMFAO so it’s like?? ok so why is this happening all of a sudden? fanfiction.net was FULL of leon being a creep when I was a kid LOL and even as a kid I had the fucking brains to scroll past shit I didn’t like? so man idek they’re just dumb
i also think it’s partially bc leon is a white guy who can do no wrong in their eyes golden retriever boyfriend who wants the best for everyone!!! nobody gets sent extreme hate for writing carlos ISTG it’s bc he’s a white boy like hello. they’re the worst!!!!
I am not the first to write dark content but like on leon tumblr I will say I wrote the first leon incest fic.. like not stepcest or pseudo cest even when u go on ao3 and put it in the tags I’m there first for actual incest 🔥🔥🔥🤣🤣🤣😊😊😊 so I guess people blame me bc now everyone writes dark content but?? they don’t? most of the re tag is full of fluff so … like I think these people see one fic and tweak out ab it and think everyone’s doing it man idk they’re so entitled there’s no point in reasoning with them it’s funny to me bc they quite literally talk like narcissistic abusers sometimes .. I say that as someone who has been thru that LOL like the way they speak in that self righteous tone is so..
HOWEVER. THIS IS RE !! the game is dark content the game has fucking incest in it ??? there are implications of rape! there is so much ugh. Idk but thank u for this ask ily!!! sorry for rambling ab nothing in particular
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ashsostrange · 1 year
hey y'all so i wasn't initially planning on talking about what rashad posted earlier today bc it's literally all bullshit, but i might as well! i’m not actually tripping over anything that’s going on. if anything, i’ve been laughing my ass off all day at this foolishness.
this is gna be long as hell, so don't even grab popcorn, i suggest a five course meal.
for some background, rashad became mutuals w this girl. right off bat, he’s making hella race jokes ab this girl being white. i b doing the same, but with my FRIENDS. people i am CLOSE WITH. and i don’t over do it because that’s lame and annoying. anyway, she eventually stated that she was uncomfortable and rashad blamed his behavior on the fact that he was on pain meds. she eventually blocked him and told one of her mutuals, and to rashad, that’s her “spreading rumors” about him. he did the most on his page and in ppls inboxes crying and complaining, saying he was gna eat glass and shit.
so now let’s look at his fuckass post:
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number one, how can a rumor be started about you if nobody.. knows you? like, you are not a celebrity. nobody talks about you. and nobody was talking about you “being on drugs” other than the girl you made uncomfortable and her two mutuals. i know you send yourself anons too. you make it seems like anyone actually cares about your “hot takes” for some strange reason. don’t even try to deny it, bc there’s no way you’re getting more anon msgs than my friends with larger platforms than yours.
you’re also messier than a mf, sending your own mutuals anon msgs. me and lia know you were the one sending her anon msgs bc she blocked you, and you know it too! talking ab how her username is “corny” then reblogging the posts of her clocking your ass??? acting like it wasn’t YOU.
you tried to turn two writers who were already arguing against each other even more. we sat there and defended your ass even though you were the anon the entireeee time. you made a post saying “war has begun” to try and get us to attack bree’s friend. your weird ass stayed in that girl’s inbox after i told you to block her instead of doing the most. you’re lame and you’re bored.
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it doesn't matter if you tagged her or not, you still said it. sliding into sb's inbox and telling 'em you're going to eat glass bc you made someone else uncomfortable is ABSURD. it doesn't matter if it isn't my drama, if i see bs ima say something, and there isn't a thing in the world you can do about it. your "rants" are a form of guilt tripping/manipulation. you're trying to victimize yourself and make us feel bad for you. well, we do not! i checked you once on discord. you said thank you. you said you were going to make an apology, but in that same “apology”, tried to justify your actions. i clocked that and unmutualed you. you then went to lia talking ab some "tell ash i said thanks for checking me" nd now you switched up. your thanks was revoked. all of a sudden, you're the victim again. all of a sudden, i’m ableist?? okayyyy niggaaaaaa 👎 boooo
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you say you're "blocking me for your safety" when i wasn't even planning on talking ab your lame ass again. i won't baby you about your behavior because you're not a goddamn baby! and yes, you CANNOT be the victim every time. you bitch and whine on your page when you get into it with somebody, and unless we're defending you, you don't want us getting involved! it doesn't work like that. nobody else was calling you out, so me n my girls did.
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idk why my name stays steady coming out of your mouth. my "daily activities" that i "broadcast" are what i ate for lunch/dinner and complaining about school. you run your mouth about all sorts of mess. you put every aspect of your life on your blog. we are not the same, so don't even try to make it seem that way. the people on my blog that i don't talk to outside of tumblr don't know everything about me. you cry in people's inboxes unwarranted and say explicit shit with tw's in your TAGS. i'll say what we're all thinking, NOBODY IS TRYNA SEE ALL THAT!!! coming from someone who struggles with mental health, venting on tumblr will not do anything for you. these people are not licensed professionals. invest in a diary, don't you have a boyfriend to vent to?
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you are quite literally the only one looking for drama. we never defended that girl bc we don't know her.. we know you though. and you were venting about catty, but i never said ALWAYS, so don't lie in my face like i'm stupid bc i'm not. ion know what you thought you were doing with the last part, but god bless.
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i am a good person my nigga, i don't need confirmation! i know who i am. if you're debating suicide because you're confused about something, you just need to get off the mf internet bro. it’s never that serious. you're not gna sit here and tell me you were debating suicide bc me n my girls put you in your place. you made your own mental worse by refusing to take accountability.
he also made an edit saying he has nowhere else to go… if you have nowhere else to go, then i'd be happy to buy you a damn journal so you can write in there and leave the rest of us the hell alone. and there isn't shit to be sorry about bc you're not putting jack shit on me, all of it is on you. you wna be everything but wrong. 🚶‍♀️should’ve just kept it cute and kept it quiet.
allat being said, good riddance, r*shad. leave me and everybody else alone! and if you fw him, then there’s the door 👉🚪 good riddance to you too.
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thedoubteriswise · 5 months
I respect your opinions a lot and I don't mean to argue feel free to ignore this but threatening to withhold your vote to influence government policy is THE basis of democracy. take that away and what leverage do the people have? your vote is between you and yourself. most people making noises about not voting Biden will probably end up voting for him anyway but it's important to at least be able to express dissent and say. here's my line I will not cross. there's an implication in that post that anyone who's threatening to withdraw their vote is privileged and won't suffer any negative consequences from a trump administration that is simply untrue, as many Arab Americans are people of color. loudly shushing and calling out voices on the left who express their disgust with current gvt policy by pointing out that the alternative is worse ultimately in the long run gives a pass to the left to also get worse as long as they don't get on trumps level
Idk. I probably will vote for him. but guilt tripping people who are uncomfortable with genocide ain't it
much like everyone who's not an absolute ghoul, I'm also pretty damn uncomfortable with genocide, so I'm not "guilt tripping" anyone for feeling the same way. I get that I'm being flippant in the tags this ask is about, but that's a very weird and uncharitable interpretation of what I said.
my actual point is that if donald trump becomes president again, it will not improve what's happening in palestine, and in fact will almost certainly worsen it to a significant degree. I say this with full awareness of the despicable misery palestinians are already being subjected to. there's no benefit whatsoever to letting this guy win. even just the idea that allowing republicans to win elections will somehow force democrats to the left in the future is based on like... nothing? it's not what happens; I don't know why people keep imagining that's a thing that regularly occurs in real life.
beyond that, I take issue with the point that this doesn't matter because most of the people saying this stuff will end up voting for biden anyway. I remember how this kind of conversation affected the outcome of the 2016 election. maybe a lot of them will vote for biden, but the thought process expressed in that tweet being constantly put forward in public discourse has a considerable effect on the behavior of the electorate as a whole, and we have very recent evidence of that. it's impossible for me to pretend that this type of shit is harmless. I'm not "shushing" people for saying that US foreign policy on this is disgusting (it is disgusting, it always has been, and saying so is right, which is why I'm doing it too). I'm telling them to stop encouraging people not to vote, because doing so has observable negative impacts.
and to be clear, it's truly not that I don't understand why people feel the way they do about voting for a candidate who's doing bad things - I do get it, I don't think the feelings themselves are wrong or unjustified, and I sympathize. but republicans won't care that they only won because the left was too demoralized to show up, or because the left thought they were taking a principled stance by withholding their votes. they'll fuck things up either way. the negative feelings you have about being stuck voting for shitty democrats are valid, but those feelings, whether motivated by simple empathy or by deeply painful personal experience, don't alter what republicans actually do when they hold public office.
you are an autonomous human being, I'm just some admittedly fallible guy with a tumblr account, and I can't force you to do what I think you should do. but I couldn't possibly disagree more that "threatening to withhold your vote to influence government policy is THE basis of democracy." I think actually weighing in on the available options whenever you have an opportunity is the basis of democracy, and withholding your vote isn't doing that. I think disapproving silence and apathetic silence look exactly the same to an outside observer. I think whoever told you that walking away from the table and letting your opponents make all the decisions is some kind of power move was either malicious or not very bright.
and, respectfully, I am completely certain that you are wrong when you say your vote is between you and yourself. the worldwide material consequences of letting republicans be in charge are worse than the material consequences of letting democrats be in charge, and we have oodles of evidence of this reality available to us. knowingly making a decision that increases the chance of the more dangerous candidate gaining power when it's pretty easy to do the opposite is not a rational or morally defensible choice, even if the less dangerous candidate is still a bastard. even if the intentions that lead someone to that choice are understandable and decent. people are entitled to form their own opinions and act accordingly, but they're not entitled to me praising or ignoring actions that are materially damaging.
which is a very long way of saying that after months of putting up with seeing this nonsense, mostly in polite silence, I think I'm allowed a single, tiny, factually justified wobbly in the tags of a tumblr post containing a screenshot of a dogshit stupid tweet.
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kikufuku01 · 2 years
I Love You, Always
Sukuna x Reader
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Part 11 Toxic in You ♡♡♡ Part 12 Taste of Your Tears series m. list
Reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated!
Warnings: Angst, alcohol and weed intake, violence
Taglist is open, just message me if you'd like to be tagged in upcoming posts! Must be 18+!
A/N: Also, idk if tumblr. updated or changed, but in my last post, I've tried tagging some accounts and it won't show at the bottom when I view in the app but if I go to a safari page, the tags will show. So if I tag in this post and it doesn't show, I'm truly sorry!
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You’re a wuss. Kaede will be here at any moment, and you really don’t want her to see you like this. You can already picture it. She’ll come here all bright and bubbly, see the mess that you are, feel the horrible vibes and catch on to what’s been going on. You don’t need another person going off on you, so you need to book it. Just standing here has you shaking in what, exactly. Anger? Fear?
You take a good look at what he’s wearing. Sukuna has always dressed up in street fashion, but there’s something slightly different to him. Maybe you’re overanalyzing it, but there’s a touch of Kaede to him. Is that weird? The more you think about it, the more everything just falls into place. There’s something going on for sure, so, while Sukuna’s back is turned to you, you take the chance and run as fast as you can. You don’t bother to look back, and you don’t have to, because unlike before, there aren’t a second pair of feet running after you anymore. Another thing to feel sad about, but that’s okay.
You’re trying to empty your head as you run down streets and alleys, not caring where your feet take you. Your vision is so blurred that it’s hard to see, but you’ve managed to maneuver just fine up until now.
Both you and the person you’ve bumped into let out the same noise and he quickly reaches out to stabilize you, “careful there.”
Fucking great. Are you stuck in hell or something?! Why do you keep running into people you don’t want to see?
When the man takes a closer look at you, he pouts, “oh, it’s you, angel face. Don’t tell me you’re drunk again, it’s barely seven.”
He checks the time on his phone once more - just to make sure, and then nods at you, “you okay there?”
“I’m fine,” you respond, trying to sound firm.
How did you even manage to bump into this dude? In this area?
You take a closer look at your surroundings, “why are you here?”
Satoru hums a little, “just closed up my shop not too long ago. I was planning to hang out with a few friends, but I think you need some company.”
“Oh no, it’s fine. Go on with your day.”
You dab away the welling tears with your hands as you try to walk past him, but he grabs at your forearm, “come on, angel face. I know a sad face when I see one.”
There isn’t any strength left in you to resist, so you let Satoru drag you to a parking garage. Your eyes light up a bit at the sight of him moving towards a motorcycle.
“You know how to ride?”
Satoru’s grin grows wider, “I wouldn’t have one if I didn’t know how.”
A soft scoff-like laugh comes out at his answer, “true but,” you poke at his back, “rich people like you like to buy everything for show.��
Satoru feigns offense and swats your hand away sassily, “excuse me, but you come from a family of money too. You’re quite privileged, aren’t you?”
He sits on the motorcycle and hands you the helmet, “you’re gonna need it more than me.”
You accept the helmet but stay standing, “don’t you need it? What about your eyes?”
Satoru pulls out a pair of goggles from his jacket and giggles like a child, “nah, I got these babies right here. Hop on, I’m hungry.”
You must admit, the start of the ride was a bit scary. At first, you refused to hold him tightly in case you’d end up hurting him, but he insisted you hold on for dear life unless you had a death wish. As a joke, you loosened up your hold even more, causing him to scoff.
“Girl, I don’t have time to bury you. This stomach is hungry,” he shouts over the wind.
You hold his waist tightly with one arm and stretch out the other to feel the velocity of the wind, “just dump me in a ditch or something!”
Right at that moment, Satoru makes a sharp turn around the corner and it makes you squeal whilst your other arm wraps around his waist to keep you from falling. He shrugs, “after I eat, then!”
The thrill of the ride is quite exciting. It made it easier to forget about what had just happened, and you’re thankful towards Satoru for that. He ends up taking you to a convenience store; not that you mind. He mindlessly pushes out the kickstand with his foot and hops off, turning around to help you get off as well. You both enter, not paying any mind to the employee who greets you.
“Pick out anything you want,” Satoru says in a candy sweet tone as he zooms through the aisles.
You don’t pick much, opting for cup ramen and some onigiri. After settling in the seats, you both begin to dig in.
“Sorry I didn’t bring ya somewhere fancy. I was craving this way before I bumped into you.”
“I don’t mind, thanks for paying.”
He takes a bite out of his sausage stick and focuses on the people outside that pass by, “so, you wanna tell me why you were running and crying?”
You sigh, “not really. It’s a long, long story.”
His head tilts to the side as he speaks, “yanno, I haven’t known you for a while but it’s kinda easy to see through you. Instead of making things harder for yourself, why don’t you just talk about it?”
Then his judgy little eyes narrow on you, “don’t tell me you got a kink for pain.”
“Course not,” you laugh, “I wouldn’t even know.”
You take the chance to slurp up your noodles while he continues to stuff his face with savory junk. He swallows the mixed mush of food, “I’m always open ears, if you need it. We’re friends, right?”
My gosh… the ptsd of those words right now. Kazuya pops up into your mind once again and the little appetite that you had has now subsided. Satoru notices your gloomy mood but chooses to keep quiet. He’ll wait for you to talk. Will you take the bait?
“You said you’re close to Sukuna?”
Well, you took the bait, but it’s not what he expected to hear. He sticks his tongue out, “indeed.” He points towards your cup ramen, “you gonna finish that?”
“It’s yours.”
You lazily slide the ramen towards him, “have you hung out with him recently?”
Ahhh, maybe this is going in the direction he wants. Satoru giggles and holds his chin, acting as if he’s thinking, “here and there. Kaede’s always there too.”
He sees the way your eyes light up at her name and continues, “I kept asking about you, but they said you were busy. To be honest, I thought you didn’t want to be my friend anymore.”
Both of your palms lay flat against the tabletop and you can’t help but openly show your true expression, a soft grimace, “wow, you’re really stupid.” You tap his shoulder twice, “only you would be worried over something so trivial.”
Satoru’s jaw hangs open, “that’s rich coming from you.” He shakes his head though and laughs aloud, “why are you asking?”
You’re sick of being speechless. Your left leg is bouncing so fast under the table due to your nerves that you’re afraid Satoru will make fun of you, however, that’s not what should concern you. You drop all of your current waves of emotion and stare at him with dead eyes.
“How do they interact, Sukuna and Kaede?”
This time Satoru does take a minute to respond, as he’s digging deep in his brain to remember each and every interaction. When he’s done searching, he leans on one fist, “they’re kind of playful, maybe like…” he drags out the last word but then chirps up again, “like the day we all met! The haunted house, if you remember. Though they’re a little more playful, other than that, they don’t do anything different from usual.”
Tap… tap… tap…
The sound of your nail taps against the table. Suddenly you feel everything too much. The air conditioning in here is too high and the goosebumps rise on your forearms, the noodles you had were too salty and now you’ve got a bitter taste in your mouth. Like a nightmare, you see the vision of them dancing closely in the club and your heart tightens.
“Are you sure?”
His icy eyes scan over you while his mouth falls to a small ‘o’ shape, “do you know something I don’t?”
Alright, maybe he’s just oblivious, or could it be that Sukuna and Kaede have only recently started acting like that with each other. You force yourself to smile at him, “nevermind what I asked, I’ve been occupied.”
“Oh, that's right!”
Satoru beams brightly at you and leans over, getting all up in your face with his crazy beautiful eyes, “you had a friend that you were talking to. Sukuna didn’t mention him too much, but Kaede gossiped like crazy. It was as if a kettle had broken and all the tea came spilling out.”
This catches your attention and you furrow your brows at him, all while placing both hands on his shoulders to push him back for personal space, “what kind of gossip?”
He sassily waves his hand around as he says, “well, nothing bad, just that you were too busy with your friend, Kazuya–” he cuts himself off to get in your face again, a funny grin on his lips, “to hang out with us!”
“Please,” you end up laughing at his silliness and shove him away again, “I’m sure you had fun either way. And besides…”
You don’t know why you’re about to tell him this. It could be because you need someone to vent to. You blow a few raspberries, “I let him go.”
This is where Satoru is a liiittle confused. He wears a thin smile while his eyes ask for more information.
“Kazuya, I mean. I couldn’t continue with him– and please don’t make me feel like shit for it. I already feel horrible, so please don’t comment.”
“I won’t,” Satoru shifts in his seat, “jeez, I didn’t bring you here to judge you. What kind of man do you think I am?!”
You give him a pout, “I’m sorry, it’s just been a rough day. Do you think you can take me home?”
After helping him to clean his trash, he crosses his arms and looms over you, “that depends. Are you gonna hang on or?”
You sock his arm gently and laugh louder than intended, “please shut up.”
♡ ♡ ♡
Ugh, what a headache. Sukuna hasn’t talked to you since that last incident. Neither of you bothered to reach out and that was fine with him. Anyway, what’s up with everyone being late these days? Satoru’s dumb ass didn’t even bother to shoot him a text and now he looks like an alcoholic, buying all this booze for what. When he’s done, he goes back home and lounges on the living room couch with music blaring through expensive speakers.
He waits for another twenty minutes before he finally hears his doorbell and he buzzes him in through the gate from inside. In walks the joke of a man that he is (he’s kidding), round circular glasses hanging on his nose bridge, his hair down loose, an oversized black tank and some sweatpants.
“Sorry, traffic.”
What a shit lie.
Sukuna glares halfheartedly, “shut the fuck up, Satoru.”
The white-haired friend rolls his eyes in annoyance and plops down beside him, “you guys are so mean, you know that?”
He shoves Satoru away from him and sits up straight, “who?”
At the same time, Satoru nudges him, “who else?! You and y/n, for crying out loud. Y’all are always telling me to ‘shut up.’ You shut up!”
Y/n… he doesn’t want to think of you, but it’s kind of hard not to with Satoru yapping away about you. He decides to cut Satoru short, “wanna smoke?”
“Alright,” Satoru agrees.
They sit together with no words, only choosing to listen to the song that plays. Satoru’s head begins to bounce along, “what song is this?”
“Soulchef - Write this Down x Dead wrong. It’s a remix.”
Sukuna skillfully rolls a joint and hands it to him with a stone face. Satoru brings the joint to his lips and lights it, breathing out a puff of smoke. He decides to be a little greedy at first, choosing to take another three puffs before eventually passing it back.
“Let’s drink too,” Satoru sings.
This isn’t a new occurrence. It’s something they do every here and there, just that today, it’s only them two, no one else. They don’t bother to dine first, instead choosing to drown themselves in the bitter beverage and hazy smoke.
Truthfully, Sukuna and Satoru have lost track of time. They’ve been drinking for a while now and they’re probably on their third joint. Yeah, not a really wise choice, but Sukuna felt like he needed it. While he’s seeing tunnel vision, Satoru takes it upon himself to bring you up again, for his own entertainment, of course.
“I ran into y/n not too long ago.”
That’s it? That’s all he spits out? Where did all the possessiveness go? It’s a question Satoru easily knows the answer to, but it still amazes him how stupid you two are. He tries again, “yup, I let her ride on my motorcycle and then we ate together.”
Sukuna groans to himself, feeling an ounce of irritation at the mention of your name, but he still manages to respond, “where?”
“Convenience store.”
“Pffft!” Sukuna cannot help but laugh out loud. In fact, his laugh is so loud that it echoes all throughout downstairs. It startles Satoru momentarily but he quickly recovers, “what’s wrong with quick food?”
Sukuna snickers, his mood a little delirious due to his haze, “why didn’t you get her something real to eat?”
Satoru clicks his tongue at him and chugs the rest of his beer, “what does it matter, she still ate.” He snatches the joint from Sukuna’s fingers and takes a long inhale, filling his lungs and holding it for as long as he can before releasing. “Anyway,” he continues, rubbing his nose as he does so, “she asked me about you and Kaede.”
“She did?”
That’s probably the quickest that Sukuna has responded all night. He cocks his head towards Satoru, “why did she ask?”
Since Satoru is feeling lazy and wants to bask in this bliss, he’ll hurry up and get this over with. With another click of his tongue, he speaks, “I dunno, maybe because she hasn’t been around much? She also stopped seeing her friend, Kazuya too. Oh, and I forgot to mention, she looked like she needed a pat on the back.”
He huffs a sigh, “her eyes were puffy as fuck.”
Sukuna has no idea why Satoru feels the need to spill every single detail, but he just goes along. At first, he’s fine with what he said, until he rethinks about it. Did he just say you stopped seeing Kazuya? That’s right, that’s exactly what he said. But why is he bothered? It’s not like it matters now.
While Satoru is dazed in his own world, Sukuna reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out a baggie. It contains three little pills. Correction, three little happy pills that take him away from reality. His eye flicks towards Satoru and then back to the plastic bag as he ponders whether he should take it or not. He’s already crossfaded, so he should probably put it away. The moment Satoru’s head turns towards him, he quickly slips it back into his pocket and acts as if nothing happened.
“Let’s invite Kaede and y/n,” Satoru suggests with a slur.
He shakes his head, “nah. Kaede’s on a family trip.”
Satoru smirks slyly, “and y/n?”
“No clue.”
“Man,” Satoru lures, “what happened with you guys? One second you’re inseparable and the next, you’re worlds apart.”
Sukuna’s jaw clenches and the urge to become violent is on a very thin line. He’s still mad at you. He’s very angry at you. How dare you prance around and act as if it is you who is hurt. The more he thinks about you, the more upset he becomes.
He sends Satoru an icy glare and pops open a new can of bear, “drop it.”
Satoru’s hands come flying up in less than a second and he backs off with a dopey grin. He starts again, “then, what are you and Kaede? You guys seem closer than before.”
“We aren’t anything,” Sukuna confirms, his frown growing deeper.
The white-haired male sends him a sugary smile, but his tone drops to something of seriousness, “y/n seems to think otherwise~”
“That’s her problem.”
Satoru pushes himself off the couch so that he can lean in Sukuna’s direction; so that he can look Sukuna right in his face, “is it now?”
He lifts his left leg and lays it over Sukuna’s thigh, acting as annoying as he possibly can, “think I don’t know about your lovely little wallpaper? You’re not slick, Sukuna.”
Sukuna slaps his hand right above Satoru’s knee and he squeezes as hard as he can, getting an immediate reaction. Satoru’s face scrunches up as he screams, “that hurts, dude!”
“So get your ugly, lanky legs off of me, you blue-eyed freak.” He releases Satoru’s leg after shoving him off, “and quit snooping through my fucking phone.”
“I didn’t snoop!” Satoru retorts.
He snatches Sukuna’s drink and tastes it for himself, “I saw it a while ago. If she isn’t anything to you then you might as well change your wallpaper to something else.”
It’s funny how Sukuna can’t argue back. He doesn’t want to change it. If he does, it’ll be like he’s really letting go but he just can’t stop being angry with you. Every time Satoru mentions you, his ears itch and he feels like punching him for not listening. With one last glare, he takes his drink back, “shut the fuck up.”
♡ ♡ ♡
How long have they been slumped here? Seriously, it’s probably been like, hours. They aren’t crossfaded anymore and have had time to sober up, so Sukuna whips his phone out to stare at the time. This whole time, he couldn’t get stupid you out of his head. And yup, he’s made up his mind.
“You ready to leave any time soon?”
Satoru over exaggerates his frown while crossing his arms, “you are so rude. First you invite me here and now you’re kicking me out. What if I was still drunk?”
“Alright, alright, I got it.”
He stands up and huffs, “I’ll leave so you can sulk and marinate in negative feelings, you big ol’ grump!”
Sukuna laughs softly and grabs a couch pillow. He quickly tosses it and hits Satoru in the back of his head, but it hits him harder than he expects.
“Oh no you didn’t.”
Satoru spins around and quickly grabs the pillow. He throws it at the speed of light and hits Sukuna right in the face, “sucka~”
The door opens before Sukuna can get him back and he’s a bit upset that he didn’t get the last hit, but it’s whatever. Back to whatever was on his mind and ah, that’s right. He stands from the couch and marches up the stairs with his heavy feet. He kicks off his house slippers and enters his room.
Is he really gonna do this?
Sukuna sits on the edge of his bed to calm his racing mind. Sure, he’s sobered down, but is he really sure about this? He hunches over a bit and rubs his face with both his hands, “here we go.”
His heart drops with every step that he takes to his dresser but he chooses to ignore it. His fingers latch onto the handle and he hesitates, just for a second. It’s just a fucking necklace, what’s so hard about this? With that in mind, he yanks the drawer open and grabs the little silk bag. His thumb traces over the gold accents while his chest swells from the memory of you first giving it to him. Why did you guys have to become this way?
Sukuna shakes his head and opens the bag, takes the necklace out and then shoves it into his pocket. It’s almost nine, so he should hurry. It’d be faster to be driven to your house, but he prefers to walk. That way he can clear his mind and think it over again.
♡ ♡ ♡
Sukuna stares at your gate. He should really just turn around and leave you be but he’s already climbing over it. “Oof,” he lets out as he lands. There’s a sting to his ankles but he doesn’t care. Should he be more careful so that he’s not seen? Yes. Does he care right now? No.
He takes a closer look around and notes that the upstairs is completely dark, meaning no one is up there. He decides he’ll scope out the area a bit more, just in case you have company. Just as he thought, it’s almost completely silent. He’d question if you were even home, but the living room light is on, indicating you might be there.
Sukuna shoves his hand into his pocket and clutches the necklace one last time before making it back around to your bedroom window. Fuck. It’s locked. Okay, he should go home. Despite thinking that, his hands try it again, lifting as hard as possible.
“Damn it,” he growls, gently punching the glass.
He turns around to leave. One step, two steps, three steps. Sukuna freezes in place and then swivels back around. He marches towards your front door with quick steps and rings the doorbell not once, but four times. He can hear your bitching getting louder, which means you’re almost at the door.
“Who the fuck–”
Your voice dies down the moment your eyes make contact with him. What the hell is Sukuna doing here? Your eyes flutter quickly to make sure you’re not seeing things, but he isn’t disappearing. He’s really here.
Your mind blanks out momentarily, “why are you here?”
Sukuna ignores you and pushes past you to enter. After successfully getting by, he takes the door handle from your hand and closes it, locking it as quick as he can. Your dull eyes become filled with irritation when Sukuna starts walking towards your bedroom.
“Where the hell are you going?” you shout as you angrily follow after him.
He gently pushes your bedroom door open and walks in, his fingers flipping the lights on as soon as he can. Shit, his mind is racing as he’s doing all of this. He can barely make out what the hell you’re saying. While he stands near your bed, you stand near the door to keep your distance. Gosh, it’s always you. This fuels his anger once again and digs into his pants pocket.
Without warning, he angrily throws the item at you and your quick reflexes make you catch it. You don’t look at what he threw. Instead, you keep your cold glare, “what is this?”
“The necklace,” he coldly says.
Sukuna turns away from you, so that he can’t see your face, “I no longer need it.”
A sudden burst of energy flows through you and you squeeze the necklace in your palm while angrily stomping towards him. You raise your hand and throw the necklace right at his face, causing it to scratch his right cheekbone, making it bleed lightly.
“Ouch,” he flinches. Sukuna’s hand comes flying towards his face to touch the new wound, “what the fuck was that for?!”
There aren’t even tears in your eyes. You don’t feel sad, you don’t feel like crying at all. What you feel is just pure anger. Whatever you’ve bottled up in all these months just ends up exploding in both your faces.
“Fuck you!”
Sukuna bends down and swoops up the necklace from the floor. He dangles it in your face, “you just cut my face with the necklace!”
Your eye twitches as you shove his hand away from you, “throw it away! Why bother giving it back?!”
Sukuna furrows his eyebrows at you, “don’t you want it?” He looks at the trident with a soft gaze, “last I remember, you liked the necklace just as much.”
The situation right now isn’t funny at all, yet you can’t help but laugh out loud at him.
“You’re a fucking liar.”
The tone of your voice is laced with venom and Sukuna fucking hates it. The eyes that used to stare at you so softly now glare at you as if you’re a murderer, “how so?” he taunts.
“If you liked the necklace so much then why are you returning it? It obviously doesn’t mean shit to you, so throw it away. It’s just a piece of garbage anyway,” you sarcastically argue. You look at the necklace as it hangs from Sukuna’s hand and feel your heart break. At the end of the day, it is just a stupid necklace. One you paid a hefty sum for, sure, but still.
“Actually, give it.”
You snatch the necklace from his hands and spin around to toss it but Sukuna chases after you, “what are you doing?”
Your voice cracks as you answer him, “I might as well throw it out for you. That way you’ll feel less guilty about it, so get out of my face.”
Sukuna tries to take the necklace back, but you dodge him, “I didn’t want to throw it away, I wanted to give it back to you.”
Damn, now you can feel the tears welling up. This whole thing just irritates you even more so you’re prone to cry out of anger and frustration as you argue back.
“Well it’s trash, so I’m dumping it.”
Again, you shove past him. Sukuna is bigger than you in more than many ways, so he easily stops you and steps in front, “what’re you doing?” He tries to reach for the necklace again, “give it back if you don’t want it!”
When he can’t take it from you, he gets frustrated, “give it back, y/n!”
“Why should I?!”
“Because it’s mine!”
You scoff, “not anymore. Did you already forget?”
Your free hand comes to angrily poke at his chest, “are you stupid?” You jab at him again, “is it crack? Is it crack that you smoke?”
Sukuna thinks he might as well at this point. He grabs your wrist and holds it in place, “piss off.”
“You piss off, eyesore.”
Ouuu, he really wants to fucking hit someone or something. Eyesore? Him? You’ve gotta be kidding. All of this is mainly your fault, so how dare you get upset at him. He originally did all of this for you. You’re spiteful and full of jealousy. While he firmly holds your wrist in place, he inhales then exhales to calm himself, “why are you so mad?”
“Shut up,” you softly mutter.
Sukuna stays quiet so the both of you can calm down on your own. With all the shouting earlier, it’s clear as day that neither of your parents are home. He wasn’t completely sure before, but now he is; not that it matters. He sees that you’re still holding the necklace as tight as you can and it’s clear to him that you don’t plan to let go anytime soon.
“You’re jealous of Kaede. Admit it.”
Ugh, you’re so tired of talking in circles now. You look at him with tired eyes, “I am. I’m so greedily jealous, Sukuna.”
Why does a part of him spark up at that? He manages to keep his face the same, “and why is that, hm?”
“I just am.”
This makes Sukuna sigh, a heavy groan escaping his throat, “tell me the truth, be honest with yourself.”
Last time you said you liked him and now you can’t speak up? What the hell is wrong with you?
“What, can’t talk now?” he taunts, “you’re attracted to me, just fucking admit it.”
“I am attracted to you,” you plainly admit, “I’ve always been.”
Great, this is finally getting somewhere. Last time you spoke in circles, saying you didn’t know or this and that. His head dips down, “so why did it take you this long? Why did you wait until now?”
Because of Kaede and Kazuya. Because you don’t know what Kaede is to Sukuna. The tears finally spill out as you speak, “because I’m selfish and greedy.”
Sukuna’s turns to look at you and you do the same thing at the same time. Another tear falls, “because I want you all to myself, even when I don’t deserve you.”
“You’re right,” Sukuna monotonously says, “you don’t deserve me.”
It’s so stupid that your heart continues to shatter but you take advantage of Sukuna’s hold on your wrist loosening to pull your hand back, “I know that you like Kaede, but I just needed to let this out.”
Though it’s a shaky one, you try your best to smile, “let’s pretend like this never happened.”
You’re almost out the door but Sukuna isn’t having it. He takes big steps after you “fuck no, get your ass back here.”
Every memory with you flashes before his eyes and he remembers Satoru’s words. He said you stopped seeing Kazuya, right? Sukuna grabs your forearm, spinning you around and you gasp with the action.
“Sukuna, what’re you– mphh?!”
It happened so fast, the way his left hand reached for the back of your head, the way his right hand that held your forearm pulled you towards him and the way his soft lips clashed against yours while your body slammed against his. The moment you realized what had just happened, you began to pound and punch at his hard chest to no avail. When he finally released you, you backed up to catch your breath.
“What– why did you do that? Why did you kiss me?!”
His gaze softens at you, but his tone is still cold, “why are you acting so shocked? Why do you keep making a fool out of me? Don’t play with me, y/n.”
Your heart aches at the thought of Kaede and what she’ll think of you, and you hate yourself for enjoying the thrilling rush of his kiss.
“I’m not! I was just admitting my jealousy–”
Sukuna cuts you off, “you’re in love with me, y/n.”
He takes another step towards you, “you aren’t jealous in a platonic way. Don’t tell me you’re a toxic lover.”
“There’s only one way to find out, sweetheart.”
No. Why does your heart pound faster when he says this? You glance at him with tearfilled eyes, “then what about Kaede?”
Sukuna hates how your voice quivers. He hates that you keep bringing her up. He raises his hands and wipes your tears away while whispering, “what about her? She’s not you.”
@lucyrocks86 @mykyoon @hxlalokidottir @wo-ming-bai @adoraspace @yourusernames
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unreadpoppy · 7 months
Internet 101, Fandoms and curating your online experience
I saw some stuff happening both on tumblr and on twitter (and sometimes even on instagram) regarding some fandom stuff and I wanted to make a post about, but in more of a "How to keep your peace of mind and create a healthy space" sort of post. These are just some things that I do that allow me to have a better experience on the internet as a whole, but especially on fandom spaces, and idk, I wanted to share bc navigating this sort of thing can be hard and it doesn't hurt to try and help.
One thing that I've learned very early on by people who had been on the internet for longer than me is that you do not feed the trolls. Listen. People will post shit to stir the pot, and you giving them attention is falling into their bait.
And I get it, I'm human too, I see someone talking shit and I feel the urge to give them a lenghty reply but at some point you gotta stop and think: is this worth it? like, i'm getting mad over a rando on the internet who'll probably just laugh at me. Even if we really feel like answering, it's probably always better to let it go.
And while I'm on the topic, I also want to say the following: no matter how many good arguments you have, no matter how eloquent you are, you cannot change people's minds. I've tried it and all it did was make me stressed. And especially with regards to bigots, they will not change their minds, so don't give them your time and your peace of mind because they do not care about you or your feelings. I'm a queer disabled latina woman, I get it, it sucks and it will always suck, but people will not change what they think because of lenghy ass paragraph someone on the internet sent them, so it's better to just...move on.
And by move on, I do mean do not interact in any way, shape or form. Just...scroll past it. Because it's not worth it, it truly is not, and more likely then not, even by just giving the post or person a small bit of attention, you could cause a whole situation. Do not give people clout, because then they'll get the satisfaction of both having attention AND causing such a reaction from another person.
Like, speaking from experience here, I have received a few hateful/mean spirited anons on my inbox over the years and you wanna know something? You will not find those asks on my blog because I have a 0 tolerance for hate anons. Replying to them only generates more hate anons (trust me, I've seen that happen to other people). When you show someone that you're not affected by the shit they're saying, they'll move on because you are no longer a target. This is why is so important to know when to not interact and just continue moving on.
Still on this topic but more related to fandom. People will have different opinions then you. People will have different HCs then you. People will misinterpret your favorite character. Hell, I've seen takes on my faves that honestly insult my intellect and you know what I did?
Let it go. Just scrolled past, made a mental note not to interact with that person, because again, people won't change their minds. And people are entitled to have their opinions, and enjoy characters in a different way then you do, and the best thing to do is not give them your time. Just don't. It's much better (and probably healthier) to spend your time interacting with people you like and who you can talk to then try to change a person's opinion and pottentialy instigate a fight.
For the sake of not making the same point again and again, I want to talk about blocking people, bc blocking people is the easiest way to curate your experience. There is no morality in blocking. You're not some evil bastard or a super hero because you blocked someone, so don't ascribe morality to that. Just block whoever (and whatever, because blocking tags exist) you don't want to see and move on.
Finally, my last advice is: somethings are best kept private and by private I mean get yourself some friend who you can just talk shit about to. Listen, sometimes the urge to be like "this bitch online is an idiot" is BIG and the best thing you can do about it, in a way that won't cause a fight or whatever, is to go to some friend and say "let me talk shit for a few minutes". Trust me, IT WORKS. So many times I've been tempted to say stuff, only to go to a friend and talk about the stuff and then boom, I was done. I was okay. So yeah, there's stuff that is better to be sent in a groupchat then to be posted about.
This post is longer than I intended but I feel like we should try to just have fun? This is the internet, the good part about it is that we can choose who we can engage with and what we want to say, and it's way more productive to spend your time with people that matter, that you care about and that make you happy then stressing over people who simply do not care and who will not change.
Anyways, peace out
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atthebell · 8 months
atp this website should just let me opt in to tags im willing to see rather than blocking this many
Do you ever feel like you run out of qsmp content to consume on tumblr because of the blocked tags?
^ not at all a criticism of blocking tags, I do it liberally lol, just curious because it happens to me sometimes
not really; part of the reason why i have to block so many tags is because i follow so many people in order to see a lot of qsmp stuff. because i like keeping up to date with as many characters as possible i like to see a lot of stuff, but that also means seeing shit i don't want to see or seeing incredibly stupid & biased takes from people who only main one POV (at which point i usually just block and move on with my life; if you can't step outside your characters pov for single second, you're not working with this medium right).
i DO have issues with not seeing enough about roier and cellbit on my dash honestly-- i hear every detail about tubbo and bad and foolish's streams, but whenever i miss a cellbit stream i know ill have to watch it back myself because people won't have said what happened because there's such fewer cellbit fans on here, and same goes for roier. although there's definitely more spanish speakers on here than brazilians so i do get some of what happens on his streams. in general, though, there are like three people on here who care about cellbit enough to post about him and im one of them so :/ i need to up the propaganda or something i feel like im going insane
there's also far less fanart on here than there is for other mcyt fandoms, which is sad, so i do often find myself combing through every character's tag hoping to find new art but ive already found it all. this isn't a criticism of fanartists, qsmp just isn't as popular on here and that's reflected in the amount of art.
anyway i don't really have a hard time finding content about most characters but there's a few where it is a struggle, though not because of blocking tags. and the reason i block so many tags is because i just do not share the same taste in other media as the people i follow, so i pretty much have to block whatever other stuff they post about or ill want to scream. and bc i have every variation of cc & q neg blocked along with usual tws.
i suppose because of how many people i have blocked im probably missing some qsmp content, but i have people blocked because they're awful and post misinfo or are just annoying so like. im not gonna unblock them just to see bad analyses of bad or cellbit or tubbo on my dash. i have a few things that earn an instant block from me, and misinfo is a big one, along with just being mean as hell or bigoted in some way. idk im very particular about cultivating my dash and although im frustrated often, that's more due to the state of fandom & online culture in general at the moment (bad) than all that specific to this fandom.
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mechanicalstars · 5 months
Oh right, intros exist.
I'm Valentin. The next person who calls me Valentine is getting a gear to the kneecaps.
I'm a second year.. big whoop or something, idk.
I'll just let the other guy take over. I'm sick of this already.
OKAY HI I'm the guy whose behind the scenes call me Cyrillo and my mains are @spinnyspinnyspinnnn (spam) and @thoughtlessdesire (kinda dead writing/art) and you may know me from elsewhere but those are the accounts I use primarily. I'm gonna set the ground rules and such for roleplays and in general for the sake of sanity because I can talk a lot more interestingly than the guy I'm musing. All that's under the cut.
NSFW: No-go. Don't do it. Slightly suggestive things are cool but not straight up NSFW. I'm a minor and so is Valentin, weirdos.
Times: I won't be on all the time. Yeah, I spam my main a lot. But spamming reblogs is not the same as making posts, therefore I may be slow to reply to roleplays, asks, messages, etc.
Seperation: Me and Valentin are gonna be separate here. Yeah, I'm the one kinda "controlling" him so to speak, but I'm not the same as him and vice versa. Basically, don't treat us like the same guy.
Roleplays: I'll do some quick constant reblog roleplays with people in character! However if you want to do some serious roleplaying, the messages for this blog should be open(however I heavily prefer discord because Tumblr messages suck) just ask for my discord if at all applicable. I'll make it work but I'm way slower on Tumblr to reply, and way more forgetful about it. I'm also semi literate to advanced literate, depending on that time's motivation. So anywhere around 2 paragraphs to.. a lot of paragraphs. I heavily prefer my partners in roleplay to be similar when it's serious like that. Though the back and forths can be short, that's why they're constant back and forths.
Characters: OCs, canons, even a crossover or two? Completely allowed. I'm down for anything in general, and I'll make it work with Valentin somehow.
Asks: The ask box is always open, for anonymous messages as well. In character or out of it. I'll make the time for getting to those messages when I can, and I ask that you guys please be patient.
Ships: Valentin will only be shipped with other guys. He's open for overall relations with anyone, but romantically, it's only with guys. Canon or OC, just ask first I'll probably be fine with it.
Valentin's tags:
#valentin-talks (general)
#valentin-answers (responses to asks)
#mechanicalstars (roleplay things/back and forth)
OOC/my tags:
#cyr-speaks (general)
#cyr-answers (responses to asks)
#cyr-rambles (potential infodumping about Valentin)
My text will be in black, Valentin's will be in blue.
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crystalflygeo · 1 year
i was thinking about you (and ovipos!morax...again) earlier, and i just want you to know that your writing inspires me to throw caution to the wind.
like, i used to hesitate and ask myself how will this be received? will ppl get mad or offended if i write my wildest fantasies? will i alienate certain readers if i go too far?
but i've realized while writing this zhongli scent thing that you've given me the courage to just let it all hang out. to write what i'm passionate about and put it out there. it takes courage (or is it madness?) to throw your creation to the wolves in hopes that it won't be torn apart. i've also taken a few pages from your book, as it were, and fkd,dmdjdkddk CRYS? my depravity has graduated to a whole new level and it is exhilarating.
so...just...thank you. for being a fearless writer and an amazing human! i give you kitheth mwahmwah! 🧡
hahaha omg I really did give you brainrot huh welcome to my world//HIT
I mean I would say it depends on what you want to do, what you hope to achieve or what direction you wanna go with your blog, most people write sfw with a dash of nsfw around or half and half. I specifically just do nsfw and hyperfixate on zhongli only (hehe) but that's bc idk I never expected to have "an audience" even less actually find friends!
I genuinely just expected to like leave my weird ass posts and stories here floating in tumblr and get no notes just oh I'm anon I can do whatever I want just go wild go feral LOL and if ppl like it cool, if ppl don't like it cool too, not my problem.
I never though I'd found this lovely precious community and I LOVE it!! <3 I love everyone here.
And tbh finding friends here is both an incentive but also quite honestly it makes me a little scared/self conscious bc yeah like you say what if these ppl I now care about get upset or something. I actually made a small rant exactly about this some months ago (not me bringing attention to my own cringy rant acfsxgsavbhjabj)
point is, I TOTALLY get your. for reals. 100% but I've learned people here are so welcoming and nice and accepting and we all just have fun being chaotic and horny and loving our characters and our writing in the craziest ways!!
And like you say it's just idk it's fun!! All liberating and exhilarating LOL I just ask minors not to follow me/interact why is that so hard sckbjasnclxa
and like
you'd be surprised....
ppl really do enjoy the craziest things we write like I made two versions of the same story more or less and to my absolute SHOCK the one tagged with rape/non-con has DOUBLE the amount of notes as the angsty/bittersweet one. HMMM??? Dark content enjoyers be thriving I guess???
also not your piss post getting almost 100 notes LMAOOOOOOOOO
I've seen enough weird shit to be desensitized at this point (I mean even before coming here, genshin shippers community in general be SOMETHING ALRIGHT and Zl just attracts all the kinks HAHAHAHA)
Anyway GODS this got so long I'm sorry but I just wanna say I fully 110% support you and I'm suuuuper happy we're friends sharing the same one braincell that's horny for zl 24/7 it's so much fun!! Do what makes you happy, don't feel pressured, and I know you have a genuine passion for writing so yeah follow your heart go wild!!
Love ya!! <3<3<3
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matchamenace · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 880 times in 2022
That's 880 more posts than 2021!
38 posts created (4%)
842 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 648 of my posts in 2022
Only 26% of my posts had no tags
#fave - 71 posts
#fanart - 34 posts
#lovely mutuals - 31 posts
#matchamenace - 29 posts
#halloween - 26 posts
#matcha blogs! - 22 posts
#shane madej - 19 posts
#fall - 18 posts
#spooky season - 18 posts
#matcha asks! - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#everytime i think about him i get the weirdest mixture of joy and sadness and i just wanna curl up in a ball and cry and/or possibly vomit
My Top Posts in 2022:
Who is your stranger things tumblr bestie :)
Oh man I don't have just one bestie, but the peeps I'm closest to are probably:
Of course there's plenty of other blogs I adore that I just haven't interacted with as much, but perhaps one day that'll change 😌
7 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
Got covid booster #2 this morning. Already starting to feel cruddy. 😭
8 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
OH THANK GOD- MINE TOO 😭 I don't know how I ever tolerated light mode in the past ahaksks
8 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
Fuck, Marry, Kill
AHSHSJDJDJDK OKAY!! Kill Murray for sure (he's one of my least favorites, sorry not sorry 🙈) Fuck Hopper 😜, Marry Steve 😘
Ok this actually wasn't hard at all lmao. Just very telling... 👀
11 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Who are some of your favorite Mileven blogs and why? Let’s spread some positivity and smiles on this fine Friday🌻🐛🌼 then tag 3 other blogs to keep the smiles going.
Oh goodness!! Let's see here agsjsksksk
@dxncingwithastrxnger ABSOLUTE KING 👑🔥🔥🔥 Nothing but good vibes and the fluffiest fics and headcanons you'll ever read!! 🙌 They put SO much thought and care into their posts and are just such a pleasure to interact with 😋💕 Honestly my go-to if I'm looking for lighthearted, feel-good content. (ILY ALEX!!!!!!!! 👋)
@purpleangelsele ACTUAL CINNAMON ROLL ✨ (Sweet with a hint of spice 😎👉👉) Probably one of the friendliest people I've met online lol! Doesn't matter what I post, I can always count on Sel to give me some sort of engagement and I fkin love it!! 🤣 As for their content it's mostly fun and cute headcanons, but they definitely don't shy away from the occasional hot take or petty post 😌 Tons of personality. Great sense of humor. LOVE THEM!!! 💜💜💜
@mikes-pineapple-pizza Incredibly articulate and astute observations!! 🙌✨ Has a knack for breaking down a variety of ST topics (including, but not limited to Mileven) in a way that's intelligent, but also very chill and unpretentious. Idk. Their content just really speaks to me and I think they're super cool. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Fr tho, this person could make a podcast just analyzing anything in the show and I would EAT IT UP!!!! 🔥🔥🔥
@claire-de-lune Ah man the duality of Claire.... 🤣🤣🤣 Deliciously petty, but simultaneously has some of the sweetest and unique headcanons to offer! 🥰 A VERY passionate Mileven defender who won't take shit from nobody, but an absolute delight to have on your side 😜💕
@lenorahills @fricchead @rllybritrlly @pumpkingface BITCHIN' ARTISTS!!! Each have such cute and unique illustration styles, and it's ridiculous how excited I get everytime they post new content asksksk 🙈💕 As an artist myself, I could not recommend them more 🙌
Anyway I think I'm gonna end descriptions here, but here's some other Mileven blogs I adore:
@truessences @teafiend @flamingfalcon3 @bcyoureallthatmakessense @pjo-fan17 @elsmike @crisperia @reganx2 @mikewheely
It definitely doesn't end there, but I'm feeling lazy today, so I sincerely apologize to anyone I might've excluded! I still love and appreciate you all!!! 😘
25 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pink-tea · 1 year
Girly please don’t put too much pressure on yourself! I feel you on so many levels. When I first started this writing blog (it wasn’t a domme!/sub! focused blog; I was as a normie as they came) until a certain fandom (AHS+ other interests) started awakening something in me. 😭
When I started this blog I wanted to write for a certain character in AHS but couldn’t bring myself to do it. Idk why but I only came up with a couple drabbles/scenarios and I kept saying “I’m going to do this plus this+”, it was a never ending cycle of adding more to my plate than I could handle. Right now? I’m only focusing on 3 things my sub!taemin, sub!hyunjin wips and my most recent idea.
Please 🙏🏼 don’t stress yourself! I personally do this for fun and to challenge myself. I’ve seen so many mutuals leave tumblr because of the amount of pressure others and that they also put on themselves, I don’t want you to do that. Write because you enjoy and have fun with it✨
Please keep this In mind also I’m sending you lots of love 🥰
you're so sweet, thank you so much :((( it took me i think a whole year?? of just lurking and finding out what i really liked, taking inspiration from people's writing styles and improving my own till i started this blog and now i'm really happy that people like what i put out. i know how despairing it felt to refresh the dom reader tag and not see anything i was interested in </3 so i at least wanted to write both to satisfy my own fantasies and to help out the people who might not be able to/want to write, y'know?
i think i just have a habit of having an idea in my head that i find hot, but then getting discouraged over how long it takes me to write. like, i think dumb blonde took me at least two or three nights, and while i love what i wrote, i got soooo impatient </3 there's nothing in my drafts that i wouldn't enjoy writing, and answering the requests i had gotten was so fun cause it really let me explore deeper into some things i liked and writing new situations!
if i'm ever overwhelmed or need a break, i am ready to just put writing on a hold and refresh myself, but thankfully it hasn't come to that yet! getting into a headspace where i can just keep writing till i finish the project is a little difficult, but please rest assured that i won't push myself to a place where writing isn't fun anymore. i'm both too selfish and love writing too much to ever let that happen.
it also helps that i'm so deep into my obsession with txt and they're just, the most perfect muses <3 thank you so much for your worry and your words, it hurts my heart in the good way, and i send you tons of love as well !! <3
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viktoria-sob · 2 years
P.S. please, pretend that you don't see my mistakes😂
Okay, i want to thank @lovely-menza for tagging me in this, although i'm not really much into all these games, but today (1 am already) the exception, cause I want to distract myself from this annoying study at least for a while. Okay, let's start.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Well, I was named after my paternal grandmother (well, that's what my parents told me). And although i didn't know her much, because she died in 2016, when i was like 9 y.o., and i saw her last time when i was a child, i know she was a very kind and wise woman.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last night 💀. Ye...cool
3. Do you have kids?
I'm 15 lol. But in future, no, i don't want still
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Well, i think so. In my opinion, my friends will say opposite thing, but i guess, yes, i'm a sarcastic person
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Well, idk really. But ig it's the way they talk, look like (i mean their appearance), attitude towards other people, friends who surround them
6. What's your eye colour?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I prefer scary movies more than happy endings
8. Any special talent?
Annoy people, although they tell me, i'm not annoying 💀. I'm just overthinker, sorry
9. Where were you born?
Ukraine 🇺🇦. Very beautiful country!
10. Hobbies
Well, i had a hobby, ye. Play the guitar. But now i don't play much because of school and studies. I have drawn in the past, although it was rare and I don't see it as a hobby. Maybe, my hobby is listening to music, discover some new live performances (one person helps me with that, and i so appreciate that. Althought he won't see that, because he hasn't Tumblr, but yeah). But listening to music, well, i'm addicted to music. It's like my drugs. I'm in my headphones 24/7, and i'm trying to listening rock music everywhere and under any circumstances. To sum up, ig i'd have an actual hobby if u had more spare time.
11. Have you any pets?
Yes, i do! I have a cat named Baghira (like the panther from the Jungle Book). Alsoni had a dog, but he died long time ago, when i was a child. I cried a lot when i learned that he had died. He was a friend to me, when i was a little. But i git used to it, and now we have just the photos and memories with him. Rest In Peace, my friend
12. Sports you play/have played
Hm, i just like volleyball, badminton, tennis, football (can't play) too much! but I can't develop the skills to play because I don't have many friends, and if I do, they wouldn't play these games with me
13. Height
176 cm (idk, i want to be taller. I'm weird, i know)
14. Favourite school subject
Ha, nice question actually. if we had normal teachers, I would have liked more subjects, but they spoiled my whole attitude towards it. Well, i can say Algebra, Physics (it's tough sometimes, but it's okay. Life isn't easy), i started like Chemistry, we just have a new teacher, and we started LEARN Chemistry, actually learn (although again, this subject is tough a bit, but my friend judt helps me with that a bit, so i understand it) and PE (idk why no one almost likes PE, it's a nice subject)
15. Dream job
Word "job" is killing me already 😂. Because when your parents torture you with questions "what your future job will be?", "look, other your friends and cousins win the school olympiads, what about you?" and i feel like i'm nothing for them. Well, okay then. So...i just want to find a normal, interesting job for me, with 9-5 working hours, and that i can spend also enough time with my future pet and family
Well, thank you for that opportunity talk out 😂. I'm tagging @apparentlyfivebelievers @thespiritofvexation @milkyway-ashes @gomme-savon @dschhh @esusul @creamenthusiast @cinetherat @beardedrainbow @jonesyjonesyjonesy @childoftheriver @alexlifeless @ritchie-is-my-darling @youre-no-good @pageys-tea @rock-aesthetic-y and anyone who wants to join too! Well, you can ignore it, okay :). Many of these people i tagged don't know me, i'm just following them :). Have a nice day/night!
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memes-and-shit · 2 months
🍁 uhhhhh, you guys can call me Gromit. that's a good-enough fake-name lol i go by they/them pronouns, i am confirmed to be over 18 years old, and that's all my info y'all get ✌️
🍁 i didn't make most of this. or any of it, really. (sometimes, i edit; but i dont consider my edits to be "i made this" bc... i didnt make the core thing i am editing) so, anything you wanna use? no need to credit me. i'd like to see what you make using it, for shits and giggles, but that's not mandatory
🍁 i try to post credit to "the little guys" i make stuff from whenever i can figure out the source
➥ some of this stuff i find second- or third-hand where i have no clue who the "little guy" that made this is; feel free to reblog to add the applicable credit, and (after i do some fact-checking, bc some people online ✨️lie✨️) then i will reblog what you said + alter the original post to now have credit. but multi-million/billion-companies, celebrities, etc?? idgaf, you can VERY easily find out who the source
🍁 most things are on a queue
🍁 i don't do requests, sorry
🍁 here's how you can make your own edits tho??
🍁 some things i edited to have captions (#my edit + #captioned); others, already had captions (just #captioned); only a few videos don't have captions (#uncaptioned)
🍁 i tag based on what my Reactions Folder's sub-folders were. thats how i organize. idc about attention; meaning, 99% of the time, idc about tagging "correctly", so it crops up under the "correct" "tumblr tag-pages"-or-whatever-theyre-called
🍁 organizational tags i use below "read more". below that are some statements too
➥ said statements table-of-contents: about helping me credit the little guys [[titled: "sources psa"]] 🍁 my opinions on when to credit an editor and whatnot, and when i will/won't credit another editor (which does explain why idgaf about y'all not crediting me when i do edits lmao) [[titled: "a potential controversy"]] 🍁
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏post-topic tags
#off theme
➥ (aka: these posts are not "memes & shit"; probably me posting a life-update or similar? idk)
#masterlist series
➥ (aka: anything i think is a mini-series of "things i have posted". i will VERY rarely do these, stuff's gotta be hyper-specific for me to feel like a masterlist is warranted. like. the first one of these i made was not just a Kylee Henke masterlist series, but a Kylee Henke's Zoobe Bunny Excerpt-Videos masterlist series. like i said, shit's got to be hyper-specific. if i made one for everything and everyone, i would get so overwhelmed so quickly, it's better this way, just let it be hyper-specific only lol)
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏post-typage tags
#my edit
➥ (aka: these are posts i "made", or at least did something to (eg. adding captions). these are like "the templates")
#my customization
➥ (aka: me applying an example of how to use "the templates". usually is from my irl life of me using these @my loved ones, and i post them here bc im a little bit too attached to wanna delete said customization entirely 👉👈🥺)
#captioned, #uncaptioned
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏additional tags: my "esp for" tags
➥ (aka: the post is esp, or "especially", useful for these groups)
#esp for writers and i.f. creators
➥ (aka: posts will be applicable about writing, about discussing fictional characters, and so on)
#esp for artists
➥ (aka: posts will be applicable about doing art (the "art" in question primarily being drawing), and so on)
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏my Reaction Folders' titles ➡ now tags
my aforementioned Reactions Folders' titles:
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏sources psa
expect these to be the least consistent thing i do, ever, but sure, ill add them sometimes, i guess, when i remember/know who the source is. more likely the aforementioned "little guys" than anybody else tho, ngl. but said little guys will get credit either within the post and/or within the image/video itself; and if i forget to also tag said credit, i think that's fine. i'll still try to do it, even though i know ill be inconsistent and forgetful the little guys and big guys, but also shhhhhhh if i forget. i'm doing my best, just let my mistakes go, let it be inconsistent
➥ but also do feel free to reblog the post (if it's an aforementioned "little guy" ESPECIALLY) and help source credit! (➡ note, for said lil guys, i will fact-check at MY leisure, assuming i see your reblog notif to begin with. and if i see that your sourcing is correct: ill reblog your addition AND edit the og post. just. do me the common decency of not insulting me for forgetting to source/not knowing who to source, whichever lol
bc i do have understandable reasons for not always knowing who to source?? bc a lot of these are videos i got from tiktok accounts, tumblr posts, and other websites where the "op" of said item?? was NOT the actual original poster, and did not source the people/person/etc within the item. ans now idk who to credit too lmao rip
● which, for artists and editors-whose-edits-are-NOT-simple-edits you can tell bc that item did not match the style/s already attached to their account, and didnt say something like "trying a new style!" or whatever in the bio or comments or something. idk. people who never can "stick to one style" still have a general large encompassing area they still to, ive never gotten a "i dont really have an art-/editing-style" person confused with an art-/editing-thief. and im one of those people who constantly change up their art/edits/writing/aesthetic/etc ("idk what exact box i fit into. im just me"), which i think? maybe helps me??? on figuring out if someone is a thief or is just inconsistent/experimenting/"just being me"/whatever?? but yeah! an art-thief especially, and oftentimes also edit-thieves, tend to be pretty obvious they are a thief. even if the comments have not already caught on. bc sometimes youll see a comment outright saying "you stole this from xyz" or "you traced xyz's art/you copied xyz's edit" but not always
● several others? especially ones that were videos of irl people?? i always check out the account and, MANY times have went "..okay this account is just a compilation of memes/jokes/etc, idk. but its VERY safe to assume they are definitely reposting and are NOT the irl person in the video". the person/people in this video assumedly are unaware their video of them being a silly lil goofball they posted on their personal account is here, on an account that compiles memes and funny videos. (bc its VERY rare that an account focused on humor will post content that reveals their face and/or their loved one/s. so. safe to assume it isn't theirs.) and i do want to find the original personal account this image/video in question came from, so i do look. there's a very small margin of error where, if a video looks really old, i wont look tho bc i assume the original account it was posted on is gone and, if it really looks old enough or like enough of "that type of oops funny thing was improv'ed" gag that i think maybe it was on "America's Funniest Home Videos" or a similar clip-show on cable?? ill admit, those ones, i dont try. but if it's like "this obviously friends trying to do a silly trend on tiktok"?? yeah, of course, i look for the account that came from, absolutely. but yeah, that's the usual spectrum for those types. i rarely find, much less keep, videos i can see landing on those "America's Funniest Home Video" type of clip-shows. so, really, the only "danger" there is for being a new video featuring irl people who idk? to go uncredited AND be a rare case where i didn't even try to look for the original account?? is, again, if the low-resolution and content of the video makes me think the video is old enough to where searching would be pointless. to which i then ask, fam? why the fuck is the resolution so bad that i thought this was maybe uploaded to Vine or MySpace (or MAYBE even was a VHS mailed to early-EARLY "AFHV"? lmao imagine), the fuck lol???? but whatever, nobody's perfect, i think you can grant me this kind of margin of error if my anxiety is already willing to grant it lmao
which, ill fully admit. i care about crediting these people for my own self-interests. like, sure, i do it in no small part bc it's the nice and kind thing to at least TRY to do. but also?? i do care about ensuring that person gets a shout-out bc of my anxiety catastrophisizing the hypothetical of a post of mine blowing up and inducing me to feel massive guilt from the fact that i didnt give credit to the people who actually made the item in question so they could also share in the attention of virality. so like. i dont assume ill go viral?? i WORRY ill go viral lmao if? that?? makes sense? which. i have trauma that i know would make me hate even a quarter-of-the-way viral levels of attention would imply. and i feel like, if this account was to ever go viral (god forbid. gatekeep me. dont let it happen lol there's a significant chance i might abandon this account if that happens), i feel like one thing that would basically be destined to happen is i would get chronically-online people criticizing me for not crediting my sources and riding on other people's hard-work. which like. i know they would do anyway since im not perfect at crediting. but if i didnt even TRY, that would hurt differently in a way that'd fuck me up. never know who could be the next hypothetical Cinderella story, like how Kombucha-Girl became the p fucking famous Britney Broski (regardless on your or my own feelings on Britney Broski, she did get her fame from a jokey meme that totally changed her life). give people their credit. like. i am also doing it to be nice and kind, sure! but know that even if i felt exhausted of all my nicities and kind inklings somehow on some certain day?? my anxiety would still demand i at least TRY to find the source. like. anytime you see NO credit?? ANYWHERE??? know the day i found the image/video, i probably spent a good chunk of time between 15 to 45 minutes, out of niceness and kindness and also to appease my anxiety, trying to find the source before calling it quits and saying "at least i tried" (aforementioned exceptions and/or margin of error notwithstanding lol)
which, with everyone where i have TRIED to see if i could reverse-image-source the item?? ive had mixed results from that. sometimes, i found them; sometimes, i didn't. but feel free to try again for me. you might get the correct result a lot quicker than me!
("wha—? h- how.. would i?? get the correct result...? quicker than you...??")
well. my information im about to share with you could be outdated or incomplete, so take this with a grain of salt. but i remember in elementary school how my teacher told our class that google alters the search-results per [insert IP or whatever the technical term she said that ive forgotten is] depending on the history of searches. she told us this so that "if you can't find the answer you need, it doesn't mean you're stupid. ask a friend to check their search-results and find the answer together! it might just be google being picky about what words (or i guess the equivalent would be which frame you chose to screenshot in your and my case, since i dont think an image-file itself being uploaded could result in pickiness) you decided to use, or perhaps it's results are biasedly influenced by what the AI has learned about your family through your families' collective internet search-history". which was basically her sly way of telling us to not depend on the first results we find, or even the first page of results, but to be critical of our sources in their credibility and whatnot. so, the way i understood what she meant was via an example she proceeded to give us that went SOMETHING(?) like this:
(🅰️) a kid whose parent is a professor with a doctorate who brings work home often, meaning they use the family-wifi to research academic studies. when that kid googles "teach me about pyramids"? their results may be extremely well-regarded articles about the Egyptian pyramids (such as the New York Times), peer-reviewed journals about the Egyptian tombs history, Khan Academy and other very good mathematical sources to help you understand how pyramids work within geometry, a released study-guide of various pyramids' formulas (relating to geometry) from Harvard's math-degree program, and much more. a very good foundation for their Egyptian pyramid report for class, and the math could help with that research in breaking down those pyramids dimensions in that report which could give that student an interesting angle that puts their report from an "A" status to an "A+" status, especially if their parent can help them plug in the right numbers into the relevant formulas! very helpful
vs. (🅱️) a kid whose parent works in accounting and taxes, who strives for a healthy work-life balance of never bring work home as often as possible. as a result, the parent uses the family wifi to play pseudo-gambling-with-fake-money apps on their phones more than anything else, to de-compress and de-stress. when that kid googles "teach me about the pyramids"? their results will include some articles about the Egyptian pyramids, but maybe not as credibly-sourced since the [insert IP or whatever it was called again] with this family's wifi isn't used to finding online resources of academic credibility. in fact, the student might get confused since a lot of results might be influenced by those pseudo-gambling phone-apps, and be showing the child information about Las Vegas's pyramids. which. isn't what the report is about. and due to this parent likely having to still bring work home sometimes, like during tax season or other stressful crunch-times, there might be way more math results about pyramids (geometry) than about the Egyptian pyramids. but accountants don't use geometry in their work, they use more basic arithmetic and algebra. so the formulas about the pyramids (geomtry) here would only talk about the pyramids of Egypt as part of the word-problems. so even if the parent was to also have the availability to help the kid plug in the accurate applicable numbers into the formula? those formulas are more likely to be not give a full picture of how to calculate the Egyptian pyramids' size and dimensions. and that's if the kid has the right numbers written down as they might have the dimensions for those Las Vegas pyramids instead, and feels inspired by these online results to even try to do this math (as the lack of "training the computer" to look for reliable articles means these word-problem results are more likely to be blank homework page examples, but could also include walk-throughs here and there like the Kid-A recieved plenty of). but those Egyptian pyramid articles, the most important part of this whole paper, are ALSO more likely to be from less reliable sources with perhaps incorrect information (bc people online like to lie. bc it is fun. but also sometimes people online think they are right when they actually fundamentally misunderstand something), like maybe Kid-B sees enough articles by conspiracy theorists on those unreliable websites that Kid-B thinks "aliens built the Egyptian pyramids" is a more seriously considered and debated topic of academic discussion than it is (which.. it's not. that actually has gotten the famous "Aleins" History Channel Meme Guy fired from his job bc his outspoken belief in this theory cpuld have risked his university's reputation and accreditation. so. yeah, no, Kid-B, those are not academic articles). overall, unless either the parent or Kid-B themselves catches that Kid-B has to sort through a lot more "proverbial litter" to find good, ACTUALLY academic, and ACTUALLY reliable sources of information about the Egyptian pyramids and Egypt's history, Kid-B could fail their report. even if they spent just as long on research and worked just as hard as Kid-A, all bc Kid-B was ignorant to their digital disadvantages and Kid-A unknowingly advantaged. all bc of that [thing with IP or AI or whatever it was called] and what it had learned from the family wifi what the assumed interests of its users would be. a feature no kid could easily turn off/on
which worked at making the kids in our class write down these Definitively Reliable Websites where we could search for accredited articles and peer-reviewed sources. i dont remember what they were back then, we were only in 5th or 4th grade. but it was a great lesson to be taught, im frankly shocked and a bit appalled that more kids were not taught this kind of syuff when teachers are first helping students learn how to research. everyone NOT from that class (even kids who did go to the same elementary school, but jusy did not have that teacher) all have been shocked as i am usually the first one to tell people about how, yeah, that's an aspect of how many (if not all) search-engines work
anyway. the information stuck with all of us from that class, as far as i can tell (a lot of us in that class attended the same middle and high school. like. at least 40% of us, if not a LOT more. so there was a rare time or two where id talk about this and i wouldn't be The First Person To Ever Tell Someone This Search-Engine Info. and every time it was bc the peer in question i just told would go "oh! yeah, i remember [insert name of other kid that i shared that elementary teacher with] said the same to me, like, last year!" or something. but that WAS rare so idk), or at least it always stuck with me. and i was one of the luckier kids who didn't NEED to know the info! and it still has stuck with me all these years later, even the examples of Kid-A and Kid-B!! like! i was on Kid-A's side of the spectrum WAY more than i was to Kid-B's side of the spectrum. my family definitely "trained the computer" in a way i got massive benefits from. like im talking i either was 100% Kid-A, 0% Kid-B or else i was a very minimal mix like maybe 93% Kid-A, 07% Kid-B levels of "minimal". yet still, whenever i find i distrust the google results on my phone, if im next to a friend, ill ask them to google the same thing i did to see if their first page of results looks better than mine and very often we DO get different search results! so!! even if i dont get how that works, that teacher was still right!
brief tangent: im convinced this is how some of my friends that are girls who do the whole "i can stalk your would-be-date like a Private Eye and find out information down to a C.I.A. level about if this person is worthy of being assumed to be trustworthy or not" benefit from this. like they themsleves have trained their phones (with their own dates and friends' dates and even co-workers/other acquantices' dates) or something to be AWESOME and THAT FAST at pulling up the results most likely to give them all of this stranger's private info. it's wild
anyway, screenshot or download the png or jpeg or whatever (or screenshot a frame from a video) to try to find the source if you think the lack of credit on the post implies i cant find it (bc it's either that or i forgot. which. "forgot" could mean "i have the source but didnt realize i didnt put it in the post" OR "i once had the source but now forgot who to credit this to and can't find them, oh no". so. good chance i likely need help even if it was an "oh, i forgot" type of mistake). you may have a better trained [whatever the tech is, if not IP, idk] than me at reverse-image-searching to find the people and/or company the item in question is originally from. who knows. go give it a try! what's the worst that could happen? lol
but yeah, when the source is obviously. like. Walt Disney Studios or like Pixar or Warner Brothers or RDJ or Nicholas Cage or whoever the fuck then like?? i didn't put credit bc they don't need the shout-out, you very well probably recognize the actor/studio/product they are in if it's something real mainstream that tou onlt know bc of pop culture osmosis, they got millions or billions of money as pocket-change, im not stressing myself out with crediting EVERYONE since crediting "everyone" doesn't affect "everyone" equally. im only worried about the people who not getting a shout-out could potentially very negatively affect (aka: the little guys). im not gonna stress about "the big guys" lol they're rich, they're easy to find, they're fine lmao
if you DO need help finding the source from "a big guy" that i posted about, just go @ me in a post and ask (or, hell, reblog the post that came from me and @ me in the said reblog. you can delete it after i answer you). i know i have Asks/Submits/Replies/etc turned off. (its bc i dont want to be accessible to everyone ever all the time lmao that feels stressful. so this One Public Avenue being the only way you could ask me means you gotta REALLY wanna know in order to get a hold of me). i do ask y'all don't do it for "a little guy" bc ill probably ignore you if i already tried to find said little guy and am ashamed that my labor was in vain (but if i do know the source for sure, like i still fully remember their info— and just simply forgot to credit said lil guy, then ill absolutely reply to you and edit the og post). know i check this blog VERY infrequently and may genuinely miss your question or answer it A LONG TIME after you @'ed me. so like. dont get mad if i take forever to reply?? or never reply? nobody wants to help someone who is entitled and gets mad at someone else for [not wanting to reply/didn't know they had something to reply to/took a long time to reply to but did reply]. mad or passive-aggressive. ive blocked people for less lol but yeah. just be polite to strangers, in general, of course, but also to strangers in predicaments like mine who have lives that take priority outside of a meme-y joke-y sideblog lol
to reiterate: feel free (but no pressure) to help if and when you can if you notice there was no credit for a lil guy on my blog pls? thanks 🫶
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏a potential controversy
i think my lines with who i decide to credit and who i dont are overall pretty clear. and i think it helps that, the way i see it, im not a hypocrite about my ideas of who to credit and who not to: bc things do get dicey when it comes to crediting people with small edits. yet i also dont insist on any credit for any of my own edits, bc i also see my edits as p fucking small. which might get SOME people mad on principle should they disagree with my overall perspective. regardless, this bit here will VERY likely be my one and only statement about it
but i do fully admit i dont quite know THE qualative line exactly? but let's establish what i mean via examples. if an account is posting a clip-compilation of "Digital Circus" and they did a "all the times Jax was sassy for 3 minutes" or something, meaning they did splice and edit this compilation together (that is one chunk of editing they did in of itself). but then they also added tiny edits, like i know its common for tiktok funny-scene-compilation-editors to have one the said simple edits just be a "🙄😒" next the character rolling their eyes (in this case, Jax). in my mind?? even tho this editor did add these kind of very minimal additions to the content at hand? and im just profiting off of the convenience of "oH YEAH, i wanted this scene clipped to use for reactions/memes! i just was putting it off bc i didnt know its time-stamp" and i use any clips, those with "🙄😒" edits and otherwise, where the most editing *i* then do afterwards is like add captions? i still see that as "the source belongs to 'Digital Circus' as there were no significant edits done to alter the material". i'm not crediting the editor that i benefited from the clip-compilation of. that's part of why i also walk what i talk in saying "if i subtitled or edited additionally to anything on this blog? you do not have to credit me. i barely did anything. i just added text, maybe with some effects done to said text to reflect volume/tone/pitch or whatever, and maybe a couple emojis/pictures were overlayed. that's nothing. i try to caption most things for accessibility. and sometimes i feel like being a goofball and i add other things ontop of it. bur nothing worthy of crediting me". bc, in the case of my edits and other people's similarly small edits? is the gag 10 times out of 10 is all still on the original content. but we start talking about an edit as in someone made an AMV?? (as in they had to splice in time to the music and maybe did other edits in addition to elevate the AMV. not as in "look, i put music behind this otherwise unedited clip" lol) or someone heavily edited this non-AMV clip of Jax to have, idk, silly meme-y circus-music ontop of having done manips of a rainbow clown wig and nose to follow his every head-motion and then ALSO did the classic DUN-meme-sound reverberation with camera-shake and black-white filter after Jax's dumbest expressions or lines?? that. that is SO MUCH editing and definitely changes the clip to where i am absolutely sourcing both "Digital Circus" and that editor. both of the AMV and circus-Jax
so, again, idk exactly where the qualitative line is. but i do have one where i refuse to fuck over people who have edited the original content to the point that now the audience is there for this person's editing skills, and not bc of the original content within the clip/s used. does that make sense?? i hope that makes sense. this is my one and only statement im gonna make about it anyway lol i think my reasoning is sound. if your content is heavily relient on the original content being as unedited as possible but you just added a few things on the "🙄😒"-level to be a goofball? keep doing what you're doing, im not going to yuck your yum (especially since i am identical to you and i also love to add a bit of razzle-dazzle lol). but im not going to credit you, the credit goes to the people who made the said original content that this "🙄😒"-and-adjacent-edits dont alter or anything. it's still like 90% the original show's clip?? come on lmao you and i can both live without the credit. feel free to take my edits and add them to your account "so i see how it feels". it's still almost entirely the original show, so ive made my peace with rarely/never getting credit for my small edits or subtitles bc like.. it's still 90% the original show??? i did basically nothing. i just had fun, have a clip i can throw into discord or a text-conversation for a tee-hee with my loved one, and have given other people permission to benefit from this side-blog's collection and possible captioning. again, come on lol the editors who actually changed the content so much with their skills that, other than that they used the original show like a collage artist benefits from magazines and whatnot, they've DEFINITELY changed more than 90% of the content to the point that their viewers are having a different experience with this editor than they would be watching the original show or its clips. come on lmao
0 notes