#also if I can squeeze just a little bit of Ghost MTT in my drawings you know I'm doing so
achillean-knight · 4 months
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Mettaton May
Day 21 - Soul
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skeletorific · 7 years
Okay. I'm not sure if this has been asked yet, but...what's it like to hug one of the skeletons? Any AU is fine, pick your faves.
Oohh shit this is a recent one but I’ve had it in my head for days
UT!Sans: Its rare he’ll hug you impromptu (unless you’re dating). When he does its usually to say goodbye. One armed squeezes that are warm, but fleeting. His hoodie smells like old ketchup that quickly overpowers whatever detergent Papyrus tries to use. 
On rare occasions, when you’re upset and just need some comfort, they last longer. His hand rests on the back of your head, lightly stroking your hair as he hushes you. The layers of clothes soften the sharp edges of his bones and he gives off an unusual amount of warmth for a skeleton. Something to do with his magic storage. He’s quiet, just letting you process and trying to let you feel his presence
When you are involved, its usually from behind. His ribs pressed against your back, his head tucked into the crook of your neck as he breathes you in and asks you how your day went. He likes feeling your heartbeat, slow and steady, letting him feel how calm you are around him. His favorite sound to fall asleep to. In fact he might just drop off while you’re standing there. Sans for fuck’s sakes we’re in the kitchen-
UT!Papyrus: Frequent, platonically or otherwise. Especially when he gets excited. When’s he’s managed to finally get the puzzle how he wanted it and he just picks you up and swings you around, yelling about how great it is and how happy he is to share this with you. He smells largely like laundry soap, with a little bit of MTT brand cologne. He can be a bit poky but fortunately, he’s a fan of soft sweaters which can dull it a bit.
When you’re upset it’s much less violent. In fact, chances are seeing you cry is going to set him off too. He picks you up and takes you to the couch, your head on his chest and his knees forming a natural wall between you and the outside world. He talks rapidly, assuring you that it’s going to be alright, that you and he will get through this.
Oddly enough he’s not much for impromptu cuddling. He’s more of a get up and go kind of guy and while he’s more than happy to set aside some time to cuddle he doesn’t do it much spontaneously. Still, lots and lots of really good hugs.
UF!Sans: He will literally only hug you if you are either dating or in deep emotional distress and no one else is around. Not very touchy feely. Even when its the latter its almost unbearably awkward. He doesn’t know where to put his hands to make this not weird and he just gently pats your back and waits for you to let go. Given how damn fluffy that hoodie is I cannot recommend letting go for a while though. He smells like mustard, smoke, and metal from the scrap he always carries in his hoodie
When you’re dating its a whole other story. Any time alone is spent resting on his chest. When you’re within reach you’re safe. Also, what can he say, he likes touching you, like squeezing you at odd moments or stroking your hair, speaking in low murmurs and feeling your warmth wash over cold bones. He’s usually got a bruise or two and a couple hairline fractures which can make it a somewhat risky process, but for him its more than worth it.
When you’ve just been under threat, or when he hasn’t seen you for a while, they’re tight and inescapable. His ribs are pressing in deep and it hurts a bit but you don’t really care. Arms are locked tight around you and his mouth is by your ear, breath ghosting along your neck as he whispers assurances or welcome homes.
UF!Papyrus: Not a hugger, even if you are dating. Seriously, not about that life.
Two exceptions. One, again, emotional distress. And holy shit is it awkward. Edge is seriously not much for the “emotional comfort” friend. He’s shifting awkwardly, patting your head and muttering things like “THERE, THERE”. And holy shit are his bones poky. The battle body is NOT helping. He smells like dryer sheets, metal, and dust
Second exception. When you’re both involved In bed, when he thinks you aren’t awake, he’ll end up curling around you, face buried your shoulder and arms gently drawing you to his chest. Breathing you in, enjoying the unusual closeness. He’s touch starved and will never admit to it, so this is one of the few times he’ll allow himself a little license. He’ll occasionally whisper praises, soft words, things that take him months to say to your face.
Once you start to wake up he’ll let go, backing off a little to preserve the illusion of space. If you were awake the whole time….congrats on the blackmail material, he will give you literally anything to make sure you tell no one
US!Sans: Like his Tale counterpart he likes giving hugs frequently, and he’s got that extra Sans Squish™ that makes it even more comfortable. Or at least it would if Blue didn’t often severely underestimate his own strength. Seriously, people have ended up with bruises. He gets excited.
Blue is one of the few skeles who know a single fucking thing about decent cologne and at all times smells faintly like citrus. He likes keeping packets of lemon tea in his bandanna because it makes things smell clean. 
Cuddling or moving around? WHY CHOOSE? His favorite is to have you piggy back so you get the closeness without the limitied mobility, but he also like you to koala with him and loves cuddling while he does more busy work or reading. Touch can work as an extra stimulation that helps him focus while he reads or writes.
US!Papyrus: Gods he loves hugs and has no fucking clue how to ask for it. Like, seriously, just go up and hug him, chances are he’s not gonna push you away. And he’s actually not bad at them if you can get over the overwhelming cigarette aroma. Got a perfect knack for exactly how long it can last before it gets weird as well as a good tightness ratio. 
Once you start dating he likes sliding his hands down and scooping you up by lifting your thighs and hitching your legs around him, carting you to the nearest couch for naps. When he’s forced to get out of bed he is seriously weak for you just koala-ing him and clinging to his torso while he does what he has to. Stretch gets cold pretty easy and this is a nice layer of heat. When you’re doing stuff he fucking drapes himself on you and won’t get off no matter how much you ask, shit-eating grin the entire time.
SF!Sans: He tries to pretend he doesn’t like hugs but he’s got a lot of Blue in him yet. Do yourself a favor and don’t try to initiate it unless you’ve got a pretty well established relationship, he’ll shove you off none too gently, growling.
If he does initiate it its usually in a fit of jealousy, whether dating or not. He’s trying to shove it down the others throat that this is his human, not theirs. The hugs way too tight and painful, and go on way too long. He’s glaring the entire time. When will this nightmare end.
But something changes. You walk in on him, upset over something. The stress of it all weighing on him too heavily. Rus has been out longer than he said and isn’t answering his phone. Any variety of reasons, and you can tell that he’s in a vulnerable place. You ask him if there’s something you can do….and he just grabs you. Wrapping his arms around you from behind, tight but not the usual bone-crushing fare. His face is buried in your hair, and you can’t see his face but you can hear the hitch in his breathing, feel his chest heaving shallowly, and know that he’s trying his best not to cry. 
Don’t try talking to him, he needs silence right now. But he holds you quietly, clutching you like an anchor for twenty minutes or more. Finally, he releases you, cheekbones slightly flushed and muttering thanks before getting up and leaving the room.
SF!Papyrus: Not the cuddly type but he likes keeping you close. One arm hitched around your waist is usually enough, a reminder to others the consequences of messing with you. Its also a way to keep you at hand for emergency shortcuts. 
Hugs with him are slow and quiet. Long moments in the kitchen, late at night, with your head tucked under his chin and him rocking slightly, feeling you pressed against him. Like Stretch, Mutt reeks of smoke, but also dust. He’s warm though, and gentle, pressing your full body against his and letting both of you just feel each other. He especially likes to hold you while you’re wearing this jacket, looking down and seeing that face poking out of the familiar black material just makes him feel all kinds of good inside. 
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