#also if you want more warrior cat posting ive got a warriors blog over at Petalstem
bluejaybytes · 2 years
Your tag a few posts back, why do you hate the cat books?
Okay so to preface: I genuinely adore warrior cats. I do. It's been my "main" special interest since I was around 9. I have thought abour warrior cats daily since then. However these books straight up fuckin SUUUUCK. This isn't a matter of "Why aren't these childrens book for children appealing to me as an adult?", they are bad AS CHILDRENS BOOKS. I can forgive shitty writing, but warriors tries its HARDEST to make itself as unappealing and godawful as possible through bland worldbuilding and characters, and the absolute RAMPANT myraid of issues, with misogyny and ableism as the two most frequently discussed. Female characters are CONSISTENTLY written as being "unreasonable" when compared to their male counterparts, who may be on their level OR WORSE in terms of bad actions, but get excuses for their actions BY THE NARRATIVE ITSELF whereas the women don't. Disabled characters are treated as less than, once again, not just by the characters, but by the narrative. Firestar literally tells Cloudtail that Brightheart, his MATE and AN ADULT, is going to be his apprentice and responsibility because she's disabled, and that Firestar "knows" she'll never be a "real" warrior. This entire conversation happens with Brightheart present in the scene, yet she is never spoken to by either character. She is an object given zero agency in her own life because she is both disabled and a woman. Fuck, the ENTIRE FIRST ARC ends with the concept of "Our religion makes us moral", as Firestar is DIRECTLY TOLD by Barley that Scourge and BloodClan don't believe in StarClan and therefore don't feed or take care of the sick, young, or elderly. As it stands I refuse to read or engage with the current arc, as it's extreme misogyny is too much for me to tolerate without just pissing myself off.
From a story perspective, and putting aside the actual real problematic elements, the worst part of warrior cats is the lack of follow through on genuinely interesting concepts. We are consistently told StarClan is a perfect utopia and is never wrong (Which is a problem within itself), and then are given an entire arc abou StarClan making a mistake. Instead of an actually interesting discussion of how dead cats are just that, dead cats, and not mystical paragons, the books end with "Well that was sure a weird one-off occurance! Nothing about this system will change." Warrior cats has SO MANY good concepts and ideas and does NOTHING WITH THEM.
Now, the question is, why do I still enjoy warrior cats if I hate it so much? Well, frankly, that's because 90% of my engagement is taking the skeleton that is warriors worldbuilding and make 5,000 OCs. That and, there are genuinely really good aspects of warriors. Yellowfangs death scene, I feel, is actually an emotional and well written scene, and the forest fire directly beforehand is legitimately tense. Squirrelflight is a fantastic character! While I'm not a huge fan of her character in general, I think basically every concept behind Hollyleaf is incredibly interesting. There IS a lot there, its just gritting your teeth and sitting through a million pages ranging from "mediocre" to "ungodly boring" to "downright rage inducing".
Unfortunately all of my favorite OCs are also warrior cats and I own the official Squirrelflight plushie so uh. I'm not going anywhere!
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rileys-battlecats · 4 months
omg?? i adore everything ab all of ur work, but especially ur warriors oc stuff. all the characters are so well-characterized and designed. and also the names?? did i mention designs?? honestly mudpaw is one of the most relatable characters ive ever seen. also i love that the other apprentices are actually understanding and more like actual children cats instead of existing to be mean. (ok that sounds like im saying children aren’t mean i promise some of them are)
but like, to the actual question/s. how did you come up with the concept and get it to this point? in that one commentary video you made, i remember you mentioning that he used to be mudstripe, and he was a serial killer (sidenote that’s actually so baddie) although you decided that you wanted to tell the story of a victim rather than a villian. but did it take a lot of thinking to get micaclan as a whole to this point, or did it just kinda come naturally? also im so sorry i typed an entire essay
WAAAAHHSVDJHSDJAB THANK YOU :') also you don't ever have to apologize for sending me essays in my inbox I love asks like this <3 <3
The story and world as they are now have developed incrementally over time. In the beginning, I never really intended to make anything more for this story beyond "Johnny". I had a very specific animatic visualized for that song (because I'd been listening to it on loop for days lol), and I made characters and a story that fit with the idea.
After making and uploading it, though, the characters and their story kept knocking around in my brain!! I wanted to expand on them, and to develop them more. If my memory is right, "Johnny" was the first time I'd ever made a video telling a story of my own making (previous projects had all been stuff from existing media), and I was excited by the idea of making more :) the storytelling aspect was really interesting to me!
I started coming up with more details in my head, things like character traits and names and the next story beats I wanted to portray. By the time I made "The Garden", I'd worked up at least a loose idea of the story in my head (though I wasn't sure where exactly I was going to take it in the end at that point), and I had designed most of the clan members (mostly to fill backgrounds tbh).
Then, some folks in the youtube comments started asking about references for the different characters, and I started this blog to share them! This is definitely the point where I got REALLY into worldbuilding and fleshing out characters haha. Each reference I posted included a little bit of text about the character, and I got to put to words some of the ideas I'd had previously. Or, it gave me the opportunity to come up with some character traits for background characters I hadn't given much thought to previously! Then people started engaging with the blog more, and having people ask questions gave me the opportunity to think about lots of different aspects of the story, characters, and world. From there, it feels like the entire story expanded, bit by bit, detail by detail. So it definitely took a lot of thinking, but that thinking happened pretty naturally over time, if that makes sense!
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my-castles-crumbling · 9 months
Dancer anon advice
Hi all! Someone wrote me about some advice, I'm just copy and pasting it here so I can add a 'read more' line and format it a bit differently than usual so I can keep my thoughts in order!
Italics is their writing
Bold is mine
i noticed ppl were using this blog to ask about stuff, so here goes ig?
(also im sorry this was going to be me asking about gender stuff but now its just kinda my life story 😭 if you dont want to answer this, you can just write a post saying like. dancer anon i dont feel comfortable answering this or whatever)
Ahhhh, you all need to stop apologizing! I never mind helping!
im afab, and i feel like i never really fit in with gender? like, i would always be so jealous of my feminine friends but i didnt feel good when dressing feminine myself
i also take dance classes (i started at around 6/7) and i felt like i had to wear all the skirts and shit because i wanted to be pretty like the other dancers, and i felt really terrible after a few years of that, because i hated how i looked in them and how i looked when i danced
(i also used to have a dance teacher whos hands were always cold and thats all i can remember about him but i really hated dancing with him and would get relieved when classes were over. ive hated dancing with boys/men ever since)
and it got like. really bad. i believe? (my memory is actually terrible. i cant remember anything for the life of me, so it could be my mind overexaggerating, but anyways.)
i would always ask for me and my teacher to just do stretching because i hated how i looked when i danced because i hated the skirts and everything because i hate my legs and how they look when bare. i hated attending dance classes because people would see me and see my legs and see how i looked and i felt terrible all the time (i think i was around 9 or 10 at this age?)
so one day i had a whole crying fit and my dance teacher told me that i dont have to wear skirts or whatever, i can wear pants and shit (i was so fucking relieved. istg. i now wear skirts to dance only like. couple times a year maybe)
and then soon enough covid happened! (also keep in mind that i grew up like. really sheltered. i did not know what gay people/transgender people were until i read fanfiction about warrior cats 😭)
and i was so delighted! because on distance learning, no one would see me and be able to judge me for how i dress or whatever
at around this time, my fear of everyone masculine really grew. its still there. im fucking terrified of all men. i cant help it. like every boy man masculine person. i get so scared. i hate it. i hate it so much
but then covid came to a halt, yk, school started again .-. i felt like shit, honestly. i didnt have ANY clothes i felt comfortable in. my hair felt too long and "feminine" and i wanted to cut it for the longest time. my clothes made me feel terrible. i hated how the leggings would wear on my legs and how my sweaters would show my body shape and how my butt looked (i still really hate how it looks. why is it big. i dont want it to be i hate it so much)
yeah so there i am, feeling dysphoric as shit (i did not know what that was, back then, by the way, but i believe thats what i was feeling)
didnt help that my only friend was a toxic, lying, manipulating bitch who led people on for fun and always expected everyone to worship at her feet
after a while, i discovered different labels! (bisexual was the first label i had for myself. i felt good with it, ig?)
and then i got to the gender situation. i used so many girl alligned terms because i was so scared of being percieved as the very thing i am terrified of (masculine ppl). i went through demigirl, girlflux, genderfae, genderfluid, i beleive, maybe somethign else too, because i wanted to stay connected to being a girl.
Okay so here, I want to ask, what's the reason to wanting to say connected with being a girl? Is it feeling like you are partially a girl? Not wanting to be connected to masculinity? Not wanting to let go of the 'girlhood' that you grew up with? None of these reasons are bad but I think thinking about this more might help you figure out your gender.
around this time i started doing leader steps for dance. the euphoria i felt. please.
ahhhhh wait! I do ballroom, too! I'm a follower, though. what's your favorite? I LOVE tango. Okay, sorry, I got distracted.
found out i was a lesbian, used nonbinary but with she/they pronouns and felt like shit whenever anyone called me she but didnt want to make a big deal about using they
ooo, okay here- asking for your correct pronouns isn't 'making a big deal.' it's asking for what you need and asking for respect.
found out i was aroace because "people actually find video game characters attractive?" 😭
thought i might feel better as a boy? cut my hair. i loved it so much (i still do) (that was may of last year) got baggy clothes. covered up my figure. did leader steps for dance.
over the summer i started using labels such as agender? which i feel like fits me?
anyway, thats the life story part, now for the part about what the fuck am i
i feel like shit whenever im called a girl or refered to with feminine terms. im not sure if it would classify as dysphoria or not, becuase i dont feel /that/ bad about it, but it still ruins my mood and kinda makes me want to cry.
okay so here's the thing. not 'feeling THAT bad' doesn't mean anything. Dysphoria is dysphoria. and this is dysphoria. Just because you're not throwing up in a corner doesn't mean your feelings aren't valid.
if my grandma calles me granddaughter, girl, whatever in russian, it automatically ruins my mood. makes me feel terrible. i hate it.
i dont feel as bad when my sister calls me her sister, though, for some reason.
Okay! So for me, I hate being called a lady, but I don't mind my wife calling me her wife. Again, this is all completely valid <3
when i get called by she/her i hate it so much. i dont want to make a big deal about asking for they/them - sometimes my friends remeber, sometimes they dont.
ive never tried he pronouns, dont think i want to.
they/them pronouns dont give me that much euphoria either, its just like. ok
Okay! Have you tried neopronouns? If you're not interesting in those, it could just be that they/them is what feels best. And that's okay, too!
another thing. my friend has another nonbinary friend. she always genders them correctly, but almost never me. it makes me feel like shit, like she cares more about getting their pronouns than mine, even though i know that thats not a good mindset and shit.
*loud buzzer sound* wrong. Your friend should be gendering everyone correctly, not just some people. Good friends care about making their friends feel comfortable, and this friend is making you uncomfortable. Would you feel comfortable talking to them about it?
also, heres some more on my fear of men because who doesnt love being scared out of their wits irrationally :D
my dance teacher had to leave to go back to where she lives, so they gave me a male teacher (i tend to only have female ones.)
i would be in tears every lesson. i felt like shit. (also i hate the sound of peoples voices and he would always be talking and i hate it so much because his voice, amongst others, is one of the ones that hurts my ears the most.) i even went to my mom to ask her for a change which helped ig? my new teacher is really nice and i love her so,,, yeah
Okay, I want to stop here to say- a lot of this has to do with gender, right? But this particular response seems to be rooted in trauma. Without prying too much, I am wondering if there is something that happened with a man or masculine-presenting person or people? You do NOT have to share with me, but this might be something to explore with a trusted person in your life. I mean, there is a chance it's gender-related, but in the most loving way, there seems to be something deeper going on here.
anyway, you dont have to answer this, i was going to just ask for help with labels and feeling like theres no correct label for me (i use agender now, for simplicity, because i dont feel connected to having a gender at all)
So I guess my question is, how do you feel about the agender label? When I looked up the definition, it seems to be defined as exactly what you described- someone not having a gender at all.
Also, remember that your gender identity and expression are two different things! You can identify as agender (or any of the other things you mentioned) and still choose to dress however feels most comfortable and use whatever pronouns feel most comfortable. There are no set rules except: do what feels most genuine and comfortable!
if you do want to answer this but dont want to use this large of an ask on your blog, just call me dancer anon, i will see and understand 👍
again, sorry for dumping all of this on you
ahhhhhhh don't be sorry, you are a wonderful human!
have a wonderful day
you, too! please message me if you want to talk more! <3
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wormstar · 3 years
i was going thru ur blog and u have good posts about ableist aus and i was wondering - what if in the aus the requirements for warriors were different? Like instead of having to fight jay only hunts? Would the muddling of roles still be ableist? In a Tree-like situation?If its not presented in a "work super hard to get what you want" and more in a "yeah they can decide what he wants to do". This is mostly for jay (and cinder) specifically because they had desires to be warriors yet were forced to be medicine cats because of ableism (ig this can apply to briar but i just truly cant remember oots that well and i havent read her death). I am asking because i am still trying to unlearn the ableist mindset that i grew up with. Feel free to ignore this ask and thnx!
hey yeah thank you for asking! took the opportunity to write up more general thoughts on rewrites as a whole and i went over why exactly theyre ableist hopefully that provides a better perspective
i think the major thing to keep in mind is that the structure of the clans is very abled centric and overly ignorant of inner community work (for example dens are only solidified or altered when either the area takes damage/the clans grows wrt population) theres a fixation on marking territory and starting fights and whatever with other clans which is whats expected of most warriors to partake in. to fix those implications in any fanwork youve really gotta knead into them and understand the nature of their ableism....its not just a problem with cats being barred from being warriors its the whole occupation and the standard its held to, so to speak (+ that fits into general clan society being flawed but eh thats another thing and also its easy to branch out into thought about)
going to stress other disabled people might have other solutions to how disabled cats are received this is just how i like to think of things
first i think its kind of interesting to examine discrepancies between disabled cats in canon as somewhat of an indicator of clan attitudes and leaders and whatnot. like i think you could get something interesting by regarding lets say deadfoot in windclan and cinderpelt in thunderclan who both have bad legs yet had different experiences with them in clan life. if you wanna go a step further comparing generations like lilywhisker and deadfoot or cinderpelt and jayfeather (+ the consideration of how congenital disabilities are regarded) can also make things interesting and just give you an idea of what to do. having the clan systems stray from a clear-cut common attitude both gives you more freedom for different approaches + adds to worldbuilding anyway. imo boiling down clan society to perfect utopia just gets boring but you can have imperfections in the system that depict the disabled experience just fine. just be careful with them and the way they come across yeah?
(real quick as an in between. god just dont refer to cats/their injuries as crippled. it still happens somehow)
im a little ambivalent on the idea of creating a ‘special role’ for disabled cats to be thrown into. cause then thats a repeat of canon medicine den really. its like ‘oh youre disabled youre instantly discarded into the x role pit’ i think just adding substantial in-universe changes to the warrior rank itself (vagueness is fun actually) or expanding on ‘warrior types’ rectifies the othering angle. ‘othering’ as a whole is just as bad as the ‘exception’ archetype people run for most warrior aus i want to state that clearly. effectively if youre gonna introduce roles that dont depend on fighting or hunting or both make sure theres abled cats who have them too. like say you want a camp-based role where a cats job is to fix dens or one where they help in the nursery, its far easier for a cat who cant run to manage those but also have some cats who are physically capable of doing other ‘tasks’ do the same thing for personal reasons
the tree comparison is interesting honestly cause i guess you could just give a cat a particular thing to do as a nonfixed position. and roles accordingly being made for a cat to fill until they cant and the positions done away with afterward. but youve gotta do it carefully so you dont fall into othering as ive said. id avoid something like that personally i just dont like the quality of ‘well theyre not a warrior (the most noble/useful concept in cat society) theyre actually some other thing’
in general giving disabled cats agency and choice is the best thing you can do. whether this means them deciding on tasks they can do themselves or picking a certain kind of warrior to be or asking for an assistant to help them out when they do stuff. the way you wanna pull it off again depends on my first question of “how does the relevant part of your warrior cat world treat disabled cats already”
very important point, the majority of the ableism also comes in the form of character narratives and not just the structure of the world itself. like think for a bit why the writers decided jayfeather shouldve been forced to be a medic or why briarlight got killed off early etc etc. characters ‘wanting’ to be like the abled ideal and still being bitter about not fulfilling that years down the line are just part of the ableist storylines. if youre abled id literally say just do away with those sadstuck ‘i wanted to be a warrior!’ moments. if you really want to id say pull a cinderpelt or a shadowsight where a cats time in the medicine den started their fascination with medicine and they switched to that path due to personal intrigue. id say a more interesting and realistic angle to it is having a disabled cat who found fulfilment in doing something else besides being a warrior becoming bitter about their entire clan ‘mourning’ how theyll never fight again or giving them the pretence of being a warrior being the best thing you can do.... it depends on the character really
this is just a very basic disability thing but stray from the whole ‘useless/dead weight’ way of regarding disabled characters. like dont place their worth on how well they service a clan or not theyre still deserving of shelter and whatnot. you dont need to justify a cats existence or usefulness by going ‘well they may be blind but their sense of smell is excellent so we keep them around’ or whatever its just no good
last thing i can think of is like. dont disregard how a cats disability affects them. like its fine that briarlight cant fight (or even hunt major types of prey) she doesnt need some convoluted method that lets her do that. there are like a dozen other warriors hunting and fighting and theres present value and enjoyment in the stuff she does around camp. she doesnt have to be brightheart 2 its ok
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kuivamustekala · 2 years
okay okay one more then I'll stop this might b an Odd One but I hope u can have fun with it sjjfjd
silver the hedgehog!!
THATS MY ORIGINAL BLORBO THATS MY LIL GUY this is not even an odd one lmao you have n o idea how much ive thought of this guy lets go
First impression: well... my friend basically kin assigned this wild haired hedgehog to me idk who he is but the design is?? kinda neat?? i guess i'll go with it
Impression now: son boy. Wrote my first ever fanfics about him (I don't count the knockoff warrior cats oc stories as fanfics bc that was several layers removed from the insp material). Drew so very much fanart of him. Got introduced to the whole fuckin concept of fandom bc of him. Some of the first tumblr blogs I ever followed were ones I followed bc they posted fun hcs and fics of him. There's a telekinetic-hedgehog-from-the-future -shaped impression in my heart forever and ever.
Favourite moment: HE HAS HAD SO FEW CANON MOMENTS OUTSIDE OF THE COMICS THAT I NEVER MANAGED TO READ PROPER IT MAKES ME SAD and the only game he was in proper was a fucking mess but even then I have several moments I had to pick between but in the end, it's the moment where he's trying to contain Iblis himself and refuses to let Blaze do it. And then eventually he relents but it was that specific bit of the moment that I first wrote many pages of analyses about in my notebooks and then kept referencing in my fanfics. I willn't get into the details of why this moment specifically burned (hah) itself into my mind so but that's gotta be the one I pick as my fav
Idea for a story: that one fanfic I never got to write where Silver, having again returned to the present for some reason, gets overwhelmed with how much Sonic and the gang can be and floats himself out to the sea (with telekinesis) and then plops down to float (more literally) in the water, and the stars in the night sky get reflected in the water, and he has an "oh fuck existing can actually be really beautiful" moment. I thought it so many times but never wrote it. Maybe I should tho
Unpopular opinion: okay so I'm working off of fics and headcanons from years ago but I often felt like people kept writing him a little too much like a soft boy. Bc don't get me wrong he definitely has that side to him but I think he should be kind of emotionally volatile in all directions. Not sensitive as in gets sad easily but sensitive as in he feels very strongly about many things and can also get very angry very quick, and laughs at things easily, and just overall feels everything More. (kid me expressing frustration over how I was constantly seen as overemotional and wanted to feel validated in it? partially yes. but also it's just true. sources: trust me bro)
Favourite relationship: genuinely I think him and Shadow would go real well together. Not rly otp wise but just... they're both from different times and they're both extremely good at angsting (said so very affectionately) but in pretty different ways and I just think they could balance each other out pretty neatly there. Silver could teach Shadow how to find joy in small things even when the world is collapsing on you (sometimes literally so) and Shadow in turn could teach him how to strategically make an escape to cool down to cope with some real fucko moments. I could go on tehee but this post is already growing stupidly long
Favourite headcanon: this one, unlike all the other answers so far, is actually directly yoinked from someone else - the headcanon that he's got a lot of scars, mostly hidden under his fur. Look, I read a drabble about it when I was like 14 and it probably fundamentally changed me as a person in some way
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drzibs · 2 years
Tag Game ! 💫🌟
i was tagged by @joon-rkive , thank you so much friend! this one looks like a lot of fun!
Name - my irl name is emma, but i tend to go by zibs bc of my user ^^
Sign - taurus! and boy do i act like it at times hhhhh
Height - 5’6”, or 168 cm
Time - 6:38 AM
Birthday - may 11th!
Favorite Band/Artist - well, bts is and will most likely remain my top band, but lately ive been cycling annenmaykantereit’s discography
Last Movie - i cant really remember tbh ^^ i dont watch a ton of movies
Last Show - this i do know— its called only murders in the building, and steve martin and selena gomez star in it. theres another fella who mains but i cannot remember his name lol
When I Created This Blog - this one? uhhh not too long after i got into kpop, so around october of 2018!
What I Post - i try to mainly post bts content, but tbh it fluxuates between that and some mcyt content ^^ plus the random general post appears when it makes me laugh or relates to me
Other Blogs - i do have one that i reblog warrior cats art, as well as one that i reblog stuff i think is pretty or stuff i want to remember for art inspiration! the wc art is @rrainpool , and the other is @self-love-letters
Do I Get Asks - rarely, but im not really looking for them either lol
Followers - 47! probably the most ive ever had if im being honest lol i appreciate them but im not looking to do numbers either
Average Hours of Sleep - i used to be able to run on 5-6 hours and feel great, but anymore getting more than 8 is the way to go
Instruments - i played percussion in band from 5th grade to 8th grade, but then my director switched me to clarinet to fill out the section hhhhh im still a little bitter but ill get over it
outside of that i play a bit of ukulele and guitar! mainly uke, as my guitar is currently in the shop getting repaired
What I’m Wearing - currently its just a plain grey t-shirt and some jeans ^^ im planning on going out to work in my garden before it gets too hot
Dream Job - something to do with animals! for a long long time i wanted to be a veterinarian, but the schooling for it scares me enough to put that on hold. id also like to run a little shelter for cats, one that fosters disabled and stray ones until they can either find a forever home or live the rest of their days in comfort ^^
Dream Trip - i want to travel to norway! ideally id even like to live there some day, but id like to travel there first to see if i really would like it there. another place id like to see is ireland!
Favorite Songs - for all time, i really really love whalien 52 by bts. as of right now, like i said before, its pretty much the entirety of annenmaykantereit’s music. lmao henning may’s bluesy voice is kicking my ass for the better
i tag: @sunshinejins @ambivartence @clutterbugs @hopeonthestreets @yoonj1ns and whoever else would like to participate!
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moonshxdows · 6 years
book 2 trailer analysis
ill be posting some screencaps of the trailer sometime tomorrow as well so keep an eye out!
okay so a quick rewatch before I go through it frame by frame and just. god im so excited i love this show so much
anyways everything's gonna be under the cut bc its long and spoilery if u havent seen the trailer yet
okay so the opening clip looks like its in a human town. dragang is being chased across the bridge by some angry humans with pitchforks. raylas wearing the human cape. they got caught?
some clips from s1
okay. ezran ellis and zym are outside this white building. its shaped similarly to the star elf buildings we see later on. did they have to sit out some stuff that rayla and callum got to see? or is this like. lujanne's house or something
the fire (?) dragon is coming down on "a town of katolis" that soren is in. im assuming this isnt near the castle and claudia is there but out of frame, so did they get caught up in something on accident or were the dragons drawn to them because of the spell? lujanne recognized it, the dragons might too
wife (sunfire knight)
if my blog wasnt more cool toned that would be my new header oh my god
in the upper left corner of the screen theres a castle. there aren't any human kingdoms that are on the banks of a lava waterfall so is that an elf castle? or is this the place where all the royals got that fire background?
im dumb thats probably a halfway castle and the lava river is the border i forgot they said border over this
fuck off vitriol
elves attacking amaya and her squadron. these are likely the sunfire elves at the border, since amaya is also at the border. the castle in the last shot is probably more of a fortress
wife kicking ass! w her cool ass sword
something i noticed about the sunfire elves, or at least the warriors. the headdresses they wear are actually armor to protect their horns! they also have markings/tattoos like moonshadow elves, but they seem less elaborate (at least on their face)
does this mean horns are as important in all elf races or just sunfire elf races?
opeli ur the only bitch in this house i trust. is viren keeping the missions w the brodigies under wraps or does opeli think that's not enough?
boat! are they on their way to evenere?
star elf bitch there u are u sexy bastard. zi @moonxadia made a fantastic theory on that elf here, but tl;dr that's elarion being shady (as much as ive liked the aaravos theories i dont think thats him)
viren being shady (spell had similar look as star elf from last clip)
zym i would die for you
the background to that looks interesting- are they having a big dinner of some sort?
ik other people have said this but that's definetly runaans strike crew from early s1. the very dead strike crew. zombie elves!
also if they touch a hair on aanyas head i Will Cry she looks so small in that throne...
(altho they dont really seem to be attacking her at all?)
okay so i know people have been saying the on fire shot are elves but i really dont think so. none of them have horns or the sunfire headdresses. i think that's a human army
(its another moon moth. same one as from earlier in the trailer?)
so in the shot of dragang on The Bird, callum looks really upset. like, seriously upset. this might be part of a joke bc hes holding bait, but im worried
ezran baby boy. hes so worried
zym!!!! i love you!!!!!!!
these pillars look real cool. is this a magic place?
okay so runaans deceased elf crew again, but pre-zombification (or post?) did lujanne summon them? is it a moon elf thing? why are they stars? is it a star elf clearing?
so zoom out, theyre in these... gazebos? made of starlight? nothing to comment it just looks real cool
hey claudia maybe... not.
im very concerned that when claudia said "you take creatures that are born with magic inside and squeeze it out of them" it panned over zym briefly
callum looked concerned so im hoping its a flashback of some sort? but they look like theyre in an elf place... idk. im worried about him this season
i know i said what i said but dark magic claudia is hot
wtf was that thing tho
rayla is suspicious™ (and she should be tbh)
sword fight!! im both excited and scared
callum is having a rough time and i want to hug him
thankfully raylas there
so a lot of people have said this but i do think thats because of harrow, not the dark magic. idk why i think that but. shrug
so i wanna talk about the audio playing over these last few bullets real quick. rayla says they cant trust soren and claudia, followed immediately by lujanne saying "real trust is about accepting the dark parts we will never know" which makes me curious. did brodigies and catch up with dragang while they were still with lujanne? since the group splits sometime during the season
if it is the case im curious how theyre gonna go from hating elves to being in a traveling party with 2 of them and a baby dragon
and if thats not the case, what is lujanne talking about?
wait i just had a really horrible thought what if they lied to win dragang's trust and rayla is the only one that's suspicious
moving on,
rayla and callum both look Real Concerned wtf are they talking about
so it looks like lujanne is leading callum to some Elf Thing; maybe its right before she shows him the star elf ghosts? it does look to be around sunset
even if its not tHATS THE POSTER DRAGON HELLO!!!!
rayla i will never not love you
sarai Hes Not Worth It
im excited about flashbacks though 👀
hello lord voltron. perish.
okay so thats the same fire dragon from earlier, but w its face all cut up. soren was prepared to go sword vs dragon and i think he won
"watch yo fuckin dog bitch" "he dont bite" "yES HE DO"
thats the vibe coming from that wolf/badger thing. also that guy screaming at the cat in his backyard
but fr what is that
thunder kinda looks like voldemort from this angle ngl
okay. okay. dark magic callum is a go
buddy what the FUCK do you think youre doing
ive seen some things saying that he's being controlled but i dont think so. i think he listened to claudia and im very curious to see how this affects his relationship with rayla
i think he was missing being the mage? which is why he tried to learn primal magic from lujanne but failed ultimately
depending on the theory, i wonder how people will spin half-elf!callum for this
i dont actually know if elves can even use dark magic fjnshfk like i assume they can but?? who knows
fire golem?? and who has the sword
my bad theres soren v dragon i thought it was earlier
mr fire dragon sir how the fuck did you lose. you have teeth? claws? wings? presumably fire powers?
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