#also inktober is a nope
cadinaweek · 4 months
Announcing Cadina Week 2024!
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Welcome to Cadina Week 2024!
June 24, 2024 - June 30, 2024
June 24, Day 1 - Tutoring / Jealousy June 25, Day 2 - "Not Your Fault" / College June 26, Day 3 - Bed Sharing / Reunion June 27, Day 4 - Fluff / Head Lick (2024 end credits) June 28, Day 5 - Hurt/Comfort / Scars June 29, Day 6 - AU / Touch June 30, Day 7 - FREE DAY!
FAQs Under The Cut!
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s a ship week?
A ship week is a fan event where for a week we make works about one ship! Think about it like Inktober, you get one different prompt for each day and you make something out of it, but with the same medium, or, in this case, same ship!
Is this only for fanfiction/fanart?
No! You can use whatever medium you desire for the prompts. The most common methods are fanfiction and fanart, but if you want to create a cosplay or some fake social media posts or anything else your creative heart desires, go for it!
Do I have to do both prompts each day?
No! Each day is designed to have two options, one of which is good for fanart as well as fanfic. You CAN choose to do both prompts if you want, or incorporate both prompts into a single work, but it's designed to give some options and variety!
Do we have to create each piece during its own day?
Nope! Some people like the challenge of creating something different every day, but you can totally prepare them in advance if you want to. You don’t even have to complete all of the prompts, you can do just the few you like, no pressure!
How do I participate?
Just create whatever you like with the prompts you’re given and post them under the “#CadinaWeek” and “#CadinaWeek2024” tags on Tumblr. We will also have an AO3 collection (keep reading for more info on this).
What's this about an AO3 collection?
Once our AO3 account is fully set up, we will be creating a collection for Cadina Week that you can submit your works to. We will be moderating this lightly, just to make sure that it's actually Cadina Week submissions and not spam, but we welcome all who want to participate!
Can I post NSFW?
Yes, please just make sure it is appropriately tagged on Tumblr and/or AO3!
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bad268 · 7 months
Best to Worst to Best (Ralf Aron X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/WEC
Requested: Nope, this was supposed to be an Inktober blurb but I liked the plot too much lol (Also, this is my 100th full-length fic, so yay!)
Warnings: Weddings, toxic cousin mentioned
POV: Second POV (You/your)
W.C. 1567
Summary: Sometimes, things need to be improvised.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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It was supposed to be the best day of your life. Your wedding day. Everyone always told you that it would be the best day of your life. However, it didn’t feel that way. Anything and everything that could have gone wrong, did.
First, your photographer was late. That was fine. They were extremely apologetic, and you forgave them because traffic was out of their control. Then, your bridal party lost your shoes. That was almost not fine. Thankfully, you had the same shoe size as one of your friends, so they let you borrow theirs. It's not a big deal yet, but you were starting to get suspicious. Next, your toxic cousin, whom you only invited because your aunt and uncle pressured you, spilled red wine on your ceremony outfit. That was not fine. You almost called it off then and there. You did not consider yourself crazed when it came to your wedding, but red wine on white did not mix. Finally, and the cherry on top, you found out that the press had found your location, shared it online, and now, the place was swarmed with fans. That was it.
“Just call it off,” you cried as you stormed out of the en suite and into the adjacent room where most of your party was sitting. “It’s all gone to shit.”
“Just take a breath, no need to do anything rash,” your right-hand person consoled as you sat on the bed. “It’s the best day of your life-”
“Some funny way of showing it huh?” You snapped, shooting up as you felt everything pile on top of you. “Everything is ruined and if this is supposed to be the best day of my life, what does that say about the rest of my life?”
“Calm down,” your parental figure tried to put their hand on your shoulder, but you stepped back. Even though you wanted comfort, no one in this room could have provided what you wanted. You wanted your fiance.
Blissfully unaware, Ralf was having a blast with his friends and family in their suite. Funny enough, it wasn’t your fiance who felt something was off first. It was his brother of all people. Paul was super close to you. Not only were you the perfect match for his brother, but you were the best race engineer he could ask for. He was also the one who set you up with Ralf in the first place. He liked to joke that he chose his favorite sibling. At that moment, however, he knew something was wrong, so he went to investigate.
He left the suite, not that anyone noticed; they thought he was getting something given that he was the best man after all. He ended up running into your right hand person who was frantically running around. They briefly ran through everything that had happened, and when you asked for a minute to yourself, no one could find you. 
“Such idiots,” he muttered to himself as he walked out of the building, and immediately spotted you sitting on the steps. He noticed that you were still wearing one of those silk robes that your friends bought you as a joke because they would make great pictures, and he wondered what all happened. He quickly sent a text to Ralf before moving to take his jacket off, placing it over your legs as he sat next to you. “Penny for your thoughts.”
“It’s supposed to be the best day of my life, Paul,” you cried and you leaned into his side and he pulled you into a hug. “Not to sound superficial or anything, but everything’s ruined.”
“What do you mean? Everyone is still here for you,” Paul tried to help, but it did not make much of a difference.
“Everyone’s here, but that’s making it worse!” You almost shouted. “If I had picked the right wedding party, someone would have remembered my shoes. If I had a backbone, I wouldn’t have invited my stupid cousin, and my outfit would not have been ruined. And if I had kept everything better hidden, the press wouldn’t be swarming the ceremony location. It’s all ruined, and there is nothing we can do about it.”
“Maybe I’m not the right person you need,” Paul insinuated as he heard the door opening before he started to pull away.
“No, Paul, he can’t see me right now. It’s still our wedding day, and it’s superstition,” you tried to pull him back down.
“Oh, so you are still open to getting married today?” Ralf chuckled as his friend led him carefully down the stairs. You turn around, wiping the tears from your eyes, and you see him walking blindly with a tie around his eyes. His friend and Paul helped Ralf sit down beside you as you laughed half-heartedly.
“Wasn’t this the tie you wore on our first date?” You pointed out as you played with the loose ends of it and held Ralf’s hand with your unoccupied hand.
“That was supposed to be a surprise, but yes,” Ralf replied as his friend and Paul went back into the suite. He held your one hand in both of yours as the hand that was twirling the tie moved down to rest against his shoulder. He took a deep breath as he ran his thumbs over your knuckles and said, “I know this isn’t the wedding you wanted or even planned, but we can still make it work.”
“How?” You responded fast as tears filled your eyes once again. You wanted to wipe them away, but it just felt like there was no point. “How would we ever make this work? The press swarmed my dream venue, and my outfit was completely ruined. It may be superficial, but it was what I wanted.”
“We improvise. Remember our first date?” He said. As if it were that easy, you thought, but replied that you remembered it. Of course, you did. “The original plan was dinner at the fancy restaurant you had been dying to try. However, I made the reservation for the wrong day, so we went mini golfing. That was all improvised.”
“I always wondered why you were overly dressed up for mini golf,” you chuckled absentmindedly.
“Yeah, I found out when I was driving to pick you up. I called to confirm and they said it was for the next week,” He chuckled with you. “We did end up going there for our second date, but if you think about it, our relationship started on improvisation. We can start our married life the same way.”
“Okay, Mr. Improv, how do you suggest we move forward?” You said, finally coming around to the idea. You also moved to pull the tie off his eyes only to see his eyes squeezed shut. “What are you doing? I want to see your eyes.”
“I’m not supposed to see you,” He replied seriously, but after being met with nothing in response from you, he peeked one eye open to see you staring back at him with a smirk. He opened both of his eyes after that, placed a small kiss on your nose, and said, “Did you still want to wear white?”
Two hours later, you found yourself in the backyard of your soon-to-be-in-law's house in an outfit that was definitely not wedding attire. Ralf ruined the surprise that he was taking you to Greece for your honeymoon, and he found an all-white, linen outfit that he thought you would like for the trip. That’s what you were wearing. 
He sent his groomsmen to the house to set up chairs for those closest to you while he helped you get ready. There was a tree in the backyard that acted as the perfect arch, and his parents had flowers growing in the yard. Sure, this was not what you originally hoped for, but it was as close to the original plan as you could get. 
You walked down the makeshift aisle with your parent, and when you reached the end, your parent placed your hands in Ralf’s. You stood there for a second, lost in each other’s eyes before you both realized something at the same time.
“Who is marrying us?” It was funny, really. Neither of you thought of the officiant throughout the chaos, but it seemed to be the most crucial part of the day.
“I cannot believe that’s what we forgot about,” You laughed. This time, you weren’t stressing. Maybe it was because you would look back at this day and think it was funny. Or maybe you thought Ralf had something else up his sleeve. “Did you think about this?”
“I thought through everything else,” he laughed with you along with most of your family. 
“You are lucky I think of these things,” Paul said as he stood up from beside his parents to stand between you and Ralf. “Guess who got their officiant license while you were both running around.”
“I knew I made the right choice choosing you as my best man,” Ralf chuckled as he gave Paul a pat on the back and pulled him into a hug.
“And I knew I made the right choice becoming your race engineer,” You pulled Paul into a hug as well before going back to where you were standing, ready to be married. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
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art--harridan · 11 months
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[Image description: A digital drawing based on the film Nope. It depicts OJ Haywood standing next to Lucky. OJ turns away from the horse, eyes turned downwards. He's in the clothes from his brief time on the movie set. His cap casts the front of his face in partial shadow. His face is void of expression. Two horses being ridden float above the pair. They're drawn stills from Eadweard Muybridge's short film "The Horse in Motion". These drawings have dark brown lineart and are coloured orange. The background is a bright green, with orange flowers littered around it. It resembles a green screen, though it has a gritty texture to it. It also leaves a gap around the drawings. The drawings have a faded, unaligned copy of them behind them, which also gets the gap. The orange peaks through here too.]
Inktober - Day 18 (Saddle)
Film - Nope (Jordan Peele, 2022)
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professionalscrublord · 11 months
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Inktober 15: Dagger
The Dagger of Time, from Prince of Persia, the Sands of Time. Great game, it's too bad they never made any sequels. Just like The Matrix. No sequels. Never. Nope.
I took some small liberties with the design here and there, because the original looks very spiky in places your hand would go, seems uncomfortable to use.
Also it's standing up on its own because it's like magic or something, whatever.
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i-am-beckyu · 2 years
Day 5 and 6 of @aaytaro-gt gt Inktober!!!!!
Yes I missed the day to post 5. but anyways we have Dance and Jar!!
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Jar also features one of my fav people @a-tiny-frog-girl love ya Froggie 💚
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Did I mean to do both drawings with similar colour schemes???? Nope but do I like? Yes. Yes I do.
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writing-for-life · 11 months
It’s the different format again (original reblog chain will also be updated)…
Today’s motto was tricky. I had intended to write about the Batman Dark Nights: Metal Crossover, but the result was honestly so 💩 that I said: Nope. So I decided that crossover can mean a lot of things, like the crossover of time. If I fits, I sits 😂
26. Crossover
Exiles. Soft places
Where time and space are fluid
And even dreams blur.
Days 21-25 in reverse
Catch up days 16-20
Catch up days 11-15
Catch up days 6-10
Catch up days 1-5
Inktober prompts modified by @orionsangel86 for #sandtober2023
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No Harm, No Fowl (Yet)
Dean comes to Cas's garden with a surprise.
Suptober prompt: Red Flufftober prompt: "I hate you" – "I love you too" Fictober prompt: "You’re looking, but you don’t see." Inktober prompt: Fowl
(Read on AO3)
This fic is a continuation of Keep Me Fed All Year although it also makes sense as a standalone...
Dean finds him in the garden. Of course he does. Why did I bother looking anywhere else? he wonders. He's keyed up, jittery with excitement over what he's about to do, but he stops anyway, stands outside the low fence that surrounds Cas's flowerbeds, and looks.
He surveys the flowers, hundred and hundreds of assorted blooms that crowd every inch of the available space with a riotous splash of colors. He checks over the little fence that he and Cas built together, noting its continued sturdiness with approval. But most of all he watches his husband, follows his movements as he tends to his plants, ogles the way his biceps bulge his sleeves when he carries a tray of seedlings.
He only intends to pause for a moment, to enjoy the view and collect his thoughts, but he loses track of time. He might have stood there all day, except that eventually Cas looks up and sees him. The smile that splits his angel's handsome face in that moment washes out the floral rainbow in Dean's sight. Flaming red dulls to maroon. Sunny yellow fades to beige. Natural splendor whomst? Dean thinks besottedly. Don't know her. Only one beauty worth admiring around these parts...
“Dean!” Cas calls, standing up off his kneeler. “I didn't hear you get back. How were your errands?”
“Good, good,” Dean replies. The jittering anticipation is back, and he struggles to keep his tone light. “Dropped off the books at the library, picked up your order at the yarn store, checked the PO box...”
“Anything good in the box?” Cas asks, because he knows that Dean uses that box to order all sorts of useful and unusual things off the internet. His weekly trip to the post office has become something of a mini holiday between the two of them. Some weeks he comes back from town with a new bronze knife or an obscure book of lore, some weeks it's a box of fancy liquor-filled chocolates or a bottle of high-grade lube. This week there was only one package to pick up – deceptively small, metaphorically huge. Dean keeps his mouth shut, though, just smiles and nods.
Cas cocks his head and furrows his brow at Dean's unexpected silence. “Are you going to tell me what you got?” he prompts.
“Try and figure it out,” is Dean's reply. He assumes parade rest position and smiles serenely.
“Figure it...?” Cas repeats, squinting. Dean hums and waits.
“Did... Is it something I already knew you'd ordered?”
Dean shakes his head no.
“Is it for us to use together?”
An emphatic yes.
Tough call, Dean thinks, answering with a waggling, equivocal yes but not like that kind of head movement.
Cas stops asking questions and stares hard at him for a full minute. If Dean wasn't absolutely sure that Cas's remaining “10% angel” doesn't allow for direct mind reading any more, he'd throw a flag for cheating. Still, it's uncanny how focused and direct and on target the next question is.
“Is that a new t-shirt?”
“Brand new,” Dean purrs.
“Come closer, I can't read it.”
Dean files this piece of information away for later discussion. He's suspected for a while now that Cas needs glasses. He allows himself one fleeting fantasy  –  a vigorous round of “stern librarian and naughty patron” with his newly bespectacled hubby. Then he mentally tables the issue and steps forward.
Cas reads his shirt and gives him a nonplussed look. “I don't get it,” he states, voice flat.
“You're looking, but you don't see,” Dean says, throwing a little sass into his tone.
His husband gives a huff, already exasperated with this game. “It says 'FOWL PLAY' in big fancy letters. So it's both cryptic and badly spelled.”
“Nope, the spelling is correct.” Dean can see the burgeoning annoyance in his husband's features. It's time to make the big reveal before the fun turns into frustration. “Do you give up?” he asks with a soft smile.
“Ugh, you know I hate to give up, but yes. What's the deal with 'Fowl Play'?”
“It's the name of our farm.”
“Farm, Cas. The farm we're buying, where you're gonna be able to raise chickens and keep bees and grow flowers. You can even plant a vegetable garden and I promise I'll eat what you grow.”
“Dean, what?”
“It's about seven miles from here. Good land. A little over five acres. There's a farmhouse, three bed  two bath, and a barn, and there's already a nice big chicken coop with a covered yard. I put the word out in town a while back that I was looking, and the owners of this place got in touch with me a couple weeks ago. They're good people. They're heading down to Florida to retire, and they want their place to pass to someone who will love it like they have. They're ready to sell, and if you like it, we're ready to buy.”
Cas is speechless, one hand against his mouth in shock.
“We've both been wanting to get out of the Bunker and into a place that's a little more... Us. This place is perfect, baby. Think of it as an early anniversary present.”
His still-bemused husband laughs at that. “I hate you. An entire farm as an anniversary present? I'll never be able to top that.”
“I love you too, sunshine,” Dean replies fondly. “But technically, really, it's only a farmette. And besides, this gift is for both of us. So do you like the name? I figure, we need a catchy name if you're gonna sell your honey and eggs and stuff at the farmer's market like you always talk about. And Fowl Play's pretty cute, right, cuz of the chickens? I had a shirt made for you, too. I even thought of a motto!" He turns around to show Cas the back of the shirt. "'They lay, we play'. Huh?”
“We can workshop it,” Cas replies tartly, but Dean knows it'll stick.
Hot damn, he thinks. We're gonna buy ourselves a farm.
Concludes Continued here...
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goodomenscalendar · 5 months
About & FAQ
Common questions and calendar info-- Updated April 17, 2024
What is this?
A blog dedicated to documenting and sharing Good Omens fan events! Partially inspired by the now-inactive @ineffableplanner, our hope is that this blog will function similar to a community calendar, with monthly master posts detailing the ongoing and upcoming events in the Good Omens fandom. This way, no one misses that thing they really wanted to participate in!
How does it work?
Fans (like you!) alert us to upcoming events by filling out the submission form. This can also be done by tagging us on posts (replies and reblogs work too!), or sharing links in our ask box, but filling out the form ensures that the information we collect about the event is as complete as possible before it's shared with our followers. Then, on the first of the month, a new post is made using the information we collected via the form. Events that end during that month will be listed under "Ongoing", and events that start during that month will be listed under "Upcoming". Events are listed in chronological order, and are color-coded as follows: theme fests; prompt lists or challenges; bangs; exchanges; and zines. The most current monthly update post will always be pinned for easy reference!
What kind of events are allowed?
Any and all! The only requirements to be included in our monthly posts is that some portion of the event is: - open to public participation by Good Omens fans - has a concrete start or end date This means that events do not have to be Good Omens exclusive (like Inktober, or AUgust), but should not be something like zine sales of personal Good Omens art or fic. While they're lovely to know about, we'd prefer our focus to be on encouraging participation than on private marketing!
Recurring events like weekly prompts are also welcome, but in order to make room for events with exclusive start/end dates, we will only reblog or add your recurring event to a monthly update posts once.
Will you reblog my event post?
Absolutely! Any event post that we are tagged in will be added to our queue, as long as Good Omens fans can participate and it provides new or additional information about the event. (ie. we will not reblog two separate posts about sign-ups opening, but we will reblog one about them opening, and another about them closing!) We also highly recommend you fill out our submission form, so we have all the information we need to add it to our monthly posts without having to dig for it!
Can you tell me more about [event]?
Nope, sorry! We are not directly affiliated with any of the events we promote on this blog and thus cannot answer any specific questions about them. Each event has at least one associated social media post or account linked in our monthly posts-- please consult these links for more information!
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skymaiden32 · 2 years
A Medic's Work Is Never Done
Thundertober/Inktober Day 18: Medic
His job could get hectic sometimes.
Continuity: TOS
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality @thundergeek59 @janetm74 @katblu42 @liseylou (Please ask if you would like to be alerted when I update or write new stories)
Prompt list
“You people, honestly.” Virgil rolled his eyes at his brothers. All of them needed medical attention right now, for varying different reasons, and they hadn’t even left the rescue site yet. His head snapped in the direction of the frantic rustling. “Gordon…” His voice lowered in warning. The fish had a concussion. He better not… “Don’t you dare get out of that bed…” Gordon dared to put a foot down on the ground. “Gordon…”
“Gordon.” Virgil breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Scott’s voice. “If I have to stay here, you do too.” Gordon’s foot was safely stowed back on the bunk. Just as Scott was about to open his mouth to say something else, Virgil interrupted. 
“No. There’s no way you’re flying One with a broken arm…” Gordon could barely hold in his snickers as their elder brother pouted. “John’s flying her back.”
Gordon looked at the medic in curiosity. “Wait a minute, doesn’t John have a burn on his leg?” Scott also gave Virgil a look.
“Yes. A very minor one in comparison to what we thought it was, plus it’s been treated.” Virgil smirked. “And at least he’s in better shape than you two are…” 
The two injured brothers gave each other a look, having a whole conversation without saying anything, before grinning back at Virgil. Uh oh. “Only if he spends the night in the sickbay when we get home…” Gordon explained.
“I was gonna do that anyway.” Virgil deadpanned. 
“Plus, you have to get some sleep back home too…” Scott gave him a pointed look. “You’ve been on your feet for the past few days, Virg. Flying home isn’t gonna make that much better either.”
“What about you guys?”
“I thought I was the Smotherhen in this family…” Scott raised an eyebrow. “Dad and Grandma are sure to make their rounds every so often. We’ll be fine.”
“Last time I left everyone in the medbay alone Gordon was a living nightmare…”
“I wasn’t that bad, was I?”
“Nope, you were worse.”
Virgil sighed as he left his brothers to it. The sooner they got home, the better it was for his nerves. Alan had better not have tripped over something on Thunderbird Five. Everyone in the family seemed to get injuries at the exact same time, even if they were miles apart from each other.
He watched as Thunderbird One took off in the distance as he completed pre-flight checks. There was only one way to find out if he was going to have peace anytime soon, but he knew better than that. A medic’s work was never done…
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wellofdean · 2 years
Endversetober, Day 17 - Rain
Cas and Dean finally reach an understanding.
This is a silly one.
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One dark and rainy night in Camp Chitaqua, Cas and Dean finally come to an understanding. This is how it happens:
Dean knocks on the wall of Cas's cabin next to the stupid fucking beads. Cas comes to the door and looking through them says:
"Hello, Dean."
"Uh, Hi. Cas... Uh... There's uh. um. A problem with the... uh..." he looks down, rubs the back of his neck with his palm, empties his lungs, "Uh... patrol..."
"Come in, Dean." Cas says, thinking: FINALLY.
"Uh, yeah. ok."
"Would you like a drink?" Cas asks, "and a towel?"
"Uh... yeah. Yeah." Dean looks up, meets Cas's eyes for a hot second for the first time in weeks. "Yeah. That would be... yeah. Thanks." Relieved.
Dean comes into the cabin, trips over a chair leg, steadies himself against the table. Looks up apologetically. Smiles tightly. Red-faced.
Cas hands him a glass of something dark and strong and a towel, and offers him a seat on the sofa. Dean hesitates, no doubt remembering the last time he sat there, and then sits gingerly, dries his face and hair, rubs a hand over his eyes and then looks up at Cas. An attempt at steadiness is made.
"What's the problem?" Cas asks him, very, very seriously.
"Uh, yeah. I wondered. Do you think we should rotate the teams? For the, uh... for... uh... the patrols?
Cas barely contains himself. "Sure, Dean," he replies, "whatever you think."
Dean tilts his head back, stares at the ceiling for a moment.
"Anything else?" Cas asks him, prodding.
Dean looks at literally everything in the room that isn't Cas, and then visibly steels himself, levels his eyes and says "Cas... we need to uh... talk..."
"Do we, Dean?" Cas replies, "Do we really?"
Cas steps closer, looms a bit. He's enjoying this, Dean realises. He bites his lip and looks up.
"Uhm...Yeah, Cas...I...Uh..." He stops. Lets his eyes say it. He hopes. Cas just looks down his nose at him. Nope. "C'mon Cas," he finishes, articulately.
Cas decides to have mercy.
"Dean, do you have a little angel in you?" Cas asks him.
Dean sits there, looking stunned. "Uh...what? No?"
"Would you like some?" Cas finishes, barely holding onto a straight face.
Dean's brain is offline. How did he fall for that?
"Actually, though, Dean, you do... have a little angel in you. When I raised you from hell, some of my grace mixed with..."
"Cas," Dean says, "Shut up."
Cas does.
"I don't think we should talk," Dean tells him. Then he stands up, crowds Cas up against the wall, presses his hips against Cas's hips, looks at him hard for a moment, and kisses him very deeply.
Cas gives back as good as he gets.
It escalates quickly to include frantic stripping, nakedness, hands everywhere, blowjobs, literal miles of stroking, mouths everywhere, more kissing, penetration, panting and moaning, orgasms, laughing and then listening to the rain fall on the roof the the cabin while they do something that can only be called snuggling...unless you want to call it cuddling. Whichever.
Afterwards, Cas is very satisfied, and Dean sleeps like a drunk baby.
They almost forget about the Apocalypse for a minute.
Also here:
Endversetober 2022 (6238 words) by unreconstructedfangirl
Chapters: 7/?
Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Characters: Endverse Dean Winchester, Endverse Castiel (Supernatural)
Additional Tags: Endversetober | Endverse Inktober (Supernatural), cocks vs hands, Feelings, References to Croatoan/Endverse (Supernatural), suggested misuse of a gun, angst and sadness, magic mushrooms, Origin story for Endverse!Cas, Cas is a medicine man of love, Group Sex, Shame, alcohol and drug use, Cigarettes, Mutual Pining
Short fics and drabbles in response to Endversetober prompts that focus on the relationship between Endverse Cas and Dean, and how they got that way. The chapters don't follow each other in a linear way. Events are our of order.
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surfacage · 6 years
Is that watercolor endeavor working out for you? I struggle with the same issue of repeating strokes and I'd like to know if I should give it a try myself. Thanks for all the hard work you put into Ash!!
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I’ve been keeping a dream journal in it (watercolor) and yea it helps! Watercolor isn’t particularly forgiving so all that planning out translates to faster draw/paint time even digitally. Also no undo. That was horrifying when I first started watercolor again.
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frecklef0x · 3 years
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“Noooo, we don’t have to keep that one,” Merrill whined, trying to grab her least favorite picture from their strawberry patch adventure off the table. Felicity turned to shield it from her and raised her eyebrows.
“I wouldn’t part with it for the world,” she said seriously, quickly scrawling a caption on the bottom of the Polaroid before her girlfriend finally managed to snatch it from her hands.
“Ugh.” Merrill puckered her face, mimicking herself in the picture as she looked down at it. “I just didn’t realize it would be so sour—it looked ripe!” She held the image back out to Felicity as if to convince her with the photographic evidence. “Didn’t it?!”
“It did,” Felicity conceded. She leaned down to kiss Merrill gingerly on the forehead. “…It’s still going on the fridge though.”
[Pick + Sour + Patch: Inktober 2021]
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moonimews · 5 years
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Day 15. Humanity’s Smallness
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deepseacritter · 5 years
I have wildly different art styles apparently.
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mumble-ssketches · 5 years
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Inktober Day 7: Enchanted / Burned
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knolance · 7 years
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Inktober day 17 - Graceful
I imagine Phantom to be pretty graceful. I mean after all the years of being a thief I’d be surprised if he wasn’t 
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