#also it fucking WIMDY out there
suffewingowo · 9 months
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raeathnos · 2 years
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morroodle · 11 months
Biblically accurate morro is living in my head rent free. Let him be a fucked up creacher ninjago you cowards.
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This is just his base form, he can add wings, arms and eyes at will wherever he wants to (legs too but that's not really helpful). He could be a shambling mass of feathers and eyes if he wanted to. He likes to grow an eye on his tounge sometimes because it freaks people out, even more than the rest of his form
Anyway the lore here is something something cursed realm corrupts and distorts your form the longer you stay the worse it gets and this is what happened to Morro. He has wings because wimdy boy and the eyes are because early on in his time in the cursed realm he cried so much he permanently damaged his real eyes by crying (he's not blind but his eyes are very vulnerable, so he covers and protects them) (I have no reason for the arms I just think it's fun). His eyes allow him to see much more than a normal person. In addition to 360° view he also can see information about people just by looking at them, the more eyes he looks with the more he can see. It feels horrible to be looked at too much as he is pretty much staring into your very being. He can also see more colors because why not.
Anyway he is my son and I love him and I am chewing on him for enrichment
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sunfloo-wers · 4 days
The rambles for W O R M painting!!!
This one’s a long one so get a snack and enjoy the show!
first order of businesses is all the other photos I have!!!!!
Other nature placements that I got:
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Then! The individual worms plus the back of the guys in case anyone is curious about the inerworkings and mechanisms:
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The little guy in better lightings aka the floor:
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progress photos:
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The sketch can be seen here if you want to look at it :D AND THATS ALL THE PHOTOS!!!!!
I forgot his legs had skin tone and fucked it up when I went to add them so that’s why it had to be cut out and turned into a month long project! It wasn’t supposed to tale this longggggggg!!!!!
Anyways I love how he turned out and he got a little wind waker too! The embroidery on his knees is little waves and I really wanted to point it out cause they make me so happy :D
I ALSO LOVE HOW HIS HAIR TURNED OUT it looks so floofy :3 he was also supposed to have earrings but I forgot to paint them… you can probably still see them in the paper drawing tho
Okay, so The Wimdy Boy, yes? We love him and you can probably recognize him, but everyone else is also here! Just in case it’s not clear, which I think it should be, but I also just want to talk about them soooooo
Hyrule: the fully green one with speckled bits. He also has the stab scar from Dink in aol that was revealed in “Scars”(I think that’s what it was called? The page with scars tall) He was probably the easiest to make but was also the last one I did so maybe there’s correlation there?
Legend: PINK!!!! I did him so dirty with this one he’s pink with Christmas colored spots and looks so goofy :D I treated his as a kinda dark world form so he had to be pink cause pinky little guy :D The Christmas colors are from his tunic and under tunic! I probably should’ve done a bit of yellow for the embroidery but ah well. He’s also got one of my favorite shapes of all the wormies C:
Warriors: BLUE BOY SO LONG AND FLOWY HE LOOKS LIKE HIS SCORF he’s also got orange bits in reference to his scarf’s embroidery! I know he’s got a lot of green in his design but if I included all the green they’d all look kinda similar sooooooo blue boy :3
Four: RAINBOW LITTLE GUY they’ve also got the goofy face, looks like a muppet, the idiot (/aff) the blending of the colors there was so annoying >:( how could they do this to me :C
Sky: Okay, I really didn't want to do worms in the chain’s clothes but I feel I need a pass for sky! The big sailcloth is so important to his design!!!! And he’s still got the shirt color and red gem bits put into the design too. ANYWAYS CURLY GUY HE DOIN’ A FLIP!!!
Wild: similarly to Sky, he needed the cloak. Without it he would’ve looked way too similar to Wars and I needed a big difference. ALSO HE’S TINY LITTLE GUY LITTLE LITTLE GUY :3
Time: I struggled with his colors but ended up doing the armour colors plus the face scars I SHOULDVE MADE PNE OF THE EYES WHITE NOOOOOOOO I FORGOT :C
Twilight: BIG FLOOF OF FUR THEN THE GREEN/BROWN OF THE REST OF THE CLOTHES!!! I’m so sorry dude, your placement looked okay on the paper but in a 2.5D area he doesn’t look as floaty as the rest :(((
You can see this one of 3 ways! (All of them can be correct, but they do have different vibes soooo)
Worms, silly worms doing silly stuff :P
The chain has been magically turned into worms! Oh no! What will we do? Luckily Wind is still Hylian so hopefully he can turn them back! For now though let’s have some fun, with the rest of the chain super light, they can play in the Wind Waker breeze :D
So Wind is looking kinda magical with his white eyes, pose, and he’s got the Wind Waker out so magic is happening no? And yes, it could totally be a breeze summoning song, but you know what else the boy can do? Something questionably okay on mindless monsters and the good of the people and with consent, but if it were to be maybe used on people without their knowledge… that that wouldn’t be good right? :3
YES THE COMAND MELODY! Wind is evil and turned the whole chain into worms on strings because… uhhhh I don’t know why… emotional turmoil, grew-up-too-fast trauma, just wants to finally have a break and play, and you know what he can play with? BAM WORMS ON STRINGS >:3
Even after all the time this took me I am so unbelievably happy with it, I love it so much and might change my pfp to something from it someday AIGUDGIDLHSOYCPJFPUG LITTLE GUYS :DDDDDDDD
Anyways, this has been all I’ve spent my weekends and free time on this past month, so I hope you enjoyed it and the rants! If you’re curious about any portions in particular then absolutely shoot me an ask I’d love to talk more about it!!! :D
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okay but now i gotta know what the other venom lab snakes are called
Oh, I wish I could tell you all of them, but we've got hundreds of snakes and that's just too many to list. I can tell you my favorites though!
I've mentioned my best pal, Gaboon viper Hot Sauce, and also my nemesis, Trench the Rhinkhals cobra. Esmerelda the copperhead, Puppy the king cobra, and Seth the Egyptian cobra are my other favorites at the lab. We've got a cottonmouth named Sneaker who absolutely hates my guts because I had to give him a lot of injections when he was younger.
The lab director, my boss and mentor, really gets a kick out of meme-y names (he's rooting for Goncharov to win the poll). We've got snakes named Fidget Spinner, Plinko, Covfefe, and Wild Hog. At our lab we have a lot of college interns so tumblr memes catch on fast (and there is no greater joy than watching my 70 year old boss say "It's fucking wimdy" in an absolute deadpan).
Mostly we just take turns naming new snakes so styles can vary wildly. We've got two timber rattlers right next to each other named Jean Valjean and Cowboy Bebop.
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gollancz · 1 year
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The MMPs for THE LAST UNICORN are in! Doesn't it look gorgeous next to our HBs?
There are still copies of our special edition HB of THE LAST UNICORN on our Gollancz Emporium!
You can get a copy of THE WAY HOME here!
The MMP of THE LAST UNICORN is out 11th May, you can pre-order it here!
(Went to our ~aesthetic roof terrace~ for photos, forgot that they cranes from the super sewer they are constructing right outside our building get in every shot. Also it's fucking wimdy up there today.)
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ohtobearandomftblog · 2 years
guess what more headcanons but this time lacrimas and i dont think its long enough for a read more
lacrima are used for everything.
hearing aid lacrimas.
phone lacrimas.
internet lacrimas.
inhaler lacrimas.
music lacrimas.
sound-proof lacrimas.
your wheelchair has fuckin lacrimas in it.
as mentioned before most lacrimas do have electricity in em so yes if your hearing is good/if your brain doesnt tone it out you will hear them buzzing
again. internet lacrimas. theres youtube and twitch and twitter and tumblr (bc it is so difficult trying to explain how someone knows of a meme when there isnt). theyre not called tumblr etc but theyre somethin similar
laxus is Big on tumblr. he makes sure no one fucking knows it with few exceptions.
will quote “it fukin wimdy” and cana constantly chokes on her drink. she knows he knows where thats from. she fucking follows him. she KNOWS its him. she does this shit right back and he continues it.
will mutter “and now: the weather” whenever he hears music a moment before any normal mage would. this gets mirajane and she is Terrified about how he knows that. she never asks
the few times he was at the guild hall early in the day were for the tumblrsexyman polls on twitter then on tumblr. was one of the top blogs that did #cecilsweep, which made cana ask him what the fuck that was. she was quickly educated. mira did not hear but now cana also quotes wtnv and mira is, again, Terrified
most of the lamia scale/sabertooth/blue pegasus/fairy tail/etc guilds have a big twitter and most of the members have their own separate ones
non-mages treat the guild twitters like brands. it annoys most of the non-mages to no end and the mages themselves Will Block the dumbasses
teen laxus once took over the fairy tail twitter. makarov found out quickly and the damage was minimal.
teen mira then took over the fairy tail twitter and makarov Didnt find out quickly. the damages were astronomical.
the guild twitters follow all of the member twitters and sometimes retweets the more “consumer friendly” tweets. except for fairy tail. what the fuck are they gonna retweet like “just watched my friend’s exfriend kill their mutual friend who i just met on a giant lacrima that the magic council JUST shot etherion at.he wasnt very obdurate lemme tell ya” like NO
you could get lacrima implants. like a phone lacrima implanted behind your ear so long as you dont mind a big ass lump. its just a phone and like a music player unless you implant a screen lacrima between your eyes. barely anyone does this because it sounds like a scam and Why would  you do that are you really That addicted
after lucy joined fairy tail but after eisenwald she started a youtube series called “a day in the life of a new mage”. its how jude knew she joined fairy tail. she uploaded the entirety of the phantom bullshit and not only did it help soften (by maybe 20% at MOST) the magic council interrogations of fairy tail but it made jude’s business start going downhill.
people would randomly stream and upload fights natsu and gajeel were in. its how sting and rogue became their fans.
the raijinshu have their own twitch and sometimes start streaming whenever laxus starts talking about something weird. like the random noise only he hears and hes losing his mind. or when he gets really into talking music. or when he starts talking in chinese and doesnt realize it to bickslow who’s slowly turning more and more pale and starts sweating because What Is He Saying
all of the thunder legion have started streams when laxus was speaking not english to another member. currently evergreen’s started stream 14 times more than the others and freed’s been streamed 9 times more than the others. their followers keep count. freed gets so embarrassed when its mentioned again.
there was a time where someone (coughbickslowcough) accidentally started streaming and just left it on. for like four hours. it was in makarov’s living room where they were all hanging out for a bit. when the legion left laxus turned on his own music and started cleaning. chat was Shocked that there was actually barely any R&R on his playlist. he deleted the vod when he realized it was on.
laxus’s entire playlist has actually been leaked this way. chat does not know how to handle laxus listening to natewantstobattle and fucking luhan.
laxus got back at the legion for that. many times. like when he “accidentally” starts talking in another language and sees someone inching towards the shared lacrima.
all of natsu’s social media (twitter insta and twitch) are unnecessarily popular. he barely posts on the first two and has never even talked in anyones chat on twitch. he doesnt even know how people found it but whenever he tunes into cana’s drinking tournament streams he gets gifted a sub by a different person every damn time. hes a bit concerned.
gray’s is also popular but it does make sense this time because he posts a Lot. whenever he posts a picture/uploads/streams he always realizes After it uploaded/started up that oh hes shirtless when the FUCK did that happen. juvia now makes sure his shirt is on at All Times. sometimes they forget he strips his pants. thankfully no ass has been shown yet (sadly for his followers (juvia is a follower))
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bearballing · 6 months
things about vegas trip that 99% of people would not think is interesting:
nevada does not have painted lane divider lines on the roads, just groups of the reflector things
vegas is one of the only places in the usa still producing new neon signs because it's The Culture
even shit like denny's, walgreens, in n out burger have neon on their signs
we drove around 3 states and saw maybe 3 churches in total. in florida i can walk to 3 churches from my house.
don't ever try to rent a car in vegas during march madness and spring break.
saw a surprisingly small amount of cops around ? like there was one sat in a ghost town in california. not many around vegas. in florida they're practically wildlife.
the desert is fucken wimdy
all state line signs have places on the road to pull off onto to get pictures.
i-15 is the easiest highway i've been on and we were like wow we will NEVER have it this good again. (our regular highway is 75 and it's fucking bullshit)
50% of all cars in vegas have california plates
there is a fallout new vegas day every year at the pioneer saloon in goodsprings.
the pioneer saloon in goodsprings also has a mini fallout musem full of things left by visitors and two full guestbooks of messages written by people. i drew a little trans flag by someone's thing saying "[you have become addicted to estrogen]"
there is a billboard on the strip that currently says some bullshit about repenting for your sins. in las vegas. which is nicknamed sin city. on the big touristy road chock full of casinos.
there are quick marriage places everywhere. a fucking denny's has one. i Will be posting the sign on qualitysigns.
they got slot machines at the airport
the luxor is a static electricity factory
at hoover dam they have restrooms like out on the actual top of the dam. the men's is on the nevada side and the women's is on the arizona side.
boulder city, closest town to the dam, has like 75847385 businesses that are like "the best dam x"
the shortest toilets in the fucking world, that are not intentionally designed that way, are in the chevron gas station in primm, nevada.
The Lottery Store on the state line was closed and there were many people passing through who were all gutted it was closed. nevada does not have a lottery (because the casinos don't want more competition), so people go to california for it.
i think [big redacted work client here in florida] is stealing ideas from the Downtown Container Park.
someone is putting googly eyes on a bunch of signs.
they sell booze and booze milkshakes at the fast food places in the casinos.
we got dirt samples from a bunch of different places we visited and it was all completely different dirt
i took a rock from hoover dam and it flagged my bag at TSA. the guy was like "oh it's a rock lol ok you can go"
i took fucking 1400 photos. i do not have that many irl photos on my pc COMBINED
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nopenototdaysatan · 8 months
Me just over here wondering to myself I wonder what would happen if my lalafell warrior of light met the links from Linked universe....
Chaos insued:
First thought on my mind is size. My "this is the tallest I can make for his race" lalafell is probably four size. I can only wonder at them seeing someone older than four who is still four's size. It would really put into perspective his shortness.
Second thought: If my wol dance partnered four and then four used the four sword to split, what would happen? I've determined that that 2 minute buff window would become more like an 8 minute buff window. But also what if the dance partner attribute almost keeps four from splitting as if the ability doesn't want to have more than one user and will keep you from that to the best of it's ability.
Third thought: Time and legend looking at the dark Knight lore as if the dark Knight power source makes the most sense and in some way they want it.
Fourth thought: Everyone freaks out when Scholar!wol summons Eos or Selene. You cannot tell me that all of them wouldn't be somewhat concerned by a fairy appearing out of nowhere from someone not of their world. They then become very concerned when it's revealed where we place our fairies in battle. (Death comes to any who place a fairy under the boss while with the chain)
Fifth thought: Hyrule and a wol vibing together from having friends who were "sleeping" for hundreds of years.
Sixth thought: wild and the wol vibing over exploring new places.
Seventh thought: I wonder what would happen if you just let the chain fuck around with your soul crystals(changes your job in FFXIV).
Addendum kinda wanna give fun and interesting classes to them all. This is less about their abilities and more about the chain having fun.
Legend- Red mage: legend should absolutely be given the right to both sword and magic. He would also look perfect in the red mage's armor.
On the other hand a black mage who refuses to use thunder is hilarious. Everyone else in a dungeon gets pissed off legend won't use his dot.
Hyrule: Blue mage- Chaos time! Let Hyrule both heal and cause massive damage. Also, why wouldn't I give him the job that requires you to learn spells from monsters. It's probably where he learned most of his skills from.
Twilight: monk- kinda boring but his fists are rated teen for violence. Beast master: we don't have this job yet but it is coming so that could be my second option. Would friend every animal and then be confused when they have violence in their eyes when anything tries to attack him.
Time: Dark knight: this man would absolutely use his trauma to become better at saving people. Am I wrong????
Warriors: Paladin- but let's make it fun and make him self sacrifice by having him always use cover (takes 100% of damage from a chosen party member) on his party members...even when they are already using their own shields.
Sky: Warrior- I never wanna see this man pissed off. On a more vibe aspect: Bard- just let him play his harp till the enemies stop coming.
Wind: Ninja- shut up, I know he's pirate themed and I should give him a gun but who else but wind could have a bunny of "you missed up your mudras" and make that look cool. Plus I wanna let him go fast.( Ninja's have the highest speed.)
Wild: Blue mage: Again, the monsters taught him how to fight after waking up again. Second option: Gunbreaker- fusing. Enough said. (Gunbreaker also has the highest damage ceiling of all tanks. Of course I'm giving one of the best dpsing tanks to the link who takes on lynels for fun.)
Four: machinist- no one else fits the machinist's goal of creating new and better weaponry than four. All of the different mechanisms you use to fight as a machinist just fit fours need to build and create.
Addendum for colors:
Green: viper- wanted to give him a sword plus it looks fairly swooshy from the trailer (secondary option dragoon: let my second wimdy boi fly with those jumps)
Red: black mage- fire only. Everyone keeps telling him to use ice but he refuses especially when playing with blue. Second option: Pictomancy! - let red draw his way to victory.
Blue: Warrior- he deserves to have a big axe and this way he can use his anger to help bolster his damage.
Vio: Bard- but not your stereotypical bard no, Vio is singing or reciting old takes of wars and myths. He'll use all the darkest old tales to win a fight.
(Shadow[I just wanna give him a pretty weapon.]: Dark knight: emotionally he fits it very well but Reaper: a play style that has the coolest movement ability and lots of cool effects. He likes acting like he's actually death coming for people.
Kinda wanna do all the Zelda's......)
Either thought: if the chain played FFXIV what would happen? Legend would get every class as soon as he could and then level them all to Max first. He's also on the grind to get every single achievement. May his soul rest in peace.
Sky would spend so much time crafting. Main quest? No. Side quest? No. Carpentry class quest? Yes. (He also is one of those players who stands in one of the city states and plays music for others.)
Time and twilight have their fishing class at mat lvl and regularly do ocean fishing to relax.
Wild does ultimates for fun. He also has the best glams (don't tell wars) out of the chain.
Hyrule has all of the sight seeing locations done for every expansion. He likes to go and get lost in the new locations of every expansion. It takes him at least a week longer than everyone else to finish the main content due to this.
Four: most recent crafting recipes and island sanctuary (he's here to make cool shit and relax) I could see him also enjoying the tribal quests as well.
Warrior: the most mentor to mentor out of all mentors. He does the mentor roulette for fun the poor bastard.
Wind: rps with his friends. They have a rp going on in Limsa about a land flooded by the gods.
(I think that's all of my FFXIV x Linked universe hyperfixation, for now at least. CX
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Fragments - episodes 8-11 author notes
I tried keeping the ARR arc as short and snappy as possible, just get some technical art xp and set the table for the following chapters, still I ended up drawing 80+ pages (160+ full color pics) and writing three of these breakdown posts. If you missed the first two: episodes 1-3 and 4-7.
Starting with a note on the entire chapter: it’s called “found and lost” for, obviously, ViviRaha finding and losing each other, forming an X as they get a small taste of what they could’ve been as lovers, then drifting apart, but also Raha finding his purpose while losing his life, and Vivi losing the control over his life as his WoL career picks up. The next time we see him in the ShB arc, he’s lost, so fucking lost.
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Now, the scene that predictably created the most confusion.
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Possibly their first ever mind game that didn’t go well :’>
It’s easy to conclude that Vivi rejects Raha because he’s a virgin. An inelegantly lying virgin. While yes Vivi’s just being Vivi here, he doesn’t wanna deal with what looks like a mess of emotions in this cabboy, and he isn’t fond of the concept of lying (while not important here, this could be one of his few redeeming qualities). Had Raha been open and upfront, he would’ve acted differently. Maybe. He doesn’t know much about Raha at this point, but the awkwardness and insincerity are enough to discourage him, also he genuinely isn’t in the habit of ruining people’s first times. He may be a slut but he has a semblance of honor x’D So, in a way, he protects Raha from himself.
Sometimes kisses just happen. Without confessions or feelings. They just indulged in a moment and now? What now? Vivi doesn’t think too hard about it since it’s a regular occurence for him, Raha, being himself, spends every moment obsessing over this spark. His WoL, his WoL, his WoL, his WoL?
Ironically, this’s the last time we see them talk to each other.
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They must’ve kept talking offscreen, but there’s no speech bubbles anymore until the very end of this chapter. Drifting further apart.
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Raha realizes that Vivi's just fine without him. He's not WITH the WoL.
His colors naturally stand out, I cranked them even further up to make him feel out of place. Especially that teal eye, yeah.
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*leans into the mic* it’s fucken wimdy
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Just a visual parallel without much meaning. He has a portable edgy shadow with him at all times.
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Another parallel C: Turns are tabling, Vivi may not be in love yet, but he’s definitely impressed by Raha’s singing, and realizing that there's more to him than just the gremlin he knows. This's his first ever encounter of the serious Raha.
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His own expressions are vastly different when he's alone, not having to perform for anybody.
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Something something facing the darkness and the light :> ..And away from each other. Yeah. Whoops.
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A juxtaposition of their attitudes: a silly dreamer and a realist/doubter.
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Alright, there must be more to this, eh?
Lack of communication and mutual insincerity/dishonesty. Vivi simply mirrors Raha.
Vivi's upset that this guy has basically chosen death over him. He's thrown off by the sudden change in Raha's demeanor, it shocks him into turning on his brain after a long while, alas it's too late.
The kbye could be expanded into "are you really throwing your life away? I was just beginning to get into you, thought it was mutual, where did that go? You’re choosing some destiny bs over the cool me? Screw you too then, here's something to hopefully make this uncalled-for moment unpleasant for you as well".
This's his inner monologue. He has to come up with something impactful on the spot, therefore he spits out the kbye. Well, considering the canon ShB events, if he was looking to make an impact, I daresay he succeeded :’D
Honestly I commend his ability to assess the situation and react/improvise within seconds, he did it in this scene and now again.
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Of course this doesn’t automatically excuse his shitty behavior, as someone rightfully exclaimed, “Vivi how could you?!” - damned I be if this line isn’t Fragments in a nutshell x’D
I’ll always explain but never defend any of his actions.
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MELTDOOOOOOOOWN \o/ He’s just so entertaining to watch when he’s agitated. I may hc him and Raha with british voices but Vivi’s body language turns him into a bit of an italian.
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Raha’s being an asshole to Vivi? Debatable. To himself? Absolutely. Hence Vivi’s so upset. He rarely if ever raises his voice, this here’s one of the very few instances.
Earlier today, I posted a ficlet exploring Raha’s inner world after sealing the Tower and before putting himself to sleep. This event’s treated as suicide by everyone in Fragments.
Can’t believe the ARR arc’s over, and that it’s been half a year. I had some time to process the fact. Finally I can return to the “current” ViviRaha zone in my brain, that makes me so happy. ARR idiocy was fun to make but I live for the ShB idiocy. I’m gonna indulge SO HARD. Settle in for years of ShB fanservice. Here, have the chapter 2 cover wip :>
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black-rose-writings · 11 months
MLB - Season 1 - Episode 1
(I'm going to go by the production codes for viewing order, since that's the recommended one and anything else is just chaos. And the site I am watching on is completely r*tarded and has wrong names put to each episode so I have to click on each to know what it even is. I did this to myself and I take full responsibility for my bad life choices.)
Stormy Weather
The intro has yeeted my ass back into 2019 (the last time I watched this show). It is not a very pleasant feeling. The intro is still kind of banger, tho.
I'm sorry, Aurore Boreale (or however it is spelled - fucking french), literally named after the fucking northern lights, and you pick the other person to be the weather girl? I'd explode, too. Nominative determinism fail.
Alya really wants to be a journalist and she's enabling Marinette's borderline stalker crush on Adrien in the process.
Hyperactive 6yo is hyperactive.
The TV announcer guy is so unprofessional. She's fucking 14, dude, just because your head look like a dick doesn't mean you have to act like one too.
(Look, as far as I remember, MLB is pretty good on the "adults not acting like adults" front, so I will be calling it out when it happens)
Enter Mr. Mothball.
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(Yes, my pfp is a doodle of mr. mothball. I haven't changed my PFP in like 5 years. My brother drew it and I though it was funny.)
Dude, stop telling other teenagers that they're the best and that you care about them or whatever and tell it to your fucking son.
Marinette is the master of "act natural", jesus christ.
Okay, I may be being a bit of an autistic nerd rigth now, but look at those fabric textures, man (I never watched in as high of a quality as this site has, hence my surprise)
Also, Marinette that... that bench has holes in it. Big ones. And there's an iron fence. With holes. Right on the other side. Babygirl, hide better. You too, Adrien.
I may or may not have the exact type of humor this show aims at.
It fucken wimdy.
This show is fucking dark, jesus.
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themetalvirus · 1 year
btw silver being useless without boxes to throw around is funny. and silver not having other abilities aside from pk and fucking TIME TRAVEL is FINE. it makes for more interesting / less bullshit story and makes the audience more confident in actually knowing the fucking rules of the magic system. letting silver have a tiny baby attack with his PK like in the first of his prerendered cutscenes in 06 where he blew out the fire would be FINE. a little fuckin wimdy. its fine. stop it
also i just realized, the fast friends thing is an ad campaign for sonic super stars but the website has way more characters who presumably will not appear in that videoed game?????????????????? WHY. this is so confusing on so many levels
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miammey · 8 months
It’s finally nice and warm out but it’s also fucking WIMDY
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kingmel0n · 1 year
This is not an ask but I just fucking adore Nereus. I just met him and I already wanna give him a kiss!!! His design is also just so pretty to look at??? All of the blues work so nicely together. The gradient in his hair is super nice pleasing to look at. I love him. He's the best boy in my eyes. [Even tho I don't know any of your other trolls </3]
WAH this is so sweet omg?? 😭
I’m so glad you like him!! He holds a very special place in my heart. I also love doing blue gradients! I’m hoping to freshen up his sprites sometime soon. He could use some more expressions and arm poses!
He says thank you for all the compliments, it means a lot to him!
I might as well through some of my other trolls out for ya to see!
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This is Matcha! She’s a cafe owner who also offers services that rely on her powers! (I forgot the technical troll term oops) she can put people to sleep and give them sweet dreams!
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A wip of Cathoz! A sea-dweller whose an Axolotl! He enjoys goth fashion and is working his way up to being a photographer.
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And Solace! Another seadweller mutant! Once a fuschia but is now mysteriously blue! She’s getting updated sprites soon as I have been working on them behind the scenes!
And many more! A lot of them don’t have sprites; I’m a pretty slow artist but that’s okay!! I’m always happy to share my discord if anyone ever wants to talk ocs :)
Thank you again WIMDY (my phone refuses to type it any other way!) for enjoying my lil guy 💕💕💕
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funnywormz · 2 years
9, 12, & 23 for ask game!! ^_^
9 - which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
oh definitely hot coffee, i love a warm beverage...........
12 - what kind of day is it?
weather wise? it's fucking WIMDY.
mentality wise? it's going to be a good day i think. i have a lot of shit to get done for uni but that's ok i like being busy and it's all stuff im excited abt doing >:3
23 - how do you feel about chilly weather?
im much more of a hot weather enjoyer myself personally, but cold weather does have its own kind of beauty and serenity sometimes so i still appreciate it in its own way. also going to bed on a cold winter's night when you're all bundled up and cozy and warm in bed is really an unbeatable experience............. mostly i prefer warmer weather bc there are more bugs when it's warm though and i love bugs, it makes me a bit sad and bummed out in winter when there aren't as many little guys around :( also i do tend to generally get the blues a lot more in winter than summer and cold temperatures make me all drowsy........... but on an aesthetic level i can appreciate colder days
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branchedman · 1 year
doing hot girl shit (turned off my a/c so i could open the windows to air out the apartment & also cleaning chemicals [black mold in my shower #rentersdelight] and while i was already up and motivated to do housework cleaned my kitchen & switched out my teas & organized my spices [so many open duplicate jars we hate to see it] & did laundry & dusted [extremely stupid; my windows are open and it's fucken wimdy] & started switching out my s/s wardrobe for f/w all while constantly wiping the sweat off my brow and wondering why the fuck it's so hot in here)
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