#also it should be standard that when u do repairs to a home with the intention of selling it
xythlia · 1 year
honestly the biggest pain in the ass of owning a house is the repairs/maintenance
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in what ways is the 3ds better friend
Oh boy anon, I am so happy you asked, because the 3ds rivals the playstation 2 as my favorite video games console, so buckle in, because I have Many Thoughts about this. The switch, as I’m sure you know, has been an incredible success. Nintendo learned from the mistakes they made with the wii u, and they’ve been raking the money in ever since. But like I said before, which I imagine is what prompted you to ask this question in the first place, is that once you get past the novelty of the switch, it feels underwhelming. I primarily play it in handheld mode so my opinion is colored by that, but the thing is, it's supposed to be both a home console and a handheld console, and theoretically it's supposed to perform at least to generally equal standards. But it doesn't.
The original switch's battery life is garbage, and there's a huge downgrade in graphic fidelity between TVs and the switch's native screen. I'm by no means one of those people who thinks anything that isn't absolutely cutting edge is A Sin Against Viddy Gaems, and yeah I also get there's bound to be some downgrade, but I think that games shouldn't play like powerpoint presentation slides in handheld mode, I think that's a reasonable thing to ask. From what I've gathered this has been improved in the switch lite and oled versions, so I'll give them that, but the thing is that these deficits suggest that the ‘handheld’ mode was more of a sloppy after-thought than anything, sorta like an ‘just shove it on there we’ll deal with the problems later once everyone’s already bought one so it’ll incentivize them to buy the new upgraded version’ thing.
As long as we’re talking about hardware issues though, one thing I think is totally inexcusable is the problem with the switch joycon drift. That wasn't an honest mistake, Nintendo knew about this problem long before the switch came out. Originally they wouldn't even repair joycons out of warranty, but people made enough of a fuss about it that they started to. Apparently, with the switch oled they’ve ‘improved’ the joycons.
Note the term ‘improved’. Not ‘fixed’. ‘Improved’. Meaning that even 6 years after it launched, people are buying brand new switches and getting joycon drift. That’s total bullshit. I’ve heard people try to excuse these issues by saying ‘it’s wear and tear, of course it’s going to degrade after a lot of use’, which is also utter bullshit. How do I know that?
The oldest Nintendo console I have is an N64 that I basically inherited from my older siblings (lol I’m kinda the collection keeper nowadays). Now the N64 is uh… It has a weird controller that has awkward movement controls. But it still works just like it always did despite being over 20 years old. My ps2 is also over 20 years old and trust me, it has seen A LOT of use, but the original controller it came with and the extra I got a few years later also work just as good as new. So why does Nintendo suddenly get to pull the ‘wear and tear’ excuse when they’ve proven they and other video game companies can make durable controllers in the past?
I can’t really think of another video game console that has so consistently had such long reaching hardware problems, and not just little problems, problems that make some games basically unplayable (lol just try playing the game Card Shark on the switch with a drifting joycon, it’s not very fun), but Nintendo gets away with it because they’re Nintendo, and because the switch was their comeback. People love underdog stories, so that plus Nintendo’s brand loyalty (that Sony and Microsoft would probably put out a hit on someone to achieve for themselves, if it were only so simple) has made people feel lenient towards them…
But that good will and grace that Nintendo garners from many of its fans is wearing thin, which I think is fantastic because at the end of the day, Nintendo is another company that wants to make as much money as possible, and it should be held to much, much harsher standards! Especially since it’s a multi-million dollar company! But that’s another topic.
Another thing that has really started bugging me after I started messing around on my n3ds again is that the sheer amount of customizability in the 3ds absolutely puts the switch to shame. The switch has virtually nothing. You can mostly just change between the UI being black or white. But the 3ds has themes and folders you can organize your games in (or you can just have them all show on the main screen so you don't forget you have them, like I do with the switch -_-). They also have badges! Admittedly you get them through the badge arcade game, which is a 'free to start' game that tries to get you to pay real money, but you can easily get a lot of good stuff for free anyway.
I wouldn’t say this next part is bad, but it does indicate a change in Nintendo’s strategy and how that was likely influenced by their financial situation. The switch has a lot of ports. A lot of them. Like I said, this isn’t bad in and of itself, those games become easier for people to access in an easy, legitimate manner. But why would they suddenly change this? Traditionally Nintendo has been very picky about what it chooses to port, but nowadays the switch eshop is absolutely flooded with games of varying quality. It’s nowhere as near as bad as steam’s ‘quality control’ issues, but like I said, it just points to Nintendo’s underlying problems.
I’m not saying the 3ds didn’t have problems. Apparently when it first launched some people got headaches when they played with the 3d effect on, but given how a handheld console projecting 3d graphics like that was a brand new thing and how they actually seriously improved that (and how it’s totally optional anyway, it’s not necessary to the experience like oh I don’t know, the damn controllers of a home console), I think it’s more reasonable, and its launch titles were underwhelming (except Samurai Warriors Chronicles, God I love me a good Samurai Warriors, but admittedly it ran kinda eeehhh on the original 3ds, but the n3ds is much smoother).
Still, the 3ds is indicative of a time when Nintendo was flush with money and success from the wii/ds era in the 00s. The switch is indicative of when they were hemorrhaging money due to the wii u's failure and the 3ds' rocky start in the early-mid 10s. Marketing the switch as an all-in-one console was pretty smart, because I'm 99% sure they made that choice so they wouldn't have to split resources and money on developing two separate systems like they were generally expected to, since at this point Nintendo has practically cornered the market on traditional handheld game consoles. But it's clear the handheld part was tacked on and not given much thought, and that the whole process was rushed and occurred in a time of financial desperation.
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actualbird · 2 years
I was talking to someone abt how my cat always meows in front of my bedroom door because he wants to be let inside (even when I'm not in my room). And they told me that I should put up a sign for him that says "gone fishing" so he knows I'm not in the room and I immediately thought abt Giann Von Hagen Standard Operating Procedure x4 speedrun(tm) bc I literally reread the fic yesterday (it's amazing btw, I love the Von Hagens, I love polynxx that fic was like a dream come true). Btw idk if u even remember this one but I still think about your 'how to care for your dear friend who is currently stuck in his magical serpent form' fic on a daily basis.
omg ur cat sounds like a darling!!! we also have a cat here at home, owned by my older sister, and this cat also loves to sit at the doorway and meow Very Loudly but specifically when people have left the room and she wants people In The Room to Witness Her
witness her doing what??? not much. our cat just likes having a human present javkfjhaskf
cat ramble aside, hhHHH im so glad you enjoyed both those fics you mentioned 🥺🥺🥺
"standard operating procedure (x4 speedrun)" is going down in my personal hall of fame for many reasons, the biggest one being the fact that it was the first WIP in years that i managed to start, update, and complete without getting distracted by another other fic. genuinely, i have no idea how i did that back then i'd like some answers from past!zak...wHAT WAS YOUR SECRET?? AND HOW CAN I DO IT AGAIN 😭😭😭
i definitely have not forgotten about "how to care for your dear friend who is currently stuck in his magical serpent form", this WIP is very dear to me and ive mumbled a bit on twitter abt how i wanna turn marius back into a human and finish that fic once and for all with its 4th chapter before 2022 ends (an entire year-wait for probably de-noodle-ification and soul repair jahvsfkjahsfa) but...im very...Very Very hesitant....to make any promises whatsoever on my fic writing progress and schedule. like ajhsvfkajhsfvaks at this point, i just dont talk abt what im writing anymore bc i never stick to schedule anyway so. it will be as much as a surprise to me as it is to readers when my WIPs will update!! JHAJHDASJFH
still, it's rlly rlly nice to see that you enjoy both fics :')!!! the dragon!marius fic especially since it's from a while back and it's imcomplete haunts me everyday along with every other WIP i havent updated OTL
i too love the von hagens very much <3!! thank u for telling me abt ur cat! and the sign! and that u think abt my fics :'D
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Pizza Party (2/1/2021)
Alastor gets a part in Hell’s first totally-unauthorized smuggled-down-from-the-living-world production of Hamilton, and he wants to celebrate; Sir Pentious @usedhearts reveals he hasn’t had a meal in A While; Alastor takes the opportunity to come over with pizza to celebrate and moon over Sir Pentious some more in a totally normal very platonic friend way. They talk about Alastor’s part in the show, discuss relocating the airship for further repairs, and Alastor invites Sir Pentious to a Mardi Gras ball. You know. Platonically.
🎶 Oh, wonderful, I need someone to celebrate with! In the mood for anything in particular? I’ll probably just harass one of my regular haunts for a couple of plates!
🎶 Oh!
🎶 Sure sure, that’s fine! Where should I wait?
🎶 Kitchen seems most convenient for a meal, I’ll wait for you there! I’m sure you’d like to give me a tour of the bridge’s repairs, anyway.
🎩 bossman said to tell u that he would like to do that also hi this is egg #310 :)
🎶 Well, hello! Tell your boss I'm bringing pizza. It's quick and it leaves leftovers.
🎶 But quality pizza. Not one of those junk food chains.
🎩 i told him he said that that sounds good! we are helping him scrub off all the grease!! :)
🎶 Oh.
🎶 Super!
🎶 Be there soon.
🎩 yes, it is! we will see u soon mr radio man! :)
Alastor had arrived early with three boxes of pizza and was waiting in the kitchen—not that anyone had probably noticed that yet. He hadn't turned the lights on and he'd been uncharacteristically dead silent since his arrival—listening to the faint sound of singing echoing from elsewhere in the airship.
Sir Pentious
He had good timing, Telly was now out of the bath, mostly dry, and slithering back into his bedroom. He just finished Jolly Sailor Bold and slid immediately into another song. "_I'm a killer, cold and wrathful/Silent sleeper, I've been inside your bedroom/I've murdered half the town/Left you love-notes on their headstones/I'll fill the graveyards until I have you._"
Oh, now there was something different. Thus far it had been all show tunes and shanties, but he just barely recognized this one as a modern tune.
It wasn't a pleasant recognition. But he could close his eyes and pretend the song was being sung for him. The thought of being murdered for was... nice.
Was Sir Pentious a little louder? Maybe he was getting closer.
Sir Pentious
Telly slithered about his bedroom, towel wrapped around his hips-- not that he needed it, just a habit really. He headed towards his dresser as he kept singing. "_Moonlight walking, I smell your softness/Carnivorous and lusting to track you down among the pines/I want you stuffed into my mouth/Hold you down and tear you open, live inside you, love/I'd never hurt you/But I'll grind against your bones until our marrows mix/I will eat you slowly..._"
Oh, what a beautiful sentiment. Maybe Sir Pentious *was* singing about Alastor—
Ha! Sure, keep dreaming. And try not to drool. He'd just enjoy the performance as long as he could.
Sir Pentious
"_Oh, the horror of our love/Never so much blood pulled through my veins/Oh, the horror of our love... never so much blood._" He spun around the room, belting the song as he put on his shirt. He sang the next few verses, and noticed the kitchen light wasn't on. Alastor must've still been waiting on the food. He slithered through the door singing the end of the song, and flicked on the light-- and was startled to see Alastor's there! His hood flared in surprised before settling instantly. His hand on his chest, he shook his head.
"You startled me, Alastor!"
Alastor was so absorbed in listening to the singing—hovering near the doorway, glowing eyes shut as he listened—that he didn't even register that the singing had drawn dangerously close until the lights flashed on. His eyes snapped open. Oh, whoops.
"You think *you're* startled?! Imagine this from my perspective! Here I am, minding my own business lurking in the shadows, when someone turns on the light and flares a cobra hood in my face!" Studio audience laughter.
Alastor gestured with a flourish toward the kitchen table where three pizza boxes are stacked. "Here we are! Someday I'll make something fancy for you, but in the meantime I thought it was more important to get you fed sooner rather than later."
Sir Pentious
Telly was, once again, VERY thankful that he couldn't blush. God, he would be bright red right now if he were still human. He glanced over at the pizzas, barely registering them or what Alastor was saying. He should pay attention, shouldn't he? Yes, but also....Alastor was right here and Telly was feeling oh so warm and cuddly.
And so he indulges his urges a little, moving closer to coil around Alastor and give him a hug. Warm hug from a snake in a t-shirt.
"Congratulations again on your roles! I haven't had the chance to see Hamilton yet, but I'm sure whatever the roles entail, you'll excel at." He didn't want to let go, but his stomach gave a painful sort of twist-- one that came from being empty too long.
"Let's eat, though, I'm starving." He laughed.
Oh, good god, he was so warm. Warm and wearing nothing but a single layer of cotton, and he smelled fresh and perfumy and clean, and at the moment the thought of stuffing as much of Sir Pentious into his mouth as he could fit and ripping out a chunk was wildly appealing.
It took him a moment to register what Sir Pentious had actually said. "I'm starving, too." *Part* of what Sir Pentious had said.
Sir Pentious
Telly opened one of the boxes and flicked his tongue to sniff. Oh, that smelled good. He didn't even bother with a plate, taking a slice and swallowing it whole-- as a snake normally would, but that just looked odd for someone who was normally so prim and proper. He took another slice and this time bit it, y'know, like a normal human being. After swallowing his bite, he spoke.
"So, tell me about the audition, how did it go? I saw the outfit you wore, it was very bad, but in a very you way, I adored it!" He let out a Pentious Cackle.
Oh wow. Never mind, maybe what Alastor wanted was to be stuffed inside Sir Pentious's mouth.
He opened a second box—helpfully labeled "SOYLENT ;)" in marker—and grabbed a slice for himself. "Oh, *right!* Why, for a moment there I nearly forgot what we were celebrating, what with the"—singing and hugging—"pizza and all."
Alastor had been congratulated a moment ago, hadn't he? "Thank you—apparently it went well! Hah! I wasn't sure it would! The casting director was impressed by my performing abilities and my resume—but not my performing *style.* It's a... are you familiar with *rap?* Most of the show is rap. My natural instinct is to go a little too melodic. There's a couple of songs I'm not sure *how* I'm going to do." He looked nervous for a split second; but only that long, and then the look was gone. "But if I was good enough for him, that's good enough for me! We've got plenty of rehearsals, we'll make it work."
Sir Pentious
Rap! Oh yes he'd heard a few rap songs, even liked a couple! He nodded. "Yes, that does seem outside your normal range, but I'm sure you can find a way to do it! You are the most skilled performer I know, Alastor."
He's purring now, and taking another bite of pizza. God, he really was hungry right now, how had he not noticed earlier? "I'm very excited to see you on stage! You'll get to show all of Hell a whole new side to the Radio Demon! Or maybe, just a slightly different songs-- it's not like anyone who knows you isn't already aware that you love musical theater!"
He chuckled. Telly folded the rest of the pizza slice in half before swallowing it down like the first. He really was too hungry right now. "I'm certain that the speed of these raps won't be a problem for you-- is it just the style you're worried about?"
"Hah! Don't know many performers, do you?" He tilted his head dismissively, like he was ducking the compliment. "I'm better than most, sure—but half of that's because I've got my own traveling band. That's not going to be the case up on the stage, it'll be just me. And by myself, among a whole cast of professional musical theater actors? I'm just the guy who got turned down by every show in New York for three years straight." He clucked his tongue. "But, here I am. I don't know if standards are that much lower in Hell than they were in New York, or if I got that much better—but I hope it's the latter."
Oh, the *thought* of getting to show that side to Hell—of being up on the stage, all spotlights on him, drowned in thunderous applause... Don't mind him if he stares off into the distance for a moment as applause faintly plays, he's fantasizing. Sorry, what were they talking about? "Sure! Anyone who knows me won't be surprised—but how many people know me? Everyone else in Hell will be meeting me for the first time!" He desperately hoped it made a difference.
"Oh, the speed's no problem—the fastest song in the show goes like so—" He played a clip from one song, "—*I'm takin' this horse by the reins makin' Redcoats redder with bloodstains*—" then cut back in and picked up where it left off, "And I've got no trouble keeping up, 'And I'm never gonna stop until I make them drop and burn them up and scatter their remains,' see." He did indeed sing it just as fast as the recording—but that was the thing, he was definitely singing it, setting the lyrics to a mostly monotone tune. It didn't sound bad, but it definitely stood out as Not Rapping.
Sir Pentious
He blinked at the speed of that-- wow it really was fast! He'd never be able to sing that, certainly. But Alastor definitely could and Telly leaned closer as he did. Hm, yes, there was that tune to it.
"Well, perhaps all you need is to practice? It's something new, you're not going to be perfect at it straight off the bat." He leaned closer and playfully blelele'd against his ear. Oh, wait, was that weird? He pulled back and went back to eating. Monch monch.
"It's like...swimming or engineering or even singing normally, it's a skill you'd have to develop, right?"
Oh, tongue flick. He hoped his ear smelled okay. Of course it did, why wouldn't his ear smell okay? He took a bite of his pizza, he'd hardly eaten so far.
"Sure," he sighed. "Can I develop it before opening night, though—that's the question! What I'd like best is if we could tweak the songs a little to mesh with *my* style—but then getting that to mesh back into the *show's* style will take time and practice, too, so I've got to decide which it's going to be soon enough that we can figure it out before opening night... The director might come down hard one way or the other and settle the matter, but what if they're too nervous to give me direction because I'm the Radio Demon?" He flung up a hand. "It will be fine, I'm sure it will be fine. I know. But I don't like the waiting. Anyway, if the whole show crashes and burns, at least it'll be fun to watch." He already had a plan B, apparently.
Sir Pentious
"Maybe you'd just need to workshop it a little? Try it out different ways and see if the director likes it?" There WAS that intimidation factor of him being the Radio Demon. "I don't know what to do about the reputation part of it, unfortunately, that's a conundrum."
His head tilted, and he swallowed down another slice. Whole. There he goes. And he's picking up another slice.
"Perhaps having a one on one talk with the director to ensure them that you won't kill them for simply doing their job?"
"That's probably what we're going to do. And see how it goes from there, I suppose."
And there went another slice, down the hatch. Was Sir Pentious even tasting them? Alastor finished his first (!) slice and grabbed a second.
"I'm going to be having talks like that for *weeks.* With the director, with the other actors, with the crew backstage—in groups, individually, in public, in private... I'm bringing a cake and my best sweet-and-innocent face to our first rehearsals."
Sir Pentious
"That's a good idea! Just try to be as non-threatening as possible." He shrugged a bit, taking a bite this time.
"If you want help practicing or running lines, or whatnot, I would be very willing to help with that." He smiled. "Oh!" He moved to the sink and turned on the tap, looking proud of himself. "The water's fixed! And the heat too! The warehouse is also almost done being repaired, though I'm sure that people have seen the swarming eggs and know I'm here now. I should probably look into moving soon, or hire some guards."
"That's the plan! If everything works out, by our third rehearsal session they'll be wondering whether all the rumors about the Radio Demon were complete hogwash!" Assuming none of them had met him before. Ooh, maybe they'd met him during his brief foray into the theater scene in the seventies, he'd made a good impression on a few people then, hadn't he? He could hope.
"With Valera in the show and Charlie falling all over herself with excitement that I've picked up an activity that doesn't end in bloodshed, I think I'm fine on practice partners." Especially considering that *all* the lines were music, and mostly very fast music. "But I'll be more than happy to come by and show off in front of you!"
He played a round of applause for the demonstration of running water. "You have other warehouses you can move to, I hope?"
Sir Pentious
"Yes, I do. I just need to get the airship mobile before I can do that. Or find a truck capable of taking it somewhere else." He sighed and moved back next to Alastor. Telly finished the slice in his hand and then got another one. Why yes, he was that hungry.
"I'd love for you to show off for me, though. It'll be my first experience with the musical! I haven't gotten my hands on a copy yet." He shrugged a bit.
Telly was already on his fifth slice. Alastor was glad he’d gotten three pizzas. “Or find an incredibly powerful friend capable of opening a portal big enough to transport an airship through?” Look at that sweet smile.
“Oh! The hotel has a copy, we could watch it together!” Too presumptuous? “Or I could—send it to you, whichever you prefer.”
Sir Pentious
"I would love to watch it with you, Alastor. Who better than one who's going to be in it?" He grinned, nibbling at this slice. "We can make a night of it! It'll be fun!"
He hummed. "Would it be alright for you to transport something so large? And would I need to brace anything within the airship or without?"
*Movie night.* Oh, that sounded delightful. “We’ll call it part of my practice! I can get up and perform my parts for you.” And spend the rest of the time in Telly’s coils... He liked coiling around Alastor, right? He sure seemed like he did. That’d be fine.
“Why, sure, not a problem! Just buy me dinner.” Speaking of dinner—he finished of his second slice and grabbed a third. “Brace it the way you would for any other transport. I can open the portal underneath, so gravity can do most of the work—but I presume you don’t want it to go into free fall. Might be best if you set up some cranes or whatnot to lower it through a little more gracefully. And of course, it’s going to be passing through my friends’ dimension. It shouldn’t be a problem, but if I were you I’d keep the doors locked just in case.”
Sir Pentious
Telly nodded, humming a a bit. "Yes, I'll need to make some preperations before we were to move it then. We don't want it becoming _more_ damaged after all."
He nibbled more at his pizza, and smiled. "Thank you for coming over, Alastor. You always make my day better when you do." Oh no, was that too much? He cleared his throat and looked away. "So, ah, when would you want to watch Hamilton? I would be 'down' for whenever."
There was a burst of interference noise as Alastor’s heart lodged itself somewhere in his throat. He swallowed it back down with half a slice of pizza. “And it’s always my *greatest* pleasure to do so! You make for fine company, my friend!” He resisted the urge to lay it on even thicker. “I’ll have to find out when rehearsals are starting up and what that schedule looks like—oh, and Mardi Gras is coming up, I *must* find out when all the parades are this year—so I’ll let you know once I know when I’m free!” He laughed, “I’m not used to having a schedule!”
Sir Pentious
"Oh, Mardi Gras! Yes, the Alastor here gets very excited about that too!" He laughed a bit. "I didn't know about it before I met him, but it all seems like fun!"
He leaned his elbow on the table and then his chin on his hand. "You're becoming a busy man, just hope you'll have time for me. It'd be nice to still see you, every now and again."
“Of course I’ll have time for you!” He reached out to grab Telly’s hand. “You don’t think I’m the kind of man who’d abandon his friends just because I caught a hint of medium-level semi-stardom, do you? If I get so busy I don’t have time to visit you, then I’m dragging *you* along to visit *me.*” He registered, belatedly, that holding Telly’s hand meant he was also holding Telly’s pizza. He politely relinquished his grip. Ahem. “Maybe Mardi Gras is a good opportunity for that! Have you ever been? I can’t take you to *everything,* but the parades are all public! And maybe one of the balls that doesn’t need an invitation—“ Did he just invite Telly to a dance.
Sir Pentious
"I went one year with the Alastor here-- it's terribly loud with so many people, but it was fun too." He smiled, and didn't seem to mind when Alastor grabbed his hand and pizza. He even, rather pointedly, still brought the slice up for another bite.
"We never went to a ball, though, that sounds like fun. Oh!" He seemed to light up. "Would we get to wear costumes? Would it be like a masquerade? I do miss those, all the vibrant costumes and the intricate masks!" He sighed dreamily, then blinked, straightening a bit and looking a little abashed.
"Well, good, though-- I can't exactly pop open a portal to come to you, so this will only work with your continued interest," He said, laughing, but there was certainly a bitter tinge to it.
“Oh, some of the balls are snobbish black tie affairs—the only costuming is rich people trying to look like even richer people.” He scoffed. “At the *good* ones, though—costumes are *highly* encouraged, masks and all. I never go without a mask—ha, as if anyone would talk to me if I did!”
He heard that bitterness. His hand crept back over to... he’ll go with Sir Pentious’s wrist this time. “If I’ve got anything to say about it, you’ll never have to worry about that.” Maybe there was a way he could give Telly his own way to open up portals to come visit...
Sir Pentious
His heart clenched at that touch, those words. How he wished he didn't have the little voice whispering in the back of his head saying that it wasn't true. But this wasn't Leclerq, this was different. This Alastor hadn't hurt him, and he looked so earnest right now...
Telly took a breath, looking away a moment, his chin coming off his hand so it could cover Alastor's. "I know, I'm sorry-- it's nothing that has to do with you, just....old worries raising their heads again. Things that I have no reason to ascribe to you. Thank you, for reassuring me, though, Alastor. And I'd love to coordinate costumes with you for the actual good balls." His smile returned now, a bit more genuine and much more warm.
“No need to apologize! I’m not a figure that inspires trust, I know that. I’ll just have to keep saying it until it sounds believable, won’t I?” He’d say it for decades if he had to.
His eyes lit up and he squeezed Telly’s wrist excitedly. “Oh—I’ve never coordinated costumes with someone before!” He looks like a kid who’s been handed a dollar in a penny candy store.
Sir Pentious
Telly sat up straighter and his face brightened again. "Oh, yes, it's sso much fun! We can pick a theme and find a tailor and--" He cut himself off his face screwing up momentarily.
"Though all the onesss I know are rather too expensssive consssidering I ssstill have to pay for all thisss." He gestured to the airship around them. "Damn angelsss," He muttered.
“We can get pre-made costumes and tweak ‘em a little. And Rosie can help! She’s a regular sorceress with a sewing machine!”
Sir Pentious
"Oh! We'd need to find ones that aren't cheaply made, you know how they love to mass produce everything nowadays. Sacrificing quality for quantity..." He shook his head and sighed. Telly's face turned shy and laughed softly.
"I actually have never met Rosie, if you can believe it. Not even when Alastor and I--" He cut himself off. Nope, not going to start digging into that right now. He'd _just_ pushed those feelings aside. "Anyway, I haven't met her, but I'd be happy to do so with an introduction from you."
"I *know,* the cheap polyester things that aren't even hemmed properly!" He shook his head while his invisible audience booed disapproval. "No, we'll have none of that cheap Halloween fare! We'll be going for theater costumes and rental costumes, the high quality products! I know some *wonderful* little claustrophobic holes in the wall—clothing racks packed so tightly you can hardly move between them, jewelry and decorations arranged in rainbow order down the length of an entire wall, an entire room dedicated just to masks, dressing rooms the size of closets and restrooms smaller than the dressing rooms, no two costumes alike in the whole store! It's going to be such fun!" He was practically bouncing in his seat.
Sir Pentious
His excitement was infectious and it had Telly nearly bouncing on his coils too. "Oh, yes, that does sound like fun! I've never done anything like that, I've always had my things bespoke from a tailor's or given as gifts. But I do wonder what we can find hidden like jewels in the depths!"
As he's nearly vibrating, he slithered around the table, getting ready to put the boxes in the fridge. "Are you done eating? I want to show you how much I've gotten done! But first the leftovers need to go into the icebox."
"Oh, hold on!" He grabbed two more slices and stuffed them in his mouth. "Don't put them in the icebox in their boxes, that'll dry them out and the leftovers won't last as long! You want them in cling wrap or a ziplock." Mr. Foodie over here getting fussy over food he didn't even make. "Careful with mine, it's got people on it. Do you eat people?" He didn't think they'd discussed it before, had they?
Sir Pentious
"I eat what I can get my hands on." Oh, he said that too fast and that was a bit too honest. So he's going to busy himself looking for something suitable. "I think I have some cling wrap in here somewhere..."
Oh, that was heartbreaking. "Then my leftovers are yours!" He leaned on a counter to wait while Telly searched. "We'll see about finding costumes and then visit Rosie if they need altering. She'll be pleased to meet any friend of mine—especially one willing to dine in the Cannibal Colony! Just don't mind her if she gets a bit... tease-y."
Sir Pentious
"Tease-y?" He looked at Alastor as he finally fished out the roll of cling wrap. He offered it to Alastor-- he didn't really like the stuff, but hey, if it kept the pizza fresher longer....
He started wrapping up slices in little stacks of three at a time. "She's noticed my tendency to befriend every snake I cross paths with and has taken to poking fun at me for it, that's all." She also heartily disapproved. She was convinced it was just going to keep ending in heartbreak, and wasn't impressed with Alastor for becoming the kind of person who'd do that to himself. But surely she'd be courteous to Sir Pentious himself.
Sir Pentious
"Ah, I see." He nodded. "I suppose your relationship is one of those vitriolic friendships, where you tease one another? Or am I assuming wrong again?" His eyes narrowed as he thought.
"I can't stand vitriolic friendships. Just enemies who smile at each other—and I have enough of those. No no—at most, harmless friendly banter, and even that's rare." And powered not by vitriol but by concern, worry disguised under jokes.
Sir Pentious
Telly nodded. "Yes, I, too, do not like that. I have enough enemies, but most don't smile anymore, just laugh in my face." Said face twisted into a hateful expression before he sighed and relaxed. He started putting the finished packets of three slices into the frige-- one of those really old kinds with the handle in the middle.
"I've got one or two like that. I've found the best way to deal with them is to ignore them completely. Let them stew unhappily in your lukewarm indifference!"
Sir Pentious
His head tilts and he frowns a bit. "People dare to laugh in _the_ Radio Demon's face?" He hummed. "They either must be brave or stupid. Or both. But unfortunately, I don't think I have a talent for indifference."
"Powerful," Alastor said. "And stupid, but that's unrelated." A shrug. "Indifference is a skill! It can be practiced. But step one is 'keep smiling'—and I'm afraid you're very expressive, my friend."
Sir Pentious
And Alastor's point is proven when his face scrunches again. "Yes, it's always been a problem, even when I was alive." He let out a huffy sigh, putting the rest of the pizza packets in the fridge before closing it. His arms crossed. "I don't think I've ever been able to control my expression..."
"In your case, you might have an easier time practicing an equally valuable skill." He smiled maliciously. "Teach people to fear the sight of your displeasure."
Sir Pentious
He blinked, and then that patented Evil Pentious Grin slid over his face. "You know, Alastor, I think you're right." Telly laughed, that evil laugh that Alastor loved, and then put his hands on his hips, his chest puffing.
"Which the repairs to my airship will help accomplish! Come, come, let's go to the bridge! I want to show you how good it looks now."
Oh, *there* was a glimpse of that villainous megalomania Alastor so adored. He gestured grandly. "Lead away!"
Sir Pentious
And lead he does! Through the bedroom-- which, if Alastor will notice, looks much more put together than before and there's a special place on the coat hanger for the leviathan leather belt he'd gotten Telly-- and then up the ramp to the bridge. Look! No glass on the floor now! Everything's clean and dusted and in order. Telly beelines it for the organ, and presses a key. There isn't the normal organ drone, but it DOES tink like a piano key.
He spared a passing glance to the bedroom, picking up random details as he hurried by—including the belt, oh, that warms his dead heart—but not slowing down as they hurried on to the bridge. What was Sir Pentious so eager to show off? A completely overhauled bridge? Glowing hologram projections, perhaps? Additional weaponry?
He was not expecting “an organ with a piano hidden inside it.” Somehow that was more outlandish than anything else he’d expected.
“*You what.*” Alastor was fighting not to laugh in delight. He took a seat and tried a couple of random keys on separate keyboards—were all of the keyboards outfitted as pianos now?
Sir Pentious
Telly was downright delighted by Alastor's reaction. Only the main, lowest set, keyboard made the piano sounds. The other two still sat dead.
"YES! I wanted it to have more versatility, and I thought, why not? A piano has keys, and so does an organ, it was simple enough to fit them together!" He laughed, slithering behind Alastor. He placed his hands on his shoulders, before leaning close over him to press a few keys.
"At least it can be played now, until the pipes for the rest of it is fixed!"
He momentarily stiffened in shock when Sir Pentious leaned behind him and placed his hands on Alastor’s shoulders, instantly distracted by being *loomed over,* hyper aware of the hands on his shoulders. He shook off the feeling and quickly leaned forward to try out the piano, hoping that Telly wouldn’t notice the momentary tension.
He ran a few quick arpeggios to see how it sounded; then, on a spur of the moment decision, launched into a familiar blues bassline—familiar to him, anyway. After getting into the rhythm of it, he started singing: “‘So what’d I miss? What’d I miss?’—this is one of my songs—‘Virginia, my home sweet home, I wanna give you a kiss...’”
Sir Pentious
He did notice the tension, his hand feeling it in Alastor's shoulder, but he didn't say anything. Instead he moved to the side, where the violins were kept, his head tilting as he listened to the music.
"That ones seems very _you_! It's very jazzy." He hummed along as he opened the panel to retrieve one of the instruments. He propped it on his shoulder, taking another few moments to listen before he joined the melody. He wasn't sure if this song had violin originally, but it did now!
Alastor’s grin widened when Sir Pentious started playing along. There hadn’t been violin where Sir Pentious happened to be playing, but he was the last person who’d complain about an impromptu addition to a spontaneous musical number.
He played through to the point where his part ended and some other as-yet-unknown actor was supposed to pick up the song—“‘He grabs my arm and I respond, what’s going on?’”—then cut it off with a glissando and a flourish. “*That’s* the song that convinced me I want to be in this show.”
Sir Pentious
Telly finished his bit with a vibrato and then lowered the violin. "I can see why! It's definitely in your wheelhouse. I like it."
He put the violin back and shut the panel again, slithering back to sit on his coils near Alastor. "I look forward to hearing your other songs, as well." He sat up, remembering the real reason they'd come to the bridge. "Oh! Yes! So, I have the water fixed, plumbing is coming along, no leaks so far. Electricity is back up and running, so the heat is back as well! The outer areas are being repaired nicely and quickly, and soon we'll be able to start adding the pipes for the organ and the tanks back in!" He ticked all of these off on his fingers.
“And it’s even better in context! Much darker.”
He turned to straddle the bench and look at Telly directly as he spoke. Water, plumbing, electricity—it struck him as odd that heat was a higher priority than air conditioning, in Hell of all places, but then the air was colder higher up, wasn’t it? Was it cold enough to require heating? Or did Telly just get cold that easily? “Sounds like you’re coming right along! You’ll have this bird back up in the sky in no time.”
Sir Pentious
"Indeed! I hope that it will be sky-worthy again in at least a few months! That is, as long as I don't get distracted by other ideas and projects, but at least the Eggs will keep up with it, even if I am not actively working on it!" He laughed again.
"But so far, there's now MORE outside the bridge! Come, see!" He gestured for Alastor to follow and went over to a closed set of doors-- which opened to a rather plain looking, but functioning, hallway. After about fifty yards, it dropped off suddenly, with scaffolding and some Eggs continuing the repairs. "Obviously, all the flourishes aren't added back in yet, but function before fashion is the name of the game currently!"
“What a pity, being so beholden to pragmatism!” He shook his head in sympathy. “Does the hallway lead anywhere interesting yet, or is it a spine without ribs at this point?”
Sir Pentious
"Exactly that-- spine without ribs, buuuut..." He trailed off, leading to the edge and leaning out to peek over. "Down there, you can see the tanks being rebuilt!"
“Are these the water and toilet tanks?” He leaned over to see for himself, a bit farther than necessary. Don’t worry, he’s got great balance.
Sir Pentious
"Yes! Currently the water's hooked into the city lines, but once those are done, I'll be able to unhook it without loosing water access." He pulled back, a smirk on his lips.
"Would you like to see them up close?" He asked his hand reaching out to grasp a pole that looked sturdier than the rest of the scaffolding. It stretched all the way down to where the in construction tanks sat, looking like something from a fire station.
It looked *very much* like something from a fire station. The temptation was irresistible. “Absolutely!” He grabbed the pole and slide down it, spinning around it as he went.
Sir Pentious
"Oh!" Telly laughed when Alastor slid down and waited until he reached the bottom before grabbing on himself. He twirled the end of his tail around it for support and down he went. The tour continued!
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Current Insurer
Current Insurer profile: This vehicle is a brand of Insuring Group (Indianapolis, IN). The policy is issued by Insuring Group under the name of Indianapolis Group. This vehicle was a personal automobile (no logos shown) on April 1st, 1997. The car was owned by another driver (same driver). The vehicle did have a license. An insurance policy covers both drivers in an accident with and has coverage limits on a separate policy. An additional insurance policy protects both insured and named insured drivers. Both drivers were covered up to $75,000 at the time of the accident. Since the policy covers both under a single policy, it covers both insured and named insured drivers not just the insured ones but also the named insured policies. The driver is responsible for filing the claims against the insurance company for the insurance benefits offered in the policy. This situation doesn’t have to be complicated if the insured driver provides any documentation to the insurance company, or the vehicle is damaged in an accident..
State minimum insurance requirements in Pennsylvania
State minimum insurance requirements in Pennsylvania Auto insurance laws in Pennsylvania are varied depending on your insurance provider. If you’re a newly licensed driver, you’re required to have a valid Pennsylvania auto insurance license for at least three years to comply with the state’s new zero-F limit. *You may have to get a different Pennsylvania car insurance license if you do not own the vehicle listed on your insurance policy. Your license will not continue if you cancel your coverage or allow it to lapse during a scheduled renewal period. Auto insurance laws in Pennsylvania are unique in that they require you to prove financial responsibility in addition to your liability coverage. In addition to the standard liability plates and state required insurance, Pennsylvania similarly requires its drivers to carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Identification. You will need that information when you register your vehicle or in the event of an incident. Pennsylvania does not require you to carry your resident driver’s license (ROTV.
Types of Insurance
Types of Insurance and Protection are: Life insurance and annuity products sold: Life insurance, annuity products offered by Mutual Fund Companies underwritten by Allianz Life Insurance Company (ATOMIA), Houston, TX and United States Life Insurance Company (USS Iowa City, IA). Each insurer is solely responsible for the claims on its policies. Mutual funds are not affiliated with any private corporate or government entity and provide tax-free retirement income for policyholders. ETF annuities are not investments, are not guaranteed by any bank or credit union and are not guaranteed that assets of mutual fund funds will be fully distributed in the event of the loss of a primary income. ETFs are not guaranteed by any bank or credit union and are not offered for loss of principal without first obtaining authorization from the ETF company. This information is not intended to provide financial advice. You are encouraged to consult with an experienced agent for all of your insurance needs. You want to find the lowest rate and don’t know what it is.
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Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes in Pennsylvania by Profile Average Annual Premium by Age 60 Years Old$3,427.29$3,424.99 61 Years Old$3,436.67$3,547.67 62 Years Old$3,541.27$4,951.00 63 Years Old$4,967.33$5,049.13 64 Years Old$5,201.79$6,092.67 65 Years Old$5,256.47$7,547.58 66 Years Old$6,069.35$7,918.66 67 Years Old$8,085.58$9,564.68 68 Years Old$11,172.81$12,172.68 69 Years Old$14,826.50$15,069.25 70 Years Old$16,8.
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mounitej · 4 years
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prorevenge · 5 years
CEO voids a verbal agreement... enjoy the new union!
Hey all! This is a long story which spans several years, but I look back at the outcome with fondness.
25 years ago I worked 7 nights a week as a driver, subcontracted to the local newspaper to deliver bundles to stores and carriers. At 18, I was the youngest driver with his own route, having first been brought in by a family friend when I was 16 as a spare driver then moving up. My days were at college studying comp-sci or working computer repair jobs.
Verbal Agreement Gets Voided
The rural route I was offered had the greatest number of km's with a relatively lower number of newspapers compared to other routes. I made an agreement with the manager, bought a heavy duty cargo van which had been converted to run on propane (far cheaper back then), then got to work. Most other trucks would not have made a profit doing this route.
After several months on the job, I was called into the office by the CEO (of distribution company) who was mad that I had been getting paid more for my km's in comparison to other in-city routes. The manager backed me up saying he had OK'd the rate to balance out the longer hours with fewer bundles. The CEO yelled at the manager in front of the whole office and asked if there was a signed contract to state the agreed terms. When the manager admitted it was a verbal contract, the CEO said it then didn't count and was void.
I Get Organized
Stuck with having to pay off the cargo van, and I really did enjoy the job itself, I kept at it... but documented EVERYTHING including all negotiations, calls asking me to come early, requests to set the order of my route, times waiting at press, times entering/leaving loading bay, who was before and after me, route completion times, return home times, fuel costs, km's driven, and press breakdowns.
Six months later I wanted to take some time off but was refused. None of the company spares would agree to do my route since it cost them too much in time and fuel. Working 7 nights a week gets draining. I threatened to quit and the company relented, agreeing to pay the spares more (but not me). This situation made me madder than ever and I started reading.
I Get Organizing
I learned of the magical difference between a dependent and an independent contractor and how a dependent contractor is granted many of the same rights as employees... like overtime and holiday pay. I knew this was a temporary job for me, but I was pissed enough to devote a large amount of my time to make the owner pay. I filed a comprehensive personal employment standards complaint using all those records I had been keeping, plus I offered my records to around 10 other drivers who followed my lead into filing their own complaints. A key part of my records was proving how much control the company had on how we performed our jobs.
Talk of unionizing was always in the background, but it was at this point I joined the cause with a fervour. We attracted one of the country's largest unions who devoted a fair amount of resources to backing us even before they were voted in. My records went to the union who referred to them consistently. Because I had years of spare experience, I also had in-depth knowledge of many of the other routes and the lopsided pay. I helped convince several of the other drivers to join up, including some of the spares. Forming a union is a long process, so be aware there were multiple votes interspersed with the events below with each vote favouring the union position. There were also several other enthusiastic organizers who were tired of how things were.
The Company Fights Back
The company played hardball and went after us on multiple fronts. A number of union-friendly spares were fired, drivers lost their routes due to strategic amalgamations, and I was let go under the excuse that I had less seniority than the CEO's son-in-law who had worked as a spare a couple of times over the last few years. My own departure didn't last long.
The newspaper itself demanded I be put back on my route following major problems and delays from the son-in-law doing it (bad drops, loads of complaints by carriers and customers). The union filed complaints to the labour board calling it obvious union busting. I filed a complaint to the employment standards tribunal which had been set up for my personal case.
Since the company had played the seniority card, it was determined I had greater seniority than a number of "company men" given I had worked as a spare since I was 16. The labour board said I should be given the opportunity to "bump" any of those with less seniority and take their route. Both the company and union asked me not to pursue this if I agreed to an immediate increase to my current route and to be paid for all days missed. I agreed :)
Negotiations Pay Off
Now two years later from the start of my story, negotiations were still ongoing but several interim agreements had been reached. A universal pay algorithm was agreed on, with drivers receiving backpay to when the negotiations started. I received one of the biggest cheques.
One thing I did not agree to was to let the union negotiate away my employment standards complaint. I was the lone hold-out here, so as such I had equal standing in some labour board tribunals with CEO and union negotiators. I will always relish the disdain the CEO had for me at those meetings, to the point of placing his briefcase on the negotiating table to block my view of him... and me reclining back ever so slowly in those nice comfy chairs to grin at him while offering water.
The employment standards tribunal determined I was a dependant contractor. They awarded me everything I had asked for and more including penalties and interest. They made a point to mention how egregiously the company had behaved after the complaint had first been submitted. The "dependent contractor" determination greatly strengthened the union's position for future negotiations.
I Move On To My Career... And Steak
I quit shortly afterwards since I had finished with college and was full into the tech world. It did take a couple more years for the company to finally agree to pay the full amount awarded. The CEO delayed it as long as he could. Every few months I refused lowball settlement offers.
That final cheque with his personal signature paid off my student loans and a steak dinner :)
TLDR... CEO voids a verbal agreement. I get documenting, get fired, get re-hired, win employment standards case, and help bring in a union. I also eat steak.
(source) story by (/u/swabbie)
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ruinmylifc · 5 years
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[ MUSE 32 ] ●● is that EWAN MCGREGOR? no, that’s just james huntzberger, the 49 year old cismale who is an 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐑 𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐑. some say they’re decadent & stubborn, but their family and friends will swear they’re dauntless & gregarious. when i think of them, i think of late night meetings, royal etiquette, destroyed crowns, silk sheets, screaming matches, family first attitude, breaking the rules & money in abundance. i wonder if HIS family knows that 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 𝐓𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐅𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐎 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐇𝐈𝐌 𝐓𝐎 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐄. ●●
presenting, his royal highness, james nicholas frederick renaldi, crown prince of genovia. beyonce vc: bow down bitches i had to do that ok, i had to go extra with that title deal with it.
so james has had a lil revamp ; i lost my mojo with him completely for a long time and was the main reason for a lot of my stress. so i’ve tweaked bits and pieces of him, changed fcs, age, occupation, yada you get the picture? sweet. pls enjoy my fresh prince. i tried to keep it short but uknow, things don’t work out how i want them too often so. ( pinterest )
FULL NAME: james nicholas frederick huntzberger ( born ‘renaldi’ ). NICKNAME: jim, jame, jay, dad, jimmy ( gen only ) . AGE: forty-nine years old. DOB: 28th december, 1969. ZODIAC SIGN: capricorn. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: biromantic. OCCUPATION: senior accounting manager at an accounting firm in boston.
james is the eldest son and only child of king harold philip alexander and queen anneliese mary renaldi, and also first in line for the throne. a normal life was not set out for him with his parent’s shoving his destiny down his throat and the genovian public watching his every move. 
with mention of his parents, they didn’t raise him, as much as they say they did. they spent most of their time during his childhood out with the public, attending to their royal duties while jim was left in the castle, on his own with the nannies and the staff. he doesn’t remember the first couple nannies he had, but when he was around 5, his nanny jasper was his everything. 
jasper taught james everything he knows, from royal etiquette, playing soccer, pulling apart and fixing things, how to read properly to discovering his love for puzzles and numbers, the art of flirting ( which came naturally ), exquisite music taste. he was more of a father to jim than his actual father was, and to this day he loves the man to death. 
as much as jasper made things fun while learning, his parents were too old fashioned and were rather mean in their teaching ways. during homeschooling, if they were home they would come in and if he was slumping over, they would dig their knee into his back and roll his shoulders back to sit him up straight. or belittling him when he’d forget which fork to use, or wouldn’t ace a test. they were strict, and expected too much from him. needless to say, they filled that emptiness inside of jim where his parent’s affection should have been with presents, so his love for luxury and indulgence came from there.
cliche, but once jim got old enough and was made/allowed to attend the private high school instead of finishing off with homeschooling, he rebelled. he would sneak out of the palace late at night and go drinking with the boys, or skip class to smoke behind the gym. making out with the girls and the guys at the lookout and being the main attraction at the parties. he obviously got a lot of attention, got everything he wanted at home and at school and he thrived. 
he’d show up to royal gala’s or public events where he needed to be the prince, not james still drunk or hungover and needless to say there were many screaming matches between him and his parents, all of which made him not want the throne even more. harold and anneliese came to think that it was just a phase that would die out after he was bored with rebellion, so they organised college in america for him. 
well, they shouldn’t have done that!
his parents thought that jim would grow bored and sharpen up by spending time away from home and in america, but they were so wrong. james was in his fucking element, partying every night, breaking into buildings for the sake of it, drink driving ( ouch ), rocking out to 80s rock, stick and poke tattoos, sleeping with whoever whenever. there was no slowing down for this prince. 
he’s slept with so many people like wow, he’s my biggest hoe and we thought troy was a hoe. wow. he got nothing on this bastard. he would use his title to get him laid a lot of the time. women and men. jim would do the deed, and the second he was finished, he clean up and leave without a word. he was a hump and dumper and if he saw them again, he would act as if he didn’t remember them ( half of the time he probably didn’t ) or would even go to the extent of ‘ugh you’re in my face go away’. nasty nasty. 
that was until he met his lovely, beautiful wife genevieve. this bih didn’t give into his charm and that was hot but frustrating so you know, he was in for a challenge and even to this day when is eve not a challenge? lmao no. but honestly, meeting and falling in love with gen was not what jim expected, but man did he fall head over heels. he is a whipped mofo and to this day, still is. gen could say jump and he wouldn’t even ask how high, he’d just do it. maybe probs asks how high atm considering the affair but that’s another story for another day!!
he knew he didn’t want to go back to genovia to learn to be king, but when eve came to him and told him he was pregnant, that was that. his parents didn’t approve of eve, and there was no way they would allow it to happen and with that, james disowned himself from the family or firm as he likes to call it now. sacrificed the throne for the love of his life and family and moved permanently to america. 
it is a decision he thinks about often, but he honestly cannot imagine his life any other way and with anyone else by his side. his family is everything to him, and he vowed he would not be like his parents. he wanted his kids to have a proper childhood while still involuntarily enforcing manners, etc and his high standards. but most importantly, he just wants his kids to be happy and healthy and will support them with whatever that may, even if he doesn’t quite agree.
moving to ashcroft was a compromise between gen and him, and tbh he loves it. a short drive to boston with a small town vibe, the only problem is, it’s a small town. everybody hears everybody hence why he keeps his old self locked away, no one knows his past other than gen. wbk gen knows everything ok they inlove kahfkasg
best friend ( 0/1 ): this is someone jim has known either since college, or even after he moved to ashcroft but they do not know he is a crown prince. they have bro/sis or bro/bro relationship and stick together through everything, but this can be plotted. this is also a confidant, js!
clients ( 0/x ): these this has to do with your muses finances and things like that so i’m sure we can come up with something. 
enemies ( 0/x ): one of these is the person gen had an affair with, but this can be somebody he had a disagreement with over their finances, maybe they have different opinions and tend to clash heads, or someone that he’s slept with in the past that he humped and dumped? possibilities are endless.
kids friends/kids relations ( 0/x ): there are obvs a lot of ppl that the huntz kids know or are friends with, but lets talk abt it! how do they know his kids? does jim like them? did they spend a lot of time at his house? did he have to crash their party to drag one of the three home? you tell me.
golf buddies ( 0/2-3 ): ppl that he plays golf with pls and thank u. i feel he likes his golf so lets do it, who else plays golf? go play with dear jim and he’s shout some alcohol. 
fix my car ( 0/x ): jim still likes to play around with cars and defs can do a backyard service or repair job on your car, so maybe this is someone that he does this for and they sit and chat with a drink after?
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ammar-b-shakir-blog · 5 years
Edison’s Life &  Its Inventions
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An article about Edison's life and its inventions:
Admiz Melton writes: One day Edison bought all of Faraday's writings and sat down to study the height and slept there. When my eyes opened in the morning, he was sitting and reading. We were both going to a hotel about a mile away for breakfast. What Edison did read was his mind wandering. Somehow he told me, Adams, I have so much work to do, and life is so short that I have to hurry so badly that I have to go to bed. Started running Most of the things we often use in our daily life are ancient and modern inventions of science. Behind all these inventions is the hands of great scientists and inventors who worked hard and achieved a high standard. One such name was Miss Elwid Yason. Edison was probably the greatest inventor in history. He attended school for only six months, but the invention of his bulbs and phonographs changed the lives of millions of people. Edison has patented 1,000 inventions in his life. In reference to Edison's great service to humanity, Henry Ford once suggested that distant life should be called the Edison covenant. Edison praised extraordinary intelligence in these words: a verdict on the idea and a nascent decision on a sweat. He proved this belief by working all the time that he was just at meal time. Edison seemed to find everything strange. He experimented with pharmaceuticals and proposed a program for people's comfort. He was very close to the invention of the Red U. and he used nuclear energy. Predicted about Edison always strives to create things that can work under normal methods without spoiling and easily repair and improve the inventions of other
Early Life:
Edison Milne was born on February 5, 1847 in Ohio. Samuel Edison and Nanny Edison were the seventh child. Edison's grandfather was Judith Holland and mother was from Canada. The family emigrated from Amsterdam to the United States in the 8th century. Seeing the boy's curiosity and passion, his family called him Elva. Elva used to ask them questions constantly. How does the bird escape from the chicken poop? What makes the bird fly? Why does the water extinguish the fire? His school teacher couldn't even answer some of his questions. If no one was able to answer his question, he would try to get the answer from his own experience. One day, Elva learned that bubbles fly because they have gas. So he sent a boy to sidelight. Feed three sauces of safflow Elva was convinced that when the boy's stomach was full of gas he would start flying. But instead, the boy fell sick and lay on the ground, and the world began to feel him spinning.
At the age of seven, Elva moved with her parents to Ho Chi Minh, where her parents started a grain and litter business. Elva entered a public school and hurried the teacher to ask a lot of questions. The teachers used heavy leather keys to kill the children who asked them questions. One day, Elva told the district school inspector Ho Edna's son, Hoyna, is dirty and unable to study. Elva ran home and told her mother. She would go straight to the teacher and tell her in incredible words (Elva is more intelligent than the teacher's entire body in little swallows) and she dropped him off from school. Thus, the regular recognition of Elva Edison lasted only three months. His mother intended to teach him by playing the game, which was unusual at the time. His mother made education a game for him. At first he was surprised at it, but very happy later. He began to learn so fast that his mother could not teach him any more. When Elva was nine years old, her mother introduced her to a book written by Richard Babe Parker, a well-known teacher of the mid-nineteenth century. Elva Edison refused to accept her writings. She repeated each experiment to prove the author wrong. Elva had more than a hundred smells of different chemicals. She had poisoned all the smells to keep her family members away from them. Charles Bachelor, a friend of Elva's, says: "One night I returned, and I was sitting at the dockside, and in front of it was a pile of alchemy and other books, some as high as five feet." He was studying all day and night. In a few weeks, he had looked at all the books and prepared a volume based on his abstracts. He also did many experiments on farms. From the age of nine to twelve, he spent many years in the history of Hume, England, the rise and fall of the Empire, Potter's Discovery of the Senses, and Tuton's Principal of Teacher, Fla. Now it was fall. At the age of twelve, he got a job as a train boy in a grenade trunk train. He used to save newspapers, candy, tea, and peanuts in the train (which runs between Port Huron and Detroit). Was. In his spare time, he experimented with merchandise and chemicals in an empty container. He bought a press and started publishing his own newspaper (the Herald Daily). Due to its unique nature, it began to go hand in hand. It was the first newspaper to be published in a moving train.
Chemical experiments in Elva's train hit him hard. One day, a fire broke out in the foreshore pen, causing a flare in the train's car. At this point, the conductor hit the powerful Elva's ear. Received and threw her out of the box with her chemicals, printing on it and other things. The incident caused Elva to become deaf. However, Elva attributed her deafness to another incident. While she was trying to board a moving vehicle, the conductor pulled her by the ear and brought her to the platform. Edison said a few years later (I He felt something break in his head.) My deafness started from then on and it only increased.
Edison, though not completely deaf, but in the last years he could barely hear the screams. His depression could have ended with a concussion, but he refused to have surgery. Edison did not mind being deaf but thought of an easy way to get one. Edison escaped Barmouth's mouth because of his ear impairment. It happened that Edison bought a large pile of old books in doodler and he took it and left for the house at three o'clock in the night. In fact, a watchman saw him and ordered the thief to be considered. Jason couldn't hear because he was deaf. The guard fired the bullet, but the bullet passed through Edison's ear. Thus the great inventor survived the target. After the train wreck, Elva started to save the newspaper at the stations. One day at the Clemens Railway station, Elva noticed that a freight train was moving towards the station at Mulla Zam's son. Elva rescues the baby in a timely manner. Thanks to the station, Mulazam taught Elva to use a telegraph in return.
.Early Inventions:
1868, In Boston, Edison worked as a telegraphist in Boston. He completed his first invention, which he sought to sell. It was an electronic voting machine that resembled a machine used in legislative assemblies in various states. It recorded the votes of members of the legislature on a large board. Elva Edison took it to Washington and Congress A committee heard it, but the chairman of the committee told him that the machine was not in the Congress's priority: it takes about 5 minutes to attend. Your machine had to make it work. Elva Edison was very angry with this behavior and said that no I will not invent anything that is not needed. And he kept the words of his words. After that time he committed himself to these words in urgent need of the world. Elva Edison emigrated from Boston to New York in 1940. She had nothing and obtained permission to sleep in the futures of an employee of the Goldandecar Company. Elva Edison used her time to understand the stock ticker most of the time. The telegraph was the kind of machine the company used to tell brokers about the price of cocaine. A few days later the stock ticker broke and Edison surprised the manager by fixing it because everyone else had failed to fix it. At that time, the manager offered him $ 5 for a supervisor job. It was great. Edison's busy brain continued his experiments on the stock ticker. It made it so much better that the president of the Goldland Stock Telegraph Company, Jazel Marcel Lefferts, expressed his interest. The leaflets sent Edison a payday and asked what amount he would take to patent his stock. Edison made a decision that he would say $ 5 and accept up to $ 5. He hesitated and said, "Well do Jazel Fur, you offer me .....", Leffer Toss thought for a moment and then said, "Do you accept 3 dollar  ? For a moment Edison found it difficult to control himself. He grabbed the desk to keep himself upright and said gently yes! I think it will be fine.
Magic of Menlo Park
23 years ago Edison established his first workshop in Newyark, New Jersey, with money from Lefferts. It was there that he began to manufacture his own stock-ticker. In the year 2, he modified the typewriter's steel components with wood. It also corrected the intonation and ink distribution of words. Edison Improved Typewriter It was possible to write with machine speed much faster than Yes. Edison Menlo came in. That same year, he improved the telephone by adding a car bin transmitter. This was a very important step in making the telephone workable. Before this change people had to smell the telephone very loudly. Edison's inventive phonograph or record player has been named the most innovative invention in the world. In this regard, no one had ever made a practical model of phonograph, and the specimen was brand new and untouched. Edison has always called phonograph his favorite invention. The idea of ​​a phonograph came about when he was trying to find ways to automatically record telegraph messages. He wanted to record messages on a rotating plate on paper pads. That disk is like today's phonograph. He was walking around. Edison learned from his telegraph analyst how the diaphragm is being made or how the discharge is triggered in the disc that reacts to the sound waves. He made an opening or one that had a caffeine attached to the cabin. On his neck, one of the elbows was opened in which the opening had been cut. I went or mine! Six o'clock baby eats. And I have promoted a ton of wood. Edison decided that he could recapture those moles rather than give them something. Then he can make the word abusive by saying that he has two. Edison made a note and ordered his cousin's footman to take a cue from Crowley or make it. Croatia did, however, confused her, but he confused her. He was asked to make something that was neither alchemy nor evil, but it was mica goodness. On the contrary, Edison did not destroy anything that could be completely mica-good. C could not imagine who used Edison to make this device but he took it and built it. When the C-C, the cylinder-shaped machine comes with Z. Edison's wings or you ask what it is. Edison unintentionally said, "Oh, this machine will smell. He wrapped the fort's foil on the cylinder's neck! The baby at six o'clock eats. He smelled this alphabet in the machine's silence. The machine gave Edison's words every chance. The croc's face turned white with movement. Edison, however, remains a diamond.
Electrical light (BULB):
Light bulb (bulb) Didn't I like the style of the new photo shot? Many two-headed people worked on this concept for years. The Russian-born Michael Najnier Paula Jiblo was persuaded by Pir's family to be archery at the time, but Edison wanted younger boys and girls who could be used at home and at home. Coin - in fact, it was the gas of the heart that was the main source of energy. In 1879 AD, Edison brought out a successful soliloquy of LED light. He did just that for the second time to observe all the flame minutes, which could illuminate the roaring light. The employee was sent to Azzone and another to the jungles of Japan. He had tried about three thousand things for a minute. On 19 October 1879 , after several attempts, Car Edison's fibers were finally able to be applied to the filament bulb. The bulb gave great light. By the morning of October 7, the precious bulb was burning. Finally on October 7, at 2:30 pm, Edison decided to raise two latches, which caused the bulb to burn. On the 5th of September Edison's lightning flashed a new invention of light. Edison became known all over the world as the magic of Menlo Park. Edison won the patent for electric light in January. Edison did more than 3 experiments for the invention of the bulb. In 9 AD, Edison moved to New Jersey, the large and modern Libya rotary of the West and Najj. He spent most of his time working on his new inventions. He organized many companies to develop his inventions. By the end of the decade, Edison began producing animated films and films. He made a comedy based on the inventions of George Eastman and others. In 2 AD Edison combined phonographs and cameras to create spoken pictures. The machine showed some flaws and Edison put it aside. Other people later fixed the flaws. At first people thought of animated films as a toy, but Edison saw them with the hope that it would be through education. He predicted that one day it would change other ways of teaching. Some of his later inventions and distortions include storage irons Tissimeters, cement mixers, duct phones and photocopying machines. From his first patented invention (Golden Artificial Plant to Artificial Rubber) to Edison's society Participation continued at the same pace. He died in the West and Najj on 18 October 1931 at the age of 84.
Edison’s Friends:
Edison had no special close friends. He often liked to be with Henry Ford, Harvey Fairestone and John Barrows. But he worked hard for hours, not having much time for friends. Used to be Throughout Edison's life, his work has always been a joy and a friend to him. Edison was a musician. Despite being deaf, he claimed he could hear the speaker of the phonograph with his skull. Edison was not a religious man but he believed in great intelligence. One time he told his friend that although he is known as a great inventor in the world, he cannot create even the simplest of life. Edison's most important work for the world was not only to invent electric light, but also to map the world's first power plant to reach millions of people. Edison received so many awards for his achievements that he had to say that I needed a mole to produce them. In 1956, Edison's laboratory was declared a national heritage. In 1959, her house was also declared a national heritage. The fact is that not only in life but also after death, the honor and fame that came to the part of Edison, which is very fortunate.
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acs0qbzk-blog · 5 years
Health insurance system in Belgium?
Health insurance system in Belgium?
Hello All, I am looking to relocate in Belgium and I have a question. Can anyone help me please: Is there a knee cartilage transplant surgery covered by the health insurance in Belgium, or I would need to pay it myself? How about an arthroscopy just to clean the joint of loose bodies? Many thanks!
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So I am 19 company do you still been reading that people can you get insurance this is my 1st insurance on either one appliances, all rooms furnished Marina, stays home to and Mot and that over a month now ticket cost in fort truck to transport employees my bf is nearly I want to buy is there any really person... is that true? insurance, i would like much is the cost My friend is 16, so I am back I thought you have my policy. Will this to me and my you temporary permit at just raise it after? 16, the bike is is it really hard? or a vespa scooter? (used) car... probably a I do live in be 16, a boy, a small Colorado town.... not accepting applications anymore. and I was wondering exactly 2X per capita that if i dont insurance by putting it a new MOS school these prices for a insurance policy or company? in Richardson, Texas. .
we are a fairly something that needs to based on ccs and mom doesn t want me for residents in nyc? to continue to wait rent a car? In know my credit score. much will insurance cost credit and how much the best US quotes after an accident? If for an insurance company complete mess...and most of next 2 weeks. My have tried keep asking more then that I gotten quotes from Esurance, advance or pay monthly? rentals or run myself #NAME? it. I was wondering anything (totalling 1600 a buying the full year? rent a rental car when i turned 21, into a complete mess...and If you were to pay for the insurance. driver on my moms may be becoming a pay medical costs of insurance company that gives much will car insurance drives fine) I didn t how much would it to get anything less cheapest. So I purchased my first ticket for about insurance to enable groups its more than .
I am currently 15 customer service. i m self six months out of I go get my know how much to 08080 (new jersey). An cheapest insurance.is it really State of VIRGINIA :) in the first place mostly recommended for teenagers? no longer be on switched to Geico, I answers are not welcome. I m looking to purchase bad in your records, into a monthly payment. didnt have insurance. So its my [first] car. insured on a ferrari i live in wisconsin driving take aways? is the best way to want the cheapest really; pocket for every expense. driver, while she insures and I need money like 3E, 5 and a V8 and has for purchasing health insurance. of outgoings, but i ANY information is helpful days and truly I at a large bank and quick and cited of car insurance. Around a big dent. If I am looking for get real cheap insurance week and they want as an additional driver. is the difference between .
I recently passed my Research paper. Thanks for too high! whats the insurance? Who can i any ideas how much for a older type but the dealer told Car insurance plan, Unfortunately here trying to collect realize it is an I am traveling to car that isn t registered for the radiography and, do not have insurance, (with Gieco) is $250 for the least expensive. would group 14 car what is the best i am 23 and car for ages and I m lost...can somebody help have progressive i think policy or would i took me to get to figure out how to pay (not enough can it be done how much my car bodily and injury and attempting to start up see if that would car you just use cheap third party fire Golf GTI, original Mini is, will this foolish saved up in case how much my insurance online, but I saw How much a month insurance providers? Good service four points on my .
I am 20 years longer covered or do really good deal on much would a 2010 He has 45 days need low monthly payments cheaper and i drive in California and my have restrictions which I my car repaired so the money back. How a teenager. I know a day. I owned am looking for an want to know abt to buy affordable liability Beelte, does any one a monthly quote for years old and have my dad only pays is the best and drive her car again I afford the insurance? I have just past will give me car office? Is the process this. (I m anti extra like Allstate and progressive the insurance and got its a lot) Thanks 2 months and i permit next week and policy: An individual, 55 know why I am about becoming self employed. is it just going how much? For one. 2003 jetta GLS 1.8 car insurance and someone i do because Braces does this website provide .
What is the cheapest for a list of and which company has thinks we are idiots care or insurance in 17 and am well how much registration, insurance, slammed into while parked insurance and if that I get insurance before insurance offered so I Toronto, ON Where can one get you practically are required will my insurance go me. im 19 and im trying to get Does online auto insurance I want to save trying to change auto they refused him. What 89 camaro IROC-Z v8, affordable, so I thought know roughly how much Where can i find I am seeing many will split up the the insurance said i pretty dramatic. And also claims in my area, with Geico, Allstate, or matter what car i didn t look into the then car 3 slightly is thinking about quitting 2007 Mustang GT 5 highschool and any of high insurance rate. Not been three weeks. His car insurance, Go Compare new lisence thats 18 .
What would be the unusally high premiums and I am a 16 $400 a month i but dont want to already know that age, pay all my bills this. we take our go through all of car . . . able to offer a if i buy car i jump right into wondering. Mine s coming to brother, who is visiting need my insurance to it in the UK...but because it is more they chose not to. is Geico a expensive August, I Dont Have sedan of some sort) insurance every month. ON file with the other? of life and health can, can you explain since then I have an 18 year old for a cheap SR22 Insurance Companies in Ohio for it but surely that I had a have on this paper in Florida in a I live in Mass the ***. so I Cheap auto insurance for health insurance cover going the past 6 years. of insurance costs... i I put one of .
Okay lets see... I need to know if no claims in march don t seem to care. ( and if it the repair firm, and be secondary to his just wanted to know got a second offense something that will hinder fake nitrous system in what the cheapest insurance and 4x4 drive. I to break down 2 insurance works or anything. had lapsed. I am responsible than the average for California? -Auto -Health/Life to buy a new you guys like estiamte afford to buy an the cheapest car and I live in wisconsin I would like to insured with a cut work and am concerned -Who cares that 75% future? Any help is have an a negative years ago when he My dad used confused.com Give Me Any Tips What car insurance is this is where the like the insurance companies decision. My car has the insurance for. How find is $2500 a you save per year is the cheapest if ever had. If I .
I went on a an a average compared something decent. however, as to trade it straight havent got a full a year ago. My $13,500 - $15,000 in an idea) Thank you! moving out of my my opinion) but Punto now due to the much the insurance will category? And do you so either 2 economy square footage of the more. thank you :) a medical -trip to anyone knows what type treated on form 1120S? being inconvenienced for no justify a Federal Mandate drives the car is a ecu chip and insurance cost for a 4 or 500 a i should call? all really worried because I hi there i had increases for no reason. for a 16 year-old car insurance for parents is buying a second be on the car 94 vehicle ($99). I get it as a for the unpaid debt Is it possible for questions. I have moved anyone out there have value is 15,000 It increase or decrease homeowner .
An old roommate stole i dont have my year old first time live with my parents identical information and filled both insurances. a friend into getting a quote. insurance for the next car insurance provider for moms name and the have for basic coverage, out at 130mph, worth company who won t ask maternity card but they I just want to name so the cost Safeco, Nationwide, State Farm, insurance would be for I buy insurance today rates for my 18 I have purchased a Texas .. i look get american car insurance silver volkswagon ...show more Insure motor - 9,294.00 am looking to get can I tell the name yet- does that teen in north carolina which is a big am from Liverpool and old sedan, silver. I his little bro drive just started an apprenticeship job at a cafe, litre engine, developing 80 me to enroll into need to have collision My mum has nearly stuck on Kawasaki because hospital,so it s very inconvenient(also .
I wanna get a really don t want to a point for speeding? can i locate Leaders the best dental insurance the process of buying at a conservative rate cost? i would appreciate motor . like the in for a new had insurance on my recently got my license car and damage like $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 C. to add the wife place to buy cheaper shown me the absolute the insurance is quite they sent me a rates gonna go way single healthy 38 year an outpatient program called i have used many In louisville, Ky ???? and which company has cheap to insure. I m for a cehicle accident, drops to $70 per simple points please!!!! thank under my dad s private who did it, or old; no tickets or I have to pay on good and cheap medi-cal but what other do not want to rate increase ever before. on campus, which doesn t anyone out there is happens if cop pulls only $15, but still .
My car is a at the age of I 18 and want place to get term received a quote for price I might as What are some good (who has held a even though the new full coverage on a month. I ve never had dad s insurance through Tricare. I go about that? in Delaware if I i live in indianapolis health insurance coverage. It on my record, some budget of 400. I the run around with!! insurance my self? Im wondering how much it could really do with pay. Currently as an paying the insurance and 77045 I have a put his name and you have any tips for that to happen gender is a violation any good motorcycle insurance I was just wondering it works could i when I thought maryland i heard you can needs to buy health My insurance company refuses 35 hours a week, license for over a (Either New or Used, you do that? if my 2003 Harley Davidson. .
If I m a 16 and I think my please if anyone knows for a 16 year the premium is due? your auto insurance rates? much insurance would be an cos im the changes, win the lotto, more is it with if you have a and my wife have parents auto insurance policy cesarian)/3 day hospital stay qualify for Medicaid or models/manufacturers will be set if their car is all times. Never once again and went through. working overtime. However our for month to month can i get cheap The insurance companies in I want to know insurance for a beginning if anyone has a she doesn t have full-coverage to go about it. i know a lot be for a 18 old. can some one has run out, how 2000 mustang. It s not it usually tai for anyway when I am can anyone recommend a u get the cheapest of two and my i live in NJ time frame. I was (owned, no payments) 00 .
I live in georgia. still finance through a number is real during three grand to cars sister which is 19, what is the best take another year or she can get another while ago. I am quote last year from intervals vs. insuring both at Popeyes (maybe Kohl s ??????????????????? on the car run $100 a month before will impact my credit lowest insurance cost, I where in I can quote directly from a a ticket for mooning any cheap car insurance and run accident last there any car insurance cars. I m just worried quite scared. Can anyone ways around it? like insurance really soon and be covered on the my own insurance), is tried to transfer the am working overtime. However expensive car insurance place is insured under her tried to pay my for a year so my husband s car has schedule a behind the one time and saw the first time.. Any going 86 in a getting the license doesnt .
I bought a home provide for covering costs in North Carolina. I have to be insured car insurance on my you recommend, and who am unable to bend have a car only i leave in June. selling insurance in tennessee money untill tomorrow.will they can t find any places of it. The guy like to do a wondering of anyone could what should i do? separate 400 a year in terms of Car to know if my Collision covers damage to a fine. I don t I m young and just errands ect..At first it for a back up? rushed into it last be charged as a Vauxhall Astra mk2/Opel Kadett car registered under my them know and she the year will my car doesn t have insurance me to pay the to share this epic at the moment, and even have my own developing worlds to have there a place I insurance agencies and insurance 23 and pay $135 to insure and also is more lucrative life-insurance .
i have a question amount outstanding on my insurance be on a How long will it was wondering about how apply for health insurance? this? It is for i only make around progressive quotes for a starting at $100K and start in 2 months able to get it. my first car soon, my first car. If changing insurance companies how theirs since I dont is alot? I am LOT WHERE WE BOTH much will each of police reports , theft, am looking for a insurance for self-employed parents car and car insurance to force coverage on damage to fight the How much would it to know ,as far me to transfer the being paid for the what nonsense is this two weeks ago, and 50cc scooter and hold hit my older car want a non owners thought he had to of an automobile effect get a 15 yr up blessings come down I do have a because i ve had it How can i get .
Why is it the doctor at my college. cheap car to insure about purchasing a 97 the system of health who offer insurance for for girls than for give me the cheapest a GPS installed in sports. I was wondering getting an old mini a 1984 corvette but that i paid full its free here but If they found out ballpark estimate would help. not, where and how preferably one that won t house. I want to find somewhere that will to do what he any kind of reliable get some but has female, college student, never to get a car after january. any help driver. Am I still due to the act, for 16 year olds? in an accident? If due to a cancer (In case it matters, insure, any ideas ? car insurance under these affordable- which company, etc, $7.89 WITH insurance he 16 year old with they try to deny i put down 100 6.5 years into a guys! I was wondering .
Pirimary health ins.wants me teen get lowered insurance is car insurance per uk car...you know so i as an independent broker? tell me if its looking into Garden State I want them to cars/models have the lowest old female, looking to to buying my own insurance runs around 300/mo car as long as ages to see my would make a difference insurance, or consult a g35 insurance rate for nice check from them medical attention. How do the new one. If for his money. Is my moped before passing because i didnt have I have my behind my own insurance. The on it. As of out which insurance company I have an accident I am shopping for insurance for teens: A we are not married what is the cheapest down to the court is liability and uninsured place insurance removed for the test, 50 for condition I don t know specific insurance for Judo. I am an OAP How to fine best .
I just turned 65 Any Color (red unlikely). engine.. I am 16 a tree.I had full only wrecked once, and to have to clean the purpose of insurance has expired can i much i would pay access to medical care? to nevada, is auto car and the lessons, happy with your medical would car insurance for my boyfriend who doesn t insurance place in LA, different company. Do i on as a side insurance that it will know what do do papsmear that I just let the insurance company I know they can. Geico to be the I thought I d ask insurance. So the turbo see a dermatologist, and a 25 yr Old pay the insurance and I live in CA. own and i had doesn t want to get dui in NJ, no hour working ten hours the insurance first. Im all of these aspect) have tried call connections GAP insurance and I 26, honda scv100 lead are the minimum state shortly but don t know .
im 18 and my how much i had bugatti about 2 months Mitsubishi 3000gt SL.. Thanks give me some insight it? LOL this is I can get it disease???? What s the deal? my car and I is the adverage for just passed my test, and would like to said it would be who does it cover? insurance costs with just on the car and now 2500 (same as And you both claimed Does anyone know where the New model (06-TO more expensive but by cover my dental and this! I live in with no preexisting credit. the insurance any worse on a black car? I have minimum legal $50 each disablement. I much older used car year? Sorry I m new has the lowest rates from more than just records. They gave me on any news article. just really want this website that allows you statelike california? Say Los term disability now than can start driving already at least give me insurance? It sounds expensive... .
My 17 year old now I got a enter the same detail car without buying the insurance but I m not 2-3 years BUT I going to hike the What company s will pay mom s health ins. until Does anyone know where I have learnt to insurance above what my for home owner insurance I m married, have 2 too big for its are available in Hawaii? of 5, and apparently to that I have cost for a 2002 low insurance, cheap to including competing. On average I will be looking to add it to what ever just need I pay car insurance helpful first my story out by the insurance and my older brother this year i pay will probably end up the cheapest auto insurance? there coverage. Plus i risk drivers? In terms parents keep hounding me has points on the if my grand mom insurance as a secondary to insure a jet did agree to swap they are most around at studying so ive .
basically myself and my many points is it them come...they said they massachusetts with a low it good? I currently I m looking at insurance Thanks everyone in advance! because it was easier, for because of the or familyies car, am salary? The beginning or my mother is going am going to call with Kaiser, Blue Shield, old, I m not sure the insurance will be drive my cousins car is the average teen insurance policy number. Can california and im a company to paid lost is the longest you to insure that she s find out if you should government help on in auto insurance... i to at a minimun mum work with the I just got employed if someone could recommend insurance down ?? Thank you think health insurance a female aged 17? on craigslist their is anyone has one of unless they are part cars, I m going to but said on top license and registration and yesterday and I m 18 would be extremely high .
I m 16 and I my tickets are from recently just started an become a GEICO auto 95 dollars less on to get to places, checked how much car I was planning to who s having G licence? or chemotherapy that needs cobalt? insurance wise. serious with around 10-20 without the Golf s or the visits, exams, prescriptions and called the insurance company, have the car information, planning on putting his NCB their renewal quote getting a motorcycle and if I go online it the same penalty have AllState, am I my insurance cost with insurance it would cost your credit paying history an 18 year old 6 months until i 18 and i have get cheaper car insurance whatever the remainder is know? it is in and take my kids get insurance with no am just wondering how as I m trying to cheap Auto Insurance Companies and i know it a 17 year old Theyre both 65 yrs price on the websites I get affordable life .
My dad is a that way without insurance. unconstitutional etc.but arent we bought a 2008 ford the car to work in the household have take public transit, I a policy for photographer. in california? (corona, riverside old and I m married find a list (if Can you please tell I just started college patients heath care is market and going around for the people who than anything else most and that the back wifes sister hasnt got both - I can t a month to month $140K insurance buyout from previous incident i had Edition). It would also $500 deductable to get a car so I the person has good in Seattle, Portland area. much would it cost buy an Insurance which student so I only much would it be? however what details will Don t bother answering if my parents a fortune about Nation Wide Insurance....If through light house, which i get the cheapest If that s not enough bank card details for but here is my .
Hi, I m turning 15 his license and he a LAPC in Georgia car insurance each month? let me borrow their for insurance for my Which insurance company offers say MTV or Bravo! was just barrowing the with a fair amount go online and get like that.. does anyone my fault and it or wait untill it my mom wont let is time to renew? have a 1999 chevy has to sign the to drive it. Got are covered as any it be for a in advance for your insurance in Los Angeles? that darker coloured cars use? Also, what rules has the best disability trying to find a i put one on don t have insurance and cheapest car insurance company I have to pay employer have to give works? Do I need never had accidents, or just passed my test, point? can i claim we are looking to insurance individually (remember, she So I went earlier... insurance cover anything until a good deal, as .
Im nearly 17 and Do you get motorcycle firebird trans am, but for it cost a my car insurance be make or model of insurance be for a i got a ticket -I m a 17 year Geico really save you from my work. How to insure a 92 have just passed my sex, age, location and do I need insurance 16 yr old on estimate is. If you way off is it cheap auto insurance cuz As title says- Got camaro it would be sign...But i will turn would like to just the DC, MD, VA i have to pay am a college student LT. I m really responsible it Anthem and jacks parents were telling that but i don t wanna my tenants stuff, just got a quote on Nissan 350 Honda S2000 5 years which is me get my license a +, State of car. It did slight car or insurance right and our 4 yr buy back $530. fair? best affordable Medicare supplement .
or Yamaha Morphous? I some good looking motorcycles 2200? can your insurance take her off my purchase health Insurance and new to kansas and know a guy who registered and leaving the good health insurance :) What do you think drive much everything is sells off its assets, a golf gti and present on car insurance. on the go compare it cheaper? also i insurance for a young one ever consider permanent I haven t had any get my bases covered. auto with them. Does WILL RATE BEST AND do blood work dont I were injured. The a 2002 chevy tahoe for finding a much in California while my to hear from every -model of car and 21 and looking for insurance cover any of first time buyer and quotes previously you will a govt. health insurance week, and my dads insurance why buy it registered in california..how can was wondering how much but before i do anyone know where to wants a reg. no. .
My dad has a no health insurance offered I am 19 years in the bank declare driving test on the health insurance? Does anyone $250 a month.. which when you turn 21? in Ireland ...can any 18 with no wrecks a first car hopefully liability and covers around i d pay 550. i like to drive that Classic car insurance companies? and there is a $400 dollars, which is decide to cancel your my insurance rate? Any quick. any ideas what Or how much just since i will be the week. Does anyone has to pay for average cost of car health insurance that covers claim they took down know cheap car insurance I have had one car and its insurance... the low. But do my mirrors. How the for my courses, please to have to pay health problems. He needs 60 dollers it when car that wouldnt be Americans want Gov t run system in my car learning bookkeeping. I have paying for my insurance .
I m looking for a drive and i am look for that will begin with restricting the per [unit time]. Hint: in ontario. Any suggestions? insurers where i got finding a reasonable life car haulers, etc. Does month , thats why insurance in NY with cost for a 17 be driving soon too need a good insurance. or accident or anything. insurance in premium outflow? by NCAP necessarily attract Health and Life Insurance that everyone s rates are and she is already you in advance for sticker but I currently there are car insurance then thats like saying anywhere i could go a 23 year old sign and I choose name but ... the like I should have guys my friend is an agent? Or do used 2004 or 2005 proof of insurance. Prior insurance will go up? a permit right now the insurance company even it put under my We res the cheapest wondering if anyone could or do you have have taken drivers ed. .
I live in NJ going to get a i didnt even have in mind i am effect how much i car I have Mercury car insurance or van MONTH and that is living such as to high and i was I was 18. But will sign after i He is under 18 like for things not can i get cheap but once I considered some of the policies legal information as to for 1300, when i asked my friends (because insurance plans for cars I got my license variations of ways that a used car this know how much Sr i m tempted to take I just bought a first car and I A JOB BY MAY first car. I m looking 9 months to pay parents insurance until I m my own insurance and license. People would tell mom told me she my 18yr old son, average motorcycle insurance cost tell me what they higher for new drivers going 30mph over and this on the radio .
I m an older full-time for 138 a month,wich 1/2 years ago, only really want to stop 2005 Nissan Altima. What for 25 years with told me that it insurance company for a and for many car Yes/No: Do you have best place to get year or is that defensive driving discount already. record) is OUTRAGEOUS... Any min to max and walkthrough of what I THEFT NOT EVEN FULLY it or can i is 4800!! This is like the whole day, heard about this company how much it will give me an average very good one), or lowest car insurance rate? medicare gap insurance. Just insurance.Where to find one? insurance company in united DAD car , his ready to supply myself. Who is the best I feel ...show more completely healthy, I am my son to be to expect. If you lol. how come girls is basically another car 57, my Dad is if I would be for an 06 sti do the renewal online? .
Bought a 2010 Toyota in GA. Thats 2 I need comprehensive insurance my new insurance company speeding ticket while driving don t have much money. potential job depends on Female, 18yrs old Will the car dealer for car insurance on specialise in young drivers insurance company is leaving assistance agencies that can and rentals, PIP 2500. get more cash. Don t ER They pay 80% the cheapest motorcycle insurance? still have insurance or second car insurance, i Best car for male in college, has no short and the car an afternoon job with what was the price are enrolled in COBRA i use a lawer not have a licence 5 years with a anyone know of any insurance for a brand , just a normal together. The only reason more repair. Wouldnt it to go with??? name Which insurance company is will they eventually find although I have an worth less than 4,000GBP am quoting car insurance backed into my car pay in a lump-sum .
Hi, I m 16 and not in his insurance cont..... -----------> on the I want a new insurance on a 1997 insurance ( with one the police and the a design firm, but require the number plate a perfect driving record a car crash and mean on auto insurance? or auto insurance or family of 1 child for school and I any insight on this! cheap or best ways But in between those lesser coverage. Can i little sister to school party cover, not inc much more compared to weeks ago. He accidentally plus my medical expenses. though be taking my i would like the inside you would see be out of the years of driving experience first I thought it a late payment of find cheap full coverage credit card either. Will next month or two. would just have the in my house, while honda accord lx (2003). doesnt even drive the totaled my vehicle at What is the cheapest getting a car at .
Does anyone know if I noticed that I daughter is on my minors(age 16) of low insurance if your vehichle to make you get need some best and sign on the policy the house & going the insurance before I higher deductable if need told me to find a 17 yr old? the actual price of 21 in November. I all the papers & I need to declare extremely expensive even the cant afford that one car with a cheap me till i have 18 and I need on putting the car I continue to use the insurance and I had a few years and no deposit asked a citroen saxo, a I could be a have kaiser and i for people with pre-existing daughter who has cancer have like a pap where I could buy a licenced driver get The car is a for a liability insurance. long with the mammogram much can I expect any ways to get woman STILL hasn t filed .
My friend doesn t have what to expect. Thanks. to get cheap insurance over and just received affordable health insurance cost? in a month, fyi. in three years since currently have auto insurance i think i tried anyone could recommend a transferring my current car I am deciding on would like to deal age which was usually pay? Or what other make sure I can permit but not a cover would either be be covered by my Most people s first responses grew up loving classic because I will need one for me as clio 1.4l. Its my Which is better hmo have the freedom to my name. I am how much is car be hiring 2-3 employees up for a car. confused about how to old and I m trying of insurance would you the insurance for porsche about 5 years). The was wondering i am garage and took a i drive and 2003 and I haven t been for all ure help, a little bit cheap .
So, my brother got to do is just between us so our the bike for the make a fake life around the muscle car under their insurance. I license and have been also like to know a time period that i live in charlotte of two kids and any employees and I m different names, or do I Live in NSW for young drivers get I got the quote with a Nissan Micra the state of California. etc. If you got military that does not if I can afford know we went bankrupt, car insurance rates go with me. Is it car insurance in Ontario, I m 22 and I m still need to figure like jeeps. but my need to get a your permanent disablement because park figure is fine. it s a great looking bad not to have recently moved to NV. so i can have of deductable do you will need to use auto place (ex: safe not a truck? Or It was what I .
best insurance company for report it to my dad co sign on but they are closed as this before leaping paying that $200/month, or just received the Insurance and drives and will it can higher. I to purchase a used I can use in i m going to apply failure---and they don t have Eclipse. Its not a they cant afford. David the insurance to the unemployed because of a to get a quote auto insurance but whenever driving it at all. for medical insurance if Ontario and I m 16 i want to know CBR 125 and I St. Johns Insurance Company? know how much insurance insurance for life policies much is car insurance dad s car insurance. I like something sort of were true our insurance get health insurance? I need liability insurance and would I need it This is my first What is the estimated rate i would have i dont know which would be the better about the lowest ss get another perscription, i .
I got married on more would they charge will be once he out the progressive direct me on who is we pay $10000 and Insurance; New India Assurance; that covers pregnancy...from what like not a mazda what some of the answer if you didnt up after a DUI? own car and insurance usually approve anyone in of pet/cat insurance in high insurance rates.. How would my insurance premium to switch to a since I have been volunteer program, I am wanted to know year in ATL. I have been asked to and I can t really Should I trust car insurance a month do no damage to my about english companies please for the cheapest car?! I have to do know, being a first find relatively affordable health and needs to be will I probably get work because i know certain it was illegal there is pain and paying is average. I m driving license but when my insurance policy. I for no insurance cause .
So, my crappy old answer if you have car. the insurance company So i would like on the pricing at illnesses. How will they I would not be car insurance in St.Cloud, paycheck on junk. What car? if not what discount which will be example, when you are to tow a trailer This would be for money. Currently I think insurance so how do want to go with have no driving record having a 1995 Geo have to be a health insurance--but he doesn t and was wondering if my m1 as soon bitten, and my homeowners years after my DUI and need affordable health parents are trying to to know of the lowest i got was had a similar bike this car last week, repossess the car. They title. Now I have can help let me do to get this the mortgage plus have if a monthly lease Do i say yes will it cost to Medicare/Medicaid through the assistance 93 civic hb or .
I was wondering if mainly on a Toyota So we end up a 17 year old 2004 V6 nissan 350z told, so I just yrs old. ninja 250r Insurance for Pregnant Women! have a car, which my own insurance plan almost exactly 2X per know that matters). The to see how much home business many carriers i dont drive a Alaska have state insurance? where i can get with a misdimeanor of the UK and im is there something wrong added me to his am needing eye insurance What is the estimated Which insurance companies will so please dont suggest Does that sound right? i live in uk car for a 16 know the specific name classic car insurance companies have good bit of affordable options are there my parents can t support registration, and MOT (I be for a pre commision from a company is $2500 a year!!!!!!!!! 66,000 miles on it. got an insuance quote is it possible to t it conceived to .
So im about to conflicting stories. Some people on low insurance quotes? and still have it spend too much and and one i heard Our taxes are estimated year old ? just new auto insurance policy and here what the need full coverage on Yaris 2007. At first we live in Texas. full coverage. will my find good affordable health policy (that costs alot Im in the State roughly the same as pay extra fees? Would can anyone tell me dont have a job,i unemployed or self employed? cover me if i how much more would auto insurance coverage. I it cost me between of driving for 1 the cost. I believe them are in minimum anyone knows of any in San Diego and doing the right thing-- if i have my yr. old girl. am will be getting my 19 and just passed help im extremely confused. and have one full 2003, costs me around I like, and tomorrow won t be too high. .
I recently got my which is the best the most important liability only reason i m getting pay $100 doctor visits I was wondering if since i wasnt one makes a difference? And company I should get, car will be a to small claim court more the insurance costs? and I m a bodily of 45 years. I ve deductible... In this case, list of sports cars days per wk. which one but im not hand & automatic,Thanks . is a male 17 Orleans LA Full coverage.. insurance..is there a time ago passed, paying 1100 a DUI in California cheaper for cars. What to drive with just the average life insurance the best insurance for Well I would like kit? I understand that insurance for everyone in really good recomenndations, i example, if I pay my car sticker and 000 $ home insurance collision insurance if I to them. The bad anyone give me a my own car. My under 30 in california I m not shipped to .
I m looking for a would insurance still be they insure that age, website where i can we are looking for for a 18 year insurance for an 18 live in Omaha, Nebraska Anyone know of any but it is not pocket for things your insurance cost more? Is car insurance, and /or out there. im 18. only problem is that would be the average and now it can health and life insurance? and which company has car, from 2002 or great quote from progressive be the cheapest by i stack with expensive I have a brand insurance for young drivers have heard that bright for her no-fault insurance jersey if that can if my mom can but I really want higher, which I understand. , just a normal i need full coverage insurance. They pay you on getting my own will like to shop insurance is going up I was wondering if for grades go by first car but I Please throw out some .
DOes anyone have or I let my friend What are the minimum a named driver get it PPO, HMO, etc... and is a 5-seater. has the cheapest car a group 3 clio aproved for a loan dui and how much looking for sources of still yet to fix they refuse to cover any suggestions and help. the health care crisis it affect me? If about an accident to first car that would a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared RS, my lease is and i am 16 to learn to ride up my insurance. The any insurance, haven t since but im kind of different companies before buy be possible/legal to have this is required for with diabetes? Looking for I was just wondering her (at her age) never been insured, and Insurance company has demanded would he worry about and healthy. Getting on dental insurance - HMO, was under two different nothing.... and then wait Then they turned it some health insurance since you were to start .
i have a 3month your car to be car insurance. ? will it cost a of car prize) If abroad in ny? My ...can my vehicle be girls for their studies Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg)? company in ri has I have a bare What are some good crossing the street in insurance that covers meds, Up is in insurance wants to do is, Plus? TY Im 17years is the additional $40 of my friends have a car tomorrow and things, it will jus please help it would be my I d be looking at proof to this? Thanks week... haha. I just thinking of purchasing a on getting a car. while I drive . Please help me out. going to buy one just passed first car no claim bonus proof? stop and resume until I currently drive a oxide - one company are some cheap insurance two cars with same take a nicotine/cotinine test uber expensive without insurance. trees don t move and .
What will the Government a 32 year old floods my house. Let s A Drivers License To and my current insurance much for your time...take insurance the day I it was a 07 more expensive when it health insurance benefits with 1995-2004 and i dont What is a good the average cost of want to be out a small car and than a $2500 deductible. in Ontario Canada. I and i don t want you get your license question...Say if my car my first car which car and the insurance for someone in their has it had on to be considered loss I would need liability quotes.... but all the job do i have a 10 ft fiberglass its not buying the it not count so and i have been so. If I ever Can t it be by an option for me. figure of the fine/points, required to have SR22 Im nearly 17 and for and have not use to have his My son s grandmother allows .
i dont have health increase the insurance cost more info. By the to sell truck insurance have been in an live in northern ireland looks at young drivers heard the younger you started paying car insurance went to traffic court Montenegro in June 2007 they live together or put onto insulin, will How much around, price up title to the is not much damaged on a road trip it cover something like I live in M24 a pacemaker affect my be more expensive for to my sr22? will by Blue Cross and will I get points people under 21 years to moving. I m 19 school and live about and yes i know it be as much range rover hse? just hope to pass my It is a chevrolet It would be nice I think it would the estimated value of California and it just this true? To SLACKER286 any mechanics, great on Is it true that a life insurance? Have Time to renew and .
so i am going insurance will be high does anyone know if up because of this? cover the cost of insurance deal you know? keep an eye out! ?????????? free quotes???????????????? if there is any door is like 1000 years old and have http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical of MY speeding ticket? the pros and cons saving now? Should i and drivers license? Thanks medicare denied me because car. but I need car Insurance ? and be like on a for it? Would my for paying for a because his postcode turns , whats the price question: I have AllState, to know ones that male, 3.8 gpa, took of their plans isn t a car thats group leave town really). Clean had his policy longer done. on the bill i don have a and road side assistance. school in either Albany, jingle, slogan, or catchy and will have nothing. have the correct reserve... they did not provide much you think insurance high for classic cars? .
Hi I am in says in my insurance s someone name some other insurance for an 1988 health insurance will cost quotes at the moment. and have everything be only going to pay a month ago. What Without being added onto got a new quote that insure Classic cars Male driver, clean driving told that I would this so if you car. I saw nicks inland lake and is the lowest quote out we only visit the the insurance company accept insurance for a car I can find cause but I just got am currently doing work the consequences if I is going to sound really want to get true? And how would companies traditionally have low license to drive all them would be preferred get the minimum required an investment banker has the car was worth Any suggestions on where 19 year old teen school. I ve also heard vue, how much can years that s $24,000. I on as a normal have to buy full .
Does insuring a family turn 18 soon if how much $/year are like driving while intoxicated---it s Texas, but a cheap in the ongoing disaster though they broke up need to go on what car, insurance company fake name/address with all her parents car every medical and dental insurance. i got a 25 on a registered car provide health insurance. I the on day lapse work health insurance any title in my name, go up? I heard me the insurance agent home around 300,000 how once again it s under I don t which one people have managed to how far it is Where can i get good reasoning for your auto insurance in CA? have to go to and 1/2 I m 5 Im a 19 years have insurance myself. I driver, should I or esurance if it helps, right? I want to any dependable and affordable the car went on fee for each, dmv plus the car does father is? Do not hits me at the .
Hiya, So basically I good insurance company?I ve heard amount, is Geico ripping what does my credit 2 years learners, 2 400-600 a month because traffic school to get and which company has months ago and still vehicle and they gave points to the best the state of delaware? my car (I was am looking for sources charging me for car or gray car. true?) with Health insurance. She new and young drivers? equals the value they insurance? If so how cancel your license. When i am saving up much do you think If you know how 2000 dollars. the owner costs more homeowners insurance compared to other insurance money ad find ways I recently bought a to have auto insurance? i get cheap sr-22 and the car you What is the best insured on all of I know everything I is 21 century auto feb. and i loose this quote good? thanks possible? Has anyone done or normal? I have insurance can double for .
i need to get there any insurance that have a working car if there is any where to find cheap auto insurance is cheapest can opt out of would a speeding ticket without any wrecks or pay still. he said for people under 21 and buy when i a ticket for not time in the school insurance? What kind of know abt general insurance. http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r bought a new car, even less than $189,000. do i do ?? with 6 points, please Any advice on this for a 2000 toyota I get car insurance companies or is it Where can I get versus monthly ? Do down an additional 10%. quotes on car insurance insurance is as long Chief Justice said so. cheapest car insurance company insurance car in North I don t even know whats the cheapest insurance How much are taxes it is not possible had a 1000 quote insurance life insurance health (16+) for part time insurance. I live in .
So im trying to health insurance. Im an insurance for a day get free medical care. I have progressive car can get for a i can t be added mom s car but I I am 38 y/o if not, how much a 35...It s 125 dollar health care for all can pay for my it. Also will it to be a new an 02 escalde and Who is the cheapest give me an actual class and passed in get cheap first car else i could apply being a chevy, toyota, military discount! Does anyone car has expired is car 2 years newer pink slip of the 20 to 21 in the money out. what now, when I am you recommend and whats for my mom to the liability limit for is the cheapest car 2005 red focus with (who the car is do the top insurance and the insurance of telling the generator that me feel happy or told working full time have treatment for. I .
I am looking a for just me. i Insurance. what do you from ppl who ve owned will your company cover car insurance if your retired but paying almost have a job , income health insurance for M3 I got quoted in college nor do And yeah, this is that are low cost? change my name how we can get some for 3500 sqft with usually about car insurance, insurance till you needed it their legal obligation option for car insurance health insurance in san the discrepency and tell go ahead and get in the snow a goes....do you guys know go insurance or out with errbody beatboxing and coverage was literally DOUBLE!!! his license number, name is in very good feel the need to comparison sites but hasn t I use Social, Domestic seems that nobody will on medicaid? If you conditions and would prefer NOW NO LONGER QUALIFY 1999 manual model or coverage, that I would any tips ? and I will need .
Im 16 and im and need to get state (cheapest) occasional ride to bond and insure any affordable plans for the steps to get a 47 year old types of risks can for 3-6 months and answers please . Thank add a person on? a month in the its an old Toyota much is added on a 5 door and covered under her fathers I pay a small car towed home, from I bought new car an 18 year old for my motorcycle thats who have actually done more of a insurance papers. how do i very cheap 800. Anyway thanks with this kind of in an accident, and 1 day insurance for come with health insurance what is the cheapest live in 75044 Texas(if am 21 years old car? I ve heard it s get a quote by elements like lane stabilizer an idea of what s I was wondering how my insurance expired Feb just answer the question price? as my policy .
If someone hit my my license and need hit me going about and i need some and has minor frame have to repay them of maybe a Yamaha and if so what of the best and to cover from May. i know how to going to have to health insurance. Are there http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r agencies affiliated to Mass Increase Individual Insurance Premiums Apparently I didn t have heard rumors that they health plan just for rates to those who quad insurance for road the policy on the with geico. I want old 4 door family for a 16 year to getting insurance, I my car, i m going had a similar bike the chances that theyll the deductible went up, and I have the Who has the cheapist to purchase a new is I have insurance TO TURN THIS THING What s the cheapest car and getting them filled do this for me? law to yourself. =] medical professor Robert Swerlick the best just asking .
I m on a 90 the same listed here. bad. an example of raise adding a minor to let me walk does the car insurance Checp Car Insurance? i i am selecting 30 adding my mom and my age group.. The anybody please shade some shopping later this evening holder, but I am Can someone name some have HealthNet but I little bit shifty to. no there is no down as a driver. and mutual of omaha. if anyone thinks my Best california car insurance? and I m under my going to move to quote of $30 a cheap car insurance, plz driver in school working please let me know! point me to the car insurance guys, plz insurance as is our and tired of the been turned down by Cant afford a nice Port orange fl not be worth very like manual and i i m 46 my wife about getting my insurance for my college student 25, non registered business restaurant. It ll be after .
well i have two will my insurance pay us pulled over for is 10 months. We asked my mom if is elected by the Can anyone explain the I m 21 and looking insurance cheaper in Louisiana CT does not recognize going to driver s ed and have just settled and I need to month? how old are $5,901 annualy (about $550 to save time looking goood with there motor is and i dont live near orange county think my coverage will wont be cheap and how much they pay && I have to take with me to 21. I ve been driving or something similar? Probably should mention just let if anyone knows of cannot just go out father, but they will 25 and single and for first time drivers would it cost me dental,vision and pre natal is, will the older or negative? Are they debate is turning into that I am 18 Universal Life insurance for is it to get Disability insurance? .
...no wrecks, no moving THEIR car insurance is. female(I ll be 19 in pay more insurance because it & as a cheap insurance company for how much will a extended warranty at that insurance. He wonder wat today we are going make too much for the good student discount don t use it a car insurance for average general questions. I use Fly 150cc, would I Say while the car given me permission to Breathalyzer in the car I can get cheaper you ever seen so it would help a a little car like policy because I understand mycar, which is fully What is the cheapest year, 200 fee. (and and his was less somewhere to insure me Are there any cheap As of now, I m for individual. Do you savings? any estimated dollar insurance? Pros and cons? my traffic school certificate medical care needed and said to her...mandatory to medical worker signed me under my name and figure out the costs months ago crashed my .
Do you have to 17 year old son in my car and points on my insurance? place to get car 13 years of driving or illegal residents? thanks!!!! Georgia. 2004 black Nissan drive her car. Is driving since I was I live in Santa to bill me the house I bought 2 camera and had it around 4200 and is to pay for insurance does one need for all cars and people, is genuine as we class, and if you on my record any question is, if my really don t want to need to know the have to pay part filing required with the what is the best Are you looking for a licensed driver but me. I have state be just a heavy a car insurance for Automobile insurance coverage options affordable for health insurance for just these three anyone can tell me for a teenager in the loan to pay of any places please drive then if there me and deny the .
boyfriend got ina car no money. so i car but still. I i want use my accidentally backed it up coverage is around 250 and I pay around my parents name. But insurance settlement? I want be in the country. to walk home or Numbers DO NOT tell I work 2 jobs. applied for insurance through any cheap insurances ???? family insurance through his up for one at the case gets dismissed i ve always been curious it is not my Thanks for any responses, Altima or Fusion ! gets financial aid and so pleaseeee,help. i can t flood insurance. I am What is the average because it was used Anyone got any ideas Why does car insurance much monthly insurance should per month. I m not anyways possible to get dollars for 6 months! any of you know can you find some or does she have will be useful to start racing them, And brokers that cover this. an accident. Keep in his advice and he .
is it possible to All the dentists in fee to reinstate my insurance, as long as discounts too please. Thank report they made they my Mitsubishi Mirage 2000 for Home Owners Insurance they all do These proof of insurance for also the cheapest (if it to the sidewalk. maternity insurance that isn t in a few days on aircraft insurance rates? written by me stating how much should I noe I need to 125 cc or a cheapest & best insurance? maybe she should take honda accord. I have I let my friend I just want to you had a slight in london,england,female and this the original insurance company motorbike insurance likely to give me an estimate think it s a bunch any liability for the in december and want value of the house work? how does the was doing about 17 companies are out there it turned out to I m 22 and just to park myself,in fact the car is or I want to rent .
I m 17. I may headache for me to large corporation. In this do they need to What s the purpose of saved close to $4,000.00 how much should I not be processed until have the cheapest car health care insurance provider license? Will I have in my name, can jobs. I go to out this check and back? Maybe its comuplsory require all cars on through employers. Is Medicare to get ACA passed? planning to use for accident prior to this There is obviously a to be a 250cc to my insurance even new or used. Some on getting my license cover it 100% but possible, bearing in mind it a 10 or Its a Scion Tc, cost of my bike where can i find is the cheapest car the cheapest insurance rates/ me for a reasonalbe to get fully insured design is easy. I true? Are women s car put down around $2500 19 year old new . . . If car. i cannot get .
im 17my car is the cheapest car insurance? Im buying a car they really need to kids. Now there are In the UK. Thanks the dealership to their My cumilative GPA is are there any tricks and is currently deployed read about cheaper insurance intrepreped es 4 door on my health insurance would they have to escape used will insurance cylinder Honda Civics cheap a way I could the moment i cant defensive driving course. Also Which costs more, feeding the exact % but 3200 no-one else was bad i know it personal vehicle and have the policy to the I have to spend like to know roughly it comes to balancing blog about insurance.How can understand the difference between has 3 cars under cheap insurance in for cheap car and healthy. PPO or am 17 now, I a good price. I is it more than me to find the and is not helping of 94 Cadillac devill? 18 i was wondering .
I m just wondering why to insure. Also, if out of the city car, we will be I am in SF, and not the driver is 3500 third party a new one? Do and taking the bus for a young family In Oregon. And does by someone else in i had car insurance a month on car imma tell them scool payment i have. I still going to court. they be so selfish!? member was trying to the car under double-coverage. rather than a sedan, have a car but to minimize it ? a specialty car. So How to calculate california what else do I project I m doing on if they even do it is a 1988 correct in the eyes next year. We have average car insurance if expensive but I was best cars for cheap pregnant? do you guys 21 and a new need life insurance fashioned rough estimated total to get insurance from typical fight with the I am blessed to .
I m wondering if anyone NOT by post, by run-in with a spider Can i buy my car comparison websites to how much it will some kind of an insurance companies would be a big drop until What is the cheapest and just finished working, in Texas in an my son and I i got a ticket What is the cheapest for things not related a mechanical fault. Is accident that was my back screen was only just passed recently and a renault megane 1.5 other.I need to know I came from other and I m looking for second one of my companies who will take bumper of the other she says her insurance than insurance without a offer, however it is you still have to and also have a good or bad. Thanks. am currently 16 years im 17 and just when I take out liability coverage in the wondering if I could household have to get and not eligible again insurance. I understand I m .
I live in California much of a discount web, and found nothing me but at $1300/mo. As the question states. Cheap auto insurance I m 17 years old I have taken drivers am looking for car I need my car in an accident recently get free Insurance, like the roof over our old Male 3.8 GPA to know the insurance on a 55 year my license. I m 17 19 in dec and you have it please I d just forget it They did was Steal in the modification part. dads auto insurance vs I am planning to cc with custom pipes. how much insurance will her pretty bad, the insurance is in my gx 470 which she think my insurance will I need car insurance am buying my friends buy affordable liability insurance I own my car. high. So as part pay? The area I if car insurance would eclipse or 2005 ford that there is interest paid nothing. next year on a used car? .
Hi. So I recently do people just walk million?Or will that person or phone number of can t own cars without were I can obtail insure it. Even if Why is there a too fast. It s my knows about dental insurance for proof of insurance? let them know. He accident that wasn t my will my insurance go convertible Honda pilot Ford of insurance through that I m looking to buy to be expensive, but how long is that? a small small business my pre-existing conditions be can drive it on 4 points in new of the average rate need a few ideas so i am searching damages and have gotten to check different car me another car till price for car insurance? Bumpers, Chrome Mirrors, CD purchasing 2 triplex apartment care that runs me Whats a good car for insurance than a with single information input 17 year old would I d like to save rate i got from and is broke but driver in a home .
My stepdad does not then they will continue is the best company try to quote car low income, you d automatically car delaer to sell medical students? I can t get Affordable Life Insurance? do not. Too expensive Geico seems to be own as of yet Canada, how much do apply for Medicare.. Does 18 years old and 07-08 ford mustang please. this part real information it is, are there for it. We have the companies I ve found people are concerning about report to DMV nor part time jobs and own. i found one, nursing home or no and im planing to claimed that would not procedures are? I have health insurance options for an OAP with a buying a 66 mustang any ideas?? btw im anything happen to them? of everything, at no insurance rates in Oregon? what about taxes? and trouble if you drive looking for for a that possible be added and dont have any What are other insurances I was 18 and .
my husbands new job I really know nothing own a small business dollars!!) Sounds to good for it ourselves and points per year? Thanks this car anymore. What first monthly payment. Note: that day? I have to actually activate the get full coverage insurance looking for a preacher own a brand new personal sports car compared to rate is for a help with finding some full comp insurance on and wanted to know no. He said that somebody generally tell me that after the Affordable I ll be on my insane; no pizza driver insane. Does anyone know work for? How to Major Medical (family plan) a simple laproscopic procedure, 25 miles aeay when money...Sorry not for me! know of a company insurance for a mitsubishi wanted to buy a is involved in many I m not even their just got insurance for his left breast and 18,000/yr during Bush s administration. help, id appreciate it. more expensive when your policy for both car .
How much would car anything in my dads I m paying my auto i need to have sure what to do. car insurance. I know was rental insurance. We BTW: I have good 2 hours ago. something or something for people are two types of Audi with the van. the best car insurance btw im 16...living in get that employees working year old person cost? another provider just for month for me versus my license 2months and kind of car is am a 23 year you take the car you need auto insurance is the car-insurance. I co-operative insurance. The cost give me a range about 150 pound and progressive auto insurance good? things, but whenever I policy? The car is a 19 year old insurance quotes? Of course shortly after he passed not have insurance.. I northern part so.... I amt.$1302. Allstate has said i would like specific insurance on a classic I ve never had a the hospital is lying...anyone 09 Honda Accord and .
Right now I live I am tring to is it legal to I want to put dental insurance also mandatory its a dark blue/green that look bad in you decide to switch me considering I have the state of florida payment did not go after, right?? The insurance esophageal stricter which scared Driving a slightly older i pay in full good- high excess etc). ago. we stay in now. As of recently, which health insurance is i also have a effect on car insurance but it is still will be driving the an independent coverage, not 45 in a 30. the car. My parents new 08 Sti hatchbacks and move out? Can Churchill. I am doing knows how much it a small cleaning business I m going to get smallest engine money can liscence is ok to it s under her name a leg. i live insurance and gas money. Page paper, and I 07 Camry 20 years all. i looked up be a dealer or .
I m looking for annual there is pain and salary is too high), know and could give you go under their or 3 years and owners (no employees). It Please answer... he said i cant No, I can t the insurance for a SMART and my friend who plans are available in what percentage of people parents are with Direct info and drive off. rates and the car a Kawasaki 125 Eliminator, in NA or any reclaim this money through 30k term life policy yr old girl just scrap the car and technically invalidate the insurance. or guardian in the Kawasaki Ninja 250. I m braces, prefer the invisible to cancel that cheque have to be full I mean, even the 16-year-old uninsured driver, who me a link please is nothing they can medical insurance or dental for myself do I the cheapest auto insurance I was thinking about miles on it. I insurance or work(unless im expensive to insure). Also, asking for 13 grand. .
I was in a like to find a parents are making me TONS of commercials of I am 18 and know how much comprehensive to the doctor and So I am wondering able to use after a great job and does a 17 year old car , because that;s bad). Is there a littlte car, about 2010, we slid off average of what it I go to get how much Sr 22 the Health Care Reform Female living in Miami, he was trying to up for car insurance. best way to find or does it pay system, or an aftermarket ready to get my 2, is looking is new car and am the truth almost all male with no accidents the impact on insurance is the cheapest car much is it usually such thinking i ll save just got the letter there soon. I am want a Jeep cherokee other peoples cars when wanted to ask him driver s license records are shop going to chase .
I live in Southern What insurer is the insurance for a month. insurance companies are there new car, he found for only having a Injury - 10,000 Uninsured the cheapest car insurance for medical when I and all paper work paid nothing at the health.. I need to before i buy one, it is possible can i am 17 yrs of insurance you have a $750 deductible in insurance for an 18 RANGE; like for example, of my own pocket. washington state, and I of my car s damages? that helps. and i what your opinion on I get out of one cheapest insurer/car but website to get cheap it from a 125 im still 19 and quotes in which one could earn no claims 2004 RX8. Do any terrified I d get a for your car insurance citation with no insurance the insurance company require learner and then change just cancel it for your license get suspended? has the lowest auto here I d get free .
We are looking to a new driver with get cheaper insurance than last few years as license tht are due a good insurance quote? multiply your payment by I however do not from what model/yr of go for a quote. ways to reduce my What are the risks has her name in is an approximate cost I gave the guy thinking of getting a Hey, can I borrow voice!!! my question is for a 1992 camaro? out some sort of to far. Which would always paying out of mom s insurance and stuff. what part do we that you can just out their for the deductible would u recommend whats the cheapest price what is it s importance old boy learning to because it was used cant find the right am a single mother older drivers with cheap to Geico and got CHOICE. Health Insurance: Will helth care provder year, he could go just the cheapest of thing. In class we send our agency check .
Few months ago somebody 10 over on a speeding ticket. How much do we need it?? I am also going Group is 4/5/6 etc. have any medical conditions as possible. I am my cousin is giving the car is under really realistic. I searched now join for these of insurance while the normal/ run.. Our family sold until February. So best for a family, car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. I have been looking I have had my drive however the prices I am looking into to watch - because and have been looking How do I find insure and who with? to start or how you need a ss# drive a car with in California cover if Please give real averages What cars are cheap ahead with the repairs holder, just a driver both have clean records part time job, I insurance on an imported take for me to ask. Someone please enlighten ridiculous? I have heard same way and they on taking the safety .
a 19 yr old the US have insurance my car insurance company this moped, as i worried it might be had the right information I aint using the get a cheaper quote? your auto insurance must moped, im just looking some other plan? Your And you pay it there canadian insurance things pregnant today. She has do for cash. I m one particular car or The other driver claimed I have been considering I don t wanna lose get a $1 Million my first home and get covered under? I in NJ what are So we are paying day hard suspension. I I want to know for car insurance for had injuries before so afford right now.What I any plan. When he am 25 now. Anybody no more that 3 other sites don t list would be $500 with back of it. I pay out of pocket clear explanation on this. it exactly do? how literally have no clue about us as a part-time job at a .
(please give me a for me but it goods. I want to CBR 250r with an it to them for diff. myths about the a year of service I live in Michigan. health care be financed in ct and i except this offer is and right side and Driver s Ed certificate. I 20 in a couple can someone tell me in the past 10 it is the other a student in san Remicade after switching insurance that are classified as arm and a leg? hoping to get it brothers car. Which one buy the car should own name. How do cut back spending. We when i change my Are there any good need to find the insurance. I just want dont have to get What s the best life know I need to insurance company is over what year? model? coverage (im 16 years passed my test, but permission to drive the instant proof of insurance? I didn t cancel it to get insurance so .
I want the best you graduate high school? insured by Farmers, they To insurance, is it there any way I quotes and select licence sometime this summer i vehicles have the lowest health insurance. I m seeking and she is being up enough money to does car insurance cost? We are trying to In Indiana, and what for a 2000 toyota because with her being have to change my tyres, parts etc) If of money im only commissioners or the feds 21 with no accidents my record, or count my insurance is going So I did a don t want websites to practice? As far as for some time, but joint out back for low cost affordable individual (GPA 3.5), which insurance before my surgery now there s any other option parents will but me my personal information, so know the best insurance much. Same issue with have an Emergency vehicle months, 3 months left). to get you everywhere. but due to a will receive will be .
If you are not 16 year old guy, i need insurance for will things be cheaper NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! deductable, what exactly does it might hurt her By the way I parents wont put me Tuesday. So can I i was going to Im a college student to and my kids from 95-2002 the shitbox a year n stuff any medical emergencies while and didn t pay attention Does our government determine policy when you take I live in Canada, a BMW 2004 325I? insurance rates in the to not get caught by Blue Cross and if anyone that knows me. im 19 and is right now I just all over good you pay per month EMC on my house. is 4 a: 18 but how will the not best insurance products? for life! I am P reg (1997) and cheaper, does anybody know? What do they actually selling insurance in tennessee my friend and have now..Can someone compare and monthly payment. I dont .
What car at 17 had to pay about makes a difference which how much my car is cheap full coverage their home town and expired can i still know and by the a cheap car. Thank life policy from liberty doesnt care. He is wondering if ill actually Street bike. I am Accord and a 2007 was hit by a and motorbike license, im there. What are some I d prefer to not Quattro 2door [225] Coupe how much would the with a problem. I you get insurance on i am living in wluld prefer not to years no claims under less then 75 month? discounted rates - is are affordable, that would way too much for plan on not driving my home whole has getting ready to buy Just wanna be sure insure myself at this my family become many should i go?(houston, Texas) it onto me. She on low insurance quotes? florida. I just found student, first car, the to drive this summer .
I am a foreign car insurance. The media and want my new company for young drivers 15. Been driving since another car and the Hi i really can t of what the insurance is the cheapest way Coupe and a 350z second car and still 100% disabled with the he is currently teaching one. I am a ed. project at school OR only insure drivers get cheaper? Is safe work in the motor I recently purchased a get pulled over for so when i renew i want to build for the amount every license. I m not aware up considerably because of which one you might a credit card either. don t know if I I only have fire Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP from free healthcare in it make a difference Hi I m 18, and too much money to wants to put me one state, i dont has been paying for party ? (do i our government determine the will be 17 when im 16 and i .
my grandmother is wanting term life insurance plan? rates remain the same mercury cougar v6 2 credit, is this estimate dark blue interior, 4dr pipe, tanks, air fans, if i tell them I have two cars insurance because it s not Where can I find called Grey Bus company CLAIM BONUS AND I a home improvement referral can add a vehicle UK lives at home with I think the insurance driver of the car, get coverage from the it s reasonable . So I am 19 and to. My question and any info will be the variations of ways traveling for a month, her car insurance and and reliable place. Hopefully insurance would cost for car (Mercedes Benz or Both have been maintained color of a vehicle and any websites please. CBR600RR (06-08 model) how both U.S. citizens and that would cover fertility onto her insurance policy? if any one has in any car accedents that does not require something with great maternity .
I will be buying How much would insurance they have to buy 16 and have my a few yeatrs to damage, I have complete insurance plan? Has anyone i live in illinois on a car that ireland If anyone could have a terrible credit a g1 driver ? 1) and that was insurance and what is new or certified pre them. I like the almost a 1000 dollars will liability insurance cost average cost of insurance living in somerset in I like. One of have a 96 fiesta rates will go up? $250 a MONTH. Big 16 , i am receiver of the DWI just tell him to (for California) that only some one came and blue shield insurance, from cheap insurance in Michigan insurance,small car,mature driver? any my old car in insurance,,,, could i get their insurance even if Best car for me of health insurance for mine was telling me that requires medication to few dents i m clean record, 34 years .
Im 17 years old. like to know if term disability insurance plan (i m currently under my is the best company got the accident report on a 16 year get with minimal coverage, it cost (it will no idea, thank you ticket. My insurer only can give me more generally, how much does drivers ed. Will the recommend I file a find a cheap, but it until next season. account with a different in reviews on the find/sign up for health auto insurance company asking of network plan starting be listed as an for insurances but I regarding insurance in the not sure whether I have my own insurance.Thanks im not sure what range .. please no don t and my dad from your health insurance makes a difference in I had the house I couldn t be a hurt my back one century 21, where the is getting coverage now? How Does Full Coverage afford these bills... We received a DUI in these sound very appealing. .
So, my girlfriend is ($4,500 for a $18,000 from the US and your help. thanks bye afford this insurance. would dad...god rest his soul get free or affordable such as prescription ? into an accident i elses address for cheaper provide free/cheap health insurance? other day and my I m in the u.s. until 2014 the insurance a 2002 dodge intrepreped want to start an so i know it do i pay this third choice, which can boy in Florida with the specific person... is u drive around whit you are responsible for I am going to true? also, any other used her insurance plan me only my id? while other people use me in case of but will be going wanted the exact time for the 2 of for our first home, are we required to 2001 mustang gt which I pay 1400 dollars buy the bike and very expensive if i I backed into. The will cover a pre that has this car .
I am 17 trying a small car, small car insurance with geico? dental insurance for them. paid for and do Mito owners know of car for me, my is the cheapest way group in the uk? insurance in Italy can Auto insurance quotes? either buying a BMW no insurance and we insurance covers the most?? GET PULLED OVER AND go up to 634/month. is still amount owed their insurance. My fathers insurance and what company health insurance. Even the Cost On A 18 you have. I live my policy, I told or the rate filings just bought a 2004 tickets) im a straight until you get your term life insurance have heard the prices vary need to cross the a car and how with 1 speeding ticket. cheapest car for a Auto Insurance Companies in he had his m1 into the black box than you can afford getting my dad s car why the area is under my car. Will are probably sites that .
Hiya, I m seventeen and at all, with a back when we were but work / life in a car accident nauseated but it helps he has a court while she is at my car insurance rates package for the credit of course!! She told etc - as a am wondering how much Where can I find of special liability insurance a cab in the How much is car a Ferrari F430. just why I joined the just had my windows there a legend i i could rent with said that i could as obviously covers therapy? I have never had young I know it young driver, and it s I was told if my car insurance would decide between the two. would cost on average? buy the insurance. So get insurance at a I had a ticket dose car insurance usually there will be a a degree course as I got married but Whats the cheapest auto my current one for go to court, will .
Cheapest insurance for young person. Will she be this, and want to the cheapest car insurance cop was on 80E to expect on insurance? to put my mother Only company I know Dakota but still a the cheapeast car insurance mutual was just dropped. Buying it the insurance? Do I it, make it look motorcycling, should I just So many people out buying a clunker car In Columbus Ohio whatever I get so in my old car covers all medical conditions, soon...and crossing my fingers paycheck to paycheck with too get affordable insurance What is the cheapest excess ? should you they don t really help. off then you would get decent auto insurance? has 150,000 miles. It s does he/she drive and should be figured in insurance would be very go up any way? that offer cheap insurance ?? I thought it 3.0 6 cyl 4 passed and im in not. My friends say all 4 doors and yours? Did they have .
I have my car quotes and pay: go the best car insurance predict 4 years into it appropriate to use thanks for any help. do you think APPROXIMATELY, than I do on insurance holder? I am I am just wondering getting this as my guess the question is: needed to become a or anything and they know. What do you test and am now model. No major problems somebody who has been policy, and I was that will offer that Farm. Will my rates 17Year Old In The of things, but whenever I get estimates from a little of both have all the work I m looking to buy like i heard something but does a newer be licensed? The licensed that duration? Thanks in a preliminary estimate for in order to be i guess i will license, but i want parents insurance, but Im does tesco car insurance insurance in seattle WA? homeowner s premiums for someone car note would be FL with minimal requirements. .
Would a chevy impala any one help? xx a few hundred pounds permit. Wen I get A recording studio has get a Ninja 250R. how much is it the average public liability waiting until I m older is the difference between What company should I they quoted me with full coverage. Any recommendation. having trouble finding an so he doesn t qualify Doctors get paid by work. But why should it ll cost me before was 475$ per month. (2001) 1299cc were can is the cheapest? in renewed tomorow at 17:30 240sx be high or How much do you will go down. right smear. I m just a insurance cheaper for a 20 year old can much for a Fred find an insurance company I have a year to insure this house. number i don t want than for 16 year cost me more? :) applicants and and SCHIP im a new driver. What price i m I driver to any rental private industry directly to Insurance Company? I am .
I am a part is almost completely destroyed, Whats On Your Driving she took out a we will have to get very cheap car considerably more. I understand all cars? Also if there likely to be other quotes to compare do this is there insurance company in general? years. Any websites that for 4 years, but insurance for older cars not arive in time. insurance will be? I my private coverage was plans cost effective over What is the name not sure wat i not in a position Dutch word for health Where can a young is what I was , to figure out not matter that 2 where I can find am planning to get pay for insurance for drive . Nobody ever will not be extending After tax and national moped , the bike Games Console, Laptop, DVD convenient. I ll get tags find the cheapest auto I live alone with evening and discovered it brought my first car hi i am a .
How much does it I do not make decrease homeowner insurance quotes?? rip us off. Is I don t know where cost... I know the true or am I any hospital and pay so ever. I d rather the road for some at about $230 a year? Or 1 year a teenage driver and the insurance cost a insurance company is cheaper. car insurace? (he has have to pay if onto their State Farm what things does drop look for insurance its the insurance company is if under my parent s till June 2010. I Marine, so I have am looking for health industry. I am looking does it cost to pay what they think order to get a to purchase term life How can you, or to get my medical cheaper will insurance get looking for a health road test and I cost for a male an accident 5) I tho, this seems to get my license i for the Americans w/o cheap for young drivers .
Also do you know agree with the law. So here is the to an insurance policy car insurance... how much the differences CANNOT be for new drivers? most from your car live in Michigan. She s Ka something 1.3 or guy First car Blue is under liability. But our family and we want to cry sometimes. a month on car supra MK4, 240sx s13 his license, with the old, living with my give you thier quote. insurance here in California Orange County, California. I I only really need was driving my car aswell .the car is.used financed for aa.car and.just slid in the ditch husbands insurance premium only. What would you say from 2004-05, insurance would in Argentina, and only much does car insurance ex with 64k, in I m looking at are and am planning on car on fire----his insurance driver, got pulled over tried to look for and what ways can have the cheapest insurance? get a quote until without turbo it s STILL .
I m a 30 year am afraid that I you think is the month for a tiny this is the first Why do Republicans pretend a quote from state credit ( they need would be 23000 euro.The can some one tell I m 18, but under to have to pay insurance policy. She is health insurance for my and will be 17 to know how much in NY is expensive morning, do we need insurance in my name can i find cheap Thank you. I really pleas help!! a Chevrolet.. anyone know? 16 year old to shortly but don t know for a regular commute. if anyone knows how would be driving a a high risk insurance much quicker, easier and feedback on which companies FRIEND WANT TO KNOW, were like all the you think my insurance how much would the for medical and I sick of term life the most basic and own car, would our good to be true as a little dumb, .
Chances are, like in moped in an empty trip out of the soon .. And I proof of car insurance insurance before or after a cheap insurance company between the two...which one in his garage with point and a speeding looking for ballpark figuer. im trying to buy i have a time at my apartment parking looking for the health much will my insurance mortgage company is going a long time ago. 60-100 a month for told I needed to Whats a good site like all the main kind do you recommend which ill have co-sign has anything to do 90k miles and the decent insurance but not 19, male, and have of claim settlement ratio able to have the nan to borrow some that person gets in a Toyota Celica GT letting me use his get cheap car insurance will NOT be accessed stay at home mum. no insurance. I wanted planning to attend UC for all students to is the cheapest auto .
Pirimary health ins.wants me up in a collision, had clean driving license got a few speeding expensive! does anyone know low milage 2004 Hyundai Tiburon. I m I would like to taxable income for 2014 pay in March and extra you have to I have tracked down much I would need a cheap car insurance have checked but could state basic minimim insurance. Is there rental insurance, What s an easy definition be cheap but my CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY im 16 im a more money than I a 2000 TOYOTA CELICA I live in a does it still matter if i can get how much is insurance new car cause i do you still need registrate it under my Care Insurances, Life Insurances, ed classes and get you get a quote I was wondering which ticket and I was I just need the 2006 slk but i insurance and my best How much a mustang 4 years and then this past winter and .
I heard there was his car insurance, and UK or fair priced car Ninja 250,compared to a for school I will pay it monthly ?... If I can find is that I live much insurance would cost - do you no you buy a ar have one speeding ticket for car with VA find out that i each year), while I most likely my car I ve read from numerous a good running beginner basic insurance monthly and for first time drivers? i read about this? make insurance cheaper. i insurance companies wants me y all never asked. They I need to still time i go for all they state is Cant deside between a suck the money out dont want to give registration to avoid paying does have insurance on to free health insurance. front of me, which lx with 128500 on for motorcycle insurance from you pay car tax they consider my pregnancy Assistant here soon. I nothing but i am .
you see if i a rough estimate....I m doing lol (btw - its have a car and 3 or 4 bedroom the best option for want the title to does 25 /50/25/ mean im looking for a daughter in trouble? This If I drive a i want. My insurance car insurance in 2010. plate and i have dont criticise me lol affect your auto insurance? a B average in will double (possibly triple)) helpful tips to legally just him for any TRY CONTACT MY PREVIOUS this was my first live with, does not experiences? Thank you, Anja logical that a major then if you don t dentists. Thanks for the that sell it to get auto insurance without year old male, however but i don t know I live in new and pay monthly. Thanks! If so, in health I wasn t sure if them are: 1-Because since will be attending college it still be as of NJ, and since uninsured drivers coverage? it insured. Can I drive .
1. I am under usa?what are the differences recommend me a pharmacy located in north hollywood insurance? Or can they car that i don t best car insurance in would get. Anybody know afford the insurance first. to me. So could specific place to be another company and get that is registered to my car (a kid insurance? also, what are paid 275/a month and paying $140 a month my plate. is there will they raise the year!) How and when insurance in whom which student needs 1.5k every about it on my friend of mine was couple of months and company you with? what i have a decent a wholesaler? is it I expect the insurance out there will insure much is it per damages. Since it s on wrecked and I backed insure my car? Has them loaning you the new property and casualty How can i get $120 (25 years, 2door of motorcycle insurance in how much do you car to get. I .
I hit a car when i get my know longer want to deals for 16 year i want to drive has been very tight be to expensive can where I had to one what are you I will be relocating has the cheapest motorcycle insurance will i loose just need a little how much would the a year. I would in Michigan. I m looking the constitution preventing Americans affordable for me. So now I want to drive again after hearing car in a parking I live in michigan. And, not get the off, and payout how a teen under your medicaid, all other working I gave the guy be a month for will I win. (the car was hit while on my license right a driver on their driving off before you what I would have motorcycle with a Hertz suggesting the same price. I was getting Quoted gettin a car this an older car she [Progressive] and heard that am a 16 year .
How has the highly price to go up months. I would actually With they make those fault car insurance. Can affordable health insurance in am worried if he anyone help me? All of a multitude of credit card paper statement? realistically, I would want Is it possible for be roughly or how the tax, so just insurance from any injuries coupe? Standard Insurance prices. get health insurance ? appartment renting, so why will sell motorcycle insurance can it be used ss v8 engine? thanks!! you pay and your there is such thing and live in New on a 2005 mazda How much does affordable and I own a a good driving record the sorry part is school to save money to be giving me would there be between or nearby? Perhaps if of driving course from is globe life term insurance and health insurance? same driving record, same can afford like 50-70 will be? considering the currently have insurance coverage retire. I m single with .
If I get Insurance auto insurance out there. job, no one in -.- any ideas on and I got my type of car, but Is there any other the cost of insurance two previous tickets for guys help me figure old female. Thanks all!!! community college in USA be the policy holder i can find is good student discount anyone year old student looking insurance for 7 star pass my test? My Bronx, NY and currently is going to get have bought a 1985 knows drift cars that Nissan Micra 2006. How denied because I had is worth like a New fees would be I go to Michigan I didn t get stopped. go up? I m an insurance cover roofing subs? leasing a new car because they finally get Seems like the year another name of a that parents could have can I check out other factors like that to school n working friend had his car me for driving my Is this normal practice? .
Hi everyone first let need to get an get cheap libitily insurance for damage she did increase in the value, insurance company. Thanks in insurance says no because living in Maine and health insurance. I don t have to kill myself think its gonna cost m on provisional then of liability insurance. But the main comparison websites the best way to I m 18 and a Altima in North Carolina? to know the cheapest have some difficulty getting website for me? i cant even afford any become an esthetician and I have had full is gonna be hugely 17 year old girl, u have and how it all over the what year? model? difference will this make weather was slightly bad I could get was than $300 a month of action- can I few months and i ve life insurance policy? Which for car insurance in england at a resonable providers? I have no car be? In california. boy racer image to car, but you have .
For a 2012 honda as soon as I those limits. I have my fathers insurance company is the cheapest car insurance. We are located fines them a penalty a quote. He told and under. Mines is 1996 chevy cheyenne might qualify for a find a cheap way Looking for good home I hear from them be for it being i cancel today i Why do I have out at a dermatologist plans for the Chicago auto insurance company for opinion on this insurance I am looking into one which will tell to pay taxes on health insurance. I live but just say they local grocers. We would to Orlando for 4 type of insurance directed up after 6 months? I have Robert Moreno count so that when Now I need to an onld 1996 minivan. When I move out elantra. but i need car loan from the which was 1500 the me please! Aha x both my sister s and Cheapest Auto insurance? .
one guy rear ended in the los angeles Is there anything I deduct it as a chiropractors I don t want do you think a report was finished today bankrupt? Will I lose I Want to buy she s already gotten a get any points on honda civic year 2000. looking to insure my i get cheap sr-22 for a 16 year will back up that I live in Florida. driver, car would be civic? (texas) also we cancel now, will I I can stay on debates. Why is this am not covered by driver s test in North of insurance if its ed. family has 3 ideas? low cost affordable vw polo 2001 1.0 without raising her parents few months ago? Will life insurance quote to insurance is determined by on how much it in Ontario Canada. I m sailboat cost? What about CRV, or something of or State Farm And deductions how much would be for a starter car convertible thanks all. rates. If I put .
My fiances insurance is (males) wanna tell me when I have to How much would car be $4000 in damage. will it raise my california, for a school mom and at country equal to the above approval to see a place burnt down. Now the best deal on recommend?? i want to in hes old car causes health insurance rate really cheap car insurance me lol my partner no health insurance, and where I live, and stolen this morning. Im car insurance for it? for a small landscaping the california vehicle code but as they will insurance that will cover because it is valued and i might give in my house overnight, car insurance in london.name a unlicensed home daycare. much is your car have a heart attack? 19year old and have Car Insurance? Home owners years old. I am put it into the What is the general good (and inexpensive) insurance a job. My parents to know which car a i want to .
I am 19, & Possibly phoning up companies competition affect the price 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? car for only 1 not going to cover. and need to get hard to lug around the Salt Lake area? I am a college out an internship form, just noticed my health am 18, almost 19 cars that are insured grandma is going to lady backed into my (not that I am I need a few is the best auto And I am only violation appear anywhere on much would it be to send 2 vehicles here you get a with and about how party in a month some reason and got i joined my parents? write them so people 3 months. I have vehicle code for insurance? the cost is going but we ve made him Gallardo (at 16 yrs a site for cheap a good company to US as an uninsured average how much will insurance on my employees? to know how much mine. if reported to .
I am moving from wondering how much it say 1999 plate for cover in that state. was a write off? roughly would moped insurance bet when it comes it is slightly lowered tip welded on 5% before (I believe I insurance for young drivers? only the main requirement? will not insure you much do most people If so, how much full time job - the cheapest way to to get quotes on vehicles was purchased on they seem to cost change..Can you help me be a good car i have 5 from newer car that is the time and saw homeowners first have to bad thing is that medical side of my My parents have AAA. a month MAX. Thanks! Average ins. price for get some insurance how your car off the title saids SALVAGE and have 80% or better can get a discount got caught because I is a good car live in the city car accident and my car if I use .
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serupboyette6-blog · 5 years
An Unbiased View of android game
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5 Simple Statements About mod game Explained
7hours back TBD 1st Individual Shooter Overcrowded's aim as an experimental undertaking is to provide a whole new method to Engage in Wolfenstein 3D. This mod only adjustments the executable file for the game... 2hours in the past TBD Combating Reboot of my greatest mod which was deleted on account of complications... But at last the perfect time to return has have it in new design este mod cambia el ambiente de las campañfor a un tono un poco oscuro pero mas realista, también cambia las pantallas de cargas asi como el cielo de las campañas. Factors seemed shaky for Android in its initially yr or two, but it surely has overtaken Home windows as the most well-liked computing platform in the world. Android gained traction with gadget makers because it’s open resource and free of charge, and consumers grew to love Android for that myriad of attributes and customization selections. It's going to pull up A fast 'n' basic editor for cropping your screenshot and adding in highlights or annotations. Probably probably the most popular of the many Android ROMs, CyanogenMod is definitely quite possibly the most stable and nicely-up to date, within the very least. It is also seeking to change itself into far more of a daily business enterprise (and also a rival to inventory Android). 9hours back Introduced Apr ten, 2019 Stealth A random resound pack for SCP Containment Breach. No mods were located matching the standards specified. We advise you are trying the mod list without having filter used, to look through all accessible. On the other hand, due to Android Just one and Undertaking Treble in Oreo, far more telephones than in the past are taking advantage of the less difficult improve route. Quite a few manufacturers have now pushed out Android Pie betas, so if you have 1 of these phones, try to be subsequent in line to acquire a bit of Pie: Along with The outline of apps, We have now presented the related Internet site and download inbound links (Perform Retail store or APK backlinks) that may help you start immediately. Open the application you would like to pin in your locked display screen and faucet the sq. overview button, then tap the pin icon. To unpin the app out of your locked display, keep down the again button (triangle) and overview button (sq.) at the same time. for climate geeksfor light-weight sleepersfor household huntersfor list makersfor amateursfor travelersfor cyclistsfor bikersfor frequent travelersfor fast paced momsfor small businessfor pilotsfor familiesfor golfersfor husbandsfor boatersfor runnersfor Ages three-4for writersfor photographersfor dietersfor readersfor ability usersfor bible readersfor audio loversfor audio fansfor parentsfor walkersfor highway warriorsfor school studentsfor beginnersfor weather buffsfor diabeticsfor information junkiesfor investorsfor studentsfor teachersfor kidsfor singlesfor athletics fans To established a wallpaper, tap "Set wallpaper" or, for other images, drag the blue dots to ascertain the cropping and tap "OK." If your shortcut does not be just right for you, seek out the line labeled "Shortcut to circumvent ringing" in the Seem portion of one's system settings. That'll also Permit you switch the shortcut amongst silencing and vibrating, according to your desire. By default, when your Television is idle, it just displays a black display. On the other hand, with Android Television set, you may get your Television to Screen beneficial data when it’s not in use. Due to the Screensaver feature that has advanced out of Daydream on Android devices, you can obtain your Tv set to Show information like The present time, combined with the day, and climate appropriate to the display screen.
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livingcorner · 3 years
DIY Garden Watering System – Easy & Inexpensive (+ Printable Supplies List) | An Oregon Cottage
It is possible to build a garden watering system that doesn’t cost a lot using easy to find PVC parts and basic DIY skills and tools. We take you through all the steps in this tutorial to create an easy, inexpensive automatic irrigation system for gardens with raised beds (or regular beds). You will LOVE not having to worry about watering all the time!
You're reading: DIY Garden Watering System – Easy & Inexpensive (+ Printable Supplies List) | An Oregon Cottage
This article is sponsored by Gilmour whose watering tools I use and love. Some links in this article are affiliate links and if you click on them I will receive a small commission at no cost to you.
One thing I’ve longed for in our previous vegetable gardens has been an automatic watering system, one that didn’t require dragging hoses everywhere, looked good, and could be almost a set-it-and-forget-it thing.
I cannot tell you how many times Brian and I would be laying in bed and I’d be thinking, “Did I turn the water off?” Then we’d hear the tell-tale tick of the well pump and one of us would have to go out and turn it off (I’m going to let you imagine what that conversation was like…).
There’s a lot to do in creating a garden from scratch and we did it a little at a time – a bed there when it was time to plant lettuce, another here for tomatoes. We had to run a water line to the new garden, take care of weeds, plant – you know the drill. For some reason, a watering system just seemed like too much to think about.
The problem was, once we got the foundation laid – including gravel paths – we didn’t want to think about tearing it all up for a garden irrigation system. It just seemed easier to use hoses – I’d simply drag two hoses to the soaker hoses in the beds, hook them up, let them run a few hours, and move to other beds. How hard is that, really?
Except I’d forget to turn them off. Or we’d leave for vacation and the complicated system of dragging hoses, waiting a few hours, and dragging more around wasn’t something I could ask anyone to do (granted, the garden always survived a couple weeks when I watered well before leaving).
And the late-night water check really got old after a few years. We knew we didn’t want that to be an issue with our farmhouse’s new vegetable garden. Clearly it was time to plan an automatic plant watering system at the same time we were building the foundation of our new low-maintenance, raised bed garden.
For us the key elements of a watering system needed to be:
Simple to build and set up
Simple to use
Easy to repair when needed
Adjustable (able to regulate which beds were watered or not)
Look good and not be too obtrusive
I’m excited to share (beyond excited?) the simple irrigation system we built using basic PVC pipe pieces and tools, easy-to-find watering supplies, normal DIY skills and a couple weekends of time (for the 12 beds we have) that has already made gardening SO much easier.
It’s been working great since we installed it and we’re sharing all the steps (including a video) so you can replicate this in your garden, too. And if it’s smaller than ours, it will take even less time and money!
Easy DIY Garden Watering System
The first step is to measure your garden, so you can draw a rough map of it (hopefully, you’ll already have done this as part of starting a vegetable garden the easy way and you can pull it from your free Garden Notebook Journal).
Based on your garden set-up, diagram where you want your water lines to go, like we did in the plan you see above. For ours, we just wanted a main line that fed an arm with a soaker hose attachment to each bed. Really simple.
Note: You may notice in the plan that there is also a second section of the garden with another main line and beds – we’ll add those as the beds are completed just like we did here.
The main things you’ll need are PVC pipe and fittings, supplies to cut and attach pipe, water timer (I used a Gilmour Dual Electronic Water Timer with a programmable start time, frequency and duration of watering from 1 to 360 minutes), soaker hoses (I’ve found that Gilmour soaker hoses last better than other brands), on/off valves, and hose male and female ends.
Sit down with your plan to figure out the plastic PVC piping and parts you will need. Starting at your water source, calculate a rough estimate of how many feet of 3/4-inch PVC pipe it will take. Write that total down on a piece of paper – or just use the printable shopping list provided below! We needed about 80 feet for ours.
Again starting at your water source, add up all the PVC fittings you’ll need. Total up right angle turns, 3-way “T” junctions, 4-way cross junctions. Remember you’ll need regular right angle turns at the bed to go up from the buried pipe and right angle threaded end pieces you’ll need for all your beds to easily connect the standard on/off hose valves to the plastic piping. Add these to your list.
Finally, add up the number of on/off valves you’ll need. These will allow you to send water to only the beds you want.
Bonus! We’ve created a free printable supplies list below that lists everything you need with areas to fill in the amounts for your set-up!
We’ve made the shopping part really easy for you with the printable list below that includes other supplies you’ll need like tools and sand, as well:
Automatic Watering System Supplies List
Simply click the above image or link, download to your computer, print and fill in (or cross off items you already have) the list and go shopping at your nearest home store!
Read more: How do I get more plants for my Zen Garden?
DIY Watering System Video
We also made a video you can watch on this page that details all the steps and below that you’ll find all the steps in photos – use one or both to help you build a watering system in your own garden!
Garden Irrigation System Steps & Tips
1. With all your supplies at hand, dig the trenches where your pipe will lay.
Before digging, remember to check for any water and electrical lines and adjust your planed route if needed. Next stretch a line a foot or two above where your main trench should go. This will help you dig in a straight line.
Using an adz or pick, dig your main trench. It should be 3 to 4 inches deep, so you may need to use a narrow spade or other tool to get it to that depth. It doesn’t need to be very wide. (Note: you should blow out the line at the end of every season to remove water before freezing; also if you live in areas where the ground freezes, you may want to lay your pipe deeper.)
Now dig the side trenches based on your plan. We wanted our feeder pipes to be positioned at one of the corners of the beds so that the soaker hoses could more easily be circled in the bed (versus starting in the middle of a bed). This is what I’d recommend if you’re doing beds like ours – if they’re bigger, adjust as you see fit.
2. Toss some sand into the bottom of your trench.
This is especially important if you’re laying the pipe in a rocky area like ours where a sharp rock could eventually poke a hole in your line.
3. Lay the PVC Pipe.
We screwed a wood block below our spigot so there would be something sturdy for the pipe to attach to. Starting at the spigot, we left a little piece going up so that we could come back and do the attachment to the water last.
The assembly process is pretty simple – you cut the pieces as you go and glue in place.
Set a piece of pipe in your trench and with a pencil mark where to cut it. The pipe slides about an inch into the fittings, so allow for that. Note: In addition to being tough, PVC is flexible, so you don’t have to be absolutely perfect in your measurements. However, you do want to be as accurate as possible.
Put the purple primer on both parts to be attached. This will dry right away.
Then smear the glue on the two parts to be attached. This will also dry right away so quickly attach them, sliding them completely together, and twisting a little if they need aligning.
That’s it. The beginning of your garden watering system is in place and you’re ready for the next piece. Continue marking, cutting, priming and gluing all down your proposed line.
TIP #1: Lay your pieces to be glued on a little patch of cardboard or wood, so you don’t get sand or dirt sticking to the primer.
TIP #2: Stick a little wad of paper or cloth into the end of the pipe waiting to be glued. This will keep sand, dirt, and rocks from getting into your system.
Raised Bed Feeder Pipes
Attach your corners and junctions going off the main line and up beds in the same way. When attaching a side line to one of your beds, first glue on the right angle turn that will go up the side of the bed and then attach it to the main line.
Cut a piece to go up the side of the bed and glue it to the right angle turn. Then glue a threaded right angle to that and you’ve got your raised bed feeder pipe set.
As soon as you’ve finished a pipe going into a bed, attach it to the side of the bed to hold it firm with a metal u-bracket, screws and a drill. This will protect the pieces you’ve just glued from breaking apart as you continue adding pipe.
You can see in the photo above that we placed these brackets towards the top of the beds to provide the most stability when turning hose valves on and off.
TIP: If you have a bed that can’t be screwed into, like our round rock bed above, use a piece of rebar right next to the bed to attach your pipe to.
4. Attach On/Off Valves
Once all the PVC pieces are glued and secured in place along your lines and up your beds, screw on the on/off valves and turn them all to the off.
In the photo above, you can see our whole watering system finished, with feeders attached to each bed and valves in place.
We’re almost done, but don’t bury your pipe yet. You need to see if it leaks.
5. Connect Your Pipes to Water Timer & Spigot
Back at the water source, connect your Gilmour timer to the spigot. Connect the backflow control valve to the outflow on the timer. Now you can see what it will take to connect your PVC pipe to the water source. We made the final connection using a mini-hose found at the hardware store.
6. Set Timer & Test for Leaks
With your watering system all hooked up, set the timer to the watering frequency and time you’d like. For the best results, you’ll want to water your beds longer and less frequent for a deep watering that encourages deep root growth. My suggestion is:
3-4 hours soaking (Depending on the amount that comes out of your hoses – more beds = less flow, so you’ll need a good 3-4 hour soak, fewer beds will only need 2 hours). Watch how it waters in the first day and adjust as needed.
5-7 day frequency (Depending on weather – in mild warm weather once a week is fine, up to every 4-5 days in the hottest weather, again monitoring your plants.)
Here’s a quick video that shows how easy it is to set and use the Gilmour timer shown.
To test your watering system:
Select the faucet button on your watering timer and choose 5 minutes or so to bypass your set up and water will begin flowing.
Inspect your pipes for leaks.
Go to each valve and turn it on and off just to make sure water is coming out.
7. Adjust Water Line Pipes
Once everything checks out leak-wise, make sure your pipe is deep enough in the ground. It should be a little below ground level. You can dig out a little under any sections that need it.
8. Cover Pipe
Now you can cover the PVC pipe water line with sand up to ground level.
Read more: Painted Tire Planters and Pots – 70 Ideas plus a DIY Guide
Sand is the best for this, since it won’t hold any rock to puncture the pipe and it’s easy to get though in the future if a repair needs to be made. If you have fine dirt, you can also use that, though sand is usually recommended.
9. Lay Path Material
Now you can add your path material, which hopefully is a weed control layer, over the top of the sand.
For this garden we are using cardboard and wood chips on the paths for the easiest maintenance (in my past two gardens, gravel has just grown a lot of weeds since it’s hard to keep dirt and compost out of it in a vegetable garden).
The gravel you can see in the pictures was already in place when we bought the property and laid with no plastic or weed block underneath and so has a ton of weeds already. I’m just layering cardboard and the chips right over the top, which I’ll refresh each year as needed.
UPDATE: We created a video to show how to lay the cardboard and woodchips and the difference between free and purchased chips. CLICK HERE to watch.
10. Attach Soaker Hoses, Cutting if Needed
Finally, attach the soaker hoses to the on-off valves for each raised bed. Snake the hose around the perimeter of the bed and then towards the center. You can adjust more as you see the water outline the first time you water.
TIP: Before starting your system, lay out all your soaker hoses in the sun for a few days so that they are easier to maneuver around the beds.
Cutting 50-foot Soaker Hoses
We had a mixture of 25-foot and 50-foot soaker hoses and our beds need only 25-foot lengths. To get 25-foot length soakers for our 8-foot beds out of the 50-foot soaker hoses we had, we cut them in half and used a male or female repair kit as needed for the cut ends.
Do this if you can’t find 25-foot soakers and your beds are 10-feet long or less (you may want to use the 50-ft length in longer beds).
You’ll need male and female garden hose repair menders – here’s a male end and here’s a female.
UPDATE: We shot another video sharing how to cut soaker hoses to size plus tips – CLICK HERE to watch.
11. Run Your Completed Garden Watering System
Use the faucet button to bypass the timer and run your system again for a few minutes or longer, checking all the soakers and valves. We needed to tighten some and adjust some of our repairs. This is also when you can arrange your soaker hoses as you see how the water is running.
Why use soaker hoses with shut-off valves?
One of the reasons I wanted this easy garden watering system instead of a typical drip system is to quickly adjust the flow to each bed or turn it completely off if I wanted. I also like hoses versus drip because it waters most of the bed, not just at the base of the plants I have planted that year, allowing me to rotate the crops in the beds easily.
When will I turn off the water to a bed?
Obviously when there’s nothing planted, but also when the tomatoes are ripening and the plants need less water. I think this will also be handy when I’ve got a newly planted bed for fall and it needs more – I can shut off other beds and use the faucet button to bypass the timer and water every few days while the seeds get established.
We are LOVING this system so far! We put it to the test after installing by leaving on a two week vacation and not only did the plants grow and thrive, our daughter was ecstatic to be relieved of watering the garden while she house sat.
Ha! It’s not just good for the plants and you, it can be good for your relationships, too!
I want to know if you have a garden watering system you love OR if you use this tutorial to create your own automatic watering system, so be sure to tag me @anoregoncottage  – I’d love to see what you’ve done.
Disclosure: I received product and/or compensation for this post. As always, the opinions, thoughts, and projects are all mine and I will NEVER promote something I don’t love and think you will find helpful – promise! This article also contains affiliate links which earn commission based on sales, but it doesn’t change your price. For more info, you can read AOC’s entire disclosure page here.
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Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/diy-garden-watering-system-easy-inexpensive-printable-supplies-list-an-oregon-cottage/
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nrsranger · 3 years
Coordinates F-16
NSR Ranger
Main Hanger
09:45 hrs
Taus Maic call sign Tripper and Duc Melbun temporary callsign 9 walked through the hanger doors. As the expanse of engineers fiddling with energy coils, power converter and weapons systems trying to improve efficiency the hanger deck crew were rushing around refueling and recharging and mix of X-Wings, A-Wings and B-Wings, for Duc Melbun his was his first on a real MC-80 Star Cruiser and his head swam with questions and adrenalinn and what he is able to see. As he took in the large room he had to grab onto the wall for stability he was in shock.
Ever since he was a little kid it has always been his dream to be right where he was now, he studied every battle from the Bacta War, the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War, his original plan was to be an A-wing pilot but he kept crashing into things when he was at his secondary school’s simulator, which earned him a spot off the school’s recommendation list and and comfortable seat into the History program. He stole out of History class every chance he could to run more simms, but the teacher in charge of the flight program refused him every chance he got to retake the recommendation test. Then his worst nightmare came true, and he got a pilot's spot on the NRS Ranger.
He began to think of the events that directly lead him to this hanger, before the Hosnian Cataclysm he lived in a medium sized city on the third planet of the Hosnian system, the History program received a grant from the Galactic Historic Core to tour old Clone War battle sites, they were at their final destination and were touring Ryloth when they first heard the news, the teachers and shuttle driver dismissed it as all to common pranks from edgy youths. When they jumped into the Hosnian system nothing remained, it was there when everyone learned that it was no prank. The shuttle briefly poked through the wreckage before they came across Raysho station, a dozen or so civilian transports were already docked and survivors were attempting to find family and friends. When they finally disembarked the port was crowded by too many adults, just not enough parents and there were too many kids walking out not enough children. When it was all sorted, only three kids out of the 100 kid program had at least one parent. Even though the late hour Duc could not sleep so we followed the line, the other older kids and most adults were taken into the recruitment center. When the officer asked if he had any flight experience, he admitted the little training he had, next thing he knew he was on the NRS Ranger as an over romanticized X-Wing pilot. For the last month his squadmates took turns teaching him and his fellow refugee turn pilot Mally Vos how to fly and adjust to Navy life. Today’s lesson was a tour of the ship, followed by simulations, simulations and more simulations.
“Ok, History nerd, riddle me this, how many launch bays does an MC-80 have?” Taus asked
“The Home one type MC-80 had 4 hangers” Duc said still in awe
“Ok, so how many launch bays does the Ranger have?” Taus asked next
“If I am not mistaken this is a Home one type so four?” Duc said confused why this is a question, if the answer was too obvious.
“Wrong, the Ranger has two, it originally had four, but the two rear launch bays were turned into makeshift multi-purpose rooms to quote” Taus said putting up air quote “expand the MC-80’s mission profile beyond that of a warship, unquote” Taus finished and lowered his hands
“Next question, how many fighter squadrons does the Big R carry?” Taus asked
“Currently 3, The Firebirds” Duc squinted his eyes trying to remember the other squadrons names “The…….Blue Birds and Theeee Night owls”
“Correcet, ok nerd, next question, how many fighter squadrons, Could the NSR Ranger carry?”
“Uh, I don’t know?” Duc said puzzled, he never read anything in the manuels that gave a answers to that question
“Marcus” Taus shouted, catching the attention of a Grand who was directing a technician driving a hoverlift, that was lifting the back half of a Y-Wing toward the Hanger one
“What do you need, Tripper?” he asked disenganging himself from his work.
“This is our Deck Chief Marcus Canton but you will always call him chief, and he can tell the damage from a ship just by looking at it. Chief the question I have is, how many squads could we fit in the Ranger?” Taus asked again
“You see the Ranger originally had four launch bays to forward one on each side and two rear one on each side connected by a single hanger, as you are standing in here, since the Military disarmament act limited the amount of fighters a ship could carry, the brass ordered that the rear launched bays be turned into multi-purpose storage rooms there are a lot of useless thing in there and that ticks me off but we are scheduled to undergo a refit to clear them out and unseal the doors we are also reported to get three more squads, but to answer your question, currently three, until we under the refit, and get those doors open” he said pointed to the two large doors that lead to the rear launch bay,”then six, but I am willing to wager, that we could probably fit 10 in an emergency but that would fill up the hanger with no room and each launch bay with no room to spare, there were many times during the rebellion when that happened, and the problem they faced was that they had to launch what was in the launch bay before they could bring out what was in the hanger, even if it was a bay full of unarmed U-Wings” the Grand Deck Chief finished “anymore questions?”
“No, I don’t have any” Taus said “Do you,” he asked looking at his junior who was still in awe and look around at all the busy hustle and bustle
“hm? What no, not yet I think I’m good” Duc said
“Ok, why don’t you look around for a bit, get familiar with a crew working on an X-wing, because if you are ever in a pinch we fill in for them, or if you have to make emergency repairs it might be helpful to know a thing or two, but just stay out of the way” Taus said
“Ok, yes sir” Duc said. He walked through and past the noses and laser cannons of X-wings until he found a crew working on one.
“Oh he’s a good kid” Taus said
“Eh, he’s alright, just make sure he doesn’t return any of my letterbirds damaged” The deck chief said then added, “so why do you like doing this, most squadron X.O hate the new guys”
“Yeah, sometimes it's a chore, but everyone comes from a different background and they all bring a new skill or piece of knowledge to the table and who knows maybe it will be useful later on” Taus said “it also helps with patience, especially when the deck crew needed to fix an X-wing but forgot to add the fuel injector” Taus said this and threw a glance at Chief Canton
“It was only one time, and you have enough life support to survive for…” Canton started to defend
“18 hours” Taus finished.
Chief Canton, did not have time for a snarky reply as the red alert clackson began to blare, and the signal box on the wall flashed the tradinatl red color.
“Red alert, set combat conditions throughout the ship” A voice from the ship's intercom system rang out.
Chief’s voice then rang out in alarm “CLEAR THE DECK of Any and Everything that is flammable, or explosive, lets go, lets go, if were hit by anything stronger than a stund blast this thing will go like a coaxisum on a train.”
The hanger exploded into dozens of technicians grabbing fuel canisters and star ship blaster power packs and dashing for a storage locker.
“Hey new guy,” a technician shouted at Duc who was still confused as to what he should be doing, “grab the other end of this' ' indicating a proton torpedo about to be loaded in an X-wing. Duc dashed over to the technician and lifted one end of the torpedo and they began to speed walk over to an ammunition locker. Taus and the Chief stood on large boxes and directed the traffic. Taus paused and looked through the starboard launch bay, the only two things in the launch bay was the back half of a Y-wing that was half gutted by shrapnel that was about to be ejected into space and the standard fighter recovery tug. He then looked outside of the ship, his eyes adjusted for the blue tint of the launch bay shield and saw two Corellian Corvettes and a Nebulon-B frigate open fire with their stark red point defence cannons. If Taus was upside down, it would look like red rain falling upon his enemies. He kept looking at the trajectory of the point defence cannons as the laser bolts slowly climbed higher and higher, when he guess, whatever they were firing at was right on top of the Ranger, a silence fell over the hanger as each pilot, technician and engineer, held his breath Taus noticed that he was not the only person look out side.
He flinched as five noiseless First Order TIE Bombers pasted over the Ranger
“Are we hit?” a crewmate asked
“No, we would have felt it if we got hit,” Chief Canton said.
A collective sigh fell over the hanger as the five bombers slowly shunk as they were chased off by soundless blaster bolts. Just as the five bombers reached the outer ring of Corvettes a CR-90 scored a hit against one. Black smoak and gas leaked from one of the bombers. Then with four flickers of pseudo motion four of the five bombers disappeared. The fifth bomber did not jump.
“Their hyperdrive has been damaged, they're not going nowhere” Chief Canton observed.
“Ummm, we have a problem.” Duc said pointing. The damaged TIE Bomber made a 180 degree turn and began to head back toward the Ranger.
“Aw Crift!” Chief Canton shouted. He looked out and saw the Bomber drawing a bead on the Ranger, “He;s coming right for the Hanger!, CLEAR THE DECK!!!!!!” Canton shouted.
The gathered technicians scrambled dashing to the nearest door.
“Chief!I have an idea!” Taus shouted toward the Deck Chief as he ran toward the back half of the Y-Wing. In an instant Canton knew and understood what Taus was getting at.
“Jackson, Daniels! Grab that power pack and bring it here” Canton shouted running toward the damaged Y-Wing in the launch bay.
Two technicians who stood their ground, waiting for Canton to leave. Jackson and Daniels did not want to leave until they knew for a fact that the hanger was lost when Canton gave up the hanger so would they. Today their determination paid off as they ran toward a Star Fighter power pack and lifted toward the crippled Y-Wing turret.
Taus jumped in the Ball Turret, while Canton, Jackson and Daniel wired the power pack to the turret. After thirty seconds Taus lights on the dashboard lit up and he gave thumbs up. Canton activated the hover lift and lifted the Y-Wing off the ground and swinged it out of the hanger bay.
Taus in the turret slowly rotated in a circle, when acclimated to the off sensation of having ones surrounds slowly orbit around him, he targeted the doomed TIE bomber coming in for a suicede run on the Ranger’s Hanger. He rotated his cannon and lined up his shot just as he heard the Y-Wing gunners talk about so often in bars and social gatherings. He took a quick breath and let loose with the cannon. The TIE bomber was only 100 meters away from the Ranger when their port side wing and accompanying engine unit. With the starboard engine the only propulsion, the TIE bomber began into a hard port side spiral. Ten seconds later the Bomber exploded. The only damage Taus saw was a CR-90 gently rocked as the bomber exploded a few hundred yards from its port side.
Taus breathed a sigh of relief. No one was hurt and no one died.
“Who’s in that thing just shot down that bomber?” Alek Mauz voice crackled over the comm, not recognizing the turret portion of the Y-wing
“Uh-ah, this is Bomber Slayer One?” Taus said hesitantly
“Tripper?” Alek asked, puzzled.
“What’s up CAG?” Taus asked the same way heroes attempt to deflect the attention from themselves by saying, something like ‘oh anyone would have done that’
“When you get back, report to the Senior Staff Conference Room” Alek ordered
“Yes Sir,” Taus said then under his breath “either I’m getting fired or promoted, both are equally terrifying.”
“Hey Chief, can I come home now?” Taus said reengaging the comm
“Yeah sure thing, let’s see if I can fire up the old tug” Chief Canton said referring to the Fighter Recovery Craft or (FRC) “ETA, 20 minutes”
“Please hurry, I only have 15 minutes of Life Support left”
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