#also it was at this moment drawing them in different outfits that I realize
bonkalore · 2 years
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Am I proud of this cheesey exchange? Yes. Yes, I am. Now watch me lose control over a ship that exists only in my vague mind AU!
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mauesartetc · 9 months
A while back I got a comment that demonstrated a misconception as to what the character design process actually entails, and I thought it had real "teachable moment" potential. So let me make this perfectly clear:
Drawing a character is NOT the same as designing one.
Let's say I wanted to draw a guy. No backstory, no defined personality traits or preferences, no details about his current life, just doodling some random, generic guy who popped into my head.
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That's just a drawing.
But what if I decided to flesh him out more? What if I wanted his appearance to reflect his lifestyle and inner life as well? Here's where the note-taking comes in.
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And now for the visual research:
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I thought the bodybuilding angle would provide a fun contrast with this guy's profession. The mental image of a huge, burly dude working on a clock or watch with tiny, precise movements just makes me smile. Perhaps I could give him small, nimble hands that would suit his line of work.
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Now that I have a better idea of how Mikhail's face and body will look, it's time to establish a pose.
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Of course, I never expected to employ all the personality traits I started out with inside this single pose; those were just a jumping-off point. No one drawing will ever be able to encapsulate every single facet of a character, unless they're extraordinarily flat and generic (see also: random guy I doodled at the start of this post). If I wanted to write a story with this guy, I'd have to figure out how all the traits play off each other and how they'd cause him to react to different situations. There would be a lot more note-taking and development involved, but for the sake of keeping this post (somewhat) brief, let's just focus on visuals for now.
On to color!
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I decided to give Mikhail a carnation in his pocket (for its round shape), specifically a red one, which represents deep love and an aching heart. Thus, the flower needed to maintain its red color for the symbolism to come through.
For some reason I initially pictured this guy wearing a pink shirt (perhaps as an offshoot of the "romantic" angle), but I wanted to try some different colors inspired by the 70s catalog pages I found. I ended up really liking the contrast of the cool blue shirt with the warm red pants, and that option made it into my top three as a result. I lined them up next to each other to compare them, and in the end, blue won out over pink. I think it also reflects the "colder", more cerebral, less-emotional parts of his personality well (namely "systematic", "stern", and "callous"- one from each column!). Just goes to show that you shouldn't get too attached to your first draft, as better ideas are just around the corner.
I then lightened the blue of the shirt so it wouldn't compete so much with the rest of the outfit, and wouldn't be quite as loud and "in your face". Mikhail strikes me as a bit of an introvert, so the calmer, quieter blue is a better fit. I added a darker belt and watchband and de-saturated the flower just a bit to make the values feel more balanced, and I think we've got it!
Let's see the final result!
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Y'all, I was not expecting this process to make me emotional, but there's something special about fully realizing a little guy you've spent hours working on. All of a sudden you look at him and go, "Oh my god, there he is. That's him." This man wasn't even a twinkle in my eye a couple weeks ago and now I'd protect him with my life.
And the thing is, the only reason I'm calling this design "done" for now is that I basically just brought it into existence to make a point. But if this dude were attached to a larger story, he'd be nowhere near finished. I'd have to make a ton more iterations and go a lot more in depth with my research than I did (especially with the Armenian cultural stuff). Overall, though, I hope this quick project properly highlighted the difference between a single drawing and a more fleshed-out character.
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memento-rory · 21 days
✭ 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞.
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✭ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you and tyler keep meeting in unexpected places.
✭ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: erm tyler may be a lil ooc. 😗
✭ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: ~3k.
✭ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: cc!reader. i literally love this little freak, so i had to get more out for him. this fic is very silly, but tyler is a silly guy, so it works out. enjoy! 💚
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Roblox. Everyone and their mothers were playing it nowadays, and all of your social media, your text chat, your comment section were chock full of your fans pleading for you to finally start playing it yourself.
You’d seen a ton of videos of your friends playing it — specifically the Koury sisters — and it had always looked so fun. You reached out to Kalynn and Weston to see what servers they’d recommend, and they’d given you a list of all their favorites and what performed well, which was equally as important as you having fun since you were starting to get big.
You sat down at your desk, booting up Roblox. Once you created your account, you were immediately launched into the avatar customization. For a while, you debated picking the silliest options you could find, but you ended up creating an avatar that looked like a mini version of you with a cute little outfit that you’d wear irl.
You hopped into a couple different games, just getting a feel for the controls and how different servers work. After you decided you’d figured it out well enough, you started to film.
“Okay guys, you finally wore me down — today, we’re playing Roblox, and I’m about to find me a man.” You grinned mischievously at the camera, before clicking on a server called Neighbors, a 17+ server where you get paired up with strangers to chat in a little house.
You opened every conversation in the same way, saying, “I’m looking for a man. Tell me why you think it should be you.”
You found a couple people who made you laugh, bantering with them for a few minutes before moving on. All of it was going to make for really good content. You realized why everyone was playing Roblox. Shit was fun.
Your video was starting to push an hour without editing, probably about forty minutes with editing, so you decided to do one more round before calling it quits.
“Alright, y’all. It’s my last chance to find a man. Wish me luck.” You said, clicking ‘skip’ to move onto the next person.
You were matched with a user named Dr_Poop50. Their avatar was the standard Roblox avatar.
“Oh, this guy is giving me nothing to work with.” You told the camera.
“Okay, well, that’s rude.” A deep voice came from the user, and you covered your mouth as you realized you weren’t muted.
“Look, Dr. Poop, I’m trying to find me a man, and I’m sorry, but I’ve got nothing to go off of here.”
“Oh, damn! Okay!” He let out a little chuckle.
“Tell me why you think it should be you.”
“Well, I’m 6’7, for starters.”
“Meh.” You shrugged, sounding disinterested, but giggling at the offended sound he made at that.
“I’m really good at ping pong. How ‘bout that?”
“Okay, now we’re getting somewhere. I can’t be seen with someone who’s bad at ping pong.”
“I’m also rich, just by the way.”
“And you couldn’t even spare a couple bucks to customize your avatar? I’m supposed to believe you have money, looking like that?”
“Keep bullying me and I’m gonna fall in love with you.”
You muted your mic for just a moment. “Chat, we got him.” You grinned, before unmuting, “Do you wanna get Roblox married?”
“Fuck yeah. Can’t believe I have a new Roblox wife.”
“We’re gonna have soooo many Roblox babies.”
“I draw the line at babies. You’re gonna have to get a Roblox abortion.”
You clicked your tongue at that. “You can’t Roblox police Roblox women’s Roblox bodies.”
“Fine. Then I’m gonna get a Roblox lawyer and serve you Roblox divorce papers.”
“Good luck with that. How are you gonna get a Roblox lawyer with no Roblox money?”
“You’re stuck with me forever, babe.”
“At least let me sign a Roblox pre-nup. Can’t let you take me for all I’m Roblox worth.”
“…Which, again, doesn’t seem to be a lot.”
He let out another laugh, the sound honestly kind of giving you butterflies. He had a nice voice. “Ouch, dude.”
Truthfully, this guy matched your energy so well that you didn’t really want to stop bantering with him, but your video was already too long.
“I can’t Roblox take this anymore. I’m taking the Roblox kids and moving to Roblox Montana and you’ll never Roblox see me again.”
“Nooooo!” The guy yelled quietly, and you left the game, giggling to yourself.
About two days later, you finally finished editing the video and uploaded it to your channel.
I Met My Ex-Husband on Roblox!
When you checked back in on it after a few hours, you realized the comments were flooded with several different versions of the same thing.
> writingsbyzuzu: (Y/N) AND HANSUMFELLA? my worlds are colliding
> bobthebuildersimp: no way you just met hansumfella and had no idea
> drfreaky: (y/n) met hansumfella and married him in a matter of minutes… what’s it like to live my Dream
Who is Hansumfella? You thought to yourself, your eyebrows furrowing, And why is everyone freaking out?
You had to figure this out, so as soon as you had some free time, you sat down and looked up Hansumfella on Youtube. Your eyebrows shot up as you noticed he had just uploaded a video, just moments before yours had gone up.
I Got Married AND Divorced in Roblox…
In the thumbnail was a screenshot of your avatar surrounded by hearts, with what you could only assume was Hansumfella’s face on the left. Christ. He was handsome as fuck. You supposed that’s why his username was what it was.
You clicked on the video, watching it all the way through. He’d met almost all the same people you had, including someone who lamented how they’d missed their chance with “some girl running this place like an episode of the Bachelor” to him.
Hansumfella commiserated with them, before addressing his audience. “We’re gonna find this girl and we’re gonna fuckin’ win the Bachelor.”
And find you, he did. It was kind of endearing to watch his perspective of the silly conversation the two of you had. He looked like he was genuinely having a good time, which made you feel even better about the whole interaction.
You scrolled down to his comments and they looked almost identical to yours.
> drfreaky: can’t believe you let (Y/N) go like that, man
> writingsbyzuzu: this is CRAZY how do you meet (Y/N) and not realize it’s (Y/N)!!!
> bobthebuildersimp: (Y/N) scored the bachelor of all bachelors
You wondered if Hansumfella read his comments, if maybe he was doing the same thing you were right now.
As if on cue, you received a notification from Twitter.
@HansumFellaLIVE has followed you!
You didn’t waste a second before following him back. Shortly after, another notification came in, this time letting you know that Hansumfella had tweeted at you.
@HansumFellaLIVE: @yourusername miss you wifey 😔
You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped you, immediately feeling the butterflies return to you. You sat for a second, wondering how to respond. Your viewers knew you to be pretty flirty (hence the Roblox Bachelor video), so you decided to play it up for your mutual audience.
@yourusername: @HansumFellaLIVE your kids miss their daddy… and so do i 😏
A week came and went, and you hadn’t heard anything else from Hansumfella — or Tyler, as you learned from his twitter account. It didn’t bother you, really. He was a stranger, just as much as you were. Meeting for five seconds on Roblox didn’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things.
Anyway, you needed to film your next video. With the news of Omegle potentially shutting down for good, you decided to return to it one final time for your viewers.
“Alright, guys, since my last relationship didn’t work out — RIP my marriage to Hansumfella — I’m on Omegle to give it one last shot.” You told your viewers.
As Omegle loaded up, you stared at the bar where you were meant to type in your interests. “What should I put? …TikTok, maybe?”
You did exactly that, and met only a handful of normal people, trying to flirt with people clearly of age, and asking for relationship advice from people who clearly weren’t. It was going really well, and you were just about to bring the video to a close, but realized you had time for one more interaction.
You couldn’t believe your eyes as the next person appeared on your screen.
Tyler was staring at you, his mouth agape, but he looked delighted. He pointed at you, and you mimicked his expression, pointing back at him.
“No fuckin’ way,” Tyler laughed, leaning back in his chair, “It’s my wife! How are you? How are the kids?”
“Oh, they’re just perfect,” You answered him sarcastically, playing into the bit, “They keep asking me when daddy’s coming back home from the store. I keep telling them there’s a milk shortage so it’s taking you a long ass time to find some.”
“Don’t blame this on me,” Tyler smiled at you, chuckling, “You’re the one that ran off to Roblox Montana. I was just trying to do right by y’all.”
“All I’m saying is that you should have fought for us.” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“You’re right, you’re right.” Tyler held his hands up in surrender. “What can I do to fix this?”
“Come home to us.”
Tyler clapped his hands together, nodding his head. “Daddy’s comin’ home.”
You couldn’t help it — you broke at that, letting out a cackle, which made Tyler start laughing too.
“This is fuckin’ nuts,” You shook your head in disbelief as your laughter died down. “No way I’m running into you randomly again. What are the odds?”
“I don’t know, but they seem to be in my favor.” Tyler grinned at you. You felt your cheeks heat up at his flirtatious statement, though you couldn’t be sure if he actually meant it or if he was just playing it up for the camera.
“My viewers are gonna eat this shit up.” You told him, letting out another laugh as you spoke.
“No, for real,” Tyler nodded, “Literally everyone has been all up in my shit asking if we were gonna start collabing.”
“Dude, same! My comment section, my twitch chat, my fuckin’ twitter mentions. It’s, like, all I see.”
“Maybe this’ll hold ‘em over until the next time we run into each other.” Tyler said, sitting up a little straighter, “If you do actually want to collab, I mean.”
“You wanna collab?” You asked, a little surprised. You weren’t expecting him to actually want to work with you past the silly bit between the two of you.
“Yeah, dude,” Tyler chuckled at your surprised expression. “You’re funny as fuck, and obviously we share an audience. Could be fun.”
“And good for your channel,” You teased, “You just wanna use me for my numbers,”
“Fuck, you got me.” Tyler released a heavy sigh, throwing his hands up in mock frustration.
“All good,” A mischievous grin spread across your face, “I just wanna use you for your numbers too.”
“I knew you were a gold digger, before I even Roblox married you, I knew it!” Tyler immediately got back into character, almost whisper yelling as he pointed an accusatory finger at his camera.
“Yeah, and what good did that do me?” You mimicked his actions, scowling at your camera, “Not a single cent in Roblox child support!”
You and Tyler dissolved into giggles again at your stupid bit. Once you’d calmed down again, you were about to tell him you needed to move on for the sake of your video, but he started asking you questions about yourself, so you indulged him. Every time there was a lull in the conversation — which wasn’t really all that often — he would start up another one, almost like he didn’t want to stop talking to you.
“Tyler,” You finally said, feigning disappointment at him, “You’ve completely ruined my video. I can’t put any of this out.”
“I know, I know,” Tyler held his hands up, smiling softly, “Guess I just like talking to you or whatever.” He made a big show of rolling his eyes, but that sweet smile stayed on his face.
Heat rose up in your cheeks again, and you shook your head, laughing a little. “We can keep talking, I’d just rather do it somewhere that isn’t Omegle.”
“That’s fair.” Tyler chuckled, nodding slowly. “Give me your phone number.”
Okay, direct. You liked that.
“Why, so you can post it and dox me?”
“Oh my Goddd,” Tyler groaned playfully, throwing his head back. He told you his number instead, and you put it in your phone.
“Tell the kids I miss them.” Tyler said wistfully as you geared up to end your recording and get off of Omegle.
“Tell ‘em yourself.” You spit out, disconnecting with a giggle.
You and Tyler ended up texting at almost all hours of the day for the next week or so. The two of you made a plan to post your Omegle videos at the same time, to maximize your joint slay, as Tyler had said.
Your video goes up with the title I Saw My Ex On Omegle?!
When you got the notification that he had posted his version, your eyes went wide at the title.
I Interviewed My Celebrity Crush on Omegle…
The thumbnail was a screenshot of you with all of your features blurred, but your room was clearly visible behind you, giving you away to anyone who was familiar with you.
You decided to sit down and watch his version, curious to see what he kept in and what he didn’t. Of course, the original bit made the cut, and you couldn’t help but laugh as you watched it back.
Tyler had kept a lot more in the video than you were expecting. A good portion of the conversation you’d had made it in, but it was mostly just questions he had asked you and answers you’d given him. It definitely played out like an interview, hence the title of his video.
You scrolled down to the comments, blushing as you read all of his viewers squealing over him calling you his celebrity crush. Obviously he was just playing it up for his audience, there was no way he had a crush on you for real, right?
The comments of your video looked almost exactly the same, asking you if you’d seen the title of his video or all caps statements about how much they loved the two of you together.
It wasn’t long before you got a text from Tyler to discuss the reception of your videos.
> from: tyler
>> Hey wifey
>> Looks like people are really fuckin with the new vid
>> Where should we bump into each other next?
You felt yourself grinning at the message, excited to potentially work with him again — strictly professionally, of course.
“Alright, y’all, we’ve got a real good stream lined up tonight.” You grinned, putting your headphones on. “I snagged an invite to the SDMP. Let’s go annoy all of your favorite creators.”
As soon as you spawned in to the SDMP, your chat erupted with demands to find different creators — though most of them were just demands to find Tyler — and you giggled at the scrolling text.
“Guys, calm down! I literally just got here. Let me get settled in!” You told your chat, as you wandered through the server, marveling at all the nice houses and builds.
As you wandered into the residential area, a familiar voice drifted into your ears.
“There she is!” Tyler said as he made his way over to you, “There’s my wife!”
You turned to look at him, eyeing your camera with fake annoyance before looking back at your screen. “Babe, where are the kids? It’s your weekend.”
“They’re fine.” Tyler answered, “They’re with the nanny.”
“I didn’t think you could afford a nanny.” You teased.
“I shelled out a little extra so I had someone to watch ‘em while I make things right with mommy.” Tyler replied, chuckling quietly. “Please, take me back. Let’s build a house together and live happily ever after.”
You muted your mic for just a second to say, “Chat, what do you think? Should I take him back?”
Hundreds of variations of YES! flooded your chat.
“I wanna live in a mansion.” You told Tyler, and his skin started to jump up and down in excitement.
“Fuck yeah,” Tyler laughed, “I’ll give you anything you want, wifey.”
“Let’s have another baby.”
“…Anything but that.”
You and Tyler spent hours gathering supplies and building a house together, just shooting the shit like you had been for days.
Truthfully, you had a hard time discerning what was actual flirting from him and what was being played up for his stream, but the longer you spent together, the more real it all felt.
When it started to get late, you decided to end your stream, but stayed on the server for just a little while longer before bed. Tyler had opted to do the same, mentioning he wasn’t quite ready to head to bed yet either.
“I forgot to tell you,” Tyler started offhandedly, “I’m gonna be in LA next week. I’d love to see you, if you’d be down to chill. You could show me your favorite lunch spot.”
You paused your building, your skin growing warm at the offer. “Like a date?” You chanced to ask, and you heard Tyler’s laughter in your ear.
“Yeah, like a date.” Tyler confirmed. “Unless you’re not into that. I just thought we were vibing, but I didn’t know if it was just for show or—”
“No, no, I’m super into that.” You interrupted, smiling.
“Fuck yeah,” Tyler breathed, “Because I’m super into you.”
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slowlysoluminary · 3 months
Still working on that chapter. Don't worry, it's coming along! Yesterday i was trapped at a party for 10 hours and, being the introvert i am, decided to take a break from drawing for an animatic by trying to draw for this au instead. don't know why i didn't just do artfight lol
Notes and details under the cut
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sooooo howsabout postgame content?
the original post talking about postgame can be found here but it doesn't go into too much detail
So post-game resetfrin and gloop. they go with the party, kinda like a lot of twohats aus? resetfrin goes with the party because they know mirabelle and kinda know isabeau from when he would get apprenticed by the king (long story), but also because resetfrin acted so much like the old siffrin they used to know that it felt odd to leave him behind.
gloop, however, WAS the old siffrin! the party knows this, they found it out in the last loop, and they've formed such a bond with them that it's as natural as it is in the original game. the only issue is: gloop has changed SO much. physically, mentally, even a pronoun change - the party wants to help her out, but they want to explore who this New Siffrin is, too. Isn't it ironic that the new addition is the one you know far more of than the old addition?
resetfrin stays siffrin because... uh. because he's always been siffrin? there's no conflict there. gloop, after getting their memory back, ALSO goes back to siffrin, because that's who they really are and they acknowledge that loop is their own person. they don't want to be reminded of their time as gloop, either.
so... they're both Siffrin. And they're both technically the same person. do you see the issue?? the two of them didn't. the party did.
there's a comic I'm thinking about making to explore the processes and conversation that happened to initiate the name changes. the long and short of it is they can't BOTH be siffrin, but neither of them want to be siffrin if the other one can't also be siffrin, so they go on separate journeys to find a new name. they come back together with the party afterwords and they both ended up picking the same name so it's back to square one.
they talk to the party the second time and after a lot of brainstorming land on Orion for resetfrin and Lux for gloop. it helps the party distinguish between them and helps me establish the difference between postgame content and in-game content
(plug moment but these names were suggested by @the-bitter-ocean who gave me like. a whole list of things i could choose from. oh the life saver. i didn't even think about what names they would've picked until xe helped. and ohhh theyre so good. he also has some amazing aus including a miraloops au that you should go check out. pretty please)
the hair thing is SUPER IMPORTANT i originally only did it because they needed a way to separate themselves from eachother, but i realized they would also have done it to separate themselves from the old people they used to be. very poetic. 10/10 thank you brain for the excuse
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the colors for orion's alt outfits are just a limited color pallete, they're not actually the colors afaik. (<- says the creator) but Lux's colors are 100% the colors, yes. their star body is different from loop's, where loop's body is solid black and lux's seems to glow on it's own. do you see where the name lux came from.
it's really dysphoric. imagine being turned into a ghost against your will and losing your memories, and them after gaining your memories back you turn into a completely different body AGAIN and it's STILL not the original body you had. i would cry.
gloop/lux's eye is still blind. even as a ghost they lacked depth perception. L. since resetfrin wasn't with the party to lose his eye they don't have any vision impairment
actually, about that. funny little thing. if siffrin wasn't there to protect bonnie, who did? haha hehe. hey why does odile have her arm in a cast...
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okay i got a lot of questions about it so i double-checked on the original post and. yeah it DOES say the king's name. both in the text and on the image. but you'd be forgiven for missing it because it's pretty small on the image and there's a lot of text to read through
anyway pre-madness king's name is Lazare!! he originally looks like the lithe dude on the left. he's scholar-ish, came to vaugarde on vacation before losing his memory, yadda yadda... a lot of his information is on the original post so I won't repeat anything that's already been said
he picked Lazare a few days after losing his memory. he never told his name to anyone in the town he was staying so all he got was "travelling one" and he really genuinely thought that was his name for a hot second until he realized that Vaugarde really likes adding -one to titles
i made his hair curlier! after drawing the king for the chapter cg i realized i did NOT makw his hair curly enough when drawing Lazare. his hair type is almost exactly mine, though mine has more define curls, so drawing it is a BLAST!!
Defender arc Lazare! He bulked himself up to come off more physically and mentally strong. is this a trans allegory? is the King trans or was the body craft just to match his perception of himself? not sure. At this point in time he's already travelled with siffrin for a bit so i like to think he's a teensy bit protective. somewhere between friend snd father figure. cool guy
you know who's not cool? this guy vvv
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this is where the King becomes the King :3 his hair is OBNOXIOUSLY long, almost rapunzel-like but nowhere near as bad. it always covers one eye but it doesn't really matter which one.
the crown happens like... VERY shortly before he makes the wish and starts freezing people in time. hes lonely and isolated and its something like coping with his delusions about everyone being out to get him
that's not the way he thought in the original loop, but after the reset his descent is much faster and harder than the last. when Siffrin starts climbing the tower, yearning becomes animosity as he thinks Siffrin finally betrayed him like he "always knew they would." or something.
hey 16yo sif jumpscare!!! wasn't he on the original post too?
anyway!!! that's it! that's all! i swear it's all. inevitably I'll have to make gloop and resetfrin full references but I'm happy with the ones i drew in the original post which I'll probably end up pointing people to if they want to draw either of them. the king was the one i worried about most because he's so different from canon, and same goes for the postgame designs. even coming up with new names was worrying because they're practically not even the same person from canon anymore
but that's the fun thing with aus, isn't it? lol
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leaentries · 8 months
Please can we talk about Nico when his gf is having a bad body day, just feeling a little sad/insecure. (me atm)🥺
I love how your blog is for chubby girls btw💗
my heart ❤️ he would be so sad and his big ole brown puppy dog eyes would get so big
here’s a lil blurb to kick off my return to writing 🕺
also i’m writing this on my phone so the format might be slightly different…sorry😋
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your mind was cloudy, the world just seemed darker today. something about the way your outfits clung to your body just didn’t seem right.
your floor was littered in different items of clothing, having tried on what seemed to be everything hanging in your closet.
tonight was the first night in a long while that nico was able to plan something nice for the two of you. making reservations at a fancy restaurant, booking a hotel room for the night, the whole nine yards. you should be happy, ecstatic that you are finally getting your boyfriend all to yourself, but, in this moment, all you wanted to do was cry.
tears threatened to spill as you stared into the mirror. the fabric of the dress hugging your body in all the ways you hated, you felt suffocated.
you choked back a sob as you violently unzipped the dress and threw it somewhere amongst the rest. sitting on the edge of your bed, clad in nothing but a bra and some panties, you looked helplessly at the tsunami of clothes. you wanted nothing more than to feel beautiful in your own skin. to feel worthy of going out with nico.
the salty drops cascaded down your face faster than you could will them away. you were lost, not knowing what to do from here. a loud knock echoed through your apartment, drawing a small, “Fuck,” from your panicked lips.
nico was here and you weren’t even close to being ready. dread filled your chest knowing how excited he is and how his beaming smile is what’s gonna greet you the second you open the door. you quickly grab the nearest oversized sweater, throwing it over your head as you make your way to the entrance.
you take a deep breathe before gripping the metal handle and carefully opening the door.
your heart melted and broke all at the same time. nico stood tall, dressed in his all black suit, the one he knew you loved, holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. you felt a new batch of tears quickly begin to build in your vulnerable state.
you didn’t want to ruin nico’s night with something a minuscule as being insecure. you wouldn’t hurt him like that. before your tears could fall, you plastered on a small smile, letting nico walk in the apartment.
his happy features dropped slightly upon seeing your sweater, “What’s wrong, schatzi? Why aren’t you dressed?” his tone filled with worry.
you shook your head, opting to give him a little fib, “I’m just having a hard time finding something that fits tonight, Neeks.”
He smiled cheekily, taking it upon himself to place the flowers in a mason jar, “Let me put these in water first, then I will come help.” You gave him a slight nod, before returning to your cluttered room. A deep sigh left your lips, realizing that Nico is gonna see the inside of your brain that now lays upon your bedroom floor.
“Oka- Whoa.” nico’s words died in his throat as he glanced around the space.
You buried your head in your hands, embarrassed at the mess. “I know, I know! I just couldn’t find anything to wear! and i felt like i needed to try on everything and nothing worked and-” Nico cut you off.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m not judging. I think you forget I have a sister, i’m not new to this.” He walks in, eyes scanning the pile carefully. He picked up a black dress, once that just-so-happened to match his suit. “Here!” he flashed his dimples at you, “This is perfect. Put this on, f’me, schatzi, you’ll look beautiful.”
You gently took the dress, clutching it to your body.
He placed a quick kiss to your temple before walking out, “I’ll wait outside the door, just shout if you need anything.”
You stripped yourself of the sweater, pulling on the black dress. Normally, you’d admire the way the intricate details of the fabric or the way it tied gracefully in the back, but you only found yourself criticizing as you stood in the floor length mirror once more. Your eyes dragged over each spot you hated.
The way you thought your legs didn’t look quite long or skinny enough, or the way your tummy wasn’t flat. Even the way your hip-dips stood out more prominently in your opinion, it all just seemed overwhelmingly visible. Too lost in thought, you missed the door opening and a certain swiss making his way into the room.
Nico’s eyes focused on the way yours filled with disgust at your body, the way you were picking at every inch. He wasn’t oblivious to your insecurities, although he would never understand why you felt that way. In his eyes, you were the most gorgeous and genuine woman he’d ever met. You were perfect and even better, you were his.
He took his place behind you placing his hands gently on your hips. You jumped slightly startled by his sudden appearance.
“This is more than just finding an outfit, schatzi.” His eyes meet yours through the mirror, “What’s really going on?”
His soft words broke the damn that you’d been trying so hard to keep from cracking. Your head dipped down as a sob left your throat. Nico immediately moved to stand in front of you, pulling you into his chest.
His hand came up to stroke your hair softly, as you cried into his shirt, “Shh, shh. It’s okay, baby.” Nico tried his best to console you, whispering comforting words into your ears.
“C’mon, take some deep breaths for me.” He pulled your head from his chest, hands moving to cradle your face. He began to breathe slowly, encouraging you to breathe with him. One you had regained some air, you looked up at him.
“M’ sorry, Neeks.” You sniffled, “I’ve just been having a bad day and I kept putting on different outfits, but I just felt…” You trailed off, trying to find the right word. His big doe eyes bore into yours, waiting patiently for you to continue. “I just feel ugly.”
Nico felt his heart physically throb. How could his beautiful girl see herself as ugly? Doesn’t she know that he wishes he could see her for the first time, just so he could fall in love with her all over again? Nico was at a loss for words. He genuinely couldn’t grasp how someone, let alone yourself, could ever think you were ugly.
Your eyebrows furrowed at the simple word that left the man’s mouth.
“…No?” You were confused.
“Listen to me,” He turned your bodies back to your original position, “You see these legs? These are the most gorgeous, most soft, most warm legs that I could ever want. The way they work as a perfect pillow,” His lips brushed against the shell of your ear, “Or the way that they wrap around my head.”
Your breath began to pick up as he began to list off every part of your body and the reasons why he loved them. He picked apart your insecurities and replaced them with love and desire.
“But more of all, this girl.” His eyes rose to meet yours once more, “This girl is the most beautiful and precious person that I have ever had the privilege of knowing. This girl is my girl. My pretty girl.”
You felt a new flood of tears, this time because of the vast amounts of love radiating from Nico.
“Thank you, Neeks” You felt the need to thank him, thank him for dealing with you.
“Don’t thank me. I would give up anything just for the opportunity to tell you how pretty you are.”
His hands began to untie the back of the dress, only stopping when your hands came up to hold his in place.
“What about dinner?”
He smirked at you, “Screw dinner, let’s just go to the hotel room.” You turned in his grasp as the dress slowly fell to pool at your feet. Nico tugged at his bottom lip with his teeth at the slight of your exposed skin. “Because right now I want nothing more than to spend the night between my favorite pair of legs.”
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s0fti3w1tch · 2 years
Tentative Devotee AU (TBC Soon)
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Leonardo is a Foot trainee, raised and trained by Lieutenant and Brute since he was 9. Life before then is fuzzy at best. — In the past several months, he's been going on his first proper missions, quickly aware of a persistent threat against the Foot Clan: 3 mutant turtles and a human who've foiled them time and time again.
What he wasn't aware of was that they were 4 siblings who never gave up on finding their missing brother.
CONTENT WARNING! This AU will explore: Mourning of family / Mourning of a child (who isn't actually dead, but believed to be). Violence is canon-typical up to the standards of the movie— That is also a reference point for the tone of this AU. There will be cult themes and dips into the topic of cult trauma, alongside family issues.
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Main Comic:
Enemies || [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ tbc... ]
Baby Blue || [coming soon]
Donnie's Apology Gift
First Mission Mishaps!
PSAs: Triggering Content, Why Leo will not have a "Dark Side," Cult Parents
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More content below the cut! ♥︎
Scrapped/Changed Ideas or Scenes:
"Maybe this is the lowest point of my life" / Severing Ties
Usagi's first design + role
Mona Lisa first design
Reference Sheets:
Leonardo's Room
Leo's Outfit Change + Sorta-Timeline
Hand Marking
Leo's Guitar
Eyes (outdated)
Nail Polish
Butterfly Charm
Usagi WIP
More Lore/Story Heavy = ♥︎ / Just More Fun = ☀︎ / 💬 = answer to an ask
Leo Solo!
"Keep it together, Leo"
"What I know about family?"
He/They/Xe of the day! / Speed-Color ☀︎
Scooter Boy! ☀︎
He's Writing Fanfic ☀︎
Guac Baby ☀︎
"Yeah, of course! But also..." ☀︎
Animation Test
No Sleep
[ i was listening to sonic music while drawing this ] ☀︎
Cook :P ☀︎
3 Swords?! ☀︎ 💬
Peepaw'd :) 💬
Head Empty + Leo kinda mad ♥︎ 💬
Blep! 💬
Feelings Down ♥︎💬
Multi POV
TD Spoilers Over Memes [1]
Trust in the Foot ♥︎ 💬
"Keep your brother safe" ♥︎ 💬
Big Sisters ♥︎
Turtle Sister to Turtle Sister 💬
Foot Clan Family
Motorcycle Theft! 💬
Shell Cracks + A Small Moment ♥︎ 💬
Trans Sibs!!! ☀︎ 💬
Hamato Clan
Not Growing With Us ♥︎💬
Recognition? 💬 ♥︎
"Donnie, stay out of this"
Unknown Tension
Protective Older Twin 💬
"Can we be brothers?" 💬
Donnie's hope (colored ver: here)
"Donnie, whatcha got there?" ☀︎
Drawing for Donnie 1
Yōkai Connections
Hueso's First Encounter With Leo 💬
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+ All my AU Crossover Content linked here~!
Separated Leo Crossover : Bathtub Arc ☀︎
Preview Comic (Test)
TMNT AU Competition Basketball Saga ☀︎
Nail Bat Recieved
Leo Hype Squad!
No PomPoms
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I didn't intend for this AU to be that big, but I realized I did want to give this a go and make at least something. It's my goal to finish this project eventually.
The AU will be told in segments, comics of various points of the story.
Bonus! Miscellaneous info that doesn't play big into this AU but matters enough to me:
Leonardo is transmasculine, uses he/they/xe pronouns and is referred to with primarily masculine terms.
A version of Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo comics exists and it's Leo's second favorite comic series in this AU.
'Tentative Devotee' is the name of the fanfic I was originally going to write. It was just gonna be a 2-shot fic and a way to navigate some feelings as someone who was born and raised in, and eventually left, a cult.
The initial tone/direction of this AU was much different, Leo ending up in the Foot Clan under different circumstance (i.e. direct kidnapping from Lieutenant and Brute). I found this didn't quite work for me.
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jeding-png · 3 months
Enjoy chapter 153 cuz next week there is a break—
Bon appetit, dear readers~
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Today's chapter is just as delicious as the previous two, but this time, SUOL-nim has blessed us with a break from crying.
Let's start with Derrick and Ivonne's conversation!
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In the novel, this conversation should have happened earlier, that is, we observe a similar situation as in chapters 86 and 87 (if I'm not mistaken, the conversation between Penelope and Reynold was also shown there at a different time).
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Little Eckhart siblings and Ivonne holding Derrick's hand... it's so cute, especially in such colors—
In the preview for the chapter, it was written that each brother spends time with his sister. That is, Derrick spends time with Ivonne, who has finally returned, and Reynold spends time with Penelope (in the chapter, there are quite funny frames with them).
I'm actually a bit moved by the Derrick and Ivonne moment, but especially the frame with the three Eckhart siblings. Because you can see how Derrick blames himself for everything that happened. It can be seen that he has not accepted the loss of his younger sister for years, unlike the Duke and Reynold.
Yes, Derrick even has tea with her on the day of Penelope's coming-of-age ceremony—
But what is interesting is that the entire chapter did not show us Ivonne's emotions and gaze. Seriously. Therefore, it seems as if the stories where the girl from the stories about the disappearance of the real daughter are different from the one who actually returned.
Congratulations to Ivonne for finally being able to wash her hair outside of the sea and change her clothes!
But back to the coming of age ceremony!!
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Did you want to see Penelope in a tiara? It's time! Look how beautiful she is!!
I like the fact that Winter's necklace was indeed, as written in the novel, slightly superfluous for Penelope's image. Mostly, it seems so because of its gray color, in contrast to the pastel blue colors of other decorations.
Magic works in this world, so the petals that resemble the same Elenvik flowers don't just fall out of nowhere, lol.
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In the novel, it was said that Reynold even raised their hands even higher so that all the guests could see and have no doubt that the brother and sister had a good relationship, which also prompted an increase in Penelope's reputation.
I can't put into words how impressed I am with the costumes of the characters. Indeed. They look just fantastic. I especially liked Reynold's costume. The peculiarity is that SUOL-nim always draws outfits that have exactly the same style. That is, a certain element of clothing that we can see and immediately recognize for which character it is.
Also, I'm glad to see the same Reynold's ring that was in the first chapters of the manhwa again, haha. No wonder it is on the middle finger—
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But nevertheless, in my opinion, this is an important moment of the chapter!
A conversation between Reynold and Penelope mentions the moment they last met, when Reynold was brainwashed.
Somehow you see what a mouth is for and that it can be used for talking and not just for kissing. Isn't that right, dear Callisto and Penelope?
You see images that were real and from the point of view of a brainwashed Reynold. He didn't act as if he deliberately wanted to reprimand Penelope, but on the contrary, to stop her.
Penelope sees Reynold and realizes that he is at least now brainwashed.
And now the moment I've been waiting for for a very long time!..
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In the next chapter, there will be a rather interesting conversation about how Reynold tried to make a rabbit the color of Penelope's eyes. It's really cute moments between them.
But look at the similarities and differences between Derrick's and Reynold's gifts.
they both presented living beings;
both have similarities with Penelope's appearance colors: Derrick gave a bird the color of her hair, and Reynold tried to create a rabbit with the color of his sister's eyes;
different subtext and symbolism of gifts;
the bird has no one to communicate with, it is alone in the cage, and there are many rabbits, and they are quite fragile, but when they hatch, they are unlikely to live in a cage.
In this chapter, I smiled, while Penelope hardly did, if not at all. The chapter is over on the rabbits... so anyone who wanted to see Callisto, he will be in two weeks :'D
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matamisin · 2 years
I am absolutely living for the Stardew art. I love that game so much and have over 600 hours of playtime in it. I did have a little bit of a request but feel free to ignore! Could you rate all of the potential spouses based on your personal interpretations?
Hiii!! Yes yes yes thank you for this ask- I planned to do quick portraits anyways! <3 <3
But let's start!!
[PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, reblogs welcome! >:3c)
Harvey: 10/10
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Handsome yes yes
Very sweet and loyal like bro LETS GO that's all I need
Doctor?? AKA he fixes up love interest who regularly gets into trouble? Endless possibilities BRO this is my favorite trope to write/draw about
HOWEVER HARVEY DOESN'T ACCEPT ANY INSURANCE HE JUST CHARGES OUR ASSES bro I'm trying to have a tender moment of almost dying and him worrying and then BOOM hands me my bill like "see you at home honey ily"
Overall he would treat us right yes
Animals LOVE his ass but he's awkward with them LOL
He's often a tired man due the clinic but he'll pull through to do things with the farmer when they're dating (like outings)
In the beginning when farmer is frequently getting hurt in the mines and being brought in hurt, he buys them a walkie-talkie. He's said multiple times that he doesn't recommend going in those dangerous places but learns that farmer's determined to keep going so he'll do what he can to make sure they can relay when they need help
He'll chime in on the walkie when he sees farmer going towards the mines and has them check things off a mental list (hi, this is Harvery- going to the mines? Do you have your weapon? How about food? You have your first-aid kit on you too right?)
This man will be TENSE the whole day when he knows farmer is in the mines. He'll only ease up once he knows they're not in there anymore
Disclaimer: from here on most of what I write will be 100% from my head because I haven't married anyone else yet LMFAO
Sam: 10/10
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I interpret him as the golden retriever type- very hyper and friendly
That just makes him 1000% more loveable
Very good with kids cause of Vincent which is like YES
A little blunt sometimes but that's wassup
Doesn't eat the best (AKA I give him two pizzas every week. Hmm. So maybe that means I'M the problem lol)
Also doesn't really know a lot of cooking, but when he moves in farmer finds new-looking cookbooks tucked away in his spaces
I feel like he'd be the type to have a switch in attitude- he's v friendly UNTIL he has reason to distrust/not like someone and then he'll flip from bright to cold (especially if the person has bad intentions about somebody he cares about)
Doesn't realize farmer and him are dating he just thinks they’re hanging out a lot and just kissing as really good friends
When he does realize they’re dating he gets all flustered and red
Would let you win at Mario-Kart
Despite his goofiness, he knows how to be a gentleman. He's always keeping an eye on farmer and making sure they're okay. If they're out together, the moment the sun goes down his jacket is on farmer's shoulders. When it's raining and he wakes up late and sees that farmer has gone out of the house for the day, he'll get up quick and run around with an umbrella and a thermos of hot coffee until he finds farmer. He'll follow farmer around with the umbrella covering mostly farmer, so he gets pretty drenched.
Very vocal about his love
Shane: 10/10
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Ah the chicken man himself
ALSO GREAT WITH KIDS but in a different light- he's way more protective about them whereas Sam is more the laid-back and playful parent-figure (he throws his children into the air)
Recovering from his alcoholism and the habits that came with it (messiness and cluttery) but he's trying his best aww
Will rub his stubble on your face when he comes in for a hug ouchie
Even though he is not a dad- he just comes with dad stuff (dad outfits, dad jokes, EVERYTHING)
His chickens are protective of him so you must prove yourself worthy
(In my headcanons, Joja is kinda twisted) Will start to distance himself from Joja after farmer tells him of how they're trying to hurt the Junimos. He may eventually quit to work elsewhere, even though he doesn’t really know what Junimos are but something about farmer telling him about them seems sincere
He's very cuddly after getting to know him and dating. His love language happens to be physical touch and every touch makes him fall harder
This also means he gets a little sad when it's summer and too hot to cuddle that farmer turns around in their sleep. He gets pouty in the morning after until he gets a kiss LMAO
He'll frequently realize how messy he leaves his spaces, and will clean up. He tries to upkeep the cleanliness and manages it for a few days before it starts to get messy again. Sometimes it lasts a while, but sometimes it just slips his mind due to bad habits
Farmer pops into mind every time he has an urge to drink, and he'll shake it off and go do something else for them. He's DETERMINED to be the best person he can be for farmer
Alex: 10/10
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A little rough at first lol- his attitude is very icky in the beginning BUT he's cute 
Once you get through that exterior he practically does a 180- HE'S SO SWEET AND CARING and no longer uhhh icky
He would tackle things for you (can he help farmer out of the mines when they pass out in the game? If he does I'd like to think he just picks them up and BOOKS it for the exit knocking anything in his path down LMFAO)
Becomes pouty when he gets a little jealous
Again he's very sweet- he kisses Evelyn and George on the cheeks every morning before he leaves the house, he often thinks about his late mom and visits her grave with flowers from Pierre's and has a small picnic there
I feel he would be prone to dreams about his mom, waking up in a cold sweat and tears. After the 8-heart event he gets up and does something sweet like making a whole breakfast for Evelyn & George or giving Dusty some quality time with walks, playing, and a good treat
Will be extremely protective over farmer. Farmer gives him a heart attack every time they go to the mines or the skull cavern or even in the sewer like baby what are you doing WHY ARE YOU GOING INTO THE MANHOLE
The caves he can't follow farmer with because he knows he isn't trained to fight monsters like farmer is and might hold them back instead, but he'll wait outside or tell Harvey that farmer's in the mines instead
Doesn't come out with it but he needs a lot of reassurance due to abandonment issues. He gets a little clingy and touchy but a little shy. (reaching for farmer’s hand/just pinching onto a part of the farmer’s clothes and holding on)
Sebastian: 10/10
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This one might be rough cause I've never really felt much for him IM SORRY
Once farmer asks him out he's very unsure how to proceed. He'll call them things like dude and bro *with love*
It's literally like pulling teeth for him to call farmer honey just cause he's never been the affectionate type till now hehehe he'll try to say it and then drop to his knees like OTL and curl up (He'll get it eventually tho- this is just like the first few months LMFAO)
He has frogs right? He'll show you his frogs 
Your void chickens will love this emo boy they just vibe y'know?
He shows his love through acts of service and gifts, finding out the things you love and bringing them to you
As awkward as he is, his true intentions are very evident when he starts to really try to reconnect with Robin and asking her for advice on most anything he hasn't much a clue about.
He wants to be able to properly feel like part of his family, because farmer tells him that he deserves to feel loved there too. He’ll have a difficult heart-to-heart with Robin, Demetrius, and Maru and over time the family dynamic starts to heal. Sebastian is eternally grateful for farmer and tells them about the relationship and they’re all overjoyed to have farmer as part of the family too
He WILL stop smoking if farmer ever raises concern for his well-being
He starts to come out of his shell more (in general) as he and farmer progress their relationship. He tries his best to be a great partner, and everyone can sense that his demeanor is a little bit brighter than before. He starts to not be as shy about PDA too
He has many hoodies for farmer to steal HOWEVER they're all the exact same pair HAHAHA
Elliott: 10/10
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I may also struggle with Elliott for similar reasons
Handsome right off the bat bro
But you'll never be able to be the one with the great hair in the relationship cause man he dominates in that
I see him as a gentle lover- very old-school romantic
He writes farmer love poems and songs often HE WILL SERENADE FARMER EVEN THOUGH HE'S ALREADY MOVED IN
Has pictures of farmer EVERYWHERE like his desk, in his books and notebooks, and has one of those accordion picture holders in his wallet of farmer and himself (and their child(ren) when time comes) He shows them off to the other villagers at the Saloon even tho they literally know farmer LMAOO
Has a very comforting vibe to him- he knows how to coddle farmer after they take a visit to the clinic
He'd let farmer use his favorite pen, trusting that it would return to him
Romantic gestures are EVERYWHERE. Songs, poems, so many pretty flowers in farmer's hair. 
I think he'd be the best cook out of everyone. Farmer wants to go out on a fancy date out of the village?? S'NOT GOOD ENOUGH- Elliott will change the whole decor of the kitchen and spend hours cooking and preparing for farmer to come home and then he plays all the roles (waiter, bus person, lover, etc) through the entire meal. But if farmer really actually wants to go out he'll go with it
Bachelorettes will be done in part 2 soon!
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simonsrosebud · 2 months
also for my second WIP ask PLEASE brussels!!!! im not from belgium but its close enough (to the netherlands) so im really really excited about that one too!!!!
oh gosh I've only been to brussels once for 2 days so im hoping i don't do it dirty. i LOVED brussels and the netherlands!!
Neil realized with gut clenching clarity that Andrew would be sitting with him in each and every class that he took.
He and his mother had rules.  Don’t draw attention, don’t ask questions, don’t answer questions, and don’t- definitely don’t make friends.  Neil didn’t have any intention on befriending Andrew, but it was hard to go unnoticed when they sat beside one another for seven hours a day.
Neil had been determined for the last four years to follow his mother’s rules, but it wasn’t often that he went this unnoticed as the new kid.  His mother would never know it, but it was normal for him to be bugged by a good five different students at each new school before everyone learned to leave him alone.  If she knew that, then he’d never be allowed to go to school to all.  Neil didn’t think he could handle that isolation.
So, since he was excelling with flying under the radar, he turned to Andrew two weeks into their introduction.  “Why don’t you speak to anyone?” he asked in English.
Andrew stilled from where he was writing down notes in a mixture of two languages.  Neil didn’t know why he didn’t just pick one.  His own notes were written in French so that no one would know, at least from afar, that he was writing down aimless things instead.  Making lists, like the food they needed to buy when it was his turn, keeping track of the last time he dyed his hair, and sometimes writing “letters” as if he had someone to give them to to tell about their adventures.
Adventures, his mother called them, as if he hadn’t known exactly what this was from the day they left.  That his father was obsessive and angry, and that if they stopped he would find and kill them.
He shivered and tensed so as to not let it show.  After a moment, Andrew slowly sat back in his seat and let his gaze slowly wash over the classroom.  Their teacher, grading last night’s homework at her desk.  Students, mumbling and quietly giggling to one another in favor of doing their schoolwork for as long as they could get away with.
When his eyes landed on Neil, he raised his eyebrow.  “Do you really want to ask that?” he asked in slow, low, Dutch.  Neil wanted to roll his eyes and tell him to fuck off.  He was using the language against him because he knew- he knew that Neil was still working on it.  The exact thing he’d refuted two weeks prior.  “Let me also ask,” he started.  Neil’s heart pounded.  He looked like a deer caught in a pair of headlights.  “How many times are you going to re-wear the same five outfits?”
Neil’s free hand, sweaty and needing something to grip onto that wasn’t the pencil he was close to breaking, clenched around his knee instead.  When he didn’t answer, Andrew kept his eyes on him in uncomfortable silence.  Waiting, and waiting, for what felt like a half hour but was only three minutes, until Neil opened his mouth just as their teacher dismissed the class.
Andrew stood and slung his bag over his shoulder.  “You and I are somewhat alike, I hate to think.  No,” he said when Neil nearly cut him off.  “I don’t care.”
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beardedjoel · 1 year
closer | part four
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joel x f!reader. non-apocalypse au.
series masterlist | main masterlist | ao3  
chapter summary: you go to joel’s house, unsure of what to expect when you finally confess how much you want him, and what follows doesn’t disappoint in the least. 7.4k words.
warnings: 18+ MDNI, smut, age difference (joel is 42 and reader is 25), porn with some plot, soft!dom joel, fingering, mutual masturbation, dirty talk, praise kink, pet names for reader
a/n: if you held out to this chapter to get to the good stuff bless you !!! *saluting emoji*
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Joel had spent the rest of his evening sobering up, now left with just his thoughts about what an absolute mind fuck that moment in the hallway with you had been, and the ensuing argument with Tommy. His brother really got under his skin with all the shit he said, but Joel also hated that he was right about most of it. He sighs, leaning back on the couch and trying to equally distract himself with the TV and at the same time, sort out his thoughts. A sudden knock at the door takes him by surprise, but the shock only increases when you’re the one standing on the other side of it, looking beautiful and enticing in your summery outfit, standing with your hands wrung nervously in front of you. Yeah, I’m fucked, Joel instantly thought to himself.
“Hi,” you squeak out, giving Joel a timid smile. 
“Hi,” Joel says, giving you another one of his boyish grins. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Joel asks, leaning on the doorframe. He can’t believe he’s the one feeling slightly awkward at seeing you now, worried that he possibly overstepped with you again earlier.
“My mom… wanted me to bring you - oh, shit!” You realize, looking down at your empty hands. “The cookies,” you say, biting your lip. “There were cookies, but I forgot them.” You can’t believe in your rush to see Joel, you’d left them sitting on your counter.
Joel laughs, noticing the tenseness he was feeling loosen up, and seeing your teeth bite those perfect, inviting lips he’s unable to let you leave for even a minute to retrieve these cookies for him. “S’alright, why don’t you come on in,” he says, low and rumbling, his eyes quickly giving you a once over. Your heart jumps in your chest and you nod. 
“Okay,” you say, already breathless from the nerves of what you’re about to do. You step inside, slip off your sandals, and walk towards the middle of the room. Now that you’re actually getting a good look at it, his house is pretty much what you’d imagine - quaint, put together, and it feels cozy and lived in. Dark gray couches and chairs, wood coffee tables and features, and a large television make up the living room you’ve now stepped into. It’s tasteful, but definitely decorated by a man, having an overall, undeniably masculine feel to it. You realize you’re just silently taking in and judging his home, and feel self conscious at the way he’s looking at you expectantly.
“You have a really nice home,” you mumble, half looking down at your feet. “S-sorry about the cookies.”
“I don’t care about those cookies, if I’m honest,” he says, his head cocked to the side as he steps a little closer to you. His voice is getting lower, and your heart is pounding out of your chest. You think it might just be loud enough for him to hear as he draws nearer to you. “I’m sorry about earlier, darlin”, I had a little too much and was eager to see you again and see what you were thinkin’. Shouldn’t have put you on the spot like that, though,” he apologizes, his eyes a bit softer and wider than usual as he looks down at you. 
“Oh…” you breathe, unsure what to do next, avoiding his eyes as you inspect the ground. “That’s okay, Joel. That’s actually kind of most of the reason why I came here,” you admit to him. 
“Didn’t just come over to deliver some cookies, then?” Joel is now right in front of you, and he gently puts his fingers on your chin, tilting it upwards to meet his eye line. You almost shrink back out of nerves, but melt when you catch a glimpse of his dark eyes boring into you, two pools of desire staring right back at you. 
“N-no, I didn’t,” you say, bravely not breaking eye contact. 
“Didn’t think so,” he says, “Why don’t you tell me what you’re really here for.”
“I just… I needed to say that the other day, it was okay. More than okay. I wanted to do that, and to keep doing that with you. I was just nervous, it didn’t mean I didn’t want it. You make me nervous.”
“Nothing to be nervous about, girl,” he says sweetly, looking at you with soft eyes, but he can see his words have had no helpful effect on you. “I really make you that nervous, huh?”
“You do, more than you could know.” you admit, breathing out a long breath, wanting to steady yourself before your next words. “You told me to say what I want. I’ve been wanting to talk to you, been wanting to… kiss you like that. I- I’ve been wanting you and… watching you since I got here.” Once the words are out of your mouth, you can’t believe you’ve admitted it to him, but it feels good, so good. It’s out in the universe now, up to Joel to reciprocate or not.
“Oh, baby,” he tuts, almost condescendingly, but it turns you on, his gaze hardening with desire at the confirmation of your feelings towards him. “You think I haven’t noticed? The way you eat me up with your eyes? Always lookin’ at me when you think I can’t see it,” he says with a little head shake, and his voice has gone deeper with suggestion. You gasp a little, looking up at him with a shocked expression. He simply smirks, knowing he has you all figured out. 
“Bet you’ve been thinkin’ about me, haven’t you? What you’d do if you could get me alone like this? If I wanted you too?” he continues, and your knees feel like jelly. 
“I do, every day,” you manage to squeak out, nodding in response. You can’t believe he’s seen right through you, and this entire time you had thought he wasn’t paying any attention to you. He lifts a hand up again, holding a forefinger and thumb on your chin now. You feel your whole body shudder at the touch, and Joel’s smirk grows as he notices the effect he’s having on you. You stare back eagerly, awaiting whatever he has to say next.
“You sure this is what you want, darlin’? Be honest now,” he says. 
“Yes, so badly… please,” you whisper, feeling desperate now that it’s so close within your reach. 
“Just what I wanted to hear,” Joel responds simply, his eyes going a shade darker. You can barely breathe as his hand slides to cup your cheek, and in one fluid motion he’s leaning down closer to you, his lips brushing against yours. You flutter your eyelids shut and lean into the kiss, putting a little more pressure into it, until Joel pulls away slightly. 
“Shy little thing you are,” he hums, and the rumble of his voice so close to you sends another shiver up your spine. “S’okay, I don’t mind, we can take our time,” he says gently, stroking your cheek again. You want to prove him wrong, you want to unleash yourself and give in completely to it, so you lean forward again, tilting your head up and deciding to fully commit to it. You won’t mess it up this time, you think with determination.
You grab the back of his neck, feeling his thick, gorgeous hair under your hand and press your lips back into his hard, immediately deepening the kiss. Your lips part enough for his tongue to slide in and you groan a little at how incredible it feels, like a dream. He tastes slightly of beer, and you take it all in, the wetness of his mouth on yours, and delicate slide of your tongue against his now. You are quickly losing control, grasping harder at his neck, your nails scratching along the skin as your mouths and tongues come together again and again. Joel groans, one of his hands sliding up onto your shirt and squeezing your breast. He makes a satisfied grunt when he feels you have no bra on, thumbing your nipple through the fabric. You moan into his mouth at the sensation, hips automatically arching towards him as he pinches and flicks at it, the buds now hard and aching for him. Your core is burning hot, already tingling and turning with desire, desperate for him to touch you more. You practically gasp when he suddenly grabs your hips, pulls his mouth off of yours, and spins you around, pulling your back and ass flush against his front. He holds you tightly against him by putting his arms around your hips, his head nestling in the crook of your neck. You look down at his strong, tanned arms holding you and feel your knees go weak again - this feels better than you could have imagined.
“Bet you thought I didn’t notice how you got all dressed up in your little bikini just for me the other day did you? Or the way you walk around with that perfect body making me go crazy, smiling like the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen,” he purrs, and you are writhing under his grasp, your pussy beginning to ache and pulse at his words.
“Y-yes, it's all for you. I just wanted -“ you trail off, feeling embarrassed. 
“Wanted what?” he commands, his grip on your hips tightening.
“For you to notice me,” you blurt out. 
“Done much more than notice you, you sweet thing. You’re makin’ me wild, you know that? Wantin’ you day and night? Knowin’ I shouldn’t...”
“R-really?” you ask, even though the answer seems obvious at this point. You’re simply having a hard time believing this isn’t some fever dream right now. “Why s-shouldn’t you?” you say, your body trembling slightly at the way his hands are now roaming over the front of your body, teasing you.
“Isn’t it obvious, baby?” he rumbles, placing a kiss on your neck. “You ever been with a man like me? Someone older?” he asks quietly, his voice hushed and breath hot against your ear. 
You shake your head, then say a soft, quiet “no” in response. He makes a small, pleased hum at your answer. 
“J-just a few people, here and there. Nothing really,” you reply breathlessly, thinking of the few drunken hookups or shorter-lived relationships you’d experienced during college. None of them felt like this - they hadn’t known what they were doing with you, hadn't been able to drive you wild like Joel already was able to. “No one like you,” you add quickly, hoping he’ll like to hear it.
“Good,” he purrs, his grip on your hips tightening as he pulls you even closer to him, your ass now pressing even harder against his crotch, feeling how hard he already is. “I like bein’ the only one,” he says, and the possessiveness of his words sends another wave of desire through you. You grind your hips back into him slightly, rubbing on his cock, to show him how you felt about what he said. 
“Oh, you like that then, baby? You like when I’m a little jealous?”
“N-nothing to be jealous of,” you barely breathe out, trying to tilt your head in the direction of his, your lips looking to find his again.
“That’s right,” he says, his hand on the waistband of your shorts now, the tips of his fingers threatening to dip below and explore. “Cause this is all mine,” he continues, his fingers going slightly lower but not anywhere close to where you’re throbbing for him. You breathe heavily, and a small whine comes out of you involuntarily when he slides his hand down, his fingers brushing along the outside of your pussy. He’s gentle, yet to explore further, just stroking your lips, teasing a bit of a finger further in periodically. You melt into him, your head lolling back onto his chest. He tilts his head down and kisses your neck, the scratch of his beard adding wholly to the feel and experience of it. It sends a shudder through your entire body when Joel suddenly sucks lightly on the skin there, his breath coming hot down your neck and chest. He sucks harder as his fingers feel slightly deeper in your slit, just how slick it is, biting down on your neck a bit. You let out a breathy yelp at the sensation, never having any man do that to you before.
You’re trembling, and you know Joel can feel it. You’ve never been so nervous to be with someone like this before, and you don’t know exactly why. There’s something so defined in the way he carries himself, the way he treats you, and it makes you worried you aren’t experienced enough for him. 
“Shh,” he pulls his hand out of your shorts and tries to soothe you a bit, holding you tightly to him and rocking slightly. “You sure it’s okay?”
You gulp and nod, willing your body to stop shaking underneath him. “I wish I wasn’t so nervous,” you scold yourself out loud. 
“How about this, sweet girl…” he says, and you tilt your head enough to look back at him, your eyes meeting his. “You be okay if I just take control from here? You won’t have to worry about a thing that way.” Joel leans in and kisses the side of your face and you melt into it before he plants another one on your neck, eliciting a breathy moan and nod in response to his question. 
“Okay… yeah,” you decide, “Tell me what to do.”
“Okay,” he says, a devious smile crossing his face. “First thing, let’s take a look at that pretty little pussy,” he says into your ear, voice low and suggestive. You just nod again, already undone by everything he’s doing, and willing to do anything he wants to next. You don’t know what you thought his plan was, but it certainly was not for him to pull away, spin you around, and start pulling your shorts down right there as you stood in the middle of his living room. You step out of the shorts now bundled at your feet, and Joel’s lust filled eyes linger on your panties - red lacy ones you’d picked out hoping he might see them. The smirk that comes across his face as he eyes them gives you a rush of satisfaction. 
“Do you like them?” you ask shyly, already thinking you know the answer. 
“Oh, I do,” he replies quietly as he stares. “Do a little turn,” he commands, making a spinning motion with his hand. You slowly spin around, revealing the thong strap with a bit of lace at the top that makes up the back of your underwear. Joel groans quietly and before you can continue turning back towards him he grabs your ass, both hands fisting full of your plush flesh there. “Perfect ass,” he murmurs, “Askin’ to be smacked,” he says, giving one of your cheeks a light tap as he lets go of where he was grabbing onto you. You turn back and Joel is on you again, his arms pulling you right against him, this time facing from the front. 
“Smacked? W-what, have I been bad?” you ask, half teasing and knowing you’re no good at this dirty talk stuff. You haven’t had nearly enough practice to know what to say, but Joel seems to say whatever comes to his mind. 
“As a matter of fact, you have,” he says suggestively, and you see a sly grin cross his face. “Saw you up in your window those few times, teasin’ me.” You feel your face get hot at the confirmation that he saw you, despite it being for him. 
You let out a small nervous chuckle. “You saw that, huh?”
“Gonna act like that wasn’t all for me, your little show? You know, I’ve been turned for days after seein’ that, just that little glimpse of ya,” he says. You smile a little more confidently now at the confirmation that it had such an effect on him.
“Did you… touch yourself thinking of me?” you say, running a hand down Joel’s chest now. The fabric of his t-shirt is soft, but you can feel his toned chest and stomach underneath. You sigh as your trembling fingers reach lower, resting on the waistband of his jeans. 
“Sure did, you naughty thing,” Joel says, “And don’t think I don’t know about what you do, when you rush off after seein’ me outside, goin’ off to think about me while you touch that little pussy of yours.”
You gasp, mouth hanging open in shock that he’d guessed that much, that it seemed he’d been observing you just as much as you had him. “I-uh-“ you stutter, completely turned on and embarrassed at once. 
“It’s alright, baby,” he coos, a finger fiddling with the waistband of your underwear now. “Makes me happy that I turned you on so much.” He reaches down and feels you through the outside of your panties now, and you know he must feel how you’ve been getting wet, soaking through the fabric already. You’re dazed, and as he grabs your hand, leading you to his couch and sitting you down, you allow him to move you around without any resistance - you’re complete putty for him. 
Joel stands above you, and leans over your body on the couch, bringing his hands to the sides of your panties and pulling down, revealing your bottom half in full now. Joel lets out a groan, seeing your pussy lips already swollen and ready for him. 
“Tsk,” he tuts, “Look at that wet little pussy, just for me,” he says, delicately swiping a finger through it, causing your hips to buck forward towards him. He kisses you deeply, hungrily, and you soften into it, just loving the way his lips feel against yours, the urgency behind it. He’s palming your thighs, his large fingers covering so much of them as he strokes his fingers along the skin there. You are aching, dripping, on the verge of begging for him to put an end to your misery and just touch you. 
“Joel,” you gasp, pulling away from the kiss. 
“Hm, what is it baby?” He continues to kiss your face and trails then down to your neck, eliciting a small moan from you. 
“P-please, touch me,” you say, unable to take another second of his hands being so close yet so far away. 
“Thought I was the one makin’ the calls here,” he says with an arched brow, and you can tell he gets off on it. He wants that control, to know you’re at his whim, pleasuring you when he wants, making you come when he decides to. 
“S-sorry,” you say, feeling lost. You don’t know how to go about any of this, you’ve never had a man offer to do what he did. 
He slides himself down over you slightly, then pulls your tank top over your breasts and just… stares for a few moments, taking it in, appreciating it.
“Shirt off,” he commands, and you lift your arms up so he can pull the tank top over your head. He discards it on the floor, not once taking his eyes off your naked form sprawled open on his couch, every nerve in your body on fire under his gaze. He finally brings his head down to your chest and begins flicking his tongue on each nipple, taking equal time with each one.  You squirm, feeling another rush of warmth and wetness between your legs, panting hard now as you rub them together slightly trying to relieve some of the throbbing.
“You need my fingers on that pussy, don’t you?” he says, noticing your writhing movements and quiet whimpers. Simultaneously he takes one of your hard nipples back into his mouth and rolls his fingers over the other, rubbing gently. A moan like you’ve never made escapes your lips, and you’d normally be embarrassed, but it feels so good, your thoughts too clouded to care. You pant, nodding furiously.
“P-please, I need it, I need it,” you call out, feeling like crying at how much your cunt is aching now. Your deliriously half lidded eyes look at Joel, and he looks downright sinister now. 
“You’re being so good, waitin’ for me, I think you deserve that,” he smirks, and you feel like you’re starting to catch onto his game, and you have to admit - it’s fucking hot. You wait with baited breath as his hand dips down, his finger starting to rub circles on your clit and your hips instinctively rise up to meet his finger harder, wanting more from him. You practically yell out a moan at the feeling of his finger giving you that bit of relief you’d been dying for. 
“My, my, you are absolutely gorgeous, baby,” he says, the vibration of his mouth over your nipple sending a shiver through you. 
You make begging, whining sounds, panting and moaning as his finger circles your clit slowly, and he increases the speed slightly at your noises. He begins to tease a finger at your entrance, slowly pushing it in.
“How’s that, baby?” Joel asks, kissing the curve of your breast and sucking lightly.
“S-so good,” you pant in response, feeling your climax rising up inside of you, feel it close, within your grasp already. “Can I ask for more, please?”
“So polite and sweet, you insatiable little thing,” he says, biting his lip slightly. He pulls out and adds a second finger, sliding them both into your pussy and you grind your hips onto his hand at the sensation. He rubs your clit with the other hand as he steadily pumps his fingers in and out of you, the sound loud and sloppy echoing through the living room. 
“Taking it so good,” he coos, watching his fingers pump as deep as they go inside of you.
“Need more… I need your cock, Joel. I want you to fuck me,” you yell out suddenly, unable to take the urge to have him fill you anymore. You know he said that he had control over what you’re doing right now, but you think fuck it, as your mind keeps drifting to having him inside of you. It takes everything in him to not whip out his cock and pound it into your soaking wet pussy, but he decided that he wanted to take things slower with you. He wanted to treat you well, give you what you deserve, not rush into things and hurt you in some way.
“Oh darlin’, not today, I want to enjoy this perfect pussy of yours nice and slow,” he says, peppering kisses over your chest again but more tenderly this time.
“I-I’m on the pill and everything, I swear,” you say desperately, just trying to think of any reason he wouldn’t want to sleep with you. 
“Sweet girl, it’s not that,” he laughs a little, and you whine as he completely removes his fingers and he moves to reach a hand up to stroke your hair. You look down at him with fraught, pleading eyes. “Just wanna give you some respect, darlin’, treat you right, okay?” You frown a little but understand where he’s coming from, nodding in agreement. 
“Just let me take care of you, okay?” he adds sweetly, and you smile at the tone he’s using, so soft and gentle.
He moves to sit next to you on the couch, then tugs on your hips, pulling you onto his lap so that you’re facing him, legs straddling him. You’re feeling half drunk on the desire and look down at him with bleary eyes and wrap your arms around his neck, leaning close. The heady desire in your wide gaze almost has Joel regretting his decision to not fuck you tonight, and his cock strains against his jeans a bit harder. He kisses you, reaching a hand in between your parted legs and playing with your clit again, stroking it along with the slit of your pussy. You immediately grind your hips, the position you’re in on top of him only increasing the pleasure as you push down onto his hand. 
He lets out a groan as he slides two fingers back in, feeling how easily it slips inside of you, how wet and ready you were for him. He dares to add a third one and you cry out a little, the way he’s stretching his fingers inside of you.
“Look at you, taking all my fingers like that,” he groans, looking down at where his hand is connecting to your body. You bury your face in his shoulder as you ride his fingers, increasing the rhythm in and out of you. His thumb is steadily rubbing your clit while he curls the fingers in the most perfect way and you moan into his ear, his name spilling out of your mouth. His other hand is now in your hair, pulling lightly, then stroking your back, landing firmly on your ass and squeezing hard. It’s like he can’t get enough, finding new places for his hand to explore.
“Joel… joel…” you say urgently, breathless.
“Let it out baby, let it out. Let me hear you come for me,” he purrs, nosing the side of your head and ear while keeping up the steady push of his fingers. You’re shaking, your hips rocking onto his hand, sliding over his legs quickly. “Let me feel you come all over this hand, filthy girl. Do it,” he commands.
“My god. Oh my god,” you call out, and his last commanding words send you over the edge, your orgasm beginning to rock through you, sending your hips and body shuddering, coming onto his fingers. You pull your head off his shoulder, dipping it back and exposing your face and neck. Joel grips your chin with his free hand, holding you steady, and watches your climax as it crosses your face, your mouth open and letting out moans that only serve to make his cock painfully hard now. 
“Atta girl, just like that,” he praises, and it’s incredible, his fingers hitting the perfect spot inside of you as your whole body trembles at his touch, fire coursing through your belly and tingling on every inch of you. Your climax slowly subsides, and you breathe heavily, daring to slowly open your now heavy eyes. You see Joel with an intense, satisfied grin on his face. He pulls a hand up and brushes the hair back that’s now stuck to your face with sweat. He kisses you, a tender, sweet kiss now and chuckles. 
“That was gorgeous, baby,” he says, and you smile shyly, tilting your head down a little. 
Coming down from your post-climax haze, you’re now very aware of his cock, feeling it hard and pressing against his pants underneath you. You slide off his lap and kneel in front of the couch, reaching up for the belt on his jeans. He grabs your hand, stopping you from going any further. 
“Woah, darlin’, that’s alright. Wanted tonight to be all about you,” he says, grinning. 
“B- but I don’t want you to not - you’re turned on, and I want to… help.” You look up with a furrowed brow, confused as to how he couldn’t want this.
“‘Course I’m turned on, when I’ve got your pussy all over my hand, you lookin’ beautiful like that, but I’ll be alright. We’ll get to that another time.”
“You’re sure?” you ask hesitantly, hands planted firmly on his thighs.
“Promise ya,” he says, leaning forward and cupping your cheek, planting another kiss on your lips. Joel reaches underneath your arms and pulls you back into his lap so that you’re sitting sideways over him, wrapping his arms around your lower half and resting you against his chest. You lean into it, breathing in his scent and smiling. Joel starts to stroke your bare back gently with his fingers, and the feeling alone of his hands on you like this could turn you on all over again. You shiver a little at the electric touch and pull your arms around his neck. You’re painfully aware of his hand increasingly going lower and lower, and feel like you already need him again, the familiar wetness coming between your legs.
“I make you feel good tonight, baby?” he asks suddenly, planting a kiss on your head, sounding so sweet, and you smile. 
“Mhmm,” you let out a small sleepy moan, nuzzling your face against his neck. “Thought that was obvious,” you chuckle a little nervously. His hand gently squeezes and kneads your ass that’s perched on his lap and you make a small whining noise without meaning to. 
“What’s all that?” Joel asks deviously, “Didn’t get your fill?”
You feel a little flush come over you at how easily he’s turned you on again but you pull your head off of his shoulder and try to look him in the eye. “Guess not,” you say with a small smirk. Joel returns it and glances down at your naked body sprawled over him, the gears in his head turning as to what to do to you next. He grabs a hold of you, spinning your body so that your back is against his chest. 
“Listen, baby, if I touch you again, I don’t think I’m gonna be able to handle it without things gettin’ painful for me, so let’s get a little creative, okay?” His voice is low next to your ear. 
“Okay.” You nod. “You’re in charge again,” you say, and he smiles into your neck, the words clearly exactly what he was hoping for.
“Good girl,” he whispers, the sound of it rumbling across your skin and making you twitch and shiver a little. You do wish he’d just fuck you senseless already, but he seems to be the one setting the rules here, and you realize rightfully so, you’re the one who’s let him. 
Joel reaches a hand down and strokes through you again, feeling how wet you’d already gotten again. “Christ, you’re so swollen for me, look at you,” he marvels, teasing your folds apart with his fingers. You breathe a little sigh of relief as his touch eases some of the aching going on between your legs. 
“You’re gonna touch yourself now, baby, while I watch you and take care of myself. You do a good job with all that, and I’ll finish you off, okay?” Once again, you know it’s not a question - this is how Joel has decided you two are getting off. You’re feeling skeptical and shy about touching yourself in front of him, and it must read openly on your face. 
“Um, okay, I’ve just never touched myself in front of anyone,” you admit timidly.
“Think of it like this - let me see what you’d do to yourself when you’d think of me, hm?” he says. You think you can handle that, so you smile a little and nod in approval. 
“I can do that,” you say, wanting desperately to hear what you think he’s about to say. 
“Good girl,” he smiles, and it’s music to your ears. Your heart starts to beat more wildly as he moves you off of his lap and sets you on the couch, standing up in front of you. You sit awkwardly for a moment, adjusting yourself in the seat to try and look as sexy as you can.
“Okay, darlin’,” he says, nudging your legs open wider with his knee as he stands in between them. “Go on now.”
You take a shaky breath and reach your hand down between your legs, gently feeling the outside lips of your pussy. The look on Joel’s face immediately emboldens you a bit, he looks desperate to see more, squirming a bit where he stands.
You look down at yourself, still feeling embarrassed to look Joel in the eye while you do this next part. A finger slides down into your slit, rubbing your clit slowly, and you watch as your finger starts to become slick and shiny as your hips grind a little onto it. Joel grunts a little at the sight.
“Look at me,” he commands, and you snap your eyes up to his face, then downward. He has a determined, absolutely hungry look in his eyes as he reaches to his belt and undoes it, unzips his pants, reaching in and pulling his cock out. It springs free, and he immediately fists it, stroking lightly. You try not to have a visceral reaction to it, but fuck. It’s bigger than any cock you’ve ever taken, or seen, for that matter, and you are barely paying attention to what you are doing to yourself now with your jaw slack and your eyes wide and trained on his dick. 
Joel chuckles devilishly, beginning to stroke himself faster. “Focus up, darlin’,” he says, and you try to move on from the surprise of the sheer size of Joel’s cock, but it’s hard to do as you watch his hand move along its length. 
He suddenly stops, and holds out his hand, palm up to you. “Lick it,” he says, and you stare a little stunned and wide eyed for a moment before leaning forward and running your tongue along his hand, finger still rubbing on your clit. You stare up at him as you do it, light moans coming out as you coat his hand in your saliva. It’s strangely erotic, tasting the salty skin of his hand and the leftover remnants from where he touched your cunt earlier. He fists his hand around his cock again and the sound is much louder, your saliva making the shaft slick as he returns to a slower pace, enjoying it. 
“Let me see you put a finger in,” he says, and you immediately move your index finger to your opening but stop there, slowly circling your clit with your thumb. 
“How many?” you ask, looking up at him alluringly, finally starting to feel more bold. 
“Oh, filthy girl,” Joel tuts, tugging a bit harder on his cock. “Just one for me now, don’t wanna rush anything.” You frown a little and whimper, knowing it’ll get a reaction out of him, but you slide one finger inside of yourself, beginning to pump it in and out. Joel makes a small groaning sound at the sight, his eyes glued to where you’re beginning to fuck yourself harder with your finger. 
“Yeah, that’s it, sweet girl, add another one,” he moans, his movements becoming even quicker on his cock and you try to match his pace as you add another finger and continue rubbing your clit. You’re moaning at the sight of it all, the way his cock is so hard from just watching you do this, the way Joel’s strong hand is moving over it like his life depends on it. You want his cock in your mouth so badly, you want just a taste of him if he’d let you, and seeing the little bit of precum on his cock makes you salivate and lick your lips. Your hips are arching up into your touch, wet and sloppy noises the only sound in the room for a few moments as Joel’s fist slaps into his flesh over and over. 
“Please Joel, let me taste you,” you beg through your panting breaths, desperate to have the length of him inside of you in some way. 
“Shit, you cock hungry little thing,” he grunts out, shaking his head, but he doesn’t stop what he’s doing. You are writhing, desperate to hold out until Joel can make you climax instead, but it’s so difficult when your view is what it is right now. You can tell Joel is close, he’s panting hard, a sheen of sweat on his face, and his cock looks like it’s absolutely throbbing. 
“Into my mouth,” you try begging once more, thinking he’s about to come at any moment. 
“No,” Joel says, voice strained, and you frown. “Let me paint those gorgeous fucking tits,” he grunts out. 
He doesn’t wait for confirmation, but instead continues watching your fingers plunging into your pussy as he climaxes, his body shuddering slightly as ropes of cum release out onto your chest. He almost leans his head back, closing his eyes, but he can’t tear his eyes away from the way his cum is coating you. You stop moving your fingers, simply relishing in the sight and feeling of his climax. Joel groans out a few expletives along with your name, breathing heavily, and he still stands over you, looking down with that post orgasm bliss on his face while you smile up at him. 
He leans down, placing his hands on either side of your body on the couch, getting his face close to yours. He moves one hand to your chest, swiping the cum up onto his fingers and holding it up to your mouth. 
“There’s your taste of me,” he says gruffly, and you open your mouth almost immediately, craning your neck forward to take the fingers in deeply, licking and sucking them clean. The look on Joel’s face is a mixture of surprise and satisfaction, feeling like he’s seeing a new side to you now that he’s gotten you out of your shell a little bit. 
“Good fucking girl,” Joel says each word slowly and carefully, then smirks as his fingers pop out of your mouth, completely cleaned off all his cum.
“I did a good job for you?” you ask, suddenly feeling a bit shy again as you seek his validation. 
“Oh, yes,” he replies, pressing his lips to yours deeply, and he opens his mouth to slide his tongue over your lip. You shudder a bit and return it, your tongues flitting in and out of each other’s mouths. Your hips are bucking upwards, missing the pressure of your fingers now, and you moan desperately into Joel’s mouth. Joel reaches between you and slides his fingers down your slit, immediately pushing three fingers inside of you, picking up right where you left off. He pushes them in hard, and you inhale sharply, the immediate feeling of him filling you so much taking you by surprise. His fingers move furiously, pumping in and out of you, and your body tries to squirm away from the intensity of it once he puts his thumb on your clit. But the way he’s hovering over you, your body below him on the couch, you have nowhere to go, and he’s relentless with his speed now, curling his fingers inside of you.
All you can do is make strained moaning sounds as he places his lips to your neck and sucks on the skin, trailing his lips down and doing the same thing on your chest. You know it’s going to leave a mark, and you don’t care, you can’t care right now with the way everything feels so incredible. Your whole body is shaking with the intensity of his movements, your climax practically at your fingertips as your hips push back into his fingers, driving him deeper.
Joel murmurs praises into the skin of your neck as you continue lifting your hips. He presses a hand down on your thigh hard, holding you in place, leaving you to take exactly what he’s giving you. And what he’s giving you is absolute fucking ecstasy. Your crying moans urge him on, and he’s pushing all three fingers as deep as he can, and everything suddenly feels… different as he hits the most sensitive spot inside of you. You let out a little yelp, surprised by the sheer intensity of it as he hits it over and over.
“Look at you… tight fuckin’ pussy, taking my fingers so good. You like when I fuck you hard like this?” he growls, plunging his fingers more aggressively into you, enjoying the loud, sloppy sounds he’s making as you leak all around his fingers.
You simply moan, long and low, in answer as he curls his fingers and hits that spot again. Holy shit, is the only thought running through your mind, over and over again.
“Of course you do, you fuckin’ dirty little thing. My perfect girl, taking my fingers however I want you to.” His words make you practically scream, his name on your lips repeatedly as you feel the sensation of your impending climax beginning to overwhelm you.
You stutter, trying to say his name again, let him know you’re going to come, but he already knows, of course he already knows, because he’s kissing your neck again and telling you.
“That’s it, baby, come right on this hand again,” he says before sucking on your neck again. You’re completely devastated, the orgasm burning through you as your hips spasm and grind down. He’s keeping up the pace, his fingers hitting deep as you ride it out onto his hand. You scream his name and practically lose all sense of anything else you’re saying or doing while your entire body is taken over by the fiery, tingling sensation as you come.
“My… god…” you breathe out, muscles finally loosening from the way your entire body had tensed up during your orgasm. Your head flops back onto the couch and you feel your whole body go limp as you try to steady your breathing. You don’t even dare open your eyes, you’re in such a haze right now and don’t want it to end. Joel’s lips find yours and press into you, and you lazily return the kiss, bringing an arm up so you can gently stroke his cheek. He pulls back, taking in the satisfied smile on your face, closed eyes, flushed cheeks, and wild hair, and he thinks you look more gorgeous than he’s ever seen you.
“Had your fill yet, baby?” he asks, sitting down next to you and nuzzling the side of your hair with his nose. His smell so close to you is immediately intoxicating all over again, and you don’t know how you’re expected to leave this man’s side.
“Mm-mm,” you shake your head, “Not even close.” Joel laughs heartily, and the sound lifts your heart - you don’t think you’ve made him laugh like that before now, so you peek your eyes open and look over at him, grinning in response. “Don’t worry, we’ll save that for another time,” you assure him, rubbing your eyes to try and make yourself more alert.
"Now what makes you so sure there’s a next time?” he teases you, and your eyes widen in shock. You don’t think he’s being serious, but…
“I- I just thought… you seemed to like it too…” you stutter, tripping over your words around him yet again.
He laughs again, that hearty laugh you’ll be chasing hearing forever, you think, and grabs your face.
“I’m just messin’ with ya, darlin’,” he reassures you, capturing your surprised, pouting lips in a kiss. You giggle a bit into his kiss and then deepen it for a few moments before standing up off of the couch, getting dressed. Joel gives a slight look of disapproval at the fact that you’re putting your clothing back on, but lets you go ahead anyway.
You’re unsure of what your next move should be. Should you stay over longer? Stay the night? Would Joel even want you to stay the night?
“Why don’t ya head home, sweet girl,” he says, answering the question before you can even ask, standing up next to you and wrapping his arms tightly around you, pulling you in. “I’ve got an early morning tomorrow.”
“Okay,” you reply, understanding but feeling disappointed. “Can I see you again? Tomorrow?” You look at him with eager eyes, praying his answer will be yes. Now that you’ve crossed this line, there’s no going back, and you want more of him, need more of him.
Joel chuckles. “Impatient, impatient,” he drawls. “Sure thing, I’ll be ‘round tomorrow evening.”
You give him a hopeful smile, waving your goodbye to Joel after stealing one last kiss. You rush up to your little apartment, barely bothering to turn on any lights as you run over to your bed and promptly scream into your pillow like you’re fifteen years old again. Once you get the rush of excitement out of your system, you sit up, eyeing the plate of cookies on the counter and laugh loudly to yourself. You pad over to them and pick one up, biting into it and smiling to yourself, unable to help the feeling that this man is going to ruin your life in the best way possible.
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pjunicornart · 3 months
Papercut (Reclaimed)
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I've decided to reclaim Papercut for the fandom! Here's the explanation.
Papercut (a Fell variant of Paperjam) was originally created by the person who created PJ's Daycare and NaJ. I'm not name dropping them because... I just don't want to. Anyway, the creator (if you know you know) is not a great person. I believe fandoms can reclaim characters from people who were less than role models. Now, a QnA under a cut:
Doesn't Paperjam already have a Fell variant? Yes. They already have a canon Fell and Swap variant if I'm remembering correctly. That being said, this is what I propose for Papercut: He's a completely original variant away from the Fell labeling. He's from a universe where he was named Papercut instead of Paperjam. Outside influences made him edgy instead of it just being his nature.
What did you change about Cut's design? For starters, I made his design less "rule of cool" and more practical. Admittedly some of the AU Sans designs I think are bad because they follow too heavily on the rule of cool. His outfit ties into his new story. Plus, if I'm going to draw him again, I want his design to be simple. Second, I desaturated the color palette, except for around his face. I kept the "hairstyle" Cut had, because I think it makes him stand out compared to other Sanses.
What's his lore? Currently I'm going for a troubled teen angle. Gets mixed up with the wrong crowds, been in and out of juvie, that type of thing. He's clearly hurting, but his environment and home life make it worse and hard for him to stabilize his life. Speaking of his home life, Ink and Error are NOT his parents... creators... people. They don't even exist in this AU. Instead, his parents are two completely different people who will NOT be classified as Sanses. These two people are one of the many reasons for Cut's rebellious persona.
What are some specific details about Cut? He's 17, a cis boy (amab), and pronouns he/him. Because he's been suspended and put into juvie a lot, his formal education is lacking. He can read and write just fine, but he won't be able to answer questions about history or sex ed. If his parents cared, they'd realize he needs serious help in this regard. But they only care about themselves and making sure he's out of the way. He's been arrested for minor crimes - Theft, vandalism, and misdemeanors. His vandalism is graffiti, of which he is quite skilled. His graffiti includes the usual stuff (tagging and such), but also political and artistic pieces. He thinks he's only into girls.
Does he have any powers? Yes, but he's not especially powerful or skilled with them. He can control paint fairly well since graffiti art has given him practice with it. He got this power from his mom. His other natural born ability is a blade only he can summon. This is something he inherited from his dad's side of the family. All the men on this side have their own unique blades. His is a dagger with a serrated blade for a ripping flesh effect. As for learned abilities: Teleportation (short distances), Healing (can't heal major wounds, but he can heal a bruise), and various stat boosters (attack, defense, and speed - minor changes). He's not particularly powerful because he hasn't taken the time to learn his abilities.
Will his story have anything to do with The Playground? We'll see. His story is still in the early stages of being fleshed out, so things are definitely subject to change. However, if he were to be in The Playground, he would become Playjam's third little brother.
Since he's technically not a Fell variant, could he be put into RNaJ? Yeah, he definitely could! He'd probably skip class and hang out alone. Maybe smoke a joint or two. Very confrontational and rude at first, but if you tolerated him enough he might open up a little. His vulnerability will be layered under tons of jokes, though.
Outfits, roleplay, and fan stuff? Outfits: I don't have any more at the moment, but if you wanna design some, be my guest. Roleplay: I'm down to roleplay as him, but you can also rp as him if you wish. I'm not gonna police you about it. Fan stuff: Everything is pretty loosey-goosey right now, sooo... go nuts.
Any more questions I didn't address can be sent to my ask box!
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linkspooky · 1 year
first of all i'd like to thank you for your incredible analyses, i always look forward to reading them!
my question is, what do you think might be the reason behind gojo's outfit resembling toji's as he goes on to fight sukuna who is possessing megumi's body? (my apologies if you've already answered an ask similar to this)
have a good day/night!
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Yes, I think there is a reason for Gege drawing Gojo in Toji's outfit. They are character foils, both considered the peak of their respective sorcery, Toji the peak of physical ability, and Gojo with using cursed energy. Despite being nearly equals they represent positions in the world, Gojo is the golden child of all of sorcerer society, whereas Toji is the scapegoat of the Zen'in who was kicked out only to return to burn the whole village down.
Which is where they are similar as well, they've both had their whole lives defined by the abusive sorcerer system they are stuck in. Gege draws visual parallels to Toji for characters like Megumi and Maki who are affected by this cycle.
Toji is both victim and perpetrator. His actions towards Megumi make him another link in the chain. When Tengen talks about the chain of events that led to Kenjaku sealing GOjo away, he names Toji as the start of that chain.
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Toji was abused his entire life until he lost his ability to believe in his own goodness. Then he discarded his pride and began to kill for money he gambled away anyway. He took a job to kill a girl and shot her in front of Geto Suguru. The sheer injustice of the action broke Geto, who began to look down on non-sorcerers because of that. Which eventually led to his downfall at Gojo's hands years later, and Kenjaku stealing his body.
Each of these players was a victim of violence who then went on to go perpetuate violence against others. Tegen even uses chains while discussing on how he destroyed the future.
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Toji's feelings towards Megumi are complex, but he's also an adult abuser. He was victimized by the toxic masculinity of both the Zen'in Clan, and sorcerer society as a whole, and his personality became formed around that toxic image of strength. He's used as a symbol when other characters act like him at their most violent moments. When they choose to continue the cycle of violence. Megumi looks exactly like Toji, something Gojo even comments on this chapter. Whenever Megumi is indulging in his more violent side, he's drawn to look like Toji.
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Megumi is paralleld to Toji time and time again to indicate that Megumi is not mentally well. He is still caught up in this cycle of abuse. Whenever he's pushed a little bit in combat he indulges in his more violent side, he easily justifies murder (Megumi: Unlike Yuji I"m totally willing to kill people in the Culling Gage), and on top of that he's passively suicidal at times. This is not the behavior of a well-adjusted kid. Which is why the cycle is a cycle you can at the same time be a victim of violence and perpetuate violence.
Recently when Sukuna emerges from the bath while possessing Megumi's body, his hair is even drawn like Toji's.
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The bath who's purpose is to make Megumi be near evil, and completely submerge his soul. Toji is not a good role model, guys. If anything the paralleling of Gojo and Toji's outfits is to show that the way Gojo treated Megumi isn't really that different from Toji.
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Gojo appeared on the doorstep of a vulnerable child who had no adult guardian to take care of them, and rather than help that child only saw an opportunity to recruit someone for his child army he plans to overthrow the elders with. It's questionable whether or not Gojo even realizes this is abuse, because he is just doing what was done to him.
Megumi was born with an incredibly powerful technique like Gojo, so I'm sure in GOjo's mind the best thing he can do is to bring out Megumi's full potential as a sorcerer. Gojo doesn't see the option of just letting Megumi live a normal life or have a normal childhood because that wasn't an option for him.
Considering the death of Tsumiki, Gojo's basically failed Megumi in every way that counts TO MEGUMI. After all, the only reason Megumi decided to go with Gojo, is because he thought Tsumiki had a chance of happiness that way. Megumi did everything Gojo asked of him, he let Gojo raise him as a sorcerer for all those years, only for Tsumiki to end up dead in the end.
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Gojo also in his own mind takes the blame for what happened to Yaga because it happened while he was sealed away, so he might even be aware of the fact he has failed Megumi.
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So dressing up Gojo as Toji is an easy visual indicator that Gojo while he wants to break away from the cycle that harms children, is still very much a part of this cycle of abuse. While Gojo never acted as a father figure to Megumi, he was still an adult mentor that was involved in his life and yet never treated him like a child that needed to be protected. In fact, he sort of just exploited the fact that Megumi "owed him".
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Gojo had a real chance to break the cycle of violence when he took in Megumi, the son of a man who harmed both him and Geto so severely. Yet, the cycle remains unbroken because Gojo's yet another adult figure in Megumi's life who failed to take care of him. Now we're at the end result of that, Gojo's got no qualms with beating the tar out of his body while possessed with Sukuna. Because Gojo may care about Megumi, but there's always been something else more important than Megumi's well being and individual needs. Megumi was a tool for Gojo's reform for society first, before he was a child.
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sin-cognito · 5 months
Ooh, how about Swapfell Red bros in C2 and D2? Or Fellswap Gold with E2 and A2. Maybe with some color palette adjustments if that'd look better.
Right before hitting send, I realized I didn't specify which outfit for which brother. And yknow what... that's fine. :D
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Sorry for the wait, I also couldn't decide which outfit to give which brother so uhh... You get all of them.
Alright, on a more serious note, the Fellswap Gold was pretty easy to figure out, I really don't see Coffee wearing E2! XDD And he looks good with a hoodie on. Meanwhile, deciding which outfit to give to the Swapfell brothers really was a struggle. I can see them wearing both, but with different settings. In the first one, Black is your typical edgelord while Slim is this awkward and shy but very eager puppydog who likes to wear comfy clothes. But in the other one, you can imagine it's Black's day off so he allows himself to wear something casual, while Slim like to look tough and like a bad boy to warn off potential danger (AKA people who will try to flirt with Black).
Anyway, they took time (and I went back to work last week as well so less time to finish these) but I'm really happy with all 3! I had fun (except that moment when I realized I forgot to draw the choker around Slim's neck so I had to copypaste it from the other illustration XD)
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Falling For the Devil [Part forty-six: "The Night of Christmas"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Matt get ready for bed after the Christmas party at your parents' house.
Matt finally learns the naughty secrets you packed in your suitcase.
[Series of one-shots about Reader meeting, falling for, and dating Matt Murdock.]
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains humor, fluff, romance, angst, smut (like...a lot of it later in the series), language, some violence
Word Count: 5.1k
a/n: This installment is a pure smupdate. It's all smutty, friends. Matt makes use of those wrist ties in this one! You can find the entire list of installments for this series on tumblr here. And if you're enjoying it, feel free to let me know! I love chatting with readers!
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You adjusted the black silk corset top in the bathroom, nervously chewing your lip as you took in your appearance in the mirror. There was a matching silk black thong you had on with the lingerie top; you could easily say you'd never worn something quite like this before. While you thought it looked good, you also felt nervous that you wouldn't be able to pull it off. Looking at your reflection, you began to wonder if you needed to do more than what Karen and Marci had suggested while wearing something like this. Wouldn’t it ruin the sex appeal if you just casually waltzed out of the bathroom and climbed onto the bed with him without trying to be sexy?
But you certainly were not about to attempt to do anything sexy because you would just end up embarrassing yourself. 
Your eyes landed on your usual sleeping attire piled up on the vanity counter. It wasn’t too late to just change back into them instead. Matt had no idea and he would never have to know what almost happened.
Though you really were curious about what his reaction would be to you in lingerie. With how he’d reacted to your Halloween costume, you were sure he’d have a reaction to this. 
Squaring your shoulders, you forced yourself to keep the lingerie on and exited the bathroom. Across the hallway, you spotted Matt in his dark boxers sitting on the bed and plugging his phone into his charger by the nightstand. You anxiously made your way into the room and quietly deposited your clothes back into your suitcase, your lips pressed tight together. Across the room, you heard Matt’s bare feet padding along the floor as you zipped up your luggage.
“I’m just going to brush my teeth before bed,” he told you, heading towards the hall.
You rose to your feet, nervously crossing your arms over your chest as an anxious smile made its way onto your face. Matt hesitated in the doorway for a moment, head briefly tilting to the side and then backwards towards you. Your pulse quickened momentarily, wondering if he'd somehow realized you were wearing something different.
"Okay," you told him. 
His eyes narrowed just the smallest fraction before he shook his head and exited the bedroom, making his way down the hallway. Shoulders sagging, you sat down on the edge of the bed and ran a hand repeatedly through your hair. As you heard Matt brushing his teeth across the hall, you were contemplating how to approach this entire situation. Did you just jump him when he came back from the bathroom? Or climb onto his lap when he sat on the bed? Grab his hand and put it on you so he could feel what you were wearing? 
You weren’t so sure you felt confident enough in this outfit to be so bold as to do any of those things. Too many embarrassing what ifs started racing through your mind as you sat there on the bed.
“Your mind is so loud,” Matt’s teasing voice cut through your thoughts, “that I could hear your nerves in the bathroom.”
You startled on the bed, back suddenly straightening as he strode across the bedroom. Nervously you shifted onto the bed, drawing your legs up as you quickly tried to figure out how to proceed from here. But as you moved along the mattress, Matt’s head shifted a few times as he walked, his pace slowing as he neared his side of the bed.
“You’re nervous,” he pointed out, his gaze dropping down towards your chest and then your legs. “You’re not wearing your usual tee-shirt and sweatpants, are you?”
You gasped softly, eyes widening. How could he know that? He hadn’t even touched you.
“Your skin sounds different rustling against the sheets,” he said, a coy smile spreading over his mouth. “I thought I noticed something different when I went to brush my teeth.” His tone dropped lower to something sultry that had goosebumps dotting your skin as he spoke next. “Is this what you’ve been hiding in your suitcase? What you’re wearing?” 
“Yes,” you answered quietly.
The smile on his mouth grew smug as both of his hands dropped to the mattress, his body lowering towards the bed so he was eye level with you across it. “That’s only partially true, sweetheart,” Matt teased. His head gestured to your suitcase in the corner of the room, his sightless gaze never leaving your chin. “What else have you been hiding in there?”
Damn him and his heartbeat human lie detector abilities. 
“Nothing,” you blurted before you could stop the lie.
Matt’s brows rose onto his forehead, his head ever so slowly tilting to the side as he continued to gaze back at you. “Lie,” he whispered.
You swallowed hard, glancing over your shoulder at your suitcase. You weren’t entirely sure you were ready to whip out the flogger or the wrist restraints, even if you had brought them with you. The lingerie was already making you nervous enough.
“You brought the gifts from the Secret Santa game the other day?” Matt mused from your other side. “Didn’t you? Because your body sounds just as nervous as that night when you’d opened them.”
Your attention shifted back towards Matt. There was a very self-satisfied smile on his face as he watched you intently. Nervously, you nodded.
“Mmm, I thought that’s what it was all this time,” he mused, his sightless eyes scanning over you on the bed. “Though I wasn’t exactly expecting there to be lingerie involved. Because that’s what you’re wearing, isn’t it?” he asked, pointing a finger towards you.
“Yes,” you answered him.
His tongue very slowly slipped out of his lips, the movement catching your focus. Your eyes tracked his tongue as it left a damp path along his mouth that you were now desperately craving the taste of. And just like that you were fighting to not throw yourself across the bed at him, hands fisting the bedsheets as you eyed his mostly naked form across from you.
“You trust me, right?” he asked curiously, gaze landing along your chest as he listened for the truth in your response. 
Your heart sped up in your chest, but once again you were quickly nodding. “Yes,” you answered him easily. “I always trust you, Matty.”
A little grin slipped onto his mouth as he nodded. “I have an idea, then,” he told you. “If you’re open to trying something with me.” His head moved, gesturing towards your suitcase. “Get the wrist restraints.”
Swallowing hard, you clarified, “Just the wrist restraints?”
The grin on his face turned into something cheeky that had you blushing. “Unless you’re open to using that flogger, but I get the feeling that might push you a little too far past your comfort level tonight.”
“Yeah, quite possibly,” you admitted shyly.
Matt pushed off the bed, rising back to his full height. You could see his growing erection through the dark boxers, eyes having immediately dropped down to it. The sight was only further turning you on. The movement of his shoulders shrugging drew your eye back upwards.
“Not a big deal,” he answered. “The wrist restraints will be plenty for tonight.”
The devious smile he shot you had you hurriedly spinning around on the bed, cheeks flushing as you rose to your feet. You crossed the space towards your suitcase, unzipping it and pulling out the red silk wrist ropes. Closing the suitcase, you turned and stood back up only to find Matt now standing on your side of the bed. He gestured you over with a hand and a coy smirk which had your feet moving of their own accord towards him.
The moment you stopped before him he held out an expectant hand. A little nervously you handed the wrist ropes over to him. For a few seconds his attention was focused on the restraints, his hands running over it, feeling the two loops at the end meant to wrap around the wrists. When his head rose again, his gaze landing along your chin, you swore you’d stopped breathing. The look on his face was a mixture of hunger and something a little mischievous. 
“Are you alright with me somewhat tying you up?” he asked gently. 
“Tying me up?” you asked nervously.
Matt nodded, eyeing the silk rope. “Nothing too crazy. Seems like these slip over your wrists and tighten when you pull against them,” he said, one hand gesturing towards the headboard. “And if I’m not mistaken, there’s definitely somewhere I can wrap the rope around on the headboard, keeping your hands restrained.”
Your eyes flew to the headboard, spotting exactly what he was talking about. Licking your lips nervously, you asked, “Just my hands?”
“Yes,” he confirmed. “Just your hands. And you can tell me no or to stop at any point, but I…think you’ll enjoy yourself.”
He bit his lip, a sinful little smile on his face. You were incredibly intrigued with what he had in mind now, more curious to say ‘yes’ than nervous to say ‘no.’
“Okay,” you breathed out.
He hummed out a noise of approval as his hands darted out, easily grabbing one of yours. “I like how comfortable you are with me,” he said.
“I’m feeling rather nervous right now,” you admitted softly.
Quietly you watched as he slipped one loop over your wrist, pulling the rope. Immediately the silk restraint tightened around your wrist. Matt grabbed your other hand, slipping it through the loop and pulling the rope tight. Afterwards, he grabbed the length of the silk red rope connecting your hands and gave it a gentle tug that pulled your feet forward towards the bed. A pleased, rumbling hum emitted from Matt next.
“I quite like this already,” he mused aloud.
He pulled you gently forward again, guiding you up and onto the bed. You sat down a little awkwardly without the use of your hands and Matt soon came to kneel on the bed beside you. He lifted the rope, effectively pulling your hands up above you as he did, and began wrapping it firmly around a post on the headboard. While he worked, your eyes dropped down to his exposed torso, your eyes taking in the flex of his taut muscles as he moved. Even after months of dating, you never got used to how unbelievably beautiful Matthew Murdock was.
You were brought out of your admiration of his body when he gave the rope above your hands a tight tug. He made a satisfied noise as he sat back on the bed before you, brows raised high on his forehead.
“You still okay with this?” he asked. “Not uncomfortable? Ropes aren’t too tight?”
“I’m fine,” you answered, glancing up at your hands briefly. “But what’s the point of this?”
“Well,” he answered, his hands both dropping down onto your bare legs, spreading them apart as he slipped in between them, “obviously I can touch you, but you can’t touch me. And since you clearly got that lingerie for me to appreciate–” his hands slid up your calves and paused just above your knees, your heart thudding loudly in response, “–I want to take my time appreciating it.”
A devilish smile slid its way onto his handsome face as your breath came in short. Gradually his hands made their way up your bare thighs, his focus dropping down to where his hands were moving up your body. Eventually the tips of his fingers brushed over your clothed cunt and your hips twitched along the bed involuntarily. He huffed out an amused noise, his hands inspecting the material.
“Silk?” he mused, one brow rising onto his forehead. He glanced up at you, that devilish smile still on his mouth. “What color, sweetheart?”
“Black,” you whispered.
He hummed a noise of approval, one hand gliding back down so he could gently rub a finger against your covered clit. You exhaled sharply in response, hand slightly tugging at the restraints as your hips needily rose towards him in response. A moment later, Matt’s face was lowering down between your thighs before you felt his warm tongue ever so lightly lick you over the silk fabric. Your head rolled back along the headboard, eyes briefly closing.
“You enjoying yourself, sweetheart?” Matt asked, hands roaming towards your ass. 
“Mhmm,” you hummed out, eyes opening.
Matt’s hands were kneading at your bare ass next, a boyish grin on his face. “A thong, sweetie?” he asked.
He nudged you onto your side and you complied as best as you could without the use of your hands. His calloused hands were running over the flesh of your ass as pleased noises vibrated in his throat. Before you knew what was happening, one hand was on your thigh, holding you on your side, while his other abruptly came down on your left ass cheek with a sharp smack that filled the bedroom. You gasped out in surprise, but Matt’s large palm was quickly running over the flesh of your ass, soothing the sting.
“You like that, don’t you?” he asked.
Turning over your shoulder, you saw Matt staring back up at you, his bottom lip once again caught between his teeth. He was still holding you onto your side with one hand, the other caressing your ass lovingly.
“Yes,” you admitted. “I–I never thought I would but it uh…feels good when you do it.”
Something like an animalistic growl fell out of Matt as you watched his hand raise up, and then he sent it barreling forward onto your ass with another sharp smack that echoed in the room. Your cunt clenched around nothing in response, wet pooling in the silk of your thong. His hand rose again, coming down with one more sharp smack along the flesh of your ass before he was lowering himself towards you. And then his hand was soothing the sting along with his lips and his tongue. Eyes closing, you moaned at the contrasting burn with the soft feel of his mouth on you.
“Fuck, Matty,” you groaned, hands tugging lightly at the restraints again.
Gently you felt him turn you onto your back again, your eyes opening to take in the sight of him sitting between your thighs once more. His hands were carefully gliding their way up your stomach, caressing your skin lovingly as they moved around your hips and up towards the bottom of the corset. Another pleased rumble flew out of Matt as his hands took a few moments, roaming over the material of the corset and snaking their way up over your breasts. Both of his hands gave your breasts a couple of rough squeezes and your hips squirmed along the bed below him in response. 
Grinning, he lowered his face towards the cleavage the corset had created. Your breath caught in your throat as you helplessly watched his tongue slip out, licking up the length of it and continuing partway up your neck. You whined when he lowered back to your breasts, his large palms squeezing them as his teeth nipped at the skin along your cleavage, his beard lightly scratching along your skin. Almost instinctively, your hands once again pulled at the ropes, desperate to touch him in return, but you couldn’t move. Matt’s smiling face slowly glanced up at you from his place at your breasts.
“I told you sweetheart,” he teased, “I can touch you, but you can’t touch me.”
“And its torture,” you grumbled, hands no longer fighting the ropes.
“You want them off?” he asked, face still hovering over your breasts.
With a huff you shook your head. Matt smiled in response, his eyes focusing back on your chest as one of his hands carefully slipped your breast out of the corset.
“Good,” he murmured. “Because I’m not done with you.”
Ever so gently, his tongue slid out, circling your nipple. The light touch felt so damn good that your head fell back against the headboard, eyelids closing. Matt’s other hand slowly slid down the front of your body until his fingers were pushing the material of your thong out of the way. As he continued to tenderly suck your nipple into his mouth, one of his thick fingers gently traced your slick entrance back and forth. A shiver ran down your spine, your hips eagerly responding to that lone finger.
“Please, baby,” you whispered.
He released your nipple from his mouth, a smug smirk on his mouth as his other hand deftly slipped your other breast free from the top of the corset. His finger lightly pinched the stiffening peak of that nipple as he gazed back at you.
“Please what, sweetheart?” he asked.
“Fuck me,” you begged. “Stop teasing me.”
“Like I said,” he answered, lowering his mouth towards your breast he’d just freed, “I’m not done with you.”
He lovingly sucked your nipple into his mouth at the same time that lone finger dipped inside of your wet cunt. Your head rolled back yet again, gritting your teeth as Matt brought you pleasure while you were unable to touch him at all. You desperately wanted to drag your fingers over his muscled back, dig your nails into his shoulders, grab fistfuls of his hair, take him into your mouth. You wanted to yank his mouth up to yours and kiss him with the burning desire currently raging inside of you. 
But you couldn’t do anything other than uselessly tug at the restraints on your wrists.
Your nipple fell from his mouth again as he shot you an amused smirk. His finger slid back out of you and you groaned in complaint.
“Quite impatient,” he teased. “You’re always so eager for me to just fuck you, sweetie.”
Groaning in response, your head lightly dropped back in frustration along the wooden headboard. “Because you’re amazing at turning me on in seconds,” you shot back, hips squirming again. “Dragging this out just further drives me crazy.”
He huffed out an amused laugh, his finger slipping back into you and beginning to casually fuck you slowly. “That’s the point. I want to watch you go crazy for me,” he replied.
“ Matt ,” you whined.
“I’m not quite done,” he said, slowly scooting back between your legs. “Give me a couple more minutes.”
You watched as he adjusted himself on the bed, your eyes briefly catching sight of his hard cock straining against the black fabric of his boxers before he lowered himself to the bed. The moment you knew what he was doing, your cunt tightened in anticipation around his finger. And then his mouth was just barely on your clit, his plump lips just grazing the sensitive bundle of nerves as his hot breath washed over you. Instantly your hands tugged against the restraints, a moan flying out of you. When your hips bucked up needily towards his mouth, his finger came out of you and both of his hands were holding your thighs firmly to the bed. You tried to move but found that you couldn’t under his strong hold.
With you fully restrained to Matt’s liking, his tongue slowly swiped over your clit next, the touch so feather-light you barely felt it at first. He swiped it over you again, a little more noticeably, and you whimpered at the touch. Lowering his mouth, he began gently lapping up the slick that had accumulated between your thighs, pleased noises mingling with the wet sounds of his tongue. The rasp of his stubble along your skin in conjunction with what his mouth was doing had your legs trembling on the bed.
“You taste so good,” he practically purred between your thighs.
At the top of the bed, you felt like you were going crazy only able to watch Matt enjoying himself between your thighs and not able to even move. You were making noises that were a mix of pleasure and frustration as you helplessly watched him lapping at your cunt. 
“Matt,” you called down to him, hips attempting to shift under his tight hold. “Please. I need you.” 
Your hands tugged against the restraints to emphasize your desperation. Matt’s sightless eyes raised, landing along your chin. His mouth was damp with spit and your arousal as he smiled back up at you. Having caught his attention, you tried again.
“I’m begging you, Matty,” you pleaded. “Fuck me, please.”
He sat up between your legs, one of his hands lowering his boxers and slipping his very hard cock out. Your eyes zeroed in on the appendage instantly, watching as he languidly stroked himself.
“I think I like hearing you beg,” he mused, still touching himself. “And I do enjoy you telling me what you want.” He paused in thought, your eyes still glued to his hand stroking himself. “Tell you what,” he continued, “you keep the restraints on and I’ll fuck you, but first you have to beg me a little more. Tell me what you want.”
“Beg you?” you asked, suddenly a little nervous.
“Mhmm,” Matt answered. “Don’t think, just say what you want, sweetheart.”
Matt continued to stroke himself, your eyes unable to depart from the sight. Fuck, every part of this man was perfection.
“I want you to fuck me,” you continued, swallowing hard as you watched his hand’s movement pick up its pace. You were practically salivating watching him jerk off to your voice and your body. “Please, baby. I want to feel you, let me feel you.” 
“More,” Matt demanded, hand working himself a little faster.
You whimpered, hips writhing on the bed. “Fill me with your cock, Matty,” you begged urgently, desperation seeping into your voice. “Fuck me so good like you always do.” 
“Keep going,” Matt ordered huskily, sliding his boxers off of himself.
Feeling like you were so close to finally getting what you wanted, you pushed on.
“I love how your cock stretches me every time, baby,” you continued. A rumbling snarl came out of Matt in response, the sound emboldening you to say dirtier things. “I want you to cum in me, Matty. Fuck me so hard that–”
You stopped, startled when Matt’s hand flew out and grabbed your throat. He was breathing hard as he nudged your legs further apart, his face closing the distance between yours until he was inches from you.
“You’ve got a dirty mouth, sweetheart,” he said, his tone deep and gravelly. “Beg me again.”
“Please,” you whimpered, swallowing hard against the hand still on your throat. 
Matt’s mouth came crashing down on yours, roughly kissing you. Eagerly you kissed him back, enjoying how oddly aroused your dirty talk had managed to make him. Your teeth gently bit down on his bottom lip, Matt hesitating at the gesture. A moment later his hand tightened just a little around your throat and you moaned out, teeth releasing his lip.
“You want my cock?” he asked, that deep, gravelly tone that sounded so much like the Devil’s filling your ears.
“Yes,” you breathed out.
Instantly, Matt’s hand darted down, sliding your thong further out of the way. Moments later his cock was rubbing along your slickened entrance. Your hips twitched needily at the feel of it, desperate for more of him.
“So wet for me,” he rumbled out, his hand still on your throat.
Slowly, he sunk himself into you fully. Your eyes rolled back, eyelids fluttering rapidly at the feel of him finally inside of you. That pleasant sting of him stretching you causing your body to fall back against the headboard as a pleased rumble vibrated in Matt’s throat.
“You feel so good, Matty,” you murmured.
His hands both darted down, grabbing your legs and throwing your ankles up onto his shoulders. Your hands were still above your head, restrained by those silk ropes as your eyes opened again, taking in the sight of him before you.
“I’m about to fuck you so hard into that headboard, sweet girl,” he whispered, his words almost a warning that sent a thrill through you.
You didn’t have time to respond before his hips began to move. He was thrusting into you with an increasing pace, his hands clamped over your ankles and anchoring them to his broad shoulders. Your upper back was flush to the headboard, your body entirely helpless to do anything as Matt fucked you. Instead, you gave in to how good it felt to finally have him inside of you. Your eyes took in the sight of him before you; his teeth gritted, the muscles on his torso tensing with each thrust, brows pinched tight as his hungry gaze landed on your chest. 
Your cunt was clenching tight around his cock as his pace increased further, his hips moving almost wildly against you. You swore your vision was turning white around the edges, your head rolling back along the headboard as your hands tugged against your restraints. You could feel him bottoming out inside of you, hitting that spot each time in this position. It felt so damn good as you tried to slam your hips greedily back into his. 
“I’m already so close,” you whispered.
Matt grunted in response, the sound just audible above the noise of his hips thrusting into you. The sound of skin on skin filled the bedroom and mixed with the sounds of your high, breathy pants the closer you got to your climax. 
“You sound so damn beautiful,” Matt ground out. "I love the noises you make."
Your hands once again tugged against your restraints, your bottom lip caught between your teeth at the sight of Matt fucking you so enthusiastically. 
"Is this the reaction you hoped for with that lingerie, sweetheart?" Matt panted out, hands tightening around your ankles. "You wanted to drive me wild?"
His voice was edging you closer and closer, small whines falling out of you in response. When you didn't respond, his hips roughly slammed into you as he held himself there. A surprised gasp fell out of your mouth at the feel of him so deep inside of you. One of his hands released your ankle, reaching out and landing on your neck with a light pressure like he had done a bit ago. You moaned in response, offering your neck to him further. 
"Answer me, sweetheart," Matt demanded, voice strained.
"I wanted to see how you'd react," you answered softly. "Was curious after Halloween."
He let out a grunt before his hips continued their delicious movements, your head rolling even further back along the headboard, not even caring it was repeatedly smacking lightly into the wood behind you. You were too focused on his cock throbbing inside of you, the determined look on his face as he fucked you, and that warm hand on your neck gently choking you. 
Before you knew it, your eyes were momentarily rolling back, a moan building in your throat as your orgasm began to fall over you. Matt's hips rammed more enthusiastically into you, his hand tightening just a bit on your neck. 
"That's it," Matt urged, his own voice sounding strained. "I'm going to cum, too, sweetheart."
You cried out, hands tugging at your restraints at the sight of Matt before you. You wanted to kiss him, you wanted to bite him, you wanted to touch him. But the silk softly bit into your wrists, holding you back in conjunction with Matt's hand on your throat. The moment Matt's deep, pleasure-filled rumble filled the bedroom at your struggles, you came hard on his cock. Your body shuddered as Matt's hips slowed their pace, his warmth filling you. That moan in your throat fell from your open mouth, your climax gradually reaching its end. He pumped into you gently a few more times, his own climax nearing its end. 
Breathless, you slumped against the headboard, arms going slack against the ropes. Matt carefully slid out of you, his hand releasing your throat. 
"We should–" he began, pausing to catch his breath as he lowered your legs from his shoulders, "–should get you untied."
"Yeah," you agreed, laughing lightly. "My arms are starting to go numb."
He maneuvered around to the side of you on the bed, reaching behind you and unwrapping the rope from the post. Gingerly he lowered your hands to your lap, gently loosening each loop around your wrists before sliding them off of you. Afterwards, he carefully lifted your wrists up, sightlessly inspecting them. 
"What?" you asked curiously. 
"Just making sure you didn't get bruising from that," he answered, lowering your hands again. "I'd feel terrible if I'd hurt you."
You smiled, your hands quickly coming up to cradle his face finally between your hands. A matching smile slipped onto his face as your thumbs stroked his stubbled cheeks. 
"I have been dying to kiss you," you whispered.
Pulling him towards you, you kissed him hard. Your hands wound their way into his hair, gripping the dark strands like you'd been unable to do moments ago. Matt's mouth was almost curled into a smile as he kissed you back. 
"Next time," you said, breaking away from his mouth and affectionately stroking his cheek, enjoying how he leaned into your touch, "you're getting your hands tied up."
Matt chuckled, the corners of his eyes creasing as he did. "Oh am I?" he asked. 
"Mhmm," you hummed back. "Fair is fair, Matty."
A coy grin slid onto his face before he nodded slowly. "Alright, sweetie," he agreed. "I do enjoy you being in control and letting loose."
Your mouth opened, tempted to add one more thing, but then you quickly closed your mouth, chickening out. 
"What?" Matt pressed, his tone cocky. "I can tell you were about to say something. Tell me."
You glanced down at the bed, nervously shifting along the mattress. "I was just thinking that maybe…you could break out the black suit for it…" you admitted sheepishly.
He was quiet for a long moment and you nervously glanced up at him. There was a devilish glint in his eyes as he gazed back at you. 
"You want to restrain the Devil and have your way with him?" Matt asked curiously. 
"...maybe," you answered.
"So naughty, sweetheart," Matt purred. 
His hand slid between your thighs, his index finger swiping over your clit. Your thighs drew together in response, your pulse quickening.
"You know, I don't think I'm done with you tonight," he murmured. "My sexy little Christmas present."
You giggled before his mouth landed back on yours.
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Ta da!!
My goodness I love these two. it’s so much fun for me to make art from these stories I love it so much! I did keep things slightly more simple this time around but that’s mostly just for my own sanity. I get a little too excited occasionally and realize if I don’t reel it in I’ll never finish things 😅. These are bits mainly from chapter five and a little bit from four. I wasn’t sure how we feel about like…actually drawings of vomit? I don’t want to push it (and frankly idk if I’d be comfy with it lol I’ll have to think about that) but I still want to include like…the energy ?🤣
I can’t wait to draw more stuff as fics continue!! I hope to expand too and draw other pairings and moments as well!! But I think sick Cyno and caretaker tighnari will always be my number one hehe 😊
(Ps…personally… I hate the clothes I put them in??? Like I had to stop eventually cuz I was waaay over thinking it and it’s really not the point at all, but at the same time I was like..wait how many outfits did they pack? How many times do they change clothing? Would Tighnari even look good in that color?? It doesn’t matter and kinda made me laugh but I was this close to doing online window shopping to get better inspiration 🤣)
I don't know how you do this but you always manage to blow me away with your art JUST LOOK AT THEM!! LOOK AT OUR BOYS!! THEY'RE SO- AH! You have no idea how happy these make me 😭
They're my favourite pairing to write right now too, so you can bet I'll be spoiling you with a lot more content of them! Especially sick Cyno, he melts my heart.
AAHH I don't know what to say without rambling! I'm so giddy, I can't stop looking at these!! (I love that drawing of Cyno sitting on the edge of the bed and throwing up- you somehow captured just how miserable he is, even with only his back showing!)
And I think the clothes are cute!! I love that you drew different outfits in both pages of sketches! Tighnari is 100% the type to over-pack, he definitely had an absurd amount of spare clothes. Which, good thing, I think Cyno sweated through several pairs between chapter 4 and 5 😭
AGAIN! Thank you so so much for all the beautiful fanart you've shared!! It means so insanely much to me to see fanart created of my works, and your art is so good too!! I am one very happy writer right now!
(on the topic of drawings of vomit! Absolutely only draw what you feel comfortable drawing. I think you portrayed nausea really well in your drawings, and I really like how you drew the sketch of Cyno throwing up! I am not at all phased by vomit in drawings, so whether you choose to draw it or not, I don't mind at all. As long as you're comfortable with what you're creating! Also if you were to submit drawings that included actual vomit, I would probably just put the art below a cut with a warning, for any of my followers who'd rather not see it.)
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Equivalence AU Mabel ideas!
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I wanted to experiment with God!zar(?) Mabel, bc I hadn’t seen any designs for it yet. I was also going to try drawing Mabel in her super-demon-y form, (which is apparently blinding white with abyss for eyes and tiny burning pupils) but was two invested in the outfit to really lean into it.
Now for some of my headcannons!
While drawing Mabel, I started thinking about her bird wings, and what kind of traits she might have similar to animals (like dipper and cats) and then it hit me. BIRDS.
An entire class of animals characterized by their ability to DEFY GRAVITY FOR HOURS TO DAYS AT A TIME. (And the ones that don’t are pretty cool too) and I got to thinking about how cool birds are, to achieve this through nothing but MILLIONS of years of evolution. (My thoughts on this are not very organized, but I hope you get the gist.) so anyway, what cool things do birds do, and wouldn’t it be cool if Mabel did them too?
Mating dance. Since it’s pretty much canon that Mizar is still alloromantic and allosexual, wouldn’t it be goofy if she would do a funky little dance when trying to ask people out? (She definitely did this for Henry as soon as she was corporeal for him)
Roosting. Basically making nests in high places out of things she likes, probably perches in it to preen her feathers. (I originally had a similar hc for Alcor, but whatever, they’re demons. But maybe he roosts like a bat instead:) )
Preening. She has a set of ridges under her lip (in front of her gums) for preening her feathers. Her loved ones have little tools to mimic them, and help her get hard-to-reach places. (She often falls asleep during this, similar to Dipper with his hair.)
Migration. I’m still not super organized with this one, but she might try to take off during the winter for long periods of time before coming back, or maybe just circling around to get out energy. Either that or she just tells people that she’s flying south for the winter when she doesn’t want to hang out with them. (This was also a hc meant for Dipper, but now I’m wondering if he tries to hibernate during winter.)
So those were my Equivalence AU headcannons, now for the design choices I made!
I talked a little bit about them at the start, but I still want to talk about it so, here we go!
The fashion was all based on @that-ghosts-art / @that-ghost-pal ‘s Mabel/Mizar designs, and I was very happy for the chance to test out different fashion styles, as well as the braid and shifting tattoos. (For the tattoos I just drew whatever I felt like at the time, and I added a scorpion barb at the end of the braid just for fun.) I added gold-tipped feathers to the wings, and some extra pink bits in her eyes (except for the angry one) I also gave her a crown instead of a top hat.
For God!zar(?) I tried to give her wings a more feather-y feeling than God!cor’s, and made the chest star more like her symbol on the cipher wheel. I muted the colors, and messed with her crown bc God!cor’s hat is a halo, and I didn’t want to copy that directly. I struggled with the hair color for a while before deciding to just bite the bullet, so please excuse any eye scorching color choices (It was originally planned for galaxy hair, but that was given to the wings, and I’m not great with overlapping colors)
Thanks for reading this far into my ramblings, and take a few moments to marvel at the existence of birds (and bats!)
Edit: I’m just now realizing that I forgot to draw the fire.
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