#also like everyone's so upset about god cas and um everything he has done so far as been correct
babisawyer · 1 year
Dean angrily asking "haven't you ever read the bible?" like make me want your ass more I dare you.
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
4x10: Heaven and Hell
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TFW needed a little work before they got it right
We start off right where we left off in the last episode. The angels are here for Anna. She has to die.
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Uriel attacks Ruby and Dean tries to stop it. Cas starts walking towards Sam, and despite Sam’s pleas, he boops him into unconsciousness. Suddenly there’s lights and Uriel and Cas are zapped to places unknown. (Cas’s wings in the flash...emotion hearts). They find Anna with a ridiculously severe wrist wound and a mysterious sigil on the mirror written in her blood. She sent them away. 
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They hide Anna away at Bobby’s. Dean and Ruby bond over hex bags. It’s almost cute.
Um, Bobby’s not home because he’s in the Dominican (and I just Googled “Hedonism and Dominican” ... probably shouldn’t have). Anyway, Sam’s got exposition on Anna. This bought of psychosis isn’t her first. When she was a toddler, she was convinced her real father was “very mad -- like wanted-to-kill-her mad.” Anna interrupts their little chat. 
Sam asks her why the angels want her. She has no clue. She’s upset that her parents are dead and her life has been turned upside-down. They need to find out what her deal is. 
Enter PAM! 
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(I know I’m technically not supposed to like that bit of sexual harassment but her exchange with Sam is SO funny and cute. He’s so earnest and they play the victim card with her, but she ain’t having it and she’s going to have some fun at Sam’s expense.  And Dean’s smile at the end, JOY.) 
Pam introduces herself to Anna and sets to hypnotizing her. She asks about Anna’s father and Anna freaks out. Dean tries intervening and gets knocked out. Pam wakes her and Anna remembers who she is. “I’m an angel.” 
Pam and Ruby are side-eyeing this “friendly” angel. Turns out Anna was Cas and Uriel’s boss in angel-land. She disobeyed, which is the worst thing an angel can do (WEEPS for future Cas.) She ripped out her grace and fell to Earth. Now Heaven and Hell want her. She’s determined to get her grace back. 
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“So you’e just going to take some devine bong hit, and shazam, you’re Roma Downey?” Ah, Dean, you do have a way with words (Also, dude loves pop culture SO much that Touched By an Angel is on his radar. BLESS THIS BOY.) 
Sam remembers reading about a meteor about 9 months before Anna was born and Ruby responds, “You’re pretty buff for a nerd.” Get a room, you two.) 
For Real Life Jesus They’re Cute Science:
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Ruby apologizes for getting Sam involved with this war. She’s afraid of Alistair too. He’s no joke in Hell. She tells Sam he should send Alistair back to Hell, but he’s got to practice to do it. Sam refuses. 
Anna’s star gazing when Dean returns from taking Pamela home. Dean asks Anna why the angels saved him. Dean then asks why she would want to be human. He lists all the bad things about the human condition, and she lists all the good. 
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Ultimately, it’s the emotions of being human that matter so much to her. Obedience and emotionless faith is overrated. Only 4 angels have ever laid eyes on God (Well...five now!) Anna complains about watching over Earth, waiting for order from a father who might never return, and Dean laughs and laughs. I really love how Anna’s story shifted to Cas. Dean and Anna give each other looks, but Sam, in all his glory, interrupts. He’s found something!
They head off for a tree in Kentucky that is probably the place where Anna’s grace fell. 
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They get to the tree and Anna can sense that it’s not there anymore. Someone took it. 
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Later, Anna’s listening to Angel Radio and hears the angels say that if the Winchesters don’t turn over Anna, they’ll throw Dean back in Hell. Dean is speechless, but Sam wants to know what kind of weapon works on an angel. Dean’s in freak out mode --they need to find an answer. 
Later, Dean’s reading a book by flashlight and Anna approaches him to thank him for all that they’ve done. He brushes her sentiment aside. She ponders the thought that she doesn’t deserve to be saved (AND I need to stop and talk about how this parallels Cas in Purgatory...he thanks Dean for everything, he believed he didn’t deserve to be saved. BLAF. And Dean and Anna are more canon than Dean and Cas? I think not.)
Dean lets slip that there’s something he deeply regrets as well, and Anna takes the opportunity to reveal that she knows what he did last summer - er, in Hell. He crumbles when she tells him to forgive himself. (Narrator voice: and then he spent ten more years failing to do exactly that.) 
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“You are not alone,” she tells him and I remember why I like her (before a later plot twist scrubs her away). Anna MAKES A MOVE and kisses him. It IS their last night on Earth, after all. (I quietly eat the script pages for “Free to be you and me” while simultaneously high-fiving Anna for her excellent taste.) 
Cut to a montage of Impala sex which cuts out all the bits of sex in a car where you’re crammed in a corner awkwardly trying to get off your clothes without kicking the other person. Anna touches Castiel’s handprint, laying her own over the lines of his fingerprints. And I know that it was likely just a way to set up the Dean-is-connected-to-Heaven parallels in this brief shining moment when both boys actually had non-dead love interests at the same time. But MAN it sure cuts me open now. 
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Ruby watches Sam sleep, then heads out to a crossroads. She burns her protective hex bag and Alistair appears. 
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Ruby offers to give up Anna in return for her and the Winchesters’ safety. Alistair has another proposal…
Uriel greets Dean back in the barn. Dean looks confused for a moment before he realizes that Uriel has invaded his dream so they can have a little chat. Commander Cas isn’t around - “You see, he has this weakness. He likes you.” Uriel reveals that he has Anna’s grace. But nya nya nya he won’t give it back. 
We cut to Ruby, naked and strapped down as this show is wont to do with its demon women. Alistair tortures her with the demon knife. She refuses to tell him where Anna is...but she will show him.
Back in the barn during waking hours, Dean drinks his feelings until the doors burst open and Uriel and Castiel arrive.
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Sam demands to know how the angels found them, and Castiel glances meaningfully at Dean. 
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Anna realizes the deal that must have been brokered: herself in exchange for Sam’s safety. We experience many sad close-ups of Dean’s self-hatred and it HURTSSSS. Anna kisses Dean and assures him that he’s forgiven.
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Anna’s ready to face the angels at last. Cas apologizes, but she brushes it aside. “You don’t know the feeling.” First of all, Anna, rude.
For This Town Ain’t Big Enough for the Both of Us Science:
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Alistair shows up in the barn with his demon goons. The Winchesters, Anna, and Ruby skedaddle to the fringes of the barn, leaving the angels and demons to posture toxically at each other. 
Fisticuffs ensue! Alistair pins Cas, growling Latin at him until Dean whacks him in the head. Anna takes advantage of the fight to have her Ariel moment.
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She orders everyone to close their eyes as her own fire consumes her. It blasts Alistair away, and Castiel gently pulls Uriel away as well. Everyone congratulates themselves for their excellent plan to pit the demons and angels against each other. 
Later, Sam and Dean recap their feelings at the Impala. 
For Rural Roads Science:
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Dean brings up something Alistair said during the fight - that he “had promise.” I finally remember during this rewatch that Dean’s been denying what happened in Hell all along. Dean starts to talk. “It wasn’t four months,” he begins. “It was more like forty years. They sliced and carved and tore at me in ways that you-- Until there was nothing left. And then suddenly I would be whole again. Like magic. Alistair at the end of every day - every one - he would come over . He would make me an offer to take me off the rack if I put souls on. If I started to torture. And every day I told him to stick it where the sun shines. For thirty years, I told him. But then I couldn’t do it anymore, Sammy.”
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“I got off that rack - god help me I got right off it - and I started ripping ‘em apart.” The weight of the torture he inflicted presses down on him. Sam tries to reassure him, but Dean continues to rip out our hearts and leave them cold and gathering refuse in the gutter. “How I feel? This inside me. I wish I couldn’t feel anything, Sammy. I wish I couldn’t feel a damn thing.”
Dean Quotechester Deserved Better:
Any chance I can dick over an angel, I'm taking it
What do they want me for? Why did they save me? 
Feelings are overrated, if you ask me
When you got Godzilla and Mothra on your ass, best to get out of their way and let them fight
I wish I couldn't feel anything, Sammy. I wish I couldn't feel a damn thing
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spnwriter · 4 years
make me yours part 1
I love hunting. I love hunting with Sam and Dean. Don't get me wrong when I say, I hate going out with them. After hunts Dean liked to go to the bar to "blow off steam" as he says. It's nothing personal, or anything they do to make me feel this way on purpose anyway. Most nights I can handle it, it's nothing I'm not used to. I never miss the sideways glances, uttered insults and even the confused stares as to why a girl like me is with these Greek gods. I've had a bit of extra meat on my bones, a bit of jiggle in my walk. I know I'm not most guys cup of tea and I get that. Tonight however the case didn't go well. Some vampires had been turning girls at some night club using free drinks. We needed bait to catch the guys responsible. Sam had the brilliant idea to use me as the bait (a fact Dean was so not pleased with). I tried to tell them it wouldn't work but no one listened to me. So I dressed up and got it done...only it didn't go as planned. The Vamp rejected me...pretty harshly to be honest but I told them that was going to happen. Luckily I had a plan B so I made sure to get him alone before he could be an asshole. With the hunt done, all I wanted was a shower, some form of chocolate and to watch Dr. Sexy MD in my fat pants. That however is not how the night went Dean didn't allow me to say no, not that I would have not to him. Surprise, Surprise I have a pretty massive crush on the older Winchester. The typical fat girl likes a guy she'll never have.
As soon as we hit the doors, I noticed the looks the girls in the room looked me up and down. I frown, I don't think I can handle this tonight. I push it down and sit at the table as Dean goes to get the drinks. Sam silently observing me, he's trying to sus out how I'm feeling. I turn to look at the younger hunter.
"Talk to me." Sam's voice cuts of my thoughts
"There isn't anything to talk about." I sigh
"Y/N." Sam frowns
"Look, it's nothing new. Sam I'm fine."
He gives me a sideways glance but doesn't get a chance to say anything as Dean comes back to the table setting the drinks down.
"You see the bartender?" Dean smirks throwing a glance over his shoulder at the busty blonde.
Here we go, I think as I grab the beer taking a long drink. I know I shouldn't be jealous. He doesn't even know I have feelings for him not that it'd change anything. I know I'm so not the girl he goes for. I tune him out, not wanting to hear him go on about some girl he's probably going to go home with. Ordinarily, I could handle him without too much hurt on my part but the words from the vampire echoing in my head. I know the opinion of some monster shouldn't bother me all that much but, it's not the first time I'd hear them. Tonight is going to be a drown my sorrows in alcohol night.
"I need another drink," I announce probably cutting one of them off.
I walk over to the bar, the bartender smiles widely at me.
"What can I get you?" She asks, still eyeing Dean.
"Scotch straight," I reply as she goes to pour the drink.
"So you, and that hottie over there..."
"Just work friends," I answer knowing she wants to know if he's single.
"Well I figured that much, didn't take you for his type."
And here we go, I think taking the glass she set in front of me.
"I'm assuming you didn't start this conversation to insult me so what do you want to know." I snap
"Just wanted to be sure he wasn't a chubby chaser," She smirks.
I roll my eyes heading back to the table. Sam looks at me with a sad look. I fake a smile as Dean walks to the bar.
"What did she say?" Sam asks taking a drink of his beer. "And don't say nothing you hadn't heard."
"Why are you suddenly so interested in the insults I get? You never cared before." I reply maybe a bit harshly, to be honest.
"What do you mean by before? Does this happen a lot to you?" Sam asks his usual concerned look on his face.
"All the time." I brush him off "Like I said, I don't want to talk about it."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"What good would it do?" I don't give him a chance to respond before I inform "I'm going back to the motel."
I hear Sam call my name but I don't turn around. I need to get out of this bar, my self-esteem cannot take another blow like that at least not right now. I take the fifteen-minute walk back to the motel trying not to let my brain take over. I don't want to cry right now. I shut the door and strip not caring about leaving my clothes strewn around the room. I stand before the mirror in the bathroom. I try to avoid the mirror while I'm naked. I don't like looking at myself. I frown looking at the stretch marks that stretch across my hips. The way my stomach puffs out where it's supposed to be flat. How wide my hips are. The way my boobs sag and aren't perky like the bartenders. I just wish I looked like her, then maybe Dean would want me. Maybe he'd see me as more than a friend. Who am I kidding? He'd never want me.
"I wouldn't say never." A familiar voice breaks my train of thought. I jump turning to the doorway to see Lucifer stood there.
"Lucifer!" I scold quickly grabbing something to cover up with. The fallen angel and I grew close when he stayed in the bunker wearing Cas. He's the only one who knows how I feel about going out with Sam and Dean. He knows about my feelings for the hunter.
"I heard your distress." He explains entering the bathroom. "You've been upset all night." He stands behind me ice blue eyes boring into mine.
I can tell he's trying to make me let my guard down. He promised to never read my mind unless I allowed him. He was oddly respectful of the devil, something I admire in him. He's so powerful yet with me he's so gentle. I've never seen him so soft with anyone else. He told me once that I make him feel safe as if he doesn't need this guard up.
"Just a hunt that went unplanned." I sigh trying to brush off the matter but he knows me better than that.
"Come on Little one. I know you better than that." He rests his head on my shoulder a way to tell me that he's here and will listen to whatever I have to say. We both know I'll cave and tell him everything, I always do. He's patient gives me time to think, not pushing me to talk about it. I know he'd accept me if I didn't want to talk about it. But he also knew that I couldn't keep it in. I needed to talk about it with someone and I trust Lucifer more than I trust the brothers. Something I never thought I'd say but here we are.
"Let me get changed, you go get some chocolate and we'll talk," I reply giving him a fake smile and just like that he's gone.
I change quickly throwing on my favorite sweats that are probably way too big for me but so comfortable and an oversized t-shirt that has stains on it. I never felt the need to dress up for Lucifer. He always accepted me just as I am. He's seen me at my worst. Completely Smashed, sobbing historically and even high out of my mind. Whenever I need him, he's there.
He appears just as I finish pulling the shirt down. In his hands he holds whiskey, my favorite chocolate and a pizza. He knows exactly what I need even if I don't tell him. He sits beside me on the bed, one leg pressed against mine. He hands me the bottle.
"The hunt went sideways, not in an everyone got hurt way." I explain pausing to take a drink from the bottle "There was this nest of vampires turning girls at some club, so naturally we needed bait to draw him out. I told...I told them it wouldn't work that I'm too fat for his liking based on the other victims but no one listened. I um, I just went along with it and well he turned me down of course. Rather harshly but it's whatever. Nothing I hadn't heard before."
"What'd he say?" he asks voice soft.
"Oh you know the usual, something along the lines of he wouldn't go for me if I was the last woman of the earth. how embarrassed he is that I'd even think he'd consider fucking me."
He takes an annoyed breath in as I continue "I'll admit that one stung but, the real reason I feel like shit is because of-"
"Dean." He finishes for me
I nod "Typical night. He hit on the bartender which wasn't a big deal, I'm use to that. I went to get a drink and she said something."
"Where's the bar?"
"Lucifer." I start turning to face him, rage in his eyes
"No, tell me Y/N."
"Luc it's fine. No big deal."
"It is to me. You're hurt," he replies eyes soften as he notices a single tear roll down my face.
"I'll be okay, just a dent in my self-image is all."
He pops up sitting in front of me, a serious expression on his face "You shouldn't have any dents in your self-image. You're beautiful."
I scoff "I'm fat."
"What does that have to do with your beauty?"
"You just don't get it Luc."
"Then explain it to me."
"Humans don't see souls like you guys, they see the outside first and judge on it. I'm not every guy's cup of tea which is fine. I just wish people wouldn't look at me wonder what guys like Sam and Dean are doing with a girl like me."
"I wonder the same thing." I wince slightly as he finishes the sentence "Not because you aren't good enough for them but because they aren't worth enough to be in your presence."
"Now I know you're lying."
"I would never lie to you little one," he says lifting his hand to cup my jaw. I find comfort in his cool touch as I lean into his hand.
"You deserve so much more than those flannel wrapped nightmares."
"Those are my friends Luc," I warn
"Yet, here you are. Upset and alone."
"Sam did try to get me to talk about it but I pushed him away."
"Why push a so-called friend away?"
I hesitate to try to find the right answer. Why did I not let my guard down with Sam like I do with Lucifer? Why is it so easy to drop my guard around him? Maybe it's because he's always there. He always knows exactly what I need to feel better. I find solace in his company, never needing to fake anything. I've never let anyone in like I have Lucifer. Never been so vulnerable around anyone. Here I sit, wallowing in self-pity broken up over a guy who isn't even remotely interested in me and here's Lucifer picking up the pieces like he always does. He's here to mend the broken parts despite probably having something better to do, I didn't even call him. He just shows up when I need him. He says he can feel my emotions at first he expressed a distaste for them but something change with him. I look into these blue eyes and realize, I open up to Lucifer more than anyone else because I love him. The realization hitting me like a truck. I'd been pinning after Dean all the while ignoring the feelings I have for the amazing angle before me.
His expression falters, a confused look on his face. Did he hear that?
"I did, I'm sorry little one. I know I promised to never read your thoughts but you seemed so lost in them." he brushes his thumb across my jaw.
"Do you want to know why I feel your emotions?" Lucifer cuts me off
I nod as he withdraws his hand, I already miss his touch.
"I've wanted to tell you this for a long time but I didn't know how...My father creates soul mates for all the angles. I didn't think he made me one because I'd never met them until I met you. That's why I can feel your emotions, I'm connected to you."
"Am I not connected to you?"
"Not yet, to make us true mates there a ritual we have to follow."
"What kind of ritual?"
"Don't worry about that right now little one. I just want you to know I love you too."
"Lucifer?" I ask
he hums an answer
"Make me yours."
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fly-flower-fanfics · 5 years
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Aziraphale x Angel (then Demon) Male Reader
Warnings: Angst
"You know they don't treat you right, Aziraphale," I said, pleading with the angel. "You know Crowley is actually trying to help. Neither of you wish to be where you are, and you can help it."
I stood in between Crowley and Aziraphale, my wings out to shield Crowley's view as I spoke in hushed tones to the angel. As an angel myself, I could see how badly they were treating Aziraphale, and it just broke my heart. I offered my hand out to Aziraphale.
"You need to listen to him. And if you don't truly give a damn about him, then listen to me. How long have we been friends, Aziraphale? Six thousand years and then some. I've always done everything in my power to keep you safe and happy. I've always tried to protect you. I know this is going against whatever God's plan is, but for one, don't you think She might be wrong?"
Aziraphale looked up at me, clearly distraught. I could practically see all the wheels turning in his head, and I could only hope that he was making the right choice. Aziraphale was always good about that and making the right choices, but sometimes if he believed it was too bad, he wouldn't do it. 
"You're on our side, Azira," I whispered.
"There is no 'our side.' There never was. It's over. It won't work," Aziraphale said, causing me to stand in utter silence. 
"Come on, Azira," I begged after regaining composure. "You know that this-this plan is what needs to be done. You know it's for the better. You made steps towards it with us. We even got in trouble countless times for interacting with Crowley, but I've always backed you up, and you've always done the same for me. He's important to you; I'm important to you. This would not only save humanity, but the two of you, too."
"I won't do it," Aziraphale insisted. "We're angels, and he's a demon. Our kinds aren't supposed to mix. We follow whatever the true Plan is because that's what God wants. Crowley is incapable of doing good, and I thought you were incapable of doing wrong. I didn't think you would be the one to betray me like this."
I felt my shoulders fall, like a million weights were just added onto them. Aziraphale wasn't going to help. He was just going to stand by and watch. And he thought I was the one in the wrong. Betrayal? Really? Is that what he saw this as? That's what it felt like to me; he was betraying us. 
I scoffed softly, shaking my head. "Well that's the thing about betrayal, isn't it? It never comes from your enemies." I closed my wings, letting them disappear into my back before turning. "Come on, Crowley. We've got work to do."
I walked past the demon without a second glance and never threw one over my shoulder at Aziraphale. If it's going to be that way, then it's going to be that way.
The car ride in Crowley's Bentley was silent. But for all I knew, Crowley could've been talking the whole damn time, and I wouldn't have heard a single word.
The amount of planning that went into everything drove me absolutely insane, and I didn't have Aziraphale to comfort me whatsoever. We lost touch after our last conversation, and hadn't spoken since. Thankfully, Crowley and I had been right. Everything had gone wrong, and we fixed it. Not that we were necessarily the best at it, but we had fixed it. 
And now it seemed like shit was going down again because God and Satan didn't seem so happy that we were now considered traitors. I had ended up falling. My pure white wings now turned black because of the help I have Crowley. Yet Hell didn't seem to want me either because they knew how Crowley acted. I didn't know what I was, and I wasn't really sure how to feel about it. Having Crowley by my side made it better though. We were on our own side still.
I was just sort of relaxing outside a bakery, eating a donut, when something in my chest felt...wrong. Very wrong. I grabbed my phone and called Crowley, hoping that it wasn't him.
When he picked up, I said, "Nevermind" and hung up immediately. That left one other person since only one other person make me feel like this.
It had been decades since we last spoke, but I knew it was him. He was nearby, and he was in danger. Even though I was very much so hurt by the things he'd said and done, he was still my friend, and I'll be damned if I let anyone hurt him. 
Finding Aziraphale seemed to be like a game of Hot and Cold. The pain hurt more the closer I was to him, less the further away I was. Eventually, I stopped in front of a church and groaned. 
"Really? I know you're an angel, Azira, but here? Of all places? A church? You know I can't go here anymore," I whined, stomping my foot like a child. 
I flung open the door of the church and stomped in, hissing at the pain that was in every step I took. Fuck this consecrated ground. I found myself practically prancing down the main aisle. 
At the alter stood Aziraphale and a couple of men. All of them turned towards me after hearing my hissing.
"Oh — ouch — fuck. Consecrated ground," I explained, bouncing up towards the front. 
The confusion on everyone's face was blatantly clear, especially Aziraphale's. Clearly, I wasn’t supposed to be here, and judging by the look on the mens’ faces, I was interrupting something very important. Whatever Aziraphale was caught up in was nothing good whatsoever. 
“Who are you?” one of the men asked. 
I shifted on my feet once I stopped at the bottom of the alter. “None of your business.”
Aziraphale’s eyes widened when he heard my voice. I suppose he didn’t realize it was me — I looked different since the last time I’d seen him, considering I had also fallen since we last spoke. 
“I’m here for my friend,” I continued, folding my arms over my chest. “Hand him over, and we’ll be on our merry way.”
The other man smirked at me. “Oh? And what are you going to do about it?” He grabbed Aziraphale, spinning him around, pressing a gun to the side of his head.
I froze, stopping my shifting. The ground burned my feet, but it had nothing on the burning in my chest. “You just made a big mistake,” I growled. 
My vision turned into shades of greys, whites, and blacks, showing me that my eyes had turned black. I felt a dull ache on my forehead which told me my horns had grown out to show themselves. There was a slight pinch on my lower lip, telling me that my fangs had also grown out. I looked down at my hands, cracking my fingers. They were pith black with black streaks up my arms and disappearing beneath my clothing. My fingernails were black, pointed, and curved. 
My demon form.
It wasn’t as dramatic as I wished it was, but it was enough to terrify. 
“So you see, you’ve crossed a line. And with me? That’s a big mistake — a huge one. I consider myself to be real nice because hey, I do my own thing. But now? Oh, now you stepped over the line. My friend here — he means no harm — doesn’t understand really what’s going on around him. He’s a bit thick sometimes.”
I saw Aziraphale pout in response to my words, but it was true. He was a bit thick. I took a step closer, needing some kind of movement on my feet since they were burning so badly. 
“So give him back his bag,” I said, gesturing to the bag in the other man’s hand, “and we’ll be on our merry way. Because whatever is in that bag, oh, I can assure you that it isn’t worth your lives.” 
The two men exchanged looks. I couldn’t read them, but I was getting really sick of waiting because my feet were on fire — almost literally. I knew I only waited a couple seconds, but I was just done. The pain made me quite agitated very quickly. 
I snapped, causing the gun to disappear. I rushed up the stairs, grabbed Aziraphale, and covered the two of us with my wings. The walls rumbled, cracked, and began to fall violently. It was over in mere seconds, but the church has been completely destroyed.
I let Aziraphale move away from me as his eyes scanned the rubble around us. 
“Oh, dear me. The books. I ca-“
“All this for a bag of books?!” I nearly shrieked at him.
Aziraphale’s attention stayed on the rubble as he nodded. “Yes, very important books.” 
I tuned out his ramblings as I went over to a spot in the rubble, reached into it, yanked out the bag, and handed it to the angel which immediately shut him up.
“Call it a miracle of my own,” I said before turning and leaving the now toppled church behind. 
“Is it really you?” Aziraphale’s voice causes me to stop.
As I sighed, I felt myself returning back to normal. My head no longer ached, color returned to my vision, teeth shrunk, and the black in my veins and hands disappeared. “Yeah, Azira, it’s really me.”
“You-you’ve fallen.”
I turned to face him. There was still bitterness in my heart from way back then. “Yeah, so what. Go on, make fun of me. You were right; I was wrong.”
“The world was saved because of you,” he said softly. 
I shrugged and turned away. “Yeah, and what did it cost me? Everything. Everything but Crowley.” 
“But humanity was saved.”
“So? Who gives a fuck anymore? Cost me more than I bargained for,” I growled, stalking out of the rubble and onto the sidewalk. 
“Well, ah, I, um, ‘give a fuck.’”
I froze, but only because Aziraphale had never cursed before — not in front of me at least.
“You still have me,” he continued softly. 
I turned, raising an eyebrow at him. “Do I? Because if I recall, I’m a demon, and you’re an angel. ‘Our kinds don’t mix.’ Isn’t that what you said?”
Aziraphale’s cheeks turned a slight red. “I was upset.”
I sighed a little, rubbing a hand down my face. “Me too,” I whispered. “I never wanted to lose you, Aziraphale. Hell, I never wanted to fall. I never wanted any of this. I was in love with you.”
I laughed bitterly. “Was. Am. Whatever. Who even cares to define feelings?” I need to know if this is okay. Six thousand years. Are my feelings okay? Is it okay for me to feel this way? 
“I would because I would like to know if I, too, missed my chance to tell you I love you.”
“But I’m a demon,” I whispered.
I can’t remember a time I felt more broken than I did now. Aziraphale walked over to me, set his bag of books down, and pulled me into a hug.
“But your heart is still pure.”
I held him tightly as tears welled up in my eyes. “I’m scared, Azira. I’m so scared. I didn’t mean to fall. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I don’t fit. Azira, I don’t fit anywhere... I’m on my own side now, and it’s so lonely.”
He pulled back, rubbed his thumb over my cheek, and gave me a small smile. “I’m here for you. Just let me be there from now on, okay?”
“Okay,” I breathed out softly. “Okay, Azira, Okay.”
I never wanted to lose him again.
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writingsbyshay67ss · 6 years
Castiel’s Daughter Part Two
Summary: After finding out your father is an angel and meeting Sam and Dean you learn you are a Nephilim and could either save the world with the power or destroy it. (If you do not know what that is it is referring to those who are half-human, half-angel. In the Bible they are described as the offspring of the "sons of God" aka angels and the "daughters of men" aka humans.) Anyways, you believe you are going to save the world. After sleeping with Sam in the first chapter you realize you may have gone to far...Sam talks to Cas about what happened between you and him. Dean finds a job and asks for your help.
Characters: Cas x Dean x Sam x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, Anger, Jealousy, Violence, you may tear up..if you are really into my fanfic.
I hope you guys enjoy and if you want to TAGGED in any of my posts let me know in the comments and I will add you on the list:)
When you get after you and the boys go out to eat, telling the guys goodnight you head straight to your room and lock the door. Your mind begins to run a hundred miles per hour and you begin to think you have gone way to far. After Cas told you that the boys didn't need any distractions you ignore him advice and do what you wanted to do anyways. Even after all that you still knew you were in the wrong. You liked both Sam and Dean but you just couldn't help not keeping Dean off your mind he was like a drug and you couldn't get enough.
"Did I seriously do that...? How could you do that, your into Dean not Sam. Maybe I done it out of anger or to make him see me. What am I doing? If he finds out that I slept with his brother he will never forgive me." - you thought.
After you shower you jump into bed and stare at the ceiling till you fell asleep but couldn't get much of it if you'd had any at all.
S- "Cas can I speak with you privately?"
C- "Um, yes."
They walk into the other room once Dean had went to bed and Sam tells him what had happened at the grill/bar.
S- "Cas, I've noticed that Y has been flirting with Dean and me. I also know that you have talked to Dean about whatever was going on between her and him. I need to tell you that something happened when we were at the restaurant and it wasn't planned or thought thoroughly but, it happened."
C- "What happened?"
S- "Y and I, we were together."
C- "Together?"
S- "Yes. Together..together."
Cas's face was confused but then realized what he had meant. Then he lowered his head then back up to Sam's.
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C- "You know this isn't going to be simple. You do know that Dean has...feelings for her right?"
S- "Nothing in our lives is simple. Dean will understand. If me and Y end up together he will understand if not, I wish them all the happiness there is."
C- "I told her not to do anything with either of you but she did not take my words into consideration."
S- "Just don't tell Dean. Not till I know what is going on first. Ok?"
C- "Sam you know I can't lie for you."
S- "I know just don't tell him. That's not lying."
C- "That's the same thing as not telling him. I will try."
S- "Thank you. Goodnight Cas."
The next morning Sam and Dean were already up with Cas in the kitchen eating breakfast. Dean made eggs, bacon and some pancakes. You notice they were talking over a case Dean had found late last night and wanted in on it. So, you walk in the room with nothing but your plaid pj pants and black tank on and grab a plate from the cabinet above Dean and as you came back down Dean grabbed your hand then smiled at you.
D- "Good-Morning, sweetheart. How'd you sleep?"
Y- "I didn't."
D- "Oh?"
Y- "I had a lot on my mind Dean."
D- "Are you okay?"
Y- "Yeah, I'm fine. Or I will be. So, I heard you guys talking and I want in on this case." - turning from Dean gently sliding your hand from his to the table and sit down.
C- "Uh, Y I don't think it is a good ide--"
Y- "I am a grown ass women and I need this hunt Cas."
S- "I'm sure she will be fine if she is with the three of us Cas, don't you think Dean?"
D- "Yeah defiantly. I--we wouldn't let anything happen to her."
Y- "I need this case dad."
C- "Oh. Is everything okay? If anything happens to you, you kno--"
Y- "I know. If it ever comes down to that I trust you would put me down before anything happens."
D- "We will not put you down. There is always another way."
Y- "Not this time. Dean? Sam? Promise me."
S- "Y, I--"
Y- "Promise me!"
Both Dean and Sam agree.
Y- "Alright, so what are you hunting?"
D- "It's just a few demons."
S- "But, we believe there is something bigger going on. It could be a trap for us or whatever else tries to attack them."
Y- "Okay, let's go. I'm ready."
D- "Alright then, if she says she's ready then we should take her word."
C- "I have a bad feeling about this."
Y- "I will be okay."
The four of you meet up where the demons had been spotted by other hunters and go over the plan. You rode with Cas so you could think about how you were going to tell Dean what had happened between you and Sam but there was no way but to just say it. You guys meet up and Cas stands next to Dean and you with Sam.
Y- "Dean. There's something I need to tell you before we go out here and I possibly loose control over my powers and you have to kill me."
Sam prepares himself because he thinks you are going to tell him what happened before he could. Which you do.
D- "Yeah?"
Y- "I slept with Sam."
S- "Dean, I can explain."
Cas and Dean just look puzzled and Dean doesn't even know what to say.
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D- "Oh."
Y- "I am sorry. It's not like I'm in love with him or anything it just kind of happened. Spur of the moment kind of thing and you were mad at me and I think I done it to upset you or make you notice me but I do love both of you. I love all of you but the first day I met you boys..i couldn't help it. Dean you--"
D- "Y."
S- "Dean."
D- "You kept this from me Sam? How long."
S- "It happened while we were at the restaurant."
D- "I don't even want to know how.'
Y- "Your attention was an the women at the bar. You barely spoke to me for two days."
D- "Because I have family and when they ask me not to do something well threatens me to not touch their daughter then I respect that. It's her or my family."
Y- "Wow Dean Winchester says no."
S- "Guys can we talk about this later I think we have company."
Sam points to the woods ahead of you and pulls the demon knife out. Dean pulls his gun out to slow them down. Cas well Cas is a freakin angel so he pulls his angel blade out. Several demons run at you and Sam gets one while Dean get another. Cas has a little bit of trouble with his and you well, a White-Eyed-Demon comes for you and you give him hell the best you could but with everyone busy the demon hits you hard one good time and knocks you out cold. Sam kills his demon and looks over at you and as he does more demons come and knock the knife out of his hand and takes it. Dean is over come as well as Cas and his brother.
S- "Dean stop. They have Y."
Dean looks over and see you in the white eyed demons arms. They were surrounded and point their guns at the demon holding you.
WhiteEyeDemon- "You will want to stand down if I were you."
D- "Like hell we will."
S- "Let her go!"
WhiteEyeDemon- "I think I will keep this one, she is vary powerful and I can tell she has no idea how to use her powers."
You start to come to and realize what happened.
Y- "Sa--m? De--an?"
S- "You're okay. Everything will be okay just stay calm and don't freak out okay?"
Y- "What's going on?"
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Dean stays focused on you and begins to lower his gun but Sam tightens his grip on his gun and can't help but be worried about how this is going to go down.
Y- "Let--me--go."
WhiteEyeDemon- "Oh pretty girl I can't do that. If I do they will try hence try to kill me and I don't want my new shirt to get blood all over it."
Y- "What do you want?"
WhiteEyeDemon- "I want your power."
Y- "What? You can't have it. You think you can take it out? If we could we would have done it already."
C- "Dean. We can but we don't need her losing her power right now. She could destroy us all. If that abomination gets it we will defiantly all die."
What Cas and Sam doesn't know is that Dean has the cult in the back of his pants.
WhiteEyeDemon- "Put your weapons down on the ground and she wont get hurt."
S- "You wont hurt her you need her."
WhiteEyeDemon- "Yes but if she hulks out, I will kill her."
S- “Y, I’m not going to leave you.”
D- “Son of a bitch!”
WhiteEyeDemon- “I am going to take her and you will not follow me, you will not call on me, and you will not send anyone out for me." "Do not let them follow me.”- referring to his demons
S- "STOP!"
Y- "NO!"
The demon grabs you up and over his shoulder giggling like someone gave him a birthday gift. You scream so loud that it made the earth shake, the sky turn white, and the air turn cold. Your body got so hot that it scorched the demon and it caused him to let you go and burst into flams. Sam and Dean covered their eyes and Cas ran near you but it burnt him to. The other demons ran in fear as you threw your hands up and let out a burst of light shine up above and rain to the ground. Dean knew he had to do something so, he began walking to you like the light did not hurt him.
Cas- "Dean! Don't!"
Dean- "It's okay Y I'm here! We're all here with you!"
Sam- "Dean!"
Y- "Get away from me ill kill you!"
Dean- "No you won't!"
Your light lustered the sky so abundantly that no one could see anything. Dean followed the sound of your weak voice till he was able to reach you. Stretching his long muscular arms out for you he feels you hand reaching out for his. Dean grabs it and pulls you close to his unyielding body and wraps you in for a benevolent hug. Your body cools off to his touch and you begin to feel safe and secure in his arms. Crying you tuck your arms close between the two of you and burry your head in his crease of his neck and chest.
Y- "Dean." -you whimper
D- "Yes?"
Y- "Don't let go."
The sky returns to normal, Sam and Cas look up cautiously and see you and Dean embracing one another and Sam knew in that moment his brother loved you.
Want a part three?! Comment or message me and let me know!!
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