#also lockdown! have never done him i think
oldrudshore · 2 years
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I don't have an explanation for this one fellas
(included the original piece bc I like what I did)
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galariangengar · 1 year
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eggmeralda · 1 year
I hate uni so much atm
#i spoke to more people in first year during lockdown more than i do now#bc the way they've done the course is so we have the last few months with no other assignments so we can focus on our dissertations#which is good i guess? but also i now never get to see anyone on my course#my course didn't even have any gigs this year bc ''they wanted to focus more on the production side'' except they didn't even do that#they just got rid of the performance side??#and rehearsals were usually where I'd get to talk to people. and then the assessed gig I'd get to see everyone bc they'd all be there#but this year they're just not doing it#so i only ever see the people I'm in bands with already (but like once a week)#and the people i live with. and i barely get to see them either#one's the year below me so i don't see her often and also she works a lot. yet she's probably the one i talk to most#another one idk where he is all the time he's always out somewhere. but at least i get to talk to him sometimes#and the other guy who was like my best friend last year i never get to talk to anymore bc he's still incapable of being apart from his gf#so i only ever get to talk to him on his own on the way home from rehearsals bc at least we're in a band together. but that's once a week#last year if i wanted to tell him something i could just go in the kitchen and just open cupboards and stuff and he'd hear#and come out his room and we'd have a full conversation#or bc he had to walk past my room on the way to the toilet he'd always come in and we'd talk for so long#but now he just lives with his girlfriend with the door shut and idek#also I've mentioned it countless times that i don't get to see him anymore and he seems to feel the same way? and says he wants to stay#friends and hang out more but i think in his head that means with his girlfriend also there#bc i guess he can't picture a situation without her being there like he's literally just an extension of her at this point#i feel like i don't even know him anymore and yeah#if we weren't living together i literally wouldn't care like. there's people i was really close with last year but don't see as much now#but it's fine bc i guess the reason is bc we're both busy or there just aren't moments when we'd see each other regularly#so i can accept that#but when the person lives in the room directly next to mine it's so much worse bc like#i could talk to him but i know i can't bc i don't wanna waste his time or keep him from being with his girlfriend#idek#anyway 3rd year is the worst year by far. 1st year was A Lot it was unhinged it was a fever dream but I have some nice memories?#2nd year was amazing i have so many good memories. 3rd year has like one good memory. anyway I'm reaching tag limit so#ramble
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AITA for pretending I cheated on my partner when our common friend asked why we fought?
It will sound fake and fictional, but please bear with me because I'm getting crazy over it. And also sorry for any english mistake, we're not from an english speaking country.
To give some context: I am a man. There was this person, B(m), which whom I kind of grew up with. We went through the same schools from our 6 years old to 17 but we never were really friends. Then, around our 13, I got into a clique that fed into all my bad habits and I started to actively bully B because he seemed like an easy target at the time. I enjoyed it and was encouraged to do so (because I was such an asshole and I'm not even cringing thinking about it, it's worse. I regret it so much and I was a stupid and bad teenager). It was so bad that after years of enduring it, B changed school before we graduated and I went on with my life.
It' was's been about 15 years ago that I graduated.
In the meantime, I dealt with some problems that I had with my family and I went through intensive therapy which changed me for the better, and I came to terms with my sexuality as well.
Flashforward to 2019/2020, I meet with someone online through some games and it goes very well. Thanks to the Covid and the lockdowns, we play even more and get closer. At some point, I talk about an event happening close to my city, and he tells me that he knows about it as well and that we're living close to each other. Because we enjoyed our time online (ngl, we had started flirting although I didn't know how sincere it was) we decided to meet at that event.
And there, I find out that my online friend is B. It's extremely awkward but only for me because he cannot recognize me for three reasons: 1. I changed physically with my puberty finally finishing the job after my 18 birthday, and I found some love into dying my hair. 2. I changed in terms of personality thanks to the therapy I went through. 3. My legal name was changed when I said goodbye to this fucking family of mine and left without turning back (but I was getting sick just saying my last name).
I, obviously, didn't tell him anything about who I really was because I just wanted to enjoy that evening with a friend, and we didn't see each other since he left high school because of me. My plan was just to slowly distance myself from him after that evening but it failed because we had a lot of fun and we actually really hit off and I was dying constantly at the idea that he could find out.
We've been in a relationship sicne the beginning of 2021 and I was decided to just never tell him (horrifying idea I know, anyone with a braincell would have told me that it was bound to be found).
A month ago, I met with an old friend from high school (so yeah, he was in the bullying gang but more of a followers, so we stayed in friendly terms when we both agreed that it was bad) and as he recognized B, he decided to excuse himself and hoped that B would forgive him like he "forgave" me (I never got to tell that friend to shut up about that) so yeah, B found out that I was his main bully who had lied to him for almost 4 years now.
We had quite a big talk about it. How bad my bullying ended up for B; why I lied like that and never admitted it. And even if it went alright, B told me that he needed a break to think about things and it's going to be one month that I'm crashing at a common friend of us. At first, I just said that B and I got into a fight and it was good enough, but as it's been already a month, the friend asked more about it. Not wanting to bring up B's trauma to someone else (especially after our conversation), I just told the first lie that came to me and pretended that I cheated on B and he found out.
Now that common friend is calling me an asshole and keeps reminding me how much they are disappointed in me to have done something so horrifying to B. I keep wondering if I did well to lie like that, or if I should have found another way out.
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badgirl411 · 10 months
Intoxicating: (Modern!Aemond Targaryen x Reader AU) 18+ WARNING
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Pairings: Modern!Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
Warnings: toxic relationship, possessiveness, strong language, SMUT, mentions of tattooing needles, sexual themes
Authors Note: Hello lovely people, I decided to write this Modern!Aemond AU as I have been imagining him covered in tattoos recently and I need the thought out of my head lol! This will be the first part of what will be a mini series. So please enjoy a slightly toxic tattoo artist Aemond, WARNING THIS DOES CONTAIN SEXUAL THEMES THROUGHOUT. MINORS DNI!
The quiet buzz of chatter and jazz fills the small space of the corner café you find yourself in, the weather outside is dull and it seems the heavens have opened themselves up as the rain pelts off the pavement outside the quaint café. There’s a chill in the air today as Autumn seems to be in full swing with the vibrant orange and yellow leaves falling from the trees to find their home on the ground, the latte clasped in your small palms provides a small semblance of warmth as you wait for your best friend Helaena.
Lost in idle thought you are startled slightly by the sudden arrival of your best friend; however, a look of genuine surprise is etched across your features as Helaena’s brother Aegon accompanies her. You rise from your stool pulling the siblings into a gentle embrace a smile working its way across your face. You never had any siblings, so the pair are the closest thing to family you have.
Aegon and Helaena are both tattoo artists possessing an incredibly popular joint a few streets over from where you are currently situated. Due to the popularity of the shop you rarely get to spend much time with them, making today even more special.
You have several tattoos yourself but have never had any done by the siblings, as well as a catch up today was also a consultation deciding after much milling you wanted the two most important people in your life to help create something beautiful that would remain with you for long after.
After chatting for what feels like hours you relay to them some of the ideas you have for the piece you want to get on your thigh. Both sketch small pieces of the design continually looking at each other then to you. Aegon’s eyes are drawn to the watch that is situated on his wrist the thick leather strap concealing part of the tattoo inked on his wrist.
“Shit!” Aegon startles you with his sudden outburst, Helaena seeming to understand the reason for the alarm.
“I am so sorry (Y/N) but we have to go, Aemond is watching the shop and we have clients lined up back to back for the rest of the day!” You roll your eyes unintentionally at the mention of their brother.
“Play nice (Y/N)” Helaena fake scolds you at your reaction to Aemond’s name being mentioned.
You see Aemond Targaryen was Aegon and Helaena’s brother and joint partner in the studio, he also happens to be your ex-boyfriend. Let’s just say things did not end very well between you both and have yet to see each other properly since besides seeing him through the back of the shop or skulking about in the background of a facetime call.
“Anyway, sunshine we will be in contact in the next few days Helaena will text you once the design is finalised to get your ok then we can lockdown a date.” Aegon kisses you on the cheek bidding you farewell with Helaena following close behind.
It’s three days later when Helaena texts you informing you the design is complete to your shock, before you can text back replying your phone buzzes indicating an incoming call. It’s Helaena.
“My darling Helaena hello, everything ok?” you greet her over the phone.
“All good babe, are you busy just now?” Her tone rising in question.
“No darling I am free, what’s up?” wondering why she is asking.
“Can you pop over to the studio, I am here thought you could come take a look at the design and see what you think. I can nip next door and get coffee if that’s any incentive!” you can hear her chuckle on the other end of the phone. As if you needed any incentive to go and see your best friend.
Throwing your hair up in a loose bun before pulling out a few loose strands you grab your shacket from the hanger next to the door and slip on your boots, grabbing your keys and making your way to the shop.
It’s about 20 minutes later when you arrive at the shop looking slightly wind swept, the smalls of your cheeks-tinged pink with the temperature outside. Pushing the door open you can see Helaena sketching away on her notepad, Aegon is nowhere to be seen.
After greeting each other Helaena invites you through the back of the shop leading you to the coffee like a dog to a bone, sensing your desperation for something warm to calm the chill settling over your body.
Little does she know the chill isn’t from the weather outside but at the mere thought of running into her brother, praying your ex is not in the studio and instead skulking about somewhere else. You are not prepared to interact with Aemond today, if only you can just get to the design, you can leave and hopefully avoid any interaction or mention of him altogether.
Sensing your unease as you look over your shoulder eyeing the door Helaena leans in closer and whispers.
“You can calm down (Y/N) he is mid-session with a client, I doubt you will see him.” Her hand rests atop your shoulder.
This does little to settle the swirling sickness in your stomach.
Sitting nursing the latte in your hand you look over the design Aegon and Helaena came up with and your eyes begin to well, the piece is special its beautiful. You embrace your friend who hushes you trying to settle the rising emotion in you.
Something catches your eye on the other side of the office, on the swivel chair sits a jacket. A leather jacket. You recognise it immediately as the jacket you bought Aemond for his Christmas 2 years ago, you had it custom made for him hoping to tailor it to his frame and personality.
You can’t believe he still has it, the way the both of you left things you expected him to have thrown it away or burned it in some cathartic outburst. A chill runs up your spine as you pick up on a smell that makes your hair stand on end and your mouth water. You remember it well, it’s Aemond, his aftershave. When you were together it drove you crazy, the smell almost intoxicating.
You are torn from your daydream when behind you the office door opens, the way Helaena’s eyes widen and the chill up your spine increases tells you all you need to know about who exactly it is that is at the door.
“Do I not even get a hello?” Aemond grunts from his spot against the door frame, entering the room to find what it is he originally entered the room for.
Your lack of response gives him all the answers he needs about how you feel about his presence in the room, a dry laugh escapes your mouth.
“Figures Princess” he sneers as he opens his desk drawer to grab a packet of cigarettes and a lighter.
“Kiss my ass Aemond” you don’t acknowledge him instead raising your middle finger behind you.
What you didn’t expect was for him to make his way across the room to lean down next to you, Helaena’s features register a look of utter panic.
“Have done before Princess.” His mouth is at the small of you ear, the statement sends a violent shudder through your body as he uses this opportunity to exit the room.
The rest of the day is uneventful and thankfully there are no further interactions with your ex-boyfriend. The design needed no further changes and so you and Helaena settle on a date for the following week to get the piece done.
The Following Week…
Grabbing your keys, you lock the front door to your apartment making your way to the studio. Today is the day you are getting your thigh piece done, the piece is a combination of various flowers and vines that will wrap around your inner thigh and down your knee.
Grabbing coffee and a family sized bag of sour patch kids you arrive at the studio excited to start your session.
When you enter however you are greeted by an apprehensive Aegon who approaches you with hands raised in defence.
“(Y/N) don’t panic, Helaena is ill she’s had to go home for the day.” His look tells you this is not the worst part of this encounter.
“I am in the middle of a session with a client, or I would do it.” He continues trailing off slightly with nervousness.
“Aegon please tell me you have just moved my appointment and you aren’t going to tell me what I think you are going to tell me.” Gods be good please do not get stuck with Aemond.
He emerges from the back of the shop leaning against the door frame behind the front desk, arms crossed over one another. A shit eating grin plastered over his annoyingly gorgeous face.
“Fuck no!” you exclaim attempting to make a dash for the door before you are caught by Aegon who carries you through to the studio despite your attempts to squirm away.
Finally, you accept defeat deciding it’s better to get it done and just not interact with him, settling into the wrapped chair sliding off your trainers not wanting to dirty the chair.
“Looks like your stuck with me Princess” he deadpans setting up his equipment.
You can’t help the pitted feeling that grows in your stomach looking at the man who was the love of your life, his hair is tied back in a loose bun with a few strands loose framing his sharp jaw and fierce cheekbones.  Your eyes rake over his firm tattooed body, the black of the ink covering his body accentuated by the stark white of the sleeveless top he dons. His lower half clothed in ripped black jeans, the clink of the metal chain attached ringing in your ears.
Your mouth is salivating, he’s wearing that fragrance. You shake yourself from your unprompted horny daydream willing yourself to maintain some semblance of composure.
The first hour passes quickly and no words are exchanged, Aemond has the outline of the top piece done. He glances up from his hunched position as he eyes you reaching for the bag of sour patch kids.
“You know you are predictable right?” his voice is low as he continues to tattoo over the stencil on your thigh.
“How so Aemond, please enlighten me.” You reply lifting a handful of sweets into your palm, you are about to pick up the green one when Aemond interrupts.
“You’re going to eat the green one first, followed by the red and after all that you’ll out the purple one in a pile to the side because you hate the purple ones.” You huff in annoyance because of course he is right, you are a creature of habit and you do hate the purple ones. So instead, you decide to lift the purple one between your fingers, coughing to ger his attention you gesture for him to take the sweet between his teeth instead.
He lets out a quiet hum of approval at the tanginess of the sweet which sends a jolt straight to your core, you missed the delightful noises he used to make when you fucked him. The way he would throw his head back when you took his cock in your mouth, lapping at the head before taking him down your throat.
“Open your legs” his tone is dangerously low as he pushes up the fabric of your skirt; you are taken aback at his suggestion.
“I-Im sorry w-what, are you mental!” you want to shrink up the chair but would most definitely fuck up the tattoo if you were to do so.
He looks up before smirking, “So I can do the linkwork of the stencil on your inner thigh…” you sigh in relief whilst also cursing yourself for wearing a skirt why didn’t you just wear shorts. “Good to know that’s where your mind went, still as horny and eager as ever.” He pats your inner thigh before getting to work on the stencil.
Your mind drifted back to all the times you spent between the sheets with Aemond, the sight of his head between your thighs always a favourite.
You and Aemond broke up about 5 months ago after one major blowout argument. You had been out with Aegon, Helaena and a few friends at a bar on the other side of town when Aemond decided to lay into a friend of a friend who you were conversing with. Aemond you see is jealous, possessive and hard to read, after months of constant arguments and accusations of cheating being thrown around this one evening was your final straw deciding to break your own heart and end it.
Aemond didn’t take the breakup well, for weeks after he would bombard you with calls begging you for another chance and promising endlessly, he could change. When you stopped replying to the texts and blocked his number you thought that was the end of it until he showed up at your workplace and caused a scene. After that you kept your distance and avoided any contact with him fearing it would only make things worse.
Until last week that is when he entered the office and today where it seems the cycle has come full circle with him between your legs again, albeit for different reasons.
“I can hear your mind going a million miles an hour Princess, also your thigh is trembling so whatever thought it is that you have right now pack it up or I will end up fucking this up.” He doesn’t look up from his position, but you can feel his breath on the delicate skin on your inner thigh. Combined with the sensation, the smell of his cologne and the image of his head between your parted legs you are utterly fucked. You are sure your thong is utterly soaked; you curse the seven for the situation you find yourself in. You continue to pass sweets to Aemond as he works on the tattoo and a memory flash before your eyes of the night, he fucked you in here, it was after a particularly bad argument when you found yourself against the wall with Aemond. His cock pounding your cunt relentlessly, the anger from the argument fuelling the two of you fucking.
The memory has your cunt utterly soaked and you swallow loudly trying to conceal your heaving breaths from the man infront of you.
His knuckles are void of any colour he is gripping the gun so firmly, his teeth chewing the inside of his lip and his nostrils flared.
“(Y/N) …” he pulls your attention to him as you hum in response.
“I can smell your soaked cunt from here Princess, do you have any idea how much self-control I am demonstrating right now.” He sets the gun down on the table and sit up still between your legs to face you.
“Do you have any idea how hard I am right now; how hard it’s been to be inbetween your gorgeous thighs and see you lost in your horny little thoughts. To have to sit here for hours smelling your deliciously wet cunt and know you are soaked and not have my cock buried deep in that fucking cunt. Do you know how badly I want you right now.” He is growing more agitated as he continues with his rant and your eyes drift down to his crotch to see his jeans impossibly strained from his throbbing cock.
It’s all a blur but before you know it you are on him, hands fisting in his hair furiously and lips pulled into a searing kiss.
You utterly breathlessly “Fuck me, please fuck me Daddy!”
And with that both of your clothes are discarded furiously and the door locked as you prepare for your ex boyfriend to absolutely fucking ruin you once again.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 11 months
David interview with Maggie Bocella for Collider, 10.7.2013
COLLIDER: Obviously, when you started making this show, you had the book to go off of, you had a very specific framework to work off of. But because everything for Season 2 is new, did you get to have any input with Neil Gaiman on where Crowley goes from the end of Season 1?
DAVID: Oh no, that's not my job. No, I mean, we've got Neil Gaiman, so you just get excited about what direction he's going to send you in. It wouldn't occur to me, to be honest, to start giving Neil Gaiman plot suggestions or character suggestions, that would just be limiting his brilliance, I think, if he was trying to sort of contort his ideas around mine. So no, I just sat back and was excited to let a script ping in and find out what was going to happen next. What a treat to get to be one of the first people to read the continuing adventures of Aziraphale and Crowley.
COLLIDER: In that vein, how do you think Crowley has changed between the end of Season 1 and where we see him now? Can we expect anything significantly different from him this season?
DAVID: Well, as you would expect, he's no longer working for his corporate bosses from Hell, which gives him a certain liberty. He's more of a free agent, but it does mean that they've taken back the swishy apartment that comes with the job. So he’s in slightly diminished circumstances. He's living in his Bentley in his car with his potted plant and feeling slightly hard done by it, I think. But quite early on, we see him meeting with Shax, who's his replacement in the job. So he's keeping his ear to the ground, seeing what's going on, and giving Shax a bit of guidance as to how to be Hell’s representative on Earth and also how to fix the boiler in the apartment. Yes, he's certainly as we always knew him, but probably a little bit grumpier.
COLLIDER: You mentioned the Bentley, and the Bentley being cursed to play Queen songs forever and ever and ever is one of my favorite parts of the show. I was curious what you think Crowley's favorite Queen song, is if he's not so sick of them that he never wants to hear them again.
DAVID: That's a very…wow, that's a difficult question. I need a lot of prep for that. What's my favorite Queen song? I don't know. I mean, “Don't Stop Me Now” is probably the best driving song, isn't it?
DAVID: And he certainly enjoys driving at ridiculous, slightly supernatural speeds. I suspect that's probably the best soundtrack for that, so it's probably that, or “A Kind of Magic,” I suppose, makes a certain sense for a supernatural being with unearthly powers.
COLLIDER: That's a good answer. But you also work very closely with Michael Sheen, who you not only work with on this but also on Staged, you're quite close. What's it like getting to put that friendship dynamic to use? Especially since this and Staged are so completely different.
DAVID: It's very nice to get to work with a friend every day, you can't pretend it's not. I mean, we did have the pleasure of doing Staged during lockdown, which of course probably wouldn't have happened were it not for us getting to know each other so well on Season 1 of Good Omens. It wasn't so long after the first Good Omens came out that we were all locked in our houses for months on end. We managed to come up with this notion of doing Staged and making a show on our laptops, which, really, we did initially just to amuse ourselves, to see if it was possible. Then it ended up becoming more. We just [premiered] Series 3, so between the first season of Good Omens and the second season of Good Omens, we managed to do three seasons of something else together!
COLLIDER: This show has had such a massive fan response. How much of that are you really aware of? Are you seeing how people are reacting to this show?
DAVID: Oh, it's been quite overwhelming. I've been to a few Comic-Cons over the last few years, and when I visited them pre-Good Omens, I saw a lot of people dressed up as me from…another show. But that has slowly changed until the amount of Doctors and the amount of Crowleys I meet are certainly neck and neck these days. But what's lovely about the Crowleys and the Aziraphales is they always come in pairs, so you get to meet people who've got all dressed up often with their best mates.
That's one of the great joys of being involved in this show, that these characters are so beloved. And of course, the great honor of taking on something like that, a character that people are so enthusiastic about, is that the great terror is that you'll break it, that you won't be… I think, especially with a literary character, the act of reading a book is such an internal mental spell that you cast, isn't it? Those characters are almost more vivid than a character that you might see on screen. So embodying characters that have been so loved for so long, not breaking them, not, you know, crushing dreams… The way that we've been accepted by those fandoms, it's been quite humbling, to be honest.
COLLIDER: You're also part of another Neil Gaiman joint, you play Loki in The Sandman audio series. Obviously, that's a different medium, but are there any similarities between working on The Sandman and working on Good Omens?
DAVID: The Gaimanverse is certainly its own creation, but Good Omens is always slightly different, of course, because it wasn't just Neil, it was very much co-created by Terry Pratchett, who also had a very distinctive voice and a distinctive universe. But there's something very specific about the Good Omens universe, which is where these two very distinct, very vivid authorial voices blend together to create something very specific and quite unique. So, I don't know how similar it was being part of The Sandman. I mean, it was a great pleasure to be part of it. It was wonderful to make Loki come from Scotland as well. I think Tom Hiddleston should take some notes. There's nothing better than a Glasgow Norse god. I’m kidding, obviously, he is the definitive Loki, but I did my best to sort of, you know, target his coattails.
COLLIDER: Besides Good Omens and Staged, you are coming back to Doctor Who this year. It's all anybody I know can talk about, but obviously, the spoiler police will come and get me if I attempt to talk to you about too much. So if you could describe what audiences are gonna see in November in, like, three words, what three words would you use?
DAVID: Three words? Three words?! Three new stories. That's not very good, is it? That doesn't give you very much away. Neil Patrick Harris! There you go.
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unluckiestmember · 1 year
Chainsaw Man x Short/Shy! Reader
Characters: Aki Hayakawa, Angel Devil, Kishibe, Denji and Yoshida Hirofumi
Tags: Fluff, teasing, established relationships, fluff, tolerance training, did I mention fluff?
Warnings: None. SFW.
A/N: It should have not taken me this long to make this. *slaps self on the wrist*. One of my favorites!
Aki Hayakawa
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“Huh? I was laughing? Sorry. I just realized something about how short you are?… I’m not making fun of you. It’s just- Nevermind.”
Aki finds you to be kind of cute, but he would never say that in public, he has a reputation to keep of course. One thing he really loves about you is how short you are compared to him, finding it cute when you look up at him to ask questions or when you want a kiss.
He also loves how shy you can be, though sometimes he would prefer it if you weren’t so careful with what you want to say or do. At home, your nature was perfectly fine, but at work? He could tell it was something that could get you killed or force you to partake in missions you shouldn’t be participating in.
Aki can put up a front, but everyone knows that he cares deeply about you even if he doesn’t display PDA as much compared to his colleagues. Even Himeno makes fun of the fact that he’s so in love with you! All in all, he thinks you are the cutest and sweetest thing he’s ever met. But he won’t say that out loud. Nope. Never… But behind closed doors-
Angel Devil
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“Wanna get ice cream after this mission?… Huh? Speak up. I can’t hear you… Still can’t hear you.”
Angel Devil loves your shy nature, but he’s also someone who wants you to grow out of it. He feels that due to you being so bashful you could be taken advantage of by the Public Safety, including Makima. And if it isn’t by your coworkers, it will definitely be by the world around you. So he loves to ask you questions and hear you give him an answer loud and proud, even if that is a rarity.
When he isn’t trying to gracefully mold you out of love, Angel finds your height to be a bit comforting due to being one of the shortest males in his group of colleagues. He doesn’t make fun of your height or is the kind of person to say you’re cute when you get mad because of your figure. Instead, he treats you with a higher respect compared to everyone in Public Safety, viewing you not just as his lover and co-worker, but also as his friend.
Outside of your personality possibly being a target for foes, Angel Devil loves everything about you.
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“… Yeah. I’m gonna keep you.”
Kishibe is a bit of a weird man, usually keeping his emotions on lockdown and focusing mainly on his missions at hand in Public Safety. He seems like the kind of man who doesn’t have time for romance and lives deeply in the past, meaning his heart might still be hung on Quanxi.
But actually? He’s a bit of a sweetheart.
Though he’s a man of action, not a man of words. He doesn’t put his relationship with you in front of the world unless he feels threatened by someone in his Division. But even then, he knows how you can be around people and even himself, so he treads lightly in hopes of not scaring you off. It doesn’t make it any better that you are significantly shorter than him. So he just feels himself taken aback by your height difference and sometimes sees you not as a toy, but a plush that should be protected and kept at all costs.
Even if his communication skills could use a bit of tweaking along with his advances, he adores you and wants to protect you no matter what.
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“Hey, uh, wanna cuddle again?… No, work was fine, I just uh, wanna hold you again. I like how I can easily wrap my arms around you and how you fit against me and… Stuff.”
Short, tall, loud or quiet, Denji does not give a damn as long as he’s getting some love! And boy do you give him love!
He’s like a big puppy when it comes to you, loving you in any way shape or form. He adores how bashful you are, even if sometimes it makes him think he’s said or done something wrong. It doesn’t make it better that when you are affectionate with him, he just. Melts. He stares at you like you are the creator of the world around him, like a divine entity that must be loved and respected for eternity.
When it comes to being short, Denji finds this to be his favorite trait about you since he can easily do things he’s seen in movies, tv and manga he wants to try out on you. He’ll twirl you around when he’s happy. He’ll help you reach for objects to grab without ridiculing you. He’ll bend down eagerly to kiss you on your lips. And he will definitely hold you so close and tight to his body when you sleep together.
You are so precious to him. Words just can’t describe how much he loves you…
Yoshida Hirofumi
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“Can I get a kiss?… You missed… Oh, you missed again. Missed. Hey, what’s going on with your aim?”
Yoshida can be a bit of a goofball dating you. He thinks you are cute as a shy soft bean in his eyes, but he will try to push you out of your comfort zone gently with his actions.
He can be playful, pushing you to initiate some moments between you two and even forcing you to speak up. But trust me when I say he’s not just getting off to you having to take the first step. If he wants to hold and kiss you and partake in cute activities with you, he will.
Though he can be a comedian of sorts, he makes sure that you are safe away from his job. He knows because of your personality that if you were to get in the middle of his work you could get hurt. And if you ever got hurt? He wouldn’t know what to do with himself… As his lover, you mean so much to him even if he gives off casual dating energy. Just ask him. And he’ll tell you how special you are.
He loves you. Don’t forget that.
Chainsaw Man requests are currently open! :D
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, be safe and have a good day! <3
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pascallatte · 1 year
Love in Lockdown
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Actress!reader
Summary: A series of events that had happened during the lockdown. (Part 1)
Date: March&April 2020
Warning: none just fluff
A/N: I don't really have anything to say other than the usual. SO, I hope you enjoy this. Please tell me what you think and stay tuned for more!!
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March 2020
Y/n was showing the final touches of the cookies she baked when a flour-covered hand was spread out from the right cheek to the left.
“Hello, Hello,” you said to the camera as soon as you started the live. Being stuck at home for a good few weeks now has taken a toll on you both the good and the bad. But let’s focus on the good thing, shall we? You see, you weren’t sure what type of person you were before this… thing happened. So, the pandemic not only helped you and Pedro get your well-deserved rest, but it also helped you know how much of a homebody you were. Now, here you were having your third live since the lockdown started.
Humming out a tune you were seen walking around before you placed the phone and a tray of cookies on your countertop. You were like always in a pair of comfy sweats and a very familiar shirt, however, you were also wearing an apron.
“Hiiii, I didn’t have anything better to d-,” you paused when you heard the door to your bedroom open,”-yeah, I didn’t have anything better to do... again, so I decided to make some cookies.” You said as you held out a freshly baked cookie to the camera. Like always, the comment section sent in comments of appreciation and love as well as generic questions.
“ I haven’t really baked cookies before since I’m a savoury type of girl. If this turns out bad, they’re just telling me to go and stick to what I know.” Placing your hands on your waist as you scan the cookies. You began explaining what you’ve done to make them and what recipe you followed after the comments were flooded after your declaration a while ago.
While you were doing your thing, a hand, also widely known as Pedro’s hand, was seen reaching for a cookie from the camera's left side. Turning to him, you gave him a disapproving look before pulling him closer, joining in with your live.
Pedro was now waving to the camera, giving the viewers his dimpled smile, and turned to you before looking down at the cookie in his hand as if asking for permission. 
“Pedro. Really?” You said looking up at him.
“Yesss, really. Well- I mean someone was going to have to eat them right?” He said holding the cookie up closer to his mouth.
Faking a frown, you looked at the camera, “Look at what I have to put up with for almost a month now, not only does he take the food I make, but he also eventually makes a bigger mess than I.”
“Hey, don’t tell them lies, don’t believe her,” he shakes his head, before hugging you from behind, swaying you in his arms. You were now fixing up the bowls and utensils that you’ve used and him engulfing you in his arms, making it harder to move.
“Honey, let go of me for a moment.” You whispered to him as he leaned down to rest his chin on your shoulder. The cookie he took, is now near you as a silent gesture of telling you to take the first bite.
“Nah, you’re this big Cookie Monster, go take the first bite and tell me how I did,” you turned to look at him. 
“Should I take a bite of this?” Pedro asked the viewers, scanning the cookie very closely.
“Yeah, you should, but what if she added something that would kill me,” he joked as he saw the look on your face. Laughing, he stood up straight while also dragging a flour-covered hand on your cheek. How he got that close to the pack of flour you own, you don’t know. Making it the reason for the shocked look on your face.
Giggling to himself, he takes a bite of the stolen cookie. And just as he opens his mouth, you cupped his face with some flour of your own, making him stare at you with wide eyes. 
Since chaos has now started, the viewers would never know what the cookie tasted like because all they were seeing now was flour, flour, and more flour being thrown at each other as well as the joyous laughter that has filled the kitchen before the live had ended a few minutes after.
April 2020
Having a friend who owns a pool at their house is great, and being close to their house is even better. This explains the series of stories that Ana had labelled as intruders in her home, which consisted of you and Pedro.
Intruders really aren’t what you want her to call you two, but maybe a couple of friends who wanted to celebrate Pedro’s birthday with someone else other than the two of you in your penthouse back in the city.
Without more explanation, Ana posted a couple of short clips of your day’s stay at her place. The first one is a long and noisy one. 
Music was heard as soon as the video started, Ana, who was recording, was heard laughing as she zooms in on you dancing in the pool, wearing your favourite bikini. Pedro however was seated in the hanging chair near the pool, also having a good laugh as he records your antics as well.
Zooming in she calls out your name as you raised to sway your arms. “Y/n!! Mira aquí por favor,” she laughs when you turned to head at her dramatically. Gasping when you saw that she was also recording your dancing.
“¡¡Me dijiste que no grabarías estas cosas, traidor!!” gasping as you sank in the pool, reappearing after a few seconds to get up and out of the pool. You told me you wouldn't record these things, you traitor!!
“Eres demasiado linda para no hacerlo.” Ana explains herself but was cut off when you threw your drenched self over her making her screech. Pedro’s laugh was heard in the background. It stopped though as soon as you quickly went and jumped on to him also getting him wet in the process. You’re too pretty not to.
Ana, who was entertained, zoomed in on the two of you. Your arms were around his neck while he tried his hardest to push you away from him, still not in the mood to get wet.
His pleads for you to stop were drowned out by the laughs of the two females he was with.
The second video is a rare thing for people on the internet. Well, that’s what they say. PDA isn’t really a thing the two of you do, so a small kiss, hug, and hands intertwined were the only things they have seen so far. So when Ana posted this on the day of Pedro’s birthday as well as a tease to you, the fans can’t help but awe at the two of you.
Captioning the story with a “Happy Birthday, Pedrito” followed by a small “ah lovebirds” below. Ana who was at the other end of the pool, can only sit and watch as the sweet scene unfolds. It was basically the two of you clinging to each other exchanging smiles and sweet nothings as you leaned over the edge of the pool. 
Pedro was seen submerging into the water before shaking his head as he emerges, making you shriek as water splats on your face. You were about to say something but were pulled in by your partner. Staring at each other with smiles on your faces, you reached a hand up to tuck the now long-ish hair Pedro had, him doing the same as well as caressing both your cheeks.
As if Ana had sensed something would happen, she calls out Pedro’s name making the both of you whip your head in her direction. Clicking her tongue, she chuckles saying “Ay tortolitos,” making you wave and smile cheekily at her before resting your forehead on Pedro’s shoulder in embarrassment. Him also giving her a smile to hide his evident blush. Oh lovebirds
Taglist: @benonlinear @t-stark35 @heyitsme-2 @elleeeee21 @holmesstrange @tagakalat @flyestvenustrap @oldermenaremyreligion @cherryred444 @hobiismyhopeu @ilovehotdadsandshit @djarinsstuff @guacala @avengersheart @pukka-latte @lilvampirina
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blood-grove · 3 months
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tws; blood, death, body horror , injuries, gore + bones, canniblism, unhealthy coping mechanisms??, no use of y/n, soap focused, this is like so much more horror ish that the first i think pls be safe
a/n: another thing for shapeshifter reader but child :3 had this scenario in my head this is completely different sort of scenario than from the first shapeshifter
Shapeshifter!Reader but everything that went down that first night went even worse two corpses lay on the floor you didn't mean for it to happen it was the Monster to young to comprehend what you'd fully just done wiping the blood off you as you clawed at your mouth trying to get rid the disgusting taste of iron in your mouth.
But it's been a year since then, A year since you've taste the flesh of another person, A year since you sunk your yellowed teeth into someone's face ripping apart any semblance of identity, And a year since you've been in containment you were found quiet easily after the Police were called to your home that faithful night you were sent a rehabilitation facility then to another one and another.
Switched from place to place because they could tell something was wrong with you but finding out what was hard since every test came back human you had no pointed ears, fangs, or tail.
Another year past and the facility had long shut down a month or two now but you still lived stuck in this room Shapeshifters can be killed of course at a age of what 10? 11? You didn't have many forms and you were still so confused to how your powers exactly worked you never shifted at all despite the itch that had been boiling over.
You had roommates of course in the room to keep yourself social.
They were also stuck when the facility went into lockdown mode abandoning its lower value patients.
You were the only one left in the room now.
The room smelt horrible.
You were horrible.
You didn't want to be.
Licking the flesh from there bones kept off starvation.
The illusion of there still breathing body as you ate at them chewing and crunching till there flesh was no more alone but apart of you.
They had kept you alive when there heart was still beating you couldn't remember what they were.
You forced yourself to forget the taste of your flesh fearing you'd dig in for more.
But you did.
Your a parasite.
"Someone's going to get us.."
"I'm sure."
You shifted as you caressed there skull gently idly picking at the last few remaining strands of hair.
You woke to noises the next day everything still all the same the opening of doors and footsteps a new sense of hope running threw you.
A tail unknowingly sprouted out wagging quickly as you clutched the skull tightly as you got us on shaky legs stepping over rotted pieces of the body you couldn't eat and over to the door stepping up on the tip of your toes to try and see out of the window in the door.
Flinching back one a large shadow over casted the door blocking your view.
Your tail wagging in excitement as you walked back from the door to the spot in the middle of the room you'd become accustom too silently wondering if you should move there bones into there spot next to you but the doors code was unlocked before you could.
A man now stared down at you seemingly shocked at either your appearance, the fact your alive, and or the skull in your hands.
Or all of the above.
Fucking hell.
Fucking hell.
This retcon mission was not at all what he expected.
Sure he expected the usually gathering intel, looking for not trashed files or papers, And or looking for new leads.
It always gave Soap the creeps when they went on missions like these in only a couple of months this facility looked like a shit hole.
Cracked tile, Bugs, old rusting equipment.
The mere thought of people being kept here before the places decay still disgusted him.
So it caught him off guard when he picked up scent unfamiliar but he chose to trust his nose radioing in he'd be moving to the east side.
He reached the holding cells even with the locked doors along the hallway he could smell the decay nearly overwhelming his senses.
With one of the keycards he opened a few of the doors at the rare chance of life.
He was foolish to think this of course, How could anything still be alive after been trapped for months.
Yet here he is staring down a very scraggly, dirty, bloodied kid.
Holding a skull.
A Skull?
He quickly pulled himself out of his thoughts as he shifting in place sliding his weapon back into his holster crouching down.
"Hey there—"
He fully expected you to be timid, nervous, and or scared about the random man unlocking your room that was eventually going to be your grave.
He didn't expected for you to barrel into him skull still in hand hugging his arm.
Now he was downright confused.
"It's uh..It's okay- Hey.."
"I-I know they didn't forget us!-"
You started on rambling about something Soap couldn't comprehend fast enough.
"Hey hey-"
You looked up at him with tired eyes still full of life.
"..I'm gonna get you outta here alright..? Me and my friends didn't expect to find anyone..Are you hurt?"
He gave you a look over lucky he had decent enough vision in the dark no serious wounds maybe just a few cuts that had luckily scabbed over already.
"Are you taking me home..?"
"..I don't know yet..But we'll get you warm and nice and clean how about that..?"
"I don't like baths.."
"Well ya' need one- Its gonna help you feel better.."
You huffed stomping your foot which amused him but you really did need a bath he could barely make out your skin color under all the grime, blood , and dirt.
"Mm..Can ye' walk?"
You nodded as you went back into the room for a moment starting to picking up bones off a corpse he failed to noticed was there.
"Wait wait- Don't touch those."
"Because you'll get sick touching..stuff like that."
"But how else are they supposed to come!"
He grimaced for a bit shifting on his feet as his tail flicked.
"I..Look that was your friend yeah?"
"How about..You leave them there..And I'll send some more of my friends to come get them.."
You mulled over the choice for a while looking down to the skull in your hands tracing over a crack before deciding to leave rest of the body tucking it in like a doll before heading back over to the man still holding onto the skull how else re they supposed to see the outside?.
"Whats your name?"
"John..But my friends call me Soap."
"That's a silly name!"
"Hmph..Alright what's your name?"
"Now that's a silly name-"
"Nuh uh!"
He chuckled as you huffed.
But he quickly regained his composure, He radioed in his little discovery afterwards gently ask you if he could pick you up which you allowed you were scarily light for your age.
He sighed his tail slowly swaying quietly listening as you rambled on about something.
You eventually went still after a few telling yawns, He guessed you must be horrible sleep deprived being next to a corpse couldn't have gave you good rest.
So he just kept quiet as he could still saying vigilant as he updated his position every so often as you slept.
a/n; honestly im feeling so bad at so sorry it started to downgrade at the end i couldn't think clear it starts to fall off so bad cuz head empty </3 might post some old thoughts abt how my ver of shapeshifters work....
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evelili · 1 month
As an immigrant child, your new fic had resonated with me. It made me tear up eating dinner with my family.
When Saffron said, “This selfish desperation to know that I haven’t lost my connection to my home." It instantly took me back to being constantly teased by my friends for not being 'in tuned' with my culture like how they were, or how I desperately tried speaking in my native tongue with my parents, despite having a very clear american accent and them constantly assuring me that speaking in english is fine. My grandmother had passed earlier this year, she was the grandparent that I knew the least. I started asking about her from her sisters as my mother isn't in the state to answer anything, I've tried so hard to pick up the pieces of what her sisters have told me to construct an image of her personality. She used to constantly ask me to call her so when I read about Saffron talking about how video calls have were never the same and never enough, it hit me like a load of bricks.
Your fanfiction is so tremendously beautiful in describing the feelings I have felt all my life. How I know that where I am right now isnt home, but my actual home has been so unfamiliar after my grandmothers passing. I have constantly felt like I have disappointed her, so when Sunset confessed to the same thing, I couldn't hold my emotions in anymore. The ending with Saffron talking about how she would be waiting for Sunset to come home if she was her mother made hope that was true with me and my grandmother, if I were to ever reunite with her again when I pass away myself.
Thank you so much for writing this story. It was the most comfortable yet intense stories I have ever had the blessing to read. I am sorry for rambling and I hope this entire message makes some sort of sense? I hope whatever you're dealing with gets solved to the way you have hoped it would.
You have also made me see dal in a new light, it was never a food that I used to like, but I am willing to give it another shot lol
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i looked at this ask earlier and had to take some time to process how to respond to this. i think tho i still dont really know how to, so i hope thats ok!
first of all, thank you so much for being comfortable enough to tell me ur story. it really means a lot that you would open up to me, a stranger, and the fact that you did so bc something i made had an impact on u quite actually moved me to tears. im a bit of a soggy mess rn lol. thank you again, truly.
second, i want to express my empathy for you and your situation with your grandmother. my grandad passed away before i could graduate, and it was during the height of lockdowns, so i hadnt seen him in a while. i didnt go to visit him in the hospital, so theres always this feeling of "what if i had called more? what if i had tried harder to visit? what if i spent more time with him?" that doesnt really go away. and, as a kid of 2 immigrant families, i can also really empathize with feeling a disconnect from your culture--when ur not surrounded by ur parents culture but u also visibly dont look like ur "from" the one u were raised in, it can feel really alienating, even though you havent done anything except just. exist in this sort of inbetween?
all of this i guess is to say that, i put a lot of my own experiences into this fic. and it's almost relieving in a way to know that u saw what i put there, and that this experience is something that other people have felt as well. thank you so very much again for reading ;v;
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peanutpinet · 3 months
Girl i need more of Johnny ans flower that was soooooo goood. If i understood correctly that requests are open could you do like a scenario where flower and medical girl are somehow together in thr nct tower building and ot goes on lockdown due to an attack pn it so jphnny and taeyong havw to save them together!?
Ours - Mafia Leader! Taeyong x Medic Girl & Mafia! Johnny Suh x Flower
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Official TY’s girl name: Kim Eunji
Official Johnny’s girl name: Chrissanna Lee
A/N: hi anon! I’m glad you enjoyed reading my recent Johnny mafia fic and even read some of my old fics, literally the first NCT fic I’ve ever made. So sorry that it took me so long to write this for you since I was travelling and have been caught up with some freelance work and also recently started a new job which tbh I don't like :') but I hope that you enjoy the story and I'm sorry if it doesn't meet your expectations >.<!
Also, also!! Let me introduce you guys the official names for Taeyong’s medic girl: Kim Eunji and Johnny’s flower: Chrissanna Lee. Lil easter eggs of previous mafia fics
It was a rare peaceful day in NCT. Mainly because all the tasks that Taeyong had to take care of was actually done and he was just going looking over at his members’ businesses when his girlfriend and nurse, Eunji came by to his office, bringing him his lunch.
“Hey. I hope that I’m not interrupting anything boss” Eunji asked as she went into Taeyong’s office where Taeyong was with Doyoung and Johnny
“You would never interrupt anything” Taeyong smiled, standing up to greet his girlfriend with open arms and kissed the side of Eunji’s head
“Stop that. Your members are here. Hi Doyoung, Hi Johnny” Eunji greeted the other members
“Hey. It’s been a while Eunji. Sorry to ask you this but how’s Chris? Is she doing better?” Johnny asked, still worried about his girlfriend despite it being a few months since he got rid of the people who made them have PTSD
“Hey. She’s doing much better. She’s opening up more and we’re actually going to hang out together tomorrow” Eunji mentioned, grabbing both Taeyong and Johnny’s attention
“Tomorrow? Is that one of the reasons you wanted to come here and see me?” Taeyong sulked, making Doyoung fake vomit as Eunji kissed his cheek
“No. But I might as well say it whilst on the topic” Eunji replied whilst also handing over some paperwork from the lab
“And this is why I don’t want you coming when there are other members around. We don’t get any alone time and I barely get to see you” Taeyong sighed but Eunji just kissed his cheek, massaging his shoulders
“Well, Mr Leader, we just came back from a one-week trip together. Don’t you think that that’s enough for now? You know that it takes time to train the new recruits” Eunji mentioned
“Eunji is right, hyung, the new batch of recruits takes a lot of time to train because of how incompetent most of them are. The girls especially try to flirt with the dream members but you know how annoyed the boys with girlfriends are” Doyoung mentioned
“You should see Jeno almost wanting to strangle a girl because she was bad-mouthing his girlfriend when she managed to find her socials” Eunji added on, making Taeyong rise his eyebrow
“Jeno took care of it. He had Haechan broadcast a whole Twitter thread that that girl made” Eunji chuckled, remembering that time
“That’s Haechan. You can try to tease him but when it passes a line, he’ll make sure you’ll regret it” Taeyong mentioned, knowing his younger member’s habit of ruining someone’s life through hacking
“So, Eunji. You and Chris? You guys going tomorrow?” Johnny asked again
“Yeap. We’re not going anywhere crazy, trust me. We’re just going into town for a bit and we’ll come back to the NCT HQ. Is it alright to show her around the HQ?” Eunji asked
“I think that’s best. We’re actually going out on a mission tomorrow so if you can make it back before it gets dark, it would be better” Johnny mentioned, making Eunji look at Taeyong
“I too was going to tell you that I’m going to be out tomorrow but you came here first so, here we are” Taeyong shrugged, earning a light smack from Eunji
“How many of you guys are going to be out? What’s the mission this time? I can postpone my outing with Chris if you need me” Eunji asked but Taeyong stopped her by turning to hold her hands in his and kissed them
“No need for that. It’s just some light fieldwork. It won’t take that long anyway. We’ll be back by sundown. That is if Johnny doesn’t mind leaving his girlfriend for one day that is” Taeyong teased but Johnny just eyed him
“I’m not possessive. I just prefer if I was there with her but since Eunji will be with her, I’m completely fine. Chris has always wanted a girls day out” Johnny mentioned. “Thank you for looking after her, Eunji. I really appreciate it”
“Of course, John. It’s the least I could do after everything you’ve all done for me” Eunji mentioned
“Ehem, we should get going. Jaehyun told me that the others are already waiting for us” Doyoung mentioned, interrupting the conversation, making Eunji giggle
“You take care, love. Use my card. If I find you not using it, I’m gonna block yours. Don’t think you can fool me about that” Taeyong mentioned, wrapping his arm around Eunji’s waist as he, Eunji, Johnny and Doyoung left Taeyong’s office together
“I will. You guys take care of yourselves” Eunji mentioned, kissing Taeyong’s cheek
“We will. Call me if anything happens” Taeyong replied as Eunji nodded before Taeyong kissed the side of Eunji’s head one last time before she left the elevator first
The Next Day
Just as Eunji told Taeyong and Johnny the other day, she and Chris would be going out on a girls day together. Eunji and Chris went to the NCT HQ first and met up with their respective boyfriends who gave them each their own credit cards and made each girl promise to use the given cards instead of their own.
After spending almost all morning at the HQ, Eunji finally finished her paperwork and handed back to Xiaojun before bidding her boyfriend goodbye to spend the day with Chris.
“You tell me if anything happens, alright? We might be back by night but if anything should happen…” Taeyong rambled but Eunji shut him up by pecking his lips
“We’ll be alright, Tyong. We’re just going to have some lunch and then shop around town for a moment. We’ll meet you guys back at the HQ. I promise I’ll call if anything happens” Eunji replied, Taeyong still holding onto her hand
Sighing, Taeyong stood up and cupped Eunji’s face, his face softened. “Alright. I’m not going to hold you back any longer. Johnny just texted me that he’s waiting downstairs to send you both off. I’ll see you tonight then” Taeyong kissed Eunji’s cheek and let her off
After bidding Johnny goodbye as well, Eunji and Chriss went into town and headed to a local’s favourite brunch spot and after they’ve seated and ordered their food and drinks, they finally get to have some girl time.
“Do you work at the HQ every day or do you get to go on field missions?” Chris asked, making Eunji look at her
“Mainly in the lab. Ever since the incident, Taeyong hasn’t really let me go on a field mission on my own. I would always have to go with at least 2 of his members or with him. Otherwise, I won’t be allowed on the field” Eunji replied
“You went through a traumatic experience too?” Chriss asked and Eunji smiled back at her
“It wasn’t as bad as yours. Mine happened at the HQ and during one of the fieldwork. Both were because someone from within the recruits was a mole. It wasn’t as bad, trust me. I’m alright now. I was lucky honestly. I did have a trauma with guns since I was little and Taeyong helped me with it. I’ve gotten better” Eunji told Chriss who gave her a sad smile
“I guess we were both lucky to have met such amazing men and people to help us. I was completely alone for years and I didn’t think that Johnny would be the type of person that he is today. Or even when that night that I almost tried to leave but he stopped me” Chriss mentioned
“I know that it’s still hard for you to open up but trust me, you’re safe when you’re in the main circle. No one is judging you. Every other member in the main circle have their own traumas and difficulties. Even Taeyong who’s the leader and is supposed to be the strongest and toughest member. We all have our nightmares and different ways to cope them” Eunji mentioned
“How do you handle being part of this whole thing? I heard that you were one of their recruits back then” Chriss asked as Eunji sipped her coffee
“Well. That’s a long story. But to cut it short, I didn’t have such a happy childhood like yours. My parents were killed in front of me. By the time the police and the government found me, I was so weak and bloody. They took me in but trained me to be part of the NCT recruit system. Eventually, I joined the recruits and rose in the ranks. I partially think it was because since a young age I had to learn everything on my own. I also had to survive on my own. But despite being able to excel in just about anything. I couldn’t overcome my trauma with shotguns. Not necessary that I was afraid of shotguns but I just couldn’t shoot anyone in their vital parts. Especially when someone is holding a gun within an arms range towards me. I would be petrified. It happened once and I fainted on the spot. That’s why since then Taeyong won’t really let me go on field missions without any NCT members” Eunji replied
“Is it scary? To fight and see all the gruesome scenes?” Chriss
“It was in the beginning. But as time went on, the more I trained, the more used to it I was. Well, except for my trauma. But one thing that you should believe me is that the neos will try their best to keep their woman out of anything that relates to the mafia. Even if how they met their woman was through some traumatic experience like you” Eunji tried to reassure Chriss
“Now that last part I believe because Johnny has not told me anything about the mafia. He would tell me a bit of the entertainment agency he runs but aside from that, nothing” Chriss chuckled
The two girls talked and went around town, buying some things for themselves and their boyfriends until they saw that the sun was about to set. Realising that it was going to get dark soon, the two girls took the car back to the NCT HQ and told their boyfriends along the way who were still out with the majority of the NCT team on a field mission.
Arriving back at the HQ, the two girls went up to the top where Taeyong’s office was because aside from the NCT members, Eunji too had access to Taeyong’s office.
Feeling bored waiting for their boyfriends, Eunji invited Chriss to go on a little NCT HQ tour which she was more than happy to go because despite being in the building, Chriss has never actually explored the building because whenever she was with Johnny, he would just bring her to his office or the other NCT members’ office.
The two girls then headed through each floor with Eunji being the tour guide and explaining most of the rooms in the building. Because most of the people in the building knows Eunji, she would often stop by and greet them. Sometimes she would even check in on some of the new recruits.
In the midst of their tour around the building, suddenly, the building went on lockdown due to a breach in the system. Yangyang who was still in the HQ announced to the entire building to stay calm but Eunji grabbed Chriss and headed to where Yangyang was.
“Yangyang!” Eunji exclaimed, grabbing the young member’s attention
“Eunji! What are you doing here and is that…” Yangyang uttered
“It’s Chriss, Johnny’s girlfriend. What happened?” Eunji asked, striding to Yangyang who was overviewing the control room
“Someone tried hacking into the system. Haechan and Jungwoo are working on it. I’m helping them however I can from over here. Winwin, Hendery, and Chenle are searching around the building. Taeil, Doyoung, and Renjun are checking on the recruits and everyone to make sure that everyone is alright” Yangyang informed Eunji
Looking at each of the security screens, Eunji noticed that not all parts of the building were monitored. “Yangyang, what about the floor between 1 and 2” Eunji whispered
“Eun, I doubt anyone besides our internal members knows about that floor. No one should even have the access key to that floor because it’s DNA and facial recognition security” Yangyang replied back
“But you never know. I’ll go then” Eunji uttered
“Eun. Taeyong-hyung is not going to allow that. We’re in complete lockdown. Several of our members are already going around and the others are on their way back from the mission which they succeed by the way. You and Chriss should stay here and that’s final” Yangyang stated
“You’re forgetting something” Eunji stated, walking towards the door, grabbing Chriss with her
Yangyang who realised what Eunji was going to do tried to rush to her but she immediately disappeared behind the door along with Chriss.
“Hyung. I think we need to change our plans” Yangyang stated in his intercom
On the Secret Floor
“Was this place always here?” Chriss asked as both she and Eunji went into the elevator and Eunji pressed both the first and second floor while scanning her ID card
“Since the building was built. This floor is sacred and only the main NCT members and certain staffs…”
“Like you?”
“Like me. Gets their ID card with a specific chip for this. It’s sacred because, on this floor, we keep our top weapons that are still under development. Some of them can be deadly because they’re still unstable. Even if an intruder comes here and steals the weapon, it’s fine because it has a self-destruct system if an unknown person touches it. But the blueprint on the other hand, that’s what I worry about the most. No one should be able to get their hands on it” Eunji mentioned
As the door opened, Eunji instructed Chriss to stay nearby as they made their way through the floor and headed to where the weapon design room was. Going into the room, Eunji went through every single desk to make sure that all the blueprints were there but in the midst of going through the blueprints, Eunji felt something was off and immediately grabbed a backup weapon and turned around to point it only to meet the intruder who held Chriss as their hostage.
“I think it would be best if you put your weapon down and hand over all the blueprints” the intruder spoke, the knife he held almost pierced through Chriss’ skin until I let down my weapon
“You really think this is smart? I think it would be best that you let her go and turn yourself in before you regret it” Eunji tried to sound tough even though deep down she was shaking from the fear of what the intruder had up their sleeve
Within seconds, there were multiple footsteps that came but knowing NCT, those weren’t the typical footstep sounds that they would make and Eunji was right because there were some other intruders who turned out to be pretending to be some of the cleaning staff in the NCT building.
Both Eunji and Chriss were then captured by the intruders and used as hostages to get out of the building. The intruders took the majority of the blueprints that were in the room and were about to head out from the floor when the lights were suddenly off and gunshots filled the hallways along with loud combat boots sounds.
When the light came back on, the majority of the NCT members came, cornering the intruders who were on the floor, bleeding out as the members shot them but not at their vital organs. At one corner, Taeyong came forward while on the other corner was Johnny who did the same thing. Both men looked at the intruder who looked like he was going to pee in his pants but instead of shooting them or doing anything violent, both men moved forward and softly took their girlfriends away from the scene as the other members took care of the intruders.
NCT Penthouse - Taeyong’s penthouse
Back at Taeyong’s penthouse, both Taeyong and Johnny immediately got their girlfriends treated by Kun and XIaojun. After they were treated, Taeyong softly asked Eunji what exactly happened because Yangyang only told them that there was an intruder in the building and that both Eunji and Chriss were heading to the secret floor.
Once Eunji told them everything, both Taeyong and Johnny looked at each other and though the two of them want nothing more to torment the intruders, they knew that taking care of their girlfriends came first.
Taeyong decided to cook for the four of them while Johnny prepared some movie night to calm both girls’ nerves even if he and Taeyong were still angered at what happened.
“I’m sorry” Eunji spoke, grabbing Taeyong’s attention who was softly playing with her hair as she was laying on his chest while Johnny and Chriss were back at Johnny’s penthouse
“What are you sorry for? If anything I’m sorry for always getting you stuck in these kind of situations” Taeyong replied
“It wasn’t your fault, bubu. Plus, I was a recruit before I was your girlfriend. It’s still my duty to deal with these things” Eunji mentioned
“I know. I know you’re still apart of all of this and as much as I want to offer you a normal life, I know that I can’t just yet. But I’m grateful how understanding you are with all of this and how patient you have been with the situations. I just wish that you wouldn’t be so stubborn and go out of your way to deal with this on your own. At least ask a member to come with you” Taeyong lectured while Eunji just draw circles on his chest
“Lil rose…” Taeyong called out, making Eunji stared at him but decided to tease him by softly kissing his jawline, making the mafia leader groan in frustration before turning their positions around and pining the girl underneath him
“Don’t tempt me, babe, I’m already frustrated and annoyed about the intruders” Taeyong warned but Eunji wrapped her arms around her boyfriend
“I’m not. Plus, you’re not the only one that’s frustrated” Eunji smirked before squealing as Taeyong suddenly lifted her up
“Well then, let’s both relieve that frustration, shall we?” Taeyong smirked, softly pecking Eunji’s lips before carrying her to his room
Johnny’s Penthouse - Johnny’s POV
After we’ve had dinner and watch a movie at Taeyong’s penthouse, Chriss looked tired so I decided to let Taeyong know that we would be heading back to my penthouse first before anything else we have to do.
Back at my penthouse, Chriss and I were chilling on the bed while we watch through her favorite show, Avatar the Last Airbender. In the midst of the show, I noticed that Chriss fell asleep and smiled to myself knowing that she was able to rest despite what she had to go through today.
But right when I tucked her in, I noticed that her breathing was out of control and she started to stir around in her sleep. Worried, I immediately sat next to her and gently shook her until she woke up.
When Chriss woke up, I handed her some water before getting under the covers next to her, wrapping my arm around her small body. “It must’ve been scary”
But as I expected, Chriss just cuddled closer and grabbed my shirt, nodding her head. “I know that Eunji is one of your friends here but why did you take the risk and followed her when you know it could be dangerous?”
“B-because, I want to help her. I want to help you” Chriss let out, looking at me with her doe eyes which makes me want to just squeeze her tightly and never let go
“Flower. You’re too sweet but it makes me worry you know. I’m worried that something worse could’ve happened even if it didn’t. I know you’re bored staying here on your own and just going to college but I’m still worried about you. If you wanted to train some self-defense then I can help with that but other than that, I wouldn’t want you to be involved in anything dangerous, okay?” I rambled on which made Chriss chuckle
“What’s so funny? I’m being serious here. I’m worried you know that” I groaned but Chriss hugged me tighter
“I know. But you look funny when you ramble like that. You like more approachable this way” Chriss chuckled, making me smile bigger
“Only for you that is” I smiled, bringing Chriss closer and kissed the top of her head, being with her until she fell asleep
NCT HQ - 1:27 am (3rd POV)
After both their respective girlfriends finally went into their slumber, both Taeyong and Johnny headed back to the NCT HQ together and once arrived, they immediately headed to where they would always keep their captives.
Reaching one of the rooms, the two met up with Jaehyun along with Yuta who were both waiting for them. “Apparently they’re all just some kids. Well, they’re practically in their late teens, early twenties but kids nonetheless” Yuta stated
“I doubt they’re kids if they’re as old as some of our younger members. They’re old enough to take responsibility for their actions” Johnny scoffed but Taeyong made no comment
Instead, Taeyong made his way into the room and unlike previous rooms, this one actually looked like a classroom with the teacher’s desk in the far front and there were around 20 desks and chairs in the room. Only instead of students, the room was filled with the intruders who tried to steal from them and were tied down to their chairs.
“Were you really going to hurt them?” was all Taeyong asked to the intruders, specifically targeting towards the leader amongst them
When he didn’t hear any answer Taeyong sighed and went up towards them and in a blink of an eye, Taeyong managed to scare everyone by pointing one of his knives by the leader’s throat, making them swallow their saliva.
“Yuta was right. You all should be grateful that you’re just a bunch of kids. Granted that you’re as old as some of our youngest members. But that doesn’t mean we won’t discipline you. Isn’t that right, Johnny?” Taeyong stated, looking at his fellow 95 line mate who looked at the intruders with a smirk
“Of course. What kind of leaders are we if we don’t discipline troublemakers” Johnny smirked as the two most feared men in NCT tormented their intruders
A/n: I'm so sorry I've been MIA for 2 months but life has been busy. I travelled for 2 weeks, was sick for 2 weeks and now just started a new job, somehow have a lot of freelance to do and yea, life is pretty hectic. But I hope that everyone's 2024 has been good, if not, we're on the same page then.
Also, am so sad that TY is finally going to enlist but I shall wait patiently for his return :') also", does anyone play nct zone? If you do, please message me so we can be mutuals in the game. Kay. I have one more request for the NCT mafia fic. If anyone wants to request anything, even just a simple one-shot, just hit me up. I shall now go back to suffer this office job that I haven't even worked for 1 week yet :))
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thoseboysinblue · 1 year
If the World was Ending
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Christian Pulisic x reader
Your ex, Christian shows up unannounced hoping to find some comfort in you after facing some rough times.
Word count: 3800+
Warnings: Smut, fluff, swearing, angst
Requested: No
A/N: This was inspired by the song "If the World was Ending" by JP Saxe ft. Julia Michaels. It may be terrible and I'm not sure I like it, but here it is.
You are watching the match from the comfort of your home, your laptop resting in your lap as you attempted to get some work done as well. They were having a terrible season, and tonight their Champions League dreams had also ended. You are wearing an old Chelsea hoodie which belonged to a boy you once loved, and part of you still did. However, he now stood in the middle of the pitch, looking tired, defeat washing over his beautiful features.
You met Christian shortly after he signed for Chelsea, the American quickly stealing your heart. You moved in together when rumors of a lockdown due to Covid swirled, neither of you wanting to be alone for the indefinite future. Your romance had been somewhat of a whirlwind at the beginning, both so swept up in each other that you didn't really even know what was happening. However, after two years together, it all ended, fairly amicably, neither of you to blame, but it was evident you weren't meant to be together, so you split up.
You would be lying if you said you didn't still think about him, you lost count of the number of times you started to reach out to him, when things weren't going well for him at Chelsea, when he helped the US qualify for the World Cup, when he scored what ended up being the goal that pushed them out of the group stages and he subsequently got injured, and again when they had failed to make it to the next round after a heartbreaking loss to the Netherlands. The thought also crosses your mind tonight, but ultimately like those other times, you decide against it.
What you didn't know was that with each of those events in his life, as well as countless others, he wanted more than anything to call you, he spent hours searching through notifications for any sign of you, but never found it, and never found the courage within himself to make the first move.
When the two of you broke up, you had agreed to stay friends, and you did for a while. You still attended some events with him, made it to the occasional match, and continued supporting him from afar. On occasion, he also reached out to you, seeking a particular type of comfort only you seemed to be able to provide. But for the last year, you had no contact with him, both of you thinking it was for the best to let the other move on.
A knock at your door dragged you from your thoughts, it was late, very few people were on the guest list for your appartment, and an even smaller number knew the code to get up to your floor, thinking it must be a neighbor needing something, you open the door, surprised to see a completely broken brown haired, brown eyed boy standing in front of you.
"Oh" you whispered quietly, looking into those eyes you used to get lost in for hours on end. "Hey" he croaks out, "I'm sorry, I left the stadium, heading home, but somehow ended up here, I wasn't even sure you still lived here until I found out I was still on the list, I don't want to bother you, I shouldn't have come over, I know it's been a long time, I just," he rambled, looking down at his feet, his hand rubbing over the back of his neck, a clear sign to you that he was nervous.
"Christian, stop," you reach out to place your hand on his jaw, causing him to look back up at you and sigh, instinctively relaxing into your touch. "Come in, please" you whisper, moving to the side and allowing him entrance into your apartment, a place that was as nearly as familiar to him as his own home.
With the door closed behind him, you pull him into a tight embrace. His face burrying into your neck as he breathes in your scent, a scent he didn't realize he had missed so much until just now. One of your hands settles into his hair while the other gently rubs his back, two things that you'd done thousands of times before tonight.
Quiet sobs escape his lips as you feel a few tears fall against your neck. You pull way from him, tilting his head up and wiping the tears away with your thumbs. He leans in and presses a soft kiss to your lips, "sorry," he mumbles "force of habit."
"It's ok," you whisper back, offering a reassuring smile which he doesn't reciprocate. "Would you like a beer or something?" you offer. "Tea would actually be nice," he says, his tone still very flat. He kicks off his shoes and follows you into the kitchen. You quickly grab the remote and turn off the post match coverage that was still playing, "sorry, force of habit" you smile reluctantly.
You fix tea for the both of you while he watches in silence, sliding his cup across the counter to him, you make your way over to the couch and sit down, him following close behind you. He takes a sip of the tea you'd made for him and his head falls back against the cushions, "some things never change" he sighs, "I've still never figured out how your tea is so much better than mine."
You stay quiet for a few more minutes, giving him time to hopefully settle in, "do you want to talk about tonight?" you ask him quietly. He shakes his head. "Ok, do you want to talk about anything?" you try again, still unsure why he showed up at your door, although, you have a pretty good idea of where this will end up. "Not really, it's all shit right now, so I wouldn't even know where to start," he says as he takes another sip of tea, "I shouldn't have just shown up here like this, I just didn't want to be alone, and you've always been the one person I could count on when it felt like the world was ending."
"Christian, I" you start but he stops you. "I know, y/n, I know we didn't work out for a reason, and I'm not here trying to sort through any of that, I can leave if you want me to. I know me showing up like this is probably the last thing you want or need."
"I don't want you to leave," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. You know he needs you more than anything or he wouldn't be here, and you have never been able to deny him, a part of you still needing to be needed by him. You turned on a movie, something he'd probably seen a hundred times, understanding it's what would help him to unwind.
Quietly, you stand up, taking your now empty cups to the kitchen. Your eyes staying focused on him as you wash them, watching him sitting on your couch with his head leaned back against the cushions. He looks so broken, so fragile to you that it breaks your heart.
When the two of you broke up, there were no hard feelings really, you'd simply grown apart, both of you needing time to figure out who you were and what you really wanted out of life. You had been lonely of course, you'd lost your best friend, you had been really close with his family, especially his sister, and the guys you had become so accustomed to being around every day just vanished, but ultimately this gave you the time and space you needed to really work on yourself, and for that you were thankful.
But looking at him right now, you knew what he was here for, this had happened a few times after your breakup, he would show up, needing you, and you didn't have it in you to send him away. So you'd sleep together. It wasn't meaningless, how could it be meaningless with someone you'd once been in love with, but it was easy, comfortable, and there were no awkward morning after regrets. After the last time, you really thought you were both done with each other for good though, especially since it had been over a year with no contact whatsoever.
He'd come home with you that last night, a fit of jealousy taking over him when he thought you were out with someone else, not giving you time to explain that it was someone from work, whose wife also happened to be accompanying you. He had practically dragged you out of the club you were in, the two of you tumbling into the back of a taxi, barely able to keep your clothes on until you got into your apartment. He had fucked you on the counter you were now leaning against, saying he wanted to show you who you still belonged to, and to be fair, you did belong to him, part of you always would. The next morning, he placed a light kiss on your forehead and left, and you hadn't heard from him since.
It was then that he realized that his behavior was toxic, he knew you had both agreed that you weren't right for each other, but he also knew he didn't want anyone else to have you either. After that night, he was painfully aware that he needed to take the time to actually work on himself, figure out who he was as an individual before trying to find his way back to you.
And now here he is, clearly at his most vulnerable point, barely a shadow of the fun-loving, happy guy you knew. You know what he wants and needs from you, and even though you know it will quite possibly break your heart, you still love him enough to give him what he needs. Right now, what he needs is to forget everything that's going on, and maybe, just for the night, he needs to be able to remember what you once had.
You wander back to the couch, grazing your hand over the top of his head as you pass by, sitting down a plate of his favorite cookies on the coffee table before handing one to him, also taking one for yourself as you sit down close to him, tucking your knees under you. He hums at the taste, memories flooding his mind as his eyes flutter closed. "These have always been my favorite," he says his voice barely above a whisper, giving you the only hint of a smile you've seen since he's been here. "I know, I got the urge to make them earlier, now I guess I know why," you offer him a kind smile as he shifts to rest his hand over your legs.
Without realizing, your hand moves towards his arm, lightly tracing over the tattoos that you had once adored so much. Eventually, his own body betrays him and he turns to lay with his head in your lap. He cannot explain why he needs you as much as he does, but right now, he doesn't have the energy to fight it.
He's laying on his back, one arm draped over his stomach while you still trace soft shapes over it, your other hand finds it's way to his hair, gently scratching at his scalp, hoping to help ease his mind in whatever way you can. "You can talk to me you know, I do still care about everything that's going on with you, I know it's been a rough patch lately and I should've reached out to you, I just thought maybe you had someone else and I didn't want to interfere."
He shakes his head softly, "no, there's no one else," he whispers.
"What about you? Is there someone that's going to walk through that door and want to kick my ass?"
You shake your head and notice a flicker of a smile on his lips before he starts to tell you everything that's been going on. You listen as he let's everything out, only nodding quietly or offering him your support and reminding him that most of these things are well beyond his control. As he keeps talking you feel worse and worse for not reaching out to him, especially the last time he had gotten injured, you knew when you saw it happen he would be devastated that his excellent run of form was yet again ruined with an injury, but you still didn't have it in you to call him.
After he finishes talking, he seems lighter, like he just needed to get all of the thoughts of his head and spoken in front of someone he knew he could trust not to pass any kind of judgement. "Thank you for listening to me, I know I just unloaded a whole lot of shit on you," he says, his expression a bit softer. "It's fine, Chris, um, Christian, I promised you a long time ago I would always be here for whatever you need, and I don't plan on breaking that anytime soon," you sigh, your hand moving to caress the fine stubble on his jaw.
He leans up towards you, pressing a tentative kiss to your lips before pulling away to glance over your expression. He smiles slightly when you cup your other hand over the other side of his face and lean in to kiss him again.
He quickly changes positions, pulling you into his lap so that you are straddling him without ever breaking the kiss. He lets out a quiet moan as you deepen the kiss, dipping your tongue into his mouth as you roll your hips over him. His hands slip under your shirt and skim up and down your back. You both pull away from the kiss breathless as you stand up holding your hand out to him and leading him to your room.
Once inside your room he stops you, "y/n, you need to know this isn't why I came over here tonight."
"Oh, do you not want to?" you answer him, your eyes searching his features.
"No, of course I want to, it's just, I don't want you to think that's the only reason I'm here."
"Ok" you whisper, going up on your tiptoes to kiss him again. You tug at the hem of his shirt and he quickly breaks away from you to pull it over his head before he pulls your hoodie off of you, smirking when he finally realizes it's one of his, "I looked for that forever," he lets out a soft laugh. "Sorry" you grin at him. "No you're not, you forget I can tell when you're lying, y/n."
"You're right, I'm not sorry at all, it was one of my favorites, still is," you mutter against his lips as you both move towards the bed peeling off the rest of your clothes and leaving a trail on the floor.
You fall back onto the bed as crawls towards you, "that's a sight for sore eyes" he whispers as his eyes drag over your naked form. "You're still the prettiest girl I've ever seen" he smiles at you.
He settles between your legs, you can feel his hardened length pressing into your leg when he leans down to kiss you. His hand grazes over your breast as he rolls one of your nipples between his fingers causing you to gasp. He slides his hand down your body, applying soft pressure over your clit as he dips two fingers into your entrance. Your breath hitches in your throat as your hips lift to meet his movements before he quickly withdraws his fingers and sucks on them, humming at the taste of you.
You reach between your bodies, wrapping your hand around his dick and lining it up with your entrance, "I need you, y/n" he whispers against your jaw, "I know, Chris, I need you too" you let out a faint moan as he pushes into you.
"Fuck" he breathes out dropping his head against your shoulder, "I'm gonna need just a second" he groans as he feels you clench around him when you nod, trailing your hands up and down his back.
He starts rocking his hips into you agonizingly slow. "You feel so good, Christian, oh fuck" you moan, knowing he loves being praised. "Shit, y/n, you feel amazing baby, I didn't think I could ever forget what you feel like, but I swear it's better than I remember," he pants out, your heart fluttering at the use of the pet name he always called you.
He picks up the pace, thrusting into you deeper as his cock pounds into your g-spot over and over as he hitches your leg up higher over his waist. "This isn't going to last as long as I want it to," he grunts out, slowing his pace and sliding his fingers down to rub circles over your clit. "You gonna be able to cum for me baby?" he asks noticing the way you throw your head back against the pillows. "Yes" you moan out, "keep going, just like that, Chris, I'm close."
You clench around him as your orgasm approaches, his movements becoming sloppy, hips faltering as he is holding off as long as he can. "Come on, y/n, cum for me," he whispers into your ear as your eyes roll back in your head and your back arches off of the bed. As your orgasm hits you, you let out a loud moan of his name. He stills inside of you when he cums, your name falling from his lips with a whimper before he collapses on top of you.
"Jesus" he breathes out as you nod, your fingers scratching at the back of his neck while you both work to steady your breathing.
He rolls over to your side, pulling you in for a kiss before you head to the bathroom to clean up. When you return, he's pulled his boxers back on and is waiting for you with the covers pulled back. He tosses you his T-shirt and you pull it over your head before climbing into bed next to him.
He drags you closer to him, not happy with the space you left between the two of you. You rest your head on his chest, listening to the familiar sound of his heartbeat as he scratches your back.
"Y/N" he says quietly, his voice a bit shaky, "I know, Christian, I know" you breathe out, pressing a kiss to his chest as he presses one to the top of your head, "let's just go to sleep, we can talk in the morning."
The next morning you wake up and pull on a pair of shorts under Christian's t-shirt before making your way to the kitchen. As you are finishing up a stack of pancakes, Christian wanders in, shirtless with his joggers hanging loosely around his hips.
"Hi" he says, sliding a hand around your waist and kissing you softly on the neck. Your posture goes rigid under his touch. This is different from the past few times you've been together, this feels more like it did when you were dating and you are not quite sure what to think.
"Sorry, y/n, I didn't mean to, I just thought," he drops his hand from your waist and moves around to the other side of the counter, an unmistakable sadness in his eyes.
"It's ok, I just wasn't expecting you to be so friendly this morning" you say as you slide a plate of pancakes over to him.
"That's my fault," he glances up at you, "the other times, since we broke up, I was unfair to you, I realized that after the last time, that's why I didn't come back, I knew I had to get myself in a better spot first."
"Shit, that's good" he practically moans as he takes a bite of his pancakes causing you to let out a giggle.
"What?" he says looking up at you, swiping some syrup from his lip with his tongue. "I don't know if I should be offended that that's the loudest I've ever heard you moan" you chuckle.
He lets out laugh, "these are really good, but they are nothing compared to you," he winks at you.
"Easy, lover boy, you can lay off the charm school tactics," you grin at him, "do you have training or something to get to?"
"No, we've got the day off" he shrugs, "but I'll be out of your hair after breakfast."
"Chris, that's not what I meant, you can stay as long as you would like, I was just asking to make small talk."
"You've never been good at small talk, y/n" he chuckles taking another bite of his food.
"Yeah, well, neither have you," you smirk back at him.
"Listen, I'm just going to come out and say what I need to say to you," he says sitting down his fork and reaching out to place his hand over yours.
"I know we ended things because we weren't right for each other, but I can't help but wonder if it was just that those versions of us weren't right for each other, but maybe the people we are now are meant to be together. I've spent the last year or so working on myself, figuring out who I am. I've also had some really high highs and really low lows, and the only person I wanted to share any of that with was you. It's ok if you say no, but I just needed to tell you. Again, I'm sorry for just showing up, but you were on my mind when I left the stadium and I didn't even realize I was driving here until I saw your building, but I miss you and I miss what we had and I..."
You move to stand between his legs, cupping his face in your hands as you lean down to kiss him softly, "I've missed you too," you whisper against his lips, "so much, Christian, but are you sure it's not just because this is easy and comfortable? I don't want you to miss out on something greater because your settling for what's familiar."
"Y/N, I'm not settling for you, I'm saying I'm choosing you, you are the person I'd face the end of the world with if I knew it was coming, that's not settling," he says as he stands up, wrapping his arms around your waist, "please, please give me another shot to prove it to you."
"Ok" you whisper as you wrap your hands around the back of his neck.
"Ok?" he raises an eyebrow at you as you nod.
"I still love you, you know, that's never changed."
"I still love you too, Christian," you smile at him, tears threatening to spill from your eyes as he leans down to capture your lips in a kiss.
@chelseagirl98 @neverinadream @masonspulisic @pulisicsgirl @swimmingismywholelife @lovelynikol16 @nyctophilic0vitnir @lunamelona @tall-tanned-tattoo
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jmdbjk · 1 year
Oh, Jimin...
These are my personal impressions, thoughts, interpretations and opinions on Jimin’s solo FACE album. Some of the things I say here are built on things I know from past original content, interviews and what Jimin has shared personally. Some of it is just me reveling in my first experience with Jimin’s long awaited album. 
It is such a serious album. Jimin said this is the story of what he was feeling, chronologically, 2020-2022, during the pandemic era. At the beginning of 2020, BTS was rising higher than any Korean artist ever had before and then all of a sudden the momentum came to a halt, and there was nothing. Having the life you’ve known suddenly jerked away from you is traumatizing. 
Once the king of social media, Jimin almost ceased by the end of 2020 and never went back. “Oh, he just outgrew it.” No, the man was struggling with his issues and not only did he not need to see the extra crap spewed all over social media but he had nothing left to give, nothing left inside. 
I noticed how Jimin looked physically back in 2020. He was downright frail y’all. The man was trying to give us what we wanted at the expense of his mental and physical health. That breakdown he had during the ending ments in Memories 2020 was too much. They were all stressed out, but Jimin... those that said he was being over dramatic... the man was struggling with his mental health.
I wrote this last June, 2022 but never posted it: 
After Memories 2020 dropped, we’ve heard Jimin say he struggled after everything got canceled. Days upon days that turned into months upon months and more than two years passed before they finally returned to in-person performances. He stated that during isolation and lockdowns he wondered what was the purpose of his life, or that he had lost his purpose.
Jimin’s struggles were most likely much more severe than he let on and he 100% kept it to himself because he didn’t want us to worry about him. That sounded like solo delusional projection but think about Jimin and how he’s behaved in the past...always telling us not to worry. Always saying things to reassure us that he’s happy, he eats well, don’t worry.
There was no working, no performing, their lives and his life changed drastically overnight just like all of ours did. Would we ever get back to normal? What will happen in the future? When will all of this end? 
The album opens with a carnival calliope, it was a little jarring and unexpected. The images it conjured in my brain as the notes played were of a worn out circus winding down. It made me think of the big wild circus that WAS his life, and it just wound down and keeled over. 
Knowing the premise of the album, I think the title, Face-Off, implies Jimin is looking at himself. Speaking to himself. The lyrics could also imply he is speaking to someone else, like people he once trusted. But I don’t think so. 
He was having a confrontation with himself. Reasoning and bargaining with himself.
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Maybe he once trusted himself but in this time and place in which he finds himself, he questions what is he doing? and second guessing himself. Day in and day out, the days are all the same nothingness. Hiding his feelings, faking it, pretending it was all ok. It’s all cool. It’ll be all right. He has said many times he looks back at that time and thinks he could have done more for the fans. Being hard on himself. His own worst critic. 
And then this enters the picture: using alcohol to self-medicate. Getting drunk. Numbing the pain. Forgetting. Drink all night. Oh, Jimin...
We know he has a very high alcohol tolerance. He once mentioned that he used to drink a lot. When he declined the champagne during the live after the Busan concert, we all made jokes about it and moved on. Oh, Jimin. 
Face-Off feels like it could have been a purging song when he wrote it. A little primal, you know... just scream, get it out. Painful but cathartic. 
This is the lyric that was scary: “tonight is a beautiful night, I think I’m close (or I think I have it all/I think I’ve found myself)” were chilling to me because they did not come across as optimistic, they came across as being at the end of one’s rope after becoming a shell of a person. He follows that line with “tonight I don’t want to be sober.” Oh, Jimin. 
His vocals open very low and moody then transition to a plaintive cry, punctuated with anger. 
Pour it down, pour it out... the anger, the emotions, the words, just pour it out. 
Interlude: Dive
Like the calliope that sadly wound down, Dive opens with the melody slowly winding back up to speed. Another day starting. Someone knocks, voices, the ambience of a normal day, breathing, running footsteps. The crowd cheering and Jimin’s voice during his ending ments at the Busan concert, more sounds of people in his life. We hear Jimin’s footsteps trudging, it sounds like we hear him climbing steps, entering his house, closing the door, and first thing he does when he is alone in the quiet is pour a drink and drinking deeply. I am concerned. 
Maybe it is supposed to represent the closing of Chapter 1, about a day in the past that was once a “normal” day, since it included the last things he said during that concert.
The music track is dreamlike, repetitive. Living in a dream. Every day. Same thing. Go home. Drink. Do it again. Dive means go deep. In deep. He’s in deep. 
There is a very subtle line between drinking in order to make it through another day/night versus drinking to relax and wind down. A slippery slope to walk on every single day.
We’ve transitioned from the world changing overnight to living in a daze trying to pretend everything is ok. Coping.
Like Crazy
(I am going to express my thoughts using the English version of the song.)
Jimin has explained the song is influenced by the movie of the same name. 
I have learned that the dialogue from the movie was NOT original to the movie but hired voice actors specifically for the song: “I think we can last forever.” “I’m afraid that everything will disappear.” “Just trust me.” And at the end: “How long again?” “What’s the point?”
He has said the dialogue that was used fit the message of the song. I have not seen the movie. I don’t think the song is a literal interpretation of the movie. I think the song’s basic concept is the emotional struggle trying to maintain a dream. But maintaining a dream is unrealistic no matter what you do to try to make it last. Jimin had to come to terms with that.
Jimin’s vocals begin very light and airy, very dreamy. 
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[God, he’s fine.]
The vibe of the song is sort of retro, very much evokes the artist, The Weeknd. It has a very 80′s synth beat. It is a very danceable song. Like I said, on the surface.... very dreamy.
Vocals transition and it still seems like he’s having a conversation with himself, or with a voice within himself. A voice telling him to “trust me, follow me... I will make it good for you.” Me: gives a side eye to that voice in Jimin’s head because now I know it’s not trustworthy. “I’ll take the pressure off, been reaching for the stars.” Chasing that high. Go easy, Jimin. Please be careful.
Yes, the lyrics are also very sexy... “give me a good ride,” and “Let me have a taste.” Yep, I’m with ya on all that... ahem... 
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[side note: I love the make up in the bathroom scene with that stroke of silver under his eye.]
“All my reflections, I can’t even recognize.” ...what he sees of himself is not reality. He doesn’t recognize himself. Don’t try to save me. I want to stay like this. 
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To me, the mud on the floor, the mud flowing down the walls, the mud on the hand that grabs his wrist at the beginning of the song, the mud on his hand at the end... could represent his perceived imperfections, flawed, therefore dirty: his struggle to cope, his less than perfect thoughts... substance abuse... the struggle that he needs to be perfect on the outside or the attempt to appear perfect on the outside but there’s all this dirt on the inside that he can’t hide any longer.....the huge pile of mud at his feet is out of place in the otherwise normal room of his life. Becoming overwhelming for him.
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Some of the visuals of this song are, to put it bluntly, very, not heterosexual. Again, these are just my impressions and opinions. But a friend pointed out the photo on the front of his pants and I went looking for information about the art photographer, Robert Mapplethorpe. He was heavily involved in New York’s gay BDSM scene. Some of the things written about him: 
“In a rapidly changing society, he fearlessly confronted taboos surrounding gender, sexuality and mortality, seeking to instill beauty and dignity into subjects that lay outside accepted social norms.”
“... a man who consistently brought his audience face to face with the unknown and the unseen.”
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The song ends with him reaching toward the camera to smear it with the mud to hide his imperfect self. When Jimin puts his face in front of the camera, he doesn’t want us to see his imperfections. He wants to be as perfect as he can, he says it all the time, he wants to look pretty for us, but I hope he has realized we accept him as a real human being even with his very human imperfections. 
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The alarm clock goes off...yet another day...doesn’t trust the people even if they are nice to him...he’s lost...day in day out... passing out drunk and not remembering...what am I doing? am I the only one feeling like this? Alone, pretending to be ok...every day the same...how much more until I can go back to before? Feeling more and more isolated within his own mind, pretending to be ok but losing himself every day. Mayday. The cry for help. Telling himself it will be all right (we all told ourselves this back then). The small nagging voice that doesn’t believe it. 
Realizing you’ve changed and you are never going back to the way you were before. 
Not gonna lie, that line right there broke my heart. Gives new meaning to Set Me Free Pt. 2′s line: "raise your hands for the past me.” 
He was in so much trouble and no one knew. He reassured us over and over that he was fine. Not to be over-dramatic but I don’t want to think about how close he was... I have seen a few people say this song really resonated with them. It is a very powerful cry for help.
Jimin’s vocals blew me away. The vocals start out very subdued, almost beaten down. His vocal fry squeezes my heart. He ends crying out “what do I have to do to end this darkness?” Bad twilight. Night’s can be hard.
Set Me Free Pt. 2
From my post on March 17, 2023:
Going insane to stay sane. Raise your hands for the past me. Now set me free. This is where I literally cried. Oh, Jimin.
Going crazy trying to fake being ok. 
Now I know this song is about him saving himself, setting himself free from this prison he was in, the depression, breaking the chains of alcohol dependency, of telling the naysayers out there and his own internal naysayer to go fuck themselves, Park Jimin is back. Strong and beautiful and fierce. The light of the moon shining on us. 
We know he still considers soju his joy. He sounds like he’s taken control, not totally abstaining, but in control. I only wish the rest of his days are happiness and stable mental health well-being. 
So unexpected. I was in shock. My heart floated away. 
People talk about how Jimin’s album has no collabs on it, unlike the previous member’s solo work. My opinion is, when you are sharing deeply intimate feelings and emotions and struggles about yourself you don’t want or need other people/voices on your song. It’s not appropriate. 
The only exception to this was… Jungkook…not exactly a collab, but he’s there. The other songs used background vocalists who are not members of BTS. 
This song was hidden. Yes, there have been other hidden songs. But come on...
Letter has a strong stroke of Promise in the “oh, oh.” And when Jungkook starts singing it is like the world is set right because those two voices blend like nothing else I’ve ever heard. And he comes in in the middle of the song gently supporting Jimin’s vocals. But unmistakably Jungkook. I know it’s up to interpretation, but for me, the lyrics from then on take on something a little extra in meaning with Jungkook there singing with Jimin. 
You held your hand out to me and now I will hold on to you. So simple and beautiful. The sounds of the surf remind me of the song “Okinawa” that Jimin posted once. Which also reminds me of their pics at Santa Monica beach...
Letter seems to be an actual letter. When the members told him to write it down, put it in a song, maybe Jimin’s first impulse was to write it as if it was a letter. The lyrics are simple and very to the point and convey:
“...though I’m not good with words, I want to sincerely say let’s make each other happier. You who showed me I am bigger than my small self. You've been by my side and I will be by yours. I hope we stay together until the cold winter. Though the future is unknown and scary, let’s stay together. Never forget we’re together.”
There are references to past songs: Sea, Spring Day. Both of those songs were from 2017. 
But Jungkook. On a Jimin song. That was hidden. Clever. That we had no idea about...even though Kookie knocked us over the head with it when he played the guitar for us, making sure we knew he’d only had one lesson. Who do you think gave him that first guitar lesson? Jimin... and Kookie blurting out some English in his last live... who do you think he’s been practicing English with? Duh, Jimin. 
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It was a hidden song AND the credits were hidden on the page in the book. They were printed in varnish only, which is basically shiny, clear ink.
You know what I think? Jungkook knew about this song since Festa dinner. The teasing about not being offered the chance to listen to the song. That little shit. I KNOW IT WAS THIS SONG!! I JUST KNOW IT!! This was the rumored subunit. Or at least one of them. I guess we’ll eventually see if there are any more between the others.
They sound so beautiful together. I love them. And as I keep saying, they are fine… they’ve been fine.
Last words...
Anyway, that was a lot of words. Maybe I got too deep. Jimin explained himself about how the album originated. 
As I was telling my friend earlier...everything in this album has peeled a layer, or several layers, away from EVERYTHING I've seen and heard from Jimin and the group since 2020. I had written some things in the past, like last June and even before that, about how Jimin seemed not well mentally. Things that I had no business saying in public because who the hell am I to think I can say something like that about someone I have never met? So I never posted those words. I never thought I would be so close to the mark in thinking those things. He’s been through it, wrote songs about it, and moved on. And I am so proud of him and this album. 
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
Attention seekers (Pedri x Reader)
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**I got this request and my writer’s block suddenly disappeared. Funny that, right? 👀🤷 Anyways, the story is set in lockdown-ish times but that isn’t the plot but what kickstarts the plot. Hope you guys enjoy it!! ❤️❤️ **
Word count: 3115
“So it’s cancelled? Yeah, I get it. Hopefully, you won’t feel too bad. See you soon”.
You hung up the phone feeling so annoyed by the change of plans. After all the months of lockdown, it was possible to travel again and you had planned a trip with your uni friends. But now one of them tested positive and both she and all the others had to stay home. You didn’t see them since your exams were done, so you knew you were fine but…what were you going to do for your holidays now? Your family was going on a cruise with some friends of the family and you couldn’t think of a more boring plan.
“What’s wrong, princess? You look sad”, said your dad when he saw you sitting down, phone still in your hand.
“My holidays have been cancelled because all my friends have to quarantine. I guess I’ll stay here. There are worse places to be”.
“Come with us. There’s room for one more”.
“I don’t like cruises, dad. Besides, you’re travelling with people I don’t even know”.
“Nonsense”, he said, and you could tell he was not going to change his mind. “You know them. We used to be with them all the time”.
“Yes, when I was a baby. I don’t remember any of it”.
“Well, they are great so why don’t you come with us to Barcelona to see them and then if you don’t want to go on the cruise, you can come back here and be all alone. But give it a try”.
“Ok”, you said, rolling your eyes. It wasn't as if you had better plans.
A lot of the stricter restrictions had been lifted, but you still needed to quarantine before travelling abroad. So the families’ plan was to stay at the house of one of the kids in Barcelona since that’s where the cruise will be leaving from. It was apparently big enough for all of you because he was a rich football player now. You couldn’t care less about those things.
“I can’t believe you don’t remember Pedri”, said your mum.
“I do”, laughed your sister.
“Well, you’re older…”.
“Yes, and I also remember because you two were so funny together. You were either throwing things at him or trying to kiss him”.
“Don’t say that in front of him”, you told her but her smirk told you she was going to tell him the moment she could bring it up.
“I’m sure you’ll get on well, honey. He’s a great kid and so is his brother”.
You nodded at your dad’s words, already bored of hearing so much about Perfect Pedri. It was going to be a long trip for sure.
When you got to his house you couldn’t lie and pretend you weren’t impressed. He really was doing well. And also, a big house meant it was easier to avoid people you didn’t want to see so it worked for you.
After all the greetings and all the “oh my God! I can’t believe how tall and pretty you are!” comments, you excused yourself to your room. People never realised how shy you actually were and being surrounded by strangers, even if they weren’t completely strangers, wasn’t so easy for you. Plus the heartbreak of missing out on your dream holidays with your friends was still too recent.
After a little nap, you decided to head to the kitchen to ask when dinner was going to be ready and if they needed any help. But the moment you left the room, you bumped into a body and your phone fell to the floor.
“Sorry”, said Pedri, reaching for your phone and taking a quick look at the screen before giving it back to you. “Carlos? Is that your boyfriend?”
“No. Give that back”.
“Sure. I was sent to tell you dinner will be ready soon”.
“Ok, thanks”.
You tried to move but he got in your way. What was his problem?
“I remember you”.
“I don’t remember you”, you said back, trying to walk again but he was still blocking the way.
“Our parents got the photo album out. You would like to see some of the photos. There are a lot of just you and me. It looked like we were good friends and seeing them made me remind you”.
“Great! I guess my sister already told you about me hitting and kissing you. Glad I wasn’t there to be embarrassed”.
“Kissing me?”
“Let’s go eat”.
You managed to leave that uncomfortable conversation and made your way downstairs, trying to remember the way to the kitchen. The last thing you needed was to get lost.
“You were nicer in my memories”.
Being stuck at home was a familiar feeling for everyone now but when it was someone else's house…
"We could go read in the garden", offered your sister.
"Sure, let me pick up my Kindle".
Everyone else was also in the garden, of course. You walked past Pedri and Fer and saw they were playing football.
"Doesn't he get bored of kicking a ball all the time?", you asked your sister but it was Pedri who answered.
"No, I don't. Do you want to play with us?"
You looked away, shaking your head and heading to the chairs where you could do some reading.
"It's like a reversal of what used to happen", said Fer, laughing at his brother's expression.
"What do you mean?"
"As kids. She was always following you around and trying to get your attention. Now it's you doing that".
"I'm not doing anything. Just trying to make her feel welcome".
"I saw your face when she got here yesterday. You didn't believe me when I told you how pretty she was…but now you do and want some of her attention".
"Whatever. Besides, she has a boyfriend".
"She does? Her parents said she didn't".
Pedri thought about the messages he saw on your phone when he picked it up. Whoever Carlos was, he was definitely flirting with you and you were flirting back. So boyfriend or not, you had your eyes on someone.
"I thought we were going to read".
"You're glued to your phone. Who are you talking with?"
"No one", you said. Because you weren't, really. You were just checking if Carlos had answered any of your messages but he hadn't.
He had tested negative and you offered to go back to Castellón to be with him but ever since you said that…silence.
"Is it Carlos?"
"Just leave it! Stop getting in my business!"
You didn't want to raise your voice but your sister was always trying to get you to talk about everything. And you didn't like that. The more people tried to pry into your life, the less you wanted to share any details with anyone. Why couldn't they understand you would talk when you felt comfortable?
When you got to the kitchen, you bumped into Pedri again.
"Are you following me or something?"
"What? I was getting an ice cream from the kitchen. Do you want one? It's getting really hot".
You shook your head, walking into the kitchen when you noticed him grabbing your arm to stop you.
"You don't have to run away from me. I don't bite".
"I guess you are used to the fangirls following you everywhere but I'm not doing anything because of you. I just want to be alone".
Pedri was getting annoyed by the way you treated him.
"Have you seen my sister?"
"Yes, she went inside after letting me know again how much she dislikes me".
"Why would she dislike you?", asked your sister, surprised he was saying that.
"She barely looks at me when I speak to her, always being so…I don't know, arrogant and cold".
"Don't take it personally. She's really shy and struggles with new people".
Pedri nodded. He guessed that made sense.
"And…she wasn't supposed to be here. She was going on a trip with her friends but one is sick and the rest are quarantining. And the guy she likes is a dick".
That caught his attention. "Is he?"
"Yes. He's always leading her on and then stops talking to her for weeks. Until he's bored again and wants some attention. But if I try to tell her she gets mad at me. Like she's right now. And also, she had a bad experience with a football player".
"When? What happened?"
Your sister laughed again, remembering how mad you had been. "She's studying to be a journalist in Castellón and got to do an interview with a Villarreal player for an assignment. He was…well, asshole doesn't begin to cover how he was. So her opinion of you guys is a bit tainted".
Pedri nodded, noticing his ice cream was starting to melt and used that as an excuse to go back to the garden.
He didn't expect you to be so complex. Thinking you were just being bitchy to him for no reason was easier but now he was intrigued. And not just because you were pretty like his brother said.
[You]: do you know if you're going back to Castellón or not yet?
You didn't expect an answer from Carlos, seeing the last 5 texts in the conversation all came from you and he had left you on read all 5 times.
[Carlos]: can you Facetime?
[You]: yes!!
You ran to the bathroom quickly to check how you looked before running back to the bed to answer his call.
"Hey! How are you?"
"Been busy. You?"
"Bored", you laughed. "Can you save me from going on this boring cruise, please?"
Carlos didn't have time to say more before you heard a knock on your door.
"We are going shopping", said Pedri. "Do you need anything from the supermarket?"
"I don't know. I'm busy now …".
"We are leaving now. Don't complain later about us getting the wrong milk or whatever".
"Who's that?", asked Carlos.
"The guy who owns this house, he…", another knock. "Pedri! I'm on the phone. Leave me alone!"
"Pedri? Like the Barça player".
"Not like", you said, rolling your eyes. "The Barça player".
Carlos' face annoyed you. He was looking at the screen as if you were stupid.
"Sure. You know famous players and stay in their houses. Right".
You got up and walked to the door, opening it and finding Pedri there, waiting.
"Look", you said, pointing the camera at him.
"Who's that?", tried to ask Pedri before Carlos lost it.
"Oh my God! It's really you. I'm a big fan, man. Can you sign a shirt for me?"
He guessed that was Carlos and between what your sister told him and the way he heard him talk to you, he was already bored of seeing his stupid face.
"I don't have any shirts here. Sorry", he said, tone dry.
"I could send one. Or I can go visit you guys in Barcelona if you are friends".
Pedri's response was to move your phone away from his face and look at your surprised face.
"Do you want something or not? We can't be here all day waiting for you to be done talking to your boyfriend".
"He's not my boyfriend".
"Good. You deserve better", he said, loud enough for Carlos to hear.
When he left, you closed the door and went back to your bed.
"Well, he's a dick".
"I have to go, Carlos".
"Are you coming to Castellón then? I'm bored. No one is here".
Yes. You deserved better.
"No. I'll stay with my family".
You picked up your mask and ran downstairs, hoping they hadn't left yet.
"Can I go with you?", you asked Pedri and his mum, who were on their way out.
"If you want to go, I'll stay. I'm really tired", said his mum, leaving you two alone.
"Are you driving?"
He nodded and you followed him to his car.
"I'm sorry about Carlos. He's…well, he …".
"He's an asshole".
"Yeah", you said, looking away.
"I'm sure you can do better than someone like him".
"You're more optimistic than me, then", you said, laughing sadly.
"Why do you say that?"
"The last months have been tough".
"You could say", he said, making you laugh.
"I mean, apart from that. I'm shy and meeting new people drains my energy. So going to a new uni, and meeting new people, …it was hard enough before lockdowns and all that. And I guess I've been guilty of just settling for the first person who is nice to me a few times".
"It can happen to anyone".
You looked at him and saw no judgment in his face.
"How was it for you? Moving to Barcelona, I mean. Leaving your teammates to meet new ones. I guess it's a bit similar to changing schools".
"It was hard at the beginning. I can be shy too but it's better now. The squad is really nice. I got lucky".
"That's good to hear".
You kept driving to the supermarket in silence but thankfully it was a short drive.
"I have a list", said Pedri showing you his phone, "but get whatever you want".
It was your first time shopping there so you just followed him and kept putting things you liked in the trolley. Then you noticed him moving and hiding behind you.
"What? Did you see an ex or something?", you asked, trying not to laugh.
"Worse, a group of kids with Barça shirts. I don't mind them asking for photos but you are here too".
"I don't mind either…".
"They'll say I was with my girlfriend if they see us together".
"Oh…right. Keep hiding then".
You couldn't help but laugh seeing him scan the aisles before walking.
"Pe…", you started to say his name but were freaked out like him, so you grabbed his arm instead. "Sorry for being so rude to you. I…it's no excuse but I don't know how to interact with people sometimes and get all snappy".
"It's ok. Your sister told me".
She did?
"I'm sorry anyway".
You couldn't see his mouth because of the mask, but the way his eyes wrinkled told you he was smiling and that made you smile back.
Maybe the holidays weren't going to be that bad.
The days after your trip to the supermarket were pretty uneventful. You still had to stay home and spent most of the time in the garden but the tension you felt staying at Pedri's surrounded by people you didn't know disappeared. Your parents were happy to see you were being more confident and just the normal you they knew and loved.
"Now that we have sunscreen there is no excuse. We're working on our tan, little sis".
Yeah, well…that was an excuse because you didn't want to wear a tiny bikini in front of everyone. The beach was one thing but the garden? It felt weird. But only to you because everyone else had been just wearing swimwear all day. Everyone but you.
"I don't know…".
"The green one", she said, ignoring you while she looked into your suitcase. "It looks so good on you".
Tired of the comments about how you were boiling under the clothes, you took the bikini from her hands and put it on.
You wrapped a towel around your body and followed your sister to the garden. Pedri and Fer were in the kitchen making some drinks for everyone. You put the towel on the grass while they were carrying the trays out and if it wasn't for Pedri's dad's good reflexes, the tray his youngest son was holding would have ended up on the floor.
"Sorry", he said, looking away from where you stood, applying sun cream to your body.
Fer noticed the reason for the near accident and chuckled.
"Ask her if she needs help applying cream on her back".
"Shut up".
But no matter how much he pretended to not be affected by your presence, everyone noticed. And after many whispers that confused you, they managed to find a way to leave you two alone in the garden.
"And then there were two", you joked.
"Yeah", now it was his turn to act shy.
"Am I going to have to throw things at you like when I was a kid? To get your attention?"
"I'd prefer if you tried to kiss me again”, he muttered.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing. I'm just distracted, I guess".
"I think I get now why people get annoyed when I don't look at them while I speak. It's pretty unnerving when you do it".
He took a deep breath and turned to look at you.
"It's hard to look at you right now".
"Am I that ugly? Really?", you joked but he didn't laugh.
He shook his head and you noticed him looking at you. Really looking at you. His eyes going from your head to your toes and then back to your head again.
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable when you notice you're almost making me drool".
"Am I?"
Now he nodded, looking at your face to try and see your reaction.
"I'm not uncomfortable. You can keep looking".
He nodded again. "You can look too".
That made you laugh. "I've been looking for a couple of days. Keep working on the gym. The results aren't half bad".
After your little confession, Pedri put a towel next to yours to lie down. And you both talked about the most random things. Just entertaining each other. His company felt nice. Way nicer than Carlos' ever felt and that only showed you how much you were wasting your time trying to impress him.
"Dinner is almost ready, kids", said your mum. "Why don't you get ready? We're watching a movie afterwards if you want to join us".
Pedri got up and offered you a hand to do the same, which you took. Wrapping your towel around your body again, you followed him inside the house.
It was back to walking in silence until you got to your room.
"See you in a bit", he said when you opened the door. But instead of getting inside and closing it, you grabbed his arm to pull him inside with you. "What …".
"I wanted your attention so I thought, should I throw something at him again? But then I realized it would be rude to do that in your own house and I'm rambling again because being shy sucks".
He was biting his lip, trying not to laugh.
"So anyways, I'll do this instead", you finished saying before kissing him.
"I don't think you have my full attention, sorry. Maybe try again?"
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fartcushion · 1 month
Lockdown Bubble - Part 2
The next day I came downstairs before Antony and made breakfast, sittng at the table with my back to the counters and munching away as he walked in. "Morning" he said cheerfully, and I waved a response while swallowing a mouthful of cereal.
"Morning, got anything planned today?", and took in another bite.
"Not really. Weekends aren't the same during lockdown. Day in front of the TV again I guess" he replied busying himself behind my head making his own breakfast. As he bent down to get the milk he let out a short fart. "Oh excuse me! That just slipped out".
Desperately trying to swallow the cereal before I retched it out from the smell, I leaned as far away as I could get. "Oh man, not another one, why do your farts smell so bad?"
"My diet isn't that great" Antony shrugged, then gave his belly a jovial wobble as if to emphasize the point. "If you think my farts are bad, just wait until I've done one of those home work out vids. Now they build up a sweat"
"I'll stay clear of that then until you shower!"
"Who knows, might be something else you learn to love. Like my farts", and that devilish grin returned.
I turned around to deny that I would never, but realised too late the huge mistake it was. Antony had purposely bent forward on the counter with his ass aimed directly at my head in hope his bait would work. As I turned to face him he released another quick airy fart right at me.
Antony was beside himself laughing. In disgust I shot out the chair to wash my face in the sink. "Omg, so gross!"
"Aww I'm sorry, I was just having a laugh. Didn't mean to get you right in the face. Good job your mouth was closed ay, otherwise you'd have been swallowing last night's dinner again". He chuckled as he sat and ate his breakfast.
I finished drying myself and sat back to finish breakfast. "I'm beginning to think you have a thing for farts the way you keep subjecting me to then"
Antony chewed in thoughtful silence for a moment before responding, "nah, not the farting itself. I just aren't bothered by them like you are. But what I do like is humiliation, subjecting others to it. Like some people love having their feet worshipped, I don't care about it particularly, but if a guy hates feet then that's what I want them doing. I get off on that power". I was stunned by the honesty.
"That being said I am also very good at figuring out what someone truly desires. So either my farts will be a good punishment for you, or they'll be something you secretly crave". And he carried on eating as if he hadn't just dropped a bombshell.
"I can guarantee that I do not want your farts, they're certainly not my thing. And I'm not a big fan of feet either come to that matter"
Again Antony smirked while finishing his cereal. "Dont worry, we will only be vanilla then if that's what you want. I just thought last night you said you would be an obedient slave"
I felt oddly insulted. Was I vanilla? Surely there was a large gap between just wanting to suck a cock or sit on a dick, and having to be subjected to Antony's gaseous assaults. And I was ashamed to admit it, but every time he called me a slave I could feel my dick start to throb. Maybe I could help satisfy his need to dominate without going too far.
"I'm not vanilla! Just maybe you're a lot more experienced than me. I want to please, sir". I paused while giving an innocent doll eyed look, "but maybe, don't be too mean?"
"Of course not, wouldn't want you leaving here. And as a show of good will, how about you suck my cock?" Antony offered.
I felt relieved. It was stupid, but I didn't want to be boring and we'd both said how much fun being a bubble with benefits would be so I didn't want to look like I was bailing on it.
I pushed my chair out and slid under the table. Antony opened his legs so I could get at his crotch. He was wearing the same boxers as yesterday having not changed. The smell of the sweat from the night's sleep and a bit of dried cum was noticeable. Again I didn't want to be a buzz kill so without I protest pulled his fat cock out of the flap. Once in my mouth it started to harden and I began to work it.
Antony leaned back looking under the table at me slobbering on his cock. "Oh damn that feels good. Though I forgot to warn you that I needed a piss..."
My eyes must have shot open in terror. But before I could pull away Antony had slid his large hand to the back of my head and I felt a hard grip hold me in place.
"...I'm kidding! Would I do that to you? Keep sucking on that cock bitch, don't you dare stop when it feels this good"
The grip didn't let off but I felt reassured enough to carry on. Humiliation was one thing, but he wouldn't force me drink his piss surely.  His hand forced me down so the cock was slamming the back of my throat, and he began convulsing in the chair as he came. I swallowed quickly as he held me there for a minute before letting him go, making sure I got every drop.
"Ah, what a way to start the day. Think you can manage that as your new morning routine?"
I scrambled up off the floor. "Erm, yeh I guess, might be in a rush for work if you're not up early enough".
"Ah don't worry, I've got an idea for that". Without further comment on the matter he went to watch TV. I stood there for a moment. Unsure what to make of the morning. I was also sad that I'd not been given chance to come. I did consider excusing myself to go have a wank. But thought best save it. If I didn't want to look frigid, or vanilla, I'd want to stay horny. But how hard could it be to please Antony's needs?
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starseedpatriot · 4 months
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I have no patience for you trolls that don’t understand why Trump had to push the jab anymore. I really don’t. And I’m not apologizing for it either.
#1 Had he not done so, he would have been labeled an enemy of the people for not providing a vaccine. He also would have been immediately attacked harder than ever, and then immediately impeached. For fuck sake, they attacked him for talking about the things that did work, how the hell do you think they would have acted had he come out against the vaccine???
#2 Had he not done that, we’d still be in lockdowns. We’d still have mask mandates, and half the damn country would still be at home.
#4 He gave ALL OF US more than enough information on HCQ, Ivermectin and Regeneron. As well as Chlorine Dioxide, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc. He literally told the populace about all of that - like a broken record - FOR MONTHS before a fucking vaccine was even mentioned.
#5 No one in this country was forced to take it. Yep. Some private companies mandated it. But ya know what? PEOPLE STILL HAD A CHOICE. Anyone in this country that took the vaccine made the choice to do so. I get that folks were forced to take it or lose their livelihood. I’m empathetic and understanding to that - at the same time, I’m not gonna ignore the fact that even those folks caved to fear and didn’t even offer up the opportunity for God to serve up a new job or career in their lives. For every person I know who took it to save a “job”, I know someone who stood firm in their convictions, denied it, and were lead to better opportunities by a divine hand. I’m sorry, but the vaccine was an ultimate test of faith in this country, and many failed to place their trust and faith in God to see them through, instead choosing to take the jab to stay in their comfort zone. God can’t work for you if you never even give him the chance by not standing within your truth and conviction.
#6 DJT putting Fauci up front shined a spotlight right on him and exposed his shit to exponentially more people than it ever had been before.
#7 DJT told us all from the get go what Covid was, where it came from, and how to treat it. Many, however, still choose to ignore all the above points and ree like school children being told they can’t have a nap.
He literally had no fucking choice. Period. End of story.
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