#also maybe zacks goofy smile will cheer her up too
zackcollins · 2 years
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Slow Motion Celebration || DET vs TOR || 07/28/22 || For: @whimsical-daydreams​
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sparring-hyena · 3 years
If you are taking requests can you write when one Party MC has a few more drinks and is really drunk and she is all goofy with Becca. And Becca has to take her to her room . She changes her clothes tucks her in bed and all that sweet fluff. MC also asks Becca to stay and cuddle her
she was apprehensive at first. apprehensive about a lot of things really. her relationship—is that what we’re calling it?—with Alex had been one thing, but moving into a house with her and her ragtag group of friends had been something completely different.
good different? her brain wonders.
Becca takes a sip of her drink as she considers her answer. maybe.
more recently she’s been apprehensive about the party they decided to throw. well, Zack and Kaitlyn decided to throw. Alex and Chris had been quick to jump on board, citing things like we deserve to let loose and it’ll be fun.
and Becca’s still trying to find her place with everyone, figure out how she fits in with them. because she still feels like she doesn’t quite belong, doesn’t quite deserve this chance she’s been given. and she knew that a party would be a good way of bridging that gap between them but what if it just proves that i don’t belong with them? that i don’t belong with her?
it’s ridiculous to think, she knows. because they’d all cheered in glee when she agreed that a party would be fun. Alex had slipped up to her later that evening and made sure that she was okay with throwing a party, because of course she had. that’s just the type of person she is. and Becca had kissed her and reaffirmed that a party would be fun.
and it is fun—the party. there’s drinking and games and laughter and music that thrums along her veins. she couldn’t have asked for a better night. she spots Alex mixing herself a drink, and cringes when she sees her mix vodka, tequila, and gin together. she shuffles through the crowd and slips up to Alex’s side.
“you’re not actually going to drink that, are you?” she says just as Alex picks up her cup.
“yes?” even that one word comes out slurred. “did you want one?” and now she looks delighted at the idea of getting to share her creation with Becca.
Becca raises an eyebrow in lieu of a response, but Alex doesn’t seem to comprehend what it means.
she reaches out and pats Becca’s face. “you have really expressive eyes.” and then she steps into Becca’s space and loops one arm around her neck, drink sloshing a little, and cups her cheek with her other hand. “they’re so preeeeetty. i could stare at them forever.”
“how much have you had to drink?”
Alex shrugs and takes a sip of her drink. her face scrunches up in disgust but she still has another sip. “not much.” and then she giggles like a kid who’s telling a lie and is so sure they’ll get away with it.
Alex feigns offence and it’s kind of adorable, Becca thinks.
“i am not.”
Becca hums, not at all believing. “just ease up on mixing the spirits, okay? you’ll thank me when you don’t wake up with a hangover tomorrow.”
“m’kay.” and then Alex presses a kiss to Becca’s cheek and quickly slips away with her drink.
Becca keeps an eye on her for the rest of the night. makes sure she doesn’t do anything dangerous or too stupid. but come the end of the night, when the last of their guests leave, Becca finds Alex sprawled out on the couch trying to braid a piece of her hair. she picks up Alex’s legs, sits down, and then places Alex’s legs in her lap.
“fun night?” she asks, tracing a lazy pattern on Alex’s leg.
“fabulous.” Alex offers her a sleepy smile.
Alex shrugs, but Becca can guess what it means.
“come on.” she stands and pulls Alex up with her.
she leads Alex down the hallway and has her sit at the edge of her bed as helps her out of her shirt and into a clean shirt from the closet. once Alex is into clean and comfortable clothes, she climbs into bed. but just before Becca leaves, Alex speaks.
“stay,” she says again, no less sleepy, but somehow more sure. “please?”
“of course.” she grabs a clean set of clothes from Alex’s closet, quickly changes, and then climbs in beside Alex.
their hands come together in dark beneath the covers, and Alex murmurs a thank you just as sleep pulls her under. and in the moments before Becca succumbs to the will of sleep, she thinks that moving in with Alex and her friends, who have become her friends too, is good different and that what she has with Alex—whatever they’re choosing to call it—might just be the best thing she’s ever had.
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