#enjoy this jenn you deserve it
literaticat · 2 months
Hi Jenn! I hope you’re enjoying your summer, when not educating, coaching, therapying (legit verb? if not, it should be, with your pic next to it). Am I nuts not to want a big advance cause I don’t want the pressure of earning it out? My agent (gently :) thinks so, noting I’m too good to give away the goods. I get it/appreciate the support; but as an unpublished author, I’d rather prove myself with my work/brand, and make up for it with the next book deals. Normal or not? Thx so much!
In THIS economy? Though it might be uncouth to say so, and I'm sure your agent was too polite to be this frank about it -- IMO, if you have the opportunity,
We're fighting for our lives out here to even get editors to READ a submission, if you are lucky enough that they want to not only make an offer, but offer you a "big advance" -- please for the love of god do not indicate by word or deed that you'd prefer it be smaller.
I'm not saying the money is the only consideration. If you are SUPREMELY lucky, you might have a choice between multiple offers, and there are times when you wouldn't take the highest advance -- maybe one editor "gets" the book the most, or clearly has an editorial vision that aligns with yours, or the publisher is offering more marketing support -- and any of these might be reasons to prefer the not-largest $$ if you are given the choice.
But most people don't get a choice. (In fact, MOST people get nothing at all, because most books that are written don't sell!) Most people who DO get traditionally published get what I'd consider a "normal" advance, not a ginormous one. So... I don't know what YOU consider "big" or "high pressure", but I wouldn't stress too much about this tbh, because chances are, you won't be offered some mind-boggling amount of money anyway, just a normal amount.
Authors and illustrators deserve to be paid properly. YOU deserve to be paid properly. If you start telling publishers that you're OK with not being paid well, they will take you up on that, to all of our detriment, not least your own.
(You will already be "proving yourself with your work/brand" -- you might as well be able to eat while you're doing it!)
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eureka-its-zico · 3 months
Hi, how are you doing? Honestly missed seeing you in my feed and hope you are taking good care of yourself🤍🤍
Hello babes!
I wish I could write I’ve been doing well and happy things but, unfortunately, it would be a fat ass lie.
June fucking sucked. Not only am I still permanently disabled (what is this nonsense?!), I’m disabled without being able to make an income which fucking sucks because my doctor can’t release me to work without intense accommodations that apparently NO JOB can fucking accommodate, which makes no sense because you aren’t supposed to discriminate against people who unfortunately can’t function like a normal person, alas here we are. On top of that, my care team on the pulmonary side feels like they’re just twirling their thumbs and waiting for my immune compromised ass just to get sick again to see if I end up with congestive heart failure (again) in lung x-rays and lab work and I’m having a surgery I don’t really understand and now I feel like Oliver Twist because the only thing I got is my writing and my books and just me in the corner waiting for the universe to be kind to me like -
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^^^ literally me trying to figure out how to pay rent, bills, and get basic human needs in this economy while I wait for the government to decide if I’m broken enough for them to pay me.
And the cherry on top is my Grandma has been in the hospital since June with necrotizing pneumonia. She’s been intubated. Come off intubation only to end up on the bipap and hi-flow oxygen and yesterday, we as a family came together with palliative care to essentially talk about the fact she is dying and what route do we want to take in her death.
So ya girl is exhausted. Heavily seasoned. I can’t enjoy writing, reading, video games, or watching shows/anime. I just curl up into the fetal position and try and sleep away the day because being awake currently sucks.
I apologize profusely that this couldn’t be a lighter and happier reply, Nonnie. Ya girl is just exhausted with life and I want to say good days are hopefully coming soon, but I know my grandma will be passing soon. I’m both sad about it, but also happy because I know at least she’ll finally be at peace and be able to get some rest. She deserves it.
After all this, I hope you, dear Nonnie, are doing okay. That these days have been treating you with kindness and you’ve been treating yourself with the love you deserve, always. Take care of yourself, and wishing you happiness, always 🖤 much love, Jenn
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jennaispunk · 5 months
hi jenn! 
to say the vibes have been off lately would be an understatement, wouldn’t it? because there has been a lot of negativity, too much for a place that is supposed to be about finding an outlet for your creativity and people to share your interests.
i know it has been difficult, draining to be around here and face all the discourse cankering the fandom. 
because of all this negativity, i believe it is important to try and balance it out with some kindness. so here i am, doing a little check-up on you <3
so first, how are you, really?
everything you feel regarding what is happening is valid and you deserve to feel happy and safe around here. so please, make sure you take the time you need from posting, from sharing fics, even just from being on the platform. i want you to know it’s okay and i support whatever you decide, for whatever reason.
i also want you to know that you have your place here, as much as the rest of us. you’re loved and wanted and i can assure you the fandom is a far better place with you in it.
i hope you’re taking care of yourself outside of tumblr as well. please remember to stay hydrated and to eat something 🫶🏼
now i would like you to sit back and enjoy the perfect, quiet night in with joel <3
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do not hesitate to reach out if you need to talk, i’m here for you! sending you all my love and so many hugs 🫂
anna 💗
Thank you so much for reaching out. The vibes have definitely been off here lately but it’s nice to be reminded that there are kind, positive people in this fandom.
I hope you are taking care of yourself as well. Make sure you are taking time for yourself, staying hydrated and protecting your peace.
For me, this whole thing has put some things in perspective. We are supposed to be a community and support each other. We should be lifting each other up, not tearing each other down.
I am not super active on tumblr. I have posted a few things that I’ve written and will reblog the work of others but I don’t reach out the way that I should, mostly due to being such an introvert and worried about making a fool out of myself but that changes now. I want to make it a point to start reblogging more and reaching out to others in the fandom if only to let them know that they matter. We all deserve a place here.
Even with all the recent negativity, I feel blessed to be here. I have met some amazing people here, one of them being you! I’m always here if you need to talk.
Thank you so much for spreading the positivity. You are a lovely soul and this fandom is a better place with you in it! Sending all the love and hugs right back to you, my friend. 🫂
I will absolutely enjoy my quiet night with Joel.
Much love,
Jenn 💜💜
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ariesjupiter · 1 month
hi jenn! I'd like to ask if you know anything about the aspect of Venus Conjunct Jupiter in a solar return chart? I've searched everywhere, and I only found like 3 short interpretations of it. If it helps, venus is also conjunct my sun and my sun is also conjuncting jupiter (all in the 12th house). Thank you!
Hi! Hope this helps :)
Venus conjunct Jupiter in the 12th house sr:
• you can express yourself in a warm, affectionate, and welcoming way that can attract others to you easily
• you can have a deeper love and appreciation for beauty, art, music and love as a whole especially with it being in the 12th house
• you can be very generous and giving but particularly with this aspect in the 12th, be sure to show yourself that same love and care
• can avoid conflict and try your best to maintain the peace in all situations
• good opportunities to build wealth
• spending more time with loved ones (whether that’s family, friends, significant other, or all of the above)
• great time for love and relationships, of which many can be very harmonious
• you have strong desires and passions but it’s also a nice time to just relax and enjoy life
• an increased interest in learning, particularly in getting to know others (this aspect often means a great social life), learning about art, music and finance
• realizing your self-worth as well as your values
• practicing self-love and respect
• particularly with this aspect falling into the 12th house, you can be more introspective and reflective as well as more introverted than others with this aspect
• a focus on seeking out what’s comfortable and pleasant
• you attract luck, fortune, and opportunities when you’re optimistic, hopeful, creative, imaginative, compassionate and selfless (to a healthy degree)
• you could be more spiritual
• a love of travel
• gaining wisdom about yourself (like what you like, how you love, what you deserve, what you prioritize & value) and about your relationships with others
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madlyn5ever · 1 month
Part three of my East High drama department casting thoughts for different musicals!
Today’s musical: Be More Chill
Jeremy Heere: Jet (he needs a leading role and I think being Jeremy would be cool. Two Player Game with him and Carlos sounds so cool, like, Jet and Carlos together is truly a revolutionary concept for a duet imo)
Michael Mell: Carlos (Michael In The Bathroom would be performed so well by Carlos, like I actually think his experience with bullying would help him with character work and getting this number just right) (I also think MITB would sound amazing with Jets voice but Carlos fits better)
Jake Dillinger: Ricky (he can’t play a bad guy, but he also can’t be the lead. Does this one make sense I can’t tell)
Squip: Kourtney (I just think- Pitiful Children sung in Kourtney’s voice would be so powerful.)
Rich Goranski: EJ (I know he’s in college but has that stopped him from participating before? No, he’d have to be physically dragged from the stage at this point.)
Christine Canigula: Gina (I love Ricky and Gina as leads but it seems like an interesting idea to me to have Gina and Jet play love interests after their Hans and Anna roles where he wasn’t quite her true love interest because hans is evil)
(you might be thinking but what about Ashlyn here- and you’re right but I’m getting there, I have a much better role for her)
Jenna Rolan: Maddox (partly because there’s not enough characters to fill this cast list but also, an outsider who wants a group of friends seems like just her role.)
Chloe Valentine: Ashlyn Moon Caswell (I love this one because, well mostly because of The Smart Phone Hour (Rich Set a Fire), the whole back and forth phone calls thing I think she’d kill that so I’m gonna say I love it.)
Brooke Lohst: Seb (we can do another Sharpay in soft drag moment here and Seb is just the one to do it after he did Sharpay justice I think he not only can but deserves to do it again with Brooke.)
Mr. Reyes: Miss Jenn (mostly because she is their drama teacher and as long as no one reports her to the union, it’s fine.)
Mr.Heere: I think Mr.Mazarra had so much fun playing Coach Bolton in Miss Jenn’s production of High School Musical 3, that that he practically begged to be in this. Lmao okay no but seriously I think now that he’s dating miss Jenn he would do it, he also probably doesn’t mind it and kind of enjoys it but no he wouldn’t beg to be in it.
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frizz22 · 2 years
Behind the Scenes
NOTE: An idea I had while writing another Work Wives fic, haha, hope you enjoy. From camera crew POV.
“I’m telling you,” Jenn insisted from where she sat playing with her camera lens, “they’re in love.”
Rolling his eyes, Josh didn’t bother to look away from the clip he was editing. “Barbara is married.” He replied in a bored tone, knowing exactly who she was referring to.
Mouth pursing, Jenn set her camera aside. “And? Doesn’t stop you from loving someone else. You edit most the footage, Josh… you have to have seen how they look at each other.”
A long suffering sigh escaping him, Josh finally looked at her. “I know this assignment’s been a bit longer than you’re used to, but are you really so starved of stimulus that you’re creating relationships where there aren’t any?”
Affronted, Jenn punched his arm. “Ass! You know I love observing people. And these two,” her shoulders dropped as she softened at the thought of them. “They’ve got something, Josh, come on, you know I’m not imagining this.”
Josh pinched the bridge of his nose. “I…” he groaned. “Fine. They do share an abnormal number of affectionate and knowing looks. But that doesn’t mean they’re jumping each other’s—"
“I never said they were cheating!!” Jenn exclaimed, cutting him off. “I said they’re in love with each other.” The difference mattered, it did.
At a loss, Josh shrugged helplessly. “I, what do you want from me, Jenn? Have I noticed the way Melissa looks at Barbara? Yes, fine, I admit it. Have I witnessed Barbara watch Melissa with the most tender expression I’ve seen on a human, yes! Have I wished someone would look at me the way they look at each other? Also, yes. But that doesn’t change anything. We’re just observers.”
Biting her lip, Jenn leaned her forearms on her knees. “What if we weren’t?”
Exasperated, Josh threw up his hands. “What if we weren’t what?!”
She scooted her chair closer to him. “Just observers, dumbass. What if, you know…” Jenn nudged his knee.
“No, I don’t.” He retorted a bit grumpily as he crossed his arms.
Jenn inched closer. “Josh, come on. It’d be so easy to compile some clips, oh, maybe with maybe soft classical music in the background and have copies of these just happen to find themselves on their desks….” She bounced a little in excitement at the idea.
Brows furrowing in a dramatic manner, Josh rolled his shoulders. “I’m too busy. We’ve got a lot of work to do.”
She scoffed. “You have to go through and pull stuff for promos anyway, just do this as a side project as you go through everything else.”
Uncertainty radiating off him, Josh finally met her eye again. “These are peoples’ lives you want to mess with, Jenn. They have families and boyfriends and… you want to play matchmaker.”
“One,” Jenn straightened and held up a finger for emphasis. “Melissa deserves so much more than ‘Gary the Vending Machine Guy’,” her voice took on a mocking edge at the guy’s name. “I mean he’s fine, but Melissa deserves lightning!” At this Josh mumbled something about her obsession with Ted Lasso, but Jenn plowed on, holding up another finger. “Two, these two are only denying their feelings because they think the other doesn’t feel the same. But they do! You know they do. And three, we wouldn’t be ‘messing’, per se, just opening their eyes to what’s right in front of them.”
Pleased with her speech, Jenn leaned back in her chair and waited for Josh to fold.
He did. It took all of a minute.
Lips twisting, Josh huffed. “All right! But I’m not doing the music and you have to swear to leave it, leave them, alone after this. Nothing else, no other prods or shit like that.”
Grinning, Jenn held out her hand. “Pinky swear!”
Unamused, Josh hooked his pinky around hers and sighed. “What did I just sign up for?” He groused, mostly under his breath.
All but popping out of her seat in excitement, Jenn twirled and then stopped to face Josh. “For Cupid duty!” She crowed, mentally congratulating herself for this and impatient to see what would happen once Melissa and Barbara saw the results.
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thedevilinmybrain · 1 year
Hi Jenn, I hope you're having a nice day🙂
I've been engaging with writing for almost two years now and although I really like it and I enjoy reading my stories, I have literally zero confidence. To a point where I don't tell people whether I'm currently working on something or not because I'll get to embarrassed if they read it.
You have written many great stories and you seem confident. Do you have any tips for me? Thanks in advance.
Hi sugar. Firstly, thank you so much for your kind words. You're so lovely. Secondly, I want to reassure you that I'm not that confident. I get nervous every time I share something. You can ask my girlfriend. I have a whole breakdown every time I post a fic about whether people will like it or if it's a bust. So, don't think you're alone in this. Thirdly, some of it just has to be fake it til you make it. People will either love your fics or not vibe with them, but you'll never know until you share your work. Be proud of yourself though! Be proud of your creativity and your skills! You are writing something only you can write! And that is precious and deserving and I bet you're a lot better than you give yourself credit for. And just like any skill, the more you do, the better at it you will get. So, keep writing!
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itsjennw · 2 days
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"Brendella" is a wonderful story that deserves to be shared; now, the "Brendella" legacy can be enjoyed in different reading forms! First and foremost is the Kindle fantasy extravaganza that started it all, "Brendella", the tale of the young woman who finds love in a princely merman! You can check it out at this link right here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09D3Y1WWR Next, the Kindle Vella series follows up the Kindle book, "Brendella & Mooi", which catches up on what happened after the two lead characters have finally tied the knot! You can check out the first of 3 free episodes at this link right here: https://www.amazon.com/kindle-vella/episode/B0CJ8B4FCV And after that, you need to purchase Kindle Vella tokens to unlock the rest of the episodes, and you can get more information about that by going to Kindle Vella's website right here: https://www.amazon.com/kindle-vella Sometime in the future, the "Brendella" legacy shall grow, but in the meantime, enjoy these magical reading treats from yours truly, Jenn Webster, at Amazon Kindle!-JW
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mirandamckenni1 · 9 months
AGING OUT | LGBTQ Film (Lesbian Romantic Comedy 2023) 🌈 Enjoy Aging Out - an indie sapphic romantic comedy film (lgbtq+ holiday 2023 film)!🌟 HOW TO SUPPORT: We wanted this film to be available to ALL this Christmas and Holiday season - with that said we would greatly appreciate if you liked, subscribed, and shared this movie with your circle in support of this indie queer film. Thank you! If you are looking for a Holiday feel good movie, with lesbian and bisexual folks represented, this is it! Made and completed in 2023. 🎬 ABOUT THE FILM: This lesbian and bisexual focused indie film was crowdfunded and highly anticipated by so many incredible LGBTQ+ folks! Thank you for supporting this queer indie film. 🌹 THE STORY: Just months before Jenn's 30th birthday she is dumped by her long term girlfriend, Frankie. With the help of a surprise house guest, Jenn sets off on a mission to get Frankie back. 🎥 HIGHLIGHTS: Performances by Breanne Williamson & June Laporte Directed and Written by Breanne Williamson Crowdfunded indie film by our amazing LGBT community! 🔥 WHY WE MADE IT: "In sapphic tv and film we see a lot of coming out or coming-of-age storylines. This is different." said Breanne Williamson. "I wanted to show fully realized LGBTQ+ characters dealing with something as relatable as the overwhelming pressure of being a woman who is about to turn 30.” “I grew up watching romcoms that were comfy and predictable in the most delicious and endearing way. There is a place for queer film that highlights the hardships that LGBTQ+ folks endure, but we also deserve queer film that feels safe and cozy and that is Aging Out.” said Breanne Williamson. 💬 JOIN OUR COMMUNITY: Follow us on Instagram for behind the scenes and more: @AgingOutTheMovie @BreanneWilliamson 💌 Subscribe for updates and exclusive content (including an upcoming blooper reel). Share your thoughts about the film in the comments below! #LesbianRomCom #SapphicCinema #IndieFilmLove #LGBTQFilm #RomanticComedy #HeartwarmingStory #WatchNow #Holiday2023 via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slqOY3ywDBc
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I am currently like 2 chapters into acod and I want to hug Khirin. I know that he isn’t probably supposed to be the guy we feel bad for, but god he is pitiful. Like, dude is being sold at a slave auction, and has no hope of freedom whatsoever. But also he is vaguely magical in that he can see into what I have been referring to as “knock off duat (Kane chronicles)” so I guess that’s pretty cool.
Talon totally seems like the kind of person that I would definitely find pretty. Like is she very much not a good person? Yes. Would I let her step on me? Also yes.
Also, reading it on ebook is annoying because it’s very finicky with the endnotes, which is sad cause they are so delightful. The one about how there is only 2 worlds, living and dead, and how magic is the layer in-between was fun.
Anyway, apologies for my lack of actual knowledge of the plot. I am enjoying the book though so far, and I definitely think a lot of the characters are pretty.
!!! Omg!!! You're actually reading it that's so so cool! I figured it might take you a bit to get your hands on it--though sorry about your finicky footnotes. They are truly delightful though, as they're written by actual important characters in the series and they have no problem being sarcastic and snarky and funny :)--I think my favorite footnotes are book 5 (though I know exactly which footnote you're referencing and I also laughed about that one)
So many things I want to say but I'm trying to be very careful about spoilers. Kihrin's one of my favorites, he definitely deserves the pity--though he'd be miffed about it. He just wants to live a fun peaceful life but the universe is like actually. No. you were born for suffering, actually.
Talon's also another delightful character. she's absolutely a horrible person but she's so fun! her interactions with everyone else are always delightful, so you can look forward to her continued presence
Also!! Don't worry about not knowing the plot, that's kinda how the book works! The series as a whole, actually, the overall point of the series didn't really start to come together for me until about book 3-4 (not because jenn writes poorly, but as a function of slow revealing of complicated information over time, which she does quite well). And as for the first book's individual arc? SO confusing jumping right into it. I think it's a fun kind of confusing, but yeah. Definitely difficult to follow with how much is always happening simultaneously in different points in time. But it comes together :)
I'm glad you're enjoying it!! It is. My favorite series now so. Happy to share it :)
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eureka-its-zico · 1 year
Hiiiiiii, it's me, Gouda 🧀 anon, but I am not on anon! lol I sorted out my Trumblr from all the cringy shit from years ago finally so I don't have to be embarrassed what I have on here haha (I saw you said you've been on Tumblr since 2015, well I've been on here since probably 2009 and yeah... Had to go down the memory lane and it was a bit cringe 😂)
I saw your message that Chapter 4 will be posted tonight and the giddy feelings that I felt, boy oh boy... Could barely contain myself in my chair!
This has been such a lovely update! It was amazing to see more interactions between Doc and Zoro. And his POV is just *chef's kiss*. It really helps to see that there's more to each of them than the other sees. And honestly, Zoro is being stupid because he can fulfil his promise and still get Doc so... *side eye* lol
I am honestly so curious to see what you have planned going forward: with Doc and Straw Hats AND Doc and Zoro. And if you grace us with even more Zoro POV to see his inner battle - I will devour it 😂
Also, I have to say - him bringing the beer and him bringing back the flower as an apology were one of my favourite parts in this chapter. Especially this one:
What he wouldn’t tell you, is because they only grew at certain times and usually in the snow, it made them one of the most resilient flowers because they could grow under any conditions. 
ALSO, oh my God, this interaction in particular too:
“What do I gotta do to hear one of these world-famous Doc jokes?” He waited until his face was neutral to look back at you. Both hands rested on his swords as he watched you fill the bottle to the brim and place it securely inside your satchel.  “For that kind of service? You have to be dying.”
We know what happens later and now I will wait with baited breath for doesn't matter how many chapters to see whether Doc actually says that joke 😂
I also love the ending, the fact that Nami is considerate enough to offer for Doc something to wear. It's a small interaction though I would think that it gives them a small part to bond to some extent ❤
As always, an amazing update and I am so happy to see these two continue to bond, even if they are both acting silly now. Really curious and excited for the next part to see how Doc reacts to Sanji and maybe even how Zoro reacts if Sanji flirts with Doc?! 😂
I have so many feelings to this story, I have to admit, I read Chapter 3 five times. Then I went to read Chapter 2. And then I read all chapters from the first one before this update because I have an insane amount of brain rot for OPLA Zoro and it's been consuming me this week 😂🙃 Also, because it's been bringing me joy and making me smile at a time in my life where I'm feeling a bit lost.
Sending you so much love and thank you for the update. I had a shit week so this has been such a mood booster that it is hard to put it into words how much I appreciate you and how happy I am that I discovered you and Chaos in Their Bones.
Hope you're having a lovely weekend, Jenn ❤
Osiyo my Gouda 🧀 Nonnie turned to my cheesy!! I am so happy to hear from you! The fact you did an intense cleansing of your tumblr makes me feel like I should probably do the same BUT 2009, you say?!? My bestie started a tumblr around that time too, I believe. What was it like? Was it wild? Lol
It makes me so happy to know you enjoyed the updated chapter! I was honestly very nervous about it cause I wrote it starting yesterday around 5 pm and finished by roughly 9:30 am. I just knew that once Sanji was introduced the story was going to be a bit more hefty, per say. There is the drinking scene, and I wanted Doc and Nami to have some time together, because she deserves a good wholesome friendship, okay?!
I’m so glad you love Zoro’s POV! It always makes me nervous because he is such a moody baby, but also extremely devoted to keeping his word/promises. I thought it was important to show his side and struggle, because he is so devoted to fulfilling his promise that I can envision him being completely blinded by that determination. I mean, look how he responds to poor Nami 😩😩
Oh man, we know Sanji flirts with EVERY woman lol so flirting is definitely implied and I may or may not have already pre-written the dialogue for most of that scene 🤣
I cannot believe you’ve reread Chaos in Their Bones so many times! But also, I completely understand why you would after reading the rest of your message. It is an absolute honor and a privilege to be a part of something that is bringing you joy in a time when you feel like it is most needed. I always look forward to your reviews and to see how you liked chapters. It means a lot to me to see your 🧀 in my ask box. I am incredibly sorry this week wasn’t any good, but just know I am sending you lots of love and good vibes that hopefully next week is better than this one. Sending you virtual hugs and Much Love 🖤
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zackcollins · 2 years
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Slow Motion Celebration || DET vs TOR || 07/28/22 || For: @whimsical-daydreams​
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ngray192 · 2 years
I know I haven't talked about HSMTMTS lately, but since the season ended today, I decided to share my thoughts as i watched it. Enjoy my sporadic thoughts.
We love big red! He is using the most of his screentime omg
Jet being jealous
Yeah, this summer was short af cause it was like 2 weeks
The only acceptable way for this love polygon thing to end is for Ricky to have been in love with EJ the whole time
It is opening night and he still hasn't read the whole thing?
Awww miss Jenn is back giving advice as always!
Omg Emmy has such an amazing voice!
Wish we had a couple more HSM songs instead of Camp Rock
Love the black and white outfits.
Ofc this bitch is back😒 (Channing)
I think my favorite thing is that now people can call EJ Elton when they're mad
Loving the wildcat reunion
Oh shit is Nini moving?
We've already had this storyline
Poor kourtney
We love Carlos as Olaf, but after last season I really feel like Big Red would crush that role (also Carlos deserved Hans)
That was such a redlyn scene I can't explain it
We love being open about mental health
Oh shit they were not thinking the same thing
That scene was adorable
Bro I'm so excited for her costume change
Why did so many people bring travel flashlights to a musical
Fuck yeah Gina!
Don't you dare get her starter, Channing
This Let it Go scene is so cool omg
Love nini rn
Born to Be Brave!!!
The scene of EJ on the phone had me emotional
I really do hope Nini is happy in California
So crazy that the woman singing Born to be Brave sounds a lot like Dara Renee
The multiple people who don't go to East high when theyre chanting: 👀
Is Corbin gonna be part of the Miss Jenn centered love polygon?
Carlos and Kourtney carried this damn season
That ending campfire scene was cute, but like nothing was resolved
Oh damn he really exposed Maddox
Big Red coming out?! That was so random omg but I love it
"Good for him"
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hereisisa · 2 years
That retcon is a really weird. Even if we put Elsa aside here, Anna enjoying "soil quality reports" feels really out of character. In Polar Nights it is mentioned that Elsa helps Anna anyway, almost as if the author knew that the "new queen" would struggle. Also, the Northuldra get slowly pushed away from the franchise while there is a small but visible attempt at bringing the status quo back (Elsa is again involved with Arendelle!) Do you think Frozen 3 will bring another change to this status?
I think with F2 Jenn did what she always wanted to do: give Anna the spotlight, and she's not gonna change that.
Unfortunately for her, Elsa is way more popular and Disney will always, in some way, do some damage control, pushing Elsa under that spotlight again. In terms of merchandising, pictures, songs (thanks Idina), etc.
Jenn never understood Elsa, it was her villain. Frozen was Anna's story. I don't think it's an accident that Spirit Elsa is similar to the villain-Elsa she wanted in Frozen1: she's isolated, her home is a glacier/ice palace, and she's alone with her powers.
She put Elsa where she wanted her since the beginning: far away, alone. So Anna could be the hero Arendelle deserves:
a 40yr old looking Queen which happy ending is...getting married.
She's SO modern. She's right there with Snow White (1938) and Cinderella (1950)! ROTFL!
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I don't think F3 will change a status quo Jenn wanted since the beginning, but since this is not what kids want, we have to see what they'll do with Elsa.
I think they realized this separation was unpopular, or they wouldn't make the effort to pretend they're close throwing the word "ToGeThEr" in everthing Frozen-related.
It's an empty word, of course. The meaning decreases as the miles between Elsa and Anna increase.
They already made it clear that Elsa is still Queen of Arendelle (and this wasn't clear in the movie), because nobody understood what the fuck is Elsa now (including the director of OFA in their precious documentary on D+! Her "So....what is Elsa now??" It still make me laugh).
But I have zero hope they'll fix their mistakes. And this ofc doesn't stop me from criticizing everything they'll do (which I'll keep doing, for fun and because i'm a bitter).
They spent too much time elaborating this new status quo Jenn wanted since the beginning to throw it away. But it's THEIR status quo.
I've already throw it out of the window when I've watched Frozen 2 for the first time.
You don't have to like it. You can simply ignore it: don't put your attention and money on it, and love the franchise we loved for years, the one that starts with Frozen, and ends with OFA, with all the comics, books, stories, shorts and fans content in between.
I expect they'll give Anna some action in F3 to show that she can still be that person: a Queen, but still an action woman, and they'll make me hate her even more. Because ofc they'll keep adding qualities and titles and bits to Anna's story to make people like her since she's the writers' favorite, without realizing that:
they more they keep adding to her, the less realistic she is (aren't they the ones who love realism now? LOL). She's not peculiar anymore, she's the sum of everything the fans ever wanted. You want her with a crown? You get that! A dude? Sure! A marriage? Why not! A sword? Yes! Babies? Sure, we'll do a whole D+ serie about her labor! Etc etc etc....You see my point? They already completely transformed her personality in F2, and they'll keep trying to do everything they can to make her popular. And they'll keep failing. Sales reports said every Anna's doll who was sold, Disney was selling 5 Elsas. After Frozen2, the ration was of 1 to 7. LOL Well done Jenn. KA is not popular among kids. Kids don't give a fuck about another disney love story especially in a franchise that was famous for SOMETHING ELSE. See how bad the engagement set did in sales!! And yet they push it because Jenn likes it, and this will bring Anna even lower. It's like a stone attached to her neck that will bring her down the popularity scale. It's gonna get worse, wait and see. Have you ever been to a Disney park? How many little girls have you seen dressed as bride Ariel? (Cause that's the only wedding dress that's on sale). Not even one, in my european Disneyland. And I go every year.
2. The more they add to her story, the more they try to make me like her, the less I do. It's super forced and she's like Disney's Mary Sue now. Everything happens to her but wait and see, she's the BeSt qUeeN eVeR!! Even if she didn't study for the job at all, she doesn't have powers, but she's gonna save us all!!! Thanks god there's Anna cause everybody else, especially Elsa, is useless without her! God she's SO irritating! The more they do to make me like her, the less I do. She gets on my nerves now!
So my prediction for Anna is that she's destined to be pushed, in every possible way, but considering how they'll do it (love story, marriage, with a sword in her hand to pretend she's modern and she can still do cool things, etc...) the gap between Elsa and Anna in sales is destined to grow.
Elsa: she only has to have her powers to be popular (and maybe get ger braid back). It's easy.
The other day one of my fandom friends (the one I consider the bigger Frozen fan know) told me she lost her hopes for a good story, her love for the franchise has been disintegrated by Frozen2, and she's staying around to cynically look at how things will go. As a social experiment. Let's see how bad they'll ruin this franchise, and remember the good old times.
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justmochi · 2 years
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pairing :: jenn x got7
word count :: 0.9k
synopsis :: Video messages for Jenn made by the GOT7 members during her 1st fanmeeting.
time :: May 5, 2022
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➸ Hello, it’s GOT7’s JAY B. It’s safe for me to assume that this message has reached you. You have gotten through your 1st fan meeting. It’s kinda weird filming this right now, I saw you just an hour ago when we went out for drinks. It’s very weird how you used to be such a lightweight, and now you can beat most of us at shots.
From the day I met you, I’ve always felt a huge responsibility over you. Not just as the leader, but also a family member. You used to be so shy, I never thought you would break out of your shell. Now look at you. You’re achieving so many things, collecting trophies left and right. And today is your 1st fanmeeting on your own. Jenn is someone I want to have and cherish in my life for a very long time. I think my job is complete here. Please take care of her well and show her lots of love, she deserves it.
➸ Hello, I’m GOT7’s Mark. I’d like to congratulate Jenn on her first fanmeeting. We’ve known each other for many years and you still don’t hesitate to surprise me. You’ve overcome many obstacles since debut and all has paid off. You’ve remained humble which is hard for lots of people these days. You will always be someone I hold safe within my heart for the rest of my life. You’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever met and I hope you still give yourself lots of credit. You really are capable of anything you set your mind to.
Enjoy the fanmeet well, cherish the memories you are about to make with ahgases and hold them safe within your heart. We love you!
➸ Hey Jenni! Hello Ahgase! I’m kinda jealous that Jenn gets to meet you again before I do, but that’s besides the point. Congratulations on your 1st fanmeeting! I can only imagine how nervous you were considering how you would be before shows while on your. You may be by yourself and feeling lonely, but you should know that we’re always by your side. Whether it be physical or emotionally, we are always here. One of your qualities is being able to adapt to anything, no matter the situation or time. I’m sure you embraced the stage quickly and felt right at home with our baby birds. I expect them to be on their best behavior and give you lots of love. You have, right?
I hope you make beautiful music for a very long time. We unfortunately have to share you with the world, you can’t always be limited to GOT7. You will go very far in this life, I am certain of that. But for now, take your time and go at your own pace. At the end of the day, GOT7 is your home to rest your tired head, don’t forget that. Take care of yourself, we love you.
➸ Hello, this is GOT7’s Jinyoung. Jennifer, how did your 1st fanmeeting go? It’s been a while since I’ve gotten the chance to hang out with you. This is a very important day for you in your career, so make sure to spend it well with our ahgases.
Always make sure to take care of yourself and never hesitate to ask for help. You’re an asset to this team and I hope to see you soon. Fighting!
➸ Hello Jenn, hello ahgases! Noona has been looking forward to this day for months now and every time something came up she would get really nervous and bummed. So please treat her with kindness and send her all your love on this special night. She’s a very kind, selfless soul and truly deserves everything good the world has to offer.
Thank you for taking good care of me over the years. I’m glad I have another person to call my best friend aside from these chaotic boys. You’re a very beautiful person that makes me want to do better in my life, and I could not possibly imagine GOT7 without you. Continue to show the world what you’re made of, share all your endless love, but don’t forget to stop and catch your breath for a while. I love you, GOT7 loves you, and ahgases love you.
➸ Jenn what’s up? It’s your first solo fanmeeting, so I hope it went as smoothly as it possibly could. I obviously gave you some tips and advice about what to expect on this day, so I hope you took it onto the stage. I know I may have been a pain to you throughout the years, but you love me anyway and treat me like your own little brother. It’s always fun when we’re together, and I wouldn’t want it either way.
I’m pretty sure you’re already crying, and if you’re not, stop holding it back. I miss you and miss hanging out all together. We’ll be together again soon, so please hold on until then. Skrrt Skrrt!
➸ Hi Noona! You’re having your first ever fanmeeting today! Did it go well? Did you have fun? Have you cried yet? I hope you always know that all of us have believed in you since your first day on the job. I’ve always supported you and looked up to you like a big sister. Thank you for always treating me well, it’s always so fun when we’re together. You really are the youth, the light, the sunshine of GOT7. Please don’t ever forget that. I want to drink and dance with you for a long time. I love you!
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westerosoliviapope · 2 years
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Confession: Nymeria Sand is my favorite character in the Scandal Westeros Universe.
She leapt off the page from the beginning, which is why she's the first member of the Sphinx Consultants team that you meet in "It's Handled." On the surface, she's a fast talking, designer-clad hot girl. But as I wrote more, she showed up as observant, wise, and a fierce protector of those she loves.
And when I finally told her love story with Jennelyn Fowler? She knocked me off my feet. I knew she wouldn't have a typical "happily ever after" (few characters in this universe do, it's not my thing), but I LOVED the friendship, affection, and attraction between her and Jenn.
It was never about control for her. Her pleasure came from being a safe space for her tightly-wound friend to let go. She's never felt that overwhelming instinct to protect or care for another sexual partner. "Only you...only ever you" she'd promised Jenn and she meant it. She'll stick to the freedom of taking discipline going forward. Much less work that way. 
Here are a few of my favorite #Scandal!Nymeria moments:
Recruiting Brienne to the Sphinx Consultants' Team:
“I enjoy foreplay as much as the next girl, Brienne, but I am not asking if you want the job because we both know you do. No matter what you say, you want more for yourself than busting your ass in the name of some Ken doll you diddle yourself to when you go home at night. So, Cinderella. You can keep scrubbing Renly’s floors hoping someone will make you the belle of the ball or you can let Fairy Godmother Sarella make you a warrior in a suit.” 
When Sarella Catches Nym, Obara, and Jon Watching Prince Viserys' Sex Tape:
Nym, who actually has a bag of microwave popcorn in her lap, turns her head sideways to follow the action as the Prince guides Taena into another position. “No wonder he is such a slut. Slinging a cock like that is a community service.”
Giving Sansa a Pep Talk After the Team Fixes Her Divorce from Joffrey:
"In the next few years, your therapists and people you love will treat you like a victim. They mean well, but do not let them. "You married a brute who did horrific shit that you did not deserve—that is a fact. But it does not have to define the rest of your life. Do not let anyone make you feel small. Joffrey was small. You? Are a She-Wolf.” 
Teasing the Wolf Out of Jon:
“I’m guessing you’re used to sliding your hands into some pink cotton blend travesty purchased at the mall while cuddling on the couch over pizza, beers, and a movie you’re pretending to watch, so I’ll warn you—before you get all worked up imagining you can handle me—that this...” she slowly runs a black stiletto nail up her thigh. “...isn’t that.”
Jon’s jaw clenches. It’s subtle, but she sees it. She’s hit a nerve. 
Correcting Jon's Assumption About Where He Ranks for Her, All-Time
“Humph,” Nymeria pouts. “You are no fun.” 
Feeling nature call, Jon rises from his seat and winks. “Nym, we both know I’m the most fun you’ve ever had.” 
She squints. “That honor belongs to a pretty blonde in Skyreach but I will give you top five. Top two cock, for sure.” 
Welcoming Brienne Back to the Team:
The click of stilettos accompanied by Nym greeting her with “Well, if it isn’t G.I. Jonquil?" in her patented Dornish drawl makes Brienne smile. 
Her Role as the Big Sister:
When it comes to the general welfare of Oberyn’s older brood, four women from four mothers with distinct upbringings and issues to accompany them, Nymeria Sand is the keeper of the keys.
It’s her job to notice when Obara goes too many days without showering because occasionally, she has PTSD relapses from being waterboarded by a Qarthene drug lord.
To call Tyene and dish about their sexcapades to make sure she’s staying on the healthy side of her sadism fetish instead of taking out her rage and abandonment issues on her poor husband’s ass.
To note the dryness in Sarella’s normally flawless skin and the lines around her eyes as signs that she’s holding herself together with red wine, coffee, and 90 hour work weeks.
And if you think a former assassin and a Type A Domme are a lot to handle, try telling a know-it-all workaholic with a 154 IQ that she either needs to talk about her feelings or get a facial, get fucked into a coma, and get over it.
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