#also needed hopper to say el wasn’t the monster because that’s who she needs it from. sure af more than she needs it from Mike lol
emblazons · 1 year
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another el-centric fic snippet for the culture (aka because I have no idea where it might fit in the fuller story but also it is important to me that she have this)
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ellewritesandrants · 2 years
I was inspired to write some Billy and Max wingmanning for each other because of this post from @11willgrahamseyes11 because why not?
Imagine it’s post S3 where Billy survived and Max just found out that Neil had left Hawkins. She heads to the hospital to tell her brother, because that’s what he was, that his dad had just skipped town to avoid paying medical bills he wasn’t even going to be charged for.
“Neil left?”
“Yeah. I’m sorry, Billy.”
“Figures he got sick of having a queer disabled freak for a son.” Billy scoffed.
Max slapped his shoulder, confident enough to do so after months of proper communication, bonding and actually getting to be siblings and not each other’s burdens to bear.
“Hey! Don’t talk about my brother that way, asshole. And anyway, Neil would have eventually realized he had two queer kids and he’d probably have run even faster.”
Billy eyes snapped to hers.
A peaceful moment of silence passed before Billy broke it.
“Is it that psychic chick, the one that’s dating Wheeler?”
Max immediately bristled.
“How’d you know?”
“Let’s just say I know what it feels like to pine after someone who’s in love with a Wheeler.”
Max took a good minute to think before it finally clicked.
“Steve? You like Steve?”
“Don’t be so loud, Maxie! But, yeah, I like Steve. Anything wrong with that?”
“A lot. Steve’s a dumbass, Billy.”
“Hey! I think it’s cute. Anyway, that El girl isn’t the most talkative girl in the world.”
“But I like that about her.”
“Well, I guess we’re both saps for people who’ll never like us back.”
“I don’t know. I think I might have a chance if I can convince her to break up with her boyfriend.”
“Don’t you have a boyfriend?”
“Lucas? I broke up with him months ago after he didn’t even try to give you a chance to apologize. If he wanted to get me back, he knew what he should have done and if he doesn’t want to, then good riddance.”
“Yeah. After all, it’s me and you against the world, right, Kill Bill?”
“It’s me and you against the world, Mad Max.”
Since Billy wanted at least one of them to get their happy ending, he gets Max to ask El if she was willing to visit Billy so they could talk about the memories she’s seen and of course, El agrees.
Billy hasn't really had any visitors outside of Max ever since he was admitted into the hospital due to him being in the PICU for the first three months and only allowing a limited number of people inside to visit him. It's been another three months since he was moved to a regular room and the doctors had just cleared Billy to receive more visitors but to keep them to 2-4 people to avoid overcrowding.
None of his so-called friends actually visited but he had somewhat expected it. Tommy had promised to visit after sending a letter checking in but he and Carol were busy at the college their dads bought them into so it left the basketball team who stopped by after practice once to tell him how badly they were doing without him and how they couldn't wait to have him on the court again.
None of Max's friends have been by either but Billy heard from Max about a big fight they'd had regarding Billy and how the boys refused to think that Billy was anything but evil, forcing Max, El and Will to branch away because Will was hurt since he'd also been possessed and therefore, just as evil and El hated how they treated Billy as a monster when he was just as much a victim as she was.
Hopper doesn't really trust Billy but after he allows it on the condition that Max stays in the room which Billy doesn't fight. They have a nice chat about the memories, most of which Max wasn't aware of but it actually helps them since Billy's willing to trust Max enough to bare his soul to her willingly.
After they have an emotional talk about bad fathers who need to be kept out of their lives as well as absent mothers who tried, Billy shifts the conversation more to school because he's been helping Max keep on top of her classes so he offered the same to El.
Max quickly corrects Billy and tells him that El was homeschooled due to her not being allowed to study because of the lab. Billy has the bright idea of tutoring El during the day since he wasn't really doing anything and he was bored out of his mind and running out of books to read that Max would borrow from the library for him.
It would not only give him something to do but also a way to see if Max actually had a chance that didn't involve Max getting hurt. He could also help El who seemed like she really did need help, just like he did.
Of course, they ran it past Hopper who initially wanted nothing to do with Billy Hargrove until Max told him the truth about Neil. Hopper was eventually worn down by El who was tired of being stuck at the cabin with no one to talk to and he agreed under the condition that he'd be there during the first few sessions.
Once Hopper was there, he took the sessions as a chance to confirm what El said and when he really, truly looked at Billy, he saw a reflection of the kid he used to be, abused and alone and he realized why El had wanted to get to know Billy and to be his friend.
It also didn't hurt that Billy was an honors student who used to tutor in California during the weekdays for extra cash and he was used to being a tutor and helping students with their studies.
Hopper worked out a deal with Billy that El would come over three times a week when she was supposed to have school and he would help her for a daily rate.
She progressed in leaps and bounds under someone who was used to working around certain hang-ups and Billy was able to help El, whom he commonly called Jane or Janie to find a way of studying that worked for her that wasn't just reading books and answering worksheets.
Her progress astounded the newly together Joyce and Hopper, leading to her asking if Billy could do the same for Will since he wasn't really talking to the other boys.
Soon, Billy's hospital room became the trio's common hang-out spot after school, with Will and Max either biking, skating or walking together so that they could get help on their homework from Billy after he and El were done with their lessons for the day.
The entire time that Billy had been tutoring the kids, he'd been observing the interactions between El and Max and it really did seem like his little sister had a chance. Of course, there was still the tiny hang-up in the form of Mike Wheeler and Lucas Sinclair who apparently still didn't get the hint that their respective relationships were over.
Since El, Max and Will were all comfortable with Billy, once they were done with their homework and lessons, they usually talked about anything under the sun to help El be more familiar with popular culture and how the world worked so one day, Billy slyly got the conversation to head towards gender expression and sexuality.
He'd learned a lot in California that he couldn't really put into practice in Hawkins but he was reasonably sure that these three kids in particular would be able to accept him and would actually benefit from what he said.
Billy had ended up coming out of the closet to the kids who swore to keep it a secret and he answered any and all questions they had. El was surprised that women could be with other women and men could be with other men or with multiple people because all Hopper and Mike had ever told her was that boys went with girls and vice versa.
This led to Will and El to question their sexualities and to realize that maybe they weren't as straight as they assumed. Will was definitely getting a case of hero worship for the older teen and it showed when he got home, enough that Joyce was able to paint a clear picture of Billy's life which she didn't like.
She came to visit him once without El to confirm her assumptions and she made sure to tell him that he was always welcome at their house after everything he's done for them. Billy had teared up and he'd gotten his first hug from a mom in months since Susan had ended up falling into a pit of alcoholism again.
Joyce had reamed Hopper afterwards for not being able to help Billy beforehand and how Hopper would have to make things up to Billy after he was discharged. Joyce would keep visiting Billy, often bringing food to share and occasionally, bringing Hopper along with her to help the bigger man to see Billy as she saw him, a lonely kid in need of parental guidance.
Almost a whole school year passed with an increase in the tension between Max and El but no action on either side of the pair. Will was El's confidant and he was slowly going crazy about how El ranted and raved about how pretty and smart Max was without doing anything about it.
Billy, on the other hand, was tired about hearing all about how cute and adorable El was from his little sister and while he had partially caused this to happen, he also didn't want to keep hearing about it.
So, Billy made plans. He was getting discharged pretty soon and his physical therapy was going pretty well, enough that he was looking to be in shape and back to peak condition in a few months and that he was being allowed behind the wheel.
Truth be told, Billy had fully recovered by the time he started tutoring the kids but the doctors and scientists still couldn't understand why he was still alive and how he had survived. The past few months were heavily focused on physical and mental therapy to help him get over the ordeal and to be able to live a normal life.
Billy would be forced to take his senior year a year late but he didn't mind since it would allow him to be able to watch the kids for their first year in high school, enough to at least protect them from the worst of it after hearing how badly Will had been bullied before.
The first thing Billy did after getting out of the hospital was to get Hopper to take him to his fully repaired car so he could get over the mental block of being behind the wheel and actually being in control.
After going around town with Joyce in the front seat, cheering him on, he went to pick up the kids on their last day of middle school so they could celebrate.
The entirety of Hawkins was shocked to find Billy Hargrove driving his signature Camaro, thinner and more lithe than before but happier than they had ever seen him, picking up his little sister and spinning her in a hug and immediately pulling Will "the Fairy" Byers into an other hug after.
The rest of the party watched in awe and shock at the scene, not knowing that Will had even talked to Billy after everything. Steve was also equally in shock but it also felt like the first time he had ever seen Billy Hargrove.
After, Billy stopped by the new Byers-Hopper house to pick up El and he invited Jonathan to come with them for dinner at the diner where Joyce and Hopper would meet them. He and Jonathan had had a few conversations since he'd come to the hospital to pick up and drop off Will, El or both of the teens and they'd come to bond over shitty fathers and the small overlap of the musicians they liked.
Weirdly enough, it was the exact same diner that Steve had brought the other boys to celebrate their last day of school since it was beside the arcade. Billy had been half tempted to leave but having Max by his side made him brave enough to brave the stares that followed him.
He hadn't let their glares get in the way of his first real meal outside of the hospital and he enjoyed dinner for the first time in a long time surrounded by people who cared about him.
After he paid using some of the government’s compensation, Max managed to convince him to show El the ropes in the arcade because he had been the one who had taught her most of the tricks that she used to get the high score.
The boys and Steve couldn't help their curiosity once Billy and the rest of the kids entered the arcade and they watched from a distance as Billy blew all of the high scores on all of the machines out of the water without even breaking a sweat.
Max saw this as the perfect time to set her brother up with his crush so she tricked Steve into agreeing into a competition on the basketball shooting game with Billy. Having them play side-by-side ignited the adrenaline rush that Steve used to feel when he was playing against Billy but this time, he was happy and excited and not angry.
By the end of 5 rounds, Billy had trounced him completely but Steve took his defeat graciously, even offering a rematch in swimming in his heated pool.
While the boys were having their friendly competition, the rest of the party, namely Dustin, Lucas and Mike were apologizing to Will, Max and El about not believing them when it came to Billy. It was obvious to see that he had changed a lot from the person he used to be and they wanted their friends back.
Max and subsequently El refused to accept their apology until Billy accepted their apology but Will quickly forgave his childhood best friends. Will had missed playing D&D with his friends and being able to talk them and not just to his family, including his new sister and her crush.
As soon as the friendly competition between Billy and Steve was over, the boys apologized to Billy who decided to be the bigger person and accept it while also apologizing for how he used to be.
Billy's made leaps and bounds of progress in therapy as to why he was the way he was and he was well on his way to become the person he wanted to be which meant forgiveness and understanding on both sides of the party.
The next weekend, Billy got permission from Joyce and Hopper to take El and Max to the mall in the next town over so he could finally get them to go on a date. Of course, Max hijacked his plans by subtly inviting Will to get the boys to watch a movie and of course, have Steve drive them.
While the boys were watching a movie, Steve was wandering aimlessly just as Billy was and in a small mall in Indiana, they were bound to cross paths. Steve couldn't help but want to get to know this new Billy so they ate a snack together at the food court and they passed a few hours getting to know each other.
The mall trip was a success on both ends because Max was finally brave enough to ask El to be her girlfriend while Steve was brave enough to set a date on the swimming rematch they planned to have.
It took a few months of summer loving before Steve finally worked the courage to kiss Billy and ask him to be his boyfriend but he eventually got there even if he had needed the intervention of the party because they were tired of his pining.
The Mayfield-Hargrove siblings were good wingmen to each other and they had a 100% success rate in stealing partners from the Wheelers.
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azrielgreen · 1 year
This is long. Forgive me.
Also, I have posted this on AO3 as well, cause sharing the love!
Right, I think the only way to do this is thus...
Jason... I hated Jason in the show. He was vile, and he scared me more than Vecna did. He showed the true depth of human fear and hatred, and he was terrifying. In this, I love that you gave him a second chance to show who he truly could be given the right environment. By the time Steve didn’t once let go of his hand, I was in love. He was so beautiful in this, well crafted and thought out. His journey wasn’t a slow thing. It took time, trust, and love. Thank you for giving him and us the chance to know him.
The boys, not including Will...the three of them are so sweet in this, just as they should be. I loved how you had Dustin and Lucas play if each other, how they worked together on their theories, how they gave each other the confidence to say what they thought and back it up with science. With Mike I’m so glad he got to be the soft caring Mike we all know he can be. He was so beautiful in learning to show his emotions and feel no shame, to voice his concerns for those he loves knowing he would be listened to. You gave them all a voice in this, keeping them true to themselves, making them feel alive rather than just being there.
Will...damn I love that boy, his instinctive caring nature, his shyness in his own self. We all know how powerful he is, how amazing, bright, and beautiful he will always be. I love the relationship he has with Eddie and Steve, how he slowly opens up to them, allows them in, and how they let him take the lead. I love the question about the world with the monster and the smile he only gives in response to Steve saying no and asking if the monster was scary. That was Little Bit wasn’t it?
Max and El... their friendship was pure light, pure life. I loved how they talked with Steve, letting him learn with them. Max is so special, her to the point nature, allowing brutally honest conversation that help bring to light facts that help them all at times. She’s like a little flame that shows people the truth of things, never shying away what’s before her just showing the truth of it all. El is pure joy. Despite everything, she just brings light and laughter into her world, sharing it with those around her. When she tells Hopper that his kids are just like him and he says that they are all little assholes and she deadpan responds that no, they are all superhero’s, I cried! Again, you brought them to life, made them real, and had them be the beautiful lights they are.
Hopper...oh my god, that man, that beautiful gruff, hard-headed man. I cried when you brought him back when he walked out of that bathroom. He is just brilliant in this, the pinnacle of being a good person, of putting family and loved ones first. Sure he does it with gruff words, and an angry frown and a few swear words scattered throughout, but he wouldn’t be him if he didn’t put some sort of affronted look on while happily doing it. I love that you made Steve his, gave him a son, gave him another child to love and care for. But also to give Steve an adult he could love and trust because he needed that, he needed that so bad after everything Sylvia and Daniel put him through.
The rest of the adults... I have to say I wish all adults were so understanding and accepting. Just taking things as they were thrown at them and simply saying “as long as you are happy and safe”. That is how it should be, how people should love, with knowing its not their right to choose how others live, but it is their choice on how they react.
Chrissy... this beautiful bright light of a human. We saw it in the show, that light softness that was still there despite everything she was going through and you ran with it. She is so lovely in this, just a tiny little fluff ball of joy and light. The dynamic she adds to the four of them is so spot on, the way she just slips in like she was always meant to be there, to be part of their pack. I love her relationship with Steve, how she instinctively became a fellow Omega, loving on him in a way the others didn’t. But more so I loved her and Eddie, again, we see a little snippet of what could be on the show and again you ran with it. Their cute nicknames, the way they played and leaned on each other was just so lovely and made me smile so much.
Robin... God love her. Her every word, action, and thought was just so her. Her relationship with Steve is a thing of pure love, pure need. They are definitely soul mates, totally made for each other in a way not many people get to have. The scene in the bathroom, when Steve wakes covered in blood, is done so well. I’m sure when that door opened, she wanted to scream, make a fuss, but she had promised, and she kept that promise, only looking at him. She is so amazing, she reminds me of my best friend so much.
Robin and Chrissy.... arghhh so perfect! Their dynamic is spot on, I wish we got to see a little more of their relationship, more spilt coffee, please!
Doors... love, love, love this idea. Being able to travel through worlds, seeing imagined lives, seeing the what if’s. The construction of this idea must have taken some time to make it plausible and real. I liked that Steve had a guide, that little Stevie got to be with him, show what to do, how it worked, that he got Charlie, he was sweet and cute. The scene with Sammy was brilliant, and heart wrenching, to be able to see her grown up and alive was such a gift, for us readers and Steve. Then...then, you threw in Eddie, not just any Eddie, our Eddie, the one from the show, I cried, I was happy he was there, helping Steve understand that he deserved love, just as he did in the show, just as he always has in every story written about the two of them. What I love most about this concept is that not only does it link each and everyone of your stories together it also links every single story written about them because this concept is unending and infinite ♾️.
Eddie... my love, my beloved, God, I love this boy. Every incarnation of him is just amazing, especially when he loves the way he does. This Eddie, Alpha, is so raw. The struggle he has with becoming who he is, is so real and heart-breaking. He truly believes he is unlovable, a monster. The time when they broke up was horrible, I know we saw it through Steve but you still felt how horrible it was for Eddie too, especially having that need to care for Steve and not being able to and having to reconcile those feelings with his Alpha self as well as his human side. He tried so hard not to push Steve, to let him do what he needed even as it went against ever instinct in him. I love how you don’t romanticise what they have. You make it very hard, very real, make it imperfect, and above all you make it human.
Steve... my sweet sweet boy. You gave him magic! You gave him powers to be what ever he needed to be, let him become what he had to be. Beautiful inhuman monster, made all the more human because when humans love to their full ability they are magic. Steve is love personified, he breaks, becomes fragile and brittle when he can not love, doesn’t understand why some people just can’t accept what he so willingly offers, and it destroys him. He becomes this new thing, a new word, Omega, because he just loves so deeply, so wholeheartedly and being human isn’t enough to give the love he has inside of him. Him loving Eddie was always going to be a lot for Eddie to bare, for someone who thought themselves unlovable suddenly having the love of Steve was never going to go down well. I know why Steve felt so hurt and crushed by what Eddie said, being told his love was too much, would have of course broken him. Their time apart again, horrible, but it was nothing to when Eddie died. God that stole my breath, it broke me, had me crying, sobbing because I could feel what Steve was feeling. It took me a while to push through that part, to get to the other side of it because you made the pain so real.
I think, if I could, I would spend a year going through this story, breaking it down, analysing it, showing the world just what you have created, and that it is a work of genius. Nearly 400k words of pure brilliance is something you need to be proud of. It is an accomplishment not many authors have made. I looked up how many published books have that many words, and there are not many above that word count, but you are up there with the likes of Stephan King and George R.R Martin.
Az, thank you for letting me bombard you with silly little Asks as I have read Touched, it has been amazing to touch base with you, to tell you my little thoughts and feeling as I have read. I could never give you enough praise for what you have accomplished, what you have shared.
So, thank you, just thank you.
Natasha x
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littledarlingone · 1 year
Yeah I’m back yeah I got more to say about byler what about it
Just rewatched mikes “love confession” in s4 and I knew that he’s inadvertently responding to Will’s van confession, but I never realized what he was really saying in response.
“El, do you hear me? I love you. I’m sorry I don’t say it more, and it’s not because I’m scared of you. I’m not, I’ve never felt that way. Never. But I am scared that one day you’ll realize that you don’t need me anymore. And I thought that if I said how I felt that it would somehow make that day…hurt more. But the truth is, El, I don’t know how to live without you. I feel like my life started that day we found you in the woods. You were wearing that yellow Benny’s Burgers t-shirt, and it was so big it almost swallowed you whole. And I knew right then and there, in that moment that I loved you.”
El asked Mike at the beginning of season if he thought she was a monster, if he was afraid of her. Similarly, Will begins worried that him and Mike are growing distant because of Wills sexuality. It’s a different kind of fear, but homophobia is still a fear, especially in Mike, a young (probably queer) boy.
But Mike says “I’ve never felt that way. Never.”
Mike says he was afraid to speak on his feelings because he, essentially, felt undeserving of love.
Which, to me, feels a lot like him saying “I’m not afraid of what you are, I’m afraid of what I am.”
And then he says: “I don’t know how to live without you.”
Which, to me, really just makes me think about Mike’s devotion and determination to find Will, or help Will, season through season. Mike doesn’t know how to live without Will.
And yeah he was unhappy in season two about El being gone, but he also never went looking for her. He didn’t band his friends together to find her. He didn’t deny all logic and reason because he just knew she was still out there.
And when she returned, after they reunited, he let her ride off with Hopper to close the gate at Hawkins Lab. Without him. Because he’s right. El has never needed him, at least not the way he desperately wants to be needed. But yknow who has?
When Will went to the same Lab earlier in the season, Mike was right here by his side. He insisted. He defied logic or reason to stay with Will, because he can’t live without him.
And to me, that last part where he says that gut wrenching bit, about how his life started the day he met El (the day Will went missing)? That feels a lot like Mike saying “this was the day someone finally needed me around.”
And it was. It just wasn’t El that needed him. It still isn’t. But Mike didn’t know that, and still doesn’t know that…because Will won’t say the painting was from him.
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My bastard boy cat was a bastard child to my old lady cat and just kneaded a blanket while yowling as if he’s the one who was put upon. Anyway, here’s Stranger Things Season 4 Episode 6. Let’s see what’s dumber: the show or my cat.
1.) Patrick’s corpse looks too goofy for me to feel bad for Jason right now.
2.) “Eddie is a vessel for Satan.” Lmao this was a dude who like last episode swore he didn’t believe in the Supernatural. Not to tell him his business but I would not be jumping to Satan even when I was a kid who believed in that shit.
3.) Also, maybe the cops should be worried about a teenager who already hunted down Eddie once when he’s being like ‘EDDIE IS A VESSEL FOR THE DEVIL’. Like I’m gonna be real with you, small town cops will put you in psych ward against your will for less.
4.) I need everyone to understand that even though America’s military fucking LOVES torture, torture does not work. It does not work. It will get you a false confession long before it will get you a real one. Part of the problem though is that media fucking looooooooves torture. Like this isn’t bullshit ‘media makes you violent’ nonsense. Congress literally cited the show 24 during talks about whether torture works. Because it always worked in the fictional bullshit garbage TV show 24.
5.) The shot of El walking down a hall with a team behind her while Brenner talks about how she had a LITERAL STROKE is hilarious.
6.) To be clear, you do not repair broken or dead connections in your brain. Once those are dead, they’re dead forever. They do not come back. You create NEW routes.
7.) Can we talk about how Kali has not been mentioned once? Did the Duffers forget she exists? Like Brenner sucks but he’s not an idiot, so he should be aware that someone is killing people from the fucking place.
8.) Sneaky Eddie steals a walkie with his tongue out.
9.) I love that Robin talked about Eddie’s doe eyes.
10.) The cops releasing Eddie’s name and photo as a ‘person of interest’ in this town based on Jason’s stupid testimony that sounds insane is B-B-B-Bonkers.
11.) Poor Eddie is like, very close to a breakdown and I do not blame him.
12.) Why can’t they just tell Argyle that Suzie’s family is Mormon.
13.) Okay no one ever mentions people are being bonkers in Suzie’s house. Also there are so many kids.
14.) Argyle has a mega crush on Eden that people also never mention.
15.) I’m glad Joyce and Murray survived their plane crash but how did they do that with zero injuries.
16.) Oh, the traitor is still alive too.
17.) I will say that leaving someone in the middle of nowhere tied to a tree is actually killing him. Lmao Like not to get into ridiculous semantics, but just because it wasn’t directly 100% by your hands doesn’t not make it murder.
18.) Yuri decides to help them though because the show can’t actually have either of them do anything terrible.
19.) Oh Antonov is like, catholic or some shit.
20.) What is with this feast?
21.) Hopper was doing SOMETHING on the floor during this rando telling people about upside down monsters.
22.) Hopper was the first dude to figure out the last meal shit????
23.) has anyone edited this plinking scene with El to put a horse into it?
24.) Brenner saying One didn’t exist is hilarious. Like, no kids, we just started at 2 for funsies. Like maybe just say he died or something.
25.) Oh now they finally mention Kali, but still no mention or attempt from anyone actually in charge. Just a memory of a mention.
26.) “We should have just told her the truth”. Sirs, I don’t think you actually know the truth.
27.) When exactly did Steve practically invent Skull Rock as a make out spot?
28.) Lucas is so goddamn sweet.
29.) Why would Robin of all people hint that Nancy and Steve should get back together???????
30.) Robin and Nancy are cute.
31.) Dustin’s dads calling him a butthead is great.
32.) this town hall is bullshit.
33.) Oh god, Jason and his stupid crew. I hate his stupid face. Also suddenly he’s not giving details. Probably because no one would actually believe him. Why doesn’t he just say ‘vessel for Satan’?
34.) Oh suddenly some of the people in the crowd realize their kids are accused cult members.
35.) Jason I wanna beat you silly.
37.) Jesus Christ, Powell, you are 5 minutes late and a dollar short.
38.) why are they lying to Susie oh my god.
39.) I love Eden.
40.) Karen, don’t call the cops, oh my god.
41.) “The thing I do now, apparently. I ran.” This implies that this is a new development for Eddie.
42.) Dustin’s gate reveal.
43.) Steve pointing out they can’t put Eddie in danger via a walk in the words.
44.) I’m gonna be real with you, technically Eddie’s statement is nonsense since the Shire isn’t burning into after everyone gets back from Mordor.
45.) IDK who needs to hear this but putting extra black people in the show just for most of them to be background or killed is like, not actually representation.
46.) It’s actually kind of nonsense that Henry is so obsessed with El in the past.
47.) Yuri has a point. He doesn’t need to need to do anything to them at this point. Either they succeed or they die.
48.) Ohhhhhhh Murray is now Yuri and Yuri is now Murray. That’s smart. Maybe. If they’d actually established that no one knows what Yuri looks like, which they didn’t do that first.
49.) Antonov is kind of right about hope. Also, people can absolutely defeat a demogorgon. Hopper should know that. So man I hope this is a distraction or something, because damn, otherwise what are you doing?
50.) Oh Hopper and Antonov got taken out.
51.) I also don’t know how they got a demogorgon here.
52.) Oh, Hopper did have a plan. Good job, bud.
53.) Okay I know what the internet is and I know how I got access to it in the 90s, but I just realized I don’t know how Suzie’s household has it in the 80s.
54.) Oh, Eden and Argyle were getting high.
55.) Maybe one of you two cops could have actually done something about Jason before he became a riot inducer. Maybe when he accused Eddie of being an agent of Satan.
56.) Robin would put Nancy in charge.
57.) “Miss you already.” Robin, you’re the queen of my heart.
58.) What’s with the bully group of kids?
59.) For real why do these kids fucking hate El?
60.) El literally does not know what happened?
61.) Nancy watching Steve and Robin watching Nancy and Eddie watching Steve. Also, Max approves of Steve’s chest hair, almost guaranteed.
62.) Merman Steve Harrington. He can hold his breath for at least a minute.
63.) Max distracting the cops.
64.) damn he really does get just yanked across the ground.
65.) Nancy jumps in. Dustin gets caught by the cops. Robin follows. Eddie calls it stupid and then follows seconds after.
66.) Steve’s first time in the upside down. And he gets to fight mutant bats with an oar and immediately get his ass kicked as he’s strangled. There was like, definitely a version of this where he died.
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origamiplushie · 1 year
3. Max
Part 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Read on AO3.
They had wanted to stay in the waiting room until Max woke up but those of them who were not that badly injured were sent home shortly as the hospital was quickly filled with all the people who were injured when the rifts opened. Steve was, fortunately or not, confined to a hospital bed because the doctors were very concerned about the bat bites. However the rest were given first aid and sent to heal at home. Where most of the kids immediately got grounded by their very worried parents.
Robin was lucky enough to escape punishment, having managed to come up with enough excuses to calm down her parents. Thus she came back to keep Steve company in his hospital room as soon as she could. 
Being sent home was good for one thing at least because it meant Nancy was there when Mike finally called to check in. The California crew was already aware that something bad went down in Hawkins thanks to El but not sure about the details. Updating them meant that Nancy also got to hear about their side of things, which cleared up quite a few things for the Hawkins team. For example, how Max had survived the curse.
“... So they managed to build a sensory deprivation tank out of a pizza freezer and during our battle Eleven was fighting Vecna in Max’s head. Unfortunately, Vecna was too strong and hurt Max but Eleven managed to bring her back. Without her, Max would still be … gone.”
They all sat in solemn silence for a moment.
Nancy was the first to shake it off, having had longer to come to terms with what had apparently almost happened.
“Anyway I still need to tell the kids. I came here first thing after Mike’s call. I wanted to make sure that Max was, well, at least better than when we brought her in.”
Seeming to have steeled herself for telling this same story again, Nancy said goodbye to them and left them to their thoughts.
After a few minutes Robin broke the silence with a question.
 “Does that mean it was Eleven bringing people back from the dead this whole time? I mean it would make more sense than Upside Down creatures simply being unable to cause permanent harm in the Rightside Up.”
Steve nods and following Robin’s line of thought says: “Yeah, and it would explain why Barb didn’t come back. I’m pretty sure El doesn’t know who she even was and she most definitely didn’t know back then when she had just escaped from the lab! She wouldn’t have known to bring her back. But if she was hiding out in Mike’s basement then Mike would have definitely mentioned his best friend when he found out that friend was dead. And maybe later Dustin complained to her about his dead cat while they were all hanging out and she did it to cheer him up? I guess it all makes sense.” 
He hums thoughtfully. He was rearranging everything that had happened in the past few years in his head with this new context.
“That also explains why she was so distraught over losing her powers after Starcourt. Hopper was her dad.” Robin suddenly whispered.
Steve sombered instantly. “That must have been tough to deal with. You could bring back your friend’s dead pet but now that you’ve lost the only parent you’ve ever had, you’re helpless.”
“But hey! Nancy said El’s all powered up again! I’m sure Hopper will be back soon enough,” he said, trying to cheer her up.
Slowly Robin’s expression lightened and she agreed: “ That’s true! She’s probably already working on it!”
Steve felt a lot lighter himself. It had been hard, this past year, knowing that he was the oldest one of their little monster-killing group still left in town. He felt responsible for everyone. If the Upside Down came back, and it always seemed to come back, he would be the only adult there. Even before anything actually happened the thought filled him with anxiety. 
It’s not like Steve blamed Joyce for leaving - Hawkins wasn’t exactly full of good memories and living there kept ending up with her kids getting hurt. He didn’t blame Hopper for dying either. They all knew by now that this stuff was dangerous. But being aware of all that didn’t stop him from feeling sorta abandoned. He did not feel old enough to be the adult. He did not feel like he was good enough to protect everyone. Hell, by now it was pretty clear he wasn’t. Like Erica likes to say, just the facts. 
But now it would be fine because Joyce was going to come back to Hawkins and Hopper would be alive again. There would be actual adults who could handle this, who could keep the kids from getting hurt again. It wouldn’t just be him anymore. Now, finally, Steve could rest easier and focus on healing up before the next, inevitable, battle.
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strangerfigs · 2 years
tw: anti-m*leven. tried to tag correctly but i don’t understand Tumblr anymore.// I need to shut up!! but eleven will be fine without mike. she will thrive without mike. (see: discovering herself and defining herself with max, developing a familial relationship with hopper, then joyce, then will and jonathon). she literally says in her letter “you are right, it just takes some getting used to” about Lenora, meaning that maybe she did tell Mike that it was God Awful in Lenora at first and she was miserable, but Mike just kept being positive, and like - “oh, no, it’s gonna better better ! toxic positivity, ftw, from mike.” And Eleven just eventually felt pressured to make Mike happy because she knew he was worried about her, and also wanted to her to be happy in Lenora [but he didn’t ever sign his letters with love and he sent her a valentines card but it said ‘I like you’ on it, and she keeps asking him to smile in the pictures he sends, but he won’t, but will has a picture of Mike smiling, so she doesn’t fully understand but it’s okay, she is just happy he sends them.] and oh no! Mike is coming. Can’t let him know that Lenora is horrible, and that she’s bullied, and please Angela tell him it was a joke after just humiliating me. Like, the fact that this was El’s number one thought - what she was going to beg for after just being humiliated? and her boyfriend did what? where was he? but let me just hit you over the head with a roller skate because you wont tell my boyfriend that was a joke. like; god el probably feels so insecure in her relationship with mike. maybe he writes her letters and brings her flowers but she can’t even open up to him, and when she does, he just responded with “it will get better” aka such a Ted thing to say, and then! after hitting this bitch over the head with a skate, for her boyfriend essentially because she wasn’t wanting to hit her before saying no to her request - her boyfriend says “what did you do?” looking at you like you’re a monster when you made that kid piss himself for Mike’s best friend, who you hadn’t even met yet, but you knew he was important to Mike. and then he is going to not sit next to you on the car ride home or dinner, and at dinner, even though jonathan and his friend tried to make you feel better about it, and will maybe has been quiet but he is always quiet and at least he is sitting by you and didn’t react in fear, or at the very least, make you feel worse about it - he did help you reconstruct hoppers cabin the night before and while he didn’t stand up to your bullies, you know that’s just how he is, and you don’t want or expect him to, at least he always tries to comfort you after you’ve been humiliated, but your boyfriend tells you it will get better, and then makes you feel worse about it, and he can’t tell you he loves you, and when you mention it to him, he lies and says you’re ridiculous and calls you eleven which he never does. so you’re finally done. you sign that letter with “from, el”. like how are people rooting for this ship. i love mike from the bottom of my heart but it’s eleven who deserves better! not will. eleven deserves to discover herself and feel her emotions; and be loved romantically! like this relation is so toxic and icky. like she is legitimately better off without mike. as a boyfriend. he literally worsens her trauma and triggers her, and people are going to ship them. like. bro. she deserves more than this, what!? smh
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This whole thing with Max, El, and Mike is so... I’m not on Max’s side. She’s making it seem like Mike is just trying to control El and that’s why El dumped him, but, really, Mike lied because of Hopper and El dumped Mike because Max told her to. 
Max keeps telling Mike that El is her own person, and knows her limits, but does she? El is just a girl who’s used as some infallible weapon, all the time. In season 1, she nearly died, and it’s not usual to bleed so much from the nose. Hopper, El’s dad, doesn’t seem to care what she’s up to, so Mike is the only person trying to stop El from going too far, because no one knows exactly how much is too much with her. 
I understand Max and Nancy’s point about El being her own person, and I think Mike needs to hear that and respect El’s wishes more, but framing it as a feminist issue is so reductive - it’s disingenuous. Max is pulling that crap out of her ass, because Mike is right that Max is “corrupting” El to a certain extent. All of El’s “ideas” this season came from Max - the idea to dump Mike, the idea to go against the rules and spy on the boys; she even encouraged Eleven to stay mad at Mike when she was ready to move on. She may be trying to look out for El’s best interests, but I don’t think El even knows why she dumped Mike. He lied to her one time and all of a sudden they’re enemies and Mike is being called controlling, etc. It’s like she went from smooching Mike every day to disliking him. Things fell apart so fast I can’t make sense of it. Mike shouldn’t have lied, or said girls are irrational (though El wasn’t necessarily being rational tbh), but he’s not a fucking villain and Max is not El’s savior. 
Maybe Max should also respect El instead of pushing her own relationship views onto her. When was Mike controlling? When he said El wasn’t supposed to be at the mall with Max? Yeah, because Dr. Owens told Hopper to give it a year before El started going out in public, because she’s a girl with superpowers who has been haunted down before. Mike’s concern is valid and it’s weird that he’s being called controlling just over that. I’m not saying he doesn’t need to chill, because sometimes he does need to chill, but nothing in the one episode we had where Mike and El were on good terms indicates he’s controlling. And El is notoriously difficult to control. Max is, in fact, the only one who succeeded in doing it. And I don’t think El was too dependent on Mike either - he was just as dependent on her, only he got to go to mall and hang out with his friends, but it wasn’t his fault that El couldn’t; and El took him away from his friends too. 
I’m not saying Max is wrong for trying to protect El from Mike’s lies, or to warn her of the dangers of relationships. She’s trying to show El she needs to be her own person and to believe in herself and in her own instincts. But she’s understandably immature, and teaching El a lot of the wrong life lessons - like manipulation over communication, and to disregard other people’s feelings for your own entertainment. And, yet, we’re supposed to believe Max is right and Mike is wrong... 
This whole season is a fucking mess. I don’t understand any of the couples, apart from Jonathan and Nancy. The characters are so poorly written. Hopper is an asshole, who is little more than ineffective comic relief at this point; Max, Lucas, Mike, and El are, like... whatever? The Duffer brothers are terrible at utilizing their characters, and also at building up the plot. The first half of season 2 was weak too. We’ve replaced Dustin’s weird pet monster with rats and chemical drinking people... It’s weird and gross. 
Also, on Jonathan and Nancy, I get the feeling that people think Nancy is better off with Steve because he’d go on adventures with her, whereas Jonathan didn’t want Nancy to pursue that story against their superiors’ orders. However, while Jonathan really doesn’t understand what it’s like to be a woman in a male dominated work place, and to be treated how Nancy was treated, Jonathan is also just trying to survive, do his job, and forget about monsters. Both of their feelings are valid. At the end of the day, Jonathan realized Nancy was right and would’ve died at the hospital for her. Couples are allowed to disagree. People act like Jonathan isn’t allowed to say no to Nancy, and to play it safe and keep his head down. Maybe Nancy and Jonathan were more compatible in seasons 1 and 2, and Jonathan doesn’t share Nancy’s excitement for chasing leads and putting herself in danger, but Jonathan is just scared - it’s not that he doesn’t want to go monster hunting, but he has more to lose than she does. Steve is more like Nancy in the sense that he has nothing to worry about, so he can lose his job at Scoops Ahoy to go on an adventure with his buddies, but Jonathan has Will and Joyce to look out for. 
I’m rooting for Jonathan and Nancy anyway. Jonathan isn’t perfect, but he’s kind and brave, and his issues and flaws are honestly typical of a guy (not exactly a compliment, I know), and he’s shown he’s willing to learn from Nancy. Plus, just because Nancy is compatible with Steve or Robin, it doesn’t mean she should date them. They can just become good friends, because friendships are as important as romantic relationships. Besides, if a couple broke up every time they grew a little bit apart, the divorce rate would be even higher. 
I just defended two guys in this post... And my parents call me a man hater. 
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okaybutlikeimagine · 4 years
El has a nightmare and Hop has a night shift, so she can't talk to him about it and goes to Billy instead. Imagine Jim coming home in the morning and finding El sleeping in her brother's bed taking almost all the space and the covers, while Billy is about to fall off with one leg and one arm touching the floor. And Hop can feel his heart melt because this is the cutest thing he's ever seen.
HI I’M the one melting bc this is so adorable!! ♥ i’ve been bundled into a ball of fluff over the idea of this.
One of my absolute FAVORITE things that really cemented me into the “I live and breathe for Billy’s found family and you can pry it from my cold dead hands” club was fics where Billy looks out for El. like, something about this big rough and tough and emotionally vulnerable boy noticing and helping out this small but also feisty and emotionally vulnerable girl just drives me CRAZy ♥
their dynamic is TOO GOOD. they’re so similar and both deal with the same kinds of traumas and call me crazy, but I don’t think Billy likes the idea of other people going through what he went through. I think he likes to THINK he does, I think he likes to both silently and very loudly wish ill of people- usually bullies or assholes who think they’re clever. Think they’re better than him bc they have whatever constitutes as a “happy home life”. He hates those people. Those are the people he (almost) wishes could feel the pain he’s felt his whole life… the pain of trying to be as small as possible, to take up as little space as possible, and still get slapped for it.
The thing is… he never actually means it. He likes to think that if he was given the choice, he could throw his life and all of the pain that’s come with it onto some poor, unsuspecting soul… but somehow he knows he would never. Could never. It’s an upsetting thought for him.
And he most definitely wouldn’t want anything plaguing a little kid… especially this little girl that Billy shares a home with now.
Bc Billy’s no stranger to nightmares, and within about 3 days of moving into the Hopper household, he knows El isn’t either. Bc he wakes up to shrieks. It startles him awake, gets his heart racing like crazy, and sets his entire body on fire because…
Because he hears heavy footsteps, rushing somewhere on the wooden floors. 
He’s awake but his mind is still processing it so his vision is blurry and all he sees is a large figure barreling towards the only room- El’s room, and the door slams open and the shrieks get louder and Billy’s livid.
And he jumps into action, gracelessly because he’s still drunk with sleep and exhaustion (because those first few weeks in the cabin are rough on him.) and he rushes to El’s room, running himself into the doorway, leaning heavily on it, eyes scanning wildly to stop this because holy shit he didn’t think this man was like this but then again how could he be so stupid as to think this man wasn’t a poison to society like every man Billy’s ever met and-
And El is crying and Billy’s vision is getting less blurry and she’s… she’s hugging Hop. Hop is on the bed, arms wrapped tight around the little bundle of curls and tears that are shivering against his chest, and Hop shoots a look up to Billy in the doorway. He must look like a fire being doused.
You okay? Hop mouths, patting El’s head.
Billy’s blinking hard, trying to make sure he knows exactly what he’s looking at- make sure he knows that there’s no danger here.
El starts mumbling something… something about monsters and labs and Papa and…
Billy leaves. Stumbles his way back to the couch and flops back down and falls into a restless sleep of his own monster.
And it takes a bit for him to realize he may never get used to it. Every time he sees something other than reality. Every time his mind is somewhere that isn’t the present. Every time Billy rushes, heart beating violently, over to the room, leaning heavily on the door, ready to fight, mind just racing with thoughts of: oh no, it finally happened. He finally did it. He’s finally bored of me. He finally moved on to her...
Every time Billy snaps back to the present, taking note of the girl having brown hair rather than red…
But Billy just never gets used to it. He never gets comfortable. It’s happened a countless number of times and every time he’s nervous and today, when El screams, Billy is up in a second, stumbling on wobbly legs that’re heavy with sleep over to her room to see her standing and crying and wobbling around herself. She’s wandering around her room, bumping into her bedframe and her dresser and her wall because she has her hands covering her eyes in fear.
Billy grabs hold of her, embracing her in his arms, keeping her still. He feels her shake as his sleep hazy mind slowly clears.
“Monsters.” is all she can say but it’s all Billy needs to hear.
So he guides her out of her bedroom and into the living room to sit on his bed in the corner. He lets her talk for a minute about what she saw and how it makes her feel and Billy just lets her before he tells her it’s “not real” and that she doesn’t have to be scared. He doesn’t quite know what else to say. Even though he has nightmares too, he’s not sure what he’d want to hear. It works, nonetheless. She breathes a little more even and nods and curls herself up in the corner of his bed while he goes to grab her a glass of milk and an extra blanket.
When Billy notices she’s not shaking anymore, he figures this is the perfect time to guide her back to her bed and try to get back to sleep himself, but the second he opens his mouth she beats him to it.
“Can you sing?”
His brows furrow deeply. “Huh?”
“Sing? Can you sing a song?”
“Uhhh… I don’t really sing, kiddo.”
“Yes you do. Sometimes you sing.”
“Yeah but-”
And it’s the puppy dog eyes and the pouting lip and the fact that her face is still puffy from crying that really seals the deal.
So he gives her the extra blanket and lets her get cozy and tries for the life of him to think of something to sing- some slow song he’s heard her listen to or that he’s heard and knows the lyrics to or that, maybe possibly, his mom used to sing for him when he was a kid… but even those are far and distant and muffled and it’s stupid but there’s only one song and it’s only the chorus that he can think of.
So…. well…
He makes sure she’s comfy and he lays back in the bed a bit and he twists his face up a bit and sings rather awkwardly-
“Take me down to the paradise city… where the grass is green… and the girls are pretty… oh won’t you please take me home?”
She snuggles in more, burying her face into his arm and grabbing hold of it. He sighs a little, trying his damnedest to sing the chorus slowly and in some kind of tune that resembles a lullaby.
Somehow, for some reason, it does work- with only a couple repetitions of the chorus, El is fully calm and asleep against Billy’s arm, her own arms wrapped around it like it’s a teddy bear. The smile Billy gives to her is small and soft and involuntary, and he keeps singing the chorus, softer and softer and even softer, until he too is asleep.
And just imagine Hop’s heartwarming surprise when he comes into the cabin after a grueling and tiring shift to find El spread like a semi-broken starfish across the bed, the blankets mostly wrapped around her and yet with a hand still gripping onto the arm of Billy, who is half off the bed and yet still fully passed out.
He chuckles to himself as he pulls off his boots, makes some coffee for Billy to wake up to, and gets ready for some shut eye of his own.
And imagine Hop’s even more… perhaps confusing surprise when Guns and Roses’ Paradise City comes on the radio one night when they’re all driving back from the Byers’ home and El shouts out “lullaby!”
He shoots Billy a very confused look, to which the boy just shrugs and makes his best “I have no idea what she’s talking about and don’t ask me” face.
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harringrovetrashrat · 4 years
bodyswap au
This turned into... something.  Dunno why, but it just needed to happen this way, lolololol
Hope you enjoy, yo!!!!! <3
When Hopper arrived at the station, he was hoping for a quiet morning of coffee, contemplation, and sneaking some donuts that El would definitely be mad at him about later.  No donuts.  Doctor said less sugar.  He appreciated the care, but also he wasn’t going to stop eating donuts.  Not with the world being as weird as it was.
But when he walked in, Flo had a look on her face that made him want to turn right around and leave.
“You have visitors,” she spat out.  “I’ve never known the Harrington boy to be so rude--”
“Thank you, Flo,” Hopper said, cutting her off before she got started.  “Why don’t you take an extra break and get yourself something from Melvads?” He grabbed his wallet, putting a five on the table in front of her.  “On me.” She eyed him warily but snatched it up and grabbed her purse.  He gave her a smile that wasn’t more than his lips stretched into a line, before grabbing a cup of coffee.  He downed one, ignoring how it burned his tongue and the roof of his mouth, then poured another.  Harrington being rude?  It meant something was up.  Bratty, sure.  Snarky, probably.  But rude?  Not with the parents he had.
When he walked into his office, Hopper paused.  Billy sat in a chair next to Steve, legs crossed at the knee as one foot bounced nervously and he chewed on his lip.  Next to him was Steve, legs spread wide, slouched in the chair, chewing on his cuticle aggressively.  When they heard the door open and close, they turned, both speaking at the same time.
“Hop, you’re not gonna believe this--”
“Some seriously fucked up shit is going on in this fucking town--”
The words came out of the wrong mouths.  Billy looked at Hopper, eyes big and innocent in a way he’d never seen on the kid.  And Steve looked like he’d stepped in dog shit, nose scrunched and mouth turned down.  They spoke over each other, making Hopper rub his temples as he sat down heavily in his chair.
He was getting too old for this shit.
“Okay, okay, okay,” he said, voice loud.  The boys’ mouths snapped shut, Billy looking sheepish and Steve clenching his jaw and looking away.  “One at a time, please.” He lit a cigarette, taking a deep inhale.  He exhaled slowly, letting the nicotine calm his jitters, before looking back at the two teens.  “Steve,” he gestured to the boy.  “You first.”
Billy started talking.
“So when I woke up this morning--”
“I said Steve,” Hop said, cutting him off.
“I am Steve,” the blonde replied.  Hopper stared at him before taking another long drag off his cigarette and a large gulp of his coffee.
“I’m sorry,” he said, voice calmer than he’d thought it would be.  “You’re who?”
“I’m Steve,” Billy, no, Steve, said again.  “I woke up this morning in Billy’s body, in his bed, in his house.” He could see it now.  Had seen it before but couldn’t place why.  The way Billy ran a hand through his hair and gestured wildly.  The way Steve was silent and taking up space with a large scowl.  They weren’t themselves.  Because they were each other.
“Okay,” Hopper said once the boys had explained.  “So last night you two had a fight in the woods.” He gave them both a stern look, getting rolled eyes and a sheepish grin in response.  “And,” he rubbed his forehead, eyes wide as he tried to wrap his head around whatever the fuck was happening, “This lady came out of a tree,” he closed his eyes, inhaling sharply, “And said she was cursing you until you admit the truth.” The two boys nodded and Hopper felt himself age 10 years.  “It ended the fight and you both went to your respective homes and woke up,” he sighed, “Like this.”
“Yeah,” Billy replied, twisting Steve’s face into an annoyed grimace.  “That’s what we fucking said.”
“I need you to turn the attitude down about 10 notches,” Hopper snapped.  Billy just sank lower in the seat.  “This is a lot to wrap my head around, so excuse me for making sure I got the facts right.” Billy scoffed, but there was a flush to his cheeks.  Well, Steve’s cheeks.  Steve was a blusher, Hopper knew.  Boy turned red and clammy when he tried to lie.  His skin was pale enough that any color stood out.
Hopper wondered if Billy even realized.
“What do we do?” Steve asked.  The genuine concern coming out of Billy’s mouth was weird, but at this point, weird was normal and normal was a distant, fond memory.  Hopper sighed, pushing back a little and rubbing his hand across the stubble on his chin.
“Well, you admit the truth, whatever that is.”
“Fucking obviously,” Billy snapped.  He slid down a little at Hopper’s warning stare.  “But she didn’t give us any idea of what the truth even was.”
“Well, what were you two fighting about?” Steve and Billy looked at each other and shrugged.
“I mean, it just kinda started?” Steve said, voice going up at the end.
The two of them had been tousling since Billy had arrived.  The amount of times Hopper was called to basketball practice, or the park, or the arcade, were innumerable.  And they didn’t even seem to know what they were fighting about.  They just got under each other’s skin, he guessed.  Billy knew how to needle and jab until a person snapped, and Steve was as bratty as they came, though he had gotten better since the whole monsters thing.  Billy had too, for that matter.  They should have been friends.  It wasn’t like they didn’t get along at all.  They were a good team, capable, and he trusted them with El.
So it made no sense for them--
Hopper pursed his lips.  Thought back to their fights, really thought.  Remembered the way Billy would watch Steve like a hawk, eyes always on him.  The way Steve never stopped talking about Billy, even if it was to complain.  Thought about how it wasn’t right for boys to be physical with each other unless it was a fight.
Thought about Neil Hargrove and John Harrington and their bullshit.
“Can I ask you two something?” He sniffed, pulling his bottom lip into his mouth as he tapped on his desk anxiously.  “And I want an honest answer.” He looked at them, face grim and serious.  They stared back, equally wary and confused.  “Why do you keep fighting?” Neither of them replied, just shrugging and not looking at each other.
“Just, I dunno, just ‘cause?” Billy said, poking at the desk with his foot.
“Yeah, you know, rough housing,” Steve said.  Billy nodded, like he was convincing himself that was only what it was.  “Boys being boys and all that.”
“Sure,” Hopper said.  “That’s a reason.  But I don’t think that’s why you two are doing it.” He leaned back in his chair.  Steve’s eyes darted to Billy and back, panicked.  Billy didn’t look up, but he was tense.  Long fingers curled into a cashmere sweater, ready for fight or flight.
Hopper knew he wasn’t approaching this right.  Knew he was in some dangerous territory.  But this was some fairy tale shit, so it probably had a fairy tale ending.
He honestly hoped the boys liked each other like he thought, or his suggestion was going to get him way more grief than he’d like.
“What do you think?” Billy’s voice was as tense as he was.
“I think,” Hopper said, trying to keep his voice soft and without judgement, “That fighting is an excuse.  I think that you two like each other a lot more than you let on.” Billy stood, chair squeaking as it scrapped on the floor.  Steve’s knuckles were white against the denim on his legs.
“I don’t know what you think you’re playing at--” Billy’s voice was shaking.
“I think you both know exactly what I’m saying,” he said, cutting Billy off.  “And I’m not--” He struggled to find the right words.  “Look.  I don’t care whether you two like each other or not.  It makes no difference to me.  But I know that there aren’t many ways to show that.  Not when it’s two men.” Both of them were sweating and tense and Hopper didn’t know what to say to fix it.  “I think you two would rather date each other than fight, but don’t know how to say that to the other person.”
“Wh-What?” Steve laughed, all nerves.  “There’s no-- Billy’s not-- I mean, I’m not--”
“That’s a real riot,” Billy said, mean and scared.  “A real laugh riot, Chief.”
“Listen!” Hopper boomed, tired of it.  Tired of magic and weird and bullshit.  The boys’ both stopped talking, staring at him.  “I said honest answers.  This lady saw you two fighting in the woods, right?  Fighting over nothing.  Fighting as an excuse to get close.” They opened their mouths but he held his hands up.  “Why would she say you needed to tell the truth.  Why did she put you into each other’s bodies?” This made them both relax, made them think.  “This is all some weird high fantasy, sci-fi shit.  I don’t understand it.  But what I do understand is finding excuses to be near someone you shouldn’t want to be near.” They looked at each other and Hopper felt the energy between them shift.  They locked eyes and didn’t move.
“I--” Steve stuttered.  “I--”
“Be honest with each other,” Hopper said.  “And maybe you’ll see some changes.” The look the boys shared got more intense and Hopper didn’t want to witness them being honest.  Whatever that would entail.
“I’ll call the school, get you guys out for the day.  Go to Steve’s and talk.  But get out of my office.” With a nod, and not even a spare glance to Hopper, the boys left.  Hopper rubbed a hand over his face before holding his head in his hands.
When he got a call that afternoon, confirming that Everything has gone back to normal, well, except…you know, he allowed himself an extra donut.  Because he fucking deserved it.
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Tell Me No Secrets: Chapter 8
Pairing: Steve Harrington X Reader X Billy Hargrove
Begins in Season 2.
Summary: You thought you escaped the world of science experiments and torture when you walk out of that lab. However, high school has other plans, somehow you end up as unlikely friends and love interests to the two most desired boys in school. Not to mention monsters from another dimension and a little girl named El from your past that just won’t seem to leave you alone. Maybe that lab wasn’t as bad as you thought, at least there people left you alone.
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The Complication
You could feel the agitation rolling off of you in waves. After explaining to everyone that you’ve been followed for the past few days by an agent everyone had thoroughly freaked out like you knew they would. The anger was unexplainable and seemed to come out of nowhere and the pacing is the only way to keep yourself under control. 
‘This is why I like to handle things myself,’ you think as you continue to pace. The room was still full of your friends as they argued about what the best course of action would be. It started with a guard detail and now Dustin is suggesting some kind of elaborate security device. 
You whip around to walk the other way when a sharp pain goes up your side. You cry out, startling everyone in the room as you sink to the floor half in surprise and half in actual pain. Another sharp pain follows quickly after and again and again, before you know it you are curled up on the floor attempting to protect yourself from the phantom assault. A sob wracks your body as you actually feel one of your ribs crack a sharp pain pierces your hand and your nose. A few minutes later the assault is done and you just lay in a heap, your body throbbing and everyone in the room in various stages of panic and chaos. 
You lay still and suddenly your vision is blurry and you are gazing at a living room you’ve never seen before. A man is casually leaning against the counter as you drag yourself up and shuffle to the bathroom. You lay your head against the door, the cool wood feels good against your forehead. You don’t pay attention to anyone, it’s not until Steve puts a hesitant hand on your arm that you are brought back to the room around you. You blink taking in the familiar couch and the familiar faces of your friends. You flinch away from him and he backs up hands in the air. 
“It’s okay…”
You shake your head and get unsteadily to your knees your hands go to your throbbing nose when you pull away you expect to see blood but there is nothing there. You blink in surprise before you press on your rib expecting pain, but there isn’t anything there other than a phantom throbbing. 
“What happened?” you ask shakily.
“We were kinda hoping you could tell us that…” Steve says hesitantly. 
“I don’t know…”
“What do you mean you don’t know?” questions Hopper’s tight voice. 
You gaze down at the floor before you glance up at Max, “What does your living room look like?”
“Huh? Why?”
“Just… what does it look like?” you ask again as you put your hand to your head attempting to soothe your throbbing head.
She begins to describe the beige walls and the TV in the corner. The window that opens up to the kitchen. You gaze unseeingly at the carpet as you recall every detail about what just happened to you. 
“I see…” you say before you stumble to your feet with Steve and Melanie on either side to steady you before you walk wordlessly to your bedroom. 
“Okay… what just happened here?” questions Hopper as he gazes at where you just were. 
“We don’t know…” sigh Melanie, “She did that the other night.”
“When?” questions Elle. 
“A few nights ago… I-I don’t remember exactly when…”
You can still feel the residual pain aching in your muscles as the water from the shower beats down on you. You don’t feel like dealing with anyone as you ponder what you think is happening. You inhale a shaky breath as you picture the living room and man leaning casually against the wall watching you get up. There is no emotion, dead eyes watch you as you make your way towards the bathroom. A moment later water is scalding your skin as you gaze around at the green tiles surrounding you, with a blink you are back in your own shower. Groaning you force yourself from the shower and into bed hoping against hope that you are able to get a good night’s sleep. You have a feeling you are going to need it for tomorrow. 
The next morning dawns and before you can even think of riding your bike to school Steve is in your driveway and much to your surprise so is Dustin.
“Why are you here?” You ask in confusion as you lock the door behind you.
“I’m taking you to school, it’s too dangerous for you to ride your bike there,” says Steve as he crosses his arms. 
“He’s right! You need protection,” interjects Dustin.
You furrow your brow at the duo in confusion, “Okay…” Mostly because you know that attempting to argue with them at seven o’clock in the morning is far more hassle than it’s worth. Also, you decide not to mention that you are more than capable of dealing with anyone that comes your way, but they enjoy being heroes and who are you to take that from them? Plus you simply don’t feel like riding your bike today. 
When you pull into the parking lot at school you don’t think much of the fact that Steve gave you a ride until you get out of his car. You feel eyes on you instantly as whispers flare up all around you. A particular pair of blue eyes catch yours though. 
“What do you think she’s doing with Steve?”
“Wasn’t she with Billy last week?”
“What are they doing with the freak?”
“What do they see in her?”
“It has to be a bet! You know they’ve been competing for King status…”
“Has to be a bet.”
“Hey! Don’t listen to them okay?” You hear Steve’s voice in your ear suddenly. 
You whip your head around to face him and notice the way his hand is on the small of your back and the way he guides you into the school. 
You blink attempting to refocus yourself as you try to block everyone out. You don’t have time for their rumors, you have more important things to do. You wave Steve off when you get to your locker insisting that you would be okay. 
“Are you sure?” he asks in concern as he leans against your locker door, his eyes searching yours. You are beginning to understand why so many females like Steve. He has the uncanny ability to make himself look like a puppy and is quite endearing if not a little slow. 
“I’m fine, Steve, I’ve somehow managed to survive without you my entire life up until now. I think I can handle first period.”
“I just…”
“Go!” you shoo him away much to the scandal of the female population that was trying not to be obvious they were eavesdropping and even more so for the ones who didn’t care if you knew they were. 
You don’t see Steve again until lunch when he plops himself down in the chair next to you. 
“So… How are you doing?” asks Steve as he pours little packets of hot sauce on his burrito.
You roll your eyes, “I’m fine Steve…”
He doesn’t look convinced as he regards you with concern, “Yesterday was pretty intense…”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you say coldly. 
Steve has become rather bold rather quickly because he doesn’t seem to care whether or not you want to talk about it, “Maybe you should though! You should talk about it!”
“What good would that do?” you ask seriously as you attempt to concentrate on your math homework. 
“You were scared… Hell, I was scared! You just started to scream and writhing in pain for NO REASON.”
“Would you keep your voice down!” You ask in an angry whisper, “Everyone at this school already thinks I’m some kind of freak, I would rather possession not be added to the rumor mill, especially when it involves both you and Billy.”
“Sorry! Geeze! I’m just trying to help!” he hisses back at you. 
You fix him with an angry stare, “Perhaps in private would be better, you never know who is listening.”
“Ah… right…” he looks thoroughly chastised as the two of you make your way out of the cafeteria and to your science class. 
“We still need to work on our project…” Steve grumbles as you both pile yourselves into the classroom. 
“We can finish it up tomorrow after school,” you say decisively.
“Tomorrow? Why not tonight?”
“I have things to take care of tonight.”
“What things?” He asks almost defensively.
“Things that don’t concern you,” you mutter emotionlessly.
“Hey! You aren’t going after any more-” he asks, clearly offended.
“Steve!” You growl.
He lowers his voice to a whisper as he leans in, “-any more of those guys are you?”
“No… this has nothing to do with that…”
“You know friends trust one another right?” he asks in annoyance. 
“Then you should trust me,” you say calmly as you look towards the front of the classroom as your teacher enters the room. 
You hear him scoff from beside you, but you decide to ignore him, mostly because you know it annoys him when you do. 
You can feel Billy’s gaze on you as you read the assigned material for your English class. Agaitiation rolls off of him in waves as you attempt to ignore him, but how can you when you know what you know?
It’s when the bell rings that a message floats between the two of you, landing softly in his mind, “Meet me behind the school.”
His eyes widen as he gazes at you like you are out of some horror movie, but you ignore the way the shock travels up his body and ricochets through his mind. A few minutes later you are standing before him as he leans against the wall.
“What’s this about?” he asks confidently, his voice doesn’t reflect the fear in his mind. 
“Lift up your shirt,” you say while crossing your arms. 
“Sweetheart if this is what you wanted all along…”
“No. Now lift up your shirt,” you say emotionlessly.
He rolls his shoulder and his jaw before he straightens, “What if I don’t want to.”
You tilt your head to the side, “What happened last night?”
He leans his head back and regards you with narrowed eyes, “That’s none of your business.”
“It’s my business when I’m a crumpled heap on the floor of my own house,” his eyes widen at your statement, “Now, lift up your shirt,” you say forcefully.
He holds your gaze as he angrily untucks his shirt from his too-tight jeans and pulls it up to reveal black and blue ribs. His side is all manner of colors some bruises are almost healed while others are fresh. 
Shame sets you on fire as you regard him and it takes you a moment to realize that shame doesn’t belong to you. 
You merely nod at him, “Thank you.”
He drops his shirt back down and refuses to look at you. His shame is replaced with anger, mostly because he doesn’t know what else to do with himself. 
“Oh yeah! And what’s that gonna do huh?! You think you can fix this shit?! Fix my fuckin life?!”
“You would be surprised at what I can do…”
He snaps his head up to look at you his breath catching in his throat. 
“Let’s go,” you say as you breeze past him into the school.
“Where?” he asks bewildered.
“To take care of this.”
His whips around as the door goes to slam in his face, he catches it at the last second as he attempts to tuck his shirt back in before following you down the hallway. 
The ride to Billy’s house is silent as he chain-smokes cigarettes, the smoke flying out the open window. The ride is loose and fast and despite the fact that he wants you scared, you know better than to actually be. He pulls into the driveway and the two of you make your way up to the front door. You look around at the perfectly manicured yard before you enter the living room you were in last night. 
“He uh… won’t be home for a couple of hours…”
“It’s fine, I can wait,” you say calmly while you pull out the book your class is reading for English. 
“So you can really do it huh?” he asks as he sits down next to you on the couch. His elbows are on his knees and his hands have formed a fist under his chin. He’s wound as tightly as a wire about to snap. 
You regard him quietly for a moment before you answer, “Yes, I can.”
“How?” his voice is rough as if he is holding back tears.
“You shouldn’t ask questions you don’t actually want answers to.”
He glances at you out of the corner of his eyes before he gets up and lights another cigarette taking a long drag. 
“You should do the reading,” you murmur softly.
“What? Why?” He asks, almost outraged you would suggest such a thing. 
“It would be best if he thought us to be working on an assignment.”
He nods absentmindedly before he puts the cigarette out and reaches for his bag. He pulls the book out and settles down to read it, but even though his eyes are moving he isn’t comprehending anything. After staring at the same page for several minutes he closes the book harshly and slams it down next to him on the couch. He runs his hands through his hair messing it up before he inhales a large breath then exhales. You watch him while he does all this in mild confusion. 
“Do you doubt me?” You ask calmly.
He lets out a forced laugh as he shakes his head, “I don’t know what to think sweetheart.”
He looks up at you and his eyes lock with yours. They are a deep blue and remind you of the turbulent sea in a hurricane, this time though you think you can see a little bit of sun hidden in the depths. As if for once he has hope.  
The door opens almost violently and if you hadn’t felt the waves of anger rolling off of the male before he made his way into the house you would have been startled. 
“What’s going on here?” Billy’s father asks, you see right through his forced cheery facade and see for what it is a very dangerous question. 
“We were just uhh…” Billy stalls in shock, clearly not expecting him yet. 
“Working on an English assignment, we were paired up in class,” you finish easily for Billy regarding the man before you carefully. 
“Right…” Billy trails off looking anywhere but at his father. 
“I see… Will she be staying for dinner?” He asks, completely ignoring you. 
“No, our assignment shouldn’t take that long,” you say calmly before you dutifully go back to your book. 
‘Assignment my ass… Like I’m going to believe this isn’t his next whore…’ The thought flits across your mind, but you just keep your face blank giving nothing away. 
Billy catches your eye looking nauseous. You merely nod your head towards the book before you go back to your own. 
You hear the heavy boots of his father as he walks into the kitchen but you make no move to do anything. 
Billy’s leg begins to bounce with his nerves. 
Abruptly you stand and regard the man as he returns from changing from his work clothes. He stalls in the hall and just looks down at you in confusion. 
“You’re going to stop hurting Billy. You will not hurt anyone in this family,” you say seriously, the order hanging in the air. “If I find out you’ve hurt any of them there will be consequences. Now you are going to forget this conversation ever happened.”
His eyes are blank and unseeing as you turn back to a bewildered Billy. 
“That’s it?” He asks in bewilderment. 
“Yes,” you say calmly, “I would like to go home now.”
He blinks up at in confusion.
“You have to take me there,” you supply in place of his obvious confusion.
“How do I know this worked?!” he asks in bewilderment. 
“You don’t… yet. Also, don’t say anything to anyone,” he blinks at the order vaguely wondering if you used your power on him. 
With that, you turn and walk out the door with a very confused Billy following dutifully after you. 
The next morning, before you even step out of your front door, you can hear the arguing. 
You roll your eyes as you gaze between Steve and Billy with Dustin and Max standing off to either side, both looking equally exasperated by their ride to school. 
“Why are you both here?” you ask in annoyance regarding them both with crossed arms and narrowed eyes. 
“I”m taking you to school!” They chorus before they return their glares back to one another.
“This is becoming excessive…” you murmur more so to yourself than the group surrounding you.
“Look, you don’t need to be riding your bike to school with…” Steve trails off looking imploringly at Billy.
“What? What’s going on?!” asks Billy in obvious annoyance around the cigarette between his lips. 
“Nothing that concerns you…” you say regarding Billy calmly. 
“You heard her! Nothing that concerns you!” Steve echos tauntingly. 
“Enough, Steve,” you reprimand. 
Billy scoffs from your other side, “You heard her Harrington, enough,” he says with a triumphant smirk. 
Steve whips around in a fighting stance to regard Billy.
“ENOUGH! Both of you!” you exclaim in annoyance, “I don’t know what’s gotten into either of you, but I can take care of myself just fine. I’ve been doing it for a long time.”
“Yeah,  but that doesn’t answer the question of who’s taking you to school, sweetheart?” Billy interjects indicating the two cars before you. 
“Who was here first?” you ask in annoyance. 
“I was!” They both chorus and you just cross your arms with a sigh.
You look to Max and Dustin for the answer and Max raises her hand, “We were here first.”
You nod decisively, “Billy can take me to school, Steve, you can take me home, okay?”
Billy smirks triumphantly and Steve just regards you in surprised betrayal. 
“But it’s Hargrove! What if his bad driving kills you?!” Steve yells in annoyance. 
“Billy has been giving me many rides to and from school, I’ll be fine.”
“He has?!” Steve asks following you to the passenger door of Billy’s car.
“Yes Steve, he has, long before you did,” you say patiently. 
Steve just squeaks in indignation as you shut the door effectively ending the conversation. 
Flying down the road towards school Billy has a Cheshire grin on his face, “You know you could have just told Harrington you wanted me to take you…”
You glance at Billy out of the corner of your eye, “I honestly didn’t care either way.”
“Sure sweetheart… Sure…” he says with confidence dripping from his voice. 
Max scoffs in the back seat, “You know she’s too smart for you right?”
“What did you say?” he growls back. 
As the siblings begin to bicker back and forth you notice it, the buzzing.
“Quiet both of you!” you exclaim shutting them both up momentarily.
“Don’t tell-”
“Hush!” you exclaim the order hanging in the air as you turn your head this way and that trying to get a read on the buzzing in your head. 
Your eyes widen as it starts getting stronger and there you see a vehicle sitting at the intersection not fifty feet away clearly waiting for someone. You narrow your eyes as you regard the car. 
“Billy,” you murmur turning to look him in the eyes, “Floor it, if they catch us we might as well be dead.”
He just nods, the barest hint of fear in his eyes as he lays his foot down on the gas pedal, his car roaring to life.
Notes: I know it’s been forever and day actually since I updated this but I love it very much! Please drop some love and tell me what you think. Also, I intend to redo the taglist for this story since it’s been so long. So if you would like to be tagged please send me an ask! 
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lesbianrobin · 4 years
If you had to rank all the 14 ST characters in the main group from most to least fav what would your ranking look like? (And by main group i mean the characters including murray and erica, and excluding karen, basically everybody involved in the final battle in 3x08)
ok let me preface this by saying that i literally love all of these characters i don't hate any of them okay?? let's go... ascending order for the drama!!
14. murray. no explanation needed. no offense to brett gelman he's phenomenal and i honestly think murray is really funny, but he's more or less just a plot device with some comic relief slapped on top.
now things get spicy <3
13. erica. love her to death! but she's fairly one-dimensional, once again primarily a comic relief character. maybe in s4 she'll get some more depth like the older kids have, but for now she's sort of a default next-to-last :/
12. will... no tea no shade but the kid's barely in the show! i absolutely want good things for him but like. i barely even know him. yknow? he’s only above erica bc he’s gay and she’s a capitalist. also that scene in s1 right before he gets snatched by the demogorgon when he just runs straight to the shed and grabs a goddamn shotgun and loads it fully ready to defend himself... that shit slapped good for him!!
11. this Will be controversial among some and i Know this character is many people's favorite... if you follow me already this is probably not going to surprise you but. nancy. i just think her character is kind of inconsistent, so i have a hard time really clicking with her :/ sometimes i love her and i think she's so cool and funny and hot (that hospital scene in s3... my GOD what a badass!) and other times i would like to fistfight her.
also let me get this out of the way right now: i'm aware that jonathan's character is ALSO super inconsistent!! i know okay??? i know!!!! please nobody judge me for how high rat boy gets on this ranking okay i'm literally making this up as i go along so idk if he's next or if he's like in the top five but i have a disease called Unreasonably Invested In Wildly Speculative Meta-Analysis Of Stranger Things which makes it impossible for me to be normal about jonathan and this is my ranking so i pick the bad taste!!!
10. joyce! i love her bro she's MOM and she tries so fucking hard all the goddamn time and she's so STRONG and kind and adorable... joyce is honestly a very unique and refreshing character ESPECIALLY if you’re considering stranger things within the horror genre which is often defined by these very specific archetypes of mothers and motherhood that i can get into if anyone is interested but like basically. love her <3
9. dustin <3 what an icon... i love him i love how he straight up killed a man and hardly flinched because it was to protect his friends and i love how he and his little girlfriend have a song they sing together and i love how he either has an insanely warped perspective on things due to low self-esteem or he just sometimes flatout lies to gain sympathy either way he’s a BABY and he’s so FUNNY and KIND and even when he’s scared he keeps going... ugh god and i love how even when he doubts his friends’ devotion to him he NEVER ever questions his devotion to them and he never ever considers leaving them behind or not stepping up to help them... he’s so brave!
8. mike is such a fucking BITCH but even more than that he is an ANGEL... literally his range who is doing it like him??? nobody!!!! graffiti’d the bathroom stall at school... hates cops.... what a legend. also i like how fucking goofy and dumb his hair looks in s3. also he’s very soft with his friends and it makes me cry. ALSO he literally stepped off a fucking CLIFF he was ready to DIE FOR DUSTIN and i know all the kids have risked their lives for each other but this wasn’t even a monster yknow this was just... bullies.... threatening his friend..... and mike couldn’t fucking let it happen bro he was ready to just step off the edge to keep dustin safe and it’s SO MUCH... and god the kindness he showed el when they first met!!! he’s a total angel and a total shithead and it’s amazing.
7. lucas my tiny baby hero.... he’s so strong and cool and capable yet at the same time he’s such a COMPLETE dork!!! he very seriously believes his slingshot wrist rocket is a lethal weapon and then he ACTUALLY USES IT AS A LETHAL WEAPON TO SAVE HIMSELF AND HIS FRIENDS!!! he hacks off a giant monster’s freaky tentacle arm thing with an axe to save his friend AND he keeps a bunch of action figures and random dice on his bedside table bro he just thinks they’re neat!!! like... i genuinely love him so much god he cares so much about his friends and he’s so brave and smart and loving... i know he is not tiny anymore but he is my tiny baby hero okay...
6. hopper! big man care for little girl... protect and love kids... dance to dad music... be goofy and hot... have trauma.... admit his faults and attempt to grow from them.... what's not to love?
5. jonathan... look i can’t explain it except that he loves his goddamn baby brother so much and i’m a sucker with extensive headcanons alright!
4. el!!! feral little darling girl!!! i literally cannot articulate the love that floods my heart whenever i see her face or think about her for too long she’s just... so strong but more than that she’s so incredibly KIND!! when she has every reason to be selfish and cruel and yeah at times she does let herself get a little mean but on the whole she’s always so goddamn kind and loving and selfless no matter how afraid she is or how she’s hurting... and i hope that with her powers gone in s4 she’ll maybe learn how to see herself as more than a tool to protect those she loves yknow but that’s off topic skdncmn i just think that el is such an incredible character with such depth!! she can be so grave and mature yet she’s still such an innocent child at the same time, and i think that both the writing and mbb’s acting are handled such that both of these things WORK and feel real and they make el (and her trauma) so believable. i just love her to death.
3. robin, light of my lesbian little life!! unfortunately she's wayyy too much like me to snag the top spot lmao. maybe once we get another season with her she’ll trample the competition but for now my baby is in a solid third place <3 i’ve never seen a lesbian on screen who i felt so accurately represented me and my experiences!! she feels so real and in just one season she’s become one of my favorites on the whole show, and i cannot fucking wait to see what else we learn about her and what development we see from her in s4. 
2. as u may have guessed... max!! i know i said this was my subjective opinion but here i’ll just say it: max is objectively one of the best characters on the show. she’s so strong and funny and quick on her feet while harboring some real pain and insecurity at the same time, and both of these aspects of her character are married perfectly, logically connecting to one another and joining with sadie’s incredible acting to create an amazing character who feels just... so real!! i absolutely adore her and i CONSTANTLY tear up just from thinking about her skdncmn...
1. what if my number one wasn't steve. like can y'all imagine???? if i just said like will or some shit???? genuinely i did consider giving max or robin top billing here but i just Can't i've dedicated too goddamn much of my life to steve harrington to deny that he's my one and only. is there anything to say that hasn't already been said? look at the bitch. just look at him. 
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what other answer could there be?
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finnyboywolfhard · 4 years
Song That The Morning Brings (Chapter Twenty Three)
Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader 
catch up here
summary: the groups converge and try to make a plan to stop the monster 
warnings: cursing, violence, angst, spoilers ig 
word count: 4.4k
They all began to find their way out from behind the counter and over to where the other group was standing. Mike was practically carrying EL.
“Ha! You flung that thing like a hot wheel!” Dustin cheered while rushing to give them all hugs! Smiles took over everyone’s face.
“Lucas?” Erica shouted to her brother that was walking closer.
“What are you doing here?” He pleaded out in response.
“Ask them, it’s their fault.”
“True, yeah. Totally true. It’s absolutely our fault.” Steve agreed with Erica’s statement.
“Yeah, it may be our fault but the little nerd helped us a lot.” Y/N said with a joking laugh, only just realizing her hand was still in Steve’s. She let go of his hand and started rocking back and forth on her heels. Snapping up to make direct eye contact with Nancy, who only smirked and winked at her in response.
“I don’t understand what happened to that car.” Robin confusedly said.
“El has superpowers.” Dustin replied.
“I’m sorry?”
“Superpowers, she threw it with her mind. Come on, catch up.” Steve said, sounding done with the situation.
“That’s El?” Erica spit out after realizing what was just said.
“Who’s El?” Robin asked before being interrupted by Nancy’s slightly condescending question.
“I’m sorry, who are you?”
“I’m Robin, I work with Steve and Y/N.”
“She cracked the top secret code.” Dustin said after the introduction.  
“Yeah, which is how we found out about the Russians.” Y/N said, following her brother.
“Russians? Wait, what Russians?” Jonathan asked. Both groups were both so confused of one another. Two polar opposite things happened to them both.
“The Russians!” Steve shouted out.
“Those were Russians?” Max asked looking at the men who were down on the floor.
“Some of them.” Erica pointed out.
“What are you talking about?” Lucas spoke, looking directly to his little sister.
“Didn’t you hear our code red?”
“Yeah, we couldn’t understand what you were saying.” Mike angrily said to Dustin.
“God damn low battery!” Dustin yelled.
“How many times do I have to tell you with the low battery?” Steve also yelled back towards Dustin smacking his hands together to show how truly upset he was.
“Stevie, calm down, it’s okay.”
“Well, everything worked out, didn’t it?” Dustin declared.
“Worked out? We almost died!” Erica said to him.
“Yeah, but we didn’t did we.”
“There’s still time.” Y/N whispered to herself. She had more hope than before in regards to living, but she wasn’t entirely hopeful. The rest of the group kept bickering but also explaining what happened over the course of a few days. Y/N kinda blocked them out. Thousands of thoughts were rushing through her mind at once. Some good, some bad, some really good and some really bad. The sound of Eleven collapsing onto the floor a few feet away snapped everyone away from the conversation.
“Whoa whoa whoa” Steve started to mutter beside Y/N.
“El! El!” Mike said, rolling her onto her back to look at her. His voice was filled with fear. Y/N could tell by looking at the two they were in love. But that was beside the point.
“What’s wrong with her?” Erica said.
“El, what’s wrong?” Y/N said in a much calmer, gentler tone than everyone else.
“My leg…my leg.” She whimpered out in response. She was seething in pain.
“Her leg, her leg, okay.” Jonathan said as he slowly lifted the bandages from the wound sitting on her calf. As soon as it was off her skin, everyone groaned at the sight of it. There was a massive gash, filled with blood and other oozes, but there was also something moving around in her leg. As it sharply moved, her pain grew increasingly obvious. Eleven let out screeches and grunts. It was the weakest any of them had ever seen her. Mike leaned over to look her in the eyes.
“El! El! El!El! El! El, are you okay?” He said, begging for her to answer him. He kept repeating her name, to no avail. The only response that he got was her screaming in agonizing pain. It was harsh and cut the cold, stale air around them. She was wailing and crying in pain, whatever was in her leg needed to come out and it needed to come out now. Her flesh was beginning to sizzle. Either from her body heat or from the creature inside her leg.
“What is that?”
“There’s something in there.”
“Jesus Christ.” Dustin exclaimed in response to her leg.
“Keep her talking. Keep her awake, okay?” Jonathan said to the group before standing up and rushing over to one of the food counters nearby. The group continued talking to her. Some of them trying to distract her from the pain, others just talking to her to keep her awake.
“Hey, hey, hey. Stay awake, stay awake. Let’s get her on this side, on this side.” Mike commanded the group, taking charge of the situation at hand. Steve helped Mike roll her over to her side.
“Easy, easy, easy, easy.” Steve said, making sure that Mike was being gentle with the already pained girl in front of them.
“It’s uh…you know it’s not actually that bad. There was a…the goalie on my soccer team, Beth Wildfire, this other girl slid into her leg.” At this point everyone was looking at Robin, who wasn’t helping the problem. “And the bone came out of her knee like six inches or something, it was insane.” She was about to keep rambling before she was cut off.
“Robin.” Steve stopped her.
“You’re not helping.” Y/N and Steve said in time with one another.
“I’m sorry.” At this point, Robin sounded like she was panting for breath. Her fear was evident. Fight or Flight was an interesting body response, because for the past few days Robin has seemingly been a fighter, but now she was being flighty. Jonathan came running back from wherever he went. He got right down onto the floor and began speaking at a quiet, calming volume.
“Okay, Alright El? This is gonna hurt like hell, okay?”
“Okay…” was all El could croak out through the pain.
“I need you to stay real still. Here,” he lifted a wooden spoon and gave it to her, “you’re gonna want to bite down on this, okay?”
“Jesus Christ.” Dustin exhaled out. Eleven clamped the wooden spoon between her teeth. She was propped up against Mike and Max, her eyes fluttering closed every few seconds. Jonathan pulls out a knife and holds it to her leg. He looks around to check that everyone is okay, the knife hovering centimeters away from her skin.
“Do it.” Mike demanded him. Jonathan ran the blade along the wound, breaking open the bubble that was forming on her leg. Blood, pus and other mysterious liquids seeped out of the wound as the blade made contact. Eleven’s scream of pain were flooding the room, unable to hear anything else but that. Y/N began to feel queasy and leaned her forehead onto Steve’s shoulder, so she wasn’t looking at the wound too intensely.
After a few more seconds, the clink of the knife hitting the floor sounded through the screams. The entire group was set on edge by the wound. Jonathan took his hand and stuck it through the opened gash, attempting to pull out whatever was inside her leg. Her screams had somehow gotten louder, signaling how much pain this was truly causing her.
“Jonathan!” Nancy yelled to him as he continued to dig through the cut.
“Stop talking!” He yelled back to her. He became slightly more aggressive, and her screams became more and more pained. “God damn it!”
“No! Stop it!” El shrieked out amidst the pain. “Stop! Stop!”
Jonathan pulled his hand out and way, and looked down at Eleven.
“I can do it.” El said, trying to choke back some of her tears. She tried to push herself up, eventually getting help from Max and Mike. “I can do it.” She lifted her hand, close to where the wound was. Her hands were flexing as hard as they could, and her anguished grunts showed how awful this was for her. The movement in her leg became slightly more prominent as she continued wailing in pain. The glass behind them shattered from her screams and the energy she had built up from her powers. As the group shielded itself from the glass pouring around them, the small creature was yanked from her leg, being held in the air by her powers. Her screams had not stopped once. She lifted her arm and threw it across the mall. It landed a bit farther away, and began to slink off only to be squashed by a black boot. Y/N’s eyes went from the boot up, terrified that it was another Russian. Her fear was released when she saw Hopper standing there.
They all stood near the fountain recounting all of the information the two groups had gained over the past few days.
“The mind flayer, it built this monster in Hawkins to stop El, to kill her and pave a way into our world.” Mike told Hopper.
“And it almost did, that was just a tiny piece of it.” Nancy spoke out.
“How big is this thing?” Hopper said in his usual disheveled tone.
“It’s big. Thirty feet at least.” Jonathan responded.
“Yeah, it sorta destroyed your cabin.” Lucas said, being the bearer of bad news. Hopper looked upset, but he also looked tired. He looked like he was ready to tap out of this and just accept defeat. But that wasn’t like him, and he wasn’t going to forfeit a fight.
“Okay, so just to be clear, this…this big fleshy spider thing that hurt El, it’s some kind of gigantic…weapon?” Steve asked. His confusion was based, especially considering that it wasn’t something that he had witnessed yet.
“Yes.” Nancy affirmatively said.
“But instead of, like, screws and metal, the mind flayer made its weapon with melted people.”
“Yes, exactly.”
“Oh great.” Y/N muttered out before allowing Steve to voice his response.
“Yeah, okay. Yeah, just making sure.” After Steve spoke, Joyce began to ask questions just the same.
“Are we sure this thing is still out there, still alive?”
“El beat the shit out of it, but, yeah, it’s still alive.” Max gave Joyce her answer.
“But if we close the gate again-“ Will said before being interrupted by Max.
“We cut the brain off from the body.”
“And kill it.” Lucas finished her statement. “Theoretically.” They all looked around at one another, reaching a point that they didn’t know what to do.
“YooHoo!” Murray exclaimed flailing his arms that held papers, breaking the group away from one another and towards him. “YooHoo!” He made his way over to the group, and over to where he could set his things down. He placed down papers that had drawn on maps.
“Okay, this is what Alexei called, ‘the hub’. Now the hub takes us to the vault room.” He said while pointing out different sections of the map.
“Okay, where’s the gate?”
“Right here.” Murray said, smacking his finger down on a space on the paper. “I don’t know the scale on this, but I think it’s fairly close to the vault room, maybe fifty feet or so.”
“More like 500. What, you’re just gonna waltz in there like it’s commie Disneyland or something?” Y/N and Hopper made the exact same shocked expression at Erica’s remark.
“I’m sorry, who are you?”
“Erica Sinclair, who are you?”
“Murray Bauman.” He said, seeming almost timid for once. It was two strong energies combating one another.
“Listen, Mr. Bunman. I’m not trying to tell you how to do things, but I’ve been down in that shithole for 24 hours. And with all due respect, you do what this man tells you, you’re all gonna die.”
“Erica-“ Y/N was about to cut her off before Murray took control once again.
“I’m sorry, why is this four year old speaking to me?”
“Um, I’m ten you bald bastard!”
“Erica!” Lucas reprimanded his little sister.
“Just the facts!”
“She’s right. You are all gonna die, but you don’t have to.” Dustin explained. Y/N decided to take authority, stealing the spotlight from Dustin.
“Excuse me, Sorry, may I?” Y/N said asking Murray if she could point something out on the map.
“Please.” Murray let her have it.
“Okay, so you see this room right here? This is a storage facility. There’s a hatch in here that feeds into their underground ventilation system, that will lead you to the base of the weapon. The fans have been stopped, so it will take significantly less time. It’s a bit of a maze down there, but between Me, Dustin and Erica, we can show you the way.”
“You can show us the way?” Hopper said, voice dripping with condescension.
“Hop, you can do all of the fighting and all of the dangerous heroic feats, but we can be your navigators.” She responded, looking at him.
“No.” He stated blankly toward the girl. “Nope.”
“Hop, come on.”
“No, absolutely not.” The girl groaned at his response. “it’s too dangerous and I can’t and won’t let you do it. You need to stay safe.”
“Hop! I have been down there, you could die.” Hopper began walking over to a bag of guns left by the Russians, loading and checking them. At this point, Erica and Dustin left Y/N to try convincing him.
“I don’t care Y/N. You are not going down there. If one of us is going to die, I’d rather it be me than you. And I won’t die, I haven’t kicked the bucket yet. I will be okay. But you need to stay here and stay safe, I won’t let you do it.”
“Hopper, please.” Y/N pleaded once more, sadness and fear evident in her voice.
“Y/N, I love you like a daughter, I won’t let you risk it. Now please, I need to prepare myself.”
“Fine. I love you too, stay safe.” Y/N said admitting her defeat and walking over to where Steve was sitting on a counter. She jumped up beside him and huffed out a breath. He knew these moods, and knew that she needed a moment to sit with her thoughts before he could ask her how she was doing. She leaned against the wall and stretched her legs across the counter, tapping Steve’s hip with her foot. She gave him a small smile.
“So you gonna tell me what the hell happened to your face or am I just supposed to ignore it?” Y/N let out, causing Steve to laugh to himself for a little bit.
“Oh you know, typical hero stuff.”
“Oh yeah? Heroes often get drugged and beat up by Russians?”
“All the time.” He said with a smile, watching how Y/N’s eyes crinkled in the corner as she laughed. How pretty her smile was when it was a genuine in the moment smile. He adored every part of her. “Essentially, they would hit me whenever they assumed I was lying, but I’ll be okay. Not anything I haven’t experienced before.”
“How do you always end up injured? Every time we’ve dealt with this shit now, you’ve ended up with a fucked up face.”
“Wow, thanks Y/N, I feel so good about how I look now. Thank you.” He responded sarcastically. “I don’t know, I pick fights I can’t win I guess.”
“Hey, that’s not entirely true. You won the fight against that one Russian dude.”
“I did, didn’t I?” She smiled at him once again, and they just looked at each other for a few seconds. It wasn’t awkward or weird or anything. It was somewhat peaceful. She couldn’t help but admire him for a few moments. She loved him, and it hadn’t hit her yet that he loved her back.
“Oh, Stevie?”
“Hey! Heads up! You can navigate, just from someplace safe.” Hopper yelled to Dustin, tossing him a walkie. Y/N was thankful that Hopper was giving Dustin some control. His shouts led the others to start paying attention once more, drawing them away from their conversations.
“It’s not that simple.”
“The signal won’t reach.”
“Not with this, you need something with a high enough frequency band to relay with the Russians’ radio tower. But for that to work, you need someone who has both seen their comms room and has access to a super-powered handcrafter radio tower, one preferably already situated at the highest point in Hawkins. Oh wait.” Dustin took a beat, “That’s me.” Dustin looked at Hopper with a cocky smirk as Hopper inched closer to the young boy. “If you want us to navigate, you got us. But we need a head start.” At this point, the groups were all converging. Dustin had a point, he couldn’t just stay here and be able to contact Hop. “And a car.” Dustin said after getting a whisper from Erica.
“Fine. Get your sister and anyone else who was with you.” Hopper fished a set of keys from his pocket and tossed them at Y/N who finally was in Hop’s line of sight. The “Scoops Troop” ,as they had been so graciously been named,  gathered up and walked out of the mall.
“Y/N/N can I drive?” Steve asked the girl who was holding the keys.
“Is that the best idea?”
“Come on, maybe not but it would be an adventure.” He looked at her, “Please.” The girl eventually gave in and tossed him the keys just as they were making their final exit through the doors. The air felt nice, it was slightly warm but not overwhelmingly hot. And it was nice to have some fresh air.
“Oh, man, now this…this is what I’m talking about.” Steve said as soon as he saw the car he was about to drive. His voice sounding the most happy it had in days.
“Toddfather?” Robin said reading off the specialty license plate.
“Oh, screw Todd! Steve’s her daddy now.” Y/N choked out nervously as soon as Steve said that sentence. She quickly became flustered as she was finding her way to sit shotgun.
“Did you just refer to yourself in the third person, Stevie?” Y/N asked, regaining at least a little composure.
“Did he just call himself daddy?” Erica asked while Y/N could feel her cheeks getting slightly more red.
“Alright, where are we going?” Steve asked, unsure of where Cerebro was.
“Weathertop.” Dustin answered his question for him.
“Weather-what?” Steve asked with a confused tone.
“Just drive!” Dustin yelled at him.
“Okay! Jesus!” Steve revved the engine and began to drive away.
“It’s okay Stevie, I can tell you how to get there. I went once with Jeremy Powell.”
“What? You did? When? Why didn’t I know that?”
“I went on a few dates with him the end of summer before junior year. You didn’t know for reasons we’re not gonna talk about.”
“Did you like…ya know?”
“Steve!! I’m not gonna answer that with my brother and a child in the car. We can talk about this later or never talk about it again. The point is, I know where to go and so does Dustin.” Y/N snapped at Steve. His jealousy was one of the worst things about him sometimes. It was almost two years ago and it never went anywhere, yet for some reason he was still envious of the kid. The drive was silent for the most part, aside from the directions being given to Steve by both Henderson siblings.
“Jesus, how far is this place?” Steve said, yelling over the wind that was rushing through the convertible car.
“Relax, we’re almost there.” Dustin yelled back.
“Suzie must be pretty special, huh?” Robin yelled back. “I mean if you built this thing and lugged it all the way to the middle of nowhere just to talk to her?”
“I mean, nobody’s scientifically perfect, but Suzie’s about as close as to being perfect as any human could possibly be.” Dustin said, a smile spreading over his face.
“She sound made up to me. She sound made up to you?” Erica shouted up to the front seat. Steve and Y/N both glanced at one another. Steve trying so hard not to make eye contact through the rearview with Dustin. They both stayed silent after the question, not wanting to make Dustin upset.
“Why are you hesitating, Steve?” Dustin yelled to the driver.
“I’m-I’m not! I’m not! I think she sounds real. You know, totally, absolutely real.” Steve said allowing his voice to trail off till the end.
“What about you? Why are you hesitating?” Y/N now under the same heat as Steve.
“I don’t necessarily think she’s fake! I don’t know! I just haven’t met her.” She became flustered, not sure how to answer her little brother. They let the conversation end as Y/N turned back around to the road.
“Turn left!”
“Turn left! Turn left!” Y/N once again shouted.
“There’s not a road here.” Steve yelled back to her.
“Turn left now!”
“Jesus! Hang on!” Steve screamed out as he yanked his steering wheel to the left. The car spun slightly before breaking through a fence and zooming about a third of the way up the giant hill. Steve was almost screaming but not quite. “Where are we going?”
“Up!” Dustin yelled from the back seat.
“We’re not gonna make it!” Robin yelled from the back seat!
“Yes we are. Come on baby! Come on baby!” The engine strained slightly as it rose higher up the hill. “Come on! Come on!” He kept shouting at the car while pressing his foot on the gas.
“Guess the Toddfather has some limitations.” Y/N joked when they were sputtering in their stopped position. Steve removed his foot from the pedal and let out a sigh. He pulled the car into park and removed the keys from the ignition. They all got out and began the hike up the hill to Cerebro.
“Hey, I’m sorry about in the car. I shouldn’t have been worried about it. I just- I shouldn’t have given you shit for it. I’m sorry Y/N/N.”
“Stevie, it really isn’t a big deal. I don’t care, and I mean that genuinely.” Y/N said reaching out her pinky to pinky promise she was telling the truth. He gracefully took her pinky into his, locking the swear in. They were nearing the top of the hill when Dustin rushed over to Cerebro.
“Bald Eagle, do you copy? This is Scoops Troop, bald eagle do you copy?” Dustin yelled into the talkie. They waited a moment before static cut through the silence.
“Yes, I copy.” Murray said hoarsely into his end. The entire group let out sounds of relief.
“Call sign?” Dustin asked excitedly.
“Bald eagle.” Murray said.
“Please repeat.” Dustin egged him on.
“Bald eagle! This is Bald Eagle!” Murray yelled, his rage starting to shine through.
“Copy that! Good to hear your voice, Bald Eagle. What’s your 20?”
“We reached the vent. I’ll contact you when I need you. Until then, silence.” Murray said with an angry ease.
“Roger that, Bald Eagle. This is Scoops Troop, going radio silent. 10-10, over.” Dustin announced to those on the receiving end. Steve gave Dustin a few taps on the shoulder once he went silent. Dustin took his place beside Cerebro and Erica sat beside him. Robin and Y/N started to pace together, walking in around in circles. Steve just kinda stood and looked out upon the landscape.
“So, uh. I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that your Steve’s Suzie.” Robin whispered to Y/N.
“Oh, you think?” Y/N said sarcastically.
“All I’m saying is that the feeling is mutual, and the tension between y’all could snap at any moment.”
“Shut up.” Y/N said with a laugh and gentle shove to Robin’s shoulder. The two kept light conversation for awhile, Steve eventually joining it. It was mainly Robin talking about school and what she was taking for senior year. As Murray navigated through the tunnels, he would occasionally ask the Scoops Troop for their assistance.
“Scoops Troop, this is—Mmm---Bald Eagle. I’ve reached another junction.” His voice echoed out into the open air.
“This is what?” Dustin clarifying the junction.
“The fourth junction.” Erica answering rather than Murray.
“Alright, so if memory serves, this is right after the My Little Pony thesis.”
“We went left so he would have to go-“ Y/N began to answer, only to have her sentence completed alongside Dustin and Erica. “-Right.”
“Fly right Bald Eagle. Fly right.” Dustin spoke into the walkie.
“Roger that, flying right.”
“What’s the My Little Pony thesis?” Robin asked looking around the group.
“Don’t get him started.” Erica blankly stated.
“Get him started? Just tell me—“ Robin began to say before being interrupted by Steve.
“Hey, guys?” his voice sounded scared. The group all rushed to their feet and over to where Steve was standing. As they looked out across the landscape, they could see the lights of Starcourt flashing and glitching like crazy. It looked like everything was going haywire. As soon as they saw what was happening, they ran back to Cerebro to get in contact with the Griswold Family.
“Griswold family, this is Scoops Troop! Do you copy? Over!” Dustin shouted into the walkie talkie. He repeated it over and over again, only to be cut completely off from them by the creature snagging the walkie. He shouted their call sign a few more times. The group was on edge, all of them were staring, scared at Cerebro. The roar of the monster into the walkie startled the receiving group. They no longer heard any static, but yet Dustin was continuing to call out for them and the confirmation of their safety. Never once did they answer past the shriek. It was terrifying, they could be dead for all they knew. Y/N began to feel an urge, an urge to go back and help them.
“Steve keys.”
“Steve, give me the keys.”
“No, if you’re going, I’m going too.” The two stood up and began running back to where Toddfather had been stuck in place.
“Where are you going?” Erica yelled out.
“To get them the hell outta there!” Steve yelled back in response.
“Stay here! Contact the others!” Y/N yelled to her brother as well. A little bit farther down the hill, Y/N noticed that Robin was coming with them as well. They needed to help the others, and Dusty and Erica would be safe here together.
 taglist: @mochminnie @queen1054 @prettysbliss @voidnarnia
30 notes · View notes
daddystevee · 5 years
Crashing Down
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(steve harrington x hopper!reader)
Guys, I'm super emotional… this- is the last part to the fic. But more importantly this chapter is what the whole fic was written around. It's insane. Well more so like the very ending of it. But I'm so happy that this happened and I finally wrote my first fic ever. I just can't believe it. Thank you to everyone who read this and continued to support me through this. A special thanks to @harringtown who literally always has my back and was helping me out with this. I think i might write another fic one day but in all honesty who knows. It's freakin hard idk how Brooke spits these suckers out almost every day??? But who knows maybe i'll be more original next time and not have a full fledged slow burn fic.. Anyways love you guys! Xx ps its finally (steve x reader) !!!!
catch up here
Warnings: cursing, death, fluff, angst, super hella sadness, all the good stuff. And season 3 spoilers ig
Part 9/9
Word count: 3.7k (THIS IS INSANE??)
Summary: Sometimes things just don’t go as planned and your world just comes crashing down, but it’s a good thing that you have people in your life to be there to catch you when you fall. 
You squirmed out of Steve’s arms and ran to your dad, El limping close behind you pulled him into a big hug. Even though the last time you saw him was a few days ago, now was not the time for full fledged reunions you had to figure out what you guys were going to do to beat this thing.
As everyone was explaining their part of what had been going on over the last couple of days, you took your place under Steve’s arm. You watched as Jim gave Eleven the extra care she needed in that moment, making your lips curl up at the corners. 
“But instead of, like, screws and metal, the Mind Flayer made its weapon with melted people.” Steve said trying to make sense of everything he was being told
“Yeah, and it was fucking terrifying.” you say remembering what happened at the hospital yesterday.
“Yeah, okay I’m just makin’ sure”
Hopping up on the counter next to Steve, you watched everyone scramble around trying to make last minute preparations before, Joyce, Murray and your dad headed down into the Russian bunker. You look at Steve’s face and how messed up it is and then look back at your father, hoping nothing too bad would happen to him down there. 
Steve notice how deep in thought you were,
“Don’t hurt yourself, thinking to hard over there Hop.” he said trying to make light of a situation
You laughed slightly, still letting your mind wander in and out of focus.
“You okay?” he asked moving across the counter to be a little closer to you
“Yeah just thinking. A lot of things could go wrong, just nervous I guess.” 
He nods his head in agreement, “But this is your dad we're talking about, he’ll be just fine.”
You overhear Dustin telling Hopper that they need a head start and a car to get to the highest point in Hawkins. He turns and waves Steve over, Steve gives you a pat on the knee before jumping off the counter and heading over to him. After telling Steve what he needed to do, he hollered out your name meaning you were needed. 
Steve met you in the middle causing you to stop, he pulled you into a hug while telling you that he was in charge of taking Dustin and Erica to some radio tower. 
“For the love of God, please be safe. It’s bad enough you’ve already been fucked up by the Russians, I really need you back in one piece.” you say to him pulling him just a little closer
“Oh you don’t have to worry about me, it’s you I'm worried about.”
You took a deep breath in before pulling away. You looked up into Steve’s eyes and placed a hand on his face, stroking his cheek with your thumb before walking over to your dad. 
“I was summoned.” you say marching up to and standing next to your dad
“C’mere,” he said, pulling you into his side, “I need you to keep a really close eye on El for me, okay?”
“Of course dad.”
“This thing is after her, so you guys are going to Murray’s house, so you guys can stay safe, protected and off the radar until this is all over.”
“Alright.” is all you can muster out before he pulls you into a lung crushing hug.
You climb into the backseat of the Wheeler’s family car before Will and Lucas, leaving El, Mike and Max in the very back of the car. Nancy tries cranking the car but the engine just won’t start. Jonathan gets out to look, and says that there's a part missing, and it doesn’t make any sense. But all thoughts are put aside when you hear the sound of a very loud and familiar engine revving up.
“Get out, get out the car now” you say rather loudly nudging at Lucas’s side. 
You all get out of the car and head back into the mall where you would be a little bit safer.
After you get inside Mike instantly pulls out his walkie and starts sending out a code for ‘Scoops Troop’. You're standing next to El with your arm wrapped around her shoulder rubbing up and down her arm in an attempt to keep her calm. 
You see Jonathan, Nancy, Will and Max all walk over to the car that El had flipped over onto the Russian’s earlier that evening. You call Mike and follow in pursuit, climbing over the counter and behind the car to try and flip it over. You even let Eleven try to slip it over with her powers but it’s no use, but suddenly a bell goes off in your head. The same bell apparently goes off in Mike’s head because almost as if you were reading each others minds.
“Physics.” you both say in unison.
You flip the car over with the use of leverage and Jonathan begins his search for the ignition cable. 
Max was the one to notice El digging through the trash, you were the first to walk over to her and Mike was the one to call out to her. You were asking if she was okay and telling her that she needed to save her energy when none other than the Mind Flayer comes crashing down into the mall. 
“Fucking hell..”
You grab hold of Eleven’s hand and pull her away and out of sight. 
The four of you are hidden behind some sort of stand in the middle of the mall when Dustin comes over the walkie talkie telling you all to confirm your safety, but the Mind Flayer wasn’t having any of it. It let out one of the loudest screeches you had ever heard, you hadn’t been that close to it before. Tears formed in your eyes from the pain and from fear.
“We’ve gotta move.” you whisper to Mike
“There’s a way to get out, through The Gap.” El whispers back
Mike peeks his head up to see where the Mind Flayer is and is looking,
“Okay, okay. Now.” he said, grabbing El’s hand making a break for it, but of course not without making some fort of ruckus making the Mind Flayer turn and charge. Luckily you push them behind a clothing display just before it makes it to where the items had fallen,
You put your index finger to your lips signaling for them to be extremely quiet before you covered your mouth with your entire hand, attempting to silence your heave breathing. Looking at the three teens you motioned for them to crawl over behind the checkout counter in case it was just playing games, not wanting to risk anything. Though moving to this new spot didn’t help too much because you heard to your left the nasty sound of what you could only imagine was the flesh moving around.
As you turned and looked to your left you could confirm what you had heard, seeing the flesh like claw coming around the corner to snap at you. There was a loud popping noise, that sounded a lot like a balloon that caused a distraction making the claw retreat now redirecting its attention to the new sound.
“Go, go go.”  you said to the kids and you got up making a mad dash towards the exit.
You run out the back door and towards the gate that allows delivery trucks in and out trying to catch up with Nancy and the others. But as you make it just outside the gate you see Flayed Billy standing behind his car. You make the kids turn around and go back inside the mall in hopes that Billy didn’t see you, but you wouldn't go unnoticed especially since you had to go back and press the close gate button a second time because it didn’t work the first time. 
You run down a few different hallways trying to find another way out, whether that be up or down. So you pulled off into a side room where an elevator was, and mike pressed the button a few times. You really thought you had lost Billy at this point so you were good to take a little breather, until you heard the opening and shutting of a heavy metal door. 
Max was the one to round the corner and see who it was,
“Billy. Billy, you don’t have to do this. Billy. Your name is Billy, Billy Hargrove, you live on 4819 Cherry Lane. Billy please, I’m Max, I’m your-” was all you heard before the monster backhanded her out of consciousness. Mike was the first to lunge at him, but instantly got thrown against the wall and was also knocked unconscious. That left you and El, you take your stand in front of your sister and attempt to throw a punch at him, You successfully hit him in the jaw,
“You’re gonna regret that you little bitch” he says as he grabs you by the arm and twists until you’re facing away from him and he slams your head into the wall, everything goes black
You wake up, what seems to be like hours later, seeing both Max and Mike still unconscious on the ground. You sit up, head pounding and your wrist and shoulder in excruciating pain. You crawl over to Max and get her to wake up, and when she does, she yells at Mike to get up.
“Are you guys okay?” you ask them. The both shake their heads, but then begin looking around the small room.
“Where’s El?” Mike asks.
The three of you run around in a panicked state of mind calling out for her hoping she had fucked Billy up and ran for help, but the more you looked the less hopeful you felt. You ran back down what you thought were the same hallways from earlier, but with your new concussion you weren’t so sure anymore. 
You looked down to the ground and saw drops of blood and some sort of black stuff.
“Guys, look.” you say pointing down the hallway where the trail of blood led.
After some time you finally manage to make your way to the main part of the mall. You pulled yourself to a complete stop, sticking your arm out to stop Mike and Max from continuing on any further. El was on the floor talking to Billy. 
You watched with wide eyes as Billy stood up in a protective stance over El. He stood there and stared at his creator, the thing that had destroyed him. Millions of memories flashed before his eyes as the fleshy tentacle that was supposed to kill your sister, shot out towards him. He stuck his arms out to stop it, to sacrifice himself. 
You watched in pure shock as tentacles pierced into his sides and back, grabbing hold of him, hoisting him up. It all happened in slow motion, as if the universe was trying to torture you in some way. You watched as that thing took your Billy Hargrove and pierced into his chest.
“Billy!” you and Max screamed one after another
You choked up a sob as you took off running over to him, Max close behind. You slammed your knees into the ground as you grabbed Billy’s shoulders and shook them trying to keep him awake. 
“Billy, Billy. Stay with me. Billy?”
His eyes fluttered open for a split second, this was the last time that he’d see your beautiful face.
“Hey, hey, hey, I need you to stay with me. Baby I can’t lose you. Please, baby please.”
He somehow managed to get an ‘I’m sorry’ out but you didn’t care he didn’t need to be apologizing right now, but that was the only thing he said before his whole body went limp. You continued to shake his shoulders, in disbelief that this was happening and that if you kept him awake long enough he would be okay.
“Billy, no please, Billy.” it suddenly feels like you can’t breath but the only thing you can do is yell. You’re choking out sobs as you strain your voice yelling out his name. 
Steve makes it down to the second floor as quickly as he can and is behind you in seconds. He puts his hands on your shoulders in an attempt to pull you away and into his arms but you turn and yell at him.
“No! Stop it! Don’t let them touch him! Billy! Billy!” Each phrase is spoken with more sobs. You finally collapse into Steve’s arms, shaking violently with each cry. 
All you can seem to say at this point was Billy’s name. Steve leads you to a paramedic and says that he’ll meet you outside, turning around and running back inside. You along with all of the others are checked over and are cleared to go home after sitting in ambulances for a while.
After Steve is checked, he walks over to you, Max and El and takes a seat next to you. The two are in a very tight hug, your sister is doing her best at comforting Max in this time of loss. You sit in silence, not having enough energy or emotion to talk. Steve wraps his arms around you with his blanket and pulls you into a tight embrace. You mellow out your breathing until you realize that you haven’t seen Murray, Joyce or your dad anywhere.
In a panic you release from Steve’s grip and grab your sister’s hand leading her to stand up. The two of you spend a few minutes looking around for them with no luck, suddenly you spot Joyce. No sign of Hopper, you notice that El see’s her too and looks to you confused as to why dad wasn't with her. But then she realizes, you know it too, dad didn’t make it.
Eleven turns into your arms and lets all of her tears out, and just when you think you don’t have any tears left to cry, all of your tears fall on top of her head. She lets out one scream and that’s it, the rest are sobs. You cradle her head, holding onto her and not letting go.
Both Joyce and Steve offer to take both you and El in for the night, seeing as how the cabin had been destroyed earlier that night and Hop wasn’t there to take you in for some extra loving. Of course you spent the next couple of weeks staying the night at the Byers’ house. But after a while it started to get a little too cramped so while El stayed with Joyce while you stayed with Steve. Most days were the same, super hard and emotional. But other days, you would be taking a few steps forward to recovery. It wasn’t easy, and it wasn't ever going to get easier, but you at least had the right people in your life to help you out.
>3 months later<
Over the last three months things have gotten better, you spent lots of time with Max and Eleven. Making sure that they’re both okay and that they know that they are both very loved. Your dad always told Joyce that if anything were to ever happen to him, that if she was up for it, to take care of El. It wasn’t that he didn't trust you to take care of her, he just knew that it would be a lot for you at such a young age.
Joyce took her in with open arms, and even offered a room to you when she mentioned that they would be moving to Maine. You declined, only because Steve couldn't handle all the kids by himself. Steve’s mom even offered to let you stay in their guest room until you and Steve could get your own place, you had only been talking about it since you were 11. The two of you still planned on doing that, but with being unemployed at the moment it was kinda hard to have money to pay rent.
Today was the final day of packing up the Byers house. You had planned on being there but got pulled into a last minute job interview at Family Video with Robin and Steve. But as soon as you were done there, you were heading over to say your goodbyes. It was a hard day and you were trying not to think about it. 
Good news: the three of you start work on Monday. Bad news: it was time for the Byers to leave.
As you and Steve pulled up it looked like they had just put the last box in the moving truck. You hopped out of the car and jogged up to the door right as Joyce was coming out with a box for you to take home.
“What’s this?” you ask, taking the box from her
“Just a couple of Hop’s things, I thought you'd might want them.”
You sat the box down on the front porch and pulled her in for a hug, “Thank you, for everything. For the stuff and for basically being my mom and for taking El in. It means a lot to me.” A few tears escaped from your eyes.
As everyone was saying their final goodbyes you pulled El in for one final hug. 
“You don’t have to go, you know..” you say in a half joking manner. “you could stay here with me, get our own place or fix up the cabin. He did it before.”
All she does is chuckle lightly and buries her face deeper into your chest.
“I'm really gonna miss you, kid” you say quoting something your dad would say, “but I’ll see you soon. I think we’re all coming up for Thanksgiving next month and then Christmas is right after that.”
“I know” she said quietly, “I love you, Y/N” 
“I love you too El.” you pulled away from the hug and locked pinkies with her and kissed your own hands. Giving each other a small smile before moving on to the others. 
“You have Steve’s number right?” you asked before pulling her into one last hug. She nodded her head as she pulled you closer for one last squeeze before climbing into the passenger seat of the moving truck. You shut the door behind her patted the door and just like that they were gone. The kids all ride their bikes back to their designated homes and you and Steve climbed back into his car to head home too. 
As Steve puts his car into park he shifts a little in his seat, you don’t notice because you're looking down at your hands with tears rolling down your cheeks.
“I know today’s kind of a hard day for you, but I have something that might make you feel a little bit better.” he says running a hand through his hair.
He reached behind you into the back seat and pulled out a flat velvet box, you give him a curious look,
“Max and I, we talked about this for a really long time and she really wanted you to have this.” he says handing you the box.
You open it and your eyes fill with more tears as your hands drop to your lap and your head hung forward. Inside the box was Billy’s Virgin Mary necklace. It had been polished and shined and cleaned and it looked better than ever. You set the box to the side and you wrap your arms around Steve and give him a hug. After you pull away you pick up the box again and look down at it. 
“I miss him Steve,” you say resting your head on his shoulder.
“I know you do.” he said as he wraps his arm around you 
You sit up and look at him and he's looking back at you with nothing but love in his eyes, you think it’s time you told him.
“Steve there’s something I need to tell you.” your heart is beating so hard you’d be surprised if he couldn’t hear it. “These last 3 months have been some of the hardest months of my life, not only because I lost so much but because I’ve realized a lot of things. I learned my self worth, it’s been a while since I’ve truly been happy. And I found that I’m only truly happy when I’m with you. I also know that Billy would’ve wanted me to move on at some point, and as much as he said he hated you Harrington, he wouldn’t want me to be with anyone but you.”
He looked at you like if he blinked everything would fade away and none of this would be real. You reach out and place a hand on his face, looking over where wounds had once been and were now turning into scars. 
“ I love you Steve.” You finally say 
He doesn’t say anything back he just leans in and presses his soft lips against yours. The kiss held so much love and emotion. It felt just like the movies, like the moment when these things always happened. Time seemed to have slowed down, allowing you take it all in and cherish it.
“I’ll take that as the feeling’s mutual?” You say with a giggle. 
Steve brushes his nose against yours before kissing you again, only this time with more force. You took this as his way of saying yes. His mouth hot on yours as his hands grabbed your waist awkwardly from the place he was sitting and pulled you as close as he could. You both only pulled away to catch a breath. 
This would be a moment you would remember for the rest of your life. It wasn’t your first kiss, wasn’t even your second, or hundredth, but it was your first kiss as lovers, but it definitely would not be your last. The world would throw crazy things at you, especially when you aren’t ready for it, but you don’t have to deal with it alone anymore. 
You just always have to know that sometimes things just don’t go as planned and your world might come crashing down and it’ll fall apart, but always remember that you’ll have people in your life to be there to catch you when you fall.
@ughhhitsfan @eleventhdoctorsangel @chloe-skywalker  
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elevenharringtons · 4 years
Babysitting El pt. 1
Pairing: None (but leading into a bit of Steve x Reader) 
Summary: Hopper, exasperated by having to deal with monsters invading Hawkins and having a teenage girl, has asked you to come babysit while he investigates for the night. Max shows up (unannounced, to you at least) and proposes a mall day to cheer everyone up. However, things don’t go as planned, and you find yourself an accomplice to Mike and El’s breakup. 
Warnings: Profanity
Word Count: 3.3k
This is a two-parter! This part is based on El and Max’s shopping trip. It’s not exact, considering El was the one to seek Max out, but nonetheless, you’ll read some familiar scenarios. Just some good ol’ girl time and bonding over stupid boys. Part Two should be out sooner rather than later, considering all the time that has suddenly found itself on my doorstep. Stay safe out there, y’all. 
***UPDATE: There will be a taglist for the second part, so if you’d like to be on it, let me know! 
“I’ll be there.”
“If that Wheeler kid shows up here one more time-“
“Calm down! She’s a young woman now, she’s doing what she’s supposed to be doing” you say, twirling the yellowed telephone cable between your fingers. This is the third time this week that your uncle has called you upset that El was dating the second youngest Wheeler. Hopper hadn’t necessarily been on good terms with Mike, considering he found ways around Hopper’s rules, especially rules that were crafted for Eleven’s safety. Grumbling ensues on the other line.
“What time are you going to be here?”
“8 o’clock,” you reply almost confidently.
“8 o’clock...ish?” Hopper was good at seeing through your facades. Your mother was a pro at being fashionably late to things, a habit that you’re not too happy that you picked up. “You know it takes at least 15 minutes to get back to Hawkins, and then at least another 20 to remember which turn into the woods I have to take to find your cabin-“
“Save it. Just...promise me you’ll take care of this?” Hopper pleaded. You could hear someone rapping on the door in the background and assumed it was Mike trying to get back in to see El.
“I’ll do what I can. Bye, Uncle Hop.” You hear indistinct chatter on the line before it cuts to a dial tone and chuckle to yourself, continuing to pack a small overnight bag full of clothes and other essentials needed to ‘babysit’ Eleven. Hopper had to deal with a special assignment that you had specifically chosen not to ask him about, knowing it must be a continuation of the strange events that kept happening in Hawkins the past two years. Your mission was to stay with El until Hopper returned, however, now that El was a teenager, that was no easy task. Boys, best friends, and fighting intergalactic monsters had El in more directions than you remember when you were her age. Then again, you didn’t have to deal with the intergalactic monster part.
The morning drive wasn’t as bad as you thought it was going to be. Surprisingly, you remembered exactly where to turn into the woods to find Hopper’s cabin. The ground was wet from a rain storm the night before as you tried your best to maneuver your mom’s old Buick through the slippery terrain. El was standing outside on Hopper’s porch, her eyes lighting up for a quick second before diminishing again. She turned and headed back inside the cabin before you had the chance to get out of the car. Hopper met you at the door.
“What’s her deal?” You ask, closing the car door and moving to the trunk to grab your backpack.
“I, uh, may have had a hand in that,” Hopper replied.
“What’d you do”
“Joyce told me to have a talk with her and Mike, but instead, I told Mike that his grandmother was sick and that he should go be with her instead of with El,” Hopper couldn’t meet your stare. You laughed out loud.
“Seriously, Uncle Hop?”
“She doesn’t know!”
“And what made you think that was a good idea? What advice did Joyce give you that made you do that? Couldn’t have been that bad, it’s Joyce!” You’re leaning against the car door, arms crossed over your chest. You weren’t letting your uncle off that easy before he left you with a moody teenager.
“She just said to set some ground rules, to talk to them,”
“The three inch rule?” You quip.
“Well, El doesn’t always adhere to the three inch rule, that’s why I had to do something about it,” Hopper replied.
“So telling Mike Wheeler that his grandmother was sick even though she isn’t is how you’re handling this?”
“Why do you think you’re here?”
“Oh, so I’m the diffusion? She needs to be a teenager, Uncle Hop! Explore! Kiss a guy! Kiss a girl if she wants to! Fall in love! Get her heart broken! You were a teenager once, weren’t you?” You say. Out of the corner of your eye, El reappeared on the porch.
“Hi, El!” You smile and wave as El does the same. Hopper runs his hand over his face before leading you to the cabin. He grumbles under his breath as you walk.
“Look, just make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid. No one can find her out here, it’s dangerous.”
“I’ve got it under control, Hopper. She won’t leave my sight,” You assure him as you walk up the stairs to wrap El in a hug. Hopper watched as the both of you headed inside the cabin before starting his truck up and driving away.
“So, Hopper has you on some…guidelines, huh?” You say once the door is closed, taking in the cabin. It wasn’t as messy as you would have guessed it to be, definitely not like the lake house that you had practically grown up in. You put your bag down on Hopper’s armchair before leaning against the couch, watching El as she paced around.
“Guidelines?” She asked.
“Oh, um, rules. Like how he won’t let you out past a certain hour?”
“Or how he doesn’t let Mike over,” El nervously played with her hands. She was still pacing, clearly worried that Mike had abandoned her.
“Hey,” you say softly. “He doesn’t hate Mike, you know? He just…isn’t ready for you to grow up yet.” El was trying to take in what you were saying, but a knock was at the door causing the both of you to jump. El looks to you for permission to open the door, which you grant. She gets up and crosses to the door, standing on tip toes to peer into the peephole.
“It’s Max,” El says, almost disappointed.
“You can let her in,” you say. The door swings open to reveal the fiery red head, who doesn’t stay outside long.
“Lucas dropped all of our plans today for some family thing he forgot last minute,” she says. “So I told him that we were on a break.”
“A break?” El asks.
“Yeah. Like not a break up but you want to break up? Kind of?” Max says. You stare wide eyed at the two of them.
“I’m sorry, you told Lucas you wanted to take a break because he had to do something with his family?” You ask.
“Look, he pulls this last minute shit all the time. He’s probably at home playing with his stupid walkie talkie or at Mike’s. It’s better to take a minute to show him that I’m mad by taking a break than to dump his ass altogether,” she plops herself into Hopper’s armchair and right on top of your stuff without missing a beat. El sits stiffly beside you on the couch.
“Mike’s grandmother is sick, so he’s probably not at Mike’s,” you say, trying to go along with Hopper’s false narrative as truthfully as you could. Max rolls her eyes.
“Sounds like some last minute bullshit to me.”
“Last minute,” El says thoughtfully. “Mike didn’t call this morning.”
“Then dump his ass,” Max says matter-of-factly. “He keeps you on the line way too much for you to keep putting up with that.”
“I don’t think it’s Mike’s fault,” you say under your breath. Max doesn’t hear you.
“Dump his ass?” El questions.
“He’s obviously hiding something from you. Don’t put up with it,” Max shrugs.
“Nobody’s dumping anyone. Look, you can’t just break someone’s heart because they can’t do something with you,” you say. You may not have a lot of experience in the dating department,  but you also could recognize human mistakes from lies. Plus, you had your uncle’s fake storyline standing over your shoulder, so it was best that El not make any hasty decisions.
“I’m just saying, El, you could do a lot better,” Max says. “In the meantime, though, we should give you a makeover and show him what he’s missing. Let’s go to the mall!”
“Whoa, El’s not allowed out. You know that,” you say, standing now between El and Max’s line of vision.
“Hopper’s not here is he? Plus, you’re here. Nothing bad can happen if you’re with us,” Max retorts. She had a point. Having an adult around two teenagers in a mall cramped their style, automatically making them less of a target to the bad guys. Right?
“Technically, I’m not supposed to have you here,” you reply. Max rolled her eyes.
“Y/N, can we please go to the mall?” El asks. Her shimmering brown eyes are enough to make you cave. She knew just how to push your buttons.
“Fine,” you say, “but you guys can’t leave my sight.”
“Deal,” Max and El say together as they race outside to your car.
“I said don’t leave my sight!” You yell, running after them. How bad could this be?
Two hours later and you’ve become the stereotypical pack-mule “boyfriend” to your two teenaged counterparts. Max had insisted El buy a new wardrobe to make Mike jealous, so her muddied shoes and ragged plaid shirt were stuffed in a tiny bag from The Gap while Max made El try on several brightly colored combos. Then, El wanted Glamour Shots, so you watched as her and Max put on oversized pearls and lavish feathered hats, posing ridiculously for the camera. You’d bought each of them a keychain sized version of their favorite picture, adding another bag to your hand. Max had careened into JC Penney without your knowledge, taking El with her through the winding racks of aerobics wear and puffy jacket vests. You managed to find them, though, because Max was trying on bright red sunglasses in the mirrors right next to the entrance.
“What did I tell you about running off?” You say. Before Max could protest, El had walked out in a black romper with neon shapes plastered all over it. She was stumbling around on two inch heels, her stark white socks making it obvious that she’d never worn anything else besides sneakers. However, the smile on her face distracted you from the fact that she could fall and break her ankle at any moment. She stopped to pose in the mirror before turning to you.
“What do you think, Y/N?”
“I think it’s a winner. You look beautiful, El,” you say, her grin growing wider. Chastising them for running off could be saved until later. Or until something actually~ happened.
“That’ll show those stupid boys not to mess with you!” Max exclaimed.
“Maybe not in those heels, though,” you say, choosing to ignore Max’s comment. Not that you were doubling back on your whole “give Mike another chance” mantra, just that you didn’t want to ruin El’s confidence. You motion for Max to help you get the heels off of El before slipping her new Nikes back on her feet.
“Can I wear this out instead?” El asks.
“And ditch those cute yellow suspenders?” You quip.
“Come on, Y/N!” Max joined in. “What’s another bag? Another swipe of the old Visa?”
“This is the last time I bring you out shopping,” you sigh, watching as the two girls squealed, jumping up and down like they were front row at a concert. Max agrees to gather El’s other outfit from the dressing room while you take El to the register to pay. Then, you’re off again into the bustle of the Starcourt Mall. As you’re walking out, though, you spy Mike and Lucas, along with Will Byers, stepping out of a jewelry store in a heated discussion. Max and El giggled beside you, blissfully unaware that you had just caught both of their “men” doing the exact opposite of what they should be. You silently curse Mike for being this stupid. You careen then girls onto the down escalator.
“Where are we going?” Max asks.
“I saw a food court downstairs. Figured we’d go refuel for a little bit,” you say, not entirely sure the girls would fall for it.
“Oooo, can we get ice cream?” Max replied.
Mission accomplished.
That was until you had taken your eye off them for two seconds after looking at the time on the big yellow clock in the center of the food court. Max had taken El by the hand and bounded down the escalator, into the sailor themed eatery, Scoops Ahoy. You pushed through a group of teenagers balancing ice cream cones, finding the two girls receiving ice cream from a brunette boy in a ridiculous bright blue uniform. You couldn’t shake the familiarity of his face, like something you had seen in dreams. It wasn’t until you were inside of the shop, shivering from the slight temperature change, and smelling the sweetness of the treats before the name had come to you.
“Thanks, Steve!” Max said as she and El grabbed a strawberry and vanilla cone from the boy’s hands, blissfully unaware of your presence as they enjoyed their treats.
Steve Harrington. A name you hadn’t heard since you were in grade school. You remember him being the troublemaker, the one who had stolen your new pack of crayons when you weren’t looking and the one who was every teacher’s nightmare. But you also remembered him being the sweetheart. The boy who stood up for you when Tommy H was making fun of your bangs in second grade. The boy who tried to kiss you on the cheek by the swings when no one was looking. The last time you saw Steve Harrington was when your parents’ moving van was careening carefully down Main Street as you all were moving cities once you completed fifth grade. Steve was riding his bike, stopping in front of Melvald’s General Store before locking it to a rack and walking inside. Since then, Steve had become a memory, someone who would appear every once in a while as a nameless face in a dream.
You stood speechless at the counter, his back turned to you as he cleaned the ice cream scoops before meeting his next customer. There was no way he was going to remember you, your mind was racing. Years of never even thinking of him and here you were a nervous wreck. And for what? Shaking thoughts from your head, you reached into your bag to pull out three dollars for the girls’ dessert. The sound of change clanging on the counter caused him to turn. Shit.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that. They come here all the time.”
You looked up to meet his brown eyes, hands still nervously reaching for the change that had fallen out of your hands. You watched as something in his mind clicked.
“That’s me,” you reply, shoving the money back into your bag, trying to avoid an awkward conversation that probably neither of you wanted. “Sorry that they ran in here like that.”
“Jesus, how long has it been? What brings you to town?” Guess he wanted an awkward conversation.
“Oh, my uncle, he, uh, wanted me to come watch El for him while he figures out…you know, normal Hawkins police stuff.” God, why are you like this??
“How long are you here?” Steve asked, catching you completely off guard.
“I mean, I only packed an overnight bag,” you say.
“Oh, cool,” Steve replies. The spark that was in his eyes when you’d first connected had vanished.
“But, uh, Hopper never said when he was coming back, so, maybe the weekend?” You tell him, watching the corner of his mouth curl into a smile.
“Would you maybe want to catch up sometime? Like, tonight after I get off?” Steve asks. You could feel your cheeks getting hot. It was your turn to smile now. Instinct struck, though, as you turned away from him and noticed El and Max were gone from the place that they were sitting not too long ago.
“Uh, yeah, sure. I have to…go. Because the girls are…yeah. I’ll come here tonight,” you ramble as you rush out the front towards the escalator.
“See you…later,” Steve called after you. You waved a hand as you bounded up the escalator past several angry mall-goers. You couldn’t even process that you were having a “date” with someone that you hadn’t seen since elementary school, someone that you subconsciously always thought about. If you couldn’t find El, though, it would be your ass. You could already hear Hopper yelling at you at length over the phone when you spot Max’s slender frame standing out front with a melting ice cream cone in her hand. She was watching something, hopefully something to do with El, but you couldn’t figure out why Max wasn’t standing right next to El. Then it hit you.
El found Mike.
You pushed through the front door as quietly as one could push through a heavy glass door. Max’s expression went from supportive to nervous wreck once she had laid eyes on you. The “why did you run out of my sight you dumb idiots” conversation could wait a few minutes. You heard Mike trying to come up with a good excuse as to why he was out at the mall with his friends when El’s quiet voice cut through the palpable tension.
“I dump your ass.”
Max chuckled, mouth agape in surprise. You tried to keep your composure, especially considering you had told the girls not to just dump the boys over “nothing”, but you were proud of El for sticking up for herself. Mike, Lucas, and Will were stoic as El turned dramatically, hair bouncing, arm linking with Max. You heard the boys mumble to themselves as you ushered the girls away from the mall and into your car. In the rearview mirror, you watched as Max gave El a high five, offering to switch ice cream cones with her.
“Don’t think I haven’t forgot that you all ran away from me,” you half-smile. Their faces fell. “I’m not mad.” You scramble to say, just to bring that little bit of happiness back to them.
“Look, we got ice cream and then caught two lying ass boys. It’s not our fault that we fell behind flirting with the sailor boy,” Max said under her breath, taking a bite of El’s ice cream. Your cheeks grew hotter than they were in Scoops Ahoy.
“I wasn’t flirting…”
“Oh, please, I had to sit through weeks of watching El flirt with Mike. I think I know what flirting is,” Max said.
“How did you even-“
“We were sitting in a booth practically behind you. Then El saw Mike and I had to chase after her. You’re welcome, by the way. I should get some of the money that Hopper is giving you for watching her.”
“First of all, I’m not getting paid. Second, thanks, I guess?” You shake your head. “Plus, my love life is not something we should be discussing right now. Didn’t you both just dump your boyfriends?”
“Boys are stupid,” El said matter-of-factly. She wasn’t wrong. Max gave El another high five as they switched ice cream cones again.
“So are you going on a date with Harrington or not?” Max asked.
“Yes, but-“
“Great! I’ll spend the night, and El and I will help you get ready,” she said. El nodded in response, too enticed by her ice cream to give verbal recognition.
“I thought you were against boys?” By now, you had turned down the pathway to Hopper’s cabin. You put the car in park, turning to look at the two girls in the back seat.
“Those boys. Helping you nab Harrington is a different story.” Max said, grabbing her JC Penney bag and bounding out of the car. You helped El carry all of her belongings into the cabin before plopping it into Hopper’s armchair.
“Makeover?” El asked once everyone was inside and settled.
“Oh, yeah,” Max replied. They each took your hands and led you to the bathroom.
What were you about to get into?
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mxtantrights · 4 years
˚ · · . · ✵ ✷PART TWENTY-FIVE
warnings: guns, Steve Harrington has music taste in this
NOVEMBER 5, 1984
While the kids were fighting, and Mickey was ignoring me, me and Steve heard something in the far distance. Even had the weird moment where we looked at each other as soon as we heard it. We both took small steps from where the sound came form.
"You think that's it?" I ask him
He nods his head. "Guys!"
The kids stop their bickering and come over to us. The boys specifically.
Max is on the offense. I let the boys go ahead and jog over to her.
"Come on, neither of us have flashlights. We're safer with the idiots." I hold out my hand for her to take.
She takes it and jogs with me and we catch up with the boys. They keep on walking and walking until we get to  a hill. We can all see the foggy Hawkins area, but no Dart. Lucas uses his binoculars to get a better look.
"It's the lab." He tells all of us. "They were going back home."
But none of us were, it seemed like.
"Steve?" Both Nancy and Jonathan ask at the same time.
Steve looks at them both, "Nancy?"
Dustin and I both call out Jonathan.
Holy shit where has this guy been? Some crazy stuff has been going down and he hasn't been here? Even the stuff with his brother? Where was he this whole time?
They all start having a conversation but something in my mind is telling me to look around. Ir'a like one of those gut feelings. And so I do.
I look into the darkness and see that same lab Lucas was talking about.
What if I was born there? In that creepy lab where all these creepy monsters come from? And where El came from? I don't like lumping her together with those disgusting things but that is where she's from.
If that's where I'm from then-
That doesn't make any sense.
We lived in Odessa, Texas. We had a house and we knew people there. I can't be imaging that because my brothers know that too. It was real the life that I had back home was real. The scars I have on my knees from playing on the playground. My first kiss at the middle school dance.
I can remember it.
So why does this place make me ache?
"Jessie why are you staring?" I can feel Max shake my arm a bit to knock me out of it.
I shake my head and try to pry my eyes away from the lab. But it's too late and Mickey's in front of me- even though he was ignoring me. I can't lie to him anymore. I can't. He's part of the only family I trust and I'm not gonna push him away because I'm trying to protect him.
"All of this is crazy but- I'm connected to it somehow. I know it sounds crazy but you have to believe me." I say.
"The whole truth. Or everything you know. Now." My brother grabs my hand and squeezes it.
I feel a shiver go down my back as I look back at the lab. "There's this old photo of Dayton and our parents before I was born. They were here for some reason in Hawkins. And he said it was a year before I was born. I-I think I came from that lab."
"So you're like eleven?" Lucas asks, making me look at him. Looking at that place wasn't going to give me answers I so desperately needed. "So what were you doing in Texas?"  
I shrug my shoulders, putting my hand in my jacket pocket. "I don't know why we went back home. But I know that every birthday I've ever had is wiped from my memory. Every single year."
"What that's crazy! Why?" Max now asks.
"Because my mother," I sneak a glance at my brother to see his face change. I knew it. I'm breaking his heart. I'm screwing up his world. My heart feels like it's gonna jump out of my chest. "She's a part of this. Every birthday I've had, that I've forgotten, has been spent with her. She's the one who's doing this to me."
"But-" Lucas starts but he gets interrupted.
Steve cuts through. "Hey let her take a breath, alright?"
"Guys the powers back on."
We managed to get back to the Byers house. Managed being the operative word.
I stare out of the window. It's all I can do. I can't look at my brother. I can't look at Will. I can't look at anybody.
I'm the problem here. It's me.
Me being born started all of this. I mean my mother is to blame here to but if she didn't have me who knows what would've happened? Maybe my family would've been normal. Dayton would be a normal college student. My brother would be a regular kid.
They probably wouldn't have moved to Hawkins.
They would have all be normal.
And I wouldn't have this hatred for my mother.
Beyond that!
Everything is so screwed up.
Will is fighting for life again. There's more monsters just running around. El is no where to be found. I've broken my brother's life into pieces.
"Hey don't beat yourself up."
I don't have to look to know that it's Steve.
But I do.
His eyes look a bit puffy, nose red. He had been crying. Wasn't going to bring that up though. We've already been through enough to know not to poke around. Yet here he was trying to help me?
I run my hands over my face. "Everything is just really fucked up."
"That's an understatement." His snark catches me off guard, I almost have to laugh. "But we got through it last year."
I turn around and look at the scene in front of me. Mike, Max, Dustin, Mickey and Lucas at the table. Will on the couch unconscious. His brother and Nancy standing over him. I think Ms.Byers and Hopper are someplace else.
"Did we though? It doesn't feel like it." I wrap my arms around my body. "You don't have to play the check up game anymore Harrington."
"I'm not Jessie."
When I look at him he's already looking at me. I don't keep eye contact with him for a long time, I'm start to think about the things I was saying about him in my mind. Before he saved me and the kids tonight I really thought he was an asshole.
An asshole with layers maybe.
But nonetheless an asshole.
And now I don't know what to think.
I swallow the lump in my throat that I didn't know was there. "Okay Steve."
"None of this is real it's a kid's game." Hopper groans.
"Last year it helped us." I comment and Dustin thanks me.
I've never seen him like this. The first time I met him he wasn't happy go lucky but at least he could fake it. I guess now that the shit has hit the fan there is no more game of charades.
But also why wasn't he saying anything about El? The time for hiding her is over. We need all the help we can get and she's the only one I know that can take down a super monster like the Mind Flayer.
Hopper skips through the part of Dustin's analogy and starts talking about how to defeat the thing. Of course it is a kids game after all and the solution doesn't help us much.
Until Mike comes up with an idea of his own. Make Will unable to recognize his surroundings so that they can ask what the weakness of the Mind Flayer is. It's a brilliant plan. Something out of a science fiction movie really.
And then we're headed to work.
Everyone is in groups of sorts woking on something to help. Me and Mickey are gathering all the paper we can find and passing it around for everyone. He hasn't said a word to me since I partially explained what was going on with me.
He wasn't ignoring me, but he also wasn't all up in my face.
Absent minded-ly I start humming a song. It's stupid. I do it sometimes when I'm trying not to focus too much on something. Or when I'm doing my hair.
I don't notice Steve walk into the room where we are.
"Are you singing Donna Summer right now?" He asks.
I stop. "You were able to identify it quickly."
"Ju- keep going."
Just as I start up again I can hear someone else humming along with me. I know it's not Mickey or Steve. One because Mickey isn't too much into Donna and Steve just walked out the door. I lift my head up to look at the living room.
It was Max.
We all looked at the notepad to see what Will spelled out.
"Close Gate."
The phone rings.
We all run over but Dustin is the one to pick up the receiver and hang it up. My hearts still beating out of my chest though and it throws me for a loop when the phone rings again. Nancy doesn't waste any time as she throws the whole box down and it clatters to the floor.
"Do you think he heard that?" Max's voice asks all of us.
"It's just a phone. It could be anywhere. Right?" Steve answers but I don't think he's right.
I shake my head "Everyone knows the sound of their home phone."
Everything starts up again so fast. The kids all run to the window to see if any of the demo-dogs are coming our way. I take out my taser from my pocket and try to turn it on but it's out of juice. I put it down on the table and run over to the kids.
Just as I'm about to tell them to get away from the window, Hopper beats me to it.
They all back away and suddenly everyone is inside.
Hopper turns to Jonathan. "Do you know how to use this?"
Jonathan definitely does not know how to use it.
"I got it." I reply quickly.
He tosses it to me and I turn the safety off, cock it too. I keep my eye on the door, making it my target with the shotgun. It wasn't my first time holding one of these. Dayton really did raise me.
There's screeching outside. And as quickly as it starts it ends because one of those demo-dogs is flying through the window. I move back making sure Mickey is behind me at all times.
Hopper nudges the thing to make sure it's dead.
Theres a sound from the door. I turn to it with my gun still raised. I see the lock literally un-lock itself. A couple of seconds later the chain is sliding itself too.
Miracles can happen right? If I were to wish it were El, the universe would grant me that wish right? Right?
"Wait." I alert them but I'm already putting my gun down.
The door creaks open slowly and I can see her. She's got a different look now. Still the same girl that saved us all that night. The blood running down her nose shows it.
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