#also now i can proudly say that if you don't know who hilary is then to please refer to the character page on my blog :D
matchalovertrait · 5 months
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Hilary finally becomes Auntie Hilary ♡
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dropthedemiurge · 8 months
Love for Love's Sake | Things You Didn't Notice #4 | Fight with Homophobes
Honestly, I wanted to dissect these scenes right away but then we got the rest of the show uploaded and the emotions overshadowed me. But now we're diving into informal Korean speech, swearing and slurs! It's going to be a fun post, let's go :D
Disclaimer: I'll be writing down both English and Korean slurs strictly in educational manner, obviously.
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"Fuck. You two are always so fucking close together. (to Myungha) Are you also a faggot (homosekki)? Wow, Kyunghyun's skills are so good." "Why are you so vulgar? What's wrong with being homo?" "You're really crazy. Are you criticizing me?" ... (Myungha kisses Tak Junho) " Ah fu— You damn faggot!" "We both kissed. I'm not the only one who's homo. You're homo too~" "You did it yourself, you faggot!" "Ah, our Junho keeps saying 'homo'. Tss, slurs are forbidden." "Shut up, you faggot." "If you call me homo one more time, I can steal your lips for real. (Junho is silent) Ha, afraid you'll be robbed?"
Honestly, I like the translation in subs this time, I just wanted to give you a more technical version (and to show you the difference, because in Gaga subs the f slur is also used by Myungha but it's not exactly that)
So, as far as I noticed, the slur in Korean is a derivative from the term "homosexual" - thanks to the similar sounding, it became "homosekki" (from sekki - asshole, bastard, bitch etc). This is the word Junho keeps using in almost every sentence. And the socially accepted common term is now "gay" (at least, the cast and couple from Korean reality dating show "His Man 2" refers to themselves as 'gay' and not 'homo').
Myungha uses the original term, just "homo", which also gained a negative connotation but doesn't include a 'sekki' swearword. So he keeps saying "homo" to talk back in the language Junho used, only less derogatory. We'll see later but it's amazing, because both Myungha and Sangwon confidently used this word about themselves (Sangwon even went further and proudly reclaimed the slur itself).
Still, Myungha did threaten gangster Junho not to even call him "homo" or any similar terms. And here's the moment which made me laugh: in the next scene with Sangwon, Junho was angry ranting about Myungha, but he caught himself using the slur "homosekki" and quickly changed to the modern and neutral term "gay". LOL
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Which is what Gaga subs failed to show it to us. Again, let's see more technical translation:
"I'll go after Tae Myungha and Ahn Kyunghoon soon, just so you know. Those fa– Those gay bastards must die. That fucker Tae Myungha kissed me in the lips, shit. Isn't it fucked up? It was disgusting." (Sangwon, pouting) "Wow, really? It must've been nice." "Jeez, you asshole. You're not a victim so you dare talking shit." "I'm being serious, though?" (Junho, appalled) "What the hell are you talking about? You're not a faggot." "I am a faggot, though?"
One, why is it so funny that the first reaction Sangwon had, hearing about Myungha kissing someone in a fight, was: awww :( i wish it was me :((( you so lucky :((
Second, it's hilarious how the gangster ends up the ONLY person who ever uses nice and modern term "gay" once in this show because our protagonists both hit him back with the derogatory terms (Sangwon even attached the slur to himself, when he only liked girls before falling in love with Myungha at first sight, what a legend).
Let's wrap it up with slurs and check out another small detail: informal speech in Korean.
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(Sangwon to Myungha)"Why would we fight here?" (Yeowoon to Sangwon)"Hey, watch your tone (don't use informal speech)" "Was I talking like that with you?" "Talk curt (informally) only with me." "I'm already being curt (talking informally) with you."
This one is definitely a cultural thing that always gets lost in translation (but "being curt" is a nice way of putting it). There are two general styles of speech in Korean: Formal (존댓말, jondemal) and Informal (반말, banmal). Of course, it's a lot more complicated in the language, but I'll paint briefly the differences that are pointed out in the scene.
I talked in previous posts about properly addressing your senior in korean (usually by title/position). To convey respect to your senior, you also use 요 (yo) at the end of the sentences – and both Sangwon and Yeowoon talk politely to Myungha. UNTIL Sangwon uses the rude version of a question, without polite ending ("Why would we fight here?"), to which Yeowoon protests and tells Sangwon that it's banmal, informal speech, and he should only use it with him.
Because with your friends, same age people (Yeowoon and Sangwon in this case) or people younger than you, it's normal to use their names with different intonations (Think Myungha's "Yeowoon-ah, Yeowoon-ie") and talk informally.
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(Yeowoon to Myungha) "I asked who it was." "You're being curt (that's an informal speech)".
Fast forward – Yeowoon loses patience and demands Myungha "I asked who it was", question without polite ending as well. To which Myungha cheekily says "that was an informal speech", reminding Yeowoon of his own remark to Sangwon.
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Fast forward again – and now I have to take back my previous statement from another post that Yeowoon never called Myungha by his name because I found the rare case of him doing it xD
"Tae Myungha is so frustrating." "You're speaking informally more often these days."
Again, a youngster! calling his senior! by his own name! Not using the polite ending! The horrors of informal speech. He's not being too rude but he's sulking therefore he's rebelling. Though I can swear, again, Yeowoon hears Myungha's scolding and resorts back to speaking politely, and from now on, he'll keep using 'senior'.
If you survived until the end of this post, congratulations! The second half probably wasn't needed but in case you're learning Korean or you want to know why these seemingly normal phrases are being considered "curt" out of nowhere, I hope you understand it now a little bit better :)
// Previous messages translation + other language moments here //
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contritecactite · 1 year
Revisiting book omens via audiobook as I drive halfway across the country and here are some personal, subjective observations and highlights so far (Newt and Anathema have just met):
- Crowley tells Aziraphale everything as soon as he can. He's so absolutely genuine and knowing that that's exactly the quality that got him into trouble in the first place has me tearing curtains and yelling at the sky because it's not like it's any safer for a demon but he's being himself anyway!
- Crowley really reads as the brains of the operation and Aziraphale largely reads as sidekick (caveat: up to this point!). I felt the opposite about TV omens, oddly. Maybe Michael Sheen just gives leader vibes idk.
- Adam Young is so casually mean to his friends in the way I absolutely remember my friends and I being mean to each other around that age and it's somehow both hilarious and sobering.
- A lot of specific lines have made me say "oh fuck" out loud. Many others have made me say "oh sweetheart noooo" (this second batch is entirely directed at Aziraphale).
- I don't think I stopped smiling for the first three hours because the writing is just so engaging on the whole. After three hours I had to shift at least some of my attention to traffic because, unlike Crowley, I can't just go 90 unnoticed and slip around other vehicles at incredibly close margins.
- I would like to consider the character of Mary Hodges much more closely now that I've read her again. I think she's so interesting.
- Crowley tried and failed to hit a hedgehog 😭
- The weight the authors managed to add to some lines really is just !!! It's the way I've always wanted to write and can only ever mimic.
- I always misremembered the line about Dog going into Jasmine Cottage as something like, "Dog went inside. The horseshoe above the door went white hot, and a little more of Hell burned away." BUT IT'S: " “There,” said Adam proudly. “Good boy.” And a little bit more of Hell burned away . . ." and that. Has so many more implications to me. Posts going around lately about Beelzebub asking another demon "what would you think I told you you did a good job" or whatever and someone "who would do anything for a kind word" etc. If you're here you've probably seen me yell about how one of the points Good Omens makes, to me, is that you are what you're told you are (unless you decide to be something else). And I'm YELLING MORE NOW.
- Aziraphale, of course, does not share anything with Crowley about the Agnes' book until it's too late, but he also just. Straight up chooses reading through it over sticking with Crowley, who "suddenly feel[s] very alone." (This was a nooooo moment.)
- For context, this was an "oh fuck" moment (also a "this line weighs a lot" moment): "Aziraphale was an angel, but he also worshiped books." It just. It says so much about both who Aziraphale is and what he's capable of. I think I could write an essay on what this line alone says about Aziraphale's relation to heaven, to the world, to knowledge, to materials things, and a bit by extension about his relationship with Crowley. But I have too many things to do, so I won't.
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captainlunaxmen · 9 months
The Lady and the Lord
Chapter 2
Eddie munson x fem!reader
This is a repost since the old blog doesn't work anymore. 🥰
Chapter summary: they have one mission: find Eddie.
Chapter warnings: spoiler season 4, violence description.
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"And then Vicki laughed. And it wasn't like a cheap, fake laugh either. It was like... it was a real genuine laugh." Robin tells us as Steve put some vhs on the shelfs and I hold some to help them. I don't work here, but I like to help instead of sitting at home doing nothing.
"Of course. It's my Muppet joke. It's hilarious" Steve says very proudly, and I roll my eyes.
"My point is that Vicki laughed and everything was just like...it was perfect" she keeps going with a dreamy voice.
She's so cute.
"But?" I ask, knowing something's up.
"But I'm having this problem where it's like, I should stop talking." She explains "I have said everything I need to say.but then I guess I get nervous and the words keep spilling out, and it's like my.. my brain is moving faster than my mouth, or rather my.. my mouth is moving faster than my brain. And it's like I'm digging this hole for myself, and I want to stop digging, I'm trying to stop, but I can't. And I'm doing it right now, aren't I?"
She finally turns around to look at us after her babbling.
"Yeah, you are" Steve says and I nod with a half smile.
She exhales deeply and move backwards to rest against the wall.
"I'm hopeless" she says.
Steve follows her against the wall. "We both are"
I roll my eyes at their pessimism.
"If only we could just, like, combine." Robin suddenly says, I look at her confused.
"Combine?" Steve's confused too.
"No. Think about it. I know exactly what I want, and I've found the girl of my dreams, but I can't get the courage to ask her out. Meanwhile, you go on, like, a million dates, and you have no idea what you want. So if we just combine, all our problems would be solved."
Steve lets out an understanding "Oohh"
"Because, I mean, alone let's face it..."
"We totally suck." Steve finishes for her.
"Totally and utterly"
"C'mon, you guys are the most amazing persons that I know... just have hope" I look at Steve "and some courage" I look at Robin "and everything will be fine"
"Oh yeah?" Steve sends me a very sceptical look.
"Ooh, I think I found our morning movie" Robin gasps, running to a shelf and grabbing a vhs. "Doctor Zhivago"
"Ugh, you know I don't do double vhs" Steve groans shaking his hands in the air.
"But it's about doomed love" she tries.
"That's relatable" Steve agrees, and we both follow Robing behind the counter.
"Exactly. Also Julie Christie is b-b-bonkers hot in this. Like seriously the most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my life" she turn the TV on.
"I gotta agree on that" I declare.
"We're in the Forest Hills trailer park on East Roane County." The reporter's voice says loud and clear "we don't have a lot of details now, but we can confirm that the body kd a Hawkins High student was discovered early this morning. Police have not released the name although we are told they're currently in the process of notifying the family"
Oh shit.. as if alternate dimensions creature's weren't enough.
"Holy shit" Steve whispers beside me.
"Who could that be?" I ask worried.
"I don't know.." Robin replies.
"Isn't it where Max lives?" I ask again looking at them.
They just nods.
Oh shit.
We spent the morning watching the news and organising the store to keep ourselves busy.
All of a sudden the door bell rings and Dustin and Max come in.
"Hey Steve" he says, he looks visibly agitated.
"You guys see this?" Steve asks them.
"How many phones do you have?" Dustin asks, completely ignoring Steve's question.
Robin and I share a confused look
"Someone was murdered"
"How many phones fo you have?" He repeats more firmly.
"Two. Why?" He answers
"Technically three if you count Keith's in the back" Robins specifies.
Max and Dustin look at each other.
"Yeah, thee works" Max says.
So Dustin take off his backpack as Steve asks "what are you doing?" And, again, ignoring his question Dustin throw the backpack on the other side of the counter and climbs on top of it to get through.
All this while earning very annoyed reactions from both Robin and Steve.
Ignoring both of them Dustin positions himself in fron of the computer.
"What are you doing?" Steve asks.
"Setting up base of operation here." He simply answers.
"Base of operation?" I ask. "Why?"
Steve tries to get Dustin off of the computer, but with no use.
"What do you need it for? Dustin?" I ask, getting more and more confused.
"Eddie's friends' phone numbers" he answers and I look at Steve.
"Oh Eddie, your new best friend who just is cooler because he plays your nerdy game?" Steve asks, sounding quite jealous, I gotta say.
"I never said that" Dustin defends himself from Steve's accusatory tone.
"Seriously, you guys, maybe know a Monday you can play around like toddlers, but it's Saturday. It's our busiest day" Robin tells them, putting the tapes back on the counter.
"Robin, look, I empathise, but this cannot wait until Monday" Dustin firmly says.
"Calling Eddie's friends is an emergency?" She asks back.
"Correct" Dustin shouts, like that was the most obvious thing.
"Why? What happened?" I ask, now getting more worried. "Did something happen to Eddie?... Dustin?"
"Can you just fill them in while I do this?" Dustin asks Max.
"Fill us in on what?" Robin is definitely annoyed.
We all look at Max waiting for her to explain what happened.
We found ourselves calling so many different numbers, trying to find a lead to where Eddie might've gone.
I type down the numbers while Robin, Max and Dustin call them, and Steve flirts with every girls he can, pretending he's just working.
"Hey, guys. I might have a lead" Max calls pur attention.
"Seriously?" Dustin turns to her, hopefully.
"Yeah, apparently, Eddie gets his drugs from come guy names Reefer Rick, and sometimes Eddie crashes there." She explains.
"That's promising" I comment.
"Where does this Reefer Rick live?" Robin asks.
"See that's the thing. No one knows. He's more of a.. a legend than someone that people actually know." Max explains.
"And.. what about a last name?" I ask.
"I don't know that either" She answers.
"Less promising" I shake my head.
"Bet the cops knows the last name" Steve intervenes.
We turn all to him.
"Cops. I mean listen if this Reefer Rick is actually a drug dealer, I guarantee you he's been busted at some point. Means he's in the system" he explains like he found the perfect solution to all our problems.
"The cops? Really, Steve? That's your suggestion?" Dustin asks incredulous.
"I mean, I just think they should be filled on on what we know, what's going on" he says simply.
"You think Eddie's guilty, don't you?" Dustin accuses.
"Whoa. I believe in innocent until proven guilty, all that constitutional shit." Steve defends himself " I just, you know, don't think that we can rule it out"
"That's precisely what we're trying to do here, Steve." Max says annoyed.
"And maybe we'd have a little bit more luck if you spent less time trying to find a girlfriend and more time trying to find Eddie"
"He' not wrong here, Stevie" I agree with Dustin.
"Oh well somebody has to attend to the customers" Steve says, again, to defend himself, and I roll my eyes scoffing.
"Especially if they're babes, right?" Robin teases with a wink.
"Hey, not fair, okay?" Steve points his finger st her "I attend to all customers equally, babes and non-babes alike. We've got a very big selection in here. It can be super overwhelming for people"
"Yeah it can be" Robin says, I can tell she thought something to actually help us so I quickly follow her to the computer.
"What are you doing?" Max asks.
"Maybe we don't need a last name" she answers.
She type on the keyboard, Rick's name and a list of Ricks appears on the screen.
"Twelve Ricks have accounts here" she tells us.
"That's a lots of Ricks" Max comments.
"You're a genius, Robin" I tell her.
"I know. Now, let's narrow it down, uh? Rick Alderman's latest rentals are Annie and Dumbo...what are the chances our drug dealer has a family?" She asks.
"Not likely"
"All right, Rick Conroy. Sixteen candles, Teen Wolf, Romancing the stone." She move to the next Rick.
"Okay, Rick Joiner, Mask, Footloose, and Grease"
"Rick Kimbrough. The Blue Lagoon, and Splash."
"Definitely no"
"Okay. Rick Lipton. Fast Times at Ridgermont High, Cheech & Chong's next movie. Cheech & Chong's nice dreams. Cheech & Chong' up in smoke."
"Bingo" Dustin chuckles.
"Spelled like the tea. 2131 Holland Road" Robin reads.
"That's out by Lovers Lake" Dustin says.
"Middle of nowhere" I comment.
"It's a perfect place to hide" Robin agrees.
That being said we all head out to Steve's car and to this Reefer Rick's house.
And hopefully to Eddie.
We all grab a torch each and get out of the car to walk to this Reefer Rick's house.
The lights are out, which could mean that no one's home or... Eddie's hiding.
Dustin repeatedly tries to ring the bell, but to no use.
"Okay. Well, that's settled. I guess he's not here." Steve says, trying to make Dustin stop.
But Dustin just start to shout for Eddie to come out and tries again with the door bell.
Me and Max move to the side of the house with our torch, seeing what looks like a boathouse. Maybe Eddie's in there.
"Hey guys!" Max calls.
"Well let's go" I say already walking towards the small building.
Robin is the first one to enter.
"Hello? Is anyone home?" She tries.
We all enter and start to look around.
"What a dump" Steve comments
The place is far from clean, there garbage everywhere and, as expected, a boat in the middle filled with something covered by a tarp.
I spot Steve grabbing an oar as a weapon and starts to poke the boat multiple times.
"What are you doing?" Dustin asks.
Steve just doesn't answer so Dustin repeats the question, more shocked.
"He might be in here." Steve simply replies.
"So take the tarp off." Dustin tells him.
"If you're so brave, you take the tarp off" he basically challenges.
"Stop bickering, you two." I say.
Steve just keeps hitting on top of the tarp covered boat.
"Hey, look over here" Max tells us. She points our attention to some food envelopes.
"Someone was here." I try.
"Maybe he heard us. Got spooked and ran" Robin suggests.
"Don't worry. Steve will get him with his oar" Dustin says sarcastically.
"Oh I know you think you're being funny, Henderson, but considering everyone in this room has nearly died about a hundred times, personally, I don't find it funny in the slight-"
Steve is cut off by a loud scream and Eddie jumping from under the tarp and pushing him against the wall, a broken bottle in his hand.
We all gather as close as possible, trying to not scare him further for Eddie to react too badly.
"Whoa whoa whoa Eddie! Eddie! Stop!" Dustin says, holding his arms out to stop us from getting further closer.
Eddie turns to look at Dustin, not moving the broken glass away from Steve's neck yet.
"It's me. It's Dustin" Dustin tries to stay calm while getting Eddie's attention. "This is Steve. He's not going to hurt you, right, Steve?"
"Right, yeah" Steve agrees, quite agitated.
"Steve, c'mon.. drop the oar, will you?" I say, as calmly as possible.
Steve does as I say, dropping the oar away, but that just startles Eddie more pointing the glass back at Steve's neck.
"He's cool, he's cool" Dustin says.
"What are you doing here?" Eddie says, voice breaking.
"We're looking for you" Dustin replies
"We're here to help, Eddie" I add.
Eddie turns his head again to us, listening carefully.
"Eddie, these are my friends. You know Robin, from band. This is my friend Max. The one who never wants to play D&D. You know Y/n too. The quiet girl you always stare at, at lunch. Eddie. We're on your side. I swear on my mother. Right guys?"
"Yeah yeah we swear"
"Yeah on Dustin's mother"
"Yeah, Dustin's.. mother"
We say no more, tense as never before, but at the end Eddie lets Steve go and moves to the side sitting down.
Steve just come to us, I check his neck in case the broken bottle accidentally cut him but he's fine.
I turn to look at Eddie, Dustin kneels in front of him and I slowly follow.
He looks... terrified.
"Eddie...we just want to talk" Dustin very slowly tries to grab the bottle in Eddie's hand, but as soon as he gets to close he flinches grabbing the glass harder.
"Eddie... we just wanna know what happened. " I tell him.
"You won't believe me" he tells us.
"Try us" Max says.
Eddie told us everything that happened, about Chrissy coming to him to buy drugs, and how she died, right in front of him.
"Her body just lifted up into the air and.. and she just like, hung there. In the air. And her bones.. she.. her bones starter to snap"
He struggling to tell us what happened, all I want to do is grabbing his hand and reassure him...
"Her eyes, man" he continues "it was like.. there was something, inside her head, pulling. I.. I didn't know what to do so.. I.. I ran away. I left her there." He sounds so ashamed... he couldn't do anything for her.
Poor girl, she was really one of the sweetest person in Hawkins.
Eddie looks up to us, only to turn his head away quickly, scoffing.
"You all think I'm crazy right?"
"No. We don't think you're crazy" Dustin tries to reassure him.
"Don't bullshit me, man! I know how this sounds" Eddie snaps.
"We're not bullshiting you" Max intervenes.
"We believe you" Robin says and Eddie just scoffs, still not believing us.
"Look, what I'm about to tell you might be a little.. difficult to take." Dustin starts "you know how people say Hawkins is...cursed? They're not way off. There's another world.a words hidden beneath Hawkins. Sometimes it bleeds into ours." Dustin explains.
"Like ghosts and shit?" Eddie asks.
"There are... there are some things worst than ghosts" I tell him.
"These monsters from this other world, we thought they were gone. But they've come back before. That's why we needed to find you."
"If they're back again, we need to know" Max says.
"That night, did you see anything?" Robin asks.
"Dark particles, maybe"
Eddie just shakes his head no.
"It would almost look like dust, swirling dust." Dustin specifies.
"No, man, there was nothing you could see or.. touch" Eddie explains.
I look at Steve who, now, looks more worried than before, full attention on Eddie.
"You know, I tried to wake her, man. She couldn't move. It was like she.. she was in a trance or something." Eddie explains and we all listen carefully.
"Or under a spell" Dustin points out.
"A curse."
"Vecna's curse" Dustin realises.
"Who's Vecna?" Steve asks
"And undead creature of great power" Dustin answers.
"A spell caster" I say, earning a confused look from Steve.
"A dark Wizard" Dustin finishes.
This might be worse than all the ones before...
We decided we have to go and get some food for Eddie.
"We'll be right back, man, I promise" Dustin says.
As we all walk to the door.
Steve and Dustin turn to me stopping me in my tracks.
"Why don't you... uh... stay here and keep him company?" Dustin asks.
"What? Why me?" Now I'm confused.
"Because you're the sweetest and he clearly has a thing for you" Steve replies as the most simple thing ever.
"He does not" I tell him sternly.
"Either way you're the best choice. You're calmer and... easier to be around than the rest of us" Steve convinces me.
"Y/n, trust me. He needs someone like you now. Please, I don't think he should be alone now" Dustin says looking me in the eyes.
"Fine" I tell him nodding "yeah, I'll stay with him. But you better stay out of trouble"
"As always" Steve shrugs.
I give him a warning look and just sigh. Watching them driving away.
I get back to the boathouse and see Eddie's figure watching nothing on the boat.
"Hey" I say quietly.
He seems to snap out of trance and looks at me surprised.
"I thought you all went" he says, with a small smile.
"Yeah well... we didn't.. uh... Dustin didn't want you to be alone right now" I tell him, fidgeting with my rings again.
"Thanks.. I guess he's right" he says.
I nod, walking a bit closer, but not too much.
"So..." he starts.
"So..." I mimic him, earning a laugh from him.
"You knew about the spell caster" he implies.
"Yeah... a-and?"
"You know about D&D..?" He asks.
"Yeah.." I say nervously.
"No way!" He whisper shouts.
"It's true!" I tell him, with a small chuckle.
"How come didn't you join Hellfire?" He asks, genuinely curious.
"I.. well.. I just..." I stutter.
"Hey.. I'm not judging, m'lady" he assures me, with a smile.
"I'm just too shy, I think.. also I'm not very good at playing" I laugh quietly.
"I could've taught you" he says.
"I... I'm not very good with people" I honestly tell him.
"What do you mean?"
"I.. I'm not very good at talking to people, I get nervous and stutter the whole time. And just... I just shut up so I don't bother anyone" I explain.
"You're not stuttering with me" he shrugs.
"I.." I stops realising it's true.
With him it feels easier, somehow..
"No need to worry about a freak's opinion, i guess." he lower his eyes, almost disappointed.
"No! Not at all!" I quickly say.
He look at me, searching my eyes to see if I'm messing with him.
"I... listen, I don't understand why people always call you that, but I personally always saw you as someone... cool" I say, getting shy as I finish my sentence.
"Really?" He says, he tries to hold back a smile, but he fails.
"Yeah.." I look away from him. "You always walk around like you don't care about anything. You have your ideas and you're not ashamed, and of course you shouldn't be ashamed of them. You're like smarter than any of those dickheads from the basketball team"
"Wow" he blushes... he blushes?
Did I make Eddie Munson blush?
"Are you blushing, my lord?" I gather some courage and make a joke.
"Oh... 'my lord' uh?" He looks at me with a smirk, that makes me instantly lower my eyes with my cheeks warming up.
"I.. yeah.. I mean, you keep calling me-"
"M'lady? Yeah, so I'd say 'my lord' fits perfectly" he sweetly smiles at me.
We stay silent for a while.
It's a comfortable silence, the kind you don't have to talk to fill it. We just need each other company to be okay.
I watch him fidgeting with his own hands.
He's getting nervous.
Instinctively I reach out for his hands and he turns to me, surprised, but he doesn't retreat his hands.
"It's gonna be okay" I tell him. "I know it sounds like a shitty cliché.. trust me I know." I let out a small chuckle "we've been through this shit a few times.. the point is, we're with you on this. We're gonna solve this."
He holds my hands in his.
"I want to believe you" he says looking me in the eyes.
"Good" I say.
He starts to stroke my knuckles gently.
"I'm glad you're the one to stay here, m'lady" he says.
"Apparently I'm the easiest to be around" I tell him with a shrug.
He's still not letting go my hands.
"Maybe... but that's not the only reason, but yeah" he says, a playful smile on his face.
"Then... w-why?" I say, feeling my cheeks warming up again.
"Well.. that's an answer for another time, uh?" He winks and I'm just speechless.
All of a sudden we hear noises from outside.
I grab the oar Steve used earlier and move to the door.
"Stay there" I tell Eddie.
I get closer and closer to the door, that suddenly opens reveling Robin, Dustin, Max and Steve holding some bags full of food and drinks.
"Fuck sake!" I exclaim as they enter with apologetic looks.
"delivery service" Dustin announces.
I look at Eddie who look just as startled, heavy breathing and all that.
I just exhale deeply and grab one of the bags they carried inside.
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estcaligo · 10 months
thoughts on sebek x chenya and sebek x vil? this is mostly sponsored by my LOVE of purple and green together but also vil and sebek both judge others appearances harshly. while chenya would have a blast messing with the poor crocodile.
Ah yes purple and green! Not the easiest colour combination. But I love it yes! What comes to mind is Maleficent and purple cabbage/broccoli salad lol
X Chenya???
This is hilarious omg. Sebek can't have a single normal day, can he? Worrying about Waka-sama, carrying Silver back to the dorm, Master Lilia keeps sharing his wisdom messing with him...and now Chenya?? Some local cats already cause him enough stress (Leona won't show respect to the Illustrious one! Lucius must disrupt silence during the lectures, and Grim causing troubles every day! And now one more cat??
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hdshjkds but seriously though it's so cute.
Sebek was diligently cleaning the stables after the club practice when, unexpectedly, a storm broke out. So he just had to wait inside. It was getting really cold and he eventually found himself shivering. Then suddenly Chenya appeared (he was looking for Riddle) and stumbled upon poor crocodile. So he wrapped his fluffy tail around his neck.....And they fell asleep like that :3 (it was a long storm) Riddle and Silver found them in the morning, curled up on a pile of hay :3 mm but considering this post, they may not have just slept together >:)
But mostly Chenya just messes with Sebek yes haha
x Vil??
MMMmmmm delicious 🤌
Started absolutely love this ship after the 2nd Sam's New Year Sale event and Sebek's New Year card!
But I wouldn't say that Sebek harshly judges others' appearances in general? I think it's rooted in his dedication to maintain a perfect image in Waka-sama's presence (if you're around Waka-sama or even mention his name 🙃 you must look impeccable)
The way Sebek styles his hair is likely heavily influenced by Baul, who shares a similar hairstyle? And he definitely played a huge role in instilling in Sebek the belief that this particular hairstyle is a reflection of how a Royal Guard must present themselves (certainly not Lilia lol)
As for clothes, Sebek himself says that he doesn't care much about such things, and he simply wears what is necessary. (one of his Dorm Uniform Card lines, translation by @mysteryshoptls)
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And even if he takes time to decorate his clothes, he does it only to pay tribute to Waka-sama, his homeland, and other significant aspects of his life (e.g. his Outdoor wear's and Union Jacket's patches). (Union Birthday voice line, from @mysteryshoptls 's translation here)
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Ok, I can go on an on haha, let's go back to VilSebe
I absolutely love to imagine a certain dialog between them when they were working at Sam's New Year Sale together. Imagine they're on a break and doing some hair adjustments in front of the mirror.
"Sebek, I admit I am quite surprised - we've been working quite hastily, and you've been running back and forth since early morning, and yet your hair looks perfect and still...to think about it, it always looks like this, even in Flying class. You must use a really nice fixative spray" Vil said curiously.
"HMPH! OF COURSE I DO, HUMAN" Sebek huffed.
"As a retainer of LORD MALLEUS I make sure I don't bring shame upon his name!"
"Ah yes...Malleus, right..." Vil sighed, knowing where this goes.
"I make sure I look ABSOLUTELY PERFECT" Sebek continued, ignoring Vil's now less interested expression.
"So, in order to ensure NOT A SINGLE HAIR is out of order, it isn't just fixative spray, but THE STRONGEST hair gel I was able to acquire!" he proudly puffed his chest and pulled out a small acid green bottle with a lightning bolt on it.
And at that very moment, the world might have lost one of the most beautiful models and actors because Vil nearly had a heart attack.
"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND??????!!!!" He grabbed the bottle out of Sebek's hand and squeezed his shoulder, eyes burning with rage and despair.
"Listen to me closely, cucumber. If you don't want to lose all your hair and become bald by the age of 30, NEVER ever use this thing again, do you understand me?" he was speaking slowly, making sure each word would reach Sebek's consciousness.
The green-haired man was taken aback for a few seconds but then regained his composure and shook off senior's hand.
"Vil-senpai, what are you talking about?! I must maintain the perfect image of Waka-sama's guard so I-"
Vil puts his hand over Sebek's mouth, silencing him, and leans closer, looking right into his eyes.
"I will hear no objections. This thing goes into the rubbish bin, now. You're a good-looking man, Sebek, and I cannot allow you to abuse your natural looks. If you truly want to look perfect for your King, I will teach you then..."
So Vil started teaching Sebek about all these things, what is harmful, what is useless etc. :)
Ah, love them beauté 100 points!
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emeritus-fuckers · 11 months
how do you do, fellow queers, look how fucking professional i'm being this time, sending an ask like commonfolk/j
for the match-up re-run bc i wanna see nyx struggle with repugnant <3
1. Your identity! i'm sorry for the research nyx
i can very proudly call myself a faggot. my pronouns are they/she/he/xey/per/ghoul, but i'm slowly moving away from the "standard" ones. multigender, but they're all xenogender (ghoulgender, ghoulettegender, gooregender, chaosgender). multisexual (pansexual, asexual, lesbian, aegosexual, orchidsexual, berrisexual). aroallo (aegoromantic, desinoromantic, grayromantic, demiromantic). autistic. theistic satanist.
2. Who do you like?
repugnant. death metal racoons my beloved.
3. What do you look like?
there's a picture. i just dress more like a metalhead now. still wearing too much jewelry. i'm still short (it is a tragedy).
4. What's your personality?
i hate whoever came up with these questions (ekhem, myself).
ISTP-T, according to a quiz i did just before writing this. i'm relatively apathetic, only ever getting truly emotional when i'm overwhelmed. touch-repulsed, but touch-starved when it comes to people close to me. i'm quiet and distant around strangers, but get talkative and open with friends. i struggle with serious self-esteem issues (diagnosed depression, cheers) and i get very anxious about my friends just not liking me anymore and usually need to be yelled at to get my shit together. and then cuddled because i got yelled at. my relationship with emotions is complicated, as i only feel a very faint outline of an emotion most of the time, but i've learned to adapt to it over time and i'm pretty good at adapting my behavior so it looks like i feel a complete emotion.
when it comes to affection, i'm like a cat. i love it, but only when i want it. otherwise i will run away. i also show it in inconvenient ways, i suppose, like randomly grabbing my friends with a weird noise or sometimes (if we're really close) biting them. i feel very uncomfortable around most children, so i despise them.
5. Tell us about your interests!
i'd say repugnant, ghost and in this moment would be my top three bands to listen to, but i also like vocaloid and dolly parton. i always have to have something playing in the background or it's too quiet for me and i lose my shit. i like to read, but i much prefer to overanalyze everything and come up with ridiculous theories and headcanons to write about (i think emeritus-fuckers is proof of that). I like writing, but only stuff i actually enjoy writing, not whatever bullshit they're coming up with for uni. I can't write porn, yet people seem to think that i can, which is honestly hilarious to me.
i like making bracelets and other arts and crafts things, though i suck at it and usually it looks like trash.
i like video games, mostly sims 4 (finally figured out how to furnish it hallelujah) right now, but i like classic assassin's creed games (which means everything that came out before Origins/Odyssey bc fuck i hate these), the saints row series and skyrim too. and uncharted, too. and i guess tekken, but i'm just there for the hotties tbh.
i don't really watch movies, but if i had to pick a favorite, it would either be scream, pearl or shrek.
6. Trivia time!
i know way too much about butterflies and moths.
i have a framed attacus atlas.
my favorite food is instant cupped carbonara.
i have a dog (everyone has seen her at this point tbh).
i have a figurine of the batman who laughs and his three robins.
i love juice. especially apple-cherry juice.
i'm a terrible cook, i can make like three dishes and that's it.
i hate working under pressure and/or with deadlines.
i have a rather controversial sense of humor.
i love wearing too much jewelry.
i adore matching things, from jewelry to tattoos.
and here's a few pics of my cuddle monster.
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This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is…Mary Goore... and DD Sars... and kinda the rest of the band...
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Hear me out on this haha, I have spent way too much time thinking about this and well you'll see XD - Nyx
So you met Mary first. They thought you looked cool so they went over to you.
You got chatting and you just kinda clicked with each other. Especially since you both have a controversial sense of humour. Mary enjoys throwing a few playful insults at you and getting all of that back and some.
You met up a few more times, enough so that you became comortable around Mary and them you. Although there was a discussion about your boundaries when you had to explain that you are like a cat, you only want affection when you are in the mood. Which of course Mary respected.
Mary after really getting to know you declared you one of their favourite ever people by lightly biting your shoulder. (This was okay as you way of telling them the same was to display your affection with a bite.)
Mary then proudly introduced you to the rest of the band. You quickly became close with all of them as to be with Mary is to be with the band. When Mary mentioned you had a dog E. wanted to see lots of pictures. He just kinda quietly sat there as you scrolled through them.
You made them all bracelets, G. got very excited by this. You said they look like trash and DD just kinda rounded on you. He firmly told you about how they weren't trash and how could you be so stupid to think so low of yourself. You just kinda nodded and then spend the rest of the day being cuddled by G.
DD does however get you. He never says it to you but its shown through his actions. He will just quitly sit and listen if you want to talk about it. He might say that you are a fucking weirdo but his expression tells the real story. He understands you and he knows what its like to have a complicated realtionship with emotions. There is a really nice companionship you two have because of this.
Mary noticed how you look at DD like you want him to sit on your face. So one night they say to you while pointing at DD "all you have to do is ask, you know, DD would be more than happy to" and then they gave you a little wink. Mary left it with you, it's totally up to you if you want to follow through on that or not...
Written by Nyx
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morgana-ren · 11 months
I'm sure it's Next to impossible for your ocs to feel embarrassment, but what's most likely to cause that in them? Even if its just the most tiniest minuscule flutter.
Also do u mind if we reblog your oc stuff?
Sure! You're more than welcome to! I'm more than happy to talk about them anytime, and you're more than welcome to share it!
Actually, they can get embarrassed fairly easily! Some more than others, of course.
Reaver is the hardest to embarrass. He's pretty unabashed in his licentiousness, and he learned a long time ago to live his very long life to the fullest. He does what he wants, buys what he wants, and wears what he wants (even though Asto and Nighty make fun of his fucking ridiculous hat constantly.) When he wants things, he just... takes them.
The only time he really gets embarrassed in front of his brothers is a... very peculiar incident that more or less had to do with a piss kink he swears he does not have. It was a bloody accident-- well, not an accident but it was only once. They make fun of him for it mercilessly because he gets embarrassed.
Reaver is more prone to anger than humiliation. He's very secure in himself for the most part, even the worst parts of himself. Hence why he's one of the more openly disgusting of the group happily. He wears his degenerate badge very proudly.
Asto is a little easier to embarrass. He has a tendency to get drunk and a little nutty at weddings. He has a bride kink and has been known to wreck weddings in the worst way imaginable. Nightmare thinks it's hilarious and deliberately takes him to weddings now-- except his own. (Nightmare's wife Snake actually killed Astarion at their wedding when he tried to cop a feel. Nightmare resurrected him but told him he deserved it. He warned him not to fuck with Snakefang but he didn't listen. Reaver met a similar fate with his heart cut out thanks to an incident that happened prior, and I will say that he really fuckin' deserved it. Unfortunately, it really only enamored them with her even more.)
Asto is fairly unabashed of who he is as well, but he will get embarrassed by Nightmare sometimes. When he's drunk, he gets very thirsty and will get a bit... wild. There are some times from back in the day that you can bring up where he will turn a bit pink. If you play your cards right, you can make Asto do just about anything. A mix of bloodlust and regular lust and it'll turn him into a fool. When Nightmare calls him out on this, he does actually become a bit embarrassed.
Sometimes, their girls can manipulate Asto in a way that Nightmare will get irritated about. It's such a blatant manipulation, but Astarion doesn't really... care... at the time. Slap him, taunt him with your neck, let him feed and grab at his trousers. Then tell him you want 4am McDonalds right now. He will do it.
There are easy ways to embarrass him, but it really depends on the scenario! Nightmare is the most uppity. He definitely can get embarrassed. In fact, he's usually more embarrassed by some of his behavior than he lets on.
He will get drunk and say and do things that he will never admit to the next day. His past, and what he's done to get power is something he is very embarrassed of and has actively made efforts to erase all traces. He actually is prone to becoming embarrassed at his own lust. He will do disgusting, abhorrent things and then go 'Don't know what you're talking about. Never happened.' when it's brought up again.
Any night he goes drinking with Reaver, he will get embarrassed by something he does. He gets embarrassed for Reaver as well.
His sexuality and turn-ons can actually make him very embarrassed. He's extremely repressed and when it boils over, he has a tendency to get embarrassed after the fact at his loss of control. He will never ever ever ever ever ever admit it usually, but he has an awkward kink that gets his engine going. He likes being called 'daddy' or 'big brother.' It's a good way to send him a bit embarrassingly feral. After the fact, he will never admit this, and say that you're the weird one and that you did it of your own volition. You are the one that is into it.
Thinking about it, Nighty is actually the easiest of the lot to embarrass because he puts so much work into being prim and proper. Anything that fucks with that vision of himself is prone to make him flush a royal purple. There's actually a lot of examples I can think of.
He actually goes bonkers-fuckin-feral over nuns. Not sexy nuns, mind you. Full whimple and habit nuns. If you want him to immediately get hard as a rock, pretend to be devout. He loves religion in the worst way. Praying in front of him. Rosaries. Religious icons. He goes absolutely nuts. If you end up in his grasp, you will end up dressed as a nun at some point, and it will be the most miserable night of your life. You won't move for days.
He actually gets very embarrassed about that. Like very. Asto will bring up 'the convent incident' and suddenly, Nightmare has to be like... anywhere else.
Ilya can be mortified at himself, it just takes a bit of work. He's very open with himself like Reaver is, so trying to embarrass him sexually probably won't work, but you can embarrass him.
Nightmare likes to make a game of it. Reaver likes to encourage it.
One-upping him knowledge-wise is embarrassing to him, because he prides himself on being clever. Sometimes he will say very blatantly stupid shit and not realize until after he's said it. Drinking him under the table, he has a tendency to get a bit wild like Asto does, and is more prone to embarrassing behaviors. When he catches feelings, he gets embarrassed over that quite easily. He is embarrassed over any emotional outbursts or any outward feelings other than his calm, cool, and collected demeanor.
Secretly, he's embarrassed at just how much he craves security. He prides himself on being a stoic lone wolf, but deep down, he genuinely wants someone to love him. Not everyone, mind. Just someone. He wants the kind of love his mother told him about. The happy kind.
But if you ask him, he will say that is lame as fuck and stupid as hell.
In general, they will all do embarrassing stuff for their children. There has been a time where all of them (vicious, ruthless killers with a body count that could rival a world war) were wearing baby-pink bonnets with flowers in their hair, cross-legged and sipping on fake tea at a child-size coloring table attending the tea party of three young children Nightmare adopted (he has a very soft spot for children and will do whatever it takes to make them happy.) Uncle Reaver and Asto will get roped into these goofy scenarios by three very insistent children.
I think Nightmare is the only one who doesn't get a bit bashful over it. He loves children and desperately wants to be a father. In some universes, he is. Reaver definitely doesn't like dressing up like a princess. Asto will do it and have a good sense of humor about it, but if you try to walk away with evidence of it, he won't let that happen. Ilya will own it, but you certainly won't find him wearing flowers in his hair outside of the manor.
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lovefrombegonia · 7 months
Personal Rambling on BL fandoms and what not (unserious nature)
Watching Seungho stans and Jaekyung Stans on twitter fight each other over who is "better" is INSANELY HILARIOUS 😭😭😭 LIKE WHAT YOU MEEEEEAAANNNNN?!!!!?!!?? We are all going to hell, brothers and sisters and cousins. We already in hell. We roasting in hellfire. We partying with demons 😭😭😭 What do you mean yours or mine is less demonic and therefore more angelic LMAO
Now...I get it tho. I get it. I do hate it when fans compare Seungho to Sangwoo but that's coz I do not like Sangwoo. I couldn't finish KS, so, DO NOT take my dislike as proof of badly written character. My personal preferences don't reflect on the quality of stories. That's not what I am saying. But I am also NOT gonna say Seungho is better option than Sangwoo. Seungho-nim fucking killed a dude on the first chapter over a MINUTE MISUNDERSTANDING. Still, it doesn't change the fact that I find his unhinged-ness interesting so WHAT DO I KNOW. I gues I shouldn't judge those stans for fighting eo too. I might become one of them defending Seungho's demonic ass on my bad day.
NB: I know that KS is not considered BL or atleast that's what I hear the author herself said. I don't have a source of where she says that, so, take that with a grain of salt. I am just saying what I hear others say. I, personally, don't mind calling it BL tho coz BL is more like an umbrella term TO ME, that consists of various genres, be it romance, comedy, sci-fi, horror, or psychological. But if the author really said KS is not BL then it's not BL.
I just find it funny to see the SH and JK stans arguing like that. It shows how we get blinded by our own biases. I definitely do that too sometimes.
I am only recently getting into BL manhwa fandom. I have read POTN (ofc look at my profile pic, I am smitten), Ghost's Nocturne (the art style...MAJESTIC, and the horror elements??? OMG GIVE ME MORE), and Blood Bank (🔥♥️🔥♥️🔥♥️). I like all of them! Still need to get myself updated with Define The Relationship and Wet Sand. Usually, atleast, in twitter danmei fandom sphere, bl manhwa don't have a...I guess the closest terms would be "good image". It is said they only have fucking and sucking. In fact, I only read POTN because of a meme I saw making fun of it and Jinx compared to danmei novels. And my monkey brain went: is it THAT bad?? Hmm... let's verify this claim. Queue, me getting obsessed with Seungkyum 🤡🤡 I think BL manhwas, just like JPN BL mangas, have their charm. You can say one is better if you want I guess but TO ME, it all depends on what I want to read. And my conclusion is: I WANT ALL OF THESE TO EXIST. I want the deep pining and suffering. I want the vivid stories and drama. I want the soft and caring lovers. I want the insanity and problematic favourites. I want the purity. I want the fucking and sucking. I want the "god honoring way" content and the "OMG somebody hose this with holy water" content. Really, I do think it's all dependent on my mood whether I would like this type of content on this day and time. You know, I am slowly discovering that...I might just like TRASH sometimes... Like, now if someone says "you got trash taste", I just go: huh...yeah that tracks. I can now proudly say that one should not take my liking of a piece of media as the proof of its high quality.
Everyday...I get more and more unserious.
PS: I would love some recommendations of your fav BL manhwas tho 🥹👉🏻👈🏻
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darkdansdarkestdays · 2 years
I KNOW you aren't sorry...that's the main reason I gave up. I also KNOW that you could have easily "done your thing" both back in 2011 and on each occasion recently, and the only way I could have known would be if you made certain that I knew.And, my friend, there is a big difference between a person with an interest in a female, who is lukewarm, at best, toward him....and this guy spends masses of time and energy learning her schedules, where she g pop es,p who with etc, and becomes angry and offended when he learns of her new romantic relationship with a classmate of theirs.....you can probably suggest, with a lot of confidence. That out protagonist has some serious issues and will likely see improvement of any serious kind when hegas spent 5 or 6 sessions in a psychologists chair. Now consider what you know to have just occured in this situation. I admit that, despite the fact th we we did not interact much, I really thought highly of the coed in question. In fact, it'd be fair to say I truly did/do love her, but the method she utilized to communicate with everyone from administration, to her peers in various places on her pecking order, etc. The truth is that I don't care who a person is or how strongly I react to them, doing that while simultaneously making sure that I learn about it and suffer, THEN proudly announcing that, your shitty, selfish, image conscious (which is hilarious) behavior notwithstanding, you weren't sorry for shit, and weren't apologizing.....that actually IS enough for even me to disengage...again, with no malice or ill will. I mean, we are different people. Very different. So....you will not have to worry about this again.
P.S. As you might imagine, there were some quite fascinating questions I was prompted to ask after reading some of your old blogs, but will have to live jn suspense since you, oh...refused to b speak with me....perhaps, I should have gotten the hint sooner. Take care
ve easily
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lunamadhatter99 · 2 years
The Lady and the Lord
Part 2
Here's part 2! I'm glad you liked the first part that much, I wasn't expecting it at all😅❤️❤️
If anyone wants to be added to the tag list, just ask 🥰
Chapter summary: they have one mission: find Eddie.
Chapter warning: spoiler season 4 ⚠️ violence description.
Tag list: @deafeningempathfishcowboy
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"And then Vicki laughed. And it wasn't like a cheap, fake laugh either. It was like... it was a real genuine laugh." Robin tells us as Steve put some vhs on the shelfs and I hold some to help them. I don't work here, but I like to help instead of sitting at home doing nothing.
"Of course. It's my Muppet joke. It's hilarious" Steve says very proudly, and I roll my eyes.
"My point is that Vicki laughed and everything was just like...it was perfect" she keeps going with a dreamy voice.
She's so cute.
"But?" I ask, knowing something's up.
"But I'm having this problem where it's like, I should stop talking." She explains "I have said everything I need to say.but then I guess I get nervous and the words keep spilling out, and it's like my.. my brain is moving faster than my mouth, or rather my.. my mouth is moving faster than my brain. And it's like I'm digging this hole for myself, and I want to stop digging, I'm trying to stop, but I can't. And I'm doing it right now, aren't I?"
She finally turns around to look at us after her babbling.
"Yeah, you are" Steve says and I nod with a half smile.
She exhales deeply and move backwards to rest against the wall.
"I'm hopeless" she says.
Steve follows her against the wall. "We both are"
I roll my eyes at their pessimism.
"If only we could just, like, combine." Robin suddenly says, I look at her confused.
"Combine?" Steve's confused too.
"No. Think about it. I know exactly what I want, and I've found the girl of my dreams, but I can't get the courage to ask her out. Meanwhile, you go on, like, a million dates, and you have no idea what you want. So if we just combine, all our problems would be solved."
Steve lets out an understanding "Oohh"
"Because, I mean, alone let's face it..."
"We totally suck." Steve finishes for her.
"Totally and utterly"
"C'mon, you guys are the most amazing persons that I know... just have hope" I look at Steve "and some courage" I look at Robin "and everything will be fine"
"Oh yeah?" Steve sends me a very sceptical look.
"Ooh, I think I found our morning movie" Robin gasps, running to a shelf and grabbing a vhs. "Doctor Zhivago"
"Ugh, you know I don't do double vhs" Steve groans shaking his hands in the air.
"But it's about doomed love" she tries.
"That's relatable" Steve agrees, and we both follow Robing behind the counter.
"Exactly. Also Julie Christie is b-b-bonkers hot in this. Like seriously the most beautiful creature  I've ever seen in my life"  she turn the TV on.
"I gotta agree on that" I declare.
"We're in the Forest Hills trailer park on East Roane County." The reporter's voice says loud and clear "we don't have a lot of details now, but we can confirm that the body kd a Hawkins High student was discovered early this morning. Police have not released the name although we are told they're currently in the process of notifying the family"
Oh shit.. as if alternate dimensions creature's weren't enough.
"Holy shit" Steve whispers beside me.
"Who could that be?" I ask worried.
"I don't know.." Robin replies.
"Isn't it where Max lives?" I ask again looking at them.
They just nods.
Oh shit.
We spent the morning watching the news and organising the store to keep ourselves busy.
All of a sudden the door bell rings and Dustin and Max come in.
"Hey Steve" he says, he looks visibly agitated.
"You guys see this?" Steve asks them.
"How many phones do you have?" Dustin asks, completely ignoring Steve's question.
Robin and I share a confused look
"Someone was murdered"
"How many phones fo you have?" He repeats more firmly.
"Two. Why?" He answers
"Technically three if you count Keith's in the back" Robins specifies. 
Max and Dustin look at each other.
"Yeah, thee works" Max says.
So Dustin take off his backpack as Steve asks "what are you doing?" And, again, ignoring his question Dustin throw the backpack on the other side of the counter and climbs on top of it to get through.
All this while earning very annoyed reactions from both Robin and Steve.
Ignoring both of them Dustin positions himself in fron of the computer.
"What are you doing?" Steve asks.
"Setting up base of operation here." He simply answers.
"Base of operation?" I ask. "Why?"
Steve tries to get Dustin off of the computer, but with no use.
"What do you need it for? Dustin?" I ask, getting more and more confused.
"Eddie's friends' phone numbers" he answers and I look at Steve.
"Oh Eddie, your new best friend who just is cooler because he plays your nerdy game?" Steve asks, sounding quite jealous, I gotta say.
"I never said that" Dustin defends himself from Steve's accusatory tone.
"Seriously, you guys, maybe know a Monday you can play around like toddlers, but it's Saturday. It's our busiest day" Robin tells them, putting the tapes back on the counter.
"Robin, look, I empathise, but this cannot wait  until Monday" Dustin firmly says.
"Calling Eddie's friends is an emergency?" She asks back.
"Correct" Dustin shouts, like that was the most obvious thing.
"Why? What happened?" I ask, now getting more worried. "Did something happen to Eddie?... Dustin?"
"Can you just  fill them in while I do this?" Dustin asks Max.
"Fill us in on what?" Robin is definitely annoyed.
We all look at Max waiting for her to explain what happened.
We found ourselves calling so many different numbers, trying to find a lead to where Eddie might've gone.
I type down the numbers while Robin, Max and Dustin call them, and Steve flirts with every girls he can, pretending he's just working.
"Hey, guys. I might have a lead" Max calls pur attention.
"Seriously?" Dustin turns to her, hopefully.
"Yeah, apparently, Eddie gets his drugs from come guy names Reefer Rick, and sometimes Eddie crashes there." She explains.
"That's promising" I comment.
"Where does this Reefer Rick live?" Robin asks.
"See that's the thing. No one knows. He's more of a.. a legend than someone that people actually know."  Max explains.
"And.. what about a last name?" I ask.
"I don't know that either" She answers.
"Less promising" I shake my head.
"Bet the cops knows the last name" Steve intervenes.
We turn all to him.
"Cops. I mean listen  if this Reefer Rick is actually a drug dealer, I guarantee you he's been busted at some point. Means he's in the system" he explains like he found the perfect solution to all our problems.
"The cops? Really, Steve? That's your suggestion?" Dustin asks incredulous.
"I mean, I just think they should be filled on on what we know, what's going on" he says simply.
"You think Eddie's guilty, don't you?" Dustin accuses.
"Whoa. I believe in innocent until proven guilty, all that constitutional shit." Steve defends himself " I just, you know, don't think that we can rule it out"
"That's precisely what we're trying to do here, Steve." Max says annoyed.
"And maybe we'd have a little bit more luck if you spent less time trying to find a girlfriend and more time trying to find Eddie"
"He' not wrong here, Stevie" I agree with Dustin.
"Oh well somebody has to attend to the customers" Steve says, again, to defend himself, and I roll my eyes scoffing.
"Especially if they're babes, right?" Robin teases with a wink.
"Hey, not fair, okay?" Steve points his finger st her "I attend to all customers equally, babes and non-babes alike. We've got a very big selection in here. It can be super overwhelming for people"
"Yeah it can be" Robin says, I can tell she thought something to actually help us so I quickly follow her to the computer.
"What are you doing?" Max asks.
"Maybe we don't need a last name" she answers.
She type on the keyboard, Rick's name and a list of Ricks appears on the screen.
"Twelve Ricks have accounts here" she tells us.
"That's a lots of Ricks" Max comments.
"You're a genius, Robin" I tell her.
"I know. Now, let's narrow it down, uh? Rick Alderman's latest rentals are Annie and Dumbo...what are the chances our drug dealer has a family?" She asks.
"Not likely"
"All right, Rick Conroy. Sixteen candles, Teen Wolf, Romancing the stone." She move to the next Rick.
"Okay, Rick Joiner, Mask, Footloose, and Grease"
"Rick Kimbrough. The Blue Lagoon, and Splash."
"Definitely no"
"Okay. Rick Lipton. Fast Times at Ridgermont High, Cheech & Chong's next movie. Cheech & Chong's nice dreams. Cheech & Chong' up in smoke."
"Bingo" Dustin chuckles.
"Spelled like the tea. 2131 Holland Road" Robin reads.
"That's out by Lovers Lake" Dustin says.
"Middle of nowhere" I comment.
"It's a perfect place to hide" Robin agrees.
That being said we all head out to Steve's car and to this Reefer Rick's house.
And hopefully to Eddie.
We all grab a torch each and get out of the car to walk to this Reefer Rick's house.
The lights are out, which could mean that no one's home or... Eddie's hiding.
Dustin repeatedly tries to ring the bell, but to no use.
"Okay. Well, that's settled. I guess he's not here." Steve says, trying to make Dustin stop.
But Dustin just start to shout for Eddie to come out and tries again with the door bell.
Me and Max move to the side of the house with our torch, seeing what looks like a boathouse. Maybe Eddie's in there.
"Hey guys!" Max calls.
"Well let's go" I say already walking towards the small building. 
Robin is the first one to enter.
"Hello? Is anyone home?" She tries.
We all enter and start to look around.
"What a dump" Steve comments
The place is far from clean, there garbage everywhere and, as expected, a boat in the middle filled with something covered by a tarp.
I spot Steve grabbing an oar as a weapon and starts to poke the boat multiple times.
"What are you doing?" Dustin asks.
Steve just doesn't answer so Dustin repeats the question, more shocked. 
"He might be in here." Steve simply replies.
"So take the tarp off." Dustin tells him.
"If you're so brave, you take the tarp off" he basically challenges.
"Stop bickering, you two." I say.
Steve just keeps hitting on top of the tarp covered boat.
"Hey, look over here" Max tells us. She points our attention to some food envelopes.
"Someone was here." I try.
"Maybe he heard us. Got spooked and ran" Robin suggests.
"Don't worry. Steve will get him with his oar" Dustin says sarcastically. 
"Oh I know you think you're being funny, Henderson, but considering everyone in this room has nearly died about a hundred times, personally, I don't find it funny in the slight-"
Steve is cut off by a loud scream and Eddie jumping from under the tarp and pushing him against the wall, a broken bottle in his hand.
We all gather as close as possible, trying to not scare him further for Eddie to react too badly.
"Whoa whoa whoa Eddie! Eddie! Stop!" Dustin says, holding his arms out to stop us from getting further closer.
Eddie turns to look at Dustin, not moving the broken glass away from Steve's neck yet.
"It's me. It's Dustin" Dustin tries to stay calm while getting Eddie's attention. "This is Steve. He's not going to hurt you, right, Steve?"
"Right, yeah" Steve agrees, quite agitated.
"Steve, c'mon.. drop the oar, will you?" I say, as calmly as possible. 
Steve does as I say, dropping the oar away, but that just startle Eddie more pointing the glass back at Steve's neck.
"He's cool, he's cool" Dustin says.
"What are you doing here?" Eddie says, voice breaking.
"We're looking for you" Dustin replies
"We're here to help, Eddie" I add.
Eddie turns his head again to us, listening carefully.
"Eddie, these are my friends. You know Robin, from band. This is my friend Max. The one who never wants to play D&D. You know Y/n too. The quiet girl you always stare at, at lunch. Eddie. We're on your side. I swear on my mother. Right guys?"
"Yeah yeah we swear"
"Yeah on Dustin's mother"
"Yeah, Dustin's.. mother"
We say no more, tense as never before, but at the end Eddie lets Steve go and moves to the side sitting down.
Steve just come to us, I check his neck in case the broken bottle accidentally cut him but he's fine.
I turn to look at Eddie, Dustin kneels in front of him and I slowly follow.
He looks... terrified.
"Eddie...we just want to talk" Dustin very slowly tries to grab the bottle in Eddie's hand, but as soon as he gets to close he flinches grabbing the glass harder.
"Eddie... we just wanna know what happened. " I tell him.
"You won't believe me" he tells us.
"Try us" Max says.
Eddie told us everything that happened, about Chrissy coming to him to buy drugs, and how she died, right in front of him.
"Her body just lifted up into the air and.. and she just like, hung there. In the air. And her bones..  she.. her bones starter to snap"
He struggling to tell us what happened, all I want to do is grabbing his hand and reassure him...
"Her eyes, man" he continues "it was like.. there was something, inside her head, pulling. I.. I didn't know what to do so.. I.. I ran away. I left her there." He sounds so ashamed... he couldn't do anything for her.
Poor girl, she was really one of the sweetest person in Hawkins.
Eddie looks up to us, only to turn his head away quickly, scoffing.
"You all think I'm crazy right?"
"No. We don't think you're crazy" Dustin tries to reassure him.
"Don't bullshit me, man! I know how this sounds" Eddie snaps.
"We're not bullshiting you" Max intervenes.
"We believe you" Robin says and Eddie just scoffs, still not believing us.
"Look, what I'm about to tell you might be a little.. difficult to take." Dustin starts "you know how people say Hawkins is...cursed? They're not way off. There's another world.a words hidden beneath Hawkins. Sometimes it bleeds into ours." Dustin explains.
"Like ghosts and shit?" Eddie asks.
"There are... there are some things worst than ghosts" I tell him.
"These monsters from this other world, we thought they were gone. But they've come back before. That's why we needed to find you."
"If they're back again, we need to know" Max says.
"That night, did you see anything?" Robin asks.
"Dark particles, maybe"
Eddie just shakes his head no.
"It would almost look like dust, swirling dust." Dustin specifies.
"No, man, there was nothing you could see or.. touch" Eddie explains. 
I look at Steve who, now, looks more worried than before, full attention on Eddie.
"You know, I tried to wake her, man. She couldn't move. It was like she.. she was in a trance or something." Eddie explains and we all listen carefully.
"Or under a spell" Dustin points out.
"A curse."
"Vecna's curse" Dustin realises.
"Who's Vecna?" Steve asks
"And undead creature of great power" Dustin answers.
"A spell caster" I say, earning a confused look from Steve.
"A dark Wizard" Dustin finishes.
This might be worse than all the ones before...
We decided we have to go and get some food for Eddie.
"We'll be right back, man, I promise" Dustin says.
As we all walk to the door.
Steve and Dustin turn to me stopping me in my tracks.
"Why don't you... uh... stay here and keep him company?" Dustin asks.
"What? Why me?" Now I'm confused.
"Because you're the sweetest and he clearly has a thing for you" Steve replies as the most simple thing ever.
"He does not" I tell him sternly.
"Either way you're the best choice. You're calmer and... easier to be around than the rest of us" Steve convinces me.
"Y/n, trust me. He needs someone like you now. Please, I don't think he should be alone now" Dustin says looking me in the eyes.
"Fine" I tell him nodding "yeah, I'll stay with him. But you better stay out of trouble"
"As always" Steve shrugs.
I give him a warning look and just sigh. Watching them driving away.
I get back to the boathouse and see Eddie's figure watching nothing on the boat.
"Hey" I say quietly.
He seems to snap out of trance and looks at me surprised.
"I thought you all went" he says, with a small smile.
"Yeah well... we didn't.. uh... Dustin didn't want you to be alone right now" I tell him, fidgeting with my rings again.
"Thanks.. I guess he's right" he says.
I nod, walking a bit closer, but not too much.
"So..." he starts.
"So..." I mimic him, earning a laugh from him.
"You knew about the spell caster" he implies.
"Yeah... a-and?"
"You know about D&D..?" He asks.
"Yeah.." I say nervously.
"No way!" He whisper shouts.
"It's true!" I tell him, with a small chuckle.
"How come didn't you join Hellfire?" He asks, genuinely curious.
"I.. well.. I just..." I stutter.
"Hey.. I'm not judging, m'lady" he assures me, with a smile.
"I'm just too shy, I think.. also I'm not very good at playing" I laugh quietly. 
"I could've taught you" he says.
"I... I'm not very good with people" I honestly tell him.
"What do you mean?"
"I.. I'm not very good at talking to people, I get nervous and stutter the whole time. And just... I just shut up so I don't bother anyone" I explain.
"You're not stuttering with me" he shrugs.
"I.." I stops realising it's true.
With him it feels easier, somehow..
"No need to worry about a freak's opinion, i guess." he lower his eyes, almost disappointed.
"No! Not at all!" I quickly say.
He look at me, searching my eyes to see if I'm messing with him.
"I... listen, I don't understand why people always call you that, but I personally always saw you as someone... cool" I say, getting shy as I finish my sentence. 
"Really?" He says, he tries to hold back a smile, but he fails.
"Yeah.." I look away from him. "You always walk around like you don't care about anything. You have your ideas and you're not ashamed, and of course you shouldn't be ashamed of them. You're like smarter than any of those dickheads from the basketball team"
"Wow" he blushes... he blushes?
Did I make Eddie Munson blush?
"Are you blushing, my lord?" I gather some courage and make a joke.
"Oh... 'my lord' uh?" He looks at me with a smirk, that makes me instantly lower my eyes with my cheeks warming up.
"I.. yeah.. I mean, you keep calling me-"
"M'lady? Yeah, so I'd say 'my lord' fits perfectly" he sweetly smiles at me.
We stay silent for a while.
It's a comfortable silence, the kind you don't have to talk to fill it. We just need each other company to be okay.
I watch him fidgeting with his own hands.
He's getting nervous.
Instinctively I reach out for his hands and he turns to me, surprised, but he doesn't retreat his hands.
"It's gonna be okay" I tell him. "I know it sounds like a shitty cliché.. trust me I know." I let out a small chuckle "we've been through this shit a few times.. the point is, we're with you on this. We're gonna solve this."
He holds my hands in his.
"I want to believe you" he says looking me in the eyes.
"Good" I say.
He starts to stroke my knuckles gently.
"I'm glad you're the one to stay here, m'lady" he says.
"Apparently I'm the easiest to be around" I tell him with a shrug.
He's still not letting go my hands.
"Maybe... but that's not the only reason, but yeah" he says, a playful smile on his face.
"Then... w-why?" I say, feeling my cheeks warming up again.
"Well.. that's an answer for another time, uh?" He winks and I'm just speechless.
All of a sudden we hear noises from outside.
I grab the oar Steve used earlier and move to the door.
"Stay there" I tell Eddie.
I get closer and closer to the door, that suddenly opens reveling Robin, Dustin, Max and Steve holding some bags full of food and drinks.
"Fuck sake!" I exclaim as they enter with apologetic looks.
"delivery service" Dustin announces.
I look at Eddie who look just as startled, heavy breathing and all that.
I just exhale deeply and grab one of the bags they carried inside.
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Aim For The Heart | Chapter 1: At First Sight
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Pairing: hitman!jk x female reader
Genre: E2L, romance, angst, drama
WC: 4.5k
Warnings for this chapter: alcohol consumption, language, stalking kind of? I think that's all lol. Pls let me know if there is anything else I should put.
tag list; @teresaisla @hopekookies @moonchild1 @barbellastyles98 @ggukkieland @mwitsmejk @yukiehyukie
summary; Jeon Jungkook is an infamous hitman, known for his inability to fail at whatever job is thrown his way. At least, up until now. Y/n, a kind-hearted and full of life teacher, is his newest target. Jeon isn't sure who would put a hit on this seemingly innocent girl, but fortunately, that isn't his problem. All he has to do is pull the trigger. 
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A bright smile graces your features as you tuck the little star-shaped peanut butter and jelly sandwiches into a tiny container, just barely getting two of them to fit as you squish them down a tad bit in order to get the lid clipped on.
Then you grab a little tangerine and a cheese stick to drop into your lunch bag along with the sandwiches, counting the number of items aloud to yourself as they make themselves at home and then you zip it all up.
"Th-There we go!" You lift your lunch for the day in triumph.
Your phone startles you when it starts to ring, then you grapple in your purse to find it. You pull it out and answer right before the last ring.
"Hey, girl! Are you ready to go? I'm downstairs." The voice of your best friend comes through the phone and you look at the clock on your microwave. You stare at the little black screen, confused as to why the time isn't showing up before remembering that you were never able to figure out how to display the clock when you bought the microwave three years ago. So, you hold your phone out to look at the time.
"Oh geez! I didn't r-realize the time. I'll be d-down in a minute, k?" You say, earning a lighthearted laugh from the girl on the other end.
"Take your time, hun. I'm not in any rush."
You thank her quickly and hang up, then you run to your room to grab your favorite pink cardigan and throw it on over your white shirt. As you're hurrying out and grabbing your lunch, you stumble and knock your knee into an open lower cabinet that you had forgotten to close the previous night after pulling a pan from it to make dinner.
"Ouch!" You hiss in pain and rub the sore spot, although it does nothing to ease the ache. Then you grab your purse and run outside, almost forgetting to lock the door. But you remember just in time and clumsily lock it before rushing down the stairs leading to the parking lot of your apartment complex.
Your best friend, Mina, is laughing. You can see her through the windshield as she waves to you. Lifting a hand to wave back, you don't realize in time that your arms are full. You drop your lunchbox and have to crouch to get it again, only taking up even more of your time.
But Mina finds it hilarious and tells you so as soon as you slide into the car and fumble with your seatbelt to get it buckled.
"Honestly, ___. I can't believe you're still single. If I wasn't straight as a board, I'd be head over heels for you and all your shenanigans." She states in a matter-of-fact tone as she pulls out of the parking spot.
A blush creeps up your neck and you try to laugh it off, "D-Don't be silly." You whisper, turning your gaze outside to look at the fluffy white clouds decorating the sky beautifully. You smile and lean your forehead against the glass as you imagine lying on a soft cloud, just drifting in the air.
"If you c-could go anywhere at all, where would y-you go?" You ask Mina suddenly, turning to her. Her eyes are focused on the road but she bites her lip in thought at your question. "Mm, probably Italy. What about you?" She's used to your sudden questions and ramblings, so she smiles when you start to go off.
"I'd wanna go up in the c-clouds. I wanna sit on one and maybe even see a r-rainbow up close! I wonder if I could slide down the rainbow..." Your brows furrow in deep thought. "Or would I f-fall?" You turn to her again and she glances over to see your signature puppy dog eyes that you use when you are either confused, upset, or want something.
Mina turns back to the road, a tiny ache in her heart that she hides with a bright smile, "Girl, you would ride that rainbow straight down into a pot of gold!"
"Really?" Your eyes widen and you feel your heart lift at the image.
She nods and you giggle happily, "You can come w-with me, Mina." You say confidently, your gaze turning back to the sky. "We can sleep in the clouds and slide down rainbows for the rest of f-forever."
"Sounds like a deal."
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By the time Mina pulls up to the school, you've discussed everything you'd do up in the clouds and what you'd eat when you're hungry (stardust, you've decided, is the best meal anyone could eat.)
You unbuckle and gather your things. Then you remember something and turn back to Mina, "Oh yeah. W-When are you leaving on your business trip?" You ask a tinge of sadness in your voice.
"This weekend," Mina says solemnly. "I'm sorry I won't be able to drive you for a while. I'll be gone for a month this time."
That makes your heart sting but you manage a small smile, "D-Don't worry about me. I can walk! I'm gonna m-miss you though."
"I'll miss you too, buttercup. We'll hang out this Friday night before I leave the next day. How about that?" Mina asks kindly.
You nod enthusiastically and she smiles, "Ok, get your butt in there before you're late! The bell rings in half an hour and you can't be late on a Monday." She urges you and you nod, hopping out of the car and thanking her again for the ride, reassuring her that you'll walk home from work today.
You blow her a kiss and she laughs as you turn and hurry into the school.
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You're all set up only a few minutes before the kids are supposed to arrive, so you go onto Pinterest and look through your fairytale boards, feeling a little spark of joy in your chest.
A couple of minutes later, the kids start streaming through the door, greeting you with the same amount of enthusiasm as you greet them. Your kiddos love you so much that all the other teachers are jealous and they let you know it every day. Of course, you have the sweetest kindergarteners and they're always the best for you.
"Hello, Teacher! Good morning Miss ___! Teacher, look at my new haircut!"
"Hi, Jina! Hello M-Minhhyuk! Kun, your new haircut l-looks so good!" All the kids have bright smiles on their faces by the time they've settled in their seats.
You always start the day off by getting everyone to stand and do a few stretches, then you sing the nursery rhymes you learned yesterday and start learning a new one. You honestly have as much fun as the kids during the school day.
"Ok, l-little ducklings, have a seat!" You get their attention and they immediately oblige. Next, is the alphabet that you guys have been working on since the beginning of the year. Every little one sings it perfectly all the way through and you give them a round of applause and they each get a little punch in their reward cards.
The rest of the day goes by smoothly, with only one temper tantrum thrown and that was resolved quickly.
It's nearing the end of the school day and the kids are all playing during their free time. You're sitting with Ae-Cha, a small and fairly quiet girl, playing with colorful blocks; the both of you competing to see who can build the highest tower. You've learned that she responds well to playing games when there isn't too much talking involved.
You're constantly glancing around the room to make sure everyone is safe and playing nicely and you're always pleased. They've all improved so much since the beginning of school back in September. It's June now and they've all learned their alphabet and how to play nicely with their new friends, along with so many other things. They've really made you so proud this year. You can even hear them reciting the alphabet and nursery rhymes to each other as they play.
Your heart warms at the sound of tiny voices filling the room as they sing. Then you glance at the clock and realize the bell will be ringing in a few minutes. So, you declare Ae-Cha the winner with her foot-high tower of blocks and she beams proudly. Then, you get up and clap three times, "One, two, th-three! Eyes on me!" You singsong, then smile when the kids immediately respond by clapping twice and shouting "One, two! Eyes on you!"
"G-Great attention today, everyone! Alright, the bell will ring soon. Who can tell me w-what that means? What are we doing n-now?" A few little hands go up and you point to the little boy that raised his first, "Yes, Joon Woo?"
"We...Uhm...time to clean up toys...Uhm..." You smile to encourage him and he finishes cutely, "Time uh, to clean up our toys and pack bags."
"Yes! Thank you, Joon Woo. It is t-time for us to clean up and make sure our bags are packed up and ready for h-home!"
The kids start to pick up their toys as you put on the cleaning song that you play every day for them. You all sing along until the room is all tidied and their bags are packed with their homework papers.
You always give them little mazes to do for homework to get their little brains to learn to concentrate, along with instructions on what to draw to show the class the next day. Today, their homework is an extremely easy maze, a coloring page with the alphabet and instructions to draw themselves doing their favorite activity. The kids always love drawing pictures and sharing them with the class and it's a good ice breaker for the shy ones at the beginning of the day.
You always have less and easier homework for the kids on Mondays and Fridays, it just seems fair to you that way. You also feel like it's good for kids to express themselves and be able to share what they like and dislike. You've found drawing helps with communication and creativity for the kids in your class.
The sound of the bell ringing makes a few of you jump, then you hurry to the door. "Alright, ducklings! T-Time to line up!" A few of the kids make quacking sounds as they line up, giggling and talking to their friends.
You smile and open up the door, holding it as the kids walk out in a straight line, some of them still quacking like little ducks.
You lead the kids to the front of the school and make sure they get into the correct line for the bus if they take it. You wave goodbye to them as the kids that take the bus climb on and they run to a window to wave back to you.
The rest of the kids that are left are soon picked up by their parents or siblings. You wave to Ae-Cha, the last student to be picked up. She smiles shyly and waves back before hurrying after her big sister.
After that, you go back to your classroom and finish a few things before packing up to go home. As you're leaving your classroom, you run into one of the other teachers coming from his own room.
"Oh, h-hello Mr. B-Baek!" You bow, missing the ugly sneer on his face as you smile brightly at him. He pushes his glasses further up his nose as he scrutinizes you with his beady little eyes. "You don't belong here, Miss ___." He snaps.
You look at him in confusion, "I-I'm sorry, I don't understand."
"I've waited the entire school year to say this to you. But now that we are nearing the end, I think you should know that you have no business being a teacher at this school. You ought to make the right decision to discontinue your work here." Mr. Baek watches your face fall with a sick sense of satisfaction.
"B-But, why?" You ask, still not understanding.
"First of all, you're inexperienced. You just got out of college last year, am I right?"
You nod uncertainly.
"You're still a child. Why should a twenty-two-year-old girl come marching in here and take a spot that should have been given to someone with more experience? And especially someone like you." He glares at you before turning on his heel and walking away briskly.
Someone like me? What does he mean by that?
You watch after him, feeling a tiny pinch in your chest. You aren't sure what he means, but whatever he's talking about, it sounds like he believes you shouldn't have become a teacher at all. At this school or another. You'll have to ask Mina later because you really have no idea where his rant came from.
Is there something wrong with you becoming a teacher?
You shake your head and laugh it off, "He's probably just had a bad day." You tell yourself as you make your way out of the school.
As you walk home, you sing quietly along with the song in your headphones, a little skip to your step.
You never notice the dark figure across the street, his eyes trained on your every move.
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One day earlier...
Jungkook groans as he tosses and turns in bed, searching for his phone to turn the alarm off. He finally finds it and hits dismiss, tossing the phone back down and rubbing his eyes with a tired yawn.
After another minute he sits up and looks out the window, frowning at the sun seeping in and pooling across his floor in a golden river. He stares at a small bird that lands on his windowsill until it flies away.
Jungkook yawns again and reaches up to rub his eyes for the second time. After a few minutes, he's finally able to drag himself out of bed and into the shower. He almost falls asleep again in there, but he manages to make it out after half an hour.
With a towel wrapped around his waist, he makes his way to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of soju that's sitting on his tiny dining table to take a small swig from, finishing off what he'd left last night after his third bottle right before he passed out in bed.
He sighs and grabs a bagel, searching for the cream cheese he swears he saw in his fridge last night. A small smile appears on his lips when he finds it. He snatches it and makes sloppy work of spreading it on his bagel before tossing the leftover trash onto his counter and plopping onto the couch, snarfing down the first half of his bagel in thirty seconds.
Jungkook sighs through his nose as he tiredly chews his breakfast, then he glances down and sees the file he'd left open on his coffee table last night. He swallows the bite he has in his mouth and leans forward to read over it.
Y/L/N Y/N...
Why is that name so familiar?
He shakes his head and flips the file closed, then he leans back on the couch, wanting to spend his Sunday relaxing before he has to get to work on this case. He isn't going to think about it again until tonight.
Jungkook settles down and lays his head on the back of the couch, closing his eyes and breathing deeply.
He won't think about it.
Jungkook lays there for a minute, then he opens his eyes and lifts his head, glaring at the closed file on the little table.
He grunts in annoyance and drops the other half of his bagel onto the table, grabbing the file angrily and sitting back again. He opens it and starts to reread everything he's read many times since Friday. There's just something that has felt off since he met with Mr. Ling, but he can't put his finger on what it is.
Jungkook squints at the name he's read a thousand times.
"Ugh." He rolls his eyes, frustrated at not being able to remember where he's heard that name before. Then he looks at the occupation.
Teacher at Sunshine Kindergarten.
His brows furrow again, much like they have each time he's read this. He's never had a hit on a teacher before, let alone a Kindergarten teacher. That's such an odd target...
Most of his targets in the past have been sleazy business owners, rapists, leaders of gangs that have terrorized neighborhoods for years, even other hitmen. He's never had a problem with those jobs, but there's something about this one that's telling him to be careful.
Maybe it's because he knows nothing about his client, except for the large sum of money he must have due to the pay he's been promised. Other clients of his were more than happy to explain why they wanted him to do what he does. They never paid him until after the job was done, either.
That leads Jungkook to believe that this guy (or girl) is desperate for his services, convincing him to do it with payment before and after. Almost as if Jungkook would refuse after he found out who the target was...
Jungkook flips the page and scrutinizes the picture of the target.
She's very simple looking, Jungkook thinks. The girl in the picture is wearing a white flowy skirt with a blue blouse that covers her whole arms and white chunky tennis shoes. Her hair is in a low ponytail and it seems like she has headphones in as she walks down the street. There's a tiny smile on her face as if she's thinking about something that makes her happy.
Jungkook doesn't find her particularly beautiful, but she isn't ugly either. She's just very...
Jungkook shakes his head, his eyes going over the photo and the girl's smile one more time. Maybe she's a double agent? Or a part of the mafia disguising herself as a school teacher?
He can't figure it out.
It doesn't matter much though, the job seems simple enough and the pay is more than he's ever gotten. After looking through everything once more, Jungkook closes the file and grabs his bagel, quickly eating it before getting up to get dressed for the day.
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That night, Jungkook lays out his outfit for the next day.
It's all black, but not suspicious-looking. After all these years, he's been able to design the perfect outfits to avoid attention being drawn to him and simple enough so that no one would think much of him if he were to catch anyone's attention.
It might seem simple, but he prides himself on being able to get each part of his job perfectly designed for each case he gets.
Heaven knows it's taken him years to accomplish.
After he's gotten that all figured out, he walks over to his closet and pulls out a small safe. Setting it on the bed, he swiftly unlocks it and looks inside. He pulls out a few things, examining each of them before he sets them one by one onto his bed. Once he's got the items all laid out, he steps back to look it all over.
"I should wait to decide..." Jungkook mumbles to himself. After a minute of staring at everything, he nods and gathers it all up, carefully putting it back into the safe and locking it tightly. Then he brings it back to his closet and shoves it into the darkest corner where it lives.
That can wait.
He pulls his phone out and checks the time.
"Damn it," Jungkook mutters. He had wanted to get some sleep earlier tonight since he would have to be awake early tomorrow.
He changes into some shorts, then he yanks his shirt off and immediately climbs into bed, not even bothering to shower or brush his teeth. He really couldn't care less with how tired he is. And he hasn't even started yet.
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His alarm blares at an ungodly hour as Jungkook groans loudly, resisting the temptation to chuck his phone across the room.
"I hate Mondays." He mutters angrily, setting his phone back on the nightstand far from gracefully.
He miserably drags himself out of bed and into the shower, going through his morning motions almost like a robot. His brain isn't fully awake and it's just on autopilot right now.
An hour later, he's just finishing his coffee, his eyes no longer squinting in exhaustion. Jungkook unceremoniously drops his coffee cup into the sink, promising himself he'll clean it up later, then he sighs as he grabs his black boots, walking to the couch to sit and pull them on. After he's done lacing them up, he grabs the file he's been avoiding like the plague since yesterday morning.
He mutters to himself, looking at the name on the page.  
"I know that name."
Then he smacks his forehead to get himself to focus again. He stands up and folds the page with the girl's information and then her picture and tucks them into the inside pocket of his black jacket.
Time to get to work.
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Jungkook spots the girl almost instantly, the second she steps out of a black car. He glances at the driver, but can only see a person with shoulder length black hair waving. The girl from the picture has a bunch of things in her arms as she blows a kiss to the short-haired driver.
Jungkook has been here since six-thirty in the morning and just as he was beginning to think she called in sick for work, he's finally gotten a chance to see this girl in person. She looks exactly as he remembers from her picture...plain.
She's even wearing the same white skirt and chunky tennis shoes, although this time she has a different top. Her hair is in a high ponytail this time.
"Well, ___. Nice to meet you." Jungkook mutters, watching closely.
After a moment, the black car drives away as the girl scurries into the school, tripping on the last step before straightening herself out again, then disappearing from his sight.
Jungkook stares at the door for another minute, then he makes his way to the stores nearby, knowing he's gonna have to wait until the girl leaves. School for the young kids typically gets out at around three-thirty. So, he'll have to be back here around then.
He's definitely going to need to find something to do to kill time.
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Jungkook heaves a sigh of relief when he hears the school bell finally ring.
He hurries from the clothes store he was browsing and down the street a block until he's almost across the street from the school. He finds a good spot where he can sift through some newspapers at a little stand and still have an eye on the school.
After a minute, he sees a long line of tiny children coming out from the school. The girl is with them and smiling brightly. Jungkook thinks he can hear some of the kids quacking like ducks. He tries not to look puzzled as he goes back to talking to the person working the paper stand. Jungkook makes small talk with the old man, still keeping an eye on the girl across the street as she waves to each child that leaves.
If she's some mafia boss disguised as a kindergarten teacher, she's one hell of a good actress.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" The old man inquires curiously.
Jungkook laughs softly and shakes his head, "No. I've been so busy with my work I never got the chance to date."
The man nods knowingly. They chat a bit more and Jungkook finds himself trying to balance talking to the man and watching the girl.
"Well, did you want to buy a paper for the day?"
Jungkook turns his gaze back to the old man and nods, "Yes. Two, please. My neighbor would probably enjoy one as well."
The old man laughs and nods, taking the money Jungkook hands him and giving him two papers, "What a kind young man you are. Someday you'll find a lovely young lady, don't you worry, son. You will realize that work is important, but love is even more so."
Jungkook just laughs and thanks the man, then he opens the paper as he slowly starts walking, pretending to read.
He stops at a bench and sits down to wait. The girl went back into the school a few minutes ago, hopefully, she won't be in there long.
Luck seems to be with him today, because, after only about five minutes, Jungkook sees a familiar white skirt flowing as she skips down the steps of the school.
He folds his paper carefully, tucking it into his back pocket. The girl puts little earbuds in and immediately starts to mouth the words of whatever song she's listening to. Jungkook tugs his black baseball cap down a little more as he follows on the other side of the street.
The girl has a bag decorated with cupcakes and cookies that bounces up and down as she dances a little.
What is she, twelve?
Jungkook watches in confusion as the girl stops to pet a dog, giggling when the puppy licks her hand. She straightens up, then after another minute, she seems to get distracted by something else.
Jungkook looks carefully and notices she's picked up a flower that was laying on the ground, seemingly trampled on. She gently holds it in her hands as she continues on her way. It goes on like this for the next fifteen minutes, the girl waving to people and smiling almost the whole way.
By the time she is walking up the steps to her apartment, Jungkook is dying to just get back home. That must have been the longest most annoying walk he's ever taken while tracking someone. The girl had stopped over twenty times, distracted by something else each time, he's sure of it.
Just to be sure, Jungkook lingers around the apartment building a little longer, but when it seems apparent that the girl is going to be staying there, he finally heads home.
Geez, Jungkook thinks in annoyance as he climbs the stairs that lead to his own apartment. His head is spinning with so many questions while he unlocks his door and yanks his boots off with a groan.
But when he plops down onto his bed in his tiny studio apartment, he just stares at the ceiling, his mind suddenly blank apart from one question.
Who in the hell would put a hit on this girl?
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Copyright © @writemywaytoyourheart 2021
a/n: I hope you guys are liking the setup so far, thank you for all the positive reactions from the prologue!
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saltynsassy31 · 3 years
Yo but like... can you imagine the addison's giving Swatch the shovel talk
Lmao I had to search wtf was the shovel talk gjsjfjajfja
No but yes that would be hilarious
Vodkgka lemme give you that shovel talk
Reminder that my ask box is open so if you like my fanfictions and want more you can put requests there and I shall write it
Swatch had gone out with Spamton and his family, the Addisons, he knew who the Addisons were. Not only did Spamton talk endlessly about them (negatively in the beginning but now more positive) but they were well known on their own regard
They did well in advertisement and he'd occasionally see them on TV or in posters
At first, after hearing about them for the first time from Spamton in the beginning they didn't hold them in the highest regards
But they seem friendly enough and from what he has been recently hearing from Spamton they truly wanted to try again and do better
Wich also ment they'd be suspicious of him
Now they can't blame the Addisons too much, they bearly knew him and for all they knew he was just another powerful figure taking advantage of Spamton again
He tried their best to get their approval but the death glares seemed to indicate it was not working
At some point during their day out together Spamton went out to get something and left Swatch and the Addisons alone
They stayed in awkward silence as they watched Spamton do whatever he does
Swatch wasn't sure what to say to them. They glanced at the group of 4 and smiled a bit seeing how happy they seemed watching their little brother
Pink noticed they were starting and he quickly looked away
"You know" Pink began "we care about him alot, we do. We know we messed up pretty bad but we won't let it happen again"
His tone began to shift to be a bit threatening and when they looked down to look at the addison he saw how all of them were now focusing on him
They felt uneasy
"Well, that is uh.. Great to hear I'm sure your support for him now is greatly appreciated" Swatch said trying to shove his anxiety to the side
"Indeed, wich also means we won't tolerate you hurting him either" Banner said stepping closer
Swatch choked on air and turned to them "pardon me?"
"You heard him" Yellow jabbed a finger to their chest "if you ever dare to hurt him, make him cry or upset in anyways, well, I do not care if your the Queen's favourite or some famous rich guy. I will hunt you down and I will make you pay, understood?" he threatened opening his eyes slightly to glare at them
Swatch nodded "completely" he pushed the finger away from themselves and gave a shaky smile "but you don't have to worry, I do truly care for him. He has made me the happiest person alive and I want to give that joy back to him, I would NEVER hurt him" Swatch said more confidently
And why wouldn't he? They ment every word because he loved that little gremlin of a man and would give up the world for him
They seemed satisfied with the answer, yellow backed down as he crossed his arms and walked back to his place
"Good, we aren't going to let him get hurt buy a big guy like you again"
He felt slightly offended but they understood what he ment so they weren't too mad about it and let it go
Spamton walked back to them with small boxes in hand "HEY LOOK AT ALL THESE [[Good deals!]] I GOT FOR US" He said handing each of them a small box
Inside were of them were matching bracelets but each of them had one thing to distinguished each other
Swatch's had a little bird, Pink's had a pearl, Yellow's had a lime, Banner's had a coffee and Orange's had a shell
They all put it on proudly "they are lovely Spamton" Pink said admiring it
Spamton put on his own, it had an egg, and smiled "THEY ARE [[friend reques excepted]] BRACELETS THE [[Deals!]] WERE AMAZING"
The Addisons and Swatch looked at eachother and than at their bracelets. Swatch began to laugh "Oh aren't you adorable, Spamton" They said pinching his cheeks "these are lovely my dear, thank you"
Spamton blushed "NO [[trouble]]"
Swatch glanced at the Addisons than at the bracelets and smiled "does that mean we are all friends? This ARE friendship bracelets"
"WHY OF COURSE [[Pretty bird]] WE ARE ALL FRIENDS HER3! [[Correct answer]]?" He said leaning his head to the side to look at his brothers behind his boyfriend
Pink smiled softly "why of course, Spammy. Your partner seems like a good guy" with that answer Spamton smiled more than thought possible as he looked at his other brothers who nodded on agreement
"Well, we still got other places we planned to go so how about we get moving" Orange said walking a bit ahead
The rest of the group followed, Pink and Swatch were slightly behind
"Ive never seen him this happy before, he likes you. So don't ruin that for him"
"I could never dream of it"
Pink smiled "good" he patted the bird's should "now go have fun, you wont have us interrogating you anymore, relax"
Swatch let out a breath they didn't know they were holding "you lot can be scarry" he admitted
Pink laughed "good to know, sorry for that we just... really worry sometimes you can't blame us to much for being protective"
"No, I can't. I feel the same way"
They glanced at each other and smiled, a silent agreement between the two was shared before they walked faster to join the rest
End notes
Hope you liked this ^^
I wasn't sure how to do this one tbh, I never wrote "the shovel talk" before
But I hope it was good enough for you liking :D
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bugsweirdworld · 3 years
Going to the store with Connie Springer
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AN: I got bored and was inspired by my yearning for Target (I live in the UK now and we don’t have them). So here, treat yourself with my first proper Connie headcanons ❤️
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🛒 Connie loves going to the store with you, it's like a mini adventure! But honestly, you're lucky if you even get into the supermarket first, because he's already trying to convince you to go into the other stores near by, like the pet shop or Claires.
🛒 Connie purposefully tries to reach for stuff at the same time as you. He treats it like a race to see who can grab things first, but he always ends up hitting you or knocking stuff off the shelves instead, only to turn around and be like “don’t worry bae, I got it!” as if it’s not his fault in the first place. And yes, he literally says bae.
🛒 Half the time he's got his hands in your pockets/holding onto your hips so he “doesn’t get lost” and trails behind you like a puppy. He tries to get you to do it to him too, but he gets too distracted and fidgety for you to keep hold.
🛒 Likes making a shopping list. Often forgets the shopping list. Adds things to the shopping list while in the store. Buys everything but the items on the shopping list.
🛒 Tries to ride everything. The shopping carts, the bikes and scooters from the sports section, random kids toys... anything and everything is free game. He also tries coerce you into doing the same. OR. Letting him give you piggyback rides in the store.
🛒 You turn around for one second and he's run off.
🛒 You turn back around and he's got armfuls of random stuff and is shoving it in the basket or shopping cart before you can say anything about it. Sometimes he tries to turn it into a game of how much stuff he can hide before you notice.
🛒 If you don't speak it, he tries to pass it off as trying to teach you the names of things in Spanish, but that excuse only works so many times.
🛒 Connie's always standing just a bit too close. You can never tell if it’s on purpose or not because he’s bad at personal space but also a bit pervy. One second he’s seemingly unaware of half the stuff he does but then he’s fake humping you the next...
🛒 Whether you shop in it or not, Connie still gets the giggles in the lingerie section. He thinks that he's hilarious, so it doesn't matter whether you even wear a bra or not, he still comes real close and whispers "boobies" in your ear before laughing and squealing like a child. Plus, whether you have the facilities for lingerie or not, Connie will still point out things he likes and would like to see you in. He gets very pervy.
🛒 He'll shut up real quick if you suggest putting him in something pretty though. Ask him which ones he likes and if you're lucky, he'll blush a little before pointing one out. He'll ask multiple times if you're sure that he'd actually look good, so pump his ego up!
🛒 Connie will 100% make one too many jokes about getting down and dirty in the store's bathrooms for it just to be a joke. At this point he's basically outed himself.
🛒 He likes going in the girls section! He doesn’t want you to think he’s being a creep, but if he complains, he's only lying. However, you already know the truth based off how he follows you in if you wander through it and proudly starts bringing you random pieces of clothing like a dog, whether you normally buy stuff from that aisle or not.
🛒 Connie would die to get a matching outfit with you, even if it was a skirt or something more fem. He’d actually be excited about it, but still wants to be obnoxious cause he thinks it’s funny. So besides all the teasing, he’d actually give in very easily!
🛒 You wouldn’t really even have to say anything to convince him. He might whine for show but the second you try to take it back he’s like "Nooo, babe! UGH fine you convinced me 😫✨" Honestly, he'd be proud to wear anything you pick together, whether fem, masc, etc... He'll always find a way to rock it and knows you'll respect his bounderies if he really doesn't feel comfortable wearing something.
🛒 He’s so dramatic about everything?? Like?? Do you want this or not??
🛒 Connie always wants to get stuff from the mini restaurants/cafes/food courts inside the store. For example, a tiny Pizza Hut and Starbucks kiosk. He is all over those! It doesn’t matter if he even likes half the food, he just wants it.
🛒 However, sometimes he gets overwhelmed by all the choices and ends up randomly picking something only to regret it, but he’s too embarrassed to say anything, so you end up swapping or sharing. He'd 100% do the same for you 🥰
🛒 You can’t leave the store before going to the home section and picking out stuff for the fake house you’ve imagined, it would be a crime!
🛒 Every other second he be like “my ma would like this!”
🛒 Purposefully picks ugly and over the top things to tease you but gets low-key offended when you tell him how ugly it is
🛒 Despite that, Connie also trash talks the stuff you pick. In spanish. Bonus points if you don't understand him, because he thinks it’s funny that you don’t know what he’s saying. But whether you understand or not, he makes it obvious what he’s on about anyways cause he's pointing at your stuff and sassing you through body language 💀.
🛒 One reason he says those things is because he loves teasing and provoking you. He's trying to see if you’ll take the bait first before he starts something himself. It's all in good fun of course and he'll stop if you ask him too. However, he's not always good at reading people so sometimes he takes things too far or struggles to tell if you're actually upset (it's the ADHD) so be clear but kind!
🛒 He LOVES taking pictures with you! His phone is always full of mirror section selfies after you go to the store. Also! Photos of him in the toy section playing with lightsabers and stuff cause he’s ADDICTED to the toy section and wants people to see what he found. He takes purposely bad photos of you cause he thinks it's funny and refuses to delete them (unless you're actually upset about it of course).
🛒 I’m sorry for those of you who have anxiety like me, but you’ve definitely been kicked out of a store at one point or another. Connie is very chaotic!
🛒 You have to make him promise to be on his best behaviour before you go out!
🛒 Not that it ever works.
But for real though, how can some of you go to the store and not go to the toy section? I don’t know how you do it💀
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luxaryllis · 2 years
For Leona (again, wow) and yes, I am shameless with the amount of interactions I've put in. What can I say, I love being a gremlin little sibling figure. Also, good morning!
"Hey big man! I have the funniest story for you >:)! Don't mind the bruises, I'll get to that in a second. So! I'm minding my own business, right? Then some dick comes and picks a fight with me, as they do. I don't feel like getting in trouble today, so I let him swing first. Now, his hit was surprisingly powerful, so he gets a few more hits in while i'm stunned. I fight back because I'm not about to let that slide. I give him a pretty good punch to the nose, and I guess he wasn't expecting me to be that strong because he just runs away?? Hilarious to watch. Imagine running away from someone 7 inches shorter than you lol."
MC had basically ran at Leona at the beginning, and has been waving their arms around in a mini demonstration this whole rant. She finally calms down at the end and looks up at Leona with crooked smile, him finally being able to see the bruise on her cheek and the few on her arms.
(This interaction was brought to you by me wanting to beat a girl up, but being unable to because straight A student and also 5'4)
When you approach Leona, he's laying down on the ground in the Botanical Garden as usual.
Your loud voice awakens Leona, and he begrudgingly listens to your story.
At the mention of some asshole hitting you, Leona growls a bit. How dare they hit you? Do they want the Dorm Leader of Savanaclaw himself to bruise him up? Cuz Leona'd gladly do so. If it wouldn't have taken so much effort to do.
When you then tell him that you hit the bastard back, Leona proudly smirks. Heh, the guy messed with the wrong herbivore after all.
As you continue ranting about your story, Leona silently listens, occasionally snickering or growling at what happened.
When you finally finished, Leona is now wide awake (as much as he can be as THE Leona Kingscholar, at least) and smirking at you.
"Good job, herbivore. But lemme know what those bastards looked like so I can give 'em a piece of my mind too. I'd love to see their expressions as I beat them up for messing with ya. I'm sure Ruggie and Jack would love to join in too."
Yeah, no one messes with Leona's herbivore friend without getting away with it without having to head to the infirmary at least twice.
And I love writing the interaction, don't worry haha!
Tbh, writing these sorta help me try to get a grasp on multiple characters hehe.
And feel free to beat the person up in ur head! Tbh, I was a top honors student (and part of the student council) so I had to act dignified. But beating the ppl who piss me off in my head really helps calm me down hehe.
Just don't do it in real life and your good haha /lh
Also, yes! Good morning hehe (or evening for you-)
Anyway, here you go! Thanks for joining, Jester! 💙
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The Pharaoh & His Princess
Eleven | Braids
"Hold still Anippe," Atem muttered, struggling to make a braid on his daughter's hair.
"Ugh, I want to play." his daughter whined.
"I said we would after I finish braiding your hair."
Anippe slouched, frustrated at how her father was acting.
"Are you done now?"
"Anippe," Atem began, now getting slightly annoyed at her impatient behavior.
As Atem undid the braid he struggled with, he noticed his daughter's frowning face from the pond's reflection.
He chuckled to himself.
Who knew she was this handful at just seven years old.
"If you behave as I braid your hair, I promise I will take out my special cape so we can play."
"Really?" Anippe gasped, turning to look at her father with huge eyes.
"Yes, now turn around and let me work," Atem replied, making her face towards the courtyard and continuing with his braiding.
"Now what did Isis say? Does this go above this one or was it this one? How many strands? Two or three?" Atem thought to himself.
"Ra, this is harder than being Pharaoh of Egypt. Perhaps I shall get Isis-" Atem stopped and furrowed his eyes.
"No. Mahad and Seto will tease me endlessly if they find out I couldn't do a simple braid. No, I have to do this."
Gritting his teeth, Atem glared at Anippe's hair.
"Mark my words, I will braid you… you untangled beasts!"
Anippe didn't know how long it was until her father finished braiding her hair. And frankly, she didn't care.
"Papa, let's play now! You promised!" she immediately demanded, jumping in excitement.
Her father rarely took out his special purple cape. It was only for very special occasions.
So for him to propose this was a miracle.
"Very well then," Atem replied.
After ordering the servant to bring the cape down, Anippe began to play with her braids.
"No Anippe! Don't play with your hair." Atem spoke.
"You saw how long it took me to make those." with a sly smile Atem added, "Don't you want Mahad or Seto to see your pretty hair"
However truth be told, Atem was trying to have her braids perfect so Mahad and Seto could see how wrong they were to ever doubt his skills.
"I didn't need help." Atem talked to himself proudly.
After the cape had arrived, Atem put it on and thus their playtime began.
The scenario was simple.
Anippe was acting as a customer at the local market and Atem was a foreign prince visiting Egypt. Cause he was wearing his crown and special cape, you know?
"Ah!" Anippe acted, gazing in awe at her father's cape.
Circling him, Anippe touched his cape as she gushed, "This cape is divine! So cute!"
Atem had a boring expression. With a sigh, he replied in a tired tone, "Young lady, no one is permitted to touch the cape."
Both Atem and Anippe turned to see who had interrupted their playtime.
Of course, it had to be Seto.
"What is this? What did I just witness?" Seto continued to laugh.
Atem furrowed his eyes at Seto.
"Not even when you were a spoiled prince, did you act like that!" roared Seto, clenching his stomach.
"Seto…" Atem hissed through his gritted teeth.
With a sigh, Atem turned back to face his daughter but to his utter shock, both her braids were destroyed.
She had taken off the bands that held them.
Noticing her father caught her, Anippe chuckled.
"Oops," she replied, trying to act innocent.
Atem groaned in defeat.
It didn't help that Seto continued to laugh just a few feet away from them.
The next day, Atem ordered Anippe's hair to be cropped. Only one long strand of her hair could remain. Sure enough, Atem wouldn't have to worry about braiding her hair for a full year.
Enough time to regain his dignity.
I used a quote from one of the characters Dan Green plays. Which would be Eusine from Pokemon. I forgot what episode it is, but Eusine says to a lady, "Young lady, no one is permitted to touch the cape." I found it quite hilarious, imagining Atem saying that. I just had to write it haha. You can listen to the video down below!
Children in Ancient Egypt had their hair cropped with the exception of one long strand, which was cut once adulthood was reached. However, in my case, children keep their hair as in the anime I saw no child with their hair cropped.
RIP Anippe's hair haha.
Author's Note:
Who else didn't like it when your parents or guardians braided or styled your hair? I for sure didn't. I hated every second of it. Yet, unlike Anippe who is offered playtime if she behaves, I was threatened with a smack. Lucky her.
Also, just a warning, not every chapter I'll write will be lengthy. Some may be super short, others long. We'll see as time goes. Until the next one!
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I’d love to request a ship :) I don’t have a gender preference, I am infp, my pronouns are she/her, and I’m biromantic asexual. I’m 5’3, long brown hair with bangs, I wear glasses. My style consists of short skirt/shorts, and cropped tops, nothing too defined however. My favourite books are the heroes of Olympus series by Rick riordan, and I like the song ‘good old fashioned lover boy’ by queen. I like listening to rock classics but also pop music from the 2010s. If I was in X-men, my mutation would be healing and/or telekinesis. I hope that’s enough details for you, I really enjoy your blog :) BTW, the roof fix is literally my favourite work of yours, I re read it sometimes and every time, it still makes me emotional.
I ship you with Peter Maximoff!
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It all started after you became friends with Jubilee.
Peter had a habit of running around campus, stopping (very briefly, though to him it probably felt like hours) to say hi to some people on the way to his destination.
So one day, while walking with Jubilee to the class that you and her shared, Peter ran by.
You were very confused to say the least.
"What was that? Also- who's Sparkles?"
Jubilee responded: "That was Peter, ignore him. I'm 'Sparkles'- he likes to make up weird nicknames for his friends- it's both an honor and annoying."
"Oh. Well- congratulations and also I'm sorry?"
"Exactly! You get it."
Later that night, you went down to the kitchen with your walkman on to grab a snack. Of course, by "grab a snack" I mean grab dinner now that whatever weirdos were in the kitchen earlier had left to study.
And who did you find? A weirdo. The weirdo, if you will.
The boy who you had earlier learned was named Peter and Jubilee were sitting eating snacks on top of the island counter.
You considered trying to sneakily back away, at the moment you really just wanted to listen to your music and be in peace, but alas. The stomach calls as strongly as the heart does. So you take off your headphones, and walk inside.
Jubilee greets you immediately, and Peter looks slightly horrified. You look at him perplexed then try to start a conversation.
"Hey... guys..." Wow, smooth start. "What were you talking about?"
Jubilee jokes in response, "We were gossiping about you, better watch out, we're planning some pretty nasty rumors."
Peter remained frozen, as if his lack of movement would make his borderline hilarious expression invisible to you. Until he jumped- "Ow! What the hell was that for?"
Jubilee gritted her teeth at him, "What was what for? I didn't do anything. Introduce yourself."
"You kicked me under the table! I'm wounded!" He feigned he was in great pain.
You saw the opportunity for a dad joke, so you took it, as any honorable person would. "Hi, Wounded. Nice to meet ya. Sorry that was horrible, but you did walk right into it."
Finally, he addressed you directly. "Haha, very funny. It would be funnier if I wasn't just attacked, but still. I'm Peter but I think you know that."
"Very presumptuous of you, but okay."
"No! Not like I think you know about me because I think I'm important or anything. We were just talking about you and I asked Sparkles what she told you about me-"
"You two were talking about me?" You wiggled your eyebrows sarcastically at him.
This interaction of course led to you two bantering, and Jubilee sneaking out of the room to give you two some privacy. Jubilee's real power is being the ultimate wingman, what can I say.
So I might have accidentally written a whole drabble for your meeting lmao- but I had some other details I didn't fit in but I wanted to share:
Peter messes up your bangs when he runs by, he thinks it's hilarious when you get annoyed by it. He also always denies that it was him.
Whenever you need to reach things off tall shelfs he runs in to help you. You always have to remind him: "I could have literally gotten that with my mind- you don't have to help, though I appreciate the gesture." He just smiles proudly in response.
He calls you nerd, and everything you like nerdy. You know how in movies they put the word "quantum" in front of everything? That's him with "nerd".
Whenever he speeds in to sit or stand by you, he puts his arm around your shoulders and says the inevitable: "Hey nerd."
"Ooh, how's your nerd book coming?"
"You're doing you're homework, wow. Nerd alert over here!"
"Jamming out to your nerd music?" You smile at him, "You like Queen just as much as I do, why do you call it nerd music?" "Because you're listening to it, and you're a nerd." "Ok, but why am I a nerd?" "Because you wear glasses, duh." "Oh my god."
If it ever remotely upset you he would stop, but every time you act unamused he can tell you're hiding a smile, and he wants to see that every chance he can.
I really hope you like this, sorry it's so long, this is just the first ship request I've written and I got kinda overzealous! <33
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