#also on the first date when we were sitting in her appt i saw a hinge like notification on her phone go off while we were together HAHAHHAHA
lesbiacnh · 5 months
third date PLANNED. we cut this date a little short bc her stomach hurt
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bfknj · 7 years
92 tag
sav aka @love-ndletter tagged me for this (hopefully not too long ago I tend to lag SORRY)! tysm friend! I love doing these heheh ALSO GIRL I LOVE UNTOLD STORIES OF THE ER TOO YOURE LIKE THE FIRST PERSON TO EVER KNOW IT SLJHFBAG YES
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people. (I’m tagging a bunch of mutuals but if I don’t tg you and you wanna try please do!! I love reading people’s answers, also don’t feel like you have to do it!!)
tagging: @jpghope, @taehyunguh, @taenkful, @cyphrs, @hixtae, @guktwt, @minkibread, @softjimns, @ultjmin, @yoongity, @wydkook, @ctrbl, @fwjsn, @taecheol, @5ygi, @agustdoll, @illicitblue, @sehunlo, @yoonung, @loserjongup
1. Drink: green tea  2. Phone call: my neurologist to make an appointment for an MRI lmao #adulting amirite ladiesss 3. Text message: helping my roommate with immunization requirements 4. Song you listened to: The Night We Met - Lord Huron 5. Time you cried: like three days ago??? I’ve been struggling with health (thus the neurologist appt.) and I broke down the other day :(
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: yes rip 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. Been cheated on: yes it was the guy I dated twice for a total over three years my first love Im not bitter at AL L 9. Lost someone special: yes :( 10. Been depressed: yes :( 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no!!! I don’t drink because alcoholism runs in my family so nothing but bad connotations for me heheh
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: blue, baby pink, mustard yellow
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yes!! 16. Fallen out of love: yes :/ 17. Laughed until you cried: girl everyday w my mom LOVE THAT CHICK 18. Found out someone was talking about you: probably  19. Met someone who changed you: yes!! (for the better) 20. Found out who your friends are: yes :(: 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I’d say 80%?? I’ve added a bunch of people from college that I haven’t met yet so it brought it down 23. Do you have any pets: yes!! two cats and two dogs (also pet sitting two kitties rn)  24. Do you want to change your name: I used to wanna change it to Jane bc I loved Tarzan LOL not anymore though, I like holly!! but shoot I’ll change my last name hmu namjoon 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: nothing :--) never celebrated it lmao 26. What time did you wake up: 7:50?? one of the cats woke me up bc he wanted to be pet but I usually get up at 8:15-8:30 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: youtube 28. Name something you can’t wait for: MOVING OUT !!! I love my roomies they're angels 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: this morning when I woke up 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I guess I wish I was more tan?? I’m pretty content with everything rn :) 31. What are you listening right now: Kiwi - Harry Styles (but real talk this entire album is so good guys don't @ me I love it) 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I call my period Tom does that count (Time Of the Month) 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my damn health issues :-----) 34. Most visited Website: youtube
35. Mole/s: EVERYWHERE MAN IM COVERED I used to be really insecure abt it when I was younger so my dad would tell me that they were called “beauty marks” so people would tell me I have moles and I would be like “ummm aCTUALL YYY I only have beauty marks so” ndsfjnks 36. Mark/s: I have a few scars on my knees, a small burn scar on the back of my hand, a dog bite on the side of my face and a huge burn mark on the inside of my left thigh bc I dropped a curling wand on it (gr9 job @ myself ik) 37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be a princess then a fashion designer then a architect ??? 38. Haircolor: blonde 39. Long or short hair: long 40. Do you have a crush on someone: kim namjoon my manS 41. What do you like about yourself: my hair and eyes :--) 42. Piercings: basic lobes and belly button 43. Bloodtype: no idea??? I think B-???? 44. Nickname: holls, holyjoons, fonz & lafonzo 45. Relationship status: single  46. Zodiac: aquarius 47. Pronouns: she/her/hers 48. Favorite TV Show: *sweats nervously* uHH???? friends, office, goblin, scarlet hearts ryeo, parks and rec 49. Tattoos: none yet but I’m getting one in a few weeks!!! IM PUMPED  50. Right or left hand: left for playing guitar/ukulele and right for everything else 51. Surgery: stomach when I was three or four?? and wisdom teeth when I was sixteen 52. Hair dyed in different color: nope 53. Sport: GIRL I’VE PLAYED SO MANY idk if dance counts but I’m putting it in bc a WORKOUT ok in order - ballet, tap, cheerleading, gymnastics, karate, soccer, volleyball, jazz, water polo, swim, dive, hip hop (I also did/do beach and pool lifeguarding but idk if that counts???) 55. Vacation: idk if this is for all vacations or what so - hawaii, nevada, arizona, georgia, florida, colorado, norcal??? 56. Pair of trainers: nike airmax theas
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: nothing atm 58. Drinking: nothing atm 59. I’m about to: idk man 61. Waiting for: my mom to get home 62. Want: to travel!! 63. Get married: idk about marriage but I definitely wanna find someone that I would be able to spend my life with 64. Career: something that allows me to live abroad bc thats been my dream for as long as I can remember
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: depends on the person giving them!! hugs I guess tho 66. Lips or eyes: usually I would say eyes but I’m a sucker for some good lips 67. Shorter or taller: taller :---) 68. Older or younger: older  70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach?? idk never thought abt it 71. Sensitive or loud: loud bc emotions make me uncomfortable Im a middle school boy ok                                                   72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: idk?? never thought abt it
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: nope 75. Drank hard liquor: nope 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nope 77. Turned someone down: yeah HAH 78. Sex on the first date: nope 79. Broken someone’s heart: yeah :( 80. Had your heart broken: yeah :( 81. Been arrested: nope 82. Cried when someone died: yeah :((((( 83. Fallen for a friend: nope
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: sometimes 85. Miracles: yes 86. Love at first sight: no :/ lust at first sight yes 87. Santa Claus: no 88. Kiss in the first date: I don't see why not 89. Angels: yes!
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: devon/doots my gIR L 91. Eye color: honey?? I know I sound extra FJBLSKDG BUT I don't wanna say hazel bc too brown  92. Favorite movie: idk??? I watched Love, Rosie recently though and it was cute
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kamal1011 · 4 years
Accepting my diagnosis
Abt three months ago, i was floating at outpatient dept. just a normal day in OPD, my name was at labeling at K8. Finished my lunch, and continued my work. Had the feeling of something stuck at my throat. For normal ppl, they wouldn't think much. But knowing my mom had same problem, i knew this was thyroid issues. Ppl around me told me to not overthink, but its just deep down i know its my thyroid issues. No reason, i just knew.
So, i consulted this friend that i knew went through the same issue. She asked me to wait two weeks to see whether this feelings resolved or not. And i decided to wait. Told my parents abt this and their reaction was u r are just overthinking, maybe its just because of wearing mask, we also feel like that because of wearing mask, try few days without mask, the feeling will resolve, maybe its just sore throat, don't worry u eat this, eat that, pray to god, everything will disappear, you don’t know the power of god. Hmmm i do believe in god, but i pray to god that He help me to go through this with strength and courage.
The feeling in throat just became the new normal. i was getting used to it, so kinda forgotten abt this thing. Abt two weeks past. One day one of my friends said she wanna test for thyroid, and it was going to be a good chance for me to do as well, so i decided to do with her. For someone who is scared of needles and blood, its was really scary. But i felt that i had no choice since i have to make the thing in my throat disappear.
After two days, asked my friend to help me check my thyroid results. I was on leave on that day. i just woke up and msged my friend to ask the results. was getting ready to go down, i simply checked my phone, and there was a msg from my friend. Opened my WhatsApp and clicked on the image. that moment when i saw my TSH level my heart literally stopped. yup, i was scared.
Came down and told my parents abt it, as usual they blamed me for my condition. i was literally helpless. when u get to know that u are sick, but u got blamed for something which is not ur mistake. i immediately texted my cousin, MO in diff hosp. actually didnt ask her anything just showed her my results. The talk with her calmed me down. she asked me to get few blood tests and try to get referral letter to endocrine.
the next day i went to staff clinic. that's the only thing that came to my mind to do. Waited in front of the staff clinic for almost one hour. my anxiety came back. i was really nervous, till i could really feel my heart racing up.was the last person to see dr that day, and they finally called my name.
Entered the room, and the nurse scanned me, she was like" u got a fever", the she wanted to take my blood pressure and heart rate. as soon she saw my bp & hr, she alarmed the dr. very hard to make to dr believe that the results shown is not true. but ended up he asking me to take deep breaths and repeat the test a few times until my bp &hr shown in normal.
The check-up went pretty much as usual. he asked abt my symptoms and I showed him my blood test. he saw my throat and touched my neck to see the extent of swelling. he wrote me a referral letter to medical. after asking where was MOPC clinic, i walked of the room.
upon reaching there, i passed my referral letter to the staff nurse incharge. the waiting game continued. waited for another 1 hr, just for the nurse to give me one month later appt date and a few blood test forms.
informed my cousin abt this, and she was worried since she wsaid for my level of TSH need to start treatment immediately. she told me that she will get back to me soon.
later the next week, she msged me saying to meet a dr from mopc the next day itself. came back home then realized, how to meet dr without any other baseline blood test results. so brought my sis back to hosp, so she can run some test before i meet the dr.
the ride there was literally the scariest. i have night blindness, and rain literally start to pour like hell. very heavy rain. i still had to drive. was trying to go slow, but at the same time fast since my sis just got back from night shift and haven't sleep yet. at a bridge almost near my hosp, my car skided to the other lane due to the water level that start to rise up. my heart stopped. but i came back to my sense asap, and brought back my car to the right lane. and i drove back like nothing happened. i knew at that moment something bad is going to happen to me soon.
As soon we were done taking blood and my sis send the samples to lab, I drove back home. Emptied my mind although a lot of things were still there. That night I couldn’t sleep much since I was nervous. The next day, woke up, and thankfully I managed to take off for that day.
On the way to the hosp, I knew something was wrong with my car because of the incident yesterday. I thought I had punctured my tyre, so I don't dare to look at my car back when I reached so that my feelings is not disturbed. reached there pretty earlier so was hanging out with one of my friend  and then went to get my results printed.
Walked to the clinic slowly, knowing something scary is waiting for me. Asked the staff nurse abt the dr that I abt to meet, but they just say he might not be coming in on that day. I was kinda helpless but no choice, I literally sat there in front of the clinic with some hope he might pass by. After abt one hour, the staff nurse finally called my name and asked me to register. I get myself registered and passed the file back to the staff nurse.
Waited back again till the dr back from ward round. And finally, the staff nurse called me and I entered the dr’s room. To be honest, he was the sweetest dr that I have met. He first made me sit, started with asking abt my symptoms, did some physical exam on my neck and he finally took a piece of paper. He explained to me abt what is hypothyroidism. At that time, actually I spaced out. I wasn’t even listening properly to what he was saying. The reason, cos I thought this was all just a dream. I was just saying yes or no for everything he asked. He asked me to read about Hashimoto also. He handed me my prescription and I went out of the room. Did my antibody blood test that day after that.
The next few days, I was playing back all the questions that the dr asked. I know I wasn’t in my right state of mind at that time but after a few day I was clearing my head and I realised actually I had more symptoms that I actually thought I had.  
Days went by, and I got to know my transfer is soon. So I managed to change my appointment to one week earlier. Did my blood test and checked it. Was actually relieved that my results was much better compared to the other time.
The day of my second appointment came by. Met a dr, and I knew she wasn’t that experienced. I didn’t ask her much also since I don't think she knew much. She ordered another test as said by the earlier dr. she also asked me to continue my old dose.
One week passed, and I decide to ask my friend to check my antibody test. After abt one hour she reply with the result. Actually after looking at it, actually I my mind went blank. I wasn’t scared or sad , to be honest I had no feelings. Msged my sis to confirm my diagnosis and she confirmed it. Its autoimmune thyroiditis.
Cam back home, was thinking whether if I should inform my parents. At first I thought of not informing since I don't want to worry them. But later on, I just wanted to share since I was started to get scared myself. Yup, the conversation didn’t go as I thought it would but their reaction was expected. From starting to blame my choice of food, start to control what I should eat, asked me to not eat outside and my dad started abt yous know god can make any disease just disappear, and a lot of nonsense that made me regret my decision.
The conversation abt that stopped on that day and no one seemed to care or remember or asked me anything. Had a few close and best friends keep checking on me. Started to read more abt this, I thought reading more would make me worry less but actually made me feel worse.had this best friend who keep scolding me for overthinking, but seriously I cant stop.
Weekend came so binged watch a Korean drama so that I don't overthink. I followed my mum to tesco and I got myself some Kellog’s muesli. Came back, my dad saw it and he started. He first asked isn’t it high in sugar content? I was like, u no need to eat, I just bought so I and my sis can eat have them for breakfast. Then he said, actually for your condition u shouldn’t eat much sugar right? and the fight started. I tried my best to make them understand that food is not the cause or will make things worse. But they insist saying me always eat outside, don't eat oranges are the reason that I get autoimmune. The fight stopped when I gave up on explaining to them.
Currently just waiting for my blood test and my next appointment to clear up all my questions regarding my diagnosis.
0 notes
Remember when I mentioned the fact that I would go insane from how much I put on my plate this semester?
Well as I was sobbing in the McDonalds drive-thru, I realized it was official. I had gone insane. 
This is a good story though so let’s start from the beginning. Full disclosure: It’s a long story.
To provide some background context, I work for a construction company as a project engineer. I recently was promoted to this position at the beginning of summer and it was the greatest moment of my life because you typically need a degree to take on this position but my company saw something in me and decided to promote me a whole year before I graduated. It’s an extremely big honor especially considering that I 100% was not qualified for this job whatsoever. I was put onto my own project building a new gym for a charter school. I was outrageously excited and I couldn’t wait to start. I worked alongside a Project Manager and a Superintendent and we were a team. We worked great together and we had so much fun. The project itself turned into a complete shit show. The architect was absolutely horrible and everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong. It was a nightmare for so long but my team and I pushed through and kept up with it. I was inexperienced so I definitely could have brought more to the table but I worked my ass off 50 hours a week for this project because I knew that this opportunity was huge for me and I had to prove myself. 
Fast forward 4 months. I have registered for 6 classes this fall (18 units), and I am moving back up to school so I have to start working remotely. My plan is simple, work here at school M-Th from 8-1, go to class from 2-8, and on Fridays, I drive to my jobsite and work from 9-6 and then drive back to school. I had it all set. Now most people told me I was insane for having that schedule. When will I study? When will I sleep? When will I eat? When will I have a life? 
I don’t listen to them because hey, I’m a fucking superhero and the haters fuel me okay. 
The first week of classes begin and as I sit in class, already exhausted from working all morning, I realize that this is a bit harder than I thought. Especially considering the fact that my professors don’t post powerpoints, refuse to give make-ups exams (especially if your grandma dies because apparently they hate that. I guess it’s good timing that my grandma died last year), they record attendance, have assignments due every class, OH and did I mention that one professor bragged about how many students he made cry from his last exams? Who said senior year would be a breeze?
Back to the story.
So I make it to thursday and here I am thinking, oh my god I’m almost through the week I got this. I’m dead thursday morning at work. Like I don’t even know what is happening. I start to get these complaints from my team about some of the work I’m doing and I’m just like uhhh wtf? Ya’ll never complain like what is happening. So that of course makes me hella stressed/embarrassed/kill myself vibes. I finally get off work and go home to take a 20 min nap before I have to leave for class because like there is no way I’ll make it until 8. So i go home, fall asleep and........ I SLEEP FOR 6 HOURS. Who even does that?!? I woke up and my alarm had been going off for the whole 6 hours and It didn’t even wake me up. So I slept through my classes and immediately I’m freaking out. I missed notes that I will never get back. I was marked missing class on the first week of school, like this is horrible and I feel like I’m gonna die. So I do my best not to completely flip my shit and decide to just study hella all night to make myself feel a little bit productive.
Fast forward to the next day. I was up until 2am studying and end up oversleeping and waking up at 9 when I was supossed to be at the jobsite at 9 and it takes an hour and a half to get there. So I rush to get ready and leave. I’m rushing to work and just my luck. I fucking get pulled over. Thank Jesus that the lady cop was hella nice and only wrote me up for going 75 when I was for sures going like 90/95. Regardless, thats hella money that I gotta pay now so obviously that puts me in a hella shitty mood. I get back on the road and get chewed out by my superintendent for being late which has NEVER happened before. Like him and I both have never cared when each other got there and have been super laxed about it so when he yelled at me I got so furious and yelled back about getting a stupid ticket and that I’d be there soon which basically shut him up. So that was fun. I drive to the site and get there at 10:30. I tell my super that if theres anything major he needs from me that It has to be done now while I’m here since I have an appt to take my car in at 12 and I’ll be back after. Of course I get shit for that even though I had been telling him about this appointment for like weeks. So I wait for an hour and he hasn’t had me do anything for him so I work on my own shit and then leave. I drive to best buy to turn over my car and I get there and they tell me that all of the stuff that I bought for them to install in my car wasn’t there anymore and they couldn’t find it. So I have to wait 45 min for them to not find it only to tell me, you know what, just leave and we’ll figure something out. Meanwhile my superintendent is calling every 5 min asking what is taking so long. So I’m annoyed and angry and stressed even more. Are you catching on to the theme? 
So my mom picks me up from best buy and takes me through the McDonalds drive thru before taking me back to the site. We get into the line and obviously being in the presence of my mom, I start to feel my walls come down. Then on top of it, I’m texting the guy I’m dating he says literally the sweetest stuff in the world and all of a sudden, I’m weak and I full on fall apart while my mom is asking me what I want to order.
Just imagine mid sob “Spicy McChicken Meal with a Dr Pepper”
My mom had no clue what was going on so after we get our food she pulls into a parking spot and tells me to divulge on why I just completely freaked out the McDonalds employee.
As I tell her everything from this week and this morning she begins to shake her head saying that she knew this was too much for me and how she thinks I need to step away from the project for the rest of the year.
Obviously my initial reaction is hell no. I worked so hard to get here and I’m not going to give up this opportunity just because of classes. But as she continues to explain why this is the right move, I realize that she’s probably right. I’m absolutely terrified and so unsure of what I do so I decided to meet with the project manager and discuss it with him. Oh also, the project manager is my dad. I guess thats important.
So I tell my dad everything and he 100% agrees with my mom and thinks I need to step away. The project is extremely tense right now and they need a full time devoted project engineer and I just can’t offer that anymore. He understands and thinks that it’s the best idea. We discuss all of the logistics and attempt to figure it out right as our boss (the head of our office) walks in. I’m absolutely terrified to tell him because he really put his faith in me and I felt like I was letting him down. He was 1000% so supportive I could cry and he completely understood and told me that I was making a really mature decision and putting my school first and doing what was best for the project as well. He seriously is the best.
SO. Now I only work on Fridays and over holiday breaks. The project will find a new engineer and all is well! Except that I’ll have no money but oh wells.
Anyways, thats the end of my story. I have no money and a lot more time for sleep and school so fingers crossed I make it through the semester without either becoming homeless or starving to death.
0 notes
tlcrescuepa · 8 years
New Post has been published on To Love a Canine Rescue
New Post has been published on https://tlcrescuepa.com/week-end-update-welcome-march/
Week-End Update: Welcome March
Hard to believe that March is already here, but the weather at least seems to be normal-ish for this time of year. We had a really nice week that included participating in “stress-free Friday” at Henderson High School in West Chester. Chico, Sugar, Walter & Wayla had a great time helping the students – and staff – unwind from a busy week and get ready for the week-end. We hope the folks at the school had a nice a time as we did.
Our senior, diabetic, pug Darla celebrated her gotcha day this week. The family was so happy to make everything official that we forgot to get her “happy tail” picture to share but hope we’ll be getting some pictures as we get updates. You may recognize some familiar faces in Jacey’s first, official, family photo since the handsome Aussie next to her is Ozzy FKA Kellen. We hear she may be changing her name to Amelia . . . or something else (we’ll know for sure when it’s “Facebook official”).
Also adopted this week were Peaches, Rocky (now Taz) & Ziva!
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Rocky now Taz
Jacey now Amelia
  The week marked the birthday of some TLC alumni that were born in local foster: Ziva’s pups! We have some updated pictures of Ziva and a few of her precious babies, as well as Wisdom Panel results for Major FKA Woodstock
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Colby FKA Cobalt
Tula FKA Jenny
Major FKA Woodstock
Major FKA Woodstock DNA
  We have other updates too:
Dakara & Bailey FKA Dalaney
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Bailey FKA Dalaney & Dakara as puppies
Bailey FKA Dalaney
We actually saw Dakara at last week’s meet & greet, and put her family in touch with her equally lovely litter mate, Bailey FKA Dalaney.
Jack FKA Dennis
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Close to our 2 year gotcha date here are recent pictures of Jack. Don’t let the photos fool you. He is a ball of energy. He had grown into a fast, energetic,  vocal and strong-willed dog who can  play fetch by himself.  We love him and couldn’t imagine life without his antics. 
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Kirby and I are doing great! I kept his name. Suits him well.
Kirby is gentle, easy going, loves long walks, and has enjoyed meeting my friends and family members. I attached a picture of him with my oldest daughter, Jessi. Hard to tell who’s smiling more!
Maggie is a wonderful dog! We love her very much. She fit right in with her new family and her new “pack”.  All of the pets get along great.
I am working from home today, and here is a pic of our beautiful girl curled up by my desk and keeping me company.
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We wanted to send some picts and an update.
Pearl is doing very well!
She will being going to obedience classes in the coming weeks. We have been doing some basic commands at home, sit, stay, and fetch. She is a fast learner.
She is a very spoiled member of the family lol.
Lexi Rose
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Thank you ! Lexi Rose is doing great! Her and our other dog, Joplin love each other! When they are in our yard and I call them to come in Lexi Rose looks at Joplin and waits until she comes in first. She also loves our one cat and they play together. Lexi Rose especially loves my husband. We just love her
  Rylie FA Mary
Rylie FKA Mary
We put Rylie (Mary) into an obedience class at What A Good Dog, and she has been doing great! She is still a little skittish around strangers, but loves to cuddle with us- see picture attached! We are so happy to have her in our life! Thanks again for all you guys do!
Things are going well overall. He is adjusting well to his new food, is house broken, and goes into his crate perfectly while we’re home.
We are going through some challenges with some separation anxiety and we’re working through them. He doesn’t like feeling like he’s alone in the apartment in his crate. (we haven’t given him free rein over the apartment yet). We’re working on curbing his anxiety by practicing him being in it for short periods of time and pretending to leave. Jeri said to give it a few days and let him adjust to the routine and the practice. If it persists we’re most likely going to enlist her help with this.
We will keep his name Eddy. He responds well to it and after really getting to know him- I can’t imagine it being anything else :D.
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So far things are going fine with Callie.  She seems to be settling in nicely.  I’ve spoken to Jen a few times, sent her some pics as you know.  Callie’s a sweet girl.  We’re keeping her name.  She knows it and we like it well enough.  She has a vet appt next week.  We need to take our other dog Gus in for some annual shots so we got her scheduled too at the same time.  I’ll send more pics and updates to Jen over the next few weeks. 
Gizmo is doing well. Thanks for everything.
We love Gizmo and he loves us. Free kisses always.
  Edwina Louise (Winnie) FKA Fancy
Fancy, now named Edwina Louise (Winnie) has settled in wonderfully!
Our lab and she play very well with her doing laps around him and him egging her on…. she loves our large yard and enjoys playing fetch with tennis balls (she even brings them back most of the time!)
She is nicely house broken and does well in her crate.
We will be taking her to our vet next week. I will probably call your trainers.  She is a little stubborn at times and I want to guide her without affecting her sweet disposition
  Daisy FKA Carrie
Daisy FKA Carrie
Today is my miss Daisy’s (FKA Carrie) 1 year adoptiversary! I cannot believe it is a year already. She is such a sweet, wonderful girl, and a great running partner. She has learned agility and even belongs to a club and did her first trial. And she’s learned she LOVES to play ball. She is a spoiled, loving little cuddlepup and I am so fortunate to have found her. Thank you TLC Rescue!
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