#also pleaaaase show up in the tag i am Begging
gooseberrily · 11 months
Pillars of the Earth Book 1 anime opening dropped ???
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tittysuckersworld · 8 months
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEAAAASE!!!!! tell me about your huhhhhh fem skk au .... actor dazai.. band chuuya. idk where the post went i think it was you, i beg, on my hands and knees i love them. plzplzplz (agree with ur tags btw me2:(( )
I AMMM THE PERSON WITH AUU THANK YOU FOR ENABLING MEEEEEE- ehem hi hallo i am yes hi sudhsudjs okay ya uhhhhh hm im not sure where to start from where left off- rant got long so under cut is more :>
but pretty much soukoku as an idol group til the photographer/aspireing writer oda somehow gets in a scandle and has his parental rights to his kids taken away. before was shared custody but now is.. not.
at this point dazai was already very ready to quit being an idol. so to try and cover up the oda scandal she leaks some pictures of her kissing some people earlier in her career and some mysterious ginger lady....... she also sets up a bomb under one of the agencys cars to really blow everything over.
chuuya is not happy with this. very not happy with this.
but, now she has the freedom to do whatever she wants with her music. so she gose full pop-punk rock<3<3<3<3 and also this is where stupid animatic make their way into my plan. remember the song black sheep cover by lady in schot pilgram, this is one song chuuya makes when she hits it off on her own. she also gets really popular when she moves to pop punk rock
okay dont actually have much else planned with this- just that 2-3 years later dazai publishes a book and its a crazy best seller. talking about the inner workings of the industry and is working on her next books. mabey publishes another in like a year. i am not fully sure timeline-
the dazai leaving the agensy and car bomb really give off breaking up vibes to chuuya til a hose soaked dazai is in front of her door. not even fake rain just blondie(kunikida) got mad at her plan and desided to try soaking the prick. i dont think they immediately start dating again, but they do at some point. and is secret dating ya.
dazai just shows up to some of chuuyas shows? its a running gag that dazai will somehow get on stage and fuck with chuuya. or mess with the lights. or just anything to make a lil ruckus. the media has no clue how dazai keeps ending up at them at the right place and right time.
so! one time 4-5-6 years after dazai leaves the company and a few years of them dating again, dazai sorta.. stops coming to the shows for a little? like seems to be super busy with new book or smth.
animatic timee
then on anniversary chuuya desides to sing one of her old songs. and dazai is sitting in the croud. and is so so much. at the end the light moves over to dazai in the croud as she walks tword the stage. then the lights shut off when shes on the stage. just those two, heres their dialog have thought up, will be little janky not best but im trying. pls change if want.
Ch: "oh so right here-"
D: "Chuuya Nakahara. that first day i met you. that was begrudgingly one of the best days of my life. you were one of the best things in my life. you are one of the best things in my sorry life."
*the sprinklers to the concert all go off*
Ch: "DAZAI?!!?!"
D:"Remember that first arcade date? it was raining so hard we got instantly soaked. got sick for a week with our managers yelling at us. i hated it, but i hated it with you."
D:"or how we snuck out durring that one stop in paris? i was able to get that shitty corner store wine and a day old baguette and you smiled so wide. it was like the sun opened up in front of me."
D:"Mabey instead you could think of that one time, after that accident at that one fan meet. where you slowly unwound and rewound my bandages. kissing each little thing. had to drag you off before you tryed kissing every molecule of my arms."
Ch, wispering: "Osamu.."
D:"Chuuya Nakahara. i am sick of telling lies to the world. im sick of hiding how my eyes can light up hearing your snorts. im sick of hiding the butterflys in my stomach whenever we brush hands on the sidewalk. im sick of not being able to say and shout to the world im yours. so today, no more hiding."
by this point any audience people that stayed are using the flash on their cameras to take pictures, and dazai had bent down to one knee.
D:"Insted, how about we be Chuuya Nakahara-Dazai and Osamu Dazai-Nakahara? from today to death do us part, will you marry me?"
and yada yada ruegfuejhrbe okay yup not sure thats any good- half tempted to have chuuya take the knee here but i think she dose her own cute more private proposal for her engagement back. but yee thats all i got planned!! thank you so much for enabling me and pls pls pls if wanna talk more about this me dms are so so so so open and so is my ask box please begging
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elialys · 5 years
Tentoo x Rose - Falling Leaves of Red and Gold
This is my contribution to the Tentoo Party of Love and Acceptance and Deep Denial of That One Short Story I Shall Not Mention. I’m also tagging @doctorroseprompts, as this definitely fulfils the fall/autumn prompt.
Featuring the Doctor and Rose babysitting Tony for the weekend, and being disgustingly cute and soft as they do so because this is Tentoo and Rose we’re talking about.
[Read it on AO3]
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Falling Leaves of Red and Gold
They are barely through the front door that Tony is jumping onto the Doctor, clinging to one of his legs with his head thrown all the way back, looking up at him through many centimetres of height difference.
“Pleaaaase can we do climb up?”
The Doctor doesn’t even hesitate, already halfway done with taking off his peacoat when he says: “Up you go, then!”
He throws his coat on the ground, before taking position, which involves spreading his legs, lowering himself in a half-crouch, his arms bent and extended outward, his every muscles locked to make his body as stiff and sturdy as possible.
Overall, a rather awkward position.
‘Climb Up’ is not a favourite game amongst grownups. It involves a small child challenging himself or herself to ‘climb’ over the adult’s body as if it were a tree. Understandably enough, most people tend to be rather reluctant to engage in it, as it is all kind of uncomfortable and painful, the over-enthusiastic toddler’s elbows, knees and feet regularly poking into sensitive areas and leaving bruises in their wake.
The Doctor loves it – and Tony adores him for it.
“Who knew I would make such a good tree?” he’d once asked Rose, beaming at her, absolutely delighted with having a three-and-a-half-year old hanging upside down from one of his outstretched arms, an angry red mark already flaring on his cheekbone where Tony’s foot had made contact not-so-gently a couple minutes ago.
Tony doesn’t make it as far today, still trying to ascend the Doctor’s leg when a shrill gasp of disapproval rings through the air.
“Where the hell d’you think you are?!”
The Doctor’s smile immediately freezes at the sound of Jackie’s shout, while Tony slowly slides back down, having caught Rose’s eyes and seen the small shake of her head, wordlessly advising him to stop what he was doing to avoid getting caught up in their mother’s wrath.
“Uhm,” the Doctor says, carefully straightening himself up, glancing at his mother-in-law with obvious caution. “The Tylers’ mansion? Planet Earth? The Solar system?”
Rose cannot help but cringe at this poor, poor choice of reply. All these months spent around Jackie Tyler on a fairly regular basis, not to mention their many encounters back in the other universe, and the Doctor has yet to learn to keep his mouth shut around her.
Jackie’s scowl turns into a sweet smile – not a good sign, and he knows it, too, judging by the way he swallows hard – before she looks down at her son. “Why don’t you go find Daddy, sweetheart. Go tell him if he’s not off the phone and ready in the next ten minutes, Mummy’s leaving without him and probably not coming back.”
“Ok!” Tony exclaims, already dashing out of the entrance hall towards Pete’s office.
Jackie slowly extends a hand, then, pointing at the crumpled coat on the floor, her stony stare on the Doctor. “Pick it up.”
The Doctor opens his mouth, until Jackie narrows her eyes, at which point he wisely decides to close it again, bending down to pick up his coat.
Jackie is walking to him, now, head tilted back to look up at him just as her son did earlier, and yet, the Doctor is the one shrinking into himself.
“Now I’ve only agreed to this because Rose’s here, too,” Jackie tells him with an unmistakable warning note in her voice, even though she’s yet to look at her daughter. “But I want you to listen. Are you listening?”
“I am listening.”
“No. Dodgy. Experiment. You’ve got that?”
Sharp nod.
 “Then say it.”
“I – ”
“Nope, not asking for your input, here, just simple parroting. Repeat after me: no dodgy experiment.”
“No dodgy experiment.”
Jackie’s finger actually pokes him sharply in the chest. “No fire either, Doctor, I mean it.”
“Now that was a genuine acci – ”
“Still not asking for your opinion, Lanky Boy,” Jackie efficiently shuts him up. “A day and a half, that’s all. He’s my only son, and I love him quite a lot. Anything suspicious, and I’ll make sure you’ll never be able to give me grandchildren, are we clear?”
“Crystal,” the Doctor chirps. “Lucent. Pellucid. Limpid. Diaphan –  ”
“Oh shut it,” Jackie says with a dismissive wave of her hand, finally turning to Rose. “Now come, I’ve got everything ready for your meals.”
“We could’ve cooked,” Rose says, a bit offended.
Jackie snorts in answer, already walking towards the kitchen, clearly expecting them to follow. They do, the Doctor giving Rose a pointed look that clearly means ‘She’s your mother.’
The ordeal doesn’t last for much longer. Jackie does show them everything she prepared for them for this short weekend, going over Tony’s daily routine as well, Rose choosing to remain quiet instead of reminding her mother she’s done this before, even if it’d been pre-Doctor.
After the unavoidable chaos that comes with parents leaving their toddler behind, Jackie and Pete are off for their anniversary trip to Italy, while Rose and the Doctor remain with Tony – who is sniffling a little as he clings to Rose’s neck.
“Hey, you know what Dad told me?” she asks him, going for Distraction #1 – she has four more up her sleeve if this one fails. When she has her brother’s attention, she wiggles her eyebrows (a move she’s definitely picked up from someone). “He told me the gardeners came this morning, and they made a pile.”
Tony gasps in wonder. “A pile?” he repeats in the same conspiratorial tone.
Rose nods with a broadening grin, while behind them, the Doctor repeats it, too, a lot more confused: “A pile?”
She glances back at him with a cryptic smile. “Put that coat back on. You’re gonna love this.”
A few minutes later, all bundled up to face the late October chilly air, they exit the house, entering the back garden – which, realistically, is bigger than most inner city parks Rose has ever been in.
The Pile, although quite a distance away, is impossible to miss.
“That is humongous,” the Doctor states as he takes it in, finally understanding what they’d been talking about.
The three of them begin walking toward the impressive pile of dead leaves, Tony in the middle, holding one of their hands each.
“What’s a human Gus?” Tony asks candidly, which causes Rose to laugh wholeheartedly.
“Humongous, sweetie,” she corrects him. “It means really big.”
“It’s sounds weird,” he notes with a giggle, although he seems delighted to have acquired this new knowledge, already tugging at both their hands, silently requesting to be swung. “Tell me another?”
“Uhm, let’s see,” Rose ponders. “Gigantic.”
“Colossal,” the Doctor offers, while between them, Tony is happily being swayed off the ground.
They’re running out of synonyms for big when they find themselves standing in front of The Pile – which really isn’t a pile at all.
It’s a tower.
“Throw me!” Tony shouts, so excited he’s almost vibrating.
The two adults look at each other.
“It’s a really big pile,” the Doctor notes. “Properly massive.” He observes the tower of crunchy leaves, his nose scrunched up. “What if he disappears, in there? How would we explain that to your mother?”
Rose gives a shrug of her shoulder. “Worst case scenario, we’ve got thirty six hours to dig him out.”
“Throw meeeeeeeeee,” Tony begs, pulling hard on their hands.
The Doctor is still scowling at the imposing pile. “I can’t say I see the appeal of being thrown into a pile of decaying organic matter. Are you sure you don’t want us to go to the swing set instead?”
Tony is now letting out a long, high pitched whine Rose is fairly certain has been invented by toddlers just to drive adults crazy.
“All right, then, allons-y!” the Doctor exclaims, bending down to pick Tony up.
He doesn’t make to throw him at all, though, securely holding the child in his arms instead, turning towards Rose, who frowns at him.
“Your mother scares me too much, I’ll have to go into the unknown with him,” he announces, dramatically. “If I don’t make it back, remember that I love you, always. I won’t tell you not to come after us, either, Rose Tyler. I know better.”
After a wink and a tilt of his head, followed by his trademark grin, he pounces off the ground and nothing short of crashes into the giant pile of leaves, he and her brother disappearing completely for a few seconds.
The pile is so imposing that it doesn’t completely collapse from the sudden disturbance…until the Doctor stands back up, buried all the way up to his shoulders in leaves, holding out a toddler currently shrieking with delighted laughter.  “Found this squirmy creature at the bottom of the pile, wouldn’t happen to be yours, by any chance?”
“I’ve been told we share some genes,” Rose admits.
“Again! Do it again!” Tony is requesting, now in his sister’s arms, who doesn’t hesitate much before diving into the pile, too.
They spend a slightly ridiculous amount of time playing in that pile of leaves, long after it’s stopped being big enough for the adults present to dive into it. The Doctor is as efficient as ever when it comes to gathering it all back together for Tony, though, admitting that he’d underestimated the ‘entertainment value’ of this activity.
(Especially after Tony ordered them both to stay there on the ground while he bravely threw tiny handfuls of leaves all over them as he tried covering them up – which obviously led to quite a bit of snogging as decaying organic matter rained over them)
When Tony’s teeth begin to chatter from cold while his lips turn blue, Rose declares their outing over, in spite of the two children’s loud protests.
She makes them hot cocoa, which instantly puts her back in their good grace, especially when she adds tiny marshmallows to it.
Tony makes the mistake of asking what marshmallows are made of, which causes the Doctor to delve into a rapid lecture about the molecular makeup of this particular food – which really cannot be called food, he stresses that repeatedly, given the minimal nutritional value it provides.
He does stop his gabbling, eventually, once he realises Rose has stopped her washing up to stare at him instead, Tony’s eyes properly glazed over as well.
“Can we make some?” Tony asks, then, unfazed.
“Absolutely,” the Doctor answers just as Rose says: “Absolutely not.”
She shuts off the tap, turning fully to lean against the sink. “Which part of ‘no dodgy experiment’ did you not understand?”
He scowls at her. “All we need is water, gelatin and sugar, I wouldn’t call it a dodgy experiment. A wild foray into the oddity that is human nutrition, maybe. ”
“Might be so, but you forget the bit where everything becomes dodgy when you’re in charge of it.”
“I feel slightly insulted.” He sounds and looks it, too.
(She doesn’t have the heart to tell him he’s got more chocolate around his mouth than Tony does)
“Alright, I’ll make it up to you,” she says with a sly smile. “Wanna hear why we’re like hot chocolate and marshmallows?”
He squints at her. “Is this a trick question?”
She shakes her head, before answering all-too-casually: “’cause you’re hot and I’m on top.”
The Doctor actually manages to choke on his own saliva.
“I don’t get it,” Tony announces.
“t’s just a silly grownup joke,” Rose tells him, pushing herself off the sink to go ruffle his hair, before going around the table to do the same to her husband, whose face has become rather red.
She presses a kiss to his temple for good measures, letting her breath wander over the back of his neck before straightening up and going back to her dishes, acutely aware of his gaze on her.
They do not make marshmallows, in the end, nor do they get into anything dodgy. Tony spends a nice amount of time quietly drawing some pictures while Rose and the Doctor argue over how to get the fireplace going – once Rose convinces him that her mother’s warnings about him and fire did not include the making of an actual fire in a real fireplace.
He does manage to get it going eventually, although by then, they’ve already had dinner and Rose had time to give Tony his bath. The siblings come back down to find a lovely, roaring fire burning in the hearth, the Doctor looking simultaneously proud and a tad sheepish.
She chooses not to ask.
While the two boys snuggle up on the couch, the Doctor having just agreed to read Tony his bedtime story in front of the fire, Rose tidies up the table where Tony had been drawing earlier today. Now like any other three-and-a-half-year old, her brother’s drawing skills are not what you would call exceptional, but she’s always managed to decipher them fairly well.
She finds herself frowning at a drawing of six stick figures, all standing near what she assumes is this house. Two pairs of tall stick figures, a much smaller stick figure added between each pair.
“Who’s this a picture of, sweetie?” she asks her brother, interrupting the Doctor’s reading. They both look up from the book to look at the paper Rose is holding up.
“’t’s me and Ma and Daddy and you and the Doctor and the baby.”
There is a significant pause.
“The…baby?” the Doctor asks with a frown, giving Rose a look, obviously wondering if she knows something he doesn’t, to which she answers with a definite, categorical shake of her head.
“Your baby,” Tony does confirm a moment later, blissfully ignorant of the sudden shift in the room.
“We don’t have a baby,” Rose reminds him.
“I know that,” Tony says, rolling his eyes exactly the way Jackie would, his tone quite reminiscent of her as well. “But Ma’s always saying you and the Doctor are gonna be having babies ‘before we know it’.”
“Oh, is she now,” the Doctor says, a smile in his voice, as well as in his eyes. “What else does she say about us?”
But Tony is shrugging, already disinterested in the topic, clearly a bit drowsy, too. “Keep reading please?” he asks the Doctor in a small voice, looking up at him from where he’s snuggled up against his side.
After another pause, the Doctor nods, clearing his throat a little before resuming his reading. Rose joins them, half-sitting, half-lying on the other side of the couch. Tony is asleep before the Doctor finishes the book; he caries on reading anyway, and his low voice feels as warm to her as the thermal waves coming from the fireplace.
When he’s done, none of them speaks for a while, Rose watching the Doctor, while the Doctor watches the small human asleep against his side.
“Maybe we should make one of those,” he says at last, his voice still low and quiet.
Rose startles a little out of her reverie, not sure she’s heard him right.
“Babies,” he says. “Mini version of people. More specifically, mini version of people I hope would inherit most of your genes, although again, I have had worse ears.”
He’s quoted something he once said to her, word for word.
She’s just as dumbfounded as she was on that night, all those months ago.
Rose stares at him, and he stares back. “Is this…us, having The Talk, then?”
He shrugs faintly, mindful of the sleeping child against him. “Even your three-year-old brother is thinking about it. If he’s thinking about it when he’s not even fully cognitive, yet, I think it means we should, too.”
Despite herself, her heart is speeding up in her chest. “Alright,” she says quietly. “Let’s do The Talk.”
Of course, no one actually talks for at least a minute after that.
“I’ll start,” the Doctor offers. “I think…” he begins, before stopping himself. “No. I know I’d like to have children with you, if I can, and…if you want. Obviously.”
Rose finds herself nibbling on the nail of her thumb, feeling her eyes prickling.
“I didn’t think you would,” she admits, her voice not much louder than a whisper.
He frowns. “Why?”
She shrugs, looking away, staring into the fire. “Dunno. Too…domestic. Too complicated. Too…human, maybe.”
Another pause.
“I’ve been a father before.”
She looks back at him, but he’s the one not meeting her eyes, now. “When?”
He breathes in slowly, his next exhale a bit wobbly. “A long time ago. A long, long time ago. It wasn’t…” He clears his throat. “Time Lords didn’t do parenthood the way humans do, from procreation to gestation to, you know, the actual raising of your offspring. Like most of everything in our species, the overall process was quite…impersonal.”
He shakes his head a little, and the distant look in his eyes disappear as he looks back at her. “It’s nothing like how it would be, to do it all with you. Watching you grow a new human. Welcoming him or her into our world. Getting to teach them. Showing them how beautiful this universe can be. Loving them, day after day. Fifty percent Rose Tyler, fifty percent me…” He shakes his head a little. “The thought of it is…overwhelming, to tell you the truth.”
Having him so far from her is suddenly unbearable.
“Come here,” she tells him quietly, having straightened up to sit up better, patting the empty space between them.
“I’m a bit trapped,” he says, indicating Tony with a tilt of his head. “I believe we have a child between us, which is rather ironic, come to think of it, considering the fact that – ”
“Let’s just move then, so I can snuggle up, too” she interrupts him softly, the way she often does, already standing up. “He won’t wake up, trust me. He can sleep through anything.”
When the Doctor looks at her dubiously, she claps her hands a couple times, quite loudly, too. Tony doesn’t even flinch.
Successfully convinced, the Doctor gathers up Tony against him more securely, before moving sideways, just enough to make room on his other side, so that Rose can fill up that void.
She does, quite happily, too, almost sighing at the smell and feel of him, his arm tight around her, their faces only inches apart. She rests her fingertips lightly upon his chin, her nails barely scratching his stubble.
“’m sorry,” she whispers. When he frowns, she adds: “I know you said it was all different and everything, but…they were still your children.”
He doesn’t say anything for another long moment, his lips grazing her forehead.
“It was a long time ago,” he eventually repeats. “This is more…in the now.”
She appreciates that he’s not pushing her, despite the fact that she’s yet to make her opinion clear.
“I didn’t think I’d ever want children,” she tells him quietly, and he moves slightly to look at her. “I grew up with a single mother,” she adds with a sad smile and a shrug. “Mum tried her best not to make me feel like I was a burden, but I could tell it was hard just…having me, you know? Even my friends who had both their parents, most of them ended up getting divorced before we were teenagers anyway. It just felt all so…complicated and…restricting.”
He doesn’t say anything, but she sees that light already dimming in his eyes. Before it completely disappears, she properly cups his face in her palm, looking at him straight on when she says: “Having children with you, though? That wouldn’t be so bad.”
He swallows hard again. “Yeah?”
She nods a little. “Yes.”
And then, aware that he deserves honesty from her, the way he always tries being honest with her, even when it hurts, she decides to fully open up to him.
“You make me feel like I can have it all,” she admits softly. “The adventuring and the full human experience. It’s a bit terrifying, actually, how safe you make me feel, which makes no sense, I know but…t’s the truth. I’m not delusional either. I know once we do have that baby, it’ll change everything, and we’ll be a mess, and we won’t get to do all the things we get to do now. But…we’ll still be together. Together with a small human that’ll be fifty percent you, and fifty percent me.”
‘Overwhelming’ doesn’t even begin to cover it.
When the Doctor kisses her, he does it slowly, almost reverently, as if they were sealing another kind of vow.
Until he pulls away, looking at her with definite alarm. “Not now, though, right?”
“Oh god, no,” she reassures him, and they both sigh in relief. “Let’s just worry about keeping Tony alive this weekend, yeah?”
“Good plan,” he nods emphatically, the two of them shifting to look at the toddler, still sound asleep on the other side of the Doctor.
“Let’s put him to bed,” she whispers in his ear, before lightly nibbling at it. “I’d very much like to try playing Climb Up with my husband.”
The Doctor lets out a sound that is between a laughter and a groan. “Rose Tyler, that is filthy,” he protests in a loud whisper, still managing to sound high pitched. “I’ll never be able to play that game with him again, now.”
Oh, she knows.
~ FIN ~
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[i’m not picky just desperate for love, a like/reblog would make me quite happy too]
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idkrogertaylor · 6 years
Eyes That Know Me Part 2 (Roger Taylor x Reader)
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Words: 4,597
A/N: Guess who’s back, back again. Hello and hi! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy! I had a lot of fun writing this and I think things are starting to get moving! Thank you all to the positive comments I’ve been receiving and please do let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Cheers!
You’ve always wanted to travel, especially around England. When you were younger, your dad would tell you stories of the cities and places he would visit around the country, and you were bound and determined to visit and experience it for yourself. If not for the sake of the thrill of the adventure itself, but to feel closer to your dad. Now, you were going to be visiting some of those destinations, just not in the same style as you had initially envisioned. You finished throwing your last piece of luggage on the bottom of the tour bus, and you felt so relieved to have finally been done. You walked on the spacious bus, taking in your surroundings. It wasn’t like a normal travel bus. This one had bigger seats, and tables, and more room to relax. You were going to be spending a lot of time on this bus during the travel days, so you had better look around and claim your spot now. You were searching around when suddenly you felt an arm snake around your waist and you smirked to yourself, wrapping your arms around the culprit’s neck.  
“So what do you think of your new hang out?” Roger asked you and you looked around and looked up at him. 
“It’s cozy, smaller than I had imagined.” you winked chuckling, and he just rolled his eyes in response, removing his arms from your waist and grabbed your hand leading you to the back. 
“Right, and I’M the diva here. Well then your highness, do you approve of this?” he asked and you looked at what he was showing you. It was an extended seat, almost like a love seat without the cushions. It looked like it would make an amazing nap station on these long rides. 
“Aw I love it! Is this my bed?” you chuckled looking at Roger, and he sat down on it shaking his head.  
“Only if we share because I do believe this is my bed sweetheart” he said as he pulled you down into his lap and wrapped his arms back around your waist. You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck and rested your forehead on his temple, trying to make yourself comfortable. You closed your eyes and smiled into him, and even though you couldn’t see it, you could feel Roger smiling just as wide as you.  
This sitting arrangement was pretty normal for the two of you. You guys were somehow always on top of another, normally you were in his lap. You never felt weird or thought anything of it, it was just something you were accustomed too. Sitting on him or cuddling close was a normal occurrence. Whenever you say on the couch and watched television together (every Thursday night, Roger would come over and watch The Brady Bunch with you. He’d never admit it but he loved the show), your head always found his shoulder, and his arm was always slung over your shoulders, bringing you close. Or when he’d take you out to see a movie (always his treat, the stubborn bastard), he would sling his arm around your shoulder there too and you’d lay your head on him. Your colleagues who have seen the two of you together always commented on how it looked like you two were together, but you always stuck by your story that it was normal. That was the truth, it was a normal thing for you two. But it always felt right. He felt right. Being in that position with him…felt right.  
“That’s a sleeping arrangement I wouldn’t mind. You’re a nice body pillow sometimes.” you teased as you kissed his cheek and he laughed, pulling you closer to him.  
“You would be the luckiest girl in all of England then. Sleeping with THE Roger Taylor.” he smirked and his raised his eyebrows playfully and it was your turn to roll your eyes. As you went to reply something sassy, you saw you had company and saw the rest of the band packing up their stuff just as you had and coming on the bus. Freddie, of course, was the first one on and he saw the two of you on the seat, and you in Roger’s lap and he clapped.  
“Oh my darlings I do hope we aren’t interrupting anything! We would just HATE to break up the fun!” he exclaimed dramatically. Yup, typical Freddie. You shook your head in negation to his statement and you got up off Roger’s lap and you walked over to greet him.  
“Never Freddie!” you said as you went to hug him. He laughed and a mumbled a quiet “sure” in your ear, and you just shrugged it off.  
“Yeah you interrupted time with my best girl wanker!” you heard Roger scoff from the back, and although you knew you weren’t his “best girl”, you still felt a blush creep up on your face. You knew he just wanted some time alone with you, because once the bus left, the two of you wouldn’t have much time alone, and you two connected better when it was just you two. You turned back to Roger and blew him a kiss and threw in a wink, and you sat down next to Freddie on the seats by the table, as he was setting up a game of Scrabble. You helped him set everything up and you saw someone slide into the seat next to you. You looked over your shoulder and smiled.  
“Oh I am so not playing if Y/N is!” you rolled your eyes. A typical Brian teasing moment, at your expense once again.  
“Why? Afraid I’m going to beat you again?” you arched your eyebrow at him turning your head fully towards him, waiting to hear his comeback. He flashed you a toothy smile and a wink. 
“That was one time, and you used your flashy law jargon. So technically it was unfair to the rest of us quite honestly.” You threw your head back in laughter, remembering the last time you had played with the boys. You had just finished studying for a vocabulary exam, and used your knowledge to win, much to the boys, mainly Brian’s, dismay.  
“Guess the astrophysicist can’t take down the financial lawyer after all.” you teased and bumped shoulders with him. 
“The day you take me down in Scrabble Y/N is the day I finally cut my hair short.” he told you and you fake gasped.  
“Brian May don’t you dare make a promise you can’t keep!” you exclaimed dramatically, putting your hand over your heart and Brian smirked.  
“Oh believe me, I could make you a whole lot of promises I intend on keeping.” he winked again and you bit your lip to keep from smirking. You would never admit it out loud or to anyone else, but you always had sort of liked Brian. Besides Roger, he was the closest one to you, and the two of you had bonded over the college life and the studies, as he was studying astrophysics while you were studying law. You both had a thirst for knowledge, and since you both had bore Roger to absolute tears, you decided to indulge the other with your studies, and you had become great friends since. You two would also occasionally flirt as well, but that was just a habit you both seemingly had. You were about to reply with an equally as flirty comeback, but a loud cough and clearing of the throat had distracted your train of thought and you saw Roger standing in front of you with his arms crossed. 
“Roger sit down and play with us!” you had exclaimed, patting the seat next to you. 
“Lolo you know I’m no good at Scrabble. I was going to see if John needed any help loading the equipment. Brian come help me?” he said and looked at Brian with narrow eyes. 
“No I’m good here mate.” Brian replied calmly and you had stopped setting up the game.
“Rog go help John and come back and play with us pleaaaase?” you were practically begging and you puckered your lips and Roger sighed, nodding and giving into you. He could never refuse when you puckered your lips and made your eyes go wide. You clapped in victory and waved to him as he walked off the bus and went to go help Deaky. You had moved a seat over so Roger could sit next to you and John could sit wherever he wanted too. 
The two men had come on the bus around 10 minutes later, and Roger had plopped down next to you, and Deaky took the seat in between Freddie and Brian. You had smiled at Roger and rubbed his leg comfortingly. Once everything was settled outside, everyone else had made their way onto the bus and it started it’s journey. 
About an hour in and while in the middle of an intense Scrabble game (you were the only one really taking it to heart. You just really wanted to beat Brian), you saw Jim-no-Miami, hover over your table. 
“Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to inform you all that we are nearing our first stop.” he started and sat down on the edge of the table near Roger, who, as per usual, had his arm behind you. “The concert isn’t until tomorrow night so you all have the night to do as you wish.” 
“Pub crawl!” Freddie happily exclaimed and the four of you had cheered in agreement. 
“Right yes, well first get comfortable in your hotel rooms before you head out. We are all staying on 4th floor except for Y/N. I tried to get you on the same floor as us but since your name isn’t technically associated with the band or label, they wouldn’t give you a room on the same floor. You will be on the 3rd floor. I’m sorry I really tried.” Miami explained to you and you sent him a warm smile in understanding.  
“I understand, thank you so much for trying for me. That means a lot.” you told him and he nodded and smiled a genuine smile at you. He got up and sat back to where he was before and the five of you had resumed the game of Scrabble which you knew you were going to win.  
You liked drinking, you liked pubs. You hated beer. You knew the English crowd loved beer and drank it religiously, but you were an East Coaster from America. You grew up being surrounded by cocktails and your first drink back home was a martini. Still, you drank very little beer and tonight would be no exception. You were sliding your heels on and was about to grab your purse when you heard a knock on your hotel room door. You had originally told Roger to go on to the pub without you and you would meet him there, but he insisted he walked you there himself. 
“Come in Rog!” you yelled as you were giving yourself the once over in the bathroom mirror and you heard Roger walk into your room. “I’m in the bathroom finishing up, I’ll be out in a moment!” you yelled and you had sprayed some perfume on and walked out to greet your friend. He turned around when he heard the click of your heels approach and when he saw you, his jaw dropped. You were in a sleeveless deep red dress that had stopped at your knees. It wasn’t terribly low cut but it definitely helped shape your breasts better, which was always a needed benefit. The dress had clung to the shape of your body perfectly. You saw his reaction and you smirked, trying not to mess up your perfectly tinted lips. 
“Why does the cat have Roger Taylor’s tongue?” you teased him, grabbing the room key off the counter. Roger had followed you immediately, not tearing his eyes from you. 
“N-no, you just look...” 
“Different?” you mused at his stuttering and loss for words. 
“No! Well yes, but no, you’re so done up, and that dress! You look so...beautiful. Wait I mean you always look beautiful, you’re you but you look so...wow.” he tripped over his words and you giggled, enjoying it too much.  
“It’s astonishing what lipstick and eyeliner can do yeah?” 
“Well yeah, but I mean you look even more beautiful than how much you normally do! And you always look great and you, well you..” Roger fumbled again and you laughed, dragging him to the door ending his misery. 
“Let’s go Taylor, before you say something you might regret.” you winked and you both walked out of your room and you locked the door. 
“Y/N I mean it..you look great. Amazing actually.” you softly smiled at him. 
“Thanks Rog, you look good too.” you both started walking to the elevator, and Roger’s hand had found the small of your back, ushering you into the elevator, which caused you to fight off a grin. You pushed the button to the ground floor and you eased into a comfortable silence. The elevator dinged and Roger led you out, not removing his hand as you both walked to the pub. 
The establishment wasn’t terribly far away and you had no trouble getting in. You walked ahead of Roger and waited for him to catch up. When you felt the familiar hand on your back again, you smiled waiting for him to lead you to wherever. He led you to the bar and you sat down the on the stool and he slid in next to you, ordering a round of shots. 
“I know how much you hate beer, thought you might enjoy tequila better!” he loudly spoke, trying to get you to hear over the music playing. 
“Thanks! Where’s the rest of the lads?” you shouted back, and he looked around and shrugged his shoulders.  
“Not sure, probably not here yet! I’m going to run to the loo, I’ll be right back!” he announced and disappeared. You just nodded and took yours, and ultimately his, shots and ordered a few more. You didn’t plan on getting absolutely shit-faced, just a good amount to get rid of the unnerving feelings you had been feeling since you left.  
About 10 minutes later, you decided to look around the pub because Roger still hadn’t. You turned your head in the direction of the bathrooms and didn’t see him. You scanned the room hoping he was okay, until your eyes gravitated towards a table in the back in the corner, and sure enough you saw him there, with his arm draped over a pretty red-headed young woman’s shoulder, and she was cozied up to his side. You sighed and took another shot, trying to brush it off. You should be used to it by now, the amount of times you and Roger had gone to pubs together in the past, he’d usually get pulled into a beautiful woman’s conversation and ultimately spent the night with her. You loved spending time with him, but going out to the bar was something you didn’t enjoy doing with Roger, but you went anyway. Again, you should’ve expected it but, unsure to you, it had stung this time. It never has before. You ran your fingers through the ends of your hair, trying not to mess up the curled style, and ordered another round. You looked towards the entrance and saw Freddie, John and Brian walk in, and you waved them down. They saw you and began their way over to where you were sitting. 
“Hey lil darling, why are you here all alone?” Brian asked as he slid into the open seat next to you, John and Freddie taking the others. You just shrugged and took your shot. 
“A little gal can’t drink by herself to unwind huh?” you stuck your chin up at him. 
“Roger’s not with ya? He said he was picking you up.” John asked as he stole a shot off you.  Both the statement and action had made you laugh. 
“Oh! Yeah he did, guess he just got sidetracked on his way back from the stalls.” you said as you pointed towards the table he was sitting at, and the woman had no attached her mouth to Roger’s ear and he fake laughed at something she said. You could tell it wasn’t his genuine laugh, his nose always scrunched up when he laughed genuinely.  
Brian rolled his eyes at what he saw. “Typical Roger. But you have us for company now.” he raised a glass as he said that, and you and John followed suit, as Freddie already made his way into the crowd. The three of you clinked your glasses together and you each took a shot. You then all fell into a comfortable conversation about the upcoming tour, and Brian and John were talking about the set list. You enjoyed hearing them get so passionate about their music and you listened intently. You would contribute to the conversation when you could, mainly about your experience with instruments. 
“Wow Y/N you play guitar?” John asked excitedly and you nodded.  
“Not like you or Bri though, but I learned. I much prefer playing the piano and singing of course. I fell in love with singing when I was a child, had to be the little theatre star of the family. I initially went to university for it, but changed when I fell in love with numbers and the law.” you laughed and they both took a shot to that. You were bopping your head to the music and you suddenly heard a familiar beat of a song you loved and you gasped.  
“Oh my God I LOVE this song! Deaky come dance with me!” you exclaimed and grabbed his hand. 
“Oh no, I need a few more of these before I show off my moves.” John chuckled as he ordered another glass of whisky. 
“Well alright, suit yourself!” you said as you took another shot and made your way to the group of people who were already dancing and you moved your hips to the music. You loved to dance and whenever you had the opportunity too you would, especially to a song you loved so much. You felt a familiar presence behind you, and you turned around to see Brian there. “Decided to join the party May?” you winked as you took his hand and started moving again to the music. He smirked and then took both of your hands and moved with you, where he let one go and put one of his hands on your waist. The two of you had danced perfectly with another and rather closely to ABBA’s Waterloo (your current favorite song), and you were having a lot of fun with Brian. You were so into dancing with Brian, you had missed the looks coming from the corner that Roger was giving. He was watching you and Brian so intently, that he missed and ultimately declined the red-headed woman’s offers to sneak out. That was something out of the ordinary for himself, he almost never refused a fun night like that, but tonight something was holding him back and experience things he had felt but never paid attention too and brushed off. A feeling...a feeling in a red dress dancing closely with his best friend and band mate. 
After a few more songs, you and Brian made your way back to the bar, where you saw John in a deep conversation with a blonde woman. You and Brian had smirked at each other, and you sat a few spaces away from John. “That’s the most fun I’ve had in a while Bri, thank you so much for dancing with me!” 
He nodded and bumped shoulders with you and you giggled, fixing your hair. “It was very fun Y/N, we should do it again sometime...” he said very quietly and you nodded in agreement. You hugged him tight and stood up. 
“I think I’m going to head back to the hotel. I really danced till I dropped!” you giggled again and fixed your dress. I’m going to go tell Roger I’m leaving. Not that he’d really notice tonight but just so he knows..” 
“Do you want someone to walk you back? I mean I don’t want you being by yourself on the way back in case something happens.” Brian offered but you just shook your head. 
“Thanks honey but I don’t want you to leave the fun, I’ll be okay.” you assured him and kissed his cheek. “Goodnight Brim and thanks again.” you waved and walked towards the corner where you last saw Roger. When you approached the table, you had seen that it was abandoned. Assuming he left with company, you sighed and turned around to go leave, when suddenly you were being pulled by your waist in the opposite direction. You yelped and went to hit whomever had you, but you looked up and were greeted by an unmistakable pair of blue eyes. 
“Roger! You scared the shit out of me!” you screamed and he smiled. 
“I’m sorry Lolo. I saw you and couldn’t let you get away.” he said as he pulled you into a hug. You relaxed in his arms and hugged him back, resting your head on his shoulder. He squeezed you tighter and kissed your head. “Have a fun night?” he asked and you nodded into him. 
“Yeah, Brian and I had fun together. We danced a lot.” you started and you felt him stiffen under you. “It would’ve been ever more fun with you there too.” you finished as you heard him sigh and he rubbed your arm gently.  
“I know sweetheart. I just got...” he started.  
“Distracted?” you finished and looked up at him, he half smiled and nodded. 
“Yeah...but I’m ready to party now!” he said excitedly but you just shook your head. 
“You go have fun Rog, I’m heading back to the hotel. All that dancing made me tired.” you told him as you let him go and he pouted. 
“Well then I’ll go with you. I could go for some room service.” he joked and quickly grabbed your hand and you half smiled.  
“It’s okay Rog, you stay here and have fun. Take that gal back.” you winked at him but couldn’t help but have that feeling of disappointment return. You still weren’t entirely sure what was causing it, but you let it go when you looked up at Roger, who was giving you a look mixed of confusion and what seemed to be disappointment himself. 
“Nah, she was cool but wasn’t my type. Besides, there’s one gal I’d rather spend my time with.” he beamed and you swore you felt your heart flutter. You nodded fast and grabbed his hand walking out. “Let’s take the long way yeah?” he asked and you hummed your agreement and followed. You two fell into a conversation about the upcoming concert and what he planned on doing and how he felt nervous. You assured him it’d be okay and he smiled pulling you closer. You had a good feeling again talking to him, any and all conflicting feelings you had were long gone, until a gust of wind hit you and caused you to shudder. You hadn’t realized you even made a sound until you felt Roger slip his jacket over your shoulders.  
“Rog aren’t you going to be chilly?” you asked fully slipping on the jacket. 
“Don’t worry about me darling. Besides, you looking amazing wearing my jacket.” he winked and you swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the giggle stuck in your throat. You suddenly felt a weird, almost flutter like sensation in your stomach. No-butterflies. Roger had given you butterflies in your stomach. You tried to ignore it, as it was such a middle school concept, but being so close to him in proximity made it increasingly difficult. Thankfully you were saved by the approaching hotel, and Roger had stepped ahead of you to open the door for you. “Always the gentleman” you thought. You called the elevator and pushed the 3rd floor button. As you waited, Roger’s hand had found the small of your back much like it had earlier. The elevator opened and you walked in, and Roger had kept his hand on your back the entire ride up. It stopped on your floor and you both slowly made your way to your room.  
“Well...this is me!” you said with a high pitched voice. You coughed to hide it and smiled. “Thanks for walking me back Roger, I hope I didn’t take you away from the fun.” you looked up at him and he was smirking at you. 
“Y/N it wouldn’t have been any fun without you anyway...” he stared at you and a big smile formed on your lips. “May I come in or are you kicking me to the curb?” you laughed and shook your head. 
“On the curb you go. I’m going to sleep and so are you, you have a big concert tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep!” 
“Oh fine oh fine. But I will see you tomorrow right? You are coming to our show? I need my good luck charm..” as Roger had said that, you felt the heat return to your face and you were positive your face was bright red.  
“Of course! I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” you exclaimed happily as you hugged him again. He rested his head on top of yours. 
“That makes me so happy to know...and don’t worry about your beauty sleep. You’re already so insanely beautiful.” you bit your lip and grinned up at him. You let go of him and quickly pecked his lips. 
“Thanks Rog, you too...sleep well!” you said as you unlocked your door. You turned back to face him and you saw him smiling big, his face a slight red hue. You had no idea, probably from the heat in the building causing him his face to turn. 
“Sleep well Lolo, Goodnight. I love you” he said and you waved to him, the butterflies returning. 
“Love you too Rog.” you told him with a small smile before going into your room. You took a deep breath and plopped on the couch. You sat there and looked at the wall, cuddling into the jacket you were wearing before realizing it was Roger’s. You groaned as you took it off, laying it on the table. Great, you smelled like him now too. Like the cologne you bought him for his birthday and cigarettes. You wished you had a cigarette right now as you thought back on the night. More specifically, you thought back on the times you spent with Roger the last night. You were thinking of the feelings he gave you and the ones you had gotten when he was around. You thought about how they’ve been happening more and more lately. The giggles, the blushing, the middle school butterflies. They’ve all been apparent the last few months, even before you decided to join him on the tour. You never thought about them much, and you never put the puzzle pieces together. It took a few moments of intense reflection and thought for you to realize what it meant. 
“Fuck.” you muttered under your breath. It finally clicked and you dreaded acknowledging it. You were falling for Roger and you were seemingly falling hard. It was too late for you to be picked up now.
taglist: @obsessedwithrogertaylor @dreamy--far-off--look @godknowsivefalleninlove @okqueenie @tohellwithsafe
52 notes · View notes
deakyrog · 6 years
Eyes That Know Me (Roger Taylor x Reader) Part 2
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Words: 4,597
A/N: Guess who’s back, back again. Hello and hi! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy! I had a lot of fun writing this and I think things are starting to get moving! Thank you all to the positive comments I’ve been receiving and please do let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Cheers!
Warnings: Mild swearing
You’ve always wanted to travel, especially around England. When you were younger, your dad would tell you stories of the cities and places he would visit around the country, and you were bound and determined to visit and experience it for yourself. If not for the sake of the thrill of the adventure itself, but to feel closer to your dad. Now, you were going to be visiting some of those destinations, just not in the same style as you had initially envisioned. You finished throwing your last piece of luggage on the bottom of the tour bus, and you felt so relieved to have finally been done. You walked on the spacious bus, taking in your surroundings. It wasn’t like a normal travel bus. This one had bigger seats, and tables, and more room to relax. You were going to be spending a lot of time on this bus during the travel days, so you had better look around and claim your spot now. You were searching around when suddenly you felt an arm snake around your waist and you smirked to yourself, wrapping your arms around the culprit’s neck.  
“So what do you think of your new hang out?” Roger asked you and you looked around and looked up at him.
“It’s cozy, smaller than I had imagined.” you winked chuckling, and he just rolled his eyes in response, removing his arms from your waist and grabbed your hand leading you to the back.
“Right, and I’M the diva here. Well then your highness, do you approve of this?” he asked and you looked at what he was showing you. It was an extended seat, almost like a love seat without the cushions. It looked like it would make an amazing nap station on these long rides.
“Aw I love it! Is this my bed?” you chuckled looking at Roger, and he sat down on it shaking his head.  
“Only if we share because I do believe this is my bed sweetheart” he said as he pulled you down into his lap and wrapped his arms back around your waist. You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck and rested your forehead on his temple, trying to make yourself comfortable. You closed your eyes and smiled into him, and even though you couldn’t see it, you could feel Roger smiling just as wide as you.  
This sitting arrangement was pretty normal for the two of you. You guys were somehow always on top of another, normally you were in his lap. You never felt weird or thought anything of it, it was just something you were accustomed too. Sitting on him or cuddling close was a normal occurrence. Whenever you say on the couch and watched television together (every Thursday night, Roger would come over and watch The Brady Bunch with you. He’d never admit it but he loved the show), your head always found his shoulder, and his arm was always slung over your shoulders, bringing you close. Or when he’d take you out to see a movie (always his treat, the stubborn bastard), he would sling his arm around your shoulder there too and you’d lay your head on him. Your colleagues who have seen the two of you together always commented on how it looked like you two were together, but you always stuck by your story that it was normal. That was the truth, it was a normal thing for you two. But it always felt right. He felt right. Being in that position with him…felt right.  
“That’s a sleeping arrangement I wouldn’t mind. You’re a nice body pillow sometimes.” you teased as you kissed his cheek and he laughed, pulling you closer to him.  
“You would be the luckiest girl in all of England then. Sleeping with THE Roger Taylor.” he smirked and his raised his eyebrows playfully and it was your turn to roll your eyes. As you went to reply something sassy, you saw you had company and saw the rest of the band packing up their stuff just as you had and coming on the bus. Freddie, of course, was the first one on and he saw the two of you on the seat, and you in Roger’s lap and he clapped.  
“Oh my darlings I do hope we aren’t interrupting anything! We would just HATE to break up the fun!” he exclaimed dramatically. Yup, typical Freddie. You shook your head in negation to his statement and you got up off Roger’s lap and you walked over to greet him.  
“Never Freddie!” you said as you went to hug him. He laughed and a mumbled a quiet “sure” in your ear, and you just shrugged it off.  
“Yeah you interrupted time with my best girl wanker!” you heard Roger scoff from the back, and although you knew you weren’t his “best girl”, you still felt a blush creep up on your face. You knew he just wanted some time alone with you, because once the bus left, the two of you wouldn’t have much time alone, and you two connected better when it was just you two. You turned back to Roger and blew him a kiss and threw in a wink, and you sat down next to Freddie on the seats by the table, as he was setting up a game of Scrabble. You helped him set everything up and you saw someone slide into the seat next to you. You looked over your shoulder and smiled.  
“Oh I am so not playing if Y/N is!” you rolled your eyes. A typical Brian teasing moment, at your expense once again.  
“Why? Afraid I’m going to beat you again?” you arched your eyebrow at him turning your head fully towards him, waiting to hear his comeback. He flashed you a toothy smile and a wink.
“That was one time, and you used your flashy law jargon. So technically it was unfair to the rest of us quite honestly.” You threw your head back in laughter, remembering the last time you had played with the boys. You had just finished studying for a vocabulary exam, and used your knowledge to win, much to the boys, mainly Brian’s, dismay.  
“Guess the astrophysicist can’t take down the financial lawyer after all.” you teased and bumped shoulders with him.
“The day you take me down in Scrabble Y/N is the day I finally cut my hair short.” he told you and you fake gasped.  
“Brian May don’t you dare make a promise you can’t keep!” you exclaimed dramatically, putting your hand over your heart and Brian smirked.  
“Oh believe me, I could make you a whole lot of promises I intend on keeping.” he winked again and you bit your lip to keep from smirking. You would never admit it out loud or to anyone else, but you always had sort of liked Brian. Besides Roger, he was the closest one to you, and the two of you had bonded over the college life and the studies, as he was studying astrophysics while you were studying law. You both had a thirst for knowledge, and since you both had bore Roger to absolute tears, you decided to indulge the other with your studies, and you had become great friends since. You two would also occasionally flirt as well, but that was just a habit you both seemingly had. You were about to reply with an equally as flirty comeback, but a loud cough and clearing of the throat had distracted your train of thought and you saw Roger standing in front of you with his arms crossed.
“Roger sit down and play with us!” you had exclaimed, patting the seat next to you.
“Lolo you know I’m no good at Scrabble. I was going to see if John needed any help loading the equipment. Brian come help me?” he said and looked at Brian with narrow eyes.
“No I’m good here mate.” Brian replied calmly and you had stopped setting up the game.
“Rog go help John and come back and play with us pleaaaase?” you were practically begging and you puckered your lips and Roger sighed, nodding and giving into you. He could never refuse when you puckered your lips and made your eyes go wide. You clapped in victory and waved to him as he walked off the bus and went to go help Deaky. You had moved a seat over so Roger could sit next to you and John could sit wherever he wanted too.
The two men had come on the bus around 10 minutes later, and Roger had plopped down next to you, and Deaky took the seat in between Freddie and Brian. You had smiled at Roger and rubbed his leg comfortingly. Once everything was settled outside, everyone else had made their way onto the bus and it started it’s journey.
About an hour in and while in the middle of an intense Scrabble game (you were the only one really taking it to heart. You just really wanted to beat Brian), you saw Jim-no-Miami, hover over your table.
“Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to inform you all that we are nearing our first stop.” he started and sat down on the edge of the table near Roger, who, as per usual, had his arm behind you. “The concert isn’t until tomorrow night so you all have the night to do as you wish.”
“Pub crawl!” Freddie happily exclaimed and the four of you had cheered in agreement.
“Right yes, well first get comfortable in your hotel rooms before you head out. We are all staying on 4th floor except for Y/N. I tried to get you on the same floor as us but since your name isn’t technically associated with the band or label, they wouldn’t give you a room on the same floor. You will be on the 3rd floor. I’m sorry I really tried.” Miami explained to you and you sent him a warm smile in understanding.  
“I understand, thank you so much for trying for me. That means a lot.” you told him and he nodded and smiled a genuine smile at you. He got up and sat back to where he was before and the five of you had resumed the game of Scrabble which you knew you were going to win.  
You liked drinking, you liked pubs. You hated beer. You knew the English crowd loved beer and drank it religiously, but you were an East Coaster from America. You grew up being surrounded by cocktails and your first drink back home was a martini. Still, you drank very little beer and tonight would be no exception. You were sliding your heels on and was about to grab your purse when you heard a knock on your hotel room door. You had originally told Roger to go on to the pub without you and you would meet him there, but he insisted he walked you there himself.
“Come in Rog!” you yelled as you were giving yourself the once over in the bathroom mirror and you heard Roger walk into your room. “I’m in the bathroom finishing up, I’ll be out in a moment!” you yelled and you had sprayed some perfume on and walked out to greet your friend. He turned around when he heard the click of your heels approach and when he saw you, his jaw dropped. You were in a sleeveless deep red dress that had stopped at your knees. It wasn’t terribly low cut but it definitely helped shape your breasts better, which was always a needed benefit. The dress had clung to the shape of your body perfectly. You saw his reaction and you smirked, trying not to mess up your perfectly tinted lips.
“Why does the cat have Roger Taylor’s tongue?” you teased him, grabbing the room key off the counter. Roger had followed you immediately, not tearing his eyes from you.
“N-no, you just look…”
“Different?” you mused at his stuttering and loss for words.
“No! Well yes, but no, you’re so done up, and that dress! You look so…beautiful. Wait I mean you always look beautiful, you’re you but you look so…wow.” he tripped over his words and you giggled, enjoying it too much.  
“It’s astonishing what lipstick and eyeliner can do yeah?”
“Well yeah, but I mean you look even more beautiful than how much you normally do! And you always look great and you, well you..” Roger fumbled again and you laughed, dragging him to the door ending his misery.
“Let’s go Taylor, before you say something you might regret.” you winked and you both walked out of your room and you locked the door.
“Y/N I mean it..you look great. Amazing actually.” you softly smiled at him.
“Thanks Rog, you look good too.” you both started walking to the elevator, and Roger’s hand had found the small of your back, ushering you into the elevator, which caused you to fight off a grin. You pushed the button to the ground floor and you eased into a comfortable silence. The elevator dinged and Roger led you out, not removing his hand as you both walked to the pub.
The establishment wasn’t terribly far away and you had no trouble getting in. You walked ahead of Roger and waited for him to catch up. When you felt the familiar hand on your back again, you smiled waiting for him to lead you to wherever. He led you to the bar and you sat down the on the stool and he slid in next to you, ordering a round of shots.
“I know how much you hate beer, thought you might enjoy tequila better!” he loudly spoke, trying to get you to hear over the music playing.
“Thanks! Where’s the rest of the lads?” you shouted back, and he looked around and shrugged his shoulders.  
“Not sure, probably not here yet! I’m going to run to the loo, I’ll be right back!” he announced and disappeared. You just nodded and took yours, and ultimately his, shots and ordered a few more. You didn’t plan on getting absolutely shit-faced, just a good amount to get rid of the unnerving feelings you had been feeling since you left.  
About 10 minutes later, you decided to look around the pub because Roger still hadn’t. You turned your head in the direction of the bathrooms and didn’t see him. You scanned the room hoping he was okay, until your eyes gravitated towards a table in the back in the corner, and sure enough you saw him there, with his arm draped over a pretty red-headed young woman’s shoulder, and she was cozied up to his side. You sighed and took another shot, trying to brush it off. You should be used to it by now, the amount of times you and Roger had gone to pubs together in the past, he’d usually get pulled into a beautiful woman’s conversation and ultimately spent the night with her. You loved spending time with him, but going out to the bar was something you didn’t enjoy doing with Roger, but you went anyway. Again, you should’ve expected it but, unsure to you, it had stung this time. It never has before. You ran your fingers through the ends of your hair, trying not to mess up the curled style, and ordered another round. You looked towards the entrance and saw Freddie, John and Brian walk in, and you waved them down. They saw you and began their way over to where you were sitting.
“Hey lil darling, why are you here all alone?” Brian asked as he slid into the open seat next to you, John and Freddie taking the others. You just shrugged and took your shot.
“A little gal can’t drink by herself to unwind huh?” you stuck your chin up at him.
“Roger’s not with ya? He said he was picking you up.” John asked as he stole a shot off you.  Both the statement and action had made you laugh.
“Oh! Yeah he did, guess he just got sidetracked on his way back from the stalls.” you said as you pointed towards the table he was sitting at, and the woman had no attached her mouth to Roger’s ear and he fake laughed at something she said. You could tell it wasn’t his genuine laugh, his nose always scrunched up when he laughed genuinely.  
Brian rolled his eyes at what he saw. “Typical Roger. But you have us for company now.” he raised a glass as he said that, and you and John followed suit, as Freddie already made his way into the crowd. The three of you clinked your glasses together and you each took a shot. You then all fell into a comfortable conversation about the upcoming tour, and Brian and John were talking about the set list. You enjoyed hearing them get so passionate about their music and you listened intently. You would contribute to the conversation when you could, mainly about your experience with instruments.
“Wow Y/N you play guitar?” John asked excitedly and you nodded.  
“Not like you or Bri though, but I learned. I much prefer playing the piano and singing of course. I fell in love with singing when I was a child, had to be the little theatre star of the family. I initially went to university for it, but changed when I fell in love with numbers and the law.” you laughed and they both took a shot to that. You were bopping your head to the music and you suddenly heard a familiar beat of a song you loved and you gasped.  
“Oh my God I LOVE this song! Deaky come dance with me!” you exclaimed and grabbed his hand.
“Oh no, I need a few more of these before I show off my moves.” John chuckled as he ordered another glass of whisky.
“Well alright, suit yourself!” you said as you took another shot and made your way to the group of people who were already dancing and you moved your hips to the music. You loved to dance and whenever you had the opportunity too you would, especially to a song you loved so much. You felt a familiar presence behind you, and you turned around to see Brian there. “Decided to join the party May?” you winked as you took his hand and started moving again to the music. He smirked and then took both of your hands and moved with you, where he let one go and put one of his hands on your waist. The two of you had danced perfectly with another and rather closely to ABBA’s Waterloo (your current favorite song), and you were having a lot of fun with Brian. You were so into dancing with Brian, you had missed the looks coming from the corner that Roger was giving. He was watching you and Brian so intently, that he missed and ultimately declined the red-headed woman’s offers to sneak out. That was something out of the ordinary for himself, he almost never refused a fun night like that, but tonight something was holding him back and experience things he had felt but never paid attention too and brushed off. A feeling…a feeling in a red dress dancing closely with his best friend and band mate.
After a few more songs, you and Brian made your way back to the bar, where you saw John in a deep conversation with a blonde woman. You and Brian had smirked at each other, and you sat a few spaces away from John. “That’s the most fun I’ve had in a while Bri, thank you so much for dancing with me!”
He nodded and bumped shoulders with you and you giggled, fixing your hair. “It was very fun Y/N, we should do it again sometime…” he said very quietly and you nodded in agreement. You hugged him tight and stood up.
“I think I’m going to head back to the hotel. I really danced till I dropped!” you giggled again and fixed your dress. I’m going to go tell Roger I’m leaving. Not that he’d really notice tonight but just so he knows..”
“Do you want someone to walk you back? I mean I don’t want you being by yourself on the way back in case something happens.” Brian offered but you just shook your head.
“Thanks honey but I don’t want you to leave the fun, I’ll be okay.” you assured him and kissed his cheek. “Goodnight Brim and thanks again.” you waved and walked towards the corner where you last saw Roger. When you approached the table, you had seen that it was abandoned. Assuming he left with company, you sighed and turned around to go leave, when suddenly you were being pulled by your waist in the opposite direction. You yelped and went to hit whomever had you, but you looked up and were greeted by an unmistakable pair of blue eyes.
“Roger! You scared the shit out of me!” you screamed and he smiled.
“I’m sorry Lolo. I saw you and couldn’t let you get away.” he said as he pulled you into a hug. You relaxed in his arms and hugged him back, resting your head on his shoulder. He squeezed you tighter and kissed your head. “Have a fun night?” he asked and you nodded into him.
“Yeah, Brian and I had fun together. We danced a lot.” you started and you felt him stiffen under you. “It would’ve been ever more fun with you there too.” you finished as you heard him sigh and he rubbed your arm gently.  
“I know sweetheart. I just got…” he started.  
“Distracted?” you finished and looked up at him, he half smiled and nodded.
“Yeah…but I’m ready to party now!” he said excitedly but you just shook your head.
“You go have fun Rog, I’m heading back to the hotel. All that dancing made me tired.” you told him as you let him go and he pouted.
“Well then I’ll go with you. I could go for some room service.” he joked and quickly grabbed your hand and you half smiled.  
“It’s okay Rog, you stay here and have fun. Take that gal back.” you winked at him but couldn’t help but have that feeling of disappointment return. You still weren’t entirely sure what was causing it, but you let it go when you looked up at Roger, who was giving you a look mixed of confusion and what seemed to be disappointment himself.
“Nah, she was cool but wasn’t my type. Besides, there’s one gal I’d rather spend my time with.” he beamed and you swore you felt your heart flutter. You nodded fast and grabbed his hand walking out. “Let’s take the long way yeah?” he asked and you hummed your agreement and followed. You two fell into a conversation about the upcoming concert and what he planned on doing and how he felt nervous. You assured him it’d be okay and he smiled pulling you closer. You had a good feeling again talking to him, any and all conflicting feelings you had were long gone, until a gust of wind hit you and caused you to shudder. You hadn’t realized you even made a sound until you felt Roger slip his jacket over your shoulders.  
“Rog aren’t you going to be chilly?” you asked fully slipping on the jacket.
“Don’t worry about me darling. Besides, you looking amazing wearing my jacket.” he winked and you swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the giggle stuck in your throat. You suddenly felt a weird, almost flutter like sensation in your stomach. No-butterflies. Roger had given you butterflies in your stomach. You tried to ignore it, as it was such a middle school concept, but being so close to him in proximity made it increasingly difficult. Thankfully you were saved by the approaching hotel, and Roger had stepped ahead of you to open the door for you. “Always the gentleman” you thought. You called the elevator and pushed the 3rd floor button. As you waited, Roger’s hand had found the small of your back much like it had earlier. The elevator opened and you walked in, and Roger had kept his hand on your back the entire ride up. It stopped on your floor and you both slowly made your way to your room.  
“Well…this is me!” you said with a high pitched voice. You coughed to hide it and smiled. “Thanks for walking me back Roger, I hope I didn’t take you away from the fun.” you looked up at him and he was smirking at you.
“Y/N it wouldn’t have been any fun without you anyway…” he stared at you and a big smile formed on your lips. “May I come in or are you kicking me to the curb?” you laughed and shook your head.
“On the curb you go. I’m going to sleep and so are you, you have a big concert tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep!”
“Oh fine oh fine. But I will see you tomorrow right? You are coming to our show? I need my good luck charm..” as Roger had said that, you felt the heat return to your face and you were positive your face was bright red.  
“Of course! I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” you exclaimed happily as you hugged him again. He rested his head on top of yours.
“That makes me so happy to know…and don’t worry about your beauty sleep. You’re already so insanely beautiful.” you bit your lip and grinned up at him. You let go of him and quickly pecked his lips.
“Thanks Rog, you too…sleep well!” you said as you unlocked your door. You turned back to face him and you saw him smiling big, his face a slight red hue. You had no idea, probably from the heat in the building causing him his face to turn.
“Sleep well Lolo, Goodnight. I love you” he said and you waved to him, the butterflies returning.
“Love you too Rog.” you told him with a small smile before going into your room. You took a deep breath and plopped on the couch. You sat there and looked at the wall, cuddling into the jacket you were wearing before realizing it was Roger’s. You groaned as you took it off, laying it on the table. Great, you smelled like him now too. Like the cologne you bought him for his birthday and cigarettes. You wished you had a cigarette right now as you thought back on the night. More specifically, you thought back on the times you spent with Roger the last night. You were thinking of the feelings he gave you and the ones you had gotten when he was around. You thought about how they’ve been happening more and more lately. The giggles, the blushing, the middle school butterflies. They’ve all been apparent the last few months, even before you decided to join him on the tour. You never thought about them much, and you never put the puzzle pieces together. It took a few moments of intense reflection and thought for you to realize what it meant.
“Fuck.” you muttered under your breath. It finally clicked and you dreaded acknowledging it. You were falling for Roger and you were seemingly falling hard. It was too late for you to be picked up now.
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