#also please let me know if i tagged anyone incorrectly
lovemyromance · 2 months
Y'all will never see me commenting on a properly tagged anti-Elriel post just to start a fight or even point out something the OP misconstrued or concluded (however incorrectly).
Ok I've done it maybe like three times, and it was probably back from when I was brand spankin new to this fandom's insanity and didn't understand the rules (learned Very quickly as a result of a bad encounter with the you know who's), or because someone copy pasted my post to "prove me wrong" (they didn't)
I've only been active in this fandom since like February 2024, and I have yet to block anyone, block any tags, or even follow any tags.
I see just as many anti-Elriel posts as I see Elriel posts.
Let that sink in.
I don't "go looking" through the anti-elriel tags, but when you don't follow anything - you get a whole lot of everything in your "for you" page.
I see so many flat out wrong interpretations of canon text or people posting about how during "Gwyn & Azriel's dagger lesson, he let her use Truthteller" or "Elain is secretly so in love with Lucien that she self harms instead of using his gifts"
and you know what I do? I exercise my self-control, and scroll. None of my business.
Clearly, I am not someone who is interested or even out lurking in anti Elriel posts for a fight. And yet, I have so many antis commenting on my posts - getting mad - then blocking ME.
Does that make sense? They came onto my page, to tell me I was wrong, and then got mad when I very logically pointed out the flaws in their logic, and then blocked me.
I don't go out and start fights on anti-Elriel posts.
When someone comes to my posts, and starts a fight, I am very respectful of that person. You'll see me calling their interpretation wrong - but you won't see me saying anything about them personally, or calling them names or slurs or anything of that nature.
I do not belittle others
I do not dismiss anyone's trauma
I do not diminish anyone's accomplishments
I am respectful of real people's boundaries
I have never brought up tasteless and crude arguments just to "win a fight"
And if anyone thinks otherwise, then go ahead, feel free to prove me wrong. Receipts are all up there. To this day, I haven't deleted a comment, post, or reblog. I have like 80 posts a day, surely if I have behaved poorly in any way, I would've slipped up by now and you'd be able to find it.
But I know I haven't.
Even when people didn't read my post or understand anything I was saying before coming into my comments to fight with me. Even when someone said my trauma doesn't matter. Even when someone said I was "anti SA victims" (which is really funny, because that was after I reluctantly pointed out that I was unfortunately ALSO an SA victim)
I have never, ever, said anything like that to anyone in this fandom. That's just not who I am.
So then why - WHY - do people think it's okay to send me anons that threaten to find me and get me to "stfu about elriel you fucking c*nt" and tell me to go off myself and if I ship Elriel I'm an abuser?
Genuinely - why is that necessary? Why does someone feel the need to type that out, read it back, nod to themselves like "oh yeah that's good". And then send it to a real person??
What do they think I'm going to do? What purpose does that serve? It's very clearly a troll or some Elucien/Gwynriel that doesn't like what I have to say - but why is this the reaction?
Having a preference for a fictional ship does not make you a bad person. I have not once engaged with ANY EL/GA and called them "anti - SA" or "pro - r*pe culture" if they were fighting with me on my post. I think they're crazy sometimes - don't get me wrong - but I'm not out here thinking someone who ships Elucien is anti-women.
That is crazy. If you think having any preference for a ship makes some a "BAD PERSON", respectfully please log off. Get out of this fandom because you are part of the reason it's gotten so bad.
Stop attacking real people over fucking fictional characters. It's not okay, in any context. And I'm tired of it.
Turning off my anons for at least a little bit, sorry to the ones I haven't gotten around to.
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roblox-confessions · 19 days
A confession blog for Roblox and it's games. This blog is predominantly aimed towards games with fandoms, such as Regretevator or Phighting, but anyone of any RBLX game community can submit a confession, as long as it is about the platform or a specific game.
View the read more to see submission guidelines and further information.
Want more confessions? Go check out @robloxconfessions2. They're pretty cool.
Each post will be tagged accordingly with the game it's for. Potentially triggering subjects (if they are to arise) will be tagged with #CW [insert whatever here].
For the sake of keeping things organized, please specify the game you are submitting a confession for. If you don't, I will try to guess or I will put it in the general tag. If I have incorrectly tagged something, please let me know and I'll fix it as soon as I can.
Posts will also be marked with a number for the purpose of people being able to respond to previous confessions anonymously. If you wish to respond publicly simply just comment on the post.
The mod may sometimes add commentary if it feels it has something to say or add, but generally won't otherwise.
If you have any questions or want clarification on something, please send me an ask.
Currently, there is only one mod, so please don't spam my inbox if your post takes a while to appear. This blog runs on a queue.
Mod X (It/It's)
⬜Submission Rules
Please don't submit anything extremely NSFW. Suggestive is okay, but nothing beyond that. This community has mainly minors.
If you're responding to a previous confession, please specify which one.
On above note, if you are responding to a previous confession, please do NOT try to start a fight or get aggressive. I will be lenient, but if I suspect you're baiting for an argument, I'll just delete your response.
If you never see your confession, feel free to send it in again.
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nonetoon · 2 years
Hey as someone who has like. Genuine body horror triggers I'm unsure of body horror is like the correct tag for the clown? I don't know what tag could replace it other than people uncomfortable with the concept just in general blocking the tag you made for the story itself.
I'm mostly saying this cause I'd rather know it's actual body horror body horror and not clown guy who was transformed cause I like the story and don't want that risk
Oh ok! Sorry about that, I wanted to try and be careful with it but I can see how it might be a little overkill.
I do tag the story as “clown curse” for anyone who wants to avoid it, but if there’s any other tag that could be a better fit then the body horror tag please let me know! I don’t want to tag thing incorrectly but I also don’t want to miss tagging something that would make anyone uncomfortable.
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☾ 𝔸𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕄𝕖 ☾
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Hi I'm tumblr user WolfGirlFaggot, formerly DragonGirlFaggot, formerly DragonGirlToebeans. I'm a she/it bi transbian and sometimes I play videogames.
i repost memes, cat images, furry art, and rarely some political stuff. if you don't want to see any particular parts of that list but like the rest, just block some of my tags listed below.
If you follow me I might follow you back if you are a cool person. Also I'm an ΘΔ and a furry don't worry about it.
If you just want to see my cats then go follow: @huntertandgigi
tags so far:
#kitty hoard: cat images and cat memes. anything with a cat in it.
#mindless yapping: whenever i talk, usually i tag original posts or long replies with this.
#furry art: self explanatory. all images of anthropomorphic characters shall be labeled this.
#fnuuy: i will try to tag generic memes and fnuuy images with this.
#politics: self explanatory.
if i tag something incorrectly, or forget to tag something, please let me know so i can fix it.
DNI list:
Fascists/Bigots of any kind,
Cishet white men,
Basically anyone who thinks they can argue about other people's identities.
this list will probably get longer over time as i find more things i have to add to it.
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theskee · 1 month
The fact that I'm still being tag suppressed for no definable reason and therefore unable to properly connect with the people who also frequent those tags or share things like my art or fic has been so deeply frustrating. Four months after my last appeal to have this wrongful suppression of my account lifted, they finally got back to me again.
To ask me to tell them why they should lift it AGAIN.
It has now been 5 days since I responded and reiterated once again why this was bullshit. And silence yet again despite saying they'd give the issue priority.
"If you would still like to appeal the previous moderation action on your Tumblr account, please reply to this email to let us know why you believe our decision was a mistake, and we’ll review the situation with priority."
I cannot stress enough how many times I've already told them this and they have done nothing and said nothing and quite frankly, I'm so close to making a new fucking account because this is utterly asinine. I don't know what else I can possibly do other than that. Because they're not gonna make this right. They couldn't even tell me why I got suppressed beyond "you used some tags frequently used in spam/abuse/harassment". Mother fuckers WHICH TAGS?? Where. Show me. I'm calling bullshit. Show me.
My account probably got auto flagged incorrectly, the suppression was applied, and they're just not gonna fix it because fuck anyone who has a problem with being silenced.
I have been on this account with tumblr for 13 years. I have *never* had a problem. Never been in trouble. Never been reported. Never had my ability to use the platform restricted due to violating the guidelines. After the porn purge I removed all disallowed content from my account as directed. I've gone through my entire blog from the very first post until now and checked my tags, checked my posts, made sure I didn't miss anything. I spent days upon days doing this with no real direction from them as to what I should even be looking for to know specifically what I did wrong and the only logical conclusion here is that I didn't do anything wrong.
The post I gave them as an example for my suppression had the tags "family dynamics" "parenting" and "personal" on it and that was it so which fucking tag of those violates the terms. Make it make sense. It doesn't. I feel like these emails aren't even coming from real people. I find it hard to believe I've actually spoken to a real life human being even once because an actual person would probably at least answer my damn question or understand why this is so deeply frustrating.
Goddamnit tumblr. Come the fuck on.
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thelunarsystemwrites · 8 months
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Salutations, everyone! I welcome you to my page! (Above me is my Selfsona!)
Please, call me Lunar! I use Lua/Luan/Luar pronouns, however! Neos, They/Them, He/Him, It/Its and mixture of those, are all also okay if you're struggling!
I am the author of Facądetale! (Yes I am aware it's spelled incorrectly, it's too late to fix now-) amd Co-Author of DoneTale!
Creator of Biblically inaccurate bunnies!
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I am autistic, so tone tags are highly appreciated! (Note, I'm not going to actively make anyone use them, as I am not in charge of you!) I do tend to misunderstand things, or come off as rude on occasion, so please let me know if I've offended you.
This page DOES support: LGBTQIAP+. POC. Neurodiversity. Alter-humans/Non-Humans. Disabilities. Disorders. Religious individuals. Age/Pet regressors and dreamers. And so on!
This page DOES NOT support: Bullying. Proshippers. Fakeclaimers. Problematic individuals. Any sort of discrimination!
I am neutral on Sans x Sans ships! (Example: Errorink.) I am not in favour or against them, so both parties are welcome here!
Current hyperfixation: Undertale.
I AM INCONSISTENT, I might be posting daily for weeks straight, and then dissappear for months. It genuinely depends on my current hobbies, life, hyperfixations, and so on!
With all that said, welcome!
(SUMMARY: I'm autistic, author of Facądetale, I support marginalized groups, I don't support MAPS or fakeclaimers, and I'm inconsistent!)
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afarewelltokings · 2 years
i got tagged by @waspstar 🥰 thanks for the tag!! i love doing these things
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
last song: this is kinda hard to answer because i'm currently listening to the ost for pokemon mystery dungeon: explorers of sky, which is all like minute-long songs so by the time i'd finished the "currently watching" category i had to go back and rewrite this as i'd already heard at least 5 more songs LOL. if not counting osts and other classical music, then it was new damage by soundgarden
last show: ...house hunters
currently watching: ...also house hunters tbh. my partner and i are working on a goal of having a comprehensive guide of as many episodes of House Hunters as there are available after their first airing. on an entirely unrelated and not illegal note, if anyone knows how to download videos from prime's channel subscription things please let me know in private lol there are episodes of house hunters locked to it due to discovery+ uploading it incorrectly
currently reading: i've been bouncing between two books recently, "Long Promised Road: Carl Wilson, Soul of the Beach Boys The Biography" by Kent Crowley and "I'm Glad My Mom Died" by Jenette McCurdy. the former i'm finding to be interesting but mildly inaccurate, the latter i'm finding to be an emotionally rough but very good read. can i do a last read? because the last book i finished was "My Life In France" by Julia Child and i think that was an excellent read all around and cannot recommend it highly enough to everyone and anyone
current obsession: lol i guess house hunters? that and/or veggietales. no yeah definitely veggietales. got myself a couple veggietales music cassettes for my birthday coming up :D being that the show not only predates the first Toy Story but also that it did not start as part of the mega conglomerates, it's a very interesting and actually important piece of 3D animation history (let alone indie 3D animation history). i learned recently that it was outselling disney's children's tv home media for a bit in the late 90s, a very small period but it's nonetheless highly impressive that it even got to that point. it's interesting to reflect on how for most of the 1990s, veggietales was disney/pixar's nearly sole 3D animation rival worth giving a shit about competing against
i tag: @somecleverreference @gruel22 @kingtrigger @the-supernatural-atheist @beepadoobop @cinnamon-grump @transgengars @echoanddust @analog-machine/@analog-machine--is-shadowbanned (not sure if you're still having that weird shadowban bug so i wanted to tag both of your accounts just in case)
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historically-accurate · 9 months
About Historically-accurate
Meet Percival Aevum, historian and occasional (and sometimes accidental) time traveler.
(information about the muse, mun and rules under the read more.)
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Don't really have any, besides feeling uncomfortable writing with minors and not really caring for smut. I'll do my best to read your rules before interacting, but do let me know if I accidentally break one.
If you need me to tag something, do let me know. I'm open to darker themes but I don't want to upset anyone.
About Percival:
Hair: red
Eyes: brown
Physique: a bit lanky
Percival is a 35 year old (cis) male that has always been fascinated by history. As a child he devoured history books and it wasn't surprising that he continued working on his passion as he grew older. Nowadays he's a historian with a love for the Paleolithic period and the Tudor period.
At the age of 20 he found a pocket watch in old building he was visiting. As he touched the watch, he was transported back in time. After some trail and error he found that the hands of the clock would decide on what time he would travel to. He tries to remain in the present as much as possible, since he knows messing with the past is not without risk, but sometimes he finds himself accidentally thrown into a time long gone.
Percival can be aloof and a bit of an airhead, but he is also clever and resourceful, and most of all, curious. His clothing style is much like his personality; a bit eccentric, often based on clothing styles from the past with a modern twist. He's also a sucker for all things shiny.
About the mun:
My name is Victor (they/them) and I'm 22. I've been writing for a while but only recently joined Tumblr. Please let me know if I am doing things incorrectly, I love to learn and I'm always open to criticism. Thank you for interacting with me.
for memes #timeless memes
for ask replies #the clock chimes
for RP posts #traveler out of time
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thefreelanceangel · 1 year
@gatheredfates caught me! 
1. Are you named after anyone?
 Yes. A rock. But spelled incorrectly. CrystLE not CrystAL. WHY? WHY YOU ASK? Well, gentle reader, let me introduce you to the LIE I LIVED MOST OF MY LIFE BELIEVING. 
My mother insisted for YEARS that she’d spelled my name “Crystle” because “I liked how it flowed in cursive.” AND OH. OH THE LOOK I GAVE HER when THREE YEARS AGO she confessed that when I was born, my UNCLE pointed out that the rock was spelled crystal NOT crystle.
2. When was the last time you cried?
About a day ago when my husband showed me an adorable animal video on his phone. Yes, I am a gentle mushroom. I am VERY easily touched.
3. Do you have kids?
Furbabies, yes. There will be no crotchfruit from my loins. Ever. Props to those who love children and love being parents and I respect the hell out of you but that is not the life for me!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, of course not. Why would you ever think such a thing?
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
My degree is in English and I was a theatre/gaming nerd. Do you really think I played sports? Really?
6. What is the first thing you notice about other people?
Their laughter. I need to hear people laugh to feel like I can get to know them.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
@tlbodine has devoted many years to exposing me to as many horror movies as possible and I have shrieked, yelped, hidden, flailed and whimpered through sooooooo many. I love it. 
But for life? Happy endings, of course!
8. Any special talents?
Comic relief! (Also probably writing. It’s the one thing I have SOME actual skill at.)
9. Where were you born?
In Texas, please don’t hold it against me.
10. Do you have any hobbies?
Reading. Reading. READING. Beyond that, FFXIV, light gaming and one day, I’d like to get into some fabric crafts like sewing or knitting.
11. Do you have any pets?
My household involves one potato (orange himbo cat,) one Criminal (grey tabby baby boy cat,) and one actual cat, who is a drop-dead GORGEOUS tortoiseshell cat who tolerates my presence.
12. How tall are you?
13. Favorite Subject in School:
English, obviously! But I also genuinely enjoyed biological sciences, including anatomy and physiology. In college, psychology and sociology were highly entertaining.
14. Dream job?
Ultimate dream job, likely impossible? Reader, paid to read and chat about books. (Yes I know that reviewer is a job, but pls tell my unmedicated ADHD to let me focus on an actual project.) More likely dream job? I’d like to work in a bookstore, guide people to books, help them make choices, make recommendations, etc.
15. Eye Color?
TAGGING: @luck-and-larceny; @dumb-hat; @mirugaidoesthings​; @chainsofaether​; @catscratching​; @gray-morality​; @sajiri​ and anyone else who wants to snag it!
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theliteraryluggage · 2 years
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I posted 2,868 times in 2022
That's 1,899 more posts than 2021!
164 posts created (6%)
2,704 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,687 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#i think i made queue up inside my head - 2,021 posts
#spiderling - 357 posts
#yoi - 261 posts
#fma - 100 posts
#nwh - 92 posts
#nihi writes stuff - 86 posts
#tom holland - 69 posts
#nihi does art - 66 posts
#ask - 66 posts
#answered - 66 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i never thought about this but i'm guessing it comes from some biscuits or other baked goods that are chocolate covered on one side? so you'
My Top Posts in 2022:
Please consider:
A character who always wears their hair tied back leaving it down. soft. vulnerable.
Also consider:
A character who always wears their hair down tying it back. shit's about to go down.
108 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
Common Fanfic Mistakes pt. I: Idioms
Since there was a decent response I decided to make good on my promise to write up some of the most common mistakes I've been seeing in fanfic recently, focusing in particular on homophones (words that sound the same but have a different spelling and meaning) and idioms and idiomatic phrases (phrases that are often used and recognised in combination).
Now, this isn't meant to attack anyone; these mistakes can happen very easily and for me they don't really take away from my enjoyment of a story, even if they do make me pause sometimes. But as someone who has picked up many phrases just by reading, both books and fanfic, I know how quickly it happens that you first read it somewhere used wrongly and you absorb it into your vocabulary without even knowing it's not right.
So! For those interested, I want to list up a few of the most common things I've seen, along with explanations and example sentences. This got pretty long so I'm dividing it up into two posts: this first focusing on idioms and the second on homophones.
Disclaimer: I am not a native English speaker myself, so I'm not claiming to be 100% accurate here, but I did do some research and I have a MA in English/International Literature, so I do know a little bit what I'm talking about.
There's certain idiomatic phrases that are very popular in fanfic, I seem them over and over again--but I also see them used incorrectly a lot. Let's get right into it with what might be the most common.
To make a beeline for something
Unlocking the door, he made a beeline for the bed and dropped face-down into it.
This one confused me when I first encountered it in fanfic. I hadn't heard it before, but having seen the kind of bumbling, roundabout way bees fly from flower to flower, I thought that's what it meant: to make a slow, meandering path. Only it didn't fit into the context, bc it turns out, it means the opposite: To take the quickest, most direct way possible. It does actually relate to the bee, the insect, though: it's meant to reference the way a bee takes the quickest route back to its hive. So it is actually a beeline, not a b-line, as I have often seen it spelled. Who knew!
wreaking havoc
He didn't know how the raccoon got in, but it was now wreaking havoc in his kitchen.
a phrase that means to cause mayhem or bring about distruction, I often see it spelled wreck havoc, which doesn't seem farfetched, given the meaning. But to wreak means to bring about or cause, and that's what you do with chaos and destruction: you bring it about, you don't destroy the destruction. Havoc, by the way, used to refer to plundering and pillaging. Also interesting: The past tense of wreak it wreaked--not wrought.
at someone's beck and call
I cannot be at your beck and call 24/7! I have a life of my own, you know?
I often see this as beckon call, another understandable mistake, since the word beckon does exist, means the same as simply beck, namely to wave someone towards you or give a hand signal, and is more commonly used today. If someone is at your beck and call, though, they will cater to your every whim when you beck them AND when you call them.
one and the same
She realised that Lucky and The Hallowed were just titles for one and the same person.
two things so identical it's not enough to say the are one, or to say the are the same. they are one AND the same. That's how identical they are. One in the same, as I sometimes see it spelled, makes me more think of two peas in a pod.
case in point
You need sleep. Case in point: You just watered the plants with cat food.
If you try to give an example for an argument you're making, you bring up a case in your point, as in a case in support of your point, rather than a case and point.
getting off scot-free
We all knew they were guilty, but they got off scot-free.
TBH, neither the correct phrase nor the version that I often see in fics, getting off scotch free, made much sense to me before I looked up the origin. It has nothing to do with the people of Scotland or their finest whiskey--apparently the scot was a tax that people living in a town or village had to pay. If you lived outside the bounds and were able to avoid the tax, well--you were scot-free.
a shoo-in
With her charisma and eloquence, she was a shoo-in for chairwoman.
not a shoe-in, as you might think. This phrase, refering specifically to someone sure to win a competition or election, does not relate to having a foot in the door. It's a term originating from horse racing, referencing the action of driving the horse in a certain direction with gestures and noises. Shoo! Originally it was used to refer to rigged races, but it has lost most of that negative connotation today.
getting down to brass tacks
We don't have any more time to waste, let's get down to brass tacks!
See the full post
145 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
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I just saw this on my dash for another fandom and I couldn't help myself. (i went with one character per alignment, obviously there are many other obvious choices.)
224 notes - Posted December 20, 2022
Here is what the sea smells like. It is more texture than scent, because the sea is primarily made of two substances that have no smell of their own: water and salt. Salt has no smell, but makes the air sting, and so all of the other smells of the sea are layered upon the pang of salt. Water has no smell but instead a comfort. We feel moisture as life and so the smells of the ocean are layered upon the contentment of the water. Salt is treble and water is bass. I don't know how I know this is true, but I know it is true. The sea smells like old wood and wet leaves. Like cold mud and warm stone. Like every creature who has ever lived in it, a churning graveyard and nursery. Like winds from the inland carrying the hot circulation of life and winds from the ocean carrying the distant froth of waves against ships and islands. Like gray, only more so. Like blue, only less so.
The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home, Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor
5,578 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
rotating my blorbo in my mind like the cough drop in my mouth, slowly stripping away layer after layer as I let it soothe me, until I reach its very core where it is soft, and I can crush it.
10,642 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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imafrickinglion · 2 years
CW: Grief, Hoarding, Mental Health Issues
I made a special tag for those who need to tumblr savior it.
Today there were four of us at the meeting with the funeral director and none of us had any way to pay for this and that's how 3 against 1 votes ended up putting my mother's ashes in a fucking black, ordinary, temporary plastic box. And I get it, we're going to plant her anyway. But I wish we'd at least planted her in... Just something that wasn't a nondescript black plastic box.
I hate how undignified she went out and the fact that the emt didn't even think to put a sheet over her body to give her some dignity while a bunch of strangers and old friends (small town) tromped through her house.
We didn't get along well toward the end because she'd spent nearly 5 straight years completely unraveling and refusing any help or intervention. I missed her through those 5 years every day and I thought that made it easier but now I just miss her and I'm also angry about the lost time we could have had if she'd just let us help her. Especially me. I'm the daughter she made from scratch though I was no more loved than my sisters but damn it she used to at least listen to me.
I hate how expensive it is to die. I hate that she left no information anywhere for us and we had to resort to hail mary guessing pin numbers to get into her phone and computer and then everything was so password locked (and locked to her thumbprint) that I still have only scraps of clues about what was even going through her mind, or what help she might have left us to cover this.
I don't even know if this retirement paperwork is legitimate. My name on the retirement life insurance policy is in my *maiden* name. Our youngest sister is on there with her married name but it's spelled so incorrectly that it's going to be an issue. There was a will. It's not in her fire safe. It isn't anywhere. I don't even know where else to look.
Stacks and stacks and piles and piles of old mail, old receipts, old work files, my eighth grade report card, unsigned cards she bought and never gave anyone, gift cards she won at raffles and never used, *from years ago, like 2008*
And no Will. No guidance. Just... tons of shit she didn't want to deal with, so now it's left to us.
I'm angry and disappointed and frustrated and tired and I used to have this mom in around 2010 or so who I could have gone to for advice but she's fucking gone and she's *been* gone but DAMN, mom.
I know you thought you were gonna live forever and every time God came together you were just gonna fight him for another 10 years but maybe you could have prepared some backup just in case?
Mother please.
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koboldgirlvampirism · 7 months
Welcome to the den.
Hi I’m tumblr user KoboldGirlVampirism, I've changed my username a lot. You can call me Amber, I’m a she/it bi transbian and sometimes I play videogames.
i repost memes, cat images, furry art, and some political stuff. if you don’t want to see any particular parts of that list but like the rest, just block some of my tags listed below.
If you follow me I might follow you back if you are a cool person. Also I’m an ΘΔ and a furry don’t worry about it.
If you just want to see my cats then go look at: @huntertandgigi
my bluesky is at https://bsky.app/profile/werewolf-girlthing.bsky.social
my cohost is at https://cohost.org/Dragongirltits
tags so far:
#kitty hoard: cat images and cat memes. anything with a cat in it.
#mindless yapping: whenever i talk, usually i tag original posts or long replies with this.
#furry art: self explanatory. all images of anthropomorphic characters shall be labeled this.
#politics: self explanatory.
if i tag something incorrectly, or forget to tag something, please let me know so i can fix it.
DNI list:
Fascists/Bigots of any kind,
Cishet white men,
Basically anyone who thinks they can argue about other people’s identities.
this list will probably get longer over time as i find more things i have to add to it.
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genderpunkgenderhoard · 11 months
About me:
You can call me Xyxl. It’s pronounced like ‘Title’ and the x’s make ‘z’ sounds. (zai-zull)
My pronouns are He/Xe/Ny/Vey/Æ/X and I am 24 years old.
I identify as Transxeneumasc Nymboyflux Genderpunk, also known as genderfuck, and a Genderhoarder as well as identifying as Aurorian aligned using the Elemental Alignment System of Tri-Elemental Alignments, or Annulian aligned using the Galactian Alignment System. My go-to pronouns are He/Xe/Ny/Vey/Æ/X like above but I do have a pronoun hoard.
More About Me, Pronoun Sets, and Tag Meanings below the cut & DNI.
What I do:
Gender Coining
Flag Making
NPTs (Names, Pronouns, Titles)
I may consider doing other things once I’m more familiar with integrating into the community. That being said, I am new to tumblr and to the community so please be patient with me as I figure it out <3 If that means dropping an ask and letting me know I did something incorrectly, I am happy to change it. DNI below the cut.
• ANY Bigots. Anyone with prejudices against marginalized groups. (e.g. racist, sexist, abelist, homophobic, transphobic, classist, etc.)
• Discourse blogs. This goes for system/plural discourse, trans discourse, etc. I choose to remain outside discourse, I have my own opinions but this is not a discourse blog. I may reblog terms for myself from problematic people, please note that this is not support of the creator or their public views/values but merely that the term itself applied to me in some way.
• MAP/pedo, zoophile, necrophile, incest, or any other harmful paraphilias. Or if you create/condone/consume content supporting or catering to these things (including in fiction and ships). I am Anti-Contact.
• Radqueer, Transx, Transid. (Including trans“race”, trans“age”, trans“disabled”, etc.) Do not come here trying to convince me to change my opinion on this, that would be discourse which this blog is not for.
• Anti-drugs/drug users. This includes stigmatized medication/vaccines, illegal drugs, or if you are anti-harm reduction. This blog may include discussion of substances, primarily weed/marijuana and alcohol.
• Cop Apologists/Sympathizers
Rules on Minors: This is not a strictly SFW or NSFW blog and is run by an adult. I discourage minors from interacting with my blog but if minors should interact I am not interested in befriending any minors online either so please do not try to interact other than to interact with SFW posts or request a gender coining or flag.
More About The Being
Pronoun Sets:
I am a diagnosed DID system that would be considered polyfragmented and traumagenic. We all have different names, genders, and pronouns. Our term hoard here, reblogged and otherwise, will be the combined term hoards of the whole system. Not all of our parts are queer or genderqueer/trans and not all of them hoard terms if that matters to you. So there is only a group of us that will be operating this blog anyway. Sometimes we use plural they/them pronouns or use plural we/us pronouns to refer to ourselves, but since this is a gender blog and not a system blog I’ll be using singular pronouns along with using the collective name, Xyxl, and collective pronouns. Of the parts that do gender hoard, they all have their own tags and you can search by tag if you’d like.
Tag Meanings:
[ ⋆⭒˚。⋆♕ƬӇƖƧ ƓЄƝƊЄƦ ƖƧ ƖƝ ƬӇЄ MƲԼƬƖƔЄƦƧЄ♕✧˖°. ] —> (Reads: This gender is in the multiverse) For terms that go in the collective gender hoard. Will be on most coining and gender posts.
[ 𖠋 Շɛཞɱʂ ʄơཞ ɬɧɛ ۷ɛʂʂɛƖ 𖠋 ] —> (Reads: Terms for the Vessel) For terms we would use on our singletsona or otherwise too many people in the system identify with it to specify.
[ ✩° 。⋆ꉓꂦꈤꌗ꓄ꍟ꒒꒒ꍏ꓄ꀤꂦꈤ ꍏꌗ꓄ꋪꂦ⋆。°✩ ] —> (Reads: Constellation Astro) For terms hoarded by Astro He/Ix/Ze
[ ꧁༺𝕂𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕟’𝕤 𝕊𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕕༻꧂ ] —> (Reads: Kellen’s Squad) For terms hoarded by Kellen Xe/X/E/They/He
[ ✌︎✰᙭ᗩᎥᖇᗪᗴ’ᔕ ᔕᑕᖇᗩᑭᗷᗝᗝᛕ✰✌︎︎ ] —> (Reads: Xairde’s Scrapbook) For terms hoarded by Xairde Xae/They/Nyn/Vex
[ ⨳꒦ꄲ꒐꒯ ꅐꋪ꒐ꋊ⨳ ] —> (Reads: Void Wrin) For terms hoarded by Wrin Ny/A/An/They
[ 𓇢𓆸𓏲𓇬𑁍 ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ ɢᴀʀᴅᴇɴ 𓇙 ] —> (Reads: The Gender Garden) For terms hoarded by Aedil Æ/Chi/Nyph/They/She
[ ˚✧ ₊˚ʚ𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓑𝓸𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓺𝓾𝓮ɞ ˚₊ ✧ ゚] —> (Reads: Gender Boutique) For terms hoarded by Hollis He/Xe/Ny
[ 𖤍✶˖·˳.𝒥𝒽𝑜𝓋𝓋𝒶’𝓈 𝐸𝓍𝓅𝒶𝓃𝓈𝑒.˳·˖✶𖤍 ] —> (Reads: Jhovva’s Expanse) For terms hoarded by Jhovva Xe/Ki/Shi/She
[ ♡⟡˙⋆ɑׁׅ֮ժׁׅ݊ժׁׅ݊ꫀׁׅܻժׁׅ݊ tׁׅᨵׁׅ tׁׅhׁׅ֮ꫀׁׅܻ ᧁׁꫀׁׅܻꪀׁׅժׁׅ݊ꫀׁׅܻ᥅ ꯱ׁׅ֒ᨵׁׅυׁׅ℘⋆˙⟡♡ ] —> (Reads: added to the gender soup) For Terms hoarded by Siobhán They/She/Ey/Ny
[ ☆ Lιɳƈσʅɳ’ʂ Cαʂƚ & Cɾҽɯ 🎬 ] —> (Reads: Lincoln’s Cast and Crew) For terms hoarded by Lincoln Ix/Ze/Min/He
[ 𓌹*⛧ꀤꈤ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꁅꋪꍏꃴꍟ⛧*𓌺 ] —> (Reads: In the Grave) For terms hoarded by Luthyr Dec/Decay Rot/He/Zen
[ 🎆₮hê Lïghイ§hðw‧₊˚✩彡 ] —> (Reads: The Lightshow) For terms hoarded by Neon Ne/Neon Ney/They
[ 𓊈𒆜𖤐𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘣𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘣𝘦𝘥𖤐𒆜𓊉 ] —> (Reads: This gender got absorbed) For terms hoarded by Bellenoire Noi/Ny/Æ/They
[ ᶠYͧoͨᵏu [GENDERNAPPED]🖕 ] —> (Reads: fuck you [Gendernapped]) For terms hoarded by Blithe Xi/Ey/They
[ 𒈔༺ꪻꫝ꠸ᦓ ᧁꫀꪀᦔꫀ᥅ ᭙ꫀꪀꪻ ᠻꪮ᥅ ꪖ ᭙ꪖꪶᛕ ༻𒈔 ] —> (Reads: This gender went for a walk) For terms hoarded by Corvin He/Ve/Un
[ 🐾ⵞᎡƪⲘⳝⵁꚡ’ⳝ ᎡⵁⳝԵ𑀚Ꭱ💋 ] —> (Reads: Crimson’s Roster) For terms hoarded by Crimson Xe/They/He
[ ♬ ♪Gender Playlistılıılıılı◁❚❚▷↻ ] —> (Reads: Gender Playlist) For terms hoarded by Niko He/Xe/She
[ 🐇𝔇𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔗𝔥𝔢 ℜ𝔞𝔟𝔟𝔦𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔩𝔢… ] —> (Reads: Down the Rabbithole) For terms hoarded by Haedra He/Any
[ 𖧧⟡Pყɳ’ʂ Oρυʂ𓍯𓂃 ] —> (Reads: Pyn’s Opus) For terms hoarded by Pyn Pym/They
[ ⎝✧GͥOͣDͫ✧⎠𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖌𝖔𝖉 ⎝✧GͥOͣDͫ✧⎠] —> (Reads: (I am God) Gender of God (I am god)) For terms hordes by Noct Xe/He/Dae
[ ⋆。 ゚☁️ʟօֆȶ ɨռ ȶɦɛ ƈʟօʊɖֆ☁️ ゚。 ⋆ ] —> (Reads: Lost in the Clouds) For terms hoarded by Wisen Xe/He/They
[ ☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐𐕣𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙. 𝙍𝙄𝙋︎☠︎𖤐𖤓 ] —> (Reads: This gender has passed. RIP) For terms hoarded by Sedah Shi/She
[ ᖭི༏ᖫྀ ཐི ȶɦɛ ɢɛռɖɛʀ ʄʟօǟȶֆ ǟաǟʏ ཋྀ ᖭི༏ᖫྀ ] —> (Reads: The Gender floats away) For terms hoarded by Safire She/Shi/Gem
[ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𖡼.𖤣𖥧ƊᏗᏒᏦ ᎶᏋᏁᎴᏋᏒ ƑᎧᏒᏋᏕƬ𖥧𖤣.𖡼𓋼𓍊𓋼 ] —> (Reads: Dark Gender Forest) For terms hoarded by Trynix Xe/He/Fæ
[ ( :̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:☤ ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ ᴄᴀᴜɢʜᴛ ᴀ ᴄᴏʟᴅ! ☤:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ] —> (Reads: Gender caught a cold!) For terms hordes by Anoroc They/Xi/Nym/Lux/Lum
[ 《𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛_𝚅𝙵.𝚎𝚡𝚎》 ] —> (Reads: gender_VF.exe) For terms hoarded by VF.exe it/exe/x/ey/they/he
[ ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆Ǥσίη𝓖 𝓽Ø Ťʰⓔ Ǥ𝐄𝐍Ⓓᵉ𝓡 𝓟𝔩ⓐ𝕐ᎶŘㄖ𝕌ℕd𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ] —> (Reads: Going to the Gender Playground) For terms hoarded by system minors/underage system members. (*Note: They do not have direct access as this is an adult account, all terms hoarded for their tag would have been put in by an adult age part on behalf of them, not by them directly.*)
#⋆⭒˚。⋆♕ƬӇƖƧ ƓЄƝƊЄƦ ƖƧ ƖƝ ƬӇЄ MƲԼƬƖƔЄƦƧЄ♕✧˖°.#𖠋 Շɛཞɱʂ ʄơཞ ɬɧɛ ۷ɛʂʂɛƖ 𖠋#✩° 。⋆ꉓꂦꈤꌗ꓄ꍟ꒒꒒ꍏ꓄ꀤꂦꈤ ꍏꌗ꓄ꋪꂦ⋆。°✩#꧁༺𝕂𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕟’𝕤 𝕊𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕕༻꧂#✌︎✰᙭ᗩᎥᖇᗪᗴ’ᔕ ᔕᑕᖇᗩᑭᗷᗝᗝᛕ✰✌︎︎#⨳꒦ꄲ꒐꒯ ꅐꋪ꒐ꋊ⨳#𓇢𓆸𓏲𓇬𑁍 ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ ɢᴀʀᴅᴇɴ 𓇙#˚✧ ₊˚ʚ𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓑𝓸𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓺𝓾𝓮ɞ ˚₊ ✧ ゚#𖤍✶˖·˳.𝒥𝒽𝑜𝓋𝓋𝒶’𝓈 𝐸𝓍𝓅𝒶𝓃𝓈𝑒.˳·˖✶𖤍#𓊈𒆜𖤐𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘣𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘣𝘦𝘥𖤐𒆜𓊉#ᶠYͧoͨᵏu [GENDERNAPPED]🖕#𒈔༺ꪻꫝ꠸ᦓ ᧁꫀꪀᦔꫀ᥅ ᭙ꫀꪀꪻ ᠻꪮ᥅ ꪖ ᭙ꪖꪶᛕ ༻𒈔#🐾ⵞᎡƪⲘⳝⵁꚡ’ⳝ ᎡⵁⳝԵ𑀚Ꭱ💋#♬ ♪Gender Playlistılıılıılı◁❚❚▷↻#⎝✧GͥOͣDͫ✧⎠𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖌𝖔𝖉 ⎝✧GͥOͣDͫ✧⎠#⋆。 ゚☁️ʟօֆȶ ɨռ ȶɦɛ ƈʟօʊɖֆ☁️ ゚。 ⋆#☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐𐕣𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙. 𝙍𝙄𝙋︎☠︎𖤐𖤓#ᖭི༏ᖫྀ ཐི ȶɦɛ ɢɛռɖɛʀ ʄʟօǟȶֆ ǟաǟʏ ཋྀ ᖭི༏ᖫྀ#𓍊𓋼𓍊𖡼.𖤣𖥧ƊᏗᏒᏦ ᎶᏋᏁᎴᏋᏒ ƑᎧᏒᏋᏕƬ𖥧𖤣.𖡼𓋼𓍊𓋼#( :̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:☤ ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ ᴄᴀᴜɢʜᴛ ᴀ ᴄᴏʟᴅ! ☤:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)#《𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛_𝚅𝙵.𝚎𝚡𝚎》#˚ ༘ ೀ⋆Ǥσίη𝓖 𝓽Ø Ťʰⓔ Ǥ𝐄𝐍Ⓓᵉ𝓡 𝓟𝔩ⓐ𝕐ᎶŘㄖ𝕌ℕd𖦹 ⋆。°✩#♡⟡˙⋆ɑׁׅ֮ժׁׅ݊ժׁׅ݊ꫀׁׅܻժׁׅ݊ tׁׅᨵׁׅ tׁׅhׁׅ֮ꫀׁׅܻ ᧁׁꫀׁׅܻꪀׁׅժׁׅ݊ꫀׁׅܻ᥅ ꯱ׁׅ֒ᨵׁׅυׁׅ℘⋆˙⟡♡#☆ Lιɳƈσʅɳ’ʂ Cαʂƚ & Cɾҽɯ 🎬#🎆₮hê Lïghイ§hðw‧₊˚✩彡#𓌹*⛧ꀤꈤ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꁅꋪꍏꃴꍟ⛧*𓌺#🐇𝔇𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔗𝔥𝔢 ℜ𝔞𝔟𝔟𝔦𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔩𝔢…
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thescrapwitch · 4 years
Happy International Fan Works Day!
To celebrate, here are 20 amazing Linked Universe fics that I adore! (it was so hard to narrow this list down to 20 btw, there are tons of great fics in this fandom). Enjoy!
1 Regrets by Wisetypewriter - Excellent Twilight and Time centric angst, very sad in the best way
2 Legend Ain’t About this Shit by Sillus - A Legend-meets-Hyrule before anyone else fic. The start of a beautiful friendship
3 Five Times Sky Took Care of His Companions by sister_dear ( @sister-dear ) - Amazingly written Sky; very heavy on the comfort.
4 Secret Poison by Pan (Lucky_Cassandra) - Fantastic Twilight angst
5 The Unfortunate Perils of Technically Being a Criminal by htruona - Legend centric; hilarious
6 Baby Twilight series by orionwrotethis - Gang has to deal with Twilight getting turned into a toddler. Super adorable
7 War Within His Own Mind by Mimiwritesfic ( @no-themes-just-memes ) -Warriors centric Hurt/Comfort
8 Frostbite by HerbBirb - Twilight and Warriors get stuck wounded in the cold. The rest of the gang freaks out trying to find them
9 Obsession by Roaming_Numerals - Warriors centric angst with an incredibly written evil Cia
10 In a White World by Dragon_of_Dreams ( @dragon-of-dreams-linkeduniverse) - Sky and Twilight centric lost in the snow, Hurt/Comfort
11 Second Wind by AideStar ( @aiden-png ) - Green gets possessed, LU gang and other three colours team up to try and save him
12 Clouded by anthemXIX ( @anthemxix ) - Sky gets a concussion and Legend tries to pretend he’s not a softie (but we all know better)
13 Cost of Love series by Ayngondaia - So many good short fics in here, with some Hurt/Comfort and family/platonic love as a focus
14 Wild adventures by Lalalando ( @ultralinkyland ) - Wild takes each of the gang on their own mini adventure. So much fun!
15 Talks with Twilight by Zaypay ( @zaypay ) - an excellent Twilight centric Hurt/Comfort fic
16 Counter Clockwise by SilverDragonMS ( @silverdragonms) - The LU gang ends up separated in Termina and something evil is afoot. 
17 Toon Time by Genderfluid_Puddle_Of_Soup ( @genderfluid-puddle-of-soup ) - The gang gets infected by something which drastically alters their appearance. Excellent crack fic 
18 Sunset Fireflies series by aquaticflames - A collection of fics based on various prompts (BUT WHAT IS THE CHICKALOO NUT RACE???)
19 Guardians by LettersByTheLake - some excellent angst with a dash of fluff for Warriors and Wind
20 Prepositional by Avivi ( @avivivalavida ) - Warriors and Time centric; the Lost Woods brings up an old memory
Good check them out! :D
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sophiexteresa · 3 years
Okay so genuine question:
Would any autistic people be willing to teach me about stims/stimming? I really hope this isn't insensitive, I'm trying to learn more about autistic vs non-autistic stims, and since I'm not autistic myself I would love to know an actually autistic person's knowledge/perspective.
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carpedzem · 3 years
a little about how it was to be on dreblr for the past few months
this post is inspired by another ‘apologist’ discourse, but mostly this post is for me and for my need to speak about what my friends have been dealing with these past few months now and hopefully this will be the last time I look at this discourse.
this post is about tumblr only, i don't know how people act on twt, I don't care, tumblr is my main platform and everything in this post is about my experience.
let's start with the most pressing thing. the term apologist. it's not like we came up with the idea to use this word. it was a name that was forced upon us and as far as i know, we just kinda adapted. we gave up. some people call themselves c!dream apologists out of spite. some just don't care. I don't like using it, but I do it so people can mark me with a red flag and just leave me alone. but at the end of the day neither me nor my friends excuse all c!dream actions.
'if you get upset over a character that's on you' I AGREE! that's why I'm doing all I can to avoid seeing negative takes. so let's play a game. block the c!dream critical tag and then visit the dreamwastaken tag. how long does it take for you to find untagged c!dream hate? 5 minutes or less (usually less). IT'S EXHAUSTING. we keep asking people to tag their posts correctly but they ignore it or just flat out refuse to do that. there's a rather big blog who straight up has 'I won't tag c!dream neg' in their bio. when someone is brave enough to ask, they often hear that the post won't be tagged because that's true or canon. there would be no problem if that was just on their own blog. no one is required to tag anything after all. but if someone uses the main tag, shouldn't it be common courtesy to add the critical/negative tags? one of the blogs to follow when you search for the c!dream tag is called something like ‘cdreamhateblog’. we have to create our own tag to see the sympathetic takes about c!dream because visiting main tags stopped being fun for us. that's one of the reasons why we are so closed off. so maybe, just maybe, it's not all on us.
since we are talking about big blogs - I think some people are not aware how small dreblr is. almost no take passes 500 notes even if it is cool, unusual, has all the clips. but at the same time the most ooc takes, based on headcanons will gain 1k notes overnight. and of course it's tagged incorrectly. of course it's the first thing I'll see when I want to see some loveposting about a content creator.
it still bugs me that when I made some appreciation post for the people who don't hate c!dream, it left the dreblr bubble and people started tagging it like 'I love to hate him' and I got upset because that wasn't the point of the post, so I made another post about it. and you know what happened? I got vagueposted by another big blog. and that's wild because they weren't following me. they saw my post, they visited my blog, they saw that I was upset, they LIED what the post was about and then blocked me because they 'didn't want drama' so I couldn't even defend myself against those lies. and who other people are going to believe - a big respected blog or some c!dream apologist?
'people act like it's not clear why others don't like him'. oh believe me at least once a week someone gets an essay in their ask box why c!dream is the worst and irredeemable. I wish I could have one week when something about c!dream isn't made about the exile. and we get it! he was and sometimes still is an asshole! I’ve never seen anyone saying he wasn’t! but you have to understand that some people look at some of his actions with a different approach or depth and want to know more about his character. sure you can disagree with it because for you everything is crystal clear. but, despite what some people think, this is what dreblr is about! everyone is allowed to like and dislike characters as they please - that's why we ask: let us enjoy c!dream in a sympathetic way! (also 'apologists have to understand that they are wrong/have to accept that c!dream is villain' LMAO and we are the ones who don't understand why other people interpret a character differently?)
I'm not getting angry at the people who disagree with dreblr. but I do get angry at takes that are half-truths or just straight up lies. the most recent one: how many people believe that it was confirmed canonically that c!dream built prison for c!tommy because c!sam said so? and how many people know that cc!sam said it's not confirmed, that's what his character assumed and that we should focus on c!dream’s silence? exactly. maybe the prison was built for c!tommy, who knows? fandom for sure not because nothing has been confirmed. again, it's just exhausting seeing your favourite character being dragged through the dirt every time a new lore stream happens and lied about only because so many people dislike him.
'all c!dream apologists...' love c!sapnap because I love him. hate c!sapnap because my friend hates him. hate c! tommy. love c! tommy. c!dream and c!ranboo are brothers. c!dream and c!foolish are brothers. c!dnf is canon. c!fwt is canon. dreblr would be so BORING if we all were the same. we are not, we like different things, we have different theories, we want different things for c!dream. the main thing we have in common is that we see c!dream in a more sympathetic way. which also means that YES, there are bad apples here. there are probably people who are unfair towards your fav. there are people who speak about things that trigger you with words that make you uncomfortable. but you can ALWAYS ask to tag it better or just block the person. and continue to have fun in the fandom. just like we want to have fun.
and the last thing to address I believe. anon hate and death threats. it IS common in this part of the fandom. we have an ongoing list of safe people to follow. a list of people that will gladly discuss with anits because some people are too tired or too scared. there's always a creeping fear of your post leaving the safe bubble because it means it’s going to be constantly reblogged by people who are going to hate on us and send even more rude asks. I mean look how many dreblr takes are tagged also with the dsmp tag - almost none. some people don’t want to breach containment at any cost. sometimes people close the ask box for days or turn off anon because something happened outside dreblr and people are on the hunt for us. again. every red flag kinda post ends up being just c!dream apologists hate-fest at some point. it’s not like death threads surprise us but they are still unpleasant. same with people claiming that we need mental help. one of my friends was discussing some canon events with a very rude person just for this person to be back a week or so later to do some weird 'in your face' rebuttal after a new lore stream. so yeah maybe we sometimes are too scared to interact with other people, we can react too violently to criticism but you have to understand why we are like this.
on a side note, because that was already discussed - 'they are abuser apologists', you do know that some of us are abuse survivors as well, right? like, this is common knowledge, right? finding c!dream sympathetic doesn't cancel your trauma and people don't have to tell you about their trauma for you to give them a free pass? we are on the same page, right? also - no one should have to have any trauma to be allowed to enjoy a fictional character! do you even hear how weird that sounds?!
so with all of that, people started getting more vocal about how it is in the fandom. how uncomfortable we feel in this fandom space. funnily enough it happened around the time when that one reddit post went viral - when a girl had end years long friendship because her friend couldn't stop accusing her of being an abuser apologist even when person in question was a survivor. one day when I was wasting my time on tumblr I found a post that haunts me to this day. another big blog (because of course) wrote something like 'guys leave c!dream apologists alone, because they will start playing victims'. can you imagine that? can you imagine saying something like that to your followers, knowing perfectly well that they treat you like someone with the most based takes? I don't want to say that we are the victims, because it sounds too heavy when we talk about fandom discourse, but we for sure are not in the wrong here.
at the end of a day it's not like we hate everyone who disagree with us. dreblr has a lot of love to offer and I believe it can be confirmed by a lot of people who interact with us. we even 'adopt' people who don't call themselves c!dream apologists when they act friendly towards us. as long as you respect our ideas and correctly tags your crit we can be friends. but I won't offer a compromise about my feelings when it takes so little from other people for me and many others to feel safe in fandom space.
not every c!dream apologist would sign off under this post or agree with every single word said because again - we are different, and we have different experiences and we all deal with fandom hate differently. there are people who care less than me. there are people who care more.
I needed to write this post because sometimes when I see some discussion about apologism I wonder - maybe people are not aware how bad it can get out of nowhere here? so now you know :)
to whoever reaches this point of the post, thank you for your time. I hope it will help change things at least a little bit <3
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