#also ranboo was a streamer when he lived in the city
boygirlctommy · 8 months
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guys i miss killjoysmpau :( maybe ill go back and finish the comics i drew...
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mcyt-amber-tftsmp · 3 years
↠ 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 ↞
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Dream SMP/MCYT:-
CC! Ranboo:
- You guys met at highschool. You were basically a new student who moved into town from Britain! He was basically called to show you around and you two basically hung out with each other the whole day during and after school and became pretty good friends.
C! Ranboo:
- You are basically Phil's daughter and you met Ranboo on his first day in the Dream SMP lands and helped him with the tour along with giving him armor and other supplies he had needed. You two mostly hung around all day and became good friends.
CC! Foolish:
- You are a small streamer and one day you decided to raid Foolish after you were done with your stream. After you raided him, he thanked you and after he finished his stream he DMed you asking if you wanted to colab with him and you answered with a 'yes' and that's how you guys met online and became friends online and in real life after learning you two have the same area code.
C! Foolish:
- You are basically Awesamdude's daughter. One day you were exploring different areas on the SMP until you came across a portal in the Nether which led you to a desert like area which had many ancient Egypt like builds. Then you noticed a figure running around opening chests and as you came closer you saw the person was like a half-totem half-shark person. He seemed to notice you and introduced himself to you and you did the same. He basically showed you around the place and told each other about yourselves and eventually became friends.
The Village That Went Mad:-
Catboy! Corpse:
- You were a traveler and happened to stumble upon the village. Robin basically was the first to spot you and brought you to town to meet the Mayor Jimmy. Cat (Catboy! Corpse) offered to show you around town and you two basically became very good friends in less than two hours.
- You and Cornelius were very good friends when you two were kids. You guys are still very inseparable and some see you two as siblings even though you two aren't but happen to be really good friends!
The Lost City Of Mizu:-
- You met Ranbob after the incidents that took place in Mizu. He wasn't really talkative when you first met him but learned that there wasn't much oxygen left for him to live here so you offered to take him back home with you which he reluctantly agreed after a few seconds of thinking. He really wasn't used to being on the surface but knew eventually he would get used to it.
- Your brother, Benjamin or Benji introduced you to Charles and the rest of his friends. You were basically the same age as Charles but a month younger. You and Charles hit it off really quick and became good friends. Benjamin was secretly shipping you guys along with Isaac and Cletus.
- You two met around town. He was basically carrying a huge stack of books from the library and accidentally bumped into you which resulted him dropping the books. You apologized profusely as you helped him pick up the books and thankfully he wasn't mad and apologized for not looking. Surely you helped him carry the books back home and got to know each other more.
((Author: When it comes to Charles and Isaac none of them died except in the Ranbob one so yeah-  ._.))
The Masquerade:-
- You two met at the Masquerade Sir Billiam III hosted! You were technically the youngest person to attend the Masquerade but of course you weren't younger than 16 or older than 17. Rather than talking to the other guests you would make your way and talk to Ranbutler. He was shocked at first when you talked to him but he enjoyed talking to you. You also may or may not have paid Sir Billiam a good amount of money so Ranbutler wouldn't work for him anymore and technically he was happy about this.
- Like Ranbutler you two met at Sir Billiam III's Masquerade Party. You basically felt bad for James when Billiam asked about his wife who basically divorced him and left with her family. You decided to start a conversation with him hoping that it would make him a bit happy here. You told him a few jokes which would make him chuckle or maybe make him laugh a bit. He opened up to you a bit more which basically made you happy.
((Author: Oh and the Red Egg does not exist in here cause why not? >:) I have the power!))
The Wild West:-
John John:
- You were technically Mason's adoptive sister. You ran away from home since you despised your brother and his friends for being bandits plus your parents could care less about you. You came across this town and thought about staying here for the night before continuing on your journey. You came into the bar to just get a drink but of course nothing alcoholic. You were greeted by the bartender who introduced himself to be John John. You two talked most of the night since no one around at the bar plus helped you sleep in the inn. You met a few people at the town and just decided to stay here.
- Your brother, Flint Michigan aka Connor introduced you to Mason and also to Jack Kanoff. You weren't really a huge fan of your brother's job by being a bandit. Mason was basically two months older than you and you two made small talk and sometimes he would be a flirt and in return you would be flustered and hit his arm to shut him up. You would receive a smirk from him which you really want to wipe it off his face.
((Author: Oh yeah and no one really dies lmao!))
The Haunted Mansion:-
- You two met at school since you guys both have most of the same classes together. You two were basically best of friends. You were later introduced to his twin brother Zachary who was surprisingly taller than Ash.
- You two met for the first time at the AirBNB that your friend Connor invited you to. You really not sure if you wanted to go at first but Connor said there were two boys who were the same age as you so you gave in. When you knocked on the door of the AirBNB you were first greeted by a boy who seemed to be freakishly taller than you open the door. He introduced himself to be Zachary. You even met his younger twin, Ash who was basically a few inches shorter than Zachary.
The Pit:-
- You two basically met at the Gladiator event that Porkius VII held. You were basically down at the area were everyone were waiting to fight against each other. You saw a few people talking to each other except one person who basically looked like an enderman but with green eyes. You were a bit nervous to talk to him but you went up anyways to strike a conversation with him. He didn't talk much but he did listen to you and would smile every once in a few minute or so.
- You were Genevieve's little sister who also joined the Gladiator event. You didn't talk to anyone besides your sister and when your name was called up for the semi-finals you fought against Jackie in which you ended up losing to. Jackie felt bad for injuring you so he picked you up and went back to the others and patched you up. You thanked him afterwards and wished him good luck in the finals.
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blazewatergem · 3 years
Why I Left
Disclaimer: Everything below is my own story, my own opinion. I’m not fighting anyone on this, as in: try to fight me on this/be rude about this and I’ll probably just block you. I really don’t care.
The Start: When I first joined the DSMP fandom, I heard a LOT of bad shit about it. Going in, I figured those were just the typical. Like, every fandom has its rough patches so of course this one would too! Especially as a YouTuber based fandom. I’ve seen some shit there, I know what it’s like. This fandom, though, seems almost the worst from what I’ve seen. I love the streamers, I love the story and characters of DSMP, but with the way others act I can’t see myself interacting with the fandom.
CC Boundaries VS Everyone Else’s Boundaries: A huge thing that bothers me is how boundaries are treated. Obviously there should be respect towards the streamers, and how people interact with them. Just, this fandom doesn’t seem to realize that respect should also be shown to other fans! What they create, what characters they like, that is another person on the other side of the screen. You can disagree and think they’re wrong, but telling people they’re terrible/abuse apologists/whatever over MINECRAFT FICTION is ridiculous.
Dark Content Hypocrisy: This story - the canon story - has had cults, bombings, murder, war, and so much dark shit in it. Granted, this isn’t imaged due to the medium of the story being electronic LEGOS but they are STILL part of the story. So when Dead Dove creators decide to play with these characters and y’all harass them? The word of the day: Hypocrisy.
Fanfics: Fanfics are for fans. As long as you tag correctly, do what you need to keep others safe, write what you want. If you go through all the warnings and barriers and STILL try to complain about someone’s writing? That’s on you.
Apologist Discourse: I call myself a C!Dream Apologist(once again, F I C T I O N A L CHARACTER) and am told I can’t participate with a majority of the fandom. Dream is literally the guy who started the server. I can’t have FRIENDS in a FANDOM because I like one block dude over another block dude. I am told I am the worst of the worst because I like one block dude over another block dude. I have had to unfollow and block someone I admired from a different fandom, because after a stream they said anyone who’s still a C!Dream Apologist was “literally abusers in the making” and “eat my ass on the way out you freaks”. I followed them for a entirely different fandom.
It goes both ways too! I can’t fit in with the main C!Dream Apologists because I love Michael and C!Ranboo! There was a lot of making fun of people being upset and worried over Michael since he’s “just a mob” but fucking surprise y’all!! We exist! All the discourse makes me sick.
Entitlement: Stop telling streamers how to play THEIR characters. Stop telling streamers they’re playing THEIR characters wrong. You are not the writer. You are not them. Stop being so entitled over how people write, how people use characters, how streamers play WITH THEIR FRIENDS.
Conclusion: I do not feel safe in the DSMP fandom. At all. I can’t tell who I can interact with or trust. I can’t tell who I can even like artwork from without being screamed at that I deserve to die because I like a blob dude. I am constantly walking a minefield with this fandom because of how others act, no matter who I block or blacklist, it always gets through. I’m so tired. This fandom makes me unable to sleep on stream days and sick to my stomach to where I avoid media entirely.
I literally have to tag this post with it and I’m scared of how others will react to me.
This fandom is cursed. I want nothing to do with it. Even if I steal and base OCs for my Lost City on streamers from it, I have to moderate the comments and live in nervous terror of others reactions. I get worse anxiety from this than fucking COVID. THATS NOT HEALTHY. It’s a fictional fucking story! Stop treating real people like shit and sending them horrible messages or telling them they can’t be a part of a fandom because they like a different character than you! What the hell!!
What’s worse is I still want community with it. I still want to read the fics and reblog the art and enjoy it. But I have to do that by myself and in small doses because of other people.
I don’t feel safe with them. That’s why I have such a huge disclaimer for the Lost City. I just want to have fun. It’s literally fiction. It shouldn’t ever be this bad.
But it is.
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testingcheats0n · 3 years
Detroit Become Human AU where:
-> Tommy is an up-and-coming livestreamer of the retro game Minecraft- forming part of a fledgling community of all-human players of the game. His growth is slow but steady and he has a future in a genre that had fallen out of fashion with the rise of the newest and more immersive VR games on the market. People love to see an actual human that could make mistakes and win against another fellow human fairly. The nostalgia it brought to some people is also undeniably at play.
It's worth noting that Tommy is a very lonely kid, with a non-existent social life since he and his family had to move to America after his father struck a lucrative business deal with his brilliant protege.
-> Wilbur, Tommy's older brother and only guardian after their father, Phil, dedicated his life to the creation of androids with his young but brilliant pupil Elijah Kamski, is a simple busker. It's hard to find a job at 24 with no previous experience or further education, he had to take care of Tommy, after all. True, their economic troubles never ended, and he could barely provide for Tommy, but at least they had each other, even if Wilbur was off to the streets of Detroit more often than not. He has no idea of his younger brother's blooming career in the gaming industry and is very worried about his future. The solution? A very suspicious android his best friend Schlatt offers for very cheap.
-> Phil Watson is a household name together with Elijah Kamski's, they created one of humanity's greatest tools, after all. Nothing suspicious here, they're definitely not hiding any potential deviancies from the code! In any case, his family never saw a dime of the frankly insane amount of money piling up in his bank account. He has an old phone he carries in his pocket every day with Wilbur's phone number, but he never dares to call it despite RN800, his assistant's, insistence that he was only making his own life harder. He is going to dial that phone number someday. Surely.
-> TU880 is an android from an old companion/educational line, discontinued after a few notable bugs and glitches in their core programming. Nothing serious, or life-threatening, but many customers have complained about disturbing behavior that falls straight into the uncanny valley- he's too human. Schlatt, his previous owner, refuses to disclose where he got TU880 from, nor does he have any legal documentation to prove he is his owner. Wilbur, desperate to find a solution for Tommy's perceived loneliness pays the fifty bucks his old pal asks for the android without asking any questions. It's weird for an adult to go around with a teen model created to counsel adolescents and help them with their homework. TU880 had problems with reading his grocery list, anyway.
-> Tommy is a bit weirded out, he thrives in an internet community which openly despises anything android, but his good friend Technoblade has plenty of useful advice, from maitenance to behavior. TU880 is odd, which he discards as kinks and bugs of the older models, but they get along nicely once TU880's programming kicks in. He likes to help Tommy edit his videos and speak about the problems of adolescence, he is oddly fond of bees or anything small and defenceless and likes to tell his 'dreams' of scientists in labcoats and other kids like him stuck in experiments. Tommy listens with half an ear, TU880 is his friend, after all. He thinks nothing of it.
-> It all becomes a bit too much when TU880 accidentally appears on camera during one of Tommy's streams. People assume he's Tommy's brother, and insist on getting an introduction. TU880 is ecstatic, but from what Tommy's told him, revealing his artificial status might harm his friend's career so he greets the chat as Toby, Tommy's older brother. The community goes wild and Tommy has to pretend that TU880 is his brother (which isn't that terrible per-se) and not the house assistant who has a complete psychological profile of him.
-> TU880 begins to feel strange, both regarding Tommy and his own place in the household. Calling Tommy hus brother is easy as calculus and makes his thirium pump skip a few beats, but he's not sure if he should be getting this attached. He's sure he is malfunctioning in some way, but Schlatt always assured him that he is fine. He thinks nothing of it and instead continues to watch over Tommy.
-> Minecraft is fun, and he eventually gets his own account on Wilbur's old (read: ancient) laptop despite possessing an internal processor powerful enough to play the game at its maximum capacity in his mind, and probably in a 3D holoprojector. At this point, he's in too deep and the friends he's making would certainly ask questions if he were to disappear. He has the opportunity to talk about anything at all to his growing audience, and the community is very welcoming in general once one integrates into their culture. He still doesn't feel it's fair to participate in the tournaments and all the other official competitions. People find it odd, but they assume he's not very good at PVP so no one tends to comment on it for now. It's okay though, he and his new friend Ranboo act as commentators during the events and everyone thinks they're pretty funny.
-> Ranboo is fun to be around. He just gets TU880- or as the internet knows him as, Tubbo. They click easily, sometimes the other boy seems just as confused about other people's reactions and behavior as Tubbo is (despite his in-depth knowledge of psychology. He's not quite connected to Cyberlife's database anymore and his learning algorithm is outdated at best.) and they like to spend their afternoons with Tommy, watching movies. The game overtakes their lives and they spend a lot of time playing privately with the best strategies Tubbo's advanced algorithms and Ranboo's sheer brilliancy can create. That's how they meet their friend Fundy, who is more than happy to keep their Technical Minecraft server a secret, as long as he gets to do his own thing with coding and they test it.
-> Tommy is just happy that he can use the cool farms for his own grinding.
-> Technoblade is Tommy's mysterious internet friend and fellow growing streamer. Everyone is sure that he's an android infiltrating the budding community, but after several years of isolated incidents, investigations, and online scandals no one was able to prove anything. Technoblade just never dies. (Tommy is 50% sure his friend is really an android, the older man simply refuses to comment). It is possible to spend months farming digital potatoes, people are just mean and want drama. Technoblade is just vibing. Incidentally, he's also the first one to figure out that Ranboo and Tubbo are androids. He is also the first one to figure out they're deviants. He doesn't mention it until much later though.
-> Jack and Niki Manifold have successfully founded their own mechanic business for android repairs. Cyberlife mumbled and grumbled at the siblings' repair shop, but in the end it was good for PR so they let them be. Tommy and Wilbur become their friends as TU880's frequent malfunctions inevitably bring the pair to the cheapest android repair service in the city. TU880 can't complain, Niki is sweet to him and understands what is wrong with him just by his description, since his diagnostics aren't working entirely and each an every single one of Jack's repairs last loner than every other mechanic he's been to.
-> Gradually, Tommy's fame becomes apparent, and Wilbur has the time to actually rest and spend time with his brother. He's just happy that they can be together. A weight is lifted off his shoulders and for the first time ever he feels like his little family has a future. Not even once does it pass through his mind that TU880 isn't acting like a typical android- he avoided the things on principle. Once, TU880 calls him his brother and he cries.
-> Sam is Cyberlife's very own private investigator. He is in charge of researching and turning in possible deviants that might help the company with developing a solution for the rising problem. In particular, he's been after the trail of a specific line of androids, the first one released by Kamski and Watson dubbed as TU. According to his investigations the line might have contained the code responsible for deviancy. Further research indicated that Kamski's code was based on a group project from the Dutch university for cibernetics.
-> Fundy is just a 21 y/o with a Twitch account and a passing interest in coding. Nothing serious, nothing suspicious. He absolutely wasn't part of the early AI coding trials that Kamski would later on use as the basis for his own code. If someone asks, he has no idea what ra9 means. He is almost sure that his friends are androids, the thought makes him very happy.
-> Puffy is Phil's new psychologist. Need I say more? Eventual Hurt/comfort baby!!!
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winterzsurprise · 2 years
Us Against All || Benchtrio
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Characters: Tommyinnit, Tubbo, Ranboo
Summary: They expected the dreadful possibility of being bitten but they never knew how painful it was to see their friend run on borrowed time.
Tags: Angst, Zombie Apocalypse! AU, Volleyball player! Ranboo, Streamer! Tommy, Young genius chemist! Tubbo, blood, cursing, suicidal thoughts.
Words: 1.5k
BGM: Brother - Kodaline
This is inspired by a Tiktok user's AU, I can't remember their @ so if anyone remembers it, do tell me so I can link their amazing creation. In this version of mine, while they went for different career paths, they still met through minecraft. This is an old draft so, bear with the errors, I'll fix them tomorrow.
Also thank you everyone for the follows :3
Constructive Criticism are welcomed! I want to do better with my writing :3
The sun at the peak of the sky sheds painful rays down their body that shone with perspiration. Dragging themselves to the source of motivation at the peak of the barren hillside area, where said hope is in a form of a science laboratory.
They have no expectations for the building to have everything they wanted, but beggars can't be choosers right?
It's been days since they have trekked from the other side of the country and crossed many cities in hopes of finding and gathering every necessity for their survival, but the proper items for handling chemicals are never one of them.
They were tired and in dire need of sleep, their legs are aching and screaming for mercy, every step felt like they're walking on legos but they have to carry on.
After all, it will concern the life of their dearest friend.
Ranboo told them to leave him in the surrounded and broken down pharmacy where they previously camped. It's just two words but it hurts more than any cuts and wound.
It all happened too fast for Tommy's brain to process. When they reached the small city, they wanted to settle on the pharmacy roof. The endless travels and bubbling anxieties caused by other wandering survivors and the dead taxing their well-being, the thought of security while they rest is tempting.
All they ask for is a peaceful sleep, even if it lasted for a mere hour, hell, even half an hour would be great. They don't even need to sleep, leisure time is enough. For a short period of time, they wished for their past lives. Just three teenagers goofing off like they used to in front of Tommy's camera.
They want that life back.
They're merely teenagers who haven't reached the greatest peak and happiness of life, they reached for the stars but gravity swallowed and buried them from the neck down in the ground.
Oh how cruel you are, dear fate.
But those excitement and joy all dimmed when their biggest problems came.
The teeth indents stamped on their friend Ranboo has indicated that the man's running on borrowed time. Time that they could not afford to save nor cherish as their lives hangs in an imbalanced scale.
It's astonishing how fast time passes by, Tommy felt hollow and out of place as he wandered the ruins like a lost hollow soul. The fact that Ranboo could turn at anytime hasn't sunk into his head, still trapped in a flurry of emotions and racing thoughts of survival.
They got too comfortable with the illusion of security the rooftops and the locked entrance granted them, with the heavy exhaustion weighting their body, they forgot to check their surroundings.
There was a zombie who was resting behind the stair shed and they were occupied with dinner and were numbingly drowsy that they didn't sense it approaching.
Tubbo still carries the guilt deep inside him, he was facing where the undead came from, he should've saw the moving shadow. But he didn't.
He doesn't care for life that much, he's only breathing because his friends needed him.
But now that one is doomed to die, he felt like disappearing as well.
He wouldn't survive it, the grief, the longing and the guilt. All of it, he wants to be strong for them since he's the eldest but when one part of the puzzle is taken away, he's nothing but unfinished.
They all could remember the raised voices and the groans of the monsters outside the barricaded pharmacy. Bloodied hands staining the glasses, the cross wooden boards plastered on them shaking, threatening to break under a horde's pressure.
It was too loud, too stressful yet Tubbo could recall their conversation as clear as the sky.
"Just leave me alone!"
"No! No one is dying on my watch!"
"Tubbo... I am."
"No... shut the fuck up, we are getting out of here. Three of us, if you want to stay then we will stay with you."
"I'll turn eventually so I can hold them off for you both, please just go."
"Stop saying that! How dare you throw your life away so nonchalantly?! Did you even think what we feel?!"
"No, I don't wanna hear it Tommy! I know I'm being selfish but how dare you Ranboo!"
That fight still left them with the tense atmosphere even after leaving the infested area, no one even bothered to say anything, not a single apology from anyone's mouth.
The truth was like a buried landmine in the battlefield they're all trying to avoid, the illusion of being complete is tenfold better than facing reality.
Of course nobody wants this silence to be permanent, they just couldn't find the words to say and with their emotions in a whirlpool, they all just absentmindedly followed the one leading the team, Tommy.
The blond who shined in many lives now is a lonely ghost walking aimlessly in an unending vortex of nothingness. The joy in his eyes that he retained before the bite long gone, the hop in his steps non-existent.
He's the glue that kept their torn papers all together, but trying to mend their sheet right now in the storm is useless. He could try building it back up, shield it from the rain but in the end, it will also tear.
Even then, the slightest bit of fire in his heart would tire itself till the flame turns to ambers just to make sure the other candles shines.
For the first time in a day, Tommy finally spoke.
"We're nearing the laboratory, I'll check inside first, Tubbo you go-"
"You are not going to tell me what I'm supposed to do, we are going in."
"I know you're worried but I can't watch everyone around me die."
Tommy sighed, glancing at his friend over his shoulder to see his piercing glare. "I'm not going to die."
"Tommy, I can't lose you too."
"You're not going to lose me Tubs, I'll be with the both of you till the end of the line." His statement made Tubbo let out a breathy laugh as they trekked the slope. This alone made the other two smile.
"Don't Captain America me you bastard, don't you remember what happened to him and his friend?"
"Don't be so pessimistic, look at the bright side!" Tommy exclaimed with arms wide as if reaching out to hug the scorching sun.
"The only thing bright these days is the sun." Ranboo responds, for the first time that day.
"Come on, I'm trying to be positive here! Don't drag me down with your sad boy shit!" This fortified small smiles on his friends' face.
Suddenly, his hunger earlier diminished, as if a speck of dust the wisp of wind took when it blew its humid air.
Is this what his father meant by 'seeing you eat makes me full already' minus the eating? What an odd way to feel fulfilled but welcomed nonetheless.
"One of us, one of us." Ranboo chants which Tubbo followed, pulling the blond back towards them by the hem of his shirt.
But their joy was cut abruptly by the sight of the teeth indents on Ranboo's arm when he attempted to embrace them. The facade of happiness dispersing with the wind that blew past them.
"You gotta cover that up, it's a real killjoy."
Ranboo stared at the red bandana Tommy held out to him before taking the fabric and wrapping it around his wound. They were fortunate to have taken the vaccine created by Tubbo's father before he passed away and turned, while it didn't stop the virus, it did slowed down infection from spreading.
"How long do you reckon we have before Ranboo turns?" Tommy turned to Tubbo whose gaze is fixated on the tall teen's arm.
"Honestly? I don't know. But don't worry, I'll get to work as soon as we enter the laboratory."
Ranboo and Tommy shared a look. While the brunette is smart and has the imperfect formula for the vaccine they took, they both know it was useless. Tubbo might be smart and persistent but the virus has spread wide in the tall teen's system, even if he survived, he would've lose a few limbs.
And to survive in the new normal, Ranboo needs them.
"I know you're looking at each other right now, but I promise, I'll fix him up in no time!" Tubbo said, optimistically as he glanced at them with a grin that didn't reach his eyes. Tommy sighed.
"I don't want to hear anything from you."
"We both know, we all know that it's not poss--"
"It's possible!" They halt as Tubbo's tone turned bitter, his gaze casted down with his head. "I'll make it so."
Tommy could only stare, the eldest might be smart but like everything in this world, his intelligence got limits. He might knew the ingredients but he's not his father. There's a bit of hope that rest in his chest but trying to keep it up is exhausting, with a glance at Ranboo, he knew the tallest felt the same.
If not, more.
A small sad smile bloomed on Ranboo's face as he placed a hand on Tubbo's shoulder. "You don't need to waste your time and resources for me. Let's just... try to make my last days special."
"Don't you fucking dare give up when I haven't done anything yet!" Tubbo slapped Ranboo's hand from his shoulder, gaze blazing as he glared at the tall teen. "I don't care about how much fucking material I have to consume to save you Ranboo. Food, chemicals, water, fabric and all of that shit, I can fucking scavenge for them. Just don't give up and stay alive!"
With that, the shortest stomped off with Tommy following suit with a distraught expression, leaving Ranboo behind to pick up the shattered pieces of his heart and Tubbo's.
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yourfriendphoenix · 3 years
Phoenix's Edible (Mostly Tommy-Centric) DSMP Fic Rec
I'm doing this fic rec because I read a ton of fan fic, but can never seem to find fic recs. I figured I gotta be the change I wanna see in the world. These are all stories that I consider my absolute favorites. They kinda bounce around from pure crack to heart wrenching but I love them all so very much. They are all 100% certifiably consumable.
Tommy meets Tubbo, a ghost, after finding a plushie that he fixes up in an abandoned tree house when he has to move for his dad's (Philza Minecraft) job. They become fast friends and go through the stress of life together. <3
(This one is an AU of RPF but also not??? It's hard to explain) Popular Twitch streamer, TommyInnit, feels a strong connection to a small battlefield near his home of Nottingham called The Battle of L'Manburg, and has since he was young. He goes there one night and meets the deceased general, Wilbur Soot. I would go further into what happens next but that is spoiler territory <3
Phil gets a magic fridge that gives him what he needs at any given moment (but not necessarily what he wants.) This leads to the unfortunate acquisition of 2 babies, Wilbur and Techno, and leaves him scrambling to try and take care of them while learn more about where they came from. This is crack taken seriously.
We all know this one. If you've been on MCYTblr at all these last couple of months you will know of the gay adventures of the one off characters from TFTSMP: The Pit, Ran and Jackie. Ran is an Assasin sent to kill Jackie, buy the general of Subbin somehow manages to stay alive through many attacks and poisonings. Over time they get pretty close. I'm pretty sure this is about to go into angst territory but for now it's decently lighthearted and we've been able to get attached to these funky little guys <3
Another fan favorite, we have pure crack turned to pure angst, TUMOASD. Honestly I felt more emotions at this fic than Passerine. Tommy is a vigilante, living with his roommate and best friend Tubbo, working hard to save the people of the city (but not really doing all that well) with his pet fish Clementine. He meets SBI who are hellbent on taking him down but not if they accidentally adopt him first.
Tommy is plucked straight from the Hotel Arc to go be a hero in another dimension where there are many of the same people, but not as he knew them. It's pure crack, and at one point Tommy wears like 3 shoes at once just because he could if I remember correctly.
This one hasn't updated in a bit but I'm hoping it does soon. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo read a book as a joke and end up inside of Minecraft (NOT CLICKBAIT) That's it. That's the fic. (Minus literally all of the wonderful world building the author has done)
Tommy is a human stowaway in SBI's cargo ship. This would be all fine and dandy if humans weren't illegal in space and if they weren't known for being incredibly dangerous and resilient to most things.
TommyInnit has a gender crisis and decides to use She/Her and the name Tammy. Unfortunately her mom is very transphobic, but she has her brother to help her through the tough parts of life. <3
Bench Trio decide to start a faceless band just because they can, not expecting to get a following. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
I also have 2 that are straight up not working to link to them, so here's their name, who they're by, and their summary if you're interested
Pocketwatch Sidekick by taecexx
Tommy is a time anomaly, sent from modern day to Victorian Britain and Wilbur is a time traveler who spends much of his time there. They meet and bond.
The End is Your Beginning by Thatvivgirl1212
Tommy escapes exile only to accidentally fall into the End portal and meet the Ender Dragon, who he names Clementine. He heals over time from the pain of his trauma.
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fandom-sheep · 3 years
Eret 11 MAY 21
Cat and DSMP Part 1/1
Cat! Goose!
Goose my beloved.
Eret’s streaming very late for me again. So I’m not staying the whole time.
Hello Elaina. Enjoy Goose.
Fundy! Kinda...
Fundy hearing the donations. LOL.
Fundy enters a stream and it starts to scuffed. Scuffed just follows Fundy wherever he goes.
A wild my beloved on the cube.
The Drista stairs.
Wait what. Why is the tower gone?
I have missed some lore.
Ah... it’s part of the nightmare thing.
Eret offering Fundy housing like a good almost adoptive parent.
Sounds like Fundy about lost a lung. Good gracious.
The bargaining between these two.
Cat, Handsome, said cube was massive
You know what that works.
It’s hard to keep the audio right for Eret’s stream for my headphones. It’s either too quiet or the loudest my headphones can go and my family can hear it.
On stream explosions. Noice.
Wow youtooz. Not super cool. Permission is usually a good thing.
Eret keeps on sizzling.
Getting dirt for scaffolding. Going old fashioned Minecraft for this.
“Why is the Cube kinda hot” cue Eret losing faith in her chats sanity.
Cube go poof.
Oh. Red stone. That’s dangerous.
I like this song. Oh klahoma. Gorgeous song.
Love joy is such a fun band. I want to make a plushy of the cat.
It’s kinda sad that Eret can’t see themselves the way chat and their little fandom sees them. Most all of us think they look fabulous.
Not Arson. Just bombing. A bit of anarchy by the king.
Demolition. Now there’s the word.
Controlled ish demolition.
Ah I’ve almost saved enough channel points for water. Nice. I’m not going to redeem it I’m just going to keep hoarding the points.
Flame Arrow. Nice.
Eret cleaning up the SMP eye sours.
Watch me attempt to sleep to Eret here in an hour or so, but keep getting distracted.
Explosion time.
Someone get ready to clip it.
Bye Bye Cube. Let’s go.
Gotta get a song that fits the vibe.
Hayloft. Time to go poof.
Turning up my brightness just to watch this explosion in the best way possible.
Still wearing the red dress I see.
I hope the music isn’t too loud to get this part muted.
Drum roll...
Drum roll continues...
Drum roll still going...
That was so smooth and good looking!
Overall a very good explosion.
Just a little bit of a hole in the other building.
Twitch Pr-
Poor being’s so confused with his hair. Someone help them.
Twitch bleep.
Everyone attempting to give hair styling advice. Everyone’s trying to help the being.
That bird is majestic. I remember seeing that tiktok.
Animals just decided Eret was the animal whisperer.
Yes! Disney Princess Eret fanart! Someone make it, I shall reblog all of it.
Likes to hug cute animals and cute animals like being hugged by her. Nice.
It’s alright. Names are difficult. I have to like put name tags on people to learn who they are. That or name tags on their space (like on campers bunks and door decs on dorms)
It does feel very February. But I’m very ready for summer because that means I get to do my favorite job.
Hooray. I hit 15k points.
Eret trying to prove to us a ponytail won’t work. Like we aren’t going to hype them up no matter what.
Gotta heart in the chat. All Eret’s chat does is hearts and encourage. It’s a lovely place.
Oh Eret forgot his cat ear sub goal. It’s alright I know I forgot.
Pride is next month. Nice.
Oh. We’re almost halfway already. Why does the world spin so quickly?
We forgot a dirt tower. Whoops.
I would wear Eret merch. I like it when people release merch around Christmas. Then I can ask for it as a gift.
Oh it wasn’t a dirt tower.
Just looking at Elaina’s stream in the stream selection screen it like very cozy.
All the way up the Drista stairs.
Look it’s the museum!
Eret’s got most of the builds around there. The museum. The fortress. Nice.
Some things are too historical to remove. Somethings are historical because they are being removed.
Oh no. L’sandburg.
It’s taking over the summer home.
Ah the lore is coming. It just seemed to be too early.
Hello unofficial ranboo Raiders.
Foolish making the awesome tall thingy!
Foolish’s builds are so neat. I want to watch Foolish’s streams more. Maybe just in the background but I start wanting to delayed liveblog and that requires attention.
Oh the giant portal turned out well. Sorry that was the lady’s foolish stream I watched.
Shulkers. The forbidden mob.
Eret with just a pit in the desert filled with llamas. Bones. And discus.
The mansion has been finished?
Alright is better than bad. It’s alright to be alright.
Lucky being not getting tired. I got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and I was so so tired. I also had just no appetite.
Eret doing an smp tour. And looking at foolish’s builds.
Flickering the switch on the rainbow beacons.
Eret just knowing where everything is.
Kinoko is super pretty. Just for the aesthetic value of the kingdom I appreciate it.
Yeet. Just defenestrated himself out the window.
Oh? Spectator fly over the smp?
That would be really neat to like. Watch in VR. I think I’ve only used VR maybe twice.
Pretty Rainbow beacons.
The nurse who gave me my vaccine hid the needle from me because I mentioned to her that I was afraid of needles. It wasn’t a big deal at all.
30 minutes till I attempt sleep. Woo.
Goose my beloved. Someone make the gif because I’m not quite sure how to make it.
Oh yeah. Goose in Marvel. I hear MCU and think Minecraft cinematic universe. Not marvel.
Ghibli is so nice. It really romanticize small moments of life.
Yeah the characters are all really supportive in Ghibli movies.
Someone subbed for nine months “that’s enough to make a child” -Eret
That mansion is like a maze. I’m so lost already.
Everyone encouraging Eret and telling her she looks pretty. Good.
Eret needs all the hype and encouragement.
Antarctic empties flag. Yeah it does have a similar color pallet.
Michelle! Hello!
Fortress work. Nice.
Do it. I’ll listen the Eret play other games.
I don’t usually watch game play for non Minecraft games. But I’ll listen to it all.
Hbomb and Eret living in the same city feels like two worlds that shouldn’t meet. But it’s awesome that they have.
TOS means against twitches terms of service. Nice. Glad to finally have an explanation of what that means.
Look at our handsome and pretty streamer. All the hype.
I keep turning down the stream to hear the show my mama has on because I’m curious about what happens.
Yeah. Backseat gaming can be annoying. That’s part of why I share my thoughts here just in case I do start backseat gaming.
Almost to the sub goal. Hooray!
Ooo food.
No no. I see where they are coming from. Eret does give a bit of cat bus vibes. I can’t explain it but the vibes are there.
Creeper causing issues at the fortress.
Ed Sheepran my beloved.
I should draw more ferrets. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe I’ll draw us doing stuffs.
Actually I kinda want to make a little animatic of some heels walking across the screen followed by a hoard of ferrets. I think it’ll look cool. But I need the artistic ability and the ability to not scream making that.
Woop. Ad time. Off to the void of where ever the ads game me.
Bread. Flowers. Ted. Crown. And of course Eret.
We V O I D and get our streamer bits.
Hush the chat is V O I D and the occasional emoji or emote.
The void being centered looks good. Maybe that’s just the symmetry speaking but it’s good.
Oh. We hear the being. The being in void mode. And spooky mode.
Chat just starts yelling corpse.
Hydration. I try to stay hydrated. But I fail often if I’m not doing something active.
Casually makes and snags tree.
Eret does read chat often. It’s strange. And it is weird how often it ends up being you.
You can tell I’m a tumblr peep. I may say stuff in chat but I’m fully not expecting or wanting to be noticed by the streamer.
Others hitting darkness o’clock and saying goodnight.
It’s sleep to the stream hours y’all. Whoop.
I need to visit the parks out west. I’ve only really seen the eastern US ones. But I have been to the Great Smokey Mountain park which is gorgeous.
Eret thinking of his friends triggers when naming his cat.
Eret’s builds are so casually pretty. Not like Foolish’s which are intricately pretty. Not like Phil’s or Sam’s which are complicated pretty. All pretty. Just different breeds of pretty.
Alrighty. It’s sleepy hours for me. As much as I love Eret I want to read some fanfiction and daydream a bit before I head to sleep.
Have a good rest everyone and may all your coming meals be delicious.
Wait no is it our turn with goose?
Eret honey that’s the ceiling.
Cat stream. Cat stream.
Sleepy kitty. A cat cam would be good.
Yeah. That happens with cats. Especially strays.
Goose captured the computer mouse.
Goose straight up chose Eret and Elaina.
Goose really just chose not to leave.
Oh my stream connection is acting sad. But I want Goose content.
I want to draw Goose now.
Maybe I’ll do water color for Goose. I know I tried to do that with Boots (Fundy’s cat)
Hopefully there will be some Goose face screenshots I can see. Maybe I can see him well in the Tiktok.
Artists just violently refusing payment. Sounds about right. The MCYT artists just kinda go “yeah give credit and we cool”
Cowboy cat. Nice.
I want to paint Goose in the cowboy hat.
Hype train! That we are zooming.
Bucket sponge?
WATER BUCKET FROM WET SPONGE! Tiktok people giving all the cool info.
Go Goose. Catch the computer mouse and the screen mouse.
Just sitting here at 11:30 at night getting screen shots of Goose for painting purposes.
Goose please. Look at the camera babe.
My phone is dying. And I can’t charge it and type.
Alright the camera is off the cat. The cat is also blocking the screen.
But no cat on camera means I’m getting some sleep. If I do any of the projects I’ve mentioned I’ll let y’all know.
Have a good rest everyone.
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