#also reminds me of confit
dracolizardlars · 9 months
does anyone else enjoy pronouncing "comphet" in their head like "prophet"
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ascendancy-echoes · 3 days
Chapter 34: Starling
Zarya whined loudly and stomped her foot. She fiddled with the necklace in one hand and searched through the containers with her free hand. She picked up a small handful of salted meat that reminded her of jerky. She also found a small jar filled with berries and honey.  After dishing up her food, Zarya sat down across from Flea. She slowly nibbled on her food, pondering all the questions she had for Flea. No one really talked to her about Mystics back home. She knew of them, that most lived in a land across the strait, but she had never really wondered why none ever visited Guardia until very recently. Her parents had spoken quietly about it, but she knew Mystics that looked almost human had moved to Guardia the week before.
She recalled the cat-man and his hurt friend. What had he meant about ‘mean Mystics’? He hadn’t seemed mean at all. Just scared. Thinking about the strange cat-like Mystic, she looked up from her bowl at Flea. He was kind of bossy but Zarya understood adults knew more than her and he was right to be cranky when neither of them had slept well or had much food until now.
Her thoughts wandered to recalling how Flea had looked almost human when they first met. He had colorful hair like her and her parents. His long pointed ears fascinated her and she wished she could have ears that wiggled and moved to show how she felt. She thought about how each morning, Flea would go through the routine of changing his look with magic. Giving him the bracelet seemed to have helped a bit since he didn’t take as long to change his look when he fiddled with it. Still, each time, he looked like a lady, something that confused Zarya given the fact he had been angry with her for calling him a lady.
“Why are you staring at me?” Flea asked. “It’s rude to stare, kid.”
Zarya pondered how to respond. She chewed on her food while she dug through her bag for her cards and pulled them out. She tapped on the pictures, slowly forming the sentence to ask why he looked like a lady if he was saying he wasn’t one. Why did he look like a woman… like her mom? “Flea uses magic to change his look,” she noted aloud. “Change your look? Man like Dad?” Flea stared at Zarya, almost glaring. He couldn’t believe a child could be so audacious as to ask him why he chose to assume the appearances he did. However, he realized despite Zarya’s rudeness, she had a point. Why was he still assuming feminine forms? Had he grown so used to appearing as a woman that he had forgotten to consider anything else? Zarya’s comment had dredged up the feeling he would get from time to time that something must be wrong with him. He wondered if he was broken as a Mystic and broken by human standards as well. “Flea is happy?” “Why would I be happy?” Flea snapped. “I’m starving, exhausted and I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere with you asking me rude questions.” He looked down at the scraps in his bowl. Despite how disgusting cold confit tasted and how much he had always hated pickled carrots, he had managed to eat every bite. He had been that desperate. Leaving the bowl at the table, he muttered, “I’m going to lay down on the bed… Do whatever you want, kid. Just leave me alone til morning.”
Zarya sat there as Flea got up and walked into the small bedroom. Flea collapsed face first into the woolen bed stuffed with straw. He turned his face towards the wall, away from the door and Zarya. The smell of hay reminded Flea of his childhood home. He hated it. He wanted to be in a warm inn room, far from wherever this farm was. He found himself pondering Zarya’s questions and recalled how he could have presented himself as male to Ozzie and Slash when he first met them, like he knew he was deep down. He found himself wondering why he had chosen to appear as a woman when it made him so mad. 
Finally, he realized the reason. Time and time again, he presented himself as a female so they would be forced to see his skills as a shapeshifter and not put him on the frontlines as another male soldier sent to die in the name of Ozzie’s army. Despite the ease in which he had learned to detach himself from the act of killing when needed, he didn’t really want to go out of his way to kill others and did his best to avoid the task.
Exhaustion overtook him as he reached this epiphany. He drifted off into a fitful sleep and didn’t wake up until dawn, when he heard the sound of Zarya singing in a language he had never heard before. Groggy, he lay on the bed. Thanks to the nightmares of being hunted down by Slash and Ozzie, he had slept terribly although maybe more physically comfortably than he had been since arriving wherever he was. The sound of Zarya singing to herself in the main room of the farmhouse reminded him that he wasn’t alone and that he was still stuck with a strange human child. Part of him had hoped she would have wandered off so she wouldn’t slow him down in getting back to Guardia, but he found himself unbothered that she was still there. Suddenly, Zarya appeared at the doorway and said, “Good morning, Flea.” “Get up, eat breakfast,” she added, turning around and walking back towards the hearth. Flea sighed and got up. He saw Zarya stirring something in the pot that had been full of moldy stew. Zarya looked up at him and said something about cleaning dishes. That’s when he saw she had restarted the hearth’s fire and had somehow found a way to clean up the copper pot that hung over it. Clean boiling water bubbled inside it. Zarya resumed singing her strange song and poured a bowlful of some type of grain into the pot. She left the pot to get a spoonful of the honeyed berries she had eaten the day before and added it to the pot. Flea noticed that Zarya had set the table with two bowls and cups of water.
This girl made no sense whatsoever. She acted like a little child over the most trivial things but somehow she was self sufficient enough to know how to clean a cooking pot, start a fire and make porridge. He said nothing and watched her as she stirred and sang for a few minutes.
“No milk,” Zarya remarked as she put a few scoops of the thin porridge into a bowl and offered it to Flea. Seeing him hesitate to take the bowl, she echoed his sentiment from the day before, declaring flatly, “We need to eat if we’re gonna survive and find you some other humans.”
Flea snatched the bowl out of Zarya’s hands and snapped, “You mean find you some other humans. I need to get back to my own kind.”
Even as he said it, he realized there probably wasn’t any going back as ‘Flea the Void Mage’, he’d have to start over as some nameless Mystic and avoid ever being seen by Slash or Ozzie. A prospect that frustrated him as he had grown used to his life under Ozzie’s rule as well as the name Flea. It wasn’t going to be easy to start over.
Zarya added more honeyed berries to her own bowl of porridge and sat down across from Flea. She ate quietly and stared at Flea as she did. Flea kept his eyes on the lumpy concoction in his bowl. Taking a bite, he realized it wasn’t half-bad, but he wasn’t about to praise Zarya for her cooking.
As he begrudgingly ate, Flea found himself thinking more about what Zarya had said the day before and the epiphany he had before he had passed out. Wherever this was, he had yet to see any Mystics. It occurred to him that Slash likely presumed he was dead. There was no need to look like ‘the infamous Void Mage Flea’. Zarya clearly had no idea who he was supposed to be or she would never have asked for his help. She would have run away like any sensible human. 
He could look like anyone or anything he wanted. He was a shapeshifter after all. He closed his eyes and shivered as the cold feeling that always came with shapeshifting washed over his entire body. He thought of the various male forms he had seen and assumed. He still wanted long hair but maybe not too long. He thought of the many styles of clothing he had seen in his travels. He’d need something practical but also comfortable. The coldness lifted and Flea opened his eyes to see Zarya smiling at him.
Zarya beamed and said, “Flea is a man. Flea is wearing a dress!”
“It’s a tunic and kilt… and I have pants, but yeah…” Flea replied. He raised an eyebrow, asking. “I assume it meets your approval?”
“Nice boots.” Zarya smiled brightly. “Pretty skirt. Flea is a pretty man.”
Flea smirked. “Thanks, kid.”
After eating as much as they could, Flea grabbed an empty sack and told Zarya to pack up some food for the road. Anything they could carry. Zarya frowned and asked about the farmer. Flea let out an annoyed sigh. 
“Kid, no one has been here in weeks… No one is going to care that we’re taking this food. Sometimes it’s okay to take without asking, got it?”
Zarya wondered what her parents would have done in her place. They were always telling her she needed to ask permission before taking anything. Flea seemed to feel the opposite. Given the circumstances, she decided borrowing some food was okay if it meant she would find her way home to her parents. She let out a whiney sigh and helped Flea pack the dried fruits and salted meats.
Flea led the way out of the farm and to the dirt path that followed along a small fork in the river. The farm must be near a village and maybe they knew what had happened in the farm or how far Guardia was from wherever they were. As the day went on, Flea insisted that they eat as they walked so they would find a village by midday.
Sure enough, by early afternoon, Flea spied a village in the distance. It looked not unlike one he grew up in. However, as he and Zarya neared the village, Flea realized it was quiet like the farm. Crows circled overhead. A vague sense of dread built up in Flea’s gut.
“Stay here, kid,” he said to Zarya. “I think something’s wrong.”
Flea shifted his form to that of a crow and flew up and towards the village. From his vantage point he could see that there was no activity in the village. He flew down for a closer look and found some of the buildings had been on fire while white symbols hastily painted on the doors of the buildings that were still standing. Cautiously, Flea flew down to a broken window and landed on the windowsill. He could hear the sound of flies buzzing and the place looked abandoned. Flying back up, Flea spied what looked like a gravesite just outside the north part of the town. He could see graves, some yet covered. There didn’t appear to be signs of violence in the small village, but something had killed those within its walls. Now the abandoned farm with its shallow graves made sense. A deadly illness must have claimed the farmer and their family and swept through this town. Sure that the town would be a danger to him if he stayed and no humans were around to take Zarya, Flea flew back to Zarya who had settled down on a nearby rock and was playing with a music box that played a jovial tune.
“Bad news kid,” he sighed after returning to his human disguise. “No one’s home in that village. It’s got bad air or something.”
Zarya hummed to her music box, seemingly not acknowledging Flea. She mumbled something about silver points and giggled before looking up at Flea with a quiet and serious expression.
“Find some humans?” she asked.
Flea rolled his eyes at her question. Picking up his sack of food, he snapped, “Will you quit asking me that?! I already promised you I would. You don’t need to keep stating the obvious, kid. Now let’s get going. Hopefully we’ll find another village before dark.”
Three days and two more abandoned and burned down villages later, Flea was at his wits end. Sleeping under the stars was not for him. At least they had food, but that too was beginning to run low. Zarya’s naive optimism was also starting to wear him down. He thought from time to time of just leaving her in the middle of nowhere. If she could cook, she could survive on her own.
But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. For as annoying and strange as she could be at times, Zarya kept showing him kindness and she seemed genuinely curious about him and Mystics in general, occasionally asking oddly vague yet direct questions. He did his best to understand her questions and answer her, letting her curiosity distract him from how miserable he was. Realizing that Zarya knew nothing of the war or Mystics beyond the fact that they weren’t humans, Flea couldn’t help but wonder what sort of sheltered life she had led before they met.
One morning after he had changed his appearance for the day, she asked him to change again. The request Flea off guard. What was wrong with his appearance that she wanted him to waste magic changing again? She hadn’t complained before.
“Flea changes his look, please?” she replied in response to him asking why she wanted him to do such a thing. “Please change his look? I wanna see, please.”
“Okay, but only because you asked nicely,” Flea replied. Honestly he didn’t want to push it because it was still tiring but a part of him had to admit that he was pleased that Zarya thought his power was interesting. He reverted his ears back to their long elvish appearance, made his braid short again and the same traveling clothes as before, although he added some earrings for fun.
“I change now.” Zarya declared with conviction. “Zarya changes her look now.”
“Kid, you can’t shapeshift,” Flea sighed. “You’re a hu-“
Zarya was a human. He was sure of that. Until he met those strange teens who were looking for Glenn, Flea had never seen a human with magical abilities. Even then, they weren’t that talented. Zarya, on the other hand, did something he never expected.
Flea watched as Zarya drew some strange, shadowy lines in the air. The shadows leapt to her hands and Zarya reached up to cover her ears. As she brushed her hair out of the way, her ears became covered in the same shadowy magic and took on a pointed appearance before the shadows dispersed like smoke.
Zarya felt the edge of her ears and grinned. She bounced into place and said, “Ears!”
They weren’t as long as Flea’s but they were indeed pointed now. Flea stood there, completely speechless as Zarya continued to bounce in place. She repeated the symbol and then ran her fingers through her hair, changing the shade. Zarya flapped her hands and made happy-sounding noises, occasionally saying “big ears'' as she hummed and squealed.
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“How the hell… did…” was all Flea could manage to say.
“Magic,” Zarya replied with a smile. 
“I can see that, kid… but how the hell did you copy me?” Flea asked.
“Copy,” Zarya echoed. She looked thoughtful for a minute before she picked up a small stick and drew a stick figure with pointed ears, claiming it was a drawing of Flea. Adding an arrow, Zarya drew the same symbol she had traced in the air and repeated in saying his name. Finally, Zarya repeated his name once more as she drew another arrow and another figure.
“Flea… is… magic,” Zarya said slowly. “I see it.”
“You… ‘see’ magic?” Flea asked, gesturing quotes as he said the word ‘see’. He still didn’t get what Zarya meant about him. Of course he had magic. He was a Mystic. Maybe she meant she could read his aura the same way he could see hers if he focused.
Zarya nodded. “I see magic. I see spells.”
“How do you even have magic?” Flea asked, having wondered for a while now. He was prepared to not get an answer given Zarya hadn’t given one before. He tried to remember what those kids had told Glenn. Someone had given it to them or taught them…
“Dad.” Zarya answered after a moment. She spoke in that same odd pattern of speech like she was remembering something someone had told her. “I’m just like mom and dad.”
It was not the most helpful answer as now Flea wondered how her parents had magic. He sighed. 
“So you know fire, healing and now you’re a shapeshifter like me,” Flea noted. He smirked, feeling oddly proud of Zarya for learning how to do his kind of magic. “Any other surprises, you little starling?”
Met with no answer to his question beyond her echo, Flea said, shifting to have human ears, “Well, I guess we should keep following the road along the river. Everything needs water and we’ll be more likely to find humans if we follow it.”
Zarya wordlessly followed Flea along the riverbank. Flea was still mad about being transported to who-knows-where but he was less mad about Zarya following him than he had been. She had potential. Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad to travel with the kid for now. 
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the-silent-hashira · 7 months
5. what are some of your f/o's unique sensory needs?
7. does your f/o experience low empathy or hyperempathy? (if autism affects their empathy at all)
8. what are some social cues or rules your f/o tends to misunderstand or miss completely?
I'll answer for both Kyo and Lucifer, since they're both utterly autism/adhd coded.
5. what are some of your f/o's unique sensory needs?
Kyojuro I think has mostly physical touch sensory needs, he probably isn't very keen on touching things like fleece. He loves the feeling of the uniforms and the haori he has. I feel like he also might have a thing with bitter or sour food, it probably makes him want to cry if he accidentally eats anything too sour or has to take medicine(he will, but if its not medicine he likely will eat it out of politeness, crying the entire time.)
Lucifer has a lot of sensory needs. Textures, tastes, touch, and hearing specifically. He doesn't like oily food unless its something like confit or 'supposed' to be oily or anything thats too salty, he can't touch anything oily or slimy and hates slime in general. Also doesn't like fleece, and some velvet textures! He doesn't like touching people a lot, thus why he wears gloves(up to his elbows/shoulders when wearing shorter sleeves) and he prefers cloth or leather. Loud sounds, things that are cacophonous, or off tune instruments drive him batshit and have caused a meltdown on more than one occasion.
7. does your f/o experience low empathy or hyperempathy? (if autism affects their empathy at all)
Kyojuro experiences mostly hyperempathy, to the point of being wholly selfless at the detriment of himself if he isn't pulled in and reminded of his limits. His trauma around slayer work often makes him react in ways that are very paranoid, and he often can't help but put himself in others shoes. He just wants to help people. :']
Lucifer, on the other hand, is in the lower empathy range. He doesn't always understand why people do the things they do, often needing to have perspectives explained if its someone or something he wants to understand. As much as he cares, it can still be hard for him to fully grasp peoples experiences and why people would react in ways he wouldn't, despite really wanting to.
8. what are some social cues or rules your f/o tends to misunderstand or miss completely?
Kyojuro sometimes doesn't understand metaphors or idioms, but he mostly doesn't understand literals and can't look people in the eye. If someone were to tell him something like 'give it your all!' he would think they were being literal, when people tell him that something can be bad, such as expressing moderation, he'll just not do it entirely. He can read the room pretty well, and is sensitive to tone changes and expressions- with his poor hearing, hes learned to read peoples faces and body language to understand the conversations direction, though due to that he also occasionally interrupts or interjects at the wrong times.
Lucifer doesn't struggle with metaphors or tones, but sometimes struggles with literals and being able to read the room. He also tends to overtake conversations, not knowing when to talk or interject, doesn't meet peoples eyes and often fidgets and stims even during conversations. He reads as pretty oblivious and nobody really calls him out on it unless it bothers me, and almost nothing bothers me besides being interrupted.
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iamacolor · 2 years
Yes pizzelle are Italian thin crispy waffle cookies. They're cooked in a pizzelle iron. Traditional flavours are either anise or vanilla, sometimes lemon, some people also make chocolate ones. My family prefers vanilla. It must have been fun to celebrate Christmas in different places in France. - secret santa
oooh that sounds so nice!!! I looked up pictures and they're so pretty too! they remind me of norwegian waffles but more detailed and round (and crispy)
yes, it's been quite nice! my mother's from the warmest region so when we went there it meant gaining a few degrees and seeing the sea and getting oranges right from the trees in my grandmother's garden because that's one of the regions with lots of citrus fruits, whereas in my father's family we had to lit a big fire in the chimney and the food was different (when my grand parents were alive we had their homemade foie gras or duck confits or saucissons). most of my friends had grandparents near our town so they'd usually just go there for the day or for the weekend whereas we went away for at least a week so it felt even more special! this year we're doing it at my parents and my grandmother's coming, now that I live away from home I don't mind doing it there because it feels special going back 💜
have you ever been to France?
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sweet-lil-darling · 4 years
Met a new man online recently. He's older and works in finance.
We went on a lunch date to a French restaurant. This place is well known for having the best French food in my city. We ordered goats cheese salad, steak tartare, rabbit, duck confit, crème brulée, champagne and lots of wine. It was all so good!
He's a talkative man, which always makes things easier. Most men love to talk about themselves. It's amazing what information they offer up when you give them the chance.
At the end of the date, he asked for my phone number. I got him to give me his business card instead. It comes off as flirty and old fashioned, but this is honestly such a power move. Not only does it remind him that I am in control of the interaction, and it gives me the opportunity to not contact him. But it ALSO gives me his full name, email, company details, etc.
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renzu-valra · 3 years
Prompt #18: Devil’s Advocate
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Character: René Badeaux  ♦  Region: Ishgard  ♦  Time: 15 Years Ago Hosted by: @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast​ Warnings: murder, bloodshed, drug-use
In the time since my father’s passing and Seymour’s inheritance of his late parents’ estate, I had been given responsibility far exceeding my skillset. Whereas I had been trained to prepare tea and clean after my lord’s messes, I was now expected to direct the staff in their duties as well as plan out my lord’s day. In addition to that…I would also see to my lord’s mental stability. Since the moment of his parents’ death, he was gradually becoming more unstable.
Without him, I had no place in the world. No home. No job. No reason to be. He was meant to be my everything since the day I was born—I was made to serve him. Without this, I had nothing. That was why I tidied myself each morning in the mirror and pushed my emotions away. The days of playing in the garden or make-believe were long gone and we could only move forward from here.
I would make my father proud.
“Milord, dinner is ready.” I announced with a bow as I entered the room—a room which housed only my lord…and the money-beggar who had come to him earlier seeking coin. Whilst he had a great deal of money to give, he seldom did so without compensation of some sort. And as the war with the dragons raged on, he found himself at his disposal…desperation. People without food or shelter. Those who would do anything for a loaf of bannock to give to their families. For coin to fuel their debauchery and addictions.
At one point in my life, I surely saw such people as those deserving of a second chance—or at least sympathy. However, I now only viewed them as the rot of the earth. Deplorable, hideous things that could not be cleansed of their filth.
On their knees, the beggar sat with his head turned upright to my lord. His mouth gapping and hands squeezed together in carnal plead as Seymour poured a vial of his latest concoction into his lips—that which the lowlife struggled to catch every last drop of. The colour was a pale amber and even from this distance, I could smell something sour. My lord circled around the poor man as he spilled the drink down from his towering height.
“Oh not yet, René…I have yet to see the effects of my latest brew.”
How vile.
Rather than view my lord himself as the villain, I instead shifted my resentment to those who put such a twisted smile on his face.
I would not judge him a sinner. I promised him that I would never see him as a wretched thing or scrap of dirt as his own father had. Even if that meant abandoning my morals for his sake.
“There we are…” Seymour hummed happily as the man beneath him began to twitch and writhe—choking out for air. As he panicked however, my lord lowered himself down to the man’s ear and whispered something that only they might hear. And when he did, he leapt back in half-anticipated alarm. “Careful now, it seems we have another failure on our hands.” The man had lunged at Seymour in violent desire. His mouth nearly foaming as he turned around and attacked. Fortunately, he was not able to stand.
“Will you do the honours?” With a callous and somehow dignified smile, Seymour looked at me in expectation. “Really, I had hoped for more…but it seems I still have some more adjusting to do to the recipe.” Backing himself up against the wall, a safe distance away so that he’d not dirty his clothes…I stepped forward and reached for the stoking rod near the lit fire. Taking it in my hands, I sighed in disgust as I kicked my foot into the man’s soaking wet shirt and pushed him onto the ground. That he thought to present himself to my lord whilst wearing filthy drab was deserving enough—that he would strike at my lord who was kind enough to give him an opportunity was one which demanded punishment. Although the latter was not an err of his own making…I convinced myself it was as I plunged the sharp stick into his snapping jaw and all the way through into the carpet.
As he bled out, I lamented how tedious it would be to clean up afterwards. Even with my foot keeping him planted on the floor, he still fought with all his might against the blood which seeped into his lungs. Forcing the rod in further when he attempted to lift himself off the ground, I sneered at his revolting will to survive. Whilst not the most elegant way to go, he might at least die with some pride instead of resisting pathetically. Pitiful scum.
“What’s for dinner?” My lord then spoke up with a thankful expression, completely forgetting the sad cause of the man now dying in his home.
“Confit de canard, Milord.” I answered in due turn, letting the murder weapon fall from my hand as I hadn’t the strength to pull it from his now swollen flesh. Reminded we had other affairs to busy ourselves with, I decided to leave the man alone for now. He would perish soon enough, and when he did, I would spend the night expunging his rancorous bile from the premises.
Though I had tried to keep the man’s waste from splattering on my suit, I noticed a red stain blot my white gloves to which I mended by tearing them from my hands and tossing in the burning fire. They could easily be replaced, whereas I could not afford a bath any time soon.
My lord required me to be ever faithful and always at his side. Where others might falter, I needed to be unwavering. He was righteousness, and those who knew naught of dignity were foul. The judgement call between good and evil now ever altered from when I had been an innocent child.
There was only Seymour—and I had no choice but to honour him as a lord proud and true lest my own heart fall into depravity. If his creed could not be remedied, then I would see to it that my behaviour was.
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dragons-bones · 4 years
FFXIV: A Synthesis of Aether
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#FebHyurary Day 17: Food + Day 18: Music
A/N: So I had too many ideas for yesterday, but knew for today touching on Synnove’s aether synesthesia would work well, and then I said, “DT YOU FOOL YOU CAN COMBINE BOTH DAYS FOR HER AETHER SYNESTHESIA.” And lo: a fic! Mostly dialogue, I haven’t done a dialogue heavy ficlet in a loooong time so I feel a bit rusty, but this was a fun exercise!
[Installing SCAEVAN SYSTEMICS operating software.]
[Installation successful, running update cycle.]
[Updates complete. Archive Node Unit 453 now online. Please specify primary user.]
“Synnove Greywolfe.”
[USER: SYNNOVE now registered. How may I assist you today?]
“Please stand by for audio recording.”
[Standing by.]
The node’s lights dimmed from bright grass green to soft seafoam as it partially powered down, its northern and southern hemispheres slowly rotating in opposite directions.
Synnove lowered her hand and glanced over at Rereha. “All right, you can babble now,” the Highlander said.
Rere took her hands off her mouth to tug at her braided pigtails and beamed at her. “Whatcha doing?” she said, in the sing-song tone of someone feeling exceptionally nosy, rocking back on her heels.
Synnove rolled her eyes and set her hands on her hips. “Y’shtola’s working on a compilation of aetheric synesthesic perceptions as a downtime project,” she said. “She asked me if I was willing to contribute, to which I obviously said ‘yes.’ But because I’m not often able to spend much time in Revenant’s Toll that doesn’t devolve into Warrior of Light or Ironworks business—”
“—audio recordings you can send or give her are more convenient.”
“Careful, Rere, or other people will begin realizing you’re smarter than you pretend to be.”
The lalafell gasped. “Madam, you wound me!”
She received a satisfied smirk in reply as Synnove added, “And what better way to create an audio recording than with my new archive node?”
Rere pulled herself up onto Synnove’s desk, sitting on the edge and kicking her feet back and forth as she leaned back to rest on her hands. “Did you liberate it from the Ironworks?”
“I purchased this fair and square, I have a bill of sale from Jessie herself.”
“Nero’s OS?”
“The fact you know that term is vaguely frightening, but the man does have an unparalleled understanding of Allagan technology and if you tell him I said that, I will hang you by your toes from the edge of the Steps of Faith.”
Rere mimed locking her lips.
“Hand me that stack of paper, please.” Synnove pointed to Rere’s right. The lalafell snagged it and dutifully handed it over.
The arcanist shuffled through them, humming tunelessly as she did, before she came across the correct page. “All right,” she said, mostly to herself. “Start with Y’shtola’s list of baseline sensations today and go from there.” Louder now: “Begin recording.”
[Audio recording now live.]
Synnove automatically straightened her spine and rolled down her shoulders in the same way she did before she began a lecture for the fourth-year arcanist students. In a clear, strong voice: “Synnove Greywolfe recording for Y’shtola Rhul on the 18th day of the Second Umbral Moon, 11 Year of the Seventh Astral Era, on the subject of synesthetic perceptions of aether. I personally perceive aether, in addition to visual manifestations, as both taste and sound. Occasionally, one sensation will dominate the other, and certain sounds and tastes aren’t exclusive to one elemental type.
“For this recording, I’ll describe the overall generalities I associate with different elemental aether; variance is high depending on factors such as location or origin, in terms of ambient or crystallized aether, or in the case of spells, if they are being performed correctly or are altered in some capacity.”
“How to spot the catastrophic boom just before the boom becomes catastrophic and it’s too late to do anything about it.”
Synnove sighed. Rere giggled.
“Y’sthola, remind me to recalculate the angle needed to ensure Rere lands in Silvertear if thrown from the highest tower in the Toll.”
“You’d be fine, Hydaelyn likes you best.”
Rere pouted, lower lip pushed out to the point of exaggeration, which meant she wasn’t actually offended.
“To get back on topic: fire. Fire aether most frequently tastes like hot spices, such as peppers; coffee; red meat, such as buffalo; bitter chocolate; cherries; wine. Sound tends to be uniformly brass instruments such as horns and trumpets; very occasionally it can sound like metal striking metal.
“Earth aether is auditorily simple and gustatorily complex. The sound of earth is always rhythmic and steady, if not outright drumming; the sensation of it echoing follows fairly often, too. Taste runs a huge gamut: savory or sweet seasonings, such as cumin or cinnamon; white meat, such as pork; most vegetables, particularly green or starchy vegetables; certain fruits such as apples and figs; bread; cheeses; stews; whiskeys.”
“I’d call most of those foods ‘homey.’”
Synnove frowned thoughtfully. “That’s a fair assessment,” she said after a moment. “Earth aether tends to ‘taste’ comforting.”
“Does that mean Tyr is the ultimate comfort food?”
“Does that mean you want to go flying out of my office window into the harbor?”
“I’m going to shut up now!”
“See how long that lasts,” Synnove said under her breath while her sister smiled beatifically. “Where was I… Ah, wind.”
The Highlander frowned. “Wind aether is another oddity, taste-wise. Mint tends to present quite frequently, along with sweet chocolate, white grapes, vanilla, white wine, arak, olives, and scallions. Thankfully when it seems to be a combination of flavors, it’s complimentary…” She shook her head. “Sound is similar to flutes, chimes, whistles. Bit stereotypical, honestly.
“Lightning…” Synnove paused, frowning again. “Sound tends to be similar to specific string instruments such as violas and cellos; deeper sounds. Low notes on a piano or harpsichord, sometimes simple humming or vibrations. Taste does not tend to be strong, but most frequently has manifested as berries and/or stonefruits. Alcohols such as gin, palm wine, ouzo, and brandy.”
“That is not the element I’d consider boozy,” Rere said idly. She had lain back on the desk and was staring up at the huge arched ceiling of the tower office, twiddling her thumbs.
Synnove shrugged without further comment, already looking at the next item on the list Krile had transcribed on Y’shtola’s behalf. “Water is what one would think would be boozy but I have legitimately never tasted ‘boozy’ water aether before. Tropical fruits dominate; in terms of savory, as horrifically stereotypical as it is, seafood. But almost never in a way that makes sense, I once found a water cluster in a bluefin tuna’s belly that tasted like Coerthan oyster confit.”
“I remember that, you made the weirdest face.”
“I still can’t find the words to describe just how fucked up that taste versus visual dichotomy was. In any event, water aether also sounds like string instruments, mostly harps, dulcimers, and brighter pianos. Also, a very specific drum… Rere, what’s that staccato-sounding drum the Flames have been using in their parades of late?”
The lalafell picked her head up. “Snare drum?”
“That’s the one. Timpanis on occasion, too. And finally…ice. Sound leans towards woodwind instruments like the clarinet and piccolo, as well as bells. Any bell. Taste…hmm. Slaw, fruits that freezes well, fruit juices, Thavnairian sweet tea—”
“That is not tea, that is an abomination.”
“—some melons, cucumbers, white rum, wintergreen.”
“I still can’t believe you’ve never come across ice aether that tastes like the Bismarck’s root beer float.”
“They introduced it to the menu last year.”
Synnove sighed that heavy, gusting sigh everyone who spent longer than thirty minutes with Rereha learned. “Y’shtola, I see a note here about Primordial Light and Dark, but I’ll do that in the next recording along with variations and discrepancies, as first, I need to beat my sister over the head with a grimoire—”
Rereha hopped down from the desk and ran for the office door, shouting BYE Y’SHTOLA I LOVE YOU BEST over her shoulder as she did.
“—and second, I’m hungry and now is a good time to break for lunch. Recording end.”
[End of recording. Is there anything else on which I may provide assistance?]
“No, that will be all for now—ah! Before I forget. Please create new nodal designation of own choice.”
[Clarification requested.]
“Pick a name for yourself.”
[Accessing imperial Allagan databases for repository of birth certificates. Scanning records.]
[Archive Node Unit 453 rename complete. Archive Node Unit 453 is now Kleio.]
Synnove smiled, pleased. “It’s nice to meet you, Kleio.”
[…Thank you. Database scans are currently inconclusive as relates to instruments in modern usage versus those of Allag. What samples are available to provide edification?]
The Highlander cocked her head, staring at the silver-and-green node for a few long moments, before another smile, this one slow and delighted, crossed her features. “I have a few orchestrion rolls that include solos and chamber music that you could listen to while I have lunch, and I can provide lists of which instruments are used in each piece.”
[That would be satisfactory.]
“Perfect! Let’s get you set up…”
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docholligay · 4 years
Hello my little angels and let me show unto you the finest Live Action Finalists (Below the cut, randomized) and SOUP
inspired by formal french courses, i present:
l'aperitif - lemon and rosemary consomme blended with 
confit of garlic for an uninterrupted silken texture. bright onset with evolving notes of caramel; a light and slick finish on the tongue. 
[optional palate cleanser (chilled lime, basil, and black pepper broth), to be repeated between first through fifth courses as desired]
l'entree - french onion soup (beef broth, sage and garlic crouton, sherry deglazing, gruyere cheese). rich and robust, with a chew that honours the ruminants that flavour it. 
[optional palate cleanser]
fish - bouillabaisse (sea robin, scorpionfish, conger eel, langoustine, john dory); thick-sliced crusty baguette topped with a saffron and cayenne veloute and white wine-poached lobster knuckle. mildly spiced broth welcomes the bouquet and flavours of the seafood and veloute. 
[optional palate cleanser] 
main - smoked duck broth, shredded duck leg, one oversized fresh tagliatelle noodle, fresh spring peas.  
garnished with za'atar-spiced crispy duck skin, and served with fried chickpeas, spring onion, and microgreens on the side. 
[optional palate cleanser]
salad - a flight of seasonally-inspired vegetable soups, served alongside a vessel for optional mixing: roasted tomato and red pepper with smoked paprika; carrot and ginger with turmeric creme fraiche; leek and watercress broth/puree with cayenne and bourbon-candied crumbled pecans; chipotle and habanero black bean soup topped with garlic creme fraiche and cilantro (ew).
[optional palate cleanser]
cheese - just the most ridiculous goddamn glory prepared inside a massive rind of parmigiano reggiano which is then wheeled out of the kitchen by at least two servers and served to you tableside. 
dessert - chilled sweet and sour cherry puree swirled with vanilla fruit cream and ras el hanout. served with a dark and spicy hot fudge carafe to drizzle as desired. ---- @rasiqra-revulva (The dedication on this was INCREDIBLE I salivated the whole way through and I LOVE the idea of a ras el hanout dessert, one of my favorite spice blends ANYWAY. )
You in the bath, making Jew Soup, while served ladle after ladle of rich chicken noodle soup by a tender butch in a soft white t-shirt. -- @keyofjetwolf (I knew it was you reading it because you’d be the only one who knows I refer to taking a bath as “making Jew soup” but also THE ACCURACY I HAD TO) 
Back when I was in culinary classes we each made a different type of soup from scratch. Then we ladled them into tiny shot glass-like cups and walked around the room taking “soup shots” in order so that all the different categories of soups were together and each soup went well with the ones next to it in the order. I only wish I could have a meal that’s 20 different homemade soups again because it was incredible. --- @jay-lea (Oh my god this sounds amazing I am so jealous of it!! I would have loved this!) 
You wake up. A steaming cup of soup is on your nightstand. You love soup, but cannot remember which type it is.  You shower, and your shower smells of soup.  The shower water stings like salt water in a paper-cut.  You dress and eat breakfast. It is soup, of course.  Filling and tasty, but utterly unmemorable.  You go about your day, the smell of soup following you like a faithful dog wanting a treat.  You spend hours pondering what to select for lunch, but at your favorite diner the menu only lists soup. You take a home-made treat to your friend, who isn't feeling well.  She thanks you for the soup.  You labor over a fancy meal for your loved ones.  They all sit at the table, and all 14 dishes are soup.  Everyone agrees that the soup is delicious, just like last night.  You take a warm bath before bed, and your bubble bath has a savory, buttery aroma.  You slip into bed, and take a last sip of the warm soup on your nightstand.  It reminds you of the soup you had earlier today, but you cannot remember what type it was.  Oh well, there's always tomorrow.  And tomorrow will bring with it soup, as it always does. --- @amberlilly (I really enjoyed how this was a solid as fuck attempt to write a monkey’s paw horror story in a freakin COMMENT BOX, and I know that this would in fact get eventually horrifying, but I have to tell you that sitting her right now, I would attempt this life) 
Soups are wonderful nearly year round, but they shine in the cold and damp. On dark day with sleet, you are inside with a well set table, the wide brimmed bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup in front of you, perfectly spiced.  A small, colorful side salad is set beside it, and a warm loaf of thickly crusted bread and pats of butter stamped with the Neptune sign. There is no rush, nothing else that needs done for the day, and you are at your leisure to enjoy the meal. --- @pouncequick (This just sounds so....appealing? Like I want that right now, you did this simply and perfectly.) 
The Twilight Zone* (original)
Hell’s Kitchen (Voted because of the type of show it is)
Good Omens
What We Do In The Shadows
Russian Doll (continued from last Liveblog)
The Great*
Great British Bake Off*
Jesus Christ Superstar* (Part of the movie)
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dom-bastiansmythe · 4 years
Reencounter || Andersmythe
TAGGING: @dom-bastiansmythe & @elliottanderson-gabriel
TIMING: Tuesday October 13th, evening hours
LOCATION: Sebastian’s suite
SUMMARY: A much needed catch up
Elliott hurried out of his book club meeting, he was nearly bouncing in his seat before he rushed to the dominant dorms, he had a bag packed and knew what he wanted to make before getting to Sebastian's. He bit his lip as he got to the door before knocking, then kneeling obediently.
Sebastian had spent the end of the afternoon between swimming and the library, wanting to get ahead on his homework so he would get all night to spend with Elliot. And that idea thrilled him more than he could imagine. After a quick shower he put on a pair of dark gray slacks and a white shirt, hia hair fixed perfectly with the smallest touch of hairgel, and he was ready when there was a knock on his door. When he opened it his face broke in the widest smile as he lay his eyes down on him. "Well hello, Elliot" he said, then offered him his hand.
Elliott looked up when Sebastian walked out to see him, he smiled gently "Hello sir" he said before taking the hand, standing up and grabbing his bag "Thank you for being understanding about my book club meeting" Elliott said gently. He knew most dominants here were understanding but was still nice he allowed it and didn't move the day completely.
Sebastian nodded. "Of course. I wouldn't want you failing because of me" he said, then kept on holding his hand as he led him inside, noticing then the bag in his hand. "What'd you got there?" he asked as he closed the door behind him.
"You're too kind sir" he replied before he walked in behind Sebastian before he looked down to the bag before smiling gently "I thought I could make duck confit for you" before meeting the bright green eyes "Then if you're up for it, dessert"
Sebastian looked at him curiously. "And here I just you would just bring the food over for us to eat, but I get to have the chance to watch you cook? Double treat. I love it." He smiled. "We should go into the kitchen and get this startes then."
Elliott blushed "Shoot did I go overboard? You said you wanted me to do dinner and I....I'm sorry sir" he gushed "I can order us something instead? Whatever you like"
Sebastian shook his head. "Not in a million years O would waste the chance of eating some of your own cooking, much less with something as crassy as takeout. My kitchen is yours tonight. Dazzle me with your skills, baby boy..." He looked at him and grinned slightly.
Elliott worried he had over stepped but the dominant eased his concerns, and then some. He blushed a little before shivering "Oh I will sir" he said before he walked through to the kitchen, taking out the ingredients for dinner.
Sebastian stood aside to give Elliot space to work, while also having a good view of the male's figure as well. "So how you've been? It's about time we catch up, don't you think?"
Elliott started working on the duck as Sebastian joined him, he nodded "It most certainly is, I'm so glad you're back, I missed you being around" he admitted "I've been okay, studying hard and stuff"
Sebastian served apple juice in two glasses, then placed the glass on the counter for Elliot to reach. "You have? Really? I wouldn't think you would have, since you said you've had that many experiences ever since. Also-" He pointed at the tattoo all over his arm. "Did you turn into a bad boy too?"
Elliott took the glass and sipped it before nodding "Just because I had many experiences didn't mean I didn't miss ours now does it?" He chuckled before he looked to his arm "Mmm depends who you ask, but no just finally took the plunge and got my tattoo"
Sebastian nodded. "Fair enough. I didn't think you would anyway. I know I haven't..." He stepped up behind him, just a small gap between their bodies as he looked down at Elliot's back, the curve of his ass standing perky and very noticeable.
Elliott froze for a moment as Sebastian stood behind him, well aware of how close they are "Did you miss me sir?"
Sebastian leaned and took a deep sniff of Elliot's hair. "Fuck yes" he whispered, then moved his nose down the side of his neck. "Daddy missed his beautiful boy a lot."
Elliott was now thoroughly distracted by the dominant, he closed his eyes as he felt him against his neck before letting out a breath "God...sir please"
Sebastian reached both arms out, his hands holding on the counter and effectively caging Elliot between his arms. "Please what, boy? Speak openly."
Elliott had his own hands on the counter, bracing himself a little as Sebastian kept him against it "I want you sir..."
Sebastian leaned forward and pressed his body on Elliot's back, making the other male to bend over a bit as he pressed his face on the back of his neck. "Mmm... And how do you want me exactly?"
Elliott felt his hips dig into the counter as Sebastian pushed him further but it felt so good "I want you to take control of me sir, make me obey you..."
His face broke into a grin. "That could be done. Now, do I need to tie you down, or will you obey me willingly?"
Elliott pushed back a little to press his ass against Sebastian "Mmm I do enjoy being tied up sir"
Sebastian chuckled. "Yes, I remember how you like it. Just thought about asking in case things had changed." He grabbed him by the waist and turned him around. "Dinner can wait" he said and took his hand, then led him to his room.
"Nothing's changed" he said with a smile before he was turned around "Yes sir" before being led to the bedroom, he bit his lip with a eager smile.
Sebastian took him to where the bed was. "Lay down" he said, then headed to the closet to get the ropes. "Hands on the headboard" he said once he was back.
Elliott obeyed before he climbed on the bed before he put his hands in position "Yes daddy" he winked with a smile as he wanted to be a good boy for sir”
Sebastian chuckled. "Hang on." He took the shirt off Elliot and smiled. "That's better. Daddy would hate to have to rip off that nice shirt off you, boy." Once Elliot's hands were on position again he used the ropes to tie him to the headboard by the wrists. His fingers then slipped slowly down yhe curves of the muscles in his arm, his fingertips toying with skin on the crook of his neck.
Elliott helped Sebastian as he removed his shirt, before he was tied up in due time. Watching the dominant as he moved his hands over Elliott which only made him shiver "Mmm that feels nice"
Sebastian's eyes moved along with his fingertips. "I missed feeling the softness of your skin under my fingers" he whispered, moving to straddle Elliot's lap as he did so, then he looked down at him and nodded. "I really did..." He leaned over and clashed their lips together in a hard kiss.
The feel of Sebastian's fingers on his body, he nodded "Gosh sir...I've missed you.." he replied gently as the other straddled him before their lips met in a hard kiss, he whined as he couldn't hold Sebastian but he just used his legs to pull Sebastian closer "You have no idea how much I missed you when you left"
Sebastian pulled back just a little, a small smile curling his lips. "I think you were the only one, boy..." he whispered over his lips, his own now moving down the side of his neck, nipping small spots of skin.
Elliott but his lips "I'm sure others did" he got out before he let out a shaky breath "Mmm that feels good"
Sebastian hummed over his skin. "I wouldn't mind if they didn't." He moved down a little so he could undo his pants. "Like opening my presents on Christmas morning" he said with a teasing tone, pulling his pants down. 
Chuckling a little "Just want all my attention daddy?" He asked innocently before he lifted his hips "Mmm unwrap me then"
Sebastian chuckled and got off the bed. He stood at the foot of the bed and grinned as he looked at him. "Oh yes. Eyes on me, baby boy" he said, then he slowly undressed himself, making it so Elliot could watch him from his spot on the bed. He theen got back on the bed and crawled his way up on top of him, and when he was at the level of the other's cock he gave his member a slow, long lick, his tongue dragging its way up the delicious meat. "I will, and in more ways than one."
Elliott was at Sebastian's complete mercy, he was sure that the dominant was going to work him over and just watching him. Yeah he was gone. He grinned before he watched as he teased Elliott with his tongue, he bucked into him a little "Fuck yes sir"
Sebastian smirked. "Hold still, boy. Daddy needs to have his treat now" he said, then swirled his tongue around the head of his cock, his lips closing tight around it before he sank his head on him slowly.
Elliott whined at that but nodded as he gripped the restraints as he bucked a little before moaning "God daddy take my cock please..."
Sebastian pulled his mouth off and pushed his hand on his stomach, ptressing him down. "What did I just say? Do. Not. Move."
Elliott grinned "What are you going to do if I don't huh?" He challenged with a wink as he stayed still but rolled his hips a little.
Sebastian glared at him and leaned back up. "I might just leave you tied down like this and go on my marry way. In fact-" He stood up and put his pants back on.
Elliott frowned before he tried to move but couldn't "Wait...Bas..please don't leave me here"
Sebastian turned on his heels, his eyes tight and narrowed. "What did you just call me?"
Elliott gulped before he gripped the restraints "Sorry sir...sir please don't go"
He stood by the bed, eyes locked on him. "Do you promise to be good? Or do you need me to remind you how to be good?"
Elliott nodded eagerly "I can be good, promise"
His eyes showed a sort of glint as he got back on the bed. "That's good boy" he purred, then placed the tips of his two longer fingers over Elliot's lips and parted them open.
Grinning as he watched him get back on the bed, he waited eagerly before he sucked Sebastian's fingers into his mouth.
Sebastian pushed his fingers in as much as he could without going that far, then he leaned in captured his lips again, while he slid his slicked fingers between his buttcheeks and pushed them in his ass.
Elliott twirled his tongue around the fingers as they pushed inside his mouth. He knew what the other was doing and it only riled him up as he slid his fingers out and then into Elliott's ass which made him buck up.
Sebastian grinned at Elliot's reaction and he twisted his wrist just enough to pump his fingers in him loosely. "I missed how you feel" he whispered over his lips, his other hand moving down to push his own pants down.
Elliott arched a little but couldn't do much being restrained before the other was whispering to him "God sir...fuck I missed you too" he got out as he tried to push down on the fingers.
Sebastian chuckled and pulled his fingers back slightly. "God boy. Fuck yourself on my fingers... And tell me how much you missed my cock splitting your sweet ass in two..." He wrapped his free hand around both their cocks and stroke them firmly.
Elliott smiled before whined as he pulled back before he did as he was told, fucking himself on the fingers inside him right now. But having him stroking both their cocks together was a lot but so good, he bucked a bit "Oh fuck....J missed how you dominated me sir, how you pounded my ass so much I had bruises"
Sebastian smiled. "Now now... I treated you good after that, didn't I? We took a long hot bath together, and then you rode my cock again..." He moved his lips down his neck, his hands gently letting go of him. "Would you like to relive those moments again, baby boy? he whispered, his cock now pressed against his ass. " Do you want Daddy's cock again?"
Elliott remembered it as if it was yesterday and it only made him lick his lips "Y..yes you did sir, you gave me proper after care but I just needed you so much" he confessed before he felt the blunt head of Sebastian's cock "Yes I want daddy's cock, pound me daddy"
Sebastian licked his lips and grabbed his ankles, tossing them over his shoulders. "Such a beautiful boy..." he crooned, then slapped his ass hard. "And so naughty  too. But Daddy will give you want you want..." He slipped his hard cock between his cheeks and grunted as the tight muscle clamped around him.
Elliott gasped but smirked as he was put into position, ready for Sebastian to do as he pleased. Elliott moaned at the slap to his ass "Thank you daddy" he got out desperately before he felt him push in, his mouth dropped on as he tried to adjust but forgot how big Sebastian was.
Sebastian could feel Elliot's body fighting the hot intrusion so he stopped halfway and placed his hand over the man's stomach. "Breathe, and relax, baby boy..."
Looking at Sebastian as he stopped before telling him to breathe, he nodded as he met Sebastian's eyes before taking a couple breaths before smiling "You can move sir"
Sebastian looked back at him and grinned, then leaned forward as he wrapped Elliot's legs around his waist, his lips hovering over his lips. "I thought you'd never ask" he said, then started to thrust his hips.
Elliott felt his heart racing as the dominant leaned in slowly and they were inches apart. Just as he was about to respond, Sebastian thrusted his hips which made him moan in surprise but in relief as he was horny as fuck right now, he kissed Sebastian as he just needed him right now.
Sebastian moaned against Elliot's lips when he felt himself completely buried inside the tight heat, his hips moving slowly at first, then a bit faster each time. "Tell me how much you missed Daddy's cock... Tell me how no one's cock felt like Daddy's..." He pulled his head up a bit and looked right at him, eyes darkened with lust.
Elliott tugged against the restraints as Sebastian began moving slowly before picking up the pace which only drove him wild. "Fuck daddy so good...you feel so good inside me... fuck me hard" he begged.
Sebastian slid his arms under Elliot's and clung to his shoulders tight, his lower practically rising and falling on top of Elliot, pounding his ass hard and deep. "Fuck I missed your tight ass so much, baby boy."
Elliott felt the change of position and could only grip the restraints as Sebastian was on top of him and his hips continued to move, pounding his ass "Mmm fuck....missed you daddy...missed you fucking me"
Sebastian reached his hand up and grabbed his hair, his fingers gripping a fistful of dark short curls. He buried his face on his neck and groaned, sometimes going slow and others smacking his ass with his hips.
Elliott could only do so much in his position but take everything Sebastian had for him, including when he slowed down that it drove him wild with lust begging to go faster, when he did it only made him moan louder "Fuck daddy, I...I'm not gonna last long" he got out between thrusts.
Sebastian pulled his head back and looked at him with a grin. "You better not come yet, boy" he whispered, then untied the ropes around Elliot's wrists. "You want to ride Daddy's cock?"
Elliott nodded obediently "I won't till you say I can sir" he got out before he was untied "Oh yes please" he said before he gently pushed Sebastian down on the bed before he grabbed the dominants cock, lining himself up then slamming himself down on his cock.
Sebastian chuckled, kind of liking being manhandled for once, then when he felt Elliot's heat engulphing him again he threw his head back and groaned. "That's it... Ride my cock good, baby..."
Watching the dominant just to go with what he was doing before he slammed down was a little thrilling for him, he smirked as Sebastian groaned so he began moving, hard and fast for him as he wanted the make the dominant come "Oh fuck so good daddy"
Sebastian moaned and grabbed Elliot by the hips, his nails digging through the skin. "Fuck, boy... You feel so fucking good around Daddy's dick..." He reached and held onto Elliot's as the other kept on bouncing on his lap. "Don't touch yourself. I want you to come just because of my cock in you."
Elliott gasped and moaned as Sebastian gripped his hips, the pain only added to his pleasure as he bounced hard on Sebastian "Yes daddy fuck" he moaned loudly. Though when the dominant took his cock, he whimpered a bit before nodding "Yes daddy, just your cock...just yours"
Up until then Sebastian let Elliot had his own pace, but at that moment he pushed his hips up, meeting the other halfway. The bed squeaked underneath them as their movements got even faster.
As they moved now together, both of them moving in a rhythm that worked, for sure the bed was getting a good workout as he tightened his body a bit "Fuck daddy!"
Sebastian pulled Elliot down on top of him, his arms going around the other's back as they kept moving. "You're close now, baby boy?" he whispered in his ear. "Let go... Come for Daddy..."
Elliott gasped as he was pulled down, which meant the position was new but very good, he moaned deeply before nodding "Yes yes..." He whispered back and when he heard those words, permission to come, he felt that rush just hit him like a tonne of bricks and he moaned like a whore for Sebastian.
Sebastian moaned when he felt Elliot coming, his whole body shaking and his hole clenching around his cock as his climax took over. He kept on pounding him through it, not wanting at first for the other to come down for a while. He felt the much too familiat  tug in his groin and  he stayed still, deeply buried inside the other as he came as well, rope after rope of slick filling the other up. "Fuckfuck..." he muttered, until he finally fell limp on the bed, pulling Elliot along with him.
Being fucked through an orgasm was a mix between painful but euphoric, Elliott continued to move for Sebastian as he wanted to feel him cum to which didn't take too long and as he watched him, it only turned Elliott on if possible as Sebastian hard inside him. Finally collapsing down onto the dominant as they both were out of breath "Fuck is right"
Sebastian took a couple more breaths to get his heart back to normal rhythm, then he moved his hands up Elliot's back, tracing every curve of his back with his fingertips, then he cupped his chin and made him look up at him. "I'd call that a successfully first round for the night. Wouldn't you?" He chuckled, then pulled him for a kiss, the pad of his thumb stroking his cheek as he did.
Elliott rested against Sebastian, settling his body and heart as he was definitely still feeling some after shakes before he felt Sebastian caressing up his back which only made him shiver. Slowly looking up at him with a smirk "Definitely a success" he replied before closing his eyes as their lips met in a kiss, an arm wrapping around Sebastian's midsection.
Sebastian moaned against Elliot's lips, his fingers sliding through the man's now damped hair, then he chuckled and looked up at him. "You're not feeding me any time soon, are you?" he said with a grin on his face, then slapped his ass.
Elliott made a noise of approval as the feel of fingers in his hair always exhilarated him a bit, he smirked before nipping his lip gently "Mmm I can get up now" he said before gasping at the slap to his ass but the smile never disappeared.
Sebastian tightened his grip around him. "I might just not let you..." he said playfully, then brushed Elliot's lips with the pad of his thumb, his eyes shifting from his lips to his eyes. When he realized he was staring he looked away and shifted under him. "Well... We'll have to eat at some point, won't we?"
Elliott smirked at Sebastian's playful nature, they always seemed to be like this whenever they were together. He held his breath as Sebastian brushed his thumb over his lips, before their eyes met and Elliott thought his heart stopped for that second before Sebastian looked away. Elliott blinked a couple times before licking his lips "Yeah I um...I can go cook us some food...doesn't have to be what I planned if you would rather something quicker"
Sebastian smiled non-chalantly, going back to his own self. "I wouldn't want to steal your thunder tonight, boy. We'll go as planned, but I think we could use a shower first, don't you?"
"You saying I smell?" He teased before nodding "Shower sounds nice and then I'll get cooking"
Sebastian chuckled. "No. But dry cum is disgusting" he said pointing at Elliot's chest. "Though you look hot like that. Let's go then. I'll wash your back." He winked at him.
Elliott looked down at his chest "Ah yeah...that's not going to be fun if it dries" he laughed before he grinned "Just my back daddy?"
Sebastian got out of the bed first and picked Elliot in his arms. "Ask me nicely and you will get the full treatment, baby boy." He walked into the bathroom and put him down carefully so he could turn the water on.
Elliott gasped then laughed as Sebastian picked him up "Wow going the full nine yards huh?" He teased as he was carried into the bathroom, carefully put onto his feet before Sebastian got the water going, Elliott smiled at Sebastian before pulling him close to kiss him gently.
Sebastian chuckled. "I wash you up and you cook for me. I say that makes us even." He was caught off guard a bit by the kiss but didn't say anything at first. He stepped inside the shower and offered his hand out to him.
Elliott bit his lip with a small smile "Sounds good sir" he said before he took his hand, getting into the shower and when the warm water hit him, he sighed in relief.
Sebastian let Elliot to enjoy the warm water, which would relax his muscles, while he prepared the sponge with a good squirt of soap, then begun washing his back. "Arms up" he said.
Elliott got under the spray, thoroughly wetting his hair and sighing "So good" he whispered before a moan escaped as Sebastian began washing his back, obediently putting his arms up.
Sebastian has care to wash every single spot of Elliot he coild reach, even while making a huge effort not to grab his ass. Same thing when he made him turn around and he ended up bending down on the floor to wash his legs. He stood up and let hom stand under the waterspray to rinse the soap away, then washed the sponge and handed it to him. "Now you do me."
Elliott just took in every touch that was put on his body and it certainly relaxed him as Sebastian was diligent in the spots he washed. He smirked when he was handed the sponge before he started on the man's chest "Yes sir"
Sebastian first stepped under the spray to get nice and wet, then he lifted his arms a bit so that Elliot could have access to whatever part of his body he wanted to wash.
Elliott made sure to pay attention to every crevice, lathering the dominant up nicely and getting down to wash his legs and moved onto his back.
Sebastian watched every movement Elliot made and smiled when he turned around. "You're doing good" he said after he was done and got under the spray to rinse. He pulled Elliot with him and kissed him again. "I think we're done here. I'll get you a towel, hang on." He got out of the shower and quickly grabbed two towels for both of them.
Elliott hummed "Well thank you sir" he said as he continued to lather and rub in on Sebastian's skin, soothing him. He waited as he washed off before he was pulled to Sebastian, kissing him softly, he gripped the others hips before nodding "Oh such a gentleman" he cooed before he got out the shower too, grabbing a towel when offered.
Sebastian chuckled. "I'm in charge of you tonight, so I'm suppose to be one, especially after I just fucked your brains out, babe." He winked at him, then dried himself up enough not to drip on the floor and wrapped the towel around his waist. "Do you think clothes are aa neccesity for our dinner? Because somehow I find this state to be quite comfortable."
Elliott chuckled as he dried off "Yes well just because you're in charge doesn't mean you have to be a gentleman, but you choose too" he said as he tied it around his hips, before approaching Sebastian "Not at all, I love eating nude" he winked before he hung up the towel and walked out the bathroom completely nude and right into the kitchen.
Sebastian grinned and watched Elliot leaving the towel behind so he could purposedly walked away from hi snaked, something Sebastian wouldn't complain about at all. "Hmm... Hate seeing you go, but love watching do it" he mused, then he also took his towel off and followed him out of the bathroom, the suite temperature warm enough for both to be comfortable. He gave Elliot his space so he could work on dinner, no matter how badly he wanted to bend him over the counter and go into round two, but he decided to control himself and definitely leaving that idea for later, so he busied himself setting the table up. "Can't wait to catch up for that damn first level thing and get out of here to get a decent drink. Stupid one year behind" he muttered as he moved around the dining table.
Elliott was very well aware he had a good body, he worked on it hard enough that he was in the best physical condition of his life. So the prospect of being naked was comfortable for him as he wandered into the kitchen to start their dinner. He watched Sebastian walk by to get the table ready, it seemed so domestic but he had done it a couple times himself. Looking up as he finished chopping some vegetables "Ah yeah trust me the first outing is so freeing, maybe we can go together?"
Sebastian scoffed. "More like a step back from going insane of cabin fever." He grunted. "I should be a lot more advanced right now, but thanks to Daddy Dearest I have to start from scratch, like a fucking rookie." He slammed his hand on the table a bit harder than intended, then he looked at him and cleared his throat. "I apologize for that. How's dinner coming?"
Elliott looked at Sebastian sympathetically because he remembered him leaving "At least you have good company till then and I can help with you getting points?" he offered before he jumped when Sebastian slammed his hand down, eyes wide like an owl as he seized cutting "It's fine" he said before taking a breath and putting the vegetables in the oven and the duck in the frying pan "It's about...not even ten minutes out from being done"
Sebastian didn't miss the look on Elliot's face at that point, and he cursed himself for letting his emotions take over like that; but it was something he more than often couldn't help, especially when it involved his father. He walked up to where Elliot stood and put his arms around him from behind. "That would be nice. I'm sure you can help me, no doubt." He pressed his forehead on the back of Elliot's head and took a deep breath.
Elliott wasn't bothered by much but the suddeness of what happened did shock him, he licked his lips before he watched him walk over before he was hugged. He rested their for a moment before he got the duck going before placing his hand overtop of Sebastian's "I'm sure, you know, once you get to level 2 it goes by so quick" he replied "I'll do whatever I can to help"
Sebastian moved along as Elliot did, suddenly not wanting to let go of him that fast, then he chuckled. "Oh, I'm sure. No one will know what hit them once I start to level up." He looked at the back of Elliot's head and bit his lip down, and he felt glad the other couldn't see his face. "Then a lot more can, and will happen."
Elliott was checking the duck, noticing that Sebastian didn't want to let him go but that was fine, he was comfortable. He chuckled "Oh the banks will close that day, it'll be a big affair of course, Sebastian Smythe is out" he teased back "I can't wait for you to level up sir, it's a great experience" Elliott tried to not get his hopes up, with many letting him down, he wasn't sure how he would cope again.
Sebastian huffed and tickled him on the side before he let go of him. "You joke now, but wait and see. Is it ready?" He rubbed his stomach. "Fucking you sucked the life out of me. Feed me, sweet boy." He winked at him and chuckled.
Elliott laughed and nudged him when he tickled Elliott before turning around "Yes it is now go sit" he shook his head with a smile before he started serving up "Well we can't have that no can we?"
"Good. Let's eat." He rubbed his hands and sat at the table, his eyes following every movement the other made with a smile on his face. "Funny thing... Ever since I got here people have insisted in cooking for me. Makes me wonder if I look too skinny, or am I being fed for the kill?" He winked at him, then took a first bite of his food. "Mmm... Delicious."
Elliott walked over with both plates before serving, chuckling gently at the comment "Well I wanted a night with you and dinner usually gets that" he teased. Elliott sat down to take a bite "Hope it's okay, only cooker this once before"
Sebastian nodded, an unusual soft smile brightening his face. "I can say without a doubt this had been my favorite one out of all of them." He  chuckled. "Well, it's a success."
Elliott blushed gently "You're too kind, you always have been with me" he said before beaming "Thank you sir, I'll add it to my list"
Sebastian almost said something in response but stopped midway to it and just nodded. "Let's eat before it gets cold, yes?" He took a soft breath, almost as if he was getting the courage to speak. "Stay with me tonight?" It didn't even come out as an order, but a request.
Elliott knew he needed to not be so forward in the way he talked especially with dominants. He nodded as he took a bite before smiling "I would love to"
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clydeloganisababe · 4 years
What I Wouldn’t Do (2/3)
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Guess what, it’s date time! Now on AO3. Chapter 1, aka the meet cute, is also available!
Robbie was picking you up in an hour and you still had no idea what you were going to wear on your date. He had made a reservation at a restaurant downtown, Cecily’s, and according to Google it had 2 Michelin stars, an impressive and expensive wine list, and it overlooked the bay. It looked fancy, much fancier than any restaurant you had ever been to before. You did some mental calculations and one meal alone could easily be over $150, even if you were ordering conservatively. It was sweet that he wanted to spoil you, but you would have settled for take-out and Netflix at his place. In his den.
You had tried on several dresses, but none of them seemed right. You needed something classy, but sexy. Something elegant and impressive enough for a 5 star restaurant, but something that would still knock Robbie’s socks off. Was he more of a boob guy, or an ass man?  You were going to be sitting down for most of the evening, which meant that he’d be staring at your torso. Boobs it would be. You hoped to find out for sure later.
You settle on a classic black dress with a low neckline. Slipping into neutral pumps to complete the ensemble, you swipe a swath of ruby across your lips. Simple, but sexy, you thought. And in your good bra, your tits look perfect.
Your phone buzzes and a text banner with Robbie’s name flashes across the screen. Alpha is here. You quickly give yourself a final once over. Would he like what he sees?
You open the door and there he is in all his brawny glory. A dark blazer complements his large frame, while his dark slacks hug his generous thighs. Underneath the blazer is a crisp white button down with the first button undone, his gold chain glinting from underneath the collar. His dark hair is free tonight, cascading handsomely across his face. You can taste it already, his sweet, spicy, intoxicating scent.  “Hey doll,” he rumbles, and the vibration goes right through you. His eyes give you an excruciatingly slow onceover, travelling up your curves. His gaze lingers on your cleavage for a moment, but he tears his eyes away to land on your face. “You look good enough to eat.”
You blush, but can’t hide your pleasure. “Hope you came hungry,” you tease. He takes a step towards you, thick arms braced against your door frame. “Babydoll, I am starving,” he growls.
“Then can I get you a bite before we go?” you say, looking up at him through your lashes. Robbie swallows at the innuendo. An Alpha’s bite. You can’t believe you said that. His foot crosses your threshold, but he quickly stops himself.
“If I come into that apartment,” he begins, dark eyes boring into yours, “then we will definitely miss our reservation.” You want to invite him in, into your nest, so badly. But you’re hungry for other things too.
You quickly grab your purse and lock up, joining Robbie on the steps to your apartment. His hand snakes around to the small of your back, and he bends down to give you a quick peck on the cheek. This sweet gesture surprises you, but it’s not unwanted. You like his boldness. “Come on, my car is this way.”
Car is an understatement. Parked in front of your apartment is a sleek, black Lamborghini. He clicks a button and the doors swing upwards, unfolding like wings. “Holy shit, you drive this?” you exclaim, sliding into the front seat.  “Couldn’t resist it,” he chuckles. “I can see why,” you mutter, admiring the supple leather interior. The doors swing closed, locking you in the car with him. His spicy scent is thick and rich here, and your mouth begins to water. How can one person smell this good? You want to rub against the leather, the console, everything in this car to let everyone know that you were here and that Robbie is yours.
Robbie punches the gas, driving with arrogant ease, peeling out of your apartment complex and zipping in between cars down the highway. The speed thrills you even as it terrifies you. He reaches a hand over the console and you instinctively lock your fingers with his. His hand engulfs yours, and you clench to think about his thick fingers inside of you. How many could you take?  You consider leaning over to grab his thigh, but the fear of crashing stops you. You mentally chastise yourself, reminding yourself that this is a first date. Your heat is still months away and you are already acting like an animal. You almost wish you had taken a blocker.
“You ok, babe?” Robbie asks, running his thumb across yours. He can probably smell the sour scent of your nerves.  “I’m ok,” you return. You decide to be honest. “Just a bit nervous, actually,” you admit.
“You shouldn’t be,” he purrs. You close your eyes, allowing the vibration to relax you.  Alpha will protect you. He extends his enormous thumb down to your wrist where he circles your gland. Another happy wave of pleasure washes over you. “I’ve been looking forward to this for a while. It’s gonna be perfect.”
Robbie pulls his lambo up to curb, exiting the car with elegant but powerful grace. The doors swing upwards, but before you can even budge, he slides over to your side and offers you his hand, gently helping you out of the car. His actions are gentlemanly, but the smirk playing across his lips is anything but.
“Here,” he tosses his keys to the valet. “Don’t scratch it,” he barks. Reddit would have you believe that an Omega should be thrilled at Alpha aggression, but his harsh words to an innocent bystander make your stomach churn. You understand why he’s protective of his car, but this sudden change in attitude is off-putting. He opens the door for you and you mumble a quick “thank you,” but you cannot meet his inquisitive eyes as you brush passed him into the dimly lit foyer. He follows behind you, a confused, trailing shadow.
The hostess quickly finds your reservation and leads you to a table, weaving through a sea of well dressed couples and picture perfect families. A wave of scents overwhelms you, some sweet, others cloying, some rank, some sour.
Alpha is providing. Accept his generosity.
Your table is next to a large bay window, providing you both with a beautiful view of the sunset as it slowly dips across the bay. Robbie pulls out your chair for you and you sink as gracefully as you can into the seat. His warm palm comes up to rub the gland at the nape of your neck, sending shivers down your spine and forcing your muscles to unclench. Your mating gland. He shouldn’t touch you there, not in public, not so soon, but you don’t want him to stop. His lips kiss your temple. Even though he draws away, you know his scent will linger on you, in one of your most intimate places. He’s marked you. A low, simmering heat ignites inside of you. He settles into the seat across from you, flicking open the menu. “Order anything you want,” he says, coolly. “Everything’s on me tonight.” You blush deeply. “That’s very sweet of you,” you warble. Oh god, you are chirping for him already. His hand reaches across the table and grasps yours. He interlocks his fingers with yours, but his eyes never leave the menu. He radiates contentment.
The menu is full of words you don’t recognize and pairings that seem strange. Is sumac a thing now? What is quince? Why are they serving smoked roe with crème fraîche? It must be good, this place has 5 stars, you reason. There is a single dish in English called “Lucas’s Famous Quail Pot Pie”, which sounds delicious, but you’re worried that Robbie will think your aren’t sophisticated if you pick the only menu item you can pronounce. At least you recognize caviar.
“Good evening, my name is Sammie and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you two off with anything?” You snap to attention, but Robbie barely looks up.
“Yeah, I’ll start with a glass of the Domaine Ostertag Muenchberg Riesling and, uh, so will she,” he says without hesitation.
“Wonderful, and did you want to start with any appetizers while you look over the menu?”
“Yeah, let’s start with the duck confit tortelloni.”
“Perfect! I’ll be right back with your order.” Sammie darts off before you can interject.
Robbie runs his thumb over top of yours, oblivious. After a moment you say “What if I don’t want  wine?” Robbie perks up, brows furrowing. “What do you mean? It’s a fantastic wine, you’ll love it.”
“Ok, but what if I had wanted a Cosmo? Or a Manhattan?” He stares at you blankly. “Do you want a Manhattan?” he asks. “I can call her back,” he whistles sharply. “Hey Sammie -“
“Robbie,” you hiss. You clench his hand begging him to listen. “I don’t want a Manhattan. I want to order my own drink when I’m ready.”
“Oh. Yeah. Of course.” He chews his lip for a moment, and almost seems lost. “But I thought Omegas liked that.”
“Liked what?”
“Ya know,” he looks at you pointedly. “When an Alpha takes charge.”
“Yeah but there’s a difference between taking charge and being completely controlling.”
He’s silent for a moment. The deepening shadows of the sunset obscure his angular features, casting them in sharp relief. He reaches up and rubs his face, releasing a loud exhale.
“Fuck, I’m sorry babydoll, I’ve already fucked this up. I’m not that kinda guy, I wanted to-“ He begins to pull away, and you can smell his rising panic.
“Alpha,” you chirp, grasping his hand and interlocking your fingers again. You swipe your thumb over the gland at his wrist, sending him a shock of reassurance. “Just ask me what I want next time. And be a little nicer to the server,” He flushes with shame. “I’m sorry. I was trying to do something nice. Guess I’m nervous too,” he mumbles. “It’s ok,” you say, giving his hand a playful squeeze. “Besides, you can take charge in other ways,” He growls appreciatively, re-igniting that low simmering heat in your belly.
You order the seared foie gras, for kicks, and Robbie orders the venison loin, which he tells you is very trendy right now. He’s surprisingly easy to talk to. You were expecting him to be a man of few words, but Robbie has an opinion on just about everything and he wants to hear yours too. When he can resist that Alpha urge to posture, he’s a sweet, attentive guy.
Turns out, Robbie broke up with Sophie for all the clichéd reasons that Alphas and Betas break up. “She was a sweet girl,” Robbie begins “But, eh, she and I, we weren’t really on the same wavelength about things.” He pauses for a moment. He takes a sip on his wine. “And I kinda don’t think she really liked me,” he admits, embarrassed. “I mean, she liked my car, the flowers, the gifts, the dates but,” he rubs his chin, then sighs. “I don’t think she really liked me.”
“Well, then she’s an idiot. Good riddance.” You sip your Manhattan. “And for what it’s worth, I like you.” He gulps his wine.
“You barely know me. What if I’m a brute.”
“I certainly hope you are,” you tease, nudging his knee under the table. Quick as lightning, he snatches your leg, rubbing circles into your thigh. “You have no idea, baby girl,” he promises. “And, ya know. There was this cute omega florist that was driving me freaking crazy with her talent and her delectable scent,” he inches higher. “And her cute hips.” You don’t want him to stop, but you don’t want to get kicked out either. You playfully swat his hand away. “Later, Alpha,” you tease. He pulls back, fingers trailing down your thigh and calf as he goes. Dinner’s over, but he still looks ravenous.
Robbie pays with his sleek black card. He tips generously, you note. A good quality in a mate. When the valet brings the car around, Robbie slips a $20 into his hand. “Sorry ‘bout earlier bud, I got it from here,” he says before the butterfly doors swing open. You smile up at him, but as you begin to slide into the seat, a rough hand slides itself against your ass, giving you a quick squeeze before you can settle into the car.
“Robbie!” you squeak, but he’s already disappeared to the other side of the car. He practically dives into the driver’s side. As the door swing down you are once again engulfed in sandalwood and cinnamon and it makes you want to launch yourself across the console into his lap.
“So, baby doll,” he says, clicking his seat belt into place, “Where are we going?” His gaze is dark and hopeful. You hum non-committally, even as your hand drifts over to his thigh. “I don’t know, I was thinking we could get dessert somewhere?” You give him an experimental squeeze and he growls, igniting the engine.
“Baby, you can have the whatever you like. My apartment’s nearby, sound good?”
“Sounds perfect.” His car peels out of the parking lot with an eager screech.
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madrigaldoor · 3 years
My love language is food and right now I’m in pain and miserable so here’s food memories that make me feel better.
Even though I can’t eat anything other than cold mashed potatoes bc I got my wisdom teeth out.
When my dad died I spent a lot of time at my best friends house because I didn’t want to be home. Her mom was Moroccan and would just feed and feed me and would send me home with plates full of food. I remember small cakes made with rose water and honey and these fantastic cabbage rolls. My friend stayed here for college but her family moved back to Saudi Arabia. I wish I could make the cabbage dish again because it reminds me of being loved and safe but all the recipes she sent me where in Arabic. I later learned that she was so kind to me because her own dad died when she was my age. I miss her so much.
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When I was a little kid my mom used to let us open pomegranates on the patio in our underwear and by the time we had eaten them we were covered in red stains. We had the best times of our lives. Pomegranates are my favorite fruit now because of that.
Also when I was young we didn’t have a lot of money and my mom would proudly sit down for dinner and say “this meal only cost $2.57 for all of us” and stuff like that. I’m lucky that even if I don’t have any money I can take care of myself and others.
I was dating this man and on our anniversary he took me to the spot where we first kissed. It was called Park Avenue. This old brick street with shops and restaurants up and down it. We had first kissed after walking around the lake. It was on a bench hidden under these tall trees and Spanish moss. On our anniversary we watched the sun set on the lake and he gave me a ring. After we made promises to each other we walked to a small Italian restaurant on the avenue. I had the mushroom ravioli and it was covered in pine nuts. Maybe it was the bliss and the feeling of being in love but I could never find mushroom ravioli that tasted like that. I can never go back to that restaurant or that day. Or that man.
My little brother and I eating an arepa de choclo con queso and empanadas on the porch swing. We also shared a can of Kola in the heat of Florida’s summer. I love spending time with my brother.
I make really good garlic bread even though it takes such a long time to make. I make garlic confit and then make a paste out of the roasted garlic and mix it with soft butter and fresh herbs I grow in the windowsill and Parmesan cheese and spread that on bread and let it bake into it.
I’m always in charge of making birthday cakes in my family. It’s my favorite thing to bake because it makes people really happy. I spend a lot of time on the cakes because I just love my family so much and I want them to have the best.
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I went up to Wisconsin and stayed with my cousins in their cabin during the summer. The adults were drinking and the kids were climbing trees and shit. My aunt gave me her car keys and told me to go to this shop where they harvest and sell cranberries and everything cranberry flavored. They have this alcohol she loves and she usually sneaks me some. I wasn’t twenty one so I took my baby cousin and was gonna see if they carded me. It was a really small town and there was only one road with stores. Me and my cousin couldn’t find it so we went to the Walmart to buy food and a swimsuit bc I forgot mine. She saw a dragon fruit and begged me to get it. When we got back everyone was grilling and drinking and me and her sat on the porch step and split a dragon fruit. All of my family lives far away. It’s just my mom, my brother, my grandma, and I in Florida. I miss my family and nights like these. I’m the oldest cousin so when I go and visit I like to scare them. They are fascinated with the sharks, alligators, and iguanas we have here. They don’t realize that alligators don’t like walk on the sidewalks here.
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I used to be a nanny for this family and I’d make them dinner because their mom came home at like 11. Anything I made they would LOVE. They liked soup a lot and I would really just throw anything in a pot and they would act like I cooked them a five course meal. I taught the little girl how to make bread from scratch. I have never felt as appreciated as I did then.
Sorry for the long post I just enjoy thinking about food I can’t eat and people I wish I could see.
Also look at my cakes. They’re not the best but I try
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brokentoys · 3 years
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Happy Birthday Mr. Edward!!!
    Today I decided to prepare two French dishes for you which are the ratatouille and the confit de canard!
     I made the ratatouille by mixing tomatoes; onions; courgette; eggplants; bell peppers; garlic; marjoram; fennel; and basil; then I garnished it with rosemary on top.
     I also made the confit de canard by frying the duck; preparing the arugula; slicing and cooking the potatoes; sauteing the string beans; and garnishing them with bits of bacon.
    As for the drink; I made an iced caramel mocha garnished with whipped cream and shaved chocolate pieces. For your birthday cake; I baked a chocolate strawberry cake! I decorated it with roses made out of whipped cream; strawberries; and a heart shaped white chocolate template!
    I went to a Japanese shop the other day and I saw a wooden puzzle box and a purple bunny mochi plush. They reminded me of you so I decided to buy them.
    I hope that the food; your birthday cake; and your presents will meet your expectations! (Luna) 🐰
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Eddie's jaw dropped at the sight of all the gifts Luna made for & gave to him. He stared with astonishment. Then... he started laughing, head shaking as he moved closer to the food, & his presents. " Luna ! This is a lot of food, " he acknowledged, " I don't know if I'll ever be able to eat it all. But... you sure do know how to make me feel like a king. This is a lot ! " Although he was excited to get a good look at everything, Eddie decided to start with the cake. Slicing a small piece for himself.
" Of course, I deserve to be treated like a king. But you know how some people are. Refusing to see my BRILLIANCE. "
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kembungsusu · 3 years
Glutinous ball ricecooker - savoury snack. This is a traditional recipe passed down from generations that is prepared for special celebrations but our family likes to eat this when we gather as a. Here is the secret to chewy and springy Glutinous Rice Snacks coated with Sesame Seeds or Peanuts! The round glutinous rice balls symbolize family unity.
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The glutinous rice flour balls, which have a sticky, stretchy texture, are cooked in sweet and savoury dishes. Although they are sold in the frozen section of Chinese supermarkets, they're very easy to make. This savoury version of tang yuan reminds me of home; my.
Hey everyone, it's John, welcome to our recipe site. Today, I will show you a way to make a distinctive dish, glutinous ball ricecooker - savoury snack. It is one of my favorites. For mine, I'm gonna make it a bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.
Glutinous ball ricecooker - savoury snack is one of the most favored of recent trending foods on earth. It's enjoyed by millions daily. It's simple, it is fast, it tastes yummy. They are nice and they look wonderful. Glutinous ball ricecooker - savoury snack is something which I've loved my entire life.
This is a traditional recipe passed down from generations that is prepared for special celebrations but our family likes to eat this when we gather as a. Here is the secret to chewy and springy Glutinous Rice Snacks coated with Sesame Seeds or Peanuts! The round glutinous rice balls symbolize family unity.
To begin with this particular recipe, we must prepare a few components. You can have glutinous ball ricecooker - savoury snack using 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.
The ingredients needed to make Glutinous ball ricecooker - savoury snack:
{Prepare 2 cup of glassglutinous rice.
{Prepare 1/2 cup of glass thai jasmine rice.
{Get 1/2 cup of glass coconut milk.
{Prepare 2 cup of glass water.
{Make ready 1 tsp of xylitol/sugar.
{Take 1/4 tsp of himalayan salt.
{Prepare 1/2 tsp of chicken knorr.
{Prepare 3-4 tbsp of coconut shrreded.
These rice balls are sometimes plain, sometimes stuffed with black sesame paste, red bean paste, or peanut paste. If they are to be consumed immediately, just drop them into the soup. Chapssal Donuts (Korean Glutinous Rice Ball Doughnuts)My Korean Kitchen. salt, sugar, butter, hot water, red bean paste. See more ideas about rice balls, glutinous rice, asian desserts.
Instructions to make Glutinous ball ricecooker - savoury snack:
Wash the glutinous rice till its clear. Using rice cooker, put all the ingredients together, mixed well and leave it for about 30-1hours..
Then start the rice cooker using the normal “white rice” setting. When it bip, open n mixed it all around (you can do this in the middle of cooking too). Close again and leave it till finish.
You can eat it just like that, or make a ball. You can enjoy with peanut sauce or just like that with other food you have..
Easy, tasty sweet potato and kale balls make a perfect appetizer or snack. Impress your family and friends with this easy-to-make sweet treat, with melted runny fillings. A popular snack all over China, glutinous rice balls (tang yuan) are filled with red bean, sesame, peanut, and other sweet fillings that ooze out from mochi-like dumplings skins. I like to use the lard that I confit with for a filling that's extra meaty and mildly savory. Glutinous rice (Oryza sativa var. glutinosa; also called sticky rice, sweet rice or waxy rice) is a type of rice grown mainly in Southeast and East Asia.
So that is going to wrap it up for this exceptional food glutinous ball ricecooker - savoury snack recipe. Thank you very much for reading. I am confident that you will make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don't forget to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
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(Fanfic) Survival (Chapter 05) (MC/Hayden)
March 06, 2018, Tuesday [#435]
My masterlists: [Fanfiction.] [Fan edits.]
Title: Survival (Chapter 05) (MC/Hayden)
Chapter Five summary: While [UNIT: Hayden] could guess the reasons why Eros chose their menu for them, he didn’t care very much about those reasons.
Story summary: [UNIT: Hayden] is activated with the [Ultimate Directive] of making [SUBJECT: Kai] agree to marry him. Unwilling to face [Termination], he struggles to complete his task. (His own ultimate directive? Survival.)
Links to previous FOUR (04) chapters: [01] [02] [03] [04]
Chapter Five: Special Menu
Having been given so many memories about [SUBJECT: Kai], he had expected their date to progress like a chess match: She would do something, and he would react in a way that that benefited his ultimate goal. Attack, counterattack.
But he was wrong.
As they ate the steamed bao buns with duck confit, [SUBJECT: Kai] shared with him that she only got to taste duck confit during very special occasions, and as the taro chips with steak tartare crunched between their teeth, [UNIT: Hayden] told her about Urashima Taro, a folktale character who aged 300 years after opening a forbidden box from beneath the sea.
If [UNIT: Hayden] had wanted to analyze all of that, he would immediately discern that Eros had chosen the steamed bao buns with duck confit because [SUBJECT: Kai] had informed them in the “family” section of her matchmaking questionnaire that her mother’s side of the family had a special duck confit recipe.
He would also say that Eros had given him the seemingly-frivolous memory of that Urashima Two folktale from their memory archives because his assumed personality, Hayden Young, had been inspired by that story to explore the sea, and later on, the sky, leading to him playing around with a telescope as a child, and pursuing a career as an astronautical engineer as an adult.
But in the glowing candlelight and soft music, in the flowing conversation, he was so focused on [SUBJECT: Kai] as a person that he could almost forget about his [Ultimate Directive], about his possible [Termination].
Because the buzzing had started again.
Her phone.
Her friends. Their worries and judgements. Their warnings about her being with a total stranger. Their telling her to be suspicious of everything he said, to be critical of the person across the table.
[UNIT: Hayden] took a measured sip of Shaoxing rice wine from his ornate porcelain cup, hoping that the warmth of the alcohol would help settle his fingertips, which he had to consciously refrain from tapping, tapping, tapping on the table.
And now that the alcohol had settled his nerves, he remembered that she had apologized for her friends’ behavior when the buzzing had started. In response, [UNIT: Hayden] told her that it was “totally fine” and attempted to joke about the interruption.
“Let me guess... they’re either super curious and begging for details, or... skeptical and ready to rescue you from a horrible date.”
“One of each, actually. I have a friend who’s a bit suspicious.”
Another sip of rice wine, a larger one this time, because he was breathing too fast, and [UNIT: Hayden] needed to stop what he was doing or else [SUBJECT: Kai] would look at him and wonder why he was gulping in air like he was running out of it.
“Well, what do you think? Is... is a rescue needed?”
“On the contrary... you’re doing great.”
And with just six words, [UNIT: Hayden] could breathe properly again.
(End of Chapter Five.) (Word count: 499 words.)
Chapter Five notes: (B01-C02.) This takes place during Book One, Chapter Two. I hope I’m not making [UNIT: Hayden] sound unrealistically insecure 😨 Any reminder (buzzing phone = critical friends) that he could lose the bit of ground that he’s already gained with [SUBJECT: Kai] makes him feel very, very nervous because they’ve known each other for only less than an hour at this point 😢 (Also, I feel like I deserve a medal for connecting taro chips with astronautical engineering 🤣)
Author’s note: By the way, receiving 🦄🦄 comments 🦄🦄 on my fanfiction lets me know that YOU are interested in reading more… 😊😎 Nudge nudge, wink wink 😀😋
(Waiting for H.W.U. to come back, forever and always; 06/03/18.)
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thetexastasty · 4 years
Paprika ATX | Thetexaststy
Austin is undoubtedly the best taco city in America. Austinite’s endless appetite for tacos allows for conversations (and even playful arguments) on who has the best, including both veterans and businesses that are new to the scene.
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I rely heavily on word of mouth on who has the best of anything. I naturally root for the underdogs as I love to see chefs and businesses grow until they reach the recognition of being amongst the best.
Recently, I found a new taco truck that sets the competition apart. Paprika and its chef and owner, Margarito, has been generating buzz in the Austin taco scene. Many who have fallen in love with their food probably heard about their delicious tacos and amazing hospitality. But it was a unique way that I stumbled upon Paprika.
During the holiday season, the generator from their food truck was stolen. I was reading their post expressing their gratitude towards the Austin community who donated and supported their business to get back up and running. That was the driving force for me to immediately try Paprika. In a way, I felt outcasted from this community who has already fallen in love with a new joint in town.
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First impressions matter tremendously and my first experience was anything short of amazing. I was greeted by a cheerful woman who I later found out is Margarito’s wife.
I anxiously scanned the QR code and was nervous that they would be sold out of most of the things I have been eyeing. Thankfully, they were not. Their menu constantly rotates but I have found that carnitas, nopalitos, suadero, and bistec remain their tried-and-true staples. I have seen them also feature campechano, gulf shrimp, and their Saturday special, trompo which is al pastor.
What I immediately loved about their tacos is that each bite consists of the perfect amount of meat. I tend to not like tacos filled with finely minced meat or overwhelmingly large pieces.
What truly sets their tacos apart for me is the perfect amount of sear from the grill. Their carnitas is juicy but balanced with just the right amount of shredded pieces that are seared to perfection, giving each bite that perfect texture.
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Their suadero is my personal favorite that I’ve dubbed the headliner taco of Paprika. No joke, I always check to make sure they’re not sold out before I head over.
It’s consistently the perfect size cubes of brisket confit. It’s meaty and perfectly seasoned where it does not overpower the natural taste of brisket. What highlights the suadero is how each side of the cube is perfectly seared and just a thin enough layer of fat to give the meat added flavor.
I frequent Paprika at least 2 times a week. As I started becoming a regular customer, my curiosity grew on the background of the style of cooking.
Margarito bought the truck with no initial plan on what creation he would share with the Austin community. Ultimately, it was his love for comfort food that reminded him of home that sparked the concept of Paprika. While the food resembles his hometown of Matamoros, Mexico, it’s his upbringing from the Midwest and Austin that adds a unique flair to his cooking.
Margarito shared a sentimental compliment from one of his other regulars
“The tacos are interesting because they’re a little different, and a bit contemporary while keeping the intense and authentic Mexican flavors. What’s great about Mexican food is not how complicated the flavors are, but how intense yet balanced they are. I much rather have a perfectly done carnitas taco, than some weird but mediocre invention”
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Paprika plans on introducing tinga tostadas, cochinita, and a few surprises with salsa macha as future features. Make sure you follow Paprika’s Instagram @paprikaatx to be in the loop of the day’s features and announcements of when they sell out.
Paprika is located at 6519 N Lamar located in the Michi Ramen parking lot.
 Source:- https://www.thetexastasty.com/paprika-atx/
 austin things to do || restaurants in Austin ||austin food ||  texas food ||  best texas restaurants
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wiremagazine · 5 years
By Rafa Carvajal
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The Ritz-Carlton is synonymous with excellence and elegance. My dining experience at Isabelle’s Grill Room & Garden at The Ritz-Carlton Coconut Grove certainly fulfilled my expectations for a superb dining experience. This stylish new restaurant features the delicious cuisine of Corporate Chef Paolo Dorigato, Executive Chef Andrea Rainis and Sous Chef Miguel Fajardo and is operated by LDV Hospitality. The restaurant is named in honor of Isabella Peacock, who was one of the Grove’s earliest settlers. According to LDV Founder and President John Meadow, “Coconut Grove is a historic place with a charm and spirit all its own. With Isabelle’s, we wanted to embrace that, and pay tribute to it, while creating something that also looked forward stylistically and conceptually. Coconut Grove is going through an exciting culinary renaissance and we’re thrilled to be a part of that. Isabelle’s is a place where people will feel that sense of history while enjoying food, drink, and service very much in sync with the times.”
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You can enjoy dinner daily at Isabelle’s with ample delectable choices from an assortment of land and sea options, so I sampled several delicious dishes during my dining experience. I started with The Peacock with Absolut Elyx signature cocktail with lavender, lemon and blood orange purée; the Spanish Octopus with baby artichokes, fingerling potatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, olives, and spicy romesco; the Jumbo Lump Crab Cake with celeriac apple remoulade, and upland cress; and the Salmon Tartare with smoked mascarpone, everything bagel chip, onions, and capers.
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Since I grew up eating ceviche and beets, I had to taste the Market Ceviche with fresh market fish, Leche de Tigre, red onion, Rocoto and lime; and the Roasted Beets Salad with greek yogurt, apples, oranges, and pickled mustard seeds. For the entrées, I enjoyed one land and one sea option: the 20 oz. Cowboy Bone-in Ribeye, USDA Prime 28 day dry aged steak, served with garlic confit, blistered tomatoes, and upland cress; and the Seared Striped Bass with melted leeks, asparagus, and shrimp sauce.
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For liquid dessert at The Ritz, I headed over to the beautiful and stately The Commodore indoor bar and lounge with a tropically lush covered patio. I selected a stiff drink from The Commodore’s compelling cocktail list of classics and innovative alternatives, while relaxing in a setting that reminded me of the Harvard Clubs in Boston and New York City.
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Isabelle’s Grill Room & Garden. The Ritz-Carlton Coconut Grove. 3300 SW 27th Avenue. Miami
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