#also rm tho
taxed-up-trotter · 5 months
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dr simptio anyways isnt aventurines boss form wife material
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*john mulaney voice* do i wanna cvt myself? or do i just need to go to sleep?
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truly-quirkless · 3 months
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@familylightfox asked:
It wasn’t often that a certain feline tagged along on adventures but Harmony wasn’t too bothered by Fafo’s curiosity. Although she could have done with if him darting after a bird on a construction site. So far all she had seen when they arrived was humans. How were they going to react to her.
“Fafo!” It was a hushed yell. “Get back here!”
[Unprompted. || Accepting!]
Admittedly,...the reception would not be as strange as Harmony would think. After all, it was a world of Quirks- which could result in anything from super-strength to being some animal-human hybrid, from looking like a normal human to one or two Harmony passed that had something akin to stars growing out of their head- or looking as though they were made fully out of solid rock. One of them even looked like an anthropomorphic orange cat- who yelped as Harmony raced by.
"Boss! We've got a kid on-site!" The call was sent through the radio- as Fafo continued to run and Harmony gave chase.
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"I got 'em!" Fin dashed towards where they last recalled Filo having been- only to yelp and have to jump to avoid tripping over the fluffy Maine Coon. They spun, watching as the cat raced- and gave chase themself. "Okay, maybe not, but-!" Maybe they could corral the cat into a dead-end street on the site before it got hurt. If there was one thing Fin didn't want, it was a kid's pet to suddenly get injured while here- though the kid herself looked like some heteromorph-Quirk user. Something to sort out later.
"Everyone in Section C! Pause!" The closest sounds of construction came to a halt, several 'what's' echoing over Fin's radio. Now all that was left was keeping the cat from accidentally stepping in fresh concrete, or something. "---Y'got any treats??" They turned their attention towards the strange teen, at least audially- though they were more concerned with trying to corner the racing c---! "Idea-!"
Though whether it worked or not was anyone's guess. Fin grabbed a wire from the side of the incomplete road- pulling a soft bar from their pocket to puncture on the end, before waving it back and forth rapidly. A silly attempt at a cat toy, but one nonetheless- and hopefully one that would get the feline's attention, if only long enough to make it stop running.
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boxwinebaddie · 3 months
Wait so did Ike knoww about Stan and Kyle dating? Also I'd love to hear abt Kyle and Ikes sibling relationship thats so adorable
soooooo long story short:
...y-yes. yes, he Does know.
but long story Long...
i'll leave it in the crotch. xx
( edit: so...my bad, baby. i accidentally went on a crazy TANGENT about ike and jerseykyle's relationship bc i love them a lot and their dynamic is very complicated, so if you want that info about how ike found out about ravesey dating...i gotta put it in another ask.
bc this...got Very long.
you don't have to read this. soz. >.> )
oookay!~ so i got REALLY excited about this because rm!jerseykyle and ike's relationship is super duper special to me, in that, as sp fanfic writer girlie who tends to lean away from a more gentle, kindly, introspective kyle and much more heavily into the potential brutal parts and menacing aspects of kyle's personality when i develop my style dynamics with, ofc, jers being the most brutal of all ncu kyles...
...the way that he speaks to ike -- gently, softly, tenderly -- the way that ike disarms him, the way that j.k. unravels around ike, bends for him, it's one of the ONLY instances written into my actual published canon where we see jers be extremely vulnerable. ( not crying, lmao! )
however, i will say, it was not ALWAYS like that!
*rings the cd re-education bell*
so, per my rm!take on the south park lore, ike, ofc, was adopted from canada around age five and he...was Perfect. he was this lil gorgeous, perf, lovely thing, no health problems, dark hair, i like to think his eyes are dark brown, closer to black, sweet kid, easy-going...
...and very NOT like kyle.
and, interestingly enough, i think, At First, that sheila and gerald were super obsessed with ike, cooed over him, he was the baby, y'know? which made jerseykyle MAD jealous of ikey and an Anti from day one.
which is also v interesting because rm!ike, really just fkn Worshipped jerseykyle, wanted to be close to him, wanted his approval, craved that brotherly relationship with him, idolized him...and kyle was NOT having it, dawg! like, it took him so long to even let stan in and let his cold, black heart be light and bright enough in some spots to do That, so he pushed ike away, constantly told him to fuck off/get lost
( i do think that ike's vocab being more vulgar/him being precocious comes from wanting to impress kyle/being influenced by him ), also ike was really fkn smart from the jump in a way kyle wasn't like, to me, jerseykyle has worked hard for everything, studied hard, fought hard, and ike was naturally a child prodigy and didn't have to work that hard for anything, all while being gentle and docile and kind.
-- but going back to STAN for a minute...as a direct contrast to how jerseykyle treated ike growing up...gods angel saint ravenstan was always EXTREMELY KIND to ike. stan never had a brother: okay, he had shelley but his relationship with shelley was even more complex than ike and kyle's relationship used to be and the way shelley treated ravenstan was similar to the way jersey was treating ike, so he Deeply Sympathized with that and endeared himself to ike, encouraged him, and the more kyle pushed him away, the closer ike got to stan.
stan and ike i think ALSO had very similar interests in that they both liked louder, heavier music, revolutionary/counter culture stuff, fighting the MAN, sports ( namely hockey ) i think as a gift, actually, that ravenstan gave ike his wayne gretsky hockey yersey and ike STILL has it ( yes, kyle was jealous ), stan encouraged him to be different and carve his own path in life and while kyle, obvi, was the person most effected by stan's untimely passing...it did also do a number on ike who seriously considered stan like a brother to him and was one of the only other people who Never misgendered stan.
SPEAKING OF STAN DY*NG THOUGH: this was when everything sort of...Flipped. because when stan 'died', whatever part of kyle that could love things also died with him along with a lot of his stability.
so on top of all of his health issues, kyle got really, REALLY gnarly ptsd, would fly into blind rages, got randomly triggered by things and see stan everywhere, have really, really sever panic attacks, had to be put on several medications, got into TOOOONS of fights, etc.
and ike...was just sweet, introverted, lovely ike. stayed in his lane, did his work quietly, existed quietly...while kyle was Loud and VOLATILE.
also, to tie in Another ask where someone asked me while sheila didn't take care of ike as well as she could...fair warning, i am a liiiittle defensive abt this topic because it wasn't that she didn't want to take care of ike or meant to neglect him AT ALL, it's just...when you have a a child who has a lot going on mentally and physically, is more of a firestarter, is more aggressive or more outwardly mentally unstable...
...that tends to require more immediate attention ( especially since kyle was sooo unhinged that he was constantly in police stations, juvie, the psych ward ) and sheila's attention more helicopter parent-y in that she wanted to keep kyle safe, whereas geralds attention was more negative, felt kyle was a failure/embarrassment :/// </3 )
so ike, by COMPARISION to jersey, was VERY low maintenance, did not require to be constantly watched to make sure he didn't hurt himself or others, and so, unfortunately while sheila loved him very much ( gerald just wasn't very interested in him as the second kid other than that he not act up/argue w/ him ) he got swept under the rug because of how pliable and pleasant he was personality wise.
so sheila really does Adore ike, she just doesn't worry about him nearly as much and because of how glaring jersey's issues were, she also mistakenly assumes he's mostly fine where...i really do think ike has pretty gnarly depression, tbh. he is stan coded, i mean that. i will say that him acting out is starting to cause a stir in their house.
anyways...i am sorry this is such a MESS but jerseykyle was watched with laser focus and because of this, ike got off scott free most of the time and received almost no attention. like all his accomplishments went unnoticed or were pretty normalized because the standard he set v young being smart/capable, set the bar high. ilysm, ikey. </3
tldr; ike was The Good Child
and jersey was The Bad Child.
but, in being 'good', he got extremely overlooked by his parents.
thiiiiiiis...is where jerseykyle stepped in. so basically his entire life he was staunchly anti-ike, but he warmed up to ike a lot after stan died because they bonded over talking about him a lot/that grief, and also grew up under intense scary jewish matriarch sheila broflovski and the serious shit show that was having gerald as a father...who jersey actually regularly took shit from so ike wouldn't have to, i.g. when ike did something less than perfect or did misbehaved or fucked up, kyle always took the fall for it and was the messed up problem child, so that ike would essentially spared from gerald's mental abuse/wrath.
ike was also kind of the only person j.k. had in the world, so kyle looked after him because...again...ike is very stan coded, kyle is very protective of the lil gentle hearted people and he basically raised ike in the stead of his parents which forced him to be hard on him in a way that sheila and gerald were not hard on ike...which created a lot of dissonance when ike was becoming a teen and kyle was in hs.
so, essentially while when they were little kids, ike followed kyle around, wanted kyle to like him, thought kyle could do no wrong, as he got older and kyle started to nitpick him, actually care about him and start enforcing rules/curfews on him because no one else did, ike developed a rebellious streak and started to not like or listen to kyle because he was like, bro, whatever, you're so boring, it's one party, oh my god, just because you're boring doesn't mean i have to be!!!!
it's mostly just skin deep though, ike is only irritated because jerseykyle is mad overprotective, hard core and did not gentle parent him as an older brother at like, i shit you not fourteen, like i am so sorry but jerseykyle raised ike basically, and inspite of actin like a heartless monster...loves ike very, very much ( even if he can't say it ) and ike also loves kyle very much. jerseykyle is pretty much the only other person besides firkle, tricia, etc. ( i'll get into that in a diff ask ) that truly gave a shit about him and put weight behind his actions.
so jerseykyle is like ike's older brother/dad, rags on him about doing his homework and being an edgelord
( ike has been acting out a lot, one, because he's finally starting to come into his personality more, which, imo, my hc is that ike is p popular but mostly by accident sort of how stan was because he's pretty and very nice, ike is captain of the hockey team, his accent is cute, gets good grades ( he is slacking right now tho bc hes being edgy as hell ), is a lil skater boy gamer boy, IS V INTO TRUE CRIME, JOURNALISM AND ACTIVISM, creating positive change, exposing injustice, enjoys punk rock music, thinks emo boy stuff is neato,
IKE IS THEEEE DAWN SPAWN OF EVER AND I MEAN THAT, he is a raven of crimson dawn FAN BOY, he is obsessed; i mean that...and despite wanting to make waves in that way, like, he really is kind of an antisocial DORK but lots of girls like him, he gets invited to parties, firkle gets invited by proxy even though people think they are a crazy demonic satan worshiping freak of nature...but ike's super bestie, ofc...their relationship is also interesting...BUT YEAH! IKE! <333 )
also per rm canon, jers does miss ikes birthday every year bc going to south park triggers the fuck out of him which he feels very, very badly about, rags on him but is very pro ike doing what he wants to with reason of not acting like a goddamn FOOL and doing his laundry, his emo dirt bag phase is making kyle's eye twitch ooooof, him bleaching his hair and sticking a safety pin through his lip the second ravenstan walks through their front door while ravesey are secretly broken up and jk is extra mad at him; ITS A HOT MESS EXPRESS, Y'ALL!!!!
if you made it this far...i have to put the answer to the FIRST part of your question with all that dialogue in another ask so feel free to re-ask me that, but to reference it a little...ike is so team ravesey like it is actually painful, that is his ROMAN EMPIRE. firkle actually really does not like kyle bc they think he is lame as hell, help, and is anti-ravesey bc they think romance is a distraction,
( okay, spoiler, but firkle is in love with ike, ike does not know this, ike is super fkn oblivious and is actually very bi, so it's not like he's just not aware he is not straight, he just....actually has no idea, rip, he also has a crush on a girl in his class, it DOES make firkle want to actually dome themself to hear about it 25/8, stupid Feelings, smh, firkle b hating jersey and is lowkey a little jersey coded ) anyways they think kyle dating raven of crimson dawn is going to interfere with the band, their music, their sound and is a hater. like boooo! come on, FIRK! :/
tldr; kyle and ike have a complicated relationship but love each other very much and ike does eventually learn about ravesey secret dating bc they are the brothers of ever and cannot hide shit from each other BUT I GOTTA PUT IT IN ANOTHER ASK, I AM SO SORRY, BABY, YOU GOTTA ASK ME AGAIN ABOUT THAT! but i hope this thrills you?
-uncle nina, ceo of insane hs isaac moisha broflovski lore
#i am sorry this was so long and i am not sure who cares#but idk their brotherly relationship means a lot to me#and ike actually means a lot to me#he is often over looked and very very lovely#and very deeply treasured by kyle kyle does call him bubeleh#which is very cute to me like ew he really did raise him#they were a slow burn brotherhood but worth it#i also do think its really cute that ike really liked stan#and then really liked raven of crimson dawn#like he really just feels the vibes huh#with all due respect tho i would also think pre!rm!stan was really cool and raven of crimson dawn was cool...he is that guy#I GOTTA GO INTO THAT LATER THO I AM SORRY I HAD TO GIVE YOU SO MUCH LORE I LOVE IKE AND JERSEY SM#ike is a raven of crimson dawn fanboy and the captain of the ravesey ship so sorry to everyone he is in the trenches#he is constantly catching smoke from firkle all the time about it too smh...also yeah firkle and ike lore...Interesting#i can also get into that if people want that again i am not sure who still cares abt ninas weird unfinished au style fanfic#ANYWAYS RM ISAAC MOISHA BROFLOVSKI MY BELOVED#jersey does eventually spill ike does wrangle it out of him its funny as fuck to me bc kyle was CAPPING SO HARD#that man was like idk what ur talking abt i hate that man!#jerseykyle is the ceo of lying like stan lied to stay Alive JERSEY LIES BECAUSE HE IS LITERALLY A BITCH ASS FOOL#WHO REFUSES TO ACCEPT THE DAMN CONSEQUENCES OF HIS OWN ACTIONS I HATE HIM SO MUCH#like ok to be fair they were fighting and jk did think ravenstan was dating call girl but SUPER BESTIE DO NAAAAUGHT#EVEN ACT LIKE U DONT WANNA VIOLENTLY FRENCH HIM#DONT TRY IT WITH ME BABY I LITERALLY WROTE U!#the drama of them being broken up and having to share kyles childhood bed and bedroom is sooo iconic to me#i know they were accidentally cuddling i just KNOW it#nasty cute disgusting boy angst jail for WIMPY SIMP BOYS#KISS ALREADY!!!!
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lode-builds · 2 years
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VINTAGE lode build (c. 2018)
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i need to rip off mercury's stupid head with the stupid splitting jaw i need to punch him into a wall WHAT THE FUCK MAN AND ALSO HOW DARE YOU HURT MAX PISS OFF I HOPE YOUR STUPID BEASTS EAT YOU
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koreanthrillerenjoyer · 3 months
Yesterday when i did my art jury (wich was about hyyh and the ateez storyline) one of the teachers (whom i dont have cuz hes the christian school teacher and i do atheism or wtvr u call it ) came by and as i was explaining about what it was he casualy mentiones his love for the same subjects like equilibrium and hesse and saying demian is his best work (facts) and we were having a nice convo, but like…..i think i fell in love (jokingly)
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not-xpr-art · 4 months
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couple of sketches of pieces i'm currently working on!
will probably wait until after pride month to share them so figured i might as well share the sketches now lol
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the-hopeless-haze · 1 year
RM Brown (YouTube personality) continues to be the funniest motherfucker alive if you like leftist commentary that’s like. all jokes… I recommend him
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quincyhorst · 6 months
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Y'know, even if I talk a lot about EuroB, I feel like I should have talked about this sooner...
For some context, back on 2022 the game Megaton Musashi (Also made by Level5) added some references to Inazuma Eleven in the form of team emblem stickers as to decor the player's robots. At least that's what I know. Here's a thread with the images if you're curious.
A lot of the choices are clear obvious why they were used (Raimon, Aliea Teams, Teikoku, Ogre, etc). There are some which are a bit more unusual but I can see why they are here (Knights of Queen, Unicorn). And then there's the odd ones out, Euro B + Team Garshield.
I think EuroB's addition will forever confuse me. They are not very popular teams except for like 3-4 Tumblr users and some Pixiv artist (?), and the treatment of L5 towards them has never been the best. So this is a surprise for me.... I think the same could apply to TG too (?
But nonetheless, I appreciate it, if it means us getting a no-pixel HD emblem of these teams 🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬
Though. Let me say. Lately I've been thinking of these emblems an entirely different way.
What if.... Knowing what we saw back on 2023, with ALL teams being confirmed for VROH.....
These emblems were some kind of foreshadowing?
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little-devil-art · 1 year
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Different content than usual, I developed this idea in January, but only finished it today (after two months ah)….
Anyway! BTS, am I right..?
I have been enjoying their music for a while now and I do find Dynamite as one of my faves, as it brings me a lot of joy really.. The boys themselves are drawn in my style, inspired by their “simplified“ Tiny Tan designs <3
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navree · 10 months
this whole cait corran thing is just really proving my point about why i gatekeep greek mythology from basically everyone outside the isles, i don't trust any of it at this point and the retellings are all bad anyway
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parcai · 2 years
How's the roommate
she's fine.
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cant-get-no-worse · 1 year
What do you think about real madrid
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Boy you're asking that question to someone with a Camp Nou header on? You know what you're looking for. You're not gonna get it though. :)
I don't like talking shit about other clubs, exception made of course for our resident garbage trashcan here (👋 you know yourself babe) . I got RM mutuals here (hiii) and don't do to your neighbour what you wouldn't like to be done to yourself etc. Madrid's the rival, on all points, I wanna beat them and trash them like no others, I love a good Clasico, I stress about them because taking goals from Madrid or putting some past them always holds more significance, a win gets me light headed, a loss stings for longer than others. I'm not gonna talk about History and such, cause I'm not qualified to ramble on such serious topic. That's about it. :)
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byanyan · 2 years
oof, spent the day in town doing some mattress (& other) shopping and I'm pretty socially spent. gonna see how I feel after I have dinner and... tidy up so I can move said mattress into my room lmao. if I can still function I'll attempt some writing but!! we'll see lmf
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I watched one of the Mormon films the voice of Layton is in a bit role (he literally appears in three scenes) with my family just for him and now I’m just
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