#also same pronouns 🤝
nat-without-a-g · 4 months
I don’t speak up about it much but sometimes I feel like this
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cyberdragoninfinity · 4 months
hmm 2, 12, and 23 for michael 'iii/trey' arclight?
TREYYY MY LITTLE GUYYY my little strawberry milk tea........
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
LOVE LOVE LOVE his bond with his family, i love when da character has unshakeable loyalty and parental issues for Days....this kid just wants his dad to love him and his family to go back to normal and he was literally about to do a murder-suicide over it. he's the best. AND I LOVE THAT HE IS CANONLY JUST AS MUCH A LITTLE WEIRDO AS HIS BROTHERS he's climbing into buildings all sneaky he'll break into your house he's got a FUCKING SWORD if youre nice to him he will kill for you he had his dad to fucked up alien magic to him. i love you trey michael iii arclight i LOVE YOU.
12. What’s a headcanon you have for this character?
Definitely nonbinary but he's been a little too busy to deal with that right now... I love the image of him coming out as nonbinary to V who is also at the same time coming out to HIM as a trans woman. this kid is gonna start getting into neopronouns we never thought possible. Trey 🤝Yuma eventual every pronoun realness. to me.
ALSO im of the fondest headcanon that he and Vector end up getting along well post-canon....the best possible friend for an ancient history nut: guy who was Literally and Brutally There.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
im a zexal dub warrior but i will relent that this was such a roast in the sub. i love when trey's A Little Mean. A Little Sarcastic. it makes him all the more charming imo.
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stormblessed95 · 11 months
I love you saying “Ahh the bisexual privilege of never worrying about what pronouns you sing in a love song I guess 😂” in your response to that ask lmao! I’m aroace and feel the exact same way, I sing any and all pronouns in a love song because it’s all pretend/fiction anyway for me (bi 🤝 aroace solidarity)
I understand that some people get caught up on pronouns in songs, but it’s never been a big deal for me. (A friend even got weird about me as a woman singing “I’m just a poor boy” in Bohemian Rhapsody!! What?!)
Sure, even if you do relate to a song or whatever, it is still just a song/performance at the end of the day.. BTS have done lots of girl group covers for fun too, I don’t expect them to mean every word there either
Anyone who doesn't sing along to "I'm just a poor boy nobody loves me" will lowkey get a side eye because HOW DO YOU NOT SING ALONG?! LOL
Also yes, the bi - ace solidarity is so real. Everyone wants us to chose but we refuse 😂 we don't get alot of privilege, so the song pronoun privilege is one I'll take 🤣🤣
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s4turns-r1ngs · 2 years
Hihi! hru doing????
requests are open so im requesting >:3
could you do anyone with a gn!teen reader? platonic obvi
maybe their ears are super sensitive atm and theyre somewhere loud and it just makes them want to cry? [how would they comfort/help the reader?]
totally not me right now no never-
omg hihi! im tired. and coping. yk how it is. listening to jack stauber as one does. same old same old.
also me 🤝 you <- not liking loud noises sometimes
age isn’t really mentioned tbh. couldn’t really find a way to bring it up sorry :[
pronouns: aren’t mentioned
— » » c!tommyinnit
+ tbh, he might be a little bit of the problem
+ but as soon as he notices you upset and flinching at an loud noises he immediately quiets down
+ takes you to a quiet area with little to no sound
+ maybe to his bench if its quiet enough there
+ gets you a blanket and plays one of his music discs
+ maybe braids your hair if its long enough/you want him to
— » » c!tubbo
+ personal headcanon of mine that c!tubbo is hard of hearing
+ so he generally speaks louder and people speak louder around him
+ once he notices that youre upset, he quiets down and asks if youre okay
+ takes you to a quiet area in snowchester
+ but not before giving you the biggest fucking coat or jacket he can find
+ and earmuffs. (he doesnt know if they help with the sound or not, but he gives them to you anyway)
+ talks as quiet as he can about michael and ranboo
+ if he gets too loud he will immediately apologize and quiet down again
+ honestly just tries to do his best to provide some kind of small distraction. he (like tommy) likes to talk a lot, so honestly, silence is out of the question.
+ he tries his best, though!
— » » c!ranboo (not ghostboo)
+ when he notices youre upset, he quietly taps you on the shoulder and gestures to an area away from the noise
+ he’s definitely a quiet one, so he probably just takes you somewhere with a little bit of background noise (he doesnt like completely silence)
+ maybe a nice little stream or something!
+ if youll let him, he’ll probably doodle on your arm or hand. small little flowers and stars <3
+ puts his jacket/cape (depends on how you see his character design) over your shoulder like some sort of small blanket :)
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egg-emperor · 10 months
Simultaneously holding hand in hand the fact thst yes on one hand eggman absolutely could call be any slur in the book and I'd be 1000% ok with that tbh [[given that he's lived so long I'm sure he's come across some interesting/scathing insults]] but also low key treasuries the fact that he'd at least be a gentleman and use the correct pronouns I want to go by for the day sorta thing yknow, I get that's problematic but I just wanna slap his bald head playfully and decorate his face in some lipstick kisses for payback mwheheheheh >;^3c
Lol yes 🤝 I'd let him call me all the slurs he wants I'd let him tease me and call me a faggot and queer and fairy and cocksucker for being gay for him. And it'd be like well what does that make you then when we fuckin lol but that's why he's allowed- but also just because of my degradation kink. 🥴 And yeah with his age he's gotta be a riot with the jokes he could make to make fun of me for the exact same things he does, including getting to use ones he's received in the past on me. He'd jump at the chance XD
I wouldn't say he's exactly gonna be gentlemanly about anything though, he's known not to be one in general beyond when he's doing it sarcastically mockingly like the cheeky bastard he is and I personally wouldn't believe or want myself to be an exception to his usual behavior. I think he just happens to not be bigoted and discriminatory towards various kinds of people due to the way that he just doesn't care what anyone is because everyone is equal- expect for him who is superior and above all!
But yeah I'd also love to slap his beautiful shiny smooth bald head and I don't usually wear makeup but I'd wear lipstick just to cover various areas of him in marks too hehe 💜💕
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donghyuckkies · 8 months
honestly yeah you're so right. the Eldest Daughter Experience™️ (and attached trauma) is such a distinct experience that you can't fully detatch yourself from even after transitooning because it shaped you. it's part of how you grew up and there's no changing that. honestly i feel the same way about feeling reluctant to reblog stuff about it, sometimes i think about my past experiences with it and wonder what kind of pronouns to use for my past self that didn't know about being trans yet. it gets really icky if i think about it for too long though. but yeah i 100% get it and i also wish everyone a very stop fucking misgendering us 😔🤝
this conflict with our past self is so unique and it's something i've been thinking about a lot lately. it's like yeah i used to be a girl, i'm not anymore, but that experience is still part of who i am so i cannot fully separate myself from my past gender identity. however if you call me a girl i will daydream about committing acts of violence against you :)
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draxumain · 10 months
hi! can i get a demon slayer match up with only human adult characters please (she/her pronouns) 🥺🫶 im a short bi w a male-lean w short, straight hair. my hobby is to read and play the piano! im an ambivert where i get really hyped up around close friends but am shy around strangers and need my alone time. id say im an overthinking perfectionist who gets overwhelmed by peoples expectations LMAOSJJSHS (currently working on not beating myself up for being mediocre 🙏) i get really passionate about my interests sometimes and i tend to share too much when anyone is willing to listen ☠️ also i love everything pink and cute! im hoping this isnt too much😭 and tysm!! i am absolutely in love with your writings 🫶🩷🩷
Hi anon! Don't worry you're not mediocre to me, here's your matchup hope ya like it! And tysm that means sm to me, I've only just started writing so I'm happy I'm doing something right! 🥹❤️
As usual not proofread so sorry!
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For your match up im paring you up with...
Iguro Obanai
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You're such a sweetheart and 100% scream Obanais type. Obanai is cool and down to earth, he's quite harsh with not only others but himself and he's not so happy to lucky either. so when he sees you, you absolutely light up his world.
Your shyness around him when you first meet him, made his heart skip a beat he couldn't understand how you'd lose your cool over talking to him but he found it a little cute. Just a little. A lot actually.
He's quite the perfectionist himself, he doesn't allow any himself slip ups whatsoever. And he hates those who slack off and don't bother so he admires that you strive to perfect things, however he wishes you could take it down a notch.
A lot of notches actually.
In his personal opnion he strongly believes everything you do is perfect there's not an ounce of imperfections you could do. But he's always there to sooth you and quiet those loud thoughts of yours.
He understands the curse of over thinking everything he doesn't want anything more then you to take it easy and relax you deserve such a minimum.
He likes spending some alone time with you just sitting and listening to you playing the piano is the best way to spend his day actually. The way your hands dance in the piano is so satisfying and the music you play is wonderful to his ears. Even if, you mess up the whole song up and misplace the notes, he'll always be your #1 hype man and tell you it was the greatest peice he's ever listened to.
The moment you mention you've had an eye on a book, he is immediately getting you it. Without a sending thought. He'll 100% go and read the same book you're reading.
Somehow when you're one the first chapter he's already 5 pages away from finishing.
This man's love language is gift giving so the minute you utter you love pink thing prepare for your room to be constantly filled with pink things gifted from him.
Weekly pink flowers he hand picked himself, pink socks, pink satin pillow, pink shoes, pink clothes, pink stuffed toy, pink water, pink air, pink-
Him being quiet 🤝🏾 you always talking about your interests. He's not much of a talker and is always more then happy to listen to you talk, he can listen to you for hours, days even if you let him. He always takes mental notes of the things you talk about so he can do some research on it later and impress you with his knowledge and so the both of you can converse happily.
Even if it's the most diabolical or confusing topic he'll go someway somehow get himself to understand every single thing, even learn more then you know. <3
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Her Lady's notes:: I was actually contemplating between Obanai and Mitsuri, twas a tough pick!!
──  ﹫ 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘𝐒𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐌   ؛   𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗎𝗆𝖻𝗅𝗋
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comfortunit · 11 months
ALSO also this is tangential at this point but i love to write fiction with characters who are against or outside of the gender binary and i thought like, an entire series where the characters singularly and only use It for not only the protagonist but another really important character, a fictional universe written to exclude transphobia from the outset with nonbinary minor characters thrown in at random, and you still have people misgendering the fucking protagonist and finding ways to write in misgendering it into the text. at least i could pretend people would respect my character choices when i look at mainstream fandoms but seeing the like rampant transphobia in a series that is trans itself? heartbreaking. depressing. made me want to put down my pen for a whole moment (not even getting into how much "person treated like product/who had their agency invalidated learns how to direct their own life" narratives mean to me and expecting to see people who got that theme instead of. treating it like a product to force to do whatever they want. do people not see the sad irony there. its like seeing an anime girl whos character arc is "people objectify me against my will and i fight against it to reclaim my personhood" and then watching the fandom/company turn around and only sell/interact with highly sexualized shit of her. like i THOUGHT people who were fans of something showing corporate and consumer hypocrisy would be a lil smarter! ive underestimated the average persons ability to be in denial of things and themselves however) ok ok im done sending my silly little asks i hope you have a good rest of your day
right, and a MAJOR theme of mbd is, as martha wells put it (i'm paraphrasing), 'the 'ugly' parts of trauma that no one talks about'. murderbot is traumatized and it's a person but it is repulsed by the idea of being 'humanized'. it just wants to be comfortable after so much time spent being told what to do, what to be, everything. prescribing it pronouns other than what it itself has 'written' in its DIARIES (wow a concept... 🤯 first person pov. fucking mind-blowing, y'all, firsthand experience actually lets you know how someone thinks/feels/perceives things. i know. it's crazy), forcing things onto it, projecting things onto it, that it never opted in to... it's just more of the same. murderbot's ultimate goal is to feel like its own person, it wants to BE. it's literally a struggle for autonomy, and i'm sure humans in-universe and in the fandom alike, they just don't get it, they think murderbot is going about things in a counterproductive manner like "oh if it hates the company so much then why is it still so attached to being a secunit and protocols and all this bullshit?" like god do these people have any fucking idea how trauma works? have they ever understood the trauma of others? my guess is a resounding NO.
and re: my gripes about it being aplatonic and no one fucking caring enough to give it the decency of this canon fact in their fanfic re-creations of it; it GETS MAD at perihelion for trying to FORCE its emotions out. and people write this off!! because they want to believe this is like "aww it's MAD because it LIKES ART" like actually people who care about each other can be terrible to each other! and not everything is secretly cute and adorable! a big POINT of network effect is that ART DOESN'T GET IT; it DOESN'T know what murderbot wants, it DOESN'T know how murderbot feels. it DOES NOT GET IT. the fandom insists on smoothing everything over because the idea that murderbot might have genuine feelings of hate, or intrusive feelings that it both is internally upset with but also embraces... it's like they can't fucking handle this complexity. they can't. they act like they can and they can't fucking handle it, or i wouldn't see it represented so fucking atrociously in fanfic, lmfao.
it's fucking INFURIATING !!!! 🤝
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carfuckerlynch · 1 year
hi hello 🍓
HIIII u r SO cool love what you’ve done with the meat + the cannibalism. excellent poetry. also 🤝 same pronouns
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vriskacircus · 1 year
vriska for vriskasweep! also jade and/or terezi if you want to ^_^!!
(I'm bad at remembering exact lines so for 6 ill give you a moment instead)
VRISKA MY GIRL #vriskasweepisrealinourhearts
1: vriska serket is the bisexual murdergirl ever. maybe not the one we need but definitely the one we deserve
2: vrisrezi is the only option. nothing else exists they are everything. they are the blueprint. if girls arent killing each other are they even really in love
3: vriska and egbert. i think their earlier interactions are very sweet and in my soul i think that they should become friends again. also vriska and arquiusprite? she loves that fucker and its hilarious
4: vristav. i love my girl but thats a hard Nope.
5: i think her ears are asymmetrical and it makes her glasses really uncomfortable to wear. also she makes weird noises all the time and it freaks egbert specifically out. everyone else got used to it
6: Vriska vs. (Vriska) is so good to me. recognition of the self (derogatory)
7: i too need to be the center of everything ever or die. also me 🤝 vriska: relating to people really weirdly. i dont know whats wrong with us but it is the same thing
8: everything about how she treats tavros. her other crimes are girlbossing but that shits not cool bestie
9: cinnamon roll, obviously. the Most problematic fave
1: aspec of some kind but idk the specifics and i dont think she does either
2: im a davejade fan sorry do u still love me /lh karkat can come over on thursdays or smth
3: jade and feferi! they should have gotten to talk more i love the weirdgirls (my class is also witch and i believe in witch solidarity)
4: i dont really have one other than like. actually gross and illegal shit but that goes for every character
5: i think she'd be a fantastic singer. get that girl a karaoke machine! dont make bacon within a 50 mile radius she will teleport to you and eat it out of the pan
6: [S]: Cascade is the coolest thing anyone has ever done.
7: she is so so lonely. and a doggirl but in the tragic way.
8: jade has never done anything embarrassing in her life she is the coolest
terepy pipes
1: she is also bisexual i dont make the rules
2: see vriska
3: dave motherfucking strider. on a less canon interactions note i think it should become friends with jane. detective and blind justice? girlboy who makes food and girlthing who loves to taste? theyre made to be besties
4: gamrezi. i also dont like terezi/egbert much but thats more me just not getting the appeal than a visceral negative reaction
5: she/it pronouns and also hoards neos but ive spent too long on this post already so just imagine any set of neopronouns and she probably uses it. she likes to tell everyone she's the pronoun dragon. of course you have teal blood and pronouns.
6: ok i Do have a quote for it. "TH3 PROS3CUT1ON S33S NO CO1N. SH3'S BL1ND, R3M3MB3R?!" she's a little fucked up tbh
7: ok this one was weirdly hard. we both have huge stuffed animal collections though
8: it thinks it looks so fucking cool drawing its own chalk outline to die in. and she's not wrong, but she is Such a fucking nerd.
9: problematic fave but i support womens wrongs
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gayautobotwolves · 2 years
Anyways got my Earthspark ocs straightened out. Just some minor tidbits I’ve worked out for them, aka their characters so far.
Polaris (the terran):
Slightly younger than Twitch and Thrash, but older than Hashtag, Jawbreaker, and Nightshade, as they were made in the period between the creations of the first two and the final three. It’s implied that there’s at least a couple weeks’ time between them (See Mo’s emphasis on “this week?!” when Twitch mentions her and Robbie’s night walks), so that’s where Polaris’ creation happens. I hope so at least, or Polaris’ story makes zero sense in terms of canon compliance.
Keeps their original form a lot longer, there’s too many choices for them to pick from, especially when they realize that animals can be an option too, and they struggle with making choices this big when there’s this many options.
Haven’t figured out their alt mode yet, but it’s probably going to be some sort of arctic animal.
VERY into astronomy. Elliot informed them that their name is the same name used for a star, and Polaris has had a fascination with the stars and space. Even more so after they learned that their species is rooted in the cybertronians, who are bots from space, that really got them curious. Essentially Polaris is incredibly autistic and astronomy is like their biggest special interest.
Polaris and Elliot have a really tight bond because of Elliot’s situation, they’re incredibly protective of their sibling, the two of them spent at least a couple good weeks in the wilderness together, just the two of them trying to survive on their own. They’re very cautious around new bots that are larger than them, because anything that big has to be a threat.
Polaris 🤝 Nightshade 🤝 Elliot no beanies, gender? hardly knew her. You thought you were getting one nonbinary kid Mrs. Malto??? How wrong you were. It’s three actually.
Would 100% cling to Nightshade just because “same identity!!” at first, but they’d eventually become close with the other kiddos, Nightshade is their bestie though, next to Elliot ofc. 
They do absolutely everything to keep Elliot calm, turns out this human is prone to having some very panicky thoughts, and Polaris hates when this happens because not only is Elliot in a lot of mental/emotional pain, but they can feel every bit of pain that Elliot is in, and it hurts them so badly knowing that their sibling is going through something like that.
Elliot (the human):
They/she pronouns, prefers them to be alternated but if you stick with one, it’s gotta be they. Also an autism creeture.
Around 15-16 years old.
Ran away from home. Pennsylvania isn’t too far from their home state, so it wasn’t too difficult for her to get there on their own.
Mostly stuck to more hidden areas and forests to avoid being detected by law. The last thing they want to do is go home, she didn’t feel safe nor welcome back home, and they knew people would start looking for her.
Coming across the cave was complete chance, it was starting to grow cloudy and they needed shelter, so she ducked into the shiny cave to find some cover until the storm passed. Enter one incredibly enticing stone. 
Crow mode activated. Elliot loves gemstones and rocks, so this thing was really exciting to find, they’d never seen anything like it before. The cave was giving some incredibly confusing energies however, made it a lot harder to immediately touch the very pretty rock.
Polaris was, quite literally, the coolest thing that Elliot had ever seen in their life. It was a slow meeting, both of them in a lot of shock and confusion, Polaris slightly afraid, but they eventually got face to face and figured each other out. 
Elliot told Polaris their name, and when Polaris asked for Elliot’s, there was silence, as Elliot hadn’t really picked out a new name yet. So naturally Polaris named Elliot, they had a feeling of what this human’s name should be, and it really did fit. That’s the moment they really began to bond.
Elliot was a lot less lonely with Polaris in their life. Now it wasn’t just surviving all by herself, it was adventuring the forest and teaching this new transformer all about the wonders of earth. Introducing Polaris to Elliot’s favorite animals, going swimming in a lake together, sleeping under the stars, stargazing, playing in the dirt, just being kids together. Elliot told Polaris everything, and Polaris promised to always be there with them. No matter what. They’re siblings till the end of time.
The duo would probably end up meeting the Malto family post season 1A? I might readjust this and parts of their story when 1B comes out, but for now it’s post 1A.  
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coffinsister · 1 year
Thank you yes i go by sasha. Also hey same pronouns (also he/she)
🤝 <- Us right now
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berrymoos · 2 years
✧—last updated 4/14/24
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ʚ berry’s patch! ɞ
♫ — ❝ days fade into a watercolor blur; memories swim and haunt you – but look into the lake, shimmering like smoke ... rises the moon ❞
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ꗃ﹏ 🥯:before we belay!
anti-LGBTQ+, racist, kink, anti-agere, pro-sh, pro-ed, thinspo, proship / proship positive (in/est or adult x minor), blank blogs (no bio or pfp), child-UNSAFE blogs, discourse blogs .. (wip)
sign-off anons:
🦊 / 🕷 / 🌱 / 📎 / 🦅 / .. (wip)
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ꗃ﹏ 🥞:about me!
name: basil or berry will do! i don't lean too heavily toward either
age: 17. i'm not sensitive to dirty / suggestive jokes (given one of my main fanbases r tv-14), but i'm still minor & this is still a sfw fandom agere blog!! tread lightly ;-]
pronouns: any!! like my names i'm not picky - neos count as well!! i'm particularly fond of fae/faer ,, so so pretty
main blog: @broomiies (if moots somehow find me, heyo!!). my main isnt agere-related (but agere blogs are welcome to interact), ive got some suggestive jokes reblogged / liked, & i swear a whole bunch, but that's about it. ofc i'll keep the swearing at a minimal here <3
clarification: you're very welcome to interact if you enjoy horror or other darker media of that sort – i do too (as u can see by my fandoms ejendjn)! i'm squicked out by topics like in/est & adult x minor, so like. please don't interact if u enjoy those topics lmao 👍🏾 also, just because i enjoy controversial media does not mean i condone what the creator(s) have done! liking the art ≠ liking the artist.
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✎ ﹏ 🥙:creative corner!
fics (blurbs, minifics, oneshots...)
concepts (rambling about ideas)
hazbin hotel
moon knight
ninjago ;; s1-14
attack on titan
boku no hero academia (s1-s5 ;; seen manga spoilers)
bungo stray dogs (s1-s3)
demon slayer
pokemon!! (agere + pkmn aus are a different story :winky face:)
the owl house
☁️ FIC REQUESTS: open!
☁️ ASKBOX: open! (♡´▽`♡)
☁️ EXTRA: if you've read this far, like the post! just makin sure you've read it ✧(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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✯ ﹏ 🥧:stars of the show!
📖 agere ao3: tinychai
🌙 moon knight: (3/3)
🫂 marc needs a hug (and steven is there to fulfill) ▬ oneshot. 1.4k words; canon compliant, hurt/comfort — WOOO OKAY, this is my favorite fic EVER out of p much everything i've written!! genuinely i think it's my best & i wrote it after being punched in the gut with the writer's block / imposter syndrome combo </3 seriously i owe it to moon knight for dragging my out of that dump
(canon-typical violence & language in the beginning)
🎨 paint splatters ▬ oneshot. 0.3k words; domestic fluff — plot bunny moment?!? eeyup, & a cute one at that
🚀 my heart and the earth share the same rule ▬ ongoing. 1.1k words; minific collection — in which i write a fic in exactly 3 paragraphs!
🥛 ꒰・꒱ 🍪 ꒰・꒱ 🥛 ꒰・꒱ 🍪 ꒰・꒱ 🥛
🦉 the owl house: (1/2)
💛 squish ▬ oneshot. 0.4k words; domestic fluff — another plot bunny >:-] luz makes an appearance at the very end too
🥛 ꒰・꒱ 🍪 ꒰・꒱ 🥛 ꒰・꒱ 🍪 ꒰・꒱ 🥛
🕰 stranger things: (1/1)
🖍️ a picture, a stuffie, and maybe a paci ▬ oneshot. 0.5k words; mild hurt/comfort — baby jonny / bubba will against the world, ohhhh my goodness gracious !! love these two so much
🥛 ꒰・꒱ 🍪 ꒰・꒱ 🥛 ꒰・꒱ 🍪 ꒰・꒱ 🥛
🎭 total drama: (1/24)
🤝 interlocking pinkies ▬ oneshot. 0.2k words; short fluff — i dont actively write for total drama anymore, HOWEVER i will always remember my origins fondly <33 this took so much courage to post bc the TD fanbase is .. kinda mean sjskfjwkdkw BUT ANYWAYS! teeny ale / cg noah is definitely a duo!! <33
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gender-mailman · 2 years
I just realized I never gave my pronouns or anything so reintroductions are in order (everyone gets to know)
Hi, I'm max / panda / goop (most favored names :3c) and I go by he they it and other pronouns besides she her and I talk the most on this blog and in asks :^
I have too many names, titles && pronouns .. send help /j
Oooooooo!!! Sgkdheksv thx for the info <:D i never knew what to call you and always just called you nightz in my head <:D
Also, haha same 🤝 also have many names and pronouns and titles shdhlsgdmw
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rize-is-writing · 1 year
If your still taking matchup request can I get a romantic one for genshin impact or bungo stray dogs? I would like to get both, but if you only want to do one then please do genshin impact! I’m a minor and don’t have a preference for female or male match. My pronouns are she/they.
Appearance wise I have brown hair??? I was blonde, but accidentally permanently dyed my hair black. It looks brown now that the blonde is growing in 🤔 I have blue eyes, and tend to wear glasses. My ears are pierced as well as my septum.
I am a Leo! I’m not a talkative person or a people person, but that changes once I get to know you. The closer you are to be the more mean I will be to you (as a joke ofc 🫶). I really do care for people, but honestly it’s quite hard to show it (hugs are the way to go fr). I’m a great listener and always listen to what my friends tell me. Even go out of my way to help them to the best of my ability. Since i’m naturally a quiet, antisocial person I don’t speak to people about my problems. If I ever were to speak to someone about it, it’s normally my closest friends. It’s probably obvious I don’t like social gatherings. I’m quite sensitive tbh 🧍‍♂️
I don’t think I have a lot of hobbies tbh. It normally just consist of the same things. I play video games a lot, the main game being genshin impact. If I’m not playing video games I watch anime, read manga, or…. sleep. Normally I wouldn’t watch TV or movies, but if I ever watch movies they are normally Studio Ghibli movies (Studio Ghibli supremacy 🧎‍♀️💪). When I’m not able to do any of that, or just don’t want to do any of that I listen to music. I like to space out and daydream when I listen to music. My last hobby is…….. theatre. Definitely doesn’t fit in with my personality. 🤝
This seems long, apologies for that. 🤧 Thank you though!
I found your match! Come to meet them, c'mon c'mon!
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No worries for talking at first, Kenji definitely does all the work at first! In fact I think that among crowds or any kind of social gathering, he would back you up without hesitation at all. He's just like that, trying to protect you at any cost from feeling uncomfortable! For sure a sweet guy to be with I guess. Also very affectionate as well, probably would either be the one to start them or just wait for you to, but that would also be the thing he would do the most as well!
I don't see him having much of hobbies as well, being born and raised in rather rural place and doesn't have much knowledge about the city life or other things. But I'm sure he would be the kind of guy to bring you at the country side to relax together. Or watch studio Ghibli stuff together. I think he has a big studio Ghibli aesthetic on him, change my mind. So I think he would absolutely love them if you make him watch some!
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A fellow theater kid, I feel like Yun-Jin's idea of dates is either bringing you around to watch some opera spectacles or just give you a ticket.
She is patient and kind, would definitely wait for you to be comfortable around her before starting anything, such as hugs and affection, definitely won't feel bothered by you "insulting" her jockingly, if that means that you are being closer together. Sure, wouldn't exactly retaliate but would be for sure endeared by the way you show her affection.
Once you begin to hug, I feel that Yun-Jin can become a force of nature on that! She is an affectionate person, and not afraid to show it. Ready to back you up as well when you feel nervous around people, either keeping you close or taking you away from the scene.
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Yo! One mystic messenger matchup please thanks much
I go by She/They pronouns I’m a Southeast Asian Filipino. Aries sun, but I’m closer to my Taurus Moon, Rising in Gemini. ENTP 7w8 sp/sx
Im 5’2 my physical appearance is on my pinned post 🤝
I’m pretty extroverted but I also equally like to spend time alone. I’m pretty open-minded but can be just as hard-headed. I am critical. I like to analyze many things so that’s why it helps when I journal my thoughts or am able to have people willing to listen to me. I try to self-validate myself whatever that means but I like protecting myself from discomfort or any negative emotions so I tend to just notice my emotions, question why I feel like that, and usually never solve it. Call me stubborn because I am. I’m not a person who’s easily convinced but if it makes people feel better I could find a common ground between what they’re convincing and my personal thoughts and opinions. I talk a lot, there’s really no stopping me. I need to be constantly mentally stimulated or else I lose my mind and get bored. So doing challenging puzzles can help me or doing heavy researching/analyzing on things I find interesting at that moment. I hate when people assume things about me and it gets me upset because I would much rather have people engaging in a consistent conversation about me versus a two days worth of talking. I would love to become a Psychiatrist and I’m currently doing pre-med as of this upcoming college year. I also change topics A LOT. Jumping from one thing to another. Strong emotions don’t go well with me that much, because I feel pressured to know what to do when I really kinda don’t know what to do. I see it I can sense what you feel, but I’ll overthink what to do or ask or approach them or even if I should. My way of expressing love is through physical touch, and quality time. The love language I would like to receive is gift giving and physical touch. I can get overwhelmed with the constant habit to over analyze people and it usually ends up me doubting them.
I match you with...
What you desire the most in a relationship is somebody that can keep up with your conversational habits. You want somebody who values conversation and communication above everything else. You are somebody that loves to share your thoughts and feelings, and it's important that the people that you allow into your life have that same desire to express themselves. That's why you should look no further than Jumin Han. His love language is communication. He could spend hours of his day talking about pretty much any topic than you can imagine.
There aren't many people in this world who enjoy doing that the way that he does, and with that foundation in mind, you two are perfect for each other. You don't need to be afraid about emotions being all over the place when you're with him. The two of you are level-headed but what you need more than anything is to realize that you can rely on other people. The two of you are the balance for each other. When you put two people together that care about other people so much, they help the other realize that it's okay to be the one on the receiving end every now and again.
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