#also she doesnt have the frill on the front of her dress
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day 89
inspired by both drawfee's "from memory" drawings and my roommate playing yoshi story i decided to draw some mario characters from memory!
i did like!! shockingly better than i thought i would? i wasn't really much of a mario kid honestly!
guess it just goes to show how iconic and distinctive the character designs are
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kousaka-ayumu · 1 day
"By The Power of Music! Cure Héxie Made Her Debut!"
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Previous episode
But before she knew it, a pair of hands which look like it came from the midnight sky wrapped themselves around her.
"𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖐 𝖞𝖔𝖚, 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖘𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖍𝖊𝖗."
That's what she heard before Azalea was taken away.
Suddenly the girl opened her eyes, she was standing in a abandoned and destroyed castle but this time she's in front of the gates with a sun on the wooden gates.
She's confused, she never seen this location from any of the books she read, she slowly walked towards gates and there's a sign right next to it.
'Welcome to Ravindra Garden!'
Ravindra Garden? She never heard of this name before.
As she's thinking about the information, she didn't notice that a girl walked behind her.
The girl looked identical to her but the hair is longer and is wearing a purple outfit.
All of a sudden, she held the girl's hand and everything went white.
??? End.
Currently both of them are now in her room with Xuánlǜ, Galaxie, Riah and Amour.
"Okay, what in the world just happened today? First I transformed into some strong girl, then everything in here became a snow valley and that butterfly monsters just became a cute little butterfly, and that Acheron guy is covered by a bunch of snow!" She said as she wailing her arms around like a kid, suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Oh shoot! Hide!" She ushered the fairies to hide, luckily they did, the door was opened and it's Hoseki in her dorm uniform.
She wore a pastel blue dress with black frills, puffy sleeves, white apron with the trump card print, black and white stripe tights and black Mary Jane shoes.
She came from the BiaHart dorm, founded by the Curiousity of the Lost Dreamer. "Fuyumi." She said.
"Hoseki-chan? What are you doing here?" She asked with a nervous smile on her face as she didn't want to tell the tiger beast-girl what had happened yesterday. "Came here to tell you something."
"Sure what is it?"
"A boy was floating in the sky constantly demanding for you're presence."
That sentence is when she froze, oh no, oh no, oh no no no no.
"And the next thing I know I went unconscious along with everyone else's, and the next I woke up to see him gone but.."
"I saw a girl with ice blue hair."
'Oh no, oh no, oh nononononono, did she knew? Did she knew?!' The ice blue streaked haired girl thought panicking within her mind 'Don't worry! Maybe she thought it was apart of her imagination or something?!' Demetria said telepathically to her within their mind also panicking.
"Could be an imagination.." Fuyumi responded, the polar bear sigh in utter nervousness he hope that Fuyumi doesnt mess up. "But if that guy's appeared again, make sure to keep yourself safe." She said as she left the room, now that she's alone she nudges the Crusaders to coming out of their hiding spot and Demetria have flee out of the watch.
"That was so close!" Riah said, "You said it Riah." Xuánlǜ replied they were so close to get caught by another being as they're not used to the world of Twisted Wonderland. "Sorry Fuyumi, it just that we're not used to this place." The polar bear said, "It's okay." Fuyumi said.
Meanwhile at the now ruined Ravindra Garden, Acheron was currently being cleaned up by a girl
The girl has white hair with sky blue eyes, wearing a white dress with light blue frills, gold accents, white to gray to black gradient socks and dark blue shoes, she also has a small angel wings and a broken halo. Her name is Elvis.
"And then I got blasted by her! Blasted! I mean blasted by a batch of fucking snow am I right?!" Acheron said complaining and being absolutely bitter with his loss with some girl?! What was her problem anyway?!
"Acheron, Elvis." A voice commanded outside of the room.
"Acheron, sweetie are you okay?" She ask only to be responded with "The fuck not Lurline, I got blasted by a bunch of snow from that PreCure lady!" He's angry that he lost, usually he's bombastic that he won several times before, only for him to be lost this time around.
"What brings you here then Lady Lurline?" Elvis asks"Ammit-sama asks me to get rid of the girl you lost to, I'll see you later bye~" She said and then dissapeared.
Back with our heroes Fuyumi is currently in classes with Demetria inside her watch, the other Crusaders are fooling around in her room and Xuánlǜ? He secretly followed her and ended up separating from her by accident.
And now he got lost in this giant castle that is called Royal Sword Academy. 'God I should've stayed in Fuyumi's room, if I did then I wouldn't got lost in this giant plac-'
Suddenly all he heard was a soft singing, surely he flew towards the source of the song, it's in the music classroom.
It was none other than Hoseki Héxie.
Shinkai shoujo mada mada shizumu
Kurayami no kanata e tojikomoru
Shinkai shoujo dakedo shiritai
Kokoro hikareru ano hito wo mitsuketa kara
For a moment right there, he felt like he was hypnotized by her voice, he never heard a song like this in centuries ever since what had happened, yet for some reason she look likes him........
He was too deep within his thoughts that he never noticed that Hoseki was approaching him and it was only pick him up that snapped him out of his thoughts.
Suddenly he started panicking "Hey, hey hey, it's okay I'm not gonna hurt you." That was said to him from the beast-girl.
Slowly but surely he looked and saw the soft yet kind smile from Hoseki herself, her dull red eyes somehow reminded him even more of him, then he quickly flew out from her hands in a completely nervous wreck.
"Can you tell me who are you?" She asked politely, she looked like someone he knew but at the same time different as herself, slowly but surely he flew towards her "I'm Xuánlǜ, from Ravindra Garden well formerly from Ravindra Garden." He said shyly, almost like his voice is filled with anxiety. "Name's Héxie Hoseki, nice to meet you." She said, in utter politeness.
Then she held out her hand almost as if she wanted to shake hands with him, at first he wasn't sure but later he did, suddenly there was a bright light came from between both of them, with her upper back now has a music note of a g-clef.
Before she could ask something "Xuánlǜ! Where are you?!" A voice yelled out, it was Fuyumi. Hoseki was surprised by it. "Fuyumi?" She said softly, then looked at the eastern dragon "You know her?" She asked, "Yes, since yesterday."
"Xuánlǜ! Xuá-" Fuyumi yelled out before interrupted herself as she went to the music classroom and saw Hoseki with Xuánlǜ in front of her.
It was utter silence before-
"UWWWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" Fuyumi screamed out with her all as it was immediately transitioned to a tanned skinned 15 year old girl with long dark green hair with light green streak, green eyes and wore the same uniform as Fuyumi but instead it's a white collared undershirt, blue blazer, and white knee length socks, she also has a golden bracelets. Her name is Midorikaze Kiko.
There's also a 14 year old girl with short dark brown hair with a small braid and an orange streak, has bright green eyes and a gold star marking on her cheek, she wore a white collared undershirt with orange cardigan, blue skirt, white tights and black heels. Her name is Mikanhoshi Seiza.
"Did you hear that?" Kiko ask to be met with "Yeah, but I think we should ignore it, it's their problem not ours." Seiza replied and walked away, Kiko ended up following her "Hey! Just because you're a celebrity doesn't mean you get to say things like that!" She responded as she followed her.
"So what you're saying is that you're a legendary warrior named PreCure and have to fight evil people? Is that why that guy after you yesterday?" Hoseki askes, apparently Fuyumi have to explained everything to a T.
"Sorta, but I'm chosen! The reason is that I have to protect Demetria." The ice streaked haired girl replied, everything that happened was so unexpected to her, it was overwhelming that she couldn't remember some details properly.
"And these guys? Also from Ravindra Garden?" She asked, the Crusaders nodded, she couldn't feel but felt horrible for them, they lived in that place their entire lives only to be destroyed by villains, she can't forgive those villains, ever. "But it's okay, Fuyumi has found us and given us a home, if it weren't for her I could've died from my injury." Demetria said coming from her watch, "But it was because I found you guys outside of one of the classrooms remember?" Fuyumi said with a smile on her face.
"Hold up, I heard of Ravindra Garden before, I saw that in a dream." She said, Fuyumi frozed.
"You mean you wake up in a destroyed and abandoned castle?!"
"Yeah? Wait you also?"
"Yes! Wait up, that was before I became Cure Schnee! I never have dreams like that."
"Demetria, do you know about this?" Fuyumi asked, only to be met with "I'm sorry, I don't know anything about that." The polar bear replied. "It's okay."
It was awkward silence between both of them, it was explainable.
"Wanna go to the library tomorrow?"
Meanwhile in the middle of nowhere a woman was cleaning up the mess that she made earlier.
Then she looked at the scene which is covered with redness and her eyes glows yellow.
"Tch." That was the only thing she said as she cleaned up her mouth before everything goes black.
The next day, school is over both girls are now at the library and they were searching for something, it was only until Galaxie stumble across a newspaper.
"Guys, look at this." She said as she picked up the newspaper with her mouth and flying unto the table, the other Crusaders, Fuyumi and Hoseki have gathered around the table with the ice blue streaked haired girl have a book about dreams in her arms.
The following newspaper reads:
25 year old Adele Rossettial, have gone missing since September 16 of 20**, last seen entering the Forest of Rememberance.
"Wait a minute there's more." Fuyumi said as she flipped the page.
14 year old Sophia Claire, 17 year old Scarlattina Dulce, 18 year old Jaune Dulce and 16 year old Maria Cadance have gone missing since November 30 of 20**, last seen entering the Forest of Rememberance.
"Wait a minute, what do they have in common?" Riah asked.
"All 5 of them went missing after they went to the forest of rememberance." Hoseki responded, but before Fuyumi said anything, there were footsteps which startled the group.
"Hide!" Demetria demanded, all the Crusaders immediately scattered to find a place to hide.
The footsteps revealed to be a woman they never seen before.
The woman has strawberry blonde hair with magenta-pink eyes, she wore a white dressrobes with soft yellow and gold details, brown sandals, and a rose hair pin.
"What's going on? I heard some noises h-." Suddenly she was interrupted by seeing the 2 girls. "What are you two doing here?"
"Oh uh? We're just here to search for some books to study for tomorrow!" Fuyumi immediately said as Hoseki nodded.
"If it's for today, I'm fine with this. By the way my name is Ichigo Muichiro I'm you're new botanical teacher from now on." The woman now known as Ichigo left.
But for some reason, Xuánlǜ looked at her wearily as her eyes turned dark yellow for the moment.
"Phew that was close."
Now both of them are at Hoseki's room in BiaHart.
"Now let's see here.."
Future dreams is a prophetic dreams deliver information about future events, while other types of future dreams involve guidance about the future.
(Yes, I got this from google)
"Does this have something to do with the the broken castle from our dreams?" Fuyumi asked.
"I'm not sure about it, but if anything this has something to do with the missing people and the Forest of Rememberance." Hoseki replied as the eastern dragon lied on her lap, currently taking a nap for the moment.
"I'm sure this has to do with both, the dreams and the Forest." Fuyumi said.
Little did they know "Ichigo" was watching them from the window with dark yellow eyes that glows in the dark as wings sprouted from her back.
The next day history classes we're done and the duo are now on their way to botanical class as the sky suddenly turned dark reddish pink and the clouds suddenly turned to some "toys"and everything else murky, which startled the 2 girls.
They immediately go outside to see the other students are now unconscious.
"Hold on, what's going on?!" Hoseki asked utterly terrified as suddenly a giant owl appeared before them, much like the butterfly from last time it also became a grusome monster. It was named Noctua Somnia.
"Hoseki-chan, find a place to hide,I got this." Fuyumi said and the tiger beast-girl did run and find a place to hide.
Then she took a deep breath before..
"PreCure.... Royale Charge!" She yelled out her chant as her body is covered in a ice blue glow, her black gloves appear, then her white boots with ice blue details appear, curls herself into a ball and when she uncurls herself, she is now wearing a white off the shoulder dress with the ice ribbon in the front, a dark grey waist-ribbon and a gray ribbon, the off-shoulder sleeves have a navy blue frill, the dress has a ice blue frill, the center of her chest has a light bluish purple heart with a ice-blue bow and a dark grayish blue tights, her hair is now ice blue that fades into light purple tied up in a right-side ponytail with a golden tiara. The place is now burst into a bundle of snow, she flew down.
"May the snowdrop bloom! Cure Schnee!" She said as she opened her eyes which is now light purple, and stroke a pose.
Suddenly everything became winter, a bundle of snow, the whole school is now in a snow globe with the students now asleep peacefully.
Hoseki was stunned yet amazed by Fuyumi's phrase, yet couldn't help but amazed by her beauty.
Suddenly the owl monster let out a blast of darkness which Fuyumi now Schnee deflected with her snow shield.
Then she jumps really high and her boots landed on the top of the snow globe then blasted herself and punch the owl monster, unfortunately Noctua Somnia used it's wings to knock her back, suddenly blasting her unto a tree which injured her.
"Fuyumi!" Both Hoseki and Xuánlǜ cried out but before she could do anything she was stuck in a birdcage.
"I'm afraid I can't let you help her sweetheart." A feminine yet seductive voice said, then a woman in her 20s, it's a succubus appeared before her.
The woman has blonde hair and dark yellow eyes, she wore a black one piece with a diamond-shape line revealing the middle of her big chest with a 4-point star on her left chest with a skull on it, a dark reddish pink broken heart under both of her chests, long black gloves, and yellow heels. Her name is Lady Lurline, or nicknamed Lurline.
And she's also holding a fork-shaped spear with a white pole, yellow bow and a red rose ornaments.
"Who are you?" Hoseki asked, is this lady working for that Ammit lady?
Suddenly she heard a crash and she saw Schnee crashed into a tree, her eyes widened in horror.
"Now, can you gave me the little dragon, and I'll let you and you're friend go." Lurline said.
"No, I won't let you have Xuánlǜ. Ever." Hoseki stated, she held the eastern dragon into her arms and won't let him go.
Getting a bit impatient, the succubus slide her arm unto the cage, and was about to grabbed him until..
"I can't let you have him ever!" She yelled with all her might as a ray of purple light suddenly hit her and Lurline flew back and thrown the monster off of Schnee.
Hoseki opened her eyes, she is in a place that was reminiscent of a Chinese temple with musical note snapped clouds.
"H-how did I get here?" She asked "You protect me, from that woman." He stated"You we're chosen as well after Fuyumi."
Suddenly he wrapped his body around her wrist and became a watch, much to her suprise but her expression later changed to a more determined one.
"Alright, let's do this."
"PreCure.... Royale Charge!" She yelled out her chant as her body is covered in a purple glow, her hair once used to be dark purple now a light purple tied up in a side ponytail which fades into blue, then she did a little tap dance which led to her heels with music notes appeared on them, then a pastel purple slapped unto her chest then a turtleneck knee-lengh dress appeared along with 2 strands of teal linings created a string, she grabbed a thin music note and wrapped around her arm suddenly a black fingerless gloves appeared alongside the light purple arm warmers, the light ribbon wrapped themselves around the bottom of her chest and a dull red sash appeared along with a pastel yellow fabric with series of music notes along with thin lines appeared as well as a green fabric(?) appeared with a g-clef note,and finally a plum blossom flower landed on her head which created a tiara.
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Then she softly landed "Let the songs filled you're heart, Cure Héxie!" She said as her eyes are now a ruby red and strikes a pose.
The place once formerly a winter wonderland now a reminiscent of a Chinese Opera House which coloured dark purple.
Slowly but gently Fuyumi woke up, she put her hand onto her head, feeling a bit hurt after what happened, at first she was confused at where she was but later was surprised when she saw.
What was once Hoseki, is now Cure Héxie, the succubus was surprised as this wasn't apart of the plan.
"Oh my, I wasn't expecting this. You know what never mind, Soulless attack!" She yelled out as she uses her staff to power up the Owl Monster which nearly throw themselves to Schnee but she quickly deflected with her ice shield along with Héxie summoning a harp to amplify it.
Then she quickly took a deep breath, she slowly approached the owl monster which they noticed it and get ready to attack her but fortunately Schnee noticed and summoned ice shackles that tied it up.
Quickly she stopped her step and looked at the owl monster, she has a worried yet determined expression on her face.
"PreCure... Symphony Harp!"
She played the harp at the same time she started humming which calmed down the owl for the moment but still weary of it, suddenly chained that look reminiscent of music notes tied up Lady Lurline which suprised her.
Slowly but surely the owl really started to calm down and started shrinking to its original size.
"Looks like I lost here huh? But don't worry, I'll do better next time." She said to herself as she dissapears leading to the shackles falling down.
As Héxie finished playing her harp, everything goes back to normal, unfortunately only Schnee's head Injury stayed there.
Speaking of which, Schnee who transformed back into Fuyumi rushed towards Héxie who transformed back into Hoseki adn hugs her.
"Holy Great Seven you're so amazing!" She said with stars shining in her eyes, Hoseki giggled but her tone quickly switched to concerned"Thanks, but what about you're injury?" She asked "Oh this one I'm f-ouch!" She said accidentally hit her head with her hand.
Later both of them looked at the now small owl in front of them. The former owl monster have returned to its original form which is a magenta owl with light pink tips, yellow beak and cloud markings appeared on the wings.
But before both of them knew it, a pair of hands which look like it came from the midnight sky wrapped themselves around her.
"𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖐 𝖞𝖔𝖚, 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖘𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖍𝖊𝖗. 𝕴 𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖈𝖚𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖌𝖎𝖗𝖑𝖘."
That's what the duo heard before Alora was taken away.
Both of them looked at each other, then looked at the place where Alora was formerly and both of the shared the same question.
What in world is going on?!
Taglist: @zexal-club @yukii0nna @fair-night-starry-tears @queen-of-twisted @yumeko2sevilla @sundove88 @cherryartemis0 @vivipuri
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In Your Honor - CH.4
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Luz has wanted nothing more in life other than to join the ranks of the Emperor's Knights - the highest rank of royalty defenders, but after a disaster of a first impression with the bratty princess, she starts to wonder if it’s worth it.
Amity Blight was many things. She was smart, beautiful, kind, and currently running late to her class with Ms. Clawthorne. The princess cursed the need for frilly dresses as she turned a corner, trying not to trip on her frills. She makes a mental note to try to request some knee length dresses from her tailor. She almost tumbles to a halt in front of the carved wooden door that leads to Ms. Clawthorne’s study. 
The witch takes a moment to catch her breath before entering the room. Much to her disdain, Boscha was already in the room along with Skara. She had hoped no one would be there to witness her tardiness. Boscha turned her attention to the princess, a mischievous grin tugging at her lips. 
“You're late, your highness.” Boscha points out, even though Lilith wasn’t even in the room yet. 
“Leave her alone, Boscha.” Skara rolled her eyes as Boscha laughed. 
“Thank you for noticing, Boscha, but I'm pretty sure I didn't ask you.” Amity was unamused with the three eyed elfs antics. Skara snickered at the princesses' response. 
Amity made her way across the room to her table, glad to find her tome was still there from her study session the night before. She flips open the cover and shifts through the pages. The green haired elf ignored the presence that appeared next to her as she tried to find the page she had left her notes on. She lets out a slight sigh of annoyance when said presence gets unbearably close. 
“Do you need something, Boscha?” She huffs out. 
“Just admiring your hard work, your majesty.” Boscha’s eyes don't leave Amity's face as she speaks, giving the princess the impression that she definitely wasn't admiring her hard work. 
“So that's what you’re calling it now.” Skara’s sarcastic tone gets a frown out of the other girl.
“Well, do me a favor and admire from over there?” Amity points in the direction of Boscha’s seat. 
The red head shrugs before heading back to her spot, sitting in the most dramatic way she could muster. Just as she does, Lilith finally enters the room. Amity calms at the sight of her teacher.  Her shoulders tense once again though when the biggest annoyance in Amity’s life entered behind her teacher. Luz tailed Lilith like a lost puppy as the older witch spoke to her in hushed tones. Luz waits patiently next to Lilith as she turns to address her class. 
“I apologize for my tardiness, your majesties,” The dark haired elf smiles at the three girls in front of her. “I would like to introduce you all to my niece, Luz.” Lilith directs their attention to the human nearly bouncing in her spot. 
“Good day, your highnesses.” Luz bows with a flourish. 
Amity frowns as the human straightens herself out. She hadn't seen her since Skara’s birthday last week and she was hoping she wouldn't have to see her again so soon. The girl tunes out as she watches the human talk to her teacher. How could something so… Luz, be related to her teacher? Ms. Clawthorne was the embodiment of elegance, intelligence, and grace. Luz was something else entirely different. 
“- And she’ll be attending class today at the request of her mother.” Amity finally tuned back into  Lilith as she explained the humans presence in their class that day. 
“What?” Amity stood in her seat, slamming her hands on her table. Boscha and Skara turned to the princess, both confused by her outburst. Amity flushed at the attention, quickly sitting back down.
“Would you like to try that again, Ms. Blight?” Lilith's voice was cool as ice.
“I mean,” Amity clears her throat, trying to regain her regality. “This class is for those of….higher class so why is she here?”
“Good question, your highness.” Lilith smiles at her top student. “It's simple, by being related to me she is therefore allowed to attend any class I teach.”
“I guess that makes sense.” Amity grumbles, crossing her arms as she tries to hide a small pout. 
“Now, with that over with, Luz please take the seat next to the Princess.” Lilith directs Luz to the spot next to Amity. 
Amity immediately stiffins as Luz sits next to her but doesn't argue. She had already pushed her luck enough today with her teacher. Amity makes a point to avoid looking at the human as Lilith starts to explain what they’ll be doing in class that day. The teacher places cauldrons on each table with a select few ingredients. Amity tries to pay attention as Lilith explains what they’ll be making but Luz’s constant tapping on the table distracts her slightly. How could one person be so full of energy and so….obnoxious. 
“Now, you’ll be working in pairs.” Lilith stands in front of her own cauldron. “One of you will be in charge of adding the ingredients, while the other must keep stirring to make sure the potion does not burn.” 
“Ms. Clawthorne?” Boscha raises her hand to gain the teachers attention but doesn't wait for her response. “Could I work with Amity, while the human works with Skara?”
“No.” Lilith silences Boscha before she could protest, continuing on with her lesson. The red head slouching in her seat. 
“So, I’ll stir?” Luz smiles at Amity, catching the princess off guard. 
“Uh, yes.” Amity looks away, turning her attention to Lilith. 
The princess follows her teachers instructions, adding whatever the older witch mentioned into the cauldron. Amity almost couldn't believe how well Luz had managed to follow her directions. She had slowed her stirring when given a simple gesture, and returned to a full speed when Amity had nodded her head. It was stupid to be amazed by something so small but Amity had started to think the human was only capable of running at full spead into any danger she could find. Not that Amity had really spent any time thinking about the human. No, none at all. 
“Um, Amity?” Luz pulled the princess out of her thoughts. “You need to add the ginger root.” 
“What?” Amity looked up to see that Lilith had moved on with the instructions. She turned to see that Boscha and Skara no longer had anything to add to their cauldron while she and Luz still needed to add the ginger root and owl feathers. She curses under her breath not knowing which to add in first so she tosses them both in at the same time and motions for Luz to keep stirring. 
“I don’t think that's how you were supposed to do that, Amity ” Luz whispers to the green haired witch who responds by shushing the other girl. 
Luz, of course, had been right. Much to Amity’s dismay. The cauldron started by simply rumbling, before the bubbles started up. Next thing the girls knew it was full on boiling before finally it exploded, covering Amity in its oily dark liquid. The princess attempts to spit the liquid out of her mouth as Luz grabs the nearby towel meant to clean up small spills and reaches for her face. Amity swipes the towel from the human girl's hands and uses it to clear her face of the failed potion. When she finally regains her vision she can see the whole class, teacher included, staring at her.
With all the grace befitting of her title, she stands from her seat and marches out the door. She hears Luz call her name but she doesnt stop. 
Amity spends the next week taking private lessons, claiming she was ill and shouldnt be around the other students. Lilith didn't believe her. She was very aware of that, but she didn't make an attempt to convince her. Boscha had visited her many times during her “illness” to check up on her. Doting more then the princess would have liked. She also received a visit from Skara who had filled her in on what happened after she left the class. Apparently Luz had taken responsibility for blowing up the potion. Amity wasn't sure why the human would do that, but Lilith had bought the little white lie. 
“That's nothing new for her, apparently.” Skara laughs. “Ms. Clawthrone says that Luz is prone to things like that, which is why she paired her with you.”
“Did she think I could help her?” Amity scoffs. “I'm a top student, not a miracle worker.” 
Skara laughs hard at that before filling Amity in on all the new gossip around the castle. Boscha, as usual, challenged another poor kid to a  witches duel for Amity's hand in marriage. The green haired witch sighed as Skara told her the outcome of said duel. Boscha had won but Skara had to remind her that winning didn't mean Amity would fall in love with her immediately. The princess chuckles as Skara continues to explain what happened next. 
After her visit from Skara, the young witch had convinced the guards to allow her to take a walk. It took her a second to get them to agree to let her go alone. Whispers of the unrest in the town bellow causing many of them to be on edge. Amity wasn’t worried about it. Even if someone were to attempt something, she was strong enough to protect herself. She was a little cocky, yes, but she had the magic to back it up. 
Amity made her way to the royal gardens, her favorite place to think. The tall rose bushes were not only beautiful but they helped mute out the sounds of the castle. They were also the most secluded place in the castle, aside from the gardener who came around ever so often. It was the one place Amity could go to think without the fear of being bothered. The witch excitedly turned a corner and headed out into the gorgeous greenery of the garden. The roses were in full bloom and the gentle breeze carried their scent. Amity took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she made her way through the small rose maze. It only takes her a second to find her favorite bench that sat beneath a great weeping willow. She stops though, when she reaches her spot. It was currently occupied by another and with Amity's amazing luck, it was none other than that human. 
“I could scratch that into the blade...then...yeah that could work.” The human girl muttered to herself as she sketched on a piece of parchment. She had a few books laying around in front of her, the pages fluttering lightly in the breeze. 
Amity attempted to leave before the girl could notice her but as she took a step back a twig snapped beneath her foot. Luz looked up in shock before a small smile pulled at her face. 
“Amity!” She actually looked happy to see the princess. Amity didn't trust it. 
“Luz.” Amity greets her knowing she wouldn't be able to escape now. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh! I'm just trying to learn how to mix my magic with my sword skills.” Luz answers nervously. 
“No I meant, what are you doing here in the royal garden?” Amity corrects, the human girl tilting her head in confusion. 
“I was just looking for a quiet place to study while I waited for my mom.” The witch in training frowns. “I didn't know this place was off limits, I'm sorry.” She moves to get up but Amity stops her. Something in the sad look on her face pulled on the princesses heart strings. 
“No, it’s...okay.” Amity rubs at her arm nervously. “You can stay.”
“Really?” Luz gasps, stars in her eyes. 
“Don't make me regret this.” Amity warns the other girl, moving to sit next to her on the bench.
Amity takes a peek at Luz’s notes, her hastily written down words around drawings of swords have the princess chuckling softly. Luz looks at her with big eyes and a rapidly growing smile across her face. 
“Espera un momento - did I, Luz Noceda, just hear Princess Amity laugh?” She stares in amazement at the green haired girl.
“Uh, hey! Are you trying to add a glyph to your sword?” Amity points to one of the dark haired girls drawings, trying to change the subject. 
“Oh yeah, I'm trying to figure out which one works best but I'm not sure…” She looks down to her drawing. So far she had sketched out a sword with a plant glyph, ice glyph, and light glyph. 
Amity leans closer to Luz, looking over her sketches. She hums in thought as she scans over the drawings. The princess plucks the charcoal from the other girls hand and grabs a piece of parchment. 
“If you use refined moonstone, you can have the fire glyph engraved in the side.” Amity explains as she sketches out a sword and jots down some notes. “That way when you activate the glyph it won't melt the sword and can be used multiple times.”
Luz takes the paper from the elf girl when she's done writing down her notes. She scans over it several times before breaking out in a huge toothy smile. 
“Thanks Amity!” Her eyes shine with joy as she looks over the paper, her huge smile plastered on her face. 
Amity's heart stuttered at the sight, the sun suddenly feeling too hot. The princess watched as Luz gathered her things and rushed off, giving an excited goodbye and repeated thank you’s before turning the corner. Amity placed a hand over her heart as she looked at the ground. 
What was this human doing to her? She must be getting sick.
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