#also some research? maybe? i think im gonna look on the wiki for some stuff
orcelito · 1 year
in other news, sight's next, & what i have planned for it is gonna take a Lot more effort than the previous chapters.
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adiabolikpastel · 3 years
Just a little reminder that these guys are members of the Wolf, Adler and Vibora clans. 👀
I think Rejet is planning to do a mega project with Erosion and the Diaboys. In addition, it is also confirmed that there is another heroine besides Yui.
So full disclosure, I have known of this project - just never anything about it specifically. @kisekisnow has taken the time to tell me about these things - but unfortunately I'm really dumb and don't remember (im sorry Yuki!) That being the case I did some digging - and here are my thoughts that no one actually asked for....
Please keep in mind these just my opinions and are based on what I can find on the wiki. If you have other thoughts, please share, cause I love talking about this stuff!
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First, very confused about Carnelian. The wiki states that he is the father to all the boys in EROSION - however he and his wife only had two children, who are not in the band. Additionally, no where on his wiki does it mention that he is their father... but the manga on the youtube is about him? I'll need to watch this.
Second, so this wiki does not tell me what these boys are - and it's upsetting cause I want to know. Looking over Toxin, how does he an this Yoru have the same mom... and dad... but different last names? Speaking of Yoru - boy how you gonna be the foul mouth one then love hot chocolate. That's so cute.
Creha hands down is the most interesting. Like... bruh his lips and teeth are translucent!? And his saliva is a drug!? What even!? And he sings... like what? I need more information! Neight also is... interesting. I am always drawn to character (or people) who have Dissociative Identity Disorder - in my life I have done many research papers on this subject. However, with just the information on the wiki - I feel like that's just there so that he, like the other members, can be aggressive and foul. Like it's a trail they put on him just because, not necessarily because there was something deeper going on where he needed that coping mechanism. Again, it could just be this Wiki's lack of actual details.
Then there is Byakuya.... yeah... So looks wise - he is totally my type. Cute face, little crazy in the brain - Im there. But what is this all bout trying different medicine on himself? Is he a drug addict? Again, it feels like this is kind of out of the blue for a character trail - in a project about a band. Especially when the rest of his description talks about his knowledge of music and using is PC to make it.
Honestly, these characters are a little all over the place. It kind of feels like Reject was PUSHING for them to be 18+, and not just a regular kind like DL is. In DL we have character who had trauma - and behave the way they do because of it. Here it just kind of feels like - oh lets give one this like medical thing and another this venom and another DID - but with no reason as to why. Perhaps this has just not been explained yet in the drama CDs or the Manga or whatever - but it's a bit of a stretch for me story telling wise.
Overall, it feels messy to me? Maybe they will use this Young Blood Manga to fill in these hole for Carnelian Blood - but I doubt it. They seem to be from two totally different worlds. Again, it's not even mentioned that these guys are demons - the only indication that they are is that they appeared out of no where and their music is hypnotic.
And this idea that they all have the same dad - can be easily taken as like they were adopted like the Mukami were - BUT then why are they not mentioned at all on his wiki. Also, why do they all have such a wide range of feeling towards him. You have two that are like NO WAY - like they were traumatized by him. One that likes him, one (and only one?) that talks to him, and one that is like i dont trust this guy. Which makes me think that they were recently adopted...? I do not know.
If I had to assign them clans based on appearance; Toxin & Yoru (Bat), Creha (Snake), Neight (Wolf), and Byakuya (Eagle). Just a guess though - and Byakuya really doesn't feel like an Eagle to me, but we have no actual cannon idea of what the Adlers are even like sooooooooo...
We shall see where this goes. That is an interesting idea that Young Blood might play a part in Carnelian, and maybe I just don't see it cause I am not that knowledgeable in Carnelian.
OH! You mentioned another heroine - that make sense. I mean all Otome based games or settings has a protagonist for the listener/player. So it doesn't sound too far fetched. Not to mention, Yui isnt the first 'bride' to enter the Sakamaki mansion, so yeah that checks.
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lightns881 · 3 years
AL question: is george gonna get any more powerful? i found it a bit odd that so many people could block out his telepathy despite him being a level IV psychic, and ig with dream i understand bc of ~dnf~ reasons. but so many other characters can too??? it could also just be because he's had like zero training but idk. also i just think it'd be pretty badass if george was like mega-powerful, but that'd kinda ruin the whole plot lmao. OOH ALSO [cue rant] i had always wondered: why are psychics so feared in this world???? can't most only just levitate shit and maybe slightly be able to read people's minds???? but then you mentioned something about george flying and i got confused, so i did a ton of research (bc im a nerd), specifically about telekinesis/telepathy, and i found out that THEY ARE SO FUCKING COOL????? HELLO?????? i found this like whole wiki page about telekinesis (i totally recommend you check it out it's awesome) and let me tell you, i was FLABBERGASTED. LIKE HOLY SHIT???? GEORGE COULD POTENTIALLY WARP REALITY OR BECOME FUCKING IMMORTAL IF HE WANTED TO, IS THAT NOT THE COOLEST?????? now ofc, i have no idea how powerful you're gonna make george, and this not me trying to convince you to change your story. obviously you're the author here, i'm merely just an excited reader. BUT HOLY SHIT TELEKINESIS IS NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH (and neither is george for that matter). anyways yea, i hope you enjoyed my massive rant. i usually only get this excited abt stuff when i'm blown away by its quality, so keep up that amazing work! <3
The answer is a resounding: YES! It's not so much that he's going to get more powerful but that he's going to gain more control of his abilities. The whole thing about superpowers is often that even if someone might have a lot of power, it doesn't necessarily mean they can channel it. The more power you have, the harder it is to use in a stable manner. Think of it in terms of skill. More skill means you apply it to more things and in different ways—ballet at a beginners level isn't an intensive as professional ballet, etc. Type I Psychics only levitate things, and that's basically it for more Psychics. And if you think about it, you're right. They're not as dangerous as they're made out to be, but ultimately, discrimination doesn't necessarily revolve around logic. Throughout history, humans have outcasted groups of people for reasons that make no sense all solely to have a power dynamic that makes them most powerful. Essentially, it boils down to human psychology, but before I go off, I'll just let the story speak for itself because there will be a lot more of that in Elysium :] I'm a huge psychology nerd aha!
And in terms of the superhero wikia (and the many variants) which I know what you're talking about since it is where I go to for all my superpower info needs, I've been using it since I started this universe back when I was like 15 lmaooo! I LOVE IT!!! I can't say that all the powers are the same because a lot of times it boils down to adaptation. The EM universe doesn't portray as crazy as some of the powers in the wiki, but it's a great source to use when looking for inspiration on how to come up with what kind of powers you want to incorporate into the world, etc. It makes me so happy to you took the time to look into it! I am a HUGE superhero nerd! X-men, Teen Titans, MCU, Arrowverse, DCU shows—I've had hyperfixations everywhere so I just kind of bundled up all my knowledge into a Thanos-level glove to use when I can for the EM universe because it's my baby. Though if I were to compare it, I'd fall most closely related to the X-men because they dealt with a lot of discrimination-based things that to young me was FASCINATING. It's why this universe basically revolves around it since human nature has always been the most fascinating thing to me. Man, I love psychology. Anyway, sorry for the rant, you got me very excited.
Super pumped to share the first chapter of Elysium on December 24th!!! Thank you for the ask and for making me smile and giggle so hard so early in the morning haha! <3
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halfusek · 4 years
hey so i got an ask about how the pan flag design was stolen and i initially deleted the ask because it made me super nervous but now i did some research so let’s go
[none of this is aimed at you specifically anon]
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what the hell is this? “may refer to themselves as biphobic”? “sadly throughout history pansexuals have always stole things”? what the hell is this???
pretty telling this was wrote by a panphobe and it’s not a way to settle any sort of discourse
super disappointing tbh
but whatever, let’s get to the flag thing because i only wanted to check the wiki if there are any SOURCES for these claims but nope lol
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and i think the name of the actual place represetned by this flag is mispelt either on the sexuality wiki or on the wikipedia page for this kingdom but not sure, could also be just a translation thing
wiki page:
on twitter i found a post like this (didn’t dig enough to the original post that was screenshot here but someone talking about it)
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the tweet that posted the screenshot is here, it’s basically asking the creator of the flag for an explanation:
and now the creator’s explanation with screenshots and links
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and like a year ago the creator made a post on the flag’s creation and here is the part about the color picking
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and i don’t know how to tell you this in other ways so i’m gonna be blunt: those are primary colors, used in those flags, and by using primary colors you are BOUND to overlap with something that already has been created, even if you would have done a good research on flags 
which you don’t even need to dig deep into to find out how many countries did have similiar flags because they settled for primary colours
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i grabbed this pic from a site i didnt really read but it had a good bunch of similiar flags put together:
and by the way im Polish and guess what - those places having similiar flags does not offend me at all in any way
because it’s literally colored stripes on a rectangle and if you choose a few primary colours they Will overlap with something
and trying to add some kind of “theft story” to this situation is really just bizarre to me, and it’s not even the fact that yall are pointing out how the flags look super similiar/the same but the accusatory tone of it and assuming how the intent was malicious NOT TO MENTION that wiki page for pansexuality
just... calm down please, can we all stop trying to tear each other apart
sure, i will admit, some pansexuals are shit, but its not because pansexuality is shit but because those specific people are shit
bi people can love who they wanna love and no pan person is allowed to call them transphobic or tell them to identify as pan instead if they want to love transgender people
its super stupid, i agree, and im sorry for every bi person that had to experience this kind of biphobia from someone pan/a pan ally
bi and pan are just defined a bit differently and maybe they are very similiar but to some people, such as myself, those small differences in definitions matter, which is why i chose the pan label for myself
dont wanna get eaten for this, i dont really do activism stuff much, but gee golly this had my blood boiling
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quinintheclouds · 6 years
I found out im a ravenclaw! It doesn't feel like it fits me but hey, what are you gonna do about it. Can you tell me stuff about ravenclaws?
Yay, I’d love to! Quick aside though, what do you mean by “found out?” Your wording seems to indicate it was something shown/told to you rather than a conclusion on which you’d arrived yourself. If you took a quiz, those can be fun but aren’t reliable. I can take the pottermore test 3 times in a row answering with complete honesty and get sorted into 3 different Houses. The quizzes are all just someone else’s perceptions of what innocuous details might pertain to each House, and a few years ago I conducted an analysis of the different options/choices and the Houses to which they led, and… a lot of it’s kinda irrelevant and arbitrary.
If I’m misinterpreting and you DID come to this realization for yourself, I’m curious as to why you feel it doesn’t seem to fit you. but WELCOME to Ravenclaw! :D Keep in mind though that everyone has aspects of every House, and aspects of themselves that aren’t contained by Houses at all!
Okay, initial ramblings aside… sorry :P Ready to hear some bomb info about us Ravenclaws that often isn’t talked about? Let’s go! [Bear in mind that these aren’t exclusive to just Ravenclaws and also won’t apply to every Ravenclaw! Some of these are just my personal experience/thoughts]
So first, Ravenclaw’s canon defining characteristics: intelligence, creativity, wit, imagination, love of learning, uniqueness, originality, individuality, curiosity, open-mindedness, and acceptance. 
We are largely a compassionate bunch that stands against ignorance of all kinds and will fight by informing others. Ravenclaws can often be found organizing protests and the like for important causes (akin to Hermione’s S.P.E.W.)
A lot of Ravenclaws have trouble settling on our House, because we can have the inclination to look at every angle of a scenario so that we can at least attempt to more objectively weigh the options. This is why I used to think I was a Gryffindor/Hufflepuff for long stretches of time.
Another reason some of us hesitate to sort ourselves as such is because of the misconception that Ravenclaws always make great grades or are dutiful with schoolwork. Not true. Intelligence comes in many forms!
On that note, neurodivergent Ravenclaws may struggle to feel we belong when we see so many our peers excel in school. 
On the brighter side, Ravenclaws like these will somewhat unknowingly wind up banding together. We’re the ones who accidentally miss class because we’re so engrossed in researching some big new interest. The ones who annoy the others by testing out new spells/potions of our own creation and consequently making a mess and ruckus. We’re the ones who forgot to study because we got confused by one of the points in the book/lecture and wound up writing an essay trying to debunk the error instead of doing the actual assignment. Here’s to us lol
A bunch of us DEFINITELY waste time gathered outside the common room (or CAW-mmon room!) just solving the door’s riddles. (If you didn’t know, the door only opens after you answer a different riddle every time) 
The vast majority of us LOVE puns. Ah, wordplay… the toy of language.
Starting a million projects and never finishing them whoops
Having a million journals you’ve written in so you have no clue which is which at this point
Buying way too many books but rarely finding time to actually read
We are HUGE daydreamers! We pride ourselves on imagination, and luckily for us, we’re in one of the tallest towers of Hogwarts (bc we represent the element of air) so we have beautiful windows out of which to gaze while letting our minds wander 
Also the cawmmon room ceiling is magically designed to always look like the night sky, so we love to lie on the floor and watch the stars, moon, planets, etc.
NEVER leave your stuff behind in the dorms! You’ll have to answer a riddle to get back in, and by that time you’ll be late to class (fellow ADHD Ravenclaws, we know this pain all too well)
We’re an adventurous bunch, contrary to some belief. But our adventures aren’t purely for external enjoyment — the excitement arises from the stimulation of our minds. Curiosity killed the cat, as it were, but feeds the eagle. We’ll sneak out of the dorms to go to the library or steal some ingredients from the Potions classroom for an experiment. The Restricted Section is our playground. 
We’re artists, writers, poets, performers, musicians. People overlook this too often, but these are so important to so many of us. I create, therefore I am.
We’re pretty weird and eccentric a lot of the time, but embracing that helps us gain understanding about what makes us passionate, and we’ll work hard for things we care about.
Side Note: I’ll never not be bitter that Fred and George were in Gryffindor. They were such Ravenclaws. They were impish lil pranksters, and very clever about it, and only did so when there was something to be learned from it (i.e. testing their numerous inventions). I could even see Slytherin more than Gryffindor. *Sigh,* I digress… for now.
I’m one of the Ravenclaws who discusses philosophy and theoretics for hours on end, and the annoying one who asks random questions for the sake of asking questions, just as a game to test myself and see if I can come up with possible answers. (The embodiment of the “do you think pigeons have feelings?” meme).
We, uh. Have terrible sleeping habits. And eating. And showering. And we forget water exists sometimes. We kinda have problems remembering we have corporeal bodies with needs or whatever. Lame.
Some of the more rigid, stereotypical Ravenclaws can be defensively competitive for top of class, and that can turn a bit sour, but I like to avoid that drama altogether.
We notably broke into the Astronomy Tower to watch a meteor shower, and lost so many points we came dead last in the House Cup that year.
Many of us have ALSO snuck into the Forbidden Forest to study creatures and explore deeper.
Yeah we don’t win the Cup often.
Muggle-born Ravenclaws get together in secret to teach the others about math/science/literature/etc. because the purebloods BEGGED them to and they were happy to oblige.
Interviewing the paintings to learn magical history from a firsthand account bc Professor Binns is too detached and boring
According to the wiki, we’re the House most likely to dismiss social conventions and unspoken rules in the search for satiating our curiosity. We’re full of quirks and often won’t stand for playing by unnecessary or flawed rules of any nature.
As hyper and Extra™ as some of us can be, we also love to chill by the fire with a book, a blanket, some music, and maybe too much tea
In general, we’re “well-known for being welcoming and encouraging of creativity, eccentricity and individuality and being very accepting,” as stated by the wiki.
Okay, I am physically forcing myself to stop now. As you can see, we also tend to just dump information all over the place lmao XD Anyway this was fun to write and I might make a post about neurodivergent Ravenclaws in particular… Let me know if you have any updates on your House, and if you ARE a Ravenclaw, we’re happy to have you!!!
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icharchivist · 6 years
whats your fave dai party banter? mine is with cole and dorian, when dorian is kinda like "be careful where youre going with these daggers i was casting fire spells at the enemies" and cole is just like "it can't hurt me, it's friendly fire" and then dorian (and me) kinda goes "that's- that's not really what you think it means" (i always disable friendly fire bc im a noob and i can't stand to involuntarily hurt my allies but cole, sweetheart, please don't get in harm's way)
Omg nonny :’D First, I’m completely with you on this one - this is such an adorable banter omg. It has everything, Dorian being concerned, Cole being adorable - this is beautiful. (and i feel you on the friendly fire stuff, just.. let’s limite damage ahah)
I don’t have a fave banter, mostly because i’m still discovering some banters i didn’t have before, and a  l o t of them are gold. 
Then, I generally love Cole’s banters. He’s always sweet and adorable and always with the most amazing replies, it makes me so happy. 
then man there’s so much banters i love. I love Varric/Dorian always betting about stuff, Varric/Vivienne was an extreme amount of fun.Bull has a lot of dialogue I really like (especially with Sera and Vivienne, I love how strategic he gets with them to different extreme, and well, always soft spot for his dialogues with Dorian) but I really, really love his dynamic with Cole (he calls him “my squirrelly kid” i’m gonna cry). There’s something in Cole/Cassandra dynamic that i find really sweet too bc it starts very badly but they end up pretty close? it’s adorable.
…. so ye I’d say Cole’s banters are always a win.
edit: i ended up making a list of some of my fav and I actually love too much banters to just narrow them down i love those dorks
As for my favorite favorite, this is so hard to pinpoint one banter, they are all so cool? I can’t narrow down one orz
huuuh maybe a few randoms i really like: (which ended up being a long list so under the cut ;O take care!)
Varric: Okay, try it again, you’ll get it.Cole: Knock, knock.Varric: Who’s there?Cole: Me.Varric: (Sighs.) Me who?Cole: Me, and I’m telling a knock knock joke.Varric: Uh… that was… closer. Keep trying.
Cole: I like your horns, The Iron Bull.Cole: But they’re dragon horns, not bull horns. You could have named yourself The Iron Dragon.Iron Bull: Oh, shit. That would have been better.
Cole: You got to pick your name, The Iron Bull.Iron Bull: Sure did. Thanks for sticking the “the” on there, too. Most people forget.Iron Bull: It kinda makes it sound like I’m not really a person. Like I’m this dangerous thing, you know?Cole: You made it a joke on yourself, making a mockery, so you would never be that.Iron Bull: It kills the joke if you explain it, kid.
Dorian: Ah, Solas. You startled me. You’re always so… nondescript.Solas: Please speak up! I cannot hear you over your outfit!
Blackwall: Sera and I were just talking about you. We need you to settle a question for us.Solas: (Sighs.) Sera’s involved? So this question will be offensive.Blackwall: Yes, probably. Sorry.Blackwall: You make friends with spirits in the Fade. So… um, are there any that are more than just friends?Blackwall: If you know what I mean.Solas: Oh, for… really?!Blackwall: Look, it’s a natural thing to be curious about!Solas: For a twelve-year-old!Blackwall: It’s a simple yes or no question!Solas: Nothing about the Fade or spirits is simple, especially not that.Blackwall: Aha! So you do have experience in these matters!Solas: I did not say that.Blackwall: Don’t panic. It’ll be our little secret.Solas: Ass.Blackwall: Now who’s twelve?
Blackwall: Do you have any advice for fighting demons, Solas?Solas: Survive the first thirty heartbeats, and you’ll have already won.Blackwall: So I should try not to die? Helpful.Solas: I mean that demons are rarely intelligent enough to change their tactics. If you focus on defending yourself, you will see the full range of their abilities within the first thirty heartbeats. By then, you should be able to find a weakness and exploit it.Blackwall: Ahh, that is helpful! I will try to remember that.Solas: Also, try not to die.
Vivienne: Varric, darling, what manner of villain am I in your novel?Varric: You’re the scheming duchess, coldly maneuvering her political rivals into a trap.Vivienne: Yes, but what am I wearing? You are not going to describe me in anything less than the latest fashions, are you?Varric: I’m… going to spend the next few weeks researching Orlesian gowns, aren’t I?Vivienne: Yes, my dear. And my mask should be inlaid with opals.
Varric: I can’t wait for Chuckles to say something about the VeilSolas: I don’t always mention the Veil.Cassandra: You do. Always.Dorian: You do. You really do.Iron Bull: Yeah, you do.Vivienne: Of course you do, darling.Inquisitor/Blackwall: Yes, you do.Cole: You do think about it a lot.Varric: See? Told you.
Dorian: Come on, just answer the question, Varric.Varric: My mother didn’t raise any morons, Sparkler. I won’t touch that one.Dorian: You must have an opinion. And you’re a dwarf! Completely unbiased!Varric: There’s no way I’m answering “which inquisition mage is the best-dressed.” Not for all the gold in Orzammar.Vivienne: Also, the answer is obvious.
Varric: So, Sparkler, what do you think of the Inquisition so far?Dorian: It’s interesting, I’ll give you that. An archdemon attacking me is a first.Varric: Five royals says you see something weirder before the day ends.Dorian: I don’t think I should take that bet.
Varric: What do you think, Sparkler? Ten royals says the next thing we run into farts fire.Dorian: I’ll take that bet. I win either way.
Dorian: You owe me twenty royals, Varric. I’d like them paid in candied dates.Varric: I haven’t lost that wager yet.Dorian: You said we’d be ass-deep in trouble. This is more like knee-high.Varric: I didn’t specify whose ass, did I?Dorian: Leave it to a dwarf, always lowering the bar.
Varric: I got to ask, does any of this shit make sense to you?Dorian: To me? Are you referring to the giant hole in the sky? Or the creature out of Chantry cautionary tale who wants to be a god?Varric: Either. I’m feeling generous.Dorian: What’s the problem? Someone shows up, tears the place apart, declares himself king? That’s half of history.Varric: Corypheus is that terrifying drunk nobody’ll ask to leave?Dorian: Even after he puts a hole in the ceiling. Terribly common.
Blackwall: Corypheus. One of yours, isn’t he?Dorian: One of mine? Like a pet? Like a giant darkspawn hamster with aspirations of godhood?Dorian: ‘Dorian, why can’t you look after your little friends? Corypheus peed on the carpet again!’Dorian: In this analogy, the carpet is Haven.Blackwall: Is he or is he not a Tevinter Magister?Dorian: Meaning 'the source of everything bad and evil in the world’? They are the same, yes?Blackwall: Certainly feels that way at times.
Varric: I can’t believe you picked the absolute worst of my books to read. Why not Hard in Hightown?Cassandra: I have enough mysteries and investigations of my own.Varric: What? You don’t want to solve more in your spare time?Cassandra: Then you killed my favorite character in Chapter 3, so I threw the book across the room.Varric: Ah, a critic. Say no more.
Iron Bull: “Blackwall.” “Iron Bull.” We could fight crime!Blackwall: Isn’t that exactly what we’re doing? Right this minute? More or less?Iron Bull: Oh yeah.
Iron Bull: You could’ve been one of the Chargers, Blackwall. You’ve got the stature, the attitude…Blackwall: And you’d be my boss.Iron Bull: Hey, I’m a great boss. I’m a firm believer in No-Pants Fridays.Blackwall: I’d rather fight for a cause.Iron Bull: Hey, No-Pants Fridays is a cause.
Sera: So do all Gray Wardens have beards?Blackwall: Just me. I stole all the beards, and all the power held within. There can be only one.
Solas: Have you ever had any interest in learning magic, Sera? While it has not manifested naturally, there are ways to determine whether arcane gifts lie dormant within you.Sera: What? Don’t make me think about that. I have to sleep at night!Solas: Sleeping would give you the chance to explore the Fade. I could introduce you to spirits.Sera: Right, you’re messing with me on purpose!Solas: Why would I do that? It is not as though I know who filled my bedroll with lizards.Sera: Heh. Fair point! That was pretty good.
Sera: I sent a box of rabbit raisins to some Lord What’s-his-tits in your name.Vivienne: That explains the letter of gratitude. They were, by all accounts, delicious.Sera: Ewww! Ew, ewww!Vivienne: You underestimate both the fragility of his holdings, and the severity of tribute demanded of him in the past.Vivienne: Perhaps he was grateful it was not a stew made of some lesser cousin.Sera: That’s lies, right? Must be lies.
And one that i just find beautiful:
Solas: You truly are content to sit in the sun, never wondering what you could’ve been, never fighting back.Varric: Ha, you’ve got it all wrong, Chuckles. This is fighting back.Solas: How does passively accepting your fate constitute a fight?Varric: In that story of yours—-the fisherman watching the stars, dying alone. You thought he gave up, right?Solas: Yes.Varric: But he went on living. He lost everyone, but he still got up every morning. He made a life, even if it was alone.Varric: That’s the world. Everything you build, it tears down. Everything you’ve got, it takes. And it’s gone forever.Varric: The only choices you get are to lie down and die or keep going. He kept going. That’s as close to beating the world as anyone gets.Solas: Well said. Perhaps I was mistaken.
And i’m stopping there bc i already copied and pasted a lot of the wiki and i’m not even done with half of my favorite quotes, so i guess those should count
hope you like it nonny ;O
Take care ;O
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