#mun theories
pink-onyx-au · 5 months
Okay, so I won't focus so much in jasper here as it's not her turn to be theorized yet,
This photos of steven is from the start of your comic,
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There are no marks on his shoulder, making us know that the mark appeared later on, after he fused with jasper,
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This photo of onyx shows us that mark on the shoulder of the arm controled by Steven. Showing how Steven got the mark,
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This photo is EXACTLY the next after they fused, the mark looked lighter? More neon? I'm not sure, but anyway.
Thank you for taking your time to read this and apologies on all these theories.
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All theories and tear downs are very welcome! Make good ones and get them posted like this one! I love and eat them up. 🧡💕♥️
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splatoonusna · 1 year
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Someone on Twitter pointed out the Run Speed Up says "inkling or octoling form" I wonder if we're going to be able to pick our character OR I wonder if a certain Agent will make a return and we will be able to play as both in different scenarios?
Since Marina is nowhere to be found in the trailer my two theories are, Marina is somehow the antagonist or, with this inkling/octoling ability Marina is going to be supporting Agent 4 while Pearl supports 8?
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iwozlegit · 5 months
|| 🍍• Could you imagine being all geared up to watch, laugh, and love on-screen Huskerdust only to get fucking La La Land-ed with a fucking unexpected plot twist that they’re seemingly made for each other but something changes and we then see them meeting each other years later?
Concept/image/mini-fic in more detail below ⬇️
Angel Dust is free of Val and visiting a bar which just so happens to have a certain cat, still chained to his master, tickling the ivories to a small bar crowd.
The sweet sombre melody of Loser, Baby floats around the bar, an unusual air in a Hell nightclub.
Angel, in his own little world, settles by the bar and orders his drink. A classic Sex on the Beach. A usual of his. Though, upon tasting it, it’s not massively to his tastes, and he opts to twirl it before his eyes wondering how and why they haven’t tasted like the dreamy ones of his memories.
Trapped in the midst of his recollections, Angel begins swaying along to the bar’s live music, feeling a welcoming warmth wash over him after a long day.
And slowly, very slowly, Angel begins to awaken to the warmth of the melody - it’s familiar. It’s personal. The feeling reminds him of coming home. And all at once, the cogs finally find their rhythm, and the reflections illuminated on his glass cast a vista he never thought he’d see again.
There he is. After all this time. After everything. There. He. Is. Tickling the ivories in a dingy dive bar to the notes of their song, and serenading sinners to the ode of them. Of everything they were. Of everything they almost became.
Eventually, Angel brings himself to turn around and behold the cat for himself; lower hands coming together to fidget as they always did as his upper hands endeavour to steady themself around the stem of the forgotten drink.
He should leave, he thinks. He hates how that is his first thought upon seeing Husk after so long. Pay up quietly, discreetly, and walking straight back up the stairs to the street. He knows in that moment at least that he’s changed from who he once was upon arrival to Hell, and, later to the hotel. He doesn’t have to pretend about anything, he tells himself. He’s not about the pretending lifestyle anymore, right?
Half settled on his decision, he downs the sugary beverage as he stands - striving to convince himself the building burn in his throat is just the drink and nothing more - and places the cash plus change to a little too harshly onto the bar.
The coinage rattles, spilling in all directions, and Angel fumbles and curses to catch the bits that clatter to the floor.
It takes him far longer to pick up that which has been spilled. He hates that. He hates how the music stills prematurely to a stop, and he hates how his eyes begin to burn in sync to the discomfort of his throat. He hates how he feels the bar looking even though they likely aren’t, and he hates how of all the eyes he’s convinced are staring, there’s only one that overpowers them all.
Swallowing around the unease, Angel stands, placing the change onto the bar with a silent “sorry,” and moves slowly towards the exit.
The eyes follow him. Their warmth blessedly familiar. A small part of Angel wishes they hadn’t. A much larger part relaxes against their power, mesmerising and strong, but not forceful. They never had been. Not so long ago, yet long enough potentially forget, those eyes had skilfully unravelled him with a care that help ignite a sense of urgency within him to change. The final straw on the camel’s back some would say. The catalyst.
His catalyst.
Angel stifled a sob as he paused at the stair’s handrail, or was it a laugh? He told himself it was a laugh and smiled around the spikiness of the unusual happy sadness.
After all this time. After everything. Angel was happy to say goodbye again. Because it wasn’t really a goodbye. It was also a hello.
And reassured, he turns, and he smiles, hoping it’s convincing even though he knows his cheeks are damp.
So many words.
So many memories.
So many what-could-have-been scenarios swirling amongst the thick air.
Husk merely blinks at him, finally acknowledged. And then, like heaven in hell, Husk smiles. His ‘Angel’ smile. That soft, gentle lidded sort of smile that enlarged the heart details above his brows and etched the motions of his crusty old heart for all to see. Ever the respectful Husker, man of honour and integrity that warmed Angel in ways no hands or bodies ever could, and likely never would.
How lucky he’d been. How happy he’d been.
They hold the look for longer than they should have, this they both know…
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…And then Angel Dust leaves, smiling as their song picks up again to serenade wayward sinner couples, who were none the wiser that two passing ships reunited for one last time…
How beautiful life could be…even in death.
(Should I like actually write this in more detail and post it? Would anyone even read something like this??)
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I just noticed none of the main cast have a father figure (absent in the case of jodio and dragona, abusive in the case of paco and dead in the case of usagi)
That's like a common thing in JoJo overall.
Jonathan was abused by George I and Jonathan also died before he could raise George II. Joseph's dad is dead and then Joseph cheated on Suzie Q but left Josuke's mom to raise Josuke on his own. Jotaro's dad is absent and Jotaro himself is absent in Jolyne's life. Don't get me started on Giorno. Johnny's dad wishes Johnny died and Johnny died for his kid, Josefumi's dad tried to raise him but died, Kira's father was hard on him and is also dead, and now Jodio and Dragona's dad is not in the picture.
And don't get me started on the JoBros.
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aaravos-answers · 2 months
Did you know that the name Aaravos means "between light and dark"
Er... Where did you get this information?
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Something that helped me personally understand human children was taking a psychology class. Some basic logic isn't unlocked until certain points in maturity, like being able to think about other people
I do not know if there is a psychology class I can take looking like a legendary pokemon or looking like a seven year old. Well, there was a "social detective club" run by "Association Autisme de Kalos" that I was handed a pamphlet for by a parent at the Coumarine Junior Gardener Club, supposedly to give to my Mère and Maman. I have my doubts, though. It sounds demeaning to both me and autistic humans.
... Did that parent think I am autistic?
... Can legendary pokemon be diagnosed as autistic?
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misteria247 · 1 year
Me is watching Game Theory's newest video on Welcome Home: Oooooo I'm so excited I love lore!!!
Me notices how Wally seems to zone out and just vibe in some of the video clips not bothering to say a word till he's addressed and he snaps back into reality while MatPat talks about all the fun horrifying things on the Welcome Home website
Me: I don't know you very well puppet man, but my God you doing that is an honest to God mood where have you been all my life-
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isefyres-archive · 5 months
what i hate is that the upcoming season of hotd is gonna rise. . .tensions and some perhaps unsavoury comments. this is why i'm very picky with who i roleplay the dance era. i feel it's too nuisance and in my opinion, only 10% of that book could be consider canon considering the multiple narrators, the unreliable of it all and the fact it's written years after what happened.
y'all hot.d muses scare me mostly because i do see that people are passionate about where they characters are right or wrong (and bare in mind i do have a pretty clean cut opinion on the matter, by a simple matter of law and how it worked on a medieval landscape while keeping in mind this is a fantasy show).
it's like we are forgetting this is ASOIAF, and barely anyone remains good and those who do, suffer and are changed for it. god forbid a character like jaime existed in that timeline because you would all chew one another over if he good or bad (he is a third secret thing, a grey character! with layers and growth and flaws!)
all of this ramble to say that if i see too much negativity on either side, i will be softblocking. i have already seen some takes that make me uncomfortable so pleas,e be mindful, remember to tag things properly, spoilers as such, opinions as opinions, negativity as negativity and so on.
and this is a decision i made based on my own comfort. i haven't rped like this and felt so comfortable in a fandom in a long time, but seeing the opinions (and it's not like the opinions are nuisance and layers, they are biased) on my dash really do make me not want to log in. so i hope you all understand. you can have your opinions, but tag all properly, specially in such a show that stirrs so many emotions.
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taviokapudding · 1 year
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Been thinking about this detail for days since I saw it
Meryl indirectly supplies Nicholas his cigarettes and he leaves the empty/used box behind to tell her he was there
Obviously during the time skip must have met and caught up at the memorial prior to this, but it really makes you wonder
Do you think Meryl knows how long it takes for Nicholas to finish a whole pack so she can predict & eventually set up a routine when she needs to leave another box?
Also does he intentionally keep his distance to watch her from afar before getting the new box if it really has become a routine?
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scarred-by-monsters · 7 months
Kinda random, but I just had a thought.
We all know that the elven gods really aren't dead by our standards, simply sleeping. Solas is a prime example of this.
What if there must always be an Elvish god? The power must always be contained, and they had rituals to contain the power before all of that knowledge had been lost. Someone would be chosen to hold the power, probably a child, and the power would be transferred to them before it's current host died.
So where does the power go if we kill Solas in the final game?
Well.... what if Fenris becomes a permanent party member again.... and you take him on that mission.... and his former master accidentally put all the correct symbols on him and in order of an old elven transfer ritual......
What if Fenris becomes the Dread Wolf in Solas's place?
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atangledfate · 17 days
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" Finally have a good theory on why Surge has those razor sharp teeth she has. Its obviously just am asthetic choice but i love in world reasons! so here i go!
the Answer? Zombots! "
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" I'll use Jewel as an example since we get a more clear picture! But when ever we see Zombots almost always have these razor sharp shark like teeth! from what i remember Starline used a modified version of that virus to create surge and Kit. So stands to reason they might have side effects. While kit doesn't appear to have these prominent teeth Surge Does and it lines up with other zombots. Thus she has those sharp teeth as a side effect of the virus that keeps her from dying.
Is this accurate? who knows but it popped in my head and i like the idea! "
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pink-onyx-au · 29 days
I'm not exactly going somewhere with this, its more of just observations, but something is weird about those bunnies. I cant tell what, but I've been paying attention to them more (especially with the latest episode).
Maybe I'm just thinking wild things here, but given their color patterns, the big one resembles Onyx. Then there's the babies, two pink ones and a gray one with pink paws. Maybe the smaller bunnies correlate to onyx's components? Jasper (pink), Steven (gray), and... gem Steven for the other pink bunny???
I also noticed that in page 8, all bunnies except the gray one are lifting up one of their paws. That, plus the link to the next page saying "take it"... hm.
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Some good takes left inside of the den that I think should be shared with the class~ @eryscalamitas @rainbow-beanie @phoenixablaze666 @wikipedia-main
I love when people share their ideas! I do save them into little hordes to share later!
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tidesfate · 1 month
"Moras slight 'much of creation is flawed' mindset turning into a desire to completely correct / redo the design" plot maybe....
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Headcanon: O'Ahu gang's tiktok FYPs: Dragona: Beauty and fashion stuff. Def tuned in for James Charles losing subs livestreams back in 2020. Quotes "And you did it at my birthday dinner!" constantly Paco: Andrew Tate edit clips. Watches gym bro content. Probably listens to phonk on the regular. Usagi: 100% Floptok king. CupcakKe stan. Plays roblox but in a undeniably 😭🧚‍♀Esthetic💓🌠 way. Knows floptropica history and makes jiafei edits Jodio: Memes on the 6th layer of irony. Thinks people dropping food while goofy ahh beat is playing is peak comedy. watches those family guy/subway surf/ discorb tts videos all the time
I agree with some of these! I'm gonna add more to yours:
Dragona definitely loves seeing beauty and fashion stuff, but they do occasionally dabble in Floptok. The reason why they sometimes get weird content is because Jodio spams them with stuff from his FYP.
Paco listens to Hardstyle too and anime edits, but specifically for "sigma" animes like Berserk and Baki. Gymbro content also includes MMA tutorials and edits as well.
Usagi is also into K-pop content! They make K-pop edits and choreo videos.
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Brings in a lot of fans, only they're not the wind type
Are they the giant palm leaf type?
Mun Star is laughing at me. I wonder why?
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yakam0z · 2 months
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alright, made some changes to harleigh AGAIN i wasn't satisfied with his plot ─ so maybe now i like it better 🤔 idk it might be a little risky and controversial? WHO KNOWS AND EVREN i reread their bio and i didn't understand a thing haha so hopefully you get a better idea of them now.
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